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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Stay Motivated? ( 31 Ways to Stay Motivated Every day )
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Motivation is the key to action and getting things done. It’s your inner burning fire to push you to make changes. Only being motivated, you will turn your ideas into reality. It’s your inner voice to make changes, to stay happy, and take action. Motivation is therapy and your medication for changing your mindset and taking the action to achieve your goals and objectives. But we humans are don’t stay in one position all time. Our behavior, inspiration, attitude change with changing circumstances and so we don’t feel motivated all time. We feel ourselves under pressure, lost or disturbed, and don’t know where to start or what to do. In this post, I am going to share a list of 31 ways to stay motivated all the time. Problems obstacles will come, but when you will be motivated, pumped up, and unstoppable in life. And no obstacle or problem will make you scared from getting the results you want to achieve in life.
 31 Ways to Stay motivated Every day & Achieve Your Goals
1. Set Big Goals Set big and infinite goals, even though you don’t know yet how you will achieve them. Setting big goals will push you to put you all in and get the results done. There is an old saying that most people don’t achieve greatness because they set low goals and achieve it, not because they set big goals and missed them. 2. Believe You Have Unlimited Talent There is a big problem in our education system that we based our talent based on college degrees, marks, and certificates. And so we settle ourselves for the job based on our degree. We all have unlimited talent but we don't have the right belief and so sell ourselves for low values. I am not against the job. Keep yourself busy, but don’t stop believing in yourself. Keep the belief to yourself that you can do more than you think and you can achieve greatness. 3. Avoid Distraction Distraction can be a negative friend, watching TV news, listening to unplanned phone calls, or multitasking, etc it is all dangerous for your productivity and motivation. The more you focused, the more you will be motivated and the more you will put in action. 4. Do the challenging tasks   Its key secret to polishing your talent and self-mastery. Doing a hard task will be able to expand your talent and will help you in growing. It’s not about getting the things or results, but actually, greatness is about a game of growth and taking your talent to the next level. Doing uncomfortable and facing fearful jobs will make your mindset and will change your life perspective. 5. Division of Big Goals Into Small tasks It’s an old principle, divide, and rule, and is true for other areas of life. Just simply divide your mission and big goal into small goals and then just focus on the piece of this goal for today or a week and forget about other pieces. The one-piece or task you achieve, the more you will be pumped and motivated to get more pieces done. 6. Fails yourself Failing is the first step to success. The more you fail yourself, the more you will grow, and the more you will become the master of the life game. According to GaryVee, “I learn more failing than wins.” And it’s true that with winds you just have one idea or way to get things done, but when you fail, you learn a lot of lessons. And its biggest secret of extraordinary people to greatness and achievements in life. 7. Make Yourself Valuable   The biggest secret to motivation is your value and worth. The more you invest in yourself, the more expand your skills, the more unstoppable you will become in life. Regular investment in yourself will help you to come up with new ideas, new technology, new tactics, and ways to handle the problem. According to Warren Buffett, the best investment is self invest, and it’s true when you are worthy and valuable the people love to follow you. And you will be ready to take charge of yourself in any conditions and situation. 8. Be the person of Action Ideas and vision are easy, but it brings nothing. Action is hard, but it brings results. Be the person of action. Don’t just talk, but putting in action will change your results and will help to make your life greatly. Your action makes you different from other people. Because a lot of people will just talk about the big ideas, but you will create the difference by action and its results and it will give the power of motivation. 9. Be the Giver, not the taker When you are a giver, then you will believe in yourself and will create ways and resources to help and serve others. You will not wait for other people or resources, but you will start acting, and so will take and change yourself and results. The giving attitude will make you powerful and give you the motivation to feel abundance and get more things done. 10. Choose the Circle of Extraordinary People People in your around play a significant role in your mindset, life perspective, and inspiration. Great and positive people will push to do and accomplish great things. People with glorious dreams and winning attitudes will develop and cultivate greatness, writing you and will motivate you to go beyond your limits. 11. Starts Book Reading Books are the greatest source of learning and wisdom, and the more you learn, the more you earn. Reading at least 2 books for a month will give inspiration and motivation to do more great things. Reading books like biographies, self-help, business, finance, etc. will burn the fire n your inner side and will help and motivate you to do extraordinary things in life. 12. Don’t play in the Comfort Zone The Comfort zone is the death zone for your talent, potential, and motivation. Playing safe and being comfortable, you will not be ready to face challenges or will take risks. And so you will never grow. For enormous achievements, you have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to master the skills of playing in discomfort. When you are dissatisfied, you will create alternative ways and will push yourself to overcome the problems. You will motivate yourself to achieve the target. There will be things that will make you fearful and scared, but you have to face and move forward. Moving out is not the way to greatness. You have to move in and make the uncomfortable things done. 13. Be The morning person   Morning is a time of creativity and focus. Doing the most difficult and creative tasks in the morning will help to beat your competition because they will be sleeping. Getting up early and reading or exercise will give you motivation and fire for the whole day. 14. Get coaching and guidance from experts Learning from influential people is easy to greatness. Guidance and coaching from experts will give you motivation and desire to be extraordinary and great like them. Go and ask from mentors, coaches, and successful for the way of success and greatness. Guidance from greatness will make you the master of life, not in one industry or niche. But they will give you the wisdom and knowledge to keep you motivated for life. 15. Every day spends time with family We all have a busy life, but making and spending time with family every day will give you pleasure, happiness, and inner motivation. It will make you special and responsible to get your goals for yourself and your family. 16. Keep close eye on Everything in Your life We all want to be great but not just in one area of life but overall. And overall greatness is only possible by keeping a regular check on it. Family, business, investments, fitness, siblings, community,  bank statements, team members, etc. Keep checking what is growing, and what is not, finding the reason, and then keeping every important area of life growing and make it of quality. This will keep you focused and motivated, and will push you for taking action. 