#stanley pines imagines
gay-dorito-dust · 15 hours
Masterlist 3
Masterlist 2
more, more and more Gravity Falls (cuz I reached the limit…)
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Ford unknowingly gets asked out on a date by reader
Ford finds out that reader has kept his room clean and well kept for his wellbeing
Agatha all along (coming soon)
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More Dc/batfam stuff
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bigfatbimbo · 29 days
I crave Stanley pines carnally and ur writing is so incredibly good so if u wrote literally anything about him I would start jumping for joy and skipping around giddily btw
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a/n — I LOVE YOU STANLEY PINES, I need more requests of him so bad.
summary — [FLUFF] Stanley Pines x Reader headcanons
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۫ ꣑ৎ I feel like a relationship with this man would be relatively low maintenance, like as long as he’s with you, he can’t complain.
۫ ꣑ৎ He would absolutely love to buy you things, gift giving would be his main love language. Even, especially, gifts he doesn’t have the money for.
ex. Stan holds out a beautiful pearl necklace, dangling it in front of you, chest puffed.
“Stan, you shouldn’t have!” You examine the necklace further, “You really shouldn’t have.. wait, where’d you get this?”
He looked to the side, “Borrowed it. From a friend of a friend… ‘s house— What am I, made of answers? I dunno, it fell from the sky or something.”
۫ ꣑ৎ I also don’t think he’d necessarily be the mushiest or partners. He makes it clear he loves you in other ways.
۫ ꣑ৎ That being said, he likes pet names, but only in private and is severely embarrassed about it.
۫ ꣑ৎ It would never be boring with him. I mean the entire pines family but especially him.
۫ ꣑ৎ Watch a fancy dinner escalate into smuggling pugs across the boarder while being chased by old prison ‘buddies.’
۫ ꣑ৎ Other nights being cuddled up watching terrible soap operas by the tv, trying to match Stan’s intensely involved energy.
۫ ꣑ৎ All that aside, he’d treat you so nice, and then act like it’s nothing.
ex. “Aw, are those flowers for me?”
“Oh yeah, the color reminded me of your eyes, kinda. It’s not much, take ‘em before I change my mind.”
۫ ꣑ৎ He’s actually pretty good at flirting but he thinks he’s so absolutely slick that it ends up being more cute then hot.
۫ ꣑ৎ Honestly, will literally never let anything happen to you, and is probably pretty protective.
۫ ꣑ৎ Reacts in weirdly emotional ways to genuine affection, might even tear up.
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pix-writes · 21 days
Stanley Pines relationship HCs
(stan pines x reader), I hc Stanley to be dyslexic, yet another bit of writing about old guys getting to be freaky so 18+ below!
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tho surprisingly fluffy at times, I just think this guy needs a good hug.
At first I think Stan would flirt with that rather brash confidence of his pick up artist/con man persona with you in the beginning, espeically turns to joking if you are choosing to riff/banter (whatever you want to call it) in response to his cheeky remarks. He likes to know he's met his match with a person who's not afraid to put him in his place!
But when he actually knows he's falling for someone then I think he would actually be more reserved, shy even, though it's not always outwardly obvious. If you are (or he thinks you are) talking to/got the hots for someone else he'll be even more withdrawn and gruff with you than he is usually.
I think that it's likely you get together after a series of awkward and/or funny scenarios/converations, like "What are you waiting for a kiss on the cheek?" "Yes, actually." "Can it, smartass!" ... ... "WAIT... What?!" "What?!!" 😳 type deal. Mabel has probably also caught on and is trying to put you in matchmaking situations.
Whilst both the stans are protective over their partners, Stanley is the more... possessive one, mostly in a good way: he wants to provide for you so that you're taken care of, he may not have much but he wants to know that you have less to worry about than him. Does NOT share, can enjoy showing you off and people looking but they can't touch!
He's lives a mostly independent life, so I can see him getting with someone equally (or more) independent and whilst that can reduce some of his worries, cause he knows you can look after yourself, he also still worries! 😅 and he wants to feel needed by a partner, so you might need to let him take the lead or do things/roles in your shared life for you, even if its just something mundane. Like, if you're shorter than him, he will do petty things like putting stuff out of your reach so you have to ask for his help (even if you try to do it for yourself will reach for it before you... Will also put a hand on your ass when he does it 😂).
