#& it’s got barrel surfing
tulsa24 · 8 months
shucked is just so cool 🌽
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vaaaaaiolet · 16 days
You move to the big city in search of bigger and better, so naturally, you get your first place.
You just don't anticipate the roommate that comes along with it.
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f / m, strangers / enemies to lovers, slow burn, hijinks and shenanigans, leon is bad at feelings :( but don't worry because there will be so much fluff omg like a romcom, leon being a little shit to a sweetheart pipeline, and banter!! so much banter
inspired by the Japanese drama Good Morning Call!
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chapter masterlist // read on ao3
chapter 1: what fine print??
Couch surfing, living off canned beans and rice, giving up your potted plant collection. Nothing has gone your way since you packed up shop and left your hometown behind for the big bright lights of the city, but things have never been this bad.
In typical you fashion, you hadn’t read the fine print of your apartment lease before signing it. It was too good of a deal not to snag: a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom suite fit for Zack and Cody and for an unbeatable price! With a mediocre waitressing salary and a hefty college tuition to boot, you figured beggars couldn’t be choosy. You certainly weren’t when you’d signed the lease with flourish.
So now as you shove a chair in front of your bedroom door while an intruder jiggles the handle to force their way in, you think that moving into your first place couldn’t have possibly gone worse. 
It had to be a setup. The sweet old landlord lady must have set you up in some mafia den and now you’d gone ahead and stepped on their turf. What kind of intruder breaks into a new apartment anyway? How’d they even get in through the front door? This neighborhood was supposed to be safe!, you whine to yourself as you cram your back against the door.
After a few seconds, the jiggling stops. You let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness your old habit of locking doors from dorm-
You land ungracefully on your butt with a surprised yelp as the intruder bashes the door in with a shoulder. Firm shoulder, honestly. You’ve tried that before and it’s nowhere as cool as the movies make it look. From your seat on the floor, you grab the nearest dangerous weapon (a particularly nasty curling iron) and brandish at your assailant. He, in turn, points a handgun at your face.
Cool, a loaded weapon! No biggie.
And just like in the movies, you both shout at the same time: “Who the hell are you?”
“I asked you first.” he points the barrel of the gun at your face. “You’ve got 5 seconds.”
His blue eyes narrow as he slowly inches forward. “I said,” he repeats, “Who. The hell. Are you?”
“I live here!” 
“Huh?” Now it’s his turn to look surprised. “You’re lying.” 
Okay, rude. “What are you talking about?” you shoot back. Pretty rich of a burglar to break into your home and then accuse you of lying about it.
“You can’t live here.” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“I don’t think you get to tell me I don’t live in the apartment you just broke into.”
You gesture at the half-unpacked moving boxes surrounding you and he has the nerve to frown.
“No, I didn’t.” he shakes his blond head as if he couldn’t believe you’d accuse him of literally breaking down your new bedroom door. 
“You didn’t?” 
You think that this back and forth could go on all day until he quickly raises a pair of keys to answer your question. A pair of keys, you realize with a start, that are identical to the ones sitting on your dresser right now because they’re the ones to your apartment. You piece together how he got in through the front door; he’d simply unlocked it with his own keys. 
You lower your curling iron as you take in the scarily well-built form of your would-be intruder. He mirrors you, smoothly clicking the safety back on his gun. A couple of snowflakes drift to the floor from his shearling biker jacket as he tucks the weapon into an inside pocket and you wonder how big men’s pockets really are if he could fit a whole freaking gun in there.
“Can’t break into my own apartment, can I?” he says drily. “But hey, this makes for one hell of a move-in day.”
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link-posting · 5 months
Sand Seal Wipe Out
Hyrule looked down as he adjusted the harness around his waist, his eyes flicking nervously toward Wild. “Are you sure about this…?”
Wild let out a carefree laugh, patting Hyrule on the back as he clipped his harness to the leash of the sand seal in front of him. “Very sure! You’re going to love it,” he exclaimed confidently, sliding his boot into the strap of the shield he was using as a surfboard.
Hyrule quirked an eyebrow at Wild, looking apprehensive at best. Wild had that manic look in his eye he got before he tricked Hyrule into some dangerous (yet exhilarating) activity. He’d gone shield surfing once, but this wasn’t exactly the same thing. This time he was strapped to a beast that could swim through hot granules of rock hot enough to cause burns to the touch. One bad wipe out could turn out to be hell.
Despite his hesitance, he trusted Wild. He’d taken him on some amazing adventures, and no doubt this would be another one. Wild looked over at him, giving him a quick once-over to make sure he was clipped in right. “All set?” he asked, practically bouncing with excitement. Hyrule would be lying if he said it was anything other than infectious.
With a resigned sigh and a playful roll of his eyes, Hyrule stepped onto his shield. “Okay, I’m ready,” he said, bracing himself for what was to come.
Wild let out a loud whoop, and they were off. Hyrule let out a scream- terrified, at first, but quickly devolving into laughter. He held onto the rope attaching him to the sand seal, mostly for some sense of security as the beast pulled him along. He leaned to one side carefully, testing his ability to turn. He was still scared of wiping out, but he was starting to understand why Wild took him out on this ride.
Wild was having ten times more fun than Hyrule, and it showed. He had no apprehension or fear of sand surfing (or any other time, the Chain was convinced), so he had no reservations as he weaved through the sand, not bothering to hang on to the tether. Even if he overcorrected, Wild had taken enough sand to the face to know how to fall to minimize injuries. Sort of.
Hyrule was quick to let go of his initial nervousness. The longer the two raced through the Gerudo Desert the more comfortable he got on the shield. Soon enough he was zipping alongside Wild, laughing as the sun beat down on them, blindingly bright off the sand but so worth it. Wild had got him jewelry that would help resist the heat at least, but that didn’t help him when he nearly barreled straight into a Voltfruit Cactus. He yelped and overcorrected, getting flung off his shield and skidding through the sand.
“Rulie!” Wild yelled, quickly twisting on his own shield. He came up alongside him, pulling up in a way that allowed him to unclip his harness and jump off the shield, using the forward momentum to run up to his friend.
When he reached his friend’s side, he was surprised to see Rulie laying in the sand, laughing even as he sat up to shake sand from his hair. “I’m okay,” he said, waving his hand as Wild slid up beside him. “I might have a few scratches but I’m okay.”
Wild gave a relieved smile and held out his hand to help him up. “Good. You had me scared for a second. Eating sand can be pretty unpleasant,” he said, giving a little shudder of solidarity.
“Oh, it wasn’t pleasant. But I am okay,” he said, grinning and clapping a hand on Wild’s shoulder.
Wild chuckled and wrapped his arm around the Traveler. “I’m glad. Let’s get back to town, I’ll cook your favorite for dinner to get the taste of sand out of your mouth,” he laughed, ruffling Hyrule’s hand- causing the other to splutter as sand rained down into his face- including his mouth.
”You better throw some dessert onto that!” he said, sliding his foot back into the strap of his surf-shield.
”I would’ve thought you had enough of the desert!” Wild laughed, clipping himself back to his sand seal, letting out a whoop for it to take off as Hyrule let out a stream of threats and started chasing after him, the sun slowly setting behind them.
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Blue Crush
Billy Hargrove x AFAB! Reader
Reader: Nearly dies surfing. Billy: LOL do a flip.
The choke hold Blue Crush still has on me, if you haven't watched it, please do, but also know the only relevance it has to this story is surfing. In honour of Blue Crush, reader does have the surname Chadwick, I hope that doesn't throw anyone. Apologies to any actual surfers out there, I can barely swim 20 metres, and I didn't really fancy reaching out to my ex (who was a surfer) for notes. The vast majority of terms are courtesy of Surf's Up. 🌊
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit descriptions of sex, vaginal fingering, p in v sex, the smallest slightest smidgen of anal play, soft! Billy, rough! Billy.
Huntington Beach, California - August 1984.
It’s a beautiful day, the sky a perfect light cobalt blue, completely cloudless, only a gentle breeze and blissfully warm sunshine.
Your bare toes sink into the soft golden sand as you make your way across the beach, surfboard held firmly to your side, enjoying the heat of the sun on your skin. 
“Hey Chadwick, quit posing, we've got some waves to ride girlie!” Your friend Danny hails you from further up the beach, you flip him the bed with a laugh, hoisting your board up and running the rest of the way.
“How’s it looking out there?” You say, pulling your top over your head, a new bikini on display.
“Fucking clean, Hargrove has already carved up a couple of sets.” Danny says, pointing to the back of your friend Billy, who is bobbing up and down on his board a few meters out. You push down your shorts, tying your hair up into a hair ponytail, practically vibrating with excitement; the waves calling you.
“Race ya!” You shout to Danny, laughing as you sprint to the shore, wasting no time in paddling out, duck diving under the breaking waves, relishing being out in the water.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” Billy calls to you, broad smirk on his face, sat astride his board looking perfect as usual.
“What’s the matter, you miss me or something?” You ask playfully.
