#you can blame feral for this lol
muzzlemouths · 2 years
two times Moon apologizes, and one time he doesn’t
Ever wonder what it was like before the virus took control? What if you were there when it happened? What if you had the chance to help?
What if you were still just a little too late?
Moon centric // Wordcount: 5292  // AO3 Vers.
It’s not every day you find yourself here.
There was never a dull moment at the pizzeria, and hardly time for rest. Each department had its fair share of employees to keep the enormous crowds appeased each day, fixing drinks and machines, handing out prizes, offering the Glamrocks a helping hand between shows, and the Everything Else needing done in between.
Superstar Daycare was different. In all your years with Faz co., you had been sent to assist the attendants few enough times to count on one hand. Your presence simply wasn’t necessary.  Unlike the Glamrocks, who required an entire team of support to get from one stage to another, the Daycare attendants performed their duties with flawless efficiency all on their own accord.
From sunrise to sunset, Sundrop cheerfully kept the children busy with shows, games, and crafts galore, hardly ever showing signs of fatigue, even when his wires were run ragged each day.
And at night, there was Moon, whose soft-spoken nature put the children at ease when it was time to rest. He read them stories, waiting forgivingly through the interruptions. He tucked them in one by one – even the runners and hiders, those who didn’t want playtime to end, the giggling voices and playfully defiant – those, too, were treated with a patient voice and gentle hand on their way back to bed.
The Daycare ran smoothly without your help. It always had.
Management wasn’t so sure.
They explained your presence as a matter of caution; The attendants were exhibiting odd behaviors lately. Not enough to warrant concern, but enough to send you in for a closer look. If the new behaviors stemmed from an unseen frayed wire or, worse, a hole in the programming, management wanted to be the first to hear about it. Better to solve the little issue before it became a big problem, they told you.
“Maybe they’re just tired,” you’d offered, “a break may be all they need.”
But animatronics didn’t need breaks. They didn’t need rest. They weren’t built with the need - that’s what made them perfect, the company insisted. And that’s why you needed to figure out what was wrong with them.
The issue being…you didn’t know yourself. Sun performed his duties without missing a single beat, doing so single handedly despite your occasional offer of help. The children arrived in the morning, and were well tuckered out and happy by evening, leaving you with scarce notes to come back to. There were minor instances, of course; a couple moments where Sun appeared distracted - as though daydreaming, or perhaps listening - but beyond that, nothing. Surely not enough to justify bringing you in.
But there being nothing of note was a good thing. The best case scenario, even, and you enjoyed your time in the Daycare despite your shift here turning out to be fruitless. It was nice to spend time with the attendants even if you had to share that time with a dozen or so children.
You occupied yourself with little tasks as time passed between shifts of day and night, all the while, Sun’s rays began to recede. One by one, they disappeared over the course of the hour, and at the 8pm mark there was a hat instead. The lights had dimmed, the Daycare gone dark, save for the glow of the stars.
Moon’s shift is just as uneventful - mostly.
He reads them a story about castles and kingdoms. He sings them a song, the music box fitted behind his heart offering its gentle tune. He tucks each child away with a hug and a quiet goodnight.
And then he disappears.
You don’t notice at first. Not for a while. It isn’t a noise that finally alerts you, but rather the absence of any, only when the soothing notes of his music box no longer reach your ears do you stand to realize he isn’t there.
Glancing over the room, you spot nothing out of the ordinary. Each child lay dreaming on their mats, every one of them accounted for. No toy or book or bin is out of its place. Everything is where it should be…save for the attendant himself.
So you go looking, and thankfully the search isn’t a long one. Soon enough, you pass the distant lull of music again and follow its path to where he sits; cross legged, hunched over, mumbling to himself at a volume that nearly rivals the winding box behind his frame.
His faceplate spins around to greet you, “Stars, you scared me,” he tells you behind a tender smile, “Did you need something? Oh, are the little constellations alright?”
It’s absolutely nauseating when he does that – that head thing – but you say nothing of it, approaching him instead and settling into the spot at his side, “Everyone is still asleep,” you reassure, “I just wasn’t sure where you went, so I came looking. What are you…”
Your eyes drift to his lap, a myriad of moondrop candies piled there. Upon closer inspection, it’s mostly formless wrappers. He’s evidently unwrapped dozens already, from what you can see, and it appears you caught him in the middle of it.
This, for certain, constitutes odd behavior.
Doubly so when it becomes obvious that he sees no consequence with what he’s doing. Right before your eyes he takes a candy and twists, retrieving the drop and holding it to his eyes. Then, wordlessly, there’s a crunch, and the hard candy becomes dust between his fingers.
He reaches for another.
“What, um,” you bite the inside of your cheek and watch as he repeats the process, uninhibited, “can I ask what you’re up to?”
As though briefly resurfacing into reality, he pauses, the next candy going still in his hand. “They’re wrong,” he supplies - offering you more questions than answers - again, the drop is ground into pieces as easy as crushing dry pasta, “Trying to find ones that aren’t.”
“Aren’t…wrong?” You ask.
He nods.
“What’s wrong about them?”
Another shatters, shards of berry blue falling loosely into the rug. It goes against his clean-and-tidy programming (among others) to be doing this. He stops, looks up at you like you’re the one performing baseless rituals, not him, “I…” his fingers tighten around the next candy, but it doesn’t snap. He pauses there. Then, quietly so, he slips it back into the wrapper and re-twists the edges, setting it aside. “I don’t…I don’t know.” His eyes follow the two piles he’s made, then drift to his lap where his hands rest, open palm, coated in debris.
This time it’s you who nods, not knowing how exactly to answer. “Oh, well, um…“ you reach for a candy, “maybe I could help–”
“No!” Blue dusted fingers surround your wrist and squeeze. The bone shifts. Both of you feel it.
Moon recoils immediately. It happens fast, a blink of the eye movement from one place to the other. He looks to you, mortified, then to your wrist, a band of red that will be purple by morning. “Oh, starlight, I’m so sorry,” his words so faint, you hardly hear them, “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. I– I–”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you reach for him - he flinches, shrinking back - your hand instantly stills, “I’m okay, really. I know it was an accident. I think maybe I just startled you.”
That wasn’t true and you damn well knew it. But then, you didn’t have the answers, and making a big deal out of it would only make matters worse. Had it hurt? Of course. But you had been shocked by loose arcade wiring, had things thrown at you by entitled parents, and have worked with Monty on at least one occasion. This was a fluke, entirely out of character for Moon - and nothing you couldn’t handle.
He’s nodding, but you can tell he doesn’t hear, or believe, a word you’re saying. There’s a distance to his gaze that makes you certain he’s worlds away by the time you try making for him again.
This time he moves entirely out of your reach, flattening his knees to the carpet then rolling his heels into a stand, his hands wringing with guilt, “I should check on the kids,” he manages to get out, “Go and have your wrist seen to. I can clean this up and finish the shift alone.”
You stand yourself, beginning to follow, “But–”
You stop. His music box continues to play between the stretch of awkward silence. Moon won’t look you in the eyes, and it’s for the very first time. But it won’t be the last.
“If you’re sure…” you say, still unconvinced. He doesn’t reply.
You don’t stick around to argue, or to clean up the shards of powder blue. He looks uncomfortable with your presence, strained within your line of site for all of the five minutes it takes you to gather your things and head for the door.
When you leave the Daycare that night it’s two hours too early, and only a few days too late.
Your report on the situation is vague at best, and Management wants answers.
Obviously, breaking a few (dozen) candies isn’t worth your boss’ time, nor concern, but it’s enough of an oddity to send you back in a second time. The executive decision is made that you’re to be scheduled for Moon’s shift, and only that. Management wants your full attention on the attendant.
It drags a spotlight over Moon, and he can tell. You know he can. Whenever your boss’ boss comes to the store you don’t take anything for chance, you do your job with twice the efficiency and three times the pressure. You suspect it was the same for the attendants, because despite Moon’s impressive proof of capability performed day in and day out, he’s visibly nervous.
It isn’t noticeable to the untrained eye. His sings with the same sweetness, guides with the same gentle hands, but there’s tension in his posture like a wired doll winding ever tighter - that metaphorical wire inside him coiling further with each passing day. Three times, already, have you caught him glancing over his shoulder. Then rigidly paused in the corner, fidgeting, second guessing his decisions. Each entry to your notes has him standing straighter, moving faster, talking quieter. Anything to get your eyes off of him. Anything to prove he doesn’t need to be watched to do his job.
Something is wrong with Moon. You know this for certain. He knows it, too, and he’s willing to do anything to be proven wrong.
Things would be different if there was a known source for these behaviors. They’d sent in a tech, of course, electing for a home-visit type of situation rather than waste time bringing him downstairs. Moon sat awkwardly in a Daycare beanbag while they poked and prodded at the wiring behind his faceplate. They didn’t bother looking deeper; hours spent here were then spent in management’s budget, and nobody had the pockets to cash out for someone that wasn’t human.
He’d been compliant for it. Moon obeyed every command, his patience a valuable trait both in and out of work hours. He held perfectly still and didn’t make a fuss over being poked and prodded. Still, there was nothing to show for his efforts. The tech came back emptyhanded.
Just a fluke, it was decided. But parents were beginning to complain - he was acting out, getting loud - it scared the kids.
Where most were quick to criticize, you found only concern. It felt like only you could see how much he was struggling. Like he was teetering on an invisible edge, and while the others scolded him for his imbalance, you saw the drop. It couldn’t continue like this.
If he fell, there was no one to catch him.
You do what no one else has the courage to: offer him the same compassion you would any other coworker, human or not. If wires weren’t the issue and they found nothing in his code, surely it was a matter of spirit. Exhaustion or something on his mind, keeping him distracted. Maybe it was impossible to simply talk out such things, but you had to try. He was owed that much.
You find him by the jungle gyms, sitting on the bridge with his legs dangling over. It takes you a minute to climb up to where he’s at and take a seat beside him. When you do, he says nothing, a notion that immediately strikes you as concerning. Sure, he wasn’t nearly as talkative as his counterpart, but a simple ‘hello’ had never before been missed. It hurt to be ignored.
He sits with his arms crossed and resting over the rope hold, his chin settled atop. The position ought to be casual - it’s anything but. His body is wound tight like a rubber band with more tension between the joints than you’ve ever seen, replicating an animal waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Again, that wire comes to mind, pulled taught, stretching thinner. His gaze doesn’t leave the kids who all sleep on their mats only a few yards away.
“Quiet tonight,” you’re sure to keep your voice low, merely a whisper, to keep from waking the kids, yes, but also as a precaution. With him like this, you don’t know how he’ll react if you’re any louder than this, or if he’ll react at all. “What are you doing up here by yourself?”
He doesn’t answer you. This, too, is a first. There’s been times where he hesitates - mostly this week, to be honest - but he always answers. He’s polite like that. This time, however, he makes no move to acknowledge your presence.
“Hello, earth to Moon, can you hear me?”
Still, nothing. He stares openly down the Daycare, eyes fixed on the children. It isn’t until you place a hand on his outer thigh that he realizes, coming to with a start. He doesn’t adjust his position to look at you, but rather, keeps his eyes trained on the floor, “What a stupid question,” he mumbles, evidently having heard your words the whole time, “I’m always by myself. Your presence is what’s new.”
Your hand pulls back. Something in his tone sends a chill down your spine and has you tucking the injured wrist into your hand. Your thumb sways over the bruises there, still fresh and plumb purple. “Moon…?” It wasn’t quite a snap that was received, but more of a statement, blunt and cold shouldered. Admittedly, it did scare you. He had never acted such a way around you - or anyone for that matter - before now.