17. Make Your every Second of Quality Time is the most important thing we get and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. To build a glorious life, we don’t need to plan for a year or month, but we need to work on it every second. Keep, watch, and make every second of the minute's count. 18. Good night Sleep Good sleep is the key to productivity and more creativity. Getting good sleep will give you the energy and motivation to produce more results. If you are tired or lazy, then you will not be focused to do your work and you will not be getting results and so no motivation. 19. Getting things done before the deadline   This step will fire your motivation to the sky, just putting in work and making things done before the deadline will keep you motivated and will prepare you for the next big thing. If you are always late in getting things done, then it will be part of your mindset forever. 20. Just Win Today Don’t worry about the past, future, or what are you. Just make the list of your top priorities and win it. Do what you can and make your today fight to win. And it’s will be your motivation for tomorrow and the future. Making every day successful and winning will make you unstoppable for your future. 21. Know Your true strengths and Power You have to be honest with yourself before, honest with the outer world. You have to know about your true talent, skills, ad knowledge. You have to know what things or jobs you are best at and how you will be extraordinary in these things. My strengths will be my key to greatness, and I just not only need to know but make it extraordinary. And only then I will go to the next level of life. 22. Grow Your People Bank Like bank balance, we also need to grow our people’s bank. We need to add more people into our network by being valuable, the giver, and helpful to others. We have to stay active in the community, social activities, charity, and volunteer and to be the source of greatness for others. And people will join and will love to stay in our connection. More people in the network will give you energy and duty and will make you responsible to do great things and make great things able. 23. Rewards yourself for each small win and success We all want rewards for our actions and ideas. But you are doing all this for yourself. Don’t wait for the outer world. Celebrate every minor success and your motivation will be limitless for greatness. 24. Keep Yourself healthy You can only enjoy your life if you are healthy. And so, for more motivation, you have to keep yourself healthy. Doing exercise, going to the gym, and eating healthy food are key to good health. Exercise for a half hour will keep you healthy and will make you the master of your body, and your motivation will be on fire. 25. Yes to Everything in life Don’t complain like most people do, why me, just say yes, try me. Be open to the world and say yes to every problem, every challenge, and opportunity. Say yes to family, friends, team members, community, and everything in life. Don’t complain. Be just open to trying everything in life and you will be pumped up to get greatness. 26. Build Bigger purpose Than Money Money is important for life, but it’s not a complete life. Always have a bigger purpose than money, and you will always be motivated to make life greater. Don’t just waste your time, energy, and talent on running for money. But Set the biggest purpose and go for it. 27. Always Give more than Expected Always, going the extra mile and giving more than expected will open the window for new opportunities and ideas. It will motivate for life to do and get more things done. 28. Picture re our future life What you want to achieve in your life, what is your mission, and what is your dream purpose. Picturing your dream lifestyle will help you to motivate and get and prepare you for more action and adventures in life. 29. Don’t base your talent on money You are a more valuable talent than the money you get for service. Never base your full potential on your money or job. Keep the belief that you can do and create a more unlimited thing and you will pump up for life. 30. Be the expert in Your Space Great and extraordinary people don’t work to beat others, but they put in action to take the charge of their life. Be the expert, be the leader and so giant so that everyone can only talk bout you. Be the one in your space. Work not just to make more money, but to be the master of life. 31. Every morning Write down your goals It’s an old exercise. Just writing and remaining your goal every morning will help to push and motivate you for getting these goals. The more conscious are you about your goals, the more chances you will have to act about it, and the closer you get to it. Conclusion; Consistent motivation is key to greatness, but it will come from action and only action. Taking bold steps, doing challenging tasks, and achieving small goals every day will keep you motivated and pumped up for achieving more great things in life. Just work on your self-improvement every day and make yourself worthy and valuable. The more you make yourself worthy, the more you feel confident and will feel inspired and motivated to take action. Learn here more about self-help and motivation. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Stay Motivated? ( 31 Ways to Stay Motivated Every day )
How To Stay Motivated? ( 31 Ways to Stay Motivated Every day )
Motivation Motivation is the key to action and getting things done. It’s your inner burning fire to push you to make changes. Only being motivated, you will turn your ideas into reality. It’s your inner voice to make changes, to stay happy, and take action. Motivation is therapy and your medication for changing your mindset and taking the action to achieve your goals and objectives. But we humans…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
What is Self-Sabotaging? ( 9 Ways To Stop Self-Sabotaging )
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What is Self-Sabotaging?
Self-sabotaging is a habitual pattern of thoughts and behaviors that will stop you from executing and actions. It’s a psychological game of mindset and perspective that you will be taking the step for present self-interest. And even though you know that it will affect your life and results in the long run despite that, you work and behave like you are doing a magnificent job. You will be doing a lot of work and effort but will still not achieving your primary targets and goals, and it’s because of self-sabotaging. The key reasons for self-sabotaging are low self-worth, fear of failure, lack of trust, past bad experiences, and negative childhood patterns. According to the study of Randy A Sansone, ” Medically self-sabotaging behaviors are commonly encountered in psychiatric inpatients with a borderline personality disorder.” It means that it’s part of the mindset, perspective, beliefs, and Self-image. Self-sabotaging can be as working for perfectionism, procrastination, busy being busy, looking for easy tasks, keeping yourself busy in less important tasks, love for comfort zone, giving up because of problems, not listening to other people, Low self-esteem, fighting with family members, and looking for short-cuts while working for greatness. Self-sabotaging not only affects your personal life and work, but also has an adverse effect on your networking and relationships. It affects your self-worth and confidence, and you will settle for low value in your life. In this post, I am going to share a list of 9 ways to stop sabotaging and start executing on your major targets and goals. With these tips and ways, you can take control of your life and future.
