#the six pillars of equestria
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friendship-is-unity · 1 month ago
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mylittleponyauprompts · 2 months ago
An AU where those in the past are dead and those versions of them stayed dead, but they reincarnated into the future characters we know now.
Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle are reincarnations of the Celestial sisters. However a twist has occurred between the two of them. The reincarnation of Luna is the golden child instead of the reincarnation of Celestia. Shining Armor appears to be a normal guard in training while his little sister is a born natural at magic and got into the most prestigious magic school in Equestria at at the youngest age in Equestrian history.
Starlight glimmer is the reincarnation of Starswirl the bearded
Sunburst is the reincarnation of Stygian
Sunset Shimmer is the reincarnation of Sombra.
Trixie is the reincarnation of Discord
Cadence is the reincarnation of the lost crystal princess
Apple Jack is the reincarnation of rockhoof
Rainbow Dash is the reincarnation of flash magnus
Fluttershy is the reincarnation of mage meadow brook
Rarity is the reincarnation of Mist mane
Pinkie pie is the reincarnation of somnambula
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 1 year ago
Rewriting the last 2 seasons of mlp:fim, cause I'm bored and I need to get my ideas out.
I warn you: This is a collection of cluttered ideas, so don't expect it to be perfect o anything XD
Story of season 8 rewrite:
Instead of there being a School of Friendship, have the Student 6 be assigned to study under one of the Mane 6. 
Twilight Sparkle does what she did in the show and asks each of the different leaders to send a student to study, learn, and live with them. The student paired with each Mane Six member is:
Strength (Rockhoof) – Honesty (Applejack) – Yona (?)
Healing (Mage Meadowbrook) – Kindness (Fluttershy) – Sandbar (?)
Hope (Somnambula) – Laughter (Pinkie Pie) – Silverstream (Enthusiasm)
Beauty (Mistmane) – Generosity (Rarity) – Ocellus (Change)
Bravery (Flash Magnus) – Loyalty (Rainbow Dash) – Smolder (?)
Sorcery (Star Swirl the Bearded) – Magic (Twilight Sparkle) – Gallus (?)
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I believe that this makes more sense than a school.
Give the two villains of the season (Cozy Glow and Chancellor Neighsay) actual reasons/backstories for the way they act and what they do.
Give Cozy Glow a more believable motivation. In the original finale, Cozy's motivation for stealing the magic of Equestria is... I forgot honesty, lol.
A more believable motivation could be that Cozy feels neglected and overlooked by the other ponies, specifically unicorns, and she wants to screw with everyone by creating a level playing field (disregarding how it'll fuck up everyone in Equestria).
For the Chancellor, let's say that he recalls all of the times throughout the series where ponykind had been attacked or come into conflict with other creatures, etc. That's a more believable motivation.
Season 8 finale: 
I actually don't know how to write this in a way for it to make more sense, I just know that these specific plot points need to happen in the episode:
The Mane Six are put out of commission in order for the Student Six to be revealed to have a connection to the Elements of Harmony 
Cozy is revealed to have a connection to Tirek in some way. And we actually learn her backstory.
The Mane Six talk to Tirek and learn more about his past, and he mentions Scorpan of course
Chancellor Neighsay gets a realistic redemption, but after learning his backstory of course
Cozy Glow is sent away, not to Tartarus, but to stay with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence in the Crystal Empire to learn how to be good and get whatever the f*ck help she needs XD 
At the end of the story the Mane Six are praising their individual students and are happy that they have the same connection to the Elements and each other that they do. 
Story of season 9:
In order to understand what happens next, I highly recommend that you watch these videos by DrWolf001 on YouTube. These videos were the ones that inspired all of this:
ok, here we go!
Everything that happened in the season 9 premiere happens, the only difference being that Grogar is the REAL Grogar, not Discord in disguise.
Oh, and… a very special guest shows up at the school. 
Everyone in the room, the Mane Six, Spike, the Pillars, Celestia and Luna, the Student Six, everyone else is in utter shock at who it is: 
Scorpan, Tirek's younger brother, carrying a staff made from the Tree of Harmony! 
