#bran stark x reader
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axelsagewrites · 2 years ago
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Main Masterlist Here
House of the Dragon Masterlist Here
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【P】Platonic【P】 🆇Smut 18+🆇
Request Line Up and Request Rules
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♡ Jon Snow ♡
🆇What he's like in bed🆇
Blind date
🆇Home Alone🆇
🆇Price of My Secrecy 🆇
Relationship Moodboard
🆇Couldn't Resist🆇
♡ Robb Stark ♡
Best Friend
Marriage night
🆇Dream🆇 🆇part two🆇
Frey Girl 🆇part two🆇
🆇I miss you🆇
Honey Cakes (cloak part two or standalone)
Sweet Girl
🆇NSFW Alphabet🆇
🆇Good girl🆇
Don't Die For Me
🆇Little Secret🆇
🆇Can't Catch a Break🆇
Goodnight Dear Husband
♡ Sandor Clegane ♡
Most People Say Goodbye Part One - Part Two
♡ Beric Dondarrian ♡
♡ Thoros of Myr ♡
Favourite Friend
♡ Brienne of Tarth ♡
【P】Queen in the North and South【P】
♡Ned Stark♡
♡Ramsay Bolton♡
🆇My Father Would Kill Me🆇
🆇Catch You🆇
🆇How Far Would You Go🆇
🆇Appreciate You🆇
🆇Little Mouse🆇
♡Roose Bolton♡
Not Yet
♡Edmure Tully♡
【P】Who We Call Family【P】
My Queen My Love
♡Theon Greyjoy♡
Dream of Sweet Memories
🆇Give it back🆇
♡Sansa Stark♡
🆇NSFW Alphabet🆇
🆇What's This?🆇
Surprise Visit
♡Podrick Payne♡
♡Daenereys Targaryen♡
🆇My Queen🆇
♡Jamie Lannister♡
🆇Extra Credit🆇
♡Oberyn Martell♡
♡Margaery Tyrell♡
🆇Real Man🆇
🆇Use your words🆇
♡ Yara Greyjoy ♡
🆇Company🆇 - Yara and Ellaria threesome
🆇What they're like in bed🆇 – Robb, Jon, Sandor, Podrick
How they react to teasing – all
🆇What They're Like in Bed🆇 – Margaery, Sansa, Danny, Yara
Share pt1 🆇Competition pt2🆇 🆇Wait p3🆇 - Robb and Jon
🆇Hook ups🆇 - Theon and Jon
Love Languages - Jon, Robb, Bran, Tormund, Podrick, Oberyn
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Thanks for any support I appreciate it all xoxo Sage
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Dividers from here and here from @saradika
Post topper made on Canva
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lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom · 6 months ago
Perfect Queen?
Summary- As the new queen and lady of Winterfell, you feel out of place. Thankfully, Bran reassures you of your position and loves you for who you are- not who you are trying to be.
A/N- I have not written for GoT in awhile, but HotD season 2 has sparked my interest again! Reminder that REQUEST ARE OPEN! <3
Requested by- @eualiabd @zamwnda
Word count- 1,612
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You were barely a noble. The third daughter out of seven girls born into house Frey. Not a single male survived long enough to carry on the family name. What does a family full of women do? Marry off. So quickly that just after your ten and nine birthday, you were the only sister who was unwed.
Maybe being from a low house, and not having much experience with lordship- landed you as King Brandon Starks wife.
Of course, your mother was ecstatic when the king of all men, wanted to marry you. You had only known the previously named prince when he was a boy.
His father, Ned Stark, would visit on business to the Riverlands. Brandon always joined, eager to see you. Even after his fall, you were able to see him one last time before he disappeared for many years. You were devastated when you learnt of his 'death.' When he returned, you figured he forgot all about you. Though, a dozen knights showing up at your door, requesting you to meet with the King, changed your mind.
"A Stark never forgets an oath." Was his reasoning, suddenly a fond memory of Bran and you as children appeared. He, even at his young age, held your hand and swore on his name to marry you one day. To join your families.
At his now official and surprising marriage proposal, you quickly agreed. Any woman would be insane not to, feelings aside, you were helping the reputation of your house.
While your reunion with him was quick, it was satisfactory. He had changed with age and with his new responsibilities. As king and The Three Eyed Raven. Deep down, he was still the boy you loved. Even if he only showed it to you.
The cold air was refreshing, not stiff not muggy like you were used to. Though it took some time, you've learnt to grow fond of the snow and crisp feeling. A trip back to Brans home made you overjoyed. Even if Bran was only there on 'kingly' matters.
A large coat made of the finest furs rested up on your shoulders. A pin with the Stark emblem let all know you were the Queen. A title you were trying to get comfortable with. There were so many duties you were getting familiar with.
That wasn't hardly the worst part, however.
What irked you to no end, were the stares. Mostly women who were in court, or wives of men who frequented the castle. They had no room to speak, yet still murmured and gossiped to each other. The audacity to talk about the queen as they passed you. It shocked you that they were so informal.
You could never get close enough to hear, as Brandon had two Knights with you at all times. You understood the precaution, though your freedom was slightly limited.
"Bran, please tell me what they said..." You pleaded. It was evening, and the two of you were sat side by side for supper. Only separated by a corner of the table.
He looked up at you, face expressionless like it always was. "It is insignificant gossip."
You pushed your warm plate of food back, you were not interested anymore. "Not to me, it isn't."
Bran was fully aware of what they were thinking and saying. Just because he was All-Seeing, did not mean you also had to bear that burden. He would do everything he could to keep away the ill effects of his powers.
"Consider the matter finished." Was all he responded with, very 'Bran-like.'
However, the matter was not finished to you. With enough time, you knew you could get Bran to cave into you. He almost never told you 'no.' All he wanted was to keep you happy. He just did not see any reason to spread negative thoughts into your mind.
You pushed your chair back with a small screech. Taking a deep breath, you took one long stride to Bran's side.
Maybe you were trying to soften him up, you'd never tell, but you wrapped both hands around his forearm. Even crouching down to look up at him.
"I want to be a good queen. I want to fix whatever they chastised me for. Bran, you know I wont give until you tell me... Surely you know that?" You lightly moved your hand up and down his arm. He did know, he just wanted to do something his way for once. Deep within, he knew you'd get what you wanted. It was terribly hard to do anything that upset you.
He pursed his lips, giving out a sigh. "You are a good queen." He leaned down to kiss the top of your head.
With a puff you stood up, letting him go. "Obviously no one else thinks so." Your dramatic side got the best of you as you turned and left the dinning hall.
You allowed yourself to wallow in self pity, something you'd have time to regret later.
Your handmaid rushed behind you, eager to help whatever the problem was.
"I just don't understand why he won't tell me, Tamsin." You sulked on a padded chair while your handmaid gently took the ties and pins out of your hair.
She pressed a friendly hand to your shoulder, "He just wants to protect you."
You gave a half hearted smile, "I want to get better, I've never been a queen before..." You stood to let Tamsin being to unlace your corset.
You both heard a strong knock, assumingly from a member of the kings guard.
"The queen needs a moment to dress!" Tamsin called out, aware of a queens modesty.
A deep voice called back, "The King requests to see her Majesty."
Tamsin stopped with the laces and went to peek her head out. You couldn't hear what she was saying, but she quickly returned.
"Uh, Ma'am, the King is outside... waiting..." She was always a little nervous around Bran, you knew it was because of the Title and passiveness.
She fiddled with her fingers, "You are dismissed, thank you. Please let the King in." She responded with a light curtsy.
After Tamsin opened the door, you stood and watched as a knight pushed Bran in. The two of you were quickly left alone as Bran waved off the man.
You look down, trying to press your dress flat, slightly anxious.
Bran simply looked, the smallest smile present. "I apologize for upsetting you. It was not my intention." He says, his own hands resting still in his lap.
"I know..." You licked your lips, suddenly your mouth felt dry. At the following silence you started again, "Will you help me?" You gestured to your lace that was halfway tied on your back.
He nodded, "Of course."
He pushed himself over, getting closer to you. You turned your back to him, pulling your hair over your shoulders.
"Bran?" You quietly said as his gentle hands worked at your laces. An activity that was strangely intimate and peaceful.
"Yes, my love?" He responded, mindlessly. You let the dress fall from your frame. You stepped out of it, now only in a white slip.
You gnawed at your bottom lip, tears were threatening. "Please, just tell me if I become a better queen?" Your voice cracked up on the word 'queen', tears spilling over.
Hands came up to try and cover your sobs.
''I have a feeling you have been struggling with this for awhile..." Bran says, ushering you to spin around with his hands at your waist. He would never read your secret thoughts without your permission.
You weren't able to deny or agree, but you turned to look at him.
"I have seen, and you will become the most loving Queen the realm has ever known. You will be named for your care of the people." He said, pulling you down into a hug.
You fell further to your knees, leaning your head onto this lower chest. Bran pet your hair slowly, his other hand rested on your back.
"Have I ever lied to you?" You shook your head, still buried in him.
"Would you really like to know what those two women said?" He asked, a finger bringing your chin up. You nodded.
"They said your house was not high enough for you to become queen. They were sure that they would be better candidates." His face was stoic, clearly in disgust at what they said.
You sighed and rested your head down once again, arms crossed under your head. You looked out the side sadly, though starting to accept your position. There was nothing you could do about the house you were born into.
"You do know that I would rather die an old and lonely man than marry another? Right?" He pets your hair once again.
A smile arises on your face. "I couldn't think of a more handsome nor giving husband of you."
Without skipping a beat, he says, "Well, that's because I am king." His expression and tone is serious, but you laugh nonetheless.
It is soon clear that he was joking as well, as he breaks into a grin.
You sigh once more, this time happy. "Can we retire to bed now?" You ask, squeezing his hand.
"Whatever you so wish."
Sleep was moments from taking you, your eyes fighting to stay open. You were pressed up as close as possible to Bran, your head tucked under his chin.
"I meant what I said, earlier." Bran mentions, staring up. Without moving you speak, "About what?"
"That you're already a great queen." Your heart fills with flutters.
"I swear it."
A/N- Not going to lie to y'all, I hate this one. But, I promised more Bran content! Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve! Thanks for reading, and thanks again for the support guys!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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cdragons · 1 year ago
❄︎ House Stark & Spicy Food ❄︎ - w/ spicy loving reader
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Cries if there's too much pepper:
All of them, Sansa and Robb - these two will actually die if they have the slightest sense of heat to any food they try. Like their hair, they get it from their mother.
Robb will try so hard to pretend that he has any spice tolerance...he doesn't...he REALLY doesn't
This boy wants to impress you so badly while also dying and you are not being very helpful bc you keep laughing at how red his face gets
You didn't even put that much in, it was barely a dash of cayenne or one jalapeno seed and he will DIE
If you ever try to put spice in his dishes, he will look at you with the biggest look of betrayal
Redding Wedding what? Nope, the real, most unforgivable act of treason against this King of the North was putting a ghost pepper in his stew after he pissed you off and drinking all his water to make sure that there wasn't any left near him.