His eyes flicker to meet yours, head lulling to the side with a certain weight to it. He reads the discomfort on your face and appears to soften if only slightly, “Oh, starlight, I hadn’t meant it like that,” he says, “don’t look at me that way. It’s true.”
“You…you have Sun,” you insist, grasping for a way to move forward with the conversation. Moon stares with an expression that makes you draw in on yourself, perfectly still and entirely silent. Your eyes fall into your lap and stay there. “You’ve been acting strange lately,” you approach the topic like you’re defusing a bomb, stepping carefully, talking in whispers, “are you okay?” You don’t dare raise your eyes for his answer.
It takes him a minute, too. He hesitates. It’s brief, only for a moment, but it makes your heart race. “It’s sweet of you to worry,” is what finally fills the silence, “though, the persistent set of eyes on my back tells me it isn’t you who cares.”
Again, his tone is chilling, careless like he’s talking to a stranger. Your fingers still against the bruise. He notices.
“How’s your wrist?”
“You didn’t answer the question.” Boldly, you raise your chin to look him in the eyes, only to find him fixated on the kids again, glancing your way only for a time. Talking to you like your conversation is on the back burner. A distraction from his real priority. In a way, it is - the kids are his job, after all - but the focus he’s exhibiting has you nervous.
“The question?” His gaze doesn’t move, “What question?”
The Daycare Attendants were not programmed to lie. It went against their nature, much less the very coding that ran through their veins – ahem, wires – and the act of it immediately makes alarm bells ring in your head. It wasn’t a genuine question, that you are certain of. His tone is flat. Rhetorical. He wants you to drop the subject.
You don’t.
“I know you heard me, Moon,” you catch his subtle shift, the way his fingers tighten on the rope. This behavior is entirely foreign for him. You aren’t annoyed with the way he’s acting so much as you are concerned, and so, patiently, you repeat yourself, “Are you okay?”
Again, he doesn’t respond, not right away. He’s transfixed on the children. One in particular - a tyke just old enough to age out of the Daycare any day now - detangling themselves from the covers and sneaking away from bedtime.
“Naughty,” whispers Moon, voice thick with an unfamiliar ire.
Your gaze follows, squinting into the dark room to try and get a better look in hopes that what you see will explain his tone, “What, the kid? He’s a little old for naptime, Moon, he probably just–”
Moon doesn’t wait for you to finish. He ducks between the ropes and makes his way across the Daycare with a speed that has you scrambling to catch up, and he’s completely out of sight before you even manage to land on solid ground again.
You speedwalk around the jungle gyms, cursing how dark the place is during naptime – a child shrieks mere feet away – your walk turns into a run. When you swivel around the corner it’s to the sight of him dragging the child back towards the mats, his hand wound tight around their forearm with a grip that’s bruising.
“What are you doing!” All sense of courtesy drops instantaneously. You fail to keep yourself quiet and in doing so wake several children, but your voice is overwhelmed by the shrills of the boy himself, who jerks wildly within Moon’s vice hold in an attempt to get away. You cross the remaining distance in an instant and reach forward to wrench the kid free yourself, “Moon, let him go!”
He catches you before you have a chance, pulling you in close, only to toss you outward a moment later with a force that lands you square on your ass. Almost a full throw. Almost enough to do real damage. Almost. He meets you with a gaze so hollow it makes you nauseous.
There is a split second of time where you do nothing but panic. The situation is entirely alien, an issue that makes you question what to do – calling security was an option, but would that escalate things? Would he get in trouble? Should he? – it feels like hours that you’re bent on the floor, paralyzed without knowing what to do, but it’s only a second. And it’s over as soon as it began.
The child gives one last tug, a final shriek, “You’re hurting me!”
That’s what does it.
The grip loosens, then pulls away entirely. Moon tucks both hands to his chest and stares outwardly at the child with eyes as big as saucers, aghast as reality hits and he realizes what he’s done, queasy as his gaze finds the bruise, worse than yours by a mile.
The boy’s eyes fill with tears. He cradles his bruised arm against his chest and openly weeps, waking the rest, but says nothing. Moon looks like he wants to answer - like he’s desperate to - but he doesn’t immediately find the words.
Instead, he dips onto one knee and reaches out - the movement is meant to comfort, but the boy recoils, and Moon freezes where he’s at. “Oh, little star,” his voicebox crackles faintly, like he’s fighting through a cold, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you–”
“Get away from me!” Shrieks the child, driving Moon back an even greater distance, “I want to go home, I want to go home!” they look to you, pleading, then back to Moon with a vengeance, “I hate you!”
Moon’s entire body goes still. His gaze only briefly flickers to look your way and just past you, where the other children watch with horrified little eyes. “I’m sorry,” it’s only a whisper, this time, barely audible and spoke with a tremble. He reaches for his pockets and scrambles with renewed desperation for what’s inside, eventually wrestling a small Moondrop doll away from the fabric. When he outstretches it - a peace offering - his hand is shaking. “It’s all better now, see? I won’t do it again,” he doesn’t come any closer, even as the offer goes ignored, “I’m so sorry, starlight, it was an accident. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry. Let’s get you fixed up–”
You stop his hand before it reaches the boy.
The look on Moon’s face makes your stomach turn, like you’ve betrayed him, like you’re just as disgusted by his actions – and you are – so you stand firm in your decision to not let him assist further. You have to do what’s best for the children’s safety even if it stings. Your throat clears uncomfortably.
“Moon, I’m going to turn on the lights,” you watch him flinch and recoil, “we can talk about this later.”
He says nothing. Not to your words, and not even when the child scurries to hide behind you before being shuffled towards the exit, but when you reach the light, he again finds his voice. Barely.
“I can fix this,” it’s a whimper, imploring you to offer him another chance, “please, let me fix it.”
Your chest throbs, aching and nauseous, and it’s all you can do to steel yourself against it. You don’t look him in the eye as your hand finds the lightswitch.
The mechanics are cruel. They take him apart, piece by piece, metal frames strewn about and wires unraveled. He’s awake for it. A necessary decision, management tells you, because they were looking for a reaction. Anything to work off of that might tell them what was wrong.
Moon is different when he comes out of Parts and Services.
Not different as in better. Not different as in fixed. He is quiet, voiceless, and he doesn’t look at you for longer than he has to when you’re sent in for the third time.
In fact, he avoids you entirely. The pizzaplex is closed for cleaning and management sees it as the perfect time to give him some one-on-one attention, a final attempt at discovering the source of his behavior before they resort to worse decisions. Without the kids around it’s just you and him, but within ten minutes of your arrival, it’s just you. Moon disappears while you’re not looking. You can’t say you blame him.
If it were up to you, there wouldn’t be an issue with any of that. You would give him all the space he needed - especially after what they had put him through the night prior - but it’s not up to you. It’s up to management. And you can’t afford to lose your job over this.
It’s nearly impossible to find him again. Normally, the soft lull of the music box guides you right to him, but tonight he is silent. No music catches your ears. No hum, no whispers. The Daycare feels empty like this. Dark and quiet, only the faint glow of ceiling stars to light your path, you search every nook and cranny. It takes an hour.
You find him upstairs, in the lobby, hunched over and mumbling to himself incoherently. He isn’t supposed to be up here. Like most of the pizzaplex, it’s off limits - he’s meant to stay in the Daycare. Coded to remain there. Another bad sign on top of the rest.
For the longest time all you do is observe. It’s a frightening image, seeing him like this, slouched and wringing his hands like a cornered animal. He doesn’t immediately notice you, but when he does, it’s with a snarl. He pivots, and only then do you see what he’s bowed over.
In his hand is a chunk of frayed wire, and beneath him is a staff bot - rather, what’s left of it. The limbs have been strewn and tossed aside, the metal around its chest dented and grotesquely forced open, offering a space only large enough to wedge nimble fingers into. The remnants of what he’s torn splay across the opening, severed towards the middle, several wires still sparking.
His eyes are a sweet crimson.
Your feet remain firmly planted where they are, willing now more than ever to give him his space. “Hey there, buddy…” your hands raise in a show of peace, slow and careful, “do you want to tell me how you got up here?”
His gaze is locked onto you, eyes following your every movement, no matter how small, the rigid posture of his own body contorting to face you one limb at a time until he approaches, closing in. You’re backed into the wall.
“Moon, hey – come on,” you try again, reaching desperately for what remained of him past the behavior, “it’s me. You recognize me, don’t you?” You do your best to keep the tremble out of your voice, but it’s impossible not to be frightened, being cornered like this - impossible not to think about your own body dug into, your ribcage torn open and shredded like the bot that lay on the floor across from you.
His lack of an answer is what scares you most.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline, desperation, maybe it’s trust; your hand outstretches to cradle his face. He winces, going still beneath it, like he expects your touch to hurt. “Please,” you whine, “I can help you. Let me help you.”
His eyes are hungry. Starving. Dangerous. They are red, and then blue. “It’s wrong,” he finally croaks, “it’s all wrong.”
You stare back, scrambling for the answers. “Wrong - like the candies?” He doesn’t answer, not even a nod, “Moon, nothing is wrong, you’re going to be fine, we can figure this out–”
He shrinks away from you with a quickness that leaves you cold. “No!” He growls, “Didn’t you hear me? It’s wrong, all wrong. Need it to stop. Need to get it out.” His hand rushes to his own chest, fingers digging into metal.
Your body moves on its own accord to stop him - images of Moon tearing himself apart flashing before you - and you grab for his hand, move to keep it tucked within yours. It’s a comfort, you think. Or it’s meant to be. But something is, indeed, wrong, and he’s too far gone for the fondness to do its trick.
He detangles your fingers from his own and backs himself into one of the plastic chairs, nearly falling backwards from the collision. In one moment you’re moving to catch him, and in the next you’re ducking, arms protectively shielding your head as he swirves around and takes the chair by its leg, and swings it violently into the wall. He’s angry. Or scared. Dangerous, at the very least. You can’t understand no matter how hard you try, and he’s beyond having the words to tell you.
���Hey, you’re alright,” you risk another step forward, hands raised. It’s crucial that he calms down. If security hears all the commotion and comes running before you can defuse the situation it won’t end well. “It’s okay, you’re okay–”
“Liar, liar, liar!” Moon clutches frantically at the edges of his faceplate, the ugly sound of crunching metal erupting from beneath his fingers where cracks form like spiderwebs, “Something is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Why aren’t you listening?” His voicebox crackles, the frequency too high. It comes undone with a clean pop and ends up somewhere between a plead and a growl, “Something is wrong with me.”
You inhale sharply between your teeth. Decisively, it’s time to switch methods. “You’re right, something is wrong,” you tell him, “We’re going to figure out what it is, I promise, but I need you to calm down first. Can you do that for me?”
Red again, his eyes stare you down with the same hollowed expression as before. The air grows heavy, bearing down, and you realize it’s fruitless. You need to go. You need to get out of there.
“Can’t do that,” he mumbles. Frantic, still. “You’re lying. Lying to me. Can’t fix it.”
“No, no, we can, you just–” your back slides against the wall, inching closer to the door, “–you have to trust me, Moon. We’re friends, right?”
“You tattled!” He’s hulking, an enormous mass of pure metal that towers closer to you, bit by bit, “Won’t fix me. You’ll tell, and I’ll be picked apart. Won’t fix anything.”