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Following episodes:
Scorpan has made his reappearance to the characters. The Pillars and the Royal Sisters are ecstatic to see their old friend, especially Starswirl. Scorpan asks Celestia if the dragon egg he gave her hatched yet, and everyone is shocked. Scorpan meets Spike, and explains himself: 
When Starswirl and Scorpan first became friends, Scorpan was carrying Spike's egg with him. He explains that he found it by itself, and wanted to find it a home. He asked Starswirl to take care of it, but he refused, since he had more important things to do. Starswirl instead gave it to Celestia and Luna to use as a test, similar to Twilight Sparkle's test in the School for Gifted Unicorns. After the Pillars sacrificed themselves to stop the Pony of Shadows, Scorpan went back to his homeland. His brother was in Tartarus, and his friends were gone, so he had no reason to stay. 
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Many years have passed, and Celestia still couldn't open the egg. She didn't know why, since she was a powerful alicorn. So when she built her school, she created the egg as the final test. (Even if a Unicorn couldn't open the egg, they wouldn't be judged on that alone.)
Scorpan explains what inspired him to come back to Equestria: His magical staff, which was made out of a branch from the Tree of Harmony, alerted him to the fact that more creatures were now connected to the Tree, so he came there to see. Scorpan meets them all, but is confused about something: There are only six elements for the Mane Six and the Student Six. 
Scorpan demands to see the Tree of Harmony, and storms off with the others following him.
Scorpan sees that the Tree is destroyed, but he is still trying to find something. The others are confused, but Scorpan says that it's "nothing". They leave, except for Spike.
Spike asks Scorpan where he found his egg, and Scorpan says he "doesn't remember". Spike is disappointed of course, but eventually says that he's accepted it. Scorpan starts asking Spike about his life with the ponies and all that jazz, and after hearing Spike talk, he realizes that Spike is exactly like him: 
He's the only non-pony member of his group of friends, he has a closer relationship with the main element (Twilight Sparkle) similar to how Scorpan had a closer relationship with the main element in his day (Starswirl), and even though he feels out of place sometimes, he's accepted his life and his duties to help his friends. Scorpan tells Spike that he believes he's the 7th Element. 
Tolerance (Scorpan) – Acceptance (Spike) – (?) (?)
Who is under Spike? That remains to be seen... meaning idk
Spike tells him that it's impossible, as when the ponies found the Elements, they only found 6. Scorpan tells him that only those that are connected to the Elements can find them. Scorpan and Spike search the Castle of the Two Sisters, but can't find the missing element anywhere. Scorpan asks Spike to try to remember if he's ever taken it or even seen it, and Spike remembers:
In the episode Secret of My Excess, when Spike was going through his greed-induced puberty, he was taking random things and hoarding them in the library. One was an orb that he found in the Castle of the Two Sisters. 
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But after Spike had turned back to normal, he had returned all of the items he took. Spike didn't know what the orb was, so he just kept it in the basement. 
And then… the library was destroyed by Tirek. So the entrance to the basement was lost underground. So Scorpan and Spike start digging, or they find a way to teleport down there, idk
They find the orb in the basement, and Spike tries to get it to transform into a jewel. Scorpan says that it can only transform in the presence of the other Elements. 
That's all I've come up with. Feel free to add, suggest, or rewrite something, please 😅
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my-little-pony-theories · 6 months ago
Man, that theory about Scorpan/Spike being the 7th Element is so spot on, the amount of evidence pointing to it...
Even if the entire thing is just a huge coincidence, it fits so perfectly, and it makes me wish they had gone with that instead of whatever the school of friendship thing was supposed to be
I don't wanna take credit for the theory, since DRWolf001 came up with it first. I only looked for more evidence and whatnot :p
And you know what? The whole point of the School of Friendship was (besides selling toys) to show that non-pony creatures are equal to ponies and should be respected, and that they are capable of wielding pony magic. That's actually not a bad message, since for a good chunk of the show the other creatures have been portrayed as either antagonistic, or less sophisticated than the ponies.
