#you improved so much art-wise like it's crazy
bluepallilworld · 4 months
Happy birthday @shinechermont !
Here our girls hanging out because I thought it'd be fun uwu
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thanks @ari-cuno for organizing that collab gift thingie!!!
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signed-sapphire · 1 month
@rascalentertainments Hey! As an apology for being gone and missing the official announcement for this DTIYS, I humbly offer my take on Asha and Star!
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This was too cute to resist! I love how excitable Star is and I’m working my way through reading your, Wave’s, and all other rewrites that have updated during my absence.
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Notes under the cut because this is getting pretty long lol
So I tried a new colouring style for this one
I was inspired by a lot of the artists I saw on Art Fight, and tried to incorporate that into my style
Specifically, the bold lineart and colour-blocked sections
It’s both easier for me long-term, and helps me create a finished piece without too much shading
That said, I did go crazy with the shades and tones in this one, because I just loved the glow
I do like the touch of a slight sunset/sunrise in the background, as it adds more warmth and magic to the piece
I LOATHE that bold line around Star’s cape but this is the photo I emailed over to my phone, so this is what you’re stuck with
While we’re at the improvements, comparing to your piece, Star and Asha look a bit stiff. I’ll have to work on some gesture movements
On the other hand, I really like the sky! It reminds me of Princess and the Frog
I also think the flow effect I did around Star looks reminiscent of pixie dust, which is a cool nod to Peter Pan!
The metal (?) bracelet I’m proud of— again, learning form other writings on Art Fight
I’m. Not sure about Star. He has a very cool face shape, nose and eyes wise, and I think I sort of generalized him here. Oh well, this means I’ll probably be doing more practice doodles of him in the future!
I do think that your Asha and Flicker’s seem very similar in my style, so I’ll work on making them more distinct in future pieces. I think RFTS!Asha has more doe eyes and a smaller nose, as well as distinct braids in her hair, where your Asha can have more upturned eyes and loose hair
I will have to find a way to make hair look loose and free in this style, but I’m quite happy with the finished result
Aaaaanyways… I hope you enjoy this! Now if you’ll excuse me, Imma go to bed lmao
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oddzo · 7 months
I’m excited to finally be able to share my drawing of my favorite Camp Camp X Gravity Falls crossover idea! :D
A long string of my thoughts regarding the crossover under the pics, you have been warned lol
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It’s crazy to me that despite all the jokes that Harrison looks like a human Bill Cipher there is absolutely no fanart (that I have found) of him interacting with any of the Pines.
Yeah there’s art of him with Bill, but the Pine’s family are the ones that have trauma from him and therefore would have the best reaction.
Just imagine them meeting the one kid that not only looks like someone possessed by Bill but also does real honest to god magic and has an affinity for fire!
With how much shit the Pine’s have dealt with it wouldn’t be a stretch for them that Bill came back as a kid. They’d probably assume Harrison was being possessed or something.
Harrison especially looks like Bipper so I’d imagine he’d be especially unsettling to Dipper and Mabel. (Probably gonna draw him and Mabel interacting next)
Dipper immediately being super suspicious of Harrison and doing that stalking thing he does to try and figure him out. Dipper seeing Harrison make a mistake with his magic that makes him not look great and Dipper just freaking out more.
Mabel being uncomfortable with Harrison but trying her hardest to be nice to him because he hasn’t actually done anything yet. Becoming friends when she realizes that Harrison is just a kid and not anything like Bill personality and morality wise.
Harrison enjoyed coloring in that one episode so she could probably get him to do art with her. They’d have so much fun with him showing her his magic tricks, he’d be so happy someone is genuinely interested. His magic would probably improve with the encouragement she would give him.
Mabel being reminded of Bipper whenever Harrison gets a bit arrogant. The thought goes away pretty quickly though cause he usually gets humbled really quickly and just accepts it lol
Ford also immediately being suspicious of Harrison but not doing anything rash yet until he can test him. Losing his shit the first time Harrison does magic in front of him.
Someone on here posted a mini fic thing where they said Ford almost dropkicked Harrison the first time he does magic and I love that (I’ll look for the post later and tag it here) Edit: here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/the-sprog/659871894550577153/i-just-had-an-idea-could-you-imagine-a-crossover
Stan giving Harrison the benefit of the doubt but keeping a close eye on him whenever he interacts with one of the twins. Not outright hostile to him but not exactly kind either.
Stan somehow finding out about how Harrison accidentally made his brother disappear and immediately noticing the similarities to what happened with him and Ford. He probably gains a bit of a soft spot for Harrison after and gives him pointers on random things, probably a few pep talks.
Oh also I know it’s just a difference in the two art styles but CC characters tend to have more yellow sclera and oval pupils/irises and it really doesn’t help Harrison’s case lmao
I can keep going but this post is already really long so I’ll stop for now haha 😅
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tanadrin · 3 months
This edition also includes some really useful historical notes to augment Book I of Utopia; the early 16th century was a time when the population was growing, adding slack to a labor market that had been tight since the Black Death (to the improvement of the position of the peasantry that survived it), there was gradual inflation that was also eroding at the position of anybody without much capital to invest, patterns of trade were changing, and of course the process of enclosure was spreading.
The problem wasn't just a lack of, like, theoretical underpinnings for dealing with these economic and social issues. Of course Henry VIII didn't have a court economist or anything to help him out with his fiscal policy. But it was also just that the conception of what the law and what government was for was different: in the much more leisurely pace of the premodern world, there was a strong feeling that the law and government were supposed to basically be a steady-state system. You would figure out the ideal set of laws, implement them, and be done; you might have to work to enforce those laws, but the laws were not supposed to be constantly changing, and you definitely weren't supposed to have to be continually updating and expanding them as an instrument of policy, because the world in general was supposed to be much like it always was, from one decade to the next.
And that's not a crazy way to view the world in the Middle Ages! Premodern inflation rates were low. People's intuitions around value and price were based on that experience. Population growth was low. Patterns of international trade didn't change quickly. When things did change suddenly, it was either because of a catastrophe like the Black Death or upheavals like war or famine; and communities and individuals that had won legal privileges from their feudal lords were jealous of those privileges, leading (along with the inherently fragile nature of subsistence agriculture) to a certain conservatism in the culture.
