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lover-of-mine · 3 days ago
Hii!! I was thinking about buck and the concept of home and his different romantic relationships with it cause i realized with buck asking tmmy to live together they established a patern that was already there of course but well, this being the last one and having this patern aswell, it settles it in my mind. We know it was there with abby obviously he moved into her house, then with ali she helped him look for the loft and was supposed to stay there when she was in the city, then taylor where they try to move in together then well everything we know that follows, the couch of it all etc and then natalia where nothing is talked about it in that sense but well him saying lets pick a couch together was pretty much also an implication. Im sorry if you talked about this before but yes i was thinking about this because FICS lol and the connection eddie already has through all of bucks relationships ("this is eddies house im not really a guest") and the potential it could have in the future if they decide to make a direct parallel to abby. Feel free to just send me a link if youve already talked about it. And as always thank you for your insight 💕
Hi darling. I don't think I talked about this all that recently, and if I did I mostly talked about it in the sense that the loft is a symbol of Buck's failed relationships and that I would like it if Buck made the choice to move on his own the last time someone was talking about the loft burning down lol. But yeah, Buck asking Tommy to move in solidified the way Buck jumps because he's scared. It's not something discussed, it's a reaction to something else, I guess with Ali not that much but he did get the place with her in mind and I would assume she decorated it too, that being her job and all. But asking Taylor to move in to trap her with him, asking Tommy to move in because he's insecure, even the couch with Natalia probably would've been explored a bit further if she had stuck around (I will never let go of the conspiracy theory that the Marisol moving in plot was a bucktalia plot they repurposed). The Abby of it all is interesting because he "accidentally" moves in, he is helping her with her mom's death and ends up lingering, so it isn't a conscious choice, it was Buck being all in. And it's interesting that his reaction to feeling insecure in his relationships is that all in movement, because it didn't work before, but he still acts as if making things that serious will make them love.
I am extremely curious about the loft when talking about Buck from now on. Because with the loft being the place Buck's relationships begin and end, the symbolism in the way Ali showed she couldn't handle who he is in there, and Taylor and Tommy kissing him and the respective breakup also happening there, Natalia leaving the dinner date. The choice is not really Buck's. And they use the loft in a very purposeful way on a meta level, even tho there are no walls, there is an obvious divide in the spaces, like the way kitchen, I would say the sides and back of the counter is the space he's comfortable, and it's a space for family, we only see Maddie, Chris, Jee, Eddie, and I think Hen in that space, and the times we see Taylor in it the scene goes south real quick, like when Buck decides she's breaking up with him in 509 and when he tells her about the cheating in 513. The dining room, I would assign the front of the counter and the space with the table, has a lot of more emotionally charged moments but it's a less serious space, it's where Buck keeps most people. The space under the loft is made "for guests" by his mother and it really isn't a space we see Buck a lot in while in a casual mood. The stairs are for uncomfortable truths, like 316 when he's talking about being left behind or when he's waiting for Taylor for the breakup in 518. I'm getting side tracked lol, but the way we now have 3 breakups happening in there is making me eye it. Because the loft is not home, we don't interpret the loft as home. Even going back to 218 when he gets it and the joke Ali makes that he's a "perpetual roommate even in his own place".
And on the other side, we have Eddie's house, "this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest", a very interesting line considering at that point we hadn't seen Buck in the house alone, the hangouts we witness are all in the loft, I'm pretty sure the first time we see Buck in the house alone with Eddie and Chris is 403, because 310 has Hen and Denny and 311 is a party, but Buck has a key to the house, we see him in the house when Eddie isn't there, 612 makes a point of showing Buck uncomfortable in his own house just to fall asleep at Eddie's in seconds. He panics and shows up at Eddie's door. So if the speculation is right and Buck ends up at the house after Eddie leaves for Texas it could have some fun connotations for what it means for Buck. Because we did lowkey establish that Buck forces connection by moving in together because "why be apart when they could be together" as if the constant presence is gonna make him feel better, will make the house feel more like home. So what would it mean for him to end up at Eddie's if Eddie isn't there? Would that lead him to the realization that home isn't the house, it is Eddie and Chris and he doesn't need to force that connection? Would it add up to the way he clung to Abby's place because he liked the way she made him feel even though she left him and the house wasn't that anymore? And will that lead to a revelation when Eddie comes back because Abby never did? I don't know if this makes a lot of sense, but let's just say that they used Tommy to solidify most of Buck's bad habits, and one of those is the loft of it all, so something about Buck choosing to leave because he hates that Eddie isn't around anymore and he wants to find him somewhere makes sense to me.
Obviously, there's also the chance of Eddie showing up to the loft and helping change the meaning of it too, but I just have a feeling the houses and the definition of home will play a part in whatever is unfolding.
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sunsburns · 7 months ago
imagine asking wade if he still likes you when he’s literally inside you LMAOOO I just know he’d be so flabbergasted
i know a normal people fan when i see one (18+, fluff)
but jokes aside, and dicks inside, wade would likely get whiplash; his head turning so fast he can hear a crack in his neck, staring at you like you're crazy because just seconds ago you'd been running your gentle hands over his skin. your fingers brush against the divots of his scarred skin, your cheek pressed to his chest, humming softly, close enough that your lashes tickle whenever you blink.
wade's a little out of breath, sticky with sweat, and miraculously, rendered speechless. to others, a rarity, but with you, while still rare, is more frequent, especially after sex.
sure, he drops a joke or two, but there is a window where wade likes to sit there, holding you, skin against skin, in silence; listening to the sounds of your shaky breaths as you come down from your high, the sounds of the bedsheets ruffling with slow movements from the both of you, even the sounds of the old crackly fan on his ceiling.
and so, in that small window of silence, the two of you lay there in a warm embrace, listening to each other's heartbeats as wade's dick slowly softens inside you.
but then that small window starts to close, the silence breaking with you. you shift, turning to press your chin against wade's chest while looking up at him, "hey," you whisper, a smile growing against your lips.
"hi," he whispers back to you, but he continues to stare at the window, watching the soft light of the rising sun peeking in through the white lace curtains you picked out, a part of you in the dingy apartment he shared with blind al.
"we've officially gone at it all night. fucking like rabbits. and i can't believe i'm saying this but, i'm fucking spent. i might need a few weeks to recover. i asked for a bone and you threw a whole skeleton at me, peanut."
you snort, rolling your eyes, "yeah, right."
"okay, fine, a week is too long." wade hums, he finds your hair and runs his hand over it, twirling a strand around his finger, "i'll be good as new by tonight or at least by the time you scroll to read another fic of me, of course."
you're still staring at him, and wade, ever the observant, notices. he shifts, sits up, holds onto your waist, and brings you up with him. you have to bite your tongue to hold back a moan, sensitive to the way he's touching you, the way his dick keeps you full.
wade raises his brows (or at least, where his brows would be), "what? is there something on my face? i know i'm ugly but i thought we were past that. your staring is making me a little self conscious, sweetbuns."
"yes, cupcake?"
"do you like me?"
"what-?" he stares at you, eyes wide and nearly popping out of his head. "do i- what? what the fuck kind of stupid ass fuck ass question is that? you think i don't like you? we literally fucked all night. literally did every position in the book. i let you peg me! you might be the only person on earth that matches my freak-"
"yeah, i know but-"
"bitch, i'm literally still inside you."
that's when you can't help but laugh, grinning against his neck when he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer. you love the way his body emits warmth, and you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer like you want to live inside his skin.
wade holds you, his cheek pressing against the top of your head. and he groans loudly when you say, "you never answered my question."
"oh my god," he huffs dramatically, "of course i fucking like you. like no shit."
"okay, great. i was just making sure."
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possumdnp · 2 months ago
I think one of my absolute favorite Dan and Phil things is how much they love going to zoos/wildlife parks/aquariums when they travel? Like on this tour alone - in just three months! - they've been to zoos in Stockholm, San Diego, and Melbourne, and the aquarium in Toronto. They are animal nerds and I love them!!
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And they've done this for years, on every tour! Like just talking about the Australian legs of their tours, they went to a wildlife park to hold koalas during TATINOF! And they went whale watching during II! And even though I feel like cute animals are more "Phil's branding," Dan is clearly just as big of an animal nerd because he went to a wildlife park again during WAD and held another koala (and chilled with some kangaroos) <3
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And I know they've probably been gone on a bunch of other cute little zoo dates over the years that I'm completely forgetting right now (plus some they haven't even shared with us), but the point is, those two love animals. They love going on dates to go see animals. And to see how genuinely sweet they are with animals (Phil stroking the wallaby's face with his thumb! both of them being so careful and gentle with Dewey the koala in the DITL video!) warms my heart so much <3
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torchwood-99 · 5 months ago
Can you please develop more on what in your opinion makes Éowyn originally doomed by the narrative? I agree with the idea, I'm just curious as to what traits or parts of her narrative makes her doomed according to you!
In her first scene, she comes across as almost spectral.
First time we see her, she's stood in the shadows behind a decaying old man and his creepy, snake like advisor. Her nickname, the White Lady, conjurs images of phantom "white ladies", which are staples of supernatural mythology, and are usually found in rural places, and are associated with tragic histories and unrequited/doomed love.
When she is dismissed, she leaves, she doesn't speak, but goes silently from the room, and she passes judgement on those she passes. She looks on Theoden with "cool pity", and recognises the power in Aragorn. A pale, voiceless, woman, dressed all in white, passing judgement on those before her, before silently gliding from the room, like a wraith or spirit.
To further reinforce the ghost like imager, she is cold; "thought her fair and cold, like a morning of pale spring that is not yet come into womanhood." She looks on Theoden after his recovery with neither joy or love but with "cool pity".
Whereas warmth usually holds connotations with life, the cold conjurs images of corpses and the grave. Even the use of "spring" in her description, a season associated with life, birth and new hope, is described as "pale". The combination of "spring" (life) and "pale" (death), conjures an image of something that is at once living and dead.
A lot of our view point characters look on her with unease. She is repeatedly described as "stern", and the only time that stern façade cracks is when she shows emotions that are discomforting for other characters.
Her hand shakes when she serves Aragorn the cup, and Aragorn senses her attraction and is deeply concerned about. The intensity of her desire, and Aragorn's unspoken unease, makes for an aura of discomfort and dread.
The only time Eowyn shows "life" is when she's trembling with passion for Aragorn, a passion unrequited, or when her eyes are sparkling with visions of war and death.
The first time her stern face truly cracks, and she lets the feelings show, is when she breaks down in tears, begging Aragorn to let her ride with him. She's either frozen or weeping.
Everyone who observes this is deeply distressed. They find it painful to watch a proud and stern woman break down in tears and beg, a sensation the reader shares with them.
Aragorn himself is deeply pained and troubled by his concern for Eowyn. 'Only those who knew him well and were near to him saw the pain that he bore.'
Aragorn later admits in the Houses of Healing that his concern for her haunted him after their parting, and that nothing caused him so much fear on the Paths of the Dead as his fear of what may come to her.
In the same chapter, Aragorn likens her to a lily. Lilies themselves have connotations of death, and also harken back to Elaine, the "lily maiden" who died of heartbreak after being forsaken by her love, Lancelot.
So Eowyn is a figure of death, despair and tragic love. She is white, cold, lily-like, and is looked on with grief by many who perceive her. And not just grief, but discomfort. They don't just notice her distress, but are distressed by her.