9 Ways to Stop Self-Sabotaging?
1. Clear Your Why and Purpose You are not getting any goal or result in life because you don’t know your clear why and purpose for your life. You don’t know why you are doing what you are doing and that’s you always to blame, complain, and procrastinate. When you know what’s your why and purpose, they will feel motivated, and you will take responsibility for your actions and purpose in life. Instead of self-sabotaging, you will feel inspired and push yourself to get hit on the why and goal in life. 2. Problems are a Part of Greatness There is no greatness on an easy road. In other words, no greatness is possible without facing problems and challenges. The biggest reason for self-sabotaging is fear of problems and failures. Most people play in a comfort zone and don’t look hit for bigger because of challenging tasks. But if you take every problem like adventure and start thinking that every adventure is difficult in the start. And when you keep working n adventure and fail yourself, then you will not only learn the adventure, but you will enjoy the process of working with the adventure. The same is the case for Problem sin life. When you start taking a problem like an adventure, then instead of fear, you will love to face and learn from problems. 3. Make Yourself worthy by Investing Yourself Our action comes from the mindset and self-believe. When we believe that we can achieve or complete a certain task then instead of self-sabotaging or procrastination we will be ready to face problems and sacrifices to hit the goal. Our self-belief comes from gaming ourselves worthy by investing time, energy, and money in ourselves. Reading books, spending time with mentors, learning from courses, and trying things will make you worthy and wise. The more you make yourself worthy, the way it will become, it will become for you to hit your goal and get the best life. 4. Meditation and self-reflection Meditation and self-reflection will help you in understanding the why and causes for self-sabotaging behaviors and thoughts. It will help you with focus and self-connection, the root causes of your self-sabotaging personality. When you know the reason for self-sabotaging habits and mindset, then it will be really easy to target and change these kinds of habits and behaviors. 5. Face Challenges and Your Fear Most of the time we self-sabotage because we fear rejection, failures, or unseen problems and challenges. We feel unsafe in some circumstances, and therefore we avoid action and give up on our mission. You have to set big goals than your fear and problems, and then you're to build the mindset of not giving up at any cost. You have to take fear like adventure and then solve, learn, and enjoy every adventure by trying again and again. There will be problems and difficulties, but you will love to face challenges with an adventure mindset and mastering your skills and behaviors about your personality. 6. Solve one Obstacle At one Time There will be many self-sabotaging reasons, problems, obstacles, habits, and behaviors in your life. But you will see the actual change by targeting one problem at one time. You have to set a reward system for yourself after changing and overcoming one problem and replacing this problem with positive habits and problems. With this principle, you will not only stop sabotaging, but also will build positive and strong habits and will take charge of your future and life. 7. Make Yourself Accountable to Someone When you have to answer to someone for your actions and results, then instead of self-sabotaging, you will push yourself hard and will try your best to get the results and bring the change in life. Accountability gives responsibility and instead of blaming or procrastinating, you will be ready to get the result at any cost in life. 8. Practice Positivity and Optimism With positivity and optimism, you will see the results and reward for your actions, and you will never procrastinate and delay your action because it takes away the fruits from your hands. Most people procrastinate because they are not sure about the result they will get, and therefore they always give up in the middle of the task. Practicing optimism keeps you focused on your purpose and end results, and gives you the motivation for taking action and facing challenges. 9. Keep the Network of Success People Negative people will not hold you back from your goal and action, but they will insert bad habits and behavior into your personality and that will affect your life, career, and relationships. For long-term growth and success in life, you have to let go of negative people and adopt the network of positive and successful people. Successful people will not inspire you with activities and goals, but also they will guide you on the path of greatness and will help in the time of trouble and problems. They will set your mindset for greatness and the legacy of life. Conclusion. Self-sabotaging is like being a self-enemy and unintentionally stopping yourself from goals and targets to achieve. You will be doing and be making choices contrary to your own mission and purpose of life. Most of the time it comes from childhood habits and experiences and behaviors. And just by changing our habits, routines, priorities, and mindset, we can control self-sabotaging and can take control of our life and future. Learn here more about time management and self-improvement. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
What is Self-Sabotaging? ( 9 Ways To Stop Self-Sabotaging )
What is Self-Sabotaging? ( 9 Ways To Stop Self-Sabotaging )
What is Self-Sabotaging? Self-sabotaging is a habitual pattern of thoughts and behaviors that will stop you from executing and actions. It’s a psychological game of mindset and perspective that you will be taking the step for present self-interest. And even though you know that it will affect your life and results in the long run despite that, you work and behave like you are doing a magnificent…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
11 Things More Important Than Money (Make Your Life Balanced Again)
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No one can deny the importance and value of money. Money is the key and single source for creating resources and living a significant life on earth. But money is not the only thing that matters in life. There are many that are more important than money to build a happy and successful life. Just working and running for money all life will not give you peace and happiness. Achieving greater success, happiness in life you have to in every area of if including, and financial positions. In this post, I am going to share a list of 11 things more important than money. Working and focusing on things with financial freedom will give you a better life on earth.
