#why is the length of the shirt not the length of the shirt 😐
fugglecases · 1 year
forever baffled by womens clothing design choices đŸ™đŸŒđŸ™đŸŒ
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saigawrites · 1 year
Title : Genshin characters as highschool students.
Note : This will probably mostly relate to central asian students. Also, most of the interactions are platonic :) Characters that look older will be teachers cuz it's strange for me to imagine them as studentsđŸ˜„
Tags : crack, fluff(?), headcanons.
Warnings : mentions of vaping, insulting, alcohol.
Characters : Xiao, Scaramouche, Childe, Zhongli, Venti, Kazuha.
Xiao is the type of student that follows the uniform rules strictly, a well-ironed shirt, a tie neatly sitting on top, with a good-looking blazer. Has good grades, kinda one of those lonely mysterious excellent students who look very pretty while literally putting no effort😭.
We have this thing where starting from 6 or 7th classes will have to go out patrolling on break time. Basically to watch and scold students if they run, misbehave or don't follow the dress code. So I imagine Xiao taking the patrol very seriously, like man would lecture you for a solid 10 minutes when you slightly quickened your pace in the halls💀. I swear, he would enjoy patrolling so much, he would continue to do it even when it's the other classes turn.
Scaramouche is the type of student who has beef with the whole school. With this behavior he would not survive our schools, man would get slandered on daily basis😰. You know, we have this type of insta acc's where you can send anonymous letters inside of your school, like confess to a crush from the other class, right? Scaramouche would literally get hate letters all of the time. Every second post on this account would be about him☠. Either ppl insulting the shit out of him, or defending him with their life, with his pretty privilege I think he would have at least some amount of fans.
In my opinion, scaramouche is those type of people who tried vaping once, didn't like it and started hating and dissing everyone around him who vapes.
Venti is the student who spends his break time in the toilets, vaping with his friends, maybe even drinking. Remembering there was a case in my school where some students hid some beer behind the toilet wallsđŸ˜¶. Venti would try to do something like that too, for sure. Also I think he would be very interested in the drama around, involving himself in some conflicts accidentally.
Kazuha is the type of student who vapes, but hides it surprisingly well, the only person knowing being Venti. Generally has a good reputation in school, being a chill student that can get along with literally anyone. Could be one of the Scaramouche defenders, or could be not informed on the drama at all. The one who you always see in the art classroom, hanging out there with the art teacher, talking with your class about the meaning of life, philosophy, and all those other artsy things.
Childe is the PE teacher that never, and I mean NEVER, spares you. You have your PE uniform? Run 10 circles on the 500 metre length. Oh, you don't have your PE uniform? Do 500 squads in the uncomfortable school uniform and then don't have the permission to sit on any benches, you don't deserve them. He's the type of teacher who has the most useless lessons in school, but acts like they are the most important ones. Some ppl simp for him, and you can see why, but you still think it's kind of sus how he acts when his students compliment himđŸ€š.
Zhongli is the sweet and kind history teacher, who puts a lot of effort in your studying and let's you draw things and write stories on your tests if you've done them early😭. Actually appreciates all of the goofy little drawings and stories and thinks of them as the warm memories. Also the one who always greets you whenever you see each other while passing, but somehow doesn't remember your name and always misses it😐.
I think I'll this one on here, let me know if should make a part 2!! This was very fun, and I honestly didn't expect to write that muchđŸ˜¶.
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nikosamaki · 2 years
hey darling!!
i don't know if you are taking requests, if not feel free to ignore this, but if yes, could you please write about what would be the brothers reaction for MC having a bellybutton piercing?
(btw i love your writing, keep it up!! & have a nice day! 💕)
Hi dear
Of course I would write it for you and YES; I do take requests đŸ˜ŠđŸ„°
I'm really HAPPY that you like them❀
What's Brothers reaction to MC's bellybutton piercing:
Warnings: Little NSFW
"In the name of God, what the hell have you DONE???", said in his mind -obviously he acts like father in disguise đŸ„ž-, but he likes it despite of it might give some pains to your cute -and sensitive (I have a point here 😏)- belly; not to mention that he figured it out while he was unbuttoning your shirt -you both were doing NAUGHTY things.
