#‘the revolution’s not coming🙄’
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crptdkssr · 7 months ago
sorry but i think i should be allowed to vote in the american election just so i can withhold my vote specifically to spite pretentious liberal tumblr bloggers
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transrevolutions · 1 year ago
french revolution dashboard simulator
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🐀 ami-du-peuple Follow
uh actually man has the right to deal with his oppressors by devouring their beating hearts. hope this helps.
🎩 departicle Follow
Hold up. Okay. Actually, fuck this. This sort of violent rhetoric should not be tolerated on here. Do you seriously think this sort of thing is going to make the nobility give you more rights???? You must be out of your minds! Reported.
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
reblog to devour this guy's beating heart
#username checks out lmao #politics #everybody point and laugh #common adp w
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update: new canto out now!!! go check it out 😈😏🥀 (remember don't like don't read <3)
📜 sacredhostreceipts Follow
@centuriesandskies this you?? not such a great look for a convention rep ngl
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
listen. I wrote this a long time ago, before I went into serious politics. the account is deactivated for a reason.
I was twenty. I did poorly. I can do better.
#sj.txt #if this is the worst dirt you can dig up on me #i'm way less corrupt than half the people in the convention these days #at least i'm not doing fucking. embezzlement. #also sacredhostreceipts if you're who i think you are #don't you have better things to do rn?
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🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
why the fuck is everyone tagging this with french??? political figures?
#what the hell is going on over there #also maybe cool it with the death threats #I don't want this blog to get taken down #what's a girondin #is this some joke I'm not french enough to understand #showdown update
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⛪ progressivepriest Follow
Unpopular opinion but why is everyone so up in arms about the new Civil Oath? Literally all it's asking is for you to promise not to commit treason just because the Pope tells you to? I can see where people are coming from with the whole violation-of-religion deal, but can you blame the Assembly for trying to make sure the people aren't forcibly subjugated by the wealth of the nobility?
Sounds like something a heretic would say. To betray the Pope and king is to betray the will of God and your eternal soul! You should pray for forgiveness and pledge loyalty to the monarchy or have fun burning in hell. Sorry not sorry.
⛪ progressivepriest Follow
L + ratio + iirc the Bible says "it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" (Matthew 19:24)
🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
occasional based catholic moment, go off OP!
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
looked the faith-first-always guy's blog, he's like a massive anti-huguenot too 🙄 why is it always the prot-exclusive radical catholics smh
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
#religion tag #percs fuck off #anyways op makes a valid point #reblog #percs dni
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🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
she committee on my safety til I can't go public
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
I don't understand the joke, can someone explain please?? 🙂 Thank you!
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
is that fucking MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE?!!?!?!?
🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
oh my god citizen robespierre I'm so sorry this was not meant to break containment lol I didn't even know you were on this site please forget you saw this
#this is the most embarassing moment of my life #literally sobbing rn #the original post is /j i prommy #i cannot be known as the citizen who had to explain this to the government
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🪓 indulgentsfuckoff Follow
fabre d'eglantine is NOT your poor little meow meow citizens he literally falsified decrees from the national convention and embezzled money to line his own pockets. I don't care how uwu babygirl you think he is he is a CRIMINAL who should be ARRESTED
💛 i-give-people-bread Follow
#baguette #loaf #croissant #i-give-people-bread #indulgentsfuckoff #silly
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🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
fucking fed up with the constant threat of the swiss guard, I think it's time we got some gunpowder and weapons and took things into our own hands yknow what I'm saying
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
I'm no longer joking about this btw
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
ok bc I've gotten like 50 asks about this: I am not injured and I am not in need of medical care. the punchline was that we stormed the fucking hotel des invalides to get guns and powder. didn't want to clarify the joke before now for security reasons but everyone knows about that and the bastille thing by now. please direct your money to people who actually need it.
#shouldve clarified the last post was /j #however I assumed yall knew this joke already #anyways #revolution #personal #500 #1k
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🌾 nopain-nograin Follow
got so high at the festivial 2day i thnk i saw hte suapreme being
#robespiere speech was prboably 🔥 #unforntuately i camt rember any of it #grainposting #oipum ehre is somtehing else thes days #memes
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🎨 jldavid-real-moved Follow
incredible speech from @springtimeofgovernment today at the jacobin club. nobody should be permitted to use their positions as civic leaders to commit crimes against the people, even under the guise of revolutionary fervor. if it comes to it, I too will drink the hemlock with him. for france. 🤝🤝
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
Thanks for your support, @jldavid-real
The situation over here is deteriorating really quickly, the representatives are getting violent and abandoning due process entirely. Anything you can do to stand with us now would be very appreciated. You do a lot of great work for the revolution, and I trust you completely.
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
@jldavid-real are you still there? We could really use your help right now.
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
boosting @springtimeofgovernment here, can confirm he's been injured in a skirmish at the hotel de ville, they're passing summary death sentences without trial, @jldavid-real where is the help you promised us??? the people of paris are our only hope now.
edit: of course he moved blogs. coward.