Guilt floods you. It sits like a weight on your chest, suffocating. You swallow around it, reach for the door handle, “I won’t let them,” your hand finds it, “I promise.”
Something changes. Something shifts. His head tilts completely to the side and his eyes appear to focus. You think maybe it’s over, that he’s finally wound himself too tight and now he’ll calm down, but that’s not it.
Your hand tries the doorknob. It’s locked.
“No…no…won’t tell,” he echoes you with a nod, “I’ll make sure of it.”
The wire snaps.
Moon barrels you against the door, hands winding around your throat. You see stars and taste blood. The fight is in vain, but you give it your all, anyway, using every part of your strength to kick at his frame and drag his hands away. He is relentless, vacant eyed, “Nighty night,” he purrs, and your world grows dark.
This is it. Your final breath. Your last goodbye. Trapped between a door and seven feet of animatronic, you’ll be discovered far too late - just as you were too late to save him - a fitting death. A fair one.
Air returns to your lungs with such speed that it burns. You land on your knees with a sound like choking back spit, swallowing oxygen until the room straightens out and your head no longer feels like it’s going to burst. You vision clears - mostly. You don’t see Moon. You don’t look for him long, either.
As soon as feeling returns to your limbs you’re up and across the lobby, full-body sprinting to the slide. Ducking in head first, haphazardly quick, you’re driven into the ballpit, and just as soon you’re out of it, breaching with another gasp of air and dragging yourself onto the carpet, collapsing onto your back. You’re short of breath, your body wracked with spasms as it attempts to recover.
Moon watches from the lobby, peering down at you with an expression you can’t read. He makes no move to come after you. He doesn’t help you, either. He shows no sign of regret or remorse, even as you lay there, wheezing, purple blooming across your throat.
It doesn’t matter. You’re lucky to be alive. As soon as you’re able to, you force weight onto shaking knees and drag yourself across the Daycare to the exit doors - these ones thankfully still unlocked - and bring yourself to look one last time.
The lobby is empty. Moon is gone, and you don’t know if he’ll be back. If the Moon you know will ever truly be back. 
You don’t stick around to find out.
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rambunctioustoons · 6 months
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wanna kill them so bad you look stupid!!! wait that's not how it goes-
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umbraastaff · 1 year
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you can't know me (i love you)
a playlist for barry & lucretia on faerûn
Spotify | YouTube
Monster | dodie tell me again about how it hurts / being awfully loud for an introvert / get out of my room, smile wiped clean / isn't it weird to be so mean?
The Moment I Said It | Imogen Heap it's not even light out / you've somewhere to be / no hesitation / i've never seen you like this / you're scaring me
All Things End | Hozier if there was anyone to ever get through this life / with their heart still intact, they didn't do it right / the last time i felt your weight on my chest, you said / "we didn't get it right, love, but we did our best"
Dead Hearts | Stars please, please tell me what they look like / did they seem afraid of you? / they were kids that i once knew / they were kids that i once knew
I Of The Storm | Of Monsters and Men i am a stranger / i am an alien / inside a structure / are you really gonna love me when i'm gone? / with all my thoughts / and all my faults
Where We Belong | Shayfer James do you recall the day when we went wrong? / time is flying, ease your worried mind, we'll be alone / where we belong
Après Moi | Regina Spektor i must go on standing / you can't break that which isn't yours / i must go on standing / i'm not my own, it's not my choice
No Light, No Light | Florence + The Machine you can't choose what stays and what fades away / and i'd do anything to make you stay
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wool-string · 2 years
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Bullying still happens in Ajin school
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We’ll see how this goes I guess.
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yakdee · 5 months
Payu’s racing suit: A masterclass in foreplay and kink exploration
One helluva title, huh? Well listen, I’ve been cursed with a great attention to detail (the notes app is sick of me atp) and an even greater desire to share so here we are. Wanna come along for the ride?
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It's race day and this is the first time we get to see Payu in his gear, hence this very important full-body shot for which audience is quite grateful (I took the liberty of speaking for all of us, but if you disagree, remember that denial is a river in Egypt 😌). Though we will come to see later on, that no one is as grateful as Rain.
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One thing about Rain, he's going to brat. And as amused as Payu is, he's going to nip it right in the bud (hair tousle, my beloved 😭). That aside, we know that Payu is almost always in tune with Rain, and he can clearly see that baby boy is more than loving how he looks in his racing gear. And Rain saying that his suit is cool a second time gives Payu the confirmation he needs, and an opening for foreplay and the exploration of Rain's budding cosplay kink.
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Now despite rendering Rain parched and speechless at that thought of him stripping out of his gear, leave it to Payu to take it to the next level.
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Rain is visibly excited. And although he has not verbally responded, his body language is speaking volumes, even if at this point he doesn't fully get what Payu is implying.
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Payu has essentially given Rain the permission to dress him within the boundaries of cosplay, and confirms this by asking Rain to help with putting on his gloves.
Now I'd like to think the purpose of Payu's request two-fold: (1) to show (just the audience atp because Rain doesn't understand what's happening yet) that he’s noticed the beginnings of Rain's kink and (2) to engage another one of Rain's senses as he continues their foreplay. So far there's been sight, sound, smell, and now Payu has added touch.
We all know that Payu probably entertained the idea of having Rain go full-contact right in the middle of the garage, but he still has a race to win so the gloves will have to do for now.
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The race is over and Payu has fulfilled his promise to Rain: he has claimed victory unscathed. And now Payu is looking forward to his reward: reaping the benefits all of that glorious foreplay.
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By the time they get home, Rain is damn near feral. He’s so turned on that even Payu is pleasantly surprised. And honestly can we blame Rain? We’ve established that Payu looks hot in his racing gear, but he looks even hotter winning in his racing gear. The latter is not lost on Rain and it’s showing in the way he’s kissing and touching Payu.
Ah yes, the touching … let's focus on that.
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As they’re kissing, Rain’s hand glides along Payu’s side, pulling him close, and lingering for a bit to feel the fit and structure of the suit against Payu's body — the smooth feel of the elbow pad and the grain of the leather on Payu’s ass.
Side note: I find it fascinating that Payu starts mirroring Rain’s movements for a bit. I don’t know whether they’re just really locked in and hot for each other or it’s meant to be a form of subconscious reassurance for Rain (both. both is good.), but whatever it is seems to be working because Rain’s energy is at 1000%.
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Baby boy is so lost in the sauce that even palms and strokes Payu through the suit (he really said "all hands on di—" I'm sorry lol), later pulling him close to feel the full weight of all of that leather on his body.
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Now, we could say that this is just the way people touch each other while in the midst of a pre-sex make out session, but that is not the case here. Payu can feel the difference and remarks on it, continuing their earlier conversation at the garage.
Another side note: Imagine being so in tune and obsessed with your partner that you're able to continue conversations hours later as if the passage of time doesn’t exist. Absolute insanity.
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Anyway~ naked and deep in throes of passion, it's at this point they switch gears for a bit (pun intended) with it being Rain's turn to do the talking.
From the garage up until now, Payu has a created a safe space for Rain to release his inhibitions (s/o to my girl Natasha Bedingfield 🎶) and explore this new side of himself. And while that's true, the rules established in their D/s relationship are still in place. One of them is no swearing. But Rain is feeling carefree and especially bratty, so he levels up the dirty talk, adding some profanity to spice things up.
They both know that a punishment is inevitable, but there's some nuance involved. Rain is the midst of self-discovery, so Payu opts for a less severe punishment for the swearing. He bites Rain's lips, but he does it with degree of playfulness that encourages Rain to continue. Without the swearing, of course.
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Taking the hint and most importantly, staying on theme (i.e. riding Payu like a finely-tuned motorcycle … again, I'm sorry lol), Rain takes over both verbally and physically, and it is absolutely doing it for Payu.
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In fact, Payu is so pleased that he offers Rain a lifetime subscription of free riding lessons. All jokes aside, the way that Payu responds (in that he mirrors Rain's word choice) shows that he is enjoying this cosplay scene just as much as Rain.
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Thoroughly spent and content after crossing yet another finish line for the day, Payu reassures and encourages Rain once more. And in turn, Rain checks in with Payu confirming that everything was enjoyable for the both of them.
Communication? We love to see it.
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Even while basking in the afterglow of their bisexually-lit post-coital bliss, that race suit is still on Rain's mind. Again, can we really blame him? He realizes that the cosplay aspect of it is something that he likes. And although things seemed to come naturally to him, this is still very much uncharted territory for Rain. Payu acknowledges this and provides aftercare in the form of teasing encouragement, promising to purchase a few costumes for later cosplay sessions.
Rain may not be ready to fully accept his newfound kink, but knows that he can explore it further with Payu whenever he's ready. And the open and consistent communication they've had during this time will help them build a solid foundation to do that.
If you made to this point, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next one :)
Bonus: An update from the special episode
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A few months have passed and as you can see our lovely couple has indeed gone on to further explore their cosplay kink.
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AND they even added a few others to the mix. Good for them and may the kinks be ever in their favor.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Pietro Maximoff x fem!reader
ask: hiii may i ask for a nsfw alphabet with pietro maximoff if you havent done that one yet? i really loved your fics with him hagwhahw i’ve been searching like crazy for pietro maximoff fanfics and there are only a few.. but anyways, have a nice day also hehe
~ we need more pietro content fr! i gotchu babes 🩵 ~
mature content warning
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
He is such a sweetheart when it comes to aftercare! He wants to make sure he's taking care of his girl! Making sure you're cared for and feeling safe with him, which means running a bath, peppering kisses all over your sore skin, braiding/combing your hair, cleaning you up and cuddling with you until you're asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Pietro loves his legs. This isn't necessarily sexual but more because he runs with his legs and he likes his super speed. He also likes his hands because of what he can do with them 😄 For you? He loves every inch of you but he does have a soft spot for your thighs. God, he loves feeling your thighs under his hands, or having them wrapped around his waist/head/wherever he can have them!
(on another note in my mind he's a boob guy 😏 loves boobs. Any boobs, no matter the size and shape he's all over them)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Pietro likes when he can come inside you because it makes him feel like he owns you—he has a possessive streak. He also loves fingering you because that means he can lick your come from his fingers and taste you on his tongue. He's feral for the way you taste.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He often masturbate to selfies/pictures you send of yourself—dirty ones or normal ones it doesn't matter—he needs you and he'll masturbate to your picture alone. Yes, he'll feel a little ashamed but he'll do it anyways because he's extra horny.
E = Experience (how experienced are they?)
Super experienced. Man whore. Had fun when he was single, who can blame him? He's sexy af 😩He's done almost everything under the sun and if he hasn't? He's willing to try. (Obviously he's a loyal guy now that he's with you, but as I said…man whore).