11 Things More Important Than Money;
1. Physical and Mental Health You can only enjoy your life and the resource if you are healthy. Health is our key and base for enjoying and creating a great and successful life. We can maintain and gain our physical health just by night 7 to 8 good sleep, daily exercises, and eating diet food. We can improve our mental health by meditation, yoga, prayers, affirmations, and keeping the circle of positive people. 2. Family and Relationship Our family and relationship turn our home into heaven on earth. Life without family is meaningless. The smiles of kids, spouses, siblings, and parents keep you fresh, motivated, and purposeful. 3. Time Time is priceless. We all know that we can get back anything in life, but not the time. Ask any old-age person about the value of time? They will tell you, they are ready to give all wealth and anything they got in life just to get one day like they were young. We can make only make our time only worthy and useful by using it to improve our worth, value, and happiness 4. Courage and Confidence Courage and confidence are way more important than money. You can’t buy or gain courage and confidence with money. But with courage and confidence, you can get any kind of success and wealth. 5. Love and Kindness Love and kinds are more important than money. And I don’t just mean for yourself, or your family, showing love and kindness to the world around you. Helping and serving others with no reward and greed will give you peace and inner joy, which is priceless. The more love you share with the world, the more love and happiness you will attract into your life. 6. Loyal and Honest Friends Friends are gifts of God for people. Life without friends seems bore and empty. Loyal and good friends add beauty, charm, and inspiration to your life. Honest friends will give you the worth and value that you yet don’t know about yourself. They will not only share happiness with you but also will help and guide you in incidents and your problems. 7. Knowledge and Wisdom There is an old expression, Knowledge is power. Knowledge and wisdom open the gates of success and helps you to face and overcome any problem in life. Wisdom makes me hungry for learning and searching for more. It builds curiosity that there is a lot to find and gain. 8. Self-Believe When you believe in yourself and depend on your own talent, potential, and wisdom for your life. Then you are unstoppable in life. With self-belief, you not can only get wealth and riches but also can create change and impact in the world. 9. Freedom and Living for yourself Today all the world is working slaves. We can also say that today we are servants at will. People are running after money and material things that they’re living life like hell. And they are only getting more money because to impress neighbors. Or Show themselves successful in front of others, even they are broke from inside. Working for yourself, and freedom is our biggest gift, and no money can buy it. Our true happiness and joy depend on freedom and self-esteem. 10. Hobbies and Passion Hobbies and passion give us pleasure and make us happy. Life without hobbies means life without happiness. Passion gives you energy and drives for life. It keeps you active and motivated to do things. 11. Purpose Having a bigger purpose and goal in life makes you a worthy role model for others. A bigger purpose is much more than money. Your money will just be a source for the purpose. Conclusion. Our life success, worth, and legacy depend on keeping the balance. We have to make money but also keeping ourselves healthy, keeping, and relationships, and working for something bigger and greater in life. Learn here more about self-improvement and Happiness. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
11 Things More Important Than Money (Make Your Life Balanced Again)
11 Things More Important Than Money (Make Your Life Balanced Again)
No one can deny the importance and value of money. Money is the key and single source for creating resources and living a significant life on earth. But money is not the only thing that matters in life. There are many that are more important than money to build a happy and successful life. Just working and running for money all life will not give you peace and happiness. Achieving greater…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life? ( 10 Steps to Finding Your Purpose)
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Purpose of Life
God created every person on the earth with purpose and meaning. Full of talent and potential. No one is worthless or useless. We all change and achieve great things in life. But for any success and goal to achieve, we have to know about it and the same is the case about life. For getting success, abundance, wealth, happiness, and prosperity we have to know about the purpose of life. The finding of the purpose in life is not an option or choice but it’s our duty and reasonability as human beings. As human beings, if we don’t know about our life purpose, then our time and energy, and life will be useless. So whatever is the case and situation, we have to find the true meaning and real purpose of our life. A purposeful life is a key to true happiness. Regardless of the wealth, you create or how much power you’ll have in your current career, business, or industry position, it’ll not lead to true happiness unless and until you know about your real purpose in life. Today’s most people are running after money and power like mad, and they think that money is the true purpose of life and happiness. But actually, a true secret to happiness and prosperity in life comes by finding your purpose and meaning. There is an old expression that more money, more problems. But if you have some kind of purpose and objectives in life, then money will be a resource for more happiness and growth. But with money and power, without a life purpose, you will feel empty from within. You think that something is missing from your inner side and life, even in a round of big houses, fast cars, girls, and security guards. I understand that it’s normal that you will ask; I don’t know my Life Purpose? how I will find my Life Purpose? What is the best career, profession, and lifeline that will give the purpose of life? There are thousands of career paths and how I will choose my purposeful life path and career? I believe that every person can find the real purpose of life, but it needs effort, attention, work, commitment, and will to discover it. In this post, I Am going to share a list of steps and tips that will help you in finding your true meaning and real purpose in life. With these steps and knowledge, you will not only find your true purpose for your life but also will enjoy the true fruits of happiness and peace in your inner world.
Learn How to Find True Meaning & Real Purpose of Life;
Fundamentals & Importance of Finding The True Purpose of Your Life   Every day, in the morning, as we get up, we feel sad and under pressure. We are feeling like there is something is missing. We are feeling tired of our education system, job, business, position, status, family, and goals. But actually is not the big problem that we are incomplete or exhausted, but the actual problem is that we don’t know what is the reason behind all the stress and anxiety, pressure, and unknown pain. Even with minor success and wins, money, and power, we don’t feel powerful and happy. Even spending time with family, on vacation, or with GF/BF not really enjoying, we feel empty and free of true blessings. If you are a person in the above cases and situations, then you really don’t know your life’s purpose. The purpose of life is significantly important for happiness and peace in life. Without it, you will never find the correct direction and goals for your time, energy, body, and soul. Even though you will get success in the outer world, but you will shrink and damaging yourself from your inner side. You don’t need to worry if you have not yet found the purpose of life. Because there are millions of people on the face of the earth, in the race of life, with no purpose. But one thing important to note is that finding your life purpose is not one night or one-day game but its game of life. The purpose of life is a journey. The more you work on it, the more you will get closer to it. The more you get experience, the more you will discover about yourself, your life, and your purpose. In today’s world, you will find people around that they will make a lot of money from their jobs but will not be happy. Because they are doing it, as others are doing the same for life. They will stay busy, day in and day out with boring jobs because they don’t believe in their own talent and potential. They are getting low-value jobs because they are in love with their comfort zone. Most of the population are getting education and jobs just to pay bills and eat food, and that’s all they are alive for. But they don’t feel signs of gratitude, pleasure, and true peace. To find your true purpose and meaning you have to sacrifice your old mindset, and perspective, beliefs, and parameters. You have to discover it with focus and commitment. And these sacrifices and work will bring the result in the long run, but you will start enjoying peace and happiness in the process of finding your purpose. Any kind of power, wealth, or things will not give you the happiness pleasure, and happiness that you will find with the discovering of your purpose and goal of your life. And once you discovered your purpose, then your fight will not be about the material world and things, but you will work for your inner happiness and life. Note; There are ways and systems for learning and finding anything in life, and so is for purpose of life. If someone tells you with this course, book, or program you will discover purpose within a week or month, then trust me, it’s wrong and you should not trust this person. It’s will take time, courage, focus, and hard work. But one thing is sure: that you will enjoy the process and hustle of finding your true self and purpose. So get ready and let jump into the process and guide to finding your life’s purpose.
