#you legally cannot refuse to go to war
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gigglesx333 · 11 months ago
The continuous bombardment and the ongoing genocide pose a significant threat to their well-being. What pains me even more is that due to the lack of medications in Gaza, my Mom, who is a type 1 Diabetis patiant and was scheduled for an urgent eye surgery, have had no access to insulin or any medical care for the past 3 months. Some of my family members sought refuge in the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. However, my parents, and sisters have no alternative place to stay, forced to remain in the Nusierat refugee camp, which is now the subject of continuous severe bombardment since christmas started.” Am on my knees requesting for your donations. Please help where possible.
I would love to, I genuinely would. But I don't make enough money to support myself, my pets, and donate. I spread the word and do my daily clicks and if there was an organization for oeaceful protests near me I would join in a heartbeat.
But there aren't. There are no jobs open where I live and businesses are shutting down. I live in a very small baptist and catholic town in the South. I cannot find jobs easily as I'm considered mentally disabled and can't hold a job. But for anyone who sees this I'll be linking charities and irganizations that donate proceeds to Palestine.
Long live Palestine, long live the Arabic and Islamic peoples, and long live my Jewish brothers, sisters, and siblings. May we all find peace.
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canichangemyblogname · 7 months ago
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What in the cognitive-fucking-dissonance??? THEE woman who started the edgy “gay panic killing of a fictional gay man” joke movement is SHOCKED that she attracts and is attracted to homophobes?
You literally joked that if you were Tommy’s boyfriend (Buck), you’d shoot and kill the man for flirting with you. That is a hate crime. That is literally THEE definition of “gay panic.” You’re not the fantastical “wizard spells” blog; you’re the I use “it’s just a joke, bro”-as-a-shield blog.
Y’all literally have anons “keep tabs” on 911 fans who support ABC’s recent decision to add more queer representation into the show, sending y’all asks about what those fans are saying about the show and their favorite characters. And you’re SHOCKED to attract the same obsessive behavior? You’re SHOCKED that you attract toxicity? You’re SHOCKED that you attract other blogs that joke about homophobic violence?
Wizard spells, right? Oh, shit. Actually, it’s a joke about gay panic killing. But it’s still just a joke, right?
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Wizard spells, right?
Actually— capital punishment. For the crime of *checks notes* going on a date with a man and cutting the date short. Didn’t know that death must be the legal consequence for not continuing a bad date.
Still just a joke, right?
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Oh, look— I finally found the “Wizard spells,” among *checks notes* fantasizing about black and brown people murdering a white man, more guns, and… torture. Weird fantasies, man.
But still just a joke, right?
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Wizard spells, right?
Well, I found “curses” and “voodoo” on this next list. Right alongside joking about death by firearm (again), death by execution/capital punishment (again), and—would you look at that—joking about death by AIDS. Joking about a gay character… dying of AIDS. Original.
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How is THIS ^^^ is a step too far for y’all when it’s literally the EXACT same joke? This blog’s violent fantasies and this blog calling Tommy a predator is a step too far, but when you did the same, it wasn’t? Where do you think “edgy” jokes lead? Why do you think so many other blogs on here kept telling you that an “edgy joke” isn’t ever actually an “edgy joke”?
This is the culture you have created. You attract these personalities because you encourage their beliefs and behavior. But rather than own up to that and look critically at how your supposed “jokes” have created a toxic and hostile and truly obsessive and frightening culture, you’d rather ONCE AGAIN all call this a “ship war.”
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There is no ship war. Shut up about the ship war.
There *are* fans who are posting genuinely homophobic and frightening things because they cannot stand that 911 has added another queer couple to the show, and then there are fans who support 911 ABC’s move to expand representation. There *are* fans obsessed with fan fiction fantasies, and then there are fans who simply support canon, on-screen queer representation.
This is so VERY obviously not a ship war. This isn’t “BoBs” vs “Bummys.” This is people who are unable to come to terms with the fact they’ve sold themselves a lie: shipping doesn’t do a damn bit of difference for representation and your obsession isn’t coming true— making it genuinely unsafe to be queer in online 911 spaces.
There is no ship war. “Engaging critically with the internet” means recognizing a pattern of behavior. There is no ship war, but there is a subset of the fandom who refuses to take accountability for what they have encouraged. *You* are the only ones excusing homophobia as “rage bait” and “edgy jokes,” and that’s ultimately the issue. The character is kinda irrelevant when the issue is how you and your followers have so frequently relied on real-world homophobic stereotypes to justify your hate and OOC characterization of a queer character.
911 fans who support the addition of another queer couple and who support Buck’s bi arc have been receiving harassment for months, with other blogs calling them predators, groomers, pedophiles, the n-word, the f-slur, several slurs for women and lesbians, being told to kill themselves, among other things. And you’ve been called—what?—homophobic, racist, sexist?
I know that buddie-stans have also been called out for calling black women “sassy,” for using the mammy trope in your writing, for hypersexualizing Eddie, for harassing the actresses who played previous LIs with misogynistic hate, for writing character-bashing that relies on misogyny, and for NEVER calling this out. Now we can add “vile homophobia” and “frightening violence” to the list.
It’s everyone else’s fault but your own, and yet y’all are the only ones attracting these blogs.
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j0kb0x · 3 months ago
Since guts and blackpowder gives us free range for the characters here’s some personal headcanons for their personalities and lives given you can only psychoanalyze them so much. This is as realistic as I can make it based off surface level psychoanalysis + untrue garbage I made up.
Despite his short temper (Typical brit) Williams is socially inept and shy. Like super timid. That dumb little softboy persona he has going on there shouldn’t be an indicator that he isn’t dangerous. Dude literally got trained as an infantry solider. He doesn’t want to hurt people, in fact, he avoids it when he can. The war is needless to him and he doesn’t understand why they’d draft someone like him — a lowly stableboy who’s quite known in his village for treating his horses and farm animals like his babies. His overly affectionate and polite personality (which came directly from his overbearing mother) has landed him a lot of bullying by his peers. Aforementioned hesitation to the enemy, but to zombies? He’s under the belief they’re from satan himself like the rest of the world. Afraid of them, but feels a spiritual duty to slay God’s enemies.
He’s overly paranoid of Napoleon failing, and holds those french revolutionary beliefs. He wants Napoleon to win, so badly. He really doesn’t want his children living in a world with a stupid monarchy eating better than they do. Jean has no comprehension that maybe Napoleon isn’t the best fit for a country’s leader, in fact he’ll yell at you if you suggest otherwise. His wife died during childbirth and this, coupled with war has hardened him. He has never laid a single hand on his children because his father was deeply abusive, and of course this resulted in a pretty pessimistic, sad, depressed mess of a man. Constantly wanting better and yet fearing the worst. He’s a tough love kind of fatherly friend. Eat your damn rations or you will die. Speaking of which he literally wants to die :D
If this were modern day he’d be legally blind. His clumsiness isn’t the result of stupidity. The direct opposite in fact. He overthinks his job way too much and couple that with his dogshit eyesight, it’s no wonder he has a track record of being the napoleonic war’s personal south park Kenny. If ever a cartoon were made, I could l definitely see him in the background nailing in stakes incorrectly and getting confused as to why it wasn’t as affective as the other sapper’s. He has two sisters back at home and they hate him. They’re pro-monarchy, he isn’t. He raised and took care of these awful pieces of shit. Who were independent thinking teenagers by the time their parents died of sickness. So he couldn’t really influence them even if he tried. He has largely remained non(?) un(?) courted and unmarried his entire life. Hes a huge wine mom induced by stress and if you ever asked him why he never took a wife, he’d start spontaneously crying probably. Sad drunk. Cannot show emotions unless he’s drunk.
Karl / Unnamed Officer:
Selective mutism, ambition.. Way too much ambition. He wants to take down Napoleon himself and even fully believes he’s capable of doing so. Wants to cheat his way above the ranks somehow. He hides this and refuses to reveal his intentions to virtually anyone. Trying to get as close to the general as possible. Not because he agrees with the monarchy thing, but he just wants the fame and glory that comes along with executing him. The other men have horrible tempers but him? Holy. shit. He does not usually act upon his anger but as a wise man once said, “Silence speaks louder than words.” He silently judges those he’s angry at. Could imagine him getting teased, gripping a damn teacup so hard that it shatters in his hand and causes the entire room to go quiet. His whole regiment is batshit TERRIFIED of him. He refuses to betray his life story, let alone if he has any family. Nobody knows crap about him and that furthers the fear. Karl literally popped out of nowhere and his adorable babyface and gentle voice has won him the hearts of women wishing to be his wives… Whom he rudely pushed away in disgust. Has anyone seen that one scene in pootie tang where a woman is simping after him, and so he slips her a bowl of milk like a fucking clingy cat? Yeah I feel Karl would pull something like that.
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misfitwashere · 1 year ago
The Neighbor's House is on Fire
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You have a good neighbor.  He does a lot for you.  He keeps the street clean around your house.  He mows your lawn when you are away.  He signs for your packages and brings them to you later.  Your kids go and play with his kids in the backyard.  He has an alarm on his house with a camera, which you don't, and he once ran burglars away from your house.  He's done a thing or two for you that you haven't noticed.  Like the time he stopped a crew from mistakenly taking down a tree in your front yard.  And the time he found your cat outside, on the street, and gave it to your kid.
And now your neighbor's house has caught fire.  The flames are just now visible.  There's plenty of time to react.  In fact, you happen to be standing nearby, at exactly the right place, watering your garden, with a hose in your hand.  The flames are in easy reach.  Your neighbor runs to you and asks you to just turn the water in the direction of the flame. 
You refuse.  You turn off the water and walk away.  And then you hurry down to your basement and shut off the valve, just to make sure your neighbor can't be helped. 
All you had do was flick your wrist, turn the hose in the right direction.  But you didn't.  It wouldn't have cost you anything.  A nickel on your water bill that you wouldn't notice. 
And if you had helped, you'd have been a hero.  Your neighbor would remember you, as would the press, as would your kids, as would everyone.  But you chose not to help.  Your neighbor's house burns down. 
And then yours does, too.
This is, currently, our Ukraine policy. We are choosing to let a good neighbor burn.  Ukraine does things for us that we need, and often that we neglect to do ourselves, or cannot do ourselves.  It does things for us that we do not notice. 
These are not small things.  By resisting Russia, Ukraine shows the world that there are people who care about democracy enough to take risks for it.  It reduces the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear war by showing that nuclear blackmail does not work.  It maintains the international legal order.  It fulfills the NATO mission by absorbing and reversing a Russian attack, making war elsewhere in Europe very unlikely.  It deters China from risky action in the Pacific by showing how difficult offensive operations are. 
