#yknow.... juvie
depvotee · 4 months
I having too many thoughts abt Jacob that i need to bite something
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half of my mind absolutely adores fem!harry designs and artwork that skilled and dedicated artists of this fandom have put into the world. the other half, unfortunately, knows that disco elysium's plot would not exist/work if harry or kim were women
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
theres something about all of the male characters being played by the same guy but i dont have the words for it right now.
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ieatstardust · 1 year
just figured out they probably dont have video games in juvie. ugh. gotta change my plans.
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
how much of your origin for dick is canon and how much of it are your own interpretations? wrt the interpretations, what inspired you to include them?
sooo it’s like a combo of stuff. i subscribe mostly to the backstory we get in dark victory, combined with the retcon from nightwing 96 #11 where dick spends some time in witsec/juvie before getting adopted by bruce. i try to mostly add on or extrapolate on what already exists in canon — like my interpretation of martha waynes pearls as an example — and a lot of that comes in from filling the substantial blanks in mary and johns characterisation
ive said before but i personally prefer that dick isn’t american and is actually, explicitly, a romani character who’s forcibly removed from his community by both trauma and the american legal system. i think it reflects consistently with how he’s written as a teen and adult — he literally finds community everywhere, even if he doesn’t want it, and possesses interpersonal skills that bruce can’t match — but also like…. provides more consistent motivation behind him becoming robin. the idea that possessing physical artefacts of the deceased is discouraged because of spiritual practise makes sense when u think about how dick tangibly honours his parents with the robin mantle. thusly, it makes even more sense why he’d later take the nightwing name to honour clark and the new connections in his life, yknow?
idk i try not to discard canon wholesale for him because he’s sooo foundational for legit every other character in that canon, and changing anything substantially affects everything else. there’d be no tim if tim hadn’t been at the circus that night and didn’t remember dicks kindness. none of the other kids would’ve been adopted if bruce hadn’t seen his own grief reflected in another child losing his parents on a stage. on and on it goes
the only hill i die on is that he’s french and that’s because i think it’s hilarious
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elementaskylos345 · 11 months
IOTS Duncan fic!
This takes place about a month after everyone was rescued and a few weeks after Duncan was pulled from Juvie
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Fic under the cut
"Hello again, Duncan. It's good to see you again."
He sat silently staring at his hands. It was a moment more before his councilor spoke again.
"Your parents showed me your journal. Your handwriting had improved a lot."
Duncan didn't respond... he glanced up to the councilor, but that was it.
"I noticed you write a lot. About your day, the Lord, and what you want to do... what happened on the island."
Duncan looked away and gripped the blanket draped over his shoulders. The mention of the island... he felt nothing but dread...
"... Can you talk to me about it? Talking it through might help with how you feel."
He shook his head. He couldn't talk. He deserved the shame.
"I can't help you if you won't let me -"
<[I. Don't. Want. Talk.]> Duncan signed. The councilor paused... his tone was aggressive. They sighed and nodded.
Duncan looked away. He didn't believe that. Not for one second, not after Noah's death. He sent him to death. He knew what he was doing... a sinful man he was...
"I understand, Duncan... you're not going to Hell for whatever you might've done on the island. You're still a kid, and what you went through was horrific... God will not hate you."
"Yknow, it was only a matter of time before you realized this, right?" A familiar voice rang out, the snide comment making Duncan hang his head.
"Seriously, what were you thinking? Sending me away like that? If I didn't know better, I'd think you'd have wanted me dead. Or is that what you wanted?"
Noah sat next to Dunacn, his body unrecognizable and rotted, the water having taken its claim of him. Duncan couldn't look at him... he just couldn't.
"What's the matter, tough guy? Going soft now? If you're hoping to be a killer at least take some pride in your work." He lifted his head slightly, the action causing rotten fluids to be pushed through his discolored skin. Duncan whined in response and turned his head away.
"You're going to Hell, Duncan."
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
What do you think would happen if: Lookism characters hit male reader full force, leaving him unconscious because the enemy they were targeting, dodged last second? :000
lol this legit made me laugh, thanks for the ask anon. I've left out any that I'm not too sure on. Honestly don't think most of them would react that differently regardless of gender. Ping me another ask if there's any specific hc or... this is too intriguing to leave as is.