Are the two of you married? Does not matter - off to the dungeons with you.
Okay, not really, but he will be seriously pissed and have a huge pouty face for the rest of the week.
He feels even more betrayed when he sees Grey Wind sleeping next to you after you put the pepper in his food.
"Are you on my side or hers?" - Grey Wind is on Team Cuddles and Being Spoiled.
If you end up eating something too spicy for you, he WILL be the most insufferable person about it
Sansa is literally no different, if not worse, than her brother.
Everything that was written above -> multiply that by 10000 in terms of spice intolerance, and you get Sansa.
She does NOT care about impressing you with improving her spice tolerance.
You could try to convince her that spicy food is better for her body and there are a ton of health benefits, but you will FAIL
You once gave her a Cubanelle pepper (About 1,000 SHU) bc the only less spicy option was a bell pepper and bell peppers are only peppers in name and not in spirit
She did not react well
She RAN 🏃‍♀️ to the well and drank the water out of the pail.
...Was it bad that you laughed at her reaction? Yes
Would you do it again? Also, yes
Was it totally worth being banned from nighttime cuddles and kisses for an entire month?...Okay, maybe you won't do it again
You could make fun of her unseasoned potatoes and closer-to-water soup all you want. She is not interested in damaging her stomach lining and developing stomach cancer.
She WILL make fun of you if you end up eating something too spicy for YOU, and you let her because you love seeing her more childish smile and side.
Slightly Dying, but Otherwise Okay and Kind of Digs It:
Jon can eat spicy foods...theoretically.
He's eaten Wilding food and the rotten food from Castle Black -> compared to that, he can take a little heat.
He was wrong - He was so very, VERY wrong. Your level of heat and spice was something that only a demon could take.
Jon was convinced that you were part dragon bc he can't think of any other reason as to how and WHY you put yourself through this?
Eventually, he DOES develop a bit of spice tolerance, and you take full credit for it, especially because this means his taste palette is more on your level. You aren't as afraid of accidentally killing him with your cooking preferences.
But it ends up lowkey backfiring on him bc you won't stop sneaking spicy food into his meals, and sometimes Tormund and his brothers in Black will sneak a bite off his plate (no one died...everyone lives...shhhhhhhhh)
Sam is dead - he died, you killed him. Gilly is officially out for your blood, and little Sam is raised with the single goal of piercing you with a pointy stick bc you killed his dad.
Pyp and Edd are also lowkey dying. Still, they actually enjoy the heat and are always happy to taste test for your dishes...despite their bowels hating them for it
Grenn and Tormund fucking LOVE the heat. They can easily down bowl after bowl after bowl of your cooking.
Bran SHOULD not eat spicy food...but he does because it makes you so happy, and he will literally do anything for your smile and cuddles.
Like his love of climbing and scary stories, he honestly lives for the thrill of taking the heat.
All of his siblings are terrified he's going to get a stomach ulcer one day because he keeps adding more spice to his food, and they are ALL blaming you, and you're just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
While he's traveling with Osha, Hodor, Rickon, and Reed Siblings, it's your cooking that helps keep them warm.
When he becomes the Three-Eyed Raven and King of the Seven Kingdoms, he and you will go to the kitchens to make your favorite dishes from your shared past because it brings a little of the old Bran back.
It's only around you that he can still smile and laugh, and you love him no matter what.
Love Spicy Food and Can ACTUALLY Take it
Arya LOVESSSSS the heat - All Day, Everyday Baby
While she was in Braavos and training in the House of Black and White, she sampled so many dishes and spices from the markets.
This opened a whole new world to her tastebuds, and when she returned to Winterfell - she still loved the food because it was all the food of her childhood, but it just tasted...boring.
You and her actually met while she was training in Braavos, and your family ran a spice stall in one of the markets.
You were fascinated by the girl and always offered a warm meal and housing if she ever needed it. While cooking for her, Arya would tell you stories about Ned and Jon and all her other siblings.
When she reunited with her family at Winterfell, she thought it was adorable how happy and excited you were to meet them. She also highly encouraged you to share one of your spiciest dishes with them.
Bran didn't have much of a reaction save for a small cough, but Jon immediately reached for his water while Sansa just fainted from the shock of the heat assault in her mouth.
Rickon is the only sibling who can actually eat your food and so he automatically becomes your favorite Stark after Arya.
Rickon and you met while traveling with your siblings (Meera and Jojen) to find Bran. You carried many foreign spices with you (for whatever reason).
Immediately, he was smitten with you because you were the youngest sibling around his age. Shaddydog also loved you from the beginning, which helped your case.
A lot of the spices you carried also had medicinal purposes, so you were in charge of cooking while Meera handled the weapons and Jojen helped guide Bran to the 3ER.
It was during the coldest and most freezing blizzard nights, you used one of your hottest spices to make a stew. It was a miracle by fate that Rickon LOVED it.
Since then, he's always begging you to put hotter spices in the meals, but you refuse bc your spices are expensive and because you don't want to accidentally kill the rest of the "Save The World" Gang.
Shaddydog is a huge issue when you're making food because he's very curious about all the different smells and tastes, and you have to keep booping his nose out of the way because you love adding garlic, and it's not good for canines to eat garlic and salt.
Catelyn - cannot eat anything spicy for the life of her
Ned - same as his wife, tbh lol
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lovebaela · 1 year ago
(Bran Stark x Fem!Targaryen OC)
A/N - Not gonna lie yall, I’m more productive with this story on Wattpad 😭😭 I think I might stick with posting on there instead. The chapters I’ve posted here have been slightly changed there too. I’ll put the link of it below.
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“ 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 , 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆 , 𝒊 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒏’𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 .”
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Rhaella is the daughter of Mad King Aerys’ younger brother. Before the rebellion of Robert Baratheon, he fled to the Summer Isles, where he fell in love with a woman. He married her and they both consummated their marriage. Rhaella doesn’t know much about her parents, and always struggled with having a true home. One fateful day, her cousin Viserys sent her away to the Starks. Little did he know, that was the start of her journey of self-discovery.
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“ 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒂 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒌 , 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆 , 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆’𝒔 𝒏𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 . 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 .”
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⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ 𝑩𝑹𝑨𝑵 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑲 ⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Bran is the fourth child of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully. All he ever wanted was to become a knight. He always thought one day he would join the kingsguard. That was until the day he found out he was betrothed to Rhaella. He didn’t think much of it, still able to be a warrior…until the day he became broken. All he wants is to find a purpose now in his life.
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✮ ₊ Chapters ✧ ᵔ₊ 𓆪
1, 2, 3, 4
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Disclaimer: I don’t own asoiaf, any pictures, or gifs that I use in the series🤍
Art by eleneyaart, fredrickruntu
Dividers by @saradika-graphics @saradika
Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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thethreeeyed-raven · 2 years ago
Can you make a bran Drabble when the jist is that he has a secret bf/gf :) tysm!!
bran with a secret s/o
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navigation | warnings : SMUT (if ur uncomfortable with that just skip), caught in the act | a/n : listen, if he wanted to, he could, THE WAY I SAT GIGGLING TO MYSELF WRITING A CERTAIN ONE | tags : @knight-of-flowerss @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom | bran stark playlist
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bran loves secretly holding your hand, especially when you go out somewhere with him and his family, ugh hand holding is a must
secret kisses🤭
buying you gifts then you having to pretend arya or sansa bought it for you and the awkward silence when they say they didn't
he has you over to watch movies and cuddle
he may beg his fam to go out and do something for the night just so he can do that ^^
he likes sneaking around with you
longing looks across the dinner table when you get invited to have dinner
you both are sat giggling and everyone just has confused looks on their faces
you sneak into his room in the middle of the night when you have sleepovers just to cuddle with him and then you have to sneak back into whoever's room you were in first
late night talks
always checking up on you, making sure you've eaten etc
once sansa caught him doing this and started teasing him about it
his fam constantly talks about you around him just to see that little smile that appears on his face
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neck kisses
imagine going home and you have a big massive hickey appearing on your neck all because bran cant help himself
imagine ya'll are at it, he's devouring you down there and you're pulling his hair
the moans he has to stiffle😫
constantly telling him to be quiet
loves taking you up against the wall
always ensures your comfort before trying anything new
he loves marking you
if you consent to pics being taken he absolutely will
keeps them all in a secret folder and sometimes beats his meat to them💀 ^^
bro is very very vocal
sometimes your movie sessions end up in steamy sex
literally does everything you tell him to no joke
bro is submissive af
he needs praise
like a lot of praise
he craves it
"tell me you're mine"
i just know he whimpers
and i just know its big
its hard for you guys to get at it because your relationship being a secret yk so when you do its definitely passionate and loving
bran does like it rough but not all the time
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Grunts and whimpers could be heard throughout the room.
Bran's family had gone out for the day, but Bran pretended to be sick so he could have you over.
His shirt was thrown somewhere around the room and your bottoms where around your ankles.
As he rutted into you, you tugged on his scalp, earning quiet whimpers from him.
Your moans filled his ear drums, listening as you whispered sweet nothing's into his ear.
His family was supposed to be out for the day, but then just happened to get home early.
They all piled into the hallway.
"Stop." Catelyn said. "Can't you hear that?"
Sansa and Arya stiffled laughs as they all approached Bran's room. The noises got louder.
Catelyn opened the door.
You both turned to look at each other in embarrassment.
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talesof-old · 4 months ago
silence | b.s.
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pairing(s): bran stark x reader
warning(s): mentions of death, mourning, grief, gloomy weather brings that on i’m afraid, unedited, reader’s gender isn’t really specified
word count: 1k
being back in Winterfell is harder than you thought (fire + cold mornings, snowfall + nighttime)
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Dark blue clouds rolled along the hills and hung low, dumping vast amounts of snow on the sleeping earth.
Not even the sun seemed able to pierce the clouds. A somber mood had swept through the halls of Winterfell like a plague, and even you could not escape it. Your husband had yet to wake, leaving you to wander the halls alone like some mourning ghost. You doubted the sun had even risen yet.
The hot floors beneath you proved to do little to soothe the sorrow that gripped you. You thought of the people who died here. It had been years, and yet as your fingers traced over the grey stone, it felt like yesterday. You circled back to your bedchambers. Bran didn’t like to wake without you by his side, even if he could easily find you through whatever sorcery ran through his veins.
The heavy snowfall deafened you to any noises, absorbing them as you walked and walked and walked. Before long, you came to your temporary rooms. The guard standing at its doors bowed. You smiled in greeting before reaching to push open the heavy wood. They swung open soundlessly. He closed them behind you, and you wasted no time to enter the bedchamber.
“I would say good morning, but waking without you dampened it to just ‘morning’.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you shed your robe. It didn’t stop a smile from invading your face. Bran responded in kind. A chill had taken up residence in your room since you’d left, the fire dying and the window cracked. You added a few logs to the hearth, stirring the coals to relight the wood. They crackled as the flame licked over the their surface. Bran raised a brow as you chose to close the window instead of joining him in bed.
