#you cant search for the shop
hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
you say you have a zhongli xxxholic au? 😳😳😳 can u link it i.cant seem to find it im so interested...
It's about this post i rbed earlier!!!
It's mostly about a series of books found in game! Heart's Desire! Here's the link of the wiki
It's a popular theory that Zhongli is the shopkeeper of this mysterious antique shop, just because her descriptions fit rex incognito's (another book series ingame! Highly reccomend it, it's about rex lapis in the human world) and zhongli in general, dark long hair and ambar eyes. Here's the thing tho! It is said that an adeptus can change their body but never their eyes, that's why it's important.
Although we cannot prove the veracity of the contents of the book just bc it's meant to be fiction.... I think?
But still!!!!!!! It's rly fun to think about it, everytime i read it i think it's zhongli. It's true than in the last rite he said that the descriptions of rex lapis in rex incognito aren't accurate because a god would never want to stand out if they want to walk arround the humans BUT!!! WHAT ZHONGLI DOESN'T KNOW IS THAT he's a total eye candy, i would put that in the zhongli is a bit dense category rather than a theory breaking point, since he doesn't deny that he liked to interact with humans
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(Zhongli's Character story 3)
And what really makes the click with this theory (or au? I dont know!!) Is the second volume of Heart's Desire, it's titled Glaze ( you know)
It starts like this
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This are all objects of the shop, all referencing rex lapis, lanterns for the lantern rite, the fang could be from Chi, aerosiderite which is the material of Zhongli's meteor, a dull geometric object which would be Guizhong's dumbbell and Havria's tears
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Then we have a literal reference to the shopkeeper's eyes!!! And they are like Cor Lapis, zhonglicore right there!!!
And after skipping the story a little bit we have this at the end of the volume
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I really think the shopkeeper is talking to Guizhong's heart, Guizhong loved humanity and Zhongli likes trips, doesn't it fit??????? (Shakes you) I really reccomend reading the whole story since it also has a bit of lore of some mondstadt characters that have artifacts and other stories (I'm really interested in the blue eyed spear witch since i think it rly sounds like signora, I have another theory that Rosalyne has a rebirth cycle)
I think that's mostly it!! They are two of my favourite books! I love Zhongli a whole bunch!
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lesdemonium · 13 hours
the most frustrating thing about neurodivergence is that i work really hard to combat it, right? i set up systems and i set myself up for success by being proactive and taking the human element (me) out of it as much as possible. i do meal planning for the month and grocery pickups and scheduled laundry days and autopay to make my life function. not even easier, just functioning! but it's other systems that fuck me up.
my health insurance updated their autopay website to be "better" (it does the same damn things) and now my payment is late because they messed up moving accounts over so now i have to drop what i'm doing to sign up for my third account with them and set up my autopay again and i just. i don't have the energy for this. it's such a small thing but it's always the small things that tip me over. and this not getting done has real consequences for me but them messing with my systems over and over and making me jump through hoops has no consequences for them.
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fugglecases · 1 year
forever baffled by womens clothing design choices 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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sunlessublime · 2 years
i <3 ebay, i'm an ebay girl forever
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rubywithecat · 2 months
Tokyo revengers boys when you ignore them after one night stand (pt.1)
-he almost doesnt recognize you
-when he senses the familiar scent when you passed through him, he couldnt help but turned his head
-"Hey wait" he called out. "do i know you?"
-U frozed. "I dont know you..." u lied. He walked to face you and looked you carefully. U broke the eye contact and excused yourself.
-he grabbed your hand which made your body gravitated toward his chest
-"your a bad liar" his lips nearly toucing yours. "plz dont ignore me. ive been searching u everywhere"
Ran Haitani
-He thought he would just forget you as like he does for many women who he had slept with
-But something about u made him craving u more, maybe cuz of ur innocence (u were a virgin)
- U were going to ur class when u heard a smiliar voice, u quickly hide when u caught a glimpse of him
-he was on his phone and he seemed to like noticed that u hide, he smirked
-"Rindou, I will call u back" he closed his phone and walked toward where u were
-ur heart was beating so fast and u just prayed he would passed through and closed ur eyes
-"Found ya" he whispered, loud enough for u to hear. "U who snaked away from me after i gave u ur first best night ever. Don’t u think it’s a lil bit unfair to me?” he grabbed ur waist as if he could read ur mind about escaping
-"u cant run away from me second time, Miss"
Chifuyu Matsuno
-He tried to forget about what happened that night and didnt even think he could meet u again
-when he saw u at the mall, he was about to call u out but he saw u with a kid, he thought its ur kid
-he didnt try to talk with u anymore cuz he doesnt wanna be a threat to ur marriage or smth
-u also saw him but u were too nervous to go and talk cuz u liked that guy so much “what if he doesn’t remember me? I would just embarrass myself” u whispered to urself
-as u guys parted, u were sad and hopeless
-"hey (kid name), i need to use toilet. dont go anywhere before i come back,okay?' u bent down to the kids height and smiled.
-"Yes” he replied cutely. "Good boy." u told him and go to toilet quickly.
-just a hen u come back, u saw him talking to a guy so u rushed quickly.
-"how old r u?" u could hear slightly. "i am 8" ur nephew answered.
-"what did i tell u (kid name)?Dont talk to random--' u scolded him before realizing that guy
-"he just saved me from some bad guys who tried to steal our shopping bags" ur nephew answered.
"Oh god" u sighed and turned back to him, but dont dare to look at him. "Umm... thank u for saving my nephew..." u said awkwardly.
-He was stunned but he felt relieved and glad that he wasn’t ur son
-U were about to walk away when he started to talk, "Im sure we met before, right?"
-U looked back at him and he was smiling at u and it was not a question. He remembered u and will not let u go anymore
Hanma Shuji
-From the moment he saw u, he couldn’t lie to himself that he fell in love with u
-Whenever he fcks someone he always think about u
-He was pissed that u left him after s*x without even leaving ur number
-He tried his best to forget u
-u didnt expect to meet a one night stand u met last year at the club u work
-Ur not like a stripper or anything like that. U work as a waitress there as u have no choice to pay for ur collage
-U quickly covered ur face as he walked passed through
-"maybe he wont even remember me at all. It was long time ago" u relieved. But then he stopped.
-"Hey" he called u. "Wtf- plz don’t remember me" u mumbled. U dont wanna invlove in gang things so its best to stay away
-"Do u know where are vip rooms?" he asked u
-"Uh— it’s at ur left, sir" U didnt dare to look back and just answered nervously, hoping he doesn’t see ur face
-U stared at u from behind for a sec and then walked away, smoking.
-“U see that girl over there? Bring her to my room” he ordered the waiter
-“Sir, I’m afraid she’s just a waitress and doesn’t do that kind of thing ya know…” the waiter answered, afraid “I- could suggest u the best beautiful stripper in our club. I’m sure u will be satis—“ before he could finish his word, he was punched to the ground.
-“Useless shits” he mumbled as he looked down and wiped the blood strain on his ring “Bring her to me” he said and left as he threw sone cash to the waiter face.
-U entered the dim light room, written “VIP” cuz ur coworker begged u so u empathized him
-“Were u searching for me?” U said impatiently and faked to be confident when u were trembling inside. “Look, just to be clear, im not interested in sleeping with u. I just come to tell u that so plz leave me alone and my coworkers, sir”
-Hanma just laughed helplessly as he finds that cute and as u were about to leave, he tightly hugged u from behind and kissed ur neck, leaving a mark
-“Who said I care whether ur intreated or not?” he smirked. “U were already mine. Don’t u dare run away from me… please?” His voice changed. It was the first time he begged for someone and u also feel that part of u just can’t resist him
A/N: Hi! Welcome back y’all! <3 So, I have been disappearing for a long time cuz of final exam and now it’s over so I can finally write back and have a lot of ideas that I wanna share with u guys. <3
Sorry for not being able to respond the requests but now that I’m free, I will be open to ur requests again! :*
And I hope u guys like this one and any supports are very much appreciated, loves <33
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eddiesbigolepp · 2 years
perv!eddie who cant help but stare at your chest when the necklace you’re wearing slots between your breasts.
perv!eddie who tries his hardest to not let his eyes fall to your ass when you walk away from him.
perv!eddie who has rented almost every porn vhs in hopes of finding one that looks like you.
