#‘if you can’t cook you may as well die’
floatingonyourback · 1 month
okay okay au where dfs is a very successful chef/ restaurant owner who has dedicated his life to studying the blade (wok). meanwhile llh has quit his soul-sucking corporate job and in between job hunting has started filming videos of him teaching himself how to cook and he is SO BAD but SO ENDEARING that he amasses an enormous following on weibo. he almost sets his kitchen on fire cooking something from dfs’s (begrudgingly penned) cookbook and dfs comments under the video to tag the local fire department
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Great googley moogley it’s all going to shit! Every day becomes exponentially more terrifying!
And all perfectly timed to just right at the start of what’s supposed to be my adult life where I get my shit together and be useful and productive!
#we’re cooked#we’re doomed#idk the end is nigh or whatever god damn#I just wanna be able to live in my own house and draw a guy sometimes without the ever present threat of the horrors is that too much#apparently yeah cause houses aren’t achievable anymore but man#m a n#especially if you didn’t/couldn’t go to college and aren’t capable of working most jobs#doesn’t help there’s the chance some part of my existence might be suddenly illegal or extremely dangerous yippie!#the options are literally 1. people die 2. people die what the hell do you even do man#how the fuck is this the election I’m gonna get forced to be a part of we’re living in hell#and nobody around me believes it’ll get bad yay great oh so wonderful#I can’t wait to lose rights and cause millions of deaths regardless of who gets chosen#I think one of these days I’m literally just gonna die of stress#it’ll either be a stroke or a heart attack or cancer or uh well ya know#we’re fucked#we’re screwed#I wanna have some kind of an actually visible break down but ive suppressed everything so much that I don’t outwardly emote much anymore :)#and the constantly dissociating thing too I guess#if you ever think ‘oh yeah I can just think of guy in a situation that’s so cool’ don’t it’s a trap—#although tbh this would be significantly worse without it so uh law of equivalent exchange I guess#fuck fuck fuck anyway#not putting this in the main tags#definitely deleting this later#if anyone in my house got any hints that I may or may not have different opinions than them well uh I’m financially dependent on them so um#literally wouldn’t have anywhere to go if anything happened#oh we’re really in it now Simon#hell world#there’s like what 7 genocides going on too I hate everything I hate everything I hate everything#I can’t do anything to help anyone either cause I don’t have a job and I could get kicked out or treated badly at home for it#not that anyone thinks very highly of me at home anyway I am kinda family disappointment number 2 I pretty sure
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causenessus · 2 months
Congrats on 1k!!! Well deserved! May I request fluffiest of fluff of 🏠 with Kenma? Just like him and reader’s everyday life after becoming newlyweds or something
Thank you ☺️
domesticity. | kozume k.
kenma x f! reader
written in 2nd pov
one word prompt from 1k followers event: 🏠 -> domesticity
"let's skip to the wedding, let's stay past the ending, i'm gonna be good to you <3" from let's skip to the wedding by eyedress
word count: 1.1k
notes: fluff!! and written as headcannons i hope that's alright <3 it was just kind of the way my brain immediately took the request. thank you so much for requesting! this was adorable to write i hope u enjoy <3 also, a mention of 10 cent bag rule that some states do lol. just wanted to explain it beforehand so no one is confused, it's just something mandatory some states do where either you bring a resuable bag or pay 10 cents for a plastic bag! also sorry for any weird formatting, tumblr is having a FIT rn
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you guys are finally married!! what does your life as newlyweds look like? <3
kenma did NOT get up the day after your wedding. and he didn’t let you get up either. you guys cuddled the entire day and then got up at like 6pm to get takeout for your first meal as husband and wife LMAO
that was basically your honeymoon but if you want to actually go somewhere, that’s totally fine <3 he’ll go with you
but his love definitely comes out most in just plain domesticity
and if you guys started living with each other even before getting married, you’ve definitely gotten a taste of that simple life
domesticity with kenma looks like you guys sharing a lot of chores
if he washes the dishes, you put them away and vice versa
and he actually enjoys doing the dishes (maybe slightly just bc you squeal and can’t help but kiss his cheek every time you see him roll up his sleeves and tie his hair back. just maybe)
on the other hand, LAUNDRY is the bane of your guys’ existence which means folding + movie nights are a STAPLE in your household
you both definitely take turns picking out movies while folding clothes or while you mend his old nekoma sweats
laundry makes him feel like years are being taken off his life though. he loves being on stray sock duty (pulling out your giant bag of stray socks and trying to find matches when the pile gets big enough) or sometimes he just ends up cuddling you instead. usually its with his arms wrapped around your waist, and he loves putting his head in your lap
sometimes it gets hard folding laundry when he does that
but you can’t complain, watching a movie and cuddling? suddenly laundry’s not that bad
and he’s just so comfortable and has this crazy effect of always making you feel sleepy that you guys have fallen asleep countless times on the couch
although this also leads to you guys waking up and the most random movies playing most of the time
like the one time you guys woke up to the shining theme playing and literally thought you were about to die (IK I MENTIONED THIS IN COLD KISSES BEFORE BUT IT IS STILL SUCH A FUNNY MEMORY TO ME)
sometimes you guys throw in a blanket while drying your clothes just so that while you’re both folding laundry you can be under a warm blanket too <3
you definitely binged like all the conjuring movies while folding laundry too
my guy cannot be trusted in the kitchen but he will try his very best if you ask him for help
will for sure keep you company in the kitchen no matter what though
is sometimes on music duty or will just play his switch while you’re cooking and you both enjoy the peaceful moment <3
he can also make tea or coffee for both of you while you're cooking!! he's very good at that <3 and definitely helps grab plates when you're both ready to eat
and sometimes gets out of bed early in the morning so he can bring you a cup of tea while you're still waking <3
especially on cold mornings. will 100% get out of bed for you. you're both cold? you want the heater up? okay <3 he'll get out of bed to turn it up before getting straight back into bed and pulling you close, nuzzling his cold face into your warm neck
he’s very good in grocery stores
at pushing the cart.
and holding your grocery list if you really trust him
please don’t leave him he’ll literally go into panic mode and stand in the middle of the bread aisle until you come back
or he’ll do that thing where he walks past every aisle trying to find which one you’re in and then you guys will see each other from opposite ends
to be honest he’s more of a basket guy anyway
like you walk into the grocery store and he's immediately picking up a basket (bc no way is he letting you hold it)
“kenma we need like a week’s work of groceries they’re not all gonna fit in there”
“yeah it will. i'll make it fit.”
most of the time he can't LMAO or something ends up getting squished but it’s okay
bc you know why he likes baskets?
so he can hold your hand <3
loves loves loves to play with your wedding ring, fiddling with it or just running his thumb over it while holding your hand
at first he hated grocery stores bc there’s so many inconsiderate people and it just make him feel anxious but he started to like it when he came with you
he likes following you around because you always know where you're going and he's just there for the ride
and he likes being there so that whenever you put something in the basket and ask “what’s next on the list?” he can tell you <3 he takes his job as grocery list holder very seriously
also surprisingly good at remembering to bring reusable bags (or will insist on holding everything. he is NOT paying 10¢ for a bag)
he may also sneak a few snacks into the basket/cart (if you forced him to get one) which is always okay <3
dinner looks like him stopping everything to eat with you or inviting you to watch/play with him while you guys eat
because again quality time is such an important and prominent love language in your guys’ life
he loves to just have you there with him and it’s all you need as well <3
but especially by marriage, if you want one-on-one time he will absolutely give you his full attention. why would he pass up on a chance to stare at his wife's pretty face and listen to her talk?
his chat and fanbase are also definitely well acquainted with you and adore you
they’re always melting over your interactions and sometimes when you walk by the camera and they see you they’re all freaking out like “OMG IT’S Y/N!!!!” “CAN WE SAY HI TO Y/N”
he always laughs when he sees his chat, because sometimes he doesn’t even notice you walking around in the background but he always complies. “babe?” he’ll call out
“what’s up?” you ask, coming back into the room
“my chat just wants to say hi,” he answers and you always smile, walking closer to his desk and leaning over his shoulder to say hi
it literally warms his heart to see his wife interacting with his chat <3
and when his followers found out you guys were getting married? #ynxkenmaendgameishappening went viral on twitter
and nearly everytime he refers to you as his wife his chat still blows up
you probably join him for q&as most often, and he once again is usually holding your hand in his lap, fidgeting with the pretty ring on your finger while you talk to the stream
at night he’s definitely a late sleeper, but you’ve scolded him about looking at screens in the dark too many times for him to count
so oftentimes you’re curled up at his side, your face nuzzled into his torso to block out the light while he has a small lamp on and an arm resting you, holding you close
and when he finally goes to bed, he never fails to press a kiss to your head before wrapping his arms around u <3
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charliemwrites · 10 months
A continuation of this:
Outside time is heavily monitored but fairly regular. Simon keeps nearby and you learned early on that he’s more than capable of crossing the yard in the time it takes for you to even consider trying to scale the tall fence. It’s one of the only times he’s actually put hands on you, carefully restraining you and then letting go once you were both safely inside again. You sported one, singular bruise that he fussed over despite your hissing and cursing.