“Always babe.” He says, you splash water at him to hide your blush.
 Danny was right, the waves are clean, set after perfect set. The three of you, taking it, mostly, in turns, Billy sometimes pulling you onto his board to purposely bomb into a wave. 
“Big set! Fucking huge set! Look at that!” Danny shouts pointing at the rolling waves heading your way.
“I’m taking it.” You say with determination, already paddling.
“You sure Chadwick, that’s gonna be one hell of a peak.” Billy warns, looking at the incoming wall of water. 
You don’t answer, catching the lip, and dropping in with an exhilarated yell. It’s just as the barrel starts to curl you realize it’s a massive close out, both sides of the tube collapsing in. “Shit.” You breath out, before sucking in a massive breath, the heavy weight of the wave breaking directly over your head, smashing down on you. You feel yourself being pulled by the undertow, your leash dragging you with your board, 30 seconds that’s all, just hold your breath for 30 seconds you tell yourself. The surface comes into view, your head emerging with a gasp, you hear a vague shout turning to see another huge wave breaking, you duck dive again grabbing the rails. The water pummels you as though you’re in a washer, you feel your ankle get tugged harshly, knowing your board has just snapped in two. The panic starts to set in, lungs burning, ears popping, something grips you around the middle and you rocket to the surface once more.
“Atta girl! I got you.” Billy pants, hoisting you onto his board, you cough furiously sucking down air. “Let’s get you in.” He says roughly, paddling with you towards the shore.
You drop heavily onto your back in the sand, still breathing hard, heart hammering, slightly dizzy, ankle bleeding from where your leash strap cut in. 
“You alright?” Billy asks worriedly, dropping beside you, visually checking for other injuries.
“I’m good.” You croak, throat sore from the saltwater.
“I told you not to go for it Chadwick!” He says hotly.
“I didn’t know it was gonna collapse like that” You say defensively, sitting up, feeling your back spasm. 
“You should’ve ditched!” He shouts. “You could've been killed!” His eyes are burning with anger and something else, fear?
“I’m fine.” You spit, standing up so quickly your head spins, of course Billy catches you before you can faceplant the sand, his warm arms tight around your back.
“Easy, easy.” He says, you press your hands to his still damp chest steadying yourself, you can feel his heart pounding almost as fast as yours. “You gotta be careful babe, I can’t - I’m not gonna be there every time.” He murmurs softly, pushing a strand of loose hair behind your ear.
You all but melt into his touch, moving to wrap your arms around him, your face buried in his neck.
“Thanks for getting me out, Hargrove.” You mumble against his skin.
The sun is just starting to sink below the horizon, the beach mostly quiet aside from a few stragglers, waves lapping gently against the shore, almost lulling you to sleep. You’re sitting between Billy’s legs, back to his chest, his sweatshirt covering your upper body. He had only let you surf baby waves for the rest of the afternoon, and you were glad of it, muscles aching from your wipe-out.
“Alright you two, I’m gonna jet.” Danny says hauling his board out of the sand, casting a knowing smile at you both.
“Have a good night man.”
“See ya Danny.”
“You wanna make a move?” Billy asks you quietly, moving your salt waved hair off your shoulder, placing a small kiss on your lightly tanned skin. You smile at the affectionate gesture, most people mistook you for boyfriend and girlfriend, but you’ve always been this way with each other; neither of you getting much love at home. You often wonder why Billy has never asked you to be his girlfriend, or why you have never asked him to be your boyfriend (it is 1984 after all, not 1884). You guess part of you is worried about ruining your friendship, but the other part is just plain scared to explore your feelings for him.
“Yeah I guess we should go.” You say a little reluctantly, the evening was so perfect, the weather, the view, the person. You get up, brushing the sand from your legs with a big stretch, noticing the way Billy eyes your exposed navel as the jumper rides up.
“...Or we could get some burgers, chill out in the car for a bit?” He suggests, which you answer with a vigorous nod, grinning from ear to ear.
  You’re both perched atop the bonnet of Billy’s Camaro, laughing as he recounts the story of when Danny knocked three teeth out trying to impress a girl. 
“It was the way he was trying to pick them back up from the sand without her noticing!” Billy laughs around a mouthful of fries.
“He was whistling like that fucking Gopher from Winnie The Pooh for a month.” You giggle, tears streaming down your face, sides hurting. Your laughter dies down slowly, Billy still intermittently chuckling, you look at him, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
“I’m gonna miss this.” You say softly, sadness creeping into your voice.
“Babe, we agreed we weren’t going to talk about it.” Billy huffs, dropping his new handful of fries back into the container in exasperation. 
“No, you said you didn’t want to talk about it, I never agreed.” You mutter pedantically. “We have to talk about it, you’re moving to the other side of the country Billy!”
“Yeah I know I am, so stop fucking reminding me about it!” He snaps. 
You glare at him hoisting yourself off the bonnet, and throwing yourself in the back seat of the car, slamming the door for good measure.
“Did you seriously just throw a hissy fit by getting into my car?” He calls and you can hear the teasing tone of his voice.
“Piss off.” You grumble petulantly, kicking the front passenger seat for good measure with your bare foot, knowing the print would irritate him. The car rocks a little as he also gets off the bonnet, climbing in next to you with a heavy sigh.
“I’m sorry for shouting, Chadwick.” 
“I’m sorry for making you shout, Hargrove.” You mumble back with a small smile, he grabs you, bringing you in close and pretending to give you a noogie. You give his arm an immature lick in response, which sets you both into a mock wrestle, Billy successfully pining you in the cramped back seat, both breathing heavily. 
Without giving it much thought, you reach up and bring his lips to yours, you feel his neck tighten for the smallest second before he is on you kissing you with an intensity that has you gasping into his mouth.
Your nose is filled with the heady scent of salt, sunscreen and Aramis, it’s pure Billy and it makes your head spin, his hands grip your hips whilst you tangle yours in his curly hair.
“Fucking hell babe, where has this come from?” He asks in a low gravelly voice that has your thighs clenching. 
“Figured might as well shoot my shot, seeing as you won’t be around much longer.” You say breathlessly. Rather than respond, Billy kisses you hard again, teeth nipping at your bottom lip, tugging on the hem of his sweatshirt which still covers your body. 
“Off, now.” He commands roughly, sitting back to give you space, you haul the clothing over your head, slipping your bikini top off with it, nipples pebbling instantly. You see Billy’s eyes darken, strong hands gripping you tight pulling you over to straddle his lap, grinding you down onto his hard length, your skimpy bikini bottoms and his boardshorts are the only things separating you.
“Do you really want this?” Billy asks you, his chest heaving, hands running up and down your back. You nod, leaning in for another kiss but he pulls back. “Say it, say you want it.”
“I want this. Want you.” You whisper, tongue licking up his neck, tasting the salt, skin still warm from the sun.
He growls, pulling the tie-string on your bikini bottoms, balling up the fabric and tossing it into the front of the car, his fingers running roughly through your slick folds.
“Fuck, you’re so soft and wet.” He groans, latching his mouth on your breast, sucking hard on the nipple drawing a yelp from you.
“Billy.” You moan, feeling two of his fingers sink into your tight heat.
“Ride my fingers surfer girl.” He grins boyishly, landing a slap to your ass. “C’mon, give me a show.” You use his shoulders for leverage, fucking down onto his fingers, pussy working around the scissoring digits. “That’s it, babe. You’re so fucking tight, how am I gonna stuff my cock in there huh?” 
You’re a whimpering mess already, head rolled back, undulating on his hand, feeling your stomach tighten. 
“Ah! Billy I’m gonna - what the fuck Hargrove?” You hiss furiously, Billy having withdrawn his fingers at the last second.
“If you’re gonna cum, it’s going to be on my cock, understand?” He says hotly, yanking his shorts down, he spits into his hand fucking his fist, plundering your mouth with his tongue again. 
“Billy, please.” You plead softly, cunt feeling empty and deprived of release. 
He angles the thick head at your opening, the spit barely easing the sting as your pussy struggles with his size.
“Oh holy shit!” You whine, nails and teeth biting into his skin.
“Come on babe, you talk a big game, I know you can take it.” He huffs through gritted teeth, hands on your hips making you sink lower, taking inch after inch. You reach down and circle your clit with shaking fingers, feeling impossibly full. “That’s it, good girl, all the way down.” Billy coaxes, balls finally flush to your ass.
You’re both still for a moment, your legs quivering, pussy clamping tight around the welcome intrusion, Billy breathing hotly against your skin. You groan in unison when you start to move, sinful wet slaps filling the car, windows fogging with the force of your efforts. Billy holds you tight around your middle, hips piston his cock harder and deeper with each thrust, you’re wetter than you’ve ever been before, you can feel it gathering on his pubic hair, sliding down your ass. 
“So good, fuck!” You yelp, tits bouncing, body shaking, fingers playing with your swollen clit.