“Don’t give me that look. You get cold far too easily.” Bran settled into the pillows beneath him instead of responding. You shook your head and tugged off your slippers, crawling atop the blankets to nestle beside him. “We have much to discuss with Sansa today.” He sighed, taking your hand in his. His fingers traced over yours, playing with them as he stayed silent. His default response, you’d come to learn since you married him.
You hummed, “We could stay here,” leaning over to press a gentle kiss to his temple. The firewood popped, the room filling with its warmth as the moments passed. Sometimes you forgot how cold the North could get. Winter was just starting to make a dent in the Crownlands.
“We have duties, my love.”
Duty was a fickle thing. You’d much rather spend time here, alone with Bran. He had a way of seeing into you that no one else could replicate, and you adored him for it. You hoped he felt the same. His eyes fluttered shut as you brushed dark strands from his forehead. “Good morning, love.”
The hours stretched long, dragging as the snow continued to fall. Bran and Sansa were locked away in the study, pouring over plans on rationing and trade that might grant more food to the people of the North. You’d taken to spending your day helping with the children after finishing paperwork on the trade of textiles.
By the time night fell, the clouds were parting to reveal the moon. Its light glittered along the fresh snow. The beauty of it surmounted much of what you’d seen in your years of living. A peaceful quiet swept through the land as the snow finally lessened.
Snowflakes drifted through the air, dancing across the dim moon rays that spread across the rolling hills and mountains of the North. A sight you’d not seen until recent years. You leaned against the cold stone balcony, eyes focused on the horizon. Winter had shown no signs of stopping, and the families cooped up in Winterfell were beginning to grow antsy.
“Come to bed, my love.” You spared a glance at Bran. Even he was weary, face pulled taut with some emotion you couldn’t decipher. He pushed the wheels of his chair over to you, fingers grazing yours as you went back to looking at the forest. “It’s late.”
You hummed in response.
“The winter will end.” Bran reached for your hand this time, his fingers warmer than yours. Your skin felt like ice, and he raised them to his lips to press a kiss to the back of your hand. You looked to him again. The firelight behind him danced along the dark strands of his hair. He looked every inch regal as he gazed up at you.
A howl sounded in the distance. You almost looked back at the woods, but chose instead to reenter your bedchambers. Bran followed behind you. He was quiet as ever, eyes sharp as he watched you ready for sleep. Your robes were discarded, your hair wrapped in a silk scarf, your hands coated in lotion. He tilted his head back. He wondered if you knew the sort of effect you had on him.
“The silence snow brings is worse than I remember.”
You crossed the room to stand by him, arms outstretched to assist him into the bed. He stayed silent. Perhaps it was to keep you talking, or his way of agreeing--you weren’t sure. Regardless, you carried on. When the White Walkers came and the Long Night descended, you’d been hidden away in the depths of the catacombs. Sometimes, the sounds still echoed through your mind. They haunted you in these halls. Your visiting of Sansa for several weeks had brought forth a wave of conflicted feelings.
Bran settled in bed. “How will they all be remembered, do you think?” You climbed onto the mattress, covering your body with the various sheets and blankets as you laid down. Bran reached out an arm to pull you closer. You obliged, burying your face into the crook of his neck. Such blatant physical affection was rare; not because either of you disliked it, but merely due to the lack of time spent together. “They will tell the stories of it for many generations.”
He rubbed a hand along your clothed arms, the fabric soft and thin underneath his fingers. You reveled in it. “Perhaps we will have a hand in it?” He let you pull away far enough to gaze at his face. Your eyes shone with hope and grief, a far cry from the usual happiness that resided there. His answering soft smile soothed something in your chest.
“We will.”
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dragonstrongbastard · 4 months ago
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Bran Stark/Petra Storm (oc)
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myocsfanfictions · 1 month ago
The Wolf, the Stag and the Snake (Book 2)
A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction
After the new King of the Seven Kingdoms had killed Lord Stark many things had happened. Life is no longer how it used to be, with the War of the Five Kings beginning, follow Antea Stark, Cassandra Baratheon and Cyel Sand trying to survive in a world that is becoming everyday more dark and dangerous.
《 Previous - Next 》
Chapter 5
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“Good morrow, Lady Martell.”
“Lady Martell.”
Those were the greetings that followed Cyel as she walked through the corridors of Winterfell. The Northerners had always treated her with respect since the day she had arrived eight years before, but she would be lying if she said nothing had changed since the news of her legitimation had spread. The bows were deeper, and the words spoke to her with more eagerness.
“They are strange people,” her cousin Arienne would have said. Cyel felt torn about this new behavior. She had lived in the North for most of her life, so she understood how bastards were viewed in the Seven Kingdoms. Yet at the same time, her position had always been different from other bastards.
“You’re legitimized!” Bran exclaimed with wide eyes as soon as Maester Luwin finished reading the words from her uncle and Prince, Doran Martell.
“Your name is Martell now, Cyel,” the Maester had told her, not seeing her response. She was at a loss for words, almost unable to speak.
“But…” Cyel muttered, “How? Why? This holds no meaning in Dorne.” She felt overwhelmed by the gravity of those words.
“Not in Dorne, but in the Seven Kingdoms, it is another matter, my lady.” Cyel looked up at the Maester, feeling strange about it all. “Your legitimacy will stabilize your position in the eyes of other lords. It will secure your standing in a foreign land.”
A foreign land. That much was true. In her heart, Winterfell was her home, but she was Dornish. People saw her as a guest from a distant land. A bastard with money and land, yet still a bastard in the eyes of the people of the Seven Kingdoms.
“My father and uncle have been protecting me all this time,” Cyel now understood.
“Does this make the alliance stronger?” Bran asked curiously, his eyes shifting between her and the Maester. “Will Cyel be safer this way?”
Cyel glanced at her prince from beside her. His curious, blue eyes were fixed on Luwin, waiting for an answer.
“Being a legitimate lady from another land surely helps to keep Cyel safer,” the Maester explained. The shock on his face was evident. “Now, Cyel’s position is secured in the eyes of our tradition. Being a bastard and being a legitimate daughter of a prince are two very different matters, as you know.”
“It does not matter to me,” Bran’s words made Cyel frown as she observed the boy. He was sitting up straight, his arms resting on the armrests. Feeling her gaze, Bran turned to look at her. “Your name never mattered to me. But if it’ll keep you safer, then I’m glad Martell is your name now.”
Cyel smiled.
The Maester had quickly written letters to announce Cyel’s legitimacy. But she was now not only a legitimate lady of Dorne, she was also betrothed to Brandon Stark, and the people of Winterfell seemed delighted by the news. Dorea had screamed with joy, immediately calling her Lady Martell. Her mother kissed her forehead, repeating how grateful she was to Cyel’s father and uncle. Prince Oberyn Martell had always voiced his thoughts on Cyel being left with little choice about her future. Her father had fathered eight daughters, and he raised them all with great care, leaving them free of any restrictions. But Cyel had lived a different life compared to her sisters.
“My sweet, I hope you know that my heart is always with you,” he would say to her every time she visited Dorne. He would embrace her and never leave her side until she departed by ship. They would dance, study, laugh, and speak. Cyel may not have spent as much time with her father as her sisters had, but she loved him dearly and always felt his presence. He wrote to her every week, sometimes even sending poetry about her, along with many gifts.
“A knife, Father?” she had asked him during her last visit to Dorne. Oberyn Martell laughed, his lips brushing her forehead.
“Do you like it, my sweet?” he asked as he sat before her. Cyel examined the knife. It was light and thin but very sharp. The hilt was made of silver, adorned with a snake wrapped around it, its amber eyes gleaming.
“It is beautiful, Father,” she had answered, “But a lady should not carry knives.”
He took her face in his hands. “You are more than a lady. You’re my daughter,” a Sand Snake she was, “And I’ll have you defend yourself, like all of your sisters.” He spoke with fondness in his dark eyes, the same eyes she possessed.
Cyel smiled. “I do not have to defend myself from the Starks,” she said.
“Maybe not,” he replied, “Yet I’m not with you, and I want to keep you safe.”
She kept the knife in her ironwood chest. Of course, she didn’t wear it like her sister Nymeria loved to do. Cyel felt perfectly safe in Winterfell, but that gift often made her think of her father.
“You’re the daughter of the Red Viper, my lady, are you not?” Little Walder had said one morning as they were breaking their fast.
When the Frey boys had arrived at Winterfell, Cyel had been surprised to learn that both lads were named Walder. One was older than the other, so he went by Big Walder, even though he was lean and short. The other, taller and bigger but younger, was called Little Walder. The two Frey boys enjoyed talking endlessly about lineage. They were both nephews of Lord Walder Frey, the aging lord of the Twins. Cyel knew the man had many wives and children, but now those children were grown, with children of their own. Still, Walder Frey seemed far more willing to be called by the gods.
The rants of Little Walder and Big Walder were rather tedious to Cyel. They got lost in their own family tree, arguing over which Walder was which, giving no room for anyone else to join the conversation.
“We have our own names at Winterfell,” Rickon had said, and Cyel had to hide a smile behind her cup of milk.
Rickon didn’t like the Frey boys as much as Bran, who mostly kept quiet while the boys ranted, glaring at them, even though they hadn’t seemed to notice.
“Yes, my lord,” Cyel replied to Little Frey as she sat next to Bran at the table. “Prince Oberyn Martell is my father.” She couldn’t help but glance at her betrothed, fearing he might feel pain from the mention of his own noble father. She didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable.
“The Red Viper,” Little Walder insisted, “Why was the name given to him? Yes, yes, for his use of poison during battle. That’s what my grandfather says.” Cyel noticed Bran shift in his chair, but she was quick to rest her hand on his arm.
“My father is a fierce warrior, my lord,” she answered, trying to sound polite. “They say his movements are swift and harmonious, like those of a water snake. And yes, he has quite the knowledge of poisons.”
Prince Oberyn Martell adored studying poisons, and he had passed his knowledge on to Cyel’s older sister, Tyene. She seemed sweet and innocent but grew as dangerous as any of their sisters with that knowledge.
Cyel had seen her sisters grow into incredible warriors, even dangerous ones. Obara was the strongest among them, but they were all amazing fighters, regardless of age or weapon. Cyel had grown up differently, and her father knew that. When she was in Dorne, Cyel couldn’t deny that over time, she began to feel separated from them, and she hated the feeling. So, one of the last times she visited Dorne, Tyene had gifted her books on the art of poisons. Cyel wasn’t the type to wield a sword, but according to her sister, she had the right mind to learn such a complicated art.
“You are a Sand Snake,” Obara had told her once, “Never forget it while you’re in those frozen lands.”
Cyel didn’t want to forget her sisters, didn’t want them to grow distant. But Dorne was so different from the North, and her life as well. Sometimes, it was difficult to find a balance.