These are all hugely important American interests, most of which we cannot fulfill ourselves.  Ukraine can fulfill them, if we help, just a little, in ways we would not even notice.
Ukraine is on fire.  In the past few days, Russia has launched something like five hundred rockets and drones at Ukrainian civilians, including nearly a hundred drones on New Year's Eve.  Russia continues to undertake offensive operations in Ukraine.  Russian propagandists and Russian leaders continue to announce the same genocidal war aims now as at the beginning of the war: the end of the Ukrainian state and the end of the Ukrainian nation.  Ukrainian citizens under Russian occupation continue to be tortured and deported.  
Ukraine resists, very effectively, with the weapons it has.  It has opened the Black Sea to trade, something that no one expected.  It is holding back the Russian advance, inflicting huge casualties.  It is shooting down missiles and drones.  (If you want to help detect the drones, which is a matter of urgency, please make a contribution to my Safe Skies campaign here).
So we are standing here with easy access to water.  It would be so easy to help.  And yet we are turning away from our neighbor in need.  Ukraine needs our support, and some of our Congressional representatives are blocking it.
The amount in question is not meaningful, given what we spend on national security.  It is about a nickel on the defense budget dollar.  
And that nickel is extremely well spent!  The defense department budget, after all, is meant to keep us safe.  That nickel on the dollar brings us security in the Atlantic and the Pacific, it brings us a reduced risk of nuclear war and a greatest international respect for law, it brings us the sense that we have friends who take risks for good things.  There is no other nickel on the defense department dollar that is nearly so important as this one. 
And, in fact, we don't even really spend that nickel on Ukraine.  Most of the defense money we nominally spend on Ukraine actually stays in the United States.  The arms Ukraine needs are in large measure weapons that your tax dollars would otherwise be spent to decommission -- to destroy and throw away.  For example, we have about a thousand long-range missiles that we will soon pay tax money to take apart and drop in landfills.  Those missiles, given instead to Ukraine, would seriously hinder Russian attacks, and put Ukraine in a position to win the war.
We are turning off the water.  Running down to then basement, caught in some strange self-destructive fit of self-absorption, we are putting our own house at risk.  Ignoring our neighbor is the worst thing we can do, even if all we care about is ourselves. 
Everything that the Ukrainians are doing for us can be undone this year.  Russia can win, and be encouraged to start other wars, where our participation is likely to be much more direct.  China can be encouraged, and we can find ourselves in a cataclysm over Taiwan.  International order can break down, and we can confront confusing, difficult, and painful conflicts all over the world.  Russia can halt food deliveries to Asia and Africa, leading to starvation and further war.  Everyone can be demoralized by the realization that those who risked their lives for democracy were sold out, just because Americans lacked the wherewithal to what is obviously the right thing.
It doesn't have to be that way.  It's easy to help a good neighbor.  This is a conflagration that we can stop with a flick of the wrist.  A bit of legislation to support Ukraine, and we all have a safer year, and safer lives.
© 2024 Timothy Snyder
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whatevergreen · 2 months ago
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Stop Arming Israel
Yesterday (December 16) UK MPs debated petitions signed by over 100,000 people, calling for the immediate revocation of all arms export licences to Israel and 283,000 calling for the recognition of a Palestinian state, which were delivered before the general election
Since last October, at least 45,000 in Gaza have been murdered by Israel, in which Britain has been complicit through supplying arms.
In September, the Labour government eventually banned 30 out of 361 licences in a move labelled “tokenistic” by campaigners.
During the debate, Labour MP John McDonnell said: “I think history will judge us all for not doing enough to stop this.”
The former shadow chancellor said that while he was pleased that the petition is taking place “there’s a level of frustration now I don’t think we can contain any more.”
He asked: “Why isn’t democracy being exercised here to stop this?”
Mr McDonnell concluded: “I've had enough of coming back here every week, as you can tell chair, we need action now from this government.”
Among the exports excluded from Labour’s ban are components for F-35 war planes, which have been used to drop 2,000lb bombs on civilians in Gaza and are linked to a global supply programme.
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Business and trade select committee chair Liam Byrne said: “Last week in front of my committee, the Defence Minister said it was technically possible to track these parts, but it was contractually impossible.
“Indeed, Lockheed Martin supplied me with a letter to say that if I want to know anything about the parts, I need to address our queries to the Department of Defence in the United States.“
He noted that the government admitted in the High Court in November that it continued to export the parts despite knowing there was a “clear risk” that they could be used by Israel to violate international humanitarian law.
“We now have the ICJ advisory, we have the ICC arrest warrants. We have the government’s own assessment,” Mr Byrne said.
“I cannot now see how this government can legally defend a position to keep these arms export licences open.”
Ahead of the debate, a cross-party of MPs including Independent Jeremy Corbyn, the Green Party’s Carla Denya, and Labour’s Diane Abbott held a banner reading “Stop Arming Israel” outside Parliament to show their support for a full arms embargo.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign director Ben Jamal said: “Opinion polls have shown that a majority of the public support the suspension of UK arms sales to Israel, because it is using them in a barbaric, unending assault on Palestinians in Gaza.
“We call on all MPs to speak up and ensure the government fulfils its obligations under international law, starting with a full arms embargo on Israel.”
Campaign Against Arms Trade media co-ordinator Emily Apple said: “Labour’s tokenistic suspension of some arms exports doesn’t go nearly far enough — but in particular its refusal to suspend the open licence for F-35 combat jet components makes this government just as complicit in Israel’s horrific war crimes as the previous Conservative government.
“Successive governments have prioritised arms dealers’ profits over Palestinian lives.
“This has to stop. This petition is an attempt to ensure the government does what it should have done in the first place — suspend all arms exports to Israel and uphold international humanitarian law.”
A spokesperson for Stop the War said: “It’s welcome that this petition is finally being debated, having been conveniently buried by the parliamentary system earlier this year, but given that just a fortnight after Labour won the election senior ministers warned that a total ban on arms sales to Israel would undermine US ‘confidence’ in the UK, the outcome is fairly predictable.
“While public opinion is loud and clear, this immoral government remains seemingly determined to ignore it.” Elizabeth Short Adapted from: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/time-to-listen-labour-stop-arming-israel
Arms for Israel secretly shipped through UK airspace Exclusive: Over 50 tonnes of munitions have been flown to Israel over Britain since Gaza bombing began:
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bteezxyewriter12 · 8 months ago
World War/ 2
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 6.2k
Includes- This is one of the first fics I've ever written so it may not be as good as my current ones, alternative history, I made up the stuff about Yoongi's scar for the story, forbidden love, sex, missionary, wall sex, cock riding, sex from behind, pussy eating, cum eating, multiple orgasms, so much fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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This is the history of the Daegu King, Min Yoongi and his Queen, Joanne Caesaris of Rome
Of how they came to be together
And the war they started for love
- Kim, Namjoon
Advisor to the King
(15 B.C.)
Ten days later
Yoongi POV
I am pacing in my room, waiting for her
She and I have spent every night together for the last ten nights
And it is not just sex
For me anyway
It is holding her close, kissing her, sleeping next to her
Sleeping with her in my arms
I spoke to Namjoon and nothing can be done
He reviewed the document and there is no way to change the bride
Julia's name is in the document and she is the legitimate princess, making it official
I was so angry and it showed in the last few days
I was very quiet at all the dinners and banquets, all the outings with Julia that were forced upon me
And being around Joanne in public is getting worse
My attention is always on her
I cannot focus on anything but her and how to be with her
She is making me feel things I have never felt before
I never cared about pleasuring a woman but that is all I want to do to her
I am not concerned with myself, just her
I want to be in her arms every night, something I have never thought I would want
I never thought I would trust anyone enough to be naked with, sleep naked with but I trust her with my life
I would do anything and everything for her
I never expected to fall in love
But I did
I spoke to Namjoon again, with a plan I came up with
A plan I hope she will agree to if she loves me too
Because the stupid wedding is coming in a few days and I refuse to go through with it
My door opens and she walks in
She closes the door and immediately comes into my arms, kissing my lips
"I missed you so much", she says
"I missed you too", I tell her
She kisses me passionately and our clothes go flying in every direction as we take them off
I pick her up, her legs around me as I lay her on my bed
Her arms slide around my neck while I open her legs and slip inside her
She moans, keeping her lips on mine and holding me tightly
I thrust in slowly but hard, pleasure running all over me, feeling her open around me just enough for me to go through
She gives me pleasure like I've never had before
"Yoongi", she moans, after a few minutes of moving inside her
"Already jagi?", I tease
I have never called anyone that, never planned to but it is perfect for her
She bites her lip, looking up at me, nodding
I move again and she orgasms, moaning
Fuck the pleasure from her coming is always so intense
I wait for her to finish, then I kiss her again and ask, "Good jagi?"
She nods, "You always feel so good Yoongi. Anything you do, I love it"
I feel the same way about her
"I love being with you, Joanne", I tell her,
"I love being with you Yoongi. I never felt like this with anyone"
"Me too jagi. No one has made me feel like you do"
She's smiling at me, touching my scar, her fingers moving softly
I hate it
I was so scared she would think I was ugly
And deep down I am still scared
Looking away from her, I tell her, "It is ugly. It makes me ugly"
Her other hand touches my cheek and I look back at her
Now she's frowning at me, her brows furrow
She lifts her head and I feel her lips kiss my scar softly
I freeze
Did she kiss...
She kisses it again, moving down a little
She is
She continues to kiss the scar from the top to bottom and when she finishes, I stare at her in awe
I feel so loved, so wanted, so accepted like I have never felt before
"It is not ugly Yoongi. You are not ugly. You are beautiful. And your scar makes you look strong, just like I know you are."
No one has ever said that to me
In Daegu, a person is not allowed to be king if they have a visible scar
Their king is a God and should be flawless
I forced my way in and I stayed even after I was cut
I know the people look down on me for it
But here she is, telling me I am beautiful, I am strong
She takes my hand, kissing my palm
"You are Yoongi. Do not listen to anyone who says otherwise. Anyone who does not think you are handsome is blind and not worthy of your time"
She is incredible and I want her to know how I feel about her
Even if she does not agree to my plan, I want her to know
Running my fingers in her hair, I finally tell her
"I am in love with you"
Shock enters her face but I have no idea why
Why it would be shocking that I love her
"Love you.", I finish, looking in her eyes
"Yoongi, I am in love with you as well.", she says softly
"Do you mean that?", I ask, afraid she's just saying it back
"Of course I do. I have loved you the second I saw you sitting at the table next to my father."