Billy grabs a handful of your ass, working you thoroughly over his dick, a single fingertip circling your tightest hole barely pressing in but it’s enough to send you hurtling over the edge.
“Fuck your cunt is so tight!” Billy growls, head thrown back against the headrest, cock pulsing deep within you, riding his orgasm out with deep spearing thrusts.
You’re both breathing heavily, tongues sliding together messily, little whimpers still escaping you, Billy’s fingers working knots out of your shoulders.
“When is it you’re moving away again Hargrove?” You ask quietly.
“October,” He asks shortly “why?”
“Good, so we can do this more than once.” You say with a teasing smile.
“I like the way you think Chadwick.” He grins.
Tagged: @bettyfrommars @rebelfell
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minkshame · 2 months
Bringing tord back without the arm but the house is still gone? Ok lets make the continuity fluid, i like it. The boys exploded the house by accident trying to cook dinner. Or something. Awesome.
Bring tord back. You can Make him:
A clone
Completely silent antagonist
Voiced by a Norwegian VA
or voiced by Larsson himself, as they may in fact be in contact with him to have permission to use the character.
Those are the good options
Clearly he’s experimenting on something inside of the fluid. Clearly he got hurt by the experiment. It’s definitely related to the oil barrels from Surf and Turf. A retread of the zombie mutation barrel from Snogre.
We will see…!
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harringtonstilinski · 3 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Four: The Bite
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,200 Warnings: angst, mention of el's leg, not-so-bathroom scene with steve & robin (you'll see what i mean, lol) Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! The gang's back together!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Somehow, we got Robin and Steve in the back of the cart, Dustin and Erica sitting up front while I drove. I guess I hit a turn too sharply because I heard Steve slur, “Jesus, babe, slow down.”
“Do you want to make it out of here alive or not?” I asked.
“What is this, like, the Indy 500?” Robin slurred.
I guess we’re gonna be hearing them slur from here on out.
“It’s the Indy 300,” Steve said.
“No, dingus, it’s 500,” Robin corrected.
“It’s 300!”
“Let’s say… a million.”
They both started laughing as I quickly closed my eyes with a sigh. Guess I was going to have to use some tactics on them like I did with Steve when he smoked.
“What is wrong with them?” Erica asked.
“I don’t know,” Dustin said.
“Best to say they were drugged with some… kind of drug,” I said, looking at my brother and Erica. “Fuck, I don’t know! I just want to get the hell out of here!”
“Olivia, watch out!” Erica said.
I looked in front of me, screaming as I hit the brake while crashing into some metal barrels. Hearing groans coming from Steve and Robin behind me, I turned my head a little and asked, “You guys alright back there?”
All I received were groans in response. Turning back to Erica and Dustin, I frowned and said, “They’ll be fine,” before getting out of the vehicle. 
Erica, my brother and I rushed to the back, opening the back door, seeing Steve and Robin sitting against the grate. 
“Come on, let’s go,” I said, Erica and Dustin joining me in urging the two other teens out of the back of this thing.
Pulling Steve out first, I said to Dustin, “Take that keycard and unlock the elevator. See if it works.”
“Here goes nothing,” he said, a few seconds later.
“This sucks!” Steve said. 
“Yeah, well, you got drugged,” I said, putting his arm over my shoulders, struggling to keep him up. “God, how do I do this when you’re drunk?”
“You’re normally drunk with me,” he said, booping my nose.
Swatting his hand away, I muttered, “Stop that,” as I walked him inside the elevator. Once we got inside, I set Steve up on a table, urging the other three inside.
Dustin hit the button to go up, and I guess Robin and Steve decided it would be fun to surf on a rolling pallet.
“Hey! You look like you’re-” Robin started, Steve saying, “Surfing!” with her.
Erica tapped me on the shoulder, saying, “They seem drunk.”
“Why would they be drunk?” Dustin said.
“No, they’re not drunk,” I said, arms crossed over my chest.
“I’m a natural,” Steve said. “Babe, check this out!”
Robin pulled the pallet away from him, holding her hands out while chuckling, “Wipeout!”
They were both laughing while I bent down next to Steve, Dustin following my lead and putting his hand on Steve’s forehead before saying, “He’s burning up.”
“You’re burning up,” Steve retorted.
“Oh, my god,” I said. “Steve, shut up.”
“Check his eyes,” Dustin said. 
Sighing, I said, “I don’t need to check his eyes.”
“Why? His pupils are super dilated. Even I can see that from here.”
“Yeah, I saw his eyes after I cut the bonds, dumbass! Besides… they’re drugged.”
Steve put his fingertip to my nose, saying, “Boop.”
“Don’t boop my nose,” I said.
“Steve, are you drugged?” Dustin asked.
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana,” Steve said.
“Baby, this isn’t funny, okay,” I said. “We need to know what they did to you. I need to know if you’re going to die on me.”
Reaching up with his finger again, Steve booped my nose, laughing. 
“We all die, my awesome teenage friend,” Robin said. “It’s just a matter of how… and when.”
Looking from Robin back to Steve, I asked, “Where did you park your car? Because they’re going to be looking for us up there, and I don’t really feel like dying at 19, okay?”
“We’re 19?” Steve asked.
“Oh, for the love of god,” I breathed, dropping my chin to meet my chest.
“Can we make a pit stop at the food court?” Steve asked.
“I would kill for a hotdog on a stick,” Robin said.
“Ooh!” Steve uttered.
Picking my head up, I exclaimed, “Yes, we can make a freaking pit stop! But only if you tell me where your car is parked, high off his ass boyfriend of mine!”
“Uh-oh?” Dustin and I asked.
“The car’s off the board.”
“They took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys,” Steve said, turning out his pockets. “Like, forever ago.”
I sighed, exasperatedly, while hanging my head again, Robin and Steve both laughing. Smiling at me, Steve said, “That’s a bummer, right?”
When the elevator made it back to its top stop and the door opened, we all piled out, the two high off their asses Scoops employees enjoying the outside air… while trying to eat it. 
“Steve, can you taste the air?” Robin asked.
“I taste it! I taste it!” he answered.
“Shit,” I said, spotting two more guards coming through a gate in front of us. Turning around, I ran for Steve, grabbing his hand while saying, “Come on!” and heading for the pair of doors to our left.
“Why are we running?” he asked, Robin laughing while Dustin and Erica ushered her in before they, too, were inside the back of the mall.
“Where are we going?” someone asked.
“Just trust me!” I said, spotting a door at the end of the hall. I stuck my head out, seeing we were in the theater part of the mall, pulling Steve in the hallway while gesturing for Dustin, Erica and Robin to follow, turning to my first left.
Steve grabbed a bag of discarded popcorn on our way in, Back to the Future playing on the screen.
“What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour!”
I groaned quietly, and turned towards Steve. “I wanna see this movie so bad! You’re bringing me when all this is over.”
“Come on,” Dustin said, leading us all down the aisle to two empty seats, where we sat Steve and Robin.
“For the love of god, don’t move,” I said.
“These seats blow,” Steve said.
“Then don’t watch it.”
“We wanna watch it,” Robin said.
“Then watch it!” Dustin said.
Some guy shushed us, so I shushed him right back.
“Whatever you do, do. not. move,” I repeated.
“Fine, mom,” Steve said.
I shook my head, moving down the front aisle to sit an empty seat. Dustin sat on the floor in front of me, Erica beside me. Tapping Dustin on the shoulder, I said, “Remind me to never have kids.”
“Not even with Steve?” he asked.
I thought about it for a moment before I leaned back in my seat. “This is so not how I wanted to watch this movie with Steve.”
“What are we doing here?” Erica asked, leaning closer to me.
“Laying low,” I said. “Cooling down.”
“Like Oswald,” Dustin added.
“Oswald was found dead in a theater and shot to death,” Erica said.
“Yeah,” I said. “A week later.”
“The point is, his plan didn’t work.”
“He was set up.”
“He was just a patsy,” Dustin said.
“Tell me he’s joking,” Erica said.
“You shh!” Looking around, Erica said, “We need to get out of here.”
“Alright, Dusty, you watch Tweedledee and Tweedledum,” I said. “Make sure they don’t move.”
“Where are you two going?” Dustin asked.
“To find us a ride.”
“You sit, I’ll go,” he said, getting up and taking the walkie from Erica’s bag and walking off.
I looked down at Steve and Robin, the former munching on the popcorn. Michael J. Fox’s voice brought my eyes back to the screen. 
“Are you telling me you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?”
A few minutes later, Dustin came back asking about Double A batteries. “Oh, my god,” I muttered. “What did we tell you about the batteries?”
“I guess we’ll have to go to Plan B.”
“What’s Plan B?” I asked.
I looked down at Dustin, seeing him looking at Robin and Steve… who weren’t in their seats. “Where… are… they?”
“Shit,” I whispered, getting up from my seat, hearing their footsteps behind me. Once we reached the mall, I turned to them both and said, “We’re splitting up. I’ll check the bathrooms, you two check the food court.”
