#◜carrie : headcanon.◞
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demonicsuffrage · 2 months ago
The justice league sees Batman periodically updating a database of his, at the oddest of times, and naturally they think it's got something to do with his contingency plans or a dataset about the Gotham rogues, but in reality it's just him keeping record of his many children's changing tastes
Superman: Woah, he's writing down with such concentration, wonder what could be in there, maybe a new villain in Gotham?
Bruce, writing: "Dick has refused his favourite Pb&J five mornings in a row. Delete from favourites. Ask for new favourite food."
"Jason didn't seem as Eager to read the new book by his favourite author, put it in neutral category."
"Tim chose a green shirt instead of a red one at the mall today. More research needed."
"Cass listened to arctic monkeys on repeat this week. Update to favourites."
"Duke expressed an interest in slam poetry and called band practice lame. Put poetry in favourites and band in neutral."
"Damian watched Bluey for a total of 50 hours this week. Update to favourites."
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fckbatmanhiskidsareminenow · 8 months ago
damian is surprisingly good at playing a non traumatised ten year old. at first he doesn’t understand why he would need to ever play the part until he watches his family act at a gala. he now understands the mission to protect their identities.
he slips into the role easily. he acts shy around strangers and soft around his siblings. even going so far as to let them carry him around. if he notices someone is uncomfortable or not overwhelmed he will walk up to his father with puppy dog eyes taught to him by grayson and say “father i’m tired” the other members of gotham high society will coo at his formal words and father will scoop him up before collecting his other siblings.
he’s also unsurprisingly good at fake crying. (i mean look at the poor kid and all his trauma)
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demigods-posts · 11 months ago
headcanon that percy carries a ridiculous amount of water bottles on him. unironically. and he's not even aware that it's an absurd amount. because he's had a thirst for three gallons of water since he was six.
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0bnoxious0range · 5 months ago
Neil strikes me as the kind of person that just like doesn’t blush. Like yeah sure he may get embarrassed a little at the Foxes’ dropped jaws when yet another pop culture reference flys over his head, but he’s so desensitized to things most people can’t fathom that I feel like he would never get flustered enough for his skin to flush.
But. Maybe it does happen sometimes.
Like when Neil complains that he feels like his feet are gonna fall off after night practice and Andrew just. picks him up. Bridal style with a deadpan face and bored eyes like he picks Neil up all the time. And Neil’s face goes red in seconds because he’s never been picked up and it was Andrew doing the picking up.
Or when Andrew shampoos his hair in the shower and takes great care not to get any shampoo in his eyes and Neil pinks at the sweetness that Andrew will deny later.
Or when Andrew insists on Neil actually using the curling gel Allison got him because his frizzy curls extend “a mile off his head”. Neil blushes when Andrew comes into the bathroom with him (cause he knows fuck all about taking care of his hair) and stares while he applies fumbles with the gel.
TLDR, I like the idea that Andrew is the only one that can truly fluster Neil and Neil is the only one who can fluster turn Andrew’s ears slightly red in turn.
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incorrectbatfam · 5 months ago
Likelihood of the batfam bailing you out of jail:
Tim: Absolutely 100% no questions asked
Steph: She'd ask you what you did and take you out for food to celebrate
Dick: He would, but there is going to be a long, unavoidable conversation
Barbara: She'd call them to convince them to let you out but you gotta find your own way home
Duke: Yes, but it'll be an awkward drive back because it's 2AM and he's in Ninja Turtles pajamas
Harper: She doesn't answer unknown numbers
Damian: He would do it only to have something to hold over your head
Helena: She'll do it if you sign a contract to pay her back with interest
Alfred: He'd leave you in there for a night as a lesson
Carrie: She would agree after you tell her how to do it but get distracted and never show up
Cullen: He's just glad someone remembered to call him
Kate: She would laugh and hang up
Luke: He'd send someone else to do it
Bette: She would reluctantly say yes after some back-and-forth
Bruce: He's already there bailing out one of his kids, so why not
Selina: She would, and she'd teach you how to not get caught next time
Jason: He's sitting in the cell next to you
Cass: She's not bailing you out, she's breaking you out
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cowpants147 · 2 months ago
I neeedddd more Foxes on TikTok content! Them doing their own versions of trending videos and challenges like the "dress up as something that starts with your first initial challeneg"
Allison, looking ethereal dressed like a literal Greek God, glammed to the heavens: I'm Allison, I'm dressed as Aphrodite and it's the onw year anniversary of my boyfriends death so I better be the drunkest tonight.
