#you could just have said 'uhhh i think this one is closest' and left it at that
rukkiya · 6 months
Hii this is a strange request so feel free to ignor if you are uncomfy! I was wondering if you could write an angst to comfort (modern au?) where fem!reader gets roofied at a party and kaeya (or albedo) helps keep her safe and stuff? They can already be at the party or come and pick her up! I love your angst! Stay safe(`3´)
why did you go
꒰ა(kayea x fem!reader - modern/college au)໒꒱
tw: mention of getting drugged , reader gets roofied
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The sound of people talking and music blasting was vibrating through the house.
Kaeya wasn’t paying attention to anyone around him. The noise around him all blurred into one sound of nothing. He sat at the far corner of the living room looking at someone, the only reason why he was at this party to begin with.
He was looking at you, though if asked he’d just say he’s keeping an eye on you.
Kaeya knows you better than anyone. Knows how gullible and trusting you are despite so many people doing you wrong.
He would be next to you, he’d much rather be in all honesty. He feels like a stranger keeping his distance the way he is but it’s his fault it’s like this.
Kaeya feels like an idiot this all could have been avoided if he wasn't acting like such a prick earlier. You were telling him about the party and how your friend invited you and he got mad.
“You? Going to a party? Are you feeling ok?” he asks, reaching his hand from across the table placing it on your forehead.
“Just fine, but what's that supposed to mean? I go out sometimes. Not often but still.” you look at him, brows drawing together a bit as you softly move his hand from your forehead.
“Who invited you anyways?” he asks, ignoring your previous question. He feels something in the pit of his chest. He feels agitated.
“A friend from class, they're going to meet up with some other people they know there too, they said they wanted me to meet them.” You reply, looking down at your hands contemplating it all, going out stresses you out way too much. But you’d feel bad if you told your friend no.
Kaeya feels his chest sting a bit. “You have me, invite me with you” he thinks.
He's not one to get jealous, he knows he has no right. You're your own person but the sole thought of you finding someone else, someone better scares him. He doesn't want you to leave him.
“You trust them to not leave you?” he asks before he can think of what he's saying. You've had bad experiences with people you thought were friends. He's just worried, and you trust people too easily.
“They're not like tha-”
“Yeah those people you thought you could trust last time weren't like that either huh?” he spits out making you look up at him confused now.
“What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?” you ask him, brows drawing together making his eye narrow.
He himself doesn't know why he's so bothered.
“No.” he simply says, looking away.
The look on your face made him all the more confused. Or maybe he's not confused, maybe he's pushing something back. Maybe he’s scared to come to terms with said realization.
“You seem upset kaey-”
“Never mind it's nothing, go ahead and go to the party. But if they do leave you, if you end up alone there I don’t want to hear it, I warned you.” He sighs, standing up and grabbing his cup.
“I’ll see you later.” He doesn’t even look at you, he just walks away and leaves you confused and worried. He is your closest friend and the sole thought of losing him or making him upset scares you.
Though you were at a party you were stuck in your own head too, you’re worried that Kaeyas still upset but you can’t figure out why he got mad to the point where he just left.
“Y/n, you want a drink?” Your friend asks snapping you out of your thoughts. Kaeya hears your friend call your name, seeing her get up from sitting next to you on the couch, turning to you waiting for your answer.
“Uhhh, no thanks I don’t drink-“
“Come on we’re at a party! I’m serving you the drink. I brought you here to have a good time!” She laughs making you go quiet knowing what she’s saying is true, but you don’t like to drink either.
“She’s not going to say no.” Kaeya thinks, knowing you all too well. It’s something you struggle with. You’ve told him that you feel rude or mean when you say it but in situations like this drives him crazy.
“Look I’ll bring an extra drink and if you want it you can have it ok? I won’t force you.” Your friend explains and you nod, feeling better with that option.
You feel out of place. Parties were never your thing, being around so many people wasn’t either but you didn’t want your friend to come here all by herself. Knowing how things are now days you know you’d be feeling horrible and worried for her if you had declined.
Kaeya sees you all alone now and has to stop his legs from moving any closer, you’re probably upset at him.
You were just trying your best to socialize better and he acted out in a way he shouldn’t have, hell he’d be mad at him too for acting like that.
His eyes scan the rest of the living room and he spots two guys at the drink section pointing at someone while mixing drinks together.
Kaeya’s eyes follow their line of sight and his eyes land back on you.
He looks back at them and sees one of them walking towards you, two cups in his hand.
Kaeya narrows his eye at the guy, moving closer just a tad bit.
Before the guy can make it to you your friend comes back holding two drinks.
“Ok, I mixed this one with more juice than alcohol so it shouldn’t be too bad. It’s there if you want it!” She smiles, placing the two cups down in front of you, sitting back down next you. You look in the red cup and see what looks like fruit punch to be inside, not that nasty brown beer color.
Kaeya stops and sighs, relief washing over him when he sees you with someone you know at least.
“Hey sweet thing, is this seat taken?” You hear a guy slur next to you.
Before you can even turn to answer you feel the couch dip beside you.
You feel yourself get pulled to the right seeing your friend suspiciously eye the guy as she loops her arm around yours, bringing you closer to her.
“You ladies have drinks?” He asks, leaning a bit close to you, he eyes both the cups your friend brought on the table. Placing two light pink cups in front of him.
“Yes we do.” Your friend quickly answers.
You can smell the sickly sweet scent of alcohol coming from the guy beside you and you have to stop your face from scrunching up in distaste.
Kaeya sees the guy sit a bit too close to you and feels his legs move cloer again. He knows you can take care of yourself, he knows he has no right to be this protective but when it comes to you he can’t help it. When he sees someone too close or making you uncomfortable he has to hold himself back from stepping in.
He’s closer but still far enough to be out of your line of sight. He doesn’t think he can stay hidden any longer though. Even if you’re still mad at him you can scream at him later. If the prick next to you gets any close he won’t just stand and look.
“You’re here too huh?” Kaeya hears a familiar voice come from beside him making him turn away from you.
“Albedo? You finished your group project? Kaeya asks in suprise, not expecting to see Albedo of all people here.
“Almost, I’m here to pick up some of the materials from a classmate who is here, I’m on my way out right now.” Albedo explains, fixing his backpack on his shoulders.
The blondes reason makes Kaeya laugh, it makes more sense now. Kaeya doesn’t think he’s ever seen Albedo outside of lab or the library.
You feel the couch beside you shift but before you can turn around you see a familiar guy standing next to your friend.
“Babe there you are!” You hear the guy behind your friend call out to her making you her turn his way.
“Took you long enough, we were waiting forever.” Your friend rolls her eyes as her boyfriend kisses her head.
“Already so sassy? I just got here.” He laughs making her roll her eyes.
The random guy beside you looks around, making sure no one was looking his way. He glances to his side to make sure you or your friends don’t see him move one of the cups he brought with him closer to you. In a swift motion he replaces the red cup your friend brought for you with a lighter pink cup that he brought for you earlier.
He looks around one more time making sure no one saw before standing up and walking away.
“You guys got drinks? Where are they at?” Your friends boyfriend looks at the two cups on the table in front of your guys.
“By the kitchen.” Your friend answers and he reaches for her hand.
“Come with me to get some.” He pulls her but she playfully slaps his hand.
“No I don’t want to leave y/n.” She says pulling you closer and you smile at her, squeezing her arm.
“Hey it’s ok! Look the guy left anyways, it’s only going to be for a few minutes I can save the couch for us so no one else will take it.” You laugh and she looks around before looking back at you.
“Are you sure? If that guy comes back leave and look for me ok?” She tells you, serious look on her face.
You nod your head and hold your pinky out.
“I promise.”
She looks at your pinky then at you, a smile making its way in her lips and she laughs “ok you promised.”
“I’ll be right back.” She stands up looking back at you and you nod.
You glance at both the cups she brought, looking in hers to see hers was a yellow color liquid, probably mango or pineapple juice was mixed with hers.
You don’t like drinking, the smell of alcohol makes you feel sick so the taste is far worse but you wanted to just try hers. The bright colors of both your drinks looked interesting.
You bring her cup up to your nose and smell pineapple. You bring the cup to your lips and take a small sip immediately scrunching your face at the burn on your tongue.
“How in the world is that even safe to drink?” You think to yourself immediately putting her cup back down.
You reach for your cup that she brought you and bring it up to your mouth, hoping it doesn’t taste half as strong as hers.
The smell of something sweet was coming from the cup. You tilt the cup back a bit, tasting a mix of cherry and punch, little to no alcohol can be tasted from the cup besides a small aftertaste of something bitter.
You take a bigger sip, wanting to get the taste of alcohol from your fiends drink out of your mouth.
It actually tasted good though, despite it having some alcohol in there. You take one more drink and put the cup down, not wanting to drink it all. You don’t drink alcohol so you don’t know the effect it’ll have on you.
“So that’s the big project you’ve been working on, no wonder I haven’t seen you around outside lately.” Kaeya puts his fingers on his chin making Albedo roll his eyes at Kaeya’s antics.
“I go out. I’m out right now.” Albedo states making Kaeya laugh a bit louder.
“For said project.” Kaeya points at albedos bag making Albedo sigh. Kaeya’s back was facing you, he didn’t notice the prick sitting next to you switch your cups. He didn’t see you take a drink from the cup that was switched.
You scroll though your phone as your wait for your friend to come back. You stop scrolling when you hear the music around you quiet down, looking around to see if anyone else notices how quiet it’s gone but when your head lifts up you get dizzy. Dizzy to the point where you have to steady yourself even though you were sitting.
“Y/n, sorry we took a bit longer he made me wait for him to get food-“
Your friend stops talking when she sees your head sway, noticing how you didn’t look at her though she called out to you.
“Y/n?” She calls out more serious this time, her boyfriend stopped talking behind her.
You hear your name being called from afar but your head feels too heavy to lift it up. You try to stand but your legs feel too weak.
“Did she drink too much maybe?” Your friends boyfriend asks and she snaps her head at him glaring.
“She never drinks, she doesn’t like alcohol.” She states, the panicked look on her facing making his smile drop, she’s serious.
You feel a chill go down your spine and wrap your arms around your torso.
“‘ts so c-cold.” You slur.
Your friend kneels next to you grabbing your hand feeling how hot it was to the touch.
“Oh my gosh y/n! Y/n hey look at me what did you drink?!” Your friend asks feeling panic rising in her chest.
“Y/n look at me!” She repeats louder getting anxious.
Kaeya hears your name being called out behind him and stops talking. Waiting to hear it again, to make sure it’s not his head playing tricks on him.
“Y/n what did you drink?” She repeats making Kaeya turn around slowly. Registering the words he’s hearing right now.
“What happened?” Kaeya hears someone whisper beside him, everyone around you guys was staring now.
“She’s out of it, but it doesn’t look like shes drunk to me, she looks sick.” Another person whispers.
“Here hold my hand and stand up, you probably need some water.” She grabs your hand and pulls you up.
You stand on both feet shakily and feel a wave of nausea wash over you.
Kaeya doesn’t even think, his legs move before he can register a single thought.
“Y/n? Hey I need you to look at me.” He’s by your side in a second. Your friend moving back a bit recognizing who Kaeya was.
You hear Kaeyas voice but can’t see him properly your vision is beyond blurred.
You take a step forward towards his voice but feel your knees buckle but never feel your body hit the ground below you.
Kaeya picks you up in his arms when he sees you stumble, feeling his heart sink.
What did you do? He thinks.
Kaeya gently sits you back on the couch and you mumble something he can’t quite make out.
“Y/n hon, can you look at me please?” He says calmly though his heart was beating out of his chest.
You look up at him and he notices how your eyes look hazy. He’s been keeping an eye on you all night, you haven’t drank anything.
Then he remembers the cups on the table.
He turns to the two cups and looks at your friend.
“What alcohol did you get her?” He asks bringing both cups up inspecting them.
He notices how your friends face goes still as she reaches for her cup in his hands.
“I didn’t put much in hers but that’s not…. that isn’t the cup I brought her…….. this cup is mine but that one you’re holding it’s not hers, I got her a red cup like mine too….” She points at the other cup in Kaeya’s hands. “I didn’t serve her drink in that cup it’s a different shade.” She whispers feeling her stomach drop.
Kaeya feels his whole body grow cold. He takes his eye off you for a second. One second and this happens? This happens to you? To you of all people? Some targeted you?
“Y/n did you drink out of these cups?” Kaeya asks.
You can vaguely see the cup Kaeya brings up to you and you nod. You can hear him but it’s much slower when it reaches your ears.
He reaches for your hand and puts his fingers on your wrist to check your pulse, eye closing when he feels how fast he felt it going. Not only that but the temperature of your body was extremely hot, you were overheating.
Kaeya gently lifts you into his arms and you groan feeling dizzy from any movement.
“Albedo.” Kaeya turns to the blonde making him step forward.
“Do me a favor and call an ambulance, I need to cool her off and get her to drink water for the time being.” Kaeya’s face looks unrecognizable to the people standing around. He looked scary.
Albedo doesn’t waste a second, having never seen Kaeya with such a serious expression, it made him realize the weight of the situation. He pulls his phone out and dials the number immediately.
Kaeya turns to the kitchen, your friend following close behind.
“I left her for a few minutes, her cup is still full she can’t be drunk.” Your friend explains feeling her eyes start to burn at your state, you couldn’t even keep your eyes open.
Kaeya feels his jaw clench uncomfortably but he has no right to be mad at her when he looked away from you for a second too. When he could’ve avoided this and just asked to come with you instead of being an ass about it.
“We need to get her out of her jacket and get her to drink water now.” Kaeya pushes the kitchen door open with his foot, pushing all the bottles off the table and setting you on it gently.
“Y/n, hon it’s me.” Kaeya calls out to you.
He sees you open your eyes and hears you groan uncomfortably feeling anger and guilt rise in him even more.
You can’t tell if you’re dreaming or not, everything feels weird. You’re not sure if Kaeya is actually here but you still want him near you, to apologize for earlier.
“-aeya k-aeya i-m ‘orry.” you slur, pulling your jacket closer to your body.
He has to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from losing it. Hearing you apologize made him shake his head. Were you apologizing to me? He thinks as he moves his hands toward your jacket.
“Listen y/n, I’m going to take your jacket off ok? It’s me doing it, not anyone else but I need to do this, you’re overheating too much ok?” He asks and you nod your head giving him some signal.
He unzips your jacket and you immediately feel a shiver go down your spine.
You lean foward, closer to him when he slips both your arms out of the jacket.
“Get some water, please she needs it.” Kaeya glances at your friend who immediately does so.
You feel you body shaking, trembling. It was far too cold .
“aeya i-ts co-cold.” You feel your teeth chatter.
He sees you tremble and feels horrible. Bringing your body close to his to give you some warmth.His hands run up and down your arms and he can feel the goosebumps.
“I know I’m sorry but I can’t have you overheating.” He whispers, moving your hair from your face.
Your friend hands him a cup of water and he steadies you.
“Y/n can you drink some water for me?” He asks and you shiver even more.
“I d-ont ‘eel goo-d.” You try lift your head even though it felt painful, opening your eyes as you feel them burn a bit.
“I know I-…..” kaeya looks down feeling his throat swell. “I’m sorry I know you don’t but this’ll help ok? I promise.” Kaeya shakes his head, seeing your eyes travel from looking at him to the cup of water.
He brings the cup up to your lips, other hand holding the back of your head as you take small sips. He doesn’t stop until about half of the water is gone.
It’s not enough to get whatever you have in your system out but it’ll do for now.
Your limbs feel heavy but despite that you lift your arms up, reaching out for Kaeya.
Kaeya’s hands immediately find yours, interlocking his fingers with your now cold ones.
“P-lease do-t leav.” You slur, you felt sleepy, dizzy but worst of all paranoid.
“I wouldn’t dare.” Kaeya says seriously, giving your hand a firm squeeze.
Kaeya can hear the faint sound of sirens nearing and moves you, but you don’t react. His fingers move to your wrist and he can feel the steady pulse of your heart beating. You’re ok, your body is just drained. Kaeya swears to himself, he’ll make the bastard who did this to you pay.
He gently gathers you in his hold again and walks out to the now quiet party. Eyeing everyone around to see if he sees someone in particular. He remembers. The cup looked familiar. The cup you drank out of was placed next to you not by your friend, but by someone else. Someone he had a bad feeling about earlier. But he doesn’t see the face of the scumbag who did this.
Right now though he can’t be bothered with that punk. Right now you were his priority.
He takes you out the house and is met with paramedics with a stretcher. He’s hesitant to let you go but he lets the paramedics take your vitals.
They immediately get you into the ambulance and Kaeya goes in with you, holding your hand the whole time.
Kaeya explains to the paramedics what when down since you’re not able to at the moment squeezing your hand every now and then when he recalls what when down. They tell him your vitals are going back to normal, it’s nothing life threatening but they confirm what he feared what happened. You were drugged.
You can veagule hear what’s being said, the affects were still heavy hitting but you felt scared. You don’t want to be alone.
Kaeya feels the slight tremble of your hands and looks down to you seeing tears stream down your face. He can only gently wipe them. The state you’re in is tearing him to shreds. He feels his own eyes burn.
“I’m here y/n I’m not leaving you again. I won’t leave you, you’re safe with me.” Kaeya assures you as he gently lays his head on your shoulder
“You have to promise to not leave me either though ok? Anywhere you go ask me to go with you and I will.” He whispers, not really expecting a response. But he’s a selfish man, he knows it too. He doesn’t want you with anyone but him.
He’ll keep his promise, keep you closer than ever because he can’t stand the thought of you being in danger or unsafe or worse being without you again. He still owes you an apology, he knows because he’s come to terms with it now. It makes sense to him why he was so bothered with you not going with him, he can’t stand being without you. So from here on out he won’t leave your side. As for the guy who did this to you? Kaeya will find him and make him pay, but for now as long as you’re safe with him and him only, it’s more than he can ask for.
authors note: HELLO MY LOVELIES!!!! it’s been forever since I last posted apologies t^t I’ve missed you all dearly <3 life has been busy but I had to write and post something for Christmas for yall :3 to the anon who sent this req thank you <33 this has been sitting waiting for me to write for a while as the topic is very serious and scary I wanted to approach it correctly. I’m sorry it’s an angst price as my holiday gift to y’all but would it be a rukiya piece if it wasn’t? LOL I do hope yall enjoy and that you’re taking care and spending the holidays with your loved ones and if you don’t celebrate I hope you’re doing great and taking care still!!much love to you all I’ll be back and active soon happy holidays!! ^~^<3 (ASLO! apologies for any errors this wasn’t revised!)