#sj.txt #disappointed yet unsurprised #marat would be ashamed of you #9 thermidor #update
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🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
DNI if you support any of these groups/people or their actions: m0narchists, f3uillants, br1ssotins/g1rondins, th3rmidorians, b0napart1sts, h3nri du v3rgier (also goes by c0mte de r0chjacquelin), charl0tte c0rday, or lafay3tte
(h3bertists and dant0nists you're on thin ice. behave.)
#censored so they dont show up in the tags #dni #get your nasty ass ideologies off my page #won't hesitate to block and/or report any violators #pinned
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reblog to make the directoire choke to death on their stupid fucking outfits
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
hey staff. yeah you. where did this blog go?? notfishgoujon and prairial-95 are gone as well?? cowards too afraid to show your faces lmao especially after the fucking mess the directoire's made of the country. bet you anything that staff are on their fucking payroll too iykwim at least the republic didn't tolerate fucking bribery
#this site's gone to the dogs since thermidor yr 2 #following the trend of the rest of the country tbh #i'll probably get nuked for posting this #if so i'm not making a new account #i'll just make a paleocities or smth #politics tag #reblog #don't play with me ik full well gb didn't delete his blog of his own free will #they also zero note glitched it #just when you think they can't stoop lower
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📕 spectrehauntingeurope Follow
it's been 50 fucking years since gracchus-babeuf (and the other CoE blogs) were deleted without warning and still no response from staff, the govt, or anything. the site's gone through a fuckton of ownership changes and still nothing.
we're working on a bit of a project (some of you might know abt it already), it's gonna be out prob in the next year or so. remember '89. remember '93 and '94. remember '97.
the people will rise again. it's only a matter of time. 🚩
-mod karl
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 month ago
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I swear it hasn’t even been a week and this shit gets more and more unreal.
This is legit like the plot of an anime movie where all the villains team up to defeat the good guys….like Dragon Ball Z 😂 This is like The Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans where past DBZ villains come together to kill the good guys and this is what this is 🤣
Now given how the MAGAts responded to that Bishop on Wednesday it is obvious that “Woke” means kindness and empathy since that’s what that Bishop was asking of Trump. (P.S: She’s getting harassed and death threats 🙄)
All I can say….2025 is the year of Revolution.
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timkontheunsure · 3 months ago
Revolution - a path to destabilising their government
only slightly serious theory 😛
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Stolas was the goeita incharge of a lot of their stability.
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He's did prophecies giving them forwarding issues to avoid. And he does try to warn them treat that Blitz badly could spark revolution.
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Then Satan call him a pawn, throw s him out like trash, and shows his life doesn't have matter compared to a goeitas.🙄
(Honestly funny if Stolas just trying to save his lover ends up being prophetic).
Stolas is also the officiant for the Harvest Moon Festival, and judge of Pain Games. Which is very good for PR for the royals each year.
Even if Stolas is racially insensitive dumbass, he isn't actively hostile to imps, unlike face stepping on Andy.
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The festive is a very important in itself, as a pressure valve. It seems very similar to May Day. That's a hard won holiday that came about because of collective action of farm workers, strikes and destruction of landowning Lord's property. 😈
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Even has very similar games, and high injury rates like for cheese roiling (look it up it insane and fun). Basically it was easier to give everyone the day off and big party that face rebellion. (Mwahaha)!
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But it's bigger than that, Stolas also curses the crops each year. Acting as magical fertilizer for the next. Helping keep Wrath, very dry place; supplying most of hell's food.
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Andraphis wanted Stolas' title, riches and legions. Not so much his work.
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He's an arrogant rich prick who's very unlikely to want to go to the jamboree.
So my guess is Andy'll force it onto Via. With the idea he can blame Stolas' lack of training, if something goes wrong with the spell. Stolas was trying make sure Via have a more normal childhood before this, so wasn't teaching every part of his job to her.
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We're about a year and a few months since the full deal was started, (link to timeline), so the harvest moon festival should be coming up soon.
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If the food supply, in the imp majority ring of Wrath, get dicked over because the little tit Satan put in charge fecks up, or couldn't be arsed to show up...
Right after Satan says the quiet part out loud during Blitz trial.
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I wonder how obedient imps will be feeling to a Sin that can't even care enough to make sure people are feed.
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People need bread and roses after all. Enough to eat and get by, but enough enjoyment in life and time off too. You can't have a life without both.
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With Blitz now a foke hero for being the first to survive being stitched up by that court, as well as last years pain games champion. Things could get interesting. 😈
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the-empress-7 · 10 days ago
It was the damn lighting. She must have shot it on a potato and in the basement.
She's trying to make graininess her aesthetic because it serves so many purposes for her: sorta keeps the kids "private", hides her obvious photoshopping and other goofs, hides her aging, adds an air of "mystery" 🙄. And it lets her stay in her fave safe decade of the 1990s, before the HD revolution. If the ridiculous bagel vid hadn't been Valentine's themed with the need for red to show up strategically, you know it would've been in b&w too lol
It's why she hated royal engagements. It meant allowing the press pool to come along and not being able to edit and photoshop everything that ended up on Getty images. Warts and all.