perv!eddie who cant wait for summer, just to see you in the tiniest skirts and shorts imaginable.
perv!eddie who hangs up a pair of your used panties above his bed as his own reminder of your sickly sweet smell
perv!eddie who keeps a picture of you sleeping naked in his wallet, to get him off in a pinch
perv!eddie who always fake bangs you when you bend over, no matter the kind of relationship you have.
perv!eddie who makes sure theres no seats at lunch so your always sat in his lap, feeling his member grow the more you move.
perv!eddie who always checks you to see if you have matching undergarments because he believes that clashing is a big no no
perv!eddie whos number one house rule is no pants, just so he can see that cute butt scurry around his trailer
perv!eddie who cant help but pinch your nipples when he sees that theyre hard under your shirt.
perv!eddie who only drives so recklessly to watch your tits bounce as he hits every pothole imaginable
perv!eddie who loves to tie your shoes, especially when he gets the up skirt view from the ground.
perv!eddie who can never quite focus when you whine his name and yell at him for not being nice to you.
perv!eddie who goes out of his way to get new porno mags, looking for girls who look like you, and eventually making his own book.
perv!eddie who stole your cheer uniform once when you showered at his place, just so you you run around searching for it in the tiny towel he gave you.
perv!eddie who only gives you the loosest tank tops he owns when you ask for a shirt, just to see some side boob, maybe even get a nip slip
perv!eddie who loves to cuddle, only because when he falls asleep, he can rut against you and hear your whiny sounds
perv!eddie who loves to lay between your legs, face first, and smell your after practice sweat for hours.
perv!eddie who always lays your feet in his lap, imagining lifting your foot to his face and kissing your toes.
perv!eddie who makes you bend over in your skirts and dresses to see if you’ll flash anyone.
perv!eddie who always goes shopping with you, to get the shortest and skimpiest thing possible
perv!eddie who intentionally takes you to lovers lake without bathing suits so you have to go in naked
perv!eddie who loves to make you go outside when it rains so he can see through your shirt
perv!eddie who never fails to kiss you goodnight when he drops you off at home, the heads to his van to pump out a quick one in the back seat
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luna0713hunter · 8 months
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Dancing to the beat of our hearts
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : being Zoro's lover,was a dream come true. Everything was perfect about him,but...when the night comes and you see couples dancing,you cant help but to wish for more...
Warnings : none, slightly hurt/comfort,Zoro being a simp for you,soft Zoro, FLUFF,gender neutral reader
Luffy's excited shout echoes through the night,as everyone cheer and down their drinks. All around you,people were celebrating,and happily serving you and your crewmates drinks after drinks.
You and your crewmates had managed to save yet another village from pirates,and it was time to celebrate.
Everything about this village was absolutely beautiful;from the cherry trees that had blossomed just recently,making the scenery breathtaking,to its kind and warm-hearted people who knew nothing but how to love and be happy.
They apparently,also loved to dance.
When the song changes to something soft and more melodic,you watch from your place across the bonfire how couples start to gather around;hands being placed on shoulders and arms around waists. You watch and sip your suddenly too bitter drink as they dance,and the sound of their laughter fills the air.
Your eyes wander to the green haired man sitting next to the open bar across you,and your lips pull down to a frown;Zoro didnt like to dance.
You loved Zoro,of course you did,but ever since you two became a couple...things didnt get too different between the two of you.
Obviously there were small kisses here and there,and Zoro became even more protective of you if that was even possible,but you craved real romance. Like the ones you would see young couples do,or read in the books; running under the rain while laughing,going shopping or matching clothes,and of course, dancing .
You could've made a list of the dances you wished to have with Zoro on so many occasions,but you never asked. You knew Zoro;he wasnt a big fan of showing his affection openly,always choosing to show his love to you through his actions. So it didnt take a genius to guess he would absolutely rather die than to dance.
You swallow the lump in your throat and stare down to your drink. You weren't even sure what it was; probably something light since you weren't feeling even slightly drunk. Something sweet. Maybe cherry? It sure had a good smell to it. As you swing the last of your drink around the glass,you make a mental reminder to tell Sanji to get some with you back to the ship. A small smile graces your lips as you think about sailing tomorrow morning once again with your new family,but the happiness is short lived as a bitter feeling fills your chest and you find yourself blinking rapidly in hopes of not bursting in tear right there.
Was it too much to ask to have a romantic love life?
As you start to wonder whether to return to the Going Merry or ask the musicians to play some other song,a small tap on your shoulder makes you jump in your sit slightly. You turn your head,and find yourself face to face with your boyfriend.
At first, Zoro's eyes search yours for a second,before jerking his head toward the back,where the road leads to the cherry garden.
"come with me for a second."
you silently nod,and accepting his offer to help you stand,you take his much larger hand in yours and make your way toward the garden. And when you finally step inside,you let out a loud gasp.
You dont think you've ever seen anything more beautiful in your life;the way the petals of the cherry blossoms dance in the air and settle on your hair,the air having the sweet smell of the drink that you had earlier,and the moon shining the brightest you've ever seen-
And none of them could compare to the picture Zoro was making.
You've always loved Zoro;ever since the very first moment you saw him,the first time he smiled at you,and the first time he held your hand. You loved Zoro,and you believed with your soul that there was no one prettier than him.
But now,as you watch the flower petals dancing around him,and the moonlight shining on his green air as he stares at you with the softest look on his face,you cant help your heart from beating awfully faster.
You loved Zoro. And gods above,he was the most beautiful being in the whole universe.
You're so busy admiring his features that when his fingers brush against your cheek,you jump slightly. Zoro raises his fingers up to you hair,and you feel him pluck something out.
When he lowers his hand,he shows you a small cherry blossom that was trapped in your hair. And in that moment,when he raises it up to his lips,you swear the time stops all together.
Zoro closes his eyes as his lips make contact with the flower,and he slowly opens his eyes to meet yours.
"y/n," he puts the flower in the pocket right over his heart and as he takes hold of your hand,with the sound of his three swords clanking together,he kneels right in front of you. Your gap at him,and you're torn between laughing and kneeling as well.
"Zoro,whats going on?"
Zoro scowls at you.
"what does it look like I'm doing?"
"no," Zoro deadpans,and your face visibly falls, "that has to be special. Not out of blue."
Your face brightens and small laugh escapes from your lips
"then,whats going on?"
And for the very first time since meeting him,he actually looks embarrassed.
You didn't know he could feel that kind of emotion
"I'm planning to ask you for a dance,if you let me finish."
When your mouth slams shut,he sighs and unconsciously rubs his thumb against the back of your hand.
Your heart flutter at how comforting he can be even when he's not realizing it.
"Babe,i know I'm not the most romantic person in the whole world," when you let out a snort,he scowls again, "but i promise,its not because i dont love you."
He slowly raises to his feet once again,and gently leans his forehead against yours.
"i know i dont say it enough,but i love you." His hand find your waist,as your arms wrap his neck;your eyes shining with unshed tears, "and i will continue loving you until my last breath."
You let out a small sniffle when he kisses your wet eyelashes.
"sounds pretty much like a proposal to me."
"oh,babe,i promise you that after my proposal, you'll cry your eyes out."
You tug at his short hair and give him an unimpressed look.
"you're making my heart beat with your smooth talk,Zoro. Keep it up and you'll no longer have a lover to propose to."
And when he laughs quietly,you cant help but to pull him down for a kiss.
The sound of the music in the background,makes everything feel surreal. The way Zoro holds you so gently,and his lips moving against yours with urgency,reminds you how passionate he can be. And its right there,that Zoro reminds your how much he actually loves you.
The sound of the music is still audible in the background,so when he starts swinging you side by side,you cant help the giddy laugh that escapes you. Zoro gives you a gentle smile,and kisses your forehead.
"from now on,tell me what you desire. I'll make all your dreams come true."
And when you raise your head to lock your lips with his once again,a small whisper leaves your lips.
"dont worry. All my dreams had already came true the moment i laid my eyes one you."
P.s : thank you everyone for 400 followers!!!
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sunraies · 1 year
hiiii can u do rafe x reader? she is really shy and a very nice person and maybe she is jj twin and one day she is just browsing on a second habd bookstore cause obvi she cant afford to buy books all the time and rafe sees her there cause he took weezy there and he buys the books that she looked more interested at and later he approaches her and jj all protective
idk where i want it to go🤣 u can be tyr judge
thank uuuu
This is so cute! I hope this does the request justice. x
Second-Hand Books
Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Reader
Warnings - Fluff, protective JJ, Reader is JJ's sister, but no description given. Hints of Luke being a shit dad.