In this worldview, the job of a king or a minister isn't to be the careful manager of a dynamic system. It's to be a wise and thoughtful dispenser of justice and guardian of the inherited legal system. This is also the vision of Utopia itself: a society which has settled into an ideal steady-state, whose political economy is thus fixed, and which has no real room for "development," because the kind of development you or I think of as inherent to history is, at best, a synonym for "something went horribly wrong, and we have to repair it," if it exists at all. The irony there, of course, is that Utopia is not a medieval book: it's being written just as the Renaissance is bursting over Europe ushering in the beginning of modernity. Things are changing in England, and while they are changing slowly right now, the pace of change is about to pick up drastically, especially when that little German monk publishes his 95 theses.
Really, I wonder what it must have felt like to be a humanist at the beginning of the 16th century. There is much to be excited about--news from the new world (not yet the battleground of large European empires), the rediscovery of classical learning, the flourishing of art and literature. But so much is about to change--and much of it in a bad way! the European Wars of Religion are just around the corner!--and you have no idea.
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archandshri · 8 months
9th feb '24 - [arch] characters, interactions and emotion - making a mini webcomic
Gahhhh Shri this has been an absolutely crazy couple of weeks!!!! Hope you are doing well :)) First of all, WOW! You have a lot of goals, and I’m sure you’ll get them done! I’ve worked a lot on my graphic design during the process of making Winter Wellbeing. If you wanna see a blog post dedicated just to that, I can do so! It would be cool to compare notes on the approaches we take for graphic layouts. If you wanna share your knowledge of camera skills when you build that up that would be awesome 😭😭
It’s been a tough few weeks, art wise. I have been reflecting on my process, motivations to create, the ego and all the baggage that’s lumped into the creative process for me. It turns out there’s a lot. I took some space from my illustration practise (literally for a weekend!) and began to realise how dysfunctional it is. I’ve been writing a lot about that so there may be a larger piece of writing coming about that at some point (no promises!!)
But for now, let's talk about little successes!
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I’ve been playing with some characters for a while but I’d hit a bit of a block with the plot. I realised the expectation of having a finished project of high quality soon is unrealistic, and an unhealthy expectation to put on myself. I rarely give myself time to play with concepts for a long time and let the characters, plot and interactions evolve naturally. Maybe this in part came from sticking to the short university module turnaround. I noticed that that short turnaround was causing a lot of block, so I have decided to bench it as a comic for now and focus on using it as a playground - falling in love with the characters, creating stories and drawing them for fun. Maybe years down the line I’ll make them into a comic - we shall see! 
I *tried* to do hourly comics day this year and it didn’t quite work for me. I think I made 3 comics? And then got distracted with a bigger project that ended up taking a week or so to complete. Let’s have a look at it, shall we?
[you can find the full version here]
First of all, it’s based on an unfinished fanfiction I started a couple of months ago, which was mostly bad, but there was one nice scene that I liked and wanted to expand on. I started by having a look at the script I wrote and thumbnailing on the iPad. I’m away from home at the mo and usually would prefer to do most of my artwork traditionally, but because I don’t have access to a scanner, the whole process was digital this time. A lot of the pages got scrapped because the dialogue wasn’t necessary, and I’m not drawing pages that aren’t necessary.
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some more development screenshots
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I thought a lot about posing during the process, acting the scenes out in my mind and sometimes physically, really understanding the emotions of the characters, why they’re saying what they’re saying, their tone and how to convey that though their body language and expression (i find grian really annoying normally [affectionate] but I want this grian to step on me).
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Pearl was hard with this because she’s quite erratic and unpredictable in this series, so I wanted her to switch from raw explodey anger to playful jabs at Grian. I’m hoping this comes across as somewhat insane, rather than tonally off and inconsistent. I did super enjoy drawing her and her explosive nature though, especially in comparison to Grian’s coldness.
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I played with levels and monotone colour too - I’m not working with multiple colours much at the moment so I’m able to focus on things like values composition, characters and backgrounds. My skills limit the kind of stories I can tell currently, so I’m working to improve those foundations. Maybe when I’m back in the riso studio I can play with colours a little more.
Colours - despite the simple pallete it gets a bit nerdy here.I stuck to specific flat percentages for most of it - Pearl’s hair and Grians jumper are 60%, Grian’s hair and Pearl’s cloak are 20%. Then I added a 14% layer for shadows, using a ahrd blend eraser tool for highlights, making the images quite dark. I fill a layer with texture from Forystr’s riso brush for procreate, and turn it into a 40% opacity colour dodge layer. This gives it some much needed texture and makes the lighting feel low and nighttimecore. It also pushes the values to look really nice - I tend to be too scared to push them by myself.
I tried a few different colour layers to get a *vibe* but settled on a low percentage riso blue in a colour layer. All layers besides the riso blue are in a riso black, colour picked from a riso colour pallete. I learnt these tools - using percentages to get good values - from working with risograph. I really recommend having a look at these techniques and doing some monotone work. It's really improved by character designs, page layouts and compositions.
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That's all from me today, though I have had MANY other thoughts over the past two weeks about creating, but perhaps we'll dive into them another time. If you (or anyone else) has any questions, hit me up with a reblog or an ask and I will get right to it. Lovely to hear from you! Hope your art is going great too :)) Arch :)
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okay, uh, hi?
Matchmaker, maybe? (Hazbin Hotel/Harry Potter (Specifically the Marauder's Era if you're familiar, but if not Golden Trio era works too!)/DC/Scream) (If that's too many feel free to do the easiest ones for you!
American, unfortunately, She/They and mostly fem presenting, 17, though I've been told I look older? Um brown wolf-cut hair, blue eyes, glasses, pale as HELL, like I reflect light, on the shorter side, but close enough to average height.
