#+ would be gladly taken!
piningpercussionist · 10 months
oh hey also while I'm here,,, if anyone knows any good writing prompts if one were to say,,, write some good gay fanfiction,,,,
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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nice 🏳️‍🌈☕ mug
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bunnieswithknives · 21 days
Kinda old thing I made for a YHS map but I was really really proud of it at the time so I still wanna share it 😢
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transgirltrish · 1 month
You've heard of there being no ethical consumption under capitalism, but consider this: is there ethical production?
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savrenim · 7 months
gods at least besides everything else that has been going So Wrong, Suzy has been doing so SO much better
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chaosintheavenue · 21 days
Does anybody have any special requests for pride flags to be included in my Chaos Ball Picrew?
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elnathsstar · 1 year
'puter, how to write a birthday letter for your 100% platonic best friend who you would gladly marry and spend the rest of your life with and would easily say 'I love you' too, most emotional route, no 'love confessions'.
'puter DO YOU HEAR ME.
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deathbypufferfish · 2 years
Building a modern build.....and it's not a residential lot......
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muirneach · 2 years
just got a reel on instagram that was like ‘why we moved from toronto to calgary: low taxes’ which is already a red flag as is but the poster? JASON KENNEY 🤢🤢
#like taxes is. okay we can complain or whatever but anyone who is REALLY into hating them. immediate gross person#sorry you hate. public infrastructure or something#girl i will gladly get a couple bucks taken of my min wage paycheque if it means i get to collect ei and cpp and have ohip like hello??#also good god have you SEEN his bio??#i quote: ‘proud to serve the best province in the best country on earth’ oh how i wish to beat you up#anyways i guess hes a part of all those awful ads that are telling torontonians to hit the bricks and go to alberta#i am NOT one of those ‘ugh i hate alberta [and/or any prairie province lol] cause they’re CONSERVATIVES 🙄’#its very much writing off the deep south because theyre red states#i just dont care for that sort of behaviour#but that said. u would not catch me living in alberta i dont care how cheap it is#cdnpoli#also i forgor kenney wasnt premier anymore lol#its literally been like a year since he stepped down but i still i keep thinking he is#i dont even know the premiers of any prairie province rn cause they kept being a clusterfuck and i stopped paying attention to the news tbh#actually i could probably only name a small handful of premiers rn i literally do not keep up on the news#which is so. sad to realize? im always like oh you should always know the political atmosphere in your country! and then dont do it#sigh maybe i should return to the cdnpoli server i got all my news from#i was so active in that for so many years and then one day i was just like damn. idc#im still in it i just never check..#anyways!
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
Sometimes I can steel myself and nothing touches me. And then I'll remember how I had to just leave her lifeless body on the floor of the vet and cry so hard I want to scream, but I don't want anyone in my house to know I'm breaking.
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neonqueerautumn · 1 year
Fuck your MLA format. Its fucking stupid. This is not an essay. Nor a history class. Its graphic design for fucks sake.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
What would be Stan’s brothers reaction when after Y/n helped them with stuff and they said “Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss on the cheek?” Or “what else do you want? A kiss on the cheek?” And reader fastly respond ‘Yes please’ without hesitation 🤑
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‘What are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek?’ Ford said when he noticed that you were lingering nearby.
‘Yes please.’ You replied almost instantaneously.
The poor man was now blushing to the tips of his ears as his eyes grew wide. This wasn’t a response he was expecting and therefore not properly prepared to answer accordingly.
He didn’t expect you to eagerly agree even in the slightest and now he was racked with nerves, while his mind overworked on whether or not you were joking with him. Ford has never been in the situation before where someone shown active interest in him, so needless to say this man was imploding on himself over shat could only be a theoretical.
He hated vagueness and ambiguity, they were his biggest personal pet peeves. he much preferred things to be upfront and direct for he tended to look for deeper meaning in things they didn’t need to be looked at so intently or up close.