I nod at her, "Me as well. From the first second I laid my eyes on you. I have never been in love before. I never wanted to be. I never thought I would trust anyone enough to love them. But you, I love you more than my life, and I trust you with it too"
She smiles, "I have never been in love either. Until you. I trust you Yoongi with anything. With my life as well. And I love you so much. You mean everything to me"
I have never been happier in my life
All I want is her
"Marry me", I ask
Her smile falters, "How? You are meant to marry my sister. My father will never allow it"
"I have a solution", I say, hoping she will agree
"What is it?"
"We leave. Tomorrow night. On my ship back to Daegu. There we can be married and be together."
"I....what? That is going to ruin the trade route agreement and my father will come after you."
"I do not care. I want you. My future is with you, not your sister. I will refuse to marry her and your father will get upset anyway but that way he will keep us apart. And I am not scared of him, Joanne. Let him come after me. As long as I have you, I will be fine", I tell her
She looks unsure but I will make all her worries disappear
"Jagi, if you come, your father will come after us. But I will protect you. I swear. I never wanted any woman as I want you. I will risk everything for you. I love you"
She looks at me, stroking my cheek with her thumb, as she nods and whispers, "Yes"
"Y..yes?", I repeat, needing confirmation, "You will come with me?"
"Yes my love", she agrees
"You will marry me?", I ask again
"Yes, Yoongi. I will marry you. I will go to Daegu with you. I will follow you anywhere", she promises, "I will risk anything for you. I love you"
I cannot hold back the smile that comes on my face and I kiss her passionately
She kisses me back and I am so happy
"Tomorrow", I say between kisses, "We leave tomorrow night."
"Yes", she answers, kissing me
"Pack whatever you need and give it to Taehyung", I tell her
She kisses me again, then says, "I do not need anything. Just you"
Gods I love her
"I just need you too. Nothing else"
Moving from her lips, I kiss her neck
She whimpers, her arms tighten around my body
I get hard again, her arms moving to my hips, pulling me back inside her
"Yoongi", she sighs, sounding so happy I am inside her
Moving slowly, I groan from how good she feels
She moves her hips meeting my next thrust
I go inside deeper and I moan from the pleasure
She keeps moving while I thrust in, hitting her spot, making everything so much better
There is no sound except for our kisses and moans
Her hands move to my back, softly running up and down, sending heat to every single part of my body
I grip her breast, playing with her nipple as I kiss her deeply, swallowing her moans
Moving together, the next thrust makes her shake, and she climaxes, her body arching into mine
I wrap my arms around her, holding her to me as I feel the pleasure she's giving me
It is too good and I cum with her, pleasure bursting all over me
"Yoongi", she moans softly
"Joanne. My jagi", I whimper
"My Yoongi"
She keeps kissing me and I kiss her back, moving out of her, laying next to her
I hold her closer to me, my lips on hers and I have never been happier
I am so nervous
I have been all day
Today I leave my home to go with Yoongi
I do not care about leaving my family save for Julia and my father
I do not want to hurt them but I cannot help how I feel
I cannot help who I love
When Yoongi told me he loves me, my dream came true
All I wanted was for him to love me
And he does
I am all he wants
I cannot wrap my head around that
He is a king, he can have any women he wants and he chooses me, an illegitimate daughter
He is risking war by being with me
He is risking my father's wrath, risking everything
For me
I know what I am going to do is wrong
But I do not care
I meant what I said to Yoongi last night
I would follow him anywhere
And we are going to Daegu
I walk to Yoongi's room after the banquet ends
My father has been having a banquet everyday to celebrate how close the wedding is
Yoongi is supposed to marry my sister in two days
And we are leaving now
I see Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook in front of Yoongi's rooms
"Princess", Taehyung nods
I told them to call me Joanne but they insist on calling me princess
"He is waiting", Jungkook says, opening the door
I walk inside and I am in Yoongi's arms in a second, his lips on mine
I melt into his kiss
His kisses are the best I ever had
"Are you alright?", he asks
"Yes", I smile
"Are you sure-", he starts but I stop him with a kiss
"I am sure. Lets go"
He gives me his gorgeous smile and takes my hand
"Namjoon is already there with the crew. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook will take us there. Taehyung will go ahead to make sure the way is clear", he explains
I nod, pulling my hood on my cloak up
Yoongi and I leave his room
"Ready?", Jimin asks
Yoongi nods and Taehyung moves disappearing into the night
"Let's go", Jungkook says
Once we made it out of the palace, Yoongi and I walk quickly
I lead him because I know the way to the harbor by heart
Yoongi is gripping my hand tightly as we walk
We are almost to his ship
I can see it
I do not know where his guards are but I know they are close
"Almost jagi", he says
"Yes", I answer
Walking faster we finally get to the ship
I release a breath I was holding
We are about to board when I hear, "Joanne! What are you doing?"
I know that voice
I turn, just as Yoongi's body guards appear, swords raised
"No! Stop!", I yell, "It's Julia!"
"Stop", Yoongi orders and they lower their swords but move next to Yoongi and I, ready to fight if need be
"Joanne! What are you doing?", Julia asks, shocked
"I....I am leaving with King Yoongi. To Daegu", I answer
"I love him. I want to be with him. And he loves me too. This is the only way Julia. Father will never let me go with him. I cannot be without him", I plead
Her gaze softens at me
"Joanne", Yoongi calls
I look at Julia but speak to him, "Go Yoongi. I will be there in a minute"
"Yoongi?", Julia gasps
I know she is shocked that I called him by his name instead of his title
Anyone would be surprised
"No", he protests, not letting go of my hand, "I am staying by your side. I will only go on that ship if you are with me. I go where you go."
Julia's eyes widen at his words and she looks down to our hands
When she looks back up at me she has determination in her eyes
"What?", I whisper
"Go. I knew you loved him from the moment you saw him. And from his words, I know he loves you just as much. So go. I will make something up to father, hold him off as long as I can before he follows you"
I cannot believe what I am hearing
My sister is helping me
She is letting me go
She is letting me be with that man I love
I let go of Yoongi's hand and hug Julia tightly
"Thank you", I whisper
"I told you I will always take care of you", she whispers, holding me tightly.
Then she lets go of me, "Now go! Hurry before someone sees"
I nod, "I love you"
"I love you too", she says
Then she says to Yoongi, "Majesty. Protect her"
Yoongi answers, "Always"
My hand finds his and we turn, running onto the ship
"Let's go", he orders as we walk by the crew
"Majesty. Princess", Namjoon greets
"Did anyone notice?", Yoongi asks
"Some people did but I told them that you wanted the ship to be perfect for your new bride. They understood and were convinced. We are fine. For how long, I do not know", Namjoon answers
"A few days. Julia will stall father until the wedding and then he will need time to gather his army if he decides to pursue us", I answer
Namjoon nods, "Then we prepare for war and hope it does not happen"
Yoongi nods
I hope father does not choose to go to war
But I know him and I know Yoongi wounded his pride and betrayed his trust by taking me
He will come
"Do not worry jagi. I will never let you go", Yoongi assures me
I smile, nodding at him
"I will never let you go either", I assure him
He kisses me, then leads me to his room on the ship
1 month later
Yoongi POV
"Oh god, yes, land!", she cries, "Can we never do this again? No more boats"
I look over at her and laugh, "Whatever you want jagi"
My poor princess was sea sick almost the entire trip
I stayed by her side the entire time to make her feel better
And I just did not want to be away from her
Namjoon and I, we planned for war and have everything set up in case it comes to that
The ship docks and I take her hand, leading her off the ship, "This is Daegu"
She looks around smiling, "It is beautiful"
"Are you happy?", I ask, afraid she doesn't like it or wants to go back
She tilts her head, looking at me, "Of course my love. I am happy as long as I am with you"
I am so lucky to have found her
"You make me so happy Joanne", I tell her
She smiles and I have to kiss her
I cannot help it
My lips brush against hers with her kissing me back
"Come jagi", I say, leading her inside the walls of Daegu
"You have very high walls", she comments
"Yes to protect the main city and palace", I answer
The walls were here when I took over
"Did you live here before you became king?"
I shake my head, "No. I lived outside the wall, in one of the small towns at the edge of the kingdom."
"Oh. Was it difficult living there?"
"Yes jagi. Aside from inside the wall, the towns are poor. There is no money and hardly any food. And whatever was farmed, half of it went to the king"
"Oh, I am sorry Yoongi"
"That is why I decided to overthrow the king. To help. And I have been trying. I stopped taking so much food from the towns. Only a third, so they have more. I lowered the taxes there. I am trying to make Daegu better for everyone", I explain
"That is wonderful", she smiles
I wish it was that simple
"Yes, but while the townspeople support me, the people in the city hate me. They call me the mad king"
"But why?", she asks confused
"Because I am not royalty. Because I killed the king. Because I kill my enemies right away. Because I am taking away their easy life of just collecting from the towns and making them actually work harder. Because I have this scar on my face"
She looks confused
"What does the scar have to do with anything?"
"Jagi, here in Daegu and the surrounding kingdoms, a person cannot be king if they have any visible scars. The king is supposed to be pure and unblemished. Seen as a god. That is why the king slashed my face before I killed him. He thought I would never be king with a scar on my face"
"That is....that's horrible! I am so sorry Yoongi. I did not know that. In Rome scars are seen as strength and the mark of a good warrior."
I wish it was like that here
"I love you Yoongi. With your scar", she says softly
That is all that matters
That she loves me
"All I need is your love. And I love you", I tell her
She comes closer, hugging me tightly
I wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head
"Let's go", I tell her
She nods, takes my hand and I lead her to the palace
Yoongi holds my hand as we walk through the city
Daegu is beautiful
But as we walk I notice the people
And the looks they are giving Yoongi
Anger, hate and disgust are the main ones
They truly hate him
He was right
And I do not like the way they are looking at him
They turn their looks to me and their expressions do not change
Yoongi ignores them but I do not
I glare right back
Some people are surprised and look away but others keep staring
We keep walking and soon I see a palace in the distance
The closer we get, the more of it I can see
It is beautiful as well
And big
When we arrive Yoongi looks at me and smiles, "Welcome home"
Yoongi leads me to a room that has people in it
Looking around I assume it is the throne room since there is indeed a throne in it
"Majesty", a few men bow to him
"Are you alright?", one asks
"Was your journey well?"
"Is this Julia?", another asks
"No", he answers
The men look at each other in surprise
Yoongi turns to me, "Joanne this is Hoseok and Seokjin, members of my counsel. They ruled for me while I was in Rome"
"Hello", I greet
"Hello", they greet
"Uh majesty, were you not supposed to marry a Julia?", Hoseok asks
"Yes but something changed"
"I see. What is that?", Seokjin asks
"I fell in love with Joanne. She is Julia's younger sister"
"Ah yes. So the emperor changed the sister you were to marry", Hoseok assumes
Seokjin furrows his eyebrows, "I do not understand majesty"
"We left Rome. I asked her to come with me and she did"
Yoongi proceeds to explain everything that happened
"You just... took her?", Seokjin gasps
"I did not take her", Yoongi snaps, "I asked her and she agreed"
"Why?", Hoseok gapes
"What do you mean why? She loves me as well", Yoongi growls
"I am sorry majesty. I just meant....I am just surprised", Hoseok apologizes
"Speak to Namjoon", Yoongi orders, "We have to prepare for war"
"What?", Hoseok exclaims
"War?", Seokjin repeats
"Yes war", Yoongi confirms
"With who?", Hoseok asks
"Rome?", Hoseok repeats, "Why?"