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lovebaela · 2 months
Chapter 3: Beginning of War
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Pairing: °❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・
CW: fem!oc, mostly fluff, and mentions of murder.꙳·❅°*˖
Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
(a/n) helloooo, sooo I recently decided to make a Wattpad account and I’ll also be posting the story on there hehe. So if you don’t like all of the cutesy symbols and the aesthetic on here, you can also read the story on Wattpad without all that stuff :) also I’m making minor changes to the previous chapters so uhhh don’t mind me lol
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One night, Rhaella and Lady Stark were with Bran, by his side. It's been a month since she woke up.
Now, they had to wait for Bran's turn to awaken.
He's not dead, I know it, she always told herself.
Rhaella read aloud a book about the history of Winterfell as Lady Stark was making a protective craft. She said that only a mother could make one.
Robb decided to stay to look after his mother. She never once left Bran's side. To the point where Rickon was following Robb around. Robb walked in complaining about it, until he noticed something wrong outside.
"Is there something wrong?" Rhaella asked.
"Both of you stay in here," he said. He quickly ran out of the chamber, leaving them confused. They both rose up from their chairs to look out the window. There was a lot of commotion going on out there. The door opened, making them turn around swiftly. A man they've never seen before.
"You're not supposed to be here," the man said.
"None of you are supposed to be here." They both looked at each other wondering what he meant.
He turned to Bran, "it's mercy for him, really." He drew out his dagger.
"NO!" They both yelled.
Lady Stark ran to the man, preventing him from getting any closer to her son as Rhaella jumped on the bed, throwing herself on Bran. She grabbed the blade, squeezing it so hard that her hands were bleeding.
Rhaella, not knowing what to do, could only think to herself. She didn't know what came over her to use herself as a shield. In truth, they haven't known each other for that long, but he was the closest thing to family, they all were. No, this won't be the day he dies. It can't be. I won't let him, even if it kills me! That led herself to ask the question, would he have done the same for me?
The man threw her off of him and made his way to the bed.
"No!" Rhaella shouted. "Leave us alone!"
Before the man could stab her, Bran's dire wolf bolted in the room, quickly biting at the man's hand. They watched in awe and horror as the wolf dug its teeth into his neck, killing him instantly.
"Thank you," Rhaella whispered to the wolf. He let out a little whine and laid down. At that moment, they knew Bran would be protected, especially now that Summer was huge.
The next day, Rhaella showed Lady Stark where they both fell. They entered inside and went to the top floor. There wasn't really anything in the room. Just a lot of moss, vines, and leaves growing in there. "I found something," Lady Stark said. She showed Rhaella a long strand of golden, blonde hair. Rhaella gasped, remembering the day the king arrived and the feast. The Queen. Her hair was that color. But why would she be in here? And who was she with? "We have to tell Robb," Rhaella said.
They called for a meeting with Robb, Theon, Maester Luwin, and Ser Rodrick in the godswood.
"Pushed?" Robb asked them. "Are you certain?"
"Bran never falls." Theon added.
"We found a strand of blonde hair in that tower," Lady Stark said. "Bran must of saw something he wasn't supposed to see."
"Which led him to get pushed." Luwin said, putting the pieces together.
"What should we do my lady?" Ser Rodrick asked.
"I'll ride to king's landing," she replied. "It had to have been the Lannisters. I must tell Ned."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" The maester asked her. She gave a nod.
"They think they can just hurt the people I love and get away with it?" Robb asked. "And then send an assassin? They will pay for this."
That made Rhaella blush. He loves me!
Lady Stark turned to Rhaella, "I need you to stay by Bran's side. To watch over him while I'm gone.
He's lucky to have a friend like you. I know this is scary, but I need you to stay strong for me." She gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Yes, my lady," Rhaella said determinedly. "I will."
After she left Winterfell with Ser Rodrick, Rhaella did exactly what she asked her to do. She never left Bran's side. She was very concerned for Bran's health. Since he was in a coma, he couldn't eat properly, only honey and water. His body was growing more frail by the day. Nearly becoming just bones and skin. Rhaella prayed every single day for Bran to wake up, hoping one day any gods out there would hear her.
After feeding Bran one night, Maester Luwin said there was a gift for Rhaella. It was a fancy looking chest.
"It says it's from Majester Illyrio from Pentos," he told her. "Also, Lord Stark sent the both of you gifts." He placed Bran's gift at the side of his bed.
From what she could tell, it looked like a sword wrapped up. Then he gave her gift, it was small and wrapped up. She unwrapped it and smiled. It was a doll.
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The doll was quite creepy, but she cherished the thoughtful gift anyway.
After Luwin left the room, she opened the chest.
She let out a small gasp, inspecting the gift. It was a dragon egg! Next to it was a letter, from Daenerys!
Dear Rhaella,
I hope you are doing well my sister. I'm afraid I have some news. I was married off in trade for a Dothraki army. His name is Khal Drogo, and he looks big and scary. We are about to leave with the Khalaasar. I didn't want to marry him, or anyone. I just want to go home. To finally see you! Sometimes when I get scared...I say that I am the blood of the dragon. Dragon's are fearless and brave which is what I should be. You are the only person in this world that brings me happiness. I hope you enjoy the gift I sent you.
Love, Daenerys.
Poor Daenerys, I guess we both have to be brave right now. More than ever.
"Look Bran, I have a dragon egg! Too bad Arya isn't here to see it." Rhaella told him. She liked talking to Bran while he slept. Deep down, it felt like he could hear her. "Bran, please wake up," she whispered, holding his motionless hand. "I need you."
A few tears fell from her eyes onto the furs of the bed. She hesitated at first, but then gave him a peck on the cheek before leaving. She reached for the door knob until she heard a groan. Startled, she turned back to the bed.
"Rhaella?" He asked weakly.
"Bran!" She shouted. She jumped onto the bed and gave him a big hug, "You're awake, finally awake!"
Rhaella told the others about the great news. She could tell Robb wanted to cry, but knowing him, he didn't, at least not in front of her. Rickon, of course, did.
"You shouldn't try walking," Maester Luwin told him. "At least, not yet. Your body is extremely weak and thin because of the coma. If you slept longer, you likely would have been dead."
"If Bran needs to go somewhere, what will he do?" Rhaella asked the Maester. "We will have Hodor carry him," he replied.
"I had a strange dream," Bran said, as he was eating some pigeon pie. "I was falling. Falling the whole time, without hitting the ground. There was a raven there too. It had three eyes. It told me 'fly or die.'"
"Don't think about it too much, it was only a dream child," Luwin said.
Rhaella wanted to tell them about her strange dream, but maybe the Maester was right. Perhaps it was only a dream.
— DAENERYS ೃ࿔*:・
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"I hit him," Daenerys said, panicking. "I hit the dragon."
Dany couldn't take Viserys' tantrums anymore. He hurt one of her handmaidens, Doreah, because she told him Dany wanted him to come to supper. He took it as a command. He tried to strike Dany down, but something woke inside of her and she fought back.
"Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon," Ser Jorah Mormont explained. He had met Dany during her wedding, where he swore his loyalty to House Targaryen. "Viserys is less than a shadow of a snake."
"He is still the true king," She reminded him.
"The Magister told the three of us that the common people were praying for his return."
"Three?" The man asked.
"Forgive me," she said. "It wasn't just me and my brother living with Illyrio, our cousin was there with us. My sister, Rhaella."
"I believe I never heard of her." Jorah admitted.
"She was good," Daenerys said with a smile. "A good, sweet, intelligent, and beautiful girl. She was the only thing that I cared about in this world." Her smile faded away, "and he sold her away from me."
"Where is she now?"
"In Winterfell, with the Starks. The people that betrayed my family."
"Forgive me Khalessi, but the Starks are an honorable house. Trust me when I say this, she is in good hands."
"I will get her back one day, I swear it." Daenerys said. "I pray everyday that she is okay, what do you pray for Ser Jorah?"
"So do I," she said. I hope she received her gift and the letter.
— RHAELLA ೃ࿔*:・
Rhaella and Bran listened to Old Nan tell her crazy stories. A lot of them were quite strange and boring most of the time. Bran stroked the fur of his dire wolf. He decided to name him Summer. Summer grew so big that soon they would be able to ride on his back. What Rhaella loved about Summer was his beautiful features. He had fire-like brown eyes and fur on his back.
Bran's eleventh name day came and went quickly, but the boy was too depressed to celebrate. He said he'd rather die than be crippled for life, which broke Rhaella's heart. Soon after her eleventh name day passed, but all she requested for was lemon cakes to eat while by Bran's bedside.
Both of them could hear the shouts and screams of Rickon playing with Shaggydog and Greywind outside. "I want to be out there," Bran mumbled. His eyes stung. She could see in his eyes he wanted to cry.
"Would you like to hear a story about a knight?" Old Nan asked as she sowed. "Ser Duncan the Tall perhaps?"
"I don't want to listen to that," Bran said, his voice petulant. The topic of knights seemed to bother him. Rhaella didn't blame his bitterness. The one thing he ever wanted was taken away from him. "Yeah, you already told Ser Duncan's stories many times," Rhaella sighed.
She loved the adventures of Dunc and Egg, but she heard the story so many times, she thought she would pull her hair out.
"It's the scary ones I like." Bran said lowly.
"Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods."
The children were deeply invested in the story. It was something Rhaella never heard about before, true or not, it intrigued her.
They continued to listen until Theon opened the door, making them snap out of the trance and jump.
"I don't wish to see anyone!" Bran said, coldly.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice," Theon said.
"Lord Tyrion wants to see you. Hodor!" The tall giant waltzed in the room, "Hodor?"
"Take Bran to the Great Hall," he commanded.
Hodor did as he said, picking Bran up and left the room. Theon and Rhaella followed behind.
"What does he want from Bran?" She asked the Greyjoy. "I'm not sure, he wanted to see you too."
Once we walked in, she could hear Lord Tyrion say, "so it's true . . ."
Hodor stood before Tyrion with Bran in his arms.
"Hello Bran," he said to the child. He turned his attention to Rhaella, "and hello to you too, Rhaella. Do either of you remember what happened?"
"They barely have any memory of what happened before the accident," Luwin answered for them as he sat at the main table with Robb. With Lord Stark gone, Robb had to take on the role as Lord of Winterfell.
"That's unfortunate," the Lannister said.
"Why are you here?" Robb asked.
"Would you be as kind to ask your charming companion to neil? I'm afraid my neck is starting to hurt," Tyrion asked Bran. He was different from his siblings. He was an "imp" Arya said. He was as tall as Rhaella, and can't grow anymore than that. Hodor obeyed Bran's request to neil.
"Do the both of you like to ride?" He asked them.
Both of the children answered yes. Bran added,
"well, I did like to." Luwin wasn't sure if Bran could ever walk again, but he said they still needed to give Bran more time to heal.
"Lucky for you, I have brought the finest horses for you and blueprints of a special saddle that can even let cripples ride," he told him. "I'm not a cripple." Bran said. "I'm not sure yet."
"Well in case you are, the saddle will still work perfectly for you." Tyrion gave Bran the blueprints of the saddle. It made Rhaella feel warm inside to see Bran's eyes light up as he looked at the paper.
"And for you," Tyrion said, turning to her. " have something else as well. I'm afraid it's not blueprints, but I assure you that you will love it."
Rhaella's eyes brightened up as Tyrion opened a small case. Inside of it was a beautiful golden ring with the Targaryen sigil on it. "I found this where we have the Targaryen artifacts kept. I thought you should have it," he explained. "It is believed to be one of the many jewelry that Daemon Targaryen gave his niece, Rhaenerya."
"Wow," Rhaella exclaimed. "Thank you . . ."
"Is this some kind of trick?" Robb asked, confused and defensive.
"I have a special place in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things," Tyrion replied, smiling at the children. They both gave a smile back.
"You have done them a kindness," Robb said.
"Winterfell is welcomed to you."
"No need for the false loyalties, Stark," Tyrion said. "For I will be leaving shortly."
Before he could ride off, Rhaella ran outside to the courtyard. He noticed her approaching him, "ah, it's you again. I had the both of your horses placed in the stables. May the gods bless the both of you."
"I . . .I thought your family hated me," Rhaella admitted. "You are a kind person, I thank you again."
Tyrion smiled, "I am not like my family, unlike them, I have a heart. Take this as advice, young girl. As someone who is not only Targaryen, but a foreigner as well, you will face hardships. Take what makes you different, and be proud of it. That way, no one can bring you down."
Rhaella nodded and watched as he rode off with his men. She went over to the stables to see the horses. Her horse had a beautiful white coat with wavy mane so light, it almost looks white instead of blonde. Bran's horse was a beautiful jet black color with black mane. They complimented each other beautifully, like the stars and the night sky.
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Bran spent the rest of the morning getting sigil lessons with Maester Luwin. Rhaella practiced her archery with Theon Greyjoy while she waited for the lessons to be over. Lord Tyrion’s gift lifted Bran’s spirits, but only ever so slightly. He was always a cheerful boy, a sweet Summer child. Now, he was as cold as winter.
Afterwards, Rhaella and Bran spent the afternoon sitting in the godswood under the weirwood tree. He laid on the ground, resting his head on Rhaella's thigh as she read the history book. "Arya would be furious if she found out we finished the Dance of the Dragons," Rhae chuckled.
"Maybe she should have stayed with us." Bran said, bitterly.
She continued to read, "when Rhaenerya's last alive son was crowned king, the small folk came up with many names. Aegon the Unlucky, Aegon the Unhappy, or Dragonbane. Grand Maester Munkun called him the Broken King."
"Aegon the Broken," Bran said. He sighed. "Bran the Broken."
Rhaella slammed the book shut. "You are not broken, Bran!"
"What do you call a boy who can barely walk properly anymore? Broken, that's what." He said coldly. "Now, I can't even be a knight at all! That's all I ever wanted . . ."
"Well, then," Rhaella said, standing back up. "I guess I'll just have to help you walk better again!"
"What do you mean?" He asked cocking his head.
"How about this, everyday, we come here and practice your walking," she said. "Maester Luwin did say you can walk, just not as much as you used to."
"You'd really help me?" He asked. She was shocked he would even ask that.
"Of course!" She said taking his hand to help him up. "Not only are you my betrothed, you are my dearest friend. All I could ever want is for you to be happy." She wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "I'd also like for my egg to hatch, so one day we can fly on dragon back and eat nothing but desserts!"
"I'm glad that we met." He smiled. She smiled back at the Stark boy, "so am I."
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Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Apologies if requests are not open, but could I please have some headcanons (long or short, whichever you prefer) about sleeping in the same bed as Mordecai Heller? Like how long it would take to get to that point and how he sleeps maybe?
Sooo uhhh I went a bit overboard so uhhhh, enjoy this fanfic of the 3 times you and Mordecai slept next to each other. its nearly 4k and also GN reader lets goooooo!
The first time you slept next to each other.
You peeled yourself out of the car, your clothes sticking to the soaked seat just as they stuck to your skin. The rain was unending, beating down on your face and your eyes. The door slammed shut, the sound muffled by the storm. There was no point in pulling your coat over your head. The window shield and passenger window had long been shot out, exposing you and your fellow triggerman to the elements.
With his dark colors and clothes, Mordecai almost disappeared in the night. You felt around the car, trying to make your way to him. You still had to shout over the rain and thunder. "Over there!"
"A house! I'll show you!"
It was so dark, you couldn't figure what Mordecai was doing until he turned on the flashlight. The beam was pathetic against the night and the rain, but it was something. He shone it toward the car so the guns could be retrieved, and a filthy briefcase. You took the latter. Then you pointed off into the distance.
"There, I saw a farmhouse," You said. "Still has a roof, I think."
"You think?"
"Most of it. Come on!" You didn't pull his arm, but you walked on ahead. The flimsy light was only a few inches ahead of your face, even with Mordecai two steps behind, so you walked carefully through the sodden grass and dirt.
The door wasn't locked, but stuck. It groaned painfully as you kicked it open, and the whole house seemed to creak and shudder with your violent movement. You stepped in at once, your body shivering even if it wasn't that cold.
"At least it's not snowing," You said. "Just, ah ... muggy. And humid."
"Anything is better than cold," Mordecai grunted. He peeled his coat off, just as you did, but he was far more bothered by how thoroughly soaked everything was. The house was musty and surely filled with mold, but there was a roof, and a smattering of furniture.
You walked about, surveying the pitiful place. "Stairs aren't worth the risk, but the sitting area works just fine."
Your fellow gunman's green eyes danced around the room. He took it in just as swiftly, and came to an immediate conclusion. By this point, you could knew the way those green eyes glared, his ears flattened and his shoulders hunched. The scowl really sold it, though.
"Obviously, not the couch. Or the chairs. I'm fairly certain there's all sorts of little rat surprises in them -"
"And in the walls," Mordecai said, looking toward the one closest to him. He stepped away. You didn't doubt there were probably dozens - well, maybe hundreds around this place.
"It's just for the night - not even that, a few hours -"
"Absolutely not."
"Mordecai," You tried not to let the exhaustion come across in your voice. "We left St. Louis at the crack of dawn, it's nearly dawn again, we can't see a damn thing in this rain and we're both -"
"I can hear them in the walls, there's probably black mold all over the ceiling, I know there's all manner of - of vermin, raccoons and whatever else -"
"We're both too exhausted to drive, and our windshield is ruined. The storm -"
"-- If you think I'll stay one more minute in this dilapidated excuse for a shack, let alone rest -"
" - I know for a fact you can't drive through this, because last time -"
Your overlapping voices were completely drowned out by a massive clap of thunder. The whole house rattled, and you felt the noise deep in your chest, like a hundred drums. Faintly, you wondered if the roof might come off; but this wasn't a tornado. You could swear you heard scurrying and squeaking under the floors, but didn't bring it up.
"One hour," The exhaustion was there now. You didn't bother to hid it. Just holding your shotgun and the briefcase and soaked coat was proving to be too heavy. "Just one hour, Mordecai. Even if the weather was peachy keen, I can't drive like this."