The problem isn't the message, it's that the School of Friendship was a stupid, boring, uncreative, and ultimately poorly thought out and written idea.
They could've used the concept of Scorpan contributing to the Tree of Harmony with the Pillars and having his own Element, which is now Spike's Element, as a way to tell that same message. They didn't have to create 6 new characters in order to tell that message. They already had a main character that was a non-pony… the whole thing was so stupiiiiiiiiid.
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The School of Friendship was also meant to show more of the culture of the other creatures. But, once again, it wasn't done well. There was one episode where the Young 6 talk about their winter holidays...
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And another where they bring in important objects from former leaders and hang their pictures on the wall... and that's about it :p
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There have been episodes from previous seasons that do a much better job of showing the culture and societies of the other creatures... by having the characters actually travel there and spend the whole episode there.
Griffon episode: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
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Dragon episode: Gauntlet of Fire
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Yak episode: Not Asking for Trouble
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Changeling episode: To Where and Back Again, and To Change A Changeling
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There are only two episodes from post-movie where that happens.
Hippogriff/seapony episode: Surf and/or Turf
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Kirin episode: Sounds of Silence
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And its not world building for the sake of looking cool and epic like it was in the season 10 comics. At least one character learns something and improves by the end of these episodes.
I've got a whole long list of issues I had with the School of Friendship (and just everything that came after the movie in general). This is just one of them.
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the student six aren’t direct parallels of the mane six or anything, but there have been times where the elements of harmony have been applied to the students, but the two times have been contradictory (although most ppl will go with the s8 finale vers). if u were to assign them elements, which would u go with? i personally liked gallus as magic for literally no reason other than i thought twi vibes made perfect sense lmao. i’m a big fan of character parallels so i’m interested to hear ur thoughts!
So I brought up in an earlier post something about this as well. (I can’t remember if it was this blog or the previous one, but I digress…)
Basically, I had the idea that, because Twilight and her friends had different Elements than Starswirl and the other Pillars of Equestria, the Student Six would naturally gain their own unique set of Elements too. Similar to the Pillars and the Elements of Harmony, but tailored to whatever virtue the Students would embody.
I ended up calling these new elements the Elements of Unity and that each student would get the following Element…
Gallus - Connection
Silverstream - Wonder
Ocellus - Discovery
Yona - Pride
Sandbar - Humility
Smolder - Acceptance
Now, your question is who would get whose Element? But with this headcanon, the question becomes which Element from one set becomes which Element in the next set? In my opinion, it shakes out to something like this…
Sorcery - Magic/Friendship - Connection
Strength - Honesty - Pride
Healing - Kindness - Humility
Hope - Laughter - Wonder
Bravery - Loyalty - Acceptance
Beauty - Generosity - Discovery
If you want to take it one step further, there’s a popular fan-theory that Sunset Shimmer is the wielder of a seventh Element of Harmony, which most fans refer to as the Element of Empathy.
If we’re ascribing to this fan-theory for this particular headcanon, then I would have Swift Foot inherit this seventh Element, but for her it would become the Element of Reflection.
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ponyprideful · 2 months ago
Here’s a bit of a rapid-fire one: say hello to the main characters of my oc Mane 6 universe!
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How about that old art (circa 2023), hey?
I plan to slowly redraw their refs and post about them in more detail individually, but in order to do that, I’ll have to introduce their world! Mostly because it’s not the same as my nextgen world.
I will be including a majority of their basic lore and their names/elements below!
They live in Equestria’s future, one thousand years past the end of Twilight Sparkle’s reign. As time went on, new alicorn rulers took the place of the old. The seven rulers represent the arts: Painting, Sculpture, Literature, Architecture, Cinema, Music, and Theatre. They are not royalty so much as they are demigods, even partially built out of the concepts they embody. They are not physically equine, but they do resemble horses, and they have personalities, feel emotion, and make mistakes. It’s just a bit uncanny to think of them as living.