F = Favorite position (👀)
Lives for a riding but doesn't like reverse cowgirl because he loves to see you and see your tits bounce as you do. Makes his feral! His second favorite would be good old missionary because you can't go wrong with a good classic!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Pietro likes jokes, he likes having fun. He's goofy so he'll joke around during sex but if you like it serious, he'll only be serious. If you like the laughs and giggles, he'll indulge you without question. He just wants you to be happy!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I feel like he's all natural lol…he's is good with hygiene though! No worries there! And I mean I think his silver hair is dyed so it's assuming his pubic hair isn't silver lmao! I feel like he'd somehow dye it for fun (idk how good that is for the goods though or if that burns)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic but he prefers being a little more rough with you during sex. He isn't like bdsm rough but he likes letting go and using you. However, as said, his aftercare is absolutely banger and he's usually romantic then.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As mentioned he masturbates to pictures of you and overall he's just super horny. Constantly horny. He has a high sex drive so he masturbates a lot. He likes masturbating with you (so mutual masturbation or you giving him a handjob). He likes masturbating in the evening, it helps him fall asleep.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Pietro has a breeding kink 100%! Like okay, he also has an edging kink (if that's even a thing). He'll go slow with the thrusts. Slow and deep, making you feel it all, but not get quite enough to achieve anything more than becoming cock dumb.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He likes using the couch—any position on the couch lmao. Or he likes a bed, he's a classic at heart. He doesn't like car sex because he doesn't have any space, he gets antsy and he feels trapped.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything you do. Especially if it's with your mouth. If you lick your lips or bite your lips. Even simply show off some skin turns him on. Any touch when he's horny sets him on fire. He's surprisingly easy to rile up.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
He wouldn't be into sharing. Like if you wanted a threesome it would take MONTHS and MONTHS of convincing him to let another man or woman be around you like that. He's a possessive guy and he loves you, he wants you all to himself! Plus, being a twin I bet he's kinda sick of sharing lol
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Obviously he likes when you give him head, I mean what man doesn't? But he likes eating you out more. He likes when you tremble and the sounds you make. And oh he's soo good at it. Sometimes when you guys have "sex", it's only foreplay because he exhausts you just from his mouth alone.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Pietro is fast, duh. He's fast but he's also controlled and he can go slow when he wants. He doesn't use his super speed obviously because that would break you and hurt you, but I like to think he can vibrate his cock like a vibrator lmaoooo (😩).
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are fun for him. He likes to have them when you're both busy. His favorite place for a quickie is a bathroom (a clean one lol, only the best for his girl).
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He def experiments and if you want to experiment, he definitely agrees and hears you out! While he doesn't like sharing, he likes the risk of having sex somewhere semi-public! He lives for the thrill and he doesn't mind if someone sees because he knows he can keep you safe so really, let the other assholes watch 😌
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has good stamina because of his powers! He can go for hours and hours but once he comes, he's done. Now, his stamina for foreplay is unmatched. He will never get tired of making his girl feel good!
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Pietro owns no toys for himself, but he uses your vibrator on you when you ask him. He doesn't feel emasculated, he knows it only enhances the pleasure he gives you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
HUGE TEASE! Like he's constantly teasing you and making dirty jokes to turn you on! He likes edging you and especially overstimulating you because he can usually last longer than you. Whispers dirty things in your ear all the time and then teases you under the table at dinner (if yk yk)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Usually, he's quieter than most. He controls his breathing for running so he can do it very well during sex. However, you like the noises he makes so he is conscious of them and he has this whimper you LOVE. It's soft and yet throaty, basically it's perfect like he is. Sometimes, when he's going particularly hard, he'll grunt in your ear but that's mostly for show, not that you mind.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
Pietro calls you pet names in Sokovian when he's having sex. Hell, he'll use more Sokovian than usual (he usually uses English pet names like dove, sweet girl, my heart), but because his mind is so fuzzy and lust filled he just automatically transfers to his native language. It's hot.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not small, but I don't think he's super big either. Like it never hurts! I'd give him a solid 7 and he's def a shower.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
As high as possible. Constantly horny.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
As soon as aftercare is performed and you're all good, he's gone and sleeping like a baby. He spoons you (or you spoon him) and he sleeps all night, occasionally kissing your neck in his sleep.
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ggumjjun · 6 months
what do u think soobin’s kinks would be .. 👀👀
did txt kinks here but just expanding on soob lol
soobin’s like a romantic soft switch, service + praiser who wants to be praised back. more vanilla but willing to try something new because he’s a giver.
somnophilia; his sleep schedule is not the most normal, up late at nights and still trying to get in his gaming hours? inevitable that he likes to have you to himself when he can, something very sweet to him about it, the trust allowing him somno privileges? a little romantic that you’re too pretty to resist, a little too much for him to always give into temptation.
breeding; soobin doesn’t like condoms, okay~? he’d raw one time and he can’t go back. and it’s not like his kink for breeding makes it any easier to wrap it up, should just let him have it his way, it’s not like he’s going to do anything, right…? as sex was meant to be, perhaps? and he can’t lie, it makes him flush red when he knows it’s okay to cum inside,, n watch it seep out between his fingers.
role play; a dirty secret of his, he’s a little less shy to admit his obsession interest in lingerie, but deep inside? dress up for him pretty, god, bunny girl getups give him a memory that makes him hard at the mere thought. and maybe act cute n breedable like one too, if you want to see a more feral soobin~
saying please; soobin’s a giver, he’d never say no… but hearing please fall from your pretty lips? he’s yours, anything you want he’ll do. so beg a little, say please,,, and he’s melted in an instant, almost about to beg you to let him do anything for you.
lactation; soobin’s a perv, always staring at your cleavage, can’t help himself if he gets a chance to have his way,,, and don’t blame him if he’s a little too obsessed, pining you down unintentionally, about to cum in his pants,,, the least you could do is give him access whenever he wants, it’s cute to see him in such a perverted state. and his lips are just made for lactation. doesn’t matter what size, just let him worship~
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beneathstarryskies · 8 months
Hi hi hi there!
Could I please request a smutty something having to do with Astarion and him drinking my blood while having sex? Thanks!
Warnings: blood sucking (obviously), fem!reader, oral (f receiving), penetration (p+v), creampie • word count: 2,262 • a/n: I got a lil carried away on this one lol
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Astarion tries his damndest to keep his hunger in check when he is close to you. You already give him so much - so willingly at that - he couldn’t bring himself to burden you with the random bouts of bloodlust he feels at times. Not because he knows you wouldn’t give in to his whims. Quite the opposite. He can already picture you giving him that sweet smile and baring to him that pretty little neck, inviting him to take and take and take some more. Despite your willingness to stand up to him about your morals, you hardly have the strength to truly deny him anything he wants. 
After a while, the bloodlust begins popping up during the most inopportune times. Bathing with you in the large tub, holding you close as you rest against his chest draws his attention to the curve of your neck, tempting him to bite when you’re so trusting and vulnerable. Having you spread out on the bed while he’s buried between your legs only makes him wonder if the blood would taste sweeter if he bit into your inner thigh. On the same note, he imagines driving himself deep inside your tight heat and biting into your neck to hear your sounds of pleasure mixed with a cry of pain…You can try to tame a vampire, but at the end of the day he will always be a predator. 
Maybe that’s why he begins pulling away from you, spending more time alone and wandering the streets at night. Finally, he has the nerve to ask you if he should consider finding a different way to feed. He’d fed upon animals before, he’d be willing to do it again if it meant he didn’t lose control and drain his beloved. The only person who has ever truly cared for him…
“Why would you want to do that?” you ask him, feeling a little hurt at the assumption you didn’t want to allow him to drink from you any longer. 
“It just doesn’t seem economical that you have to bear the burden alone,” he explains in that voice that’s dripping with sweet manipulation. “I’m only thinking of what’s best for you, darling.” 
‘And trying to keep myself from tearing you apart…’ he thinks. 
“I suppose it does make sense,” you agree. 
He nods, seemingly satisfied with the conversation. He stalks out that night in search of prey, and you’re left lying alone in the bed wondering where it had all gone wrong. The act of letting him feed on you had been the first step to bonding with him. Like a feral cat, Astarion found himself slowly growing closer to the one who provided him sustenance without asking for anything in return. Eventually, he’d allowed you to even touch him while he did it, running your fingers through his hair and clinging onto his shoulders. Then came the night he’d taken too much. You hadn’t even been angry with him over it. You’d blamed yourself for not letting him know in time. As you’d laid in your bed roll shivering from the cold brought on by blood loss, he’d even tried to hold despite knowing his cold skin wouldn’t offer much help. 
The nights pass with each of you alone until one night when he’s preparing to venture out once more, you grab his hand. Your eyes are desperately peering into his, trying to convey all of the feelings you struggle to say out loud. 
“Stay,” you whisper. 
“Darling, I should feed.” 
“Please,” you whine and tug on his hand with enough strength that he almost drops back into bed beside you. “Just one night, please. I’ll bring you a rabbit or something tomorrow. Please. Just stay.” 
His eyes soften when he hears your pleading. The new arrangement had taken him away from you during the key few hours of the night when you could be together without worrying about the sun. He places his palm on your cheek and sighs softly. 
“I suppose I have been sneaking away a lot lately,” he concedes. He sits down on the bed beside you. “I just wanted to make sure I was feeding well, and not burdening you.” 
“I thought you were beginning to hate me,” you chuckle softly despite the relieved tears brimming along your lash line. 
“Oh, darling. I had no idea that’s what was going on in that pretty head of yours,” he kisses you softly. “Why didn’t you say so?” 
“I don’t know. I just assumed I’d made it clear I don’t find you to be a burden, so the only explanation was that…You know, you were pulling away.”
“And you were just going to let a beauty like me go?” he teases you although his hand on your thigh is gentle and reassuring. 
“So, will you stay?” you plead again. 
“Hm, let me think on it,” he says as he stands up and begins undoing the laces of his shirt and untucking it from his pants. “Should I?” He removes his shirt and tosses it onto the chair nearby. “Perhaps, I will.” 
He kicks off his shoes and removes his pants before crawling back into the bed with you. His hand slowly moves up the hem of your nightshirt. 
“It seems you are,” you giggle. “Unless you intend on going out in those adorable underpants.” 
“Rest assured, my adorable underpants are for your eyes only.” 
He smirks before leaning in to kiss you deeply, slowly pushing you down onto the bed so you’re pinned beneath him. His hands slowly move down your sides. It always awes him how warm your body feels, and he instinctively seeks out to take it in. He pulls your nightshirt off and tosses it aside just to feel you against him, your warmth seeping into his being. He pulls you closer and begins nibbling on your collarbone. 
“Astarion,” you giggle. 
“Mm, I think you should be moaning my name. Not giggling it.” 
He moves lower, letting his fangs graze against your skin. He used to worry about that. He thought it’d bother you, remind you of what kind of monster he is. Until the day you’d shyly admitted you liked how it felt, it turned you on. He carefully drags them over your warm breast before sucking on your nipple. As a moan falls like a song from your throat, he flicks his tongue over the pert bud. He continues until you’re writhing and whimpering then he moves to the next breast, lavishing in it in the same lewd attention. Astarion knows how to work a body into a craze, but none have delighted him the way you do. Every moan, every quiver, every soft breath of his name falling from your lips is like a gift to him. 
“So responsive tonight, have I truly neglected my sweetheart so much?” he asks before kissing your tummy. If you do answer, he’s too busy kissing and licking and nibbling on every curve of your body until he’s nestled between your legs. 
“Astarion,” you gasp when you feel his breath on your dripping cunt. 
“Oh, that’s more like it,” he chuckles. 
He presses a soft kiss to your mound before using his nimble fingers to part your folds. He feels his body stir with delight at the sight of your flushed, wet pussy. He explores the curves and tender flesh with his tongue before wrapping his mouth around your clit. His hands hold your thighs apart, allowing him to devour you as deeply as he desires. He keeps savoring the taste of your sweet arousal with the same appreciation one might use to sample an expensive wine. He can almost taste the orgasm building in your core. He can sense the quickening of your pulse and smell the increase of your hormones. 
“I’m gonna…” 
“I know, darling. Let go for me.” 
He returns to his ministrations as though his very being depends on it. Your thighs tremble around his head and the moans falling from your lip are like music to his pointed ears. You throw your head back as you feel the tightening in your core threatening to break at any second. 
