wolfertinger · 4 hours
i came across this...what is the breakdown of the situation? also, why is your post tagged wolfintinger666 ?
puppychan was a huge twitter artist for years from the time they were young. they were very talented and thus gained a 10k+ following at an early age. they quickly learned that suicide baiting would gain them large amounts of attention and would frequently threaten to kts. most of their content was focused on positivity, lgbt representation, and simple but unique furry designs and stories. they were also quite praised for drawing only with their finger which was very impressive considering the scale of their older pieces.
however people began noticing puppy would draw characters with more sexualized features, such as very large hips and breasts with a small waist, but puppy and their supporters claimed this was simply body positivity and would attack those concerned that a minor was drawing horny bait art.
this slowly developed until they were about 18 and they instantly made a nsfw account and shared it on their main account, which had a large following of minors bc of their positivity-focused content and cutesy style. many people immediately brought this to puppys attention and insisted they should include an 🔞on their account somewhere but puppy insisted it was still sfw content despite their art having increasingly become more hornybait-focused. all of their art at this point was largely about women/femme characters with extremely large breasts and hips often in very revealing clothing or making sexual innuedos. you can actually still see the effect puppy had on tons of minors following them, some as young as 13 drawing characters in incredibly sexual ways because they learned it would garner them lots of attention. of course any time puppy was in controversy about this exposure to minors they would threaten suicide before going back to normal pretending nothing happened the next day.
finally the breaking point was when a minor- who will not be named for several reasons- posted screenshots of puppy engaging him in nsfw conversations about how to get away with posting suggestive art as a minor. to be entirely transparent i will say puppy did seem slightly distant and not at all familiar in the dms but regardless still aided a 15 year old in how to draw and get away with heavily sexually suggestive content. many people turned on puppy because of this and after about a month of trying to salvage the situation behind a locked account puppy finally gave up and deleted the original puppkittyfan1 account they'd had for years.
fowards about a year people came across an artist with a very clearly puppychan-inspired style, this was wolfertinger. wolf originally denied any relation to puppy and claimed they were entirely different and had no connection at all, but this story later changed to be that puppy actually had DID and this was the "new, dominant" alter, salem. though i will not fake claim i find it odd he initially tried hiding any connection to puppy and outright lied then later copped to it... not to mention one of his ex friends noting puppy emulated a lot of their dissociative symptoms- this lines up with what i know of puppy who often emulated people or fictional characters they liked.
this is about where it ends now. salem is now a successful artist again and people interact with their works freely. he has faced virtually no repercussions for the way he treated his ex friends or the generation of twitter artists he exposed to sexual content and led them to making suggestive art at incredibly young ages. puppychan is occasionally mocked on twitter but outside of tumblr no one really knows wolfertinger is where theyre at now.
i simply believe in holding people accountable and not allowing the past to be swept under the rug as people so desperately want it to be. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wolfertinger · 4 hours
with regard to the last post ultimately people need to recognize this isnt some “callout post” this is not letting people forget that puppy is actively harmful to the people around him, that he has repeatedly interacted with minors in sexual or nsfw contexts, and that he has shown he will enable friends and partners that exhibit pedo- or zoophilic tendencies because he genuinely does not care. as long as he is enabled he will continue to not care. good art is not good enough reason to let someone get away with exposing kids to sexual content for literally no other reason than twitter clout and abusing his friends’ trusts. do not let him get away with hurting and using people AGAIN. 
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wolfertinger · 2 days
Just a reminder that I was friends with someone puppychan/wolfertinger666 was friends with when he got really toxic, and I personally saw everything (aside from things he kept in dms) going down in real time. He acts the way I acted (minus when he was uh really racist and is too comfortable with groomers, minors, and now "radqueers") before I got help and reflected on myself and my previous actions. You know, the actions I can say are in the past because I've grown and moved on from them and haven't suicide baited in 5 years and haven't been toxic to people and don't lie every chance I get and try to look all cute and small and squishy by going "boobies! You can't hate me because I'm a soft little boy with boobies! And tummy and ass!" every second of your damn life. You can't say the same, and you never, ever will, because you will never grow and you continually stunt yourself at every chance you get :p
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wolfertinger · 2 days
Okay. Salem you’re spouting allegations that have no evidence to back them up. If you wanna prove this and actually prove that you’re sorry you have my discord. But given you have to make this all a public spectacle instead of idk contacting me and apologizing privately and not “I’m sorry I was shitty also”.
Because I have the screenshots of what you claimed was grooming. It wasn’t. You asked for the art to be made.
You need to let people heal from you. Instead of vaguing and getting mad at every criticism. I have people who think I am still awful and that’s fine. But I don’t seek them out and try to blast them on a social media that you have a larger audience for.