But under their rule, Equestria itself has experienced a creative renaissance. With so many more voices contributing to the arts, Equestria and beyond has flourished with possibilities. Creatures live in relative harmony, and icy barriers have been all but broken down. It’s a perfect Equestria.
What few realize after so many years is that a certain statue containing three of Equestria’s greatest adversaries wore down enough to allow their escape, and they’ve been building their forces in the shadows. A growing army of rogue changelings, a slow rekindling of magical power, and the overwhelming anger from a filly left to rot make for quite the looming threat.
The Elements are also not quite the same. Much like when they transferred from The Pillars to the Mane 6, the current ponies represent similar but different ideals to those from the past. From left to right, we have:
- Limelight (he/him), the Element of Courage, formerly Loyalty and Bravery.
- Patchwork (she/her), the Element of Compassion, formerly Kindness and Healing.
- High Voltage (they/them) (low center), the Element of Perseverance, formerly Laughter and Hope.
- Equius (he/him), the Element of Alchemy, formerly Magic and Sorcery.
- Paper Plane (she/her), the Element of Patience, formerly Generosity and Beauty.
- Wisteria (she/her), the Element of Justice, formerly Honesty and Strength.
(This is also under the pretense that each culture has their own Elements, like in the comics, and that these are just the Equestrian ones.)
What lies beneath these six chosen ponies that made them worthy of the Elements? Will these six equines be able to fight the powers that be? Will they even be able to get along with each other?
They better. Friendship is Magic, after all.
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dapper-lil-arts · 11 months ago
It's funny to me that a lot of the characters in g4 that share a name with a villian from g1 are drastically different from that villian.
I'll go over a few examples starting with Tirek, in g1 Tirek was an evil conqueror who forcibly turned creatures into monstrous slaves and was going to bring about enternal night meanwhile g4 Tirek was trying to absorb all the magic in equestria to earn his father's respect.
Then we have storm king in g1 the storm king innately had the power to control storms and inherently brought storms with him wherever he went which tended to scare people away so he started stealing sound so he could make his storms sound less intimidating so he could make friends, in g4 the storm king is a conqueror who needs the staff of sacanas to actually control storms in the first place.
G1 somnambula was a witch who used spells to force things to sleep and stole away their life while they were having pleasant dreams. In g4 somnambula is a hero and one of the six pillars.
G1 smooze is a big purple pile of goop that was made in a volcano by some witches and nearly consumed everything and if someone touched they'd become unreasonably angry , while g4 smooze is a friend of discord who eats magic and is like a big green slime thing.
Man there seems to be an odd recurring thing of 1- enslaving people 2- stealing magic
Interesting to have all these remakes and remixes. I like that! i figured that they should keep doing it, since *sequels sure as hell arent their thing.* Also somnambula is so dang cute. her design is adorable!!
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lianatheowl · 8 months ago
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The young rulers of Equestria - Celestia and Luna - and their regent Starswirl the Bearded!
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Starswirl in TCOD is 550 years old wise sorcerer, who is still alive thanks to some secret artifact similar to philosopher's Stone.
He is the leader of the Pillars, the group of ancient heroes(still alive by the same reason btw)
When Luna and Tia were just little girls Starswirl was the one in charge of the country.
Moreover, Starswirl the Bearded is the hierophant of Equestrua, which means he can directly contact with Fausticorn herself, looking for advice or wisdom from the Goddess
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Now, about young princesses:D
You do remember that Discord is some sort of main character in TCOD univerce? Good:³
Because this noodle used to be close to them when he was a boy:³
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Yeah, as you can see, he always liked Luna more😅
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Translation of "Poisoned Chaos" is in progress btw:³
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lesbianapplejack · 1 year ago
MLP AU where the mane six are semi reincarnated versions of the Pillars of Old Equestria but it’s more like in warriors how Cinderheart has Cinderpelt’s soul in her too? And same thing the mane 6 release them and that’s how they come to the present
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snirtsnirkarts · 10 months ago
Alright, to unpack my concepts for The Six Pillars. Just rambling tbh since I didn’t have too much on them, but I did have some ideas.