Realises (subconsciously at least) that you help releive some of the burdens off of him as well. That said, definitely let him do everything for you when you go on dates (after the first one, where you put up a virtuous protest about paying for yourself), he's an old fashioned, almost-chivalric romantic at heart. He'd never admit to being sappy though and states that its simply 'the way to do things' or 'I'm just taking care of my girl'.
The rest of the Pines family realises when he's serious about you because that's when he won't spare on gifts for you. They don't have to be (and probably won't be) super expensive, he'll pick you up little things as well, a wilty bunch of discounted flowers from the store happens to appear sporadically yet often in the mystery shack, saying something a little flirty about how you can make them perk up (the sap!), and you can roll your eyes or quip back at him all you want but he sees how much you appreicate them, which makes up for the times he can be a bit more careless or in a grumpy mood.
Underneath all that confident persona is quite a bit of insecurity, that's not to say that all of his confidence is false, but he definitley has some old self worth/belief issues. Will often wonder what you're doing 'with an old man like him' (no matter if you're the same age or what) especially in the beginning of the relationship. The good thing is that he's susceptible to your compliments ;) and he's often stunned that someone he finds so beautiful is with him and will tell you at the most random times that he's a 'lucky guy' or that he's 'hit the jackpot', like you can be in bed in the rattiest stained t shirt, hair in rags, face mask on, haven't brushed your teeth, doing a crossword puzzle in bed, whatever, and he'll say something along those lines or about how beautiful you are to which you can either a) think he's joking and laugh/say something witty in return, or b) say "what even when I'm (insert something seen as unattractive here)?" Please know that he is SO serious when he says this.
The downside is that whilst stan has made leaps and bounds of improvements to taking care of himself, espeically when he knew the twins were coming for the summer and post-weirdmageddon (since he doesn't have to worry about the portal anymore), he still has a lot of filthy habits! He can be lazy and want to be in comfy clothes rather than a suit all the time, sure, that's fine, but what can really drive a partner crazy is the nail clippings on the floor or the hair clogged up drains in the bathroom and not cleaning up after himself properly! He honestly shouldn't be surprised that this is one of the things you can argue about regularly, old married couple style (he's been divorced enough times to learn this before and yet here you are! ^^')
Stanley Pines is Stubborn with a capital S and so there's some things he's not willing to change, but there will be some things he knows are important to you that he'll try to make progress towards, he'll also go towards taking even more care of himself in different ways, too, since he wants to spend the best amount of time that he can with you and his family.
Keeps photos of you dipper and mabel in his wallet. Considers the twins, wendy and Soos the kids you never had, so he's gotten over all the 'what could've beens' that used to make him sad before.
Will teach you some good boxing moves and punches for sure, even if you do know how to defend yourself. And takes you fishing and will teach you a bunch of practical things, if you ask him to show you he'll be over the moon!
Will preen so much when you praise him or acknowledge his achievements, actually was holding back tears when you said you were proud of him for getting his qualifications (after he spent so long without a HS degree/equivalent). Through working on the portal is SO smart, an equally skilled sailor and navigator etc etc as Ford, may not have the same methods of working stuff out as his brother but acutally knows a lot of disparate things, engineering, mechanics, physics, fishing, wierd loopholes in laws in different states and so on! Once weirdmageddon and the loss of memory has passed, Ford is genuinely touched by Stan's knowledge - a reminder of what he went through to get him back - as well as thrilled to speak to him on subjects that he never expected to share with his twin.
If he was asked whether he's a tits or ass man, he would say both, but honestly, he really loves thighs, I think he has a big attraction to curvy women in particular, but he would love his partner no matter what size/shape/gender (he's definitely bi, just more leaning towards hetero on the kinsey scale in my mind).
Stan is a menace when it comes to teasing, he's made an art form out of riling you up, loves when you get feisty with him. If you're bratty and push his buttons though, he'll give you time to run 🫠 will he give you a fair countdown or skip some of it? Depends on how generous he's feeling, so you better not stick around! Game for getting a little freaky, has a pair of handcuffs for this very reason, likes to be in charge but wouldn't mind being 'arrested' if it's by you 😉 (you can depend upon it that he knows how to escape them at any time though).
Total goof when he's relaxed, it's like being with a best friend, just be willing to get roasted on occasion (lovingly). You both watch ducktective and period dramas together, though he'll swear he's not into the latter - until he starts a running commentary on the plot.
