#<33333 hope you had a good day! <3333
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stabbyfoxandrew · 12 days ago
hii aerie!! how are you? i'm treating myself to some gummy bears in your honor and sending you chocolates in my heart :D
i am incredibly intrigued by andrew's recently-acquired umbrella, but also by the upcoming conversation with kevjerejean, so can i request my usual dealer's choice between Angel Neil, Mafia Front, and Arsonist Neil? i just love all of these aus, i can't chooseeee
i hope you have a great day too!! <33
WIP Wednesday (2/12) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 280)
"Well, Kevin and I are well versed in that if you'd like to try it," Jean says. His tone is somewhere between serious and playful, but Jeremy's expression twists into a sad one. "What? I've never been the waterboard-er before."
"You're not missing out on much," Kevin says. Then Jeremy coos at him. He's like some sort of therapy dog or something. But he's not sure which of his boyfriends he needs to comfort so his head is on a swivel, looking back and forth between them.
Andrew looks down into his soup to get away from Jeremy's dilemma. It really is his favorite, a tragedy since Jean makes it so infrequently. It doesn't look that special. It has ham and beans and... assorted vegetables. Andrew doesn't even know what it's called. Maybe Jean made it up. Andrew really should get the recipe from him, so he can have another night of narrating his attempts at cooking to 10. Oh. They could video chat about it and everything. Andrew would never deign to ask for the recipe. Though he might snoop around and steal it or something.
"Fine," Jean sighs. "You're right. No torture in the apartment. But that means you won't get the man's name."
Kevin laughs. "It's okay."
"What about a photo?" Jeremy foolishly asks.
"I don't have any."
"Liar." Kevin says after staring Andrew down for a good twenty seconds. "Why don't you want us to know anything about him?"
"Is he hideous? Is that it? You're embarrassed of him?" Jean asks, seemingly delighted.
"He's not ugly." Andrew grits out. It would be a crime against humanity for anyone to think Neil was.
"Then why won't you show us a picture?" Kevin asks, slanting a look at him. Andrew glares at the bastard. Kevin has always liked poking his nose into Andrew's personal life, even when he didn't have one.
What's worse is Kevin feels he has some sort of claim on Andrew since he let Kevin follow him around PSU for years. Or maybe it was the handful of kisses they shared during his final semester. If Kevin had his way, Andrew would likely be tucked into some corner of this apartment. Like an umbrella or something.
"Because he's not your business."
"Yet." Kevin tacks onto that. "He will be."
"Whatever you say." Andrew says, then the four of them sort of come to a silent agreement to shut up and eat before the food is cold. Andrew pulls off small bits of bread and dunks them in the broth. He has an urge to pluck out every ingredient and eat them all separately. But that is not how soup is done. He's the last one done and as soon as he puts his spoon down, Kevin starts again.
"He's a fan of mine, right? What if you brought him over for a meet and greet?"
"You are nothing if not consistent. That is never happening. I think he would faint if he were in the same room as three pro stick ball players."
"Wait, is that what the photograph was for?" Jean asks, incredulously. Kevin nods and that makes Jeremy laugh.
"You gave him a picture of Kevin?"
"Signed and everything," Kevin says, smug for some reason.
"I needed a gift, Kevin pictures are free. For me." Andrew shrugs.
"Ooh, Andrew. I have an idea." Jeremy says. Between his serious tone and the joyous expression on his face, Andrew is rightly terrified. Knowing Jeremy, it could be anything from a diamond heist to a foursome. Luckily, it is nothing quite so scandalous. Though it does require some awkward positioning.
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throughtrialbyfire · 8 months ago
𝐖𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 ♥
hello, i hope everyones having a good wednesday!! my brain, for some unknown reason, believes it to be late fall right now. maybe i'm just craving that chill in the air AHAH
thank you to the fantastic @skyrim-forever and @umbracirrus for tagging me this week!! <33333
tagging the amazing @thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @orfeoarte @changelingsandothernonsense
@viss-and-pinegar @saltymaplesyrup @archangelsunited @dirty-bosmer @totally-not-deacon !! as always, there's no pressure, but i'd love to see what you're working on. <3333
this is a section from the very rough draft of chapter 39 of Cycle of the Serpent. the trio are becoming intrigued about varnius junius' plea, and have decided to do something about it.