I’m defending myself from you because you have such a victim complex that you resort to degrading your detractors.
I show proof and dip. Unlike you I can take people not liking me. I know some people despise me and thats fine. I’m not everyones cup of tea. I don’t have to reply to every hate comment I get and I joke about it. I don’t need to prove to people I’m a good person because I don’t care. Unlike you I don’t have a addiction to the internet and draw boobs and ass to get thousands of notes. You have a addiction to validation that you need to get help for.
The only way to even get you to apologize to anyone is to show your behavior or you try to silence people with threats of legal action. Salem. You’re going to go into financial ruin that way. Nobody has time or money to go to court over something you didn’t like online. They’ll throw it out and put you in debt. It’s stupid when all you’ve had to do is reach out to me.
I’m also sick and tired of you trying to press every single label you think you can onto me. Stop trying to demonize me lmaoo.
Also I don’t like fruit site. You also said I run @/wolfertinger when I literally fucking don’t. To the point where I was gaslighting myself thinking I did. Because my memory problems are that bad.
It’s so fucking bizarre. Like if I did I wouldn’t be anonymous. It’s obvious when I run accounts and I don’t care enough to hide my identity.
And I am tired. I lost my grandmother a month and a half ago and I was doxxed. So really it is just you upping things instead of taking it privately like I had asked originally. I tried to give you chances. You kept digging.
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wolfertinger · 2 days
i find it so weird how salem claims he draws “diverse” body types but only draws one body type like
if he cares so much for diversity, how come he has never drawn any disabled bodies, flat-chested bodies, top scars, stretch marks, etc???
puppy/salem did in the past rarely draw non-feminine body types but literally only for throw away characters. if a character isnt milk maid figured he doesnt care.
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even in his suggested posts it shows he literally only draws the same shape over and over.
his excuse has always been ~diverse~ body types but i havent ever seen a character over 140 lbs or with no boobs or with a brick body shape or with top/bottom surgery. he always talks about trans girls with body hair, what about trans girls with small breasts, who arent shaped stereotypically fem, who have wider shoulders or are skinny/lanky, or trans girls who are fat post hrt, there are just so many things he can do. but its so obvious he only gets off to 1 body type masc or fem. sucks if youre a trans girl who doesnt like their ~girl bulge~ as he calls it.
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wolfertinger · 7 days
Salem asked for her back and I told him “No thank you” specifically because he’s been incredibly nasty towards me. Along with his drama and current issues.
In short, he’s shit talked me behind closed doors. Worse than I thought it was. I don’t want anything to do with him and am moving on. I am allowed to vent given how he’s treated me and multiple other people.
I am right now grieving a lot and need time, so art is going to be slow.
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On the note of outing you, you could’ve ignored me and moved on. I didn’t make you make that half assed apology. You confirmed it was you.
I am tired of sitting back and being quiet over someone being nasty to me for trying to help them get better. You grow up.
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wolfertinger · 7 days
unfortunately lost the ask mid typing but to the person that said thank you and to not harass salem, yes exactly. this will be another ask post to keep the important info from being buryed.
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this is not a blog about wis-art. so all i really know is that she defends salem heavily as his partner, and has said some very weird things regarding kinks. but other than that i prefer to keep this blog focused on salem and what hes done.
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i do not but there are several videos out there that go into detail about it. tl;dr, puppychan had a history of suicide baiting to their primarily minor platform, was a routine liar, would bait for attention constantly and would draw soft core porn but refused to put a +18 on their account even after being told to, they would even sometimes have their audience attack these people and claim it was just body positivity
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yeah this is totally for body positivity.
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i dont have to bring up old pictures actually. you are right. there are way more recent ones. 2024 is recent enough for you?
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he switches very easily from seeming nice to lashing out and threatening because he didnt get what he wanted. which is what people like you who constantly coddle him do to him, never having him answer for his actions. he is at heart still a child, because hes never been forced to grow the fuck up.
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wolfertinger · 7 days
Shmorky / Daisy /Dave Bunny : diaperfur, likes rabbits a little too much, danger to children, pretended to be an asian person with poor english upon being found out for misconduct with minors, habit of pretending to be a little girl online
Wolfertinger666 / Salem : diaperfur, likes rabbits a little too much, danger to children, pretended to be an asian person with poor english upon being found out for misconduct with minors, (allegedly) was a little girl online once..
now, im not implying anything...but......
i know this is satire but i did lol. so it is getting posted.
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wolfertinger · 1 month
a reminder. rcdart didnt just hc captain america as trans masc but his gf was transfemm as well. this is how they drew her:
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salem is doing the exact thing he was doing on twitter mass posting for attention and vagueing random people in his reblogs. his and his gfs attitudes are toxic and painfully online.