Lookism hitting Y/N full force (lol)
I'm sorry to say if the (male) reader was like... yknow, normal then you're not surviving a full force hit from half the characters - I definitely need to mention who would OHKO kill you: please accept my shitty tierlist first.
Your reaction
Actually fr legit DIE (lol)
Sorry my dude, there is NO way you are coming back from this unless you were part of the main cast or at least a decent side character. Full force?! You would definitely get one-shotted (one-shat?) by pretty much 99.9% of the main guys and probably all the side characters too
Erm, almost everyone?
Injured & unconscious
It's not that I don't think much of Y/N's fighting prowess... but. Have you seen half the guys and girls!? They are brutal. Even some of the side characters would (severely) injure you
Lineman, Lua Im, Sally Park, Crystal Choi, maybe Daniel's grandmother lol
Lookism's reaction (assuming you survived)
The guys in 2nd tier might be a bit more considerate if you are a girl, but unlikely.
Couldn't give a shit
Gun Park, Goo Kim (altho he doesn't want to get sent back to juvie again), Samuel Seo, Ryuhei Kuroda, Johan Seong (especially if you had nice shoes), James Lee, Xiaolong, Vin Jin, Logan Lee, Olly Wang, Daniel's grandmother
Slightly apologetic but there's a fight going on. Why tf are you there if you didn't want to get hit?!
Zack Lee, Mary Kim, Eli, Warren Chae, Lineman, Brad Lee, Jason Yoon, DG
Remorseful, would make sure you're at least ok after everything has calmed down
Daniel Park, Vasco Lee, Jay Hong, Jace Park, rest of Burn Knuckles, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jerry Kwon (Jake has taught him well), Lua Im, Sally Park, Crystal Choi
Daniel Park, Jay Hong, DG (lol prays to the powers above that there is no paparazzi around and noone could identify him. his career would be RUINED)
If you died? Everyone would probably panic. Because for some reason that's the only crime that matters.
IMO, much preferable to get knocked out in the How to Fight verse, you'll be getting a free leg massage.
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streaminn · 8 months
Ok, some world building (or is it called town building?) Questions For Arcadia the town instead of Arcadia Military Werewolf Academy
I mean I get the older generation of normies being afraid since it used to be an outcast juvie turned werewolf military academy but what about the younger generation? Are they also afraid of them or they are just used to seeing the muzzles and not seeing it is like so awkward
Also for the work study, do the normie schools do it too? Or is it like a more constant version of Nevermore's Outreach Day?
How big is the town, is it bigger than Jericho?
What's the town's main industry like Jericho's is tourism (Pilgrim World and Nevermore)
Is Arcadia more accepting of Outcast or less accepting compared to Jericho?
Younger gen? I wholly believe that since they're a rather close knit town, i think they'd have similar beliefs
DEFINITELY awkward though, simply because.. its not normal to normies to see people in muzzles and yknow they start overthinking and yada yada, people being worried but the economy is wonderful and the state of living in Arcadia is really low so what's the point of leaving?
Also! Work immersion? Nah, it IS a more constant version of outreach day. AWMA did it in hopes that it'll help the normies warm up to the newer generation of werewolves and.. its kinda working?? Atleast people aren't as hostile now. Sure it helps with work experience and extra curricular but its to make sure outcast can better intigrate in society and for the normies around AMWA to get used to the students because AMWA aint leaving anytime soon
As for how big is the town, definitely bigger than jericho! AMWA and arcadia in general is a rich town after all so they're lowkey.. a few decades short of being a city? I guess???
The town's main industry is its produce! and the occasional tourism, mostly produce with arcadia bragging about their finest leather and fur
As for arcadia being more accepting of outcast.. i guess? They aren't openly hostile since they're usually exposed to the AMWA students but they are very cautious and generally distrustful
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
what are brangelina like as teens? adults?
Hmmmmmmm................ I think Brad becomes your typical jock archetype, he's got a big head from being raised by two celebrity parents who treat him like their moon and stars. You know the trope of "gay dads disappointed in their excessively heterosexual son"? That's the situation. They just thin hes laying it on a little thick, yknow?
Angelina spent a month in juvie, and while it got mostly covered up, you KNOW whatever she did had to be VERY bad if her rich parents couldn't bail her out. Even when she got out Floyd said she wasn't allowed to use her phone for another month (which creek immediately walked back on bc thats his darling baby girl who can do no wrong)
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Breaking and entering is a crime yknow. And I do know, I've been to Juvie for it.