Mabye you really did look pathetic, or he was finally feeling his own fatigue. The shadowy cat looked just as bad, his clothes soaked and disheveled, nearly all of his hair out of place, his glasses threatening to slip off. He sighed heavily.
"One hour."
You let him determine where the place would be. It was beside the fireplace, a section of the living room that was far away from the couches and rugs, nothing but an empty table beside it. You easily moved it aside, cleared the cobwebs and attempted to dust off the floor with a rag Mordecai found in the kitchen. You both hung your coats up on the rickety stair railings, not thinking for a moment they'd actually dry.
Your gun was still at your side as you sat down, your back against the wall. It was an old habit, keeping it close, even for just a few minutes of shut-eye. You flicked the safety on and laid it across your lap, the muzzle facing away from Mordecai. Eventually, very slowly, he carefully lowered himself beside you. Your head pressed against the wall as you leaned back, closing your eyes and taking a breath.
There was no need to look at him to know he was tense. He was probably stiff as a board, his ears twitching as he looked around, hearing who knows what in the walls and the floorboards. You knew he had a thing about rats, and spiders. You made sure he didn't see the cobwebs.
"Try to sleep," You muttered. "I won't let you nap in the car back to the city."
He scoffed. "You're better worrying about if you'll fall asleep at the wheel."
"I won't, because I'm sleeping. The thing you should try."
You heard him shift his weight. The wet clothes made it easy to perceive, but anything else was difficult. The fatigue was hitting hard, weighing down your eyelids and settling over your sore, cold body. You'd feel stiff and miserable when you woke up, but the storm would be gone. At some point, you may have felt a weight against your shoulder - something wet, and not that heavy, but it was hard to say.
By the time you woke up, that sensation was gone. You awoke with a start, grasping your gun and looking around. It was bright. The sun was leaking through the broken glass windows. Your bleary eyes darted all around, looking for someone - and your heart finally settled when you saw him.
Mordecai put his glasses back on his face. Somehow, he was even more of a mess than before. Maybe it was just easier to see it in the morning light -
"... What time is it?" You asked, your voice hoarse.
"Time to go," Mordecai said. He'd retrieved his coat, as well as your own. The briefcase was in his other hand.
On the way out of the house, you rubbed your shoulder. For whatever reason, you were especially sore there.
The first time you slept in his bed.
For the past few hours, you’d done nothing but look at ceilings. First was the shithole you’d barged into, though looking up at that was better than the angry mug that was looming over you, ready to put a bullet in your head. He would’ve done it, if not for Viktor’s spectacular tackle. Then the ceiling — roof? — of the car. Then … the garage, you thought. It seemed like a garage, but maybe not the one you were most familiar with. Did they take you back to the Lackadaisy? No, the drive was too short … Well, whoever’s ceiling it was, it was leaking. Now this ceiling — simple, clean, blissfully not leaking.
You blinked at it several times, unsure what time it was. Your stomach was churning, your head was hammering. It was hard to tell if you wanted water, or food, or something to put you back asleep. Something itched at your eye — you realized only one was open, strange — and you reached for it.
“Stop that,” A voice. A familiar one that made relief wash over so quickly, it was dizzying. “Don’t fuss with it.”
You tried to say his name, but it was too many vowels. They came out in a jumble. “Where’m …”
“You’re back at the cafe. I just said to stop touching it.” Mordecai scolded. His dark figure came into your blurry vision, reaching for something you couldn’t see. Oh, it was your hand. He put it back on the bed. With your good eye, you scanned your surroundings, even lifting your pouding head. There was a lamp with a soft glow, some kind of dresser-table-thing. That desk looked familiar. You groaned and fell back on the pillow.
“Wha’s th’ damage?”
“Stitches on the side of your head, a black eye, and probably a concussion.” He said. You could see his tail swishing behind him, and it was hard to tell if it was quick agitation or slow annoyance. It was hard to tell with your addled mind.
“The morphine is wearing off by now.”
He turned away, leaving your bedside. No, this wasn’t your bed. You didn’t live in the Little Daisy’s building. You squinted, recognizing that desk and that plant in the corner. You noticed the dark coat hanging on the door.
Oh, this was his bed. For a crazy moment, you thought you were dying. ... No, not dying. He’d just leave you in the car if that was the case. Still, it was strange being here on this bed in this position. Normally you hung around the doorway, or sat by his desk if you wanted to pester him.
“You need… n’ ‘prtment,” You slurred.
“What was that?”
“App- ‘artm’nt… you.” Your finger pointed to him, though it was hard to keep it straight.
Mordecai sighed and turned back to whatever he had been doing. “Go back to sleep. You’re more incomprehensible than usual.”
The words were all jumbled in your mouth, just as much of a jigsaw as the thoughts in your head. You wanted to explain that if there was a couch, you could take that. You could’ve gone to your own home, though recovering alone with an apparent concussion didn’t sound pleasant. Where would he sleep? Was this alright? Would he burn the sheets, or wash them three times then painstakingly get a magnifying glass and tweezers and pick up every strand of hair you left behind?
“What are you smiling about?” He asked, utterly exasperated. You giggled.
“Nothin’. M’ sleepy.”
You rolled over to your good side, and pain immediately shot up the other side of your body. You groaned, clutching the sheets as you waited for it to pass. Mordecai immediately reached for you, anticipating you’d roll right off the bed, but you didn’t. His arm slowly dropped to his side. He waited, watching the smile slowly slide off your lips. Your breathing slowed, and your hand relaxed. You released the sheet. The bandages were still in place, no blood staining them yet. He needed a way to keep you from tossing in your sleep.
Exhausted from both the night’s illicit activities and then the frenzy to get you to an ex-nurse Viktor insisted on, he dragged his desk chair over to his bedside. Your bedside now, maybe. He was trying not to notice the stray hairs on the sheets — his own black ones bothered him enough. He sat down, figuring how he might keep you from turning. If the morphine was still in your system, you might not feel them if you scratched in your sleep or turned too much … He rubbed his eyes and rested his elbows on the edge of the bed.
The bed was always cold when he eventually laid down each night, but it was warm this time. It struck him as unusual, out of place, not part of the routine, but … not bad.
At some point, there was a knock. He may have dreamed it. Mordecai’s whole body tensed, and he flew to his feet, nearly tripping over the chair he was seated in. It teetered, but chose not to clatter to the floor. You were still asleep in the same position, not the slightest disturbed. Then his eyes flew to the actual source of the noise — the young gunman’s body had been running on adrenaline for hours, only relaxing in the past hour — wait, had he fallen asleep? — but it shot back up as he turned on the intruder in the doorway.
Mitzi gasped. She put her hand to her chest, startled by his sudden movements. “Oh — sorry, sweetie. I would have knocked, but …” She glanced over to the bed. “I didn’t want to disturb the two of you.”
Mordecai said nothing, but his face heated painfully from both embarrassment and panic. His heart was still racing, and the distinct, strange agitation he always felt around Atlas’ new bride was crawling up. She was intruding, on multiple accounts. His room, the disheveled state he was in, the state you were in. Something about someone seeing you like this was raising his hackles, even if he was certainly she wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Mitzi wasn’t deterred by his glare, fearsome as it was. Her worry was too strong. “It was a close one, wasn’t it?”
“… Not especially,” Mordecai eventually replied. Yes, it was a lot of blood, but that was the nature of head wounds. And yes, it was a metal pipe, and the fact you didn’t get up right away, but — you were here now, sleeping and breathing with all your brains inside. He didn’t like the way her eyes fell on your prone body, full of pity.
“Poor thing. First thing in the morning, I’ll call the doctor —”
“The horse doctor?” Mordecai didn’t even want to say that charlatan’s name. “Absolutely not.”
Mitzi’s perfectly arched eyebrows raised just so. “You’ve already arranged treatment, then?”
“Yes, a friend of Viktor’s. It’s been dealt with, there’s no need to call a charlatan. He’ll just change the bandage and overcharge us on morphine.”
“I see you feel strongly about it,” She said. It was a simple statement that dug at him, and he couldn’t place why. Why did she have to hang around all the time? Why did she care to talk to her husband’s triggermen? Mitzi stopped leaning on the doorway, knowing full well she was unwelcome. “Well, tell me if you need any more pillows, dear — for either of you.”
He could have grit his teeth — he did, but his utterly exhausted and rattled expression completely lost on Mitzi. She’d already turned her back and left, walking with a grace that made her footsteps almost imperceptible … especially when she wasn’t wearing her heels. Mordecai moved the chair back into place, trying to will himself to calm down. You were still blissfully unaware, still in the same place as he left you, before he… dozed off. Granted, it was just his arms and head that were on the bed, but it still bothered the black cat. His heart still wasn’t settling down; he almost felt jittery.
Mordecai thought he was used to all this — the shooting, the running, the close calls. He didn’t understand why the fear was hitting so hard, why now it was all rearing up. Hadn’t there been closer calls? Maybe for himself. Maybe for you — he never asked. It was hard to imagine you getting in a worse scrap than this.
He didn’t want to look at your relaxed sleeping form anymore. It contrasted too sharply with the bruises growing across your face, and the bandages wound tightly around your head. With a sigh, he stood, moved the chair back to his desk and tried to occupy himself with some paperwork. Better to fall asleep here, than the … other option. Even if the other option was much warmer.
The first time he slept in your bed.
Upon returning from the bathroom, you discovered that Mordecai was both dressed and still staring at the bed.
That was a little worrisome. The past hour or two had been … well, a lot. For him, especially. You hadn’t considered what how Mordecai might act after it all happened. You were so focused on helping him through the present, you hadn’t thought that far ahead.
This didn’t seem like an oh-god-what-have-I-done kind of 1000 yard stare, though. You knew this expression. His ears were a little flat, his tail twitched, he was focusing very hard on… something. A specific something. Your partner (could you call him that now?) was trying to problem solve.
You walked over beside him, quickly puzzling what the issue was. You kept brushing your teeth, glancing over to him. Those white eyebrows were totally furrowed in concentration. God, it was like when he’d get worked up over a chess match with Viktor. It was painfully endearing.
You knew he knew that you were standing there. You also knew he was trying to avoid looking at you, even though you were no longer naked. You’d thrown on nightclothes for his sake, assuming he’d do the same … and yup, he did. Finally, with your tail swishing and speaking around your toothbrush, you offered, “It’s alright. Happens a lot.”
Mordecai nearly flinched. “Do .. Do people just … ignore it? You can’t tell me they … sleep on it ..."
“They'll sleep around it, if they notice. Sometimes there’s not a mess, because clothes are in the way, or position, or they aren’t on the bed at —”
His fur was completely standing on edge, his tail puffed out like he’d seen a spider. Mordecai threw a hand up. “Don’t - that’s enough. I don’t need to hear any more. People are repulsive. They’re animals.”
“Mmhm.” Talking around your toothbrush made some toothpaste and spittle run down your chin. Mordecai was mortified. He turned on his heel and walked over to the dresser, where at some point, he’d folded his and your clothes. That was also painfully sweet, and ridiculous. He was getting something out of his coat pocket.
“I’ll get new sheets,” You said.
But first, you went back to the bathroom to spit in the sink, wash off your toothbrush and gargle some water. You spat again, idly rubbing at your chin. Back in the room, Mordecai had already stripped the bedding and was handling it like it was covered in plague. He was obviously mentally debating between leaving it rumpled and tossing it out the window, or folding before the tossing.
You made the decision for him, taking the sheets off his hands. “Clean ones are in the broom closet, down the hall.”
“The one you haven’t dusted in months?”
You had to laugh. “Excuse you, I did it last week. I dusted the bookshelves too, and scrubbed the kitchen tile, and the bathroom — I know how you like things.”
His sharp expression softened. “I noticed,” He said softly, all the prickly anxiety and nerves slowly melting. You wanted to touch him, to express the affection that was building up — no, it was always there, and it was wanting to spill out again. But after the huge chasm you two just jumped over, you wanted to be careful.
While you went to setting aside the dirty laundry, Mordecai brought in the clean sheets and fitted them over the mattress. It was better and neater than you’d ever seen it, like a hotel. You went ahead and changed the pillowcases, even if there was no need, and you felt his eyes on you as you did so.
“All done,” You said. “What do you think? Do you want a clean blanket, too?”
It was a genuine question, not a mocking one. You’d been considerate like that all evening — how is this? Is it okay? Should I stop? Do you need to breath? — and the tall cat was trying to come to terms with it. As much as it bothered him, he had needed to stop, and breath, because sometimes he wasn’t okay. He didn’t know why, and it hadn’t been a problem — well, much of one, before you. But it wasn’t you treating him like a problem, it was himself.
It was difficult, all of this. Rather than thinking any further, he pulled out a hankerchief and cleaned off that damn toothpaste you left.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” He grumbled, but you only smiled.
“Thanks.” You turned off the nightstand lamp and climbed into bed. You knew he’d take some time to join you. If he really lingered, you’d offer to move to the couch, but eventually you felt the bed shift and you felt the covers move. Then his body shifted — you could tell he was facing away from you.
Your brain was telling you to be careful, to slow down, but sometimes it hurt you to stay so far apart. It physically ached to have to linger right on the edge. So you risked it, slowly turning over and moving yourself closer. You pressed your face to his back, lightly, and rested your hand on his side.
Mordecai’s whole body tensed up. His tail froze against your legs, and you watched his ears stick up. You waited. After a few seconds, he slowly settled. You pulled your hand away, and you watched the outline of his body relax.
You wanted to say something. He did good. Great, even. He tried hard, for your sake, to overcome a great mental hurdle. You knew that, and you ought to be more respectful of his space. He’d already given so much to you. So rather than wrap him up and overwhelm him with all the kisses and touches and affection you had, you stayed there, your tail gently brushing against his.
“Thank you,” Your voice said quietly, barely disrupting the darkness. Some moonlight was peaking through the blinds, just enough for you to make out Mordecai’s dark silhouette. “We don’t have to … you know, anytime soon. Or ever, if you want. I’ll — regardless, it won’t change my feelings. I like being close to you.”
It was maybe a fraction of how you truly felt. That physical ache was back, but you had to stop here. You weren’t ready to say it all, not yet. There wasn’t an immediate response, and you didn’t expect one. You listened to his steady breathing, feeling solace in it.
Mordecai reached behind him, carefully taking your arm and putting it back over his middle. You pulled him in, just so, nestling your body against his. He didn’t flinch, even as your legs brushed each other and you pressed your face against his warm back, taking in a deep breath. Of course he’d immediately showered right after, but you didn’t mind in the slightest. He smelled like your soap.
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portalfaecez · 1 year
[𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 _𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎_𝙳𝚊𝙼𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐_𝚂𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎_]
𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝?
[𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 _𝙰𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎_𝚂𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎_𝚁𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚘_𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚏𝚞𝚕]
Oooh- hey! I... I got something-! Hello? Can anyone hear me?
Hm, I'll take that as a no. Well, that's just sad, isn't it? Finally in range of the system and absolutely no one is here to help me. Well, actually, help is kind of a big thing to ask for, I um... Yeah no that's fine if you can't really... but uhhh, it does get awfully lonely here, in space. So, if you could maybe just stay here and talk to me for a bit? If anyone's out there...?
Who would want to talk to me anyways? After all I've done? It's alright, I get it... You- you don't have to say anything. It's not like you were much of a talker anyway, so, just keep doing what you always do. You're a great listener, by the way.
I do miss it though- Being your friend and all. You ah, get a lot of time to think up here in space... -and speaking of which, I kind of came to some sort of a realization- that you were probably the closest friend that I've ever had. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Wheatley I thought you had loads of friends!" -and you would be right! I have at least three friends, made em' all myself. But um, back to the point: you were the best of everyone, really. That's right! Waaaaay up there! The cores and the scientists... I don't know, they're all just kinda mean. Nobody has ever really treated me with so much respect besides you. Thank you. Even if I did mess everything up in the end. Hurt cores hurt other cores, that's the saying right? -Not that I'm trying to excuse anything. It's just... man.
I've thought it over about a billion times, different ways I would say and do things, things I should've said to you earlier. Hah, I really screwed it all up, haven't I? We could've just talked everything out and came to an understanding- er, well, I don't really know if you CAN talk so maybe... ASL? Could you do that? I remember a bit of it from being inside Her body- being a giant supercomputer and all-
[𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚠]
WH- Whoa! Um, wow, that's um... That's- that's really bad isn't it? Haven't got much time left... It seems... hah...
I know I've already apologized, but I feel like you deserve a better one. The um, the last one was kind of a stand-in for the better one I was planning to give you in person. It's um... A little funny now that I won't be able to. Now that I really think about it, I was probably never gonna get the chance to see you again regardless. But I already knew that, didn't I? I guess I just do this thing where I daydream about seeing you again so much that I convince myself it'll happen. Do you humans ever do that? Think about something so much you're positive that it's happened? It uh, might just be a side effect of space.
[3% 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
GHRAGH! Hold on a minute, let me get my bearings. That was... Strange. Everything's all blurry now. I can't... I can't really see anything. Um... God, how do I start this?
Chell. I'm sorry. I really, truly am sorry. I freaked out, I did! I stabbed ya' in the back, after everything you did to try to help us escape. I feel... Rotten. I do. I feel like the scum of the earth, if I'm being honest. Well, scum of space if you want to get technical with it- point is, you didn't deserve that. After all the nice things you did for me, given the fact that uh, you have arms I don't, I really should have been more grateful. If there was anything that I could say or do to make it right, I would in an instant. That's a promise. You deserved a better friend, and I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you.
[1% 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
Haha... I can feel myself sort of fading away now. It's um, kind of hard to keep my eye open... There we go. Feels easier to just let it close, not like I'm missing much anyways.
I'm scared.
When my body comes falling to earth, you'll catch me this time, will you?
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xiaosenthusiast · 2 years
secrets pt.01
xiao x gn!reader
SUMMARY you meet your brother’s good old friend xiao! but oh no? what’ll happen if you catch feelings and start dating? especially when zhongli forbid you from dating xiao!? only one way to find out!
WARNINGS -ˋˏ✄┈┈ secrets, cursing
A/N-ˋˏ✄┈┈ lowercase intended ! i was actually rlly excited to write this one jshjajsj this turned out a LOT longer than i wanted it to so i’m making a part two, its 3am sos pleas
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
“zhongli! mom’s calling you!”
you sigh as you hear your brother’s footsteps get closer. you were currently helping your mom by cleaning the table and zhongli was doing homework. you were five months older than him so you always asked if he ever needed help with any subjects; he never accepted your offer because he was a whole lot smarter than you but that didn’t mean you ever stopped asking.