Renee, wearing a real leather F1 jacket/jumpsuit that Allison for some reason has in her closet with a blow up steering wheel in her hand: I'm Renee, I'm a race car driver and I think Nicky might be the drunkest.
Andrew, dressed exactly the same as normal but has a stethoscope around his neck and a piece of paper saying "Aaron" duct taped to his chest just stares into the camera for 30 seconds until it's obvious Allison will not be leaving without an answer: when Kevin starts puking I'm leaving.
Once everyone has given their answer the video enda with a pic of Nicky and Kevin passed out in a bathtub together.
Or the Trauma Dump Candy salad video which goes off the rails immediately and PSU makes them take down 3 hours after posting
"Hiiiiiii, I'm Nicky and I'm a gay teenage father of two and I brought Nerd Cluster Gummies"
"I'm Aaron and instead of going to rehab my evil doppelganger locked me in a bathroom w a blanket and a weeks worth of canned food and I brought Reeces"
"I'm Allison and my parents didn't even yell at my brother when he got expelled from boarding school for having coke in his room but I got kicked out of the house when I showed up to my deb ball with a black eye and a busted lip after playing (and winning) an exy game. They didn't even ask if I was OK. And I brought cherry flavoured Twizzlers"
"I'm Neil ans whenever I burn something while cooking I have a panic attack cause I start to think about burning my mother dead body in a ditch on the beach and I brought ... Andrew what are these called? Oh, I brought sour patch kids"
"I'm Kevin, I grew up in a cult and I brought raisins" except he's body tackled by a blonde blur before he gets a chance to dump the raisins into the bowl.
Them posting stupid shit to popular sounds:
Aaron, sat on the couch, study notes laid out around him, energy drink cans littering the place: I want to sit back and enjoy my my evening when all of a sudden ...
Camera flashes across the room to Neil just minding his own business: ... I hear this aggravating, grating voice
The "My Shalya" sound over clips of Neil absolutely violating people.
Zoom up of Kevin in full Queen Day sttess mode on the sidelines of practice with the sound "yes I'm a drama queen, but it's not by choice" playing over it and when it gets the "it's genetic" part the video zooms out to show Wymaxk next to him with the exact hand on hip, stressed look on his face
Renee doing the "actually I do cuss a little" sound while she's getting her gear on to spar with Andrew and when it reaches the "probably fuck" portion of the audio the clip switches to her taking Andrew downnnn. And then there's a beat drop just cause.
Another edit of Neil but with the "am I the drama? I don't think I'm drama" sound.
Upperclassmen scrolling through news articles or flipping through sports news channels rhag are reporting on them while miming along to "is this fucking play about us"
Some teammates, probably upperclasmen, definitely Nicky also miming along to "I'm sorry, not everybody fits in the bad bitch genre, it's a genre, not everybody fits on the he roster" while dressed in full exy uniform, with the caption "when you're coach only recruits the most traumatised bitches"
And forcing teammates to do "day in the life" "what i eat in a day as a member of the most fucked up exy team" and "ootd" videos.
Andrew (bribed with alcohol, ice cream and ten dollars) does a What I Eat in a Day as depressed mother of 3 whose forced to play stickball. There's no sound, its just the picture carousel style w block letters next to pics of his food:
Breakfast is a massive mug of hot chocolate with half a can of squirty cream and marshmallows.
Breakfast 2 is a big bowl of whatever sugary flavour cereal that's overflowing w E Numbers and almost illegal food dye you guys have in the US.
Snack 1 is a chocolate bar.
Lunch is a slice of pizza, fries and then there's a hand forcing salad onto his plate. Andrew adds a note to this pic saying "I'm allergic to green, Kevin's trying to kill me"
Snack 2 is a an energy drink and a cigarette
Dinner is a pint of ice cream
Midnight snack is just a pic of Neil which Andrew thinks is an obvious coming out without coming out vibe but everyone is immediately worried about Neil's safety and there endals up being a Reddit thread about Andrew being a cannibal.
Then they post a follow up video of Kevin reacting to this and he just watches on in despair saying "no. no. Andrew you have a nutritionist!"
