pawnshopsouls · 2 months
//GUYS - WE HAVE A STRICKLANDER PLAYER!!! @lncarnon is a multimuse with lots of muses, so if Strickler isn't your cup of tea, they have a lot of options, so be sure to come and say hi!!!
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aajjks · 3 months
im backkkk!
mommy issues!JK
“Yn you getting ready for bed?”
a few seconds later, you enter the bedroom with a pack of birthday cake mini muffins from seol’s snack pantry and when jungkook catches you, the sight is adorable. you’re happily munching on those mini muffins and jungkook, being the awesome future husband he is, helps you take off your dressy attire starting with your heels.
you sit on the bed and watch jungkook unbuckle your heels before sliding them off and as a reward, you feed him on of the sweet tasting muffins. next, is the dress and jungkook easily unzips it even going as far as taking the dress off of you.
just as your about to put another muffin in your mouth, jungkook attaches his lips with yours all while caressing your pregnant belly. it feels so good to have his hands on you—you’re so in love with him that it can almost be distracting sometimes. at times, he’s all you think about even your dreams a filled with him. his face, his lips, his hands, and now it’s coming full circle as the little family you both have is increasing.
you wonder if jungkook wants more babies or if he’s satisfied with just seol and moon. you want to have tons of kids, around 5 or 6 but it has to be more than 3.
“hold my muffins. i’m gonna put my pajamas on” you say as you escape jungkook’s cozy grip and walk to your dresser to pull out a blue, spaghetti-strapped night gown before returning to your fiancé who has started taking off his dress clothes. you ask him “what did you think of the party?” besides you getting slapped in the face by your mother, you thought the party was amazing and you had a lot of fun.
as you’re trying to listen to jungkook, you get a little distracted watching him undress. he slides his dress shirt off after unbuttoning it then the jingling sound of his leather belt is next. of course, jungkook knows you aren’t really listening to him. he can tell by your responses: “uh huh” “yeah” “mhm” you’re obviously paying attention to something else and when he gets a good look at your pretty face, the dots easily connect.
“what?” you play innocent. “i’m just eating my muffins. i don’t know what you’re talking about. matter of fact, it’s getting late. we’ll talk tomorrow. goodnight~”
you want him so bad.
The lust and hunger in your eyes is pretty strong, so clear. Jungkook hums in response. “Uh yn baby can you please massage my shoulders? Ugh they hurt so bad.” He whines suddenly, smirking mentally as he moans in pain.
He would never make you massage him, he’s just trying to tease you. And maybe get you more horny. “Ahhh come on sit up.” He says making his way onto the bed, he has grey sweatpants on now, no shirt on, and nothing underneath his sweatpants too.
He sits on the bed, waiting for you to make your move. “As massage my shoulders. I’ll tell you about how i felt about the party. You know this time you better listen because I caught you staring at me.” He chuckles, he hears the bed rustling as you make your way to where jungkook is sitting.
His back is turned on you but he can feel the heaviness of your gaze on him. When you finally start to massage him, gripping his shoulders tightly, he grunts.
“Agh fuck that feels so good yn- you’re making me feel so good baby.” He says in a breathy tone.
Your hands are trembling as you massage him, your labored breathing is so audible. “Oh yeah that’s the spot mhm.” He moans, “shit you’re such a good girl.”
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sacrer-blu · 6 months
“It's an eternity in there.”
Ferme ta bouche
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gardenerian · 1 year
I have kind of a weird idea for an au based off an experience I had and I can't stop thinking about it. I recently had to have an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart) done and it's a strangely intimate experience. It takes about 30 minutes and I had to lay on my left side facing the wall the whole time and the technician is behind me with his arm over me with ultrasound thing on my chest. And I guess because it takes so long he can't just hold his arm up forever so he had it resting on my side. And he was so close to me it kind of felt like a hug. And it's quiet except for the sound of my heart on the machine.
Either Ian or Mickey could be the tech and it would be good. Say they met briefly at a bar or something or had some kind of moment where they were attracted to each other or even had a one night stand. And then the one shows up to his appointment, let's just say it's Mickey because being the tech might make more sense for Ian, and he's waiting in his hospital gown in the room and Ian walks in. It's weird and awkward and Ian asks if he want to reschedule and have it with someone else but they end up just doing it and I don't know where to go from there but yeah. And it doesn't have to be some serious heart problem, it turns out I just have some harmless irregular heartbeat called PVC that comes and goes so it could just be something like that.
Sorry this was long I just wanted to tell someone because I like this idea so much. I'm not a writer so if anyone out there who wants to write it go for it!
first, my love, i am so glad everything is okay! what a scary experience. sending you all the love!
second: HHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGG. yessssss. yes! "strangely intimate" is my SHIT. i love the scenario you're laying out here. the instant attraction/immediate fuckery with tenderness/emotional intimacy FOLLOWING that??? yes. it hits so well with them!
this is such a great prompt. it's got potential for everything. meet cute? smutty goodness? awkward encounters? flirty energy? EMOTIONAL UNAVAILABILITY THAT BECOMES EMOTIONAL NEEDINESS? hurt/comfort? happy ending? you know it!! and it could take so many different forms! multichap? yes. stunning oneshot? of course. GALLADRABBLE SERIES? you betcha! this is amazing, and i kiss your brain (and your heart!).
paging @gallavichprompts! give the people what they want!!
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xaallo · 2 years
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“What in the world.”
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hotelbitches-a · 11 months
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if viv didn't have to currently keep hh and hb separate charlie would probably be the prime example of a royal in a controversial relationship as the prince of hell dating a sinner after dating a von-eldritch
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khaosundivided · 2 years
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“ You must be very, very lost.”
This one was clearly not of Northmen stock.
“The south is that way, little mortal.”
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dxrkl1ght · 15 days
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la2yn0va · 2 months
Hello! Can i request some self aware au Feixiao x male reader, who has already decided he is going to skip the other character for her? Like it has been predertemine. The reader said something like: "I like ya and i want ya". Just like that with no sense of shame.
…you watching me or something?
-Watching the 2.4 trailer while having honkai open-
M/n: So a prison break event? Sure I’ll take it. Even though I wanted stellaron hunter Sunday, I’ll take a Prision break—
Gets interrupted as feixiao appears on the screen “…WHO IS YOUUUU!!?” He rewinds to her the close up of her dull blue eyes. Leaning back on his chair and keeping his hand over his mouth whilst his chat instantly knows what’s wrong with him beginning to call him a simp.
Chatter 1: Aaaaaand she got another one.
Chatter 2: Welcome to the club.
Chatter 3: Ay this the same mfer that said he doesn’t simp for anyone. LMAO!!!
M/n has yet to speak a word, simply staring at the foxian woman. Meanwhile, the characters in the game are staring depressed. What does that foxian general have that they don’t!!!?
They can fight, they have pretty eyes, they have smooth skin!! WHATS SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER!!
M/n:…imma be honest… jing yuan, step down there’s a new general in town
An arrow pierced jing yuan
M/n: Better hair ‘another arrow’ better weapons—PLUAR ‘two arrows’ and SO much better eyes and hair!!
Jing yuan falls onto the ground cartoonishly unconscious as the luofu characters yell in panic. (I know Alejandro is SEETHING right now)
M/n:…nahhh, I’m not simping.. right? Me? Simping…?
Stares longer at feixiao “…Fuck it, I’ll wear it on my chest. I’m actually simping for someone right now. FUCK!” M/n throws a small unserious tantrum. Whilst the xianzhou characters (besides that now depressed jing yuan) are crying to themselves.
