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thestandardcitizen-blog · 7 years ago
Becoming Über
This isn’t a sad story, this isn’t something to make you feel bad for me.. This isn’t a place where you can join the feel bad for yourself club. If you’re looking to join that club, simply just go kill yourself now instead of living a life of fucking saddiness and collecting friends who will feel bad for you. 
This story isn’t even for you, I don’t care about you.. Fuck you in fact. I’m going to writing this for myself, its something I need to focus on.. Which is writing, as I suck at the task. 
This is mainly a place where I keep myself in check, a requirement to provide myself with lessons i’ve learned..
Today, I’m 1/4 years old, I barely workout, only 100K in the bank.. going down daily,  and have sex 2-3 times a month.. I’m not fat, but I’m not able to kill someone with my bare hands... PSA, I don’t wish to kill anyone or think someone is about to attack me. However, humans aren’t as advance as we think. We still scan a room and compare ourselves to others. For woman, they compare their level of sexiness and their ability to catch a mans seed. No, I don’t think this is how woman think, but biologically this is the desire. Men, our desire is to be able to show we’re  a strong mate that can provide great offspring and protect. 
Now before you think I’m some red pill shell, I’m not. Even fact I can be rarely liberal and emotional.  I feel for those who are weak, but I think there are those who are weak due to choice and those who are weak that can’t afford to be strong due to limitations. I’m going to proclare two types of limitations
1. Limiting yourself 
2. Natural limitations 
Once is a choice, the second one is an what the world has given you. I’m going to declare that most if not all limitations are self limitations and not hardwired into you. 
We often like to blame everything in the world on something, but in fact most limitations is you’re inability to blame yourself. 
Now, I will admit there are natural limitations we have no control over and didn’t choice. These are the world telling us fuck you, but now we can have the option of telling the world fuck you. 
I believe there two types of people with natural limitations, those who allow these natural limitations to limit them and those who don’t. Now, I know what you’re thinking... but Mr SC...  I have cancer, I know... it sucks.. It limits you, but than there are those who have it and take it as a sign to live life more. Its a perspective aspect. I bet your saying, but what if I have downs... Ok you got me, but still you can still be the best self you can be.
This isn’t about becoming uber rich, uber powerful, uber whatever... It’s about becoming your Über self ie the best you can be... However, if you’re thinking that your trying hard enough, you’re likely only trying 50% and you have another 50% you can do. 
Life limitations are often self limitations. 
Let’s start with some assumptions.... before we do that... Let be first say, these are not founded by research, long hard thoughtful reactions to some enlighten trip, or anything.. These are merely a means to an end, you can poke holes at them all day long.. I don’t care, these aren’t meant to be stable thoughts on how life works or how the world works. These are a basic understanding on how you restart your life. 
Let be first say this, the world is always influx, everything you believe in now will change as what you believe in is often worldly, and no this isn’t some spiral bullshit about any god... Fuck god.. god is dead. 
These are ideas that you should just assume are right, even if they aren’t right. Living on nothing or research is something that will always change. You don’t have time to think how the world works, you only have time to work on how you work. If you focus on what is right and wrong all the time, you’re doing it wrong. The rich and powerful don’t care about what is good or bad, they care about what gets them their goals. 
1. Everyone is against you
Even your family and friends. Even you fucking girlfriend or boyfriend.. Even your lovely fucking grandma. They want you to be the person they know.. Not the person you want to become. They’ll lie to you, tell you that they support you, but they will always get in your way. If you need to do something, they will tell you that you’ve changed. You’re not the same person, they don’t understand your desire to be powerful. They simply want you to be who you are... which is your current self. They want the current version of you to just change a little, but not too much.  They’ll only allow you to become the person you want to become if they want to be around power. If they want to be around power, they will leech onto you and such all the power from you. 