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benevolenterrancy · 3 months ago
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@ladyprophet thank you!! (,,> ᴗ <,,)
I feel like SQH's quality of writing would be right up WWX's alley - kinda trashy, kinda hilarious, very horny! he would very happily follow along with all new chapter updates! on the other hand WWX's willingness to do completely insane things with no sense of self-preservation would probably be stressing SQH out a bit xD
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rinsoap · 7 months ago
no thoughts, just alt bfs <33 he lets you dye his hair every other month, looking forward to sitting on the tiled bathroom floor between your legs while you perch on the rim of the bathtub, painting over his overgrown buzzcut. he likes to give your knees little kisses as his foot taps to some system of a down song you hum along to.
he'll happily accept your offer to do his makeup after you finish yours. you drag pencil eyeliner across his lids and corners of his eyes, smearing it in lazily until it's grey to add an even more tired appearance to his face. you finish off his quick look with a kiss to his cheekbone that leaves a dark lipstick print where your lips were.
before he goes out, he always makes sure to be wearing a piece of jewelry you've gifted him; chrome rings, matching red pendants, a little sword earring. he loves being asked where he got his jewelry because then he gets to mention you! "oh this? my beautiful girlfriend got them for me, thank you for asking."
he does not take his playlists seriously at all. he just shuffles his liked songs and calls it a day. he's got one playlist though, and its dedicated to makeouts with you. and he takes that very seriously. he loves pulling you on top of him from laying beside him. he likes to have you on top of him, thighs squeezing against his hips as you straddle him. you lean down to press your lips on his, holding his face with both hands gently while the playlist blasts over the sounds of your kisses. it always starts out gentle, polite even, but as soon as the playlists shuffles to she wants revenge, all niceties are thrown out the window. he pulls you close, and you follow his movement. your hands keep switching from his face, to his neck, to his chest, not knowing where to touch, but knowing you want to touch him. he mimicks similar movements, needing as much of you as he can get. he squeezes the flesh of your hips and lets his hands roam over your body, up his shirt you’re wearing to rub the skin of your waist and back. you need each other, and that's all you know.
SUNA RINTARO. miya osamu. KOZUME KENMA!!!! semi eita. tsukishima kei. kunimi akira. KYOTANI KENTOROU!
MITSUYA TAKASHI!!!!!! ken ryuguji. hakkai shiba. BAJI KEISUKE. kazutora hanemiya.
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theblack-dog · 3 months ago
One time Ponyboy went to a party with some school friends and got super drunk. When the party ended and he couldn't find his friends anywhere, he called Soda to pick him up. Soda, being the good brother he is, says that he'll be there as soon as he can.
So, he drives to the address, finds Ponyboy, helps him to the truck, and gets back on the road.
Ponyboy then proceeds to sob (and I mean SOB, like hiccups, snot, tears) almost the entire way home.
He eventually calms down a little, and Soda asks him what the hell the matter was. Ponyboy looks over at him and cries out "Please don't tell Darry that I'm drunk! He'll be so mad!" before beginning to cry even harder, repeatedly begging Soda to "not tell Darry he was drunk.""
Soda rubs his back and reassures him over and over that he won't tell, and that nobody was going to be mad at him.
This calms Ponyboy down enough that he closes his eyes and passes out, resting his head in Darry's lap, who had been sitting in the passenger seat the entire time.
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sevsbunny · 18 days ago
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fingering!!! r receiving, slight public sex (in a booth alone by the end of the night) eighteen plus!!!!
hehehe catching her gaze like this staring at you as she crosses the bar
her cocky ass stride up to the bar, throwing up a single of two drinks to the bartender, her gaze looking back over at you with a smirk
and you’re fiddling with your already watered down gin and tonic you had ordered when you first got here. it wasn’t your first time at the bar, but it was without someone to have on your arm
you decided to go out, how fun and MAYBE find someone to help you get laid. you weren’t expecting anything, honestly. you didn’t really think you’d turn any heads — let alone sevika’s
shit she’s coming over here, you scramble with your hair, pressing it flat to fix it even though you don’t know what you look like with the lack of mirrors
she smirks, raising an eyebrow loosely as she puts both of the glasses on the table, the dark amber liquid splashing a little over the lip of the cup.