“He studied at the Citadel, did he not?” Bran’s question brought her back to the conversation. When she turned, she noticed that Bran was giving her his full attention. She smiled at him.
“Not poisons, my prince. Those he learned in the Free Cities. But at the Citadel, he forged his six chains,” she answered. “Before growing bored.”
That made Bran chuckle, his blue eyes shining. “Bored?” She nodded.
“I can understand that,” he added.
Bran was very intelligent and mature for his age, but he lacked the motivation to study. Maester Luwin always reproved him for it.
Cyel giggled. Then she saw him blush and turn his head. This had started happening after the news of their betrothal. Their friendship hadn’t changed; they spent much time together during breakfast and their free time, but Cyel had noticed that Bran became slightly formal whenever people were around them. She found that habit somewhat adorable on his part.
“I wonder how the succession works in Dorne,” Little Walder asked suddenly, his tone vicious. He had that nasty habit, though it seemed to run through House Frey. Cyel wasn’t sure what he meant, but before she could speak, Bran was quicker to answer.
“You seem quite curious this morning,” Bran’s tone was firm as he looked at the other boy. Cyel looked at her prince fondly. The two Walders would often take jests at one another, but Cyel hated when they did it to Bran. That day, they had turned their attention to her, and she was grateful that Bran would try to defend her, even though Maester Luwin wanted them to be good hosts and not indulge in any argument.
“It’s quite alright, my prince,” Cyel said sweetly, before turning to Little Frey. “Matters of succession must be confusing with such a large house as House Frey.” She spoke with false courtesy, and the boy knew it, his cheeks burning red. “Do not fear for my succession, my lord,” she continued, “I quite know what is meant for mine.”
“I can’t stand them, I swear,” Bran was saying as Cyel followed Hodor and Summer toward Maester Luwin’s tower.
“They can be quite nasty, I agree,” Cyel replied, looking up at Bran.
He took a frustrated breath. “Sometimes I just wish I could send them away... but I can’t,” Bran shook his head. “I’m useless even as a prince.”
Cyel quickly placed a hand on Hodor’s arm, gently stopping his steps so she could speak with Bran.
“You are not useless,” she said, looking him in the eyes. “Politics is a complicated matter, Bran, and sadly, we cannot do as we’d like.” She could tell he didn’t like her answer.
“Now you sound like Maester Luwin,” he said.
“Boring?” she asked, making him look at her with wide eyes.
“So, you find him boring too!” he exclaimed, making her laugh. Her laughter made him laugh as well, and it filled her heart with happiness.
There had been a time when Bran was quick to laugh, his smile lighting up the day for everyone. Always up to something, always sweet with everyone. After the fall, with the war and the death of Lord Stark, it had been difficult for Bran’s heart not to grow distant, but he kept fighting. He smiled less, though, so Cyel was beyond happy when she managed to make him laugh like before.
“I hoped my prince would find my company just a little more pleasant than the Maester’s,” she said with a smile. He suddenly blushed before giving her a playful glare, which only made her giggle again. They continued on their way toward Lewin’s chambers.
“Here is where I leave you,” Cyel said just before knocking on the door to announce Bran's arrival.
“Do you have to go?” he asked, almost complaining.
“You’ve got your duties, and I’ve got mine, my prince,” Cyel replied, patting Summer’s head.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Bran said, shaking his head. Cyel looked at him. This new title of his was overwhelming, and the war in the South only made everything more complicated. The Maester had to advise and help Bran in this difficult time for the North.
“But if it pleases you, when I’m done with Dorea, I could look for you,” Cyel proposed. “So you can tell me how boring the Maester was today.”
Bran glared at her again, “You’re not funny,” he said, though she knew he wasn’t angry at her. Bran was never angry at her.
“I’ll see you later, Bran,” Cyel said sweetly, this time. With a final smile at Hodor and a pat on Summer’s head, she left for her chamber, where she would have her lessons with Dorea.
The woman had become so excited about Cyel and Bran’s betrothal, but if anything, she had become stricter.
“You shall be wed to a prince,” she would speak solemnly. She was becoming worse than Septa Mordane. She would scrutinize Cyel’s embroidery, correcting her posture and speech. Things Cyel had always been good at now had to be “perfect” according to Dorea.
Cyel tried to make her happy, not minding the critiques. She was sure that with time, Dorea would grow accustomed to the situation and would return to her usual self.
Her mother, on the other hand, was a constant worry in Cyel’s mind. Lady Phelya had been tired those days. The Maester came to their chambers daily, but Phelya stayed in bed almost all day now. She kept saying to Cyel not to worry, that she’d be better in time. Cyel decided that until her mother regained her strength, she wouldn’t let Phelya see her concern. She wanted to take care of her the way her mother had cared for her all these years.
Cyel had developed the habit of not letting others know what troubled her mind. She wondered if that was something ladies were accustomed to doing. Phelya, before her illness, had never shown her worries about Cyel’s future, but only now did the young girl realize that she had. Even Lady Catelyn, before Bran’s fall, had always been calm and reliable. Perhaps this was what it meant to be a grown woman: to protect those around her from anything that might hurt them. Cyel wondered if her guess was correct.
Cyel felt strange when these heavy thoughts came to her. Not long ago, her main concern had been avoiding scoldings from Septa Mordane, but now her position had changed. Since Lady Catelyn and Antea had left Winterfell, Cyel had become involved in the many concerns the Stark boys were facing. She had helped arrange the castle when the banners came to declare war. But now that Robb had become king, and she had been announced as Bran’s betrothed, the people of Winterfell looked at her differently.
At times, it was overwhelming, but now Bran held Winterfell, and Cyel was becoming a grown woman and a lady. She had to keep doing her best for the people who had always cared for her. Now it was her turn to do good.
These new responsibilities were hard on her, but they were hard on Bran as well. He was growing up very quickly, but he, too, felt overwhelmed. And that shared feeling had brought them even closer than before, in a different way, but comforting nonetheless. Sometimes they felt distant from the other children; they both wished they could be as playful as before, but it didn’t feel the same anymore. But they still spent time with the others, especially for Rickon. The youngest Stark was still a babe; he didn’t need a heavy heart more than he already had.
Because of this, Cyel was not surprised when she went to look for Bran and found him in the godswood.
As Cyel's presence was noticed, the children suddenly stopped. She observed the Freys playing with other children from Winterfell, all covered in mud from head to toe. She knew each of them—Turnip, the cook's son, Bandy and Shyra, Joseth's girls, Palla, the daughter of the kennelmaster, Calon, Cayn's boy, and poor TomToo, whose father had died in King's Landing.
Little Walder was seated on a log, drenched in mud, holding a stick. The other children were lined up in front of him, eagerly waiting.
Bran, however, was sitting under the heart-tree, alone but for Summer, his silver and grey direwolf. Summer sat peacefully at his side, his snout resting on Bran's legs, while the massive black direwolf, Shaggydog, kept his fiery green eyes fixed on Rickon, who was playing nearby.
"My lady," Little Walder greeted her, his usual red face still visible beneath the thick mud. "Are you here to become the lady of my castle?" His smug grin shifted briefly, aimed not at her, but at the others. Cyel, ever polite, offered a courteous smile.
"I'm afraid I'm too tired to play today," she said, "Perhaps another time. But I’d like to sit next to Prince Brandon," she added, her eyes flicking to Bran, who had been glaring at Little Walder but now turned to look at her. "If he'll have me, of course."
Bran's cheeks flushed, and his voice faltered, "Of course, my lady."
"As my lady wishes," Little Walder shrugged dramatically, his smug grin widening, "But I’m sure you’ll support my victory."
Cyel knew he was jesting, but she maintained her polite smile. "I will gladly watch."
With that, Cyel made her way toward Bran, eager to take a seat beside him. But he was not looking at her. His gaze was still fixed on Little Walder.
"He asked for your favor," Cyel observed, frowning at Bran’s expression. Did it bother him?
"To what game, though, I’m still not sure," she added, eyeing Little Walder again. He was sitting there with his stick, as the other children spoke in turn, making some kind of offer.
"It’s called 'The Lord of the Passing,'" Bran said flatly. Cyel couldn't help but smile.
"By the enthusiasm in your voice, I can tell you’re dying to play," she teased. The Freys and their obsession with the Crossing. Cyel hadn't known before meeting them how deeply ingrained their obsession with it was—so much so that they had created games to mimic the power of lords granting passage to others.
"Even if I wanted to, they wouldn’t let me..."
"Are they afraid to lose?" Cyel asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Cyel..." Bran's voice softened, as though she were jesting. But she wasn’t.
"I’m serious," she said, her gaze unwavering. "This is a game of the mind. You may not move like the others, but you can certainly think and speak. You’d make an excellent Lord of the Passing, my prince—perhaps the very best."
Bran blushed again, though he tried to deflect with humor. "Don’t let him hear you," he said, nodding toward Little Walder. "He might not ask for your favor anymore."
Cyel chuckled, placing a dramatic hand on her chest. "Please, say no more, my prince—my heart would be destroyed by it." Bran's quiet laugh made Summer lift his head, golden eyes watching them intently. When the direwolf turned his gaze to Cyel, she reached out to gently caress him behind the ear. "Isn't that right, Summer?"
Summer’s tail wagged happily.
"He likes you," Bran said, his tone thoughtful.
Cyel giggled, still caressing the beast. "Of course he does."
Summer, like his brothers, was not a creature to take lightly. Cyel knew well what direwolves could do. She had seen it before, and the image of that pale man, his throat slashed, still haunted her. But Summer had protected Bran—her, too—and for some reason, Cyel trusted him with a certainty she couldn't explain.
Suddenly, the sound of fast footsteps and laughter drew their attention. Rickon and Shaggydog were approaching.
Shaggydog was a stark contrast to Summer—restless, aggressive, and fiercely protective of Rickon, whom he cared for and defended against even friends. Bran had confided in Cyel that he, too, was wary of the black direwolf.
At that moment, Little Walder knocked Turnip with his stick, sending the poor boy tumbling into the muddy water with a splash. Rickon burst into laughter.
"I want to play!" Rickon said, his eyes wide with excitement.
"My lady," Little Walder boomed, his voice brimming with false pride. "Have you seen my victory?"
Cyel couldn't claim she had, nor did she care, but she answered with practiced courtesy, "A fair fight, my lord."
Little Walder seemed pleased by her words. "An easy win," he said, grinning.
"I’d like to see my prince fight for the matter," Cyel said suddenly, her gaze flicking to Bran. She could feel his eyes on her, questioning. "I assure you, he is not an easy opponent to defeat. It would be a fine sight."
Cyel recalled the days when Bran trained under Ser Rodrik Cassel's watchful eye, learning the ways of combat alongside his brother. Bran had shown promise—he would have made a great knight.
He wanted to be a knight.
"As much as I'd like to, my lady, I don't think this game fits for Bran," Little Walder's impenitent words sparked an angry flare in Cyel's chest.
"Prince Bran," she corrected firmly, her smile fading. The Freys’ arrogance and lack of respect were wearing thin on her, but before the conversation could go further, she felt Bran's hand gently rest on her forearm.