Chatter 4: You skipping yunli and jiaoqiu? Ya SIMP.
M/n: Okay— 1. Why you gotta type that with so much disrespect? 2… I wanna say yes, but my luck with pulls and light comes are CRAZY… like I haven’t lost a 50/50 since I picked up this game sooooooooo……….i mean.. I like her… and I want her.
Chatter 5: Nah pull for them, I bet you’d get them anyway.
Chatter 6: You self reported there, YOU DONT LOSE. SO PICK UP THE CHARACTERS.
(LEAKS!!!!) M/n began looking at imagines and leaks for feixiao, at one point staring at her back when her shirt was burnt off. “Hoooly shiiit….”
Chatter 8: I don’t think he’s even in the same universe as us right now mate.
Chatter 9: Welcome his first E6S5 character guys.
M/n:…..Yeah, I need you mother fuckers to donate RIGHT NOW! I NEED HER E6S5 YESTERDAY!
The end.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 5 months
some conversations between Tim and Steph
Steph: It's not working anymore, Tim.
Tim: I know. I'm sorry, Steph.
Steph: Don't be. We tried our best.
Tim: We did.
Tim: We're still going to be friends, right?
Steph: Bitch, please, we're family!!!
Tim: Hey, Steph. I'm bisexual.
Steph: Ayyy, welcome to the club, Timberlina.
Steph: I've always known.
Tim: HOW???
Steph: You're anything but discreet, Tim.
Steph: And your Tumblr page has reblogs of shirtless men on it.
Tim: I don't have Tumblr!!!!
Tim: No one needs to know!!!!
Steph: But I know you, Timothy Drake!!
Steph: Tim, I need your help.
Tim: On what exactly?
Steph: I've been pining on Cass since I've laid eyes on her!!
Tim: Of course you are.
Tim: I know you, Stephanie Brown!!!
Tim: And we're a house full of detectives.
Steph: Yes, but apparently, not all of you are very good readers when it comes to feelings.
Tim: That includes you.
Steph: I'm not that bad!!!
Steph and Tim at the same time:
Steph: Help me arrange a date with Cass!!!
Tim: Help me arrange a date with Kon!!
Steph: Sometimes it's scary how similar we are.
Tim: We're family after all.
Tim: But shall we have PowerPoint presentations on the ideas of the dates?
Steph: That's not necessary.
Tim: I like to plan.
Steph: As long as I get to choose the next color of your nails.
Tim: Deal.
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BLOG NEWS: Check back later!
I now run a Riordanverse roleplay Tumblr Community! Everyone is welcome!
Kat if she had a Wikipedia page (her lore summarized)
Portrait done by the incredibly talented @apollos-coolest-child
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Oh, hi! Didn’t see you see there. I’m Kat Carter!
Okay, lemme think… I’m fifteen, daughter of Apollo currently at Camp Half-Blood with my homies <3
When I’m not at camp, NYC is my home base. You can probably find me in Apollo cabin: practicing monologues/songs, playing matchmaker (it’s not just for Aphrodite kids!), or staging a kitchen coup d’état so I can bake something delicious.
he gets his own category:
@ellis--wakefield — my boyfriend <333
he’s really cute and he’s great at capture the flag and he’s nice to the newbies and damn he’s just idk how to even describe him ‘cause words cannot
Former… um… let’s just say people I used to know:
@lukemessedup — Good boss, bad business
@lieutenant-of-kronos — I regret letting him convince me to join up but he’s a nice guy.
@alabaster-c-t — Yep. You read that right. Bro is apparently not dead, nor has ever been.
@the-song-of-the-moon — We’re starting an ex-Titan Army therapy group together :3
Uncle Kronos (links to the Wayback Machine of the first version) — Literally cannot believe I wrote this. Uncle Kronos was a good person. I think I’ll always miss him, but I’m glad he found peace. Here’s to you, Uncle K.
@existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh — need I say more? He’s awesome. Case closed.
@the-better-castellan — new addition to the List Of People Who Aren’t Dead After All! They’re cool trust me
@peyton-is-cool — I missed him loads. Thank the gods he’s safe—he’s been in Texas? I guess?
Totally irresponsible pseudo-father to half of CHB (he does actually care about campers but he’s got a reputation to uphold):
My fellow campers, love y’all:
@thanatoss-favorite-demigod — best murder road trip buddy a gal could ask for
@thehadescabincounsler — I’ve adopted them into Apollo cabin. They’re now officially an honorary child of the Sun Dude.
@thatonebitheaterkid — my sibling. too many pets (affectionate)
@that-dam-daughter-of-poseidon — my absolute bestie <3
@poseidons-favourite-daughter — training together ⚔️! She’s so sweet and a year rounder so I won’t be alone come fall
@yes-im-a-daughter-of-hades — she just got back from Tartarus, so you know what that means!… binge watching everything pop culture. Phineas and Ferb say what?
@lady-ariadne-of-milan — my coolest big sister. Be nice, she’s been trapped as a flower since, like, the Renaissance.
@bill-son-of-boreas — Ayyy! My Norwegian bestie!
@internal-bloodshed — I’m like ninety percent sure he wants me dead. If I step a toe out of line and hurt Ellis, my body will apparently never be found.
@the-better-stoll-brother — If anyone messes with him one more time I’m throwing hands.
Shoot me an ask, camp can get kinda boring!
(Psst. My general tag is #kat carter on the case, and my lore tag is #from the archives of kat carter)
(Extra psst. Do you want more Kat Carter content without actually having to roleplay? Send me an ask by picking something from my tag #ask game!)
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chellestrash · 1 year
Birthday Girl
Mikey Berzatto x Female Reader 
Summary: You show up at The Beef on your birthday, a bit earlier than Mikey was expecting you. But that's alright, you'll still get your birthday gift, dont you worry.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral sex, unprotected sex, public sex, creampie, teasing, praises, pet names
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: Hi hellooo! So, this is a late birthday gift for my sweet @chelseasdagger because I know how hard she fell for Mikey, especially with how he looks in season 2? The beard?! I mean we all love it right? Thank you @suitsofwo3 for proofreading this mess and I hope those of you who choose to read it will enjoy it. This is my first time writing for Mikey so I hope I did him justice but if I didn't...dont tell me, thank you. 
@chelseasdagger Pea I hope you’ll like this, this is all written with you in mind, and I know we talked about a lot of different ideas for birthday fics over the year and this is I guess a bit different but I hope its still okay. I love you, happy birthday!
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You straighten up the dress one last time and clear your throat, mentally preparing yourself for the chaos that's about to ensue the moment you step through the door of the Berzatto restaurant. You loved The Beef, of course you did. You enjoyed most of the time you chose to spend helping around the sandwich shop, but you also knew how overwhelming it could get.
Pushing the designated staff door on the back of the building, you step inside.
You jump at the sound and smile at Richie, waving your hand as he sets down the tray of dirty dishes and makes his way over to you the moment he notices your presence.
“Well, well, well, look who it is.” He starts, his arms spread open and a big, welcoming smile on his face as he looks you up and down quickly, nodding his head in approval. You can't help but smile, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Happy birthday sweetheart.”
“Thanks Richie! I look okay?” You ask, after he hugs you tightly, quickly getting rid of the jacket to fully present your outfit.
“Well, I'd say, fucking great actually, not okay. Okay is not…” He steps back, gesturing over your body, and you shake your head slightly amused, waiting for him to finish the thought.
“Okay is not…doesn’t do it justice, actually.”
You let out a chuckle, rolling your eyes at the compliment.