Astarion suckles on your clit and moans against your cunt. It’s enough to drive you mad. The coil snaps inside of you, releasing waves of nerve-numbing pleasure. You tug on his white hair gently and your hips buck slightly against his face. He keeps you suspended in a place where time stands still, and it’s only you and him at this moment. That is until you let out one final cry of pleasure and fall back into a relaxed puddle on the mattress. Astarion smiles when he lifts his head from between your thighs, a look of smug satisfaction on his features. 
“I suppose it has been much too long since I’ve done that,” he admits before climbing over your body.
 He presses soft, sensual kisses on your lips before pushing his boxers down and kicking them off. He takes your hand and guides it to his aching erection. A hiss of pleasure escapes him when your warm, soft hand wraps around his length and you start to stroke him with practiced skill. 
“Do you feel what you do to me, darling? After all this time, just the smell of you can drive me to madness,” he whispers huskily against your ear. 
You’re lost for words, as you so often find yourself when Astarion speaks such passionate words. It had been an adjustment to learn when he was toying with you and when he was sincere. As time went on, he became more sincere than manipulative. It was a gradual change that came the more you proved your care for him and the more you’d earned his trust. Now when you look into his eyes, you see such unwavering devotion you feel like such a fool for having doubted him. 
“I love you,” is the best you can do in response, but the sound of those words still sends a shiver down his spine and warms his chest in a way he never thought he’d feel again. 
“I love you too,” he whispers. It’s still painful for him to say at times, for fear the vulnerability will be turned on him one day. Instead, you release his cock and spread your thighs, baring all for him. Invite him once more to take what he desires from you, proving your willingness to give him everything if that’s what it takes. 
He guides the weeping tip to your entrance and takes a moment to tease you slightly. He presses the head against your whole just to hear you let out a pleading whine, then pulls away again. He repeats the motion until you’re trembling with need, then he thrusts into you with graceful precision. You both gasp as your bodies connect. Your hands almost instinctively grab onto his ass, squeezing and pushing him forward. 
“It feels so good,” you moan. 
“Divine,” he grunts as he begins thrusting slowly. His hand rests at the back of your head, tangled in your hair. 
Your body begins moving along with his in a sensual, lustful dance. How many times the two of you must have made love like this, but it always feels like the first time. The thrill of it all is never lost on you, and the comfort shared in the act of being so close to one another and knowing your bond is deeper than either thought possible only adds to it. 
Astarion watches you with hungry eyes. His gaze moving from your lips to the curve of your exposed neck, and his mouth waters. Just the thought of biting into your neck and drinking of your blood while he’s so intimately intertwined with you riles him up further. His thrusts quicken, becoming more frantic as a fresh wave of arousal hits him. You gasp when he begins kissing your neck and you can feel the sharp point of his fangs against your skin. 
“Bite me,” you whisper. “Please.” 
He wants to hesitate, to be a good partner to you and assure your consent before continuing. But he just can’t. The hunger, the lust…It’s all too much to fight against. You cry out in pain and ecstasy at once when his fangs pierce your skin. The wound is deep, but never deep enough to be fatal. He would never forgive himself if he did that. It’s just enough for the coppery tang of your blood to hit his tonge, and he begins to suck on the wound to bring forth more. Your mind spins as the icey numbness on your neck conflicts with the white hot pleasure in your core. 
Without warning, a second orgasm rips through you. Your nails dig into his back as you cry out. Astarion only releases your neck because the steady pulsing of your walls brings him to the edge as well. He kisses you, neither of you caring about the blood staining his lips, as he fills you with his seed. As you both come down from the intensity of your shared bliss, he returns once more to the puncture wounds on your neck. He suckles gently then begins licking it to soothe the ache until finally the bleeding stops.
You’re still holding onto him like your life depends on it, so he contents himself with laying his head on your chest. He can hear your heart beating against his ear as you run your fingers through his curls. 
Against all odds, Astarion is content. 
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cod-dump · 6 months
Okay. But. What fantasy/Mythical creatures do you think the cod characters would be?? (Satyrs, centaurs, merfolk, gorgons, etc.)
Ghost as a demon or demonic entity. He has a human form but he can barely keep it from being uncanny valley so he just hides behind a mask. He can travel through shadows and manipulate them (cause a lit hallway to become completely dark without touching the lights). He doesn’t eat in front of people and those who have seen him eat are thankful.
Gaz is a vampire. He’s relatively young for one but he’s very efficient. He chooses to ethically get his food from blood banks and is genuinely grossed out by the thought of drinking from a living being, willing or not. Gaz has trained himself to have excellent self control around blood or those who are injured and considered easy prey.
Price being a werewolf or lycan or some kind of shifter. He visibly appears human and there’s little showing that he isn’t. He’s very efficient in controlling his transformations and being in control while as a beast, but he is not above blaming the wolf to get someone off his back when his temper gets the better of him. He’s very protective of his people and those he considers family.
Soap is a descendant of a Fire Giant. He’s not a full monster and he’s not in control of most of his abilities. He has an immunity to fire and intense temperatures along with an ability to control fire with his hands (manipulate an existing flame). He is not half Fire Giant or even the child of a half human hybrid, so his gift in his fire abilities is rather odd. His lack of control is a result of having no one in his life that could show him how to be in control.
Laswell is human but she’s with the occult. She has a powerful gift in magic and knows how to use it. Though there’s wonder if there’s something else in her bloodline that gave her such a gift, she hasn’t bothered to look. She is considered a monster expert, if she doesn’t know something she’s quick to figure it out. Has mastered the ‘shut up’ spell. It does exactly what you think it does.
Nik is another lycan or shifter. He’s huge when shifted, bigger than Price. And he has a complete immunity to the cold. While being a shifter is very obvious, there’s something else that no one can pinpoint. He does have a gift in magic but he’s very private about who he shows. His loyalty is fiercely towards Price but he does extend it to Laswell and the boys.
Farah is human but is an expert monster slayer. Like Laswell, Farah has a vast knowledge about monsters and their abilities and weaknesses. Is very open minded about good monsters and their existence, which is why she aims to try to figure out how to help someone before she results in killing them (if they’re worthy of help). Has mused the idea of being a lycan after Price and Nik have showed her the pros of being a creature of the night.
Alex is a human. He has no gift in magic and isn’t a gifted slayer or has much knowledge in monsters. One day Laswell just hit him with a mission that involved a pack of feral vampires and he has been lost ever since. He’s learning but there’s so much going on. Lost his leg to a lycan (is terrified of Price and Nik as a result but he won’t admit it).
Don’t ask how many monster aus i have now I don’t even know lol
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yinyuedijun · 29 days
bofurin trio in feudal japan | youkai au
inuyasha-esque au featuring the wbk characters as youkai and other feudal era figures. I watched too much inuyasha as a child and you can tell lol
kitsune!suo x fem!reader hcs here
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sakura haruka | nekomata-possessed human
→ a nekomata possessed him while he was still in the womb. its memories are gone, but its powers remained. consequently, sakura was born as a human with nekomata features (including his black & white hair, superhuman strength, and a tendency to severely misbehave).
→ he can switch completely between forms. he cannot shift into the form of another human or radically change his human appearance, however.
→ he tends to prefer existing in his human form. (If he spends too long in his nekomata form, he becomes afraid that he'll forget how to be a human and permanently stay a monster.)
→ when he gets embarrassed or very emotional, his ears and two tails come out.
→ suo teases him a lot for this and will try to provoke it as much as possible lmao. he likes to offer sakura towels and ask him to dance whenever his tails are out. (the first time this happened, sakura tried to maul him lol)
→ growing up, sakura was referred to as a "demon child" and ostracized his whole life. after a demon attack on their village, sakura was blamed and his parents were killed for having given birth to him. he escaped to the mountains (where nekomata tend to hide) and lived mostly as a cat for some time before re-entering human society due to nirei.
→ this is why he's so poorly socialized and literally has feral cat energy btw lol
→ misses and longs for human connection, but is also afraid of it!
→ hates vegetables because he is a cat, likes meat because he is a cat, and likes eggs because his mom used to cook them a lot.
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art by yoshitaka amano
nirei akihiro | human onmyouji
→ an onmyouji related by blood to the abe clan. originally a young and talented officer working at the bureau of onmyou, he became frustrated (frightened) with its politics and left for the private sector. he loses the court official hat, but he keeps the clothes because I think they're pretty 👍
→ his talents mainly lie in astronomy, divination, and calendar-making. very analytical stuff!
→ due to his family having been affected by disease spirits when he was younger, he has a strong wish to become skilled in exorcisms and always attempts to engage with evil spirits and demons to build experience.
→ chronicles his encounters with the supernatural, at first for his own learning, but now because he wants to put together a publication to help others interested in recognising supernatural phenomena and understanding common exorcism practices.
→ at some point, nirei was privately contracted to perform a purification ritual at a small mountain village. he heard stories about a boar demon that had been causing problems, so he went to go search for it, and it nearly killed him. sakura (living in his nekomata form) happened to be nearby at this time and saved him. he expected nirei to try to attack him or run at this point, but nirei instead tried to communicate with sakura, despite his monstrous appearance.
→ upon realising that sakura could actually adopt a human form, nirei convinced him to go back to the mountain village with him by offering to treat him to oyakodon.
→ the villagers were somewhat frightened by his appearance, but warmed up when nirei explained that sakura had killed the boar.
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pictured above are japanese works depicting kitsune, which suo would be considered, but some of the below is influenced by lore regarding the related chinese myth of the huli jing
suo hayato | nine-tailed fox spirit
→ a nine-tailed fox spirit who was originally quite powerful; however, his hoshi no tama was stolen in a fight with a demon, which left him weak and nearly dead.
→ after these events, took refuge in a village with an inari shrine and acted as their guardian deity for some time as an act of gratitude.
→ having lost his hoshi no tama, suo's powers are now limited but still substantial. notably, he can still shapeshift freely between a number of forms—his original form of the common fox, different human appearances, etc.—but he cannot adopt his true form of a giant nine-tailed fox.
→ in his typical disguise, he is indistinguishable from regular humans. however, if you manage to catch his shadow in the light of a full moon, it reveals his true ears and nine tails. (based on this art!)
→ his disguises are otherwise so skilled that even other youkai and animals have difficulty recognising him. however, all dogs can sense fox spirits and are consequently terrified of suo. suo, himself, prefers not to interact with dogs.
→ while sakura did not immediately recognize suo as a youkai, he correctly identified him as a shitty person at his core (lol) and was later unsurprised to learn that suo was a kitsune. ("oh, the worst kind of demon.")
→ on the other hand, suo immediately recognized that sakura was a nekomata lol
→ being a fox spirit, suo is quite skilled in jujutsu and eventually trains nirei in exorcisms and/or demon extermination techniques.
→ sakura has a preference to travel and hunt demons at night, partly because there are fewer people around to make a spectacle of him, and partly because it's just his inclination as a cat. since nirei is a human and cannot see well in the dark (unlike his two youkai companions), suo lights up mountain pathways with kitsunebi to allow nirei to see.
→ in addition to enjoying tea and sweets, suo likes aburaage (since he is a fox spirit). if you offer aburaage to the kami at a shrine, there's a 9/10 chance that suo will come by and eat it before any of inari's actual messengers can visit.