When Merry meets her, he notices she seems to have been weeping, an image that is uncomfortably at odds with her stern manner.
Even Theoden, who cannot be credited with being that tuned in to Eowyn's feelings, notices she is unhappy, asking her how she is, and commenting twice on her obvious distress.
When Merry meets her in her guise as Dernhelm, he shivers, because he feels he is looking at someone with neither hope nor will to live. Their journey to the Pelennor passes in silence. Eowyn is a solitary figure, cut off from all those around her, riding to her death.
This culminates in Eowyn laughing at the Witch King, who brings despair to all who face him, because at this point she has literally nothing to fear from him.
The scene in which she faces him is written as a death scene. She fights him valiantly, but his destruction seems to be her own, and the consequences of her apparent death (Eomer's reaction) are severe.
Her tragedy appears compounded when Theoden bids her farewell, unaware she was with him the entire time, which rather sums up his fond, yet blinkered attitude towards her. She gives her life defending the dignity of a man, who is only half-aware of her existence.
Eowyn is mourned. Eomer rages against the heavens at her passing, and the riders of Rohan speak of their regret that she followed them without knowing. She is carried alongside Theoden, and it is only Imrahil's sharp perception and respect for her beauty that causes him to notice she is still alive, taking them all, and us, by surprise. Up until this point, Eowyn has been doomed, and she seems to have met her doom, heroically so.
But there's still a spark of life in her, still a weak breath in her lungs, and that's enough for her to be saved, and taken to the Houses of Healing. It's just a faint sign of life, barely noticeable, but it's life, which means there's hope.
As we look into Eowyn's mindset, we begin to see why she is such a tragic figure.
The first time she is addressed by name, she is being sent from the room. Her orders to take charge of the people of Rohan, which should be something of an hour of triumph and honour for her, feels almost insulting, in how her uncle would rather throw his crown to the people to take for themselves, than name her as an heir after Eomer, and then forgets she is even a part of their house, until Hama reminds him.
Our final scene of Eowyn in Two Towers is of her as a solitary figure, left alone to guard an empty hall, watching as the men ride away beneath their sparkling spears, a striking contrast between the camaraderie and fellowship we witness between the men riding out together.
That Eowyn is loved and respected by many, as revealed by Hama and her ability to safely lead the people to Dunharrow, despite their reluctance, compounds the tragedy, because she is not entirely alone and overlooked, but the people she wishes to been seen by, the people she holds in esteem, Theoden and Aragorn, rejects. Theoden, unthinkingly, by forgetting her worth until it is spelled out for him, and Aragorn in being unable to accept her love, or her offer of service.
Eowyn's driving conflict, the one that seems central to her character, is not even with the villains who everyone else is banding together to fight. She is part of that fight against them, but her personal struggles stem just as much from her conflict with her own family, her own people and her own society, as they do with the threat of Mordor. Victory over the Mordor does not necessarily mean victory for her, we know for Eowyn to be spared her doom, she can't just be rescued from the enemy that everyone else is fighting. She is trapped, caged, and would rather ride out and die, than live to see herself fade.
“What do you fear, lady?" [Aragorn] asked. "A cage," [Éowyn] said. "To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.”
That whole exchange between Aragorn and Eowyn reveals that above all else, beneath her stern facade and dreams of valour, Eowyn is absolutely seething. She is burning up with rage and frustration, and it is not just her enemies she is raging at, but her allies.
Her narrative starts to turn in the Houses of Healing. Not only is Aragorn able to bring her back to life, but it's clear that despite her unhappiness, Eomer's love for her is still a comfort and a source of happiness. When she wakes up, her first words are joy of seeing her brother there. For a character who until this point has been a figure of sorrow and loneliness, for her to speak so instinctively of joy at the presence of another is momentous.
This joy seems well justified, as not only do we witness the extent of Eomer's love, we also see a change in Eomer, and his perception of his sister.
Her sufferings, and the causes of her sufferings, are finally acknowledged. But they aren't acknowledged as some ephemeral, intangible thing, caused by a broken heart and some vague sense that she's just "doomed", but as the result of a set of specific circumstances that naturally caused her great feelings of despair and hopelessness. Eowyn isn't tragic because "she's Eowyn and she's doomed", but because of Grima's manipulation, and the constraints inflicted on her because of her sex.
That Gandalf compares Eomer's lot to Eowyn's, and points out to Eomer the freedoms and opportunities he had which she did not, further emphasises that it was Eowyn's circumstances that made her so tragic.
Eowyn wasn't "just doomed" and Eomer wasn't "just not doomed". Had their roles been reversed, Eomer could have ended up in similar straits.
Eomer hears this explanation, and a change occurs. He looks on Eowyn differently, and starts rethinking their whole lives together.
In the causes of her suffering being recognised, there is now some hope for her recovery. Her "ailment" has been "diagnosed", and it's much easier to find a "treatment" and a "cure", when there is a "diagnosis". There's a practical solution to Eowyn's suffering, and the person closes to her is brought one step nearer to seeing it.
Eowyn remains in the Houses of Healing, something she sees as frustrating, unnecessary and pointless. She doesn't want to live, she doesn't expect to heal, she thinks herself fit enough to ride and die, and that's what she wants to do.
Eowyn still sees herself as doomed by the narrative, but the narrative and the cast no longer see her as such. She is kept in the Houses, she is encouraged to rest and to heal, she is encouraged by Faramir to have hope, and gradually she starts to thaw.
She also becomes more gentle and vulnerable. Her youth is dwelled on, and her former concerns about living forever in a cage for a moment lapse as she focusses on a more trivial worry that Faramir thinks she's childish. When she scales down her request from permission to ride to battle, to be allowed to walk the gardens and look east, she speaks as a "maiden, young and sad."
In becoming more vulnerable, she becomes more approachable. She is no longer the ice maiden, a spectre, but a living person, with worries large and small, and Faramir is able to smile at her and offer her consolation.
The requests she makes during her "thawing", to look east and not be confined to her bed, signals a slight, perhaps unnoticed by her, return to hope. East is, as Faramir remarks, where their hopes lie. In looking east, she is looking towards hope. Furthermore, her second request, to not be confined to her bed, is something that Faramir can provide a practical solution for. She can have a chamber facing east, and she can have freedom to walk the gardens.
He almost speaks to her like a conciliator, or a negotiator. He talks her down from asking for death, to having a chamber looking east, and freedom to walk the gardens and take in the sun, in return to her agreeing to 'stay in this house in our care, lady, and take your rest," . That he phrases it gives the sense she has agency, he isn't saying "you will stay, and you will have a chamber that looks east, and you will walk in the sun", but instead he says if she agrees to stay, this is what they can do for her.
Therefore, the choice to stay, the choice to walk in the sun, the choice to heal, is put back into her hands, and in accepting Faramir's offer, she accepts the chance to heal.
Both Faramir and Aragorn are struck by pity when they meet Eowyn, but Aragorn's pity makes him hold her at arm's length. He maintains a distance between them, he turns from her and rides away. When he does try to "reason" with her, he only makes things worse, twisting the nail into Eowyn's frustrating circumstances.
Faramir feels pity for Eowyn, but he also feels kinship. She isn't some strange, removed creature. He doesn't look at her and see someone who is doomed. Nor does his treatment of her isolate her, as the treatment of so many others have.
He speaks of the pair of them as a unit, right from the start. He notes that both of them are "prisoners" of the healers, he tells her that both of them will be able to fight the end, if it comes to them, if they rest, and that the hours of waiting are something both of them must endure, and that both of them have passed through a shadow, and in from kinship, he expresses a belief that he might find comfort in her presence.
Eowyn's isolation and lack of agency are key causes in her despair, so it is understandable how this man, who makes efforts to understand her, to get to know, to befriend her and to make a connection with her, is such a balm, and manages to cause such a turn around in her arc.
Through her friendship, and later romance, with Faramir, she opens up, and arguably becomes more emotionally resilient, neither freezing her emotions, "cold and proud", or breaking down, weeping or begging. She shows uncertainty and fear in more moderate, casual ways, instead of pushing them down until they burst out of her.
However, she is still Eowyn. She is still proud (Faramir describes her as looking queenly), she is still proud, strong willed and sharp tongued. Even in her happiness, when she agrees to marry Faramir, she teases him for his people's snobbery, and she refuses the Warden's attempts to "release" her into Faramir's care, by instead asking to stay at the Houses of Healing.
She doesn't go from Ice Maiden to Fragile Flower. Instead, in grasping her future by the hands, in choosing for herself what she will do and where she will go, in deciding her own fate, her own role (that of healer), she shows that she is as strong willed as ever, and Faramir, who re-iterates twice; when speaking of his plans to marry her and go to Ithilien with her, that they will only do so if she is willing.
Eowyn also makes it clear to Faramir that while she will return to him, she has other duties and priorities that will keep her. That is, the rebuilding of the Mark. She has to go, she will come back. A striking contrast to her first introduction, when Eowyn is told "go", then told "stay", as it pleases those around her. She now has freedom of movement, she now chooses when to go, when to stay and when to return.
That Eowyn speaks of how she must go back, must look on her country and help her brother, also indicates that Eowyn sees her own worth and importance. She values herself and feels valued.
At Theoden's funeral/Eomer's coronation, Eowyn plays an integral role in the ceremonies. She presents Eomer with a golden cup and gives the signal for the cups to be raised to drink to the new king. This in itself indicates the esteem in which Eomer holds Eowyn. However, she has arguably been a cupbearer before, and it hasn't been a role that has brought her much joy. While it is a position of prestige, and shows she is a valued member of the household, it's not enough. Luckily, here, she isn't just there to oversee the celebrations of others, but to be celebrated herself.
Eomer ends the ceremonies by announcing her betrothal to Faramir. His justification for doing so is because of Theoden's love for Eowyn, which he uses to argue that Theoden wouldn't begrudge Eowyn's announcement being made at his funeral. He also notes how great the gathering before him is, greater than has ever been seen before. That Eomer wants to announce his sister's happy news before such an assembly, speaks of how much he wants to honour her.
Eomer certainly appears to have taken Gandalf's words on board. When he makes the announcement of Eowyn's betrothal, he says that Faramir asked for her hand, and Eowyn granted it, full willing.
He doesn't say anything about whether or not he gives his permission, (as her king and head of family, he probably was asked, but considering Eowyn and Faramir made their plans to wed with total confidence, you get the impression this was a matter of form, they were going to marry, Eomer disagreeing would be a complication, not a defeat), but instead emphasises how Eowyn has agreed to marry Faramir, full willing.
The final image we have of Eowyn can be a foil of that image of we have of her at the end of her first chapter in Two Towers. Once more, she is bidding farewell to a loved one as they depart Edoras. However, this time, she is embracing Merry before he leaves. She gives him a gift, that speaks of the bond of friendship that is now between them, and a remembrance of the time they rode together to battle, comrades in arms.
Compared to her formal parting from Theoden in Two Towers, this parting is full of warmth and intimacy. She and Eomer both hug Merry farewell, and when Merry leaves, Eowyn is left with both Eomer and Faramir, the two people she loves best, Faramir himself putting off his own duties in Gondor, to be near to Eowyn as she does her duty in Rohan.
Even the parting of Eowyn, Eomer and Merry, which could be a sad thing, is softened with Tolkien concluding "and so they parted for that time".