Anyways, he enjoys playing with the piercing -by his slim tongue- and seeing how you're face changs by its pleasure or tickles; of course he LOVES those sweet moans which you make everytime when his tongue touches your belly.
When he saw it, he narrowed his eyes and just looked at you with a smirk -not like he's having SEXY thoughts about you, NO! Actually he's having INSIDIOUS thoughts đŸ«Ą (Upset?).
Although he likes it, he's VERY cautious not to touch it to make you feel pain or anything ( Awwww... He's fucking CUTE đŸ„ș); so it means that everytime you having it, first he considers your mode, then does whatever he wants.
"Buckduckiebxvi... WHATTTT??? JKCIWW *Blub blub blub* ", he totally panicked! (Sometimes I think he IS a pregnant woman rather than a man 😐). He cannot believe that you took the risk and DID it!! -or the other reason that he panicked is how SEXY you look like now, MANnnn.... He WANTS IT!!! But unfortunately he's panicked đŸ„Č. "Wait a fucking minute, how HAS pierced it for YOU? A MAN???",
immediately he turned to his demon form and wants to kill the person -if he WAS a MAN ( You do realize that Levi was the ONLYone who cared about who did for you, right? Due to his envious; which is GOOD!!).Nevertheless, like Luci, he plays with it -in the bed time or not- because your voice is TOO much sweet.
"Ohhh... Looks like little kitten has become brave. You wanted some attention or distract Daddy from his book? 😏 .... Prepared for the consequences?? *Whispered: Where's your collar?*". He's surprised that you have piercing -not expecting it would be your bellybutton- but loves it. When you were acting like kitten on his lengths, he saw it -your shirt went up- and just stared at it. 
(You can say what will happen next, right? đŸ€—)
Just God damn him, he'll talk as much nonsense and flirting with you as he can and you JUST want to DIE -you wanted to shout: "I ate SHIT" :/ ( It's too late to regret 😔).
By the way, he suggests a lot of crop tops to show your bellybutton piercing -on the other hand, for showing your naughtiness 😁, because he loves to it. Of course he stares at it while he's talking to you and thinking about how far can you handle his play games with your new piercing (Freaky long night is waiting for you!!)
Just sees something is sparkling and bothers his eyes đŸ«„ (I'm DONE, okay?? He... he just canNOT be like what you think đŸ„Č). For some moments, he just stare at it and says: " Doesn't look edible, so why you handled the pain and took the risk??" ; you fought with your intention to not punch him in his stomach -or choke him-, you just grabbed his food and squinted your eyes and went to your room. He's confused now.
When he saw it, he looked at you amazed and and kinda smiled -maliciously with BAD thoughts😏- and said: "Humm... How interesting! Come and lie here so I can look at it clearly". You shouldn't have done what he said, you obeyed and now you're tricked. He plays with it; caresses around your bellybutton, rubs it and teases you as much as he can. You're going to have a VERY long -maybe with a little pain- night.
To say the truth, Belphie is more pervert than Beel😁 (In my opinion)
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toru-oikawas-milkbread · 3 years
First Impressions
Pairing: Shinsuke Kita x f!reader
Prompt/summary: Terrified of meeting your fiancé’s grandmother for the first time, you’re changing as many times as Shinsuke had ever seen you change a shirt before, worrying that you’ll make a poor first impression and worried she may not ever welcome you into the family based off something as major as a first impression. You had no idea how unimportant your worries were going to be as you met the kind older woman and ended up having one of the best Christmas’s that you’d ever had in your life
Word count: 4.4K
Warnings/contents: Fluff
Notes: I’m having a very Kita filled Christmas on my blog this year! I hope you guys like it ❀ this story is relatively short, but it was so much fun to write for Kita. He’s such a sweetie with his peaceful life on the rice farm. Now if only he were real to really go home for Christmas with. I woke up this morning thinking about finally posting this after working on it and finishing it about a whole month and a half ago and I started to think of next years Christmas post and got mad I have to wait that long to write and post it 😐 curse my brain for not giving me the idea a little sooner, but I still think this post is better than what I was thinking of, especially for Kita 
Enough rambling. I hope you enjoy this ❀
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For what felt like the hundredth time just this hour, you changed your sweater. The jeans that you wore were comfortable and you thought they looked nice. The problem was that every different sweater you put on made you feel fat, ugly, it was too tight, it was too loose, the color was odd, your hair didn’t match the style— you always came up with an excuse as to why you couldn’t wear the sweater you had on, only to end up putting on the first sweater that you originally put on and took off.