"It’s quite alright, my lady," he said softly, turning to her. Though his expression remained composed, Cyel could see the hurt beneath the surface. Yet, he stood tall, his head high, unbowed. "It’s too easy a game," he added, his blue eyes narrowing at Little Walder.
"Me!" Rickon jumped up and down. "I want to play!"
"Rickon will make a fine opponent," Bran added, leaning back, his eyes still locked on Little Walder, whose face had turned a shade of crimson.
Rickon was quick to get in line, eagerly listening to Palla as she explained the rules. Shaggydog followed Rickon’s every move, and when Rickon told him to sit with Bran and Cyel, the massive black wolf obeyed without hesitation.
Cyel couldn’t tear her eyes away from Bran. She was continually amazed by his strength—how he bore so much pain with such quiet grace. Everyone looked at him differently now, but Cyel still remembered the cruel laughter of Lord Karstark’s men when Bran had crossed the yard on Hodor's back. Yet, Bran had never faltered, his chin held high, never allowing those words to wound him. Cyel knew—those men, or the Freys, did not possess his strength.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Bran asked, his cheeks flushing once more.
"Sometimes I forget how strong you are," she said, her voice soft but heartfelt. Bran seemed taken aback by the sincerity in her words.
"Nobody thinks I’m strong," he muttered, his gaze dropping to his hands. "They don’t even want me to play because of my legs."
"They are wrong," Cyel replied, her voice firm as she reached for his gaze. "And one day, you’ll show them—and yourself—that there’s nothing you cannot do." Bran’s doubt was still there, but the heaviness in his eyes seemed lighter, as if her words had planted a seed of hope.
"How do you know?" he asked, his brow furrowing in a mixture of skepticism and longing.
"I know you," she said with a warm smile. "And until you see it yourself, I’ll be here to remind you that you’re stronger than anyone believes."
Bran’s eyes widened as he took in her words, a flicker of belief igniting within him. But before he could speak, a loud scream pierced the air, causing both of them to turn sharply toward the commotion.
Everything happened in an instant. Cyel barely had time to register that Rickon had fallen, clutching his arm, before a large dark shadow pounced on Little Walder, sinking its teeth into the boy’s arm. The shrill screams filled the yard, and Bran’s voice reached Cyel's ears.
"Summer!" Bran called out, his voice sharp. Summer ran across the yard, teeth bared, but Shaggydog wasn't letting go of his prey. Blood flowed freely from Little Walder’s arm, turning the water beneath him a terrifying shade of crimson.
"Bran, he’s going to rip his arm off!" Cyel gasped, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the scene unfold. The boy’s agonized screams echoed in the yard.
"Rickon, stop him!" Bran shouted, desperately trying to regain control. But Shaggydog only released Little Walder when Rickon finally shouted for him to stop. The Maester and guards rushed toward them, pale and frantic, but Little Walder's cries continued, the blood staining the water beneath him.
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crownedtargaryen · 2 years ago
ahhh yay!!
i would like to request something for modern!bran if that’s okay🙏🏻
i was thinking maybe modern!bran with goth reader?
like just headcanons or an imagine, whatever you’d like
you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to :)
lipstick. modern!bran headcanons
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MASTERLIST pairing: modern!bran x goth!reader (a/n): I'm so sorry this is so short! Being goth has a lot of different types in that aesthetic, so I tried to generalize and keep it as unspecific as I could! (this Bran goes with this headcanon post I did of him) all notes are appreciated. tag list: @thethreeeyed-raven @howyouloveyourdragon @hopelesswritergall @fairysluna @clairacassidy @ad-astra-again @its-actually-minicika
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• Bran loves you so much
• he ADORES when you sit on his lap and you do his makeup
• though, he's SUUUCH a pain to put makeup on
• he's always laughing and moving, trying to lean in and kiss you
• you have to yell at him, giving him a small smack as he cackles
• "what? can I not have a kiss?" he'll feign innocence that'll make you roll your eyes
• black cat and golden retriever
• he loves letting you dress him up in gothic themed clothing, so proud of any and all outfits you give him
• posts pics of you. over dressed gothic partner with the underdressed basic gamer
• he loves to bring you on his streams, the chat LOVVVES you
• he'll do "partner picks my aesthetic" streams with you, just adoring how excited you get in contrast to your darker more standoffish look
• def looks a bit strange seeing you side by side, but he doesn't care. ur his pfp on EVERYTHING and loves the way you present yourself
• def been called a discord mod with his kitten which has plagued your day to day life where he will jokingly call you kitten
• "that's a lot of talk for my discord kitten," he'll tease, knowing how frustrated it makes you.
does NOT shut up about how he wants to do beastboy x raven
def will call you emo for your aesthetic, laughs so hard when you’re get a bit angry with him
“hey! don’t be mad, maybe i like emos.” he’ll coo, just making you huff then kiss him to shut him up
def will let your paint his nails shades of black and grey, wears that shit with pride
LOVES it when you put on dark lipstick and kiss all over his face. he’s done that smudged lipstick tiktok so many times 👀
even though you’re the more intimidating outer shell of the relationship, bro will fight god for you
someone says shit about your aesthetic, calls you emo or says something harsh, he’s ON IT.
only he’s allowed to poke fun at his partner. someone says shit?
lets just say he’s almost killed a few people
forces you to teach him how to use a wax seal
he’ll nag you for hours, and you finally teach him and he’s over the moon
then one day, he’ll show up with a parchment letter that he’s tea stained for you. you honestly don’t believe it at first
bran didn’t SEEM like the type to do this, but gods he DID IT HE WROTE YOU A GOTHIC PARCHMENT LETTER QUILL AND INK AND EVERYTHING??!!
He LIVES to make you smile with gifts like that
constantly bugging you about what new clothes or shoes you want, what jewelry you may like, what antique gothic trinkets you think are beautiful
then within days they’re in ur hands and you just are like “oh.”
HE LOOOVES taking you to museums of antique medieval gothic resorts
he loves to hear you talk about them, grinning at your excitement and passions and how beautiful you look when you talk so much you run out of breath and have to sharply inhale before continuing
after taking you to the museum he’ll take you on a romantic moonlit picnic with only candles he brought and distant street lights illuminating you both
and he’ll softly go
“i love you…” pause. “even though you’re kind of emo.” then break into a cackle and beg you not to get up and leave
• absolutely loves how your black makeup runs down your face when he tails the fuck out of you
• he loves the sight of your hair scattered across the bed as he pins you down, mascara running down your cheeks as you cry in pleasure
• he loves when you have dark lipstick on and kiss all over his body. gladly takes pictures of it and posts it on his private twitter
• usually after sex his face is covered in dark lipstick smudged over his swollen lips and flushed cheeks
• he loves ripping your dark thigh highs apart, immediately delving in your goods with the thin cloth RIPPED APART so easily.
• sometimes gets frustrated because of the layers to your outfits
• he's a switch, loves when you dom him and leave him a begging crying mess with lipstick marks on his thighs and hardened buds on his chest
will never ever stop joking about “you love dark things? let me make some dark ass marks on that pretty little neck.” while he growls and pulls you onto his lap with a cheeky grin
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axelsagewrites · 1 year ago
Love Languages*GoT Boys
Included: Robb, Jon, Theon, Bran, Tormund, Podrick, Obryen
How they like to give and receive love
Word count: 553
Warnings: None
Masterlist here
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Robb: his way of showing love is defiantly acts of service and words of affirmation. He will never stop telling you how much you mean to him and will ride into battle or search the castle for the last piece of cake for you. however, he loves to receive physical touch and words of affirmation back. Holding him in any capacity melts him. holding hands, linking arms, hugs, cuddles, head scratches. They all turn him into a puppy dog.
Jon: his main way of showing is acts of service. Jon can be very insecure at times which holds him back from expressing his love with words and touch at times since he fears rejection. However, these are also the ways he desperately craves love. Specifically, words of affirmation. Anything from small compliments about his sword work or how much you appreciate what he does for you fills his heart with joy.
Theon: physical touch is how he shows love. Whether it be hand holding or wrapping his arm around your waist he always wants to be in constant contact with you. however, I think this boy would melt if you gave him a gift. Whether that be a flower you picked or even a loaf of bread you made for him he would be so happy you thought of him.
Bran: he shows his love through gifts. It ranges from small things like an especially smooth stone he spotted on a walk or a button or broach he’d think would go with your cloak. sometimes he will also steal books from the library he knows you will enjoy. His favourite way to receive it though is quality time. you don’t have to say anything just be there, with him, side by side. He likes when you curl up in bed with him and just read to him, shutting out the rest of the world.
Tormund: he defiantly shows it through words. He is a massive flirt and will constantly tell you how much he adores you and how the way you speak mesmerises him. he also brags about you all the time. his favourite back however is physical touch. Its partly because when you wrap your arm around his or lean into his side everyone can see that you’re his, but he also enjoys sitting in front of you at night as you comb through his hair.
Podrick: he gives love through acts of service. He will run around the castle all day tyring to lighten your workload and dotes on you constantly. His favourite back however is words of affirmation. He loves to be told how much you appreciate him and how good he is. it might make him blush like crazy, but he loves to hear it.
Obreyn: he is the master of love languages. He will tell you constantly how much he loves you and is constantly touching you. he will go to the ends of the earth for you and is constantly giving you little trinkets. However, he absolutely melts when you give him quality time. your undivided dedicated attention is something he craves. He will lay with his head on your lap all day talking about anything and everything if you let him.
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Robb Stark Taglist: @kimm4710
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hopelesswritergall · 2 years ago
Not sure your opinions on Bran Stark, but maybe him falling in love with the reader while they’re assorted into an arranged marriage? He grows jealous and decides he needs to keep you in Winterfell with him, so he does everything he can to make you his despite your oath of marriage to maybe a Lannister?
Or just any Bran Stark x Reader content, I love that man so much 🤭🤭
Yesss darling!! Baby I think I made it GN but if you catched a gender thingy let me know!
Summary: Bran didn’t like Y/N at first, so when their parents announced they were to be betrothed he refused. That hurts. But then Tommen came and he disliked that even more. He would show you that he is better than that bastard.
A/N: I do not follow the original storyline cause yeah no. We don’t do that here on this blog. Also fuck their winters and shit. In this story it’s just all 4 seasons in 1 year. And your house is Greenfield a (non-existing) house which is south of Winterfell and often associated with the Vale and shit.
It’s sort of very long headcanons :)
Tag list: @crownedtargaryen
Let me know if you want to be added babes
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It was the summer of Bran’s thirteenth birthday, when they got the news. The Greenfield’s were coming to visit and they were bringing their child Y/N Greenfield. They were often talked about, how they would grow up to become one of the prettiest people alive. Bran couldn't care less. He just wanted to learn archery and not much more.