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So these were so,e of my concept designs on The Six Pillars and what other creatures they would be. Starswirl the Bearded isn’t here because I mean. I’m not changing him much or at least I didn’t plan to. I didn’t make it far enough to really decide, I just know he’s still a unicorn.
Flash Magus would be the first creature they find out to not be a Pony, although they can’t yet find his magical idiom. Finding out all their stories and where they came from would be the first step, they have to find out along the way that they’s also hunting after their idioms to protect them and other against the threats that are appearing along the way.
I think Mage Meadowbrook would have been next, but I’m still on the fence about her being a Zebra, as I thought about making her a Kirin, since I don’t have representation for that party. But I’d designed the Zerba version first, and it wrapped in better to allow Rarity to speak of her legend, or at least the childhood story of it. So I’m still on the fence about it and I’m willing to sway either way.
I think Mistmane may have been next. Now this one I had a few ideas for. As Dragons and Ponies will specifically have a past with one another. An alliance that was broken years back, but is really the only break they have record of. As Ponies and species don’t really like one another, but it isn’t offend that species will make sure to cut all ties, Dragons being one of those species, another being Yakyaks, and the last being Hippogriffs(although it wasn’t actually anything against ponies, just other dangers pledged them and forced them to the seas.)
As it would turn out in dragon lands, they’d completely forgotten or lost their ability to hatch dragon eggs, which was why they previously had an alliance with Ponies, as unicorns, namely Starswirl the Bearded, knew how to hatch the eggs. All dragons were alive when Starswirl was, and knew of Mistmane. But only until she disappeared, not long after the alliance was broken. Since then, no new hatchlings have come about. So Spike, would be a rather important being, making Twilight important if she’d been able to hatch a dragon egg all on her own. This was due to her studies of Starswirl the Bearded. And he did try to train others or take on an apprentice, but ponies found dragons terrifying creatures, and rather them fade into history. The Main Six would of course fix this problem, and Twilight would vow to hatch dragon eggs once more if they could make amends with Celestia and have a royal decree over it.
The order of actually fully learning the other three Pillar’s legends, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnombula, and Rockhoof hadn’t been decided. I was planning to rework the map of Equestria to better fit their travels, and I had thought about turning it into dnd formatting to help with storylines in between. But once more, I lost the motivation for this plan and storyline. Maybe I’ll pick it up another time, but for now. Enjoy my concepts!
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nox-lunarwing · 1 year ago
A curved horn? Isn't that a sign of evil?
Why because sombra had a curved horn? Sorry to say dear, one pony does not a sign make. Besides I have three of them due to being half dragon. Plus plenty of other creatures have curved horns such as the kirin or the abada of the zebra tribes to only name a couple.
Unless you think this only applies to ponies?
If this is the case then let me remind you that Mistmane, one of the six pillars of old equestria herself has a curved horn as well! Plus this was still a trait common among her village and still is among various other eastern ponies.
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magic-aggy · 2 years ago
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new art, old OC. Acorn. Princess of a prehistoric feudal kingdom in my mlp au.
she is essentially a sort of proto-pony. in her time there arent a lot of clear races, and chaos magic runs wild and rampant so you dont stay what you're born as for long. mutation is the norm.
in her time, long long long before anything modern equestria remembers, every creature is born bound to a 'natural element', aka one of the pillars of chaos magic. there are six, each corresponding to a set of inverted elements of harmony.
the element you are born under gives a vague indication of the kind of magic you will wield, but it tends to not follow particularly clear rules besides general elements.