Shinsuke leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed and a small smile on his face as he watched you adjust the sweater in front of your full-length mirror.
“Are you almost ready to go, darling?” You looked at the man from in the mirror before turning to look at him and gesturing almost frantically to your shirt.
“Do I look ready?”
“Yes.” You huffed and almost made the man laugh as you turned back around and stripped the shirt off. You were worried that you were going to mess up your hair or makeup with all of your changing, but you couldn’t help it. Despite knowing that Shinsuke’s grandmother most likely wasn’t going to be eyeing what you were wearing as a form of judgement, you couldn’t help but worry.
First impressions were very important to you, and on the flip-side you were very careful to give good first impressions as well. There were numerous people you’d met who seemed fine and tolerable, yet their first impressions were poor and you couldn’t help but always dislike them a little bit because of it.
“I need to give your grandmother a good first impression,” you said, putting on a different sweater. You were unaware that your fiancĂ© started to walk over towards you, looking down and carefully pushing the front of your sweater into your jeans to see if that would make the clothing you once deemed unworthy cute enough to wear. You knew that you needed to be leaving within just a few minutes with a long drive ahead of you, but you couldn’t find a good shirt to wear for the life of you.
“So you’re saying that at my grandmothers house I should do things like this?” You jumped at your fiancé’s soft voice, looking up and meeting his eyes in the mirror as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the side of your neck, meeting your eyes as he helped you push the sweater into your pants though brushing his fingers against your lower stomach and making your cheeks flush.
“Shinsuke!” You scolded lightly, watching as the man smiled and gave a soft laugh before pulling away from you so that you could turn around and look at him with a small frown on your otherwise serious face.
“I promise that my grandmother is going to adore you. I know first impressions are important to you, but I assure you she isn’t going to be looking for perfection.” He reached up, gently pulling the stray hair of your bangs loose from behind your ear as you often wore it. “She’s only going to care that you’re kind— which you are— and that I’m happy— which I am. Exceptionally.” He added, leaning down to press a soft, calming and assuring kiss to your lips. “You needn’t worry so much. Other people’s opinions are important to you, I know, but I promise that my grandmother really isn’t hard to please.”
“Well, if I have to look like a complete slob, then what else am I supposed to do?” Shinsuke gave a soft chuckle at your dramatic words and rested his hands on your waist.
“You can help her wash dishes.” You blinked, waiting for more before giving a soft sound to his silence.
“And?” You asked. “Of course I was going to help with the dishes!” Shinsuke couldn’t help but laugh again, only seeming to make you more agitated.
“And that’s why she’ll love you. As long as you’re polite and don’t curse, I’m sure that she’s going to adore you.” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before grabbing your hand. “Now come on, that shirt looks cute on you. Come with me, we need to leave.”
“But what are we supposed to talk about?” You asked, walking faster alongside the man who brought you to the front door. “I know you’ll help me out and everything, but what happens when your grandmother and I are inevitably alone at least once? What am I supposed to say— what if the silence is awkward? You know I hate silence.” Shinsuke gave a soft hum, getting down on his knees and sliding your shoe onto your right foot.
“How about work? I’m sure she’ll be interested in what you do. Anything we haven’t already spoken about. She’ll ask you questions as well, she’s fairly talkative and she won’t leave you to start every conversation.” He promised, helping you get your other shoe on before standing and putting his own on.
 but what if she doesn’t?”
“Then ask her some questions.” He said as if it were the most simple thing, getting your coat and helping you into it as you gave a groan.