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amhrosina · 2 years
Touch Me (Frank Castle x f!Reader)
A/N: Hi friends! I know I said I wanted to get this out by yesterday, but I ended up at my local(ish?) urgent care yesterday afternoon because ya girl has apparently been walking around with bronchitis for two weeks now. I’m on medicine, and I’ve been resting/editing this all day, but I could not for the life of me get this thing finished yesterday. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! It is literally porn with plot. P.S. - bearded Frank makes me go absolutely FERAL, and the gif I chose for today's fic makes me even MORE FERAL!!!!!!
Request: if requests are open, do you think you could write about Pete/ Frank still works at the construction site and reader is his girlfriend and she visits him for lunch at the construction site and the guys are astonished and you can come up with the rest if you would like.
Word Count: 4.6k
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Summary: When Frank’s coworkers notice you a little too much after you bring him his forgotten lunch, you want to remind him that he’s the only man for you, but Frank’s a generous lover, and you’re not leaving the truck until he’s made you come at least three times.
(Warnings: oh boy, smut, SMUT, did I mention smut??, porn with plot, v fingering, hand job sort of??, oral (fem receiving), p in v, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie lol, truck sex, soooo much kissing, protective Frank, you save the horse and ride the cowboy – know what I mean??, Frank talks you through it!!!!!, mentions of oral (male receiving), Frank is a consent king, Frank will be damned if anything bad happens to his baby girl!!!)
Frank eyed the clock, a nervous tick he’d developed over the last three hours as he waited for lunchtime to roll around. On any other day, lunch would’ve come and gone without a second thought from Frank, but not today. In his hurry to get to work this morning, he’d left the lunch you’d generously packed for him the night before. It was your fault, technically, but Frank was a gentleman, and gentlemen weren’t supposed to blame their girlfriends for forgotten lunches, especially when it was the incredible head you were giving him that made him late leaving this morning.
He'd gotten shit for it the minute he stepped on the site, barely getting a chance to pour his coffee before the guys were on his ass about his punch card. Frank brushed it off. It was all in good fun anyways, and he was the boss around here, so it didn’t really matter if he was late once in a blue moon. He didn’t divulge the reason for his tardiness, much more inclined to grunt a “fuck off” towards the guys and start his work for the day.
The nervousness set it when you called and told him you’d bring his lunch to him. The guys knew almost nothing about Frank’s personal life, which is what he preferred. They didn’t know anything about his past, and they certainly didn’t know about you. What he had going on before and after work hours was none of their business, you were none of their business, but that would change any minute.
“You got a hot date or something, man?” Antonio, one of the only guys Frank tolerated, asked as they moved a stack of wooden beams towards what would eventually become a master bedroom.
“What?” Frank lifted his head, narrowing his eyes at Antonio.
“You’ve checked the clock more in the last 25 minutes than I do on Friday afternoons. You expectin’ somethin’?”
Frank let out a nervous chuckle, which did little to subside Antonio’s curiosity. Instead, intense concern crossed Antonio’s face, and Frank sighed, shaking his head. His brain felt like it had been rewired, and he had no idea how to respond to Antonio’s question without causing more questions. He didn’t have a chance to respond, though, because the sound of clicking heels had caused heads to turn faster than Frank knew was possible.
Frank turned, relaxing when he spotted you. You smiled and waved, ignoring the men around you that were clearly enamored by your presence. Frank couldn’t blame them – you were beautiful – but that didn’t keep the bubble of anger from welling up inside his chest. You were his, and if he was going to make one thing clear to them today, it was that.
Frank marched up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your body into his chest. He pressed a sultry kiss to your lips, slipping his tongue in your mouth in his way of saying hello. When you pulled away, you were smiling, and Frank couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than that damned smile of yours.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He grinned, slightly ashamed that he’d let his jealousy get the best of him in front of the guys that worked for him. It was definitely unprofessional to make out with your significant other in the middle of an active construction site while the entirety of your team gawked at your display of affection, right?
“That’s lunch.” He called out, not taking his eyes off yours.
The guys filed out, some with smirks on their faces, others with nothing but food on their minds. Antonio was smiling when he walked past the both of you, wiggling his eyebrows at Frank. Frank rolled his eyes, trying to remind himself why he barely tolerated the kid.
“Speaking of lunch,” you smiled, eyes bright and adoring as you looked at Frank, “Where do you want to eat? I’m not sure I can handle the roof.”
You were all too aware of Frank’s frequent lunch spots. Sitting a the top of buildings that were half constructed, legs hanging over the edge, was Frank’s favorite way to spend lunch, much to your chagrin. You were terrified of heights and refused to even think about how dangerous Frank’s lunch activities were.
“You want to stay?” Frank asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Of course! As long as we’re not eating on the roof.” You pointed upwards for emphasis, shaking your head.
“I guess I could change up my lunch spot for the day.” Frank faked an exasperated sigh. “What about my truck?”
“Sounds good to me, babe.” You smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the front of what would eventually be a nice house in a nice neighborhood outside of Brooklyn. A house that Frank wished he could afford to buy for you. Hell, he’d build you a house if he could afford the land to build it on. You didn’t mind the small apartment you and Frank shared, but Frank couldn’t help the incessant desire to spoil you.
It was a brisk 35 degrees outside, and you bundled into Frank’s side as he opened the passenger side door for you. Frank hustled to the other side of the truck, quickly shutting the door behind him and starting the truck. The heat blasting from the vents was a welcome warmth, and Frank couldn’t shake the tiny sliver of guilt that sliced through him when you began blowing in your hands to warm them up. If he’d just remembered the fucking lunch box, you wouldn’t be sitting in the cold right now.
“Damn, the heat works so well in here.” You observed, holding your hands in the path of the hot air.
“One of the perks of being the boss, I guess.” Frank shrugged. The truck was a necessary purchase, especially once Frank’s work picked up, but you still weren’t used to it. You’d spent so many years taking the subway to get places that having access to a vehicle was a foreign concept to you. “I’m sorry you had to come all the way out here just to bring me lunch.”
“Don’t apologize. I like to see what you’re working on. I wish you’d let me come by more often.”
“You’d be bored. It’s just a bunch of sweaty old guys hammering nails.”
“Sounds like a wet dream to me.” You smirked, clearly joking at Frank’s expense. “I didn’t realize I’d cause such a fuss by showing up.”
Frank shrugged. “If any of them say a single word about you after lunch, I’m gonna break their jaws.”
“Frank, baby, relax.” You ran your hand up his arm. “Even if they do say something, it’s probably just because they had no idea I even existed.”
“I don’t like them knowing about you. You’re mine.”
Frank was aware that what he was saying was insane, but he never cared much about his sanity when it came to protecting the woman he loved. He’d be damned if another person was taken from him, and if that made him crazy, then so be it. Frank Castle would take crazy over mourning any day of the week.
You crept closer to Frank, shifting so that you could lean your elbow against the back of the bench seat.
“Them knowing about me doesn’t change that I’m yours, Frankie.”
Frank grunted, annoyance running through his veins. He knew you were right, but the fact that the guys were probably running their mouths about his relationship with you right now was getting on his nerves. He didn’t want you anywhere near their fucked up thoughts.
“You’re so tense, Frankie.” You mumbled, eyeing the way Frank was clenching and unclenching his fist in an irregular pattern. “Let me help you.”
This got his attention. His head swiveled around, eyebrows raised, as he looked to you for confirmation on what you’d just said. You matched his expression, unwilling to move until he consented to your idea.
“Yeah? You wanna help me?” He asked, already leaning back to make room for you to climb onto his lap.
“You could eat your lunch instead.” You mumbled, “If that’s what you want.”
Frank slowly shook his head, watching the way your throat bobbed when you swallowed.
“You’re not hungry?” You asked, inching closer to him.
“Oh, I’m hungry.” Frank conceded, “But I’d rather have you for lunch.”
This omission sent a spark through your body, and you lurched forward, swinging your leg over his hip to straddle him. You looked down at him, enjoying the way his face already seemed more relaxed than moments before. You pressed a soft kiss on the crease of his forehead, the one that always made an appearance when he was stressing about something, and watched as it smoothed itself out.
Frank tilted his chin up, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss. His hand snaked up your back, curling his fingers in your hair and gently pulling on it, which elicited the most delicious gasp he’d ever heard slip from between your lips. He decided right then and there that if that sound was the last thing he ever heard, he’d die the happiest death a man could ask for.
He slammed his lips onto yours, unable to constrain himself any longer. His hands found themselves wrapped around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. You grinded yourself against him, moaning against Frank’s lips when you felt how hard he was through his jeans. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding against him again, letting out a devilish groan when the friction of the movement rubbed against your clit.
“Frank,” you moaned in between kisses, “touch me.”
It wasn’t just a desire to please you; it was a need. Frank was nothing if not generous, and the minute you started begging, he had already unbuttoned and unzipped your jeans, shoving his hand down the front of your pants. Frank let out a loud groan when he realized how entirely soaked through your panties were, clenching the fingers that were fiddling with the waistband of your jeans.
You pushed your hips closer to his hand, dying to feel his fingers. The panting coming from the both of you had fogged up the windows of the truck, obstructing anyone’s view into the truck. The construction site was dead anyways, but at this point, you didn’t think you cared if someone could see in. You wanted Frank so badly that you had lost your ability to care about anything besides Frank’s fingers.
“Want me to touch you, baby?” Frank cooed, “Want me to make your pretty pussy feel good?”
Frank’s breath was hot on your neck, and you nearly came from his words alone.
“I’m supposed to be making you feel good.” You moaned, grinding your hips against Frank’s fingers again. Your actions completely juxtaposed your words, but you couldn’t help yourself. Frank was just so good at making you come.
“Making you feel good makes me feel good, sweetheart.” Frank pressed the pads of his fingers against the fabric of your panties, swirling them around in an achingly slow circle. A shiver worked its way up your spine, and you threw your head back, gasping with pleasure.
“Are you sure?” You panted, unsure if you could stand being clothed for another second.
Frank responded by swiping your underwear aside and running two fingers between the folds of your pussy. When his fingers finally covered your clit, you let out an agonizing moan. Frank resumed circling his fingers around your clit, but his pace was more urgent, like he wanted to see you get off on his fingers just as much as you wanted to come all over his hand.
Your legs began to shake, and you wrapped your arms around Frank’s neck, pulling him into a feverish kiss. His tongue dipped into your mouth, and you began to grind against his fingers in a rhythm that matched the pace of his hand. It was a flurry of passionate kisses and sinful moans as you came apart on Frank’s hand. You breathed through the orgasm as it crashed through you, slumping against Frank’s shoulder in exhaustion.
“My beautiful, beautiful girl,” Frank pulled his hand away from your clit, wrapping his arms around you and flipping you over so that your back lied against the front seat of the truck, “You did so good.”
Frank hovered over you, pressing a soft kiss onto your nose before gently capturing your lips with his. You were still reeling from your orgasm, content to stay in this position forever, when Frank suddenly sat up. You blinked up at him, wondering if maybe his lunch was already over, but the way he began to pull your jeans down your hips told you he was nowhere near done with you.
You kicked your jeans and panties off, pussy clenching around nothing as the air hit your wet core. You spread your legs further, giving Frank a view of how easily he’d ruined you.
“Fuck baby,” Frank groaned, rubbing his thumb through the slickness that had begun running down your inner thighs, “This is the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.”
You moaned when he began playing with your clit again, overstimulated but too turned on to stop him.
“Can I taste you?” Frank asked, fully focused on how wet you were. His eyes were glazed over, pupils dilated with desire.
“You’re being too generous.” You sat up, resting on your elbows as he finally locked eyes with you.