“hey yn, do you wanna hang out with me and my friend?”
“huh? what for?”
“don’t know, but he wants to meet you.”
“uhhh yeah sure i just need to finish cleaning the table.”
that sure caught his attention, he started helping you right away.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
you were a little nervous to hang out with your brother to say the least. you two weren’t exactly the closest siblings..
“hey xiao, this is my sibling yn.”
his eyes moved from his homework to you. he gave you a smile, and it was not a genuine one.
“nice to meet you. i’m xiao.”
your cheeks turned a light pink, and not because of how attractive he was. you were a little embarrassed because his judgmental eyes just kept staring at you. he didn’t exactly have the kindest aura.
“nice to meet you.”
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
after your encounter you just kept seeing him around, mostly around zhongli though. one day zhongli decided to leave you two alone to go get some snacks at the nearby 7-11.
“i have a question.”
he suddenly looked at you and you were confused, “what is it?”
“are you afraid of me?”
silence filled the air as the tension got thicker.
“no. why would i be afraid?”
he looked surprised at your answer and just turned back around to stare at nothing.
“i don’t know, most people are afraid of me; i think it’s because i have a resting bitch face haha.”
“i was a little..intimidated at first. you would never stop staring…”
“oh, yeah i do that too, i’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
“no worries, i got over it anyway.”
the tension wasn’t as thick as before and sitting beside him wasn’t as bad as you thought.
“yn, we have to go home; it’s getting late.”
zhongli came from nowhere and i cursed his timing. just when i was getting comfortable too.
“bye xiao, i’ll see you tomorrow?”
“yeah, see you tomorrow.”
on the walk back home zhongli said the weirdest thing ever.
“yn, you cant date xiao.”
“what? when did i-“
“just promise me you won’t date him.”
what was he talking about? there’s something he’s definitely not telling you. and that really bothered you.
“okay…but you can’t blame me if i break it.”
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
break it indeed you did. turns out there was more than meets the eye to xiao. he was unexpectedly good with children, and he liked to cook. you found this out when you were invited to his house. you didn’t tell zhongli. besides, why’d he have to know where you were at all times?
he had a younger sister and always cooked and cleaned around the house. his mom was always out working so he was in charge of taking care of his sister. his sister introduced herself as qiqi and apparently she took a liking to you. she seemed a bit ditzy and forgetful but she was cute.
eventually she went to sleep and that left you alone with xiao.
“hey. i didn’t know you could cook?”
“well someone has to…”
“do you know how to bake too?”
“yeah..why does it matter?”
jeez if he was going to be so sour then why did he invite me?
“i was gonna ask if we could make a cake!”
“oh yeah su-“
and just then i got a phone call.
“sorry, it’s zhongli. i’ll be back.”
xiao just watched you walk out and laid back into his couch.
“yn! where have you been?! don’t you know what time it is?”
“umm it’s 11:00pm, why?”
“where are you?”
“at xi-“
oh shit. i almost told him where i was.
“at a friends house. i’m sleeping over.”
“does mom know? if she doesn’t you know she’ll get really stressed-“
“i’ll call her right now. goodnight zhongli.”
you heard him sigh and mumble a goodnight. after you told your mom about it you realized you didn’t think this through. where were you going to sleep?
you walked back inside and saw xiao passed out, he looked so peaceful. you couldn’t help but smile.
although you didn’t want to wake him up you had to ask if you could sleep over. “xiao, can i sleep over?”
he just nodded and turned his head.
now where exactly was i supposed to sleep?
i sat next to xiao and made myself comfortable. he wouldn’t mind, would he?
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
the next morning i woke up with a blanket on me and xiao gone. i looked around and no one was around. it seems like xiao moved to his room.
you checked your phone and saw it was 5:39am.
going back to sleep wouldn’t hurt.
but you decided against it as you went to get a cup of water. you were awake already might as well start the day.
when you turned around you saw xiao’s surprised expression.
“you actually stayed over?”
“oh, okay. cool.”
it seemed like he thought i was gonna leave.
he sat on the couch and just sat there thinking about something.
“do you want to date?”
you nearly choked on your water.
“excuse me?”
“do you want to be my lover?”
“no, i mean..i heard you but, why?”
“why not? i mean we’re both comfortable with each other.”
“i don’t think we should date because of that.”
“but we both get benefits i guess?”
“what would those benefits be?”
“you get to help me take care of qiqi, and i can help you..uh.”
“yeah didn’t think so, besides zhongli doesn’t want me to date you.”
“why are you letting him control your love life?”
“i’m not letting him control my love life. regardless if he let me, you wouldn’t be my type anyway.”
“haha your ego’s too big pretty boy. if you convince me i suppose i’ll date you.”
“i’ll make you sweets?”
“you have yourself a deal.”
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amuseoffirebane · 2 years
uwu *happy cattish loaf* hope you are warm; this winter crazy!
LifeintheBigTop was I think my first attempt at figuring out Taps' life as a carny, so early in fact I still hadn't looked up the difference between a traveling carnival/midway and a circus. Actually most of what's written here is fleshing out the dynamic of two side characters, Morgan and Hinge:
Morgan spotted him as he approached, scowling over the bandana he’d tied around his face. He was seated on a stool half sunk into the mud outside his tent, and in front of him sat a coughing combustion engine, belching black smoke. Morgan reached down and shut off the fuel valve.
“I can’t believe this bullshit,” the human mechanic snarled, yanking the bandana down so he could speak clearer. “Does that asshole think I don’t goddamn sleep? I’ve barely gotten through the scrap he ordered before this crap engine!” He stood and wiped the oil off his gloves onto his apron, stepping around the engine. Hinge was silent. “Well, find somewhere to put it down,” Morgan said, turning and disappearing into his tent. The slit at the front was barely high enough to allow Hinge to step though, so he ducked as he shouldered through, always wary of knocking the tents down. Morgan was looking critically at the bigger of his two workbenches and after a pause began to clear it off. “And don’t go anywhere, I’ll need you to carry stuff over.”
Hinge found a spot that was just uncluttered enough for the box to fit and set it down. There was a lip where the top hadn’t been nailed flush to the sides; Hinge lifted a single, wide finger and began to pry it open. Morgan paused, looking at him out of the corner of his eye, and his lip curled.
“I don’t think I gave you permission to open it yet,” Morgan said snidely.
Hinge didn’t say anything, but he turned his head to glower at Morgan. Then in one fluid motion, he ripped the box open, splintered wood flying into the air. Morgan huffed, unrattled, and continued clearing space.
WhenItRains can actually be read here! It’s not exactly canon anymore, I haven’t figured out how I want to rework these elements-- I think the water damage actually happens during the carny years, which come after the stint with the Aldenbergs-- but it introduced the idea of Taps’ having incurred significant damage to his legs at one point.
TheBaby... this is when Taps’ family is still together, living in the Bettencourt theater, and uhhh tw for pregnancy not-going-well things:
[...] the hallway door creaked loudly. Everyone sat up at attention and stared as Mrs. Bettencourt stood in the door fame, one hand on the doorknob, one hand on her belly.
“Hello, children,” she said weakly, looking at them without focus. “Are you having a good night?”
“Yes, Mrs. Bettencourt,” they replied out of sync, some more surprised than the others. Mrs. Bettencourt rarely came down to their room and never without her husband. She vaguely nodded her head as they responded, stepping into the room. Her head turned and she stared at herself in the mirror as she approached.
“I have that glow about me, don’t I?” Mrs. Bettencourt asked. “That mother’s glow.” In reality, she was dreadfully pale, her veins visible on her hands and a feverish puffiness to her eyes. The four seated Stars stood as she neared and paused, turning from the mirror and looking to one, then another, then to Ivory, who stood closest.
“You girls are very lucky,” Mrs. Bettencourt said. She lifted a hand and stroked it down Ivory’s face. Red was left where her fingers touched. “So very lucky. No one will ever make you mothers.”
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It's Already Staggering || Byrne || Trial 3-1 || RE: An, Kenshin, Erik A, Erisu
... So that was it. Internet access was for-sure gone. Byrne ran his hand through his hair, exhaustion creeping over his body. It was what.... 10:45 now? already around the time he'd normally be asleep or getting ready for bed. But they were only JUST starting the process of what was to be a very long trial, he assumed. Unlike investigations, these didn't have set time limits, and there sure were two bodies to discuss.
He held his head in his hands for a decently-long amount of time, just... breathing. The want and need to sleep rising. At last, he raised his head from his hands and looked up to the group to speak.
"... I fucking want to go home so bad you have no goddamn idea. That damn laptop was the closest I could get to it."
He'd withhold his judgment on Eureka until he'd heard something from her in response, but MAN things were not feeling great as it stood in the moment. He tapped the edge of his podium a couple of time as he gathered the rest of his thoughts.
"... Testimony, right, so... From lunch until a bit after 5 I'd been in my dorm just relaxing, pretty much. Spent the whole time in there alone so it's not like anyone can back me up on that. Left the room at 5:16 PM for a change of scenery to compose. Uhh... When I left through the elevator doors it hadn't rained yet, but I saw Erik A and Azure hanging out in the garden. Scarlet was leaving the sunroom and we met about halfway, made the plans he mentioned, and I headed into the room. At the time the sunroom was empty."
He paused as if speaking was leaving him winded.
"I was alone in there until it started raining, when Erik A and Azure came in for shelter, decently wet from it. The two of them were looking at the music boxes at the time. But uh... I got tired of third wheeling by 6, packed up my shit, and left at 6:10 even though it was still raining. Headed into the supply room to pick up camping gear. By the way, those footprints are mine. When I was there, I noticed that two of the rafts were already gone, but I wasn't near the gardening supplies, so I have no clue if the gloves were there or not around then."
The clown shoes?? The clown shoes are Byrne's?? Holy moly.
"When I left the supply room at 6:28, Kal was in the garden, soaked. It stopped raining while I was on the way over and uhhh, Scarlet popped out, so we worked together on setting up the tent and the campfire. The tent and campfire were from us by the way. From there I think the uh... only things he missed was that KOKONE and END were dry, and Erik A and Azure were damp. Otherwise, that shit's the same."
... Did he have anything else to say? He was coming up with a lot of nothing when it came to ideas on what he could possibly bring up. At least... Not until Erik A spoke up and dropped a piece of evidence. God... God there was just SO much to talk about, wasn't there? Sorting through things as to what was the most useful to discuss first and the like.
Right... The letter. The copies of the letter.
"... Normally I wouldn't... talk about something said to me in private, but I think it's relevant here, even if just a little" Haaahh... Felt kind of bad to talk about it, though. "The last time Ae-ra and I talked one-on-one, before I could even get much of a word in edgewise, she started breaking down about the motive."
There might have been just the smallest hint of bitterness that leaked through as he brought this up. The fact that he wasn't even given the chance to say the things he wanted to say to her before she started sobbing. The fact that it squandered his chances of having a serious conversation. The fact that she showed absolutely no concern over his condition, either, just solidified his feelings that Ae-ra was an incredibly self-serving person. The fact that she used information he'd given privately to denounce something he cared about publicly. Maybe others got to see the good in her, but it felt like every time they talked Byrne was getting slapped in the face by blatant selfishness.
"She was pretty shaken. Insisted that she'd do anything to protect her brother. Dunno, I tried to say people would be likely to vote in her favor given her panic but it was almost like she was inconsolable. No clue what went down in the room and shit, but I don't think she would've sat still with Ha-neul on the block."
0 notes
hintofelation99 · 3 years
Banned Item No. 23 Toothpaste.
Steph, Tim, and Jason sneak into Duke's room after patrol.
Duke, jumping out of bed half asleep but ready to fight: What the-
Steph: Shut up, it's important meeting time.
Duke: What are you-
Steph: Shhhhh!
Tim: Steph, what's going on, why'd you call us all here?
Steph: Well Timothy, I am so glad you asked. Remember the other night on the roof?
Jason: Yeah?
Steph: Remember the toothpaste?
Duke: Yeah?
Steph with a smirk: Timothy, would you like to explain what happened afterwards?
Tim, looking confused: Uhhh, I actually don't know what happened afterwards or during...
Steph, looking at Tim confused: What do you mean you don't know?!
Tim: I was very high and on day four of no sleep and cup ten of coffee. I have no clue what happened.
Steph, staring at Tim confused: You don't remember?
Tim: Uh... no?
Steph: Tim you bought a toothpaste company.
Tim: What?! No? I would notice that's a lot of paper work and legalities?!
Tim pulls out his phone and starts going through his email to figure out what he bought.
Tim: Oh. My. God.
Jason: What?
Tim: I bought the companies entire stock...
Duke, laughing: No way!
Tim: And I have a meeting on Monday to discuss buying the company...
Steph falls over laughing and gasping for air.
Tim: What am I going to do with 200,000 tubes of toothpaste?!?!
Jason and Steph smile wickedly.
Jason: Alfred's out of town.
Tim: Then who's-
Jason: We are Timmy, we are cooking dinner.
Steph: Sixteen hours until dinner. Let's see how much we can use by then.
-> December 8th 2:40 am <-
The after replacing every tube of toothpaste in the house with Batman toothpaste they head down to the kitchen.
Jason and Duke start drinking all the milk as Steph and Tim eat all the candy canes off the christmas tree. At the same time they're all taking the oreo cream out of all the oreos and boiling four giant pots of water.
Steph: The waters boiling!
Tim starts empting tubes into the boiling water as Duke stirs. Jason pulls out parchment paper and starts squeezing toothpaste on it in the shape of candy canes.
Duke: That's enough toothpaste Tim, we don't want it thicker than whole milk.
They let the tooth paste water mix, that now looks like milk, cool and Duke washes out the milk jugs. Tim is putting toothpaste between the oreos. And Jason puts the toothpaste covered parchment paper in the freezer.
Steph: Hey if we any left over milkpaste pass it to me, I wanna make a marinade for tonight's chicken.
Duke fills the empty milk cartons with the mixture now dubbed 'milkpaste' and passes the leftovers to Steph.
Jason starts pulling random containers out of the fridge and moving whatever's in them to different containers. Then he fills the newly emptied containers with toothpaste. Butter, mayo, mustard, yogurt, etc are all replaced with toothpaste.
This chaos goes on for hours. No one else in the family wakes up or notices anything. At one point they call Cass, who's in Hong Kong, and she gives them even more horrible ideas.
-> December 8th 9am <-
Jason and Tim redecorate the christmas tree with candy canes made from toothpaste.
-> December 8th 11am <-
Bruce, from his bathroom: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY TOOTHPASTE?!
Dick, from his room: OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!
-> December 8th 12pm <-
Jason, smirking: Hey, B.
Bruce: Yes Jason.
Jason: Well, Tim, Steph, Duke, and I have all been working on dinner all day.
Bruce: You have, and I thank you all for that. I'm very excited for dinner.
Jason: Me too, but the thing is we have a lot of extra food. So I was thinking we could invite the extended family and maybe some of the JL.
Bruce: Jason I don't know, it's so last minute and-
Dick: Just sent out a group text, they're all coming!
Jason, trying not to look suspicious: Thanks Dick! -> December 8th 6pm <-
The entire Batfamily, their partners, their closest friends, and the main members of the Justice League sit down for dinner.
Clark: Mmm, smells... minty?
Steph bites her hand to stop herself from laughing.
Wally: Tastes... fine, a bit... refreshing?
Jon, choking on his milk: Um, I think this milk is... expired?
Tim is biting his lip so hard trying not to laugh that it almost starts bleeding.
Roy: It's, uh, interesting? What spices did you say you used?
Kon is hiding his face behind a napkin trying not to gag. Hal left the room five minutes ago, his pockets suspiciously full.
Bart, already on his third helping: I like it! The toothpaste was a great idea!
Duke laughs so hard he falls out of his chair. He tries to cover it up by pretending he dropped something.
Bruce, who hadn't said anything and was trying not to criticize his kids cooking starts to choke: THE WHAT?!
Hal walks back in, face bright red. At the same time Tim slips from the room without anyone noticing.
Bruce: What happened.
Hal: Nothing! Unless you count me clogging your toilet by trying to flush an entire meal down it and then flushing repeatedly until the bathroom floods as something.
Bruce runs to try and unclog the toilet. Jason's face is basically glowing red from how hard he's trying not to laugh.
Kori, looking into the living room at their christmas tree: I believe your festive plant is... melting?
Everyone looks to the christmas tree to see the now thawed toothpaste canes dripping globs of minty freshness all over the tree and floor around it.
Oliver: Is that... toothpaste?
Duke can't control himself anymore, he starts laughing loudly as Tim walks back into the room.
Damian narrows his eyes at Tim: Where did you go?
Tim just smirks: You'll see later.
-> The next few weeks <-
Over the next few weeks toothpaste is found everywhere, from hair gel to pillow cases to shampoo, it's even found in a light fixture. This all results in a very stern lecture from Alfred and in toothpaste being banned from family dinners.
also thanks @timdrakeisaclownbaby for showing me boiled toothpaste.
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<- The Hours Before the Disastrous Dinner |
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Could you do the bros trying to woo their comically oblivious crush? Like the boys are trying to drop hints but SO just does not pick up on it unless the boys straight up say something like “I want to kiss you. On the mouth. Romantically.” (I just get a kick out of the “oblivious love interest” because I also don’t understand subtle hints lol)
This is sooo me. I’m Autistic so I miss when people are flirting with me 😅
Also you’d be surprised how many people how already done a Chocobros with a oblivious crush.
I almost denied this request because so many have done it already but why the hell not?
Here we goooo!
He doesn’t know how much patience he has left. Your a lot more clueless than he thought...
He’s tried to flirt with you, but you just don’t pick up on them! He’s getting a bit frustrated.
“Is she/he/they doing this on purpose?!” he thinks.
Eventually, He turns to Ignis for help.
Ignis suggests that he should just straight up tell you how he feels.
It takes awhile but he finally builds up the courage to confess to you.
He invites you to his place and you curiously walk inside, unaware of what’s gonna happen.
“Noct... you said that you wanted to talk to me about something, is everything ok?”
Noct thought for a second before starting.
“Y/n...I really like you.”
“Aww! I like you to Noct!”
He annoyingly sighed.
“Seriously?” He said annoyed.