Their parting isn't forever, it's just for the moment. They will see each other again. Compared to the jarring juxtaposition of the brotherly army riding out, to Eowyn left alone to guard an empty hall, which created a sense of dread and foreboding, the final lines here at this parting fill us with warmth, with them all embracing, and leaves us with a promise that this parting isn't forever, and that the friends will all be reunited soon.
So, to summarise, Eowyn at first appears "doomed by the narrative." She is cold, stern, ghost like, and carries an aura of tragedy and dread.
Her doom she seems to carry through to fruition, and she is mourned accordingly, but the smallest spark of life remains in her, and in the causes of her despair being acknowledged, in the people in her life reaching out to her, making an effort to understand her, and in her and those around her making practical changes, the characters actively defy the narrative that has apparently doomed her, and together, through their combined efforts, Eowyn escapes her fate
Eowyn feels hopeless and trapped, and the people around her struggle to relate, and in fact many of them contribute; some un-knowingly, some knowingly (fucking Grima), to her depression. It first looks like a force greater than herself (the narrative) is causing her despair, and it cannot be overcome, but will instead lead to her destruction.
But actually, there is hope, and there are practical measures that can be put into place, to help her overcome her despair. Medical treatment, a support network, and a greater understanding from herself and from others of what she is going through, enable her to defy the narrative and find happiness.
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leonawriter · 8 months ago
Excuse me while I basically make Azure Throne into a hakukai fanfic.
This got... really long, and veered off from what I intended for it several times, but is basically at heart as I said, a look at Azure Throne through the lens of "what if we work on the assumption that Hakuba knew it was Kaito from the start, and/or they're actually outright flirting."
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Hakuba: Kuroba what are you doing here. Why aren't you even in a disguise- oh, I see. This is interesting.
Kaito: Oh god it's Hakuba he's going to see through me like I'm made of cellophane or something. Please don't call me out here. I am pretending not to know you. Shush. PLAY ALONG.
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Kaito: Come on please let one of my detectives have SOME faith in me. Restore my faith in humanity. Take the fucking bait, Hakuba.
Hakuba: Oh, that's. That's... I see what's going on here. That does complicate matters. All right, fine. I'll play along. Because I want to find the truth more than I want you arrested.
Hakuba: [Merely pays more attention to the actual suspects]
Kaito: [internally shouting "THANK YOU."]
Hakuba: We need to know exactly where everyone is, what they were doing, and if you'll excuse me I am going to geek out over science now-
Kaito: Okay well watch me explain in detail how Kaitou Kid (who is Not Me, by the way, in case you needed to be reminded) got in here. And let's conveniently not bring up how no one knows how Shinichi got here and Kid left.
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Hakuba: Oh, and I anticipated your entire trick.
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Hakuba: Because I know exactly how you work and I also know exactly what your clothes are made of.
Kaito: Wow... you're creepy, you know that? This is why I try and send you off on a wild dove chase each time you're heading to one of my heists.
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Hakuba: Isn't it funny how I planned to catch Kaitou Kid that way, and instead I caught you two. I'm sure there's absolutely no connection between either of you and Kid... is there? Kaito?
Kaito: Oh but you know you can't say anything until this case is closed. I know you can't.
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Hakuba: This means you too, Kaito. I'll be needing your firsthand knowledge of the way things went, of course.
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Hakuba: It'll be good to have another actual detective on board for this!
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Honestly I can just leave this one be. Kaito is enough of a tsundere that "But, to think Hakuba came back... he should have just stayed and studied in London forever!" is accurate to what I think he'd be thinking right there.
It also matches with the several times (Dark Knight and Green Dragon especially) when he's personally redirected Hakuba away from the heist.
Plus, with his attachment issues (one parent he idolised is dead, the other is barely home), I think Kaito would have a very hard time dealing with Hakuba, who (like his mother) travels a lot, and is... barely there, really. :(
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Hakuba: Now, I wonder if you can keep up as a detective when playing one?
Kaito: Oh yeah? Watch me! Uh... I just need a pointer. That's all.
The interesting thing here is that Kaito has played at being a detective in the past. He's even played at being Mouri Kogoro right next to Hakuba here, in the Twilight Mansion case. However... in that case he wasn't needing to play a smart detective, and in any other instance he wasn't technically a "detective" (Magic Lovers Murder Case, where Katsuki Doito is a medical student) or he knows that Conan is capable of solving the mystery if he gives the right hints (Four Masterpieces, when he's being Takagi).
There's also the time when he played Hakuba himself in the movie Private Eye's Requiem, and we don't know how many times he'd have done that, that we haven't seen.
Point is, though, Hakuba doesn't know how good Kaito's observational skills are as a detective and it feels kind of like... if he knows (and I'm sure he has a gut feeling from the start even if he doesn't have evidence) he wants to know- "I can keep up with you, on your territory, but can you keep up with me, on mine?"
With that in mind, the fact that Kaito's only relaying what Shinichi's telling him must be... frustrating, for someone who'd actually be curious what Kaito can do, and I'm sure Hakuba would want to push Kaito to be able to figure things out for himself as well.
But I digress. Moving on.
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Hakuba: [Has just seen "Kudo" flirting and being sentimental with Ran, "his" girlfriend, in a way that Shinichi himself says is so spot-on its kinda pissing him off] Oi. Kaito. I thought you were interested in Aoko. Watch it. [Also kinda jealous himself.]
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I freakin' LOVE these two panels. This entire sense of "Yeah Hakuba's got Kaito sussed and he's already got half of what's going on with Conan, and yeah the next thing he does is question "Are you really Kudo Shinichi?" it's because of a potential flawed deduction when Shinichi's supposed to be this perfect saviour of the Japanese Police Force.
And in posing the question in such a way, he's allowing Kaito - master of disguise! - to come up with a cover story. Which, of course, he does.
But overall? It's the sense of... actually, just as I said. Hakuba's going "Shh. I'm talking to [him]! Don't interrupt us, okay?" - He's going "I know you're helping him, but I want to know his capabilities. Not yours."
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Kaito just calling his ass out like "Hakuba I know you're obsessed with me- I mean Kid- c'mon I know you better than that~"
Also the phrase "Rumoured to have his eyes light up at the mere mention of Kid" more like. Kaito you have seen that in person.
More like I look at it and I'm like, is this Kaito saying "I Know What You Are"?
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I know that it's not just them, but it's this nice little touch of the two of them standing next to each other, while Conan is on the other side of the group, and they're both mirroring the other's posture.
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Kaito's already thought to himself how he barely needs to change his voice, and it's easy to imagine him barely changing his behaviours but adjusting so that he's more serious and less playing the clown or showman.
In this case, he's fully paying attention to the case (just as he has in previous ones as a witness) and...
He and Hakuba are on the exact same wavelength, with Hakuba finishing Kaito's sentence here.
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Again with the twinning. Kaito has a slightly more clueless look about him, I'd say, but that's because he is out of his depth. Other than that? He's just as much taking Hakuba's lead on the case as he is Shinichi's!
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The sheer amount of "Kuroba, your alibi is slipping!"
Hakuba's not going to outright cover for something that might be noticed as a flaw later on, nor is he outright going to call Kaito's disguise out immediately when other things are going on. He is, however, going to tease him to hell and back, push buttons, you name it.
And, of course, Hakuba in hearing Kaito's alibi and seeing Conan back it up, will also know that Conan is on Kid's side here even more than before.
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Small and simple observation: Kaito is behind Hakuba.
At this point Hakuba in canon and the Hakuba who knew from the moment he laid eyes on him both know that this is Kaito. It's Kaitou Kid.
The start of the case had the crime get pinned on Kid.
Yet - Hakuba's just fine with Kaito watching his back and/or fully capable of doing whatever he likes behind him, knowing full well that Kaito's a skilled magician who'd be able to hide his actions. The obvious point is that he trusts Kaito.
And then - we get to the Flirtening.
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I call it that because in canon it's bad enough, with Hakuba clearly only started making moves on Ran to make Kid slip up.
But in a world where he knows it's Kaito from the start? In Hakukai Fanfic Land?
First off- I'd say that this is actually payback.
Earlier on in the case, Hakuba saw Kaito (as Shinichi) flirting with Ran. Thinking back to the very first set of cases Hakuba ever appeared in, and... he'd walked into class for the first time and seen Kaito being mean to a girl, to Aoko, who was clearly hurting, and then tried to be nice to her by saying, basically, "If he won't take you to the concert you wanted to go to, I'll go with you."
Going on him knowing that this here is Kaito? He'd be seeing Kaito flirting with someone who isn't Aoko, and getting very in character, and... basically going "watch it."
So Saguru is a) defensive for Aoko, b) jealous because oi, why are you flirting with her, when he is right here, and c) using this as a means of poking a hole in Kaito's disguise, because sure he's more interested in the truth than he is in arresting Kaito, but that doesn't mean he's above making life hard for him.
In which case...
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Kaito going "What did you say, jerk!!" is just as much "oh shit yeah I'm supposed to be being Shinichi right now" as it is "Hakuba why are you flirting with someone else?"
The reaction would be delayed because a) Kaito knows Hakuba's not interested in Ran, or not interested in girls in general, and b) the sheer amount of "what the fuck is happening. what is going on in front of me here" he'd be feeling.
Because for one thing, Conan's down there making attack dog noises, and for another- d'you think Kaito would just reflexively fall back into poker face if he saw the guy he likes/who he knows is interested in him just easily flirting around? I think that ordinarily Kaito would just be like "eh, that's just Hakuba being Hakuba" but I'm also aware of how fragile Kaito's social connections and relationships often are, as well as the rift between logic and emotion.
After this we have a few different things happening at once.
We have Kaito not having asked which cheek Ran had kissed Shinichi on and gesturing to the wrong one, which Ran instantly notices:
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Note that the flashback isn't just for our benefit; we see later on that Ran realises probably in this moment that there's something Wrong with "Shinichi" because how could he forget which cheek she kissed him on?
This being relevant because right before that...
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He'd told Ran to not "space out" - but with the weirdness going on between him, Hakuba, and Conan, I wonder if it was actually Kaito who knew he was kind of spacing out here! Like, sure, Shinichi's sending Kaito lines, but in terms of narrative and themes...
And in canon, this is where Hakuba first notices the mike and earpiece that Kaito and Conan are using to communicate. Even in a version where he knew it was Kaito from the start, this would still be where Hakuba realises "Hey, what's UP with that kid?"
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Hakuba, in canon: Could it be... that those two...
My headcanon for that is that he was meaning to say "are working together," which is the easiest and most obvious/simple conclusion of his sentence.
Hakuba, in fanfic hc land: Hey, why are they working together? I know I didn't warn him I'd be here, but he could have been working with me. That kid already stole some of my reputation regarding going against you, and now this too?!
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Honestly, sometimes I remember the times when Kaito has shown himself able to figure out a trick or even a murder trick more or less on his own or at the same pace as Shinichi, and I see times like this when he's shown as needing a lot more help, and I feel frustrated that Kaito's seeming to be dumbed down a little to make Shinichi look better.
But then, I think about how there's multiple times over the course of not just Detective Conan but also Magic Kaito itself, where Kaito is uncomfortable around murders and dead bodies.