As requested above
You loved the second-hand bookstore in Kildare. It sometimes felt like a second home. Its name and sign was by no means magical "Secondhand Books" written in cursive golden letters, but the atmosphere was.
The old converted shop was a treasure trove of wonders, tucked away in a little side alley. It smelt like an old library with its shelves filled with countless stories and adventures waiting to be picked up and read. There were plants dotted all around, and even ivy tangled amongst the fairy lights on the ceiling.
Mixed matched lamps, tables, and plush armchairs were scattered around. If you caught Ms. Peggy, on a good day, she would let you sit and read until closing. The old lady enjoyed your company, often making you tea and giving you cookies.
You returned the favour by helping clean, unbox shipments, and take orders. You never accepted a penny from her, even if it was desperately needed it.
"Wheeze, why are we here?" You knew that voice as it carried through the aisles. "The store up the road has brand new books, not these dusty, old shit ones."
"They aren't dusty. Some are old. But none are shit." the youngest Cameron's voice protested. "I like it here. Plus, there is no chance of finding first editions of classics in that one"
"Just look online." Rafe sighed as you peaked around the corner.
He stood close to the door, which bell had jingled as they entered, with his hands stuffed in his shorts pockets. The backwards baseball cup gave him a boyish charm as his sunglasses were tucked into the collar of his pink tee.
He looked a little out of place, but only by his uninterested expression. Rafe Cameron would most likely fit in anywhere if he wasn't jugding his surroundings.
Wheezie, on the other hand, had a smile so bright as she practically skipped into the store. "There is no fun in that. You can't smell the books"
"You're a weird kid, Wheeze." Rafe shook his head, but you caught the small smile as he watched his baby sister happily search the shelves.
"Shut up and help look for Little Women." Wheezie called over her shoulder. "Make sure it's first edition"
You were shocked as Rafe chuckled and held up his hands before helping Wheezie look. He checked the higher shelves that she was unable to reach.
One problem with Ms. Peggy was her store had no order to it. You had offered to organise and arrange in alphabetical order, but she claimed it took away the magic of finding the perfect book.
"Here." You smiled as you approached Wheezie. Rafe had given up looking about 20 minutes ago and was slumped in an armchair, scrolling on his phone. "It's not a first edition, but the cover is beautiful."
"Oh. It's beautiful!" Wheeze smiled, taking the book and admiring the cover. "It's ok, I just said that, so it would give me more time in here." she whispered, making you laugh.
Your laugh caught Rafe’s attention as he quickly glanced up from his phone. His eyes looked you up and down.
Damn, how did you look so beautiful. He was sure he'd seen the crop top you were wearing on Kie before, but it looked so much better on you. He loved the way your shorts hugged your ass and waist. He even smiled a little at the shell anklet at the top of your greyish white Converse.
"You find it?" He asked, having shook the thoughts from his mind and tucking his phone into his back pocket.
"Yeah, Miss Maybank helped me," Wheezie smiled, remembering her manners, even if you were the same age as Sarah. "But I wanna look around some more."
Rafe sighed and rolled his eyes at her pleading look. "Alright, fine. One hour, and then we gotta go."
As Wheezie bounced around the store, he flopped back into the chair, even picking up a book from the table and glancing at it.
What you didn't realise was that as you looked away, he would glance over the top of the book every so often and watched as you moved around the store. He noticed that you would read the back of a book, flick to the first page before smiling and tucking under your arm if you like it.
"Just the one, Ms Peg." You smiled at the old lady behind the till before digging into your old, tattered, looking tote bag and pulling out your purse.
"I can put the others to the side for you, dear." She offered as you had walked up to the till with a pile of five.
"It's ok. If they are gone by next week, then it wasn't meant to be." You said as handed her the cash.
You didn't know why you even admitted to buying all five as you should have known your card would bounce. Maybe this time, you had just been hoping that Luke, your father, hadn't run up the credit bill.
You wished a goodbye to Wheezie as she walked up the counter with a pile of books and even gave Rafe a smile and wave as you left the store.
The sound of a dirt bike coming up the road broke you out of the world you were emersied in. You had been reading your new book on the creaky old porch swing on the porch outside. Enjoying the evening coolish before sunset.
At first, you thought it was JJ coming home, but then you realised he'd come home an hour ago with John B and Pope. You could hear them laughing in the house.
"JJ?!" You called into the window open as you stood up, placing your book on your blanket. "Are you guys expecting anyone?"
You were a little nervous as unplanned visits from people not in the Twinkie or Kie's car normally meant your father or JJ had caused trouble.
The rider stopped a few feet away, and your eyes widened in shock as Rafe Cameron removed his helmet. His hair tousled from the helmet and his cheeks little pink.
"Rafe?" You frowned and hugged your hoodie around your body as you hid your hands in your sleeves.
He looked a little unsure of himself as he walked over to you, a cotton tote bag in his hand. "These are for you." He held the bag out to you as he glanced around, not looking at you directly.
You took the bag, completely confused before gasping as you looked inside. It was the books you had to leave at the store.
Before you even had a chance to question it or say thank you, the screen door burst open as JJ came flying out "What the fuck are you doing here, Kook?"
You tried to pull him back as he got right in Rafe’s face "Jayj. Stop"
JJ looked between you and Rafe "What the fuck did he say to you?" He asked you before turning to Rafe again "What'd you say?"
"What's it to you, Pogue" Rafe looked like he was trying to hold back his anger but with JJ right in his personal space it was hard.
"Stay away from my sister, pretty boy" JJ pushed Rafe a little "Get the fuck outta here"
John B and Pope appeared in the doorway but before they could back up JJ, you got between the two that were squaring up to each other.
You stood with your back to Rafe as you spoke to JJ but could feel him breathing heavily behind you.
"Jayj. Go back inside" You sighed and got annoyed as he stared at Rafe over your head "JJ, go the fuck back inside. I will call if I need you"
It took you actually pushing JJ a little for him to snap out of it. He looked at you before nodding "He tries anything. We beat him. He's on our terf now"
You rolled your eyes "I'm sure, he won't. But sure, you boys can protect your territory if needed"
You knew Rafe was taking a risk being in The Cut, especially after the stunt he pulled the other week. You knew why the boys were bitter as you hadn't been too happy either after finding out he'd jumped Pope at the Country Club.
You watched JJ walk backwards and stand on the porch with the others. You sighed before turning to face Rafe.
"I can't take these." You held the bag out to him, but he stook his head.
"They're yours," He said, rubbing the neck of his neck. He seemed nervous and not because of the boys glaring at him from the porch. "Bin them, read them, do whatever you want with them."
You looked in the bag again before smiling. "Thank you, Rafe." You smiled at him.
"I better go." He sighed after nodding at your thanks. He looked like he wanted to say more but walked back to his bike
"Bye," JJ yelled. "Don't come back. The Cu- Ow!" You cut him off as you shoved into his shoulder
"You guys are fucking unbelievable" You muttered walking into the house, leaving them looking offerened at each other.
As you sat on your bed, you pulled the books out of the bag before finding a note, tucked into one of them. Your heart fluttered as you read it.
'I would buy you all the books in the world, just to see that smile - R'
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theshy1sout · 29 days
Okay, so
I finally got my bf into reading Homestuck. I was on a phone call with him as he read it at loud, voice-acting and stuff, while I was drawing. Today he reached the Dave first appearance and he discovered Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
You have to understand that I always thought that this comics was just a stupid joke that only Hussie understands and finds funny. Bc the moment I saw the page with the dog (you know which one) I left the comics and never looked at it again. Until today.
My boyfriend read every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff in complete silence. I asked him what's wrong, and he said "This is extremely sad". I was confused so he started explaining to me how this comics is a way little Dave was coping with trauma of living with his abusive brother. I didn't believe that, so I started reading the comics again and you know what?
Imagine adult Dirk, being completely under Lord English control, going shopping with little Dave and destroying supermarket in frustration of not finding anything that Calliborn would recognize as a food, being arrested by police in process and leaving little Dave alone hidden somewhere in the shop.
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Imagine little Dave being pushed from the stairs so many times by his bro, he drew a caricature of himself pushing his bro off the stairs in revenge. Or being regularly beaten so hard and often, so he drew comics in which his brother got beaten up, shitted on and even brutally killed.