What about when he’s away on missions? He has the ability to call you, and you him, though you don’t. He preps well in advance for being gone. Frozen stews that you can heat up. Pre-cut meat if you want to cook. Frozen veggies aren’t GREAT, but he’s left some vitamin supplements and dried fruits.
When he gets back, he always gives you a once over. Usually from afar, but if he sees something that concerns him, he’ll have to try to coax you closer. After the first two times he cornered you just to inspect a stupid bruise, you learned to tolerate the poking and prodding with minimal snarling, biting, and yanking.
He’s got a plan if something happens to him too. Johnny will, of course, take over your care.
You didn’t think you could get angrier at anyone more than Simon, until he brings a strange Scottish man into your HOME, the place you’re SAFE. And the man takes one look at you, whistles, and murmurs, “isn’t she a beaut?”
You may or may not try to strangle him with his own dog tags. Simon may or may not laugh at his dumb friend before expertly prying you off. You take a bite out of him too, but he’s used to it by now. Just shakes out his arm and ushers you off, chuckling “go sulk in a corner, little one.”
And you do, but not because he told you to. In fact, you make it a point to scowl at Johnny the entire time he’s there, always just within view but far, far away. You’re pissed at Simon too. Can’t believe there’s TWO of them now.
When Johnny finally leaves, Simon tries to coax you from your room - there are no locks, but he understands what it means when you’ve cocooned yourself on the high bunk of your bed.
“You’re not going to come down?” He croons.
“Fuck off,” you grumble.
“Not even if I have a peace offering?”
You poke your head out and lean over the railing a bit, peering down narrow-eyed and terribly grumpy. Simon forces himself not to coo at you, it’ll just make you crankier. He holds up a new book - one you’ve been talking about wanting.
“Have something to go with this if you come down,” he entreats.
And well, you’re hungry anyway. So you clamber down, wrinkling your nose when he tries to scratch behind your ear. Then he leads you out, to the back of the house which has been blocked off for the last month. There’s a new door - he pops it open, revealing a closed in patio.
“Plexiglass,” he explains as you creep outside. “So you’ll be safe but can still see the yard.”
It’ll get a lot of light, you’ll see the rain. There are little tables and cushions and a daybed with blankets. It’s - damn him - perfect.
“Is… he coming by again?” you ask, feeling at a soft pillow.
“Johnny? Probably not, unless I die.”
You twist, looking alarmed.
“Not likely to happen,” he soothes, ruffling your hair just to see you pout and swat at him. “Have someone relying on me after all.”
You blush again. You’ve been doing that a lot. He lets you snatch the book from his hands.
“Unless you want him to come by again? You could use a little socializing, feral thing.”
He’s right, but Simon is barely tolerable, never mind is friends.
“Alright, maybe in a couple weeks.”
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star-girl-05 · 5 months
Love Handles
James Wilson x Reader
Prompt~ Anyways someone said Wilson has love handles? And I was curious like how he might be insecure about that and how his s/o might comfort him? ~ from anon
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Wilson has always been popular with the ladies. He's the perfect man, from his soft brown eyes to his charming smile. Women flock to him, giving him constant attention. Even now in his forties he’s still attracting the attention of women half his age. So why is he so insecure around you? 
It only started recently. He had just gotten out of the shower passing by his mirror when he first noticed them. He couldn’t help but fixate on them. Wilsons had always made it a priority to take care of his body. Though he has gotten a little lax lately. All those cooking classes have caught up to him. Now he has what some call ‘love handles’. 
Almost instantly after making the discovery that he has love handles. He puts on a loose sweatshirt. Deep down he knows that it’s okay to gain weight, that he wouldn’t look like he did when he was twenty forever. Yet he’s still insecure. Especially in comparison to you. You are younger than him, a sight to behold, and your smart as well. 
It was a miracle he could convince you to date him in the first place. He’s reminded of that everytime the two of you go out, watching as men eye you up and down. He knows your not shallow but he couldn’t help but fear you might leave him for one of those men. 
‘STOP’ he silently yells. He’s spirrling, overthinking this whole situation. He doubts you’ll even notice, he’ll just wear loose tees around you. 
“James did you die in there?” you peak your head into the bedroom smiling when you spot him in his mcgill sweatshirt. You just love him him in that. 
“Sorry Honey, I’m coming” he forgot you were waiting on him. He checks once more in the mirror making sure that his newly found love handles are hidden. While he’s looking at himself in the mirror you walk up behind him wrapping your arms around his waist. Or at least attempting to as soon as he felt your hand graze his side he flinches. Both of you freeze at the action, an awkward silence filling the air. 
“Sorry, I was just trying to give you a hug” He can’t help but cringe at your apology. He didn’t even mean to move his body acting on instinct. Now because of that reflex, your apologizing for trying to hug him. 
“Just scared me” he quickly excuses, wrapping you up in his arms. Of course you thought  nothing of the incident. Not until you were on the couch watching a random tv show. You had went to wrap your arms around Wilsons like you always do when he flinched once again. 
“James what’s up with you?” he tries to play it off, but you refuse to drop it. “Are you hurt or something”
“No, it’s- it's nothing” 
“James” the sweet call of his name combined with the look in your eyes has him confessing. You can’t help but reach out for him as he explains why he’s acting so weird. “James you don’t have to worry about those things I’ll love you no matter what”
“I know, I just want to be worthy of that love” 
“You’ll always be worthy besides they call them love handles for a reason. You can’t help but love them” you tease. He chuckles along with you. He still feels awkward about them but he doesn’t flinch when you cuddle up to him. Dipping your hands under his sweatshirt. Your soft hands running against his sides before finding home on his love handles. He may hate them but you seem to love them and to him that’s all that matters.
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Okay as great as crybaby!tav is we really glossed over the potential of mommy!Tav. I may be a smidge bias because that’s a lot like my tav, as she’s so damn determined to take care of her friends and was a baker before she was an adventurer so she’s constantly just doting on the companions offering them pastries. It’s a little self indulgent but My Tav has a little quirk that she grew up food insecure and just absolutely refuses to eat until she knows everyone else has eaten because she can’t bear the thought of any of her friends potentially going hungry. She’s normally very submissive and sweetly to all of them but no amount of begging, discipline or concern will break her because she just cares so damn much. Could you write the dom mom squad™️ reacting too something like that, who tries to comfort them? Who is incensed that she doesn’t believe they can provide? Who gets so hung up on the fact she’s being stubborn they forget the original issue?
A submissive mommy who can cook and give good hugs will literally fix 90% of the gang here, unironiclly.
Reacting to a very motherly Reader
[Bg3 women, fluff, dom mommies, afab!reader, fem pronouns, sub!reader ]
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Karlach would relish in your dotting.
During her life in the hells, she was both touch starved and food starved for so long. You being there to encourage her with the pep talks, headpats, and occasional pie is everything she has ever dreamed of and more.
As much as she wants to be the one to take care of you, she can't help but let relish in you fussing over her. The coddling, the comfort, and the constant attention are slowly frying her brain from how happy she is.
Did she die and go to heaven?
She becomes very protective of you, never lets you carry heavy stuff, and always asks if you need her to bring you ingredients or something during her errand runs. No, no, you don't have to tire your pretty little legs. Just stay in camp all sweet and pretty while she goes out and brings you everything you need.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think she's subconsciously treating you like her stay at home wife.
She really likes hovering around while you cook, watching you work attentively and sometimes begging for a sample taste with her puppy eyes.
And yes you being the one feeding her those samples is very important, it enhances the taste a lot.
It might take her a while to notice the fact that you were always the last one to eat. Or how you immediately offered your plate if someone else wanted seconds.
She thinks it's very sweet at first but slowly grows more and more concerned at your well-being.
I mean, if she had to, she would sit on your lap to prevent you from getting up as she hands you a plate of food. Your stern talk will just make her feel guilty and sad but she'd refuse to let you get up.
As much as she loves nothing more than to obey her mommy, sometimes she also needs to take care of her mommy like she takes care of her.
Minthara would admire your ways.
Tenderness and love were never words that anyone in her culture used to describe a mother, an ilhar. No, they tend to fall more on the brutal and disciplinary side.
An ilhar meant authority, control, and order. To defy her is to commit a sin. To show weakness in front of her is even worse.