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murfpersonalblog · 7 months ago
IWTV S3 - "Long Face" song lyrics (Lestat wants his wife back!)
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This Count Dracula/IWTV joke was made while ago, too!
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Lestat stays wearing his wedding ring, y'all!
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The whole reason Lestat is even going on tour with Satan's Night Out is to redirect all negative attention & threats away from Mr. I Own The Night du Lac--Lestat saving Louis' life all over again.
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Fake personality, fake face. Who is the REAL Lestat, behind the smoke & mirrors? ("Who are you, Louis?")
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Cycles keep cycling!
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Go as fun & campy as y'all want, Rolin--so long as y'all keep it GOTHIC and keep it HORROR. Take us to The Witches Place!
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"Evil of my evil!" 😭
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These vampires have a capacity for enduring--have FUN; and make the most of it; "I'm just getting started~!"
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"Clipping of pianoforte, from Italian pianoforte, from piano (“soft”) + forte (“strong”). So named because it could produce a wide range of varied volumes note-by-note, in contrast to older keyboard instruments...." (Wiktionary)
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"In classical music, it is customary to describe the tempo of a piece by one or more words, most commonly in Italian, in addition to or instead of a metronome mark in beats per minute. Italian is typically used because it was the language of most composers during the time these descriptions became commonplace in the Western musical lexicon.[6] Some well-known Italian tempo indications include "Allegro" (English "Cheerful"), "Andante" ("Walking-pace") and "Presto" ("Quickly"). This practice developed during the 17th and 18th centuries, the baroque and classical periods." (Wikipedia on Tempo)
Lestat's French Revolution lookin arse. 🙄😂 But I'm surprised by this--he sees Louis as his forte/strength and allegro/cheerful (my happiness/mon bonheur); while he self-depreciates as piano/soft and andante/moderate (but perhaps also more menacing/dramatic).
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"Come to me.... You little wh*re~!" 🎶💜
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Lestat is feeling JILTED, oof.
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Louis & Claudia packed their bags and left your arse to rot in a dump in NOLA--then Lou left his arse in Paris--then Lou left him in a hurricane in NOLA again--oh yeah, Les is biiiiiiiitteeeerrrrr~! XD
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Y'all heard Bi-con Lestat the last time!
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In more ways than one! 🦇🩸🍆
THANK YOU, AMC, for being absolutely feral!
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skaruresonic · 6 months ago
So Sonic 3's trailer finally dropped today. Any thoughts on it?
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I had zero hype for this film because I didn't like the previous two and had no reason to believe this one would turn out any different. Lo and behold! ...it doesn't.
There's so much I could talk about.
• The shameless digging up of the corpse of my favorite Sonic game just to dress it up Norman Bates-style. Why yes, I love getting butchered adaptations of SA2 shoved down my throat. Keep 'em coming.
• The fact that the overly-furry aesthetic Paramount chose for Sonic and the other anthros still looks plug-ugly to my eyes no matter how much I try to get acclimated to it. In fact, it somehow looks even worse here than it did in previous movies.
• The fact that they ripped off a scene from Matrix Revolutions. Interesting choice, lmao.
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• Jimbotnik continuing to register as "Jim Carrey in a costume" and not as Eggman.
• Agent Stone continuing to be a nothingburger of a character aside from being a living footstool for Jimbotnik. I thought everybody said he was going to be 3's main antagonist. Why is he even here.
• Jimbotnik calling Gerald "Pop-Pop," cutesy-ing it up for no real reason, when Eggman simply called him "grandpa" at most in the games. What, is his grandfather Mike Ehrmantraut now?
• The original game's "fuck the police" angle now being ignored in favor of maybe making GUN look like the good guys (what?).
• The fact that the ARK, an iconic location, is nowhere in sight is making me more than a tad apprehensive. Idk if this thing is supposed to replace it:
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• This one really steams my hams: the fact that Paramount portrays Jimbotnik's weight gain via hateful stereotypes of fat men which the games do not employ in their overall portrayal of Eggman. It reflects a fatphobic attitude I could have told you was the case years ago judging by the fact that they cast a thin man in the role.
Games!Eggman is stylish and immaculately groomed, but Jimbotnik has to be a slob who dresses like The Dude just because he gained a little weight. Of course. 🙄
It really bothers me because Eggman is quite possibly one of the only examples of positive fat male representation I can point to, and they can't even let him be a little fat onscreen without literally exposing his belly with the intent to make fun of him in ways the games seldom do, if ever.
God fucking forbid he actually weighs the 281 lbs. he does in canon; Paramount would probably portray him like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
In lieu of being portrayed as dumb and weak, as is usually the case for fat male characters, Games!Eggman is portrayed as cunning, intelligent, powerful (physically and mentally), and stylish in a way that commands respect, despite whatever this Chili's says to discredit him. Eggman is fucking cool, and y'all are tripping if you don't think so.
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• The fact that this movie is probably going to be cringe on the basis of its constant bathos-inducing insistence on making the characters crack mistimed jokes during serious moments.
• Doing a double take when Sonic called Shadow an "alien," possibly realizing that "alien" is the film universe's designation for anthros, then promptly short-circuiting and catching on fire. Can we not.
