Mainly Photos I Have Taken Over the Years...
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thorsenmark · 4 hours ago
Find Your Next Adventure in Mesa Verde National Park
Find Your Next Adventure in Mesa Verde National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the northeast while taking in views across Fewkes Canyon to the cliff dwellings present in this part of Mesa Verde National Park. This was while on the 700 Years Tour with an overlook view from the Sun Point View. What I wanted to do in composing this image was to find a medium focal length in centering the cliff dwelling off in the distance, while still including enough of the surrounding national park landscape to add to the setting in the image. Metering the image properly was one thing I had to keep in mind in not blowing any of the highlights in those portions of the setting caught in sunlight while still being able to pull the more shadowed areas behind the cliff walls later in post-production without any color cast.
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thorsenmark · 4 hours ago
Life on the Waters of Biscayne National Park
Life on the Waters of Biscayne National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While on a boat tour with the Biscayne National Park Institute. This setting is looking to the northeast across the waters of Biscayne Bay to Adams Key with a lone heron hanging out on top of some roots of mangrove trees. My thought in composing this image had been to zoom in as much as I could while still including some of the nearby trees to add to this setting. I liked the idea of the mangroves stretching across the image and then centering the heron amongst those mangroves.
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thorsenmark · 1 day ago
Two Airplanes in the Skies Above Northern Virginia
Two Airplanes in the Skies Above Northern Virginia by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While in a parking lot in the Chantilly, Virginia, area that happened to be lined up with airplanes landing at Washington Dulles Airport. The view is looking to the east-northeast to a United Airlines airplane getting ready to land. But what really drew me into this image was the second airplane far off in the distance. It was as if the planes were stacked up and coming in one after the other, maybe a minute apart.
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thorsenmark · 1 day ago
There is nothing quite like the magic of seeing dandelions on a spring day :-) #Austin #AustinTexas #ATX #Dandelions #dandelion #iPhone #Photography #ShotOniPhone #morningstroll
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thorsenmark · 2 days ago
It Isn’t Hard to Find Beautiful Places in Biscayne National Park!
It Isn’t Hard to Find Beautiful Places in Biscayne National Park! by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While walking along a hiking trail with an opening amongst some nearby mangrove trees to the blue waters of Biscayne Bay. The setting is to the north-northwest on Boca Chita Key in Biscayne National Park. My thought in composing this image had been to take advantage of this opening in the mangrove trees and use it to frame a setting with a look beyond. I wanted to keep the horizon more or less centered in the image and create a balance with the blue skies and clouds and that of the blue waters of Biscayne Bay. I later worked with control points in DxO PhotoLab 8 and then made some adjustments to bring out the contrast, saturation and brightness I wanted for the final image.
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thorsenmark · 2 days ago
Lassen Peak Beyond a Nearby Forest of Wildfire Affected Trees
Lassen Peak Beyond a Nearby Forest of Wildfire Affected Trees by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pullout along the Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway (California State Route 89) in Lassen National Forest. The setting is with a view to the north-northeast with a wildfire damaged forest (Dixie Fire) and Lassen Peak from the national park as a distant backdrop. My thought on composition was to work the angles to first find a gap so that I could have more or less unobstructed view to the mountain peak off the distance. Another was to include as much of the tall trees to my front with some blue sky space around. I didn't want to have the tops of the trees cut off at the upper portion of the image. I felt having a wider angle view would bring out more of a sense of grandeur with this forest and mountain beauty.
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thorsenmark · 3 days ago
Mountain Solitude in Death Valley National Park
Mountain Solitude in Death Valley National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pullout along Artists Dr in Death Valley National Park with a view looking to the west-southwest to a nearby hillside and then more distant ridges and peaks of the Panamint Range. My thought on composing this image was to capture a layered look that came about from the contrast of colors on the nearby and then more distant ridges. Nearby was the darker colored hillside and ridge, while the mountains off in the distance had more of a bluer hue, along the snowcapped peaks. I later worked with control points in DxO PhotoLab 6 and then made some adjustments to bring out the contrast, saturation and brightness I wanted for the final image.
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thorsenmark · 3 days ago
Guest Watchings of Tangle Falls (Jasper National Park)
Guest Watchings of Tangle Falls (Jasper National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: At the Tangle Creek Falls with a view looking to the northeast to the namesake waterfalls, This is along the Icefields Parkway in Jasper National Park.
