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chadnapier · 2 months ago
If this video finds you, remember that you are the master of your life! Take control and create the life you deserve. #abundancemindset #abundance #youareincontrol
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chenelno1 · 2 years ago
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This one really hit me hard.
#chenelno1 #positivethoughts #differencemaker #youareincontrol #quoteoftheday2023
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johnpederson441 · 2 years ago
Daily Meditations 04-17-2023 YouVersion Bible.com App + Audio #YouVersion #CapCut #ZapSplat #Breathe #HonourGOD #HumbleYourselves #MightyHandOfGOD #Community #Faith #LifeInJESUS #YOUAreInControl #Selah
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spirituallyverified · 2 years ago
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✨The Universe responds to your frequency ✨ Follow| SpirituallyVerified #frequency #spiritualawakening #spirituality #youareincontrol #trusttheprocess #peaceofmind #highvibrations #positivevibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtSjThurV2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oneskytwobirds · 4 years ago
Follow your passion — and if you don’t know what it is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it.
Oprah Winfrey
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csmartin91 · 4 years ago
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Good afternoon! Today I really want to encourage you to just start! Start working towards your dreams and goals! It doesn’t matter how small the first step is, you just have to start to get the momentum going! •Start writing a business plan •Start doing push-ups right away in the morning •Start saving your money Start doing one thing today that your future self will thank you for! You are in control of your life! You have the power and ability to create the life you want to live! • • • • • • • • • #motivationmonday #affirmationscoffee #motivation #monday #motivationalquotes #quotes #encouragement #start #great #youareincontrol #youareincontrolofyourlife #life #dreams #goals #juststart #entrepreneur #startup #smallbusiness #smallbiz #business #smallbusinessowner #supportsmallbusiness #affirmations #affirmation #dailyaffirmation #lifecoach #dailyaffirmations #coffeeshop #coffee https://www.instagram.com/p/CObAr3vpn3i/?igshid=w0bmdyue2hs9
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tnargrant · 4 years ago
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Your trauma and/or unhappiness doesn't give you a pass. Get it together. #easiersaidthandone #fundamentalattributionerror #fallacy #takeaccountability #noexcuses #takeresponsibility #accountability #youareincontrol #sometimesyouaretheproblem #stopplayingthevictim #youaretheproblem #glitch #glitchart #typography #selfimprovement #psychology https://www.instagram.com/p/CTVOO7VPig-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blackoutthewhiteout · 4 years ago
Be Easy! #youareincontrol #flow #bestday #greatday #intentions #accomplish #enjoylife #relax #breathe #youare #ism #quantumphysics #mantra #affirmations https://www.instagram.com/p/CEwg-CmDFSH/?igshid=16qpzpirwg0af
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dbillion · 5 years ago
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You can be a burning beauty, an inspiration to the generation around you. Every-day can be a plus, though a burning flower in reality means certain death😂 for the plant. Let the metophoric beauty be your constant reminder that you are more than the ordinary self people see you as.
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etherealauralite · 6 years ago
Things will get better
That job that’s not all you expected it to be? It’ll get better, and weeks to months from now, you’ll look back on how strong you were-dealing with such bull on a daily basis.
That school that you worked so hard to get into isn’t as fun as you pictured? It’ll get better. And you’ll start to notice little changes here and there that soon become big changes, and you’ll wonder why you even doubted things.
That new medication you’re on that’s giving you crazy side effects? It’ll get better. Your body will need time to get used to such changes, and in a few months time, you’ll see and feel a difference.
But it’s not all about time, for time doesn’t heal. What you do with that time is what will heal you. You cannot sit around and hope things magically change. You’ve got to inquire about things so you can understand how to fix them. You have to toughen up emotionally and realize that no matter what fool proof plan you have will still take time. You have to tell yourself every day that you are worth everything in the world and that this pain is only temporary. So you see, time does not heal you. You heal you.