Which then starts to make sense of the times when he relies more on his detectives' wits for things like this; if it's a logic puzzle trick that he can treat as one, then he can keep up. If there's blood and bodies and Someone Died Here, which they did - someone died before his heist could even begin! - then his mind has a hard time, skittering around the unnerving parts and not being able to give the trick the attention it needs.
I'd imagine his thought process goes kind of like "Okay okay so if I could think of anything that'd be really useful (but a guy died a minute ago I was out there and doing normal things and a guy died) yeah but if you don't think smart now it's going to happen again or they won't get caught (oh god what if I can't do it) I have to but-" and... so on.
And back to point, but - Hakuba hasn't really seen Kaito in the direct aftermath of him having seen someone die, when Kaito isn't pretending to be someone else.
Technically, he still hasn't here, because Kaito is Being Shinichi.
Dark Knight had Hakuba arrive on scene late, as Kid was already leaving the scene, and in Twilight Mansion Kid was Mouri Kogoro, so even if his reactions were touched with reality, no one could tell what was Kid and what was Kogoro. Here, Hakuba wasn't the first on scene, and he only sees Kaito once Kaito's had a chance to put his poker face (and a Mask of Shinichi) on.
I'd even say that... this being Detective Conan, we've had a chance to see an entire character development arc between Shinichi and Kaito, even if it is still one-sided and not the healthiest of dynamics. We know that Shinichi's not really going to hand Kaito to the police on a silver platter.
But Hakuba? The irony is that in MK canon Hakuba is KNOWN for calling Kaito with helpful knowledge about his opponent (Golden Eye, infamously) and withholding information that would put suspicion onto Kaito's civilian identity (Midnight Crow, at least). And yet in this heist, because we're a) seeing things from Conan and Kaito's perspective here, and b) we haven't seen what Hakuba would do in this sort of situation before, he seems... more of a threat if he outright found them out than if it were just the police (who they can trick) or Hattori (who Shinichi would be able to shush).
Personally, I believe that Hakuba WOULD have worked with Kaito to come to all of the same conclusions that they came to in canon with Shinichi as the POV. Hakuba's a good enough detective, after all, as we even see him doing this in canon, drawing the same conclusions without Shinichi having to whisper in his ear once.
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Is Kaito side-eyeing Hakuba because he knows Hakuba's being a little shit over this but he can't say anything because he can't admit that he knows the guy personally as well as he does? Is Conan flailing because he feels like they've been sussed out?
Or is it more along the lines of "Oh, you think you're so smart, don't you? Soooo clever. Yeah sure, after you've been hounding me all case- but don't think I'll let you have the last laugh"?
And now, I'm thinking of Shinichi hearing some of the familiarity come out in their voices around now, if not before, and he's finally realising "Oh- okay so Kid knows this guy. Not just aware of him, he knows him. Oh. Oh shit."
Fun fact: we do not see Conan again alll the way through the explanation of the fireman's carry that Hakuba is doing with Kaito as his partner. The next time we see Conan, it's after they've pinned the criminal in place.
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I find this interesting because... in spite of this being a case that Hakuba is starring in - the guy who is well known for asking "Why did you do it?" - it's the victim's wife who asks that, by way of her "But why did you kill my husband!?" and it's Conan who suggests a potential reason.
In a sense, they've both stolen Hakuba's thunder here, the wife by taking his catchphrase and Conan for taking the words out of the criminals mouth before the guy can admit it himself, in his own words.
(Ironically, Kaito would agree with Conan on this, probably, what with him having said "isn't it your job to figure [motive] out?" but as I've said before, I see worth in Hakuba asking for it in the criminals' own words.)
I feel like both I and other people have probably made all the jokes about the "I've got the stamina to keep carrying you for ages" part that I don't need to rehash it that much, haha.
But I DO have other observations.
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Kaito: So, you figured it out, huh... Hakuba: Of course!
Like... even way aside from the fact that Hakuba's probably just internally going "you're SO lucky I like you, otherwise I'd have just pointed out that you just flattened your hair the moment I walked in" there's something this reminded me of.
In the translation here, Kaito trails off on an ellipsis, but... in a way, that's a question. It's literally "So, you figured me out?" except Kaito may well have been expecting it even in canon, so it's no longer a question.
What's the significance of this?
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It brings to mind how Toichi asked "Will you be able to stop me?" and Yusaku said "[Yeah...] of course!"
And of course we know that whatever Yusaku was able to do, it was never enough to stop the legend of Kaitou Kid from growing - and we also now know that he almost certainly knew that it was his brother Toichi right from the start.
In many ways it's meant to show how Kaito and Shinichi have taken up their fathers' mantles and become each other's rival... but this moment of "You found me out?" "Yeah, of course!" shows that Hakuba is just as much Kaitou Kid's worthy rival. He is thematically and narratively Kid's rival.
(And this is where I get my post limit for images, whoops!)
So, yeah. Kaito then has a space of about three [3] panels between Hakuba saying "I know you're Kid" and then Hakuba trying to walk and finding his legs are cuffed together.
I'd also say that in terms of pranks that Kaito (as Kid) has played in order to get out of a Situation, that was... a lot more on the immature roughhousing side than a lot of what he does. So much of his DC appearances relies on... action movie stunts? Stuff that's actually really risky? Because he needs to rely on that. But with Hakuba he doesn't have to. It reads more like play fighting.
(Because Hakuba, he knows, isn't going to attack him with a deadly soccer ball or knock him out midair.)
A thought on why he cuffed Hakuba's legs together like he did even if they're on better terms would also be the easy "Kaito knows that Nakamori is there, knows that Hakuba wouldn't be allowed to carry him all the way to the station, knows that something would go wrong, and almost certainly by this point knows that he shouldn't go out in public as Shinichi. So he's just as much going "yeah nope, not doing that, bad idea on SO many levels" as he is "I don't fancy going to jail today."
And, for an ending note: Hakuba at no point seems frustrated or upset that Kaito got away. Not for one single moment.
If anything, I'd say he's just going "Ah, there he goes again. Look at him go." with a fond look in his eye.
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criminalmindsgonewrong · 7 months ago
how I percieve Hotchniss:
as requested by @em-prentiss
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tropes: action girl, blue blood, lady in a powersuit, back from the dead, brainy brunette, dark and troubled past, honour before reason, sarcasm personified, reckless and sexy
libra sun, scorpio moon, leo rising
born 12th october 1970
chaotic neutral
ENFJ personality type
cat person
only child - and very much gives only child energy
red is her favourite colour
body count: "private, thank you very much!"
her favourite movie of all time is 'Carrie' - but she can't resist a good old mystery novel
has some secret skills she doesn't really talk about or use until she needs them; plays the piano, did ballet until she was 15, can horseback ride.
her favourite book of all time is 'Jane Eyre'
dog ears her books to save her pages - either that or uses literally anything as a bookmark. argues that it makes her books look 'loved'
her favourite meal is a good cheeseburger (although she'll tell you its some kind of fancy pasta)
chews her nails when she's stressed
grew up in multiple embassies across the world including: UK, Iraq, Russia, Italy, France, Greece, Spain, and Egypt.
mommy issues galore although she'd never admit it
daddy issues, too, while we're at it.
absentee father who was 'working' all the time - only 'working' meant having affairs and avoiding their home as much as possible
her parents only put on the show of a functional, happy marriage for elizabeth's career, a charade emily was also expected to play a part in. she did so until she went away to college
her dad died when she was 23
nomadic lifestyle all her life due to her mom's job - finds it hard to settle down as a result
has a little box of mementos from each of the places she's lived, trinkets that would be of no value to anyone else but mean a lot to her
has a few small, discreet tattoos
multi-lingual but not a show off about it - sometimes dreams in italian
is also multilingual in sarcasm and often uses it to diffuse tense situations.
had an abortion when she was 15 - doesn't regret it but has always wondered. marks the day each year, even if it's just with a prayer. it's the only time she prays
✨️ religious trauma ✨️ 
rebelled against her mother as a teenager and their relationship has never really recovered
spoilt, privileged lifestyle 
likes her luxuries as a result and doesn't shy away from them 
never had too many close friends growing up - due to the moving around a lot
bit of a wild girl at college, there's not really a sexual position or an illegal substance she hasn't tried at least once (except the ones you inject, she's not insane)
still sneaks the occasional cigarette
cannot abide by any rule she considers arbitrary
loves a good horror movie, the gorier the better but the supernatural ones freak her out
has a secret passion for classical music when she’s stressed - particularly beethoven and bach
emily has a love for fine wine and is something of an amateur connoisseur, able to tell the difference between a good vintage and a cheap bottle. she and rossi bond over this.
her passion for coffee, however, is much more lax and she can drink even the roughest of instant crap. 
can also whip up a mean martini
she’s a cat person but never had a pet growing up due to all the moving around.
emily’s guilty pleasure is reality TV—she finds it oddly comforting and a way to unwind from the seriousness of her day-to-day life.
often doodles when she's on the phone—her notebooks are full of random sketches.
loves an indoor plant but finds it incredibly difficult to keep them alive
fucking loves technology and is slightly addicted to TikTok. has to limit her own screen time.
speaking of TikTok, she's totally on BookTok and loved the ACOTAR series.
loves spicy foods - often challenges herself to try the hottest dish on the menu.
bit of an adrenaline junkie, whether in her home or professional life. overly impulsive sometimes as a result
what she wears:
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tropes: badass in a nice suit, stoic leader, chronic hero syndrome, highest kill count, death glare, grumpy to her sunshine, deadpan snarker
scorpio sun, taurus moon, virgo rising
born 2nd november 1965
lawful good
ISTJ personality type
dog person
bodycount: 2
favourite colour is navy blue
eldest son, his brother, sean, is 11 years younger than him
his favourite book is 'one hundred years of solitude'
prioritizes his fitness and likes to take on fitness challenges to keep himself healthy
lonely childhood even though he had a little brother
abusive, drunk for a father
emotionally absent mother who was trying to deal with her own trauma
his mom died when he was 25
his dad is still alive out there somewhere but they're not in contact, and aaron has no intention of being
had to be the strong one for his little brother
comes from a pretty poor background, has built himself up to be and have everything he is and has 
always felt like more of a father than a brother to Sean because of their age gap, and the fact that he practically raised him
loves to go camping and be in the wilderness
a morning person - likes to get up and out of the house as early as possible
a very neat person - you'd be forgiven for thinking he was in the military (he never was) by the way he makes his bed and stacks his clothes
collected coins as a kid, something he never grew out of. has a very well organised collection he values greatly
keeps his books neat and tidy - always uses a bookmark
loves an old western, likes an action movie, horrors make him uncomfy and he's a secret sucker for a rom-com
reluctant green thumb and often ends up taking care of the plants that emily brings home and gives up on or gets distracted from
has a soft spot for old-school jazz and sometimes listens to it when he needs to decompress.
he's a surprisingly good cook, which is a skill he honed while having to take care of his brother, although the recipes were a lot more basic back then
still has his parents wedding rings, a fact about himself that he wrestles with since he doubts they were ever in love
prefers handwritten notes to digital reminders, is a very tactile person. never really fell in love with his phone.