How To Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life?
We all are part of the big universe. And it’s clear that we are not just living our lives for ourselves, but we have something to do with the surrounding universe. So our purpose is not to make money for ourselves or make ourselves powerful, although it’s also necessary, there is something big purpose and meaning connected with us, which fulfilling will give us happiness and peace. Here are tips and steps that will help you in finding the true meaning and purpose of life. 1. Self-discovery and awareness
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  It’s the begging of your journey. Without self-awareness, you will never find your life’s purpose and meaning. You have to understand your own nature, personality, and discover your hidden talent, potential strengths, and weakness. With self-discovery, you will find the true meaning of your life. Self-awareness will give you clues and hints of how to find talent, how to find passion, how to be the best at something, and how to serve others. Self-awareness will be your light on the path of finding your life’s purpose. 2. Find Time for Yourself Our life true journey begins when we listen to our inner voices and sounds. We have to listen to these voices with the ear of our minds. Every day in the morning or evening you have to specify some time for yourself-talking and reflection. Just find a quiet place and sit there with closed eyes for at least 10 minutes. Soon you will start responding and connecting with your inner world. It will take time, but slowly, and slowly you will understand the meaning and clues to your true life purpose. 3. Embrace the Changes and challenges You will never find your life purpose just playing in your comfort zone. For a purpose, you have to change yourself by facing challenges, doing uncomfortable tasks, and make sacrifices by facing fear. But most of the people just do the jobs or work that they don’t like, even so, they are not planning to get out of this circle. Because they have a habit of playing the safe zone. They avoid danger or fear. And so they spend all their lives just following their boss’s orders. Getting out of your comfort zone will be a little hard in the begging, but when you start enjoying the process and adventure of changes and challenges, then you will never think of playing in the safe zone. 4. Focus On the Present Moments
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  In order to understand the true purpose of life, we have to build the habit of staying focus on the present moment. All long-term goals are important, but ignoring the present means ignoring the long-term goal and so purpose. For a meaningful life, we have to start living in the moments and it’s because we have just control over our present, and not over the future and past. Just controlling your moments gives you control over your future and life. 5. Learning New Things Learning new things, skills, and trying will give you guidance and a path that will be directed to your life’s purpose. You can’t just find your life purpose in your repeated daily job. For a life purpose, you have to try different things in life. 6. Things that Gives You Pleasure and Energy When you love something, then it will not make you tired, but it will give you energy and power. It will not bore you, but the more time you spend in it, the more passionate you will become about it. These tasks are your dream jobs and goals. Make a list of all such things and try all such things that will help you in finding the true meaning of life. 7. List of Your Skills and Passion   This exercise helped many people. Just make a list of skills and things that you are good at and have experienced about it. Now, make a list of things that you are passionate about. Now, checked the thing is matching and try these things. These jobs and tasks will give you the purpose of life. 8. Career & Profession We, humans, are living things, and we all have some basic needs that we have to fulfill for living. For a living, we have to work and make money to get resources. Back in the day, people used to have hard jobs for making their living but now in the internet’s age, it’s really easy to find work and make a better living. And so the days of hard job and hustle are gone. Today we all have thousands of opportunities around to make money and fulfill our life needs. We don’t need to choose the career path that hurts our heart, our mind, and our inner life. If you are doing so, you are on the wrong path. We have to choose the career and profession that according to our inner sound and person. Job and business that gives a kick and energy for life. Don’t just choose the career and business for money, but for your purpose and meaning. 9. Helping Others in Society As already mentioned that our life purpose is not just to make money for ourselves but we are part of a universe. We can find meaning and purpose in life by serving society. By giving back to society, you will find your true happiness and peace. The service to the community will give you the mindset of abundance and gratitude. You will see blessings and prosperity all around your life. Giving Back to society doesn’t mean just money, but you can deliver it in whatever thing and whatever way you want and you can. Teach to students for free, give free food, arrange plots for the homeless, create and find jobs for unemployed people. You can give to charity for research and development. And the list goes on. And I believe that serving and helping others is our true meaning of life. 10. Your belief system Your belief system play important role in your life’s purpose and meaning. And it’s because of all your choices and decisions are based on your belief. It creates your mindset and perspective in your life, which creates your goals and future. Creating strong and true beliefs and then staying loyal to them will help truly us in finding the true meaning of life. Conclusion; Life is continuous, process, and Journey. It’s the name of change. For finding your life’s purpose and meaning, you have to change and improve yourself. By changing and improving yourself, you will find the correct path and purpose of your life. Learn here more about self-improvement and growth in lifestyle. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life? ( 10 Steps to Finding Your Purpose)
How To Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life? ( 10 Steps to Finding Your Purpose)
Purpose of Life God created every person on the earth with purpose and meaning. Full of talent and potential. No one is worthless or useless. We all change and achieve great things in life. But for any success and goal to achieve, we have to know about it and the same is the case about life. For getting success, abundance, wealth, happiness, and prosperity we have to know about the purpose of…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Live a Successful Life? ( 9 Key Principles )
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There is an old saying that “The great secret of success is that there are no secrets to success”. It means that  “Success” is possible for everyone and everywhere on the face of the earth. Success is different for different people. Some people want to be rich, while others want to build a business. Some want to create art, while others want to be famous. Some just to achieve happiness, while others want to build a happy relationship. Whatever is your success picture, It’s a just normal thing, and we all can find it. There are some disciplines and principles to follow to get success in life. But first, Just remember one thing, to achieve success in life, there will be problems in your path and life. But you have to take these problems like adventures. Because every adventure is a problem at the start. When you take problems like adventures and instead of running from them, you keep working and facing them, then you will be unstoppable in life. You will take control of your life because you can solve can problems in your life. In this post, I Am going to share a list of 9 essential and key principles that will help you in getting any goal and objective in life. These principles will help you in living a Successful Life.