Hi, I'm Wes, I'm an oc fictive from this account's @into-the-crypt system. I'm like, 22. I remember 2 different versions of my source cause mine had 2 different endings n shit. My pfp is art another alter did of me.. yeah. I was an oc for FNAF, so I like that shit, the VHS tapes on youtube are fucking awesome. I wanted my own side blog to talk and to also maybe answer questions about my source character if anyone actually wanted to know about that shit/my experience with Freddy's... yeah. I like music, my favourite band is Linkin Park. Cool. Look at these goofy pictures we took playing Security Breach.
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kairospy · 10 months
I saw on twitter that you wanted to know about the juvie thing and she did say she doesn’t really know I guess (but she does have a LOT of files so maybe in one of them….somewhere…. Lol)
Here read this https://korakos.tumblr.com/post/136302758002/what-has-andrew-been-arrested-for
Yknow what this is somehow better than what I was expecting? It leaves room for fics to have this man make the rounds of underage crime. Arson? Sure. Theft? Why not. Joyriding? Go for it. All at once? He would.
Just Andrew burning shit on a stolen car far over the speed limit, music blasting
Thank you anon I truly forget what’s on the extra content at this point
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softcarebears · 10 months
he thought of me and wanted to give me divali cakes....but since he was at his aunt's house he forgot to pack it his bag to give it to me at school (i texted him about his ex-crush's new horrible ass haircut...bro looks like a juvie...ITS SO FUCKING BAD DAWG and then he told me about divali cakes) ....LIKE I WAS SHOOK LIKE OMG LIKE HE THOUGHT OF ME WHAT?? I WAS LIKE AWW POOKIE🥺BUT ALSO MOTHERFUCKER YOU HAD🌟 ONE JOB!!ONE JOB TO FULFILL AND YOU FUCKED IT UP😭.yes im updating because it has been a while lmfao.so this week we had to return our books to school and i went there myself(not obligatory to bring parents) with a heavy ass bag that shit hurt my shoulders bro😭OK SO HE WAS THERE LOOKING MAD CUTE AS HELL IN HIS GREEN SHIRT AND WHATEVER(like i wasn't expecting him to be here at the last hour since he lives pretty close to where our school is situated...so i was kinda surprised and my heart kinda skipped a beat when i saw him lol.)man i'm stepping back feminism by simping this is not a good sign;this is not so girlboss of me. Any ways long story short i waved at him but he did not notice...so i got war flashbacks from that time during exam season when i greeted him and he ignored me 2 TIMES AND THE THING IS THAT HE SAW ME...WE CROSSED DIRECTIONS LIKE 3 TIMES DEADASS(i was embarassed as hell...kinda mad at him too)he kept looking at me and we made eye contact a few times while he was talking to his friends i did not talk to him and gave him his space and talked to some classmates of my own...it was a bit awkward at times so i looked at my phone to pretend that i was not a freak or smth and during eyecontact sometimes he changed his eye directions to act as if he wasn't looking or that looking at something else(maybe he indeed wasn't).BUT WHILE HE WAS RETURNING HIS BOOKS AND WHILE I WAS WAITING FOR MY CLASSMATE TO FINISH INSIDE THE ROOM SINCE IT WAS MY TURN AFTER...I SAW HIM GLANCE AT ME AND THEN LOOK AWAY QUICKLY (because i'm a hottie ofc/j)...he did that twice or thrice idrk...bro was not slick at all...HONESTLY MAYBE HE WAS LOOKING AT SOMEONE BEHIND ME OR NEXT TO ME OR DIAGONAL FROM ME BUT I DONT THINK SO YOUR HONOUR🤭 .after he was done he tried to look for his friend for like 5sec and then came ot talk to me...he talked about his hectic and tiring day the day before since it was divali yknow and then his friend came and stood like this 🚹 for a fat minute and then he said bye.Moral of the story guys raise your standards for someone who is willing to you divali cakes😳😩😋.