I didn’t wait for an answer as I ran towards the bathrooms, checking every single one before I stopped my hands from pushing open the ones we were standing by the entire time, hearing their voices.
“Have you ever been in love?” Robin asked.
“Yep. Twice,” Steve said.
“Who was the first?” 
“Nancy Wheeler,” he said. I closed my eyes, willing the tears to not make an appearance as he said, “First semester, Senior year.”
“Oh, my god. She’s such a priss.”
“Turns out, not really.” A single tear fell from my waterline as he slightly defended her.
“Are you still in love with Nancy?” 
“No.” “Why not?”
“Because I found someone better for me. Since Dustin’s been home, he’s been saying, you’ve found your Suzie, you’ve found your Suzie.”
“Wait, who’s Suzie?” Robin asked.
“Liv’s told me a little bit about her. It’s some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I’m not 100% sure she’s even real. But that’s not– that’s not really the point.”
“Who’s the second?”
It was silent for a moment before Steve said, “Olivia Frances Henderson. She’s amazing… been there for me since day one, knows all my secrets, knows how my homelife really is. There isn’t a single thing that she doesn’t know. Well, she doesn’t know one, but she will. Soon I hope. Once I became King of Hawkins High, we kind of… drifted apart for a while, but once we came back to each other, it was like… we never drifted. She was even there for me when Nancy broke up with me. She’s never once left my side since we… drifted back, I guess. 
“She hated my friends, but endured their presence for me. Especially Tommy H. and Carol. Liv always wanted to punch her in the face. I remember her being so excited for me when I was announced prom king, but flabbergasted when she won queen. She didn’t even want it.”
I smiled when Robin said, “Really?”
“Yeah,” Steve chuckled. “She hated being in the spotlight like that. Even when we walked the halls after…” He paused, not wanting to reveal the night he and I got together. He cleared his throat. “After Nance and I broke up. Liv and I were pretty quick to get together, but I think most people expected it because no one really talked about it. She’s always careful to say the word bullshit around me because of Nancy. 
“I never once compared her to Nance, not once. Liv’s everything she isn’t. Liv’s… been respectful these last eight months, she hasn’t rushed anything and we actually talk about things. It’s nice for a change. Like, I’m so in love with her, it’s ridiculous. I can see a future with her.
“And she’s freaking hilarious, always dropping dad jokes, saying the most random shit while we’re sitting in silence and it’s uncomfortable for her. I’ve laughed with her more than I have anyone else, besides you, of course. Liv’s way smarter than me, too. She used to help me with my homework. Because of her, I know what a hivemind is. She’s not anyone I’ve ever met before.”
I was full on silently sobbing at his words at this point. I didn’t know he felt that way. I mean, I felt the same way, but I wasn’t about to burst into the bathroom and tell him that. That was for a more intimate moment that I was dying to share with him.
Stepping back into the mall, I wiped my eyes, a smile on my face as I did so. Once this was all over, I was going to share that moment with Steve. I’ve been with one other guy, but it was only because of a stupid bet he had going with his buddies. Happened Sophomore year.
I turned around to make my way to the right when I crashed into a body that belonged to my little brother. 
Putting his hands on my shoulders, he asked, “Hey, you okay? Did you find Steve?”
Sniffling, I decided to lie to him. “No. I–I didn’t find them.”
Dustin went around me to the bathroom door, hearing Robin and Steve laughing about something. He, Erica and myself walked into the bathroom before Dustin said, “Okay. What the hell?”
“Damn, you sound like a parent,” I said. I went to the mirror to check my mascara, thanking the makeup gods that it didn’t smear. Seeing Steve approach behind me in the mirror, I smiled, turning to face him. Putting my arms around his neck, I breathed in deeply, feeling his arms go around my waist. “I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you, too,” he whispered back, leaning in to press his lips to mine in a sweet, loving kiss. 
“Hey, love birds!” Dustin said, breaking us apart. “You can suck face later. Right now, we have to blend in.” I rolled my eyes as he went to the door, slowly opening it, the four of us standing behind him before the five of us looked out of the door. “Okay. And… blend.”
We all walked out into the mall, Steve and I hand in hand, doing our best to blend in with the crowds that just came out of the theaters. 
“Well, shit that worked,” Erica said.
“ ‘Course it worked,” Dustin said. I could hear the smile on his face. “Now, we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come.”
“Uh, Hendersons?” Steve said.
“What?” Dustin and I said.
“Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.”
Looking at Steve's profile, I asked, “What the hell did you do?”
“Well, I might’ve told them both of your full names.”
“What is wrong with you?” Dustin whisper-yelled.
“Dude, I was drugged.”
“Babe, you were supposed to resist,” I groaned.
“You tough it out,” Dustin said. “You tough it out like a man.”
“Oh, yeah, it’s easy for you to say,” Steve said. 
“You two fight like siblings,” I breathed.
“Guys?” Robin said after we rounded a corner, stopping us from walking any further.
We saw two Russian men talking with some people from the crowd, one of them looking in our direction. 
“Abort,” Dustin said, reaching back to grab my hand, the other man looking in our direction as well. “Abort. Abort.” We turned and started running back the way we came to the escalators, but they had that velvet thing in front of them, blocking anyone from using them.
“Shit,” I said. “Slide down the middle.”
Robin went first, then Erica, Dustin, myself and Steve at the end. Running toward Great Cookie, none of us stopped until we were all over the counter, hiding behind it. I tried quieting my breaths as I heard multiple guards, one of them saying something that I couldn’t understand.
It was quiet for about 15 or 30 seconds before we all jumped at the sound of the car alarm going off.  “Sweet shit,” I whispered, hearing the sound of the car crashing afterward.
Turning around, I placed my hands on the counter, pulling myself up and peaking over, seeing all the Russians dead on the floor, the hubcap spinning around until it ultimately stopped before we looked at where the car landed, the underside facing us.
Wanting to see how the car ended that way, I turned my head to the left, looking up and seeing El. Mike, Lucas, Max, Will, Nancy and Jonathan showing up behind her a few moments later.
“Fuck yes,” I whispered, a smile on a my face. 
Leaping over the counter of Great Cookie, I made my way towards their group, immediately going to hug El as Dustin said, “You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!”
Embracing El, I let my tears flow, happy to see her. “I’m so happy to see you!” I voiced. Pulling back, I smiled at her before wiping the blood from her nose, wiping it on my shorts. “That was awesome, El! I know that took a lot from you.”
Chuckling, she said, “It did. I’m happy to see you, too.”
“Ask them, it’s their fault,” Erica said, sassy as ever.
“Oh, yeah, blame it on us,” I said, keeping one arm on El, but turning to face Erica, the now twelve of us in a circle.
“It’s absolutely our fault,” Steve said.
“I don’t understand what happened to that car,” Robin said.
“El flung it with her mind,” I said, duh tone to my voice. “She has superpowers.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Superpowers,” Steve said. “She threw it with her mind. C’mon, catch up.”
“Basically what I just said,” I retorted. “And how long did it take for me to explain El to you last year?”
“That’s El?” Erica asked.
“Who’s El?” Robin asked.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy said. “Who are you?”
“No need to get snippy, Nance.” Me.
“I’m Robin, I work with Steve.” Robin.
“She cracked the top secret code.” Dustin.
“Which is how we found out about the Russians.” Steve.
“Russians?” Jonathan asked. “What Russians?”
Pointing behind us, I exclaimed, “The Russians!”
“Some of them,” Erica said.
“What are you talking about?” Lucas asked.
“Didn’t you hear our code red?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah.” Mike. “But I couldn’t understand half of what you were saying.”
“Goddamn low battery.”
“How many times do Liv and I have to tell you with the low battery?” Steve exclaimed.
“Yeah, well everything worked out, didn’t it?”
“We almost freaking died!” I exclaimed, feeling El move away from me.
“Yeah, but we didn’t.”
“But we almost did! It was pretty damn close.”
“Okay, Russians?” Lucas asked. “As in, they’re working for the Russian government?”
“What is it that you’re not comprehending?” Dustin asked.
“Is he not speaking English?” I asked.
“We have a full-blown Red Dawn situation.”
“So this has nothing to do with the gate?” Max asked.
“It’s got everything to do with the gate…,” I said, looking behind me at Eleven on the ground. “Holy shit.”
Mike was the first to jump into action, running to her and kneeling down by her side. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Erica asked.
“What’s wrong?” Mike asked, looking down at El.
“My leg, my leg,” El whimpered.
“Her leg, her leg, okay,” Jonathan said, taking the wrapped bandage from her leg.
Once her leg was visible, we all voiced our disgusts, tears springing to my eyes at seeing her leg looking like it was severely infected and… moving on the inside? It looked almost like a worm moving inside.