Falk Firebeard, the steward to Jarl Elisif, had been here a great many years. He said so as he talked to the trio, his voice inviting, with the faintest hint of surprise that they were back. At first he must have assumed they were here to petition for the Burning of King Olaf, a sigh heaving down his lungs and his hands rubbing at his face. When Emeros explained the real reason they were here today, he visibly appeared to relax, and made a comment about the man that the Bosmer had mentioned being jumpy at the best of times. "I'll be honest with you, I was planning to let that go," he admitted in a half-hush, apparently unneeded, as the court made it clear the prior day that they did share his opinion. "If it were anything, I'm certain that Sybille's scrying would have picked up on it." The court wizard, seated near the Jarl, gave Wyndrelis a curious look, her eyes practically luminous under her dark hood. He swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat. He didn't enjoy the way she scrutinized him, or his friends. Her eyes, a particular shade of citrine which looked to be peering right into him and down to the veins beneath his skin, set the mild panic to rise, sensation a slow crawl up his back of something very off about the woman. "Yes, but what if there's something the scrying hasn't picked up on? I'm no stranger to magic," Wyndrelis managed out, "if there is something going on, wouldn't it be better to investigate?"
The man rubbed his face, hands fidgeting with one another idly. His glances to Elisif, her housecarl, and other figures in the court landed him with approving nods, and Falk again spoke up. "There have been reports of... weird happenings near Wolfskull Cave. Travelers disappearing, odd lights. I suspect wild animals or perhaps bandits." "Travelers disappearing?" Emeros repeated, his eyes wide as the words left him half-breathless. "And you didn't think that this was worth an investigation?" "Again, I thought it might be wild animals and bandits," Falk justified, enunciating the statement. "We all did. They've taken advantage with the war going on, all this uncertainty, no one is truly safe. But I digress, if you really think it's worth looking into, then I will make sure that you three are repaid for your work." A housecarl nearest Falk scoffed into a drink, prompting the court wizard to scowl. "Is there something funny, Erikur?" "No, no, not at all." The man rolled his eyes as he sipped from his goblet, a sort of wine from the smell of it. "I just find it a bit interesting that we're sending three strangers to investigate Haafingar's matters. This should be the work of someone from our own Hold, not these elves who had to get a military pardon when they first arrived here." Phoebe, over at her desk, winced. She looked to Erikur, a sharp, probably dangerous gaze on anyone else that merely served to make her appear like a mouse scolding a wolf. "Besides, our coffers are emptier by the day. What can we even reward three would-be bandit-slayers when they inevitably return without having spilt so much as skeever blood?"
"Erikur," the hulking figure on the other side of the throne snapped, "that's enough." Erikur shrugged, and took another long drink from his goblet. Elisif looked over the trio, her face worn into a dreary resignation. "Then what do you propose? We've already sent a detachment to Dragon Bridge, and Sybille's scrying has shown nothing, yet, I must admit that the idea of leaving this uninvestigated makes me uneasy." Erikur's focus darted around the room. "We should send a handful of our own soldiers. Perhaps discuss it with General Tullius? See if he will offer some help." The room descended into murmurs of agreement, the idea clearly tantalizing to the court. Wyndrelis frowned. He looked to Emeros and Athenath, both equally unsatisfied with this resolution. "I will send word to Captain Aldis, and ask if he's any new recruits he might test by sending them that way. Phoebe, draft a letter to the Captain, and deliver it as soon as possible," Elisif commanded, tension leaving her as she watched the pale-haired girl scratch something down into a new roll of paper. Athenath spluttered, "but what if it's something- I don't know, important?" "Then our soldiers will have it taken care of, instead of recent strangers dirtying their hands." Erikurs cavalier reply left the Altmer again struggling for words, Emeros placing a gentle palm on his shoulder. Wyndrelis shrunk back, his steps taking him to the stairs. A few mutters from the Bosmer, and Athenath was moving to the stairwell, face scrunched in a look of intense frustration with the dismissal. As the trio left the Blue Palace, the sneer never quite fell from Athenath's face, and Wyndrelis swallowed down the urge to ask of it, or to pry into why Erikurs words prodded so harshly into them as to leave their features twisted, until the Altmer ran a hand down their face and features relaxed, like he'd wiped it all away and resigned to the outcome. This wasn't ideal, but when was anything the trio had been through in the past few weeks?