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maelihi · 1 year
I’m having a withdrawal
hello! i forget i have this app sometimes. but that’s okay because i’m trying my best. i wanna talk about something but i’m not sure what. so i’ll write my thoughts here. my thoughts in real time. :)
well, let’s talk about ein, ryder and jax. i’ll be honest, it’s very very obvious that i focus all of my attention on a specific group of characters, but i want to! so here we are.
in my personal little fun room, i like to imagine ein, jax and ryder are all just a bunch of dudes who, for their whole lives, have been considered weak, or not strong enough to amount to anything. which kind of explains why they’re so obsessed with being strong, above others, and such. they also hate humans, which could be from the fact that certain humans think werewolves are just monsters or, yknow, not normal.
so let’s say they were massive bullies to dottie, daniel, rylan and blaze- mostly daniel because he was somewhat comfortable in his position as the weaker, more sensitive werewolf, which they did not have that particular experience.
but! because i love close little friend groups, i like to believe that in about middle school, probably right before 7th grade, ein, ryder and jax were all friends with the wolf pups. i don’t like that term but i can’t think of a better thing to call them. soon, when in 7th grade they were bullied for being friends with the three weaker werewolf’s, they drift off and become cold.
blaze is not particularly fond of the three since they abandoned him, rylan, daniel and dottie. but the other three try to be nice, of course until ein becomes an ass and makes daniel omega.
just to make myself happy, i made it so that over the phone, they have this little group chat that, even in the most tense moments of pdh, they’ll check up on each other and like idk sent cat memes and shit.
min their junior year they make up by like, idk bailing ein, ryder and jax out of juvie for ykow the kacey thing. idk it’s funny. then it’s just very cute little- like. hold up.
so it’s jax, ryder, ein, blaze, rylan, daniel and dottie. big happy friend group, the kind to like- because i’m desperate- they’re just the kind to cuddle, and kiss and just- love each other. idk it’s a very cute concept- seven very troubled werewolf teens loving each other.
hell man i’ve even gone into like- the seven all ram into blazes car and run away from phoenix drop after theri senior year, move to like- idk. nevada? i dunno if anything’s there but yk. i crave just fanart and i am willing to learn to draw just for this.
thank you for listening to my little thingy. i hope you have a very pretty day, and keep unpretty peoples attitudes out of your conscious 🩷🩷
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blood-injections · 1 year
I don't have a ton of Show Pony headcanons (not bc I don't like them but I just haven't figured em out in my head yet yknow) but I'd love to hear some non-spoilery things about this au!! I've seen tons of people do the "killjoys wouldn't have existed without dr. D" but not a ton of focus on Pony!
Yeah this au the result of me finally figuring them out in my head lol i get you, it's basically a character study and is gonna be focused around some of what i said in this about them being punk and going into the city and wanting to inspire revolution while also being a story of the fab fours past, because since ponys a slightly older joy like, the fab fours older sibling since theyre like 18 in this while the fab four are all younger, like jets the same age i guess but poisons 17 in this kobras 14 ghouls 13, i might change those all around, probably will, but basically its like show pony coming of age and inspiring a mini revolution and ill get to go into like juvie hall culture in this which im super excited for because i never really have before, but its ponys coming of age story while simultaneously being the fab fours backstory, because ponys friends with droids and they know ghoul bc he was raised by droids, then they meet kobra who isnt kobra yet, not that any of the fab four are killjoys yet, aside from jet, since shes a sand pup, and poison, since they kinda know who they are, but they introduce kobra to ghoul, who turns him into a little renegade, i dont think any of this is spoilers cause it's like, im trying not to be super detailed, im trying to be careful, plus its headcanons ive posted about before and also a lot of its gonna be in the description like. Yeah thats whats gonna happen. Fab four meeting eachother cause of show pony and a little revolution. It'll be worded more interestingly but thatll probably be the description. But yeahh its their story while being focused of pony and the change they inspire and their relationships with their friends and not as much as the city events but their relationship with cherri and dr d since there'll be a liiiitle conflict there and just. them realizing who they are too in the midst of all this
Also idk who originally said this but i remember a post that was. Kick push showpoison song and it has lived rent free in my head ever since and so of course. Im taking a big inspiration from it for my show pony au because. Listen to it. show pony ass song
Oh and im thinking of putting the suitehearts in here too, i just need to figure out their characters more first
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my wacky animal crossing band AU headcanon hehe haha huhu
okay real talk i’ve had this little fake band thing in my head for years and I wanna get it out
so this is inspired by a line where isabelle da dog mentions having a band. they play fast wacky post-hardcore jazzpunk together.
