#star swirl the bearded
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theknucklehead · 5 months ago
Here are the many costumes that the ponies wear on Nightmare Night (Equestria's Halloween)
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Twilight Sparkle - Star Swirl the Bearded/a gladiator
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Pinkie Pie - a chicken/80s Rollerblader
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Rainbow Dash - a Shafowbolt/an astronaut
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Applejack - a scarecrow/a lion
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Rarity - a mermaid
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Fluttershy - a masquerade dress (without the mask) and then later Flutterbat
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Spike - a dragon/a two-headed dragon
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The Cutie Mark Crusaders - the bride of Frankenstein, a vampire, and a wolf
A platypus, a Wonderbolt, and a Victoria era ballgown
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And finally a bonus:
Derpy - paper bags/Princess Twilight
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my-little-pony-theories · 6 months ago
MLP:FIM Theory: Green Element of Harmony
A theory created by DRWolf001, suggesting that there is a hidden 7th Element of Harmony that is Scorpan/Spike's.
Watch his videos before reading this.
Scorpan's Past
Canon: Tirek and his younger brother Scorpan first traveled to Equestria in the hopes of conquering it. Scorpan fell in love with the ponies and they're way of life, and became friends with Star Swirl swirl the Bearded.
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Speculation: Scorpan finds Spike's dragon egg by itself just on the outskirts of the pony nation, and he decides to keep it.
Reasoning: Scorpan finding Spike and bringing him to the ponies is a reference to their G1 counterparts, where a similar thing took place.
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Canon: In Princess Celestia's narration, she says Scorpan went back to his homeland after Tirek's imprisonment.
Speculation: Instead of him immediately leaving after Tirek's imprisonment, in actuality he stayed in Equestria for some years.
After Stygian brought the Pillars together to defeat the Sirens, Scorpan became friends with them too.
Canon: When Stygian turned into the Pony of Shadows, the Pillars create the seed that would grow into the Tree of Harmony by fusing their magic into it.
Speculation: Scorpan was the one who inspired Star Swirl the Bearded to create the Seed. During the spell, Scorpan was in the room with the Pillars, so his magic unintentionally was added to the spell.
After the Pillars sacrifice themselves to defeat the Pony of Shadows, Scorpan decides to go back home.
Where did his element go?
Speculation: Before Celestia and Luna used the Elements to defeat Discord, Scorpan had returned to Equestria to see if the Tree had grown. He finds the Elements and removes the branch containing his Element. The branch he took is turned into the Staff of Sacanas after he removed the gem within it.
Reasoning: This is based on an unused concept for the movie, which would've shown that Scorpan was the original owner of the Staff of Sacanas before the Storm King stole it from him, and that the Staff was made from a branch of the Tree of Harmony.
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Because his Element wasn't originally a part of the spell, the other 6 Elements work completely fine without it. However, with the combined power of all 7 Elements, they can do much more.
Scorpan and Spike
The Mane Six each share elements with the Pillars of Equestria. Spike and Scorpan are not only connected by the past, but share similarities with each other as well:
Scorpan was Star Swirl's first and closest friend, and Spike is Twilight's first and closest (non-blood related) friend.
Scorpan is the only non-pony member of his group of friends, and Spike is the same.
Scorpan is friendly to ponies, appreciates their way of life, and enjoys living with them, just like Spike.
Castle of Friendship
The Castle of Friendship was formed from the Chest of Harmony, which served as the seed that planted it. The Chest itself was a sprout from the Tree of Harmony.
When the Castle formed, it created a 7th chair for Spike, which it technically didn't need to do if he wasn't connected to the Tree of Harmony in the same way the Mane 6 ponies were. Spike's chair is closer to Twilight's.
Although, it's possible that since the Tree is somewhat self aware, it knew Spike was Twilight's assistant/best friend, and lived in the Castle as well, so that's why it created a 7th chair for him, closer to Twilight's.
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Unknown Green Element of Harmony
Throughout the franchise, when images of the Elements of Harmony are shown both within the show or other material, sometimes a green element is shown, usually in the place of a different Element:
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It could simply be an error.
However, there are some cases where the green element is shown with the other 6 Elements:
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Each Element's color represents a part of the character's design that shares the same color:
Magenta: Twilight's cutie mark color
Orange: Applejack's coat color
Red: Part of Rainbow's mane and cutie mark color
Purple: Rarity's mane color
Pink: Fluttershy's mane and cutie mark color
Blue: Pinkie's eye and cutie mark color
Green: Spike's eye and spine color
Element Chart
Star Swirl the Bearded = Sorcery | Twilight Sparkle = Magic
Rockhoof = Strength | Applejack = Honesty
Flash Magnus = Bravery | Rainbow Dash = Loyalty
Mistmane = Beauty | Rarity = Generosity
Mage Meadowbrooke = Healing | Fluttershy = Kindness
Somnambula = Hope | Pinkie Pie = Laughter
Scorpan = Respect | Spike = Acceptance
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BTW, Sunset Shimmer's Element is Empathy!