Imagine little Dave being so hungry (bc of course brother didnt give him proper food) he literally threw himself at a Subway sandwich machine during idk a walk with his bro (probably) and tried to steal some food or even just smell the actual normal food and while doing so got abandoned by his brother. Again.
Of course we can't interpret this way every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, but come on, if you start seeing it, you cant stop sensing that every single page is either a way Dave coped with a traumatic experience or a way he kind of got revenge on his brother in a way his brother wouldn't understand and notice and beat him up for doing so.
I searched internet for so long and can't find a single person who would interpret it this way. Am I wrong though??
It gets better. As we know, Dave from universe B also drew this comic. And we even got a directly explained to us interpretation: he started drawing it as a simple comic (probably to cope with the loneliness). Then when Batterwitch became a real danger and he saw that but couldn't react directly, he started using his comics as a way to show what Betty Crocker was really like. So we also had this two characters, one represented Betty Crocker and the second one represented society, and they had this very abusive relationship that had references to situations in real life in Universe B.
So my theory (or more like my bfs theory) is that Dave from universe A was using his comics for the same exact thing. He drew situations from his life in a unreadable for others way (and also no one taught him how to draw or write, and maybe later he kept the shitty format so it's unreadable and too shitty for his brother to read) to cope with trauma. We see in this comics that Sweet Bro is shaving himself above Jeffs face while he sleeps, a thing that Dave's bro could definitely do. We see some pages of Dave trying to understand sport, economy and politics in his own way, bc his brother of course didn't teach him shit. And we even got a page that might suggest that Dave was sexually molested by his bro. There are many scenes of Bro being abusive to Jeff or Jeff getting his revenge. We also have Geromy, a possible interpretation of John, and on one page Jeff (Dave) tries to come to Geromy's (John's) place to visit him, but he can't and he drowns instead (which is so sad???).
I could go through every single page with this interpretation. I think some pages being a foreshadowings for what is happening later in Homestuck is just an additional joke, Hussie loves having layers of meta twists and many unrelated things relating or referencing each other for no reason. I don't think the comics is Dave's unconscious traveling through time and revealing the future, bc if so then we would see every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff being a foreshadowing, and they are not. I also think that the huge wink to the audience was the scene of Dave being pushed by his bro down the stairs and we see him falling with accompaniment of a little panel of Jeff saying "I warned you about the stairs, bro". For me this is a visible hint that this is what this page of the comics was about, it was a way of coping with trauma, it was Dave drawing his brother falling down the stairs and himself saying probably a line that his brother irl was saying to him a lot.
Dave drew his life. His own horror of a life and it was probably more terrifying than he revealed in act 6.
Do you remember the iconic "bro hug" from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff? A hug from his bro, sth that Dave really needed and wanted, a simple hug that he was very nervous to asked for, he literally drew himself hugging his brother in his second comic, and then we have the very same scene of Davepeta and Arquius hugging (part of them was Dave hugging Dirk, even if artificial), and then we have the exactly opposite of the scene between actual Dave and Dirk, when instead of enthusiastic "we're doing it bro, its happening, were making it" it's Dave saying "fuck forgive me for what I'm doing, this is so messed up fuck" and it's not even full embrace like in his comic, it's awkwardly side by side hug when they didn't even sit on the same level (like in the comic or with sprites), no, Dave is lower, he's smaller, he's scared, he cant face his brother, he wants to but he can't and this is just aaaansnanbska dmnsksnsdkydykdky
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Can someone talk about this comic more? This flashy shitty documentary of Dave's life drawn by idk maybe 8 years old Dave ? The more I read Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, the more depressed I am, cause this is so sad if I'm right about it. I really wish it was just stupid colorful comic without any deeper meaning, just faking to have one or sth....
Also I think Geromy is black bc either Dave didn't know how John looks like so he imagined him being somewhat similar to his fav president Obama or maybe he was just trying to make John's character as unlike John as possible so no one would suspect a thing. Or maybe he just imagine himself being friends with young Obama, who knows.
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After editing this chaotic rambling I have two more things as a prove for my theory. One is picture above, and second is what Hussie said about Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff:
“SBaHJ is absolutely inseparable from HS, and has been almost from the start. If you don't understand this, then you don't understand HS very well. SBaHJ is like the mentally handicapped step brother of MSPA, requiring special attention, but no less cherished as a part of the family. It was originally intended as the chief source of in-house memes for dialogue, but this is ultimately a superficial purpose. Though it only has 20+ strips, it contains a pretty dense and internally consistent language of recurring symbols and typo-driven grammars, applicable as a rich sub-cognitive lexicon for highlighting elusive elements woven into the mythology of the story which tend to be shrouded in the unconscious.”
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angelstate · 1 year
Don't You Know Better?
Pairing: Peter Parker x innocent!reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending!
Warnings: Argument, Mention of kidnaping (nobody is kidnapped) emotional breakdown.
Summary: you always try to see the best in people, that often lead you to bad situations and your boyfriend is tired of you not knowing better.
Words: 2.5k!
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Peter was mad, you knew that just by the way he was clenching his jax and furrowing his eyebrows without looking at you. just sitting in his desk chair in pure silence.
Silence you didn't dare to break because you were aware that no explanation you gave would be good enough to calm the anger boiling in his chest.
In your mind the events that lead to this awkward silence in Peter's room was still playing in your head, you went through every little detail before he appeared to save the day but nothing seem sketchy to you about the man you tried to help, so maybe it was just bad luck what didn't really happened or in Peter's words "what he stopped from happening".
you were cleaning the outside tables of the coffee shop you worked since it was already closing time and all costumers had left, it was just you outside, your coworker was inside cleaning the coffee machine since it had been a really busy day.
winter had already started so you had your jacket and your scarf on because of how cold it was outside.
while you were cleaning the table you heard steps coming from somewhere and before you could even turn around, a person was already touching your shoulder and making you face them.
you jumped slightly on your place you didn't saw him coming and placed a hand on your chest, feeling your heart beating a little fast.
"hi! i'm y/n and I'm sorry but we just closed so we can't serve you" you introduced yourself and quickly explained that you couldn't sell him any coffee for the cold weather.
"oh, i didn't approach because of coffee." the man spoke and took a step back from you to give you more space.
"no? is there anything i cant help you with?" you asked and put your hands in you the pockets of your jacket because the air was cold.
"actually yes, i saw a girl crying two blocks from here and was wondering if you could help me to calm her down" he explained and smiled at you before pointing to the direction you guessed he saw the girl.
"oh! yeah, i could help but i need to finish cleaning her" you explained and turned to face the table you were cleaning but the man turned you towards him again.
"she was crying really hard, i really think she needs help" he looked a bit desperate and worried.
you thought about leaving for 5 minutes to help the girl and then running back and finish cleaning up since you had just two more tables to clean before you could go home.
"uh- okay but we should be quick i have to finish cleaning" you gave in and the man just nodded and started walking towards the direction the girl was.
"so, what's your name?" you walked a bit faster so the both of you were walking side by side.
"uh it's- tyler" he gave you a quick smile.
"nice to meet you, Tyler." you smiled back at him and looked around, this street at night always gave you chills because of the big shadows the buildings would made since there weren't a lot of street lights that worked. It was one of the bad things of living in new York.
"yeah nice to meet you" he answered and also started to look around.
"was she crying hard?" you asked while you searched for tissues in your pocket, if the girl was crying then she would need them to clean her face a bit.
"who?" Tyler looked confused before he quickly spoke again. "oh, yeah she was a mess"
"poor lady, it most have been a rough night for her" the thought of her getting bad news or something bad happening to the lady made you feel bad for her. It must been a rough night and she really could use a little bit of sympathy.
you walked till where you supposed the woman would be there was no one, the restaurant you stopped in front of was closed already, you could see the staff walking and cleaning the place but other than that there was no one else.
"maybe she went home already" you said and started to look around, the woman couldn't have gone away in just 5 minutes.
"maybe we should walk just one more block to make sure she really did go home" tyler spoke, looked behind you and grabbed your arm.
he started to walk a bit faster and you hurried to match his steps but it felt like he was almost running.
you started hearing footsteps behind you and before you could even turned around to check you felt someone grab your arm and pulling you towards them.
it was... spiderman?