“this seat taken, princess?” her voice is low, rough like sawdust making you tremble in your spot. you shook your head, sliding over a bit in the booth to give her space - she needed it
she huffed an amused sound, sliding your glass over to you as she sat down in one smooth movement and suddenly her thick thighs were pressed up against you.
she was much larger than you anticipated
“haven’t seen you ‘round here,” she says as she lifts the cup up to her lips, your eyes watching her lips brush against the cool glass wishing they were your lips instead
she caught your gaze, smirking a bit more before sipping the drink. she gestured towards you to take a sip, and you did quickly coughing as it brined your throat. “good girl.” you feel a warm blush spread on your cheeks at her praise, feeling your thighs clench a little in repsonse
“been here before,” you respond, taking another sip and the warm amber liquid falling down your throat with a slight burn. it was getting more comfortable being able to drink. “just here for the first time alone.” you admit, crossing your ankles and looking over at her
“is that so?” she muses, mixing the alcohol in her glass in a circular movement with her wrist as if she was in thought. “what are you looking for?” she asks, draping her left arm across the back of the seat and behind you. you could feel the slight coolness of the metal from her arm radiate onto your skin
“a good time if one permits,” yohsaw with a little dry laugh, but she just smirks as you, leaning her head to the side a bit in curiosity. you feel her gaze under your frame and it makes you feel small, like you’re just her prey.
and in some ways you were
she had gotten you five drinks in, maybe a few blunts rolled in between there — she wasn’t paying attention. she was about as fucked up as you in this moment and she could not keep her hands off of you
it was getting late, you knew that, but you couldn’t deny that the way sevika’s hands felt on your skin didn’t make you wanna stay out a little later. you leaned into her touch, her fingers playing mindlessly with the ends of your skirt as she listens to you ramble about whatever the fuck yoh were into
she swore she cared about your interested, a pretty thing like you, you had a big beautiful brain that she had started to pick apart in mere three hours of meeting.
but she wanted something else to pick apart.
you stopped mis sentence as you watched her eyes flicker briefly from your gaze down to your lips, a soft hitch of breath in your throat as she brings a hand up to your cheek, cupping it.
“am i talking too much?” you don’t really care for the answer, honestly. as long as she closed the gap in between the two of you.
“yes,” she breathed out lowly before pulling your head towards her and pushing her lips against yours. you let out a soft sigh as you felt her lips against yours, your hands finding their way to wrap around her neck to close the gap in between tour bodies
she groans as she pulls you into her lap, your legs straddling hers, your cores pressed against each other.
her lips tasted of weed and whiskey, a hint of mint form the peppermints she’s been ‘snacking’ on all night. she was intoxicating, roaming her hands under your shirts and pressing her palm firmly against your back, making it arch just a bit
“so responsive,” se purrs softly against your lips before trailing her lips down rhe side of your jaw, towards the curve of your neck. you move your head towards the side to let her and she chuckles.
“easy, hm?” you blush darkly at the truth, your hands holding onto her shoulders as she takes her flesh hand from your back and brings it around the front of your hips, right to cup your core over your underwear and under your skirt.
“sevika..” you gasp softly, suddenly remembering you were still in the bar.
“no one will bother us.” you whine softly as she presses her two fingers against your clothed entrance. “not unless you keep quite, okay sweetheart?” she murmurs against your neck you gulp shyly, before feeling her teeth nip at the skin and suck
a breath one escapes your throat before she starts rubbing you slowly though your underwear, feeling your slick dampen your underwear making you feel more embarrassed at how turned on you were in this moment
“so wet baby. this for me?” she teases as you whine, digging your nails into her. she knew the answer, she just met you but she couldn’t let go of you now.
she gets impatient before pushing your underwear to the side, and teasing your hole with her middle finger. “what do you want?” she noticed how you were slowly starting to grind onto her for direction and release, but she wasn’t going to give it to you that easily
“you please,” you beg softly, her nose nudging up the side of your neck, nipping the skin on your jaw before she takes her other hand that was on your back, to the front — gripping your chin roughly making you look at her
her pupils are blown out, a dark slate grey gaze swimming with desire pools back into your own eyes, making your core throb at just how much she wants you looking at you like this.
“be specific, baby. what do you want, hm?” she squeeze your cheeks a bit, your lips puckering softly as you furrowed your eyebrows.