When the Greenfields arrived his whole family was running around making sure that everything looks perfect. "Robb, can we train this afternoon?" "Bran, we do not have the time for training, we need to prepare. Do something useful and go help father or something.” Stupid Greenfields, now they’ve ruined his weekly training session with Robb, what else are they going to ruin? On his way to his father he ran into his mother Catelyn. “Bran! What are you still doing in these clothes?! Go and put on sometching more formal! Don’t just stand here, GO!” His mother looked very nervous and it almost seemed like this visit would determine their fate as a house.
Deciding not to push the buttons of his mother even more he complied, and asked a servant to bring him some formal clothes. (You didn’t think he would do that himself now did you??). Once it was on his bed he begrudgingly put it on, already feeling as if he doesn’t really like the Greenfields one bit.
He begrudgingly went downstairs to meet with his parents. His parents, Robb, Sansa, Rickon,his adopted brother Jon and hell even Arya were dressed up. They all wore their best clothes for the visit
They all waited for the carriage to enter the gates of Winterfell and they didn’t have to wait long. A few minutes after everything gathered a carriage came into view. It was decorated with beautiful green ornaments and golden leaves on the sides.
Your father, mother and your 2 older brothers left the carriage before you and as last but definitely not least you.
“My lord stark, may I present to you. My eldest : Tobas, my second eldest: Darron. And my youngest : Y/N.” Your father spoke
“It’s a pleasure to meet you guys, really! Come on in! Let the kids get to know each other, they’ll be spending lots of time together in the future so…..” Ned spoke the last part quietly not wanting to reveal anything yet.
You stood there swaying on your feet until you spotted Bran, he looked around your age so you approached him, wanting to seem nice.
“Hi! My name is,” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he walked away. “Y/N.” You were confused as to why he suddenly walked away. You were only trying to be nice.
“Don’t pay him any attention Y/N, my name is Sansa! Come, you can sit next to me at dinner.” She joined your guy’s arms and walked with you to where you would be staying at.
Ned and your father had made plans to unite your houses when you were born. Tobas and Darron were too old to be wedded to either Sansa or god forbid Arya. But you, you were the perfect age and being born only a few months after Bran? It was a miracle.
At the dinner the announcement was made and my god was it an experience
“Ned, thank you so much for hosting this amazing dinner for us. We couldn’t be more honoured and I believe that as a host you should be the one to announce it.”
“Thank you Duncas,” Ned cleared his throat before he said the words that ruined it all for Bran. “The Starks and Greenfields will be united through a marriage. Bran and Y/N are destined to be wedded as soon as Y/N turns eighteen. Until then they will spend much time together. Let’s all celebrate this alliance!”
Bran felt like he was going to puke. He didn’t want to marry anyone and why them?! They weren’t special or anything, so he sulked and pouted the entirety of the dinner.
You on the other hand already had a feeling when your father announced that you would be visiting Winterfell. You knew that it would be good for your family and Winterfell would be an important ally. Besides Bran wasn’t that bad looking. Wink wink
“Do you hear this Y/N?! We’ll be sisters!” It seemed like Sansa was more excited than your future husband. This was off to a great start.
Over the span of the following 5 years, Bran would be 18 and you would turn 18 later that year, you were forced to spend a lot of time together. Sansa had already accepted you as her sister and you really liked her. Bran on the other hand…..
He was a CUNT. Always ignoring you, making snide remarks about your looks or manners. “No Y/N, I don’t know how you do it down south but we don’t do that here in the North.” He would always make you feel insecure, like you didn’t belong there.
Bran wasn’t the best with women and he didn’t despise you contrary what you might believe. He just didn’t really express him self that good. Alright, he was just shit at communicating and thought it would be better to just make you stay away. :)
You practically lived in Winterfell and the Starks would be receiving some royal visitors. The Queen and her son Tommen would come to visit Winterfell. You were very excited because you never met them before and heard great stories about the future king.
“Sansa! Imagine that the prince would like one of us? Then we’d become the next queen! Isn’t that just a dream?” That is what Bran overheard when he was walking around the place.
“Do you think he could end your betrothal to my brother? If he does, promise me you will remember me!” “Sansa, I will never ever forget you!”
Next day at dinner he decided to do a teeny tiny bit of questioning, did you really like the prince? Were you so desperate to get away from him?
“So Y/N, excited for the visit of the prince?” He gave you a sweet angelic look
“Yeah! I’ve heard great stories about him. Did you hear that he is great at archery and sword fighting?! Like that’s so cool!”
Bran scoffed a bit and replied snarkier than he intended “Pff well I am good with bow and arrow as well you know?”
The day of the visit
You were practically running around, trying to look your absolute best for the prince. You were very intrigued by all the stories you heard the people tell.
“Children, please come to the courtyard, they are arriving!” You could hear Ned’s voice coming from downstairs. With a last glance at the mirror, and deciding you looked amazing as usual you went downstairs.
You took your spot next to your husband to be, who looked extremely happy to see you as he always does haha not. “Good morning Bran! Excited for the visit?” You almost shined with excitement. “Cant wait.” Bran first wanted to cancel the betrothal by making you and the prince a thing. But now as he heard you speak about the prince already without ever seeing him, and now seeing you radiating with energy he started to doubt his intentions.
Could it be possible that he didn’t want to lose you?
Well no time to think about it, Tommen is leaving the carriage and approaching him and you.
“Hello Bran, very nice to see you again. But who is this beautiful person next to you? Excuse me, but I never had the pleasure to mee you I think.” Tommen extended his hand which you gladly accepted, and he planted a gentle kiss on top of your hand.
“Your grace, my name is Y/N of the house Greenfield.” You were delighted that the prince even spoke to you.
“Ah the youngest of the Greenfields, I’ve heard stories about how you are considered one of the prettiest people alive. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Alright Bran was getting more annoyed by the second now, so the little devil he is decided to meddle a bit.
“I’m so lucky to have Y/N as my betrothed,” Bran wrapped his hands around you which took you by surprise. “I really have to thank my father for that.”
“Ah so you are the man lucky enough to be the betrothed of the prettiest person? Well consider yourself lucky Bran, I know a lot of people who would think not twice before offering their hand.”
“Yeah….. Very lucky indeed.” With that the Prince left to enter the castle and settle into a room.
“Alright what the fuck was that Bran?” you hissed at him.
“Whaaattttt? Can’t I appreciate my future wife?” He replied as if he had done nothing wrong.
“Well you didn’t do anything of the sorts the past 5 years so it’s a bit suspicious don’t you think?!”
You tried to walk away but he grabbed your hand and pulled you back in. “I meant what I said just now. Thought you should know.”
With that the future lord of Winterfell left you there standing alone in the middle of the courtyard. Very confused and stunned
You never truly disliked Bran but it seemed he did for a while. So where was this coming from?
“Y/N can you help me with my hair?” That was Sansa shouting at you from the window.
“I’m coming!”
The dinner disaster
What is it with people and placing people where they do not want to be?
On the head of the table was Ned, on his left side were Cathelyn, Arya, Sansa and Robb. On the other head was Cersei. To Ned’s right were Bran, you and then Tommen.
You were placed directly between them, how awkward.
“So Y/N, what do you enjoy doing these days here in Winterfell? I can imagine that it is very different than in the Vale.” The queen spoke to you. Oh my god she acknowledged you.
“Well you highness, even though it is indeed very different from the Vale I don’t think it are bad differences. The main one I had to adapt to is that it’s a bit colder. But as to what I enjoy doing, I really like to ride my horse in the woods. I enjoy reading in our library and recently I have followed some lessons alongside Sansa and Arya in stitching. Although I don’t know if that’s my thing or if it’s too “girly” for me.”
Next to speak was Tommen. “Reading and horseback riding? So many talents in one person, I imagine that the Gods decided to not divide it evenly and that someone missed out.” He said while clearly looking at Bran with the last statement.
Bran deciding to try to ignore Tommen as much as possible spoke to you in such a kind voice you thought he was a different person. “Y/N, what did you read as last again? I remember being very intrigued by it and I would like to read it as well.”
“Oh well, it was something called The history of the Throne. It was very interesting, the stories went back to almost the beginning of the Targaryen dynasty. It also described the dance of the dragons and all that drama in great detail!” You replied back sweetly, but speaking to Bran caused you to turn your back to Tommen which he didn’t really appreciate so he spoke again.
“Aha speaking about the dance of the dragons, do you like them? And who do you think was the rightful heir to the throne?”
So you turned around again now facing Tommen. “Do I like dragons? Who in their right mind doesn’t? The rightful heir, that a very difficult question. I fully understand Rhaenyra, buuuuutt I also understand where Alicent came from. She just thought that Viserys meant their son Aegon and from that point it all became very very confusing.” Tommen was smiling at the attention, Bran however was not.
Before he had the chance to speak the Queen spoke up and you were relieved to hear someone else speak for a while. You weren’t really listening so you were surprised when you heard your name being called by her. “Y/N, darling did you hear me?” “Sorry my Queen I was a bit distracted, could you repeat it for me please?” “I asked you if you like it here in Winterfell and if you look forward to your marriage with Bran?”
Bran grew anxious, if you said no he would be fucked and lose the person he loved.The queen would probably suggest you coming along with her and then marry the prince. Wait hold on did he just think that he loves you? Nono that must be a mistake right? I don’t love Y/N, or do I?
You noticed Bran spacing out and gently placed your hand on top of his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. This seemed to bring him back and he looked a bit surprised at you.
“My queen I can assure you that I’m really enjoying Winterfell and I coudnt be more excited for the wedding.” This seemed to shock almost everyone at the table, including Ned and Catelyn. Who tried on numerous occasions to change their sons mind.
“That’s good to hear. Tommen my dear, is everything okay? You look a bit pale.” All of your eyes went over to Tommen who indeed looked paler than normal, probably hoping you weren’t happy. You knew how Tommen must feel and pitied him a bit, so you leaned in close to him and whispered “I know a woman who would be lucky to meet you my prince, she is prettier than I am. Her name is Margaery Tyrell.”
Tommen instantly felt a lot better and couldn’t wait to leave Winterfell all of a sudden.
You and Bran? You guys got married the week after you turned 18, he is your little grumpy man.
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lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom · 10 months ago
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You're Different
Synopsis: Ever since Crosshair made a snide comment about leaving a team member to die, you've had a lingering thought. Even though you knew he loved you, doubts rose.
Okay Again
Synopsis: After spending months on Pabu recouping from the empire, Shep gets under your skin. You blow up at the unfair treatment, and Crosshair helps you calm down.
Synopsis: You reminisce on the first time Crosshair fought against you and his brothers. He thought you'd never forgive him, but he is surprised when you reunite.
Dog Days
Synopsis: You met Crosshair while he was taking Batcher for a walk. Passing your house quickly became a daily task you all looked forward to. Is it wrong to say you caught feelings for him? And was Crosshair really jealous of the attention you gave Batcher?
CX-2 (Clone Assassin)
Does the End Justify the Means?
Synopsis: CX-2 never planned on forming a relationship, but once he did he had to protect it. Even if it meant killing hundreds to keep you away from Hemlock. MENTIONS OF BURNS AND TORTURE!!