“What doesn’t do what justice?" Marcus pops his head in from around the corner, and you watch how his face lights up the second his eyes are on yours.
“Oh shit, look who it is!”
“I said that already.” Ritchie points out, and both you and Marcus breathe out a soft laugh.
“Good to see you.”
You step further into the restaurant, meeting him halfway, before he pulls you into a big hug. Brushing his hand over your back, he holds you there for a little longer before finally letting go.
“Happy birthday, that was a special birthday hug.” He announces, and you nod with an impressed expression.
Marcus agrees, doing his best to look completely serious before you ask.
“What makes it special?"
Your eyebrows pull together as you watch him attempt to come up with some serious explanation before he shakes his head.
“Can't tell you.”
“And why is that?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets.”
You blink, not knowing what answer you were expecting, but it obviously wasn’t anything along those lines. He winks, a big smile on his face as you both step into the kitchen now and you’re left with no other choice than to just accept the explanation.
You walk past the stoves, careful not to disturb the somehow chaotic but still functional ecosystem the Berzatto brothers managed to create within the restaurant.
“Behind.” You rest your hand on Tina's shoulder, and she turns around quickly, her whole face lighting up, her arms almost immediately wrapping around you as she pulls you into a hug.
“Ayyy my Love, happy birthday!” She cups your face, kissing your cheek before letting go.
“Thank you, Tina, thank you.” You hug her back, and she nods, the smile never leaving her face.
“How are you, how's the birthday girl, huh?” She asks, glancing over your outfit, clearly impressed.
No one here has ever really seen you dressing up like this. Today was…a bit of a special occasion.
"Weird. Tina, Richie, gave me a compliment. Richie! You believe that?"
You hear the man's voice from the other side of the kitchen, and both you and Tina turn in the direction of the sound.
“I'm being nice!”
“I know!” You shout back, ducking under Ebra's arm when he walks past you. Smiling from eye to eye once he notices you, the man stops for a moment.
He nods, showing you he means the dress and the way you look in it.
You nod with a smile, thanking him for the compliment, before he quickly wishes you a happy birthday as well.
Walking around the restaurant, you quickly greet everyone working today. Passing by Sugar and Syd you stop to talk to them for a little bit and they both give you their best wishes and compliments on your outfit as well. Stepping away after a moment, you look around the place with an intention of eventually finding your boyfriend out there but bumping into the rest of the crew you’re unable to complete your mission.
Fak, in a typical Fak fashion, stands in front of you with his mouth wide open the second he sees you, clearly impressed by your chosen look for this special evening.
“Oh my god, you look so pretty!”
You feel your cheeks heating up, not even trying to hide the way the compliments got to you any longer.
“You think so?”
Twirling slightly, you show off the way the dress moves with your body, the silky, soft fabric contrasting with the harsh, industrial interior of the restaurant kitchen. You feel out of place but at the same time, somehow they all make you feel like you’ve never fit in better anywhere else.
“Yeah, you look like a freaking princess!” He continues, walking around you in a circle before turning to face the rest of the crew. “You guys seen this?”
They all nod, smiling and glancing in your direction, and you feel so thankful for all of them in that moment.
“Seen what?” You hear the familiar voice behind you and quickly turn around to face Carmy. Stepping into the restaurant, most likely after a smoke break, he sees you for the first time that day.
“Hey!” You smile.
“Heyyy, yo…you look great, holy shit!”
Pushing his hand through the mess of blond curls, he scratches the top of his head, quickly glancing up and down your body before shaking his head softly.
“Sorry, happy birthday.”
You both smile as he pulls you in for a warm hug.
“Thank you bear.” You mumble quietly, your hand rubbing up and down his back a couple of times before letting go.
“Course! You need anything?" Carmy asks after you two step away from each other.
“Oh right, yeah. Office.” He points in the direction of the small room right by the “employees area” and you nod, thankful for the help.
You turn back and wave at the few people still looking at you before crossing the hall in a couple of quick steps.
You push the door open and step inside the small, mostly dark room. It's messy, very busy and there's hardly any rhyme or reason to the way the space is ‘organized.’ It screams ‘Mikey’.
You watch the older Berzatto brother while he talks on the phone for another moment, before turning to face you at the sound of the door closing behind you. You wave, not saying anything as you do not wish to interrupt any, possibly, important business. A quiet laugh still slips past your lips, when you watch his eyes open wide at the sight of you.
You gesture over the dress, pushing your hip out to the side before posing. Mikey sinks his teeth into his lower lip, nodding his head to the quiet words on the phone as if the person could somehow see him.
“Hey, I'm gonna have to call you back, man.” He finally speaks up, and you glare at him with a confused expression.
“What? Yeah, emergency.” He lies before hanging up and quickly throwing his phone onto the desk.
The way his eyes shine when he looks at you makes you feel like your insides are doing jumping jacks. You try your best to remain looking completely unphased but the way his eyes skim over the dress, the way his expression softens and his body slumps slightly, simply just from seeing you there, makes your knees weak.
“Holly Fucking SHIT!” He looks away but quickly turns back to you, squinting his eyes with his head tilted to the side, he attempts to take in the whole picture one more time.
“You like it? Looks good?” You ask, your cheeks aching from the constant smiling, as you feel, possibly, the best you’ve felt all day.
“Good?!” Mikey almost shouts, offended that you'd even try to use such an underwhelming word to describe yourself.
“You fucking-” He starts, taking a step in your direction before you push your leg out, the dress lifting up your leg slight, and he lets out a whine and a grunt before kneeling on the floor right in front of you.
“Oh Mikey come-” You try to stop him, but he doesn't move.
“Holy fuck baby what-you're tryna kill me here i-” He asks, hands already reaching up, longing for the feel of your body against his palms.
You feel yourself getting warmer, the excitement making your heart pound harder in your chest when you glance down to see your boyfriend, Mikey Berzatto, on his knees for you.
“Can I touch you, babygirl? Hmm?” He asks, and you nod, somehow managing to keep your cool and not completely lose it over the way he acts when it comes to you.
“Oh fuck, yeah? Can I touch you here?” His rummbly voice rings out in your head when you feel his fingers brushing the sides of your hips over the fabric of the dress.
“That okay?”
You nod quickly, quicker than you'd like, quicker than a completely composed and not freaking out at the moment person would do.
He hums quietly, tracing over your body for a moment before letting out a loud sigh. Tilting his head up, he stares at you in silence for a couple seconds before speaking again.
“Don’t think I can do it.”
“Don’t think you can do what Mikey bear?” You ask, pushing your hand through the thick dark hair, and you watch him hum quietly after he leans into your touch.
“Don’t think I can wait…till after dinner.”
You pause, pulling your hand away, and fight back the smile when he looks up at you, completely serious.
“Mikey.” You start, but he continues.
“You look too fucking good baby, how the fuck do you expect me to keep it together for another.-" He glances back at the small, long broken clock on the wall of the small office before turning his face back to you. “Couple hours."
You breathe out a quiet laugh, shaking your head in disbelief, and he wraps his arms around the top of your legs, right under your ass. Pulling you closer, he rests his head against your lower stomach, following the action up with a theatrical sigh.
“It's too good.”
“I mean you told me it's a fancy dinner Mikey, you shot yourself in the foot.” You talk back, and he thinks it over for a moment, ultimately deciding that you're probably right.
“Yeah well…" He mumbles under his breath, pushing his face against your body again, he leaves a kiss right between your legs through the soft fabric of the dress.
“Fuck baby.”