(discord is not to blame for this, this predates even him)
she is the daughter of a feudal lord of a moderately large and well fortified kingdom in the wastelands that span the planet. her home is roughly where ponyville is in the modern day.
she is a scholar, a rare kind who has the freedom and resources and passion required to commit herself to the study of the world around her. in particular she strives to build an understanding of the natural magic that rules her world, so that she might manipulate it to better serve her fellow creature.
most creatures are too busy surviving to worry about how things work beyond a surface level.
in particular she seeks to turn the wasteland into a place where creatures can thrive, instead of fighting for every scrap of fertile land and what little water remains. she wants to free her world from the shackles of competition to survive.
dont miss the sharp points on her horns, like most creatures in her world, she has with age mutated and grown into a form that predisposes her towards violence, though she is uncommonly timid and small.
its a shitty shitty world and she's kind and sweet and she wants to fix it!!! and she'll get her chance. just you wait.
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my-little-pony-theories · 6 months ago
MLP:FIM Theory: Green Element of Harmony
A theory created by DRWolf001, suggesting that there is a hidden 7th Element of Harmony that is Scorpan/Spike's.
Watch his videos before reading this.
Scorpan's Past
Canon: Tirek and his younger brother Scorpan first traveled to Equestria in the hopes of conquering it. Scorpan fell in love with the ponies and they're way of life, and became friends with Star Swirl swirl the Bearded.
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Speculation: Scorpan finds Spike's dragon egg by itself just on the outskirts of the pony nation, and he decides to keep it.
Reasoning: Scorpan finding Spike and bringing him to the ponies is a reference to their G1 counterparts, where a similar thing took place.
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Canon: In Princess Celestia's narration, she says Scorpan went back to his homeland after Tirek's imprisonment.
Speculation: Instead of him immediately leaving after Tirek's imprisonment, in actuality he stayed in Equestria for some years.
After Stygian brought the Pillars together to defeat the Sirens, Scorpan became friends with them too.
Canon: When Stygian turned into the Pony of Shadows, the Pillars create the seed that would grow into the Tree of Harmony by fusing their magic into it.
Speculation: Scorpan was the one who inspired Star Swirl the Bearded to create the Seed. During the spell, Scorpan was in the room with the Pillars, so his magic unintentionally was added to the spell.
After the Pillars sacrifice themselves to defeat the Pony of Shadows, Scorpan decides to go back home.
Where did his element go?
Speculation: Before Celestia and Luna used the Elements to defeat Discord, Scorpan had returned to Equestria to see if the Tree had grown. He finds the Elements and removes the branch containing his Element. The branch he took is turned into the Staff of Sacanas after he removed the gem within it.
Reasoning: This is based on an unused concept for the movie, which would've shown that Scorpan was the original owner of the Staff of Sacanas before the Storm King stole it from him, and that the Staff was made from a branch of the Tree of Harmony.
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Because his Element wasn't originally a part of the spell, the other 6 Elements work completely fine without it. However, with the combined power of all 7 Elements, they can do much more.
Scorpan and Spike
The Mane Six each share elements with the Pillars of Equestria. Spike and Scorpan are not only connected by the past, but share similarities with each other as well:
Scorpan was Star Swirl's first and closest friend, and Spike is Twilight's first and closest (non-blood related) friend.
Scorpan is the only non-pony member of his group of friends, and Spike is the same.
Scorpan is friendly to ponies, appreciates their way of life, and enjoys living with them, just like Spike.
Castle of Friendship
The Castle of Friendship was formed from the Chest of Harmony, which served as the seed that planted it. The Chest itself was a sprout from the Tree of Harmony.
When the Castle formed, it created a 7th chair for Spike, which it technically didn't need to do if he wasn't connected to the Tree of Harmony in the same way the Mane 6 ponies were. Spike's chair is closer to Twilight's.
Although, it's possible that since the Tree is somewhat self aware, it knew Spike was Twilight's assistant/best friend, and lived in the Castle as well, so that's why it created a 7th chair for him, closer to Twilight's.
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Unknown Green Element of Harmony
Throughout the franchise, when images of the Elements of Harmony are shown both within the show or other material, sometimes a green element is shown, usually in the place of a different Element:
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It could simply be an error.