I see Yoongi is getting upset with their questioning so I decide to answer
"Because my father will come for me"
They turn to me
"How does she know our language?", Seokjin asks, more surprise on his face
"Her sister Julia learned it and taught her", Yoongi replies
"And her father is coming after her?", Hoseok responds
"Yes", I answer, "My father will see my going with Yoongi as a betrayal and a stab to his pride. He will come after me and he will bring an army"
"Fuck", Hoseok gasps, "Why did you come if you knew this?"
I understand why they may be upset and are asking these questions
"Because I love Yoongi"
"Yoongi? You call him Yoongi?", Seokjin blurts in shock
"Uh yes? He told me to call him Yoongi"
"I cannot believe this", Hoseok says under his breath
"Is there a problem?", Yoongi growls
"Not with her calling you by your name majesty but yes there is a problem with this whole thing. You are bringing war here. For her"
"You are fucking right for her. War was coming either way. I was going to refuse to marry her sister and her father would have come after me for that as well"
"Why would you not just marry her sister if that was the agreement?", Seokjin questions
"Because I fell in love with Joanne. I cannot marry someone else when I love her. If I did not love her I would have married Julia. But I love and want Joanne. And she loves and wants me as well. She left her home, everything she knows for me. To come here with me. And I will protect her. Prepare for a wedding and coronation. For tomorrow."
"A wedding?", Hoseok exclaims
"Yes a wedding. For tomorrow. You can speak to her later so she can tell you how weddings are done in Rome."
"You are having a Roman wedding?", Seokjin asks shocked
I am confused too
I thought we'd get married the way they do here
"We are having both. The Daegu way and the Roman way so that her father cannot claim that our marriage is not recognized by Rome."
He is so smart
And he is right
My father would not recognize a Daegu wedding
That is why he had to come to Rome to marry my sister
"And you are.....making her queen?", Hoseok questions
"Yes. Stop asking me questions and start preparing everything", Yoongi asks
Yoongi turns back to me and says, "Come jagi, I will show you the rest of the palace"
As we walk away, I hear Hoseok whisper to Seokjin, "Did he just call her jagi?"
"I think so", Seokjin answers
I just smile as I keep walking
"And finally our bedroom", Yoongi says and opens the door
I walk in and my mouth drops
It is huge with a door that leads outside to the gardens, a beautiful fireplace and a large bed
"Like it?", he asks
"Like it? I love it!", I exclaim
Then I realize what he said
"Wait this is our room?", I ask
This is unusual
Usually kings and queens have their own separate quarters
Not that I would not want to stay with him because I would
I am just confused
"You are not putting me in other rooms away from you?"
He looks at me surprised
"I thought you would want-"
"I do!", I cut him off
I do not want him to think I do not want to stay with him
"It is just....I am surprised. Usually kings put their wives in their own rooms"
"I want you with me", he says softly, "I do not want to be away from you especially not at night. I cannot sleep without you. Not after all the nights we spent together. I love you"
What he is saying is so touching
He's not like any king I know of or heard about
"I do not want to be away from you either. I have grown to love sleeping beside you and I cannot sleep without your arms around me", I answer, blushing
He smiles widely at me, "So you will stay with me? Here?"
I nod, smiling back, "Yes. In our room"
He comes over to me so fast, his mouth on mine in a passionate kiss
I kiss him back as both our hands start to pull each other's clothes off
He pushes me up against a wall, hands all over me
I love when he touches me
I was sick the entire time on the ship so we could not have sex at all
Not with me throwing up all the time
But I feel better now that I am on land
And I want him so much
I miss being with him
His hands grip my thighs lifting me up, my legs moving around his waist as I wrap my arms around his neck
His length slips in inch by inch, both of us moaning loudly, his cock opening me up so well
"Fuck jagi, I missed you", he says between kisses
"I missed you too", I answer, not wanting to stop kissing him
He pulls out then slams back in making me scream in pleasure
Moving in and out over and over, he moans, "Jagi you feel so good. You are the best woman I've ever been with"
I feel so happy hearing him say that
I am the best
"Yes Yoongi?", I groan
"Yes jagi. I love how wet you are for me. How tight and warm", he whimpers
His hand grabs my behind tightly as he kisses my neck, plunging his length in and out, his head stimulating my spot with every move
"I love your body, your gorgeous face, the way you are, everything single about you"
"Fuck", I whisper
I cannot believe he sees all that about me
I never thought anyone would love me
I thought I was destined to be in a loveless marriage
I am so happy that is not my fate
"It is because I love you so much that makes being with you the best", he tells me
"Oh Yoongi", I moan, "You are the best man I have ever been with as well"
He smiles at me and kisses me gently
"You are everything I want Yoongi. I love you so much"
"I love you Joanne", he whispers
Yoongi is everything I could ever want
He has a perfect body, he is beautiful, he is sweet, loving and funny, making me laugh and smile all the time
And he loves me
Yoongi slams hard again and I explode, screaming his name as pleasure takes over
"Good jagi. More. Give me more"
I still cannot believe how much he loves when I orgasm on him
How much he wants it over and over
He moves faster and harder and I bury my hands in his long gorgeous hair, pulling softly
I love his long blonde hair
It is so soft and silky, I love playing with it all the time
And I love that he lets me
I pull his hair harder pulling his head back and planting kisses all over his neck
"Please jagi, cum again"
His constant thrusting brings me right there again
His cock is so big, filling me perfectly, impaling me pleasurably
His next thrust causes unbelievable pleasure as my orgasm washes over me
"Yoongi oh Yoongi", I moan
"Yes jagi, fuck yes", he groans
He moves out, standing me up
Turning me around, he sits down, his back to the wall
He pulls me roughly to him, lifts one of my legs over his shoulder and buries his tongue in me, licking fast, pleasure taking over
Yoongi POV
She moans loudly while I slide my tongue on her
She tastes so fucking good
I have not been able to be with her for a month
She was sick on the ship and I wanted to take care of her
But now, I am not going to be able to keep my hands off her
She yells in pleasure and I love that I can pleasure her this much with my tongue
Before her I have never done this before
Never wanted to lick a woman before
But ever since that first night we were together, I wanted to do it all the time
For her
I did not expect to love everything about it
The way she feels against my tongue, how wet she is, how good she tastes
But as I said, I was not able to do anything to her for awhile
And I want to taste her again
And again and again
She slides her hand in my hair, holding on and pulling
I love when she does that
Finding the spot she loves the most, her throbbing clit, I flick my tongue fast there, loving her screams of pleasure
"Yoongi oh gods Yoongi!", she shouts, coming and shaking
Moaning, I lick her cum, getting all of it
Then I keep going this time sucking on her clit
Her hands tighten in my hair and I grip her hips hard
Swiping my tongue up her slowly, I suck on her spot again, her legs trembling
She's close and I suck faster
"Yoongi", she moans, climaxing again
As I lick everything, my eyes roam up her body to her face
She's fucking gorgeous
When she finishes, I open her legs more, open her lips more and slip my tongue in her hole, licking inside
"Oh fuck", she cries
"Like that jagi?", I smirk
"Yes, yes Yoongi. Again, please love"
"Anything for you jagi", I answer, dipping my tongue back in
Licking inside her, I move my tongue out then back in, licking again, loving when her pussy clenches on my tongue
Like she clenches on my cock
Keeping a steady pace, I pleasure her this way, listening to her moans
She pulses on my tongue faster and faster until she screams loudly, releasing on my tongue
I lick and swallow greedily, loving her taste
My favorite thing to eat
When she finishes she moves back but immediately sits on me, taking my cock deep inside her
"Oh yes", she moans, shaking on me
Her reactions to me are amazing
She really loves being with me
And I am glad because I love being with her
She leans to me, her mouth on mine, arms around my neck
Her tongue slips in my mouth, making me moan as I wrap my arms around her
Her kisses are incredible
Pulling away she leans her head against mine
Holding each other, she starts to move, sliding up my length, then back down
"Jagi", I moan
"Yoongi, you feel good", she whimpers
I'm glad
I want to please her
I move my hands up and down her body, just feeling her skin as she moves
Her cunt squeezes my length hard, making me gasp
I love being inside her and when we are together, I just want to stay forever
She moves faster, her bounces so hard, spasming so pleasurably
"Yoongi", she moans, coming and giving me intense pleasure
"Joanne, yes jagi!", I yell, releasing inside her, her cunt sucking all my cum into her, ecstacy exploding all over my skin
"Yoongi, it feels so good", she shouts
Is...is she speaking about me coming?
"You can feel it?", I ask, when I finish
She nods, "Yes"
"What....what does it feel like?"
I am curious
How does it feel for her?
Because it feels heavenly when she orgasms on me
"I feel you moving inside, rubbing against me. Throbbing. It feels warm when you fill me with cum, makes me feel so full like your cock does. I love it"
I close my eyes breathing hard, feeling myself getting aroused again
"You love it?", I ask
I need to hear her say it again
I need to know that I heard what I think I heard
"Yes Yoongi. I love it."
I smile at her and she immediately pulls me to her, kissing me
Holding on to her, I get up, carrying her to our bed
I move her to the edge of the bed, putting her on her hands and knees
"Open jagi. I want to make you feel good again", I murmur, moving her hair over her shoulder, kissing the back of her neck
I feel her body trembles and I keep kissing her, moving my lips along her shoulder
Her legs open and I push inside her, feeling her sucking me back inside
"Mmm jagi. You want me back inside you. I can feel you pulling me in"
"Yes Yoongi. I always want you."
I smile, kissing her neck and starting to move
I thrust in slow and easy at first, picking up speed every few thrust
"More Yoongi, harder", she urges
I listen, moving harder and faster, slamming inside her, her skin hitting mine
She moans loudly, moving with me, sliding along my cock
When she moves down, I thrust into her, deep inside her, making her scream
"Right there my princess?", I smirk
"Yes my king", she cries, "Please."