“I want to.” He shrugged, already positioning his face near your core. He threw your legs over his shoulders and rested his hands on your stomach, glancing up at you to make sure he had your consent. You spread your legs wider, nodding.
“I need words, baby. Can I taste you?”
Frank’s hot breath coasted over your pussy as he spoke, and the dull throb of desire erupted into a full blown ache.
“Yes, God, please.” You whined.
When his tongue finally met your core, you threw your head back and moaned so loud you were sure the entire neighborhood heard it. Frank was astonishingly graceful at eating pussy, approaching it like it was a dance between his tongue and your clit. He knew exactly when to be gentle, when to roughen it up, and when you were seconds away from coming all over his tongue, he knew exactly how to suck on your clit so that you saw stars for hours afterwards.
Frank normally liked to take his time with this, coaxing multiple small orgasms out of you before finally letting you fall apart around his mouth, but today he was on a time crunch, and he wanted to make you come around his cock before his lunch break was over, too. So instead of going slow and steady, Frank dined on your pussy like a man starved. He circled your clit with the tip of his tongue, licking and sucking all throughout your core as you came closer and closer to your orgasm. He teased your entrance with his tongue, coasting over it every time he flattened his tongue against your folds.
“Oh shit, Frank.” You groaned, arching your back.
He hummed against your pussy, which had your legs shaking so aggressively that he had to clamp his hands over them to keep them from sliding off his shoulders. You were so close, and Frank knew it. He smirked against your core, trailing his tongue around your clit before slightly sucking. Your body felt like it was on fire, and when the crux of your orgasm finally hit you, you couldn’t stop yourself from squeezing your legs into the sides of Frank’s head. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribs, and no matter how deeply you inhaled, you couldn’t quite catch your breath. The world around you faded, and the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of Frank’s hands gently caressing your thighs.
Frank crawled up your body, hovering over you as you came back to yourself. You hadn’t expected to come that hard, especially not in a cramped space like Frank’s car, but he always managed to surprise you.
You swallowed thickly, blinking up at his swollen and slick lips. He was always beautiful, you thought, but right now, you’d never seen anything as beautiful as him covered in your wetness. You leaned upwards, kissing him with every ounce of yourself that you could. The taste of you was still fresh on his tongue, and he groaned when you swiped your tongue against his, grinding against your unclothed pussy with his denim jeans.
The friction was overstimulating, but you wanted him deep inside you so badly that you began meeting his hips halfway, grinding against him so heavily that you were sure he’d have stains on the front of his jeans later. He shifted his weight onto one arm, reaching down and unbuckling his belt with one had. He was moving at a languid pace, and you couldn’t stop yourself from knocking his hand out of the way and unbuttoning his jeans. He chuckled when you undid his zipper in record time, forcing his jeans and underwear halfway down his thighs.
“Someone’s eager to feel my cock, huh?” Frank cooed, brushing his nose against yours, “You want me to fuck you silly, sweetheart?”
You wrapped your hand around his achingly hard cock, pumping up and down as he teased you. The tip was already wet, drops of precum beading at the head.
“Can I ride you?” You asked, pushing his shoulders slightly.
He raised his eyebrows at your boldness. You were usually so eager to let him control the situation, but the look in your eyes when you spoke told a different story. You wanted to make him feel good, and you weren’t planning on letting him leave until that happened.
“Sometimes,” you started, sitting up and pushing Frank down into the seat underneath you, “I want to be the one to fuck you silly.”
You straddled Frank and lined him up with your entrance. You were not going to waste any more of his break not fucking him. Frank let out a stuttering moan as you lowered yourself onto him. When you were finally full of him, stretched out and pliant, you panted at the overwhelming feeling. No matter how many times Frank fucked you, it always took you a few moments to adjust to his size.
“Fuck, sweetheart.” Frank leaned his head against the headrest, grabbing onto your hips in a brutal hold that you knew would bruise later.
You slowly began to rock against him, holding onto the seat behind him for leverage. You moaned when his cock pushed against the spot deep within you that drove you crazy, and couldn’t help the way your breath stuttered out of you. Frank angled his face towards yours, watching in awe as you panted over him, licking your lips and squeezing your eyes closed. He leaned toward you, nipping your jaw with his teeth in a teasing gesture. You ground down on him even harder, and he chuckled.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart.” Frank hummed, running his nose along the curve of your cheekbone. “Your pretty pussy drives me crazy sometimes.”
“Yeah?” You mumbled, picking up your rhythm as you grinded against him. You yelped when you felt his arm wrap around your waist, bucking up into you so hard that you swore you saw stars.
“Can’t think about anything else some days.” Frank nuzzled his cheek against yours, tightening his hold around you. “You’re fucking perfect, baby.”
You mewled at his praise, even though you had made it clear that you wanted to be the one making him feel good, not the other way around. You couldn’t help but mewl. He always knew what to say to make your chest warm and fuzzy, even when he was fucking up into you so hard that you knew you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.
“C’mon baby girl,” Frank’s tone was low and delicious, and the tingle that worked its way up your spine told you exactly how much you liked the sound of it, “Give me one more, baby.”
“Frank, I-” You let out a guttural moan when you felt his fingers tracing a circle around your clit. Your legs began to shake again, and you knew you were seconds away from coming again. “I’m supposed to be making you feel good.” You finally panted, quickening your pace as you grinded against his cock and fingers.
“I want you to come on my cock, sweetheart.” Frank smirked as you squeezed around him, “That will make me feel good, baby. Can you do that for me, baby girl? Hmm? I know you can. Make me feel good, sweet girl. Come on my cock.”
Frank was talking you through it, and you could not fathom how incredibly hot it was. The intensity at which your orgasm hit you was earth-shattering, and if the neighborhood hadn’t heard you earlier, they certainly heard you this time. You rocked against Frank, whining and panting and doing everything in your power not to fall apart completely before he could reach his high as well.
“My good girl,” Frank wrapped both arms around your waist, pulling your chest against his so that he could kiss you all over your face, “You did so good, sweetheart.”
His praise made you whine, and you couldn’t stop yourself from slamming your lips into his, quickening your pace as you grinded against him. It was overstimulating, sure, but you couldn’t think of anything you wanted more than Frank coming deep inside you.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Frank mumbled against your lips, tightening his arms around you, “’m gonna come.”
“Come in me,” you panted, squeezing around his cock.
“Yeah, baby? Want me to fill you up?” Frank was breathing so heavy against your ear that goosebumps littered down your back and shoulders. You dug your nails into his shoulders as he pounded up into you, and when he finally came, warm spurts of come coating your walls, you both slumped against each other, worn out and sweaty.
Frank’s heart was pounding in his chest, and you subconsciously tapped your finger against his neck in the same rhythm until it finally calmed down. You leaned back, glancing over Frank’s features. His eyes were closed, chin tilted upwards in a relaxed, casual position. The stress creases in his face were long gone, and he looked a decade younger than he did when you’d shown up earlier.
“Wish we could stay like this.” He mumbled, running his fingers along your thighs.
“Me too, Frankie.” You nodded, cupping his cheeks in your hands, and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “How much time until you have to go back?”
Frank slightly opened one of his eyes, checking the clock on the dash before closing it again. “Just enough time to drop you off at home and come back. The guys will appreciate the extended lunch.”
You shook your head. “I can get an uber or take the subway, Frank. You don’t have to drive me.”
“What kind of man would I be if I didn’t drive my beautiful girlfriend home after she came all the way here to bring me lunch and make me feel good?”
“A normal one.” You snorted, rolling your eyes.
“Well then I guess I ain’t normal.” Frank smiled, leaning in to kiss you before tapping your thigh with his hand. “I hate to say it, but I can’t drive with you straddlin’ me like this.”
You lifted yourself off him, rolling over into the passenger seat. Your limbs still buzzed with pleasure, and it took you longer than you care to admit to find your panties and put them back on. You were pulling your jeans over your hips when Frank began to roll the windows down and wipe the windshield off. You and him had emitted enough fog that it was impossible to see out of any of the windows, let alone drive.
When the windows were finally cleared and Frank had texted Antonio to let him know he’d be a few minutes late getting back from lunch (Antonio’s only response was the winking emoji), Frank drove you back to the apartment you shared with him. He walked you to the door, kissed you goodbye, turned, then turned back to kiss you again.
“I left your lunch on the passenger seat, okay? It should still be warm with how hot the truck was earlier.”
“Thanks, sweetheart.” Frank grinned, pulling you in for a third goodbye kiss.
You finally pushed him off you, chuckling when he tried to chase your lips with his.
“Go to work, Frank. I’ll see you tonight.” You laughed as he rolled his eyes, giving you a final kiss before turning and jogging back to the truck. When you closed the door and locked it, you slumped towards the bedroom, the only thing on your mind being the nap you were about to take.
Frank ate his lunch on the drive back to the construction site, nearly getting choked up when he realized you had gotten him Lombardi’s pizza. You knew how much he loved it, and he vowed to show you how grateful he was when he returned home. When he made it back to the site, he was only half an hour late, but that didn’t stop the guys from joking with him about it.
“Twice in one day, boss? She worth it?”
“Must be. He doesn’t look half as grumpy as he usually does.”
Frank rolled his eyes, counting to ten as a way to manage his anger before outwardly responding.
“If any of you fuckers have anything else to say about her, I’ll bash your heads in with the sledgehammer. Got it?”
Frank glanced at the faces around him. So much for managing his anger. Antonio was the only one that didn’t look utterly terrified as they returned to work.
“So, boss.” Antonio started, smirking as he leaned against one of the structural beams.
“Don’t you start.” Frank pointed at him for emphasis, warning the kid away from any topics he may regret bringing up. He really wasn’t a bad kid, and he was one of the hardest workers Frank had encountered in the business, but he did not want to discuss his love life with his 22 year old employee.
“I was just going to ask how much plaster you think we’ll need for the bathroom.” Antonio pointed behind him with his thumb, gesturing towards the space that would soon be an ensuite.
“Sure you were.” Frank couldn’t wait to end the day and crawl into your loving arms, but he had a shit ton of work to do before then, and he would always be the last one on site for the evening.
Later that evening, after he’d finally trudged through the door, showered, and ravished you, you were caressing his chest as he pressed a kiss to your hair.
“So,” you murmured, “D’ya break any jaws after I left?”
“You’ll be happy to know that I didn’t break any jaws after you left.”
You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“What?” He asked.
“You mean to tell me that you didn’t lose your shit on anyone after I left today?”
“No,” he shook his head, “that’s not what I said. I definitely lost my shit, but I didn’t break anyone’s jaw.”
“Oh, that’s good.” You mumbled sarcastically, rolling your eyes and chuckling.
You nuzzled into his chest, relaxing as he enveloped you with warmth.
“I love you, sweet girl. I’m not ashamed of that. Hell, I’ll shout it from the rooftop if you want me to. I just don’t like people knowing my business. I want to keep you safe.”
“I know, Frankie. I’m not upset about it. I love you too.”
“You promise?”
“That I love you?” You smirked against his chest.
“No, smart ass. That you’re not upset.”
“I promise.” You grinned as he pressed a kiss into your hair.