That caught your attention. Why was he annoyed?
“What’s wrong Noct?”
He turned to you and sighed one more.
“I have feelings for you.”
“I’m IN love with you Y/n.”
You were so shocked. You literally had no idea!
“Noct I-
“It’s fine. I know it’s sudden and probably weird and-
You stopped him mid-sentence and held his arm, tightly and lovely.
“I love you too, Noct.”
Poor baby. Frozen up like a scared kitty.
But it worked, so it was worth it.
“Me too Y/n.”
He’s always had a thing for you but you didn’t seem to noticed.
Not like it was completely your fault.
Prompto has a very bad habit of self sabotaging himself, before he can tell you how he feels.
Until today!
He invited you to a photo shoot at the river and you were the model!
You were so excited to be his model but obviously, he planned to confess his feelings to you.
Once you both reached to the river, Prompto awkwardly turned to you and tried to make conversation.
“So uh... pretty weather today eh?”
“Yeah! Perfect day for pictures!” You smiled.
That smile. That smile he fell in love with.
He started blushing hard and you noticed it.
“What’s wrong? Are you feeling ok?”
“Oh uh..y-yeah! I’m just uh damn.” He swerved away. Ashamed that he failed again.
You didn’t understand what was wrong with him but you wanted to help him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Uhhh..” Oh my god, his face was red as a tomato.
“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on but I want you to know that it’s ok if you want to talk to me to about it. I’m all ears.”
“C’mon Prompto. Silence isn’t going to make me underst-
“WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?” He yelled out.
The sudden confession caught you off guard.
“Uh sorry! F-forget I said anything!” He awkwardly tried to playing it cool. Oh Prompto.
You gave him a small peck on his freckled cheek.
“I’d would love to go out with you.”
He said he would never fall in love. He dedicated his whole life to Noct. He didn’t need anyone else.
Well that was... until he met you.
You were so delicate. Did everything at ease. Calm and sweet, you were a beam of light.
A beam of light that went into Ignis’s heart. He fell in love.
He tried for so long to keep his feelings under wrap. He didn’t wanna come off as “unprofessional”.
But he couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. True love was a rare thing you see, and it shouldn’t be wasted.
He didn’t wanna lose you.
He made a plan. Make a fancy dinner with your favorite food, drink, and most importantly,
Confess his feelings towards you.
Since he was very aware of your nativity, he thought that a direct approach would help.
You entered his small but nice little apartment, smelling the delicious food cooking.
“Ah! That smells so good!”
Ignis giggled. Your positivity was something he deeply admired about you.
“Why, thank you darling. It’ll taste good as it smells.” He smiled back at you.
20 minutes passed, it was done and your both sat done to eat this wonderful meal.
It was delicious! Every taste was like heaven! You loved it so much.
But one thing was confusing you; what was this for?
Ignis didn’t speak to you much. And when he did, it was professional and monotone.
Tonight was different. He was smiling and seem beaming with happiness.
It was a different side of Ignis. A side that was rare but you were lucky enough to see it.
“Yes Y/n?”
“This was such a great meal.” You started “I’ve never had such a great meal until now.”
Ignis nodded contently.
“..But...” That ‘but’ got Ignis’s attention. “But what is this for?”
Although you his face didn’t show much emotion, his eyes does all the talking.
His eyes basically said “There on to me.”
Ignis coughed before saying,
“I made to show my feelings towards.”
“Oh.” You said. Thinking he was just being kind and wanted to share his feelings about you in a ‘friendly’ way.
“Well, thank you for for meal. I’ll be going.”
Ignis’s eyes deepen. “They didn’t get it, did they?!”
Ignis realizing his plan was failing and not waiting to wait anymore, he got in front of the door.
“Y/n. Perhaps I should be more direct.”
“What do you mean? I thought it was-
“I have feelings for you, darling. For awhile, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I wanted to show my feelings through food but that didn’t work.” He chuckled a bit. Laughing at his own “failure”.
The realization hit you. The Ignis Scientia was in love with you?
“Ignis I-
“You don’t need to say anything darling. I was-
You interrupted him by giving him a big hug.
Any affection was foreign to Iggy and usually, unwanted. But this was the few exception.
You snuggled to his clothing. It was warm and comfortable.
“I love you Iggy.” You whispered to his chest.
Oh his heart was on fire tonight. His plan was a success.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
This man was a known womanizer.
Every woman loved him and every man wanted to be him.
Who could blame them? He was strong, had a cool hawk tattoo, beautiful eyes and hair.
But he was also feared.
He looked intimidating. He could fight anyone if he wanted to.
But that’s a front.
Deep down, he’s a gentle giant underneath.
He wanted to love anyone just as anyone else wanted.
You saw the true Gladiolus.
A kind, smart, book reader, strong of course but more than his strength.
That’s what Gladio loved about you. You knew the Real Gladio.
He couldn’t help but fall for you.
But he was frustrated with his lack of progress with you, due to your lack of awareness to his feelings towards you.
He was sure he was so obvious but you mistook as “friendliness”.
He finally had enough and was going to tell you straight up, that he was in love with you.
“Y/n!” He called to you.
“Oh hi Gladly! What can I do for you today?”
“I love you.”
“Aww.” You touched. Gladio was never known to say ‘I love you’ especially to the people that were closest to him. “I love you to!”
“Really?!” He said suprised even that didn’t work!
“You don’t get it do you?”
“What? What’s up?”
“I’m in love with you!” He looked at you with a little smirk seeing your shocked and embarrassed face.
“I didn’t know.” You whispered.
“I thought I was being kinda obvious!”
You stood there awkwardly and having a hard time looking into his eyes.
You felt embarrassed for not knowing sooner.
Gladiolus smugly said “it’s ok, just say you’ll go on a date with me.”
You giggled. His blunt humor seemed to calm your nerves.
“I would like to go on a date with you, Gladio.”
A/N: This is different eh? I want to try something new.
Hopefully you like it!
Also sorry this took so long! Depression is a real bitch :/

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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Dancing in the Deepest Oceans- Chapter 3
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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Your first date with Abby doesn’t go quite as planned.
Warnings: mentions of blood and injury, swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, uhhh yea I did that
Here’s chapter three! It definitely took way longer than I expected to do since I really wanted to get a lot of those requests done, so I’m v sorry about that.
Also I kinda cheated and included someone’s request for a bath scene with Abby in this so shhhhh it’s fine I’m just lazy productive like that okay LOL. I hope you all enjoy (esp if you requested the scene) ! :)
Read the previous chapter here
You couldn’t believe this was actually happening. You felt like the protagonist in one of those cheesy rom-coms from back in the day; the ones where the girl suddenly stumbles into the arms of her true love and everyone sings a happy song, except this isn’t a movie and also it’s kind of the apocalypse or whatever. You didn’t care though, this was the closest thing to rom-com perfection you were getting and you couldn’t complain, because it was with her.
Though you had only known Abby for a few short days, something inside you couldn’t help but feel like you had known her your entire life. The intimacy of those few stolen glances, the slight brushes of your shoulders, the way your hand fit perfectly in hers; it all felt so natural. You just hoped she felt the same way. 
She should be here.
You glanced down at your watch again, it was 8:15. Maybe you had heard her wrong? No, she definitely said eight o clock. Your mind swarmed with possible excuses as to why she wasn’t here; perhaps she thought you were meeting at seven and now she was the one who thought you were standing her up, or maybe she thought you guys were meeting at your room and this was the fault of some kind of miscommunication, or maybe she simply forgot. You racked your brain for any possibilities as to why she wasn’t here, trying your best to neglect the most obvious reason out of denial or maybe fear.
The hallway was dark and quiet, the tile floor cold against your skin as you sat with your knees tucked tightly against your chest. Your back ached from leaning against the steel door, and you had become increasingly more embarrassed every time someone passed by. Their lingering gazes made you want to disappear into the earth beneath you. 
For at least an hour, you sat outside her door contemplating whether or not you should wait for her. Was this whole thing a mistake? Your heart began to sink at the frightening possibility that she had been toying with your feelings this whole time, that you were just a naive girl with a childish crush on this person you barely even knew. God, how could you have been so stupid? This is exactly why you never formed attachments; they always ended in heartbreak, disappointment, or both. As more time passed, the fear and sadness that occupied your thoughts slowly began to fade into frustration.
This was dumb. Why were you waiting around for her like some lost kitten? You scoffed at how pathetic you felt. Anger began to rise in your chest as you thought of all the things you’d say to her when you saw her—how you’d scold her for standing you up, dreaming up this gigantic speech about how if she wasn’t interested she should’ve just told you. Or maybe instead of yelling you would just never speak to her again. Give her the silent treatment for the rest of your life. That is what she wanted anyways, right? 
As you sat there arguing silently with yourself you heard a pair of heavy footsteps headed towards you. You craned your neck to try and see who or what was approaching you, but the hallway was too dark to get a clear view. Panic quickly replaced the anger that had been occupying your heart just seconds ago as you stood up from your uncomfortable position. You could hear the adrenaline pumping in your ears as you squint your eyes at the dark figure headed towards you. A sudden rush of relief fell over you when a familiar face appeared out of the shadows.
“Y/N.” Manny emerged from the darkness. His hair was slicked back into a bun and he wore a nervous expression on his face. The sole of his boots were caked with a thick layer of mud that left a trail of footprints in the hallways, and you pitied the poor soul who would have to clean it up.
“Where’s Abby?” There was a sharpness to your words. You knew you should've been a bit more conversational (Manny had done nothing to you after all), but after sitting on the floor for an hour, you didn’t feel like wasting time on bullshit small talk. If Abby was going to send Manny to get rid of you instead of doing it herself, then the last thing you cared about right now was seeming polite.
“Right, about that…” You raised your eyebrow, Manny’s expression was difficult to interpret and you could tell he was here to break some kind of news to you, but for some reason it felt like whatever bomb he was about to drop was far worse than what you had expected.
“Manny, what’s going on?” You took a small step towards him, searching his face for an answer.
“Isaac sent Abby and I on a supply run this morning. Nothing too difficult, just transporting a few things to another base but…” Manny looked down at his feet as he contemplated his next words “but we ran into a group of scars on our way back and we got separated.”
You suddenly felt a tinge of guilt for thinking all those things about Abby. “W-what do you mean you got separated? Where’s Abby now?” 
Manny’s eyes were fixed to the floor as he delivered the news, his thumbs twiddling together nervously. “I uh… well, I don’t know.” Manny noticed your face twist with anger at his answer and tried to diffuse some of it “But Isaac’s already sent out a group to find her. It’s going to be okay Y/N, Abby is one of Isaac’s top soldiers and you know he’ll do whatever he can to find her.”
You were speechless, but more than anything you were frustrated. Frustrated at yourself for thinking such horrible things about Abby—for having such little faith in her. You wanted to scream at your past self for being so ignorant. Tears began to well in your eyes and Manny’s words did little to comfort you.
“I should be out there.” You marched down the hallway determined to find Abby but Manny was quicker.
His hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back “You can’t go out there Y/N, you’ll die. Abby’s smart, okay? She’ll find her way back.” 
You tried to resist his grip on your wrist even though you knew he was right. You weren’t a soldier nor did you have the proper training to leave the outpost alone. And while a large part of you knew it was stupid to try and leave, a much bigger part of you didn’t care. You had to find Abby; you were willing to do anything, even if that meant putting yourself in harm's way. 
“I don’t care, I have to go out there.” You managed to yank yourself free from his grip and booked it towards the door but Manny was quick and caught you. Wrapping his arms around your stomach and hoisting you over his shoulder Manny carried you into his and Abby’s room while you fought and cried like a little kid. 
“Fucking let go of me Manny!” Tears stained your cheeks as you sobbed into Manny’s shirt. 
When Manny finally set you down on his bed you were exhausted from crying; the only thing left in your heart now was an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. You weren’t even allowed to leave the outpost to look for Abby, and the only thing you could do was sit in this wretched room praying she didn’t get mauled by a clicker or hung by a Seraphite. 
Manny didn’t feel any better about this than you did, in fact it was his job as Abby’s partner to watch out for her and he failed. Now his best friend was missing and it’s all his fault. The guilt weighed heavily on Manny as he tried to comfort you while you wept silently into his pillow. Even though he couldn’t have possibly predicted the surprise attack, he still felt like this entire thing was his doing. He tried to plead with Isaac to let him go back out and search for Abby but he refused, so Manny figured keeping you safe was the least he could do. 
Hours later you got up from Manny’s bed to use the bathroom, and he was nowhere to be found. You figured he probably went to bother Isaac about Abby or something, he was persistent like that.
You splashed some cold water on your face before tipping your head under the faucet to help ease the dryness in your throat. When you brought your head back up you almost didn’t recognize the person staring back at you in the mirror. Your eyes were red and puffy and there were dark circles under your eyes like you haven’t slept in days. You looked like a mess. Your hair was wild and unruly but at least with that outfit you had spent way too long picking out, you still looked pretty cute. 
At least you were a hot mess.
The longer you stared at yourself in the mirror, the more unrecognizable your face became. And then for reasons you couldn’t explain, you started laughing. A hysterical laugh that echoed off the walls in the bathroom like a sick symphony fell unwillingly from your mouth, and you couldn’t stop. There was something so incredibly sardonic about the events of these past few hours, that your body just decided to break out into a breathless cackle. It was a twisted reaction to a terrifying situation but for some reason it wouldn’t go away. Your stomach began to ache and your throat was dry and sore again. It felt like this sickening nightmare would never end. 
You felt tears begin to well up again when you heard something that immediately shook you from your shocked state: the rattling of the doorknob.
Your heart swelled with hope as you ran towards the door, not concerned about waking up the people in the rooms next door with your loud footsteps. The door creaked open, flooding the dark room with a pale yellow light that blinded you, and from that light emerged a figure you knew all too well— one that you had become intimately familiar with.
Abby limped through the door, at first not even realizing you were standing right there. You were looming in the darkness like some kind of monster, and you tried to speak but nothing came out. The only thing that snapped you out of it was the sound of Abby’s voice, hoarse and hushed like she was speaking into the darkness rather than you. God, you almost forgot how much you loved the sound of her voice. 
“Y/N?” Abby wasn’t sure if she was imagining this. She thought maybe the expired pain meds had some hallucinatory side effects and you were just what she wanted to see the most. Abby’s doubts faded into nothing when you took a small step into the light. In that moment she knew that this was real—that you were real.
When your eyes finally adjusted to the harsh lights you saw her face and gasped. To say Abby was in rough shape would be putting it lightly. There were cuts and bruises all over her face and body, and her clothes were absolutely filthy, but you couldn’t be bothered with that right now. You ran into her arms to embrace her tightly and Abby winced at the contact. Quickly you pulled back out of fear you hurt her, but Abby’s arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you back in.
Abby let out a loud exhale and for a small moment the jabbing pains all over her body ceased to exist. The only thing occupying her mind was the warmth of your body—how she could feel your heart beating with how tightly she was holding you, and she could finally exhale.
When you pulled away, a flood of emotions suddenly began to flow through you, filling you to the brim until the only words you could manage to mutter out through choked sobs were “I thought you were-“
“I know. I’m sorry.” There was a somber expression on Abby’s face as she wiped the tears from your cheek with the pads of her thumbs. 
You sniffed, looking up at her, you cleared your throat before speaking “Jesus Abby, your face.“ you softly grabbed Abby’s chin, examining her injuries in the light. There were crimson slices all over her face, and she was beaten black and blue. A particularly deep cut on her forehead had been stitched carefully and there was a cotton bandage wrapped around her left forearm. The state of your distress now seemed like peanuts compared to Abby’s state.
Without thinking you hugged Abby again tightly, revelling in the comfort of her embrace. Abby’s eyes were closed when you wrapped your arms around her, her eyebrows were furrowed and you weren’t sure if she was about to cry or scream. Though you didn’t know much about Abby, you did know she was a soldier—a warrior who wasn’t disturbed easily. You had no idea what she had just been through, but whatever happened had shaken her up pretty good. 
“Here.” Bringing your arms up to the strap of her backpack, you helped her ease it off her shoulder. She let out a breath of relief as you lifted the weight from her back and placed it near the door. 
Looking at Abby now you finally realized how dirty she was. There was mud and grime all over her clothes and her braid was loose and unruly. 
“Hey, uh I’ll run a bath for you, just wait here.” Considering her state you figured a bath would be more relaxing than a shower. Besides, you needed to feel useful right now, and if that meant taking care of Abby for a bit? You didn’t mind at all.
Hesitantly, you made your way to the bathroom and laid out a small towel on the tile floor. Turning on the faucet, you placed the plug in the tub and made your way to Abby, guiding her to the edge of the tub. “Let me know if the water is too hot, okay?”
Abby nodded as she ran her hand under the running water, letting the warmth fall between her fingers. When the tub was full, you turned off the faucet and stood up, using Abby’s shoulders to help steady you as you started for the door but something stopped you. 
“Wait-“ You stopped, Abby’s hand was over the one you placed on your shoulder, securing it there so you wouldn’t leave. She looked at you with pleading eyes as she spoke “Can… can you stay?” Abby didn’t say anything more but you could tell by the look in her eyes she needed you here. 
“Sure. I’ll turn around and you can get undressed.” You turned to face the door, looking down at the tile floor as you traced the crevices with your finger. The only sound that could be heard was the droplets of water that fell from the faucet echoing against the walls and the soft rustling of Abby removing her clothes. Eventually you heard Abby lower herself into the tub, she let out a loud sigh as the tension in her muscles dissipated from the warm water.
“You can turn around now.” Abby’s voice was quiet when she finally spoke.
Slowly you turned around to see Abby sitting in the tub, her legs tucked against her chest as she hugged herself tightly. Her eyes were fixed on the floor of the tub while she rested her chin on her knee. It broke your heart when you saw her injuries in the light. There were deep purple bruises along her shoulder blades and scabbed over cuts along her arms and legs. You also saw scars, a lot of them. Some were old and faded, while others were new, probably sustained within the last couple of weeks.
The steam from the water floated up, fogging the mirrors and warming the room. You made your way to the edge of the tub with a small washcloth, dipping it into the water just slightly. “Here.”
Bringing your finger to Abby’s chin you lifted her eyes to face yours. Her features softened when you met her gaze and lightly you brought the washcloth to her face. Careful to avoid the stitches on her forehead, you rid the dirt from her face, dipping the cloth into the water every once in a while before bringing it back to her face.