She is reminded by that cultural difference whenever someone describes you as motherly.
The only thing you had in common with the matrons of the underdark was that underlying strength. That unbreakable will hidden so deep inside you, the urge to survive at any cost and defend your subordinates. She admired it greatly.
You were very strong deep down, strong to be truly worthy of the description of motherly. That kind of strength that the males will never understand, the kind of strength that nurtured even more strength.
So when a person like you showered her in hugs, kisses, and even brushed and styled her hair for her from time to time, how could she ever be ungrateful and say no?
You were generous and kind even when you had no need to be, you were selfless to a concerning degree.
She had to put a stop to that.
Minthara respects you too much to use any of the punishments or disciplinary ways that her matrons taught her. She will talk to you like an equal because that's what she sees you as.
She will be very patient with you. Stopping you when your self sacrifices become too much for your health to bear, Reminding you that you also require as much food and rest as the rest of them.
She'll teach you to relay on her slowly, as gentle as she possibly can be. Which...isn't very gentle, honestly, but she is genuinely trying her best.
Jaheira feels like you complete her.
As an actual mother to so many children, Jaheira still never truly grasped the whole motherly vibe people keep preaching about. Her kids are safe, fed, cleaned, and trained in combat. Isn't that enough?
So what it if she was absent on missions a lot, need I remind you that her line of work concers the safety of the whole world? What kind of mother would she be if she let the whole world, which included her kids, end just because she picked to stay at home and colour with her youngest.
She knows it doesn't excuse it. Give her a break. She is at the end of her age and hasn't had someone by her side since in a long while.
That's why when you suddenly appear in her life with all of the qualities she was severely lacking in, she almost thinks it's too good to be true.
...you almost remind her of a certain someone she lost long ago. You're just as soft and caring to others. Ironically enough people also underestimate a lot because of your kindness too.
She is drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.
Jaheira can't help it. You shine with radiance, and she hasn't felt warmth in so long.
The first few days she brings her kids home-cooked meals, they immediately hold a knife to her throat as they demand this doppelganger tell them where their real mother is.
But after some very awkward conversations, and having to bring you into her house as actual proof. They realised that their mother's stone heart can still beat after all apparently.
Shadowheart tries to play it cool, fails.
She has an edgy mysterious aura she needs to keep, and you're making it very hard for her. How is she supposed to be this dark, cool cleric of Shar when you keep gifting her these hand-knitted pastel sweaters with the most loving look in your eyes.
Of course she will wear them, she isn't heartless.
She's really trying not to show how touched she is when you look for her during dinner at camp to make sure she got her plate. She can't help the blush on her ears when you wipe some food from the corner of her mouth.
She's mean to people on your behalf when they're rude to you or try to take advantage of your submissiveness. Actually she is just mean to people in general if she doesn't like the way they look at you.
Loves taking naps on your lap, absolutely adores when you play with her hair or braid it. Your thighs are the perfect pillows for her to rest her head on and just forget about the outside world and her mission for a while.
She saves the best wine she finds to share it with you later, or the best sweets or fancy jucies if you don't drink. She had to defend her stash from both Gale and Wyll wandering hands, absolutely refusing all of their offers or begging for some of that fancy cheese or that perfectly aged wine bottle.
You're the only person she ever shares it with. She doesn't even want anything in return. She just loves seeing you happy and relaxed every once in a while. You always take care of them, so it's about time that someone takes care of you too.
Laezel has killed people for disrespecting you.
And she'll do it fucking again. These worms forgot their place. She doesn't even care how little their offence is, just efficiently ending their miserable life.
Why do you have a look of disappointment on your face? She did them a favour. She even made it painless and quick to compromise for your feelings.
Chk. Your softness will be the end of you. Be grateful that she is here to prevent that from ever happening.
You threaten not to take her with you on errand runs anymore if she doesn't put her sword away? You really think you can survive without her?
...okay yeah actually you can. You make a really valid point.
If it was anyone else she'd have taken that request as an insult on her honor, but since it's you...
Fine. She will listen for now.
And maybe if you keep making more of those faerun dishes, she will find it easier to listen to you. Especially the apple pie ones.
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fandomhcs · 6 months
dating natasha romanoff would include:
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nat’s the best significant other on the avengers team, pass it along. 
now see it may take her a long time to really get into a romantic relationship with someone, but once she does? oH BOY.
she’s got a lot of baggage, she knows that. she’s wary of scaring you off at first but if you stay with her? if you prove to her that you’re never going anywhere it melts her heart just a little.
relationships for nat need to be completely open and honest. she has enough lies and mystery in her job, even now as an avenger. she won’t tolerate it in a relationship. she’s going to be as honest with you as possible, and she expects the same in return. lying to her, especially about little things, will only push her away.
especially in the beginning of your relationship nat may be a little hesitant, a little reserved. she’s just cautious, afraid of losing someone or being betrayed. she needs her space for sure, and is more than willing to give you space as well if you need it. for her she needs someone to always be on her side, but not quite suffocating her. she wants a partner, not a dependent. 
dates are typically really chill with nat. movie nights, home cooked dinners, coffee dates. more fun, fancier dates would be kept to special occasions like birthdays and holidays. but most of the time, in her free time she just wants to be with you. spending time doing simple things with her is more important than she ever thought it would be. the domestic things in life mean more than anything. washing the dishes while you dry them? cutting the onions while you’re flipping burgers? putting on another load of laundry while you’re folding the towels? she lives for the mundane bullshit. 
however, her job as an avenger does keep her away from you more than either of you would like. sure she needs her space, but she doesn’t want to be in space for months without seeing you. luckily with stark tech there’s a way you can keep in touch with each other frequently but it’s not the same. and she hates worrying you when out on a mission. before while on a mission she never really had a reason to come home. and hell, what better cause to die for than to save the world, right? but now? the idea of leaving you alone in this world after you saving her from that very feeling nearly chokes her. she fights harder than she ever has so that she can come back home. 
dating natasha might lowkey also mean dating the avengers. they are her family, and all of them will 100000% scope you out to make sure you won’t hurt her. not like you would in the first place, right? like who’s gonna hurt the black widow? but that doesn’t stop them from sideeyeing you at first. of course, when they see how much nat softens around you and truly loves you they get their shit together quickly. you hanging out around the tower is commonplace now, and pretty much everyone loves you. especially laura, clint’s wife. its so nice to have someone around that’s not a superhero.
as far as fights or turbulence in the relationship you probably won’t have to worry too much. nat is the epitome of chill, and she’s gonna make damn sure that communication is a big part of your relationship. she wont’ want little things to blow out of proportion and let it hurt either of you, so she’ll make sure you air your grievances with her no matter how big or small. she just wants the two of you to work it out. she doesn’t believe that there is anything the two of you can’t talk through and end up stronger for it.
so, sex is a complicated beast with nat. i feel like if she’s in a committed relationship she is more than willing to have sex with you. she definitely wants you, you know. but sex has been a tool for her for so long that its hard to let it be a thing of intimacy and love. the first few times the two of you are together she may be a little unsure, a little more reserved than she means to be. all she needs is a little reassurance, to know that you’ll give her all the time she needs. but after being with you for long enough and trusting you enough, sex can become something she really loves. it means being close to you, extremely intimate in ways she never is with anyone else. it means so much to her that you let her be so open and vulnerable with you, so sex is always taken seriously with her. 
if anyone ever hurts you?? just?? like…they’re dead. they’re so dead. if nat doesn’t kill them, bucky or clint will. or steve. or sam. or tony, even. like…there will be no coming back from that lmao.
nat being hurt on a mission means she’s gonna try to tough it out, trust me. she’s gonna pretend like she’s fine and shit you may not even be able to tell she’s really hurt. but when you look closer you can see it, and you’ll have to force her to take care of herself before she collapses. she’ll put up a little bit of a fight at first, not wanting to be a bother or show any weakness. but just keep poking at her and she’ll listen eventually. 
sharing a bed with her is strange? there are knives stashed under the mattress? a gun under her pillow? one on her nightstand? but she’s cuddly when sleepy so prepare to be squished every night. she has nightmares that she tries to hide from you. not every night really, and it takes awhile before she’s ever able to talk about them. they can be intense and scary but she tries not to let it wake you. when it does, she’ll try to pull away at first but she’ll melt if you take her hand and just offer to be there for whatever she needs. 
all around? nat is a great girlfriend. completely open and accepting of who you are, honest and great with communication, sweet and genuine? she’s great. 10000/10.
