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reblogs of important evidence are found, @bunnyhazedayz . this blog is a place to center evidence, of salem wolfertinger aka wolfertinger666 aka puppychan's, history of abuse, racism, and chronic lying from the past to today. victim's stories, and voices of those afraid to speak, will be centered here.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
I don't know about yall but I got my information on Sawyer owning Pepper... straight from Sawyer on Twitter. Just because you use Kiwifarms doesn't mean you have to project it on everyone else, Wis
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"argued on that website"
literally. what, is she talking about.
wis. you still have not answered, as to why YOU continue to defend, TWO kiwifarmers, that deadnamed your boyfriend. i am sorry, that sawyer is not the evil kiwifarmer, you want them to be.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
salem you donā€™t need to keep drawing on your tiny little phone with your fingers, you have 11k, you can invest in actual tablet/stylus, and i know itā€™s not the tools that make the artist but i think itā€™d be a helluva lot better than a phone and fingers. but then again salem doesnā€™t care about quality as long as he can pump out the same art every day (not to mention actually buying a ticket to see his GIRLFRIEND instead of buying sex toys) and didnā€™t he get a laptop? you can draw on that too, you can get a cheap tablet for like 30ish bucks anywhere. i personally use an ipad/apple pencil because my eyes are shit and iā€™m used to drawing on a screen but at least i can actually see what im doing since my fingers arenā€™t in the way.
also about the hitch and hitomi art, makes me VERY uncomfortable, and the fact he said heā€™d prioritize a porn comic about them rather than the actual story about how they met/nonsexual stories, just shows how he only sees his characters as sexual objects and not characters. ESPECIALLY his trans characters. the focus on hitomiā€™s penis isnā€™t surprising but still feels uncomfortable to think about how salem sees transwomen.
i honestly think, he has already pissed away that $11k. he used the money, the second he got it, for things like doordash, and getting his hair done. unfortunate.
this is a screen, from Jan 29. notice, the ko fi amount, and the minimum donation.
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this one, was taken today.
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since late january. so, basically, the month of february. he received SIX HUNDRED FORTY THREE (643) INDIVIDUAL KO FIS. times five. this means, he has earned a minimum, of $3,215 usd.
that $3,000, is on top of his social security fund, which has been confirmed, to be almost $2k. so salem, just from posting on tumblr. has earned $5,000 in a single month. where does this money go. genuinely.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
can someone PLEASE teach salem to how to use tumblr???? His blog is so bad holy shit its migraine incuding
it is his blog. but ever since the twitter days. i have never understood, why he tacks on 11 different amends, to the same post. how can you as a salem follower, stand seeing the same wip piece, literally 15 times in a row. it is his blog. but i have trouble, getting my head around that.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
I have several food allergies and an allergy to medication (sulfa) and... I've literally never heard of an allergy working like how salem describes it. I think maybe he's confused an unrelated health event for an allergic reaction, and is just too stubborn to admit fault after the fact. I'm no doctor, just someone who's had allergies my entire life, so I'm giving benefits of the doubt that the event he described happened - but I don't think it's related to the blueberry. it's a post hoc fallacy: believing that just because two things happened in sequence, they must be related.
blueberry allergies exist, caused by salicylates specifically, but he'd be allergic to other stuff too (avocados, mushrooms, certain pain medications) and don't have the symptoms he describes. I want to believe this event happened, but it's very very unlikely that it was caused by blueberries
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
How is wis going "it was rape but that doesnt mean you should tell on her!!!" All because the perpetrator's a trans woman. Grow up, rape is rape and rapists have to deal with what they fucking did.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
what's funny if salem was truly deathly allergic to blueberries, he wouldn't have been touching/holding one in the first place so his claim about that is shitty and obv lying
i have seen, most of the time, blueberry allergens are in relation to the pollen, meaning you are right. though, if he means consumption of the blueberry. even a single blueberry, would only cause minor gastric distress. if, even that.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
wis entire "apology" (if you can even call it that) reads more like a frantic attempt at damage control than anything genuine. its just this endless cycle of self-pity, deflection, and word salad, all dressed up as some deep introspective moment. her biggest concern isnt really engaging with the actual criticisms. its making sure people see her as the real victim here.
she keeps saying she didnt defend torin, but if that were actually true, why is she so hesitant to explicitly denounce them? why is she still calling what they did rumors while immediately labeling sawyers actions as fact? that selective wording isnt accidental. its calculated. she wants to appear like shes taking accountability while still leaving enough room to distance herself from the worst of it. and the way she keeps looping back to how much shes suffered, how shes been stalked, how people are out to get her, feels like shes trying to guilt people into backing off rather than actually acknowledging what she did.
like, sure, it is probably upsetting to constantly see your name brought up in callouts. but maybe the way to fix that isnt by writing an incoherent essay trying to emotionally manipulate people into sympathy. maybe the way to fix that is by actually addressing the core issues, fully and transparently, without a million excuses and self-victimizing detours. but based on this mess of an apology, i dont think she has the ability (or the willingness) to do that.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
Anyone else going to point out that despite this blog being meant to criticize Salem, lately it's just become the Wis show? Not a dig at this blog, but I mean Wis can't shut the hell up and at this point, is making a bigger stink than Salem.
its true. salem knows at least, constantly referencing and talking about your detractors, will do nothing. wis, unfortunately. does not understand this.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
I can't help but notice that a lot of peoples criticisms of the latest Tammy art (and some of Salem's art in general) are very similar to the criticisms people give AI generated images. Like body parts missing, being too big/small, phasing through each other, etc. Or things not making sense, like Tammy drinking out of the top of the soda can or supporting her guitar strap with her boobs. For the record, I'm not saying that Salem is using AI. I just think it's funny that he's so thoughtless that his art comes out looking equally sloppy and random.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
(anon if not) i'm saying this now because i know the blueberry allergy anon with a severe nut allergy will be used as a "look this blog is getting this wrong." hi. i also have a severe nut allergy. i also have less severe allergies and pollen allergies. im correcting that anon so their entire point isnt invalidated.