• Why does the trailer insist on making Shadow look like a wet cat? They did not deep-freeze my boy like they did in the games. Games!Shadow emerged from stasis minty-fresh, whereas Movie!Shadow looks like a newborn kitten yeeted straight out of the womb:
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Disgustang. Stop that.
• The fact that everyone gives '06 flack for aesthetic whiplash but thinks Shadow looking like a muppet beside an irl little girl is fine, actually:
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And the fact that said little girl may be killed just making dead Maria jokes 10x more uncomfortable than they need to be.
• They missed an opportunity for a fun visual gag by having the bathroom sign read "occupied" instead of "eggupied" or "hatching" (as in hatching a scheme. or a shit. maybe both, lol). Something like that:
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They can pay homage to the Akira bike slide and the Super Burly Brawl from Matrix Revolutions, but God forbid we actually allude to Sonic games :v
...But most of this can be boiled down to "Paramount gonna Paramount."
All in all, I'm likely to continue my time-honored tradition of seeing the movie when it releases in theaters because deep down, I'm still a Sonic whore and subsequently pretending the films don't exist thereafter lol
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newx-menfan · 2 months ago
NYX #7 Review
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The issue starts with Synch returning to NY….
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Synch arrives at the warehouse the NYX’s are currently inhabiting (told you guys- the pages in the preview were going to be the first few pages of this book!) and is apparently PISSED that Prodigy has set up basically a mutant center (feels like a HUGE overreaction…but whatevs…)
Synch is bugging because David’s powers essentially don’t have weaknesses like Synch’s does (Synch retains memories of the people he “synced” with) and feels that David isn’t considering how he’s endangering everyone. (If Empath really ISN’T brainwashing them…. I’m going to be a bit pissed because frankly this plot point is stupid and came literally out of nowhere, with zero buildup!) 
Synch basically has the same feelings Scott did about freeing Xavier in “Raid on Graymalkin”- that optimists like Xavier and David are slanting it so only one kind of mutant revolution can come out of “mutants vs humans” dilemma.
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Meanwhile Bilal has been radicalized (who saw THAT coming! 😜), has taken? stolen? a glider, and attacks Ms Marvel; not realizing that it’s his cousin. (Feel like Goblin or someone needs to get those things copyrighted…are gliders like “ghost guns” in the Marvel-verse??? 🤪)
The writers DECIDE this plot is the better one to focus on…because this is basically more or less, now a “stealth Ms. Marvel solo”…
While Ms Marvel is fighting her cousin, Synch accuses David of being an egotist (true!) and they beat the shit out of each other. (Ironically “Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell” came on my Spotify while reading this very moment 🤭)
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AGAIN, the Hellion criticism comes up- Synch is undoubtedly one of THE MOST powerful mutants- I get there’s not a lot to “synch” to, but it makes zero sense for him to lose this easily to Prodigy.
Where I could UNDERSTAND the argument that Hellion’s ego compromised him… Synch isn’t Julian and doesn’t have his inflated levels of pride.
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Dante cheers Prodigy on while he beats the shit out of Synch and Synch FINALLY syncs to Prodigy’s powers, while talking about his death…. (All of Laura’s ex’s have major trauma, I guess…)
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Ms Marvel captures Bilal and he goes on this “purity” rant and that he will die for his cause (reeeaallllyyyy stretching the Islamic extremist stereotypes there, Marvel!😬)
Apparently Bilal was scanning Kamala to gather information for the truthseekers, but the data collected was incomplete.
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Prodigy….somehow convinces Synch to see his way and stay…? (Really? That’s the climax?)
The issue ends with Kamala crying about her cousin (who never even APPEARED in previous Ms. Marvel issues or was mentioned 🙄)
This issue…wasn’t BAD. The problem WITH this book consistently IS that it has great ideas and great MOMENTS…but the overall EXECUTION is disappointing.
David and Everett BEING on opposite sides/viewpoints makes sense. Everett grew up in St. Louis, on the poorer economic scale- where David grew up in a middle class home in Chicago. Despite both being mutants and black- they have VERY different lived experiences, along with the similarity of experiencing trauma and death while with the X-Men.
Can I just say, that I really HATE how this era has written Synch 😒- no one can get his character right. Everett ISN’T an asshole. He literally WANTED to help impoverished communities in Gen X and was the “nice guy” of his team. This is just character assassination. 🙄
It’s not that I couldn’t believe Prodigy and Synch would have different ideologies- but this plot point feels so ham fisted and under developed.
It’s sad because I think this COULD have been an interesting examination into how Hellion and Prodigy, returning back to their fight in issue #4, are more similar than they will admit- both live and die by their ego and sense of morality.
The Bilal stuff is just pointless and poorly handled- I really DON’T understand why they dropped the quiet council/Hellion for…angry, extremist cousin? Who will ultimately be totally forgotten in the Ms Marvel books after NYX is cut? (Sorry but I don’t believe NYX will miss the chopping block at this point)
The ending was lackluster- there’s nothing in David’s speech that would convince Everett to GO WITH Prodigy’s way of advocacy… but a more believable ending would have required taking their time with the story and NOT doing the dumb Bilal plot point (same problem issue #4 had 🙄)
Again- I think the worst part about NYX is HOW MUCH I want to like it. It 100% had potential! But the final product is just always pretty unsatisfactory and surface level writing.