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agentarc · 1 month
i’m just gonna bite the bullet and post a wip of this fox whump fic i’m cooking
important background info: quinlan is undercover as a maintenance tech for senate droids, and he’s concealing his tattoos via makeup
also i’m genuinely always trying to improve my writing so constructive criticism is welcome
content warning for graphic panic attack and self harm by way of exacerbating injury — please let me know if there’s anything i missed
(also also hi if you like this and you’re in a clone trooper discord please invite me im dying to be social in the clone trooper fandom)
His quarters are on this floor — Fox is reasonably sure — but the distance his feet must carry him to get there stretches and warps until it may as well be a parsec away.
A good soldier would weather the storm and march on. A functioning clone wouldn’t struggle to expand his lungs, put one foot in front of the other, and navigate to his own quarters. Fox is not a functioning clone. Fox is hardly even a soldier.
He must abort mission. He will not make it to his office. He lurches for the nearest door. The keypad flashes red at him.
His knees wobble, and he’s supposed to be a soldier, a marshal commander; he’s knees don’t wobble. His knees can’t wobble, not when he needs to stand steady and lead the Guard; not when his brothers are depending on him to keep them safe. Not when his entire existence hinges on his ability to contribute. Not when he needs to face the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and pretend he’s in full functioning order when he’s constantly grasping at the fraying edges of control. Fox doesn’t know if he’ll come back when the threads fly apart.
Time does something funny and Fox is on his knees. The keypad sparks and sizzles. The door remains tightly sealed.
The world slams to a stop. His eyes fly open — when had he closed them? He’s too vulnerable, it’s not safe to fall apart here, he can’t — and a natborn human is hovering at the hallway junction, 20 steps away.
They take a half-step in his direction, and Fox doesn’t have enough control to mask his full-bodied flinch. He knows the natborn sees it because they instantly freeze, raising both their hands in a display of easy surrender.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I just want to help.” Movements measured and slow, they lower their hands until they’re relaxed at their sides, palms facing out. “Can you tell me what happened?”
Fox can’t. Can’t push words through his teeth, can’t steady his hands, can’t take a full breath — can’t choke back the strangled noise that builds in the back of his throat —
It’s like his armor is see-through, all his cracks on full display, his skin flayed open for the natborn and the vode and all the little gods to feast. It’s not safe. He needs — he needs —
Thorn, he signs desperately, the shape of his brother’s name mangled by tremors. His fingers aren’t listening, but natborns don’t know battlesign anyway, so what’s the point? Fox is well and truly going to die. Fox is going to shake apart right here on the floor of the hallway, his heart is going to smash through his ribs, and the Chancellor will have been right about him all along. Fox is going to die and it won’t even be in the glory of battle, protecting his brothers like he’s meant to, like he wants to. Fox is going to die, and he is going to die an embarrassment; a failure to the Republic and a failure to his brothers.
“Commander,” someone says, and Fox’s attention snaps back to the stranger so fast that it rends a shock of pain through his skull. They have not come closer, but they could have — could have slid up and pricked him with a hypo or put a blaster to his head, and at this range the bolt would zip through his bucket like wet flimsi, and Fox isn’t paying enough attention, this place isn’t safe —
“My name’s Quin. I’m a maintenance tech,” the stranger continues from the junction. They speak firmly, but soft enough that their voice doesn’t echo. “You’re at Guard headquarters, on level 83, maintenance hall 7B, and you’re safe. I think you’re having a panic attack.” Their hands are still visible, but their arms are positioned in a way that suggests they had just used their commlink — to call whom? Maintenance techs don’t usually have direct lines to upper command, who did he call — “You were trying to get into that storage closet, right? I’m going to come closer and open it for you, okay?”
Fox expects them to start approaching, and he flinches reflexively, his body wound tight enough to snap right in half, but the stranger doesn’t move, yet. They watch Fox carefully, though Fox can’t make out the features of their face through his blackening vision.
He shudders through the concentrated wrongness knotted in his chest, eyeing the stranger as would a cornered, dying animal.
It’s perhaps desperation, perhaps the stranger’s disarming words, or perhaps a result of Fox having fully lost his mind that leads him to nod, once.
Only then does the stranger cautiously begin their approach, step after measured step, both their hands loose and empty and visible — a human man, Fox finally notes through the haze of his malfunction — and Fox tracks his movements as he smoothly glides into Fox’s bubble.
Fox cannot move, will not flex a single muscle, because if he does, he knows he will die. He thinks his trachea may be collapsing, gripped by some invisible force —
He jolts against phantom hands (you must stop struggling, Commander) that exist and don’t in equal measure (hold still, now) [end this smoothly, god i can’t be bothered rn]
“Almost got it,” the stranger says from somewhere above him, and Fox inhales sharply, shallowly; the exhale punches out of him with a low keening whine. It could have been seconds or cycles but eventually the man backs off in one casual, languid movement, and the door to the storage closet whooshes open.
Fox all but tumbles inside. He vaguely thinks he should be embarrassed, but as he presses his shoulders into a corner and lets his head hang between his knees, he figures that he deserves a death just as pitiful and undignified as his life was.
The trill of an incoming comm — not his own, because the Chancellor insists he not bring it to their meetings — has him whipping his head back up to attention. The man has stayed behind in the hall, standing off to one side of the open doorway. He raises his wrist comm and a bolt of terror lances through Fox at the reminder that he called someone.
“This is Commander Thorn. What’s going on?”
Fox could cry, and he probably is.
“Commander Fox is in distress. He’s safe, but I think he hurt his hand. We’re in storage closet 83-7B-A113.”
His hand? Fox flexes it and gasps with a detached sort of surprise at the burst of sensation. He hears swearing and shuffling from the other line.
“I’ll be there in 10. Do not touch him, and do not let anyone else approach.”
Fox chokes on a sob. Thorn is coming. It’s going to be okay. Thorn is coming.
“Of course.” The man signs off, but Fox isn’t watching anymore. Thorn is coming.
“Hey, Commander Fox? I’m gonna leave the door open, ‘cause the mechanism’s kind of messed up and I don’t want it locking on you.” A brief rustle of fabric, and, “I’m just gonna keep watch until Thorn gets here, yeah? I’ll head anyone else off.”
When Fox risks a glance at the doorway, the man is no longer within sight. Alarm and relief flood him in equal parts — eyes on all threats at all times, trooper, you’re not out of this yet — but despite his lack of visual on the stranger, he’s finally and blessedly alone in the storage closet.
He paws at his bucket until he remembers he will almost certainly die if he takes it off, and curls his fingers around the edge of his cuirass instead. If it weren’t for the hard plastoid, he thinks he’d sink his fingers into his chest to still his thundering heart himself. Maybe preventing it from racing around would fix him. Maybe it would kill him. Either option is preferable to the way dread creeps into every corner of his mind, every organ and limb, buzzing like holo static in his hands as they scrabble at his armored chest.
A renewed shock of feeling from his right hand abruptly pulls the world into stark contrast. It aches, maybe, behind and underneath the layers of wrongness, a single shred of reality, and he closes his fist to feel the sparks again and again.
It’s not pain — not quite. It wants to be, but Fox’s nerve endings are misfiring, severing themselves from his synapses as his body corrupts. It’s starbursts of sensation that sear through an impenetrable, suffocating fog; clashes of a cymbal to accompany the percussion of his heart and the unfaltering hum of the fluorescent lights above.
Fox understands pain, but he doesn’t understand this. He understands pain for the lessons it can teach, but he is failing to learn this lesson. He’s not sure this is pain at all. Pain is getting caught outside of cover and taking a blaster bolt to the gut, or not being fast-strong-cunning-ruthless enough on the training mats, or failing to dodge the Red Guard’s electrostaff during the Chancellor’s extracurricular lessons. Pain is useful; endurance of pain even more so. A soldier unacquainted with pain can’t function on a battlefield, or learn from critical mistakes, or (gods forbid) tolerate torture without cracking open.
If this is pain, and pain is meant to be some sort of lesson, what lesson is Fox evidentially incapable of learning? Just how defective is he? He squeezes his right hand in his left, lets the pain-not-pain fill his awareness until there’s no room left for this wicked miasma eating him alive.
Suddenly, there are hands on his wrists.
A twisted thing crawls up his throat and tears out through his teeth, and he swings, disoriented, clamoring for a single inch of control in a tumultuous storm. The grip holds fast against his thrashing until Fox abruptly registers the staccato being tapped out on his vambrace. Vod. Vod. Vod.
A brother — Thorn, Thorn is here — hovers before him, the determined set of his shoulders betraying none of the alarm Fox thinks he’d see in his eyes if he had the strength to look. “Fox,” Thorn says, “Fox’ika, I’m here. You’re safe.”
He’s not safe. He’s not, but Thorn is here and whole and keeping the danger away, and that’s not nothing.