? = ? | Sunset Shimmer = Empathy
Stygian is meant to be Starlight Glimmer's parallel, so those two aren't Elements.
There is a lot of glaring evidence here to suggest that this theory could be true. So much so, it makes me wonder if it's actually what they were foreshadowing and building up to... until Hasbro had them do the School of Friendship storyline instead.
The storyline for Season 8 would've been completely different, it instead being a continuation of setting up the Pillars in Season 7.
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doomsderry · 2 months ago
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Final post of the year, Starswirl!!
Unintentionally made him look like Gandalf The Grey/White from The Lord Of The Rings, but that's okay because I love those movies!!!
I knew for sure I wanted to make his horn super curved, and give him a cutie mark resembling Twilight's. Starswirl's original cutie mark was SOOOOO BOOORRRIIIINGG so I based it off the toy character's cutie mark instead. I didn't really base his cloak off the painting Starry Night, by Van Gogh, but I did have the painting in mind while designing it.
In my au, Twilight is a distant granddaughter of Starswirl. This isn't a well known fact, however. Long ago, Starswirl had written a spell to create life. He, being a busy sorcerer, had no time on his hooves for a foal, so he made the difficult decision to give it up.
This foal was powerful, even as a young one. After Starswirl's disappearance, ponies predicted this was Starswirl's second coming. The foal's adoptive parents decided to go to the two young princesses for advice on how to control the young one's magic, but being that the sisters were still young themselves and had just lost their mentor and father figure, they weren't sure what to do either. Celestia suggested that the foal stay with them so they can keep tabs on the young one's magic, and give them books to study. Luna wasn't too fond of the idea of a foal staying in the castle, but she wasn't about to turn a worried family away. As time went on, Celestia and Luna watched this pony grow and learn, and start their own family. Generations on generations of powerful unicorns. It was this lineage that made Celestia decide to open up a School Of Magic, to teach young unicorns to excel and become powerful young sorcerers. When she met young Twilight, she couldn't help but be reminded of Starswirl, and that young unicorn foal they once took care of.
And yes, Starswirl was a father figure to Celestia and Luna. He even had cute nicknames for them. Sunny Bunny and Lulu.
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aupermittymeowmeow · 3 months ago
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Pillars Redesign + Stygian!! Theyre canon designs are SO boring, i had to at least make em all special meow meows
Starswirl the Bearded: Kept his og design, but more magically? His right eye has no pupils and he has a wing on the left side of his body(like a half alicorn situation) Somnambula: Made her a sphinx as well! I didn't really like her outfit, so I made it more accurate to ancient egyptian wear, same with her hair
Mistmane: She is a Qilin, which is basically a Chinese dragon-horse. Her species is an ancestor of modern Kirin.
Rockhoof: Based his design on more traditional Norse attire. He is based on the Sleipnir, an eight-legged horse.
Meadowbrook: In one episode she was called a unicorn, so thats what I did lol. She is based off the Kongo creature Adaba, which is a unicorn with two horns.
Flash Magnus: Didn't change him much, but I did give him burn scars from his fight with the dragons. That's why his cutie mark is smudged. He is an ancestor of Flash Sentry.
Stygian/Pony of Shadows: After his reformation, I made his body have marks from his form as the Pony of Shadows. Also, said Pony of Shadows is an Umbrum AND smaller(Like what happened to Crona in Soul Eater)
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majachee · 11 months ago
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Cooking smth up...
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mylittlestims · 8 months ago
aroace dark academia starswirl the bearded?
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AroAce Starswirl Stimboard with dark academia for Anon
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
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Starswirl the Not Yet Bearded AU Intro
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For as long as any pony can remember, Twilight Sparkle has been ruling over Equestia.
AU Overview - Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle is the only known Alicorn in all of history. History from before her arrival is scarce. She acts as a mediator between the three tribes of ponies, but not as a ruler. More, she is an unbiased party to make things like the tribes mixing together easier.
Do to not being a true ruler, she keeps a close collection of friends from all of the tribes to avoid her becoming more biased towards one tribe or region.
In her spare time, she also runs a school dedicated to teaching students from every tribe of pony.
One of her students was a young unicorn named Starswirl.
AU Overview - Starswirl
Starswirl is a very talented young unicorn who is studying magic, specifically focusing on magic outside of pony's hooves- Like the Everfree forest and Time. This interest is what first made him move to the edge of Ponyville to get closer to the Everfree.
