#how to be gnc af at a funeral
fugglecases · 1 year
forever baffled by womens clothing design choices 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Not historical figures but GO x Great Comet crossover, War meets Helene and Pollution/Pestilence meets Balaga. What chaos ensues? War would duel Pierre, I know it already (and maybe Anatole too). And omg Death hanging around Natasha after her attempted suicide and kind of looking after her? "Natasha you can do better than him. Trust me I literally know everything."
No but I know for a fact War is beating up Anatole like guns thrown out she’s got fists and he can’t run that fast. She’s absolutely dueling Pierre maybe in a “respect your wife you dickhead” way maybe in a “man lighten the fuck up and have a good time this’ll be fun” sort of way. either way she’s missing on purpose to make a point bc if she didn’t.. there’d be a funeral. Also she and Dolokhov got war stories (badumtss) to tell while like playing chicken w their guns
Pollution has tried drag racing (cart racing?) with Balaga and Pestilence went along for the ride- He learned how awful it is to vomit for the first time after that. Also Balaga totally won, but Pollution came in close even when one of their cart’s wheels like rotted off bc Pollution.
Pestilence likes to torment old man Bolkonsky bc he’s a dick and tormenting the elderly is funny when they’re dicks but he does it under the guise that he was some fellow dignitary and everytime he visits Bolkonsky comes down w something. He’s always kind to Mary, who he knows that bastard father of hers runs ragged- he can see it in her eyes. Mary has to admit, out of all of their guests, “Duke Wyn of House.. which house is it now again?” as she calls him, has to be one of the nicest they have. Even if her father thinks otherwise.
Helené and War... GOD almighty the flirting. They’d flirt a lot a lot. (I actually think Helene and Famine would be really good friends cus they’re both high society types but Helene would absolutely be like “full disclosure, your sisters hot, is 1812 bro code invoked?” and even if Famine said yes, that’s not stopping War nor Helene.)
also my brain thought was War was definitely dressing in like suits and shit at this time period so i immediately went:
Helene: your sister’s gnc af
And YES! Natasha, poor sweet incredibly naive Natasha sits with Death a lot during her recovery. They’re somber and quiet but after the adventure she’s had she prefers that. She talks and they listen a lot of the times. She feels like she’s let everyone down for being foolish and even worse she’s so heart broken because she lost the man she really loved all because she couldn’t see through another man’s deception and hurt her family in the process. She feels as if she’s doomed the family name and everyone would see her as a disgrace or an embarrassment now. More so, she feels like that reputation will live with her now, and bc its 1812 the societal expectations hang over her, so maybe she’ll never find another man who truly cared about her. Maybe she never did in the first place.
And Death, who’s presence was rarely ever considered comforting, would just sit and listen as they wrapped a starry wing around her and when she was finally done talking they’d tell her that she’d be just fine. It wasn’t her fault someone tried to take advantage of her and her family knew that- even if the whole situation was messy. But she’ll be ok and she will be loved. They’re Death, they’d know.
And Natasha just has this weak smile when she looks up at them but one full of hope all the same.
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