"Anything for my jagi", I promise her
Concentrating in that spot, I pound into her, wanting her orgasm so much
The pleasure from it, the sound of her screaming, the feel of her squeezing me, soaking me in her cum
I need it
"Please jagi. I need to feel you", I cry, my eyes on her pussy creaming my cock so much that it's leaking on our bed
"Yyy....Yoongi!", she screams, squeezing the life from my cock as she orgasms, "Oh god, yes"
Her cum covers my length, her orgasms giving me too much ecstacy that I cannot hold back
Shoving my length inside her, I shoot my cum inside, filling her so much that it's leaking out around us
My legs shake as I try to keep myself upright as I finish
Once I do, I pull out and collapse on the bed next to her
She turns to face me, cuddling into my body, pressing soft kisses to my cheek
I just smile, pulling the blanket up and around us then wrapping my arms around her and holding her tightly
"Don't we have to get up?", she asks teasingly, "Don't you have to rule the kingdom?"
"Eventually", I answer, cuddling into her, "But first, a little nap"
"A nap?", she giggles
I nod, moving my fingers in her hair, "Yeah jagi. You were sick this morning and I know you didn't sleep much last night"
"And neither did you, taking care of me"
"I'll always take care of you jagi", I whisper, "I love you"
"I love you Yoongi"
She kisses me gently, her love pouring from the kiss as I give her all mine
After, she snuggles into me and we fall asleep
Six months later
Yoongi POV
I stand at the wall of Daegu, watching the hundreds of Roman boats coming towards our harbor
"They're here", she whispers, her hand clenching mine hard, fear in her face
"Do not worry jagi", I tell her, "You are the queen of Daegu. You cannot be taken from here"
"You do not know my father", she answers so quietly
"Joanne, I will protect you", I promise, tilting her face to mine, then touching her big belly, "And our child. Nothing will hurt either of you"
She nods, "I know my love. I trust you"
I smile, leaning down and kissing her softly
After, she leans against me, my arm around her as we watch the ships come closer
I'm not afraid
I have a vast army that will defeat Augustus
He will not get into the Daegu, he will not take my wife
I knew being with her would cause a war and it's one I am ready to fight
And I will win
Excerpts from Namjoon's History~ written 40 years later
....the Roman Augustus landed in the harbor of Daegu and attacked the city. King Yoongi's army defended the wall and it was not breached.....
....after two years of battles, Augustus was finally defeated, his army decimated. The people of Daegu love their queen and we're willing to fight for her, for King Yoongi and their two children. Augustus left Daegu in the spring of that year, never to return
After the war, Yoongi and Joanne ruled and continue to rule Daegu peacefully and justly. They and their children- 4 princes and 3 princesses- are well loved and supported by their people
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 2 years ago
Random (and somewhat silly) Leon Kennedy headcannons
* Leon is a sleepwalker. I have no justification for it other than I think it’d be funny
* Ironically he’s also a VERY light sleeper
* And to add insult to injury, he snores like a freight train.
* Leon is Transgender. Trust me guys he told me himself
* Also got that ADHD Autism combo. Again just trust me you guys he said so himself-
* Bisexual disaster. Probably leans towards men but every gender gives him Gay Panic
* Luis and Ada were his Bi Awakening.
* ((And probably Wesker too. I mean C’mon just look at the guy))
* And just like every Bisexual he CANNOT sit in chairs normally to save his life. If he even bothers to sit on one at all ((Kinda going off the second headcannon; he also sleeps in the WEIRDEST positions humanly possible))
* Leon has permanent Bad Posture. Both from when he used to wear a binder (Transmasc Tingz !!) and from old age
* He hams up his “”old age”” a LOT just to annoy Chris and Claire
* “Ooooooughhh you guys I can feel my bones turning to dust-“ “Shut UP LEON I’m NOT CARRYING YOU”
* Leon also wore a binder for FAR too long. Like he was fighting zombies and doing backflips all while his ribs were screaming in pain
* “Leon when did you last take off your binder” “why do YOU wanna know huh Chris 🤨” “TAKE IT OFF”
* ((Dw guys he practiced safe binding and got Top Surgery. Eventually))
* Leon dyes his hair blonde. You know I’m right
* It’s also like,, surprisingly soft??? He probably takes very good care of it and uses expensive products (probably the only expensive thing he owns)
* He also purposefully cuts it that way. In fact I recon he cuts it himself
* Much more competent people (Jill, Claire, Rebecca) have offered to cut it for him but he’s always refused
* Its one of the few things that reminds him of when he was still a Rookie cop that isn’t also a traumatic memory
* He’s got some PTSD just don’t worry about it ok
* Leon is N O T good at opening up. Like at all. But when somebody DOES manage to crack him he cries s o easily and he will cry for literal hours
* Chris and Claire are the only two people who’ve ever actually managed to successfully get him to open up to that point though
* He also probably sleeps better when he’s with somebody. But he’d never admit that
* Leon’s love language is probably a mix of Words Of Affirmation and Acts Of Service. He’d love it if for once he could come home to somebody having done the little chores for him
* He’s also probably a M A S S I V E sucker for any kind of physical touch. Again, won’t admit it, but he’s a big cuddler.
* Somebody please please please play with this man’s hair he will fall asleep in your lap in seconds
* Now this may be my own Autism special interest shining through but I LOVE the idea of Leon being a massive Pokémon fan
* His favourite games are Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Idk man he SEEMS like a Hoenn boy y’know
* His first starter was Torchic and Blaiziken remains as his all-time favourite Pokémon (he’s absolutely correct Torchic is the best Hoenn starter Fight Me)
* Probably still has his Gameboy from when he was a kid
* Leon’s also into retro anime. He likes to get Chris, Jill, Claire and Rebecca over just to show them his old childhood favourite shows like Astroboy or Sailor moon
* Will pause the DVD every 5 seconds to point something out or ramble on about something for 10 minutes
* Oh yeah he also absolutely keeps a DVD player in his home
* He’s a big sucker for old movies, especially old Queer movies but he’s also into classics like Back To The Future, Star Wars etc
*Probably was a big Star Wars kid
*((His favourite movie of all time is Legally Blonde but he will NEVER say that out loud))
* Leon’s always out of the country on some government mission so his house is probably pretty barren. He probably just stays with Chris or Claire after missions anyways
* Leon also still probably keeps in touch with Sherry and Ashley. He definitely went to their respective Graduations to support them at least
* He likes to collect little trinkets from his missions. Rocks, lighters, photos etc
* Other people have put this on their Headcannon lists too but I also agree that Leon is a MASSIVE Foodie
* The way to his heart is through a really good breakfast
* He’s also got a massive Sweet Tooth. Again, courtesy of other Headcannon lists
* He’s got low blood sugar so it probably evens out
* ALWAYS coming home from missions exhausted. In fact he’s exhausted on the plane. On the car ride there. DURING the mission. He’s an eepy little guy
* His T-Shots also make him Very Hungry All The Time. He thought it’d even out after a year of being on Testosterone but over a decade later and he still eats like a teenage boy
* ((It’s ok though cuz Chris always has his fridge stocked full. It might just be for Leon who knows))
* Leon’s not really either a Cat or a Dog guy. He likes both equally and would definitely have one of the other if it weren’t for his work
* He also prefers warm weather :))
* He likes to go swimming with his friends whenever he gets the opportunity
* Everyone makes fun of Chris for his Hawaiian shirts but Leon ABSOLUTELY has way too many as well
* Wears socks and jandals. I’m from Aotearoa NZ I’m allowed to say that ok
*BIG Mitski & Lana Del Rey fan
*I also imagine he probably likes older music like Madonna or Bowie or Blondie
* He’s not very good at it but he likes to paint his nails
* Or he just lets Rebecca or Claire do it for him
* If he goes a long time without cutting his hair either he’ll also put it up in a lil ponytail :)
* He’s got a big ol toothy, lop-sides grin.
* I recon he also involuntarily bites his tongue when he’s genuinely smiling too
* I said before he keeps trinkets and stuff from his missions but he absolutely keeps more personal mementos too. For example;
* He bought himself an old Spanish version of Don Quixote for Luis
* He keeps his old cop uniform in his closet
* He stole Chris’ shades and never returned them
* Still has one of Adas missing rings, etc etc etc
* Similarly to physical objects, Leon also picks up on the habits of people he’s met from his missions
* He always double-checks the barrel of his gun after he’s seen Chris do it so many times
* Holds his knife in his left hand after Krauser
* Very rarely smokes on occasion to remember Luis
* Picked up more Advanced First-Aid after Rebecca ((she also insisted it would be helpful))
* I could go on forever
* Leon can’t imagine ever actually being able to settle down and retire because of his work, but if he could, he would love to be a Father :))
* One last silly one cuz this list has gotten surprisingly serious; Leon unironically references Vines All The Time. It will drive everyone around him insane
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scintillyyy · 1 month ago
Hi! To continue the O'Neil discussion from [mumblemumble] weeks ago: there's a huge patchwork of interviews from different writers about how he ran things at different times (Max Collins has some especially interesting memories of him being *too strict*), which I hope to be able to compile for your review soon. That aside... have you ever read O'Neil's Gordon of Gotham mini? I'm told there's a scene in it that feels like him directly shitting on all his hippie beliefs as a young man.
always happy to continue the o'neil discussion! psychoanalyzing (dead or alive) men over a certain age is a favorite hobby of mine. probably because of my dad or something.
i am so excited to read whatever it is you compile! i think i've seen that about collins as well--but it does track with what i've heard about o'neil in the 80s office where he would mmm have standards but also not give guidance so when writers failed to meet his standards he would come down on them but also since he refused to "hold their hands" it was for sure kind of messy. one of the interesting things when thinking about and analyzing writer recollection as well is that you do have to take into account that all recollection has personal bias of the person who experienced it (not in a bad way! and this is true for both the pro-o'neil and anti-o'neil side). as far as collins goes--he probably was right to feel that o'neil was unnecessarily strict with his expectations while offering no significant guidance as to what those expectations were. someone else who maybe understood o'neil and his personality a bit better, like a lot of his assistant editors, were also right in their recollections that he wanted to be more hands-off. there are 5 sides to every story, etc.
i had not previously read gordon of gotham but i skimmed through it, and it certainly was. something in its "gordon is a good cop in a sea of shit". anyways, since it's supposed to he a prequel to year one, the first issue is full of hippie vs cop given the time era being invoked. anyways, i'm going to assume the scene in question is this:
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where after saving a hippie from being beaten by a cop after said cop rammed into the hippie's volkswagon van, gordon goes on an anti-hippie rant. which. yea certainly does read as if dennis is raging over the stupidity of his youth, but i also do want to say that in context gordon also is a shitty husband in this mini (the part where his wife says "you promised to keep me pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen! and i'm not pregnant or barefoot!" certainly is a thing) among overall being fairly conservative so i honestly cannot say for certain that this is, for a fact, denny railing on the indiscrestions of his youth or if he's drawing from his experience of what the cop/establishment vs hippie/counterculture fight of the time era was because to me it reads a lot like the arguments of each side back then distilled into speech bubbles to let you know where the character is supppsed to land on the culture vs counterculture war in the year of our lord 1970 or whenever this is supposed to take place prior to year one.