You feel his hands again, feel how they slowly travel lower and lower down your body, his fingers tug at the hem on the bottom of the dress before you feel his touch on your skin. Brushing his fingers up and down your skin, Mikey keeps his head up, watching your face for ques and indications, a confirmation that this isn't something only he wanted.
You agree, encouraging him with a small nod and a quiet hum, the gentle feeling of his fingertips on your skin makes your body relax, and you take a deep breath in, closing your eyes for a moment before leaning back on the door.
The sensation of the soft silky fabric grazing over your skin as Mikey pulls it higher up your body makes your hips inch forward. Pulling the dress the few last inches up, he stops suddenly.
“Shit.” He whispers, his warm breath glides over your skin, and you glance down to check on him.
“Hey baby? Remind me please…is it your birthday or mine?”
The question caches you off guard, and you bunch up the dress, looking down at him slightly confused.
His eyes are fixed on the cute pair of panties you chose to wear, they were new, he hadn't seen them yet, it was going to be a surprise…later.
He pulls the fabric a couple inches away from your body before suddenly letting go, the waistband snaps back in place, and he looks up at you with a sly smirk.
“Lucky me, huh?” He teases, and you feel your legs pushing together, the way he was able to turn this whole thing around, to get you wet in a matter of seconds was basically like a special skill of his.
Mikey ducks his head under the fabric of your dress and after a moment you feel his warm kisses press against the skin right above the waistband of your underwear.
A gasp slips past your lips when his fingers hook over the hem, and you reach to lock the door behind you.
Both of you knowing what's about to happen.
"Mikey.” Your attempt is unsuccessful, and he chuckles, seeing your efforts after popping his head from under the dress.
“Yeah no that doesn't—it's busted baby, can't do shit about it now, you'll have to be quiet. Think you can do that?”
You nod, eagerly waiting to feel him on you.
“Yeah? That’s my girl.” He smirks, holding you a little tighter before he ducks his head under the fabric again.
You feel his lips on your skin again, the kisses travel from your lower tummy, over your panties and down to your thighs. The familiar warmth between your legs feels almost burning hot when you feel his fingers brush over the fabric in the most sensitive spot.
He has your full attention, all your senses focus on him to the point where your brain tunes out your surroundings. The small room feels darker now, somehow more secluded, the background
noise of the busy restaurant disappearing almost completely as you let your body relax into your boyfriend’s touch.
Mikey slowly gets rid of the cute pair of panties, pulling the fabric down your legs, following with a trail of small kisses before finally letting go, allowing them to fall to your ankles.
A quiet moan slips past your lips when he pushes your legs open slightly, his face so close to your core now, his warm breath feeling almost electric on your skin.
Mikey works around you for a moment, his tongue following the path his lips create with the kisses over your pussy, on your highs and right under your tummy. You feel his fingers digging deeper into your thighs and ass before he finally pulls you even closer. And with a satisfied hum, he pushes his tongue against you.
You whine quietly, and he breathes out a little laugh, continuing to work you over and over again while you pull the skirt up and off of his head, so you can bury your fingers in his hair again. Your hips buck forward, working as a cue for him to keep going. Your head falls back, and you bite your lip in order to somehow attempt to keep quiet like he instructed you. The sweet combination of licks, kisses and Mikey sucking your clit into his mouth making it almost impossibly difficult, and some part of you keeps telling you Michael Berzatto was fully aware of what he was doing.
“Mmmm-mikey-“ You start. Feeling your body slowly giving into the pleasure, despite you trying to last longer.
“Mmmhh” He hums gently against you, the rumbly sensation causing another moan to slip past your lips. Mikey knew what he was doing, he knew you, he knew your body and most importantly, he knew what you liked, he knew how to make you feel good. You’ve explained it to him before, and he proved to be a great listener.
With your clit in his mouth, his tongue flicking against it repeatedly, Mikey looks up at you, watching the expressions on your face change, your body move as you start to feel yourself getting closer.
Your breathing shallows and you can feel your heart pounding faster now that he’s gotten you to this point.
“Oh fuck!” You gasp, gripping his dark hair tighter when you feel your body twitch at the feeling.
“Yeah?” Mikey pulls away finally, his beard wet from you, shining in the dim light of the desk lamp, the only source of light in the small room at this moment. His fingers fill in for his mouth as he continues to work over your center as he talks.
“Yeah? You want it, baby?”
You nod, closing your eyes and biting down on your lip when he pushes his palm harder against you. Rocking your hips back and forth you add onto the feeling and when the heel of his palm hits your clit you whine out, louder than you would’ve liked.
“Shit, you sound so pretty baby, you know that.” He praises, not trying to tease you in any way anymore, clearly wanting this as much as you do. Your little sounds of pleasure making his jeans feel so incredibly tight, he could swear he feels himself getting lightheaded.
“You wanna feel me, baby?” He asks, slipping one finger inside you, but you both already know the answer.
Nodding energetically, you feel yourself clenched around his two fingers.
“Oh fuck, you're so perfect.” He mumbles, his voice almost breaking when he realizes if you keep this up, he most likely won't last much longer.
“Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me what you need.”
Unable to fight your own body, you lower yourself on his fingers, the wet sound filling the room for a second before you somehow manage to speak.
“I want to feel your-, Mikey, I need-”
The whine bounces around inside his head when he slips his two fingers out of you. He stands up quickly, his hand on the side of your face as he tilts your chin up and his lips press against yours.
Led by him, you stumble towards the desk, not wanting to break the kiss, you lick over his lips, tasting yourself on him for a second before he spins you around.
“This what you want? Hm?” He asks, already bunching up the fabric of the dress, and you buck your ass into the bulge in his jeans as a response.
“Fuck.” He grunts, gripping onto the edge of the desk to hold himself back for a second. “Fuck, that’s my girl, so fucking perfect.”
The repeated praise makes you feel lightheaded, you can barely hear him unbuckle the belt and pull the jeans down before pulling himself out of his boxers.
You look over your shoulder watching him work over his length a couple of times and reach back to do it for him. He grabs your hand, moving it back to the desk before holding both of your wrists above your head while you bend over the wooden counter in front of him.
“No, baby, today is about you. Got it?”
You nod, feeling the tip of his cock tease your entrance.
“Good girl, hold tight.”
You do, you grip the edge of the desk, digging your nails into the wood just as hard as Mikey's fingers dig into your thighs.
The table moves with the first thrust, and you feel your mouth falling open when you feel your body push forward on the wooden counter.
“Oh fuck” You whimper and feel his hand immediately on yours.
“I'm here, I'm here baby, good job.” He praises again, and you grip his hand tighter, feeling his hips begging to rock back and forth, his cock moving inside you. The pace is steady but slow for the first moment, and it doesn't take you long to adjust yourself properly to his size. He speeds up only after your little whines, when he knows it's your way of asking for more.
“That’s it baby.”
He continues to guide you, holding onto your hand, pushing inside you deeper and faster now. Your eyes begin to water and your legs push together, your body's way of telling you it's almost time. You hum, attempting to let your boyfriend know, and he reassures you.
“I know, I know, I can feel it.”
He speeds up the pace one last time, grabbing onto your hips tighter in order to help you move back and forth on his cock, just to make the feeling a bit more intense.
Your lips part and you pant loudly, hearing the pounding of your heart in your head and feeling it against the wooded desk under your chest.
Unable to fight back the sounds anymore, you whine and moan loud enough for him to hear them over his own grunts. Feeling your body tensing up, you cry out his name and when he slips his free hand between your bodies to touch you, your body tenses up one more time before relaxing completely after you come undone around him.