hums softly when he's concentrating, a habit he's more often than not completely unaware of, and emily finds it adorable
keeps a stash of chocolate in his drawer in the office - stocks it with emily's favourites
wears his grandfather's class ring. it's the only family heirloom he has, and sometimes he feels guilty for not giving it to sean
has a collection of old vinyls from the 70s
visits the same diner every saturday for breakfast. after getting together with emily, the visits become less frequent but they still go now and then. aaron says they have the best eggs. emily thinks they're just ok, but she likes to see him happy
aaron isn't a big drinker; he'll have a few beers on a night out, or a whiskey after work occasionally, but he very rarely engages in any binge drinking. emily's only seen him really drunk a handful of times throughout their relationship.
he is, however, partial to the occasional cigar and although emily sneaks her own cigarette now and then, she can't stand the smell of them.
what he wears:
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the only time hotch is not a morning person is when emily is in his bed, then he never wants to leave the comfort of the covers and the warmth of her body
hotch will watch a horror movie with emily with a straight face, but hate it the whole way through. emily will pretend to be into his action movies, and doesn't let him know she's actually bored out of her mind. their middle ground is a good western or a rom-com.
their first big fight is over a clash between their idea of 'tidy' - emily is laid back, doesn't mind a bit of clutter. aaron is...borderline ocd. they fall out over her having left a towel on the floor...again.
they are very well matched at chess, and often their games can go on for weeks in between cases and life. currently emily is winning by two games.
aaron would rather to repairs around the house himself, where as emily is used to throwing money at a problem and making it go away. they try to compromise but they're away so often for work that more often than not, emily wins because aaron just doesn't have the time, but when he does take on a project he loves the manual labour, and emily loves to sit back and watch x
it was his dream to restore a classical care so emily bought him one for his 50th birthday and its his pride and joy. he painted it red just for her
emily reads before bed and aaron does the crossword, with his glasses perched on the end of his nose and emily thinks it's the cutest thing.
emily's love of spicy foods means that more often than not aaron has to resign himself to buying her two meals when the spiciest dish on the menu is just 'a little too spicy' - he doesn't mind, really
they're both incredibly competitive. emily gets sweary and loud when she's in competition, aaron gets smug and smirky and that drives emily up the wall. their second biggest fight, ever, was over a game of monopoly. it's been banned in their household ever since.
emily takes aaron to a ranch for one of his birthdays - to celebrate his love for an old western, and because she thinks he'll love it! turns out aaron hotchner is terrified of horses. emily spent the first day riding and trying to convince him to do the same, and after that they just enjoyed the views and each other's company, and the horses, but from afar.
emily often teases hotch about his love for organization and can’t resist occasionally hiding a few items just to see his reaction. he pretends to be frustrated but secretly finds her antics adorable.
surprisingly, when they go on vacation, it's emily who wants their days planned down to the moment so that they don't miss anything, and aaron who just - finally- wants to relax and 'go with the flow'. emily finds this version of her husband disconcerting.
emily loves to surprise hotch with impromptu weekend getaways. he pretends to grumble about the lack of planning and the expense of it all but secretly enjoys the surprises and the thought she puts into them.
financially, aaron and emily grew up in two very different places. aaron watched his mother scrimp and save every penny to try and provide for him and sean, when she was lucid. when she wasn't, he had to figure it out himself. he's worked since the age of 14. emily had everything in life given to her on a silver platter and, even now, occasionally spends out of her trust fund. aaron gets frustrated by spending that he sees as frivolous and emily has to remind him that they're well off - she still has her trust fund, even if neither of them were working. it's infrequently a source of contention between them, though.
they dated before emily's 'death', before paris. he visited her in paris, where their flame sparked again but when she came back to the team nothing happened. then beth happened. then emily left again.
they stayed in contact while she was in london and eventually realised they were miserable without each other. emily moves back to the states, returns to the BAU and they get back together.
they marry that same year. it's a really small ceremony, attended only by the team, jack and sean. neither of their surviving parents are invited.
they started a two-person book club where they choose a book to read each month and discuss it over dinner. they always donate one copy - whether to charity or a friend. sometimes both if they agree that the book sucked.
they create the 'hotchner cup' which is a trophy that they play for every family game night. it's an old, tarnished badge of hotch's with 'Hotchner' written across it super-glued to an old ballet trophy of emily's. it's currently in emily's possession...due to the chess situation.
emily's a cat person and hotch loves dogs. as a compromise, they have one of each.
when emily has their kids, they share the position of Unit Chief at the BAU and alternate shifts, so someone's always at home with the kids. it's their one rule; the kids never get left alone.
they have three kids together, ava, livvy and alex. jack is aaron's son from his previous marriage to haley, and emily loves him like her own.
they share a home office and walking into it is hysterical; there are two desks and it's immediately obvious whose is whose because aaron's is meticulously organised and emily's is a mess.
aaron always dreads his weeks 'on' at work, because he knows he's going into his desk being an absolute mess. emily is the same because she says whenever he cleans up, he puts her stuff away and she can't find anything. she prefers her 'organised chaos'.
even though emily is a luxury resort kind of girl, aaron forces the family to take an annual camping trip. every year, emily complains about it; alex and ava follow her suit. jack and livvy love the camping trip like their father. even though emily and the kids complain, they also secretly love it.
they take an annual family photo during every camping trip
every year they all celebrate haley's birthday together with a special meal; homemade lasagne followed by apple pie and ice cream, both favourites of haley.
when it comes to parenting, there's no doubt who's the strict parent. emily definitely takes a more relaxed approach than her husband.
however, when it comes to bullying or the kids being in danger, emily has to be kept in check. more than once she's threatened to pull her badge on a kid - or parent - at school. more than once, she's had to be talked down by her husband, and sometimes the kids.
when aaron eventually retires early, he takes up teaching at the academy. they still have lunch together most days.
after aaron retires, emily takes on the role of unit chief by herself and eventually progresses to section chief, which is more of a bureaucratic role than she ever imagined for herself, but it means she gets home to her family every night.
Hotchniss tropes:
grumpy x sunshine rich girl x poor boy he's her boss mutual pining will they/won't they jealousy trope friends to lovers 'touch her and you die'
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Photos Aaron takes of Emily:
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Photos Emily takes of Aaron:
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Joint camera roll:
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How Hotchniss text:
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Hotchniss playlist:
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artbribery · 2 years ago
Following the trend of the Lazarus Pit being part of Ghost Zone or ectoplasm-adjacent, what if the Pit Madness was just a connection to the Ghost King?
As in, whatever the voices and the intent in the pits are just a leftover of the king’s emotions. So long as the king was Pariah Dark and he stayed that way in stasis, the waters remained in anger and madness.
So when the ruler changes, suddenly the madness is gone and instead it’s Danny’s feelings in Jason’s head like some sort of soulmate au (except only one of them is in on it).
Maybe general intent:
Danny feeling happy and content and loving his sister (and all those feelings are sent through the Force)
Jason: ‘Positive feelings? Positive feelings in my Pit Madness? It’s more likely than I thought apparently?’
Jason suddenly wondering why he likes the stars so much when he can’t even see them in Gotham. He responds to this by reading about the myths.
He knows he loves his sisters but suddenly he feels an acute appreciation for them.
Weirdly strong feelings about clones that make him wonder if he has clone, or is one himself, and he’s only known about it subconsciously and recently.
The occasional badgers-suck-and-fruitloops-too sentiment
If voices are a thing:
Jason is chilling on a rooftop at four am and out of nowhere:
‘Is green cheese made out of ghost milk?’ ‘Would that be considered vegan because the cow is already dead?’ ‘No, wait, that’s not right...’ ’do ghosts dream of electrical sheep?’
Danny being sleep deprived, accessing the ghostly radio satellite and Jason asking himself Why, Mulaney style, Why is this Tim-like monologue plaguing my Pit Madness?
Plus? (on the topic of radio?)
Free mental podcast w/ our host Danny and his audience of one: Jason (who maybe figures out how to make calls live; it’s not like it broadcasts anywhere else, right?)
(cue a certain demographic of the ghost zone, as well as select members of the League of Shadows, tuning in to this soap-opera)
Alternative to this: Danny uses this as a help-line for the ones affected by the pit and heckles them until they agree to get treatment. 
“It’s the one place you can’t escape.”
Potential for angst though: 
It had been a while since the Pit changed and Jason had gotten used to it sometimes being cranky/irritated/annoyed and happy/mischievous/light and so on in the wheel of emotions
So he is worried about the increasing feelings of hope/trust/love mixed with paranoia/wariness/anxiety coming in the last few weeks
The crawling dread and nervousness seeping through that starts mid morning and rises steadily, like anticipation or pulling teeth slowly 
But suddenly fear spikes and it is PANIC and DESPERATION, BREAKING DOWN---
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semisolidmind · 1 year ago
For the Lion’s Den AU, what was it like when Wukong and Macaque first met Peaches? Love at first sight? Didn’t really notice her until she did/said something? Did they meet her separately or together?
(i briefly mention how they met in one of the earlier lion's den posts, but i guess i should give it some explanation)
reader attends her first meeting understandably apprehensive. she was told explicitly by azure not to draw too much attention to herself, given the nature of his comrades. he would defend her if needed, of course, but she would have to be prepared for their... disapproval, if it arose. she began to imagine what truly frightening beings may be behind the gilded doors that lead to the council hall.
the three demons already seated at the large table were not at all what reader was expecting.
they were worse.
azure failed to mention that his allies were none other than the dreaded monkey king, the six-eared macaque, and the demon bull king. anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention to local gossip had at least heard of these three; the tales of the bloodshed and ruin that followed in their wake were known across the land.
reader had seen it firsthand when the occasional survivors of their conquests would make their way (bloodied, broken, and burned) into her village begging for shelter.
truly a terrifying band.
even more terrifying was the way reader made accidental eye contact with the monkey king every time she dared to glance upward. she'd look down as soon as his golden pupils shot over to her, but reader could feel them on her for a few moments afterwards. even looking away, she could sense the way his sight would drift over to her every time he would address azure; the seating arrangement (azure on one end of the table, reader right next to him, with the monkey king on the other) didn't give her anywhere to hide.
she had to admit, the simian demon was more... upbeat? than she expected? despite his appearance, he acted not as a conquering warlord meeting with his allies to discuss how best to subdue their enemies, but as a man sharing a table with his friends. he joked, he laughed, he talked about old stories.
and what surprised reader the most... was that the demons around him joined in.
were reader not horribly aware that she sat among some of the most powerful demon lords in the world, she'd have felt as though she were back in her village listening to the farmhands after a hard day's work.
it was unsettling knowing that these were the monsters who had killed many innocent people just like those farmhands, and felt no remorse.
reader couldn't wait for this meeting to be over.
wukong couldn't wait for this meeting to be over.
as much as he enjoyed talking with azure and the brotherhood, he was much more interested in the human woman azure had brought with him. he could tell macaque was interested, too; any mortal that could catch the interest of one so goal-driven as azure lion must be something special.
wukong really wanted to know what her deal was. but, as much as he would've liked to call on her during the meeting, he got the feeling she'd freeze in fear if he brought attention to her that way. she looked like she wanted to sink into the floor and disappear.
there were little tears at the corner of her eyes the last time she accidentally looked at him.