9 Key Principles To Live a Successful Life;
1. We all have unlimited Talent and potential God created all with full talent and potential. And it’s our duty to find our core talent and strength. It’s our duty to polish our strengths and makes our life unique and get all that we want to achieve. Most people are unsuccessful, not because of a lack of resources or talent, but they are because they don’t know their talent and strengths. They don’t know their self-worth and value. For achieving success, you have to believe and invest in your self-worth, and then you will create ways to reach your goals in life. 2. Clear Purpose and Why If you don’t know your destination and goal in life, then how you will achieve it. Creating and knowing your life purpose based on your talent and strengths are the greatest principles for success. 3. Positive Attitude Success is not a thing that happens to you, but you have to work for it. And work with the attitude and vision that you can get all. An attitude of the belief that nothing will stop you from being successful. There will be problems and obstacles, but you have to learn from them and keep moving forward. You have to keep the attitude that nothing great and extraordinary is easy, and so you have to be ready for sacrifices. 4. Daily Learning Something New Everyday life is changing, and with the changing world, we have to change ourselves. We have to acquire new knowledge and learn new skills for getting opportunities in the changing world. We have to keep updating our skills and knowledge for future challenges and obstacles. 5. Execution Change Results Creating big ideas and vision is great, but results are only possible with action and execution. Action brings results, and results will bring rewards. 6. Everyday Matters Success is not one day or one-night game, but it’s the game of a lifetime. And our life made of days. So your daily success means your life success. Getting goals and success in life, we have to focus on daily success and not future success. Just plan for your every day and complete all the tasks and to-do list for that day. One day’s success means one step closer to your success. 7. Money is Important Money is not everything, but it’s important. It’s important for getting any success in life. Its foundation source for getting all sources for success in life. 8. Listen to Your Guts In life there will always, people who will tell you, don’t do this, don’t start it, it is too dangerous, it’s hard, so many people fail here and blah blah… But you have to listen and believe in your inner voice and guts. Never let other people’s opinions stop you from what you want to achieve. It’s your life, and you're responsible for kinds of wins and failures. And you have to take the steps according to your own skill and talent, knowledge, and belief. 9. Learning from Mentors and Coaches This one is the smart principle and the secret to success. Learning from mentors and Gurus of the field, in which you want to succeed, is a short and smart way to get it. Following the steps of other successful people will stop making mistakes. The steps of successful people will not only stop you from mistakes but also save you a lot of energy, talent, and resources that can be used in more creativity and productivity. Conclusion; There is no secret to a successful life but self-awareness and self-worth. Finding your purpose, setting clear goals, planning, getting knowledge, and following the footsteps of mentors is key for getting any success in life. Learn here more about success and self-improvement. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Live a Successful Life? ( 9 Key Principles )
How To Live a Successful Life? ( 9 Key Principles )
There is an old saying that “The great secret of success is that there are no secrets to success”. It means that  “Success” is possible for everyone and everywhere on the face of the earth. Success is different for different people. Some people want to be rich, while others want to build a business. Some want to create art, while others want to be famous. Some just to achieve happiness, while…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
Improve 10 Key Areas of Life and Live The Best Life
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Most people in today’s world think of wealth and material things as a sign of success and happiness. And therefore all people are in a rush of making many, and getting big cars, big houses. And after getting all the shiny materials things, they feel empty from inside. From the inner side, they think that there is something is missing in their life. And it’s because they just worked on one or two areas of life. But actually, we have to keep the balance and improve every area of life. In this post, I am going to share a list of 10 important areas of life. For growth, success, and happens we have to improve and work in all the areas of life.
Improve 10 Key Areas of Life and Live The Best Life;
1. Physical Health Well, no one can enjoy life with poor health, and therefore for a happy and great life, we have to give importance to our physical health. With great physical health, you will not only feel strong and look smart, but it will also improve your productivity and creativity. The secret guide and formula to physical health are really simple. A half-hour daily exercise, eating balanced diet food, and a good night’s sleep of 7 to 8 hours, will keep you healthy, strong, and productive. 2. Mindset and Emotions Our mindset and emotions are the foundation for making choices, taking actions, and getting results in life. You have to work on your thoughts' system, emotions, and Intellectual wisdom, which will help you in taking the control of your life. And turn every area of life into a masterpiece of art and glory. 3. Character and Self-awareness Self-awareness means knowing and working on your strengths and weaknesses. And based on your self-awareness, developing a strong and solid character. The process of self-discovery and character building will help in high self-esteem, confidence, and self-sufficiency. And you will face the world’s challenges and changes with an open heart and a smiling face. 4. Family Family turns our home into heaven on the earth. Despite that, many people ignore the family and stay busy in the rush of getting rich and making money. Spending time with parents, spouses, kids, and friends will feel you special, and will keep you accountable. And gives you the inner genuine joy and happiness for life. 5. Career and Work Our life 75% of the time we spend in the career and work and therefore proper care should be taken in choosing the career and work for life. There is an old expression that a lucky person is one who has a single passion and profession. But unfortunately, most people choose a career and work based on money-making potential and ignoring their own personality type and behaviors. And after getting a lot of money they feel stress, depression, and unhappiness within themselves. First, we have to choose the career and work based on our talent, potential, and strengths. And also consistently keep developing and improving ourselves and our skills with time. 6. Finance and wealth Making money is hard, but money management is harder than making money. You don’t have to spend all your money just on eating, and clothing, or just looking cool to make other people jealous in society. But you have to keep some money for bad times, save some money for the family, save some for helping others, and also save only for investing. With this approach to money, you will be in control of your finances and will live the best lifestyle. 7. Helping and Giving Back Helping and giving back to society like Bill Gates, Ware buffet, etc. will give you true inner happiness and pleasure for life. We all want to be happy, but our true happen starts with helping and keeping other people happy. Just giving and contributing to society in any form like charity, food, research and development, houses, etc. will give true peace and happiness. 