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pbcnita · 5 years ago
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Abundance flows through me and to me! 👸🏾🤗👑 How you use your mind directs the energy around you, now look at your life... #howsitlooking #openyourthirdeye #balanceyourhead #focusedintention #cleanseandclear #ori #strengthisrequired #theresabiggerpicture #youvegottawantmore #reprogramyourmind #nomoreexcuses #youareincontrol #youarethesource #changeyourthoughtprocess #workisrequired #awakenspiritually #everythingearnednothinggiven #asabovesobelow #aswithinsowithout #spiritiseternal #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #itstimetowakeup #godputyourhelpcloserthanyouthink #wehavethepowertochangeourcircumstance #theancestorsways #wearespirifirst #energyneverdies #callyourpowerbacktoyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B8zdofcnX9Z/?igshid=1v3iqa1l7erus
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noorfarooqi · 5 years ago
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Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. ~ Napoleon Hill⁣ ⁣ #victory #life #happiness #value #valueyourself #thinkpositive #bepositive #thinkbig #achieve #blessings #newmindset #liveyourpurpose #youareincontrol #changeyourlife #takecontrolofyourlife #lifequote #sayings #shams #shamsalfarooqi #shamslovesyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qiBfogTh1/?igshid=1uswjp9n1pvgj
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jacobeblack · 6 years ago
With the bad comes the good
So as you may or may not know, I recently when through what we will call “a minor mental breakdown” after my fiancé cheated on me a little over a year ago. Now that I’m finally getting back to feeling like myself again, with the help of a few fantastic mental health professionals my loving family and amazing friends, I thought I’d share with you guys all the things I did to myself during this time in true post breakup girl style.
These things include but are not limited to
* Losing almost 20LBs/9kg
* Deciding bangs where the way to go
* Getting 3 new tattoos
* Becoming my 16 year old sisters legal guardian so she didn’t have to live in a homeless shelter
* 3 new piercings
* Creating a daily meditation schedule which is the best thing I’ve ever done
* Redecorating my entire apartment
* Started my application to become a paramedic
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The point in the post is to highlight the fact that although sometimes life throws you in the deep end and it seems like there’s no way out of the water, it’s your life and it’s up to you to change it for the better however you go about that, start with confiding in a friend, take up a new hobby or simply shove a needle through some part of you body just because it makes you feel good about yourself
Love yourself you are important and loved ❤️❤️
Any of my followers need any kind of support or just a friend my inbox is open always
Lots of love Lauren 🥰🥰
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csmartin91 · 5 years ago
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Good afternoon! Hope you are having a wonderful week! I want to encourage you to take a moment and pause, think about what you are doing right now, and ask yourself “does this help me create the life I want to live?” I’m all about living the life I WANT to live, not one that I HAVE to live. You are in control of your life and the choices you make today affect your life tomorrow. Are you actively working on the creating the life you want? Or just going through life passively hoping that what you want to happen does? Take a moment today and think about where you are, and then think about the decisions you have to make to get to that place! If you want, actually have a dreaming session with yourself and right down the life you want. Get a clear high definition picture of that life. You can take that dream and turn it into a reality, but you need to put in the work and effort to make it happen! You can create the life you want to live, I believe in you! You are awesome! God knows it, and so should you! #wisdomwednesday #affirmationscoffee #wisdom #wednesday #wisewords #quotes #wordsofwisdom #encouragement #motivation #youareincontrol #youareincontrolofyourlife #entrepreneur #startup #smallbusiness #smallbiz #affirmations #affirmation #dailyaffirmation #dailyaffirmations #lifecoach #financialcoach #picture #yourlife #yourfuture #ibelieveinyou #blog #blogger #author #writer https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpPONfpprF/?igshid=lgl5h0va7tb3
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“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient” ... Steve Maraboli ... #resilient #yourbody #yougotthis #crisispregnancy #youareincontrol #adoptionandfamilysupportcenter #birthmomstrong #lifeisntalwayseasy #whyisthishappening #adoptionmaybe https://www.instagram.com/p/BvbcmqgFSDx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cunalm5ed1u9
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