Personality wise? I'd say I'm pretty nice? I mean I say things without thinking sometimes, but yk. At the same time though, I'm a total bitch, if that makes sense? It's more of I'm nice/lovingly mean to the people I like, and very awkward and a little stand-offish to people I don't. I have some pretty severe mood swings, and a fairly fluctual social battery.
Physical touch>>>
I've been peer reviewed with ADHD, and am currently on the waiting list to get officially tested.
I tend to either be the mom friend, or the chaotic friend, and can flip a switch and change on a dime.
I enjoy reading, art, theatre, witchcraft, hanging out with my friends, animals, pretty things, and road trips.
sorry this is so long-
( @silly-thoughts-heehee )
(Hiiii I’m going to limit you to just two Fandoms because it’s a heavy workload because I’ve been getting lots of these requests and if you want another fandom, then I recommend sending in another ask and then you won’t be prioritized as much because you already made but I will still get to it if that’s what you want 😊😊😊😊😊😊)
Your Fandom Match(es): Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel) Remus Lupin (Harry Potter, aka Moony) 
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Explanation: starting off with your looks, I think she would find you very attractive and she would love your wolf cut and find your eyes to be absolutely pretty and think that your glasses are extremely cute. I think she actually really likes pale people. I don’t know why I think she really likes that pasty white vibe. I don’t know I mean, she just she just it’s just her tight man something about something about y’all’s vampire skin just makes her crazy. I think you guys would also be great together because she appreciates how kind you are to everyone and admires in the way and kind of wishes she could be more like you, but she also knows that you know how to stand up for yourself, and you can be kind of standoffish, sometimes which chief quite frankly kind of admires and she wishes she could have more of a healthy balance of being kind yet knowing whenever to, stand up for yourself as you instead of just being grumpy and all the time and I feel like you guys could help each other improve she could help you you know less standoffish and you could help her be a little more kind. She also really loves physical touch too as long as you guys are in private. I don’t think she’s a fan of PDA but she’s an absolute snuggle bug. If you get her alone like she she would love cuddling with you. She just loves physical touch. As for you being the mom friend I feel like she’s also kind of the mom friend so if you switch to chaos, she would absolutely take care of you and pull you away from danger and I just think you guys relationship is totally funny and iconic. She would also love going on road trips with you and I feel like she’s also a huge fan of reading but only if it’s about thing she’s interested in, but I feel like she would start a little mini book club for just the two of you where you guys would pick out the same book and then talk about it with each other and it would be just a cute little thing you guys do. She’s not graded art, but I feel like she would try to understand it and ask lots of questions while you’re doing it and if you did theater, she would come to all your shows and be really proud of you and always say how great you are afterwards and definitely make sure to buy roses every single time. Oh, and witchcraft? She finds it extremely hot. She’s literally that one meme of doing whatever my heart witch girlfriend wants because that is what she is. For ADHD She is super supportive and totally gets it whenever you get overstimulated or things like that. She would find it very attractive anyway I ship you 💚💚
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that he would find your wolf haircut to be very cool and I think that he thinks you can pull it off which most people can’t he would love your eyes and probably write the most poetic shit about them behind your back and then never tell you about it like he would write such cheesy poetry about him of the ocean and then stored away and never stumble across it because he’s so embarrassed about it afterwards. He also had glasses for a short period of time so he thinks that they’re really cute on you and looks really bad on him. I think he would be scared to come up to you. I would have to push him towards you because I don’t think he’s that confident with his crushes especially if there is cute as you are and he just gets so flustered every single time he thinks about you, he can’t even imagine like going up to you so yeah James has to literally set you guys up practically.  He loves your kind, personality and how you’re pretty nice to everyone, but you have your own little kind of teasing, making fun of jokes for people that you really like and I feel like he would absolutely love teasing you and kind of having that dynamic with you where you’re able to say joking things to each other it’s teasing is your guys love and I feel like you guys would be roasting each other and then someone walks by and like aren’t they supposed to be dating and then people are like yeah they are and that’s how they just like talk to each other and I think it would be hilarious. I feel like your guys dynamic would be super funny because he’s definitely a Mom friend and he would never be a chaotic friend so you guys would either be responsible together or he’d be dragging you away from like whatever stupid decision you’re about to make, but I think that it’s kind of comical. He’s also all about physical touch and I feel like he also loves reading so he would totally read books with you and discuss them and all the theories around them with with you because he’s an intelligent guy and he would totally love to break down novels with you and get your opinion on them. He would also come to all of your shows and be extremely supportive if you wanted to be an actor as a career or even if you just did it for fun, he would always be complementing you and how good you were. 💚💚
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steamworksfairy · 5 months
For the fandom ask thing: 1, 15 & 16 🎤
Thank you for the ask!!! 💚
1) Otp?
I'll be real, I don't have a true otp for khr. I like too many characters, and Verde never had enough interactions with other characters for me to gravitate towards someone in specific. I do enjoy a lot of Verde/Arco content with Skull/Verde being a tried and true classic. But Reborn/Verde is also so good, and Fon/Verde-
You see what I mean? If I had a true second favorite character, this wouldn't happen. Amano made too many good characters!! But yeah, if you mention a Verde ship to me, chances are I ship it.
15) Have you noticed your style change over time?
I'll answer this for both art and writing!!
The simple answer is yes to both.
Art wise---I've seen so much improvement! I'm actually trying to actively develop an art style. Turns out learning anatomy really does help. Which is crazy because I've only been trying to improve for a year, and the growth I've had is phenomenal!!! I've actually noticed that I'll do this thing in my head where the right way to draw a line so I can draw x thing will just come to me. And I've developed an art beast!!! Whenever I doubt myself, this guy will pop up and tell me,'Shut up, keep going,this is good shit!!!' It's actually more aggressive than that, but I love that I'm developing something to combat perfectionism.
Writing wise---I went from terrible to omg I'm a genius to I'm rusty as hell...so there's definitely been some change lol 😅
I know I'll get to a place in my writing where I am satisfied again. I just need to start writing more. On the upside, I am writing something that I find to be really fun. I keep spaming one of the servers I'm in with my live blogging of it because I can not contain how insane I am over what I'm working on right now. It's so good!!!
16) Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
They do! My family knows I write fanfics and draw fanart. I don't share any of my writings with my family (I'm too embarrassed lmao) but they have seen my fanart. My mom, in particular, has said she wants to see my original stuff again. She says, and I quote, " It's better than whoever designed what you're currently drawing." She went on to give the tried and true mom response of 'My child's art is the best thing in the world. No one compares.' And then asked me to draw my ocs again.
And she's right. I really should, but Verde has a hold on me and refuses to let go. Maybe one day I'll be able to draw ocs again. Maybe one day.
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lunariamv · 1 year
about me :>
so i just realized i cant just be some random person posting stuff without much context..... so here we go
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┊ ˚➶ 。˚     ✧
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hi, my name is lunaria, or luna ^^
˚✧ some grill that wants to be a artist, writer, and maybe like a lowkey game dev
˚✧ i consume a lot of media: video games, anime, yt, movies, tv shows, books, fanfics, etc
˚✧ i really love the impact media and stories have on the world and people, and there's a lot i love, but also there's a lot out there that frustrates me, or feels like it's missing something, so i wanna throw my hat into the ring and make my own content for me and other girls like me <3
˚✧ atm i write fanfics to practice writing and build an audience, and i draw fanart to improve art skill, also just so i have an art portfolio,,,, cuz if i just started posting games without much of a background i feel like ppl are gonna be like,, "who tf is this???" lol
⊹˚. game dev??? ⊹˚.
i'm really interested in making my own games, specifically rpg maker ones because rpg maker/rpg horror/indie horror is my fav genre (pewdiepie's misao gameplay was my first horror game ever <3); i just love retro horror style a lot
so i'm practicing pixel art and stuff and then later i want to learn some 日本語 so i can translate the games, and also learn to make music so i can go full toby fox lol
and then maybe later on if i got rlly ambitious and had a lot of money id make fancy otome games, manga, fancy horror games, and pERSONA FOR GIRLS
i have a lot of ideas for diff series and id love to share them all <3
⊹˚. my inspirations: ⊹˚.
˚✧ game wise: currently my inspirations are charon (of those yan charon games) and dsp (ik they go by a different name now but that's what i know them as, also its funny because the name reminds me of darksydephil HAHAHA); i like the retro pixel and slight horror themes and aesthetic of their games, but i dislike the writing, so i'm gonna make my own :D
also i like the idea of an oc multiverse like dsp's so i want that too
toby fox is also technically an inspiration too; i wanna learn music so i can make my own bangers with little references and leitmotifs for fun :>>>
˚✧ writing wise: i have a lot, but my main inspirations are mostly like writing in the anime-ish games; danganronpa, persona, ace attorney, yttd, kakegurui; psychological stuff where you gotta think about them, but they also have unique quirky characters and they interact with each other in creative ways
also horror and psychological, i like writing about scary stuff and characters with their complexities, and addressing the rlly messed up parts of humanity and society bc its spooky;; sometimes with a very dark nihilistic outlook bc i love angst, or sometimes with an optimistic one
((thats kinda why i like yan stories but more in the horror sense, like look at all the crazy scary stuff this person is doing lol))
but for characters in general, i like stuff with FEMCS <33333 persona 3 with ya girl kotone shiomi, danganronpa v3 with kaede, sara in your turn to die, genshin lumine, and that one part in ace attorney where we get to play as mia fey
that's also why i lowkey like the writing in romcom/chick flick movies, cuz its just unique characters and stories and usually has a female protag or a group of girls as the mcs
but aside from heavy and horror stories, i also like simple cute straightforward stories like older barbie movies XD (or winx, mlp, bratz, monster high…); they're just really wholesome and cute where ya girl goes on a magical adventure with quirky characters and learns good lessons like trust, courage, friendship, etc…
so my main theme is being a girl and doing stuff, bc girlbossing is fun
but ya know i like making hot guy characters too wwwww
⊹˚. my art/writing style ⊹˚.
i'd say in general its like a mix of asian themes with western; its like anime but with western elements in it
i'd also sometimes like to explore other cultures too, kinda like how jjba has varying characters bc that's cool;; but if i have characters with varying nationalities its because i want to, not bc a woke person held me at gunpoint
⊹˚. aesthetics ⊹˚.
i have a lot that i like, but here's my main favorites i guess that will be in my things
˚✧ cute + edgy; melanie martinez, lucy loone, yandere, ddlc;; basically anything where you juxtapose cutesy with scary horror -- its so fun and subversive
˚✧ femcel/female sigma/doomer girl/anti-egirl; LANA DEL REY LANA DEL REY bc i'm a sad girl
˚✧ retro things; 80s and 90s but mostly early 2000s stuff; early internet, old stuff, y2k, scene/emo, mcbling -- huge emphasis on mcbling, i love the girly hedonistic aspects of it -- ayesha erotica, panty and stocking, bad girls club;; that aesthetic i love it sm LETS DO OUR NAILS AND PARTY ^^^^^^
˚✧ internet horror stuffs -- indie horror, analog horror, internet mysteries, meta horror, local58, mandela catalogue, fnaf, creepypastas, liminal spaces
˚✧ then some internet guy stuff -- vaporwave, cyberpunk, blade runner, hotline miami, madness combat, carpenter brut, etc -- i'm tomboyish in this regard xd, i fangirl over guns and edgy sigma guys fighting
⊹˚. extra stuff about me (bc who tf r u >_>) ⊹˚.