i will also say. denny could very well be shitting on hippies because he never was actually one himself and has a negative bias of them but also still be a democrat--this involves a highly nuanced political discussion that takes into account that most people have a wide variety of beliefs that may not always be completely in agreement with each other despite mostly being aligned. i know he has a reputation for being pro-counterculture (the legalize pot button he wore in front of stan lee comes to mind) but was he a hippie? well. i'll be honest--according to his wikipedia he joined the navy after college and participated in the blockade of cuba during the cuban missile crisis and he never actually smoked pot himself despite being pro-legalization because it make him sick. while he certainly did have progessive and counterculture beliefs i would NOT place him as actually being a hippie when he was younger or thinking that hippies had the right of it. he could be a generally progessive person who thought that hippies were generally useless to society and he wouldn't have been alone in that? i'm not saying i think that, ofc, but like. despite hippie culture being relatively a huge part of how we perceive the 60s, overall hippies were not a majority movement (hence why they were counter-culture) and people bipartisanly kind of thought they and their beliefs were fringe and ridiculous? anyways it's also, unfortunately, very normal for people to grow older and cognitively change and look more critically on the more idealistic beliefs of their youth, so even if he was a hippie (which i kind of doubt. that man was on no lists.), it would also make sense for him to look back and rail about how young and stupid he perceived himself to be. and, while by all accounts i've seen, dennis was a democratic his whole life. there's a non insignificant amount of people who used to be hippies who have taken a complete 180 turn on their beliefs as older adults. there's a very large amount of conservatives who have long hair and ride motorcycles. so yea. anyways. it could be him railing on his youth or it could be just distilled hippie vs cop arguments or it could be he always thought hippies were kind of dumb. many possibilities.
i will also note that in the mini gordon has a bit of a gay awakening with his villain.
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this too, could be a sign of something. (jk)
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esposadejoyhuerta · 9 months ago
This acc is becoming an mcu twitter for me but I fucking HATE secretary Ross so fucking much and vision is a dumbass.
Correlation does not mean causation that’s the first thing they teach u in ANY lower division fucking undergrad research class. So wtf was that toaster going on ab with the rise in superheroes and rise in threats like. CorrELATION DUMBASS. You’d have to do years of empirical research to determine causation. Also has any of them heard of critical refugee and border studies???? Reading a SINGLE article from that field would give u the fucking answer. Like come ON. The Sokovia accords shouldn’t even be a fucking debate—it’s a stupid ass idea and the only person I understand besides those who refused to sign is nat’s position of disagreeing but wanting to regain public trust and keep one hand on the wheel. Everyone who wholeheartedly trusted in the accords is fucking wrong. Also I blame Ross for nat’s death. Bc he’s the whole fucking reason thanos won. The scarlet witch should’ve just killed him “so ur saying they’ll come for me” Wanda says but it’s fine baby just kill them it’s ok god I’m so pissed and this is all fake. Also wtf is up w rhodey being like “omg this is the UN” like. No one in any REAL social justice field likes the UN. No one likes human rights studies. Like. They’ve been wrong ab most things and everyone is critical of them FOR A REASON.
Cap’s all like “we failed” after infinity war NO it’s bc everyone scattered yall and u were a DISASSEMBLED team and were very disempowered. These gov officials, the UN, and all these ppl who liked the Sokovia accords, y’all deserve half your loved ones disappearing. You brought this upon your fucking selves now suck it up and deal w the consequences of ur own actions u whiny whores
Edit: oh I did not know there was a whole subsection of mcu fans who r actively anti Sokovia accords and dive deep into what it entailed and how it’s wrong. It seems as tho some ppl in that subsection come from a legal background too which is so cool. Y’all r cool and I’d love to join in on convos w my theory background and comment on how theoretically the accords aren’t for the protection of the ppl and only aim to solidify existing racialized and sexualized nationalist tools such as consolidated military power and borders, which are inherently polysemic and overdetermined in nature (Balibar 2002) are are for those exact reasons that the accords r being drafted and that should honestly be enough to make the general public and world leaders question it in the first place. But anyways. Would love to elaborate one day if let into the fanclub😌
Another edit: im just mad and ranting to the void at this point but y’all who try to argue FOR the Sokovia accords in a legal matter. It straight up DOESNT. MATTER. Bc if u look for even a second at critical social theories, you’d understand that the accords literally cannot work for the people. So you’re arguing for something that strengthens the power of those already in power. Which is fine, but just admit that. Also on the lowest key that’s equivalent to arguing for white heteropatriatchal power. But like. Just admit that. Bc. Again. I repeat, the accords are not FOR THE PEOPLE. Now, we literally don’t know the full content of the accords so there’s only sm we can all say ab the details of it. But as an overall idea, that’s what it does. But if this was a real thing I’d be concerned abt yalls ability to critically think and also that y’all get a say in this country (yikes) ESPECIALLY to that one user I blocked saying that all they needed to see was that cap, a white man, is arrogant, wants to keep his white power, and therefore the accords must be signed, to keep white power in check, then Jesus fuck you’re dumb as hell. Like yes, I had that same initial thought too, but then I THOUGHT AB IT for longer than a SECOND and the same damn thing could be said ab Tony, that his white guilt is clouding his judgement and making him sign. Also non white ppl backed both sides. Like. Use the one brain cell u have for the love of god. Do u rlly think the mcu cares enough to make a racial statement here? And to all Sokovia acc supporters, don’t u think it ended w thanos winning FOR A REASON?! Also. To say “but we need regulation therefore we need the accords” is the same exact thing as saying “we need safety therefore we need cops and the military” like Jesus fuck there r other options. Be creative for a SINGLE SECOND. I hate this world and I hate that I have to share it w ppl who have such smooth brains y’all concern me a LOT
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pugzman3 · 1 year ago
Reposting this because some people seriously need to catch up to what's going on. Today, apparently after refusing a legal subpoena, Hunter Biden walked into the very hearing he had been issued a subpoena for. And everyone stuck in the political reality TV show are losing their minds. I thought it was hilarious, almost made me want to tune in.
So for all of yall not realizing that the WHOLE SYSTEM is owned by people whose names you will never know, for all of yall thinking that after centuries of planning and executing, growing, infiltrating, bringing down entire governments, starting war after war after war, that someone is going to come along and bring it down, for all y'all who simply cannot understand what is going on and why criminal behavior is going on in plain sight and nothing is being done....you seriously need to watch this. If not for your sake, for your children's sake. Go to the channel, watch all the vids.
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lol-jackles · 1 year ago
You really support israhell? After everything they have done? The 75 years of brutal and inhumane colonization and oppression, the torture, the rape, the theft, the burning of hundreds of years old indigenous olive trees, everything? Don't you even see that they did to Palestinians exactly what Americans did to the natives? This is honestly really disappointing. I hope you at least just remember that Palestine was given by one white racist man to another white racist man to get rid of the "jewi
You really want to go there? Okay, lets go there! To use your own logic, the native American analogy you’re so found of also applies to the Jews in Israel.  Romans tried to expel all Jews and then rename the territory "Palestina" after the Philistines (enemy of the Jews), and Jerusalem "Aelia Capitolina" (after Hadrian and Jupiter) to erase the Jewish connection.  Except that did not work because some Jews remained and then others came back.  And they never stopped returning: from immigration in 200-500 AD, the eleventh century, until the movements in 1882, early 1900s, right up to 1948.
I'm sure you know the Ottoman Empire happened until it didn’t, and the territory switched to Britain who called the territory Mandatory Palestine, so the “Palestinians are those who live there, meaning Arabs AND Jews.  This is inconvenient historical facts for you, Jews were living there already!
Do you think the Ottomans would have tolerated state-building by Jews?  Neither the Ottomans nor the British would ever have tolerated an illegal or violent state-building attempt by Jews.  That is why until 1948, the future state of İsrael consisted of territory bought by the Jewish National Fund and empty lands accorded to the Jewish state under the UN partition plan.
Then the Arab world declared war in 1947 and got their asses roundly kicked by the Jews and end up occupying a number of territories originally intended to be part of the abortive Arab state of Transjordan. The furious butthurt Arab nations expelled 900,000 of their own Jewish citizens (those they didn’t kill) so the refugees made their way to Israel in 1948.  Judea and Samaria (aka the West bank) belong to Jordan, Gaza to the Egyptians, Golan Heights to Syria. Green line established as an armistice line.
The Arab world declared war again in 1967 and got their asses round kicked by the Jews.  Just before the war, Arabs left the area and figured they can come back after all the Jews are killed and take everything the Jews owned or had build, the farmlands they built out of swamps and desert…. Except that didn’t happen and they became sore losers. 
Jordan gave up their claim to Judea and Samaria in the 1990’s and Sinai was given back to Egypt, Israel immediately started negotiating with the PLO for peace. Oslo granted the Palestinians the first land that they could claim was theirs and no one else’s. Israel then moved on to direct negotiations with Arafat to give them a proper state with legal borders in exchange for peace. Arafat rejected it and launched the Intifada.  Israel tried again when Abbas took over, but he refused to even talk. In an attempt to buy peace, and as a test of the Palestinian’s intentions, Israel completely pulled out of Gaza, hoping that it could become something like Singapore or Monaco. Instead, Hamas took over, destroying the infrastructure that Israel left behind and launching terrorist attacks against Israel ever since.
Hamas could have rebuilt hospitals and schools with the millions of dollars given in previous conflicts in Gaza. They could have built bomb shelters for their citizens. But no, they built underground tunnels and bunkers, designed to breach Israel's boarders and protect their own. You cannot have peace with Gazans whose sole aim is to kill you and rape the women and then kill them.
Then October 7 happened.  Hamas gleefully opened fire on babies, children, families in their beds. They stabbed children kept the knives in them before killing their parents.  They didn’t spare family dogs.  They gang-raped women and paraded their dead bodies in the streets. Hamas exceeded the Nazis in brutality.  Any collateral damage to the innocent is unintentional on Israel's part as opposed to Hamas who surround their own soldiers with children.  Hamas is literally using their own children as meat shields. 
Gaza started a war. They are getting what they wanted. Why are you complaining?
Did you protest in 2006 when Gaza elected Hamas?
Did you protest in 2007 when Hamas declared war on Israel and said it would eagerly murder Israelies  - which is what caused the Israeli blockade and later the Egyptian blockade.
I bet my two houses you didn’t protest for the past sixteen years while Hanas fired at Israeli civilians, sometimes causing Israel to fire back.