“But— what if we’ve already asked her all of the questions I can think of?” You asked, but before he could grab his jacket and ease your worries, you added another thing. “What if I get hot in this sweater? I don’t want to be flushed and sweating!” Shinsuke paused, looking at you and giving a slow blink before he lightly sighed and hung his jacket back up on the coatrack. His hands gently grasped your shoulders as he leaned down to eye level with you.
“Listen, darling; you’re worrying yourself over nothing, I promise. My grandmother is going to adore you.” You gently reached up, holding onto his wrist with a worried look still on your face. “You’re very smart. You’re very talented. You’re very pretty. You’re very interesting. She’s going to think that you’re as adorable as I do.” He promised, pressing a soft kiss to the space between your brows that was creased with worry. “Now come on,” he let you go, putting his coat on and holding out an open and welcoming hand for you as his other reached for the door handle. “Let’s go, darling.”
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The car ride was relatively quiet, though not in a calming way like it usually was with Shinsuke. Music played softly in the background while he drove the two of you to his grandmothers house. It was still rather early in the day when you pulled up to the house. You stared at it, anxiety building thicker in your gut than even before when you were changing multiple times. You still worried she may not like you, that she may disapprove and convince him to leave you. Even worse, you worried she may hold a resentment against you forever. Ever since you were young, you’d daydreamed about having a better relationship with your husbands family than you did with your own. What would you do if someone as important, especially to your fiancĂ©, as his grandmother didn’t like you?
“I think that my sister may be joining us today.” Shinsuke suddenly spoke, shutting the car off and snapping you free from your trance. You gave your throat a soft clear and looked at your fiancĂ©.
“Really? And your brother?” You asked, having already met both of his siblings. You had adored both of them, though more importantly they had both seemed to like you as well. There were several times this year you had ventured out with his sister, doing some shopping for her new home and even having a girls day and giving each other mani-pedis and drinking wine while you told stories about your lives. It had been so much fun that you couldn’t wait to see her again.
“He told me that he isn’t going to be able to make it this year. He’ll be here next year with his girlfriend however.” He said, looking at you as he took his seatbelt off. “Are you ready to go in?” You sent one final anxious look at the house in front of you before gently nodding your head. “Remember, dear— it’ll be alright.” He promised, gently resting his hand on top of yours and giving it a light squeeze. “My grandmother is going to adore you.”
The two of you got out of the warm car, nearly shivering when the cold winter air hit you as you rubbed your arms over the coat that you wore and walked around to the trunk where your fiancĂ© was getting the two presents you’d both gotten for his grandmother out. He sent you a little smile as you shut the trunk while he held the presents and walked with you to the front door.
“Would you knock for us?” He asked since his hands were full. You sent the man a small smile and nodded, anxiously reaching up to knock on the door of the cute little house. You wanted to admire the markings in the door and the cute set-up on the front porch, but the door opened quickly and stole your attention away from everything else as you looked back and saw an elderly woman smiling at the two of you, though you imagined it was directed mostly towards her grandson. You knew just how close the two were, even more than that, you knew how much he cared for his grandmother. “Hello grandma.”
“Shinsuke!” She stepped aside, letting the two of you walk inside of the house.
“Grandmother, this is my fiancĂ©e, (y/n).” You smiled lightly at the woman and gave a respectful bow, going to speak before she was quick to cut you off.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kita-San—”
“Oh, call me Yumie, we’re all family here.” She said, quickly opening her arms. “Come give me a hug.” You blinked, glancing at Shinsuke as he went to set the presents under the tree before going to hug the woman who gave you a tight, friendly squeeze. At first you wondered maybe she was talking to her grandson despite the fact that she was facing you, but you were quick to hug her back. “Come now, come now— I have something for the two of you,” she said, letting you go and walking over towards the Christmas tree.
Shinsuke walked up beside you and waited a few feet back from the woman while she got the two neatly wrapped presents from off the fireplace.
“I told you that my grandmother wasn’t nearly as scary as you were thinking.” He teased lightly, though you sent him an almost horrified look.