"oh! hi spiderman" you said in a friendly tone and a little bit out of breath, you already knew who was behind the mask since it was literally your boyfriend of 3 years. what you weren't so sure about is why he approached you with the spiderman suit on
"hi miss! nice too see you again, who is your friend?" Peter spoke and looked at the man, the eyes on his suit widen and suddenly peter stood up in front of you covering you with his body.
"hey! I also remember you." Peter said and you peek a bit only to see the face of 'tyler' turn pale and he's expression fell into one of concern and fear?
"i think you got the wrong person, but nice too met you spiderman" tyler took a few steps, trying to get away from the situation but Peter didn't let him walk far.
"hey! Why are you scared?" Peter said in a sarcastic tone and started walking towards him with a fast pace.
Tyler didn't answered and just kept walking away, peter catch up fastly and grabbed him by the arm.
"don't walk away, i want to know what were you doing before i got here, was there someone needing help?" Peter spoke again and pulled tyler by the arm.
"he saw a girl crying and we were going to help her" you spoke this time and gave the two of them a kind smile, trying to calm the situation.
"a girl crying huh? wasn't that the same emergency you had the other day?" Peter questioned tyler and you saw how he tighten the hold he had on his arms.
"yeah, right. But i guess the girl left already" tyler answered and tried to get off of Peter's hold.
"next time you should call someone instead of distracting people, im always in the neighborhood" peter finally released him from his grip, tyler rubbed the place on his arms that peter was holding.
"the girl isn't here anymore right? You can go now. nobody is in danger anymore" peter said and took a few steps back to get close to you again.
You saw how Tyler mumbled something before walking away fastly, almost running away. you kept looking at him until he disappeared at the end of the street.
You were about to speak but Peter shushed you up.
"let's go home" peter said sternly and grabbed your wrist before starting to walk away.
ok, maybe there were a few things off about the situation but it could have been coincidence or pure bad luck.
it's New York after all, anything and everything happens in the streets, especially at night. If you could help someone in distress you would always do it.
You couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, just like him, you had a passion for helping people in need.
"i'm sorry" you whispered.
Peter's eyes snapped towards you, he was looking at you with anger and frustration. his stare made you feel small and like a prey in the gaze of a predator.
"why are you sorry?" Peter asked.
You didn't know what you were sorry for, the situation didn't felt sketchy so you didn't felt sorry for trying to help. You felt a little sorry for leaving your work without finishing cleaning but that wasn't even on Peter's knowledge so why would you apologize about that.
You had nothing you felt sorry for.
"i don't know" you answered and looked at your hands that were resting on your lap.
"then why are you apologizing?" Peter questioned you again, his tone stern and harsh.
it was like you were 9 years old again and your father was scolding you for doing bad on your math exam.
"because..." you took a deep breath.
"because i didn't think through" you admitted.
and it was true, most of the time if not all the time you always believe what people tell you, you don't understand why anyone would like about certain things to bring you trouble.
"like?" Peter pressed and you weren't sure what he wanted you to say until you thought for a second.
"like... always" you whispered and started chewing on your bottom lip out of shame and guilt.
"like always." Peter repeated and when you looked up you noticed this time his gaze was just stern, you knew his anger hadn't vanished but the fact you owned up to your mistake made peter a little bit more calm.
"i know the guy you were with" peter said and stood up.
he started walking towards you, when he was in front of you he got on his knees to be on your eye level since you were sitting on the bed.
"he isn't a good person, do you want to know what he does?" peter asked and you shook your head.
You didn't want to know, Tyler was a bad person, that was enough information for you. You didn't want the details of his doings.
"he kidnaps girls" peter told you either way. He wanted you to know what the man does, he needed you to realize that could have happened to you this night.
"he does horrible things to them, y/n." you shook your head, not denying what he was saying. You just didn't want to keep listening.
"that would have been your fate if i didn't arrived in time" peter said and placed his hands on your thighs.
"no..." you shook your head and covered you face with your hands.
"yes. you could have ended badly hurt" peter emphasized and started rubbing your thighs softly.
you whimpered in distress and felt how your eyes filled with tears, you now knew that tyler was bad and what he does. You didn't want to imagine him doing does things to you.
"i understand." you whispered and uncovered your face, your face hanging low to hide your face from peter.
"don't you know better?" Peter asked, this time more to himself.
He sometimes couldn't believe how naive you were, how you believed everything and everyone. Just because you don't lie and aren't bad didn't meant everyone else is the same.
peter didn't know how to make you understand that, he wished he could take the part of you that was so naive and give it a reality check so you wouldn't end in bad situations like this.
he stopped this from happening, he has stopped before a lot of bad things from happening, but what would happen if one day he was too late.
You could end up being hurt badly, so many horrible thing could be done to you and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if that ever happened to you.
He was a super hero and was ready to save you anytime you needed, but couldn't you also try and avoid needing to get saved?
"i do" you answered and rubbed your eyes with the hill of your hands, trying to get rid of the tears in your eyes. you felt like you would lose control at any moment.
"then why do i have to always save you" peter rested his forehead on your lap.
He was stressed, frustrated and even angry at you, but he knew he couldn't be to harsh on you. he would love for you to just understand without needing to be scolded but every time he used the gentlest approach you would never fully understand him.
It was complicated, he needed to be stern but also couldn't be too stern. You were fragile like a porcelain doll, needing the most gentle hands to deal with you because one wrong move could shatter you.
"i just wanna help people" you felt the tears forming again in your eyes, your cheeks felt hot and your clothes were getting uncomfortable.
"then help yourself and stay out of trouble" peter gave you a little kiss on your right thigh before looking up only to find you fighting the urge to breakdown.
he hurriedly stood up and hugged you, you wrapped your arms around his waist and started sobbing your heart out.
Peter's heart broke at the sound of your sobs, usually you would just stay quiet when he scolded you for doing something careless in the hopes of being able to help people.
He never really had you breaking down out of pure guilt or shame because of the situation you had put yourself in.
Peter started humming a sof tune and rocking side by side, trying to calm you down. His his right hand he started playing with your hair while his right hand rubbed your back softly.
he let you let cry with your face pressed against his abdomen, he felt how his shirt got wet because of your tears but didn't care.
You needed to cry all you felt necessary, he wouldn't mind having his shirt wet.
After almost 10 minutes you finally managed you calm down a little, hiccups were leaving your mouth and you were sniffling a little.
"I'm sorry" that was the first thing you said after calming down.
"it's alright" peter said.
"is not, i made a mistake. Im sorry, pete." you continued to apologize.
You felt horrible for what you've done, you always want to help people but it always seem like to end up being the one who needs help.
It was frustrating that you never could tell if someone had good intentions because you always focused on the good things about them.
"i know you're sorry, it's ok" peter reassured you and made you stand up in front of him, he took a hold of your face with his hands.
"everything is ok now, i know you had good intentions but you need to be more cautious and be really sure that someone needs help." Peter smiled at you and leaned down to kiss you.
"ok..." you whispered against his lips before kissing him too.
The kiss was full of emotions, sealing the apologies and making up for the mistakes that occured tonight.
You would learn to be more cautious, to analyze and realize if someone is sketchy. You didn't want to get hurt and let peter feel guilty because of your mistakes.
You would learn and lean your best intentions to animals in need rather tan humans for a while.
Rescuing puppies seem like the safest option for helping someone in need.
you would learn to know better, but for now you would rather kiss your boyfriend and make up for the bad events of tonight.
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aihaitahm · 1 year
hsr + genshin characters being your tattoo artist <3
idk! just an idea while i was driving:)! but i thought it would be hot to think abt kafka telling you its okay or seeing alhaitham having a tattoo sleeve bc of his arms ^_^
cw tattooing so mentions of pain ! maybe slightly suggestive.
very punctual and ready when the job needs to be done, so if your late, he would be irritated and would charge you a bit more. luckily you arrive in time but he couldnt help but observe you. he wont deny that he finds you cute.
doesn’t like to do small talk, just quietly sits there and he works on your tattoo. though he does listen to you talk if you talk. he would simply nod to most of his customers but for some reason he found himself talking to you and enjoying a conversation. cyno and dehya noticed this and quickly eyed on each other.
you couldnt help but stare at him and the way he is working. he is doing an incredible job while being so hot with it. seeing his amazing tattoo sleeve, you decided to ask him about it.