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no salem. people were mad at rcdart because they not only fetishized trans bodies (as people can argue you are doing too as they did to trans masc bodies as you do to trans femm bodies) but because they drew and posted super fucking racist things. (as people can argue you did too.)
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this is 'genuine curiosity and attraction toward tmasc bodies' to him
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this is called fetishization salem.
this is not curiosity and attraction. this is fetishization.
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wolfertinger · 1 month
salem is doing the exact thing he was doing on twitter mass posting for attention and vagueing random people in his reblogs. his and his gfs attitudes are toxic and painfully online.
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no salem. people were mad at rcdart because they not only fetishized trans bodies (as people can argue you are doing too as they did to trans masc bodies as you do to trans femm bodies) but because they drew and posted super fucking racist things. (as people can argue you did too.)
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this is 'genuine curiosity and attraction toward tmasc bodies' to him
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this is called fetishization salem.
this is not curiosity and attraction. this is fetishization.
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wolfertinger · 1 month
You know I didn’t wanna say anything. But he has made and done some horrendous stuff. He still hasn’t apologized to those he’s hurt, me included. He admitted to making “shota art” I actually have the screenshots. He sexualizes diaperfur and agere. He’s around paraphiles. He claims to be changing but does the same exact things he did on his old account. It’s jarring to see him acting the same exact way. He lies a lot still even.
The claim he was groomed into it, I cannot see anything but a mutual interest. My view has changed a lot with getting more information. He gets petty and shames me for not wanting to hear about his diaperfur kink. Which, dude if you’re that upset that I didn’t wanna see yall texting “Giving you a big poofy diaper!!!” is like some kinda insult idfk man. That’s a you problem. I never shamed you I stated I didn’t feel comfortable because I don’t sexualize my regression. Sorry I have a coping mechanism I don’t use in a sexual manner I guess. I’m so fucking evil to you anyways.
He got mad at me for a account I don’t run reposting what I say. Sorry I guess I can control OTHER ACCOUNTS now?? I guess I control the weather too while we’re at it.
It’s actually sickening. I was the only one in that polycule that dealt with CSA and SA and you both shamed me for trying to cope with a near death. You both are like actually horrible people. I’m so jaded now. But to think that I cared about you is just weird. The things you have done and said about me are rancid. You say you love queer people to demonize the one trying to get you on track and better. You’re an enabler. You both were so horrible to me. It’s actually baffling. But I am the evil one in this? Really?
Like what about the harassment you both put on me for speaking up. What about me being straight up doxxed and threatened? What about me being stalked and harassed for over a year for claims that don’t have proof? I have proof. You’re mad you got caught.
Like you choose to be like this. Me on the other hand did not choose to be hypersexual. It’s a trauma response. It’s not cool or quirky. It can ruin your life. But you run around like it’s a cool thing. It’s agonizing. It makes me feel disgusting. You talk about how freeing it is. When you have been this way the whole time.
I’m just disappointed. I’m hurt. I was lied to so egregiously. With things I have actually experienced and dealt with. It’s not pretty. And trying to weaponize my insecurities is just evil. Sorry that my ex of like 6 years traumatized me into thinking I abused them when they were abusing me and cheated on me with multiple other people. My god.
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wolfertinger · 1 month
and now salem is saying they sympathize and relate to chris chan. what else is new
to a point i can kind of agree i feel pity for christine 'most documented person in history' chan. in the sense she has been stalked and humiliated and worse for well over a decade now by thousands of internet strangers. but i am not a fan of ppl acting like shes done nothing wrong? though the charges were dropped she did still do sexual things with her mother, and admitted it. i am not a fan of peoples revisionist mindset regarding shitty people.
salem is likely only saying this, because it is a popular topic in some tumblr circles.
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i am not a fan of people who assume one group of people is somehow completely impervious to doing terrible things. gay, trans and disabled people can be predators and that should not be controversial?
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wolfertinger · 1 month
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salems partner that insists on defending him.
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wolfertinger · 1 month
Salem. You don’t apologize to me through my partner. Don’t blanket apology me. You know what you did. It’s so incredibly disingenuous for you to go “i’m sorry for everything” and not actually talk to me and talk about what you have done.
So let me just list the things you have done because I am so tired of you not actually apologizing to me and trying to demonize me for the littlest of things.
1. You supported and defended a groomer and went behind my back to talk with her multiple times to turn around and claim you’re the victim when you went back to her yourself. You knew what she did and still interacted regardless that’s irresponsible.
2. You know for a fact the only reason I came out about everything regarding you was because of your behavior not changing and I made that very very clear. Did we split on you, absolutely but you also crossed boundaries we told you specifically to not cross and outright omitted or lied to my face about it. I hold honesty as a high value and hate when people compulsively or habitually LIE TO ME.