“Are you kidding me?” You asked softly. “I am terrified! What if she changes her mind?” Shinsuke gave a soft chuckle and shook his head gently, going to reassure you that she wasn’t so quick to change what she thought about people and instead you would most likely have to break his heart for the woman to stop adoring you, she spoke up and brought the presents over to the two of you.
“Merry Christmas, Shinsuke. Merry Christmas, (y/n).”
“Thank you," the two of you said nearly at the same time. Quickly stealing a glance at the man, you missed the little smile that was on his grandmothers face before taking the box with a smile; it wasn’t very heavy and you wondered might be in there.
“Why don’t you open them now.” She said excitedly. “I hope you’ll like them.”
“I’m sure that they’re amazing, grandma.” Shinsuke said, gently grabbing your hand and bringing you along with him and his grandmother to the small sitting room. The two of you sat on a small sofa for 2, side-by-side as his grandmother sat in one of the comfortable looking chairs across from the two of you.
Carefully, you unwrapped the pretty present, opening the box to find a comfortable looking wool sweater inside as you carefully pulled it out. Glancing beside you, you saw that Shinsuke had a very similar looking sweater in a different color.
“I hope that it fits you, (y/n) dear.” Yumie spoke. You sent her a smile and looked back to the sweater.
“I think it will fit just fine, thank you for this.” She smiled at you while Shinsuke took the boxes to the trash, leaving you completely alone with the woman for a moment and making you more anxious as you smiled at her.
“My Shinsuke seems very happy.” She said, a small smile still on her face. “Happier than I’ve seen him in a long time.”
“That’s good. I’m glad that he’s so happy.”
“You know you play a part in that,” she leaned a little closer to you and made you tense a bit. “I know you’re nervous, but you needn’t be. You’re marrying soon, but I already consider you a part of my family. If you make my Shinsuke so happy, you’re already in my heart.”
“O-oh, I didn’t mean to—” You went to apologize for seeming so visibly anxious, though she stopped you with a soft shush and a shake of her head.
“His sister has nothing but nice things to say about you, his brother as well. I trust my grandchildren enough. Now, why don’t you find Shinsuke while I check the dinner. Let him know it’ll be done soon. I’m not sure what he’s doing out there, but he must come in soon before he gets sick.”
“Sure thing.” You smiled at the woman and stood, offering her a hand to help her and shyly giving her hand a light squeeze. “Yumie-san?” She gave a sweet hum and looked at you in question. “Thank you.” She hummed, placing her other hand on top of yours with a wide smile. “I apologize that I seemed so anxious. I want you to like me because I care about Shinsuke so much and I want to love his family just as much.” She hummed softly and gave your hand a light squeeze.
“Love my Shinsuke and I love you.” She said simply before letting go of your hand and heading for the kitchen. You glanced back at the door, walking over and quickly putting your shoes on before heading out and catching Shinsuke working on shoveling some of the snow away from the driveway. You smiled lightly and walked over to the man, catching his attention. He smiled at you, though it quickly faltered.
“You aren’t wearing your jacket, you’re going to catch a cold.” He quickly took his own jacket off and rested it on your shoulders.
“Well, now you’re going to catch a cold.” You teased.
“Better me than you.” You gave a hesitant chuckle and looked into his pretty eyes.
“I don’t think I agree with that.”
“You don’t need to,” he said simply, the shovel resting against his side while he gently rubbed your arms over the jacket.
“Your grandmother says that you need to come in before you get yourself sick. I can’t have you giving me your jacket.”
“I’ll be alright,” he promised, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your head, making you give a soft giggle as his cold nose pressed to your skin.
“Alright, well I really was sent out here to bring you inside. She says dinner is going to be done soon.”
“Tell her that I will be in soon.” He said, gently nudging your chin up with his fingers to press a soft kiss to your lips that made your cheeks flush.
“Ah, Shinsuke— she’s gonna see.” He chuckled softly and pulled back, shaking his head gently.