It’s not “X-Force” levels of snoozefest or even “X-Factor” levels of cringe… the SAD thing with NYX IS that it does HAVE its high points…only it’s followed by some really mediocre moments and endings.
What I will never truly understand is- WHY DOES Marvel CONSTANTLY DO THIS- they feature the NXM to help prop up whatever “character of the week” they’re promoting at the moment… and fans always feel unhappy because it’s NOT what they want….
Why not JUST do a straight NXM book, at this point??
They’re done this with Kid Omega…Eyeboy…Glob…Ms Marvel…X23…Baby Cable…ect
And NONE of it (except maybe Laura!) has ever been successful.
Just GIVE us a FUCKING team NXM book already!!
I KNOW that I am going to HATE issue #8 guys…
The fact that it’s an event tie-in, guarantees that I am going to be 100% disappointed. (You are all going to have to hear my rant about why I hate comic book events! 😝)
Bilal is OBVIOUSLY going to try and murder Krakellion and somehow Kamala will hog the spotlight, while Laura is basically wallpaper 😒
Oh have the tables turned, I guess…
I guess on the bright side, considering how this issue went…they’ll at least be a couple diamonds in a pile of otherwise coal storytelling…😕
We will get one panel of Laura and Hellion, and the rest of the book will be Bilal drama 😜
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generalluxun · 1 year ago
Miss Bustier being "concerned about Chloe" in Collusion: "Chloe, you're a fragile teenager who doesn't know love and is simply looking for attention."
Miss Bustier at the end of Revolution seeing Chloe continue to look for attention and continue to live a life not knowing love and continue being a fragile teenager: "Meh."
Ms. Bustier's outreach to Chloé in Collusion served only one purpose: To make Chloé look worse. S5 has systematically attacked every 'good' moment Chloé had and come up with a way to try and explain it away. They couldn't really DO that with the bracelet, because there is no reason she would have given it to Bustier when no one knew. So they just had her be silent, but they still count it as 'Bustier 'trying'(not really) and Chloé rejecting hero... to make everything forever Chloé's fault.
Ms. Bustier never even made any outeach after Zombisu herself. Heck, she wasn't even aware two students *in the front row* were cheating in her class for years... and yet we're supposed to consider her good and right and likely to be an excellent Mayor? It's so weird the bodies the show is willing to leave in order to demonize a child.
They could have left that scene out and missed nothing, Except they would have had one less 'Chloe=bad!' moment, and dear me, why bother going on with the show in that case. 🙄
Man I miss S1-3.
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
seeing people I used to like reblog from a fucking twitter tankie freak (all tankies are antisemitic btw idgaf) just cuz of their pro-palestine posts is making me wanna hallucinate. I am begging chronically online losers not to boost tankies just cuz theyre pro-palestine, also being pro-palestine and pro-russia is oxymoron. I wanna fucking die
Yeah, I agree.
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Netanyahu and Putin are authoritarians who have both remained in power far longer than any true democracy would have allowed, and they are both using their militaries to colonize peoples and take land.
And tankies?
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Unfortunately tankies are so easily manipulated that all you have to do is say America supports something and they’re immediately against it on that alone, with no critical thought whatsoever.
Finally, while I absolutely positively do agree that the Venn diagram of antisemites and tankies is almost a perfect circle, I need to stress, especially now, that not every criticism of Israel is antisemitism. But unfortunately, many criticisms of Israel’s war crimes in Palestine dO come from antisemitic people who have been waiting for the right moment to unleash their inner racist. So yeah, always gotta be on the lookout there.
That all said, I think that the main thing with tankies is, they’re authoritarians at heart. They’re perfectly okay with colonialism and imperialism and even ethnic cleansing and war crimes -as long as their side is the one doing it. Perhaps THAT is the main difference here, iMho. ( x )
If you look at any of the main pro-putin tankie accounts here on tumblrdotcom, the two things that you should immediately notice are 1. Despite some of their URLs, they’re almost all self-proclaimed “radical” 🙄 white dudes (sorry, but I’m Black and my personal belief is that ANY revolution for positive change ain’t gonna be led by a white guy, especially not the cringy ones who are stuck on Lenin), and, 2. Their hot takes on Russia and Putin are practically indistinguishable from Republican talking points.
Practically everything Tucker Carlson said, tankies wholeheartedly agree with. I’m surprised tankies haven’t made Tucker Carlson their pfp. But I guess that would be a bit too on the nose, wouldn’t it? To be clear, this isn’t me saying that anyone who disagrees with me is a Republican or a Russian bot, but have you ever read through a tankie skreed? Really read through it? I hear many of their exact same bullshit talking points on Fox News and from conservative news outlets. It’s just revarnished bullshit, wrapped up in ☭ for tumblr.