“fingers, please sev..” you whined her name softly? through puckered lips before she grins with a satisfying smile
“good girl,” she purrs as she slips her middle finger into your hole, a soft moan escaping your lips as she takes her grip off your chin. “mm, perfect pussy baby, you know that?” you let out another soft whine at the compliment, your rain feeling fuzzy from the alcohol and weed she overloaded in your system
exactly what she wanted for you. she wanted to have you perfectly palatable in her lap to play with as she desires, to make you feel good and to keep you under her for as long as you’re willing to let her
“more,” you whine softly, moving your hips on her finger as you dig your nails into her. she curses under her breath as she slips a second finger into your cunt and picking up the pace of her hand
the wet sounds of your pussy was flooding your brain, your eyes never leaving face as she watched the way your pussy took her fingers so well. how slick they were with each stroke and every single gaps and whine falling form your lips
“so fucking pretty,” she leans back a bit, moving you so she can see move of your pussy taking her fingers. they stretched you out, a subtle sting turning to pleasure as she curls her fingers into your cunt
“fuck, sev just like that …” you arch your back a bit, moving your hips against her ministrations and she lets out a pussy clenching growl at the sight. she grips your hip with her bionic arm, moving your hips against her
“atta girl, ride my fingers like it’s my cock baby.” her words are filthy as they make desire pool at the bottom of your stomach, her thumb coming to press firmly against your clit in circle. you squeeze around her fingers, huffing our soft moans.
“close baby?” you nod, biting your lip and not trusting the sound of your voice. you knew that if you opened them, you’d let out a loud moan and you’d for sure get caught
“being so fucking good staying quiet sweetheart,” she groans as she feels a wet spot seep through her own pants from your cunt, her own pussy throbbing watching you ride her like this
you were not going anywhere after this.
you let out a soft whine as you looked at her with a quiet pleading look. she smirked, pressing hard on your clit as she pushed hire fingers sloppily into your cunt as your hips met her movements
“oh baby, you wanna cum?” you nod desperately, hips rocking back and forth as the booth slightly creaks, a soft grunt coming from sevika’s lips as she nods . “go on then, baby. cream around my fingers.” you let out a soft moan at her command as you cum, gripping onto her and digging your nails deeply into her
she groans at the pain of your nails in her, igniting a deeper feeling inside of her as she feels you cum around her fingers
“good girl, fuck you look so pretty like this.” she moans out softly, her lips hanging open as she rides you through your orgasm, before slowing your hips
she keeps her fingers in you for a moment, her bionic hand coming to up to cup your cheek and you lean into her touch.
she takes her fingers from your cunt, before pulling them up. “open.” she commands and you do as she says. you taste yourself on your tongue instantly as she pushes them into your mouth. you suck on them, suck them clean she felt her cunt throb widely.
“cleaning them before i even ask. good fucking girl.”
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headcanon that the smaller batkids steal the bigger ones' hoodies and jackets. and by "bigger ones" I mean literally anyone bigger than them.
jason gets the short end of the stick because dick and all his little siblings take his. tim's the only one bold enough to go for the leather jackets (well, and cass, but they're way too wide in the shoulders for her) but it's not uncommon to find dick or stephanie in a dark red or gray hoodie that smells of motor oil and gunpowder.
damian usually takes dick's hoodies, but they're very oversized on him. on the bright side, there are thumbholes in the sleeves of all dick's hoodies, so he can still use his hands. the thumbholes make them a hot commodity in the winter.
there is a tim-steph-cass jacket pipeline. steph steals tim's hoodies and cass takes them from steph. hence tim stealing jason's leather jackets -- steph won't take them, so he gets to hold on to them until jason realizes and takes them back. sometimes cass will also steal duke's hoodies, but she always returns them clean and neatly folded (unlike how it goes with the rest of the family, in which they are returned only under threat of blackmail or with long rounds of negotiation).
this is an extremely long-standing ring of jacket theft. you cannot leave a hoodie unattended in wayne manor. damian doesn't actually own any hoodies, and cass only owns one, because there's so many other people in the house to "borrow" one from. nowhere is safe. steph once broke into dick's apartment to steal his warm hoodie, the one with the fuzz on the inside.
but it goes the other way sometimes. jason leaves things in the pockets of his leather jackets for tim -- film for his camera, hand sanitizer, half-filled punch cards for local coffee shops with "drink water too, fucker" written on the back. cass will tuck little slips of paper in the cuffed sleeves when she leaves hoodies out. the notes don't say anything, but they have little smiley faces and hearts on them, and steph has taken to doing something similar with corny jokes. dick just straight-up leaves candy in the hoods of his jackets.
it's a game, it's a love language. it's simultaneously annoyance and affection. there's nothing like wearing a hoodie that's too big for you, that smells like your family, to make you feel safe.