some allergies are not anaphylactic. some allergies come on and you have gi issues or rash, onset dairy allergy is a good example of this. some pollen allergies to fruits and vegetables can be severe. ive had difficulty breathing and nausea. anaphylaxis however is really rare with pollen allergies but they aren't always mild.
and because this might be mentioned. yes you can have delayed allergic reactions. but those are related to anaphylactic allergies where after having your first allergic reaction there's a chance of having a second within 72 hours. i think it more common within 24 hours though which is why hospitals keep those who had anaphylaxis for monitoring for about a day. its called biphasic anaphylaxis.
everything else that anon said is true though. sudden issues with medication like that are rarely an allergy, more likely an intolerance if in the ballpark or a side effect of the medication. and its incredibly unlikely to have a second blackout reaction for a nonanaphylactic reaction, which i'm assuming the blueberry reaction was as he didn't go to the hospital.
i'm not going to comment on if i think salem does or does not have a reaction to blueberries. i will say that i do not think he has an anaphylactic reaction. if it is an allergy then a reaction to a blueberry is probably a pollen allergy. salem, if you do have reactions to blueberries, you probably have reactions to other things and should see an allergist. they test for types of pollen and can tell you how to manage it. its very helpful.
solidarity to the other anon. anaphylactic allergies suck and you were spot on with the rage lol.
it was pointed out, as well. that he notably does not have an allergen to other fruits, applesauce namely, which is ironic, as apple is the most common cross-reactivity, in reference to blueberries.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
salems basically the internets most dedicated broken record. hes not even a first-wave cloutfarmer. dude shows up months late to the scene like hes discovered something groundbreaking, then proceeds to regurgitate the same takes over and over like hes on some crusade.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
LMAO salems level of delusion is actually insane. he really looked in the mirror and told himself, ā€œyes, i am a cultural iconā€ with a straight face. influential where exactly? in the same five-person echo chamber that constantly argues about the ethics of fictional kinks on tumblr? because outside of that, no one gives a shit.
its always the most mid, terminally online people who think theyre shaping the future of an entire community. like bro, youre not a movement leader. youre just an art account that gets into way too many petty internet fights. being known in a niche fandom space doesnā€™t make you important. it just means you spend way too much time arguing with furries instead of, yknow, actually creating anything worth remembering.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
i feel really embarrassed that i thought salem or puppy took accountability in his tumblr blog in that old ''apology'' of him saying he was plural by blaming his old host for being responsible of everything bad and then i find this blog... can't say i'm not shocked but history repeats itself. i hope sawyer is doing well cause i would lose my sanity if i were in that situation
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
salem gets the tiniest bit of attention online and suddenly thinks hes the messiah of whatever niche hes embedded himself in. like, congrats on being a big fish in a piss puddle, i guess? its wild how easy it is for him to fall for his own hype when the only ones hyping him up are equally delusional yes-men.
the internet breeds this kind of self-importance because people mistake engagement for significance. just because a few people are nodding along doesnt mean youre making waves. it just means youre loud. and being loud doesnt mean youre right. it just means youre annoying.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
(please keep this on anon if it somehow doesnt work) while this isnt as serious as the other things he does, but as someone who also draws on a phone, it annoys me how much he posts about how unique and quirky he is for drawing on a phone. its not bad at all to tell people what you use and how you draw but he has to post about this EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. he must be the only person in the world who does that! shocking!
"people would flip their shit out if they found out i... Heh... Dont draw with a STYLUS, as any other high skilled artist would do! A computer?... Nah, you silly thing... im not like these artists either... I am different! Heh, I draw on a PHONE with my FINGER! surprising, right?" #151726182717
he would do this constantly, in the ppc days, as well. literal, non stop posting, about how he used his finger. he loves the responses he gets. and i will not lie. i think that is the reason, he continues doing so, despite using your finger being possibly one of the worst ways to draw, ergonomically. hunching over a tiny screen, using your finger constantly, is a great recipe for neck issues, back issues, eye issues, joint issues, ect.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
salem is on his "i wont draw cis men" thing again. you gotta love it. the notes and reblogs from other people on that post are vile too. i get not wanting to draw a specific character type but when you're acting all holy, preachy and mighty about it, it's just disgusting. actually maddening post to me. as if cis men dont deserve to be represented. yet he claims he is all about representation. whatever. his viewpoint and opinions are the only valid ones i guess. šŸ™„
if he just said, i only want to draw hyper feminine bodies, that are attractive to me. sincerely. i doubt, anyone would even care. it is that he claims, to want to be such a representative artist. yet, proves himself, he is unwilling to step out of his comfort zone.
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wolfertinger Ā· 22 hours ago
i feel like this is all really unhealthy for sawyer. as an abuse survivor myself, fixating on and having a sideblog dedicated to thinking/talking about and addressing this stuff all the time would just make me spiral and destroy my mental state (talking abt their blog, not this one). i would disengage for my own sanity.
sawyer, i do think, has been taking more of a step back, such as having a private acc, that is inaccessible, unless you are told it.
i do agree, but i see it as, sawyer is being forced to defend themselves, because the second they choose to be private, and relax, i can guarantee salem and wis, will take it as an excuse to attack them further, when they cannot defend themselves, as they have done so, in the past. overall. i wish for sawyer to be able to disengage, comfortably. but they will not be able to, until wis and salem retract their statements, and admit that sawyer, is not an evil groomer rapist stalker, they tried to pedojacket them as.
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