One day, while out on a walk, he found two young ponies. Foals, no older than a week old, left out in the wild. He immediately took them to his home, deciding that after he made sure they were safe, then he could find them homes with someponies who were ready and able to be parents (Unlike himself)
This plan changed after he got a better look at the two.
AU Overview - Celestia and Luna
Starswirl's adopted daughters.
The only alicorns in existence besides Twilight. Starswirl has been keeping their existence a secret in fear that something may happen to them in case the word got out.
Despite being older than the age most ponies earn their marks, both girls are still blank flanks.
They both have a pretty good handle on their magic for their age, and have been learning glamour spells from a friend. Now, they can both look like regular ponies and actually get to interact with other fillies their age! Starswirl isn't fond of this, but he agrees they making more friends can't do any harm.
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scraggly-guy · 4 months ago
If Starswirl the Bearded was at the Crystal Empire instead of the Mane 6
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 1 year ago
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A younger Scorpan and Star Swirl.
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Headcanons about Scorpan:
Scorpan was Star Swirl's first real friend!
Despite being bigger than them (and most ponies) Scorpan is younger than the Pillars.
After Tirek's imprisonment, Scorpan had returned home to tell his parents the news. But after that, he had returned to Equestria. By the time Scorpan came back, Stygian had already brought the Pillars together to defeat the Sirens, so Scorpan wasn't around for that. Scorpan reunited with Star Swirl and became friends with the other Pillars.
Scorpan helped the Pillars create the seed that would become the Tree of Harmony, but asked Star Swirl not to record his involvement (for unknown reasons).
After the Pillars sacrificed themselves to defeat the Pony of Shadows, Scorpan returned to his homeland once again.
Scorpan had found Spike's egg by itself in the middle of nowhere, and decided to take it with him. Scorpan decided to give it to Star Swirl, who gave it to Celestia and Luna. This is a reference to Generation 1 obviously.
The same way the Mane 6 got their elements from the Pillars, Spike got his element from Scorpan.
Scorpan's friendship with Stygian is similar to Spike's friendship with Starlight Glimmer.
Years after the Tree of Harmony grew, Scorpan returned to Equestria to take a branch from the Tree, and created the Staff of Sacanas.
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snowyllama-art · 8 months ago
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fr3nzicorn · 1 year ago
My favorite old fictional men with beards 💚 (i have gone insane)
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…and Discord!
These two are literally so amazing I love them so so so much okay like RAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH me when friendship is magic
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friendship-is-unity · 1 month ago
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starryvampiris · 1 month ago
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realized i don’t think i ever showed my Starswirl kinsona on here!! ^_^
this is Starswirl Duskshine, or Starswirl the Bearded, if you will AND HES MY SPECIAL LITTLE GUY AUUGGHH as soon as we started getting any hints of him in the show i was highkey obsessed with him ✊😔 his very brief appearance in Rainbow Rocks is my favorite one in the entire show so that’s what my kinsonas design is based on!! :3
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doomsderry · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas Eve to all those who celebrate! Thought I'd share some wips as well as the Crystal Cadence design.
The freaky little dude smiling is my OC Marshmallow, I haven't drawn him in a while but he's been on my mind recently.
Oh, I also started on those ship kids I promised! Only TwiPie for now! She's so cute, I intended to sell these but it's going to take everything in me not to keep her
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mil06here · 2 months ago
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I'd give to have a MLP spin off for Clover the Clever. There's so much mention of him and his incredible work.
For example, him being one of the founders of Equestria and that his power defrosted their hearts in order to stop the Windagos.
Or, in Equestria girls when it's discovered that Sunset Shimmer's friends had lost their memory due to the memory stone. It said in ancient scrolls about Clover the Clever searching for the mare with the stone. Everytime she'd erase his memory but he'd still find her.
I want to know more about him😭, he has so many great stories but we hardly dive into his beginnings at all especially his end. Where did he go?
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On that note, there's still more to say about Starswirl and the Sirens. There's Starswirls past, I'd love to know about.
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For the Sirens, AKA the dazzlings, they must have started out as Ponies. As they had a pony form in Rainbow Rocks and then their Siren form. So if they started out as Ponies what occurred along their journey that made them the way they are...
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jewelthejaguar742 · 3 months ago
Guess who’s back bitchasses
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Bald human Prism because I tried to replicate @crocuta1’s art style from memory and forgot how she drew his hair
Dusk and Dawn!! Theyre exploring the castle of the two sisters (hahahaha parallelism)
Pastelle’s jus painting
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon because hasbro did their adult designs dirty
A concept for Starswirl having incorporeal magic constellation wings
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