#& sunset // headcanon
bixels · 19 days
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dumb twiset comic. based on this labru comic.
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upon-the-snow · 5 months
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early mornings after nightmares
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Astarion Headcanons
Inbox is open for requests.
General Headcanons
Settling Down together after the game events
Bigger Tav x Astarion
Astarion makes a wedding dress for Tav
Astarion having sensitive ears
Dancing Headcanon
Ressurected Astarion Part 1
Ressurected Astarion Part 2
Astarion's twin brother
Widower Astarion
Tav is a cat owner
Astarion Can Purr Headcanons
Astarion x Big-Breasted Tav
Astarion and you are going to the Lliira's Night Festival
Astarion Pre-vampirism HCs
Astariox x Big\Soft tummied Tav
Taking care of their sick partner
Unromanced Astarion
SA victim Tav
M!Tav CSA victim
Dadstarion Headcanons
Boy Dad Astarion
Pregnant Tav
Astarion has a kid with Gnome!Tav
Astarion's half-elf daughter
Batstarion Headcanons
Batstarion is learning how to fly
Giving bath to Batstarion
NSFW Headcanons
Astarion x Big-Breasted Tav NSFW
Astarion x Small-Breasted Tav NSFW
Bigger Tav x Astarion NSFW
Batstarion Naughty Headcanons
Astarion x Tiefling!Tav (NSFW)
Astarion x Wizard!Tav NSFW
Astarion x Rogue!Tav NSFW
Astarion x Drow!Tav NSFW
Astarion x Changeling!Tav NSFW
Astarion x f!Gnome!Tav NSFW
Astarion x Tav With Health Related Conditions
Astarion x Autistic!Tav
Astarion x Blind!Tav
Astarion x Chronic Pain!Tav
Astarion x Mute Tav
Astarion x Tav Who Has to Cover Her Face
Astarion x Depressed!Tav
Astarion x Anxiety Disorder!Tav
Astarion x Chronically ill !Tav
Astarion x Deaf!Tav
Tiefling Tav with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Astarion x Tav with Raunaud Syndrome
Astarion x Tav with Auditory Processing Disorder
Astarion x Custom Race!Tav Headcanons
Astarion x Tiefling!Tav
Astarion x Mephistopheles!Tiefling!Tav
Astarion x Dragonborn!Tav
Astarion x High Elf! Tav
Astarion x Gnome!Tav
Astarion x Dhampir!Tav
Astarion x f!Drow!Tav
Astarion x m!Drow!Tav
Astarion x Drider!Tav
Astarion x Half-Orc!Tav
Astarion x Wood Elf!Tav
Astarion x Curvy F!Human Tav
Astarion x Werewolf!Tav
Astarion x Changeling!Tav p.1
Astarion x Changeling!Tav p.2
Astarion x Changeling!Tav p.3
Astarion x Protector Aasimar!Tav
Astarion x Scourge Aasiamar!Tav
Astarion x Fallen Aasimar!Tav
Astarion x Eladrin!Tav
Astarion x Gur!Tav
Astarion x Fire Genasi Tav
Astarion x Custom Class!Tav Headcanons
Astarion x Barbarian!Tav
Astarion x Wizard!Tav
Astarion x Bard!Tav
Astarion x Druid!Tav
Astarion x Spore Circle Druid!Tav
Astarion x Ranger!Tav
Astarion x Drakewarden!Tav (Ranger subclass)
Astarion x Cleric of Selûne! Tav
Astarion x Cleric of Latander!Tav
Astarion x Cleric of Bahamuth!Tav
Astarion x Rogue!Tav
Astarion x Monk!Tav
Astarion x Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer!Tav
Astarion x Shadow Sorcerer!Tav
Astarion x Blood Hunter!Tav
Astarion x Archfey Warlock!Tav (Patron Niitra Siotta)
Astarion x The Great Old One Warlock!Tav (Patron Zargon)
Astarion x Fighter!Tav
Astarion x Paladin of Ilmater!Tav
Astarion x Artificer!Tav
Astarion x Custom Background!Tav Headcanons
Astarion x Noble!Tav
Astarion x Noble Elf!Tav
Astarion x Pirate!Tav
Astarion x Feylost!Tav
Astarion x Durge
Astarion x Redeemed Durge
Astarion x Evil Durge
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captainzigo · 2 months
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headcanon relationship chart for the mane 6. for some undefined amount of time after the show
i am not trying to lend undue legitimacy to the institution of marriage. or devalue queer platonic relationships. these are just different types of relationships. obviously.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 5 months
Hmm... but how would all of the sets of turtle twins react to being told they actually weren't twins?