“Let’s get your bucket off,” Thorn suggests, and then to the tense breath Fox hisses out in response, “It’s okay; Stone’s outside, he’s keeping watch. It’s safe.” And Fox believes him, because Thorn never lies to him. Thorn tells it like it is.
A snap-hiss, and Thorn gently lifts Fox’s helmet off. Cool air rushes over his face and fills his lungs.
“Good, that’s good. A couple more of those, like this.” Thorn takes a big breath, and Fox tries to copy him but his lungs are broken; the breath he takes is in starts and stops. A strangled whine squeezes out with his exhale. “I know,” Thorn says, “It’ll get easier.”
And it does. Thorn has worked his thumbs between Fox vambraces and blacks, rubbing small circles into his wrists, and it feels like everything. The lighthouse coming into view from out on a choppy sea. The anchor that keeps him tethered to the waking world. The offer of shelter from a vicious storm.
His sense of time is fractured. By the time Fox can inhale and exhale a complete breath it feels as though hours have passed, Thorn murmuring words of encouragement and squeezing gently whenever Fox starts to get sucked back into the fog.
Fox opens his eyes, and Thorn meets it with a smile. “That’s it, vod. I’m right here. Keep breathing.”
Thorn is here. It’s safe. The tension he didn’t realize was holding him together suddenly abates, rushing out of him like debris out an airlock, and he sags forward into Thorn’s waiting arms. Thorn’s free hand comes up to card through Fox’s sweaty curls, the other still encircling Fox’s wrist, as the marshal commander presses his forehead into his brother’s armored chest.
Sorry, Fox signs shakily, but he feels Thorn already shaking his head.
“Don’t you dare. You have nothing to apologize for.” Gently, as though Fox is something deserving of of reverence, Thorn removes Fox’s face from his chest and pulls him into a keldabe. They breathe in sync like this for a long, peaceful moment. “How about we go see Lore and fix your hand, and then have some midmeal in the barracks?” At Fox’s dour expression, Thorn rolls his eyes. “Alright then, let me rephrase. We’re going to medbay, and then having some midmeal in the barracks. You’ll feel better. Think you’re ready to stand?”
Fox thinks he might never be able to stand again. He does, though, and with Thorn’s support, ambles through the threshold of the supply closet. Stone sweeps in to support Fox’s other side.
The stranger is nowhere to be seen.
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ruified · 8 months
I realyyyy love angst :D
There's a oneshot or a scenario that i've been thinking about that's been rotting all over my head where what if reader / s/o is in their deathbed and about to die soon to a uncurable illness and (character) (i guess chuuya or sigma? idm) who thinks of reader as someone special to them is watching over them until their very last breath
Haha my silly little idea is getting the best of me i just wanted to share this idea because i want my feelings to get hurt
❝ until your last 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 ˎˊ˗
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warnings: death . characters: dazai osamu, atsushi nakajima, sigma, fyodor dostoevsky, chuuya nakahara . synopsis: their s/o is on their deathbed, they all have their own ways of coping with it . a/n: sorry this took me so long to get to, i was thinking very hard! i hope this is to your liking and you don’t mind little ideas like this instead of a scenario ^^;
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— Dazai doesn’t know what to exactly make of the whole situation, you are so incredibly important to him and now he’s going to lose you? It’s sending him into a downward spiral.
— He refuses to touch you anymore, he just can’t do it
— He wants to make the most out of what little time you have left together but he also has an urge to cut ties with you and make it easier on both of you
— He eventually decides that he can hold your hand at least while you lay in that hospital bed
— After you pass, he tries his best to take care of himself because he knows that’s what you’d want, but that doesn’t mean it’s not hard
— He visits your grave frequently at first, then it dies down to your birthday, anniversaries, and holidays
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— He has been keeping a close eye on you since he first noticed you were sick, and he’s been taking great care of you ever since! However, that doesn’t stop the inevitable
— When he heard the news, tears welled in his eyes and he had to excuse himself, he didn’t want to cry in front of you
— He kept you company as much as he could
— On days where he had a lot of work, he’d ask someone else like Kyouka to go check on you
— He would prepare little lunch boxes for you every day and bring them to you
— He brings a lunch box to your grave for you
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— He paced around a lot in the hospital room, especially after he heard the news
— He tried so hard to think of a solution but nothing realistic came to mind
— He had you come stay in a room at the casino so he could at least still be close to you even when he had work
— Your room was kept away from any other visitors and was close to his office, making it easy for him to check on you
— He asked his staff members to change your glass of water frequently and give you a new warm blanket when you needed it
— He kept himself busy with work to try and keep away the dread of your passing
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— After hearing the news, he decided it would be best to care for you at home instead of being kept in such a dreary hospital
— He would read books to you to keep you entertained
— He’d bring his laptop into your room sometimes so that he could at least keep you company even while he worked
— He’d cook soup for you frequently, sometimes even feeding it to you
— He asks you if you have any wishes before you go, he doesn’t want you leaving with any regrets, and he does whatever he can to make it all come true
— He attends to any possible unfinished business you may have before your passing so that you can go without worry
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— He really doesn’t believe it at first
— He contacts Mori and asks him to look over the medical records and tell him the truth; Mori tells him that it is in fact all real
— He’ll often sit next to you and squeeze your hand, refusing to let go
— He’ll fall asleep with you in your hospital room, draped over you in your bed
— He sits next to you and cuts your apple slices into bunnies, or sometimes other, more intricate shapes
— He asks you often if there’s anything you need him to do for you, also wanting to fulfill any last wishes you may have
— He makes sure you have a proper funeral, he’s tired of those he cares about not getting one.
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gyupinkys · 1 year
CRY SOME MORE- pout some more pt.2
WC: 2K 
WARNINGS: GUN AND KNIFE PLAY, threesome, Cuckolding, exhobitionism, unprotected and protected sex, bondage, begging, possessiveness, edging, face fucking, impact play, very rough sex, this may make you go insane... it made me insane
Being married to Cheol isn’t as bad as you thought. Your day to day consists of sleeping in, forcing Mingyu to cook for you, and bothering Cheol into an inch of his life. You can’t complain. Cheol really tries to make you as happy as possible, often putting his pride aside to appease you, which is exactly what he’s doing now.
“I want to go with you.” you groan, upset that he has the audacity to leave you home and go to paris with Jeonghan. This seems like a honeymoon, not a business trip. 
“Y/N, If you keep this up I’ll start to think you’re getting attached.” 
You scoff. You absolutely are.  “In your dreams, lover boy.”
You begin to plead, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, knowing he’ll fold.
“Fine, go pack your stuff.” he sighs.
You smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek and running up the stairs. Missing the teasing look Jeonghan gives Cheol. 
“You’re so pathetic.” Jeonghan chuckles.
“You’re no better, you literally kill people if they look at your girl the wrong way.” Cheol says with an eye roll, walking upstairs to help you pack.
You didn’t realize Joshua was coming until you walked onto the jet and saw him passed out on the couch. You wouldn’t say you didn’t like him, he’s extremely sweet to you. The issue is you never got over your little crush on him and If Cheol finds out he’ll start whining and pouting and you don’t have time for that. You don’t want to be with Joshua, you love being with Cheol, but damn; that gentleman act gets you everytime. You quickly walk past him and head to the small bedroom at the back of the plane to get some peace of mind, which was rudely interrupted by Cheol throwing himself on top of you. You run your fingers through his hair making him nestle his head into your chest.
“Why didn’t you tell me Joshua was coming?”
“I didn’t think it was important.”
“Why? Y/N, I swear if you try something.”
“I would never.”
“Y/N, I mean it when I say no funny business. The guys we’re meeting are not to be messed with.”
“Are you scared?”
“Me? No.”
He’s definitely scared. “I’ll behave. Just because I don’t want you to die.”
“Oh, you suddenly care about me.”
“Ok, I take it back.”
You don’t like the vibes this club is emitting. You clutch onto Cheol’s hand harder as he weaves through the crowd with Jeonghan and Joshua. You’re not sure why he brought you in the first place. The VIP sections upstairs are much quieter yet even more scary. The four of you enter a private room and see four men sitting on a couch, their conversation cutting short when you walk in. 
You sit between Joshua and Cheol. As usual Jeonghan does the talking, easily turning the deal in SVT’s favor. 
“Before we do that, whose this dime?” the man you’ve learned as Minho speaks. 
Cheol goes to answer but you quickly cut him off. You don’t need him to speak for you. 
“Hi, Minho. I’m Y/N” you say confidently. 
“What a beautiful name.” The man next to him, Taemin says. 
“Thank you” you smile, feeling Cheol tense next to you, presumably jealous. He needs to cut this shit out. 
“How do you know these guys?” Minho asks.
“I’m Joshua’s girlfriend.” you say with a smile making Joshua choke on air.