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kavehpilled · 7 days ago
HIHI NOAH GOOD MORNING TO YOU, HOW HAS UR WEEK BEEN GOING????? is it too much to hope at this point that it hasnt been too stressful...? /lh
ANW ANW IMP RANDOM QUESTION BUT if you HAD to choose ONE char out of kaveh, alhaitham, aventurine and sunday, who would you choose ^-^ :33333 (if one is too hard then two or three in order of preference :333)
This is incredibly important btw >:3333 anw see ya noahie take care of urself ilysm :((((( <3333
LIA I MISSED OUOU MY WEEK IS FINALLY OVER. i actually have…a miraculous update for you
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dont trust what it says about the first three days my apple watch died in the middle of the night cause i kept forgetting to take it off. but i promise i went to bed before midnight every night and it feels WEIRD
my week has been okay!! ive barely been at school so ive been resting a LOT and pulling for boothill….. and guess what happened
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yeah i peed. im so close to boothill too but he wokt come home and im terrified cause theres three days left
if i am being held at GUNPOINT probably kaveh…but runner up is sunday ive been having serious sunday brainrot since i just finished penacony. but now i am wondering what this is for…
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signanothername · 9 months ago
Sorry if I'm bothering you, but what is Earth Spark? I've never heard of it and I can't find it on the streaming sites I have. May I get a run threw from you please?
Thanks, and of course. You can always delete this. Have a good day/night or whatever time zone you are in.
Hello!! Not a bother at all! Please never fear sending as many asks as you wish! /gen <333 ( I saw your other ask and i plan on answering it too dw <3333)
Earthspark is a Transformers show! Its full name is actually “Transformers Earthspark”
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The show has old transformers characters that have appeared before in the franchise and introduces completely new characters, which means the show has a lot of freedom to explore beyond the usual limits of only having old characters
It plays around with unique concepts as well as explores themes of acceptance, life after war, mental health, gender identities (there’s an explicitly stated nonbinary character in this show called Nightshade <333) and many other moral and social concepts
So far the show has season 1 with 26 episodes, and it recently had its first batch of season 2 released with 10 episodes
It’s a really fun show! Unfortunately the only streaming site you can find it on is Paramount :(
So people have resorted to other methods to watch it, if you would like to watch it yourself, and you can’t/don’t want to use Paramount, you can find helpful links which are provided by fans of the show on this blog @transformers-earthspark
If you’d like to watch it but don’t want any spoilers before you do, I would advise you filter out the tag “earthspark spoilers” or any of its variants so you won’t get spoiled before watching, considering season 2 was very recently released so people are talking about the show nonstop rn
I’d be honest and say that if you want to watch it but know nothing of Transformers as a whole, then you might be a bit lost cause this show explores the aftermath of war that the other shows/comics/games usually present in the franchise
However the fandom is genuinely so very kind and welcoming, and i believe if you were to ask around about the concepts you don’t understand, people would be very willing to help without judgement (feel free to ask me of you’d like too, would absolutely love to help out)
That’s about it! Hope that’s a good run through! Happy watching if you do! <33333
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kaiserkisser · 6 months ago
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Oh and here’s a full cassiopeia and andromeda because i cant get enougj of them (i also have a pic of hercules AND pegasus but its too good like im having a hard time seeing the constellations with how many stars i got in the pic 😭✊)
And hmmm i think i spotted Cassiopeia (?) like its in the top half right? but i dont think i found andromeda can u help me 😭😭😭😭 and BROOOO THIS IS SO COOL THO OMG I LITERALLY LOVE STARS SO MUCH THIS IS FUELING MY MOTIVATION TO STUDY THEM SJHSSHHS atleast now i wont be completely clueless lmao bc ive never seen any constellation myself apart from like orion years ago 💀💀 now with the level of pollution here u literally cant see shit ☹️☹️
and im doing great noahh thank u <3333 itll be evening for u right? sooo remember to have a proper dinner n then get enough sleep hehe, i hope u have a great rest of the day and tomorrow <33333
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angelpuns · 1 year ago
This little message i send to the accounts i know mostly; Ahem Hello, how are you? Are you doing good? Are you taking care of yourself? I hope so 🤍
Happy new year✨ am not a very social person but i would love to say how happy it makes me knowing you, every post you make no matter how small it is, it does bring me joy in my day✨
I hope this day marks a great, wonderful beginning for a wonderful year to you, me and every person whose important to us✨🩷
I am taking care of myself as well as I can <33333 Happy New Year!!!
this is so sweet I wish I had a better response but omg <3333
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shootingstarrfish · 9 months ago
do you have any head canons of more demonic/angelic traits in the cast? like i know you draw asmo with a scorpion tail when his sprite doesn't have on (you're amazing for doing that btw he looks so slay).