“did you do that yourself?” you pointed curiously.
“yes i did with the help of cyno. it was challenging but overall i think it came out amazing.”
queue dehya nudging cyno and snickering at the back. alhaitham looks at them and glares.
when he is finished with his work, he musters up the courage to ask you out. feeling a bit of pride since you complimented him and gave him a huge tip.
“i think you are lovely. would you want to go out sometime? its okay if not.” he bluntly asked, not caring about the looks he was getting in the tattoo shop.
“oh! yes of course i would love to. here’s my number!” you smiled.
when you went home, you received a text from alhaitham, asking if you want to go to the movies or eat somewhere to get to know you more. you cant help but be flustered and be excited to get to know him more. on the other hand, alhaitham could not stop grinning at his phone that dehya had grab his phone so that he could clean up his work station.
yae miko
her tattoo work station is so pretty!! it is filled with pink and purple colors. she makes sure her customer feels welcomed and comfortable.
as soon as you walk in, she would compliment you already. “ah you’re my adorable guest today, take a seat if you may please.~”
she smells so good. she smells so expensive with a hint of sakura and vanilla. she is literally enchanting you with her scent. of course you compliment her and she flirtatiously says thank you!
probably has a really chill, lazy cat that lays beside the guest whether by your arm or leg or tummy, he is just there and loafing.
wouldnt do this for most of her customers except maybe her friends but she asks if youre hungry and would order food for you. you insisted at first but you gladly accepted the offer.
“arent you hungry dear?” she asked as she grabbed her phone to order.
“ah no its okay!” you said but suddenly youre stomach decides to grumble so loudly.
“well, you’re stummy says otherwise babe. let me order you some food? and no need to pay me back. i know how tattoos can be expensive already. take it as a treat since im very interested in you. ~” she flirted, leaving you blushing and flustered.
he does piercings and tattoos. very skilled and professional at it too. has taught a lot of people and is known for original designs to go viral.
i think he can be a clean freak. everything has to be organized and his equipment has to be clean or else he cant work at all and he will have a bad day.
when you walked in for your session, blade had to fill in since the person who was supposed to tattoo you became sick.
he deeply sighed and fixed his equipment, getting ready. he was mentally preparing himself too because he has to tattoo someone who he thinks is attractive. he has to make his work perfect so that maybe you’d come back to him if you wanted more tattoos. maintaining his composure properly until you compliment him.
you were searching for ideas and he showed you his original designs. looking with awe, you didnt realize what you said.
“these designs are so pretty and unique just like the creator himself. though i think i’ll pick this spider lily flower.” you decided.
“o-oh thank you. and this spider lily it is.” he mentally facepalmed. why did he stutter.
this made kafka turn her head because of what she overheard. she smirked and of course silverwolf was curious so she turned to witness what was happening.
“wooo! thats our bladie. he’s a little bit awkward sorry!” she teased.
when it was done, you paid your bill up front and tipped him a great amount. stealing shy glances and light touches whenever you were paying him your tip. before you went out, kafka pushed blade to give you his business card filled with his phone number.
“xxx-xxxx-xxxx text me i think you’re cute.”
she loves to play music in the background and loves to talk to you while tattooing you. gives her customers free drinks of your choice except yours has a little note with a smiley face in it.
she is definitely not shy and up front when she says she is interested in you but she certainly knows her boundaries. you can spill her some gossip or any random topic and she will talk to you.
when she notices you stare at her a lot, she would give you a wink and smirk. she just laughs when you get flustered for being caught.
she smiles to you a lot and likes to gaze on you. she makes sure she is extra gentle with you and tells you to take deep breaths if it hurts.
“take a deep breath in 3… 2… 1…”
“ good job baby your doing so well.”
“im sorry this might hurt a bit…. there you go i knew you could do it. mmmm good girl/boy. take it like a champ.”
she smirks when she sees you flustered. she knows it makes you blush and she loves to see it. at the end of the session, she makes it known that she wants to take you out and shop.
did i mention she flirts with you a lot? winks at you whenever your gazes meet.
“if you clearly cant tell, i want to know you more. i would like to take you out. just you and me how does that sound?”
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Could we have a tooth fairy Easter bunny Jack frost and platonic north and sandy with a reader that represents Halloween(reader looks like a mix between a crow and scarecrow) that's scared that there holiday is on the decline and has become a little depressed because of it. Thank and love your stuff ::::)
Guardians《seperate》 x Halloween guardian reader who's holiday is being forgotten
Guys in back,again(probally gonna disappear again lol)
In fr trying to catch up this time.
Anyways I ty for the request!:3
Angst,fluff,hurt with comfort,readers sad :(
has not been proofread, A/N at the end
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Tooth fairy
Its early October,you know what that means, its Halloween time
The time where the vail between the spiritual world and the living is the thinnest
You and tooth usually celebrate together,she does get more work during hallowing because of all the candy but she spends the most of her time with you
She helps you hang up the decorations and spread the Halloween feels
However you havnt done that yet,not only that but you dont have that much time left you only have a month
Once tooth realizes that somethings wrong she'll immidatly do ask the other guardians if they had seen you or if they had heard something from you,the results all come back the same,you were seemingly no where
She decided to check the globe,that could have a clue right?
That's when she noticed there were many less lights then usual,and that when it started to line up..
People were forgetting about you.
The last time you had spoke before going radio silent you had mentioned that it wasnt even October and people were advertising Christmas things
She had realised that you had probally hid yourself away becuase of this
When she does eventually find you shes understandable very worried for you.
After she gets a thorough explanation she'll waste no time in helping you with preparations
However first off,she has to get you in the Halloween mood,as your current one is rather sour,and we cant have that!
She cheers you up by bringing you around and showing you places that are getting ready for Halloween
She brings you to see a small shop that has cobwebs,spiders,skeletons,ghosts the whole lot,she smiles as she sees a small one form on your lips
She then brings you to stores as parents and kids are choosing out pumpkins,baskets,sweets and costumes
When a smile finally Grace's your lips she hugs you tightly and tugs with her to get more decorations up and around
She understands what it feels like to be forgotten and she dosnt want that to happen to you
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes used to people neglecting his holidays for others
But hes surprised when there seems to be lesser lights on the globe
Things line up really quickly in his head as the cogs start working
He dosnt waste a second,immediately searching for you in fear you've disappeared
Once he finds you he tries to calm you down reassuring you that aslong as hes there he wont let you disappear
He even decorates Easter island with some Halloween decorations
He gives you Halloween styled eggs as a way to cheer you up
He will decorate pumpkins with you aswell
since halloween takes place in fall he might take you to forests where the leaves have turned orange and are starting to fall
he will help you decorate places and even though hes not the biggest sweet tooth,with a big oof bribery im sure he'll try a sweet oor two
he'll constantly be there and comforting you
easter isnt all ways widley celebrated so hes probally had a fear of fading aswell
he wont ever say it but due to the fact that your holidays is overlooked in favour for christmas,he holds a small grudge
he knows its not norths fault but hes just salty
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kind of tone deaf
hes very happy go lucky and isnt used or very good at adapting to change
id like to think that he was quite close to you even before becoming a guardian,because halloween is in the colder months of the year
it might take another guardian to point out your abscents or off behaviour
however just because hes abit tone deaf dosnt mean hes not smart
once its been pointed out to him hes going on a man hunt for you
altough he wasnt in an entirely similar situation,he still knows what its like to feel isolated,scared and alone,and as his S/o he dosnt want yuo feeling the same
once locating you the first thing he'll do is make sure your not fading away
if you are then he will moost likely panic
he will eventually calm himself down,realising that panicing wont help it at all
his first priorety is to make sure that your ok
mentally and physically
afterwards he takes you to do things to take it off your mind
some of his favorite things to do are skating and carving pumpkins,if your not good at either he'll help you
he loves decorating everywhere with fun decorations
his favorite halloween decore are those door bells that grab youor finger or smth(i hate those things with a passion,so i can imagine him loving them)
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north/santa claus
if anyones going to find out the fastest,itts north
he has to keep a keen eye on the months and probally realise that its your holliday
his first reaction is to celebrate your holiday with you,he feels alot like a father figure to you and as such he feels he needs to celebrate your holiday with you
though the smile on his face dosnt stay long as he finds that many stores,instead of having halloween decoration.have christmas things
thats not right.