writes a character bio
˚✧ name: luna
˚✧ some randy girl that likes to make stuff
˚✧ not rlly a weeb but i like asian culture a lot, japanese, chinese, korean, vietnamese, thai, laos, filipino (yes), etc
˚✧ sigma?? i think people should be rewarded based on talent and skill, rather than their identity. if i am successful, its because my work is good, not because i am a minority. i'm also learning to draw, write, make music, etc because i want to make content without having to rely on others for assets. why ask other people if i can do it myself? B)
˚✧ i like cute things and being girly, like dressing up and having stuffed animals and cute stationary everywhere :> if i have a chance to be extra and decorate something, i will take it in a heart beat
˚✧ i'm a stocking kin, i love sweets, cake specifically, and milk tea (im addicted to boba its horrible T-T)
˚✧ i like tea, i drink 2-3 cups a day :) oolong is my fav atm
˚✧ cat >>>>
˚✧ unhealthy attraction to fictional men… currently thirsting over tohru adachi 💀💀💀 LOL my friends are like "eww wtf is wrong with you???" i must be a raccoon because i really love garbage
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☸ my links ☸
all my links are on caard, but here's an organized list of the main ones; my tumblr will be my main hub for stuff i guess; the degree of activity ranges ;-;
˚☸ art stuff
✧ newgrounds (i wanna be a newgrounds girl tbh)
✧ twitter
✧ insta
✧ tiktok
˚☸ writing stuff (fanfictions)
✧ quotev
✧ wattpad
✧ archive
˚☸ oc archive
✧ deviantart (bc im too lazy to code toyhouse atm)
also apologies if i dont respond to things fast enough, im shy
˚☸ dividers by cafekitsune
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pory-z · 1 year
tag 9 mutuals you want to get to know better !
tagged by @haarute ! thanks, i enjoyed rambling about nothing and everything for a while
last song - Société tu m'auras pas, by Renaud. don't make fun of me i like his old stuff, it's one of the only non-metal artists i listened to in the car with my dad as a kid. for some reason i got really into old political music lately like union and french resistance songs so Renaud fits right in. i wanna learn some of them on the guitar. i enjoy singing a lot and i wanna improve ! a lot of my irl bros are musicians so i wanna impress them (i won't but they might find the effort endearing)
currently reading - The Occult Roots of Nazism by Nicholas Goodricke-Clarke, although i kinda put it on hold right now because even though it's a very interesting subject matter, it's a very dense book for the attention span i have at the moment lmao
also it's not a book but i'm reading through the various documents from the french Helloween fanclub from the 90's i got from my dad, who was the secretary at the time. there's paperwork, fanzines, interviews, old merch ads, fanmail, etc. it's a really fascinating time capsule and i'm so grateful for the opportunity to access all these documents. as soon as the university opens again i'm scanning all of it. i'll translate and publish the interviews too, it's bound to catch the attention of some pumpkinheads out there.
currently watching - houseki no kuni, again. because it's just so good. i watched the dub this time and even though it's pretty good, the constant avoidance of pronouns is getting more and more awkward and it's absolute cowardice. just let the damn rocks be gnc !!
i'm also rewatching holly hollowtones's 7 hour sandwich stream, again. for the fourth time. it makes me really happy for some reason.
current obsession - i'm slowly getting back into the rhythm of getting invested in things again after a rough patch of time, brain-wise. for now there's nothing much going on and my days are kinda empty.
i started octopath 2 and it's great so far but i need the motivation to keep going. i still need to continue 13 sentinels. i guess the closest thing i have to an obsession right now is utena, since i watched adolescence of utena recently and fell back into the crazy whirlwind of analysis and interpretation. it's an incredible anime i love it so much. idk how long it will last but for now i guess it's the biggest thing in my life even though i got back into it very recently. i might rewatch the original series. or madoka, i fucking love madoka. or maybe princess tutu, i'm told it's like. utena-lite in terms of themes but turbo-utena in terms of meta-fuckery, so that's exciting !
WAIT WAIT WAIT i just thought of something i'm forever and always obsessed with : soulsov, @pallisia's upcoming visual novel. i'm so in love with the main characters loic (chill florist dad) and ysme (weird clown woman). i'm not at-ing them because i don't wanna bother them but definitely go check out their art and read their webcomic lady of the shard it's real good and not that long ok i'm done now
that was fun ! i don't have that many mutuals but there you go, feel free to keep this thing going, folks
@aymisdumb @otasunestanblog @hibiscusandhoney @cyanampersand @oldwomanyaoi @alyxtried @littleoceanbabe @pinkminimarshmallow @musecalliope
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hannahhasafact · 1 year
Personal art ramblings below:
I always have a weird relationship with my art, but god waiting to hear about artist alley entry stuff truly makes the relationship weirder.
Because if I get in: That would be WILD, and CRAZY, and AMAZING and I would have a lot of work to do. And if I don’t get in… I don’t get in. My financial situation is not immensely changed by not being accepted into artist alley.
I’m at this point where I’m like: Hey, if you want to be able to sell your art, you have to create art you can sell. Why not work on creating art you can sell now?
And I have! I’ve been thinking more and more about dimensions of my art, what file types I’m using, what things I think would make people interested in buying. And it just puts this weird, “you have to be marketable/you have to become capital” energy on creating that feels weird.
A lot of my “art I desire to create” type of art is art I can’t sell. I make fanart for dnd shows that would definitely not be sellable at events. I make silly fan comics that wouldn’t print well. (And this isn’t about the legality of selling fanart, because that’s whole conversation that I have researched SO MUCH and literally took a class about in college.)
So I get stuck in this weird “make art that is marketable” vs “make art YOU want to make” mindset. And don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy making “marketable” art! But not as much as the “silly times” art I make. When I make “for fun” art, I can see it turns out better than my “marketable” art. Which is frustrating, but makes sense!
And a weird side to that- despite having a minuscule art following… I do believe I have the skill art wise to be able to sell just a little bit. Before my R*b*bble was suspended (for literally no reason, but I needed to close it anyways I guess?), I sold art. I sold art that honestly I think wasn’t that great. But I was able to sell a few things. And I think my skills have skyrocketed since selling art on that site. I’ve seen some art that has sold at conventions and thought, “Yeah. Skill wise, I think I could do this.” Granted, maybe that’s some false confidence, but like… I think I could do it. (Also two of the years I’ve applied for K-Con’s AA I was waitlisted? And last year I was on the “you’re within ten miles of the con, can you be ready to sell in two weeks?” Email list [I could not be ready in two weeks]. So… just saying.)