You weren’t at all bothered that for 16 years the Hamas used their own citizens human meat shields and build military infrastructure beneath hospitals and schools
Meanwhile, 21 Arab countries would rather let Gazans die than admit them as refugees.  Where are your complaints about that?
In conclusion: Unlike all the countries in the Americas and Australasia, and many elsewhere, Israel actually is NOT on occupied land, illegal or otherwise. The fledgling state of Israel bought land fair and square from Ottoman landlords and was granted statehood by the UN.  Now, you could argue whether the Ottomans should have been able to sell that land, as they were absentee landords – but they did have legal titles to it and they legally sold the land to the Jews.  So Israel has much greater legitimacy than the U.S, Argentina, Australia, or New Zealand.  Go bitch about them, you cowardly hiding-behind-greyface-Anon.
Btw, I'm always hugely happy to disappoint pro-rapey-terrorists people like yourself.
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thepolyamorouspolymath · 4 days ago
I am begging you, remove the notion that the President carries the right to do whatever he wants when it is your party in power -- whichever party you belong to.
I heard so many people saying they weren't voting in the last election because they were displeased about this or that, and my friends, you are giving the President powers in your head that he does not have.
Hey, the President does NOT control the economy or prices. Nope, that belongs to the corporations and nominally the free market.
Hey, the President does not have unilateral control over foreign policy. Nope, treaties belong to Congress, both ratifying and terminating unless specified in the treaty itself that the executive can terminate it by order. Congress also sets the budget, so funds earmarked for something like aid have to be used for that -- whether or not they can be withheld without the agreement of Congress is an open question, but the powers are not, they are enumerated in the Constitution.
The President really does not have the ability to dictate to other countries what they can and can't do, absent direct military invasion and occupation by US forces.
The President does not have any control over state and local police departments. No, those belong to states and municipalities.
The President does not have the authority go order the National Guard to do fuck all while on US soil, except for in DC without a formal declaration of war. When nationalized (when the President controls them), they are part of the US Army, which is not allowed to operate on US soil during peacetime under posse comitatus -- this also applies to the Air Force but does not apply to the Navy. Not this either, on US soil during peacetime, control belongs to the governor of each state, which is why DC is an exception, as it has no governor. If you see Marines breaking up a protest or shit, then the President sent them. Anyone else, he's not in charge of.
The President does not have authority over state laws. No, rights are generally considered as belonging to the states unless specified or implied by the Constitution. This also applies to state regulations, state funded anything, state taxes.
The President does not have the right to create or dissolve entire departments. No, this too belongs to Congress, as it would have to be funded or defunded.
The President does not have the authority to overrule or ignore a judge's order. No, the judiciary is the final authority for everything.
The President, from either party, has LIMITS. Lots of limits, in fact. He does not bear the blame or deserve the credit for everything that happens during his tenure. He cannot just wave his hand and make shit happen.
The President is literally just SOME GUY. To get anything actually enforced he has to have people carry them out, and they can absolutely refuse. Even the military is not only able to refuse a direct order if it is illegal, they are obligated to do so.
Donald Trump is just some guy. Yes he's issuing orders left and right, but they are being disregarded or overturned by judges. He can't even fire some people -- the 12 Inspectors General he attempted to fire sent a very nice email telling him politely to fuck off until he met the legal requirements to do so. He can't abolish departments, that is expressly forbidden by the 1918 Overman Act. He can't defund them, because Congress. Controls. The. Budget. (Can't stress that enough -- the executive has 3 weapons: money, soldiers, and the DoJ. None of which he actually controls.)
This is not to say he can't do any harm. He definitely can. But mostly because people follow his orders. Which they don't have to, he is just some guy.
The resistance is not just left wing activists. It's the Pentagon saying no, absolutely do not report a damn thing to DOGE or anyone else outside your chain of command. It's the DoJ lawyer who says while defending a Trump order that he has no idea what it means and doesn't want to speculate. It's people refusing to resign because you need grounds to fire them. It's State Department diplomats doing the quiet work of holding together alliances that the administration is trying their best to sabotage.
It's the AG telling prosecutors to fucking run with it if they can make a case. It's Senators who tell a President that he can resign or be removed.
It's citizens who show up to city council meetings and town halls and do phone campaigns even if they dont normally align with you but do on one thing. It's protests that can't be stopped. It's governors saying "absolutely not". It's state AGs filing lawsuits against federal overreach. It's judges who still recognize the rule of law, regardless of who appointed them. It's staffers and law clerks who drag their feet.
It's 330 million tiny cogs in the machine, each one having a ripple effect if it snags.
Government derives its power from the consent of the governed, those working for it as much as those living under it. That's as true today as it was in the Declaration.
Joe Biden did not have absolute authority, not the credit or the blame. Neither did Barack Obama, or George W Bush or Bill Clinton. Neither did Reagan or FDR or even Washington.
And importantly neither does Donald Trump.
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Alone No Longer Ch. 8- Ties That Bind
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"Sabine. How may I be of assistance?"
Her smile stretched to reveal four sharpened canines.
"I'm so glad you asked. As I was just explaining to this gentleman-"
She turned slightly, inclining her head toward the guard.
"I am here to see my husband and I am not leaving this hallway until I do."
Walter's violet eyes widened behind his monocle. He stared at her in disbelief, but Sabine gave no indication that her demand was anything but serious.
"You know I cannot allow that. He's a war criminal. A political prisoner of the Hellsing organization."
Sabine pursed her lips. Her eyebrows drew together as she glanced at the cell door. Hans was in there. She knew it. She could feel him.
"Yes I know, but prisoners have a right to visitation."
The guard behind her snorted.
"That bastard doesn't have any legal rights. He's a bloody-"
Sabine whirled around to face the soldier. His mouth snapped shut at the sight of her glowing red eyes.
"Werewolf? And what do you see when you look at me, hmm? A monster?"
She ignored Walter's warning and advanced on the guard. A low growl of frustration built behind her voice. She wasn't technically a prisoner of Hellsing, but she was close enough.
"Just because I am not human does not make me less of a person!"
"Sabine, calm down!"
The soldier slid his finger to the trigger of his rifle. Sabine spun away from him and closed her eyes, willing her temper back under control.
She felt as if the pain in her chest was driving her mad! She didn't know if it was the bond between them, or if her feelings for Hans were genuine, but the separation had become physically unbearable. What started as a dull throb of longing grew into an agonizing stab of loss. Something inside Sabine was withering… and dying.
If she perished from a broken heart, who would be left to care for Barrett?
Desperate tears threatened to fall as she took a deep breath through her nose and out of her mouth. It required every ounce of willpower not to throw herself at the cell door and claw at it like a rabid beast.
"Valtah, please. Open the door. My son is a month old and has yet to meet his father."
"Sir Hellsing would never approve-"
Sabine stomped her foot. The sound of her heel connecting with the concrete floor echoed down the sterile hallway.
"I do not care what Sir Hellsing would approve! He has refused to answer my questions and I am tired of waiting! Valtah, I am so tired."
Barrett stirred in her arms. She soothed him back to sleep as she turned to face Walter. Something dark passed over his features, but was gone in an instant. Sabine was left wondering if she had imagined the look.
"I have to see Hans. Unless you plan to shoot an unarmed woman and her baby, I am not moving from this spot until you open that door!"
"Fine. If you wish to see him so badly, then be my guest. You have ten minutes."
Sabine and the soldier both startled at Walter's sudden change of heart.
"Unlock the cell."
The guard stared at him.
"But, sir?"
His lips pressed into a thin line. He scowled at the soldier as he folded his hands behind his back.
Walter was just as tired of waiting.
"That's an order soldier. Unless you doubt my ability to keep a single prisoner under control?"
"No Sir."
The sullen guard removed the key ring from his belt and began to unlock the cell door. Sabine couldn't seem to catch her breath. Her fingers restlessly combed through her hair, tucking every strand back into place. Anxiously, she tugged at her garments. After one month of endless seclusion, she was finally going to be reunited with Hans!
The last image she had of him was on his knees, kneeling before Sir Hellsing in defeat. The last time they touched was his goodbye kiss in the woods.
The reinforced door swung open. Sabine rushed past the guard.
The overwhelming presence of silver crawled across her skin. Every hair stood on end. Instinctively, she shielded Barrett's delicate body from the deadly metal.
The sight that greeted her inside the cell ripped a gasp from her lips before she could stifle the noise.
"Oh… Hans."
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misfitwashere · 5 months ago
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Even I, when I read the text of his statements, find myself normalizing him. I read or listen and look for a drop of normalcy, or for how his followers would hear him. I subconsciously do the work he wouldn’t do and look for meaning or critical thinking amidst all the gibberish, and then dismiss the gibberish. But right there on the page, right there on the screen where he stands, his words are often nonsense, and offensive, frightening nonsense.
The major reason he’s still in this race, and not being laughed off the stage, is because so many of those who support him are locked behind a wall of information or bias and fictionalize him, and those who report on him are either afraid of him, told to normalize him by corporate higher-ups, or are inured to his weirdness and self-absorption. Many report on the drip of normalcy and neglect the flood of incoherent, belligerent, and offensive inanity. We must not allow ourselves to get so used to him to the point that he uses us.
The recent debate provided a good example of his belligerent inanity. I almost felt sorry for him a couple of times because he was so out of his depth, so lost and out of control. He had no facts to show he cared about issues and people, and often pushed beyond the debate agreements of 2 minute comments to aggressively ramble on with conspiratorial lies.
And the simplistic, malignant nature of these lies almost surprised me. I didn’t expect him to so blatantly repeat on national tv the weird crazies he repeats on smaller stages. For example, his old debunked refrain about millions coming across the border to steal and rape, even repeating racist disinformation about Haitians stealing pets to eat them. He ignored the fact that most Haitians in the city were here legally, and immigrants in general are less likely to commit crimes than other U. S. residents, certainly less likely than DT himself.
“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats,” said Trump. The police and other city officials have repeatedly said there were no such reports, but DT claimed it was true because he saw it somewhere on tv.
Of course, when asked directly at the debate if he wanted the Ukrainians to win the war to defeat Russian invaders, or if he would veto a national abortion ban, he showed his true values and that, maybe his ramblings serve a purpose all his own, and refused to answer the actual question asked.
Recently, at a Fox “News” town hall, he was asked about the mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia that led to four deaths and multiple injuries. DT avoided the question to talk about the support he received from Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orbán, the same autocrat he mentioned at the debate as a foreign ruler who respects him.
“’It’s a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons…’ Trump said. ‘And we’re going to make it better, you know, Viktor Orban made a statement, he said, ‘bring Trump back and we won’t have any problems.’ He was very strong about that.’” Never a comment about gun safety, or a sliver of compassion for the victims and their families.