‘I- well if it’s okay with you.’ Ford says, finding the collar of his turtleneck a little tight and finding it hard to swallow the lump in his throat.
‘It’s more than okay.’ You said with a smile.
Ford had to steel his nerves that were running rampant within him as though he was still that teenage boy, he mustered the strength he needed to press a sweet, almost featherlight kiss to your cheek that had butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
‘What are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek?’ He asked.
‘Yes please.’ You said without hesitation.
Stanley, while taken aback but your straightforwardness, smirked in response as he leant closer to you.
‘Oh do you now?’ He says playfully with a raised brow, trying his hardest not to show just show affected he was by your words as he felt his heart in his throat.
‘I wouldn’t have said otherwise.’ You replied with a smile, taking a step towards him as he internally congratulated himself for not loosing his touch. (or so he liked to claim when in reality it’s you who holds the more power in this situation.)
Stan only said what he said because it was something his father said time and time again to him after he did something that he thought would finally make his father look at him. Only for that to not be the case as his father easily dismissed his efforts and managed to degrade him with a single sarcastic comment that felt like a dagger to the heart.
Here when he said it, you made it sound a lot sweeter when you gladly accepted the prospect of him kissing your cheek, almost as though it was the only thing that would make your entire day. You were far too sweet for Stan but you attract more with honey than vinegar or so they say and needless to say you had this man hook line and sinker with how sweet you were.
‘Okay honey just remembered you’re the one who asked for this.’ Stan said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek that made you want more in the future.
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drchucktingle · 8 months
hello buckaroos. the TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION have issued a formal statement and apology which you can read at the attached link.
while i find the language used to discuss what was done a little unsatisfying, i would like to start by saying i appreciate anyone taking steps to prove love is real and make things right. the genuine feeling of ‘realizing you have made a mistake and hurt someone else’ is a terrible one, and i have so much empathy for this group as they reckon with their choices causing harm. i appreciate their apology.
i also think more good than bad has come from this situation. i am so thankful this happened to me (someone with a large social media presence) and not a smaller buckaroo author without the means to stand up for themselves. i think the next time someone comes to the TXLA with an accommodation need, they will hopefully be taken more seriously
lets trot down to business about specifics now. the TXLA has re-invited chuck to the original panel and even offered to take a moment at the top of the panel to talk about what happened. this is very kind of them and i will say THANK YOU. 
unfortunately i will also have to decline.
the fact that it took this much effort, social media backlash, and discussion to let me simply EXIST PHYSICALLY in a way that is authentic to myself is not a good sign. if this organization immediately questions an authors chosen presentation in this manner, i cannot imagine what my other accommodations would be met with.
sometimes i am at an event and i very quickly need extra space to breathe. sometimes i am at an event and i need special guides to help me along from place to place. these are not ‘big asks’ and every other conference has gladly provided them, but if the TXLA had this kind of initial reaction to my physical appearance, i cannot imagine them readily helping with my other needs without ‘proof’.
this is clearly not a safe place to trot for those who require additional accommodations. regardless of any apology, their ACTIONS have shown that people who appear unusual or unique are not welcome at this event on a subconscious level. i believe the TXLA have some serious inner work to do beyond this apology, and i believe this inner work will involve actions more than words.
but even more importantly i would like to make this very important point: IT DOES NOT MATTER IF MY MASK IS A DISABILITY AID OR NOT. i appreciate the way this discussion has allowed us to trot out some deep talks on autism and proved love in this way, but i think there is a much more important point at hand.
regardless of WHAT someone looks like, it is not the job of an event or conference to pick apart WHY. physical presentation can be a part of someones neurodivergence, or gender, or sexuality, but i can also just exist as a nebulous undefined part of their inner self. it can be a piece they are not ready to openly discuss yet. the guests at TXLA are authors (aka ARTISTS) and the idea that a conference dedicated to an ART is going to deny people with unique and unusual presentations for ANY reason is absurd. since when are we applying a ‘dress code’ to our artists?
