#i am finishing up a fic that is literally a year in the works sdfkh
gardenerian · 1 year
I have kind of a weird idea for an au based off an experience I had and I can't stop thinking about it. I recently had to have an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart) done and it's a strangely intimate experience. It takes about 30 minutes and I had to lay on my left side facing the wall the whole time and the technician is behind me with his arm over me with ultrasound thing on my chest. And I guess because it takes so long he can't just hold his arm up forever so he had it resting on my side. And he was so close to me it kind of felt like a hug. And it's quiet except for the sound of my heart on the machine.
Either Ian or Mickey could be the tech and it would be good. Say they met briefly at a bar or something or had some kind of moment where they were attracted to each other or even had a one night stand. And then the one shows up to his appointment, let's just say it's Mickey because being the tech might make more sense for Ian, and he's waiting in his hospital gown in the room and Ian walks in. It's weird and awkward and Ian asks if he want to reschedule and have it with someone else but they end up just doing it and I don't know where to go from there but yeah. And it doesn't have to be some serious heart problem, it turns out I just have some harmless irregular heartbeat called PVC that comes and goes so it could just be something like that.
Sorry this was long I just wanted to tell someone because I like this idea so much. I'm not a writer so if anyone out there who wants to write it go for it!
first, my love, i am so glad everything is okay! what a scary experience. sending you all the love!
second: HHHNNNNNNGGGGGGGG. yessssss. yes! "strangely intimate" is my SHIT. i love the scenario you're laying out here. the instant attraction/immediate fuckery with tenderness/emotional intimacy FOLLOWING that??? yes. it hits so well with them!
this is such a great prompt. it's got potential for everything. meet cute? smutty goodness? awkward encounters? flirty energy? EMOTIONAL UNAVAILABILITY THAT BECOMES EMOTIONAL NEEDINESS? hurt/comfort? happy ending? you know it!! and it could take so many different forms! multichap? yes. stunning oneshot? of course. GALLADRABBLE SERIES? you betcha! this is amazing, and i kiss your brain (and your heart!).
paging @gallavichprompts! give the people what they want!!
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