...it was kinda adorable.
the monkey king glanced over at his brother, finding him staring at the woman as well; seems he'd had the same idea. it also seemed like reader hadn't noticed macaque looking at her in favor of keeping tabs on wukong (which was kinda flattering; he half-jokingly decided that meant she liked him more).
wukong came up with a spilt-second plan. he hid his mouth behind thoughtfully steepled fingers (he was only pretending to listen to the battle strategies being discussed anyway) and whispered it so that only his ever-vigilant brother could hear him.
once the meeting was over, the brotherhood had dispersed outside to get some fresh air. the monkey king crossed the courtyard, intent on distracting azure. he asked the general to take stock of a recent battle so that he and a nearby scribe could make note of it. though azure was a tad confused (shouldn't they have done that right after the battle happened?), he begins to list off information such as casualties, equipment lost, rations used, etc.
conveniently taking the lion's attention away from his little companion, who seemed to be wandering off toward a grove of fruit trees a ways away from the courtyard.
wukong flicked his tail in a certain way, meaningless to anyone but his brother, who took that as his signal.
the shadowmaster sunk into his namesake as soon as eyes were no longer on him.
wukong will join up with them later, once his side of the plan is complete.
macaque usually didn't pay much attention to mortals, aside from when he was killing them.
but the fact that the ever-so-honorable (more like hypocritical) azure lion had a little mortal woman at his side? well...that was certainly interesting.
macaque knew that azure was much gentler when it came to human commoners, letting them escape before raiding their towns. the shadowy simian found it amusing that the lion believed he was being merciful; a crowd of defenseless humans with nowhere to go, out in the wilderness? they were basically a demon buffet. and if demons didn't get them, wild animals or the elements would.
deciding to keep that observation in his back pocket for the next time azure nagged him about killing villagers, macaque stepped out of the shadows. the human sat a short distance away, leaned back against a flowering tree. it looked like she was admiring the scenery, completely unaware of him.
what did azure call her...? reader?
hm. azure could've picked anything to give her as a protective pseudonym, and he chose that? wonder what that could possibly say about her. she doesn't really look the academic type.
although, now that he's able to see her a little closer...
perhaps the six-eared demon could understand why the lion was taken with this human, at least physically. she's pretty, she's got nice proportions...but if looks were all that mattered, there's definitely more outwardly attractive humans to choose. her appearance can't be all there is. so, macaque decides to speak to her.
he calls out, casually asking her how she's enjoying the view. she startles and begins to rush out apologies and promises that she didn't mean to come here, she didn't realize she wasn't supposed be here, she didn't mean any harm by it, she'll leave—
macaque laughs, genuinely. she definitely used to be a servant or lower class, no one of any sort of status would apologize just for being somewhere. he goes and sits himself down next to her before she can stand and run away.
he can practically feel her trembling—oh. oh, she's starting to tear up a little...but she's putting on such a brave face.
macaque's pupils dilate a little.
she's just too precious.
after assuring her she's not in trouble, he asks her about herself; where'd she come from, what was her life like before, how did she meet azure?
now that was an interesting story. she actually nursed the stupid cat back to health, despite the fact that he's a big, scary demon? she's brave, he'll give her that. her story would certainly explain why azure took a shine to her. macaque jokingly asks reader if she regularly took demons in, or if azure was just a special case—because he really wouldn't mind being taken care of by her, he says flirtatiously. reader laughs a little at that.
the demons' six ears twitch. he likes that sound, he decides.
macaque can tell reader's getting more comfortable with him. she's opening up, even joking back at him. the attractive blush on her face makes him want to tease her more. the darker-furred demon finds that he likes it when she flusters at a compliment.
he kinda...doesn't want to stop talking with her. it's so easy, like he's always known her.
of course, that's when wukong shows up.
wukong had managed to sit through all of azure lion's report without falling asleep, which was an accomplishment all on it's own. afterwards, he managed to get yellowtusk on a long-winded lecture on...something or other, which he always insisted his brothers sit for.
having successfully trapped azure and peng in a manners-mandated lesson (one he knew would keep them for a good while; once the old elephant got started talking, he was difficult to stop), wukong excused himself to "check on dinner preparations." he sped off on his cloud toward where the kitchens were, intent on making a u-turn where the others couldn't see.
if azure wanted to follow, he'd have to interrupt his brother; something wukong knew he'd be hesitant to do.
with that taken care of, the simian ruler quickly tracked his little mark, finding her and his brother under a flowering peach tree. deciding to eavesdrop on their conversation, he stepped gently from his cloud onto the branches above them.
after a moment listening to them (and getting a little jealous that mac had managed to get her to laugh, which was a pretty sound he wanted aimed at him), wukong swung down, shaking some flower petals free, landing gracefully in a crouch at reader's feet. he cheekily apologizes for "dropping in" so unexpectedly.
at her frightened gasp and backpedal, wukong rushes to reassure her he means no harm. he's just curious, he wants to hear her story too, honest! he keeps his tone gentle and playful, and attempts to be as non-threatening as possible (which is tough, since he knows his reputation precedes him).
when reader finally manages to speak (thanks to a little encouragement from macaque), wukong perks up. she doesn't seem as scared of his brother anymore at least, which is a very good sign. as she tells her story, he takes in her features up close.
after hearing how she cared for azure, wukong unknowingly echoes his brother's earlier sentiment; he kinda wants reader to take care of him, too.
he sees how her eyes shine with dewy unshed tears, her face flushed at the demons' proximity (they're both in her space, macaque practically leaning against her shoulder and wukong sitting so close in front that their knees were touching). he notices the way the dappled sunlight hits her skin, the way her lashes frame her eyes. he notes the way loose peach blossom petals decorate her hair. he has to stop himself from reaching out to tuck the little strands that have escaped her updo back into place.
wukong finds himself becoming a bit enamored. his tail curls a bit, and his smile becomes gentler the longer he looks at her.
after talking with her for a while and sharing his and macaque's own stories, wukong realizes that they've been gone for a few hours; the sun is beginning to set, the grove taking on a golden hue. they should probably actually go check on dinner, and (regrettably) return reader to azure.
buuuuut....maybe not right away.
wukong offers reader a tour of the stone palace before she leaves.
reader didn't know what was happening.
why was she able to speak with these— these murderers so easily? she should be running away, she should be excusing herself back to azure's side as politely and quickly as she could!
but...but she was having fun. she was having a friendly chat with the monkey king and six-eared macaque of all demons—and laughing, for heaven's sake.
though most of it stemmed from her fear of offending them, the fact that she's speaking with them at all feels like a betrayal of her race. these two, on their own, had killed hundreds, possibly thousands of humans. they could change their minds about playing nice at any moment.
but—but in this light, in this context...they were almost like any ordinary men. were it not for their obviously demon appearances (though reader couldn't say the two were unattractive; the soft glow of the evening light did them many favors), their status, their bloody history—reader could consider them good company.
thinking about it made her want to cry, like she'd been on the verge of the entire time she'd been on this mountain. she wanted to go home and have that cry in the privacy of her bedchambers.
so when the monkey king (he insisted she call him wukong) offered to take her on a tour of the palace, reader thoroughly considered refusing, politeness be damned. she should really just go back to the monster she knows, not run off with one she doesn't.
however, she was curious about what the rest of the cave looked like. she and azure had entered through the massive water curtain, been lead through a large foliage-infested pavilion full of wukong's chattering simian subjects, into the reception hall, and then immediately into the council room. she hadn't gotten to see much, but what she did see she considered very beautiful.
reader, through her anxiety, had marveled at everything she saw. flower fruit mountain was so...alive compared to camel ridge. she preferred it here, at least in that way.
maybe...maybe going on a little tour wouldn't be so bad. it'd give her an excuse for her absence from azure's side, for one (though it wasn't like she was doing anything wrong by not being next to her kidnapper every second). he could stand to not have her near for a few more hours. plus, how could he say no to something as innocent as a tour? and if the eager look on the monkey king's face along with the coaxing smile on macaque's were any indication, they probably weren't going to take "no" for an answer.
well, reader thought in a resigned manner, she'd already gotten this far. what was the harm in spending a little more time with these two?
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pingu-4 · 5 months ago
I've seen a lot of raven!Neil fics where neil helps jean and Kevin escape form ravens and he escapes with them/joins them later.
But what I really need to see is a fic from jean's and kevin's pov, where they escape but Neil is stuck being a raven, stuck being nathaniel.
I want to see them join foxes but still think about what is happening with Neil right now, what punishments he is getting for their escape. I want to see them scared for his well-being, while not being able to patch him up or do anything. I want to see them trying to heal, being full of guilt at the same time, because Neil, their ally, their savior, their brother is probably going through hell because of them right now and he's all alone. I want to see them guilty, because Neil has helped them so many times, he had saved them and they left him there to suffer, even though they know that if they even tried to come back to nest Neil would kill them himself.
I want to see Jean mourning his partner forever. I want to see him turining around expecting Neil to be there only to see empty spot next to him. I want to see him grabing car keys to go back to nest, to Neil, when loneliness, guilt, fear, everything is too much, only to be stopped by Kevin from doing anything stupid, from going back to their abusers. I want him trying to keep up on living, only because Neil gave up on his freedom, his life for it. I want Jean to miss his little British devil, while literally anything reminds him of neil.
I want Kevin getting himself drunk only not to think about about what it cost for him to be at foxes, not to think about who pays for it, who he had left behind. I want him to wonder why Neil sacrifaced himself for him, he understands why Neil did it for jean, but him? What did he do to deserve it? I want him to feel guilty he didn't help Neil more, to wonder why he didn't do anything when he had the chance, wonder if he would be brave enough to do anything different if he had a chance to. I want Kevin to miss this loud mouth who gave him a chance of better life.
I want them both to live with a ghost of Neil among them. To talk about him, what would he do in any situation, what they remember about him even though it causes them pain and they are trying to move on, because they are too afraid to forget about him. I want them to wonder why they didn't manage to force him to go with them. I want to see them hoping to see Neil every morning when they wake up, only to be met with harsh reality. To think every short red-head might be him. To have so many feeling when they get that one phone call from Neil. To wonder if there is any way that they can help him. I want to see them as puzzles with one piece missing, learning to live that way.
I want to see the foxes wondering who that raven jean and Kevin often talk about is. To wonder who is that guy that they never met, that had such a big impact and is so important to these two broken boys. I want foxes to see Kevin and jean and just know that they lost something, that even though they escaped and are healing, they are still grieving someone. I want them to hear stories that involve that third person, that "neil" but never getting a direct answer as to who exactly he is and what happened to him.
I want Jean and Kevin hearing the news that "nathaniel wesninski" got injured in some freaky incident and them knowing it wasn't and incident. I want them to be terryfied of what riko did to Neil. Or being even more terryfied of what if it was Neil that did something to himself. They know he is strong, stronger then them both, but what if when he is all alone, facing hell, without any support, without anyone who he has to fight for he finally gave up and decided to die on his own terms?
I want them to see other news, that he had died from these injures, and just break down not believing that Neil, their Neil is gone. Is gone and they weren't there for him in his last moment. I want Kevin and jean to wonder if he knew how much he mattered to them, to wonder if they had said it to him, made it aware to him enough times. I want them to suffer because they promised that all of them will escape one day, but while Kevin and Jean are foxes now, Neil forever will be stuck a raven, forever will be remembered as nathaniel wesninski by most people, will never be able to make Neil a real person for someone else then the three of them. I want them to think about how the one person who saved their lifes, gave them a reason to live, died himself and they didn't do anything to prevent it, didn't manage to stop it. I want them to finally spill all the truth to the foxes. To see Jean and kevin learning to live with all of it, trying to live to their fullest, maybe even dedicating their games to Neil. For them, to do it for themselves. And for Neil.