8. Spirituality Finding and working your spirituality is also an important part of our life because through spirituality you will attract the abundance and positivity in life. Spirituality will help you in developing an attitude of gratitude and will connect you with your life’s purpose and vision. Without spirituality, you will have no value for your life, time, and people around you. You will live a life with no destination and direction. 9. Romance Relationships and romance are an important part of our body, soul, and life. Through romance, we feel and share emotions and exchange energy. Romance keeps the people a close and strong bond of relationship. 10. Purpose and Legacy Purpose, impact, vision, and legacy should be the core purpose of our day-to-day life. We have built and set the big picture and purpose for life, and every day we have to work on our specific purpose and mission for life. The life purpose will give us motivation, energy, and courage to make sacrifices and build a life or legacy. Conclusion. Our true happiness and success start with keeping the balance. Keeping the balance and keep working and improving all areas of life. Learn here more about happiness and self-improvement. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
Improve 10 Key Areas of Life and Live The Best Life
Improve 10 Key Areas of Life and Live The Best Life
Most people in today’s world think of wealth and material things as a sign of success and happiness. And therefore all people are in a rush of making many, and getting big cars, big houses. And after getting all the shiny materials things, they feel empty from inside. From the inner side, they think that there is something is missing in their life. And it’s because they just worked on one or two…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Write a Good Article? ( 9 Tips for Writing a Good Article )
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A Good Article
A good article is one that fulfills the need and wants of the user. In other words, A article that gives information and solves the problem of the visitors. Easy structure with fresh and relevant content will make your article unique and standing from the crowd and competition. Writing good articles and blog posts is important because I will improve your blog or website authority and branding. It will bring more business, more followers, and more profit to the business. As a ghostwriter or freelance writer, your Good articles will improve your rating, and you will gain more customers and will earn more money. But there is one big problem with articles and its search engine ranking. It doesn't matter how good and valuable is your article content, if your user can’t find your article online, then it is useless for the users and for your business. Millions of articles and blog posts are published, every day online, and you have to make your blog unique and different from these blog posts, so the search engine can rank your article. Before writing a good article, you have to create content that will fulfill search engine needs and demands. You have to structure and optimized the content that the user will find it easily online. In this post, I am going to share a list of 9 Tips on How To Write a Good Article. But before this check the infographic for 6 Things SEO Based Article  Must-Have for Search Engine Ranking.    
9 Tips for Writing a Good Article;
1. Build the Article in Proper Structure An article with the proper structure of introduction, body, and conclusion will make the user’s work easy. And will persuade them to read the full article. Start your article with an introduction about the topic, some states, data, and results. Then build the body based on headings and subheadings. Using headings and subheadings will boost reader confidence and will help in smoothly understanding of idea and content. And the final conclusion of the article with call-to-action will keep the user interacting with your content and information. 2. Make Your Article Easy and Relevant To User As a content writer, you are a problem solver, and therefore with your content, you need to make the user life easy and valuable. And that’s only possible with writing content that is easy to understand, direct, and relevant to the needs of users. Using brief paragraphs and sentences will improve user understanding and interest in your content. Don’t make your article length for being lengthy. Just use the word and sentences that are useful for users, and avoid extra sentences and paragraphs. Lengthy, complex articles and paragraphs Will confuse your users. And they will bounce back from your article and will miss the key point from the content. So always keep your article simple and relevant to the search and needs of your users. 3. Tell a Story/Share Experiences Storytelling is a great way to get users’ attention and keep them interested in your content. Sharing your personal experience, good or bad, about the topic in the story will attract user attention and will help in a better understanding of the topic. Content with the story and personal experience will not improve user understanding, but also give them motivation and inspiration for taking action on the information and solving the problems. 4. Use Proven Data and Statics With Proper Research Research should be an important part of your article writing process. With research, you will get the point, data, facts, results, and statics that will improve your content authority and vulnerability. Effective research will not improve your knowledge about the topic but also will give you an idea of what information will be important for the user and what kind of information to avoid or exclude from the article. You can use Google, Bing, Google Scholar, and statists for research and data collection. Just remember one thing, user only trusts your data and statics if you linked back to these pages and websites from where you take the data. This will not help search engine ranking but also make your content trustworthy. 5. Reading and Reading, and Writing Writing is an art and skill, and you can only improve a skill by getting the right kind of knowledge, and then practicing on this knowledge. For good article writing, you have to read outstanding books, magazine posts, and a lot of other blog posts by experts. It will help you in understanding the structure, style, and will increase your vocabulary. With good reading, you also need to practice writing. You need to write at least 700 to 1000 words daily in the morning on any topic. This practice will improve your mind flow with the pen and will help in building your writing style and voice. The more you read and practice writing, the more creative and fluent you will become in writing articles and blog posts. 6. Write in Distraction-Free Environment For writing good and creative content, you have to think and use imagination, and it’s only possible in a distraction-free environment. Avoiding distractions like social media or cell phone, etc while writing will not only improve your focus and creativity but also keep you productive, and you will create a lot of amazing content in less time. 7. Focus On One topic and Idea/Problem in One Article Talking too many topics in one article will confuse and disinterest in the user, and they will not get what they want to get from your topic. Just link to other related topics, but never talk and explain about 2 or 3 topics in one blog post and article. Focus on one major topic with full details and data. Focus on one topic will give you focus and will improve your productivity and will fast your writing process. 8. Avoid Grammar Mistakes by Using Tools Like Grammarly and LanguageTool Mistakes are part of our nature, and sometimes it’s really hard to find our own writing mistakes. To avoid spelling and grammar mistakes, you need to use the tools like Grammarly and LanguageTool. These tools will help in spell checking, grammar mistakes, pronunciation, and other writing-related mistakes. Using smart tools and technology will make your writing process fast and more productive. 9. Edit and Proofread Again and again After completing the article, take some time off and come back with the first mind to edit. Edit your article content at least three times, and then proofread your article. Before publishing, make sure that your article is mistakes-free and Simple, and related to the major topic of the article. Remove all the sentences that are not related to the key idea and topic of the article. Conclusion. The first step for writing a good article is to write the article according to the need and problems of your users and readers. Create and include the content that will help your users, and users will love to share your content with other people. Writing a great article is easy, but you need to practice and practice and practice. The more you read and practice, the more specific and effective your article writing becomes with time. Learn here more about blogging and article writing. Read the full article