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dreamdazedworld · 22 days
Sypnosis: Some thoughts about how Yandere! Blade would act with Youkai! Darling, and some sprinkles of needy, clingy and touch starved Yandere! Blade just absolutely feral at the little things his darling does LOL
Note(s): Third post (yippie), I might change my blog theme to a more Yingxing styled one because I love him <3 I might make this Genshin! Youkai! Reader a series with how much I’m writing about them…. I swear, I’m posting my brainrots every single day recently LOL (Might also drop off some Genshin crumbs about either Kinich or Kazuha if one of them comes home, if none of them comes well I’ll let y’all choose who’s it going to be)
Warning(s): Word dump, Yandere content (do not interact if you feel uncomfortable with these type of content!!!), Blade is feral and we love him like that, darling has Stockholm syndrome (I think), not really because they already had feelings before they were forced to stay next to Blade, size kink briefly mentioned (as a joke!!!)
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・My view on this Yandere! Blade
I don’t think that I talked on what exactly Yandere! Blade with a Youkai! Reader is going to be like, so let me start with how Yandere! Blade is going to act like with a Genshin! Youkai! Darling from this post. In my eyes, I see him as an Overprotective and Removal type of Yandere, with strong traits of a Territorial type. As Yingxing, he has lost his darling once, and he would never want to experience that again. Living without them at his side is like living without a heart, without darling, everything is suddenly so monochrome and empty, so much so that it drove him to the brink of insanity.
Once he reunites with his darling, he’s never letting go (literally). Please don’t blame him though, Blade does try to give his darling some space, but he can’t help it when his arms snake around your waist to hug you, afraid that if he lets go, you’ll disappear on him again! Blade will not hesitate to take care of people who he deems as ‘threats’, once coming home covered in blood from head to toe, nor will he tolerate anyone else other than him (and maaaybe the rest of the Stellaron Hunters) to be near you within a 10 kilometer radius. Easily jealous as well, so don’t be surprised when your grumpy cat decides to start biting you all over the place.
To wrap things up about my view on this Blade, as a Yandere, he’s not too freaky, maybe a bit feral, but that’s just it. It’s caused from his fear of losing his darling once again, whether that be fate’s cruel joke or be it by darling hating him as well, Blade just cannot function properly without you. He treats you like a porcelain doll that can break at any moment, but on the downside, he’s desperate and clingy as hell (touch starved from all the years Blade was alone hehe we love a bit of needy Blade <3)
・Little things that darling does which makes him go feral
Blade will love everything about you, but I like imagining Youkai! Darling to be significantly shorter than Blade (might just be because I’m tiny and wants to be held). He has those moments of cute aggression when darling has to get on tiptoes to grab something that he may or may not have purposely placed barely where they can reach. (He has a size kink that’s for sure hdjfhdhdhf)
Absolutely will go feral if darling has to forcefully make him bend down to give him a quick peck, or when darling subconsciously wraps multiple tails around his arm and waist, his heartbeat accelerates when darling’s there (to a concerning pace, really). Aaa imagine if darling tugs on his sleeve, fidgeting when they want a kiss like ughhh my heart <3
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moonteaa · 3 months
your dad teba stuff has me frothing at the mouth like a squirrel that needs to be put down. You got any head cannons to share?
AGH!! Thank you!! Hehe 🤍🏹
AND OH BOY DO I EVER!! Let’s see..
1. Teba literally sees every single member as his own, but definitely imprinted immediately when it came to Zelda and Riju. Teba now has 2 teenage daughters and he loves them. They banter and tease each other and Teba sometimes has to deal with typical teenage girl angst and it’s both hilarious and endearing 😭
2. If someone made Zelda cry, well Teba is gonna take that PERSONALLY. You’ll be dead where you stand if a single tear falls from Zelda’s eyes.
3. Teba is FULL of puns and terrible dad jokes. And he’s very nonchalant about it too 😭 the others will absolutely eat it up LMFAO but Zelda will literally look at him like “WHY” (he loves to annoy her like that.)
4. Teba has this paternal instinct to wrap his wings or place his wings over the others when there’s danger. It does not matter if they can handle themselves, he’ll just shield them instinctively.
5. That goes for weathers too, if it’s raining or the sun is too hot, he’ll place his wing over any of the others as means to shield them.
6. If Kass is performing a song and each member is joining in on a dance, Zelda will constantly want him to join in. Though he refuses at first, Sidon will push him towards the others and practically force him to join with a wide smile on his face, much to Teba’s dismay HAHA but he’ll have fun and if it makes Zelda happy then he’ll accept.
7. When they’re all done traveling and camping out, Teba will either (not sleep at all) or wake up in the middle of the night to do a run down and check on everyone as they sleep just to make sure they’re doing okay and not in danger or having any nightmares.
8. If one of them has nightmares, Teba is immediately there for them and stays up with them until they fall back asleep.
9. He’s protective. Like FEROCIOUSLY PROTECTIVE. You touch a single hair on their head? You’re dead.
10. If someone even dares to try to be mean to Zelda, or blame her for the events of the calamity or Hylia forbid, CALL HER A FAILURE? Oooof..you will be taken care of before those words can even leave your MOUTH.
11. Teba nicknames Zelda Sparrow/Linnet. The first time he did, it made Zelda cry because it reminded her of Urbosa and her mom (little bird) ☹️ Teba didn’t even realize he had nicknamed her something so close to Zelda’s moms. He felt so bad about it and thought he had done something bad by calling her that, but Zelda reassures him that it just means a lot to her. 🥹😭 🤍
12. The reason Teba calls Zelda sparrow is because she small and it literally translates to “little bird” and as to why he calls her linnet, is because Zelda has a pretty singing voice like a linnet bird. (I headcanon that Zelda has a hidden talent for singing 🤍)
13. If Riju asks Teba to look after one of her sand seal plushies, yeah he’s guarding that plush with his LIFE.
14. Teba taught Zelda archery
15. Teba and Zelda often go on little trips together and when Zelda begins to happily chat and geek out about ancient history and sheikah tech or what not, Teba happily listens and indulges with her. He even actually enjoys learning about it and discovering things with her.
16. If Teba finds some ancient looking artifact he’ll immediately tell Zelda or give it to her because he knows how much she loves to study it.
17. He constantly makes sure they’re all appropriately dressed for the colder weathers
18. Can and WILL intervene on a creep that’s trying to hit on Zelda or Riju. He will go feral and probably shoot any creeps with a bundle of bomb arrows. LOL
19. Absolutely helps Link try to get with Zelda (but he still also feels a little protective? Like?? Duh, it’s link. Ofc they’re gonna be together but he’s a dad, he can’t help feeling a little protective of Zelda at times even if it’s Link HAHA)
20. Each of them have all accidentally called him dad and he just accepts it at this point.
21. Teba wants to throw hands (wings?) with King Rhoam.
23. despite how close they are, in the beginning Zelda actually had a hard time trying to get comfortable with Teba for a short time. Because her experience with her dad wasn’t BEST, it was absolutely bewildering to see Teba be such a supportive and good father figure to everyone, she’s not used to that. She would watch them all interacting and analyze it, trying to understand but couldn’t. Teba however, was always very good to her and they quickly got really close and bonded.
24. Teba shows parental affection by placing his forehead against the others
25. Tulin now has 5 older siblings 🤍
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jeonscatalyst · 12 days
do you have any insight on why you think tae used jimin as the one to ask to bring jungkook to him for their in the soop chat? i guess most jikookers would say “it makes sense that tae asked jk’s boyfriend to bring him down” but even without a romantic view on it and looking at it in different light, i always thought it was funny he asked jimin and not another member. was it cause he knew how close jk is to jm, was it just convenient cause maybe jk and jm were together that night anyways, or just the boring explanation that it just happened that way and jimin was the first person tae saw when he was thinking of doing the plan. i’m probably just reading too much into it but i wasn’t in the fandom during that season, taking a break from social media so i never really saw how tkkers and just the fandom in general perceived that conversation or the fact that tae asked jimin. also thank you for the civil and genuine explanations you have in your asks, it’s amazing to read
Hey anon,
You know I never really thought about why he asked Jimin but now that you mention it, I can think of a few reasons why he may have asked Jimin.
Maybe he asked Jimin because he knew Jimin was the closest person to Jungkook and might know best how go get him there without raising any suspicions from Jk’s part. I mean if I were in his shoes, I would have gotten the closest person to the one I wanted to have a conversation with.
It is also possible that he asked Jimin because he (Tae) was close to Jimin too and might have even had a conversation with Jimin telling him what he wanted to discuss with Jungkook. The maknae line are really close to each other so it makes sense that he would ask Jimin to help him make things possible for him and Jk to bridge the distance.
I don’t think the explanation that it just happened because Jimin was the first person Tae saw is very plausible because Tae could have asked the staff to get Jungkook for him. I’m sure the staff were around him so he could have easily asked them but he didn’t. I think the decision to get Jimin to do it was intentional on Tae’s part, why, we can only speculate but I think it only happened that way by design and not coincidence.
So for me the two most plausible reasons are that he asked Jimin because he knew that Jimin was the closest person to Jungkook (or his bf) or he asked Jimin because Jimin is close to them both and was the best person to handle the task.
And as for how the fandom and tkkrs perceived him asking Jimin to do it, I think they were too busy throwing tantrums and blaming bighit for making Taekook act a script to spread the narrative that they weren’t close. You needed to be here. Those people went feral throwing all sorts of blames and accusations at the company and poor Jimin who was only trying to help lol.
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goldfishontheceiling · 8 months
wait imagine this
sometime between island and s2 ep27 of action, (probably on his time at playa de losers), ezekiel gets his grubby little farmer boy hands on the internet.
specifically, youtube.
now this motherfucker is absolutely mindblown because "oh wow! people post stuff here and people watch it!!!"
long story short, he makes a youtube channel.
and calls it therealEzekielMiller
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(i swear this isn't an advertisement [as far as i know] the channel doesn't exsit)
so. it doesn't do too well. my guy has like the shittest camera quality and doesn't even know how to change his pfp.
also, all his titles sound like clickbait. like imagine seeing this title as your scrolling.
(REAL) SNEAK PEAKS AT PLAYA DE LOSERS!!! (Courtney freakout!?!?) 😨😨😨
however, no matter how grainy and pixelated the footage is, it soon becomes important.
because that's some of the last footage of him.
we all know what happened to zeke in world tour. and if you for some reason don't, please don't look it up if you haven't seen it yet. watch the show. (now ill admit that's advertising).
so, ezekiel's feral, he goes missing, and this youtube channel is throughly investigated to try and find any potentially helpful footage.
the most they found was courtney freaking out. and izzy taking the camera like 5 times. pretty much everything else was about this "brilliant invention" called harmonica rap.
but anyway, a bit after RR, they finally find ezekiel.
and he immediately gets sent to a hospital because HOLY SHIT IS HE GREEN???
the doctors conclude that zeke should eventually be able to return to (almost) completely sanity. so, while he goes through this longggg healing process, the media hears his story.
and that old youtube channel? yeah it EXPLODED
and what does ezekiel do with this new found fanbase?
he gets scared and avoids the internet.
i mean can you blame him??? he went from having NO FANS to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, and the only memories he has are blurry ones where he's green and growling at people.
but he couldn't avoid it forever.
and for the first time in over 7 years, ezekiel posts another video.
and it BLOWS UP
but deep down our boy ezekiel is still a sheltered farm boy. he had to google how to change his youtube pfp.
so just imagine this scrawy, slightly green, teenager/early adult in front of a camera, rambling nonsense and throwing "yo" or "eh" into pretty much every sentence.
"get ready with me to get a rabies shot"
"guys what does lol mean?"
"storytime: i went feral in a cargo hold"
"reading my old rap songs"
"riding a horse after 7 years"
"what does gay mean?"
"get ready with me to see my ma and pa again"
anyway yeah in conclusion give farm boy internet access.
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