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stansangel · 22 days
Summer Heat
Author's Note: This is my first fic so pls ignore the bad writing! Anyways I hope you enjoy this, I might write a part 2 if this does well!! (Or if one person likes it) Prompt: You meet young Stan Pines at a bar in the middle of no where. (Thank you to my bestie for giving me this prompt I hope I did it justice) Warnings: drinking, alcohol, young stan being a flirt. 16+ content at the end (it gets a lil freaky in his car but nothing smutty)
It was a warm summer night and you and your friends had decided to go to a bar they had heard about from. Unbeknownst to you this bar was in the middle of fucking no where. Despite having no idea where you found yourself you enjoyed the night singing, dancing, and drinking with your friends. You had been out for a few hours now and your friends had been lost to the night, some being blacked out in various booths around the bar and others having left with guys they met. 
You sat on a stool at the bar swirling your drink in your hand and resting your head on the other mentally arguing with yourself if you should see the rest of the night out or if you should just call a taxi to get you home. As you sat deep in thought you felt someone slide onto the stool next to you and you mentally groaned not ready to deal with another drunk random this late into the night. Before you could even look over to see who it was a deep voice spoke, interrupting your thoughts. “Hey Toots,” the voice said
You quickly turned in surprise upon hearing the voice, far too desperately than you’d like to admit hoping that the person it came from was as attractive as his voice. You looked at the man next to you and God, he was. You stared for a moment before mentally cursing yourself for not saying anything.
“You got a staring problem hon.” He said nonchalantly.
You finally mustered up the courage to say something back.
“S-sorry-” you stuttered out.
God you were fucking stupid. Sorry?! THAT’S the best you could come up with when this gorgeous man was sitting next you AND talking to you? As you continued to berate yourself for the awkward first impression, he spoke up again.
“‘S alright doll, got no issue with it when a pretty gal like you is the one staring” 
You felt your cheeks heat up and you let out an awkward giggle. 
“How’s about I buy you a drink, doll? That okay with you?” he asked. “Yeah.. that’d be great, thank you.” you said, trying to maintain a calm facade. 
You completely forgot about the drink you already had and let him order you and himself a round of drinks. 
“So you got a name or should I just keep throwin’ around pet names?” he asked while chuckling.
“Y/N. My name is Y/N.” you said, way too quickly for your comfort but luckily it didn’t seem to make him any less interested. He thought it was adorable how flustered you’d seem to have gotten and it boosted his ego with every word you spoke.
“That’s a pretty name darlin’” He said with a smirk
You felt heat rise to your cheeks again before you mumbled out a thank you.
“‘Course babe. I’m Stanley, go by Stan though.” He said to you.
The drinks are set in front of the two of you and you take a sip pleasantly surprised by the fruity drink that hit your lips, you look at his and notice that he ordered himself something different.
“Is it good? I assumed you didn’t drink whiskey like me so I got ya something sweet. Just like ya.” He said smiling .
You nodded and thanked him. 
“So what’s a pretty thing like yourself doing here all alone?” He asked with an eyebrow quirked.
“Oh.. I came here with friends but they’ve all gone off to do their own thing.” You say feeling a bit upset your friends left you to your own devices.
He looked at you sympathetically noticing your expression.
“Hey it’s alright doll, you got me to keep ya company,” He said as he flashed you a smile. “Plus I doubt any of your friends bought you a drink tonight like I did.” He gestured to the drink in front of you. 
You giggled and nodded. “I guess you’re right.” You spent a couple more hours chatting with Stan and sipping on drinks he so generously bought for you.
“Hey, whaddaya say we get outta here? I could take you back to my place.” He smirked as he proposed the idea.
“I’d like that a lot.” You said smiling.
He got up and extended his arm out for you to take and you did, you clung to his arm gently as he guided you out of the bar and to his car, a beautiful red El Diablo. He opened the passenger door for you and closed it once you got in before jogging around to the other side of the car and getting in. You watched as he started the ignition and began driving. 
As the two of you made your descent back to his house you let his hand rest on your thigh while his other expertly drove the car down the empty streets. You stopped at a red light which was taking seemingly forever to turn green when he turned to you and kissed you. It wasn’t soft or sweet. It was feverish and needy. You kissed him back with the same fervor he did, teeth clashing against each other. His hand traveled from your thigh to your hair and tangled in your locks pushing you closer to him. He pulled away breathless, lips swollen from the kiss and lust filling his eyes.