However, there are some cases where the green element is shown with the other 6 Elements:
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Each Element's color represents a part of the character's design that shares the same color:
Magenta: Twilight's cutie mark color
Orange: Applejack's coat color
Red: Part of Rainbow's mane and cutie mark color
Purple: Rarity's mane color
Pink: Fluttershy's mane and cutie mark color
Blue: Pinkie's eye and cutie mark color
Green: Spike's eye and spine color
Element Chart
Star Swirl the Bearded = Sorcery | Twilight Sparkle = Magic
Rockhoof = Strength | Applejack = Honesty
Flash Magnus = Bravery | Rainbow Dash = Loyalty
Mistmane = Beauty | Rarity = Generosity
Mage Meadowbrooke = Healing | Fluttershy = Kindness
Somnambula = Hope | Pinkie Pie = Laughter
Scorpan = Respect | Spike = Acceptance
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BTW, Sunset Shimmer's Element is Empathy!
? = ? | Sunset Shimmer = Empathy
Stygian is meant to be Starlight Glimmer's parallel, so those two aren't Elements.
There is a lot of glaring evidence here to suggest that this theory could be true. So much so, it makes me wonder if it's actually what they were foreshadowing and building up to... until Hasbro had them do the School of Friendship storyline instead.
The storyline for Season 8 would've been completely different, it instead being a continuation of setting up the Pillars in Season 7.
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sunburstkisser · 1 year ago
12 and 15 with your mlp s/i! I’m very curious about them👀
YAAAY I GET TO TALK AB MORB ❤️❤️ I love my boy Morbid Curiosity sm :3!!
12. how would the fandom view your character?
There’s a few different ways that’d go, especially depending on which season he’d debut in- If he debuted in an earlier season I feel like he’d be treated like Derpy was. Maybe even being put into the Background Six group (joke)! My ideal debut for him would be in s7e24, Uncommon Bond, where Starlight is showing Sunburst around Ponyville and he clicks better with Starlight’s friends than with her. And since he’d be showing up so late into the series, he’d probably grow a little following of fans like the later season ponies. Starlight, Cozy Glow, the Pillars of Equestria, even Sunburst has his own lil group of dedicated fans (me included :3). Maybe he’d be made into a little transmasc mlp fan mascot or something since he’d be canonically trans 😭
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
He could absolutely, unintentionally, provide the Main Six with some kind of artifact to help them bc he runs a little curio shop? But in doing so he’d be like a slightly less important Sunburst tbh 😭 I actually haven’t thought much about what he’d do to help anypony defeat anyone cause he’s more-so a glorified background pony-
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... her rainbow what now? OK I what FiM for the first two seasons plus the first couple of episodes of season 3 so I must ask, the fuck did I miss? Like I know about twilight becoming an alicorn and Discord redeeming himself (and possibly hooking up with Fluttershy) but is their anything else that I missed after leaving the mlp Fandom?
//Ok, so to sum it up... (And I know this because I had to do extensive research on the lore of My Little Pony for this matchup)
//In My Little Pony, there's a thing called the Elements of Harmony which in Equestria are these fabled relics. They bestow great power upon those who are in tune with the Magic of Friendship, having grown from the Tree of Harmony planted by Star Swirl and the Pillars of Equestria, with Fluttershy's specifically being the Element of Kindness.
//During the Season 4 finale when the Ponies fought the Demon Centaur, Tirek, they went to the Tree of Harmony and opened up this sacred chest thing, and it gives Twilight and her friends a powerful magic that transforms them; which isn't named in the series, but it's marketed as "Rainbow Power" on toys and other products. After Tirek absorbed the magic of unicorns, Pegasi, Earth ponies, and the Alicorn princesses, the ponies used this magic to defeat him and return his stolen magic back to its rightful owners.
//As an outsider on this fandom, it's hard to understand everything that goes on, but from the way I look at it, they no longer need to use the Elements of Harmony because they've become the physical embodiment of the Elements themself.
