#[task failed successfully]
the-golden-comet · 3 months
Please stick to ONE TASK, brain!!
🧠: No. :)
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Happy to announce the protests at my Canadian university successfully made me, a jew, go back to where i came from. I am back in Israel now 🫶
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#520 Dilf Lilia
In Diasomnia, After Winter Vacation in Briar Valley
Silver: What's a DILF?
Lilia, chocks on his tomato juice: W-what?
Silver: I heard some ladies talking, Saying you are DILF...what is it?
Lilia: Ah, it means...
Lilia: ...
Lilii: A Dad Who Is Loving and Fantastic...
Months later
Yuu: I spoke to your father, He has told me a lot about you
Silver:, enthusiastic: He has?
Yuu: Yes, your Dad loves you so much
Silver: Oh Seven, He's a real DILF!
Yuu*Eyes bulge out sockets anime like*!?!
Yuu*Thinks about it and ponders the many times he has been helping you with grim*...
Yuu*Nods at him actually agreeing*Oh yeah... He certainly is
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Silver*Coming back home*Father!Yuu agreed to you being a DILF!
Lilia: SILVER-...wait they agreed?
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tboom10 · 1 month
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Nice weather! What conspiracies are we cooking on the menu today?
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marlynnofmany · 7 months
I'm very entertained by the fact that Tumblr currently has ad-things that pop up saying "Click this to watch a 30 second ad, then have 30 minutes of ad-free!"
But then you click on it and this happens:
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...And the ads go away.
No idea what ad they were trying to show, but that was definitely worth a click. Way to break it in a good way, staff.
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
The Natural One
Ric Olie looked down at the note in front of him, and then up at the gungan who'd given it to him.
 "You're sure?" he asked. "This… kriff, I don't know what to say."
 "Yousa don't have to say it," Jar Jar replied. "Mesa knows what mesa is suggestin'."
 He shook his head. "Mesa knows mesa made mistakes. Mesa… generally thinks that mesa did not make the big-nasty mistake in a way that other people did not make, because mesa does not remember anybody bein' worried about Palpatine until himsa became Emperor. Not in that way. But… mesa did it. Not anyone else."
 "Damn," Ric said. "After that, now I think I've thought too little of you, Jar Jar."
 "Yousa have not thought anything mesa has not thought about mesa self," Jar Jar declared. "And mesa… wants to make a difference. A good one, like mesa did in the grand army."
 Ric frowned a little.
 "You know, people are going to think you worked for Palpatine," he said. "He's from here, and I know he fooled everyone, but – that's what people are going to think."
 Jar Jar nodded.
 "That is why mesa made the suggestion that mesa did," he said, firmly. "Yousa has no need to be tellin' me anything. Yousa has no need to give mesa anythin'."
He looked suddenly worried. "Though, it would maybe help mesa a little if yousa got mesa the weapons of a militiagung."
 "We can do that, Jar Jar," Ric said, and realized there was no longer really any question about how he was going to answer the impassioned plea of the gungan opposite him. "And… I don't know what else to say. Thank you? Sorry?"
Jar Jar shrugged.
 "If mesa can help, mesa will be all good with that," he said.
 "How long?" Gregar Typho asked.
 "Distraction could be starting any time now," Ric replied. "It could already have started, but exactly when doesn't matter – we go at the time chop."
 He glanced back at the group of resistance fighters – two dozen commandoes, and a dozen pilots.
 The main hangar of Harte Secur was not far away, and inside lurked fourteen N-1T starfighters – significantly more advanced than the standard N-1, and fully as capable as a modern fighter like the flight-one X-wings.
 Capturing those fighters and getting them to a safe hangar on the far side of the Chomell Sector was the primary objective today. They needed independent strike fighter capability if they were going to be more than a group meeting in underground rooms and occasionally assassinating someone in the street.
 Then his comlink crackled.
 "Heyo, uh… Captain?" Jar Jar's voice said, through the link. "Mesa knows you said a distraction, but mesa… may have made a little bit of a boopjak big mistake."
 "What kind of mistake, Jar Jar?" Ric asked, already having dire thoughts about some kind of absolute, unmitigated disaster.
 Jar Jar Binks had a reputation, and it was a hard one to forget at times like this.
 "Well, mesa was assumin' that yousa wanted the distraction to still be goin' when you did whatever it is yousa is meant to be doin'," Jar Jar replied. "But mesa threw mesa first booma, and it hit one of their-sa two legged walker things, and mesa guesses that theysa did not actually see mesa booma? But the walker was shooten, and the other stormtroopers thought the walker had begun shooten them deliberately, an' they were shooten back, and then mesa had to run away from a flame-shooten trooper for a bit so mesa lost track of what was goin' on, but, uhh… there'sa no distraction any more, because the troopers all shooten each other."