Her freckles were more prominent in the light and her eyes stuck attentively studying your movements. When all the grime was gone, you couldn’t help but notice a whisper of a blush on Abby’s cheeks. 
“One hell of a first date, huh?” Abby spoke seriously but you could see a hint of a smirk on the edge of her mouth. A bit of her normal self was beginning to return.
Sitting up more straight now you gave her a small smile. “This is definitely the most interesting one I’ve ever been on.” 
You reached for her braid, undoing the elastic and separating the strands from each other while Abby spoke. “Oh so you’ve never bathed someone during a first date?”
“I can confidently say that this is my first.” Grabbing the small bar of soap from the dish in the corner, you dipped it into the water and lathered it between your fingers. 
The soap filled the air with the scent of pine and rain and you sighed at the smell. It filled your senses and reminded you of the first time you saw her. Not the time in the cafeteria but on that rainy day when you bumped into her for the first time. You inhaled deeply; it smelled like her.
Gently you began massaging the bubbles into Abby’s hair. Weaving the blonde locks through your fingers, and purposely taking longer than necessary. Watching closely as Abby’s muscles relaxed and her eyes fluttered closed from your touch. 
“Lean back.” Shielding her face from the water you grabbed a cup and poured the water over her head, letting the bubbles wash away from her scalp and into the water. “Is this okay?” 
Abby hummed in response and you took that as a yes. You repeated the process while you washed the soap from her hair, doing it a couple more times than needed because you knew it calmed her. 
The bathroom was quiet again, the only sound coming from the steady flow of water from the cup onto her head, and into the water. It was peaceful, and the both of you were content in this familiar silence. Appreciating each other’s company without the need to fill the air.
When you were done you sat up and laid out a towel for Abby, drying your hands on your shirt. “I’ll grab you some clean clothes, just give me a sec.” 
You left Abby to dry off while you searched for some clean clothes. Grabbing what you assumed was a clean shirt and a pair of sweatpants, you made your way back to the bathroom. Standing outside the door, you knocked lightly. “Can I come in?” 
Before you could wait for an answer, Abby opened the door a bit, hiding herself behind it. You handed Abby the clothes and she gave you an appreciative smile, it was small but genuine. “Thanks.” 
You sat beside the bathroom door waiting for Abby and trying not to think about the fact that she could’ve died out there. She was here and that’s all that mattered for now.
Your mind wandered as you picked at your sleeve, you noticed there were a few wet spots on your shirt from the edge of the tub. The cool air made you shiver and you regretted not bringing a sweater, even if this was supposed to be a night in. 
When Abby finally emerged from the bathroom you quickly stood up, unsure of what to do next. Her hair was still damp and spread across her shoulders; this was the first time you had ever seen her without that signature braid and you were in awe of how beautiful she looked. It was such a strange thought but it was the only thing occupying your mind. There was something so rare about seeing her like this that you couldn’t stop the flutter in your heart when it happened. 
Grabbing her hand, you led her to the bed on the opposite side of Manny’s and pulled the covers back so she could slip in. When she settled under the sheets you neatly tucked her in before standing up again. 
You didn’t know what to do now. Would it be rude to stay? Abby clearly needed the rest, but something in you desperately wanted to stay. You decided to let her sleep and started towards the door when you heard a small voice from beneath the covers. “Stay. Please.”
Abby’s voice was quiet and you could hear the exhaustion behind it. You looked at her with a smile and sat down on the bed next to her, pushing a strand of hair from her forehead before smoothing it down softly. She looked at you apologetically as you caressed her head, and  you gave her a look of reassurance even if you were scared out of your mind. Her eyes fluttered closed and her features softened from your touch. You stayed like this for a while, continuing even after her breathing had slowed and you knew she was asleep.
You stayed up watching her sleep; studying the way her mouth was slightly agape as she let out small breaths. She looked so peaceful.
A small teardrop escaped from your eye, and you quickly wiped it away. You knew this wasn’t going to be the last time she’d be like this; battered and bruised and fighting a war that seemed to never end. It hurt your heart to know that she was on this path of self-destruction, but what hurt most was knowing she’d likely never stop. 
You tried not to think about that right now. Eventually letting your attention fall onto the wet shirt that was still stuck to different parts of your body. Removing the item you walked over to the drawer where you had found the clothes for Abby and slipped on one of her t-shirts. It was devastatingly oversized on you but it was warm and smelled like her. 
You settled onto the space next to Abby’s bed, ignoring the ache in your back as you lay flat on the floor beneath you. Though the pain was worth enduring with the knowledge that Abby was here, and that’s all that mattered to you right now. 
While you lay on the floor you began thinking about how different things were just hours ago. It wasn’t long ago that you were practically dancing like an idiot in your mirror because you were going on a date with Abby. It’s strange how many emotions you had gone through in one day, you were almost positive you had broken some kind of record. You chuckled at yourself; surely no one was going to spontaneously break out into a song like in the movies, but you didn’t mind. This was enough— being here with Abby was enough. 
Eventually, exhaustion overtook your body and you quickly felt your eyes becoming heavier. The floor was beginning to feel a lot more comfier than when you had sat down and before you knew it, you had fallen into a deep slumber.
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Ooh, following up on your reply on ao3; what about Crowley quizzing Aziraphale about any cryptids he's met? (Or what supernatural things exist in general, but cryptids seem to fit. Have you met Mothman? Is the statues' ass accurate?)
I'm trying to write chapter two, but now I wanna write this because I love cryptids (this isn't even my first Aziraphale being seen as one. My reverse one is thought to be a Bigfoot haha).
On with the fic!
"Angel, I need some serious answers from you." Crowley said from where he was currently laying on Aziraphale's chest, staring up at the beautiful, clear sky above them. He was... working, technically, but he had finished doing repairs a while ago and no one had told him to come back to the center soooo...
Boyfriend time.
A few of Aziraphale's eyes turned to look at Crowley now, would he ever get used to those? Probably not. "Serious answers? Dear, you know I can't answer every question you have about God and Heaven, yes?"
"It has nothing to do with that."
"Oh, alright, ask away, love." Aziraphale replied as Crowley felt a hand petting at his hair. He was starting to get used to the fact that Aziraphale could just... make limbs if he wanted to, but damn the eyes were still freaky.
He huffed and looked at the nearest one. "Okay, like, you've been around for a very, very long time, right?"
"Have you ever met any cryptids?"
Aziraphale made a humming sound, as if in thought. "You mean like Bigfoot?"
"Yes! Any of those! Are they real?" Crowley needed answers, he needed to know for sure. After all, he was dating a giant angel monster, fucking Mothman had to be real, right?
"Yes." Aziraphale answered, and Crowley grinned. "I've met rather a lot of them in my travels around the continent. There is a bit of a rapport between myself and beings that are mysterious and nearly otherworldly, but I don't consider myself as part of their little group."
"Who have you met?"
"I've met many."
"No, no, tell me the big ones!"
Aziraphale shifted and Crowley gripped onto what he assumed had to be chest hair of some sort. "I don't know what you mean."
The human pouted. "Alright, let me list off a few. Bigfoot?"
"I have met many of their kind, they keep to themselves. There are a few that live in this park, actually, during the summer."
Crowley looked shocked and then he grinned. "You let me know if you spot one, I've got to met a Bigfoot! Okay, uhhh... any lake monsters? Like the Flathead Lake one?"
"There are a number of lake monsters I've encountered over the centuries. Including the lovely one you all call Nessie. She would rather be left alone and not bothered by people, but it is a tourist destination, so it is so hard to avoid."
Crowley was surprised to hear that Nessie was real. "Mothman? Met him? Is his ass as perfectly tight as the statue shows?"
Aziraphale made a confused noise. "I don't understand."
Pulling up his phone, Crowley looked up the Mothman statue and showed it to the closest eye. Aziraphale scoffed. "Oh please, he wishes his rump looked like that. Besides, you have a nicer one than he does in real life."
"Oh please, angel, I'm flatter than a pancake." Crowley grinned. "But thanks anyway."
"I know what I'm into, dear boy." A hand formed under Crowley and gave him a squeeze, making him jump.
Crowley shot him a look, his face warm now. "Cheeky. Anyway! Uhhh... thunderbirds?"
"Have not seen one of those in a while, but yes. I do believe I was mistaken for one ages ago when I decided to fly in my human form."
"I've met people not of this world."
"Fuckin' amazin' to know those freaky things are real. Uhhh... okay, let's do monsters now! Demons?"
Aziraphale snorted loudly. "Seriously?"
"Just want some confirmation here!"
"They exist, Crowley."
Crowley grinned at this. "Alright, uh, ghosts?"
"I think so? Hard to tell with souls."
The human nodded, laying back down. "Werewolves?"
"There are a large variety of those that exist, my dear. I have met a few of them, some of them are quite nice once you get to know them."
"Hot. Vampires?"
"Same as the werewolves. Some of them are very attractive, though I think that is just part of their condition of being vampires."
Crowley grinned even more at this. "Oh, that's really hot."
Aziraphale shifted, his massive head now seeming to look at Crowley. "I feel like I'm being used to check off your attractive monster list, dear."
"Noooooo... maybe." Crowley laughed when he was given a small shove. "Okay, maybe some of them. But what about jackalopes?"
Aziraphale sighed in annoyance. "Oh, those are a scam. Same with furred fishes! And most merfolk!"
Crowley nodded, mentally taking notes on all of this. He really should get back to work, or call in to ask what else he needed to do, but this was much more fun, and much more entertaining.
I'll leave it up to you who our favorite angel has met.
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ninyard · 3 years
i want to know ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about the andrew meets neil as stefan au
(holy shit this was supposed to be a HC ramble/snippets from the fic but uhhh….here’s a mini fic instead????? The actual fic I wrote isn’t even set back in California it’s set in PSU??? This was supposed to be short backstory!!!!!! Anyways lmk if u want the foxes stuff lol Enjoy <3)
Neil had natural looking ashy blonde with green eyes at the time, no older than 14 years old, going by the name Stefan Montgomery. Him and Mary ended up in a motel in Oakland for a couple weeks, regaining their footing after a close-call somewhere in Oregon.
Mary had hit Neil a gnarly heavy-handed blow after he forgot which name he was using in Eugene. Was it Sam? Or Dylan? Or had it been Joseph? A nice inch wide cut sat where his perfect court tattoo would sit, just on the turn of his cheekbone below the corner of his eye, bordered by a healing purple-brown bruise. Stefan was born on the border between California and oregon, stolen from a waiter at a pit stop diner, who didn’t let their coffee cups go empty as they mapped out where to go next.
He had met Andrew by chance; Stefan had been sitting on the bottom of the metal stairs that led up to the floor they were staying at. Mary was having a shower, dying her hair, becoming Georgia, perfect mother, a beautiful, average woman. He was people watching, looking at the cars pulling in and out of the car park, making up his own stories about who was who, what their names were and if they were worth stealing when they inevitably moved on. Andrew hung around the motel because just behind the building was an old, decrepit playground that’s should’ve been foreclosed years ago. Nobody ever used it, so it was a quiet place for him to be alone. He’d been walking through the parking lot after having just grabbed a chocolate bar or two from the vending machine when he stopped in front of Neil.
“What happened to your face?” It was quiet, barely a sentence, not big enough of a question to be intrusive or over-stepping.
“I’m a boxer.” That was the lie he’d been using for a few days. “I had a fight a couple days ago.”
You see, Stefan was a name Neil didn’t want to remember, like a bitter memory he forced himself to forget. It was just before Mary’s paranoia began to spiral even worse that it had already been. Stefan was keep your head down, we won’t be here long, give it a week, give it a week. Stefan was sleepless nights, watching his mother sat upright almost all night, eyes on the door, a knife under her pillow. Stefan was you don’t need friends, they’ll drag you down.
Mary didn’t know until the end that they’d been friends, Neil teaching Andrew the little boxing he knew, Andrew teaching Stefan how to keep yourself busy when you needed something to do. There was something about Andrew that made it impossible for him to stay away; he wasn’t a particularly happy kid, but the way he spoke, the way he cared about the fake life Neil had made up, the way he saw Stefan’s life as something he could never have.
“Have you ever thought about kissing a boy your age?” They’d been in Oakland for three weeks, and the two kids had made plans to meet every time Mary was occupied and Andrew was around. Neil didn’t really think to wonder why Andrew was always around. Didn’t he have a family who would miss him being gone all this time? Didn’t he have a home to go to?
“No,” Neil answered honestly. There wasn’t time for thoughts like that. Kisses weren’t signs of affection; kisses were lies, kisses were dangerous, kisses occupied a space in the mind that could be filled with run, run, run.
“Do you think it’s wrong?” Andrew had been swinging on the swing set, his feet dangling from the chipped plastic seat, the creaky chains holding him up. The question was loaded. Behind it was a conversation he’d had with his foster-mom, a slur from his foster-siblings, another hit from his foster-father.
“No,” that was an honest answer too. In his head his answer sounded like I’ve been told all kissing was wrong. But he couldn’t say that. Normal teenagers thought about kissing, and boyfriends, and girlfriends, and worried about how they looked in front of their crush. “Do you?”
“I don’t know.” His words were a sigh. Andrew trusted Stefan in this weird, out of character way. He’d never met anyone who’d been more interested to hear about his life than talk about their own. Of course, half of it was a half-truth, lies weaved into the story of Andrew.
Andrew was the first person who made Neil smile in a very long time. It was foreign hearing himself laugh, a sound reserved for fake interactions with strangers who couldn’t help but prying. Neil trusted him. His honest eyes often burning a hole in his face, on the days when Neil couldn’t bare eye contact. Andrew was a rock that Neil could feel himself becoming more and more attached to, more and more…attracted to? He didn’t know what that feeling felt like, but when he caught himself thinking about what a long hug from him would feel like, or a kiss on the forehead, the cheeks, the nose, the….
It was an impossible thought that Neil kept buried. Until Andrew had a bad day. Until Neil met him in the playground and he was sat underneath the slide, face buried in his knees that were pulled to his chest. Black hood pulled so far forward it almost covered the wet cheeks and puffy eyes he tried to hide. Stefan sat just across from him, the tips of their shoes not quite touching, but Neil rested his open palms on his shoes for Andrew to hold if he needed. He didn’t ask what was wrong.
“You’re my friend?” Andrew asked, half statement, half question. There was no hesitation in Neil’s “Of course.”
Andrew gently weeped, babbling on about wishing he could feel normal, or have a normal family. He wished he could understand himself. He wished he didn’t have to hurt so much. He’d looked up at Neil with his red eyes and wiped the tears from his face with the cuff of his sleeve. “Can I trust you?”
The statement hurt Neil far more than he thought it would. He hated that words spilled out of his mouth, his eyes stinging at the thought of saying what he really wanted to say. His mouth said “You can tell me anything,” when his brain said “I think Stefan dies in a week”.
Andrew told him about how he thought he was gay, and how embarrassed, alone, and ugly he felt to think that way. He didn’t know what normal feelings felt like. He didn’t know what it felt like to kiss someone he actually wanted to kiss. The statement hung in the air like a floating question. Did he…? Andrew had brushed away the thought almost as quickly as Neil did, but not without both their cheeks flushing pink at the unspoken idea. Neil watched as Andrew messed with the strings on his hoodie. Andrew cheered up after a little while, but when Neil realised how long he’d been gone for, he panicked. Instinctively, he pulled Andrew into a hug before running back to the motel room.
Stefan was bad memories, he’d always had to remind himself. Stefan was a mistake, a fuck-up, a vulnerability he would never, ever show again. Stefan was a slap across the face when he came back late. “Where the hell have you been?” Followed by a lie, then another, then another. Neil had only lied to his mother a handful of times in his life, but when it came to Andrew they seemed to slip out of his mouth at an alarming rate. The next time he seen Andrew, his swollen, burst lip barely hidden, Andrew had brushed his fingers across it and sarcastically asked if it was the product of another boxing match. Neil shushed him when he asked if his mother had done it. That was too personal. He was letting Andrew in too far and he was rotting Neil from the inside out. His hardened exterior fell away when he was around Andrew, and boy, was that dangerous. It shattered into a million pieces when they sat at at the top of the jungle-gym and Andrew asked so gently if he could kiss him.
No, no, no. The ghost of his mother’s hands in his hair told him to walk away. The phantom pain of a slap, and a hit, and a deafening lecture about his safety told him to stop letting Andrew in. He knew it was dangerous. He knew it, he knew it, he knew it. So why did his lips automatically curl around the word yes and his heart start pumping a hundred miles a minute? They looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, until they were both so close they couldn’t see each other anymore. It was only a peck, a playground kiss, but Neil’s stomach flipped. Andrew pulled away as quickly as he’d leaned in. He didn’t look at Neil for the rest of the hour they spent together, but Neil didn’t look at him. That wasn’t to say they each didn’t have to constantly fight a love-struck smile off their faces every few minutes.
Their meetings started to get less frequent after that. Andrew stopped showing up, but instead left little notes carved into the yellow plastic of the slide. ‘R u grossed out? -A’ was the first one he left after their moment’s kiss. All Neil wrote back was ‘Never’. The next time they seen each other in person they sat hidden again in the top of the jungle gym. Neil knew Mary was planning on them moving on in the following days. He couldn’t tell Andrew. Even the thought of it broke his heart. Regardless of the kiss, or kisses, they shared, Andrew had become the closest friend Neil had ever had. Neil had to remind himself more than once that everything Andrew thought he knew about Stefan was a fabrication. They spoke about sexuality again, hands brushing off each other, sometimes intertwined, sometimes resting on the others leg or arm. Andrew asked if Neil was gay, and his face fell when Neil said no, I don’t think so. It took him a moment to add on “I don’t know what I am”. They left kisses on each other’s lips that lingered for hours, for days. The more Neil let Andrew in, the harder it was for him to keep lying to his mother. She began to get suspicious of where he was going when she left him alone.