Hope you're having a good day! Your maid outfits peak design :)
ahh thank you so much Anon!!! <3333 scorpion tail asmo my beloved... 💖
my favourite lately has been one i read in a fic in which barbatos had those thin pointy glass-like teeth that eels have, except you rarely ever saw them because catching barbatos smiling enough to see them properly was rare. but i love the idea of barbatos appearing and acting relatively human like and very rarely slipping out of that (and it being unnerving when he does) oohohohoh tasty stuff
but also sharp teeth on all of them <33333 i'll take your entire stock thanks :D someday id love to assign them all different types of fangs/sharp teeth, i think thatd be real fun
i also love the idea of levi having rows of shark teeth- oops these are all teeth related
not necessarily demonic but i think satan with generally more catlike traits is fun! thin pupils that get ridiculously huge when hes excited and his hair poofing up when hes angry or shocked
tbh i don't have a tooon of headcanons like this cause im a coward but sometimes i pick them up here and there like shiny lil rocks! feel free to share yours if you'd like! :>
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months ago
your themes are always so pretty 🥹🤍 i took a nibble out of this one and it tastes like strawberries, meringue, and champagne 😋
ren pls :(((() thank you so much <3333 i decided this year to stick with the mofusand cats as headers so I’ve sort of pre organized what every month is getting <33333 this one is for Valentine’s Day and it’s so good that’s what you picked up on bc that’s what im serving you honey
I hope you’ve had a great day mwah mwah mwahhhh
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collegetennisoriginstory · 1 year ago
OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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raiiinbowsquid · 8 months ago
[🖌💫] - Goodnight everybody!!! I hope you all had a good day or night!!!!!! And if not, I hope it gets better soon!!!!!!! Remember to take care of yourself, okay? Because someone, somewhere, cares a lot about you!!!!! ^^ Goodnight everybody!!!! Love you all!!!! Mwahmwahmmmmmwah!!!! <33333 :3333/gen/p
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nosolaceofastraightanswer · 2 years ago
the final one!!!! ogufhhghrgfhfhfhf. let’s get to it besties i have to write some psychology paragraphs after this still and let me tell you the night is not young 🤠
im totally gonna have an emotional note at the end omg i can’t believe it’s overrerrrr 🥺
i think overall there were so many good character interaction scenes and i wish that the development from those happened ages ago. the characters felt very cartoony and stagnant for a while tbh.
this episode did however remind me of how much i love viktor + allison’s relationship istg they need interaction s4 plssss they’re so fucked up but they lvoe each other so much bro
my wishlist for s4 only grows 😔
glad they brought back five Being Insane this ep. i feel like he didn’t bring this manic energy to the rest of the season but now that it’s here i’m just like yes get it king 👑
i have individual posts to make but i’ll say it here anyway: MURDER HOTEL IS SO FUCJING COOL!!!!
that yellow light was so creepy but OML the bugs?!!??!!?!?!?!? agahhgkgkgkgkgkg it gave me the heebies AND the jeebies.
sloane also deserves to go feral but like. srsly wish she was more developed. when i tell you villain arc sloane is in my heart okay.
dielila enjoyers stay winning ig???? im sorry they’re adorable.
miss stabnley tho :(((( baby
that sigil stuff was cool!!! wish we got more worldbuilding OUHGGHH
in all caps is my literal reaction when allison goes into her apartment (ft return of The Notes bc im just quirky like that)
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AAAAAAA okay so analysis and individual posts r done
tysm to anyone who interacted this wild ride!!!! it’s been amazing and i lvoe you guys sm. im so glad the fandom community can come together to appreciate this thing we all lvoe like????? 🥺🥺 i gotta make a psot @ing my fave tuamre posters!!! <3333
to anyone who is an algamation post enjoyer: ily 💪💪 we stay winning
ALSO for the future now that the rewatch is over, i will be staying active in the tua fandom and posting still!! i have some art i made recently and MANY brain animatics that i hope will one day make it to paper/flipaclip. i’ve also got some analysis i’ve been holding off on cus it would be a LARGE undertaking, and i’ve been thinking of writing fanfic on my ao3 sometime!!! i love the tua fandom and i’m having a blast. ^_^
we can only pray for the s4 outcome whenever tf that’s coming out.