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cherie-doll · 3 months ago
How do you think characters like Nikto, Konig and Ghost would react to there kids finding there masks and putting them on?
omg that'd be so cute ToT
⫰ Nikto, König, Ghost
ᯤ I can just imagine how Nikto would be confused as to why the baby has something that looks so familiar to him. The baby pulls it over their head and Nikto panics for a moment thinking it might be dangerous but it has.. holes? He can see the baby's ice blue eyes inherited from him peeking through hole, and his mouth and nose too so no there's no danger of the baby suffocating. The baby smiles as he sees his father through the mask and Nikto realizes the baby has gone through his stuff. "That is not right for you..." He says as he picks the baby up in his arms, but after staring at him a moment his voice softens. "You wear it like this" as he fixes the mask on the baby.
ᯤ No way on earth you're letting your baby go anywhere near the old rag König calls a mask. It's shabby and likely hasn't ever been washed, and judging by the questionable stains on it has blood on it too. Still, your baby cries with arms outstretched for it. You sigh and try to think of what to do. If König got home and found out why the baby was crying he'd hand him the mask without hesitating. Instead, you got the brilliant idea of making a new one, should be easy right? After all, König didn't break his head crafting one, just pick up any old shirt and cut some holes in it. But the baby still doesn't want it? Ah, it's missing König's scent, which the baby still smells and seeks. You spray some of his cologne and let the baby wear it. Imagine the surprise König comes home to when he sees a mini him, now he'll put his on too.
ᯤ Recently, Simon has noticed the interest the baby has had in skulls and skeletons. He thought it would have passed after halloween but it seems that's not the case. He carefully brings out his mask, weighing it in his hands, his fingertips tracing the bone. The mask catches the baby's attention right away and crawls over to him, chubby fingers wrapping around half of it while Simon still holds the other end. The small hand doesn't look apt to hold it, much less wear it. But he permits it as the baby brings it close to his face, holding it over. The feelings that come to him are contradicting; finding the moment endearing but also sentimental. The mask that's too heavy for the child to wear, much too young for it. It's not something that should appeal to a child, it represents everything he's had to survive from off of the bare bones he's scavenged to carve something out of his life. With a gentle but firm hand he plucks it out of the baby's hands and hides it away.
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gen-toon · 11 months ago
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demigods-posts · 10 months ago
something about annabeth being twelve years old. telling percy she'd let her father rot in the underworld. while also wearing his ring on her neck. really breaks me. because she'll spend the next five years trying to fix what her father broke. and ultimately blame herself for the cracks in the window. but he's the one that gave her the hammer. and it'll take her years to admit that. so instead. she'll just wear the necklace like a noose. and let it slowly kill her. because she'd rather quietly carry his burden. than admit she never had the strength.
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crushmeeren · 3 months ago
no bc thinking about akutagawa, the port mafia dog that everyone thinks is so scary (he is) but who is actually the biggest gentleman. who hates plants bc they’re such a hassle to take care of, but who buys you flowers and puts sugar in the water vase to keep them alive ! 🫧🫧
who also just loves biting you. who is the biggest dick in bed, choking you and watching you cum with slits for eyes. who’ll kiss your throat right after he bruises it.
i forget if this is canon or not, but i saw somewhere that he doesn’t know what the frilly thing around his neck is called 😭 (i think its a cravat?)
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Oh my FUCK!! Just like that I’m being sucked in and writing about him… Also I think that’s correct, it’s a cravat. Levi from AOT wore one too.🤤
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You’re right…. Ryuu is such a fucking guard dog — a Doberman, if you will. He’s tightlipped and terrifying when he tails you around town, or anywhere really.
You want a few inches of space while you’re in the bar? At the store? At a birthday party? Too fucking bad. He sneers at everyone who gets too close, challenging each person who dares chat you up in his presence without a single word. You smack him in the chest when he pushes the line, teasing him with a “down Ryuunosuke, be a good boy.” He huffs, unhappy, but backs off for the time being. Until something sets him off again.