Or to a Mom’s for Liberty event he said, “The transgender thing is incredible. Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what’s going to happen with your child.” Untrue, yes. Insane? Possibly.
In a recent speech to the Economic Club of New York, he rambled on again about Kamala Harris’ border policy: “She wants to defund the police, have Tony Logan votes, ban trafficking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else, take away your private health insurance, and perhaps most pertinent to the very brilliant people in this room, raise your business and corporate taxes, and unbelievably, she’ll see a text on unauthorized trafficking in those people’s living rooms at ease…”
Then: “[She] Has to be defeated. Cannot have her be the President of the United States. Under Kamala, the United States is becoming a third-world banana republic. She and her party are censoring speech, weaponizing the justice system, and trying to throw their political opponents, me, in jail.
This hasn’t happened. I didn’t do that to Crooked Hillary. I said, that would be a terrible thing, wouldn’t it? Putting the wife of the President of the United States in jail…” Of course, during the 2016 campaign he and his supporters repeatedly greeted mentions of Hillary Clinton with shouts of  “lock her up.” And recently, he repeatedly talked about his own plans to weaponize the DOJ.
When asked, “’If you win in November, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make childcare affordable, and if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?” In DT’s reply, he admitted childcare was an important issue but failed to mention a single specific solution. Instead, he spent his time rambling incoherently on his idea of increasing tariffs on imports. He said:
“But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that—because look, child care is child care. It’s, couldn’t—you know, there’s something … You have to have it. In this country, you have to have it.
But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.’” And on and on.
And at a rally in Las Vegas, in June, reported on by Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post, DT was trying to talk about the transition to electric vehicles, but instead veered off to speak about sharks:
“By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming.’ No, really got decimated, and other people, too, a lot of shark attacks….”
In the Washington Post article, the author also focused on the ridiculous normalizing of DT in much of the corporate media. “We in the media have failed by becoming inured to Trump’s verbal incontinence — not just the rapid-fire lies and revenge-seeking threats, but also the frightening glimpses into a mind that is, evidently, unwell…. The tendency with Trump, at 77, is to say he’s ‘just being Trump.’ But he’s like this all the time….” Hopefully, the debate has clearly exposed to the nation that he can’t or shouldn’t be normalized and is unfit to hold political office.
Add this to his offensive comments about soldiers, especially those wounded and killed during their service, or sexist, misogynist, and often cruel comments about women and one wonders how he could still be in this race, or how could anyone feel safe with the idea of him wielding power. There’s a reason why so many members of his former cabinet and administration are warning us about him. And as journalist Greg Sargent recently wrote in The New Republic, it’s time for “the media” to make DT’s incoherence the top story of the week, year, decade.
Time for us all, when we can listen to him, to recognize what’s there and not there, and get out the vote for Harris-Walz.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year ago
You cannot defeat the pasta
Hcs on Pizza Pasta being a good but unhinged uncle to Mac and revealing that he didn’t die and the boxers are simply
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why must you torture me 💔💔💔 eughhhhfuheheı where is the pasta exterminators
hcs below
Boxers reactions to pizza pasta being alive and related to Mac™
uh oh
glass joe
- kinda knew he was still alive, still shocked
- him being related to Mac on the other hand?? Refuses to believe it
- pissed off at pizza pasta for not making it clear hes alive sooner
von kaiser
- doesnt give a shit, Why should he care about some italian man with a dumb name??
- looked at pizza pasta and Mac together and saw the resemblance a bit
- He was the one who started the "pizza pasta got memory loss and is living in belgium" joke
- He wins the idgaf war anyday
Disco Kid
- Just happy to see Mac happy to have his uncle back
- doesnt see the resemblance but still ok
- thinks he shouldve stayed as a real estate agent but not telling that directly to his face
- finds him strange
king hippo
- also couldnt care enough
- doesnt see the resemblance but doesnt care enough to say anything about it
- likes making fun of his nam
- dissapointed in him for just dissapearing one day
piston hondo
- jawdrop.
- in denial & confused
- "they dont.. they dont look like each other.."
- "hes his uncle not his dad"
- doesnt really know what to think
bear hugger
- happy for them
- "damn you found your uncle? good for you"
- doesnt see the resemblance but not willing to say it to their face since he thinks its rude
- a bit shocked but mainly happy
great tiger
- He already knew, pizza contacted him first and told him the news
- Just watching this all unfold
- thinks its hilarious to watch everyone just go nuts
- doesnt see the resemblance like most
don flamenco
- He heard it from Tiger since hes always up to date on the gossip
- digging into official paperwork to see if they are related or its more of a found family kind of thing
- the only thing amusing to him is everyones reactions, he couldnt care less
Aran Ryan
- finds it funny how Mac is related to the funny dinner name man
- "so yer italian, huh?"
- "yeah??"
- "HAHAHA!!-"
- making fun of pizza pasta enough to almost bully him back into going back to being a lawyer
Soda Popinski
- suprised, but not that much since word spread arounds,specifically from a matador who likes to go through legal paperwork for juicy secrets and chugs cocktails like theres no tomorrow
- thinks its funny how Mac is related to the funny italian man
- finds it nice how he was able to find Mac back
Bald Bull
- oh no hes pissed off... He has beef with pizza pasta over some stuff i cannot disclose or he will punch me to the stratosphere
- thinks pizza pasta looks uglier than Mac, says it to his face
- thinks that he "shouldve stayed dead" and also says that to his face
- calling pizza pasta a coward for not taking the heat and just dissapearing
Super Macho Man
- also knew it early, specifically from a magician who flies around a lot
- in denial but also accepting?
- wished pasta came back "looking less ugly"
- shit talking pizza pasta with bull, the girls are fightinggg
Mr Sandman
- since he was tried with him, hes a bit pissed off but happy he has a worthy opponent back again
- doesnt really care about the family reunion thing but still happy for Mac
- wants to hurt back into boxing with him
Pizza Pasta as an uncle for Mac™
- pizza pasta decked Bull in the face so hard he had to go the ER after he told Mac that pizza pasta is "some wishy-washy coward who cant handle being confronted" after that pizza pasta tried to make up for him but ended up making things worse
- Mac sometimes convinces pizza pasta to get him icecream after training with doc by doing puppy eyes, it works every time
- pizza pasta chats a lot with Mac so he can learn about his interests
- Mac sometimes rambles about his hyperfixations to him when bored and he just takes notes in his mind
- pizza pasta fights anyone shit talking Mac since he feels bad about not being there for him earlier
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cuprohastes · 1 year ago
Things to Come
It is the year 2024: Amazon wants to have wholly owned company towns to persuade poor people to enter into indentured servitude. There is an election between an old guy who's quietly doing a generally good job, and a very loud serial rapist conman who's being taken to court for his many crimes including treason. Somehow there is still a debate as to who will win.
It is the year 2030: There are now four Amazon towns powered off grid by Tesla batteries. There is no news in or out. People are starting to notice this. Jeff Bezos and Elon musk are having a public fight over who owns Mars. Bezos brought up Twitter and Elon's announced X-Mart a direct competitor to Amazon. The Cybertruck's been recalled again, this time after the 50th person was cooked alive by the burning battery pack, which also locked all the doors.
It is 2040: Elon's died on Mars ina. 8ft cabin from every cancer known to man and three that are getting named after him. Apparently he declared that radiation shielding wasn't needed because Mars is too far from the sun for radiation to reach it. Jeff Bezos freeze dried corpse is still circling hte earth as of two years ago. The world watches with glee as Amazon is torn to shreds by ten thousand parties all of whom are laying claim to the 3 trillion dollars held by the company. Nobody is trying to take over Space-X or Teslas due to the historic 1.4 trillion dollars in fines and debt they collectively owe. Mark Zuckerberg is replacing all his organic parts with life support machines to keep his brain alive until a perfect way to upload himself to the metaverse is available. The metaverse is still shit and has only 1008 concurrent users.
Is tis 2042: Donald Trump has choked to death in his cell. The rumour is it was corpophilia: This will persist even after a FOIA reveals it was a cold two day old Big Mac smuggled in to him. The world rejoices. There is still a 24/7 video feed of Elon musk slowly mummifying in the remains of X-Mars. Questions regarding the rest of the colonists are answered when a Marsbot finally accesses the dome and finds that Elon turned off the oxygen after the twenty three women in the first wave of colonists refused to breed with him. There were twenty eight colonists and four of them had received vasectomies two months before liftoff. They had to take an axe to the thing Zuckerberg because it wouldn't stop screaming. In the UK, all politicians from the last 30 years have been placed in Wadsworth prison and are tried and guillotined daily. The Scottish won't stop laughing. The Irish have been drunk of their tits for the last six months. The Welsh have banned speaking English. This is not going well but they get much respect for taking a stand.
2050: Republicans are now legal to be hunted for food if you have a bow hunting license. Guns are finally restricted. Republicans state that this will result in a civil war. Gun crime and school shootings are down 1000%. The most popular book in the US is "Eating the Rich" a combination how-to on bow hunting, butchering and serving human flesh. The rest of the world is watching this with interest. The Russian federation is taking special notes. This year 80 clones of Vladimir Putin are euthanised in their tubes and eaten.
2055: There is no civil war and surprisingly few instances of Kuru. Texas has built a wall around the entire state to keep "the left" out. All jokes about marrying your cousin are now attributed to Texas, now known as the Lone Surname State. They have still managed not to secede.
2060: Gender is abolished, not through decree but by common agreement of the third generation brought up by Millenials, Gen Z and Gen Blue: The Green Generation. Cities are walkable. It is considered weird if you cannot walk to the shops in bare feet safely for at least half a year. Air quality has improved, winters are returning. Urban deer keep grasses down and provide local meat. Men and women wear dresses, biological sex can now be changed trivially with around 60 months of treatment. Marriage is now merely a fun tradition and churches all pay tax after the 2056 ruling that if they cannot provide evidence for their god that they have no more claim to universal truth than a social club. World hunger is solved by levying back taxes on jsut three megachurches. Summers are brutal but can be managed by passive cooling, and thermal gradient power generators for cooling.
2070: Everyone has UBI. Work is 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for most people. Many people have two or three jobs, not for money, but because they have diverse interests. Most companies are profit sharing or Co-operatives. The biggest global trauma is the English wearing socks with sandals. Global temperatures have dropped. The kids are kind and bemused by their aging relatives. Texas is still Republican and angrily making memes about "This is the future the left want" that are still really cool and fun looking suggestions. The southen US has replaced it's statues with Dolly Parton, who's revered as a saint. 40% of men have great tits. The President of the USA is catgirl. Things are going to be OK. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day the last Boomer died and everyone's going to get their grill out. Life's good: We're going to to be OK.
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