“Well, shit.” Jeonghan says under his breath while Cheol stays quiet.
“Well, Joshua. You got yourself a keeper.” Key winks.
“Thanks, man” Joshua grits out.
You tune out the rest of the conversation, thinking about how good Cheol’s going to fuck you tonight to “show you your his”. Typical, yet you love it everytime. Except, when you get back to the hotel he just sits in the armchair across from the bed. He unbuttons the first few buttons of his shirt, rolls up his sleeves and loosens his tie. You sit across from him on the bed waiting for him to speak, but he never does, just typing away on his phone.
He looks up at you and raises his eyebrows. “Yes?”
“Are you mad?”
“Why would I be mad? Matter of fact, why are you here instead of with your boyfriend?”
Well this backfired.
A knock of the door cuts off your thoughts, Cheol getting up and letting Joshua in. What is going on?
“Well, here’s your boyfriend.” Cheol says in a monotone voice, looking at his phone again.
You have no words. What are you even supposed to say? 
Joshua walks up to you and gently grabs your chin. “My beautiful girlfriend.” he says with a sweet smile. Woah. 
“You think I don’t know about your little crush on me? If you wanted me so bad you should’ve said something, I could’ve been fucking you this whole time.” He says crawling over you, making your back hit the bed. 
You must be dreaming. What the fuck is happening? Why isn’t Cheol saying anything?
“Cheolie?” you say nervously. 
“What? It’s only right that your boyfriend fucks you to sleep, right?”
He’s being such an ass, but two can play this stupid game. 
“Kiss me, Shua.” 
He obeys, connecting your lips in a heated yet somehow sweet kiss. His lips are so soft, yet you can’t help but compare them to Cheol’s. His are plumper and rounder than Joshua’s, more familiar. “STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM” you internally yell. You thread your fingers through Joshua’s hair and pull, making him groan. He roughly pull’s back and grips your hair twice as hard. 
“Don’t even try to pretend you’re in charge here.” he spits, letting your head fall back. 
Well damn, where did the gentleman go? 
“Coups, let me borrow your tie?” 
He grabs the tie from his hands and ties your wrist together.
“I’m not gonna be as nice to you as your sweet Cheolie. I love to see pretty girls cry.”
He pulls a pocket knife out of his pocket and cuts through your dress. You wish you could see Cheol’s face, but Joshua’s broad shoulders cover your view. 
“What made you say you were mine?” Joshua asks as he begins to grope your chest through your flimsy lace bra. You even wore red to entice Cheol yet-  stop thinking about him. 
“I want to be yours.”
“Oh?” he drags his hands down your body, pulling your panties off and throwing them straight into Cheol’s lap. 
“Y/N, tell me;  Who is this pussy so wet for? Me or him?”
“Him.” you smile mischeviously.
“Always a brat.” Joshua says, grabbing your arms and pulling you to the floor.
“I’m sure you know what to do.”
Your hands fly to his belt only to earn a sharp slap to your face. He harshly grips your chin, “I didn’t give you permission to do it.”
Is everyone in this group annoying? 
“Can I please suck your dick?” 
“That’s more like it. Go ahead.” 
You unzip his slacks and pull him out. He’s hard and leaking a bead of precum that you promptly lick and put the tip in your mouth. Joshua angled you so Cheol could see you. When you try to turn your head to look at him Joshua grabs your head and thrusts all the way down your throat making you gag. 
“Eyes on me, baby.” Cheol say’s with a smirk in his voice. You try to turn your head again just for Joshua to begin thrusting harshly, punishing you for trying to look at Cheol. “Don’t make me ask again.” Cheol says knowing every time you try to turn your head the thrust will only get harder.
“If you look at him I’ll hurt you.” Joshua says in a deceivingly sweet voice. 
You groan around his length, what are you supposed to do? You feel tears of frustration brim at your eyes, the gagging only making the tears begin to flow. 
“Y/N, you can’t even listen to me? I’m starting to think you really want to be Joshua’s.”
“I wouldn’t mind taking her off your hands, I’m sure that pussy is tighter than her throat.”
He pulls you off his cock and throws you on the bed, positioning you to face Cheol. He seems to be suffering as much as you. His hands are harshly gripping the arms of the chair and he’s breathing heavily. You can almost see the jealousy and possessiveness coursing through him. 
“Let's give him a show.” Joshua whispers in your ear, rolling on a condom and rubbing his tip through your folds. You've been so pent up this little stimulation is making you feel like you could cum on the spot. When he begins to fill you up you groan, feeling a sense of relief. You don’t take your eyes off Cheol as Joshua begins harshly thrusting into you making your legs weak. Cheol pulls himself out of his pants and begins to stroke himself. Your mouth begins to water at the thought of sucking him off. You'd be so good for him if he gave you even an ounce of attention.
“This pussy isnt even mine yet I feel possessive over it. I don’t know how you're doing this, bro.”
Joshua picks up his pace making your legs give out. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls your back to his chest. You feel your orgasm approaching, beginning to squirm.
“That’s enough.” Cheol says, standing up. 
“No, Please I’m so close.” you cry out.
“I said that’s enough.” he responds, pressing the barrel of his gun to Joshua’s head. “Get the fuck off my girl.”
“Partypooper.” Joshua complains, but pulls out. “Go sit in the chair. I want you to watch closely. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.”
He looks at you laying on your back on the bed and drags his gun around your body. 
“Why do you think you can fuck my friends? You know, the last girl who did that ended up in a shallow grave. I don’t like sharing. So what makes you so special?”
He pushes the gun into your mouth and presses on your tongue, making it so you can’t answer. “I asked you a question.” he says, pushing harder, making you panic. 
“No answer? Maybe I should kill you too.” He presses the gun further down your throat and pulls the trigger. Holy fuck. You let go of a breath and feel your pussy drip. That was so hot. 
“You should’ve seen your face.” He sadistically laughs.  “On all fours.” 
You scramble into position, looking back at him. He doesn't give you warning before pushing into you. He stretches you more than Joshua, and has the advantage of already knowing your body. He begins brutally pounding you, forcefully arching your back so you can take him deeper. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve such a slutty wife. You’d fuck anyone, huh?”
“No Cheol. I only want you.”
“That’s clearly not true.” he scoffs. 
“Can I cum, Please?”
“You’re real bold.” 
“Please Cheol. I swear I’ll be good.”
“I’ve heard that so many times, Baby. I don’t believe you.”
“No please” you begin crying. “Please daddy. I just need to cum and I’ll do whatever you say.”
“Daddy? You must really want to cum.”
“Yes, please, please, please.”
He pulls out and cums on your back.  “Cheol” you whine as you get up and begin to pathetically cry. Talk about deja vu…
He pulls you in for a kiss and whispers against your lips. “I told you, next time you want to be a brat, to remember this feeling. Clearly I need to reinforce this lesson ” 
He looks up at Joshua. “You can see yourself out.”
Joshua just smiles and gets up. As he passes your sobbing figure he throws your panties onto your chest. 
“I meant it when I said I like to see pretty girls cry.” 
You look down at your panties to see his cum covering them and dripping off onto your chest.
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cutielights · 7 months
Hi! If your requests are open, may i suggest a morbid!medic!sibling!reader for ROTTMNT? Like the reader is the medic of the team, but theyre really creepy (think Alastor from Hazbin Hotel or Wednesday Addams)
thank you!
Imma go with Wednesday Addams for the personality, I just feel like it fits more
@moonchhu @mintiicinnamonii
This is obviously PLATONIC tcest DNI
We Love Our Creepy Doc
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Growing up, Splinter was… concerned, but not overly mortified. “Don’t you want to go play with Red?” “I am playing with red.” “Yes, well… I more I meant your brother and not frogs blood.”
“Let’s electrocute Leo.”
Chaos incarnate duo fr, please stop giving Raph heart attacks, he can’t take it. He already has wrinkles as deep as an eighty year old.
I’m picturing you as a middle kid with Leo and Dee, and thus the debate continues on who is truly the middlest child.
“We can settle this with a guillotine.”
“Please don’t.”
“Very well. Donatello, your chainsaw is in order.”
“This is the best day of my life.”
I can imagine that you’re quiet, like *really*, silent even. You don’t *mean* to jumpscare your brothers, well sometimes, it just happens. Like- Mikey can be cooking up some omelettes for breakfast and just- “Can I have mine with cheese?” “AAAHH?!?” “may I have mine with cheese?”
After the show finale, I can see you getting along *really* well with Cassandra.
“Finally. Someone with taste.”
In the bad future, I can see you freaking out the refugees, ESPECIALLY the human ones. “Wth???” “Get used to it buddy.”
“The hell? I’m not letting this freak be my Doctor.”