He makes sure you ride out the orgasm, that, or he just can't really stop himself at this point, trying to follow closely after you. With a loud grunt and a couple of swear words, he pushes deep one more time before coming inside you. The thick, warm liquid fills you up just how you like it, and you push your hips back one more time when he attempts to pull himself out.
“Woah, easy.” He laughs, his hand on your ass now as he holds you in place before taking a step back. You feel the cum leak out, dripping down your leg for a moment before he finally speaks again.
“I can't fucking look at that, or we'll have to go again.”
You laugh, still attempting to catch your breath before pushing yourself off the desk. Mikey steps closer, offering you his arm to hold onto as you try to stand up straight, while he lets the fabric of the dress fall back into place. His own clothes already pulled back up, looking somewhat presentable.
“What if…,” You start watching him grab some paper towels from a shelf. “What if I wouldn’t mind going again?” You ask and he snorts quietly, gently pulling your clothes back up before wiping most of the thick white liquid off of the sides of your thighs.
“I know you wouldn't sweetheart.” He starts, glancing up at you with the most genuine smile, the love and admiration in his eyes almost making you blush like he didn’t just fuck you over his office desk.
Placing a kiss right between your legs, he quickly stands back up.
“But-” He continues, holding your hand up to help you step out of the panties still stuck around your ankles.
“We have a reservation."
He reminds you of the actual plans for today before bending over to grab the panties off the floor and shoving them into his pocket.
“We can't be late for that, huh?”
You shake your head, knowing he’s right.
“Yeah, c'mere.” He sits down on the desk chair, pulling you into his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
You sigh loudly, and he lets you rest your head against his chest. Pressing three gentle kisses right at the top, he holds you even tighter. His thumb bushing over your skin, his breathing helping your own slow down.
“You felt good?” He asks quietly and you nod with a smile.
“You know, I always do.”
“Well…I gotta make sure you know? I mean, if there's room for improvement-“
You laugh, looking up at him and cupping his face with your hand.
“I mean I gotta know baby! It’s the law, you have to tell me.”
“Yeah, they just made it a law this morning.”
“Oh, oh well, that’s wonderful to know.”
You cuddle up into him some more, letting your eyes close for a second.
“Yo Mikey, what the fuck are you doing, we need you in the kitchen.”
“Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!” Mikey shouts back, covering your ears before he does so, just to try to not disturb you as much. You both laugh at his choice of words before he leans down for one last kiss.
“Happy birthday sweetheart.” He whispers, his lips brushing over you when you nod softly. Your arms now wrapped around his neck.
"I ain't done with you yet."
You smile softly at the promise.
“Thank you, Bear.”
He winks, walking over to the door.
"Rest up, baby. I love you."
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cmdrfupa · 3 months
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Kento Nanami, His Royal Highness, has found himself curious about you. He refuses to call it infatuation because that's for people with no self control, something he has loads of. But social media is becoming increasingly less effective. He wants to experience you in the flesh and the perfect opportunity to meet you has landed in his lap. Now if you could always stay this close to him.
ModernRoyal!Nanami x PlusSize!Reader (black/woc coded but all can read and enjoy obvs 😗)
a/n: Congrats on 3k and Thank you @ayyy-pee for letting me participate the jujutsu journal event! I got carried away sksksksks. But I was inspired by this song . Idk what it was but it felt right. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
WC: 3.4K
c/w: partial smau, jealousy, sexual/provocative thoughts, stalker behavior, unhealthy infatuation and obsession, sexual acts, mentions of sex, italics aboose, internal dialogue, smut (vaginal fingering)
      He'd seen you in more and more of Gojos' IG posts over the last year, untagged. Assuming you were just a Gojo girl who wanted to be around for the perks of a wealthy socialite, He never asked to be introduced. But he did ask your name.
  A simple "Her face looks familiar" was all it took for Gojo to share not only your name and social media but also your profession, the university you were attending to get your degree, marital status, the name of your cat, and the fact that you lived in the US. Satoru loved to talk, thank goodness.
'Is that a Zenin? Tch'. A picture of you sitting in Naoya's lap, hand gripping your under thigh, sat on his dimmed screen. Maybe you had a reason for being seen with scumlike Naoya, but it wasn't a reason Kento wanted to know about. The following post was a brunch photo. A group of ladies with Gojo in the center. 'Keeping better friends. Smart girl.'. You were an enigma that brought him closer to the brink every time he saw your million-dollar smile.
His thoughts always started so pure before he thought about you in his bed, the strapless dress you wore in a photo captioned "Shawty got that dress on so the block is hot again" on his floor while at the same time, giving you the meanest strokes for teasing him this way. Thank heavens for the photos. Kento decided a throwaway Instagram account to like the posts and to look at your story would be brighter. Admiring more stealthily, he can at least fantasize about a life with you now that 'RateUp7_3' exists.
So put together. Every story or post included a bright smile or smolder in clothing that made him envy how they hugged your shape. Hair is always in its perfect, coiled natural state while you sit between Gojo and Geto or sit in their lap like some trophy. Satoru hugged you differently. Well. You were the only woman he seemed to hug in these photos. "Interesting," Nanami noted, something he should reanalyze when he has more time.
He pocketed his phone, realizing he had made it to his destination.
A small welcoming committee stood with broad smiles as they greeted HRH Crown Prince Kento. Bowing his head, taking the little book that was handed to him and began to look over the itinerary. "Busy week ahead! Your grandfather is waiting for you in Minato City." With that, his courtier, Ino, began to give him details for the coming week.
      Thanks to Gojo's extraordinary +1 privileges, you found yourself amid a private Gala he was obligated to attend. The champagne-colored satin gown, a cascade of elegance, draped your figure, accentuating the rich hues of your skin. A sight that could only be described as divine.
He broke off after briefly greeting Gojo, Geto, and others you weren't familiar with. He made his way to you near the bar, Easily making it seem like he was making his rounds to guests.
  "Good evening"
"Hello! You're Satoru and Suguru's' friend, right?" you inquired.
"I wouldn't say friend to Gojo. He's more like a gift with a purchase. But yes, I'm Ken."
  Giggles turned into a laugh once you both looked back over at Gojo, eating mini cupcakes, and Geto looking at him with concern.
Your laugh. It was the sounds of the heavens welcoming him to the golden throne. You snorted, and the resolve Kento had was officially withering.
"He's an interesting guy. I met him at a show I walked in a little over a year ago. Before that, he slid into my DMs and even sent me a pie to get my attention."
Kento didn’t think he could be jealous. That's for people who weren't self-assured. And he was very, very sure. Yeah, he's a man, but he's very strong-willed. No no. Not jealous. But this whole pie thing-
"Did it work?" Abruptly speaking. "The pie, I mean."
"Well, I'm talking to you right now. So what do you think?"
Kento exhaled a laugh, pushing back a strand of hair before looking over to you.
"He is a friend. A very good one. Always reliable"
"I've seen him in his element. He is indeed." sipping your cocktail, looking at him as you do.
"You mentioned walking in a show. Are you a model?" if you wanted to lie, it would've been a shame. He's already gone to see that your latest Savage Fenty ambassador collab dropped two days before you arrived in Japan. You looked ravishing in that fervently floral number.
"I am. I primarily work with small houses and on-the-rise designers. But that's how Satoru and I met. He was a guest model for FroviàGalón last season. It was a big hit. We've been working most shows together ever since."