Or i want them to finally have enough, realizing that this is the last moment where they can do something to help, when they hear about the injury. To see them somehow getting Neil out and seeing how much more he is hurt, mentally and physically than he was the last time they saw him, but still being the same old neil. Being happy that he finally is with them but also sad seeing him in that state. I want them to get Neil into foxes, not wanting to leave him, worried, being very protective of him and helping him heal too. Making neil josten real. To have foxes to finally meet that Neil they heard about and being surprised to see how Kevin and jean, not very warm or open people are so fond of him, how they act so different towards him, how they finally are the way they were supposed to be. Together.
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acespeon · 4 months ago
I love the idea of Eevees being the Pines family's traditional starters.
Stan and Ford get theirs when they start school. Ford was not singled out as the family's future money maker at that point and Filbrick was determined to continue the tradition. The Stans did not evolve theirs for the longest time, preferring to keep them as Eevees as the Pokémon were basically twins the same as them. Neither Eevee are special in any way, making them feel normal.
Stan's evolves into Espeon, at some point during his grifter years, when he watches the sun rise after forcing his way out of the trunk of a car. Eevee sits there in his lap, nuzzling him to calm his racing heart down from the traumatic experience, and as the sunlight is what makes Espeons evolve as well as friendship, Stan watches in shock as his Eevee transforms. He's too shell shocked from the events to try and stop it - the one thing he and Ford agreed on was not letting their Vees evolve - until a purple furred head headbutts him out of his stupor.
Ford's even more incensed when he shows up at his cabin with an evolved Vee - his own is still in its childhood form, despite having a nick in its ear and a patch of fur missing from their exploits in searching the woods of Gravity Falls. His doesn't evolve until he's deep in his future multidimensional travels, working in the dark behind the scenes - Eevee tackles him out of the way of danger and stands over him, snarling at their adversary, and transforms in the dark of the unfamiliar world. Umbreon lunges at their quarry, snapping Ford out of his bewilderment when it turns to look at him sympathetically when it's all over.
Stan, meanwhile, has turned Ford's shack into the starter lab for the region, passing himself off as a Pokémon Professor and using Espeon's evolution from friendship as a 'trustworthy person' charade. Soos and Wendy are his assistants, Soos with his Ditto and Wendy with her Phantump and team. There's still a Mystery Shack - it's attached to the lab as part of an exhibition and gift shop.
The twins are sent to their Grunkle to receive their Eevees and continue the Pines family tradition. Mabel's evolves into Sylveon during the events of her exploits with Sevr'l Times, while Dipper's remains an Eevee throughout the events of the summer they became trainers. It might not ever evolve (it eventually evolves into Leafeon when they next come to Gravity Falls and find the mossy rock in the forest).
All the while none of them are aware of Stan's team of Machamps working tirelessly under the lab to restart a portal that could end the world...
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baronessblixen · 4 months ago
Eyyyyy, saw your tags! :DDDDD
I will say: knowing more about an actor doesn't change my perception of their work; but I know a lot of people-- older generation, mostly-- who do think the way that he does. To them, the more they know, the more they can't "forget" the actor/actress in a role.
Maybe it's an older generation thing? A thought process left over from the world of 90s-and-before-media, before the advent of smartphones? Or maybe it's a broad audience thing: the type where people aren't so invested in someone's career or anyone in particular, and just want to go to the movies on a Friday-- the normies that fund most of the ticket sales. I do know I've been hearing a lot of sentiment lately from others who are over-saturated with celebrities talking about their opinions rather than marketing the product... maybe that's the modern day equivalent? Maybe that's what he was trying to articulate. (Sometimes he communicates in half measures when trying to work something out.) I think so, anyway.
But today's landscape is also so different: people are selling themselves-- branding, as he called it-- their personalities to sell their products. It just is that way. Hopefully he doesn't feel the pressure to do so, as well (I don't think he does, or would care. But it's a thought.) Maybe there's pressure there, but there's also freedom (or can be): the landscape for his professional fears have changed... but they've also changed in ways that are, to him, a net negative. So. XD
Hope you have a great weekend! :)))))))
When I read your ask, I realized that most people I know - regardless of age - don't care about actors' private lives 😂 that's slightly different though than not wanting to know as it might skew the viewing perception.
I guess it makes sense. DD was born in the 60s when Hollywood's star system was breaking apart. Back then the actors were brands too - though different than today. The studios gave them new names more often than not and a personality. They needed them to be certain types to lure the audience in.
The history of the star system is really interesting. Back in the very early days, actors didn't have a name. Audiences didn't know who these people were - but they wanted to know. Same with the first magazines. They'd be about movies originally, but people wanted to know about the actors instead. That's not at all a new thing.
So I don't think it has anything to do with social media and smartphones and more like you said with the broad audience. Before social media, tabloids were HUGE. That was the only way to glimpse more into the private life of your star. I just don't think any of it is new. The means are just different.
There's middle ground between putting your whole life out there and being private. It's not just DD, but one thing I've noticed with celebrities saying they're private is that usually, they have no problems talking about their kids or their family - people, weirdly enough, who didn't choose to be part of this life. Then when it's about their romantic life they're like, oh no, I'm private. That seems like a cop-out.
This is already half an essay but don't get me started on celebrities becoming a brand these days. Why do celebrities need to sell us products? That is a trend I really hate. Maybe I'm too old to get it and thankful for every celebrity who doesn't feel the need to create a drink/food/candle/skin product.
Hope you have a great weekend too 😁
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eightringsofsaturn · 9 months ago
Just a warning, this does contain spoilers for Water Seven arc in One Piece
I don't think one piece would be one piece without Zoro and Luffy's 'captain and first mate' relationship, or if Luffy found a different crew member before Zoro. If anyone other than Zoro were the first mate there's actually a very good chance that the entire crew could have fallen apart in waters 7, if you were to watch that ark, it would become blatantly clear as soon as Usopp and Luffy fight that Zoro was a clear pillar to Luffy in that time, always backing him up no matter what, and holding him to a specific standard as the captain. If this were anyone else, we might run into three main issues. Issue #1 Robin was gone, if you watch only through the fight scene, you don't quite understand where she went, but we do know that she wasn't present during the actual fight itself, and therefore couldn't help in this instance. Issue #2 if the first mate was Usopp, I'm not quite sure the straw hat crew would have survived past this episode, while I love Usopp and appreciate his character development throughout this entire arc, he is not well suited for this role. Issue #3 I feel like Nami and Chopper are too outwardly emotional about the severing of ties between Luffy and Usopp to help him in this moment and while I love these characters, to be brutally honest, Luffy needed someone who was more reserved and stoic than either Nami or Chopper. Besides, up until this point no one else had pledged fealty to Luffy, so it really only makes sense for Zoro to be first mate, because even when Usopp comes back and wants to rejoin the crew, despite Zoro wanting him back as much as the rest of the crew, he makes Luffy make Usopp take responsibility, and again, holds Luffy to a standard as the captain and helps him to better himself not only as their captain, but also as their friend, because the dynamic between each individual straw hat would be off if he didn't make Usopp apologize and admit his wrongdoings.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months ago
I just had a thought regarding the “Tim should punish Buddie fans” of it all. Because at the end of the day it’s a TV show, the thing they care most about is ratings. Tim has admitted that the show got worse and ratings got worse when he stopped writing Buddie scenes (something I’m sure ABC is very aware of). So it honestly shouldn’t matter if some Buddie fans are annoying - we represent the majority opinion, which affects the ratings. Yeah they may lose some of the gained viewers from the BT stans if they breakup but it’s nothing on the viewers they’ll lose if they force Eddie into another straight relationship and separate Buck and Eddie for separate endgames.
Okay, pure speculation here, but the show is a business as much as it is a story and a show has to deal with stuff a book or a movie don't. Since the story is not contained, they need to adapt to the circumstances in which it is airing. We know for a fact that fox was against Buck being bi and that gives us the chance to infer that they were against the buddie thing as a whole. We know this was supposed to happen during s4, we know s5 separates Buck and Eddie physically since Eddie leaves the station, so that reduces their screentime without major problems because while we were getting less casual buddie since they weren't working together, we got a lot of quality buddie during Eddie's breakdown. They continued to reduce the Buck and Eddie of it all during 6a. No one was happy about it. We were NOT happy that we were missing out on their dynamic except for a few moments that were thrown in. That so created a problem that they overcorrect that in 6b. We all knew the lightning was coming but the promo had a lot of Eddie's reaction to it, we even got a bts video of Ryan running up the ladder, the do more was the teaser scene we got, when we got recovery and mixed feelings, with recovery giving us some quality buddie, and mixed feelings giving us a lot of buddie overall. Obviously, the threat of cancellation made them shift things around, we know there were reshoots, we know they tried to wrap things up in case that was the final season, and that made them drop the ball with buddie for a second there after the cemetery, but they fixed that during s7, because there was a LOT of buddie, especially considering it was reduced season. Abc has a lot of good queer rep, they seem to like their glaad awards nominations. We obviously have no idea of why fox was blocking biBuck, and again, pure speculation, but I am willing to bet you that the buddie of it all was part of the conversation while the buy was being negotiated or at least while they were discussing the plans to integrate 911 to abc once the buy was finalized. The abc people have an outside perspective on buddie, the same way we do, and buddie is a compelling dynamic that can be a gold mine if they play their cards right. If, I, a random person on the internet with a blog and hyperfixation and nothing to gain from it, can reach the conclusion that getting buddie together can bring them a shit load of exposure, I guarantee you that someone there reached that conclusion too. I believe they sat down with the team and asked "what's the deal with Buck and Eddie? Is there a plan?" and they reached some conclusion to finally get them there because they took Ryan out of pr jail and continuously put Oliver and Ryan together leading up to the season and the Buck and Eddie talk did not stop once Buck being bi was canonically confirmed.
Logistically, if the plan was to simply make Buck bi and not make the Buck and Eddie a thing, obviously, Eddie wouldn't be involved with Buck's bi arc the way he is in the story, but they would also not involve Ryan in the promotion with Oliver like that. It's 2024, no one wants queerbaiting allegations thrown at them. We lived through the mcu, and teen wolf, and supernatural, and no one wants to be that guy. They have a compelling dynamic that's been drawing people in for years, and they could've gone the whole show with both of them being perceived as straight in universe, keep doing what they were doing, leave us in the will they/won't they, and keep our part of the audience forever because we would keep coming back waiting to see them together. Personally, I think Buck being bi was a trial run in many ways from the business side of it. Buck is extremely well liked by the audience, he is a fan favorite, so people are a lot more lenient with his shit than other characters, that means that if Buck being bi was poorly received by the general audience, they could backtrack him out of it a lot easier and just introduce another pretty girl and not go there. Male bisexual rep is also not all that common, it's usually the pretty girl best friend that you later find out had a girlfriend in college who may or may not be in love with the female lead, so it stands on its own in the conversation. And, well, Buck being bi was extremely well received. Ship war aside, there is a significant part of the new influx of people who are just as invested in the Buck and Eddie of it all even with another male love interest in the mix. And there was a huge influx of people. Somewhere in the 911 team, someone is making predictions and they are aware that Eddie being queer will have the same type of reaction. Eddie might not be as popular as Buck on his own, but with the added fact that queer Eddie means buddie is coming, they get the same boom that biBuck had. They also became the first media to do this. No superhell, no complicated feelings for a car, no going back to the past. Just a compelling relationship between two male characters that's been drawing people in since the beginning that changed into something romantic and requited. They would be the first to take the popular m/m ship that drives the internet crazy and make it happen. I know of a lot of traumatized destiel or sterek or stucky or whatever else who are waiting for Eddie to be confirmed queer to start watching the show with the whole 911 already had queer rep, Buck being bi is no guarantee they'll follow through, I don't wanna be disappointed again. Which is fair, but it is a second wave of people that could come into the show. Buck and Eddie are unheard of rep. It's a 6+ seasons queer slowburn. They are best friends, they have a kid, their devotion to each other is very clear. Abc has the chance to go full Elle Woods "what like it's hard?" to every queerbaity ship that came before buddie. Especially considering we have Oliver on record multiple times saying fox was blocking it. And that would make them so much money. So much exposure. We're talking become subjects in television history classes for the rest of times because they were the first to pull through. We're not just talking ratings, we're talking being put next to genre-defining couples in media. They are a gold mine that Oliver and Ryan are on board with, that Tim seems to be on board with and that abc clearly likes using for promotion so they at least understand the numbers they could bring, so not going there because a fraction of the fandom is being bitchy on the internet is bad business.