And what makes it weirder is that I don’t really want a full time art career. If anything, I would like to be able to have art be a part time thing for me. Do I want to sell art at events? Yes! But I also like having a reliable source of income, insurance, and I want to still enjoy creating. (which I know sometimes can be affect by those who are full time artists. Having a job in art is still that; a job.) But no matter what kind of “marketing” energy you put on art, it’s still going to affect the relationship you have with art. Not to mention, I’ve been wanting a new job for awhile, so drawing when I should be job searching puts a weird strain on things. Because yes, I’m working on making stuff to potentially sell, but I could be working on other aspects of career stuff. Job stuff is important! Creating art is important! Am I wasting time by working on art???
Not to mention my constant “I should be working on this I should be working on that I should be-“ etc mindset I live with that just gives me stress about existing. Because if I’m working on one thing, I’m not working on another aspect of my life that I need to improve on. Because my life is never at a satisfactory point, I always have to be working on making myself better somehow (but that’s a story for another day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Anyways. I love creating art. Creating art is stressful.
God I just want to know if I got in or not.
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tharizdun-03 · 2 years
The Case of Vanitas Watchrough & Readthrough
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The Vanitas Opening is cute, very rom-com like. Basically just the two of them going on dates lol. I hope they're actually gay for each other. I need that. I really need that.
Vanitas episode was pretty good. Definitely more of an emphasis on world-building than character so far tho, and still has that Pandora Hearts comedy, but it's way less obnoxious, and presentation wise it's slick and stylish. It's got a solid hook, so I'll stick around for more.
I appreciate the Vanitas anime keeping the OST running even during gags. I feel like most anime stops the music during quick jokes, but keeping it going makes it flow better.
Rewatching Vanitas from the start as I'm gonna catch up now, and this is a very strong overarching hook.
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Yeah, he's not. Like, at all. That is a very weird insult.
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Ooh. It's interesting that Noe seems to respect his teacher a lot and is very loyal to him in the present, but with this reveal, that could be tinted to being something of a coping mechanism or something, cause he's gotta have mixed feelings about him after this.
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I am reading the Vanitas manga as well, just to see how it did things, and the art is pretty excellent, as expected. Altho the quality of scans varies.
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Some non-colored pages too, cause the actual art in the manga is very good as well.
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I like the kind of preview they did for the next volume at the end of volume 2, hope they keep doing that.
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Noé is precious.
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Vanitas is intriguing. I like him a bit more in the manga (I'm not crazy about Hanae voicing him) but it's interesting to ponder whether his preferring that his love doesn't love him back is cause he doesn't want to be tied down or if it's some self-inflicted punishment.
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On the one hand, his love for Jeanne feels genuine, but on the other hand, his actions towards her feel very calculated to get the most out of her. Of course, they're not mutually exclusive, I suppose. Either way, lots of potential here. Shame he's a bit annoying lol.
Noè is probably still my favourite character, just cause, he's a sweet, precious little cinnamonbun.
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Could be how Noé kills Vanitas in the future then.
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Vanitas no Carte Part 1 was pretty fun. Looks great. Stylish and sexy, with plenty of intrigue and strong world-building. Some annoying comedic faces and chibi intercuts tho. Noé is precious and wanna know more about Vanitas. Most a really faithful adaptation too.
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The Vanitas anime definitely cuts stuff from the manga, but so far it's not really super significant stuff and they manage to communicate the info in other ways instead. Altho that Mikhail has yet to appear in the anime.
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Backstory episodes in Vanitas hit different. They happen a lot in Jun's stories, she seems fond of them. It's one of the things she's the best at too, I'd say. Sadly, this was the first episode with real significant cuts from the manga imo.
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Before it's always been skipping some details you can infer anyway from the context, but entire scenes were also missing here. Mind you, the episode on its own was very good, but, you get more in the manga, and it's more essential to the experience here than it's been previously.
The visual direction has been less Shaft-like overall, compared to Part 1, and a bit more standard Bones, which I think works in its favour at the moment. They pulled some trademark Shaft in this episode tho, but it fit a lot better here.
Jun is still a bit of a mixed writer for me even here in some regards, but she's definitely improved from Pandora Hearts. Her set-up is a lot better constructed here. Bodes good, gives me hope the climaxes she's very good at could actually properly hit for me here.
I was hoping for Chloé to have a little bit more self-agency, so very much like this twist. Not yet quite sure why she's going against Naenia tho, but guessing because she manipulated her to keep living and Jean to become the beast, and she eventually realized that.
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I'm just spitballing, obviously, we'll get more info on this next episode, I'm just thinking out loud at the moment.
Ah, alright, yeah.
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Again, anime cutting stuff but nothing that crucial, just further small moments, further details, or more action that isn't VITAL to the overall narrative. I understand manga purists disliking it but as an adaptation, think the anime is doing the best it can good enough.
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So, the theme of loneliness seems to be the central one in Vanitas.
Oh damn.
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Another great spread. It pays to see how the manga depicted these moments as well. 
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Art was a bit off for the kiss in the anime, but they adapted the smile pretty nicely. This is very cute.
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Usually, the comedy in Vanitas doesn't do much for me, but this was one of the most effective comedy-driven stretches.
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Alright, I dunno how effective this twist is. Okay, I guess they're twins then, and not one year apart. And the reason for all this is because of some weird superstition that twins are bad luck for vampires or something? Maybe the manga elaborates on this but...
And then there's this, and I guess it's natural for her to assume that in her current state of mind, but with the twist not being that clever, this is just annoying, when it's obvious he might mistake her for him, as they look almost identical, and he has like PTSD so?
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Mikhail is an interesting addition to the story.
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Ignoring the execution of things, the ideas for her backstory feels very Mochizuki, and in a good way, so hopefully the manga does this in a way that is more effective for me. 
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Yeah, no, the whole that Louis was said to be ill but not actually was vague from the start, as was him supposedly being one year old but actually wasn't, and it all being based on this weird superstition is a bit weak.
Some nice stuff for Domi, her cutting her hair to look like Louis would've been really disturbing in the right way if the context was strong enough to back it up, and it reveals why she doesn't think Noe loves her, as she thinks Noe agrees that Louis should've survived. 