Although you have to use an unfair amount of willpower not to show it, Ryuu’s aware, and smug, about the fact that his protective and obsessive behavior tugs on the part of your brain that tells you to shove him into the sheets when you get home.
This isn’t to go without saying that Ryuu’s such a sweetie when it comes to you. Like tooth rotting sort of sweet. It’s not so much displayed through words, but rather it’s spelled out in his actions. As stated above, the man does not have a green thumb. First off, plants require far too much attention. Attention that he’d rather spend on you. Second, even if he has tried to grow plants before, though he swears he hasn’t, they just seem to mock him. They die and if he’s honest, he can’t be bothered with whether they live or not.
But, for you, Ryuu did just enough research on how to keep flowers off of life support. When Ryuu brought you flowers for the first time and he noticed how your eyes brightened, how you buried your nose into soft petals and inhaled a lungful, only to hum in delight and aim the single most affectionate look he’s ever gotten at him, well, he needed the flowers to live for as long as you willed them to.
Ryuunosuke loves to suck bruises along your throat, your collarbone, any unmarked part of your body he can get his hands on. It absolutely ties into his possessiveness. You tell him he’s a “territorial ass,” but you moan his name and tilt your head to the side, spreading your thighs open as you insult him. You ask him for more kisses without really asking him.
He rolls his eyes but one side of his mouth twists into a smile, fitting himself snug between your legs. He always comes back with “Yeah? Well you’re a fucking brat,” pressing the harsh words into your collarbone. “You think I won’t mark what’s mine? That I’d let anyone not know who owns you?”
It’s got to be common knowledge that Ryuu is a jerk in bed. That he likes to tease, likes to edge you, even ruin your orgasm once in a while because his dick gets hard when you cry. A thrill races down his spine when you let him choke you, stomach drawing in tight. The pads of his fingers press deep into the sides of your throat, making your head throb and your cheeks flush hot to the touch when all your blood rushes to them. He almost bites the tip of his tongue off when your pussy squeezes the life out of his cock.
On the other side, something probably scratches the out of reach itch in Ryuunosuke’s brain when you take the reins from him. He’s always got too much on his plate, and being able to give up control satisfies his secret desire to be taken care of. His expression is never more open, never more loving, more tender than when you’re riding him. It’s slow and steady, you appreciate every inch of his cock as it slides in and out of your pussy.
You brace your hands on either side of his head and Ryuu stares up at you, his heavy lidded gaze mirroring yours as he pants, these small puffs of air that are just loud enough to make out. You repeat the smooth, steady rise and fall of your hips, lips parting and a breathy “Ryuunosuke,” drips off your tongue. You play it up a bit, knowing how worked up Ryuu gets when you moan his full name.
It works this time as it has all the others.
His breath stutters in his chest, nails digging in and pinching your ass. “Ryuunosuke, please baby, make me cum. Your cock is so good, help me.” Your pussy squeezes tight around him.
Ryuu’s eyes begin to roll, lids fluttering before he lets out a breathless laugh. “You’re playing with me, angel.” He’s too smart, he realized what you were doing from the get go. He secures his arms around your waist and rolls until your back hits the mattress. “Such a helpless little thing for me, aren’t you princess?” He pushes his hips forward and you swear the tip of his cock presses against your cervix.
Ryuunosuke trails his fingers up the underside of your forearms, tickling you, and laces your fingers together, pinning your hands by your head. He dips down to whisper in your ear.
“You don’t have to worry, my angel. I’ll ruin you. You’ll never think of another man or want someone else’s cock ever again.”
You belong to Ryuunosuke, but you knew that already, didn’t you?
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months ago
What is everyone in the Batfam thankful for this year?
Alfred: An entire week without someone dying and resurrecting.
Selina: Marrying a nepo baby.
Bruce: Being a nepo baby.
Luke: GPS trackers for when one of you inevitably take my suit for a joyride.
Harper: A single college credit in chocolate tasting.
Carrie: Harper's leftover homework.
Bette: Moving into a new apartment farther from you people.
Helena: Squid Game season 2.
Barbara: uBlock.
Damian: Cats.
Dick: HOT TO GO.
Cass: Wicked.
Tim: A boyfriend with an espresso machine.
Steph: Batburgers 2-for-1.
Kate: Women.
Cullen: When We Were Young.
Duke: Bees.
Jason: Luigi.
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