“I think she knows by now that I’ve kissed you a few times.” You grumbled something incoherent beneath your breath that made the man laugh again. “Oh, I meant to tell you, my sister isn’t going to make it here until rather late tonight.” He said. “She said that she’s spending the week here with our grandmother. I was thinking
 maybe, if you would like to, we could ask my grandmother if we could spend at least tonight night here.” You smiled and nodded.
“I think that sounds nice.” He sent you a smile and pressed one final kiss to your forehead.
“Then I’ll talk to her over dinner.” He promised, hesitantly taking the coat off of you. “Now go in before you get sick, I’ll be done here in just a moment.” You nodded gently, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips as he put his jacket on. “Careful, she might see.” He teased. You gave a soft laugh and flushed more than the cold weather made you.
“Stay warm.”
“I will with that sweet kiss.”
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Quietly, you laid on the small bed, staring up at the ceiling as you struggled to sleep. You thought back on the night, feeling so anxious this morning and through the afternoon, but you had slowly let loose throughout the night and ended up having such a fun time. You worried you may be too tense the whole night, though after your moment alone with his grandmother, you found yourself slowly feeling at home. After his sister had joined the party, you had remembered vividly all of the laughter and fun you’d had while wearing the comfortable sweater Shinsuke’s grandmother had made for you.
The unfortunate part of tonight was only this: you were alone in a twin sized bed rather than being with Shinsuke who was, sadly for you, across the room. You didn’t assume you’d spend the night in bed with the man like you usually did, but you were hoping that he may at least be in the same room as you. Fiddling with your fingers, you missed rolling over and meeting the mans warmth in your shared bed. You didn’t know if Shinsuke’s grandmother knew the two of you lived together or not, though a part of you hoped she didn’t know because of how little some people viewed living together before you were married.
A soft knock on the door stole you from your thoughts. Initially you thought it may be Shinsuke’s sister, though as you sat up, you saw your fiancĂ© peek. Smiling as he walked into the room and shut the door behind himself softly.
“Hello darling,” he spoke softly as he walked over to the small bed. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“Not at all. I was just thinking.” You smiled again as he sat on the bed close to you, gently placing his hand on your bare thigh. You wore one of his shirts he’d left at his grandmothers house back in high school and nothing beneath. Since neither of you were prepared to spend the night, you didn’t know what else you were going to do tomorrow about brushing your teeth, but you figured Shinsuke would have an idea. He always did, and a part of you had never thought you’d be able to put so much trust into one person before him.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
 how nice today has been.” He smiled as he pulled back and met your eyes through the dim light in the room.
“I’m so glad you’ve had a good time.” He said. “I was worried you might be too worked up to enjoy yourself there for awhile. I suspect my grandmother said something to you to ease your nerves. If not me, I’m glad that she could.” He teased lightly, making you give a soft chuckle as you looked down. You hadn’t had to be so quiet with the man in your room in such a long time, though both of you seemed worried if you spoke any louder someone may wake up or it may ruin the moment. “I know you’re worried about making a good impression on my family, but you can trust me. They’re all going to love you this much. After all, it’s impossible to not.”
“I think that’s a little bit of an over-exaggeration,” you said with a light laugh.
“But I don’t agree.” He pressed another soft kiss to your head and gave a quiet sigh as he pressed his forehead to yours. “You’re so sweet, polite, funny, smart, and interesting. I think not loving you is impossible.” Your cheeks warmed as you gently reached for the mans hand and sunk closer to him.
“As long as you love me, I don’t care whether or not anyone else does.” You said back just as softly as he had, though you were quick to follow up as he smiled. “That doesn’t include your family though— I want them to like me.” Shinsuke gave a soft laugh and kissed you.
“They will.” He promised. “How could they ever dislike you. Not only are you all of those things and more, but you make me so happy. I know they won’t want anything more than that.” He assured you. “Same with my grandmother as I said earlier, as long as you don’t break my heart, I don’t think they could ever find a reason to dislike you.”