the lineup is:
cherry - guitar, occasional vocal
tabby - bass, main vocalist
isabelle - percussion, other main vocalist
idk what their band name is. i prob would've named them something stupid like "Yeastie Girlz" or some shit if that name wasn't already taken.
isabelle and cherry know each other from youth when they did juvie kid shit back in the day lol. they stayed hooked up with each other when they went through their own young adult periods, and then went back to living in the same town when they moved to the poppin island village of Mycelium. they met tabby on that island and she joined up with their band because of simpatico vibes.
releases are usually albums with a shitload of small tracks with maybe one or two kinda long ones, and then sometimes an EP with a small number of really long tracks. cherry throws a lot of effects on her guitar so her playing ends up sounding like a bunch of loud chirping and wobbly metal scraping and wee woo wee woo. tabby plays her bass lines fast, has a boppy funky sound to playing, is not afraid to put on an effect pedal though usually to make her bass to sound like a wall of grotty rhythmic drones. isabelle can’t really go free jazz freakish on percussion bc their songs are ultimately too structured to allow that, but she tries! she can also do blastbeats. really fucking technical, building all those PWPs must’ve made her jacked
they're all pretty serious about their love of jazz. alright here's more info about them individually
isabelle - she grew up in the country and still has that farm kid twang to her voice. crazy childhood but filing taxes really ended up affecting her deeply and now she's by far the most well-adjusted member of the group if you define "well-adjusted" in a certain way. got a very impressive engineering degree in college, and as a reward she now works a lousy government job for a pittance + 500 bells that she WILL spend impulsively on something stupid. cherry sometimes jokes around about how she's a sellout for that but it aint serious, she understands the common worker's struggle. and, yknow, isabelle sincerely cares about doing the best for her town in the system she's stuck in so like, cmon dont be harsh on her. her public face is pretty mild-mannered, sometimes shes kinda matter-of-fact about things, but overall she nails that peppy energy everyone loves to receive from people in service when she's not flubbing stuff too much. in her personal life -- well, she doesn't have THAT many friends out there -- but with the ones she does have, she likes to be a little goofball, especially when linking zany energies with tabby. she has like a 4 year old's sense of humor but if anyone can sell peepee poopoo humor its her dumb ass. sings lead vocals on about half of their songs, her voice is loud, bright, and honestly pretty goofy because of that Country Gurl accent she has, but fits well with the generally nonserious and kinda everything-happening-at-once vibe of their music. what're her fits like, btw? an absolutely delightfully meticulous (she comes up with 90% of her wardrobe on the fly) combination of christian girl autumn, normcore, sillywave, raymondpunk, bio-wibbletech, and just a dash of edgy looking band merch or novelty t-shirts to really complete the look.
cherry - the thoughful, philosophical engine of the group even though she hardly writes any lyrics and mostly sits in the back making funny neenee noodleynoo noises with her guitar but trust me here. grew up in the same rural town as isabelle, and ended up moving back in a town where izzy now works! (its only like 75% a coincidence, she had to chase the money and figured Mycelium job market and being able to see her bestie was the best choice) She works a dead-end bullshit retail job on the island and always looks like she wants to kill everybody there. very loudly a proud commie through and through, she likes to wear this little red-guard lookin hat everywhere. the band are not embarrassed about their leftist messaging but cherry is by far the most motivated to stir up some shit. she helps organize locally and is very serious about reading up on Theory and has very little tolerance for poseurs. VERY occasionally does lead vocals, in that case she's writing the lyrics, hers are a lot more existential and political in nature than the other two's. very deep voice, she basically sounds like a scary Goth yknow? her singing voice is monotone and basically just her normal voice with more authority. she likes to put on an austere face but she's the easiest to make laugh, even at isabelle's dumbass jokes -- the other gals of course take advantage of this to tease her. as a strongly passionate individual she is also the most likely to start ranting at her computer screen when she's having trouble with something. she's got a pretty solid costume for concert appearances and photo ops that makes her probably the most recognizable member: Mao hat, long jacket, ragged looking pants, combat boots, and a pair of sunglasses.