Doctor: You guys actually aren't twins.
2003 Donnie: *just blinks and looks over at Raph*
2003 Raph: *On the verge of angry tears* ...Shut the FU-
Doctor: You aren't twins.
2018 Leo: Haha, nah, you're wrong.
Doctor: No, literally, it's not pos-
2018 Donnie: *holding techbo menacingly* Don't you dare crush his hopes and dreams I will end u.
Doctor: You're not-
2012 Mikey: I suggest you don't say that.
Doctor: Why? Would the red one kill me?
2012 Mikey: No, but he'd get very sad and threaten to kill you while sobbing.
Doctor: You aren't-
Bayverse Donnie: *already crying*
Bayverse Raph: *giving doctor death stare* You have 5 fucking seconds.
Feel free to adjust them, i only really knew what to do with 2 of them lmao-
I love it so much
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legendofzoodles · 4 months
Legend's hair across @linkeduniverse
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I think this change happens over only a few days and he was in rabbit form for an afternoon. I would suggest Twilight's marks were once like that too, but considering he was in wolf form for days if not weeks at the start of his adventure and how often he switches form now his marks are essentially permanent. Even if he swore to never transform again.
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kkqueergurl · 3 months
if yall weren’t sold on the jatp season 2:
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I present my evidence
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arsoniiii · 1 year
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Mikey to the Rescue! (A Sunset Duo Comic)
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aealzx · 5 months
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Mikey knew that he would never regret saving Leo. All of the damage that had been done to his arms, all the self-inflicted burns ripping through his skin, all the twitches and spasms wrecking his hobbies and daily life were worth it when it came to keeping his brother with them. He knew that someday he would proudly wear the scars that scraped his once smooth skin. He was strong. He could handle something like this.
He knew he could handle this.
But right then, with his network of pain stabbing blades in his arms, burning anger raging even at the air touching the raw skin, he didn’t want to hear it. Not even from his normally confident self.
He just wanted a moment to accept that it sucked. Accept that it hurts. Acknowledge that he hated feeling like there were hot iron cards slotted into his arms. He wanted to rage. And cry. And let himself be selfishly angry as the tiniest breeze prickling his bare nerves.
When Raph found him Mikey had already stripped the bandages from his twitching arms, hoping that would help them stop stinging. It hadn’t made a difference, and now he was stuck standing, staring in seething anguish at his spasming limbs like they had personally offended everything he held dear. Those eyes had shifted to Raph when he was noticed, and the shuddering breaths sucked through clenched teeth, broken by stray hiccups, just caused Raph’s own eyes to soften in sympathy.
Shifting into the room, Raph just raised his own arms and held them open in offering. “C’mere. I got you,” he beckoned quietly. A gentle coax as well as an allowance that Mikey didn’t have to keep himself strong. He could have his moment to break, and Raph would be there to keep a hold of the pieces until he felt well enough to put himself back together.
The hissed breaths soon became shuddering huffs as Mikey’s jaw unclenched along with his iron grip around his figurative self. His response to Raph came as a squeaked whimper that became a drawn out wail as the barrier against the tears broke as well. Mikey barely raised his hands in return, and Raph had enough of an acceptance to motivate him to move forward. He was careful to not touch Mikey’s arms as he wrapped his little brother in his own, pulling him close and letting him sob into his shoulder once more. It was heartbreaking to see Mikey reduced to this state. But Raph knew that sometimes their strongest brother also needed a moment to be weak once and awhile.
This is a result of me having the thought "Hey, why are you only ever beating up Donnie? e<e" and going "Alright, bet e<e" in response.
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asunsetgrace16 · 15 days
Love Language ⎥ AF19
Pairing: Adam Fantilli x fem!reader
Summary: headcanons about Adam's love language
Warnings: none
Notes: first Adam post!! As always if you have any ideas, let me know!