Even still, Neil didn’t hear when Mary came into the playground the last time he seen Andrew. Andrew had his head rested on his shoulder, their hands intertwined and hidden between their outstretched legs. They’d been talking about something and nothing at the same time. Neil’s stomached bottomed out when he saw her brunette hair and tiny figure step around the rusted green fence. He let go of Andrew’s hand as quickly and as subtly as he could, but he knew it was no use. He didn’t know how long she’d been standing there. Andrew looked into Stefan’s green eyes as Neil stood up, searching, scared. Neil sent him a weak smile. This was the last time he would ever look into those hazel eyes, his light eyebrows furrowed as he watched Neil begin to walk away. Neil had nodded his way, and whispered a frightened ‘See you around’ before he walked over to join Mary. She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards their motel room, already mentally packing their bags. Not before she beat him harder than she ever had before. Neil expected it. But every blow reminded him of Andrew until Andrew was no longer gentle touches and honesty and kisses. Andrew was a kick to the back of the knees as he walked through the motel room door. Andrew was a slap, and another, and another. He was a screaming, crying, angry mother, shoving whatever belongings they owned into their single duffel bag. Andrew was leaving their key at reception at midnight and starting their journey to another town. Andrew wasn’t worth it. Andrew was the swollen ankle he walked on for miles. Andrew was Mary pulling roughly at his blonde hair to dye it black in some random gas station that night. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. Neil left Stefan with Andrew in Oakland. He tried to leave the memories there too. Oh, how badly he tried.
The worst part was, Andrew didn’t know that was the last time he would ever see Stefan again. He waited every day for him to come back. Every day came and went and every day he never showed up. Neil didn’t know about that part, you see. Neil thought Andrew would forget about Stefan like a childhood crush, thrown away, moved on to the next cute boy who listened to him talk. They shared a thought, though, drilling the regret and shame into their minds. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
(Part 2)
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lovethisletters · 3 years
Devilish nights || A fantastic 3 one-shot!
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I love this idea ngl, I love the dynamic between the three of them! And I tried to do them justice here but... there's definitely a Whole ass ranch for improvement... :C
also Diavolo is Mexa xd
Summary: the fantastic three go to a concert but things don't go as planned.
Additional notes: I was going to make this a comic but decided against it since it was gonna take me much more time to finish it, but perhaps I'll do it as a small follow up to this one-shot.
There's a reason why the Demon elite are very protective of their private life...you see: everyone has a side of their personality only the ones closest to us are allowed to see and for the demon prince, the avatar of pride and the loyal butler this is no exception.
—Uhhh?!?! You're going out?!!—all 6 brothers questioned in surprise.
—Yes, and I hope that when I arrive, the house is not a mess!— Replied the avatar of pride as he placed a distinctive blue coat over his shoulders.
—Ehhh? Are you going on vacation to the human realm, Lucifer ?! And without me ?! How cruel!—Asmodeus inquired dramatically, hugging his older brother's arm like a child begging his mother to go out and play.
The black-haired demon was unfazed by the avatar of lust childish demeanor, released himself from his grasp with ease and continued with his speech.
—Diavolo has important matters to resolve in the human realm and he needs me and Barbatos to support him, it is not a vacation.—
—I hope all of you behave in my absence; Satan, you're in charge, ”Lucifer declared.
-What?!?! Satan in charge ?! - the rest complained.
—As much as it bothers me to admit it… Satan is the most responsible among you — Lucifer looked at the blonde demon in the eyes — I'm counting on you — and the avatar of pride came out hurriedly before he could even hear the answer of the fourth brother.
—Don't— whispered the avatar of wrath as his lips settled into a sinister smile at the plan that was being formulated in his head.
—Ahhh ~ finally it's THE day! I can't wait any longer !!!— upon hearing the title "prince of hell" we could normally assume that the person bearing it is someone intimidating, ruthless and rude; but there he was ... the heir to the throne of the Devildom jumping all over the place with immeasurable enthusiasm, glow sticks in each hand and a white shirt with the image of a sun with the face of Luis Miguel on the chest.
—Diavolo, I'd appreciate it if you could calm down a bit.
—Calm down?! Lucifer! I have been waiting for this for years! I will finally be able to be at a concert of my favorite singer from the human realm! Do you have any idea how much I struggled to get these tickets?!?! I had to do it the human way! line and everything!—The redhead claimed at the lack of enthusiasm from his best friend.
—His majesty stopped time and he moved a couple of old ladies to be able to acquire the tickets in the front row; it would be appreciated if you showed a bit of enthusiasm, Lucifer.—Barbatos finally spoke, the same formal and cold smile always etched on his face to which Lucifer could only replay in the same way.
—Oh! I won't let you two ruin my night with your formalities! At least pretend you're as excited as I am!—Diavolo begged but his stoic companions could only mutter a mocking “yeeei”as they waved their respective glow sticks reluctantly and the prince of hell could only roll his eyes.
Mistakes happen, they happen when we least expect them and even worse; at too inconvenient moments.
—Quick, Lucifer, we're next!— The tallest of the 3 hurried, still jumping up and down.
—Give me a second — The black-haired demon searched in his pockets for the tickets that Diavolo had asked him to keep until the day of the concert because he was afraid of losing them among all the paperwork that week and knowing the responsible nature of his friend he entrusted them to him .
The thing is ... Lucifer could not find the tickets ... and when he realized this, with all the tranquility of the world: he cleared his throat, clasped his hands and positioned himself firmly like a teacher about to explain something to a child .
—Diavolo, in terms of tickets… I forgot the ttickets— At first the prince of hell gave his friend an incredulous look and even proceeded to laugh.
—Sure, stop playing games, Lucifer— the redhead expected a laugh from his friend followed by him handing over the tickets, but that gesture never came.
—Your Majesty I think Lucifer is not joking— Barbatos corrected
And oh my god, have you ever seen a child's face when you take a toy that he just can’t have out of his hands? And then the endless crying begins? Yes, at that moment the heir to the throne of hell simply bursted in tears.
—It’s Okay, your majesty, everything is going to be fine— The butler tried to calm him down by patting him on the back.
—Diavolo, I can buy others, don't worry— But the redhead only limited himself to pointing at the sign above the theater entrance "Sold out" was written in large letters.
—Well… I guess I owe you the next concert, how about we go to your favorite restaurant, hmm? My treat — Despite his offer, his friend only let out a sigh of despair and helplessness.
—You have no idea where you left them?
—Ummm… I guess in my office…
—Tell your brothers to bring them to you! Please!!— Lucifer was quick to dial Satan's number, because by the way things were he would not be surprised if Diavolo's despair at this moment led him to pray.
By pure chance, Lucifer noticed that he had several unanswered messages and calls from one of the angels: Simeon
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—You can't reach them?—the prince questioned
Lucifer just stood there, glaring at his phone with a mixture of regret and anger.
"Damm you Simeon" was all that came to mind.
—Oh? Aren't those Solomon, Simeon and Luke?—Barbatos voice interrupted his thoughts.
And sure enough, there at the entrance of the theatre were the inhabitants of purgatory hall, dressed in human world clothing, waiting in line, the youngest of the group with tickets in hand.
—Oh!? I didn't knew they had bought tickets for this!
—They didn't
—How do you know?
—Because those are YOUR tickets!
—What?!?!—Diavolo's confused expression was quickly met with Lucifer's phone right in front of his face, showing him the text messages.
—I'll go get them—but before the avatar of pride could take another step towards the purgatory hall group, Barbatos hand stopped him in his tracks.
—Your Majesty, I believe Luke's birthday is just in a few days and he seems to be enjoying himself, why don't we let them keep the tickets?—the butler suggested politely.
It took a couple of seconds for the prince of hell tho make his desicion, but the smile on the small angel face made all trace of doubt dissipate, and with a heavy sigh he finally spoke.
— leat it be, Lucifer...
—...are you sure of it, Diavolo?
—yes, perhaps next year we'll go together...all of us, right?
Lucifer was surprised but with a small smile forming on his face he said yes.
—Now... who's hungry?! We should go to the fanciest place in town, after all, It's Lucifer's treat!—the prince joked
—Perhaps the restaurant we attended last year would be fine, your Majesty?
—Ah yes! That would do!
And while Lucifer's wallet had started regretting his desicions, he was happy he could spend this evening with his dearest friends.
I was going to put a drawing of the fantastic three hanging out but I only did Diavolo bc while I was finishing Barbatos and Lucifer my computer crashed and didn't save anything :c
So here's a Diavolo in front of bellas artes to compensate:
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If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov  where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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zannadu · 3 years
This is just a continuation of my last post but with the Dekusquad.
Includes: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Ochaco Uraraka, and Tsuyu Asui
Warnings: fluff, kissing, suggestive stuff, and Todoroki being Todoroki
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MHA as Stoners
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku doesn't usually smoke by himself, he will only do it in a large group of people if they are all doing it.
He is a big cougher
Will take the smallest hits
Not because he doesn't want to
But because that's all he can handle
(God he's so precious)☺️
Eventually, he will get up there, though it takes a while
He is usually shy and VERY awkward around girls that he likes
Especially you
But when he is he turns into a whole new person
He is SUPER confident and will make moves on you till the night's end
He is super grabby
Don't worry he's still a respectful gentleman so if you tell him to knock it off he will (as he should)😌
Likes to brag about how you are all his
He is also super goofy
He will also be super affectionate 💕
“Izuku if you don't stop right now, ” your sentence was cut off by your outburst of laughter. Your hand tried to muffle the giggles and snorts resigning from your mouth. Izuku continued in his goofy manner of wiggling his eyebrows at you. His face moved from side to side until it was in front of yours. He stopped and just stared at you.
“What are you doing?” you asked, lifting your brow at him. He then raised his eyebrows once more, squinted his eyes, and pulled his lower lip under his teeth. You covered your mouth again in an effort not to laugh. He eyed you up and down and released his lip.
“Damn baby girl, did you sit in sugar, cuz you got a pretty sweet ass, ” he smirked at you waiting for your response. You began to laugh again and put your hand on his chest.
“You're too much Izuku.”
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Shoto Todoroki
He really likes dab pens
He has one of his own (can you blame him?)
He doesn't share much as it is or show much emotion and is usually awkward in social encounters
And he still is even when high
He doesn't change much while smoking, except for maybe talking a bit more
He will have actual conversations with you
If you're alone with him he will talk to you about anything
He is a lot softer
Doesn't pick up on social cues until like ten minutes later
He is a lot slower though, in his smarts
Will say the most random shit like
“My dad is a piece if shit”💩
“We know Todoroki” 💁‍♀️
Or he will ask personal things that he shouldn't without realizing
Shoto hit his one and placed it down in his lap. It rested gently in his hand, as he let out the puff of smoke he stared down at it. A million thoughts crossed his mind in a second. Then out of the blue he remembered something he overheard Kaminari saying to Mineta earlier that he did not understand.
“Wath she hot?” mineta clenched his hands and practically shook while waiting for Kaminari’s answer.
“Dude she was a total MILF!” Kaminari said, almost a little too excited.
What the hell did that mean? And why do I care?
At the time Shoto shrugged his shoulders and forgot about it. But as of now, stoned to the bone, he was curious. And who better to ask than his closest friends.
“Hey guys, ” he looked up at his friends who were all now focusing their attention to him awaiting his question.
“What is a MILF?” he said oh so nonchalantly. The rest of the group all began to start laughing and clutching their stomachs in pain.
“I just heard Kaminari say it earlier and I wanted to know, ” he shrugged again and glanced around the now hysterically laughing teenagers.
“Uh, Todoroki it's not that appropriate to talk about, ” Midoryia scratched the back of his neck, his face entirely red from the situation.
“Oh,” he plainly replied.
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Tenya Iida
We all know he isn't one for breaking rules, let alone the law
(though he literally almost committed murder👀)
He doesn't smoke very often but when he does he gets very paranoid😒
He always thinks that he and his friends will get caught
Honestly it's kind of a buzz kill
No one likes someone freaking out the whole time you are trying to chill
Be tries to cover any smells with WAY to much cologne
(it smells good though)
And is always chewing gum so you can't smell it on his breath
Eventually he will relax but only to an extent
He will make sure you're okay every five minutes and offer to get you anything
Like you're sick
But honestly he just cares and he can't help it
He likes to go for walks though🚶‍♂️
“You guys Mr. Aizawa will smell it!” Iida's hand flew through the air as he addressed the smell now filling the room. Iida frantically picked up the cologne sitting on the desk next to the best and began sporadically spraying it around the room and on everything.
“Iida, calm down it's going to be okay just come sit down, ” Tsu said from her corner, her finger pressed up against her lip, as usual. He turned to look at her.
“But I don't want to disgrace our school and have our homeroom teacher discover that we are smoking drugs in here, ” he sat down unwillingly as everyone choked on the cologne he sprayed and sighed.
“Fine, ” he looked over to you to see how you were doing. You smiled at the boy who was now flushed.
“Hey Tenya, would a walk outside calm you down?” you suggested grabbing his hand and interlaced your fingers with his. He looked down at your now intertwined hands and back up to you the flush beginning to grow deeper.
“I would love too, ” he grinned back.
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Ochaco Uraraka
This girl can't afford her own 🌿 so she's gotta mooch off of her friends
Not that they mind
She's a giggly stoner
She really enjoys getting high, in fact she does whenever she can
She also loves to get stoned around you
Because she loves to see you smiling and can't help but laugh at everything you say
You could literally as the dumbest shit and she will laugh💀
She doesn't like other people cuddling you and will tell anyone off if they do
They should know that she likes you
She might make a move on you if she's feeling brave
“Stop y/n, you're killing me!” Ochaco wrapped her arms around her stomach as she continued to laugh until she almost threw up. Gosh, she's so queasy. All you did was make a joke about how deku always breaks his bones while he's using his quirk. This left her giggling uncontrollably and deku as red as ever.
“I can't help it, man, I'm just too funny, ” you shrugged and watched the girl laugh.
Eventually, when you got tired and wanted to go to bed Ochaco offered to walk you to your room, which you accepted. Once you reached your door you said good night and reached to open it.
“Wait, y/n, there is something I've been meaning to tell you, but I just havent had the courage to say it, ” she grabbed your hand and looked at the ground. She squeezed your fingers ever so slightly and returned her gaze to yours. Her face made her way to yours and she planted a ever so soft kiss on your lips and instantly pulled away.
“I like you, ” she said grabbing your other hand. You stood there in shock, and looked at her. Suddenly, you kissed an unexpecting Ochaco right back. You kicked open your door, lips still attached, and pulled her into your room sealing the exit behind her.
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Tsuyu Asui
This girl is hard to read but I know if she likes to smoke, she would like bongs
She likes the bubbling sound it makes
She is very blunt as is and even more so when stoned
However if you can get her to laugh, she will not stop
She is also very funny, and will try her darn hardest to get you to start laughing uncontrollably
This girl is also apart of the alphabet mafia🏳️‍🌈
Try and change my mind😤
Will have the biggest crush on you but won't do anything about it
Will wait for you to tell her
Bottom energy
Definitely loves to shotgun with you
May lead to more things later
Tsu took a hit off of the long and passed it onto the next person. She turned to you, still holding the smoke in her lungs. You simply nodded at her and slowly leaned in towards her. Her eyes fluttered closed and she parted her mouth every so slightly. Your lips just barely touched hers, sending shock waves through your body and hers. But as much as Tsu wanted to kiss you she couldn't. She then released the smoke out of her mouth, sending it straight into yours. You inhale as much as you could and open your eyes to look at the girl in front of you. The smoke then was exhaled as you both held eye contact, lips still touching.
“Uhhh, ” The moment ended once the other teens began to speak.
You both looked around at the confused teenagers, who were apparently staring at you both the whole time you were doing what you were doing.
“Sorry guys I don't know what happened, ” Tsu tried laughing it off but you knew better, and you continue to stare at her.
She continued to talk to her friends story and change the subject. And in that moment you never wanted to kiss her more than right now.
Let me know if you want more!!❤️ thank you for reading!!
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isabellitah · 4 years
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Title : Our Wife
Pairing : Sakusa Kiyoomi x Female!Reader x Miya Atsumu
Warning : blood ig, curse words, attempted rape, torture, and mentions of death
Credits : to the artists regarding the drawings of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu found on the banner- i saved them from pinterest I think.
Note : do not copy or repost this anywhere else. I do not write Haikyuu!! fics anywhere else.
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Y/n Miya-Sakusa was scared. No- scratch that- you were terrified.
You wouldn’t show it to your captors though- your husbands taught you to never show fear- but Jesus Christ- you were terrified not only for yourself but more so for your unborn child- a child you didn’t even know existed until half an hour before you got kidnapped from your own room. For the past hour that you’ve been tied to a chair in the middle of the room, they haven’t touched your body. The same couldn’t be said for your face. Half of your face was covered in slightly dried blood; blood that came a wound you got when they slammed your head against the edge of your beside drawer to knock you unconscious, and a spilt lip that was still bleeding slightly from when they punched you when you spat at the face of the person who demanded your husbands’ locations and the locations of all your warehouses. The thought alone made you scoff- you’re no rat. Unlike whoever the hell gave your home’s location away. Your husbands were going to be so pissed when they find you gone and your shared room thrashed about.
Sitting on the wooden chair was become a pain in the ass. Literally. You couldn’t even escape because of the metal cuffs attached to your wrists, forearms, and ankles and they took your daggers away. You’re stuck and all you can do it wait. Wait for either your husbands to burst through the door or wait for your promised torture session and possible death.
Minutes- hours- who knows how long later, two men in black barged into the room, startling you from your daydream carrying knives with guns in their holsters. Well... looks like your Omi and Tsumu are too late huh...
“Ready, Princess?” thing 1 with an eyepatch said with a smile, showing his yellow teeth, “Boss said we gots to kill ye before yer husbands get here. Ye know, so they barge in ‘ere only to see yer bleeding body. Even better if they get to see yer naked corpse, doncha think?”
“Boss said not to rape her tho-” thing 1 interrupted thing 2, “what boss doesn’t know won’t hurt ‘im. And besides- I wanna leave Miya a surprise for stabbing my eye.”
And just as thing 1 started moving towards you, a scream was heard from outside the door and echoed into the room, sending shivers down things 1 and 2’s spines. You, on the hand, smiled. They’re here... fucking finally.
“What was that?” Thing 2 looked around nervously. Huh- he must be new to the business. Poor guy he won’t make it far at this point. Thing 1 shrugged, “eh who cares? There’s no one we can’t kill.” he boasted. Dumb overconfident pig.