This man could have any woman he wanted; He was Nanami family royalty. Handsome, smooth without even trying. He could buy a country with the proper connection if it mattered. But Gojo sending you a pie and practically being your purse dog makes him feel something. He was feeling jealous over a stupid pie and that white-haired imbecile. The slow unraveling because you snorted and the image of you spreading to show your glistening, plump, wet-
"The boy just loves to be in people's faces. He's one of the girls when we're out, so it's always a good time". Jealousy piques his nerves, and he notices your eyes trailing back to Gojo and Geto.
"He does enjoy good times."
"Speaking of, you plan on going to his after-party?" Innocence in your tone.
"After party? Of course, he finds that fitting for after a Gala."
His gaze lingered on your mouth, licking the remnants of the salted rim as you held the glass close to your body. The perfect honey-hued gloss with a hint of a shimmer. ’Her lips trailing down my chest, tongue lightly leaving a wet trail before swirling over my nip-‘
"You should come! I don't do parties, but since I'm on holiday, why not enjoy it?" the silky pep in your voice was going to be the death of him.
"I will consider it."
Get it together, Nanami.
Before he could offer to get you a drink, an older gentleman who looked very similar to Kento waved in his direction.
"I have to get going, unfortunately. But it was a pleasure meeting you. I.. don't know your name."
You tell him, smiling and holding your hand out.
"It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Ken. Hope to see you later tonight." He kissed your hand before walking off.
"Oh! And Bavarian cream."
"I'm sorry?" Confused, Kento turned back to you slightly.
"For the pie. I like Bavarian cream pie."
He smiled, turning away. "Fucks sake." He huffed, and his waistband was doing more work than anticipated tonight.
You made your way to the elevators, Gojo and Geto catching up as Geto wrapped his arm around your waist, pecking your cheek.
Kento watched you intently as he stood with his family. Saying goodbye to other guests was the least of his concerns when the swaying of your body had his mind completely occupied. Getos arm causing a severe problem for him as it sat right at your ass.
5… 4… 3… breathe Kento
He continued to make small talk with the guest, smiling as you three got into the elevator, doors closing, and his heart racing.
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  It was like Gojo needed to learn how to have a small party. His penthouse, one of many, was now an entire club. A spacious dance floor, an open bar, and a dessert bar because that man wasn't touching a drop of alcohol. But a slice of Black Forest cake? Different story.
With an area roped off, you headed through the crowded floor in that direction.
  "There's my girl!" Shoko stood first, taking the cigarette out of her mouth before hugging you tightly. "How are you, doll face?"
"Better now that I've seen you, babe."
“I'm glad you decided to show up over an hour late." Gojo chimed in, an overdramatized look of annoyance on his face while pulling you to sit beside him.
"Toru. You know me. I'm not wearing the same fit to an after-party, bookie. Your girl had to get cute and comfortable."
"And a pair of Versace platforms is comfortable?" Geto questioned, sass embedded in his tone with a smirk.
"Exactly. I knew you'd get it, SuguPoo." the group laughed.
"Suguru, she's a Versace and Moschino model now. Those platforms are nothing", Satoru closed in, a cheeky smile spreading across his face as he handed you a drink.
Your cheeks got warmer as he mentioned your latest gig. You had officially made your mark. You were now standing as one of the few black curve models to walk one of the major fashion houses, getting the gig with pure talent. "Oh, baby. The way I wasn't expecting to hear back after my little rant about fashion house politics. But who could say no to this body?" You ran your hands down your hips and lightly smacked your rear, pulling playful howls from Shoko and Gojo while Geto laughed, shaking his head at your antics.
"Come on, let's give our faves show. I've missed you!" Gojo grabbed your hand, leading you to the dance floor. Shoko and Geto sat back to watch with their drinks in hand.
Kento watched and waited until you left the area, hands finally relieved of the clammy feeling they had for the last hour. Trying to restrain the hard-on you gave him once he saw the tight dress you changed into, he slipped into the bathroom to wait you out.
Nanami joined them the moment you left the section.
"Where've you been?" Shoko questioned harmlessly.
"Was just talking with some old acquaintances. I was trying to get back to you guys."
"Your detail giving you some breathing room tonight?" Geto pointed with his chin to the security guard he was used to seeing with Nanami, in far less inconspicuous attire than usual.
"You could say that. Didn't want to kill the mood."
    It was as if the music slowed when Kento's gaze approached you. The dance floor was packed, but he knew where you were—dancing with Satoru, who he wished to flick away so you could be all over him instead.
The way your body was swaying, generous ass moving against Gojo to a very poor mix of Pour It Up by Rihanna. You made it worth sitting through an awful set if it meant seeing how you grind on literally anything. The short, amber-colored dress showed the ample flesh he felt so desperate to grip onto. ' If you could just sit in my lap so I could hold you up as I give you every fucking inch of me.’
"I'm gonna step out for some air." Kento stood up, grabbing his gin and tonic, not looking back to see if Geto or Shoko heard him.
  Outside, he leaned against the railing. The late-night weather was welcoming. The faint almond scent from the trees wafted past his nostrils pleasantly. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply, leaning into the comfortable breeze against his skin.
Every bit of contact he'd had with you that day felt like a tiny gesture of sweet love. How your supple skin felt under his lips when he kissed your hand. Your laughter was a healing potion. He left the comfort of his estate to see a woman who made him weak just by snorting. You were the beautiful, intelligent woman who was friends with Gojo and Geto. Under 6 hours of finally experiencing your perfection in person without a barrier and he couldn't fucking breathe without his constricted dick throbbing. So many people had access to you and he wanted to know you better than they did. He wanted to be to only one with that access. You were a need. Needing you beside him, on top of him, under him, “I want to hear you same my name while I sing yours like a praise to the heavens. My angel. My everything”
    He brings the glass to his mouth, finishing the watered-down gin drink.
The sound of heels approaching brought him back to earth. "Having fun?" His angel came into view as he opened his eyes.
"More or less. It seems like you're having a blast." The shimmer of your lip gloss kept his eyes on your lips longer than he intended.
"For sure. Satoru is always my dance partner when we're out together."
"That happens often?"
"Eh. When I'm visiting here, only when Suguru doesn't feel like it. So very often."
Kento offered the space next to him as you both snickered. Standing by him, he finally saw your beauty under the moonlight. Everything about you was like an awakening. Flawless, gentle, soft.
A few moments of silence passed before you spoke. "You know, you should do a better job of staring from across the room if you were trying to be lowkey."
Your words stun him, a nervous laugh leaving his mouth as he stands up straight.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by any means."
"I'm not uncomfortable. I wouldn't have come out here if I was."
Relief shows as the wrinkles in his forehead relax. "Was it really that obvious?"
"Maybe I'm delusional, but your eyes followed me most of the night."
"Not delusional. But, to be clear. I find you incredibly attractive."
Your cheeks were now warming as his brown eyes looked for yours. "I'm flattered.”
"Can I buy you a drink? Preferably at a quieter locale?"
"Are you asking me out, Ken?"
"I wouldn't subject you to a drink as a first date."
Your smile glowed a bit more as he placed his hand on your lower back, making your way to the closest exit with him.
"We can discuss a proper date during the drinks. I am a gentleman, after all."
"Show me the way then, Ken."
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"So hotel stays are your usual choice when you're here?"
Trying to keep your balance, you wrapped yourself around Kento's arm while you walked down the corridor from the bar.
“50/50. I grab a hotel if I get in too late or stay at one of Toru's places if I tell him in time. I'll be doing that in the morning once I check out."
'Toru? We will have to talk about these nicknames.'
"Well, I hope I was pleasant enough company this evening."
"You're fun, Ken," your voice echoed as you approached the elevators. "You are quite the man, and I had a great time getting to know you."