Season 6 gave them the perfect opening to separate Buck and Eddie but they used season 7 to bring them closer together than they've ever been. If the plan was to make them end up with other people, they had the chance to make that clear this season, and they didn't. They're not gonna throw it away like this to "punish fans". They would be punishing themselves.
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inhonoredglory · 2 years ago
I think it makes sense to say that angels as ethereal beings in heaven are sexless but if one or two spend 6000 years on earth BEING male-sexed human bodies it no longer makes sense. As people keep recognising, eating food, drinking and driving fast among other things are all deeply embodied experiences and these have fundamentally changed them as people. The whole Jesus story is the same deal, being embodied human is transformative. We live in a time when the concept of embodiment is deeply unfashionable and Cartesian dualism is entrenched, where endless body mods and casual drugs and careless manipulation of core human physiology is enacted with barely an afterthought for deep-reaching and irreversible consequences, but it's a deeply sick framework for seeing the world
(In response to this meta about ineffables and romance/asexuality)
First of all, they don’t have “male-sexed human bodies.” They are literally "sexless unless they really want to make an effort” (Good Omens, 1990).
Like all of Neil Gaiman’s angels and demons (see The Sandman), Aziraphale and Crowley have no set genitalia, don’t (by default) engage in sexual activity, and they don’t always present or dress as male through history (although they often do).
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critical-gemini-hero (excerpt): "Good Omens is the first big show I’ve seen to basically avoid transphobia all together when the opportunity presented itself, and even say fuck you to the gender binary as a bonus." Neil Gaiman (excerpt): "Thank you! That was definitely what we were going for." (source)
So no, they quite literally do not have “male-sexed human bodies” and they do not ascribe to human gender norms.
In addition, what you are suggesting is that “being in a male human body” equates to “feeling male” and “feeling sexual” because “the body dictates internal experience.”
There are literally millions of people, actual human beings living in physical bodies, who (despite living in culture) still DO NOT feel that the gender assigned to their bodies is reflective of their lived, internal experience. Merely having physical attributes does not mean you have a corresponding internal experience. You can be forced by your parents, teachers, elders, peers and everyone else to FEEL a certain way because of your “sexed human body” but it won’t make it true inside you.
If one's internal experience were so unimportant, then we wouldn't have 82% of transgender individuals consider suicide (source) because of the stigma of trying to get out of the norms assigned to them because of their "sexed human bodies."
Aziraphale and Crowley have lived in history long enough to know how varied and complicated the concepts of gender AND sex have been historically. As spiritual beings, I think seeing how much humanity has varied in its ideas on sex and gender only confirms to them how unlike humans they are (with humanity’s obsession with genitalia, sex, reproduction… food, shelter, warmth, breathing––all things that angels and demons do not need to survive).
They love humanity, they love its pleasures and inventions, but they are still very much detached from it. Looking like humans definitely doesn't help them feel like humans at all. (Look at how they talk about us!)
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What are we, sniffer dogs??? They don't know what we feel like on the inside or how our biology works (we sure ain't sniffer dogs) because despite some surface appearances, they don't have the same internal experiences as us. Despite being here since the dawn of time. Despite looking like us in many ways.
They can magic up clothing and sideburns and eldritch heads to scare trigger-happy corporate men, and yet somehow gender and sex (as specifically Western-binary concepts) are something they'd totally get down with?
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Also, your line of reasoning imagines people having no internal motivation or desire and suddenly get a tattoo and start to become a “bad person” or something. Yes, of course changing our bodies can affect our psychology, but our internal identity much more often influences our bodily choices than the other way around. I'm taking the drugs because I'm already depressed. I'm getting the tat because I want something cool on my body. I'm taking testosterone because I want my inner identity reflected in some ways on my physical body.
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fangirl-docintraining · 30 days ago
Pleaseeeeeee share with us some of your thoughts on bi Darry!! (if you’re willing ❤️)
I’m always willing to yap 😂
Keep in mind guys these are just thoughts/opinions so
Listen do I think that Darry and Paul being so close in high school and probs a bit codependent lead to them being more than just besties? Yes. Yes I do. Paul be holding wayyyy too much of a grudge coming back to get in a high school fight as his big age in the book just for fun, bro was specifically wanting to see Darry I think. Don’t get me started on the musical because if book Paul was being a bit obsessed, musical Paul straight up beating up Darry’s little brother like bro… you’re so mad about Darry rn you’re making it everyone’s problem 😂
All to say, he def had a little crisis in high school cause he had feelings for, and probably had at least made out with Paul a few times. Idk if it went any further in my mind, because they’re both stuck in a society where there’s already greaser vs soc expectations and then there’s a lot of repression about different sexualities so. I think they’d be a bit repressed and kinda toxic about it. Ie make out and then act like it meant nothing (Paul probably did this, Darry probably got feelings and then moved on when he realized they could never work)
So Darry moves on from Paul because that goes down in a blaze of glory in high school imo, senior year Darry gets boy of the year and Paul just crashes out.
Darry does some soul searching (to the best of his abilities given the internalized homophobia of the time) and comes to the conclusion there have been a few men he finds attractive, but leans more towards women and is content to see himself with a girl, so he sorta just represses the male attraction as a survival instinct.
Then we have him and Betty and they’re adorable and perfect etc etc and we love them
Darry really doesn’t think about it again UNTIL in my little head I think what would go down is, Steve and Soda get reckless, as is in their nature. And Darry catches them making out in the dark on the front porch one night and just about has a heart attack
Like bro pulls them in the front door by the shirt collars, Soda’s already crying, Steve’s ready to go down swinging.
He launches into a LONG rant about how could yall be so stupid and reckless and what the hell were you thinking
And Soda is fuckin devastated and like inconsolable
And Darry is like ‘Soda crying is not going to get you out of getting grounded for being reckless,I’m not falling for it’ (cause Darry, our oblivious lovable protective older brother forgot the part where Soda is scared shitless rn, he just thinks soda’s upset cause Darry’s gonna ground his ass for doing that shit out in the open where they could get seen by less friendly eyes)
And then Soda is like u aren’t gonna kick me out? And Darry’s like I’m trying to lock you inside rn tf you mean kick you out?? And then he realizes and is like OH WAIT
He has to console them both for a long while, and explain that he’s not mad at them for doing that, but for the love of all that’s holy can they do it inside where it’s SAFE
Soda’s just in disbelief and he’s like trying to understand how Darry is taking this so well and he’s like how
Darry’s too busy trying to calm them down that he mentions something about Paul and whatever tf those two did and is like I am not a hypocrite Soda 😂 and Soda has like this ah ha! Moment™️
Which it’s all very wholesome and sweet and Darry is like I do not care what yall do but you cannot be stupid about it
And then soda has his heart attack and he’s like DOES BETTY KNOW?!?!
Darry: no..?? Soda: BUT IF YOU LIKED PAUL THEN
Soda is relieved to find out Darry indeed likes both, and is still very much in love with his girlfriend.
Ponyboy is asleep through all this, bro is more oblivious than Darry, he doesn’t realize either of his brothers have any interest in men and if he does every talk to them about his own sexuality he’s scared shuttles and they’re both like….????? Bro… r u serious? Steve and Soda got in the shower together…
Darry does talk to Betty about it, he feels like she has a right to know, but he’s terrified and like repeatedly expressing he’s in love with her and finds her attractive and he finally explains that he sorta likes both and she’s like Okay 😌 and he’s bamboozled
Betty’s mom has an uncle who’s lived with his ‘roommate’ for like twenty years in New York, she’s chillin. She’s def been a bit curious about girls herself, but never felt strongly enough to do anything about it.
All three brothers in this particular little iteration I’ve just rambled about def still have a lot of shit to work through but here ya go? Idk come at me yall but don’t yell at me 😂
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bartletslesbians · 1 month ago
They really establish CJ as a daughter-like figure to both Jed and Leo so early on in the show and that's honestly so sweet to see on a rewatch. Obviously I'm biased because of later seasons, but seeing the little worries and comforts in earlier episodes is just so nice.
In "He Shall From Time to Time", we have Jed collapsing in the oval office and we have Leo's addiction being exposed. Now we know that in season 3, CJ's dad has started developing Alzheimer's; we don't really know how he's doing in season 1. But her reactions to Jed not doing well in particular are so good.
(Especially with the knowledge from future episodes that CJ saw Abbey give Jed an injection during the campaign; she doesn't know what for or how serious, but she knows something could be wrong; and obviously Allison nor Aaron Sorkin would be aware of that yet during this episode, but I think for the character it just adds to the whole tension.)
First of all, among all the staff she's the one bugging him about taking his meds the most. She keeps asking; iirc she tells him to take the meds four times in the short walk from the press room to the oval office, and he waves her off but lets her remind him and he's not annoyed, just "yeah yeah I'm fine". She calls him out on just carrying the pills around in his pocket when he claims he's actually taking them; it's a whole little. I love that comfort between them; she can talk to him in a way that'd be considered pretty disrespectful from some of the other staff.
But also, she's visibly nervous and on edge about this? CJ is scratching at her neck when they're walking down the hallway, the same way she did during Rosslyn (and in 1x11 when Toby told her they weren't sure they could trust her to do her job; it's a reflex she has when she's seriously upset!). She's bantering with Jed like usual but she's clearly more nervous about this than she's letting on so explicitly.
When they're all standing outside the oval office talking, she's not saying much, she smiles when she has to, but otherwise she's staring at the ground and just looking a little out of it; and I'm just !! That's a woman nervous about her dad's health, okay. She knows something could be up, she can't say that because God knows it's all secret, but she knows and it's nerve-wrecking. And then the way she's standing in the oval office after Jed's collapsed, not engaging with it much, she's standing near the desk with her arms like hugging her own body and it's just !! Especially knowing her own dad could already be getting worse bit by bit (Alzheimer's can take twenty years or three years to get so much worse, it could easily already be going on, but just as easily not even on her mind yet) and also her mother having died already, most likely (since I assume that if her mom died during the show, it'd have been mentioned). There's something so touching about seeing her that worried about how Jed's doing.
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