This was going to be a long night.
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skipppppy · 5 days
This has to be an AU already right? I’ve never seen it. I’m doing it. My city now
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The angst potential alone haunts me. How long do you think he waited for Ford?? When did it start to sink in that nobody was coming to save him, that nobody would miss him? Would anybody even want him back? How long did it take for his anger, his heartbreak, his grief to turn into acceptance and a belief that this was divine retribution? How long did he work, how many jobs did he take, how much wealth did he accrue, how many brushes with death did he have until he believed he’d “earned” the right to go home and see his brother?? Many such questions. I need to go deeper
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nenoname · 1 month
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Stan Pines' drawings
Plus a Stan drawing of debatable canonicity but I love his signature being a dollar sign
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time-woods · 22 days
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this goesout to theperson who wanted me todraw him with an even bigger lollypop here it is
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ryleighbearx · 27 days
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dropping my teen pines twins designs <3
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jesse-pinko · 7 days
Fiddlestan is objectively the best and funniest ship bc imagine you’re Ford finally back in your home dimension after thirty years and not only has your twin brother stolen your identity and committed multiple felonies under your name he’s also happily married to your research assistant who used to be madly in love with you but you took him for granted lmao get humbled loser
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rangerbarbz · 3 months
Author’s Note: Man, I am a busy bee. I apologize for how little I’ve been writing. I never catch a break, but I am so thankful for y’all. I hope the summer is treating you well!!!
Summary: Ford lets out his frustrations on reader after a continuously failing experiment
You laid flat on you and Ford’s shared bed, stomach against the quilt that covered the mattress. Ford was downstairs finishing up an experiment while you were reading a chapter in your new book. The rest of the Pines family were on a daycation out of town leaving you and Ford by yourselves. It was nice to have this private time to spend with him. 
You flipped to the next page and shifted the weight of your head onto your other hand. It was no telling when Ford would emerge from the basement to join you. He had been down there for an hour now. At least you thought he had; you were pretty engrossed in this novel so who knows? You had changed into a tank top and shorts to make sure when he did get done with whatever he was working on, you’d be ready to fall asleep in his arms. Or so you thought. 
You heard Ford’s boots stomping down the hallway, your head perking up at the sound. You closed the book and placed it on the bed before standing up to approach the doorway. 
“Ford?” you called. Just as soon as you reached the door frame, he was there. His silver hair was tousled and his eyes looked more weary than usual. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest. He was wearing stained jeans and a taut, black t-shirt and smelled of his musky deodorant with a hint of moss. 
“Honey, are you okay?” you asked gently, letting him bury his face in your neck. His body was hunched over to make sure he was holding as much of you as possible. You rubbed your hands up and down his back soothingly as he started kissing your jawline.
Ford’s eyes met yours; they didn’t look tired anymore. They were fiery.
“I’m fine. It…It was just a hard day,” he explained quietly. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You placed your hand on his cheek, letting him lean into the palm of your hand. 
“No, sweetheart. Not now.” He began kissing your wrist. “I just want you, please.” His words were mumbled against your skin. You felt your face get hot as he continued kissing down your arm, his eyes blissfully closed. 
You cupped his face to make him meet your gaze. “Take me then,” you whispered. Ford groaned in appreciation, his strong hands covering the sides of your face. He was kissing you with such a force that was uncharacteristic for him. His tongue flicked your lower lip, begging for a taste of yours. You let him deepen the kiss by opening your mouth and wrapping your arms around his neck. He was frantic trying to touch every inch of you. 
Ford suddenly broke the kiss. “I’m sorry. I forgot I had these damn boots on. Let me take them off before we get too far.” You nodded, unable to form actual words. He then bent down to start unlacing his shoes. However, his mouth was focused on something else. He began planting kisses from your knee, lips inching up your thigh. You let out a soft gasp; your fingers carding through his hair. His stubble was teasing the satin skin that was close to where you wanted him most. 
He suddenly stood up to place his lips on yours again. They never left even as he flung his boots and socks off making you giggle. You felt him smile against you. One arm then supported your back while the other snaked around your waist. You were gently laid on the bed as Ford kissed you passionately. 