El screamed, and a tear slid down my cheek.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note: y'all ain't ready for next weeks chapter 😏
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 9, 2024
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Mine Cart
Debut: Donkey Kong Country
What an important and influential box on wheels this is! It feels like everyone and their symbiotic Demodex mites have been putting mine cart levels in their games forever! We take them for granted like the air we breathe and also like the other stuff. It’s good we get to experience mine carts so much through games, since today’s youth and even today’s old people would rather use a SHOPPING CART and that is what is wrong with the modern world
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Sorry. I fed the beginning of this post to the goats. I do not actually want to talk about the whole history of Mine Cart. Please just pretend I have just finished discussing all the appearances of Mine Cart between 1994 and 2010. Thank you.
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Name: THIS Mine Cart
Debut: Donkey Kong Country Returns
Finally, in 2010, the Mine Cart was perfected! You can tell because it has a face now. The headlights are its eyes, and the grill is its toothy smile! It’s so happy! Happy to have a face. Now that the mine carts are little guys, I bet they have so much fun zooming along the tracks!
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Mine Carts appear quite commonly in Cave levels, where they are seen often being ridden by mischievous mining moles! What rascally rodents! (moles are not rodents)
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Upon being hypnotized by the Tikis, the Mole Miners fill the mine carts with copious amounts of bananas and- hey! HEY! These are different mine carts! What happened to my beloved gray grinner? The easy answer is “this is a different kind of cart made to be interlocked with others to form a train and we see this happen in the game”. But there is a better answer! In this game especially, bananas are shown to have magical properties, transforming empty wooden husks into real living Bad Guys. These bananas are, I assume, being transported to the factory for this very reason. But maybe these are the original mine carts! Maybe some of them, upon being full of bananas just right, spontaneously transformed into the happy, joyful vessel I am so convinced has feelings. Are you going to argue against that, in the world of this Magic Bananas Game? Punk?
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Looks like THIS Mine Cart has struck it rich! It found and mined these crystals itself, fair and square. Good job! What’s it going to buy? None of our business! What is our business is that Donkey Kong cannot ride IN this one, but rather, surfs on top of it!
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Honestly, what really made me so attached to Mine Cart like this was Tropical Freeze, where it has its own collectible figure! This was the first time I got to actually see its darling face, and to top it all off, it’s in the Kong Family section of the figure list! Mine Cart is part of the family! Back with 64 they seemed like they were stretching it by considering an orangutan part of the family, and here we are, with a Vehicle as part of the gang. It’s really quite nice, how it seems to imply that to the Kongs, as long as you help each other, you’re basically family!
Rocket Barrel is also part of the family. Rocket Barrel was in the Super Mario Bros. Movie! Mine Cart was not. But that is ok!
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Mine Cart, this very Mine Cart with the darling face, is, as far as we know, planned to be the star of the mine cart roller coaster coming to Super Nintendo World! The one that’s supposed to feel like you are really jumping off of the track! I have been seeing a lot of excitement over the potential thrills, and I agree that it sounds really cool and fun! And best of all? All that fun and excitement, courtesy of my friend, DKCR Mine Cart. Everyone hyped for this roller coaster is, knowingly or not, hyped about Mine Cart (”character”)!
This is a Weird Mario Entity that is becoming real, and has quite a lot of hype about its introduction to reality. Just think about that. Isn’t the world beautiful?
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Hi! Can I request Octavinelle with s/o that is really good at surfing pls? Thank you! 🙌🏼💕
Thank you for requesting Anon ! I hope you'll find this and be able to enjoy it, so sorry it came out very late.
Pairing(s) : Floyd Leech x reader, Azul Ashengrotto x reader, Jade Leech x reader
Warning(s) : there might be some cursing, few mentions of injury but nothing too extreme, Floyd being a loveable asshole as always. Gender neutral reader !
Octavinelle trio (separately) with an gn!s/o who is good at surfing :
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Honestly, he's impressed !
Azul was told about human activities at the beach and I don't doubt that at least one merman or mermaid as been BUNKED by a surf board or boat.
It is said that Azul isn't the most confident swimmer but he can manage in water.
He won't try to learn how to surf with you, as nice as it sounds it isn't easy for someone who isn't all that athletic.
Azul will gladly watch you make amazing jumps on the side or from under the water.
He gets really worried when you fall off your board.
The first time you went into a barrel (wave tunnel) and didn't come out of it in time, which caused you to end up in the water.
You can guess he freaked out seeing your surfing board back on shore but no signs of you with it.
Immediately dives in the water to try and save you.
Turns out you were perfectly fine and he just pouted a little because you made him worry for no reason. And even got him to show up in his merman form so double pout actually.
But who doesn't like a cute squishy octopus ?
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Ok. Floyd is having way too much fun.
What type of fun you ask ? SLAMMING YOU OFF THE BOARD TYPE OF FUN !!!
He will mercilessly turn into his eel form just to throw himself from under like a shark.
Being Floyd's s/o includes surviving his squeeze and if you can't handle that then you'll do so much worse with surfing.
He will not hesitate to I n n o c e n t l y turn into a smash bros character to catapult you out of existence.
While trying to keep you alive of course, squeezing a corpse is no fun.
Floyd just thinks it looks fun and will probably try to carelessly try it (proceeds to just laugh every time he falls off), he'll give up at some point and say it's annoying.
*comes back again after 10 minutes of whining*
Most of his attempts fail but at least you won't ever not have a good time. Floyd is just a bundle of joy until he's not.
While drag you under water if you fall off without his help, I hope you know how to hold your breath cause he prefers it UNDER DA SEA-
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Oh ! how fun.
You wouldn't mind him pushing you off right ? *murderous smile*
r u n.
Anyways, like the other two. He's impressed and will think it looks fun. As long as you're enjoying yourself, he's enjoying himself.
I see Jade as a pretty chill guy (at least on the subject of your activities).
If you have hobbies, good for you ! Jade will love to hear you talk about all the techniques, accomplishments, how long you've done it for and maybe even prizes you won in surfing competitions. He does as well have his own interests although they are incredibly...questionable. What are you doing with those mushrooms-
Like azul, I don't think he'll try to learn surfing. He may give it a few shots but in the end, Jade as a lot more fun watching you enjoy yourself.
But like his brother he also likes it-
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this isn't the best of head canons but I hope you enjoy reading this. Please do not repost my work without permission & credit, thank you !
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 2 months
Seven Sentence S(Mon)day
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Thank you for the tags @carlos-in-glasses @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @lemonlyman-dotcom @welcometololaland
@carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
Both the ones from yesterday and the ones from this past week! Sorry I haven’t responded to all your surely amazing snippets or shared anything myself, I was back in my hometown couch surfing at friends’ houses for a week (I don’t currently have a place to live and so are staying at my parents’ who moved to a whole other part of the country while I was traveling😅 anyway so I’ve been busy and socially overstimulated (but I had fun)!!
Aanyway!! This is from my Anniversary Fic that I will (hopefully) have done before the 13th and so will (hopefully) be the first fic I post! Aka: Snoring Fic😌😬😅
Have some domestic husbands, Sick!TK, detective!Carlos and one out of several snoring metaphors: (it’s completely unpolished and way over 7 sentences, but I wanted to respond and post something so here goes!)
Carlos is devastated by the sight two unpacked and brand new sets of earplugs sitting on his bedside table as he immediately reads the screaming-silent message that they are meant to send: TK’s way of asking without asking, just in case he’d already be asleep and wouldn’t wake up by the time Carlos got home, for Carlos to come into bed with him instead of spending another night on the couch. Even if it means TK has to swallow his embarrassment from last night in order to admit the need for said earplugs. Even if it means asking Carlos to stuff foam in his ears to only hopefully avoid sacrificing deep sleep for himself again tonight. Even if they haven’t properly spoken since their fight last night, TK is asking to be held.
And though Carlos is practicing not bringing his detective work home with him, when he spots the crumbled pieces of Kleenex on TK’s own bedside table, the puzzle pieces start falling into place in almost the exact same way as when a case starts to crack for him.
Only this time the sequence playing out is fueled by deep-seated love and years of built-up intimate knowledge of the man currently drooling on his pillow instead of hours of hard work reading though case files and questioning key witnesses.
His confusion since he entered the loft is replaced by a feeling of sure-fire intuition as the scene before him suddenly aligns perfectly with the events of the past 48 hours - the reason why TK’s airways have been closed up enough for Carlos to feel like he was trying to sleep next to freight train barreling past the loft even though it isn’t even season for TK’s pollen allergy yet; why TK has seemingly been home and asleep for quite a while even though the clock only a reads bit past 8pm; why he hasn’t received the overly long apology text message from TK that he was expecting; why TK has had extra trouble keeping his emotions at bay and why he is now currently occupying Carlos’ side of the bed and his pillow while practically asking Carlos in his sleep to please get in bed and hold him for the rest of the night despite their last conversation having ended in a fight. It all points to one conclusion, the clarity of it leaving Carlos a bit relieved, and with a tinge of worry. TK is sick.
Not tagging anyone bc it obviously isn’t Sunday anymore but anyone seeing this and wanting to be a rebel and post something anyway, consider it an open tag!! 🌼
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ya-boi-haru · 6 months
Rewatching Treasure Planet for the 1000 time so here are my brain brrr thoughts/ things i noticed...