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income-throne · 4 years ago
How To Write a Good Article? ( 9 Tips for Writing a Good Article )
How To Write a Good Article? ( 9 Tips for Writing a Good Article )
A Good Article A good article is one that fulfills the need and wants of the user. In other words, A article that gives information and solves the problem of the visitors. Easy structure with fresh and relevant content will make your article unique and standing from the crowd and competition. Writing good articles and blog posts is important because I will improve your blog or website authority…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
10 Tips for Entrepreneurs To Be Successful ( Successful Start-Up of Business Adventure )
10 Tips for Entrepreneurs To Be Successful ( Successful Start-Up of Business Adventure )
Entrepreneur Business and entrepreneurship are for anyone, at any age, with any skills and expertise. It’s never late to start your own business and be a successful entrepreneur. But there is a study and research that 90% 0f the start-up entrepreneur gives up and fails in the first five years of start-up adventure and business. And the big reason for failings is a lack of planning and strategy.…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
19 Effective Strategies for Business Success and Growth (Take Your Business to The Next Level)
19 Effective Strategies for Business Success and Growth (Take Your Business to The Next Level)
According to Simon Sinek, “Business is an infinite game and continuous process. But if you are playing this game with finite rules like just focusing on sales and profit for one quarter or a year, then you and your business will lose in the long run.” Business and entrepreneurship are not just about looking cool, making money, being self-boss, or digital world-famous getting freedom. But it’s all…
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income-throne · 4 years ago
8 Types of Wealth (Live a Good Life by Investing in 8 Forms of Wealth)
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Types of Wealth
When we listen to the word wealth, our mind directly jumps over money, finance, and getting rich. But actually, money is just one form, element, or area of our life. In actual life, there are several other things and elements that play an important role in our success in life. Studies and research say that there are 8 forms and types of wealth (money, including). And so we have to work and focus equally on all forms of wealth. Just focusing on one money element and ignoring the other type of wealth means you are Just driving your life with one Tyre. And so reaching your destination is not only impossible but also your journey will be full of hardships and obstacles. To build and create success and happy life, we have to invest in all forms of life. In this post, I am going over 8 forms and types of wealth. And how to invest in these types of wealth to make your life successful.
Invest in 8 Types of Wealth;
1. Health is Wealth First thing, if you are not healthy, then creating a successful life, even just getting rich is really hard. And okay, you got money, but if you are not healthy, how you will enjoy life being rich. You will spend money on medicine, doctors, and hospital bills. And keeping yourself healthy is easy. Just a good 7-8 hours of sleep, a lot of water, balanced diet food, and a half-hour daily exercise will keep you healthy for life. Being healthy, you not only enjoy your life but also help in productivity and creativity. It improves your stamina, energy, and focus. But if you can’t make a half-hour time for your health in 24 hours, then getting success is truly hard for you. 2. Knowledge and Wisdom is wealth Knowledge about your career, business, profession, environment, nation, community, network, family, etc. is the greatest of the wealth. Wisdom and Knowledge are your gateways to your other wins and successes in life. Without knowledge and wisdom, your life will be full of obstacles and problems. And it will badly affect your social, economic, and inner life. 3. Beautiful Inner Life is Wealth Our inner life is the mixture of our self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, wisdom, thinking, Belief, and self-awareness. Our outer world is a picture of our inner life. And so creating a beautiful outer world, we have to invest and make our inner life rich and beautiful. 4. Family is Wealth Our family is our home in heaven. It gives us happiness, inner joy, confidence, and responsibility. Looking over parents, siblings, spouses, and kids’ moments of wealth and riches. Just focusing on material things and ignoring your family keeps you empathy from within. You never feel the pleasure and peace in material things, when you are disconnected from your family. 5. Career and Profession is wealth There is an old saying that lucky people are those whose passion and profession are one. And so always choose the career and profession based on your talent, potential, and passion. Just creating a distinguished career creates a lot of opportunities for you. To be successful in life, you have to invest and continuously improve your skillet. And master your profession and career to a higher level. 6. Finance is Wealth No one can ignore the importance of money. And money is a source engine like your mindset of creating and building a successful life. There is an old saying that managing money is harder than making money. And 100% true. You will make $1000 from one job or work for a month. But if you don’t know how to manage money, then within the week your hands and pockets will be empty. You need to learn how to save, invest, spend on lifestyle, family, career, and business to build a successful life. 7. Your Circle of People is Wealth Our mindset, perspective, and thinking are an average of the people in the network and circle. You consume information, ideas, mindset, and are inspired by the people in your circle. Choosing the circle and network of successful and great people will prepare you for greater success and happiness in life. 8. Serving and Creating value is Wealth We are part of the universe, and so we need not only to focus on ourselves. But have to help and add value to others. Serving others is the gateway to blessings and gratitude. Helping others will feel us grateful for the things we have and give us inner peace and happiness. It will make us feel special and thankful to God for the power of creativity and wisdom. Conclusion. We all have unlimited talent and the potential to create an amazing life. But to create a great and successful life we have to work on all areas types of wealth. Learn here more about Self-improvement and a Happy lifestyle. Read the full article
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