He then lifted himself up, centimeters away from your face to look at you. His eyes were locked onto yours. After what felt like hours under his gaze, he leaned down to your ear. “I love kissing you,” he said in a low voice. He dragged your earlobe through his teeth, and your body shivered at the contact. His lips continued their journey down your neck, small moans escaping your mouth. Your legs had wrapped themselves around his torso.
He grunted against your chest, pulling down your tank top to expose your nipples to the cold air. His eyes darted hungrily across your breasts before tracing your areolas with his hot tongue. A sharp contrast to the temperature of the room. You cried out, once again holding his head in your hands. His right hand crept upwards to your other breast as he sucked your nipple into his mouth. 
“Ford, please,” you breathed, grinding against him to gain some sort of friction against your throbbing core. He was incredibly hard and straining against the zipper of his blue jeans. He groaned and bit your nipple to tease you back. You yelped a bit, face growing red from the sound you made. Ford didn’t seem to notice. Or, if he did, he didn’t mind. His hands grazed your waist down to your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into your soft flesh. 
“I couldn’t stop thinking about this.” Ford pulled down your silky shorts to expose your dripping cunt to him. He tossed the article of clothing to the floor, his attention never leaving you. His hands drifted up the sides of your thighs, pressing them around his head. He blew cold air against your sensitive clit; his eyes locked onto yours to see your reaction. You yelped and threw your head back which made Ford chuckle. 
“You’re so sexy like this,” he grumbled against your inner thigh. He peppered kisses up your leg. The tip of his tongue teased your opening slowly.
You gasped. “F-Fuck.” 
Ford’s lips wrapped around your clit and swirled his tongue gently. He lifted your right leg, putting it over his shoulder to give him better access. His once calculated licking began to turn sloppy as he dove into you. He slipped his big hands underneath you to cup your ass and pull your cunt closer to his mouth. He moaned into you while your hips grinded against his face. 
Just when you thought you were going to burst, his tongue slipped out of you. He gave your swollen labia a kiss. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I want to feel you around my fingers,” Ford admitted. He adored fingering you. You were almost positive it had something to do with the fact he had been made fun of his entire life for his hands. The hands he was once so insecure about were now able to evoke such pleasure from you. It made him feel powerful. 
His thumb grazed your throbbing clit as he slid one finger into you. His breath hitched in his throat at the feeling of your warm, wet entrance. You cried out how he filled you up so easily. Your nails dug into his shoulders; his finger began to pump in and out of you. 
Ford’s cheeks were tinged pink. He became so flustered seeing you write underneath him. “Oh, God,” he whimpered. “You feel so good…So beautiful.” He began to pump faster to hear more of your sweet moans. 
“Ford,” you breathed out. “Please, I’m so close.” He moved his other hand to your upper back, carefully lifting you up. 
“I know, baby. I know. I got you. Just let go, honey. Let me feel you,” Ford cooed. Your body did exactly what he said. You felt shivers run over your entire body; your cunt pulsating around his fingers. He hugged you against him, still fingering you but slowly now. Your head fell into the crook of his neck. You were breathing heavily, riding out your orgasm. 
“There you go. Atta girl.” He kissed your temple. “Do you think you got one more in you, honey?” You leaned back and looked at him, a grin on your face and a glazed over look in your eyes. 
“You betcha, Dr. Pines.” He smiled devilishly at you before standing up to swiftly remove his shirt. His pants and boxers were soon to go. You bit your lip as you watched him undress. He had such broad shoulders, toned muscles, and a painfully erect cock. 
You rolled over, showing your ass off to him. You looked back at him to see his mouth slightly agape, admiring your curves. To him, you were the most entrancing thing he’d seen in all his years. He kneeled on the bed behind you, running his hands over your smooth back. 
He caressed your ass before parting your flesh to expose your cunt once again. He breathed deeply, his cock teasing your entrance. He let your slick coat his tip before sliding into you completely.
Ford groaned, his head tipping back and eyelids fluttering. You whined at how he stretched you out. It hurt so good. He moved his hips slowly at first, letting you get accustomed to him. 
“H-how does it feel, sweetheart?” he asked shakily. 
“Harder, Ford. Fuck, I want to feel more of you,” you replied quietly. Ford sighed and laid his body against your back. 
“Don’t say things like that if you want me to last, Y/N,” Ford growled into your ear. His thrusts became sporadic, a bead of sweat dripping down his face. His hands reached around to hold onto your breasts. You could feel the build up of another orgasm already. 