Confessions on the Marauder
Synopsis: You and Echo finally have a moment alone on the Marauder. Of course the pressure gets to one of you, and confesses.
Worst Case Scenario
Synopsis: After an ambush from the Empire, you, Echo, and Omega must escape by yourselves. Hunter and Wrecker sacrifice themselves to let you three live. Based on Season 2, Ep. 16
One Day
Synopsis: Echo is, understandably, not taking Techs death well. Comfort ensues!
Knight in Rusty Armour
Synopsis: After a bad run-in at a market, Hunter has to save you and Omega. You can't help but feel like a failure for not being able to protect Omega by yourself...
Marry Me?
Synopsis: After an insufferable separation from you, Hunter realizes his true feelings. That he never wants to be apart from you- that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Wedding Planning
Synopsis: Now that Hunter has popped the question, you and Omega start planning the wedding! Little do you know, Hunter overhears and falls a little more in love. Part 2 to 'Marry Me?'
Something Just Like This
Synopsis: After getting your happy ending, you spend some needed down time with Hunter. Oh, and your two kids! This is a part 3 to 'Marry Me?' (Could be read by itself)
I Will Protect You
Synopsis: As a defective Jedi you are reassigned to The Bad Batch. How can you resist Hunter? Especially when he confesses after seeing how good you are with Omega.
Calming Waves
Synopsis: After finding out Omega has been taken for the third time, you and Hunter must comfort each other. Set at the end of s.3 ep.11
Moment of Peace
Synopsis: Hunter relaxes after a hard work day on Pabu, only to be interrupted by Gonky and reader. Fluff ensues!
Absurd Thoughts
Synopsis: During a regrettable moment of insecurity, you think Tech considers going off with Phee. Assurance pursues, Tech only wants you.
Familiar Faces
Synopsis: Tech's death was not a reality you were ready for, you relied so much on his love. After months of grief, you find he might not actually be dead.
Synopsis: You and Tech have a moment alone on The Marauder. What better way to spend it than reading! Accompanied by Tech on his datapad, of course.
By Your Side
Synopsis: During an escape from the Empire, you break your arm. Tech is quick to be at your side, fixing you up. At the intensity of the situation, feelings are revealed. Warning for descriptions of broken bones!
Falling Swiftly
Synopsis: Being a friend of Phee's, you meet The Bad Batch. Tech catches your eye, and you eventually get to live out your dream with him on Pabu.
Synopsis: Wrecker always goes to reader for help with his constant headaches. Based on S 1, Ep 5-7 when Wreckers inhibitor chip was giving him bad headaches!
Back Home
Synopsis: After searching for months, Wrecker is finally reunited with you. You couldn't be happier.
Bundle of Joy
Synopsis: Wrecker is scared he might hurt your newborn baby. You reassure him he won't, and that he is a good father. Warning for descriptions of birth!
Synopsis: Wreckers sees your performance as an acrobat and immediately falls in love!
Clone Force 99 (platonic)
Winning Approval
Synopsis: You felt as if you were living a purpose-less life, so when Hunter asks you to join his crew, you say yes! Not everyone on the force is as happy though... Takes place during and after Season 1, Ep. 2.
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Brandon Stark
Following You to the Ends of the Earth
Synopsis: Your time with Bran, Meera, and Hodor in the Three-Eyed Raven's cave. Unsaid feelings become said.
Part Two.
Perfect Queen?
Synopsis: As the new queen and lady of Winterfell, you feel out of place. Thankfully, Bran reassures you of your position and loves you for who you are- not who you are trying to be.
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'Fake' Feelings
Synopsis: In a pinch, you have to pretend to be in a relationship with Zuko. Little do you know it was never pretend for Zuko. Synopsis: In a pinch, you have to pretend to be in a relationship with Zuko. Little do you know it was never pretend for Zuko.
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Kang Dae-Ho
Synopsis: Dae-ho wakes up from a nightmare, with you being the only one by his side to calm him down.
At Least We Have Eachother
Synopsis: Dae-ho and you both join the squid games for the benefit of the other. Neither of you know about it, until you find each other after the first game.
Anything is Possible?
You are number 230's, rapper Choi Su-bong, sister. Just because you are on 'Thanos Team', does that mean you can Dae-Ho cant get together? Will you survive long enough?
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CREDITS: @thethreeeyed-raven
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r-rizzo · 2 years ago
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𖥔  ︎︎ ︎ ︎︎ ࣪ ׅ   ︎︎ ︎︎︎︎︎holly. 20s. s!her. sagittarius. elizabeth olsen's wife. basketball lover.
in this blog you can find/request about outer banks, game of thrones, house of the dragon, marvel, the vampire diaries, the originals, f1 drivers, dilfs and avatar. i accept nsfw orders only if the characters are of legal age.
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masterlist. repost account. playlist. pinterest. request/blog rules. about me.
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lovebaela · 11 months ago
Chapter 3: Beginning of War
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Pairing: °❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・
CW: fem!oc, mostly fluff, and mentions of murder.꙳·❅°*˖
Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
(a/n) helloooo, sooo I recently decided to make a Wattpad account and I’ll also be posting the story on there hehe. So if you don’t like all of the cutesy symbols and the aesthetic on here, you can also read the story on Wattpad without all that stuff :) also I’m making minor changes to the previous chapters so uhhh don’t mind me lol
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One night, Rhaella and Lady Stark were with Bran, by his side. It's been a month since she woke up.
Now, they had to wait for Bran's turn to awaken.
He's not dead, I know it, she always told herself.
Rhaella read aloud a book about the history of Winterfell as Lady Stark was making a protective craft. She said that only a mother could make one.
Robb decided to stay to look after his mother. She never once left Bran's side. To the point where Rickon was following Robb around. Robb walked in complaining about it, until he noticed something wrong outside.
"Is there something wrong?" Rhaella asked.
"Both of you stay in here," he said. He quickly ran out of the chamber, leaving them confused. They both rose up from their chairs to look out the window. There was a lot of commotion going on out there. The door opened, making them turn around swiftly. A man they've never seen before.
"You're not supposed to be here," the man said.
"None of you are supposed to be here." They both looked at each other wondering what he meant.
He turned to Bran, "it's mercy for him, really." He drew out his dagger.
"NO!" They both yelled.
Lady Stark ran to the man, preventing him from getting any closer to her son as Rhaella jumped on the bed, throwing herself on Bran. She grabbed the blade, squeezing it so hard that her hands were bleeding.
Rhaella, not knowing what to do, could only think to herself. She didn't know what came over her to use herself as a shield. In truth, they haven't known each other for that long, but he was the closest thing to family, they all were. No, this won't be the day he dies. It can't be. I won't let him, even if it kills me! That led herself to ask the question, would he have done the same for me?
The man threw her off of him and made his way to the bed.
"No!" Rhaella shouted. "Leave us alone!"
Before the man could stab her, Bran's dire wolf bolted in the room, quickly biting at the man's hand. They watched in awe and horror as the wolf dug its teeth into his neck, killing him instantly.
"Thank you," Rhaella whispered to the wolf. He let out a little whine and laid down. At that moment, they knew Bran would be protected, especially now that Summer was huge.
The next day, Rhaella showed Lady Stark where they both fell. They entered inside and went to the top floor. There wasn't really anything in the room. Just a lot of moss, vines, and leaves growing in there. "I found something," Lady Stark said. She showed Rhaella a long strand of golden, blonde hair. Rhaella gasped, remembering the day the king arrived and the feast. The Queen. Her hair was that color. But why would she be in here? And who was she with? "We have to tell Robb," Rhaella said.
They called for a meeting with Robb, Theon, Maester Luwin, and Ser Rodrick in the godswood.
"Pushed?" Robb asked them. "Are you certain?"
"Bran never falls." Theon added.
"We found a strand of blonde hair in that tower," Lady Stark said. "Bran must of saw something he wasn't supposed to see."
"Which led him to get pushed." Luwin said, putting the pieces together.
"What should we do my lady?" Ser Rodrick asked.
"I'll ride to king's landing," she replied. "It had to have been the Lannisters. I must tell Ned."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" The maester asked her. She gave a nod.
"They think they can just hurt the people I love and get away with it?" Robb asked. "And then send an assassin? They will pay for this."
That made Rhaella blush. He loves me!
Lady Stark turned to Rhaella, "I need you to stay by Bran's side. To watch over him while I'm gone.
He's lucky to have a friend like you. I know this is scary, but I need you to stay strong for me." She gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Yes, my lady," Rhaella said determinedly. "I will."
After she left Winterfell with Ser Rodrick, Rhaella did exactly what she asked her to do. She never left Bran's side. She was very concerned for Bran's health. Since he was in a coma, he couldn't eat properly, only honey and water. His body was growing more frail by the day. Nearly becoming just bones and skin. Rhaella prayed every single day for Bran to wake up, hoping one day any gods out there would hear her.
After feeding Bran one night, Maester Luwin said there was a gift for Rhaella. It was a fancy looking chest.
"It says it's from Majester Illyrio from Pentos," he told her. "Also, Lord Stark sent the both of you gifts." He placed Bran's gift at the side of his bed.
From what she could tell, it looked like a sword wrapped up. Then he gave her gift, it was small and wrapped up. She unwrapped it and smiled. It was a doll.
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The doll was quite creepy, but she cherished the thoughtful gift anyway.
After Luwin left the room, she opened the chest.
She let out a small gasp, inspecting the gift. It was a dragon egg! Next to it was a letter, from Daenerys!
Dear Rhaella,
I hope you are doing well my sister. I'm afraid I have some news. I was married off in trade for a Dothraki army. His name is Khal Drogo, and he looks big and scary. We are about to leave with the Khalaasar. I didn't want to marry him, or anyone. I just want to go home. To finally see you! Sometimes when I get scared...I say that I am the blood of the dragon. Dragon's are fearless and brave which is what I should be. You are the only person in this world that brings me happiness. I hope you enjoy the gift I sent you.
Love, Daenerys.
Poor Daenerys, I guess we both have to be brave right now. More than ever.
"Look Bran, I have a dragon egg! Too bad Arya isn't here to see it." Rhaella told him. She liked talking to Bran while he slept. Deep down, it felt like he could hear her. "Bran, please wake up," she whispered, holding his motionless hand. "I need you."
A few tears fell from her eyes onto the furs of the bed. She hesitated at first, but then gave him a peck on the cheek before leaving. She reached for the door knob until she heard a groan. Startled, she turned back to the bed.
"Rhaella?" He asked weakly.
"Bran!" She shouted. She jumped onto the bed and gave him a big hug, "You're awake, finally awake!"
Rhaella told the others about the great news. She could tell Robb wanted to cry, but knowing him, he didn't, at least not in front of her. Rickon, of course, did.
"You shouldn't try walking," Maester Luwin told him. "At least, not yet. Your body is extremely weak and thin because of the coma. If you slept longer, you likely would have been dead."