without knowing it, i personally believe there is an element of the ‘good queer, bad queer’ phenomenon going on here. there is a push to say ‘LOOK we accept these marginalized groups and cultures’ but behind the scenes that means ‘we accept these marginalized groups and cultures who are quiet and speak in turn and wear the metaphorical suit and tie’. it is easy to show diversity when you only take on the voices that arent too ‘strange’.
to prove my point i ask you this: do you think orville peck would have FOR ONE SECOND been asked to perform at the texas library association event without his mask?
so with that i say ‘very sincerely, thank you, but i will have to decline the re-invitation. maybe next year’
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skyrigel · 1 month
Simon swore he didn't want a relationship, but as soon as he met you — well there might be some changes in the plan.
He did want a relationship, fine, if it's with you, he's willing to give it a try but he's not really going for the trouble. No, thankyou.
Simon wouldn't really ask you if you haven't eaten yet or not, he's not your daddy, like that's a different thing, but he's not going to give you an earful for sleeping late and eating unhealthy.
He's going to be your boyfriend but... nonchalant boyfriend if it made any sense.
It never did.
Maybe changing his priorities was the first tick-tick for the bomb that came along his way because as soon as he found you, he was gobsmacked with a possessiveness that drived him insane.
He thought it would only bother him when you would be around because what sort of man he would be if he didn't melt at your sweetness.
But you lingered like a tattooed kiss, everything now connected with you, every thought started and ended with you.
He almost asked Soap to tie his hands so he could stop texting you random shit.
Like why should he bother with your meds and why it's making his heart burn if you haven't taken them.
Everything was jus' getting out of hand.
You were just so extreme, just out of your mind and he liked it, fuck he loved every bit of you. He just couldn't stop himself —
“You look like... you're bout’ to cry.” Soap annouced from his side, Simon shaked his head, then thinking different, nodded.
“She's having a bad day.” He said, “I am gonna kill this Nancy.”
“Who's..Nancy ?”
“You know wot ?” Simon grumbled instead, “I am gonna call her and tell her.. it's gonna be okay.”
“Right.” Soap bounced, covering his face because what has happened to his mate.
“Untie my wrist.” He growled.“Quick.” he added dangerously.
“Right.” Soap shrugged, already getting on his feet.
And if staying away from you was proving to be bad on his nonchalance then being near was almost tripping.
“You said you wouldn't come.” You gasped when he arrived, looking nervous and perhaps bit surprised himself.
“I...well...you look lovely.” He leaned to kiss your cheek, simple adorable gesture, “Thankyou Si !” He blushed at the nickname.
He really didn't know what took him until he realised that giving in to care about you was probably for the best. And really, it wasn't so bad, to think about you, to put efforts for you, to fucking nick the moon for you, because the moment you smiled at him so fondly, like he was capable to deserve that warmth from you, he actually knew what the trouble was all about and he was very much gladly taking a fall for your sake.
So it really didn't matter if he was putting on his warmth clothes because he was one second away from wrapping you in warmth the moment you very much sniffed.
It didn't matter how hot your body got sometimes with heat, he's there soaking cloth in cold ice water and cooling you down.
He's hearing that french lady talk and talk because he needs that recipe you so very love.
He sleeps with an arm under your head and heart full of things he would do for you and himself, to built a home.
Because he fucking cares, he swore for that, to make you the happiest with him.
He doesn't want to be nonchalant, he doesn't want to pretend like he doesn't care because he does.
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penelopepine · 1 month
Ghost volunteers at the library every time he’s home from deployment. It gets him out of his flat, and something to focus his time on. He also enjoys how calm and quiet it is; a stark contrast to his usual work environment.
It was also the place he met you. You were the one who had given him a chance when he applied. Ghost knows most would have taken one look at him, and promptly turned him away.