But yeah, the twist and logic behind it are not strong enough to make it as effective as it could've been. I mean, I'm not here thinking it's so stupid, but it's just not super strong for me, but oh well.
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This is also weird, why give Noé stakes AFTER he's dead? We'll probably get more on this tho, I think. Or I'm missing something. 
Mikhail is at least twisted in all the right ways, in typical Mochizuki fashion. Beginning of his backstory was a bit tonally off in the anime, but handled much better here in the manga. Excited to finish the anime and catch up to the manga tomorrow and find out more.
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Dude, this confrontation between Noé and Vanitas is crazy good.
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We'll see where this goes, cause having him be behind a lot of the stuff in the story yet having been basically completely invisible throughout the narrative doesn't seem fair to the viewer, but we'll see.
He's got the same eyes as Noè's cats, and also calls them kittens. He might be the cat lol.
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Vanitas No Carte Part 2 is a mostly faithful adaptation that when it has to cut things, chooses the least crucial parts, and story-wise it really ramped things up and delved into the more interesting and darker ideas, shedding light on its mysteries. Really good overall.
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Jeez, his entrance is way scarier in the manga.
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Caught up to the Vanitas no Carte manga, which was consistently very good, and occasionally great! Jun's writing skills have improved, and I'm more invested than ever right now, so I very much hope that she has a lot of story left to tell cause I think there's plenty of promise.
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nei-ning · 2 years
Hi! Sorry if this is really random but I been wanting to let you know (for a long time) that I really do love your work; both art and writing wise. I pretty much been following you for years (I believe it all started at DeviantArt) and even though I leave the fandom for a while, I always come back to enjoy your works (and HummerHouse too). So I basically followed you in all different platforms that you're in. 😂 Sorry if that sounds weird but you're definitely on my list of being one of my favorite TMNT creators in the fandom, both TCest and Brotherly fluff. I'm also sorry if I never reach out to say anything after all these years of seeing your work (and seeing your improvement) but crazy fandom behavior have scared me away in reaching out to creators in fear in making them feel uncomfortable or being harassed for liking certain content (which unfortunately has happened to me before). But anyway, I really do love your work and I always feel a sense of joy whenever I see that you updated or made a new fic or fanart. 😊
AAH OH MY GOD! LONG TIME FOLLOWER! HELLO! 8D I'm so happy you finally approached me with this lovely message! <3
First of all, this isn't random AT ALL! Any normal person LOVES to get feedback, comments, support, interact with their friends and fans - all in positive way, of course :3 This message of yours made me SO HAPPY that there's no enough words on this planet for me to express my joy! :D
You, like everyone else, are FREE to follow me in as many place as I have account at! :D That's why those accounts have been created, after all. So that people can follow me :3 So there's NOTHING creepy about that! Anyone who thinks it's creepy to have followers follow you more than in one place should have only one account then.
Aaah, TMNT fandom has start to get more and more "rotten apples" in it, but you shouldn't let them stop you from leaving comments to creators. Usually most of us WANTS feedback to our works! It is our FUEL. It keeps us CREATING. If we get silent treatment, we most definitely think: "Aren't my works / skills good enough?" Or I think like that. If someone gets offended by your feedback, then it's all on them, not on you. You just wanted and expressed your support for the author. If they can't take it, too bad. NOTE: Support / Feedback ALWAYS should be left with love and kindness! (Sadly this isn't happening in TMNT fandom at times)
Anyone is ALWAYS FREE to send me feedback, ALWAYS! As long as it's left with kindness and with good manners! Any negative comment, attack etc. will get the said user blocked without a word.
But awwh, awwh, awwhh AND AWWWHH!! I, honestly, am SO HAPPY about your comment! I am so thankful you were brave enough and approached me with this comment <3 It made my day, truly! I haven't got this kind of messages in AGES! Thank you! <3
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aeistea · 2 years
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Art vs Artist 2022✨❤️ . I’ve seen this trend multiple times but never did it! Hopefully I can make it a yearly thing :)) This year has been very interesting - life wise and art wise. I’ve officially been an art major for about half a year, I’ve been (somewhat) consistently drawing, I’ve been planning some other fun cool things art-related but isn’t quite yet in the works. It’s been a crazy ride but I like where I’ve ended up. It is really rewarding to see that I am actually improving, not just in the last several years but I would say even in the last couple of months! It’s not perfect and there is so much I need and want to learn but that’s for future me. So, future me, please keep drawing and painting and creating art as often as you can. I hope you will begin to learn and grasp the things you’ve only just begun figuring out. I hope you can get one step closer to putting your ideas and visions from your head out into the world. I believe in you! . #artvsartist #artvsartist2022 #artvartist #artistoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_fcLGSU1u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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volot · 2 years
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i think....... i realized why i haven’t been happy with what i’ve been writing lately / why i’ve been feeling Stuck writing-wise lately so this post is just for me to kick my own ass
i think i’ve been very full or trepidation lately - of my own design i should note btw, it’s all likely in my head and a result of me fussing and fumbling and fretting, not because of anyone or anything here - just because i think i’ve forgotten how to ... let go? coming into this blog, i felt like i had a lot of freedom and a lot of leg room to just write and do whatever, so my creativity felt absolutely endless. somewhere along the line, i think i may have started to worry a little too much, and worrying led to low confidence in my ideas and my portrayals, and that in turn has led to me holding myself back in fear that my ideas are “no good” or like parts of my portrayal were “embarrassing” or “bad” or “didn’t make sense / were poorly written”; which to my credit, every writer is capable of improvement, it’s a natural stage of growth in the creative arts / skills, it’s fine to recognize potential flaw in what you work with and want to be aware of it and iron it out, but i think i ended up really shooting myself in the foot and hurting something i very much should be enjoying, not criticizing myself relentlessly over.
anyway, this is just a reminder to me to just... let go sometime. post my ideas, let myself write, get lost in it, stop worrying so much.
and if you’re in my position, don’t be your worst enemy; remember to have fun with it, yeah? this is what this hobby is for. post that headcanon, post that rp reply, let yourself try crazy and unexpected new ideas; challenge yourself, don’t hold yourself to some kind of standard surely no one else is holding you to, and enjoy yourself!