"It's been my pleasure. You are captivating and have my attention." The energy was refreshing for you both. He wasn't another menace from your DMs. A philanthropist finance guy was rare—a gentleman with a gentle disposition.
You stopped, going to balance against the wall, bending over to take off your heels.
"Here, let me."
"It's alright, I got it." you persisted, with no progress.
"Darling, you're missing the strap of the heel. I insist." You giggled and watched as he bent down on one knee to unfasten the dainty strap, removing the heels from your feet as you held onto his shoulders for support. A heat rushed to your ears as you felt how delicate he was being with you.
"Ken, you are indeed a godsend."
Nanami carried your shoes as he led you into the elevator, holding it open. "Which floor are you on?"
He hit the floor number and went to lean against the back wall. You stood in front of him, eyes on his exposed collarbone.
Noticing your unsteadiness, he stepped forward and carefully placed his hands above your waist.
"Easy. You okay?"
With your heart racing at 1000 miles an hour, you could only nod.
* Floor 4*
You leaned forward, placing your hand on his chest to steady yourself. Cedarwood and alcohol on his breath. Your eyes met his with a shared feverish desire as you peered up. You were buzzing now from the proximity.
*Floor 9*
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You don't know how your hand went from his chest to gripping his neck, nails running through his undercut, but it happened before you got to floor 20, where he stopped the elevator.
"Ken.. please,"
His large hands gripped your thighs, lifting one of your legs to wrap around him. Your dress was already short, now hiking up as he pressed his thick bulge into your inner thighs.
"Please.. please say my name again." He grinds himself into you, pang of desire in his voice, breath tickling your ear as you wriggle your hand between you both to unbutton his shirt from the top.
"Ken. Nngh, shit. Ken.. I need you."
Lips finding purchase on your neck, nipping at any skin he could sink his teeth into. The pads of his fingers run down your panty-covered slit. A shiver went through you as he circled at your throbbing bundle of nerves.
"Fuck! Please, Ken."
"Please, what, darling? Use your words for me." His voice grew gruff as he felt you trying to grind against him.
"Please make me cum for you,"
“You want to make a mess for me. You want to be a slut in this elevator?” The patronizing voice made you whimper as the sound of Kento ripping your thin panties jilted you, his middle finger sinking into you deeply. A deep moan was all you could muster as his thick digit pumped into you, nails leaving crescents on his shoulders as he kept you pressed against the elevator wall. "Keeennnn. Fuck”
"All that for me, princess? Your cunt this wet all for me?" He curled his thick finger inside, finding that soft, sweet spot that made your knees buckle. "Looking at my hands while I drove. Playing innocently with them while you sat beside me in the booth." Talking through his teeth, he brought his weight against you, keeping you up as he aimed to make you beg before the elevator automatically began to move again. "beautiful, plump cunt was begging to have my fingers fill you. Is this it? Hm? Is this what my princess needed?"
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, yes! P-please don’t stop." You were desperate for release. The sloppy noises of your wet cunt filled the elevator as he relished in the slippery sensation. Brushing his lips to yours, Kento languidly slid his tongue inside your mouth, rolling them his tongue over yours while his grunts grew louder—a string of saliva connected you, a shared fervid look as the elevator dinged.
His hand was soaked, but he couldn't let this be where he gave you an orgasm for the first time. Letting your leg down, he brought his hand to your mouth, running his fingers covered in your essence on your lips.
"When we get to your room, you are mine. All of you." The hungry determination in his eye didn’t leave room for question; you were to be devoured.
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The sun was like a death ray as the bright rays and the constant buzzing nearby awakened you.
"Ken," you rolled over to see him lying on his back, bite marks and glitter across his chest.
"Mm," his groggy tone, letting you know he was only halfway listening.
"Ken. Please get your phone. That shit is going nonstop."
"Sorry, angel"
He groaned as he moved, kissing your shoulder gently. You kissed his lips as he reached over you to the bedside table. The vibrations didn't seem to have an end in sight.
"No one should need me this early. I should have an open schedule."
Opening the first text in his sights, he begins to read, stomach sinking as he clicks the link Gojo sent.
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"Ken, you okay? "
Nanami sat his phone down, trying to keep his composure. He knew he had to prepare you for the whirlwind of a nightmare that was to come. For you, at least. He didn't have to take the drastic measures he originally planned to have you, at least.
This may be good. No more admiring outside of your photo shoots. No more trips with just Satoru and Suguru to islands. He would be your comfort; you'd be by his side only. This incident could be the beginning of a whirlwind romance. That is different from how he would've done things. But he could soothe this over eventually.
"Before I say anything, just know I will do everything possible to keep you comfortable. Okay?" the sincerity in his eyes had you. You nodded as you looked down at his phone, eyes widening as you read the now-trending story.
“Kento? What the fuck is this? Prince!?”
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thanks to the lovely @/saradika for the dividers <3
banner featuring art from @/narutoss_ramen! please go check them out!
Thank you for reading! <3
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snapscube · 1 year
Ayyy I'm outs here lookin for a Penny Pedals?? I heard ehhh she and some other sortsa palookas were out here bikin last night. But this here turfs the propeteh of the peloton family, see? so I gotsta do a little conversatin with her, I'm sure ya understand.
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starb3rrys · 1 year
Ayyy, how are you?
So, I'm kinda new to Tumblr and I'm starting to request things only now and I don't know how it works ://
If your reqs are open, can I ask a nsfw one-shot, Fyodor x fem reader in which they are married. So for the plot, Fyodor brought reader a nice, expensive gift once he's back from a mission. In exchange, reader lets him "experiment" something new during a steamy session.
Feel free to ignore if the idea doesn't scratch your brain positively :))
Hi Hi! Welcome to Tumblr! Im happy to hear you’re starting to request and get used to this place \(^ヮ^)/. This request is very interesting, I tried my best to capture the “Experimenting” part you asked and decided to go with Bondage (I’m sincerely sorry if that’s not what you specifically wanted TvT). Anyways- Thank you so much for the request, this one’s for you, Anonymous!~ ♡︎
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Bound By Desire
Fyodor x Fem! Reader
Dirty Filthy Smut; Bondage, Praise, Degrading Names, Hair Pulling, Oral Sex (Reader is giving)…
Scenario: You and Fyodor have been husband and wife for a few years now. He often brought you small gifts and souvenirs from his missions across the world. Although, tonight…he brought you something different; It was an expensive gold bracelet with small diamonds, it was beautiful…but, in exchange for the gift, Fyodor asked to “Experiment” something new with you…and of course, You couldn’t refuse.
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ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
You fidgeted with your new bracelet as a mixture of nervousness and excitement filled your senses while you patiently waited for your husband to return with some “special items” for tonight’s session. You weren’t opposed to the idea of bondage; being restrained, unable to move as your husband used your poor defenseless body as he sees fit, seemed attractive…but you knew full well what Fyodor was capable of, and even though you were his beloved wife, he would not hesitate to break you.
Fyodor entered the bedroom holding a small paper bag. Curious, you walked closer and took a peek inside, your eyes widened. Inside the bag were an assortment of items; handcuffs, ropes, chokers and a black blindfold. “When did you buy these?”,you asked with a hint of nervousness, “I’ve had these items for a while now, and it seems now is the perfect time to use them”, Fyodor said with an almost proud tone. You were stunned when you heard that he had these items for a while now…it made you wonder, Has Fyodor been planning this for a while?. “Come Darling, sit on the bed for me”, Fyodor spoke in a smooth yet commanding voice. A quiet sigh left your lips, attempting to calm your nerves as you sit on the bed in front of him. His sharp eyes traced down your body, admiring your beautiful curves. You blush softly, feeling his eyes on you; his gaze makes you nervous…you can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes.