tabby - every band needs the crazy one! she could bomb a hospital and the band would still have to drag her along because she's just that fucking good at bass. absolutely crazy mastery of speed and technique, her bouncing basslines usually provide a melodic counterpart to cherry's industrial vague notions towards "music" and whatever the fuck isabelle is doing back there. she's the only one without any classical training, though! as the lead bassist, she keeps the lead guitarist and lead drummer in check, creating a beautiful homeostasis of chaotic, highly technical songwriting and playing with all the brutality and energy of hardcore punk but also some of that inherent nerd-ass quality that comes with having three extremely proficient instrumentalists that know how to do a lot of things with their instruments. but enough of that bullshit, we gotta get to her VOCALS! she covers the majority of non-isabelle songs and her voice contrasts nicely -- isabelle has a deeper voice, sings brashly and over-the-top like she's eartha kitt doing i wanna be evil if she held her notes twice as long, but yknow she's been in classes for that and knows what she's doing and has a wide octave range. tabby meanwhile sounds like a living cartoon character.... BECAUSE SHE IS ONE!! but seriously she's got that high pitched peppy voice, but with enough roughness and scratchyness to it to make it actually fit the music. her speaking voice is actually pretty normal, but on the mic she leans into the most nasal, obnoxious tones possible. she got that shmorky voice to her i wont lie BUT SHE MAKES IT WORK!!! just say shes like uhhhh female psychicpebbles or something so you dont make her look lame. im being overdramatic about her voice btw, she actually has a pretty decent range and a FANTASTIC growl + scream but those only come out every-so-often. her lyrics are often violent, disgusting, brutally blunt in detail, and she's the one most inclined to doing crazy antics on stage. she usually comes to concerts in full leather wrapped with chains and parts of her body tied up and shit and like whatever nasty looking medical equipment she could find to put on her face and after each concert will be taken home bleeding from at least 2 or 3 different places. she's pretty chill irl though, but definitely as big as a goofball as isabelle. isabelle's the one that always takes leads on a goof attack, and tabby plays second-hand along with chief goof-strategist much to the annoyance/mirth of cherry. isabelle and cherry dont know much about her past yet bc she's pretty mum on talking about it much, but apparently she had rich parents but cut contact with them years back, and now just has an average ol life doing part time as a janitor, odd jobs on the side, and living in a nasty little apartment with her roomie katt. still, that general wealth helped a little, and she was able to build what she saved into a fairly stable life, so she's usually the one paying out of pocket for most of the band expenses. she's legit though, u know that because cherry would've beat her up otherwise
umm yess that's basically all i have to say i will post more if i remember more. if nintendo hires me i will also add to the canon that their 1st album name is "Poopin in the Boys Room" but that's not canon yet.
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marshmellowpaint · 1 year
I will now tell you all the connections (that I remember off the top of my head)
All are connected to Saimon (TCW) bc he teaches at their college
Hajun is connected to Dongha (his younger brother) and Chungsung (his former family butler) (Amprule)
Allen isn't connected to anyone before pl starts as far as I know
Anne is connected to Iori and Zen (AKYR) bc they work at their club
Saimon is connected to BAE bc he is their teacher
Youhei is connected to Iori (AKYR) because they were partners when Youhei was part of the mafia
Shiki is connected to Nayuta (cozmez) bc. Well yknow. He's also connected to Reo, Satsuki, and Hokusai (AKYR), because they go to the same school (although Shiki goes in the morning and they go at night)
Ryuu is connected to 1Nm8 bc they were all experimented on in the same facility
Nayuta is connected to Shiki (TCW) bc. Yknow
Kanata is connected to Iori (AKYR) bc he works for him and steals phantometals? Idk it's some underground work
Iori has connections to Kanata, Anne, and Youhei
Zen has connections to Anne and Yuuto (GL)
Reo has connections to Shiki and Ryuu
Hokusai has connections to Shiki and Ryuu
Satsuki has connections to Shiki and Ryuu and Ryoga (GL) because they were childhood friends and Satsuki went to juvie for a crime Ryoga did. Presumably he also had a connection to Anne bc he has a huge crush on them but they didn't seem close before PL
I don't think they have any connections besides Kei, who used to be their center and most popular member
Literally only Hajun. Hajun is their only connection
All of them seem connected to Ryuu due to the human experiments. Kei is also connected to VISTY seeing as he left them saying he wouldn't perform anymore
Yuuto was police partners with Zen
Ryoga was childhood friends with Satsuki
I dont think the other two have connections
One of them was the Ramen shop owner for the entire first season he was just There
I feel like I need to pin all of their faces to a wall and use red string to see the connections dear GOD. They're all over the place Crane 😭😭😭
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