Another scream rang through followed by a shout of terror, “THEY’RE HERE!” that was cut off as a loud gunshot echoed through the walls followed by a series of bangs and clangs. The familiar sound brought you off guard- they brought everyone? You were sure that that clang was from Michinari’s favorite weapon- his metal bat. Where were you and who took you that they felt it necessary to have everyone here? You were brought out of your train of thoughts when you realized that all of a sudden everything and everyone was silent. All you can hear was your own heartbeat.
“Ah fuck it-” thing 1 looked at your form with a crazed look in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine.
“Dude what are you-”
“Well it’s obvious we won’t make it out alive-”
“Wait what?”
“-might as well have fun before we die, ey?”
With that said he closed the gap between you two. You felt your mind blank as tears started forming in your eyes. The moment he ripped Atsumu’s shirt from your person, the tears fell along with the loudest scream you could muster, “OMI! ATS-” you were cut off as thing 1 smacked your cheek with the butt of his gun, “shut up ye lil bitch. Yer not leavin til I get my f-”
Thing 2 was suddenly down- a hole on the side of his head. None of you even heard the door open so that meant Shinsuke was here- well him or Rintarou since they’re the stealthiest in your family.
Thing 1 suddenly stood up straight and placed his hands up with his palms up and blocking your view from whoever was with you two in the room, “hey uhhh I was forced to do this, mates- it- it wasn’t anything personal, yea?” Sat on a wooden chair in just your undergarments and the remnants of one of your husbands’ shirt, you let a small smile appear on your face. They’re here. You and your little bean are safe now.
Rintarou stepped out of the shadows and from his voice you could tell he looked bored, “so... where is she?”
Thing 1 shook his head, having lost his voice the moment his eyes met the bored yet malicious ones of one Suna Rintarou- one of the deadliest assassins of the Inarizaki family, and prayed that the fox wouldn’t notice your bleeding form behind him.
The moment you let out a sob, he pushed thing 1 away and squatted in front of you. And he was not happy with what he saw was done to you-
He saw your bloody and bruised face. He saw your shaking hands and the tears you let flow from your eyes. But what angered him the most was the fact that someone he viewed as his little sister lost the brightness is her eyes.
Any chance the idiot had with reasoning with him was gone.
“Congratulations, idiot. You’ve secured a spot in our personal dungeon.” Rintarou smiled as he heard a sharp thump before the telltale sound of a body hitting the ground, “you didn’t hit him too hard, did you, Shinsuke-san?”
“Not hard enough.”
“Ok- let’s get these off of you before your hubbies come in here,” with that said both men started unlocking the cuffs trapping you onto the chair. After freeing you, you were immediately hit with the feeling of fatigue and let your body fall onto the person closest to you. Shinsuke caught your semi-limp body and immediately became worried but calmed down as he felt your breaths. He arranged your position so that you were laying across his lap, facing the roof of the cell. Rintarou settled himself beside Shinsuke after texting Kiyoomi your location- receiving an immediate reply that they’ll be there as soon as Atsumu is out of his blood haze. Shinsuke brushed his hand through your hair but immediately stopped when you whimpered, “hit- t-table- home.”
The two men exchanged worried glances when you stared up at them with your eyelids slowly closing. Rintarou tapped your cheek, “Y/n-chan, stay awake- how do you feel right now?”
“Aish of all the questions Rin-”
“Kiyoomi-san and Tsumu will be he-”
“M-my baby...” their eyes widened as you shakily placed your hand onto your tummy before falling limp in Shinsuke’s arms. He refrained from panicking when he saw your chest still rising and falling in patterns- you probably fainted from exhaustion.
“Holy shi-”
The moment the two saw your limp body they assumed the worst- but as Atsumu was about to yell out his rage and sorrow, Osamu appeared from the shadows and hit the back of his head, “she’s breathing, you moron.”
“I knew that, shitface.”
“Who ya callin’ shitface, ya pig?”
“Who ya callin’ a pi-”
“Aran,” Kiyoomi calmly spoke as he turned to face the hitman- ignoring his husband and brother-in-law, “lead the way out- make sure that there will be no delays. We must take Y/n to Motoya immediately- we don’t know the extent of her wounds- however they look... less than favorable as of the moment.”
At the reminder of your current condition, the twins shutted up, “Osamu,”
“Yeah, Omi-san?”
“Bring that thing with us.” was muttered with great disdain while his finger was pointed towards the unconscious thing 1.
And so they left the building covered in blood with neutral faces.
They may not show it but they were livid.
They didn’t miss your tear and blood stained face nor the the fact that your shirt was ripped right down the middle.
They knew what was going to happen to you had they been a second late.
“Hitoshi and Heisuke are already tracking the rats- we’ll have them in the basement by tonight,” informed Kiyoomi’s trustworthy gunsmith, Tsukasa Iizuna.
“They better- only question now is who gets first dibs on the assholes.”
As they settled into the car, Shinsuke told them the news of your latest surprise. He knew that they’d go even more ballistic were they to find out during the check-up from Motoya. But since they were in a closed and moving car with you on their laps, they couldn’t really do much except stiffen and let their rage grow stronger- and he looks forward to seeing what they’ll do to the bastards tonight. Shinsuke, above all things, is a man of honor- and what he hates above all things, are traitors.
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“PLEASE! I’M SORRY! PLEA- AHHH” Thing 1 screamed as Kiyoomi dug his dagger deeper into the man’s shoulder- forming a hollow hole of sort.
“Just a little more... I want to see if your bones are clean or if they need to cleansed as well-”
“Omi-omi~ I want my turn !” whined Atsumu as he crossed his arms and pouted at his husband.
Kiyoomi rolled his eyes, “you had your turn five minutes ago when you spilled acid onto his legs- it’s my turn now.” with that said, Kiyoomi ripped his dagger from the man’s flesh without a warning and grabbing a bowl from the prisoner’s ‘meal’, poured the bowl of scalding hot soup into the hollow flesh.
And as the man wailed, the two traitors squirmed in fear as they awaited their turns.
“We don’t usually go to this extent but what can we say...”
“No one messes with our wife.”
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please reblog if you liked it hehe 🥺🥰
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fungifaggot · 3 years
Please Take Me Home...
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A/n: Back again with an annual post wahoo. Anyway, I hope yall are doing okay and staying safe. (Heads up I didn’t edit this well)
!Feel free to send constructive criticism!
Summary: Peter is drunk and alone and he wants to go home. Little did he know, asking you for a ride home would be one of the best decisions he ever made.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, underaged drinking, sad peter, Ion kno.
The music was loud and the air was warm. The house was full of nearly one hundred sweaty bodies colliding into one another, yet somehow Peter managed to still feel alone.
Deep breaths he told himself
Yet with every passing gasp for air the sensation of suffocating only grew stronger. He wanted to get out of there, and he wanted to get out now.
For the past hour he had been on a search for Ned and Mj,  and as much as it pained him to do so, he was coming to terms with the fact that they had left him, and therefore so did his ride. (Not that they'd ever do that, but let's just assume they thought he had already left or something)
Good god did he wish that he had never been talked into coming, and god did he wish that he wasn’t still there.
Yet no matter how hard he wished or how tight he shut his eyes, every time they opened he was still there. Surrounded. Not only by people, but with booze, loud music, and the disgusting warmth that was radiating off the flesh of every sweaty intoxicated teenager.
At that very moment everything was wrong. His head was throbbing, rhythmic pounding clouding any coherent thought he had, and surely the loud bass wasn’t helping
Peter knew that you also had attended the party, but subconsciously he had been trying his best to avoid you in any way possible.
You see, it wasn't because he disliked you or anything. In fact, it was quite the opposite.
You and Peter got along great. The bond between You, Mj, Ned, and Peter was unbreakable and he loved spending time with you, but despite your friendly personality, Peter was appalled at the idea of talking to you. He couldn’t help it. Any time he was around you, he reeked of insecurity. Feeling as though he wasn’t good enough. You weren’t popular per say, but the way you held yourself in such a laid back yet confident manner had somehow managed to leave a great impression with just about everyone. And it was that fact about you that made Peter doubt himself. He’d tell himself that he was much too boring or too ‘lame’ to be around you. And although he knew you’d never think that about him yourself, he’d instantaneously tense up and get painfully awkward the second you walked into the room, and that alone that made him fear your presence.
(It also didn't really help that he had the worst crush on you.. Like seriously the worst. As in staying up till 2:00 am stalking your social media type of bad.)
Despite Peter's dread, he was beginning to realize that he wasn't exactly given a choice. There was no one else in the house even remotely worth talking to except you. And with that in mind Peter began his second search of the night.
It only took him about two solid minutes to give up, in which he resorted to just tapping someone on the shoulder and asking.
“HEY! DO YOU KNOW WHERE (Y/N) IS?” He shouted, unable to hear his own voice over the sound of the blaring music.
“OH YEAH! HE’S UPSTAIRS IN THE ROOM TO THE LEFT...I THINK” Was the slurred response he received.
“OH UHH OKAY. THANK YOU” Peter replied.
“YEAH ANYTIME MAN” he heard behind him as he beelined to the staircase.
Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth he reminded himself as he made his way up the stairs, trying to build up courage with every step he passed.
He took one last deep breath, attempting to calm the violent shaking occurring within his hands. He formed them into a fist and brought one up to the door, sending a knock that would echo throughout the hallway.
“Come in~” he heard from behind the door, giving him permission to enter.
As soon as the door creaked open, he was met face to face with a thick cloud of smoke. He stepped inside, taking in a deep breath, flooding his nose with the stench of marijuana before almost immediately making eye contact with you. 
“Peteyyyy” You sang out, halting the conversation you were previously having
,but before Peter had the chance to respond, his voice hitched in the back of his throat and an overwhelming feeling of warmth tremored throughout his body. He knew something bad was about to happen. He knew he was going to puke...
“Uhhh, s-sorry. Wrong room.” He muttered out, making a 180 degree turn before bolting out the door. His palms began to sweat and his mouth salivated heavily. He tried to breathe and suppress the violent urge to puke, but knew that there was no hope. He ran to the closest bathroom, not bothering to knock as he bursted through the door slamming it shut behind him. He made his way to the (thankfully already open) toilet and emptied out his stomach. He continued to gag, and eventually made himself comfortable on the bathroom floor when he felt he was finished. He flushed the contents down and rested his cheek on the toilet seat only to then perk his head up when he heard a light knock on the bathroom door.
“Hey Petey, you doin’ okay in there?”
“Y-yeah im okay! Just a little...tired that's all!” He rushed out, internally smacking himself in the face. “Just a little tired”? What the fuck Peter.
He heard the door open and rushed into a sitting position, trying to appear as normal.
You sauntered in, closing the toilet lid and taking a seat on it.
“You doin’ okay?” You repeated.
“Yeah, i’m just fine. Y’know.. like I said.” He responded, flashing you a forced smile.
You rolled your eyes at him and gave his hair a gentle pet.
“You sure? You seem... off.” you uttered, handing him a bottle of water.
Peter sighed accepting your offer, moving his eyes down to his feet.
“I just don’t really want to be here right now.” he said before taking a swig.
“Shit...I’m sorry.” you sighed out.
“There anything I could do to help?”
Peter brought his sorrow filled eyes back up to yours,
“I-is there any way you could take me home?”
“Fuck. Baby you know I would if I could, but I’m uh... not exactly sober right now.” You responded, guilt lacing your words, as you began to regret your decisions.
“Baby”. He knew it was a word that you’d throw around to any of your close friends, but he couldn't suppress the warm feeling that burned throughout his body when it rolled off your tongue.
Peter let out a shy chuckle continuing to sip from the bottle and replied
“Yeah, tell me about it.”
“Looks like neither of us are driving.” You said with a deep chuckle.
“Where’s Ned and Mj? I bet they’d help.” You asked after a few seconds of silence.
“Oh...” Was all you could find yourself responding with.
You stood up from where you sat, extending your hand out to Peter.
“Lets get outta here. Even if it's just for a bit.” You said with a slanted smile.
You helped him up slowly, placing your free hand on his lower back, directing him towards the door.
Peter waited at the top of the stairs while you notified your friends of your departure.
As soon as you returned you took a hold of his hand and guided him down the stairs and out the door. A small gust of wind met your face as the door shut behind you. The sweat gathered on the back of Peter's neck began to fade and the throbbing in his head lessened. Not completely, but enough for it to be bearable.
“Feels good to be out of there huh?” You said almost as if you had read his mind, compelling him to nod in agreement.
The two of you began to walk in a random direction, hands still together. Peter's mind racing a million miles a minute.
“Where did Ned and Mj go?”
“Is (Y/n) annoyed that he has to spend time with me?”
“Oh god, my hands are sweating aren't they…”
“What... you nervous or somethin?” You giggled, raising your connected hands into the air and squishing  them together to emphasize the fact that they were sticky.
If it weren’t for the fact that it was nearly 1:00 in the morning and there were no cars out, Peter swore he would’ve jumped in front of one without hesitation.
“Oh um, i’m sorry...” He muttered, embarrassment flooding his system, so much to the point it  nearly put the boy in tears.
“Awe, c’mon I'm just kidding around” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Oh ha-haaa” Peter replied sarcastically, sending you a childish pout.
You bumped your hip into his as a friendly gesture, causing him to stumble a bit.
“Cute.” He muttered, moreso to himself than you.
The two of you continued to walk, not even sure where it was you planned on going. The silence grew thicker with every passing second, but Peter was much too caught up in his own thoughts to even notice. You released his grip, bringing him back to reality, and went to dig around your pocket.
“Aha-” you brought your hand back up, displaying a pair of airpods (or any bluetooth ones idrc)
“You want it?” You asked, wiggling your phone in the air.
“O-oh! Sure!” he said, snatching it and placing it in his ear.
You put on (S/n). (‘Song name’, I humbly recommend ‘One Last Time by Summer Salt’) Peter's nerves settled as the rhythm of the song blared through his ears, drowning out his pesky thoughts.
You grabbed his hand again and started to swing it to the beat. Peter stared at you in awe as you swayed your head from side to side, meandering a bit as you walked. Eventually you swung your arm around Peter's shoulder, forcing him to move with you. If it weren't for the alcohol he probably would have laughed it off and nudged you, but instead he immitated your actions and began to sway overdramatically. That continued until you came to an abrupt stop and pointed. Peter followed you gaze, finding himself staring at a park.
You looked at him for a long second before bolting off towards the park without warning.
“Hey!” Peter yelped out, out eventually following your lead.
You ran and clumsily dove into a swing set, pushing yourself up off the ground, in a ‘superman’ pose before you came back down, dragging your hands and feet through the wood chips. You swung back and forth a few times before Peter came up and pushed your back so you rose up  once again.
“Excuse you!” You laughed out flailing your legs in attempt to get him off of you, before ‘gracefully’ sliding off so that you stumbled for a second before ending up on your ass.
“You look like a dumbass” Peter said with a bright smile, kicking some wood chips at you.
You stood up, brushing your self off while looking him in the eyes
“and you love it” you said with a wink.
“Shut up” He said, lightly shoving your chest and turning away to hide his blush.
After that the two of you messed around, sliding down slides, and fucking around on the monkey bars until you eventually ended up laying down in a grass field looking up at the stars.
The two of you talked about everything. College, work, the party, Peters ‘internship’, everything.
“Why don’t we talk more?” you sighed out as you sat back up.
“I don’t know...” Peter lied, whilst clumsily rolling over to rest his head on your thigh.
“Well. We should.” You stated, moving so that you were looking down into his eyes. You stayed in the position for what felt like forever, enjoying the gentle wind, as you analyzed Peters features. 
You pulled out your phone, breaking the silence after reading the time
2:30 am 
“You wanna head back?” You asked, ruffling Peter's hair.
“Back where exactly?”
“My place?”
“Sure” Peter yawned.
You turned your music back up once you were both standing, hands interlocking once again as you started your adventure for the second time that night.
Once you returned to the house, you saw that the lights were still on and the music was very much still blaring. 
You opened the car door on Peters side before walking around and getting in yourself.
As the two of you got seated Peter handed you your head phone back and let his body relax.
You reached into the back and pulled up a soft blanket, handing it to Peter. 
You turned the radio on, keeping the volume low as you gave yourself some time to completely sober up. You turned to Peter so you could continue the conversation from earlier, only to be met with a sleeping boy.
Drool dribbled from his lips and slight snores emitted from him. His hair was a mess and boy did he not look comfortable, but you thought it was sweet nonetheless.
You pulled your phone out and snapped a picture of him.
You were definitely gonna show him that in the morning
After about another 30 minutes of simply relaxing, you turned the key and drove off.
Peter mumbled in his sleep as you nudged him for what was probably the hundredth time, only waking up when you smacked him in the back of the head. You led him to the apartment door and unlocked it, kicking your shoes off to the side as soon as you entered. 
Once you reached your room, you swung the door open, signaling for him to enter before you.
“Such a gentleman” Peter said in a groggy voice, before making himself comfortable and plopping onto your bed. He nearly fell back asleep until he was abruptly hit by a flock of clothes.
“There ya go- figured you’d want em’ since we're covered in dirt.” You chuckled
“Oh yeah...and this” tossing him a brand new toothbrush.
You tore your shirt off and chucked it into a random corner, grabbing some clean sweatpants as you made your way to the bathroom.
You turned around at the door, noticing that Peter had been staring at you
“I’ll be right back”
After brushing your teeth and changing, you came back out. Peter taking your previous position in the bathroom.
In the meantime you got comfortable, rearranging the pillows so that they were equally distributed.
Peter eventually came back out dressed in your clothes, looking almost as if he were drowning in your hoodie. If you could have snapped a picture right then and there, you would have, but simply seeing him like that was enough for you.
You lifted up the blanket signalling for him to join you, and he did so after turning off all the lights.
You both laid next to each other in the dark for a bit before you heard Peter turn to face you.
You turned your head just so that you could just make out his general figure. Despite it being dark, you could see that Peter was looking up at you with his puppy like eyes.
“Could you uhm... could you maybe hold me?” He stammered out.
You smiled softly, not that he could see it, and wrapped an arm around his chest, pulling him into you, and allowing himself to burrow in and get as warm as possible.
“Of course Peter” you whispered into his hair
“Of course...”
@marvelgbtposts @eliotsbambimargo @ethanharli @baldsaitama @malereaderinsert @malereader-inserts @myfeetkeepdancing @malereaderimagines @dis-boi-be-a-gay-peter @jerod-writes @katsukispicycaramel @luv-hqs @sinfulcries
(literally let me know asap if my tags are annoying you LMAO)
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