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his love language is definitely physical touch
Adam always has to be near you, with a hand around your waist or on your hip or holding your hand
his love language brings out his protective side (and maybe a lil possessive too)
he always wants to make sure you're safe and if he is glued to your side its easy for him to do that
he plays with your hair a lot, which is a win for both of you
he loves when you play with his hair
and he usually falls asleep with his head in your lap
one word: snuggles
couch, bed, air mattress, someone else's couch, doesn't matter; Adam loves his cuddles
seriously he's like a koala when he gets back from long roadies and hasn't been able to hold you for days
he will spend the entire day in bed if it means he gets more snuggles
Adam's favourite moments are the warm and sleepy snuggles early in the morning before his alarm goes off
when there is still plenty of time to drift back to sleep curled around each other
you use his bicep as a pillow, and his hands stroke softly on your back and in your hair as your legs tangle together
if you guys are with friends, he often stands behind you with a hand on your hip playing with your belt loops
or he has his chin on your shoulder and is resting your heads together
if he is stressed or upset he will usually ask you to just hold him, makes him feel safe
he also plays with the rings on your fingers a lot
he likes to draw patterns and shapes on your thigh if you are driving or sitting anywhere
he likes to tuck his head into your neck and leave little kisses under your ear
you eventually pick up the things he always does to you and start doing them to him
its comforting for both of you that you feel the same way and will initiate hugs and cuddles and such
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wigglebox · 9 months
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Suptober - Day 3 || Inspired [x]
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slimedudd09 · 6 months
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for me they're like syd and cassie (but without the angst) 😔
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jabberwocky-warrior · 9 months
8 Random Kingscholar Family Headcanons
Leona centered | 256 words | Not Edited | Tell me if you notice any mistakes
Leona has been the sponsor of multiple charities since he was young (his biggest charities are centered on Women/children and his other is centered on Magic training for the less fortunate) (He also has one centered on helping people with destructive/dangerous magic)
Leona's sister-in-law is a former Royal Guard captain. She personally oversaw Leona's self-defense training when he was young. (When he comes home she makes him spare with her to make sure he's not going soft.)
Because of The king being busy with king things and also having health issues, Falena took a paternal role in Leona's life. (His sister-in-law also took a role when she came into the picture)
Leona was v protective of his sister-in-law when she was pregnant. (even if he wasn't thrilled about the thought of children) You can still see this protectiveness when there's a safety threat around Cheka and her.
Cheka has been obsessed with his uncle since he was born. when Falena and his wife couldn't get him to sleep, Leona was able to.
The Kingscholar family has always been more of a business relationship than a familial one. Falena is the first in a v long time to change that, making time for Leona and Cheka as often as he can.
When Leona was a baby/toddler Falena would carry him around everywhere. When there was any safety threat Falena would move Leona's crib into his room.
Falena plans to give Leona a v high Advisor position on the Royal council (high enough that the council can't ignore him)
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 month
— turingTested [TT] began pestering turbulentGullface [TG] at 16:13. —
TT: Stop. Everything.
TT: Crow, get the banana.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 5 months
More twin turtle ideas: Chirping Language.
Let me explain.
2003 Donnie: *insert adorable nerdy turtle chirps*
Other 2003 characters: *Very confused*
2003 Raph: He's asking for his wrench, dumbass.
2003 Donnie: Also wrong. I said hug. Give me a damn hug right now.
2003 Raph: ...oh-
Or, on the Rise side...
2018 Donnie: *angry, ranting chirping while pacing*
2018 Leo: *also angry, ranting chirping while pacing*
2018 Raph: ...what are they doing?
2018 Mikey: They saw characters from Jupiter Jim get put into a ship they dont like and now they're mad and are ranting to each other.
Or, on the 2012 side...
2012 Raph: *loud, angry sounding chirping as he's grabbing onto Mikey's leg, getting dragged along the floor as he did, like a feral animal*
2012 Mikey: No, Raph, I'm not going to play video games with you after you threw pizza in my face-
2012 Raph: *Louder chirping from a whiny turtle*
I always love the idea that the turtles chirp, and these are cracking me up.
Bayverse Donnie: *chirping excitedly to Raph, who looks half asleep*
Bayverse Leo: what’s he got excited about this time?
Bayverse Raph: Peas
(I hc that bayverse donnie, when getting overly excited, just starts chirping. And he can get stupidly excited about the strangest things)
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lamponellatempesta · 2 months
DAY 3: Favorite Ship
(Countdown gently created by @campbenji )
For this third day it was impossible for me to choose between my two main ships and writing for both would become too complex for my poor burnt neurons.
So I decided to create something nice with this lovely picrew for both!
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Dinostar and Yasammy my beloved💛🧡
As a timeline, I projected them after all the events of Chaos Theory (Yes, I am a big supporter of Brooklynn is Sydney theory)
I wanted to give a change of look to Darius and I must say that I really like that hairstyle on him, while for Brooklynn I tried to make her hair a little more wavy still keeping them short, also imagine them in a more purple shade. I added some scars because yeah, something was missing without them!
While for Yaz and Sammy, there is not much to say, they would be perfect in any context, come on look at them!! But I must admit that the pirate style shirt on our cowgirl has really conquered me!
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