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kennywhoremega · 15 days ago
No one asked but here it is: my thoughts on AEW Grand Slam down under 💛💚
Spoilers under cut:
💚 Omega / Ospreay vs Fletcher / Takeshita may have been my favourite match of the night! The final one winged hidden blade they both hit made me drool 🤤
💛 Harley vs Mercedes was phenomenal, a predictable win for Mercedes but Harley has come out of this match looking stronger and more of a threat than before. Tony, the best thing you did in this women's division was freeing her from Sar*ya, more of this pls 🙏
💚 The Brisbane Brawl - Cope / Switchblade vs the D Riders. The pop for Cope almost made me cry but the pop for King Switch sent me 🥹 Jay and Cope were great, but it was just so predictable 🙄 Cope / Switchblade have Mox or Claudio cornered so of course here comes wheeler yuta and or marina shafir to intercept. It's boring and if it weren't for my King Jay White, I would genuinely stop watching. I hope this sets us up for Cope to take the title at Revolution and give the death riders a loooooong and overdue break from TV. Jay taking the belt whipping from Yuta and looking like he was almost enjoying it got me all 🥵 but that stays between me, God and AO3.🙏
💛 Buddy Matthews vs Okada, firstly, Buddy's jacket as a lil nod to Mami and Australia was *chefs kiss*. I did not think Buddy was gonna call Okada a wander halfway through, I was ready for a more Aussie C bomb 😂 Good match, wish Buddy had won just to give him more of a push but hopefully that will come in few months.
💚 The feud of a lifetime - Timeless Toni Storm vs Mariah May. I cried when Toni came to the stage. I'm so proud of her a very well deserved 4 x champ. Fantastic showing for both women but I do feel for Mariah as her run as champ didn't really go anywhere without Toni Storm and felt a bit one note at times. Hopefully we get a better showing for her heading to All In but in the mean time I am VERY excited for Toni's next feud - I'm hoping for Jamie Hayter or Kris Stat, personally🙏
💛💚Overall, a fantastic show, the only things that would have improved it are more storyline based. Tony Khan, if you see this, please free us from the death riders and belt up my boy Jay White because he was ridiculously over tonight. 💚💛
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fina1chase · 8 months ago
Here's why I think Nagato was the real child of prophecy and not Naruto:
Nagato actually brought revolution to the world of ninja
They defeated Hanzo for the good of Ame and then closed the borders to focus on helping its people first and didn't mess with the rest of the villages (unlike Konoha 🙄) like ofc after being treated as a battleground in the war, they wouldn't want combat ninja coming in.
And the akatsuki started out with good intentions until Obito came and fucked it all up.
And Nagato was right for blowing up Konoha, but it felt like a cop out, having Nagato just up and die for a village THEY KNEW wronged him and wronged Ame.
But bc Nagato WASN'T from Konoha, they were just treated as another terrorist. Meanwhile Naruto as hokage hasn't even ended slavery yet
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novelcain · 2 years ago
YEESSSSS!!! EAT THE RICH BICHES!!!! And as an American.. can confirm, America sucks..
I’m not even gonna do this on Anon.. this stuff makes me too angry for that..
So as a military brat, I know the military hasn’t been given a BASIC minimum pay raise in over 20 years.. and that last raise.. was nothing, but. A. SINGLE! PENNY!!!
Regardless of inflation and how much minimum wage across the board has been raised in that same time, as a matter of fact, they’ve been denied necessary payments for tasks they were TOLD to do by the government.. Basically EVERYTHING, IS, CORRUPT.. not even mentioning how many in the military are treated like a bunch of disposable lab rats..
One of my dad’s best friends developed bone-marrow cancer that he’s still fighting after about 16 years, the military Doctors refused to do any real tests to see what was actually wrong with him, and just decided to gave him some Tums… TUMS! And since his cancer wasn’t found until AFTER he retired, HE, GOT, NOTHING! NO BENEFITS!! Even my Nana’s pastor who suffers from severe seizures due to experimental medication he was given by the military, and then denied medical benefits..
The Government is Soulless! The military is so corrupt that they actively feed off the genuinely good people who sign up, then toss them out like trash.. leaving them to FIGHT tooth and nail for years, to receive the medical benefits they’re owed! Not to mention retirement benefits the military locks in their money purses like a Victorian stooge!
… sorry I just have A LOT! of anger towards the American government system… also I might be a little confused.. and dehydrated..
Brb I gotta drink some water 🎃~
🔊 Say👏it👏louder👏for👏the people👏in👏the👏back!!!�� 🔊
Totally love this rant bestie and don't even get me started on how women, poc, and neurodivergents are treated in the military or I will literally start a revolution 🙄🤚
Istfg I can't stand America and people who suck the government's dick because they are either a part of the issue (*cough*elites*cough*) or too brainwashed to see there's a problem to begin with
Edit: completely forgot to say this but plz drink some water bestie or imma come for your bracelets
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fritzwilhelm · 7 months ago
Probably a dumb idea, but I am going to try and express this as un-annoyingly as I can. I will likely fail and possibly already have.