"If Bran needs to go somewhere, what will he do?" Rhaella asked the Maester. "We will have Hodor carry him," he replied.
"I had a strange dream," Bran said, as he was eating some pigeon pie. "I was falling. Falling the whole time, without hitting the ground. There was a raven there too. It had three eyes. It told me 'fly or die.'"
"Don't think about it too much, it was only a dream child," Luwin said.
Rhaella wanted to tell them about her strange dream, but maybe the Maester was right. Perhaps it was only a dream.
— DAENERYS ೃ࿔*:・
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"I hit him," Daenerys said, panicking. "I hit the dragon."
Dany couldn't take Viserys' tantrums anymore. He hurt one of her handmaidens, Doreah, because she told him Dany wanted him to come to supper. He took it as a command. He tried to strike Dany down, but something woke inside of her and she fought back.
"Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon," Ser Jorah Mormont explained. He had met Dany during her wedding, where he swore his loyalty to House Targaryen. "Viserys is less than a shadow of a snake."
"He is still the true king," She reminded him.
"The Magister told the three of us that the common people were praying for his return."
"Three?" The man asked.
"Forgive me," she said. "It wasn't just me and my brother living with Illyrio, our cousin was there with us. My sister, Rhaella."
"I believe I never heard of her." Jorah admitted.
"She was good," Daenerys said with a smile. "A good, sweet, intelligent, and beautiful girl. She was the only thing that I cared about in this world." Her smile faded away, "and he sold her away from me."
"Where is she now?"
"In Winterfell, with the Starks. The people that betrayed my family."
"Forgive me Khalessi, but the Starks are an honorable house. Trust me when I say this, she is in good hands."
"I will get her back one day, I swear it." Daenerys said. "I pray everyday that she is okay, what do you pray for Ser Jorah?"
"So do I," she said. I hope she received her gift and the letter.
— RHAELLA ೃ࿔*:・
Rhaella and Bran listened to Old Nan tell her crazy stories. A lot of them were quite strange and boring most of the time. Bran stroked the fur of his dire wolf. He decided to name him Summer. Summer grew so big that soon they would be able to ride on his back. What Rhaella loved about Summer was his beautiful features. He had fire-like brown eyes and fur on his back.
Bran's eleventh name day came and went quickly, but the boy was too depressed to celebrate. He said he'd rather die than be crippled for life, which broke Rhaella's heart. Soon after her eleventh name day passed, but all she requested for was lemon cakes to eat while by Bran's bedside.
Both of them could hear the shouts and screams of Rickon playing with Shaggydog and Greywind outside. "I want to be out there," Bran mumbled. His eyes stung. She could see in his eyes he wanted to cry.
"Would you like to hear a story about a knight?" Old Nan asked as she sowed. "Ser Duncan the Tall perhaps?"
"I don't want to listen to that," Bran said, his voice petulant. The topic of knights seemed to bother him. Rhaella didn't blame his bitterness. The one thing he ever wanted was taken away from him. "Yeah, you already told Ser Duncan's stories many times," Rhaella sighed.
She loved the adventures of Dunc and Egg, but she heard the story so many times, she thought she would pull her hair out.
"It's the scary ones I like." Bran said lowly.
"Oh, my sweet summer child," Old Nan said quietly, "what do you know of fear? Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods."
The children were deeply invested in the story. It was something Rhaella never heard about before, true or not, it intrigued her.
They continued to listen until Theon opened the door, making them snap out of the trance and jump.
"I don't wish to see anyone!" Bran said, coldly.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice," Theon said.
"Lord Tyrion wants to see you. Hodor!" The tall giant waltzed in the room, "Hodor?"
"Take Bran to the Great Hall," he commanded.
Hodor did as he said, picking Bran up and left the room. Theon and Rhaella followed behind.
"What does he want from Bran?" She asked the Greyjoy. "I'm not sure, he wanted to see you too."
Once we walked in, she could hear Lord Tyrion say, "so it's true . . ."
Hodor stood before Tyrion with Bran in his arms.
"Hello Bran," he said to the child. He turned his attention to Rhaella, "and hello to you too, Rhaella. Do either of you remember what happened?"
"They barely have any memory of what happened before the accident," Luwin answered for them as he sat at the main table with Robb. With Lord Stark gone, Robb had to take on the role as Lord of Winterfell.
"That's unfortunate," the Lannister said.
"Why are you here?" Robb asked.
"Would you be as kind to ask your charming companion to neil? I'm afraid my neck is starting to hurt," Tyrion asked Bran. He was different from his siblings. He was an "imp" Arya said. He was as tall as Rhaella, and can't grow anymore than that. Hodor obeyed Bran's request to neil.
"Do the both of you like to ride?" He asked them.
Both of the children answered yes. Bran added,
"well, I did like to." Luwin wasn't sure if Bran could ever walk again, but he said they still needed to give Bran more time to heal.
"Lucky for you, I have brought the finest horses for you and blueprints of a special saddle that can even let cripples ride," he told him. "I'm not a cripple." Bran said. "I'm not sure yet."
"Well in case you are, the saddle will still work perfectly for you." Tyrion gave Bran the blueprints of the saddle. It made Rhaella feel warm inside to see Bran's eyes light up as he looked at the paper.
"And for you," Tyrion said, turning to her. " have something else as well. I'm afraid it's not blueprints, but I assure you that you will love it."
Rhaella's eyes brightened up as Tyrion opened a small case. Inside of it was a beautiful golden ring with the Targaryen sigil on it. "I found this where we have the Targaryen artifacts kept. I thought you should have it," he explained. "It is believed to be one of the many jewelry that Daemon Targaryen gave his niece, Rhaenerya."
"Wow," Rhaella exclaimed. "Thank you . . ."
"Is this some kind of trick?" Robb asked, confused and defensive.
"I have a special place in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things," Tyrion replied, smiling at the children. They both gave a smile back.
"You have done them a kindness," Robb said.
"Winterfell is welcomed to you."
"No need for the false loyalties, Stark," Tyrion said. "For I will be leaving shortly."
Before he could ride off, Rhaella ran outside to the courtyard. He noticed her approaching him, "ah, it's you again. I had the both of your horses placed in the stables. May the gods bless the both of you."
"I . . .I thought your family hated me," Rhaella admitted. "You are a kind person, I thank you again."
Tyrion smiled, "I am not like my family, unlike them, I have a heart. Take this as advice, young girl. As someone who is not only Targaryen, but a foreigner as well, you will face hardships. Take what makes you different, and be proud of it. That way, no one can bring you down."
Rhaella nodded and watched as he rode off with his men. She went over to the stables to see the horses. Her horse had a beautiful white coat with wavy mane so light, it almost looks white instead of blonde. Bran's horse was a beautiful jet black color with black mane. They complimented each other beautifully, like the stars and the night sky.
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Bran spent the rest of the morning getting sigil lessons with Maester Luwin. Rhaella practiced her archery with Theon Greyjoy while she waited for the lessons to be over. Lord Tyrion’s gift lifted Bran’s spirits, but only ever so slightly. He was always a cheerful boy, a sweet Summer child. Now, he was as cold as winter.
Afterwards, Rhaella and Bran spent the afternoon sitting in the godswood under the weirwood tree. He laid on the ground, resting his head on Rhaella's thigh as she read the history book. "Arya would be furious if she found out we finished the Dance of the Dragons," Rhae chuckled.
"Maybe she should have stayed with us." Bran said, bitterly.
She continued to read, "when Rhaenerya's last alive son was crowned king, the small folk came up with many names. Aegon the Unlucky, Aegon the Unhappy, or Dragonbane. Grand Maester Munkun called him the Broken King."
"Aegon the Broken," Bran said. He sighed. "Bran the Broken."
Rhaella slammed the book shut. "You are not broken, Bran!"
"What do you call a boy who can barely walk properly anymore? Broken, that's what." He said coldly. "Now, I can't even be a knight at all! That's all I ever wanted . . ."
"Well, then," Rhaella said, standing back up. "I guess I'll just have to help you walk better again!"
"What do you mean?" He asked cocking his head.
"How about this, everyday, we come here and practice your walking," she said. "Maester Luwin did say you can walk, just not as much as you used to."
"You'd really help me?" He asked. She was shocked he would even ask that.
"Of course!" She said taking his hand to help him up. "Not only are you my betrothed, you are my dearest friend. All I could ever want is for you to be happy." She wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "I'd also like for my egg to hatch, so one day we can fly on dragon back and eat nothing but desserts!"
"I'm glad that we met." He smiled. She smiled back at the Stark boy, "so am I."
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Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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thethreeeyed-raven · 2 years ago
not sure if you still take got reqs but id LOVE to see more bran x secret gf/bf nsfw headcanons- the risk of the entire kingdom hearing and someone catching you guys, meanwhile he just keeps at it AJDJFGHEG😫
bran stark secret gf/bf headcanons pt2
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navigation | warnings : not much nsfw sorry😭 | a/n : i’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted lmao | bran stark playlist | tags : @knight-of-flowerss @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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in meetings with the council, he would try to avoid eye contact with you but he just can't help but sneak a little glance
at first no one noticed your escapades, but they were soon starting to get suspicious
once Brienne came up to you with Podrick trailing behind her (Bran had let him have the day off) and asked you if you and Bran had something going on
how you managed to keep your cool was astonishing
sometimes you'd both skip meetings and have some fun in his chambers
that was when EVERYONE figured it out
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You had known the Starks since you were a child. Of course, you didn't have favourites, but your time was well spent around their first girl, Sansa.
You both held a soft spot for each other. Okay, you did have favouites.
But another Stark held a more special place in your heart.
Unfortunately you were not allowed to follow Sansa to Kingslanding all those years ago, and you couldn't stop Robb from leaving Winterfell.
Since then, there were only four Starks left. And for all that time, you've been with Bran.
You've always had feelings for Bran, but they were only ever shown when you two were alone.
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Once again, you and Bran had skipped an important meeting just to spend time with each other.
"We can't keep skipping these meetings Bran, Brienne keeps asking more questions and Tyrion keeps getting more annoyed by the da-"
Bran cut you off with a peck on the lips. "Tyrion isn't the King."
"He may as well be if you keep this up." Sighing, you sat yourself up and placed your hand on his cheek. "The kingdom is more important than me, you need to put them first."
Bran lifted himself and rested against the bed frame. "But my Queen is important to me also. It not only this Kingdom I hold in my hands, but you and the rest of the world too."
"I don't want to the people to riot if they hear you are with me, you and Tyrion cannot control everyone."
"I will if I have to, because I would do anything for you." He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it, then placed your palm above his heart.
You were truly his Queen.
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theredquill · 1 year ago
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fic: i will never die — bloodraven has his ghosts and now bran has his. Heistia Umber, no trace of blood but her hair, like she was trying to dye it red, her white shift, like losing the sight of her in the snow . Jojen Reed, with his terrifying green eyes and haunting dreams. They would haunt him now, all he had to do was wait.
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