“I couldn’t even think about hurting you.” You said softly. “I love you so much. You’re all I could ever ask for and so much more.” Shinsuke hummed softly, smiling more as he leaned down and pressed his head to your shoulder, trying to feel as close as he could to you in the most innocent way possible. In return, you wrapped your arms around the man and gave him a gentle squeeze.
“You’re more than I could ask for.”
“Oh, you just have to one-up me, don’t you?” You teased, making the man give a soft laugh against your neck. “All kidding aside, I never thought that someone could be so
 perfect.” You said. “You’re just
 you’re perfect.” You couldn’t even think of how to word just how amazing you thought that the man was. “I know that perfection isn’t really a thing, but it’s so hard for me to believe that when it comes to you. After some of the people I met in high school, I never even dreamed I’d be this happy with someone. I thought overlooking more flaws in someone might be hard, but
 I don’t know if you have any.” You said honestly. “You never let me down, you never make me feel like I disappoint you, you never start pointless fights with me, you forgive me for everything that I do so easily— it’s almost hard to believe this isn’t some long, realistic feeling dream.”
Shinsuke gave a thoughtful hum and moved to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips that left you leaning into the man even as he pulled away.
“It isn’t a dream, but I understand how you feel. I don’t need to fight with you. You don’t do anything that isn’t worth forgiveness, these things you do are so minuscule. So simple. Forgiving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done, and you forgive me, too. I’m not faultless, I get agitated with things, but you always make those things seem so pointless when I’m with you. You never disappoint me, so why would I ever act like you did?” He pressed another soft kiss to your lips and hummed again. “Maybe I’m just tired, but you taste so good.” You gave a soft giggle and wrapped your arms tighter around the man.
“You make me so happy, Shinsuke.” You mumbled quietly, missing the way that he smiled as he took a light inhale of your scent while he was so close to you.
“You have no idea how happy you make me.” He said beneath his breath, unsure of whether or not you had heard him. “I’m so ready to spend my life with you. Even if we weren’t engaged and if you never share my name, I want nothing more than to be with you. But to make it clear, I am happy we’re engaged, and I can’t wait to make you my wife. I’m already yours. Forever.” He promised softly.
“I’ve always been yours.”
“And I won’t ever take that for granted.”
“I know you won’t.” Shinsuke gave a soft sigh and moved to kiss you gently one more time before hesitantly pulling back and meeting your eyes through the dim light, smiling more at the little smile that was on your face. He couldn’t help himself, leaning back in to kiss you again.
“I don’t want to leave you.” He said quietly. “I miss you. I didn’t think I’d get so used to having you in bed with me that I find it this hard to sleep.”
“I can’t sleep without you either.” Shinsuke pulled back and looked back at the small bed and then back to you.
“Will you let me stay with you? I don’t mind if you need to lay on me or stay so close to my side. Actually, I’d rather you be so close than so far away.”
“I’d love it if you’d stay with me.” He sent you a small smile and stood as you pulled up the comforter and scooted to the edge of the bed. He laid down carefully, wincing slightly at the loud creak in the old bed as he laid down and laid one of his arms on the bed. He shifted to lay on his side to give you more space, though even still you laid so close to him that your face was pressed to his chest. He smiled and gave a soft chuckle as you wrapped your arms around him, moving his leg so that you could push your leg between his while your other laid out on the bed.
“So comfortable.” You said, though slightly muffled against his chest. You gave a content sigh and nuzzled close to the man as he wrapped his other arm around you and rested it on your hip. He had to admit that feeling your bare skin aside from the thin string of your underwear as the shirt of his you wore slid up your body as you laid on your side so close to him had made him flush a bit, typically trying to keep things moderate and innocent and hold you over the clothes you wore, though you never seemed to care where or how he touched you. “Are you comfortable? Do you need me to move at all.”
“Don’t move, you’re perfectly fine.” He assured you, pressing a kiss to your head before resting his own on top of yours and giving you a gentle squeeze. “This is just what I was wanting.” You smiled, resting your head comfortably against his body. As cheesy as it felt to merely think to yourself, you couldn’t help but feel whole again with Kita so snugly pressed up against you. “Goodnight, my love.” He whispered softly.
“Goodnight, baby.”
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