“Ford.” Your voice had squeaked from the intensity of his thrusts. Everything felt so good it was overwhelming. 
“Where do you want me?” 
“Inside.” Ford let out a guttural noise at that. You then began to feel his dick twitch and that familiar warmness spread inside you. One of his fingers sneakily moved down to your clit, applying just enough pressure to bring you to climax. You screamed his name and pulsated around him. Your body collapsed onto the bed. He rested beside you. He held you flush against his chest; your breaths became synced together. 
“Let me clean you up, hon,” Ford whispered. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to retrieve a warm washcloth. “Roll over, sweetie.” You lazily flipped over with a grunt.
Ford giggled. “You’re so cute.” He started to clean up the evidence he had been there  from your inner thighs and folds. You gazed up at him lovingly. “There we go,” he said. “Good as new.” He placed the washcloth on the other side of him. 
He was smiling ear to ear down at you before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “I’m going to run us a bath.” He kissed you again. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” And you meant it with every cell in your body. 
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
What would be Stan’s brothers reaction when after Y/n helped them with stuff and they said “Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss on the cheek?” Or “what else do you want? A kiss on the cheek?” And reader fastly respond ‘Yes please’ without hesitation 🤑
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‘What are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek?’ Ford said when he noticed that you were lingering nearby.
‘Yes please.’ You replied almost instantaneously.
The poor man was now blushing to the tips of his ears as his eyes grew wide. This wasn’t a response he was expecting and therefore not properly prepared to answer accordingly.
He didn’t expect you to eagerly agree even in the slightest and now he was racked with nerves, while his mind overworked on whether or not you were joking with him. Ford has never been in the situation before where someone shown active interest in him, so needless to say this man was imploding on himself over shat could only be a theoretical.
He hated vagueness and ambiguity, they were his biggest personal pet peeves. he much preferred things to be upfront and direct for he tended to look for deeper meaning in things they didn’t need to be looked at so intently or up close.
‘I- well if it’s okay with you.’ Ford says, finding the collar of his turtleneck a little tight and finding it hard to swallow the lump in his throat.
‘It’s more than okay.’ You said with a smile.
Ford had to steel his nerves that were running rampant within him as though he was still that teenage boy, he mustered the strength he needed to press a sweet, almost featherlight kiss to your cheek that had butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
‘What are you waiting for? A kiss on the cheek?’ He asked.
‘Yes please.’ You said without hesitation.
Stanley, while taken aback but your straightforwardness, smirked in response as he leant closer to you.
‘Oh do you now?’ He says playfully with a raised brow, trying his hardest not to show just show affected he was by your words as he felt his heart in his throat.
‘I wouldn’t have said otherwise.’ You replied with a smile, taking a step towards him as he internally congratulated himself for not loosing his touch. (or so he liked to claim when in reality it’s you who holds the more power in this situation.)
Stan only said what he said because it was something his father said time and time again to him after he did something that he thought would finally make his father look at him. Only for that to not be the case as his father easily dismissed his efforts and managed to degrade him with a single sarcastic comment that felt like a dagger to the heart.
Here when he said it, you made it sound a lot sweeter when you gladly accepted the prospect of him kissing your cheek, almost as though it was the only thing that would make your entire day. You were far too sweet for Stan but you attract more with honey than vinegar or so they say and needless to say you had this man hook line and sinker with how sweet you were.
‘Okay honey just remembered you’re the one who asked for this.’ Stan said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek that made you want more in the future.
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bigfatbimbo · 17 days
honeymoon with stanley pines👀
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a/n — Stanley Pines the man you are!
summary — SFW headcanons about the [gender neutral] reader on a honeymoon with Stan
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──★ The photos from the zombie episode were chosen because things would escalate to stakes that high, even on a honeymoon.
──★ Well, maybe not that high, but I feel like things would go comically wrong.
──★ You run out of money, a bar fight starts, your taxi driver turns out to be robbing and bank and you’re involved in a car chase, you end up crashing another wedding, etc.
──★ The honeymoon is totally in Vegas, by the way.
──★ Stan tries so hard to make this a romantic trip for you, he’s honestly terrified of you leaving him.
──★ He’s hiring mariachi bands at restaurants you go to, and paying for your name to be written out in fireworks (they spelled it wrong but it’s the thought that counts.)
──★ And when anything goes wrong at all, he’s honestly really scared it’s gonna convince you to break it off with him.