3. I don’t run that callout blog, I have zero clue who does. I also told you that last time we got back in contact and have no reason to lie about something as little as that. I don’t control that. You’re seriously mad that another account is reposting my side of the story?? What the hell dude.
4. No it wasn’t just “Sawyer’s mad because I was upset at her redrawing my art!!” I am more than allowed to talk about things. I was doxxed for talking about everything. It’s literally in my own right. Torin is a malicious person. Straight up. You’re upset that I called out out on your bullshit and just double down. You’re not actually sorry.
5. You made it out to Lilya that you wanted pepper back when I have given you chances to ask for her back. You then turned around when I confronted you and claimed you didn’t and then make clones, yeah that feels pretty two faced to me to be honest. It’s rude and borderline you just being malicious. You sent people to harass me. That’s despicable behavior on your part.
I do not accept your apology until you actually can prove to me you are trying again and hold yourself accountable. Because nobody else will.
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wolfertinger · 1 month
i have gotten alot of messages lately so sorry for the delay in responding. i will be answering a handfull to not be bloating this blog with posts and pushing back importantt info.
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for starters thankyou. i do get a lot of insane stuff in my askbox. like violent and weird stuff. have even gotten vauge threats before and blurred images i was too scared to open, most of the messages i get i cant answer. but i will still be here for accountability.
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this i can agree with you with. i am not in any way trying to speculate on his mental issues. re iterating what i think i have said in a previous post i do not have did and i am not there to experience his life. i have no idea what trauma salem/puppy has or has not gone through. however given his tendency to over share i did get a good general idea of what happens in his life which is why i and many other ppl have been skeptic of his did. and although i dont have did i do have friends and ppl i know that do that have expressed distaste at how salem talks about his disorder. i also do not think salem is irredeemable obvi- i think everyone deserves a chance to prosper- but ive seen him do the same things over and over again for years because people were too scared to speak up about his shitty behaviors like suicide baiting. he literally suicide baited for years because people didnt want to overstep boundaries. there are also many messages of former mutuals of puppy trying to talk to him and being met with irritation or coldness that they bothered to ask if he was ok after he talked about slitting his wrists, overdosing, and other graphic ways of killing himself. the images are now lost but his former mutual nescartridges has a twtlonger talking of their experiences with puppy
the rest, i will post with no commentary, as i feel they speak themselves.
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wolfertinger · 3 months
Okay. You know what.
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Salem. You treated me like shit. You gave me an oc YOU SOLD 3 Years ago. Instead of apologizing you get angry with me because I pointed out you ripped off your snoopy white dog character that I HAVE OWNED FOR 2 years now. The fact is you have not been nice to me. I asked you twice if you wanted pepper back and you said no twice. Even after you shit talked me to lilya about the whole thing. You are the biggest fucking hypocrite ever.
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You also suibaited in January and tried to come back to twitter and then blamed your triggers on everyone else. When we told you maybe it’s not a good idea.
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You also fucking like and follow a groomer salem.
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You defend her too. And have multiple times when you have seen her be weird to minors. WITH PROOF. But it’s “Kinky queer people who do no wrong” She has at worst groomed 3 people 2 at best. Which should’ve never happened period. It’s been a month and she has returned to posting to social media after I told her to stay off. Because she is a danger to herself and others.
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You should be ashamed. Sylveoncel is maewiing.
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wolfertinger · 3 months
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i am not a system so i do not have much say in this but from what i have researched and what ive been told by diagnosed systems this lines up. salems story has changed multiple times regarding his alters especially puppy. puppy at first was "disappeared", then "dormant" now salem is implying he and puppy have integrated. integration in DID and OSDD is difficult. it takes many years with a liscensed therapist helping you through the process to healthily and safely merge personalities. it is complete horse shit that salem and puppy seamlessly merged within six months. again it takes YEARS to integrate and most often is done with ALL personalities not just one or two, you dont get to pick who stays. in fact integration is a debated topic in DID and OSDD circles because of the many pros and cons in both integrating and remaining a system. i have a strong suspicious salem considers himself an endogenic system as many large artists i.e. aimkid have come forward as such and it is gradually becoming more common despite diagnosed and traumagenic systems protests.
as for trans fetishization i have no issue with someone appreciating their own gender and body type but its strange to me that he once got in trouble for overt sexualization of tammys transfem body and is now doing it again. over the years many transfeminine people have come forward about how puppys sexualization has hurt them or put unrealistic ideas about trans women and trans fems. talking constantly about trans peoples genitals and boiling them down to just their boobs and penis is gross to say the least. in fact salem just like puppy almost exclusively focuses on both breasts and dick. just look at how many of his characters have no personality beyond "boy boobs" or "girl bulge".
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