at first he thinks it might just be the store,and so he checks others
thats until he becomes aware that its most stores
why are they all decroated with christmas decore,they should be deced out with sceletons and pumpkins
not snowmen and gingerbreadmen
after coming to this realisation he checks the globe before visiting you#
he gets quite anxxious once checking the globe
hes quick to find and omfort you,hes quite furious people are neglecting your holiday for his.christmas is still months away!
after calming you down he will go ALL OUT on halloween decorations,the north pole dosnt even look like what it once was,white robes with dark circles are hanging around the celeing,skeletons have been placed everywhere in different positions,fake spiders and fake spider webs have been thrown enywhere they can.
all the elves and yeti's take a day off,to decorate pumpkins.
he'll probaly also reach out to the other guardians,inviting them all over so you can all celebrate together.<3
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sandy is very intune with the going oon in the world,aswell as being extremly intuitive
hes probally seen this coming though he didnt think itd be to such an extent where it'd cause you distress
after feeling a particullary cold gust of autaum wind its clear something is wrong
after checking the globe it seems that his hypthesis had become reality
he wasnt very surprised since he had a nagging feeling it'd happen,apart of him thinks that he might have just been denieing that you had the possibility to fade,that he was in denial
either way he had to push his own thoughts away as he had more importtant things to do,such as comforting you and restoring your holiday to its former glory,or at least try to.
after locating you hes quick to alert you of his precents though he may not be the best at calming you down since,he cant really speak.
hes most likely to put you to sleep and give you good dreams whilst brainstorming ideas to help your current dilema
once your awake and calm,he'll try his best to relay his ideas and help you
cutting pumpkins is a must
he will try his best to make candy with you
if you ever need some comfort just say the word and hes hugging you and trying his best to comfort you
he makes sure you have good dreams for days
he promises that he'll try his best to help you
he'll be dammed if he ever didnt go through with that promise to you.
the other guardians will most likely notice both of your distress and end up helpping,either that or sandy asks them directly.
hope this is ok,i havnt writeen in a while,btw this was written with a keyboard and i cant be botherd to proof read it rn and just wanted to post it so here you go!,but in all seriosuness i will be working on my other requests,thank you all for being pateint with me<<33
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bestialchorus · 7 months
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-For months, you’ve both been tiptoeing around the topic. Since you first started dating, quick quips like being excited to be “roommates” one day were always uttered whenever you were forced to say goodbye to each other. How these dreams were peppered in daily conversations, holding desires you each assumed were hidden from the other. How quickly those jokes gained weight the more your lives became intertwined. You loved her, and by the gods, did she love you. The love you shared was akin to the romances you once dreamed of, romances acted out in movies but seldomly found in your world.
-On one fateful night, you finally find the courage to whisper, “I want to live with you.” Her glowing eyes meet yours as the moonlight peaks in through the window. She softly rubs her canine head against your face, instantly filling you with warmth. You feel your lover start to shift back, leaving a large woman who is as much muscle as she is beauty”. “There’s nothing I’d love more,” she purrs close to your ear before softly dragging her finger down your body, sending a shiver down your spine. Her hand meets a familiar wetness. You start to whimper as you feel two long fingers slowly enter your folds. “Relax, baby girl, I’ll take care of you. Now and forever”. A few hours later, you lie on top of her as she gently rubs your back and plays with your hair. You talk deep into the night about what kind of home you want to build together. You remember passing out at some point as sleep finally catches up with you. You could have sworn you heard a whispering voice saying, “I can’t wait to call you my wife.” But maybe you just dreamt it.
-Right off the bat, it seemed money wouldn’t be much of an issue. You don’t quite understand at first, but she explains that she’ll soon be receiving a form of “inheritance” promised to alphas who reach a certain age. You still insist on contributing, and she doesn’t fight you on this, respecting you as a partner and her mate. 
-After months of searching, you finally end up finding a place that suits both of your needs. 
-Moving day was a lot less stressful than you thought it’d be. You remember packing up the last box one morning when you heard a knock at the door. Your girlfriend opens it, and a group of werewolves greet you with toothy smiles and warm mornings as they start to pile into your small apartment. You’ve spent much time with the pack, so all the faces before you were friendly. You can’t help but smile as one jokes, “I cant believe you’ve found someone who can actually tolerates ya, let alone live wit ya”. Some join in on the teasing as others come to chat with you. Without having to ask, each ONE immediately starts picking up a box and moving it down to the large pick-up truck outside your building. You release a surprised “EEP” as your alpha picks up while you’re holding a small box, “I wanna help too,” she giggles as she carries you bridal style to the truck. You feigned annoyance as you smack her arm, secretly loving every minute of it. All of your items (and yourself) are quickly loaded into the large vehicle with your girlfriend behind the wheel.
-After all your stuff is unpacked in the new place, the best part of moving could finally begin; decorating. You spend the next few days shopping together, hitting thrift stores throughout the city, and you actually find some pretty great stuff! One may have been a brand new pair of fuzzy handcuffs that your lover INSISTS will be essential for a “happy home.” 
-You come home one day and immediately stop in your tracks as you find your partner in a tight tank top and parachute pants, her outfit covered in paint as she moves a roller against the wall. Your brain turns to mush as her prominent abs peek through the thin fabric. She can’t help but smirk once she catches you ogling her. She decides then that it’s time for a bit of fun. Without saying a word, she takes off her shirt, revealing the body you were always in awe of. “I’m feeling a little warm after all this painting, honey, do you mind getting me a glass of water”? She acts as if she didn’t just fry all the neurons in your brain. You quickly shake your head and dash to the kitchen as you feel your cheeks heat up. 
-The house renovations have been complete torture. Whether it’s putting down new hard floor or tightening some plumbing. Your alpha is always wearing very little clothing; claiming she runs warm. You can believe that, but the image of your sweaty, beyond-built partner wearing a tool belt was sending you into your own version of heat. You’ve gotten little work done because you have a literal goddess walking around with a power drill. You decide to work a few days at the office going forward…
-Every day feels like an endless sleepover. Catching each other up on your day, grocery shopping together, painting each other’s nails, etc., it truly feels like you are hanging out with your best friend….a best friend who also just so happens to be 6’4 and able to crush a dresser with her bare hands….but best friends not the less.
-Another benefit of living with an extremely self-sufficient werewolf is that she’s an incredible cook. One night you come home and immediately smell the aroma of your favourite meal floating in the air. Her lips gently meet your neck as soon as you enter the kitchen, and your breath stops for a moment. “I’ve been cooking all day and while I’m excited for you to eat, I’m starving, baby”. You don’t get a moment to think as she has you bent over the table in a split second. That night you end up being her appetizer as she helps you build up an appetite. 
-You insist on helping her whenever she puts on a tie. You love putting her together for the day but love even more that you’re the sole person who gets to see her without all the bells and frills. You may share a space with your alpha, but you’re her true home. 
-Showering together has become one of your favourite rituals. You help the other wash the day off as warm water makes you melt. It always starts off innocently enough but very quickly becomes less than innocent whenever she starts to scrub around certain intimate areas….
-You had never thought much of a “forever” home while growing up but now realize it’s not only possible with your alpha. But that you’ll have one as long you’re with her.
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midnightjewel · 8 days
I saw something on Pinterest when I was searching for headcannon ideas where it said “Will they do anything for their S/O? Will crocodile tears win them over?” And something like that and I thought it’d be a good idea since I haven’t written much this week.
Characters Included: Kirishima and Bakugo
(No warnings that I’m aware of!)
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- He most definitely will give into you for anything. Kiri can’t help it, you just have that effect on him!
- “Babe pleaseee” you drag out your please to emphasize that you really wanted whatever it was you were looking at
- “Wait, what are you asking for now?” He asks, arms full of shopping bags.
- And before anyone would ever talk shit about him buying everything and anything that you asked for, his mind set is: “I have pro hero money, what good is it if I cant spend it on my gorgeous girl”
- “That one!” You point at the little puppy that was chasing his tail in its kennel. It was the cutest little Australian Shepard you’d ever seen!
- “A puppy?!” He looked half shocked
- “Please Eiji!” You look up at your tall hunky husband with those eyes that you knew he could never ever resist
- He visibly blushed. He didn’t even remember walking into a pet store to be honest. All he knew was that you were looking at him with those damn adorable eyes
- “Well” he tried his best to resist “Okay sweetie” he smiles as he goes to find an employee to get the puppy for you
- Now you both own a little Australian Shepard named Riot. You let him pick the name ofc!