 Ric stared at the comlink.
 "...all of them?" he said. "You mean all the gate guards?"
 "Not just themsa!" Jar Jar replied, clearly trying to get the whole thing explained in one go now he'd started. "Themsa, an' the white armoured guys from the barracks place too, an' all four of theirsa doopeewee landspeeder things, an'… well, mesa will simplify and say mesa doesn't think there'sa anythin' left. Sorry, Captain, mesa screwed up."
 "...I'm… sure we'll handle it," Ric decided. "Thanks, Jar Jar."
Some weeks later, Darth Vader examined a data screen.
It detailed how a single fighter had attempted to attack two Star Destroyers and their escorts on patrol out near Adelphi.
It also detailed how the Star Destroyers had somehow been persuaded to actually crash into one another, resulting in ninety-five percent total casualties, and how nobody had been entirely clear about whether the fighter had escaped or been shot down.
And, as a footnote, it said that the next place the two ships had been planning to visit had been hit by a Rebel attack that had caused significant damage – precisely because the capital ships had been missing.
 "We can take your squadron there at need, Lord Vader," his captain said.
 "No," Vader replied. "I recognize the signs of this. I want nothing to do with it."
He shook his head. "Nothing whatsoever."
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Raph, about Mona Lisa: She's a 10, but she's wearing armor and carrying a sword. Raph: So she's a 15. Raph: I think I'm doing this wrong.
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steelthroat · 9 months
The Autobot high command: Optimus, you were supposed to spy on the Decepticons, not play-fight with them, frag them, and then give them sex-ed classes and improve their morale
Optimus: I'm single-handedly ending the war.You don't get to complain about the way I choose to do so.
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Do you wanna draw a mouse wearing a flower as a hat?
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Well i tried but you get a mouse with a flowery hat instead sorry
She is really pretty
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Im Sol: I'm gonna avoid Sun-jae
Im Sol five seconds after being transported to the past:
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shirleykarasuma · 7 months
Y'all ever just failed a task successfully?
One time, I tried to create my own B.O. OC for "Detective Conan". But now everyone tells me it looks like an "idol"!
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What in God's name has the B.O. to do with idols!? Someone explain!!!
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aheartofdawn · 13 days
When I came out as queer, a leader from my old church said that God gave him an edict to fix me and that I would no longer be a gay man.
He was right. His prayers were answered.
I'm now a kinky bisexual woman.
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clever-fox-studios · 8 months
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Found the art meme and thought of them cuz... that's what I see i my head every time. Every. Time.
Greer is just... completely susceptible to the Disney Villain Rizz and I can't for the life of me tell if and when Cat is serious about anything and I have so much temptation to crank the villain part up to an 11
This can only end in either a Greer Corruption Arc or a Cataclysm Redepmtion Arc and I'm not holding my breath that Greer is in a good headspace to see if 'love' even works on crazy so...
2024 Greer Villain Arc?? Probably
@8um8le come get your boy, he's a bad influence
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grimalkinmessor · 5 months
ONE: Okay so Reigen is supposed to be the most average man you've ever met in your life, you wouldn't be able to pick him out of a crowd, he looks older than he is, maybe even a bit ugly—
Bones: Uh huh yeah totally totally so anyway, I made him the most fuckable person at the grocery store
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hugsandchaos · 2 months
Scenario idea for Boom Sonadow (not just for Sonic Boom, but I thought it’d be suit it)
Whether it’s Shadow’s Redemption Arc or Shadow’s just being slowly dragged into steam Sonic since he keeps helping to save the village.
Sonic went shopping with Amy and two of the items bought were coffee beans and chocolate, the reason being Amy wanted coffee beans and they both thought it’d be a good idea to give Shadow chocolate in attempts to befriend him. Unfortunately, they got the bags mixed up and Sonic took the coffee beans while Amy took the chocolate.
When Sonic tried giving Shadow the “chocolate”, he was surprised and a little embarrassed to see that they were coffee beans. Before he could try to fix his mistake, though, Shadow accepted the gift and ate one of the beans. Sonic was a little horrified, but Shadow seemed to really enjoy them since he almost smiled and thanked him.
Amy: Sonic, I think you have the coffee beans.
Sonic: Not anymore. By the way, did you know Shadow likes eating coffee beans?
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