2. You will tell yourself to stop everything as life is hard...  its not hard, you’re just weak. 
Yes, you’re a weak bitch... You keep lying to yourself, telling yourself your working hard.. you’re not... I know it and you know it too. You’re fucking looking at IG, watching porn, fucking around on youtube.. Thinking Bitcoin will make you fucking rich... Mother fucker its you.. you need to keep telling yourself that you fucking SUCK! You do suck! You’re not a news story, you won’t make it telling yourself you’re going to get lucky. Lucky is only for those who make it one time... Once your trick is over, you fall like the rest. Power comes from power, not luck. 
3. Life starts with you (Think like a Ubermensch)
You need to be a fucking human, you need to be able to speak to others, function normally, eat healthy, workout, focus on your brain and relationships. These all create a health person, if you can’t do any of this, the likely hood of you becoming powerful is small. You can’t stay up all night if you can barely walk up the stairs or run a football fields. 
Your brain is connect to your body and connected to your habits. We don’t live in a world of powerful arms, but powerful minds... You need to be on your a game, if you won’t be able to win. 
I once read once, you have two bank accounts
1. What you think of as a bank account where you have your money
2. Your emotional bank account
You need to grow all of the above
4. Become a warrior 
We often think today that we’re not at war, we’re not in the stone age fighting each other senseless for whatever reason. Therefore, we can relax and take it easy. We don’t need to be strong, we’re safe. This is a lie, the brains have taken over and you’re weakness is lack of knowledge.  We’re at a different stage of warfare, this one is cleverness. We’re not going to be able to be clever, if the meat your brain is riding is fucking trash. Therefore, you must become a traditional warrior as well as becoming a warrior of books. 
Now, I know you’re going to think to yourself.. Well, I bought the #fourhourworkweek... Well, i know you did... You’re a weak bitch that needed someone to tell you how to live. Today you’re weapons are game theory, and no not the dumby guide to game theory.. Today you read people who have researched for years and you read those fucking dull boring shit that no one wants to read. 
Prepare yourself for war, both in the body and mind... Be able to cheat a person while at the same time being able to kill them with your hands (note: don’t kill people, we’re just using it as a metaphor)
5. Control Yourself
The world wants to control you, it wants you to buy useless things and do useless stuff. These are the powerful stealing from you, but you need to avoid this. Now please buy whatever the fuck you want, but only do it from the top. When you buy like a powerful person, but you’re buying on loan.. you’re really a fraud. Buy the Rolex, but wait until you can buy 100 of them with cash. 
Control your desire to 
1. Touch yourself
Don’t cum alone, powerful person makes someone else to make them cum. 
2. Control your habits
Stop fucking eating like shit
3. Control your thoughts
You’re thoughts often aren’t the truth, you’re an emotional bitch that can’t control who you are... Become in control of everything within your mind. 
4. Define who you are
You might not be the person you want to become, but you’ll have the chance to get there... but you need to first define that person and take action daily
5. Stop fucking downloading apps 
Yes, sounds odd.. but this is how we waste more time than you think. If you need a Getting Things Done App... Fuck yourself. All you need is a .txt file or 
Delete all your games, social media, etc. 
6. Charm
Learn to charm people, learn how to handle people and manipulate them. Once you learn manipulation, you’ll learn how you’re manipulated. However, charm doesn’t have to be about manipulation, it can simply mean getting people to like you by valuing them and caring about them as humans. 
7. Stop Lying to yourself
You’ll always lie to yourself about everything... No gym today... Im too tried, I’ll make up for it on Tuesday... No you won’t.. Just fucking do it... You’ll keep planning, but instead of thinking of your plan all the time just do the plan. It’s much easier. 
I’m going to end this here... I know this is just random thoughts, but my brain is often random sometimes. Therefore, I throw these thoughts out there and look upon them later to learn from them. I know many of you will think I’m some heartless person with a limited world view. Maybe you’re right. However, im more interested in just saying fuck.. these are the facts that I find are valid right now for me... I can change them later, the choice is mine.
Also, don’t treat people like shit in normal day to day life. Love people and love yourself, but this war is within yourself and not external. 
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