You had gladly welcomed him before teaching him how the books needed to be filed and sorted. Knowing the rules calmed him; if there’s one thing he can do it’s follow rules.
The two didn’t actually speak to each other very much in the beginning. Ghost preferred to be left alone as he put the books back on the selves, and you were usually at the front desk helping people. It wasn't until he had been volunteering for a few months did you two finally have a real conversation with each other.
After that you two had slowly grown closer to one another each time Ghost came in. You started asking about his interest and every time before he left for duty again you would give him a book to take while away.
This feeling he felt with you was something he had not felt in a long time; it surprised him honestly. You brought out a piece of him that he has thought long dead and buried.
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vernoniekiss · 2 months
svt when someone makes their s/o uncomfortable | [ ot13 ]
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[🫧] seungcheol
- protective leader mode the moment he senses something is off. he’s not gonna stand around and let someone make you feel uncomfortable. he’ll make sure to stand between you and the person and make himself known and signal to the guy to not mess with him or you. cause it’ll get messy.
[🫧] jeonghan
- constantly checking up on you, checking if your okay and that he’s not hurt you. nags at the guy to leave you alone and to get out of there. he would never leave your side after. you wanna go home ?? that’s fine, he also wants to go home. you wanna go for a walk ?? that’s also fine, he can do with some fresh air.
[🫧] joshua
- a real gentleman, when he notices someone is making you uncomfortable he’s at your side in an instant. he hopes the dude backs off knowing you have a boyfriend but if he doesn’t get the hint, joshua would make sure he gets the hint “hello darling, is this man bothering you” and eyeing down the man.
[🫧] junhui
- he’ll become a clingy man, never left your side from the start. would give you small kisses here and there to make sure the dude knows you’re taken. i’m afraid he’s also the type to stick his tongue out at the dude in a “haha she’s mine” type of way 😞.
[🫧] hoshi
- they do NOT wanna mess with this man who has a black belt in taekwondo. this man can take it outside. he’ll take you home, no way is he staying there when someone is eye fucking his girl.
[🫧] wonwoo
- on the outside he’s chill but in the inside he can feel a swirl of anger. he doesn’t wanna cause a huge commotion and catch the public’s eye on this so he settles it quietly. bumps his shoulder to the guy when walking past with your hands in his.
[🫧] woozi
- knew it was a bad idea at the start but he wanted you to have some fun. eyebrows furrowed as he made his way to you. he’s been observing for the past few minutes, you declining the mans offer but he doesn’t seem to back off. slides his arm around your waist before nudging you off the seat towards him. he’s taking you home.
[🫧] dokyeom
- if he was having fun before, he’s now not having fun. “uhm excuse me” while he takes you by the hand away from the man and onto the dance floor. “what an asshole” he says which makes you laugh. he smiles the moment you laugh. your smile brightens up his day.
[🫧] mingyu
- this man knows how to take advantage of his height and his build. also would block you out of the persons view and make you hide behind him. tells the person to back off or else. “sorry your making MY girlfriend uncomfortable”
[🫧] minghao
- calm… scary calm… he can be protective over his s/o. so when someone makes you uncomfortable, he makes it known. “you’re making her uncomfortable”. gently takes your arm and lead you out to go on a walk. just you and him with the moon.
[🫧] seungkwan
- throws the person the NASTIEST glare ever. like who the fuck do they think they are ?! can’t they see that you are uncomfortable. shouts at the guy for a good 10 minutes before taking you by the hand and leaving the place.
[🫧] vernon
- he’s very attentive to you so when he notices a slight shift in your mood, he knows something is up. he’ll gladly take your hands and leave the place but not before shooting the guy a dirty look. would make sure you are okay the moment you’re out of the guys sight.
[🫧] chan
- swarms you with questions in-front of the guy. like a lot of questions. makes the guy feel awkward and eventually leaves you both alone. “are you really REALLY sure you’re okay?!” have to reassure him 100x times that you’re okay as long as he’s always there by your side.
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