“Then you will die.”
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babygirlbites · 10 months
Wolves and their star signs
Hello my little cherubs - how are we doing ? I hope we are doing well
Are we pretending I haven’t been gone for years? Absolutely!
Anyway, let’s talk star signs real quick. None of this is based on canon birthdays, I’m simply beyond Stephanie and her knowledge of her own characters.
These are MY opinions, which are fact as I am factually never wrong. However you are welcome to discuss
Jacob is a Leo; bold, stubborn, natural born leader. this man has main characteritis for sure. I’ve never met a Leo man who didn’t think he was always correct and was so headstrong about it, even when being actively proven wrong. I feel like Jake could wake up one morning and decide the sky is red and anyone who disagreed or god forbid brought factual evidence to him that disproved this would be ignored AND judged. However, Leo’s are loyal (to a fault, often) so although he’s headstrong he’s a ride or die for sure. If he likes you he is going to defend you against anything (excluding himself though because remember, he’s always right) and if he LOVES YOU pfft, I wouldn’t be messing with a Leo’s lover that’s for sure.
Sam is a Pisces; emotional, calm, strong willed. ugh, where do i start. Pisces are so emotional, which may seem like a good thing but I promise you those Pisces men can and will use this to manipulate, gaslight and gatekeep. He’s artistic though, and generally a reliable gent, but sometimes he can be a real nasty little man. He’s sly about his anger, he isn’t a shouting/agressive man at all, he would never DREAM of hurting you (the Emily situation will not repeat) but he can make you feel like shit emotionally. Pisces are just too clever idk I don’t mean to slander you all but as an aqua woman yous are real difficult
Embry is an Aquarius; Creative, smart, thinks outside the box, independent . He’s sensitive, but only when he’s close enough to you to allow you too see that. Aqua knows aqua, I know this boy would be super hard to get into the inner circle of. Sure, he’s openly friendly to everyone, but only the small few that HE allows close will see the real him. Once you do though, he’s an open book, belly laughing at your shitty dad jokes and ugly crying at pet rehoming tiktoks on his fyp.
Paul is a Gemini; loud, fun, and maybe a bit toxic. now I did debate aries for Paul but I just think he’s an air sign through and through. Sure, he’s firey as hell, but he’s so charming and no Aries has that level of rizz (sorry guys but the truth hurts sometimes). He’s a player through and through, he’s got a contacts list full of girls under code names like “girl from Seattle” or “drives a Honda” - which the feminist in me has an issue with but I can’t lie I love a Gemini. They are feral, and as long as you can prepare for that, then they will be the most fun you ever have. Just don’t get attached, or do, I can’t tell you what to do!
Jared is a libra; fun, lighthearted and emotionally wrecked. I love libras but damn do you guys wear your hearts on your sleeves! You’re so easily hurt, and you’ve BEEN hurt, and guess what? You’ll get hurt again. I feel like Jared’s the kind of guy to get played by the same girl/guy multiple times but still tell everyone they are his “twin flame”. Please treat this boy right - I don’t know if he can take the heartbreak (he can, and it will NOT put him off)
Quil is a cancer; he’s soft, he’s loving and he’s emotionally enlightened! We love a cancer in this house, emotional like a Pisces but open like a libra, a cancer is the right mix of mature and fun. They are sweet and sensitive and if any star sign is going to be an empath, it’s cancer. I feel like quil is the guy you go too when you’ve just found out something awful - all the guys would be there for you but where Paul or Jake or Sam even would blow a gasket and leave you alone while then went out on a rampage to hurt whomever was unlucky enough to hurt the one they love, Quil would take you in, cook for you and listen to whatever you had to say. Of course, he’s angry someone has upset you, but he’s more bothered that you are okay then that they aren’t. He’s a good guy, that’s all.
Leah is a Taurus; strong willed, well routed and stubborn. She’s practical, she’s gonna tell you straight up what she thinks with no filter, and sometimes that can hurt. She’s not the biggest personality in the room or the loudest voice at the party but she’s straight to the point and not afraid to be heard when she sees fit. She’s fun too, when she wants to be and with whom she wants to be. Under all of this though she’s family centred; she will kill for her family (and found family).
Seth is a Virgo; bold, grounded but enchanting. Virgos have a way of capturing a whole room without even having to try, they aren’t brash or loud but they are just so vibrant man idk! There’s something about them. Anyway I think Seth is just a lovely sunshine character, he’s deffo got cancer in his big three too, maybe his moon, but the Virgo energy is there for me. He’s the fun earth sign and he’s not gonna let you forget it
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paradoxicalrising · 1 year
Astrology Observations :)
preface: this is my first time doing this, these are all either my personal placements or I've had multiple experiences with a certain placement. none of this is absolute, pretty pls take it with a grain of salt, these are very general. Every single one of these placements depend on aspects in an individuals chart. WARNING: some 18+ topics. Enjoy :)
Mercury in the 8th house: naturally good at reading people, interested in psychology, religion, spirituality, astrology. chronic over thinkers + intrusive thoughts galore. could either really enjoy giving/ receiving head and/or dirty talk, reading smut.
Pisces Mars: sweethearts on the surface, usually soft-spoken or doesn’t talk much, spends more time observing or making up scenarios. also another overthinking placement. could also be someone who does drugs/ drinks alcohol. excels in the entertainment industries (film, theatre, music, art etc). either have a piss kink, foot fetish, or demisexual. 
Scorpio Venus: intense lovers. my ex had this placement and told me he’d die for me only knowing me 3 months. my sister also has this placement and will not eat dinner without her husband (could be the taurus opposition = not eating (taurus) until lover (Venus) is around), I think it’s a symbol of loyalty. once this placement finds value in someone, they are ride or die type loyal until you betray them. may stay in relationships longer than they should because it’s fixed emotion unless they finally see it themselves.
Cancer Moon (men specifically): I've had 3 cancer moon men take me to the beach on our first date. they’re always gassing themselves up on their cooking skills. their moms can be really restricting, especially those with Saturn in cancer as well. I've also seen their moms be really detached, cold, basically telling them to fend for themselves. highly intuitive but may get too caught up in the potential of a situation/ person and being disappointed when reality is different. hopeless romantics fr just throwing themselves into anyone they have a good feeling about without the physical proof.
Fixed Rising: the RBF (I love y’all). 
Vedic v. Tropical Astrology: honestly I think they’re both valid, and everyone should decide what placements resonate more with who they feel they are. Ex: I  have Venus, Jupiter, and my Sun in the 7th in Virgo (Tropical) but they’re in the 8th in Leo (Vedic). I feel more of the 8th house but in Virgo.
Pisces moons: I never feel like they’re listening to me if they aren’t looking at me because when they’re looking at me I can literally see them digesting the info w/ their dreamy eyes, but when they look away I just know they’re imagining some kind of fantasy that has nothing to do with the convo. 
Libra Moons: try to be soft and sweet but they have that fiery underside. I've noticed they’ll get all excited and sometimes aggressive and then apologize for it, like no girl look at you having a good time. they usually look aesthetically pleasing, you will never catch them not matching/ lookin raggedy in public, but they won’t judge others for it, Virgo and Taurus will haha.
Virgo + Libra: specifically rising + degrees, moon, or Venus combo usually have clear, healthy looking skin, especially after high school w/o all the teen acne hormones. 
Moon Conjunct Pluto: anyone else noticed the effect these placements have on their peers? it’s so weird but people are like magnetized to whatever house this placement is in. I guess cos it’s generational and yk it’s Pluto, but people around this placement can’t help but be enticed by these individuals. could be amazing actors if they can harness those dark emotions into a piece of work. these are the type of people to succeed out of spite of their trauma; very determined people. they can put such dark emotions into easy actions and words that others find hard to say out loud but they don’t shy away from dark stuff, they’ve dealt with darker topics since they were young.
Neptune in the 1st house: people constantly projecting onto these placements ! it’s important these people form a ground sense of self they can remind themselves of when they feel like someone is protecting on them. I have this placement and someone told me I was intoxicating to be around/ they felt intoxicated around me though they are sober. I fr think people get drunk off the illusion of this placement. These people are never what people say they are, if you want to get to know them I beg of you to please talk to them yourself instead of listening to others opinion of them. the women are cursed with the manic pixie dream girl trope. hella sex appeal bc of the blurred perceptions. make amazing actors/ musicians. very intuitive placement, but can doubt themselves.
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waxingrunes · 7 months
i can’t belive i forgot to ask but how did tiny’s valentines day go?? <3
Thank you for asking.
Tiny was a day late to Valentine’s because Moons was travelling and didn’t feel very well on the Wednesday so it got postponed to yesterday. To take the heat off him Tiny had gathered his resources (Lily) and directed a full two course dinner consisting of Remus’ favourite creamy tomato, spinach, olive linguine and home made garlic bread, followed by a lemon tart (that was shop bought because there may have been a last minute baking disaster caused by Tiny).