• During the opening scene where Jim is freely Solar Surfing the area, the music that plays over it comes back again in different tones: when they take off from the spaceport, when escaping the supernova and when Jim saves them from the planets destruction and that's pretty poetic
• I was thinking "why are they the only humans" but then why is anyone one species. I dont think you see 2 of the same species around. It also makes sence since they own/work at an Inn and the movie takes place on other alien planets
• Amelia from the start clearly states she doesn't like the crew Delbert hired, yet she doesn't push for him to hire a new crew or anything. She maybe be the captain and a really good one, but in a way (despite what Delbert says) she does know who she's working for
• Amelia and Arrows' whole dynamic. "I said something rather good before coffee" (- Amliea) they're besties
• Doplers bulky suit runs on 3 AA type batteries 😂
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• When Silver said to Jim "I have two new friends I'd like you to meet" before he revealed it was a joke to do chores, Jim looked genuinely interested in new people to meet. He's finally on a spacing adventure that is based on his favourite legend since childhood and he gets back to doing more things he was doing at the Benbow, so I think his disappointment is some what valid
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• Silvers crew either severely sucked up and faked their resumes and/or took out any competition to get that job, which is why they got the job and not a better crew
• Jim built his first Solar Sufer when he was 8 and probably did it as a way to be closer to his dad (I think he was still around at that age)
• In the flashback of his dad leaving, Jim woke up startled and worried. It then cuts to his dad already walking away then his mother crying at the table, so they probably had a massive fight as he was leaving which woke Jim up. They probably fought a bit before hand as well
• Morph turned into a wrench to help Silver, so Morph can hold the weight/strength of things he shapeshifts into
• Its been pointed out that Jim's cloths are a symbolism of his development. He starts with a black shirt and jacket then a tan shirt and black jacket and by the end its just the tan shirt.
He gets the tan shirt and black jacket when they start the voyage, but loses the jacket part way through the "I'm still here" sequence. He wears it again after Arrows death then loses it again when Silvers true intentions are revealed to him.
• Jim and Silver did fasten their lifelines after being told to - during the supernova - but they had to undo them to get the sail at the front of the ship. So if Jim hadn't caught Silver when he fell, even his lifeline would t have helped him
• When bracing themselves for the last Migella in the Supernova, Silver holds Jim and the pole, looking down to make sure he's ok
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• At the start of the movie Jim uses a Purp to sus out Silver, and its the same Purp barrel Jim is hiding in when he overhears what Silver says to the crew
- Jim using the purps to try and hint that he's onto Silver vs Scroop using the purp to emphasise that Silvers gone soft
• Treasure Planet was using drabooln currency before tiktok deemed it cool
• The parallels in Arrows and Scroops deaths.
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Bonus cause:
Scroop: Do say hello to Mr Arrow
Jim: Tell him yourself!
• When trying to find the gate, the crew threaten to kill Jim but Silver looks worried. When he says "I suggest you get the gizmo going again and fast!" It was more a warning, cause he looks scared for Jim when they prepare to attack him...
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• B.E.Ns eyes going from green to blue I think is a little clever bit of symbolism. They started green which was the colour of Treasure Planet (map, portal etc) and then when he got his memory circut back and could help them get out, they changed to blue
• Morph, Morphs into things around him, which is why he copies what people say, he's Morphing/copies their words
• When Silver is saying goodbye to Jim he smiles up at him, showing his non cyborg side
Hope you enjoyed, feel free to tell me your thoughts on this movie, that I feel normal about
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acceleracers-baby · 5 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Core Memories! Teku Edition!
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde & Karma Eiss)
Nolo Pasaro - Baby’s first car meet!!! For real though, one of Nolo’s favorite core memories is the first time Tone lets him tag along to a street take over. If he didn’t love racing before, he certainly did after that. Between the music, the adrenaline, and the fact that Tone actually let him be in the car during a race, he had an absolute blast. One of his favorite parts was when the cops eventually showed up to shut everything down and Nolo practically had to dive into the passenger seat so that Tone could peel out and get them back home without getting busted. He keeps a polaroid from that night in his wallet.
Vert Wheeler - Watching Surf’s Up (2007). I’m kidding… mostly. A few summers ago, back before the World Race on Highway 35, Vert road what he refers to as the perfect wave. Before his mom’s passing, the Wheelers used to visit the beach every weekend. At the time, Vert was just starting to get the hang of standing up on the board while surfing. It was towards the end of the day, and Jack was calling him out of the water when Vert felt the pull of a decent sized wave forming up behind him. He’d been wiping out all day, but because it was his last run for the night, he figured he might as well give it a shot. That was the first time he ever surfed inside the barrel of a wave. The way the setting sun lit up the water on the inside of the curl still brings a smile to his face.
Shirako Takamoto - Shirako is 100% an audiophile. Before he had an IPod, or an MP3, or even a portable CD player, he had a shitty hand me down Walkman that his dad pawned from a local shop. It was for his birthday and he got it carefully wrapped up in some old newspapers. His mom would always let him borrow a few of their cassettes as long as he had done all of his schoolwork. Eventually, he got into making mixtapes when he saved up enough money to afford a dual cassette tape recorder. He’d stay up all night just to get some of his favorite songs from the radio recorded onto his newest mix. He still has that Walkman lying on his desk for when he needs a hit of nostalgia.
Kurt Wylde - I like to think that Kurt’s dad was who got both of the Wylde brothers into racing. Maybe he was a Grand Prix driver like Kurt was or maybe he was just a big car buff. Nevertheless, that’s how the boys bonded with their father. Everyday after school Kurt would either be working at his part time mechanic gig, fixing up his project car, or out pushing said project car to its limits on the track. He’ll never forget the first race he won. He’d driven a perfect line, and had only won by a hair, but the roar of his engine had drowned out the world. It was just him and the track. Every nerve ending was lit like a live wire as he crossed the finish line. By the time he realized he won, he was so tense he could have passed out, but he didn’t care. He’d won.
Karma Eiss - Karma always strives for perfection. It’s what makes her who she is. Unfortunately, that sharp edge she keeps also keeps people away. At best, she seemed unapproachable. At worst, people would assume that she was rude and judgmental. So, the day that Tone approaches her at a car meet and offers her a spot on his crew, she wasn’t exactly sure how to react. At first, she was apprehensive to the idea. She didn’t like hand outs, and she felt there was no reason to join his team. However, when he challenged her to a race promising her his car if he lost, she couldn’t help but accept. The only stipulation was that if he won, she would have to at least consider joining his crew. Tone wins the race after pulling a move Karma still believes should have ended up in a crash. She the Teku a week later.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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naha-division · 7 months
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Round 2 - Talent Show
Contestant: Kyō Sakuma
Division: Naha
"A talent show?! why no one told me there's gonna be a talent show in this round! aww geez...I'm not sure myself if I got any talent plus, I never had anything to show off to anyone hahaha....wait now that I think about it many of my friends praised me a lot when I went surfing at the beach and everyone were amazed so maybe surfing is my talent?"
"Well technically it's not my talent per se, it's sort of a hobby. I enjoy surfing the most as I can do some cool tricks like flips, barrel, vertical and so on. Ah! nice timing! I've heard the weather right now is gonna be windy and it's a good opportunity there will be huge waves coming. I'll get my surfing board, just seat back and enjoy the show!"
*Mun: my apologies, Tumblr is being a b*** for not letting me post here bcuz my video is too large so instead, you can watch this in drive
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Lukanette MerMay 2023 - Curious
Yeah, clearly I accidentally went down the rabbit hole and unintentionally wrote another multi-chapter fanfic.
Anyway, enjoy!
Even if Luka was being taken back to shore by a mermaid princess, he still felt like this was one vivid dream. He sat down on the sand and tried to make sense of everything. At the same time, a beautiful mermaid lay beside him with the most curious look on her face, as if she was about to ask a lifetime of questions.
“I must admit, humans certainly make strange reactions to things they are unfamiliar with,” Marinette said with a coy smile. “The merpeople in the kingdom are curious about what humans do, but it’s forbidden to go to the surface.” Marinette ran her fingers through the warm beach sand. “So merpeople don’t question it..”
Luka had multiple questions to ask her as well, but while he was lost in his thoughts, he managed to blurt out one.
“What are you doing here though?” Luka figured any hunter would love to have a mermaid as a trophy.
Marinette took a moment to run her fingers through her midnight blue hair. “I wanted to see the human world for myself. I wanted to know about the trinkets humans make; I wanted to learn how to dance,” she glanced over and smiled. “And I wanted to learn about surfing.”
Luka was taken aback as Marinette playfully shook her mermaid tail. “Humans and merpeople are from two different worlds. I question how humans can ride the waves with a piece of polished driftwood.”
Luka looked over to his surfboard sitting to the side near the shifting tides. “You mean my surfboard?”