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thorsenmark · 4 days ago
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Since I moved downtown about 20 some odd years ago, I’ve had a chance to walk many of the street and neighborhoods around where I live. It’s always nice to take a different route and discover something new 🙂 #Austin #AustinTexas #ATX #iPhone #iPhonePhotography #ShotOniPhone #MorningStroll #outwalkingthedog #OutWalkingJosie #happysunday☺️ #DowntownAustin #AustinSkyline #tallbuildings
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thorsenmark · 4 days ago
Downtown Austin Bus Stop
Downtown Austin Bus Stop by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: I waited at a bus stop on a Friday afternoon Above me were the wisps of white across a blue sky backdrop Cars rushed by on a seemingly hurried day But I just stood and waited, enjoying a spring breeze I won’t be here tomorrow to watch the world pass by.
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thorsenmark · 4 days ago
An Embrace of Green, Nature’s Haven (Shenandoah National Park)
An Embrace of Green, Nature’s Haven (Shenandoah National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the north-northeast while taking in views across a grassy meadow to a black bear that was grazing in the early afternoon sunlight. This was in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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thorsenmark · 5 days ago
Birds of a Feather Flock in Biscayne National Park
Birds of a Feather Flock in Biscayne National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the north-northwest across the waters of Biscayne Bay to a nearby area that some birds (seagulls, double-crested cormorant, and others) were hanging out one morning. This is in Biscayne National Park while on the Heritage Of Biscayne Cruise done by the national park institute. My thought on composing this image was to zoom in with the focal length and have this dried up land area (abandoned part of the walkway destroyed years prior from a hurricane) fill the area from edge to edge with the birds. I captured several images there, but this one with anhinga and its wings spread out caught my attention of the entire set. I later worked with control points in DxO PhotoLab 8 and then made some adjustments to bring out the contrast, saturation and brightness I wanted for the final image.
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thorsenmark · 5 days ago
A Morning Hello with Mount Shasta
A Morning Hello with Mount Shasta by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While enjoying the panoramic views at the Castle Crag Lookout with Mount Shasta visible to the north-northeast. I was definitely captivated by the breathtaking scenery at this picturesque location which is situated within the boundaries of Castle Crags State Park. One aspect that drew me into this setting was the framing provided by the nearby evergreen trees with Mount Shasta far off in the distance. To enhance the grandeur of the image, I adjusted the angle of my Nikon Z8 Mirrorless Camera slightly downward, thereby bringing the mountain peak slightly higher into the frame.
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thorsenmark · 6 days ago
All of Us Enjoying a Walk at Badwater Basin (Badwater Basin National Park)
All of Us Enjoying a Walk at Badwater Basin (Badwater Basin National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While walking along the hardpacked walkway at Badwater Basin with a view looking to the east. This location is in Death Valley National Park. My thought on composing this image was a few things. One was to capture the people enjoying part of a day in a national park with that #FindYourPark feeling. Another was the capture of the mountainside looking up to Dantes View where I had been earlier that morning. The last would require some pixel peeping on the mountainside, a little ways but almost center with the sea level sign.
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thorsenmark · 6 days ago
Ridges and Peaks of Caldron Peak and Mount Patterson (Banff National Park)
Ridges and Peaks of Caldron Peak and Mount Patterson (Banff National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at the Peyto Lake Overlook with a view looking to the west to the Peyto Lake and then more distant parks and ridges with Caldron Peak and Mount Patterson. This is along the Icefields Parkway in Banff National Park.
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thorsenmark · 7 days ago
Remembering a Friday in Biscayne National Park
Remembering a Friday in Biscayne National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: I captured this image while walking along the shoreline of Boca Chita Key Beach with a view looking to the northeast. This is located in Biscayne National Park. My thought on composing this image had been to angle my Nikon Z8 Mirrorless Camera slightly downward and capture a sweeping view looking across the shoreline to the nearby blue waters and other unnamed keys in this part of southern Florida. One additional thing I did notice as part of composing this image was the sole heron present in the waters near one of the mangrove tree areas. A few minutes later, flight of pelicans would come over to add to the birding setting in this national park.
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thorsenmark · 7 days ago
Mountain Paradise Along the Blue Ridge Parkway
Mountain Paradise Along the Blue Ridge Parkway by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pullout along the Blue Ridge Parkway with a view looking to the northwest to ridges and peaks of the Northern Blue Ridge. This is at Bald Mountain Overlook with Knob of Rocks, Bare Mountain, and Cellar Mountain being the more prominent points of interest present (according to the PeakVisor app on my iPhone).
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