Yes, the U.S. electoral system is a very stupid game that is rigged in many ways. I don't like that and neither should you! It SHOULD be changed. Unfortunately, one of the ways that it is rigged that people don't always grasp, is that (while it exists as is) there is no real way of opting out on moral grounds. Do you know why?
>Because you cannot opt out of the consequences. It is not a game that you chose to play. You and I were born into a trolley problem with our hands duct-taped to the lever and a gun to our heads. Fucked up, but here we are.
>Because those in power don't actually need the complete mandate of all U.S. citizens to hold power. They just need to have all of the guns (and some of the duct tape), which they do and will continue to have even after you make a show of not voting in this election. You are not at risk of granting them "legitimacy"; the only kind that they need comes free, de-facto with all of the guns (even if many in government would like to dress it up as a beautiful act of harmonious democratic participation). The blood is not "on your hands". It is on the hands of the people with all of the guns that duct taped yours lever. Do not mistake coerced participation within the electoral system with advocacy for said system. (Also, some of you should stop advocating so hard for said system as though it is beyond reproach)
>Because those in charge only benefit politically (on the world stage and at home) by having the appearance of the mandate of the majority of their voting populace (amongst which most non-voters are often not cleanly counted as a solid ideological block performing an act of unified conscientious objection for a specific purpose; going to protests does help with this to a point, so you should do it).
I understand if you feel like you are being held hostage by the government or the democratic party. That is, because WE ARE! That's one of the shitty parts of what a government is, and one of the shittiest parts our current one.
But you probably already knew this.
The thing about being held hostage is that even once you've realized your situation, you are still held hostage after having that revelation. There is no saying "A-ha! I see your little tricks and you won't get me!" and suddenly getting a deeply entrenched political hierarchy to knock it off "Swiper, No Swiping!" style overnight. The gun is still to your head.
What's more, I and a lot of the people I love are being held hostage next to you! We would not like to be shot, so please help us by playing along despite your justified revulsion until we can come up with an effective way out of this.
And enough of us WOULD like to find a way out of this. Not trying to come off as defeatist here, just realistic. You SHOULD be practicing mutual aid! You SHOULD be donating to people in Gaza!! You SHOULD be furiously protesting the Biden administration for it's participation in a genocide (among many other reasons)!!! AND you SHOULD be considering lots of things that would require me to say "In Minecraft" after them ad nauseam. YOU SHOULD ALSO VOTE. These things have never been mutually exclusive. All forms of revolution done at scale, fast or slow, glorious or glacial (obnoxiously, pendulously glacial), are going to feel fucking disgusting at points. Voting is just another vector for this that is really costly to ignore.
I am seeing a lot of the usual 🙄 infighting in leftist spaces rn. Largely it's a partisan division built up around a false dichotomy. Apparently, you are either:
-A patronising Millenial/GenX neo liberal who is oblivious to the flaws of electoralism and US Imperialism and is OK with the zionist genocide. Someone who Hates on Mutual Aid solutions! Someone selfish in the face of real human plights in other countries.
-A bitter, cynical 22 yr old tumblr communist whose ideals yield no practical solutions, who might EVEN be some kind of party traitor or #russian-psyop-chatGPT bot for criticizing the evident faults in the electoral process or daring to say they don't really like Kamala Harris.
You do not need to be a neo-lib shill who is down with zionism to agree with anything that I have said (Even if those fucking idiots will be in your voting block). And NO, the angry trans youth on your dash are NOT just Putin's patented Election Interference Bots that you can shout down like a boring off brand mccarthyist. We are already going to have to deal with the public fuckery on Elon's personal little billboard of a site this year so lets be careful not to risk making up more guys to get mad at.
I understand that you are routinely misled by the scale and immediacy packaged as the magical promises of voting blue by democratic politicians and their advocates. That bullshit will continue for as long as there are bulls to shit.
I understand that I am asking you to weigh, not just two memed-on dickhead politicians in suits, but instead two impossibly large oceans of human blood so big that they defy the human capacity for understanding of scale. I understand that I am asking you to pick the ocean that you think is smaller and put your face in it. I understand that it may not even work.
I understand that you have too much horror going on already.
But I am asking you. I will be stuck here asking you every few years until the system changes or we both are dead.
I am sorry that this place fails us so often.
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just-call-mefr1es · 7 months ago
(answer each individually) Out of Hypnos's 1096 moons, The major moons are only 8 moons. 5 females, 3 males. Those 8 are the only moons who have retained their personality even after being hypnotized. The Names of the moons are; Achlys, Ananke, Hemera, Nyx, Pontus, Mnemosyne, Menoetius, and Orion Females are Ananke, Hemera, Pontus, Orion, and Mnemosyne.
Males are Achlys, Nyx, and Menoetius. ---- Mnemosyne is the closest moon to Hypnos. She's the oldest of the Hypnoian moons and the main one that can be seen from a telescope. Mnemosyne used to be a dwarf planet, and was the first current-era moon that was hypnotized by Hypnos, and treated with absolute care by Hypnos. Hypnos always takes Mnemosyne's side when she is in conflict, and has always given her as much love as she can. That's right, we have another case of LESBIANS in the GAYnarum system.