A small chuckle left his lips, cold slim fingers trace your chin as your head is tilted up. His sly gaze meeting your shy one; “Now now dear, don’t look away…”, Fyodor says as his fingers softly grip your cheeks, he leans down, allowing your foreheads to touch, “You know how much I love seeing those pretty little eyes of yours”. He moves his face closer to your neck, his warm breath sends shivers down your spine. Fyodor plants soft and delicate kisses on your neck, his slender hands trail down your body and stop at your waist, holding you still. “Now, where to start?~…”, he asks with a sensual tone as his lips graze your soft skin. “I can’t wait to hear you beg for mercy, but first…”, he pulls away and looks at your flushed face, he smirks and traces his thumb on your bottom lip, “I think I’ll put this mouth of yours to good use~”. Fyodor reaches into the bag and takes out a black cloth, it takes a minute for you to realize, it’s a blindfold.
“Get on your knees.”, his voice was stern and commanding…no longer asking. Without a single protest, you get on your knees, looking up at him. Fyodor let’s out a soft chuckle at how compliant you are, “Good girl…~”, his sensual words echo through your head, feeding your growing arousal. Fyodor brings the blindfold close to your face, “Now hold still”, he says as the blindfold starts to cover your eyes; you can no longer see…only feel, feel the way his fingers tie a tight knot behind your head to secure the blindfold. You were completely under his mercy, you felt a rush of excitement as your husband tied your hands behind your back and whispered lewd things into your ear. Fyodor tilted your head up, he smirked at the sight of you…”Are you ready?”, he asked with a husky voice, you could hear the sound of his belt unbuckling and zipper being undone…the sound itself excited you, you bit your lip and nodded. You let out a small gasp as you feel something hard and warm rub against your cheek. “Use your words. Are you ready?”, he slaps your cheek with his hard cock and rubs it across your lips with a smirk. A soft sigh leaves your lips, “Yes..I’m r- MNH!~”, your words are cut off as he thrusts his cock inside your mouth. Fyodor chuckles, “Mm…my apologies, my dear…I just couldn’t help myself when you look so vulnerable…now be a good girl and suck your husbands cock”, his voice is lustful and smug as his hand caresses your soft hair. You weren’t in any position to refuse, and frankly…you didn’t plan to. Your lips tightly wrap around the base of his dick, you start to move your head back and forth, softly sucking on it. Low groans slip from your husbands mouth, his grip on your hair increases as he teases you, “Mm…that’s it, just look at you…were you that hungry for my cock? You’re sucking on it like a greedy slut…~”, his voice is slightly shaky but his actions contradict it. Slurping sounds and soft groans fill the room, his pleasured noises only motivate you to keep going. Slight saliva rolls down your chin as your tongue swirls around his sensitive tip. His hands grip your hair for support as his breath becomes a bit unsteady, “Mnh, fuck…keep taking me in like that…suck it just like that, just like the cock hungry whore you are…~”. His cock twitches inside your mouth, you can tell he’s close; his breaths become uneven, and his groans get louder. You feel proud of yourself, you’re pleasing your husband in a way no other woman could- your thoughts get interrupted as you feel him thrust inside your mouth, his cock hits the back of your throat making you gag, it seems he can sense your proudness and is trying to remind you who’s in charge here. He grips your hair, holding your head still as he starts to pump himself inside your mouth. He chuckles as you gag and choke on his dick, seeing you struggle to breathe as he uses your mouth like a flesh light. You start to moan, causing pleasant vibrations to stimulate his already tender cock. His head tilts back; the feeling of your warm mouth, tongue, and moans is enough to drive him wild. Fyodor starts to move his hips faster, like a wild animal in heat, “Mm…make me cum, make me cum, Darling…come on you filthy slut take it, take it…take- Ah!~”, his words are cut short as he finishes with a loud groan. His warm seed fills your mouth and you instinctively drink it all, the familiar bitter sweet taste fills your senses. After a few seconds, Fyodor slowly pulls himself out of your mouth, you let out a loud gasp of air as you pant. Fyodor pants softly, he looks down at your vulnerable state; you’re panting, hair is a mess as saliva drips down your chin, your hands are tied behind your back and the blindfold only adds to your vulnerability, the sight of you is enough to make him hard again.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Peep the rat decor ^
If you want a part 2 with the good good stuff, request it!~
I hope you all enjoyed this story, I tried my best to work with the “experimenting” part- I hope I did alright ( ´ ▽ ` ).。
Anyways- love y’all!
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123puppy · 5 months
Ayyy what if Lucifer underestimates just how down bad he is when he gives himself deer biology like Al?
Yes I am the exact opposite of this ship, you know what to expect here > u >
Deer ears are not the only features Lucifer magic'd into existence, it's like all his senses have been cranked up to 100. Taste, smell, sight, it's all heightened to an unbearable level
But what's unbearable is this smell he can't stop taking in, it's everywhere, overpowering every other smell in the hotel, he's agitated, ears flat, antlers suddenly growing as his blood rise, searching for where that overwhelming scent is coming from-
He gets shoved by the butt of a microphone cane and sees a sharp toothed grin on Alastor's face, albeit a twitch in his eye, eyes narrowed as he states, "Its rude to smell a person within their personal space"
To which Lucifer snaps that he wasn't even near him but Al rebuttals saying that Luci was 'too out of it' to notice that he's buried his whole face into Alastor's lower back and it took a moment for Lucifer to register the sentence because he can't remember doing an embarrassing and absurd thing but hell never lets shit go because Husk and Angel are there, the three were sitting by the bar, and they saw the whole thing
Angel explains in lewd detail how Lucifer was 'feeling' Al up with his hands, how Al's face twisted in different expressions that made Husk turn around to hide the smirk on his face at his boss's flustered face
And Lucifer shrieks, more deer-like noises, and begs Angel to stop with the graphic explanation, as much as he wants to deny it the way Alastor looks at him with distaste and the slight disarray of his slightly open coat as he turns to button it up is evidence enough
Then Angel pipes up again, "Wait aren't'cha both bucks? Wouldn' da' mean you guys butt head 'er somethin'?"
And Alastor scoffs, his cane still keeping Lucifer at a distance as the fallen angel subconsciously tries to lean forward towards him, "I do not give into my 'primal instincts' so easily, my dear! Unlike Your Highness, my control is on a tight leash!" That's when the pressure at the end of his microphone disappears as Lucifer throws a disgruntled look at him.
"I have control, you tacky fucker!"
"Dat ain't what we saw, Big Daddy~" Angel laughs at the steam erupting from Lucifer's ears
"So you're playing 'Hard to Get'" Husk directs a quick glance towards his boss before dropping his gaze to the counter as he cleans a glass and ignores the glare Alastor throws at him.
"I am not"
"So Al is the Doe?" Angel coos.
"I believe I've overstayed my welcome," Stabbing the end of his cane into the floor, Alastor stands to his full height, eyes glowing and smile all teeth, "I must attend to my meeting," he chirps, playing a tune in the background as he clicks his hooves over towards the door. But stops, neck cracking as it turns and looks down with an angry twitch to his upturned lips, "Stop following me."
Lucifer blinks and sees just how close he is to Al and leaps back with a start
Al slams the door in his face and the room is silent
"Twenty dollas' he follows Al to his meetin'" Angel bets
"Forty, they'll have their asses back here in 10 minutes"
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