#not really negative but im talking about negative self-critique briefly
volot · 2 years
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i think....... i realized why i haven’t been happy with what i’ve been writing lately / why i’ve been feeling Stuck writing-wise lately so this post is just for me to kick my own ass
i think i’ve been very full or trepidation lately - of my own design i should note btw, it’s all likely in my head and a result of me fussing and fumbling and fretting, not because of anyone or anything here - just because i think i’ve forgotten how to ... let go? coming into this blog, i felt like i had a lot of freedom and a lot of leg room to just write and do whatever, so my creativity felt absolutely endless. somewhere along the line, i think i may have started to worry a little too much, and worrying led to low confidence in my ideas and my portrayals, and that in turn has led to me holding myself back in fear that my ideas are “no good” or like parts of my portrayal were “embarrassing” or “bad” or “didn’t make sense / were poorly written”; which to my credit, every writer is capable of improvement, it’s a natural stage of growth in the creative arts / skills, it’s fine to recognize potential flaw in what you work with and want to be aware of it and iron it out, but i think i ended up really shooting myself in the foot and hurting something i very much should be enjoying, not criticizing myself relentlessly over.
anyway, this is just a reminder to me to just... let go sometime. post my ideas, let myself write, get lost in it, stop worrying so much.
and if you’re in my position, don’t be your worst enemy; remember to have fun with it, yeah? this is what this hobby is for. post that headcanon, post that rp reply, let yourself try crazy and unexpected new ideas; challenge yourself, don’t hold yourself to some kind of standard surely no one else is holding you to, and enjoy yourself!
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