Remus told him he would be home for 6:45 sharp but ended up over an hour late which Tiny didn’t mind much, it gave him time to assemble his bottle cork behind his cardboard table. It’d been cut to the right height so he could sit comfortably at it, but it did lack support so he’s going to bring this up to Remus later today. Lily helped with the setup before leaving; making sure his box was sat perfectly adjacent to Remus’ table setting, rolling Remus’ napkin, lighting a candle (that Lily placed high enough so Tiny wouldn’t get any stupid ideas over trying to get closer to sniff), pouring some of Remus’ favourite red wine and some grape juice for Tiny (toothpaste cap).
The scene was set, Tiny was dressed in his bow tie, shirt and smart dress pants but he did nod off for the last half an hour before Remus got home. Turns out he underestimated the energy it would take to direct someone else’s cooking.
When Remus got home, Tiny gifted him a small foil wrapped milk chocolate heart that he’d been hiding for over a week. Remus gave him a teeny wolf plush (it was originally a keyring but he cut the ring off because finding a toy small enough is difficult) for him to sleep next to and cuddle when he’s away for business or the full moon. He also wove four rose petals together carefully to make one mini rose and sat it between them while they ate.
Remus complimented Tiny’s bow tie and Tiny will never forget it. Tiny told Remus he is the most important to him in the whole world and Remus will never take it for granted. Remus kissed him on the cheek (practically the entire left side of his head) and he fell asleep belly up on his torso, bow tie loosened, in the middle of watching Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Remus didn’t move all night because he’d rather die than disturb the dribbling angel drop.
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herwritingartcowboy · 10 months
Being The Girlfriend/Wife Of The Archons
A/n: I am taking out Nahida cause she is a child and two ew and no.
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Focalors,
Warning(s): Slight spoilers , fluff, death, angst,
Readers Gender: Female
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Everyone knew venti was dating you due to all his songs would have your name in them
Does play music for you when waking up, going to sleep, to relax, even just random times and you do enjoy them
Always there when he is drunk and yes does try to make you drink with him
Can’t sleep without you so please be beside when sleeping
Loves holding your hand walking, sitting, even when eating this man will try to hold your hand
Give him head pats cause when you do it he will melt
Loves resting his head on your chest
Hugs are things he loves to give you
His biggest fear is losing you he may not show it but that is his biggest nightmare
He was terrified when you saw his archon form thinking you will be scared of him but grew more in love with you when you said “I don’t Venti cause I think I’m the most luckiest girl in all of Teyvat
Loves going on adventures with you
A cuddle guy
Does love receiving kisses and giving kisses
You do help him with his braids and style his hair for fun, putting him in fun hair styles
Very understanding
Small spoon
Give teasing but simp energy
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Will pay for all your dates
Tells you stories if you ask if it’s because you are curious or need help falling asleep
Will remind you embarrassing things you did
Did make a contract for you two to stay together forever and it was so cute you had time sign it
Gives you ride in his dragon form
If you ask he will give you advice
Give you all sorts of gifts and if you ever give this man a gift he will die cause he feels so in love and embarrassed
Treats you very fragile cause he doesn’t want to hurt you
Biggest fear is if one of you two forget the other, he doesn’t want you to leave cause he does want to forget you
Loves peppering your face with kisses and if you do it to him his face will turn pink
Big spoon but if you ask he will be a small spoon
Gives you flowers as gifts, knows what each flower means and will tell you
Does make tea for the both of you
Takes walks with you
One time very shyly asked you if he could rest his head on your lap and ever since than he will ask
Gives me loser boyfriend/husband energy
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Ei/Raiden Shogun-
Loves you very much but would never say it outloud
Buys you allot of gifts
If you tell her you love her she will be extremely embarrassed
Like Zhongli she is big spoon but wouldn’t mind being small spoon
Loves spending time with you
Always tells Yea Miki about you
Give kisses to your forehead and gets happy when you give her kisses
You two do each others hair while she tells you stories
You have to cook all meals but you do help her or let her be your assistant when cooking
Smiles when think of you
Holds your hand
Always laughs at your jokes no matter how stupid
On dates might order more than enough food but that’s because she wants to make sure you are fed well
Does teach you how to fight
Is also scared of you losing you and not wanting you to get hurt
Has thought about making a puppet like you so if anything were to happen you can truly never leave her
The only person that can make her smile and laugh
Is the girlfriend that will say “She asked for no pickles”
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Always impressed by anything you do
Likes tasting new treats with you
Does your hair in cute styles and compliments you allot
Very easy to talk to
She loves telling all sorts of things
You two feel very calm in each others presence and can just sit quietly but just love being next to each other
You always tell her you love how smart she is and she gets very embarrassed
Gives you cheek kisses
Does song you lullaby’s
Playing in the water is something you guys did once
Scared that the celestials will do something to you and wants to make sure you are protected
She is a very caring girlfriend
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breadraccoon · 2 months
I know this will never happen, but I really wish Btsv alluded to the fact that part of the reason Peter turns himself into the lizard is because Gwen reject his romantic feelings. Just think of the layers!
Stay with me here. I promise I have an interesting take.
It’s made clear to us that she never saw her Peter romantically. Peter was family. That scene at the dinner table at the beginning of atsv is proof enough of that. Gwen already feels guilty about how that fight with Peter’s lizard self went down. She watched her best friend die. But if she also rejected his feelings, then Gwen would probably feel guilty for not giving him a chance. (That statement felt so gross to write. Hold on, let me cook real quick).
Gwen’s an empathic person. She tries to see the best in people. Like how her Dad is a cop in a corrupt system trying to do good. She can see that all he wants to do is protect people and serve justice. I can see her seeing Peter’s intentions of getting super powers as a desperate plead for attention. He was a kid bullied in school and had few good friends. Gwen was probably the only girl who gave him any attention. No matter how easily Gwen let him down, it probably made Peter feel like he was undesirable. And in Peter’s twisted mind, he thought becoming a hero like Spider-woman would make him feel desired. Tragic, but this is by no means an excuse for he did to himself. Peter turned himself into a monster and attacked his high school. Take away the superpower and Peter was a- well you know. You can try to defend him and say well he didn’t mean to turn himself into a monster. But intention can’t mean everything. Sometime you do something with good intentions and people still get hurt. That still means you did a bad thing.
The public opinion of spider-woman only turned mostly negative after Peter’s death. So now Gwen is forced to carry this wound while the public keeps stabbing in to it by barging in with their opinions. This teenage boy managed to screw Gwen over both superhero-wise and in her personal life. She was his friend. Her father talks about him like a son. The public is probably well aware of who Gwen is and her relationship to him. And all of this unwanted attention is forced on to Gwen because he couldn’t handle rejection. This screams girls who are bullied or called the b-word for rejecting guy who the public see as shy or award. The guy doesn’t not inherently deserve the girls attention. Girl have feeling and are not object to be give too.
Peter’s death makes Gwen carry around a guilt that she doesn’t deserve to have forced on to her. And this affects how she interacts with other spider-folk. She can’t help but feel a little scared of what would happen if she fully rejects an alternate dimension Peter’s attention. So she plays coy with them. She pleasant when she really wants to run for the hills. Not every Peter is in the same stage of grief. Gwen is forced to be around all these men and teenage who all have different views on their old relationship. I bet a bunch of them project their Gwen on to Spider-Gwen. She hates when they do that. Spider-Gwen is constantly made to feel like a cheap copy because she isn’t their Gwen.
Looping around to Miles, this can be another reason why she starts becoming interested in him. He respected her boundaries. She said she just wanted to be friends and he said okay. And in Atsv, on the clocktower, he stop inching his hand towards her when she shows her discomfort. He let Gwen set the pace. This is very traumatized teen. He wait for her to get comfortable. It just show how Miles see her as her own person. Someone with equal say in a relationship. And one of the few people who can see Gwen is her fullest form. She isn’t the typical book smart Gwen, but she has this love for music and gymnastics/ballet. She is artist not a scientist. Gwen may be friend with a lot of other spider-men but none treat wholly like her own. Miles see her and doesn’t see her as a victim of dying young. This is what makes their bond so much more special to her.
Adding this can add so many more layers to Gwen. Also what’s more the female experience than having to be constantly worrying about how men perceive you. It’s awful, but that just how the world works. I think if btsv could nail this, then this could be a nice way to support is own theme. Everyone has these views of Miles and who he should be. Miles decide to push forward and do his own thing. Everyone has these views of Gwen and how her life will end, but Gwen is going to keep living on and being herself.
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