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piercedpressure · 2 years
how has deja evolved over the years? i swear she gets redesigned like every few months /pos lol
LMAOOO ud be right cause shes changed stories each year (im painfully indecisive), this year is the only story ive genuinely been interested in exploring since i finally landed on a genre i think would fit her best? and i consider her redesigns to be a sort of progression into how ive grown as a writer and maybe as a person since shes been with me for so long lmao
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ill place this under read more cause ill go into condensed detail about her evolution for her characterization, her design, and a small timeline for her story contexts but tl;dr shes grown so much and has gotten way more complex. i love her so much
2017-early 2018: she actually started out as a sona concept! design wise, nothing really special tbh, i was throwing stuff i really liked. for 2017, she was just a throwaway concept, but i was rapidly improving towards the end of that year...
mid-2018: ... that i ended up reusing her concept as a character concept, and during that year, i made an au with a friend that spiraled into something that lasted about the next 2 years, that then included her as one of the main characters LMAO. i wanted to draw crazy hair and also a cute mask, so i did. i ended up making it so that the masks were to both hide her identity (shes a fugitive in the au) and to be some sort of metaphor. her personality was very outwardly sweet, but she could also kill you so it best to not get on her bad side, but she was also in a constant learned helplessnes. big deja year
2019: design wise, i removed the mask, made her fatter (despite me not knowing how to draw fat people yet), and made her sorta baby-faced, since her character is a lot more childish during this bit? story wise, her story was included in an anthology about different kinds of love in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. during this time, i was going through a Lot mentally, and it sorta marked the beginning of a really horrible period in my life thats still kind of ongoing, so i used her story in a more experimental sense so i can figure out different workarounds in an escapist way? this is also when i started pairing her with her now-partner-in-stories, lualhati, and from this point, lulu and deja are inseparable
2020: for this year, i was sorta putting her story off? i was really struggling to figure out what to do with it other than the deja/lulu love story, but at the same time, that marked me going through a journey of adding fat people to my work. dejas always been small fat, but her body hasnt actually been drawn well enough. we all start from somewhere though. she was a lot more calm in this version, and is sort of a leader figure for a village in a fantasy world. but i wasnt really feeling it.........
2021: last year was when i really started digging deep into what i wanted to do. i wanted weird gay trans cathartic art. so dejas story was that. still wasnt really feeling it, but u can tell i was really experimenting trying to land on something i was passionate about. while i did like her design since its a turning point in my art, and its visually loud (the color palette, holy shit), IT WAS SO HARD TO DRAW? i understand that 2021 me was really going at it with very loud and distinct designs, but the reason why i didnt even draw her for months after was because she was so fucking hard to draw. and i didnt put enough effort to portraying her fatness (which will soon become a very important aspect of her character). but were about to pull a gamer move
2022: up until now, since 2018-2019, i wasnt really satisfied with her story. it didnt really fit what i wanted, bc i was mostly concerned with how other people would react if i talked about them, especially since deja/lulu have always been very personal to me. but i had a vision. where deja and lulu are in a revenge drama thriller in a city in the middle of nowhere. and i havent stopped thinking about it day and night ever fucking since. i brought back a lot of elements from past designs (mostly cause i thought theyd look great, i was right), and im finally getting to a point where im figuring out how i draw fat people. now, dejas characterization came really easy to me (hypervigilent, short-tempered, mysterious, a second away from realizing shes trans). her story explores themes surrounding violence, secrets, and suffocating marriages, and while its a far heavier story than the past ones, its the first time ive been genuinely excited to see how its grown. i could ramble about this all day lol
deja is a growing character and she keeps getting better and better every time im exploring her, and she genuinely means the world to me. thank u for reading this if u have decided to read this
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spaceinvadeeer · 3 years
Answering your requests for headcanons...what do you imagine the Nordics' body types and personal styles to be? Obviously, we see some of this in your art, but I'm curious about how you'd put it into words.
as far as style goes it depends on what time period we're talking about, cause i have a lot of ideas floating around and describing them all would take forever ghfdgo so i'll try to sum it up!
denmark: physically, he's your average dude but got more physical strength that what appearances lead to believe. just a little muscle, as a treat. style-wise, he craves formal stuff like dress shirts, suits and such but doesn't have preferences between plain-colored ones or fantasy-patterned ones. the 80s definitely were his fantasy pattern peak.
sweden: interestingly enough i interchangeably imagine him as either lean and muscular, or slightly on the chubby side bc of @losnordiquitos (i saw your post abt it and felt targeted /lh /pos). he's the tallest regardless, and he doesn't have a particular preference in clothes as long as it doesnt draw attention on him. cream and navy blue might actually be his sweet spot but he doesn't notice...
norway: he's slender but his bones are much more visible than the others in specific areas like his shoulders, fingers and hips. he's perfectly healthy though, he just hides a lot of it under woolen sweaters, dress pants or more gnc outfits when he feels like it. he definitely has a preference for earthy tones, or lavender when he wanna make that icy glare pop out. he just went crazy around the 90s-2000s and wore pastel outfits to pull off the androgynous y2k aesthetic.
iceland: he's similar to norway body-wise, though for some reason i think he'd have more calloused hands and a softer jawline (it's so specific but it's clear in my mind hgdfg). when it comes to clothes he tries to get something neutral-colored but that's still unique or unusual in some way. long bowties, puffy-sleeved shirts, torn jeans and the like! he def had an emo phase too so..... hehe
finland: chubby, definitely chubby with a misleadingly soft round face and a big nose. he's also the smallest after iceland but he's not to be messed with. as for his style, it's easy and i only have one thing to say: horrendous.
i actually thought of drawing little refs for how i see them! i think it'd be much better than words. i may do a full-body lineup in the future, it'd also help me improve with drawing body diversity! tysm for that question anon
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