Marinette’s eyes glittered. “So that’s what it’s called! It’s such a fitting name!”
Luka managed to smile a little bit at the lovely mermaid’s fascination. “Yeah, but I guess it is kind of a piece of driftwood; maybe that’s how humans surfed hundreds of years ago–”
Luka cut himself off as Marinette wrote the word “Surfboard” in the sand in big letters.
“But,” Marinette flipped her hair as she turned and smiled at him; she truly wanted to learn everything about the human world. “How do you do it? Surfing, that is.”
Luka tilted his head and smiled to himself as he pondered that question. The person who invented surfing truly was a rebel.
“My surfboard can float on the water. It’s all about having enough strength to brave every wave and to stay focused so you don’t fall in.”
Marinette laced her hands together and mused over the thought. “If only there was something like this in my world.”
Suddenly Luka thought he may have been getting ahead of himself, but he got up and picked up his surfboard. Marinette looked up at him with wide-eyed wonder.
“Would you like to surf with me?”
Marinette blinked as she placed her hand over her chest and smiled.
“I would love to!”
Marinette and Luka both could sense the waves. Luka paddled at the end of the surfboard while Marinette sat in the front. She enjoyed the feeling of riding the piece of driftwood as the wave ahead of them formed. Luka stood up as the waves carried both of them.
“Hold on!” Luka cried.
“I can handle it!” Marinette assured him.
They successfully made it to the wave with both of them on the board. And Marinette couldn’t help but gasp in excitement at the whole new feeling. The mermaid smiled at her reflection in the wave and placed her hand through. Luka couldn’t stop the smile on his face as the two of them surfed inside the wave together. It was like the ocean made the perfect water arch for them, but Luka accidentally lost his footing, and both of them slipped off the board and into the water.
As Marinette dived into the deep blue ocean again, she barrel-rolled as she thought about her first experience with surfing. Luka held his breath as he saw Marinette swimming freely with her mermaid tail below him.
Against all logic, he swam down to reach her even though he never tried to swim to the bottom of the ocean before. But Marinette turned and noticed Luka was swimming down, and she quickly swam up like a speeding torpedo. Luka blinked as Marinette gave him a stern look, but the human boy didn’t seem to understand. Marinette sighed and shook her head before taking his hands and swimming him to the surface.
When they surfaced, Luka suddenly felt the need to not take oxygen for granted after nearly drowning to be with Marinette. And not to mention, he noticed Marinette wasn’t always optimistic and adventurous as she safely held his hands in hers.
“What are you doing Luka? You’ll drown if you try that!” Marinette cried.
Luka suddenly shrunk, with Marinette being so stern with him.
“I was just curious that’s all!” He cried.
Marinette frowned as she took a moment to look away from him, Luka wondered if he had said something wrong, and then he looked behind him and reached over to grab his surfboard that was floating toward them.
“Do you want to ride another wave?” He asked.
Marinette didn’t speak for a moment, and then when she saw Luka climbing onto the surfboard, she got behind the surfboard and grabbed hold.
“Let me take you back to the shore,” she said.
Luka didn’t argue with her. The waves gently returned them to the sandy beach. They were in the water for so long, and the skies became gentle pink when they returned to the beach.
Luka wanted to tell her something, and Marinette looked as if she wanted to share something as well. But then Marinette could feel the waves before her shifting.
“I have to go,” Marinette said.
“What?” Luka cried.
Marinette gave him a sorrowful look. “The waves, they can communicate with me. My father will be so upset if I don’t go home now.”
But Marinette was caught off guard by Luka taking her hand. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and he looked so dejected.
“Will I see you again?” Luka said.
Marinette bit her lip as she listened to the waves again, but after a moment of hesitation, she placed her hand on his and looked him straight in the eye.
“Of course, I will! I never let limitations stop me before!” Marinette said.
But then she let go of his hand and breathed out.
“Until we meet again, Luka.”
Luka nodded and clenched his hand. “I’ll see you soon, Marinette.”
Marinette looked at him one last time before jumping into the water. Luka reached out for her, but he felt himself stopping. His feet were buried in the sand, and she was part of a faraway world where he couldn’t reach her.
Marinette couldn’t help but stop herself as she floated in a dark area at the bottom of the ocean.
Usually, Marinette was fearless. She usually said to forget the rules and forget limitations. Still, being with Luka today made her realize that even though the two of them were brave enough to meet each other halfway, no matter how brave they were, their two worlds would inevitably tear them apart.
Marinette thought to herself that curiosity killed the catfish.
Luka also thought as he walked away from the beach with memories of her ingrained in his mind that sometimes curiosity killed the cat.
But he didn’t regret trying to dive deep just to be a part of Marinette’s world like she wanted to be a part of his.
Author Note: *thinking* Well curiosity may have killed the cat...And the catfish! But satisfaction brought both of them back...Right???
*cricket noise*
...Anyway! This was fun to write! Hmmm...I question what I am alluding to with this story. Hmmm. Hmmm.
Well, all of you will see next time! Ciao for now and have a beautiful evening!
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angie-long-legs-moved · 2 months
[ point + gun ]   your muse holding mine at gun point.
prompt from @pick-your-poison-please (Abel)
Angel stared down the barrel of the gun, apathetic and disdainful. Bored, even.
Turf wars were a regular occurrence in Hell, and it wasn't uncommon to find the spider right in the thick of it. He was never there to lay claim to his own territory - rather, he surfed on the waves of other's animosity, cutting hushed deals with big shots as a hired gunman in exchange for drugs or money, or helping those he allied himself with to fight their cause. Even throwing himself into the odd scrap just for the hell of it. It was easy action, made easier by his skill, and of course, the sheer number of weapons that almost always gave him the upper hand.
Or, hands, more accurately.
Except this chump didn't seem to get the memo. Not an issue - Angel always got a kick out of the look on people's faces when they realised just how severely they had underestimated him.
Playing up the act of boredom, he let out a weary sigh as he unleashed his own weapons, all six arms present to impose his impressive arsenal.
"Six to one, sunshine," he said with a shrug, not entirely successful in keeping his smugness from seeping through. "Now, math ain't my strong point, but I think ya might just be outnumbered here."
He lowered his voice to be patronisingly soft, mocking his opponent.
"This is the part where you drop that cute little toy of yours, in case ya weren't pickin' that up neither." He paused, before adding, "Unless ya wanna be blown fulla holes. I ain't judging! Everybody's got their kinks, baby."
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Laces for a lady?? Hello?? 👁👄👁
This is my poly story set in the 17th century smuggling heyday of Cornwall that got way out of hand. It was supposed to be a sweet, short story with a selkie, a bucca (sea spirit), and a young woman, and it just... went berserk and turned into a 17k word story...
Here's the very much WIP opening of it though, and a much longer extract of the two male love interests...
In the cold blue light of a spring dawn, hours before the first cockerel on land had even thought of announcing the start of the day, a cutter drew into the sheltering arms of a small bay at high tide and dropped anchor. In answer, a small, mismatched fleet of fishing boats set oar to water and moved out as one towards the waiting ship from Roscoff.
Between them, over the next few hours, the gathered men and women moved hundreds of half anker barrels and dozens of crates and boxes of goods ashore. This shipment of relatively small kegs were full of rich French cognac that would fetch a very pretty price, but along with it came tobacco and spiced tea, wrapped in oil cloth to keep the sea and the salt and the weather out, and a few cases of other, smaller luxuries like lace.
Flaskers waited ashore to heave two of the four-gallon barrels up the clamber from sand to hilltop with a keg affixed to the front and back of one shoulder while women carried boxes of tobacco and other smuggled goods until the ship rode high in the water and the locals had scurried away like ants with their haul.
Fifteen miles away as the sun breached the horizon and cast the first rays of warmth across the hedgerows and pastures, a stagecoach lurched and rumbled westward along potholed roads, carrying a nervous young woman to a new chapter of her life.
The storm had blasted away the muggy heat from the day before to leave a clear, fresh day and a blue sky. Just as she crested the clifftop at Rocky Point near an old stone cottage, and joined the path that ran the length of Cornwall from Landsend to Looe, she happened to glance down into the sandy cove below and gasped. There floating in the water, was the unmistakable shape of a man. He was face-up, and even at that distance, she thought he looked familiar.
Nel leapt off Blackthorn’s back, having no choice but to leave the mare untethered up on the windy cliff, and she skittered down the tiny, winding path towards the rocky shore below. A number of times she slipped and skidded on the loose grit, but eventually she hit the hard sand at a run and ploughed into the rough surf. It was Edmund Nancarrow, she realised as a wave hit her in the midsection and nearly swept her off her feet.
He had a wound on his forehead, though it had long since stopped bleeding, washed clean by the saltwater. His hair was loose and streamed like kelp around him as she hooked her arms under his and towed him towards the shore. She had no idea whether the tide was coming or going, but she dragged him as far as she could up the length of the beach until her arms were shaking from the strain of it, hauling him past the line of seaweed that indicated a normal high tide line, and carefully lowered him onto the sand.