//Consider it as similar to how Goku initially became a Super Saiyan God by combining the strength of six Saiyans with pure hearts, but he subsequently no longer required that to possess the same power since it had been "absorbed into his world" as Beerus put it. While it's not the greatest illustration, it's comparable to the Mane 6 since they have "absorbed" the elements into themselves and are thus not in need of the jewels.
//Ultimately, though, it's only ever seen once, and it was created solely to increase toy sales for the franchise, which is totally understandable.
//Hope that cleared some things up for you, but I bet it didn't, lol
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years ago
The rest of the Mane six stepped into the Hall, and found the Pillars sitting around the table with their eyes closed while the Mirror showed the Royals in the Empire, they turned to Pinkie and asked her what was happening, and whether they would be alright; Pinkie tried to reassure them as best as she could, as she started rummaging through her mane, trying to find Nuntius, and ask him for help.
Luckily, the small Wisp was not far away, and before her eyes and those of Discord, who just walked into the Hall supported by Light and Spike, Nuntius appeared, twirling around elegantly, whereafter Pinkie asked him to tell the others they were ready; she waved goodbye to Nuntius who disappeared a moment later, and told her friends to wait, for they would know when they entered the Spirit Realm.
While Light and Spike helped Discord to a seat, and asked him whether there was anything they could do for him, Pinkie told her friends they would meet with the others sitting at the tables both here and in the Empire, even though they would not move from the Hall; though what she told them greatly confused the others, they listened to her, and took a seat next to the Pillars, and quietly waited.
Only the faint, humming noises made by the magical, glowing tendrils that emanated from the horn of the Bearded broke the silence that had fallen in the Hall, and for a while, nothing happened, until Nuntius reappeared before Pinkie, and told her to be ready; after she let the others know about his message, they nodded firmly, when more tendrils flowed from Starswirl's horn to bring them thither.
As the five closed their eyes and appeared to fall into a deep sleep, the trio that sat to the side of the Hall could do nothing but wait, and wish the best for them, and hope for their swift return; in the Spirit Realm, Boom had only just finished telling Grim about the Monster, when a bright glow startled him, whence the five appeared to help them to fight the Shade, whose origin they knew not.
After he had taken a moment to calm down, Boom asked them how they were so quick, to which they had no answer, as they told him they spent a great time at Rarity's boutique, waiting for her to create an outfit for Light, and more time at Fluttershy's cottage, drinking tea with her and Discord after he nearly gravely harmed Light who fell from a great height, had Rainbow not managed to catch them.
Although a thought lingered in his mind, Boom got no chance to think about what they told him, as a heavy rumble echoed throughout the aura, and shook the very ground upon which they stood; Starswirl commanded the other five of the Mane Six in a voice not his own to stand beside the Pillars, and to drive back the Shade, whose strength appeared to be growing, threatening to break through the aura.
But while Applejack and Rainbow Dash respectively ran towards Rockhoof and Flash and Pinkie bounced over to Somnambula, as neither Rarity nor Fluttershy knew whether they could be of help, they froze and moved not; when Nox noticed the two anxiously looking around, she kindly asked Boom to take her place for a moment, as she needed to comfort her friends, to which he only nodded and said nothing.
When Boom had taken her place, driving back the darkness with ease, Nox hurried over to Fluttershy, her first friend, and the first Pony she met in Equestria, and Rarity, to whom she had often spoken when she first came here, and gently embraced them before asking if they were alright; luckily, her kind words and calming presence managed to greatly ease their minds, and they warmly smiled to her.
Very sweetly, Nox took their hooves and asked them to look at their friends walking to the sides of their bound Pillars, and how swiftly and easily they now moved forward, for their connection to the Elements of Harmony gave them great power in this Realm, and she was certain, who- or whatever this Shade was, would be driven back by the power that was within them, and she asked them not to worry.
In the Waking Realm, as Discord started to thank Spike and Light, he snapped his fingers, and said:
"That reminds me, Master Kirin… I had not yet answered your question."
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
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Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Boomlord from @thedumbguywithaheart43
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