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- It’s a little bit tougher to get him to crack
- While he does love getting you things, he’s not going to buy some “dumb shit that you already have a million of”
- Squishmallows are his enemies when it comes to spending money on you
- However, as a top 3 hero, he will spoil the fuck out of you! You’re his wife, you deserve nothing but the best in his eyes
- Luxury Perfume, Jewelry, A new car, etc.
- Almost anything you want, unless you ask for another damn squishmallow. He is going to lose it. He doesn’t understand why you need so many!
- “Please Kat!” You look up at your husband with a grilled cheese squishmallow
- “Put it back” he side eyes you “I just got you one the other day”
- “No please you don’t understand” you work your best acting skills and think of something super sad so that the tears form “He thinks he’s coming home with me so if I put him back he will be sad” you have visible tears streaming down your pretty cheeks at this point
- “Damn it woman give it to me!” He practically snatches it and replaced its spot in your hand with his own hand
- And ofc you’re grinning all the way up to the self checkout
- “This is your last thing today” he sternly tells you as he pulls out his card “But what about a slushy?” You pout and he deeply sighs and runs a hand through your hair
- “Yes you can have a slushy”
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megumimania · 10 months
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featuring: reiner, onyankopon, armin
a/n: this is part two of these hcs, part one is here! thanks for tuning in its kinda rushed my bad 😪, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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-armin would be from islington or finchley maybe even south, but I don’t see him living in like bougie areas such as kensington or chelsea or like richmond
- him and eren went to the same primary and secondary together
-armin was literally his get out of jail free card because of his stellar reputation in academics
-he always gets free stuff from the corner shop or the chicken and chip shop
-doesn’t own a car, he either bikes or takes the tube because he cares about the environment and doesn’t want to add onto the extra pollution in london
-his dress sense is very casual like a t shirt, a pair of loose fitted trousers and some trainers but when he cant be bothered he’ll wear a tech fleece
-he has a very good sense of direction, like he knows the fastest routes for anything, like when eren and connie dragged him to carni (if you went this year im saur jealous 😩 but anyways) and it was time to get home armin found a quicker route that got them back pretty fast
-knows all the best secret spots in london for anything! which makes hanging out with him more fun because you experience a new part of london when you’re together
-he isnt a fan of eren’s scamming ways but when eren asks for help he always answers as long as he’s not a part of it
-london men i feel like are terrible with their feelings but armin is the exception, he would be very open with you about his feelings and such
-reads so much, you’ll catch him at hyde park or greenwich park reading till the sun sets
-he smokes cigarettes but he’s trying to cut it out for you
-his playlist would be very diverse since he’s been brought up in a multicultural area, like it would go from bashment, to rnb, drill to pop
-unlike his unserious counterparts *cough cough* eren and connie, he’s very loyal!
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-my ghanaian king, shoutout to my ghanaians!!
-he speaks twi so well that people forget he was brought up in the uk
-he would be from peckham or lewisham for suree, he’s deffo been dragged around by his mum round rye lane market on a saturday morning carrying that trolley with him
-he goes to a pentecostal church, he’s always leading youth service and helping out at church events.
-the aunties love him for this because he’s the perfect son that they don’t have and they just love him in general
-ony can cook and im being for real, so you guys never eat out unless ony wants to show you to a new niche restaurant somewhere
-he has snap but doesn’t have a bitmoji because he thinks it’s immature 😕 but eventually he caves and makes one because you ask him too
-hes always promoting his boys stuff whether that be music,
-he deffo went to an all boys secondary and then he went to a mixed sixth form after, he gives me those vibes
-he used to go to the library to link girls after school 😭 he had a big playboy phase but hes calmed down
-he used to be one of those people at stratford westfield trying to sell you magazines before you enter
-hes not stingy with his money, hes always spoiling the people he loves
-he has a bunch of caps and grills that he likes to rotate out weekly, he has great style
-he works in corporate london so its rare that you dont see him outside of a suit and tie but he always makes time for you
-ony is always holding your bag for dear life when you go to bait areas like oxford street or westfields or like the tourist spots because people be getting their shit stolen loool
-he loves late night tesco trips anything that he can do at night i.e late night walks, drives etc
-bossman is always giving him discounts on stuff because ony is loyal customer.
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-look at that man and tell me he wouldnt be from essex tell me!! like thats pure dagenham material right there
-if you search up a typical person from essex, he would come up
-he probably owns those skintight chinos with those ugly polos with the church shoes
-he tries to downplay his accent a bit since sometimes its hard to understand him but when hes upset his accent comes through in full force
-always at spoons or at the club till early hours
-reiner gives me bricklayer vibes so thats what im gonna roll with
-when he comes home from work in summer hes like hot and sweaty but it makes his biceps glow so its kinda sexy idk
-has a bunch of tattoos, most of them are birthdays of family members and a picture of his grandma who passed away
-has a british bulldog called belle, the dog is fucking scary but reiner thinks the world of her and thinks she can do no wrong
-listens to mainly dnb, garage, techno
-downs pints at the pub like it’s nothing, he has a high alcohol tolerance
-proper geezer that’s all i have to say tbh!
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12th house and the inner alchemist
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I notice people with this placement become deeply aware of what frequencies they want to be around. Like if you want something that is more 'jolly, fun, and whimsical' you might search for it in your mind , and then you start to find it in your body. It starts with the spirit first, then you go into meditation to connect with this energy through the art of imagination. That 'jolly, fun, whimsical energy' could end up taking you to a cool coffee shop, end up taking you into a colorful shop with weird looking food , or hell may take you to the circus ! because what youre looking for is the feeling/energy not the 'thing' itself.
I love to say 12th housers are like the boy in this book called 'The Alchemist', where he wanted to look for a treasure to make all his dreams come true, ends up going on a long journey before he finally finds the treasure that was in his hometown all along. In the end he realized what he wanted wasnt about the treasure, the treasure was a symbol to what he wanted to do in his reality which he eventually did without the treasure itself. The treasure is the idea of the energy he wanted in his life, not the thing itself.
Because the imagination brings things to us, and all though we aren't able to explain exactly what it is we are looking for, we go into meditative states to jump into this reality (manifestation) and then follow it with our bodies. And one by one, piece by piece, we enter into the worlds of our psyche through the physical reality.
One thing I can say about 12th housers, you have to let go of the IDEA because it is just that, an IDEA. it is useful for when you are looking for the spirit/energy of the thing you are looking for.
Also since I brought up the alchemist. The story was about making a way for yourself no matter what obstacles you go through, no matter if you dont have that 'thing' you need to get there. You create your reality as you go.
the boy had a simple intention to go find this treasure because he believed it would allow him stop talk taking care of sheep (he was a sheep boy), he could travel all around the world, find a wife, and live the life of his dreams. He evidently did all of that without the treasure! He made a way without even thinking of it, because he knew since he had left his hometown and the sheep there was no other choice but to make something happen!
I believe 12th housers have that inner alchemist inside them, which is why they are so good at painting, drawing, and whatever other art you can name cause its a lot (lol).
12th housers are great at using these things to attract what they want in their life, they follow the frequency/energy knowingly and unknowingly. I call them he universes messengers because they rely messages to the collective without having to explain to us whats the message.
I notice 12th house individuals show this with their music. like I said with frequency a lot of them know the type of energy they wish to convey in their songs because thats the vibe they want to keep with them as they journey through life.
think of sza, a fellow 12th houser with 4 planets (venus,uranus, saturn, and neptune) and she is known to connect to a certain frequency that sounds like 'fairies, sirens, and anything magical' (im honestly referring to ctrl and her older works from 2013/14)
It can also be a 'curse' one type sza tweeted how singing 'supermodel' off her ctrl album 'summoned' the guy she was talking about in the song.
12th house rules over the subconscious, so sometimes your art can attract what you dont want to you. you have to move around it, learn how to use it as a repellant as it can attract fleas (I say this about pisces/neptune peeps a lot, y'all do tend to attract flies).
using your mind to control your reality can be mastered if you continue to heal the shadow. your shadow is just what you've been accustomed to believe that it is shameful, and cant be seen in the light.
the shadow is who you are, dont be ashamed and run from it.
blessings to all my 12th house individuals you guys have a wonderful gift inside that interesting brain of yours! keep it up.
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