Her chest burned and her limbs felt like lead, her clothing weighing her down like a ten tonne anchor, and she crashed to her knees on the wet sand beside him. Terrified that he would be dead, she pressed her fingertips to his pulse, and almost leapt back when she felt a steady, if slow, beat beneath his skin. “He’s alive…” she whispered, throat raw from catching a salt-wave straight to her face.
Breathing quickly, she looked about her and then up at the path. There was no way she could get him up there on her own, but as a drift of smoke wafted across the sky from the high horizon, she recalled the stone cottage. If memory served her, that was Locryn Trevethan’s home.
“Any port in a storm,” she mused with a wry, dark grimace to herself, and she staggered to her feet. Her skirts were soaked and heavy beyond belief, and she lost count of the number of times she tripped over them on the narrow, twisting path up the cliff. She had to stop twice just to catch her breath, and by the time she had scrabbled to the top of the path again she was dirty, sweaty, and covered in grit. Finally, she staggered over the rough ground at the top of the cliff and stood on the flagstone threshold of the quiet cottage. Hammering on the door felt like sacrilege to the peaceful place but she had little choice, and there was every chance that Edmund had little time, so she bashed her scuffed and bleeding fists on the door and yelled for help until it opened.
“Calm down, calm down,” a deep, gravelly voice rumbled as Locryn Trevethan pulled open the door to his house. “What in the —?”
“I need your help,” she said. “It’s Edmund. He’s hurt.”
At that, the snarling, unfriendly man’s face blanched and his expression showed open fear. “Where, lass?”
“On the beach,” she said and pointed. “He was floating face-up in the surf. I dragged him up the sand but I can’t get him up the cliff. He’s suffered a blow to the head, but he’s alive. Just.”
Ashen-faced, Locryn charged through the doorway like a winter storm, almost knocking her heedlessly off her feet as he passed, and in half the time it had taken her to reach the bottom, the stocky, older man was sprinting over the sand to where she’d left Edmund’s corpse-still body.
For a while, she watched from the clifftop as Locryn pumped his chest in a rhythmic motion, and when Edmund jerked and half-rolled sideways, Nel relaxed a fraction. A few minutes later, Locryn had scooped Edmund up and was marching back up the path again with him lying in his arms like a bride on her wedding day. Except Edmund looked pale to the point of death, and he was soaked through. He wore simple brown trousers and a linen shirt that stuck to every sharp angle of his skinny torso, and his head lolled in Locryn’s arms, hair dangling and dripping.
“Move,” Locryn growled as he reached the top of the path and found her half-blocking his way in her shock as she just stared at them and tried to stop shivering. The wind bit through her wet clothes as they clung horribly to her body. She skittered sideways and let him pass. He didn’t stop as he elbowed his front door open again and trudged in, heedless of the sand he tracked in from his boots.
Nel hung back awkwardly in the doorway, watching as Locryn laid Edmund down on top of his covers and inspected the wound in his hairline. “Can you hear me?” she heard him rumble and watched as Edmund’s eyelids flickered.
“My mare is a little way off,” she said. “I can ride for a doctor if —”
“No,” Locryn barked, straightening from his stoop over the bed to glare at her. “No need.”
“You’re sure?”
He lifted his lip at her and she held up her scraped palms.
“I’m only trying to help,” she said, fighting off tears of shock more than anything else. She hugged her arms around her middle to stop herself falling apart in front of the gruff stranger, and she sucked her cheek to keep from crying.
At that, Locryn’s whole demeanour changed. His massive shoulders sagged and he let his head hang. “I know,” he sighed. “I’m sorry. Come here then. Draw up a chair and hold his head while I try and get him to drink something. He’ll be alright.”
Hope you liked it!!
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quiet-compassion · 7 months
OFMD Fluffvember Day 13: Bathing/Showering
(If my last entry was too serious for you, don't worry. This may be one of the most lighthearted things I've ever written.)
“Edward, I think you’re being very unreasonable about this.”
Stede stands with his hands on his hips and what he’s man enough to admit is a pout on his face. Ed sighs from the other end of the captain’s cabin where he’s been packing supplies and personal effects into a large trunk.
“I really don’t think I am, mate,” he replies, eyebrows raised. “Look, space is limited, not just in the new place but on the dinghies bringing us there. We don’t have room for that kind of luxury—”
“Luxury?!” Stede repeats in disbelief. Fortunately for him, Lucius chooses that moment to walk down the hall past their open door. Stede calls out to him, eager to have an ally in this debate. 
“Lucius! Could you come here a moment?” The man in question reluctantly appears in the doorway, arms crossed in annoyance.
“What?” he asks, shortly.
Unperturbed by Lucius’ less-than-helpful tone, Stede barrels on. “Would you please tell Ed that bringing the bathtub with us is not a luxury but in fact an essential?”
Lucius raises an eyebrow. “Why do you get to take the tub?”
Stede scoffs indignantly. “Well, for one thing, it’s mine!”
Ed interjects while Lucius rolls his eyes. “Okay Stede, enlighten us both. How do you propose we move a large, heavy, metal tub off the ship, into a small wooden rowboat, and over the surf to shore?”
Stede begins to retort before fully allowing Ed’s question to penetrate the bluster of his outrage. He pauses. “Well, um…”
“Point to Ed,” Lucius says, tipping his head in Ed’s direction. “Guess we’ll just have to keep it on board.”
“Hang on a moment!” he huffs defiantly. “There’s got to be some way of transporting it effectively.”
Ed fixes him a look that is equal parts exasperation and adoration. “Babe, you’re an outside-the-box thinker. And your wacky ideas are one of the things I love best about you, you know that. But this might be a bridge too far.”
Stede throws up his hands, refusing to allow himself to be softened by Ed casually saying that he loves him, and in front of Lucius no less. “Alright! And what do you propose we do as far as bathing is concerned?”
“Well, we are bringing the washbasin with us, of course. And, you know, we’ll be living like 50 feet from the ocean.”
It’s an annoyingly salient point, but Stede refuses to concede. “We’re striving to run an inn. What kind of respectable, first-class establishment would ask its patrons to bathe in the sea?!”
Ed laughs. “Let’s focus on getting the roof patched and actual guest rooms built before we worry about washroom accommodations. We can get another tub down the line, once we have a place to put it.”
“But it won’t be as nice as this one!” Stede protests petulantly. “This one’s big enough for two!”
The look Ed gives him at that is one of complete surprise and mischievous delight. “Why, Captain Bonnet!”
“OKAY!” Lucius exclaims, from the doorway. Stede honestly forgot he was here. “That’s it, I’m out!”
He turns on his heel, closing the cabin door behind him. Stede turns back towards Ed to find him grinning at him, eyebrows waggling teasingly.
“Oh hush,” Stede grumbles, blushing. Ed lets out a bark of gleeful laughter.
“Listen, if that was your reason for wanting to bring the tub, you should have led with that.” He crosses the room towards Stede, shoulders shimmying provocatively.
Stede shrugs. “Well, it’s not the only reason.”
“It’s the best one.”
He can’t help but smile at that, looking up at Ed through his eyelashes. “I just figured, these first few weeks are going to be a lot of hard work, aren’t they? We’re bound to be all sore and achy from all the manual labor of fixing up a house. It’d be nice to be able to have a soak.”
Ed gives a sympathetic hum. “Real forward thinking of you.”
“And that house is going to be so drafty, what with the roof in disrepair and the windows broken. We ought to have a reliable way of warming ourselves up,” Stede says breathily, heart rate picking up speed as Ed leans further into his personal space.
“Very practical,” Ed agrees, voice low.
“Besides,” Stede goes on, voice rumbling, “we won’t really have a proper bed, will we? Not at first. So, yes, it had crossed my mind that the tub might be a good alternative spot to relax together.”
“Mmmm,” Ed purrs, lips centimeters from Stede’s ear. “Excellent creative problem-solving. But you know, we do still have a proper bed. For a little while longer.”
Stede glances towards the bed in question and says in faux surprise, “Why look at that! We absolutely do.”
“This is ridiculous!” Jim exclaims from their place pulling the rope leveraging the bathtub up and over the side of the ship. “Helping you guys with the trunks was one thing, but come on.”
“Yeah, isn’t it just gonna sink once we get it down to the water?” Pete asks.
“It’s not going in the water,” Roach huffs out, pulling on his portion of the rope. “Captain says to put it in one of the dinghies.”
“But it’ll take up all the space! How will we row it to shore?” 
Stede calls up from one of the said dinghies already floating next to the ship. “I’ve tied these two together! We’ll row this one and tow the tub’s boat behind us.”
“Christ, that’ll take ages,” Wee John groans.
“Yeah, good luck with that guys. Cause, you know, with my back and all…” Lucius shrugs, shaking his head.
“But why are we doing all this for a bathtub?” Pete questions, wearing a baffled expression.
“Trust me, guys,” Ed says as he helps lift the tub. “It’s essential.”
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