i have had so much fun reading everyone’s posts and hanging out. i met so many people through this as well!!!! hiiiiiiii
OUGUGHHFHFGHG u guys r the best :D
also thanks a million years forever to the bug enjoyers HERES THE GUY
look at him Wiggle. anyways have a good night everyone! i have to Go Do Work now. love u guys <33333
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webslingingslasher · 1 year ago
j i woke up with so much love for you so you have to hear it all!! i hope you have the BEST bestest best day ever. i want only good things to happen to you😠 you deserve the worldddd<3
ur my fav person. if we had to choose a person like in a game to keep with us forever, i'd pick you! oh or if this was pe class i'd always pick you first 🤍 i like having virtual sleepovers with you and i spend sooo much time with your words! you have no idea. they keep me company <3333 and make me feel less alone in this scary world! mineminemine my fav writer ever. <333333333333333 mwah
THIS MADE ME FEEL ALL SORTS OF LOVE AND MUSHY!!! i would spend all the hours and pe classes with you!!!
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yudgefudge · 2 years ago
hope you're having a good day my friend !! thinking of you <3333
have you ever dyed your hair? idk why but u seem like you'd have dyed hair or have had sksjjsj 🙏🏿🙏🏿💗
I’d love to dye my hair but my parents would kill me + I’ve heard bad things about dye and blk ppl’s hair. If I did dye my hair it would 100% be sumn like blue highlights.
I seem like I have dyed hair? sksjskksksks wdym 😭😭😭😭😭
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hyuuukais · 1 year ago
hi cutie :3 hi baby <33
gooooomorningggg love <333 how was ur sleep? did u sleep well? did u wake up feeling energized? i hope uuu did <33333
have u had breakfast yet? was it yuuuummmmyyy :3 ? if u havent then u should grab smthn to eattt !! dont forget to drink lots of water!!! hydrate hydrate hydrateee <3333
i hope ur day is as wonderful as u baby <33 u deserve to experience aaaalllllllllll good things in the universe <3333333
love u lots precious <333
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hiii baby!!!! i just got home from work, but i slept ok. i had some trouble falling asleep and had another strange dream djsjsk
i just had an apple for breakfast dhsj i wasn't hungry but knew i needed to eat something. it's okay tho bc i just had a lil snack and i'm going out with my sister, so we might get something while we're out :) i've had lots of water tho!!
my day so far has been okay. the power went out again at work lol, since our roof construction people hit another line 💀 so fun times!! i hope ur day was amazing :) and that u are sleeping well <3
i love you sooo much my love, my baby, my honey 💙💗🤎💙💗🤎💙💗🤎
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ashitshowforalot · 1 year ago
hi gorgeous :3 hi cutie :3
goomorning bebeluvs :3 how was ur sleeeep? did u sleep well? i hope u diiid <33
dont forget to eat breakfast baby !!! eat smthn oh so v yummy n delicious thatll fill u up !!! dont forget to hydrate n drink lots of water too <3333!!
i hope ur day is gonna be amaaaazinggg <33 i hope u only experience good things today <33333
loveee uuuu lotssss baby <33333
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i am gonna kiss you on the mouth i love you so much 😭
i am so very tired but i cannot fall back asleep :(
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gojosattoru · 2 years ago
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back :)  Now let the hugging begin!🥰 😘💖💕💝💟
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Gosh guys thank you so much for sending these back to me you're just so amazing and all these huggies made me feel so much better and my days warmer hehe <333333 You deserve all the bast cuties! I'm sorry for answering so late but i have been working on a project last week that's why it took me a while!! Really appreciate all the love you always send to me guys, I love you so much!! I'll be sending you lots of huggies to your way Anto @aslaveofgod Daisy @okkotsu-yuutas (love you too loads darling!! i hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself bby!! <33333 miss you!!) Amina @rubydragon16 Marti @yugitsu Kay @kyaa-a Gaby @kimdokjas Victoria @tatakaeeren Lilium @lilium-dragomir Alyssa @mokacheer Nedzi @inahochi Margaux @gizaoyas Mica @princesstooru Atsumi @umidays Steffi @nagi-cchi Rini @smol-ackerman Moon @rashoumonzz Art @apparently-artless Sin @mx-sinisters (thank you bby!! i had a good day hehe hope you are doing well too <3333) Eva @hokusu and Katie @fyodcrs !!!! Hope you have been doing well!! Thank you for everything bbies!! Wish you all a great week <333333 *hugs you all very tight and never les you go* xDDDD
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