──★ There’d have to be a lot of reassurance on your part that you are having a good time, and you love him.
“Look, I know i’m a lot to handle— And maybe this whole trip isn’t going as planned, and maybe—“
“Are you kidding? I’ve had a great time, Stan,” You smile genuinely.
He looked surprised, “No kidding?”
You laugh, “I always have a good time with you. I married you for a reason.”
──★ Imagine spoiling him as much as he spoils you.
──★ Like while he’s trying to write your name in fireworks, you’re on the black market trying to name a planet after him.
──★ Getting him breakfast in bed, and him being all surprised because like he didn’t ask you to do that.
“No shit, where am I? A hotel?” He’d jokes, faint blush rising.
“Motel,” You correct, “We couldn’t afford a hotel here. Hope this makes up for it!”
──★ I feel like the most romantic part of the honeymoon would be like the more insane parts.
──★ Like you two tied up in the back of a gangs hideout, and having to break free with a nail file.
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artsymeeshee · 4 months
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angelyuji · 22 days
stan pines thoughts and professor ford pines??? HOLD ON LET ME COOK
tw // yandere themes, gaslighting, manipulation, power imbalance, pervy uncle lowkey, also lowkey bimboification, noncon (not explicit)
professor ford pines!!!!!!!! known to be the eccentric professor who goes on tangents about trans-dimensional physics and other science junk, but also superrr lenient grader like no possible way anyone could fail his class. you’re def teacher’s pet type and he’s definitely aiming to make you a TA. always getting you involved in weird experiments, but you’re always down cuz ur there to learn! ford invites you to his house, you guys hang out outside of class and research, you’ve met his brother!! like u knew it was getting weird, but at the same time…. you need a good rec letter. so one day you guys are in his office at his home, grading papers…
“(y/n).” ford calls your name, sternly. the lights were dim and quiet classical music played in the office. you hum and turn to him. before you know it, his chapped lips press against yours. you push him away, scared and surprised.
“professor, what the hell are you doing?” you try back away, but ford grabs your hand.
“i think you are one of the most brilliant minds i know and i want to be with you, (y/n).” ford stands, pulling you into a hug. you push back, stumbling away from him.
“no, i-i never thought that! i thought we were just friends!”
“but, i invited you to my home.” ford’s face saddens, “you met my family…”
“i never… i never realized…” you felt embarrassed for the old professor. you take a step back. you can’t see his face, but you watch his fists clench.
“i suppose that means you’re okay with losing your job, as well as any opportunities in this field.” his voice was low, words drenched in anger.
“no…. no, no, no, professor you can’t do this to me.” your heart feels like it was being ripped out of your chest.
“no, i can’t, but who will you tell? who will believe you? i am a respected scientist in our field, (y/n). think once more on your decision.” ford looks at you, a smug smirk laying on his face. you don’t respond, knowing that you had no other choice. you step back to him and he pulls you into a soft, loving kiss. his 5 o’clock shadow scratches your face. “now, please (y/n), call me ford.”
stan pines who had known your dad when he lived in texas and saw him again in gravity falls. stan pines who gets invited over to meet his friend’s family for dinner and sees you. a cute, little thing in their early 20s. stan’s instantlyyy enamored. you’re so cute and respectful, explaining how you’re living at home while you work and save money for a house, blushing when stan compliments you, serving him food first. you were acting like a perfect homemaker and stan was instantly obsessed. your dad’s gonna tell stan before he leaves that you’re all moving somewhere cheaper:
“yeah, pines, we’re moving some time soon. you know how it is with retirement and the market going down.” your dad sighs, wearily. stan nods, trying to listen to your voice in the house. “can’t move till (y/n) finds a job though. its gonna be tough on them especially with how hard it is to find jobs these days.” stan perks up at his words.