---- Ananke is the older sister of Achlys. The two argue a lot, with Achlys always backing down. She's also pretty strong, having half the strength of Chloris and Galileo. She is Phanes' only friend. Hemera is basically the Triton of the Hypnoian moons. She's not really interested in most of the talk among the Hypnoian moons unless she has to take care of her younger siblings (which she has a HARD TIME doing. 1096 moons is no joke.) Pontus is the drama queen of the main moons. She always likes to have the center of attention on herself and also put on shows for the younger Hypnoian moons. She may seem snobbish on the outside, but is a very nice girl on the inside. Orion is a metal music lover. She has alot of punk motifs in her design, and has a big rock personality. Despite her loud personality, she's very friendly! ---- Achlys is the younger brother of Ananke. He's a "rowdy guy' type of moon; always looking for a fight and rough-houses a lot of the time. Strangely, he gets along with Chloris for no reason at all other than interest. Nyx is an odd one. He never responds to anyone except his friend Menoetius. It was said that when Menoetius formed, Nyx oddly got attached to him. He even said he loved Menoetius. He's still a very odd one, though. Menoetius is Nyx's only 'friend.' Called Meno by Nyx, he's the second most knowledgeable one of the moons. He's usually at Nyx's side, always willing to share new information with him. Rumour has it he was one of the key factors to stopping the Moon Revolution. this took 3 hours lol
im totaleby not gonna write down those names to givr to my future grandchildren because theyre so badass whaaaa
oooo another moon that used to be a olanet?:00 super cool!! and the first? aweosme! awwww i find it so sweet how hypnos cared for herr tbsts adorable💗💗 and what is with these damned gays bro😒🤬🤬 come on🙄🙄🙄 /j
oooo dysfunctional sibling relationship i hear?>:333 god i love those. WOAHHH!?? half the strength as choris n galileo??? wowza that is STRONG. holy fuck i already struggle with one sibling, i cant imagine 1000 or so more😭😭 oooo pontus’ character seems rlly neat:O id love to hear more about her cjsndmsms. so with orion!! i jeed to see her design n chew on her grrr
DAMNN achlys😵‍💫 thats fery interesting. nyx i already love you. bro got emotionally attached to menoetius when he first formed, and said he loved him??? cutieesssss>_< WIAHHH MENOETIUS SMART AS HELL (even tho hes second knowledgeable but oh well) bro was oje of the key factors of stopping the moon revolution ????? thats sick asf i rlly wanna see how the moon revolution plays out in the GAYnarum system💞
three hours😭⁉️ holy dsmn🤕🤧🤧
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clytemnestradidnothingwrong · 2 months ago
There needs to be a word for someone pretending to be a feminist, or pretending to be gay. Like the word for white people who pretend to be Native American is pretendian.
My coworkers are feminist in theory but not in practice. One in particular - there’s nothing feminist about her.
She shoves gender ideology down everyone’s throats, only talks about herself and how great she is, and has the audacity to act like she’ll be hunted down if anyone finds out she runs an “LGBTQ” club. She also doesn’t hesitate to throw out the abusive and misleading “trans people will kill themselves if you don’t affirm them!” any chance she gets.
Listening to her on her social justice tangents is like seeing Tumblr come to life - her "arguments" are regurgitated from what I've seen and read online, almost word for word.
And yet my coworkers and my boss worship her. She’s one of the most boring, self centered, out of touch twits I’ve ever met, so of course she’s a straight woman who “identifies as queer”.
So “queer” that she’s got a boyfriend and a child with him. 🙄
Since she got hired, my department has essentially become a clique. I feel like I’m in middle school again. They’re always loudly giggling, openly playing favorites, acting like their bland DEI initiatives are earth shaking revolutions, and treating anyone who doesn't share their beliefs as idiots at best and dangerous at worst.
She’s also incredibly inconsistent with her own beliefs. One day she’ll make jokes that implies she understand sex is real, then the next day it’s back to gender bullshit.
My coworker made her a thing for her office that says “nasty woman” with Venus symbols on it, but her business cards and email signature say (they/them). The idea that someone as androcentric as her is a feminist is completely laughable.
Her "woke" shit got a local daycare closed, for fuck's sake, and her "DEI" committee hasn't done shit for any of the women here. I'm the one who stocks the bathroom with feminine products. I'm the one trying to get support for women in STEM. I'm the one who tries to call out misogyny when I see it. I'm the one whose read feminist theory. I'm the one who centers women and doesn't spare a single thought about men. I'm the one who doesn't wear makeup and dresses comfortably.
And I'm the one who will become a pariah and lose my job if I reveal too much of who I am. I'm also the one who has to walk on egg shells and isolate myself for my own safety.
Everyone loves my "candor" until I accidentally let it slip that I'm a woman with a mind of my own. That I don't fall in line and flop onto the ground as a doormat.
It's so fucking infuriating to know I can do nothing but silently sit by and watch someone be praised for being something they’re not and act like a martyr when they're extremely privileged and safe.
Unlike her, women like me are actually in danger of being attacked.
Unlike her, women like me are actually feminist.
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