“y’know, (y/n) don’t have to quit…” your dad looks at the older man in confusion. “my grandkids have gone back to california, shermie’s grandkids technically, so my attic is open for them to stay in. they can stay at their job and you guys can move.” stan offers, fighting a giddy smile.
your dad clasps stan’s hands, “stan pines, you are the kindest man i know.”
stan for sure acts like a feeble old man around you to get you to take care of him. like cooking dinner, doing laundry, and more. he conditions you into acting like his stay at home partner. he starts making advances, subtle at first, to see what you would tolerate. soon he’s dictating what you wear and bending you over on the kitchen counter to make sure you stay full :) (dont get me started on somnophilia cuz i have thoughts on those but idk if u guys are ready for the things im gonna say)
here are those thoughts i was talking abt… :))))
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
Gravity falls Hcs: Throughout the years, pt. 1
The town of gravity falls continues to remain normal, but still has its weird strange flair
More and more tourists come and go from Gravity Falls Oregon, especially after Weirdmageddon
Tyler is still mayor and going on strong
Dipper and Mabel still visit Gravity Falls every summer, and they remain close with their friends from Gravity Falls
Mabel, Grenda, and Candy's friendship still remain strong as they all grow up (since they got phones and computers, they text and videochat 24/7)
Dipper and Mabel have their troubles in school, especially after what they've been through, but no matter what, the pines twins stick together through thick and thin
Dipper is still not so popular, but he found his people, and he managed to create a "Dungeons, dungeons and more dungeons" club in school
Mabel is still to this day an arts and crafts master and also a master of knitting and clothing designs.
When Mabel was granted access to the world of the internet. She made her own business website showing the clothes she made, along with making video tutorials on knitting, art, and making wax figures
On one of twins' birthdays, great uncle Ford and Mabel gave Dipper three journals so he could find his own discoveries and adventures and write them in the journals (Dipper loved the gift and takes great care of them.)
Mabel still never misses a scrapbook-ortunity
Wendy and her gang of friends are still hanging out and still close (they've slowly started to treat Thompson nicer)
Robbie and Tambry are still together and are getting married (Wendy is Robbie's best woman and Tambry's bridesmaid)
When Soos got married, everyone was there, and it was all very emotional. Especially for Soos who cried at his own wedding more than anyone
When the pines twins come to gravity falls over the summer or the holidays, the townspeople all know their name, give them endless hugs and high fives, and it's pretty much the happiest moment for the townspeople
Old man Mckgucket still invents, but this time, it's for the benefit of town.
As time went by, Fiddleford started fixing his mind little by little with his son's help. He is also slowly rebuilding his relationship with his son and Stanford
When Mabel and Dipper's parents met with the Stan brothers, they demanded an explanation. Stanley and Stanford came up with a very believable lie involving Stanley owing a bunch of debt to dangerous men, and then he faked his death to get them off his back with Stanfords help.
Bill Cipher's statue is still in the woods of Gravity Falls, and everyone makes sure that people, including tourists, go nowhere near the statue out of fear
Stanley slowly starts remembering everything, but he asks his family and Stanford for clarification on memories that are a bit of a blur
Every time the Pines twins come to gravity falls, it's always a new adventure, and Candy, Grenda, Wendy, and even Pacifica started joining them on their adventures
Soos named Stanley the grandfather and the pines twins as the godparents. Melody wanted to protest, but she could never say no to Soos
Wendy found a girlfriend and still helps out at the shack, but now she is working as either a lumberjack or working on construction
Since money was tight for the Northwest family, Pacifica took a job at the diner thanks to lazy Susan, and now she earns her own money to help out, and she FaceTimes Mabel and the girls a lot
Pacifica gives Mabel fashion and design tips
Sev'ral Timez still lives in the woods and somehow managed to mate and multiply with nature. Now there are mutant hybrid Sev'ral Timez children running around Gravity Falls
Ivan or Toot-Toot McBumbersnazzle is traveling around the world to find his song that is in his heart, and so far, he has released a few Banjo songs but not many
While living in California was nice, Waddles, after some time, was no longer aloud to live with the Pines twins family, which broke Mabel's heart but Soos luckily volunteered to take in Waddles after he convinced Melody to be on board which Mabel immediately was happy about
Sheriff Daryl Blubs and Deputy Durland are married and have adopted a boy together
After the weirdmaggedon, everyone has their trauma, and everyone deals with it in their own way, but the town who went through it all go through the healing together or with those that they trust
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barbaricjester · 8 days
I'm think so hard about Stanley Pines I'm gonna fucking cry. Have you guys ever noticed how he talks to Ford even before he got him back. In Carpet Diem he scolds Ford and says his carpet is ugly. He asks the wax lookalike if he wants anything from the kitchen. He tells Ford to shut up when he's reading his journal. He tells the kids he talked to his reflection while fishing alone. He needed his brother so fucking much and I'm
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