#yes this is about vampire hunter au
seasaltandcopper · 5 months
so I know readers have been waiting uhhhhhh *checks calendar* about a year for the next chapter. but I made some writing progress today, and at rough estimate, I'm close to the halfway point of chapter 4
my pace might be glacial but i'm not dead, and it's not abandoned i've just been in some form of mental or physical distress for the past uh...well, a while
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tvpsychics · 1 month
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the blood is the life
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trannydean-moved · 1 year
okay so i have already talked about when, in the hunter!jaime au, jaime (who was like almost 14 atp) sneaked himself along on a hunt with john, sam, and dean. i didn't have a monster picked out for them to hunt, so i've now decided it was a vamp hunt, and it scared jaime pretty badly. traumatized him prolly. so he just really does NOT like vampires after that. he does hunt em but he's not like gordon, super angry at them, he's just scared of them. fast forward to idfk, pre-s8, prolly somewhere in s7. jaime gets turned into a vampire and fucking hates it so so badly. he's so scared of himself. he prolly tells sam and dean to kill him so many times but they're both like "NO we'll cure you goddammit". well they don't catch the vampire who turned him in time, and jaime ends up getting killed. (haha imagine how awful it was for dean to watch jaime get decapitated) jaime goes to purgatory. i want him to meet up with benny and at first be scared af of him. "bro what is your problem" "i'm scare of vampires!!!" "...you're a vampire?" "shut up :(" but they end up teaming up and being pals. maybe more than pals. bc dean and jaime have the same taste in men. bc it'd be funny for dean to be jealous and then join the polycule. and then cas come and be MEGA jealous lmao. anyways so one day jaime and benny hear a baby crying. and jaime's like "am i going crazy or do you hear crying" and benny confirms he hears it too, and then jaime catches the scent and is like "OH... I KNOW THAT SMELL" "you do?" "dean..." "that's dean? the dean you've been talking about the entire time since we met" "noo no that's not him. that's his scent tho... OH I KNOW WHO THAT IS" and they go to find a 3 day old emma. and benny's like "dean had a monster child?" and jaime's like "it's a long story. ig emma is my baby now" so boom jaime's got a baby to take care of.
and when dean gets put in purgatory i'm pretty sure the other monsters could sense humans being in there? so everyone can sense dean in there? and jaime's like "omg we have to find him it's dean!!!" and benny's like "yeah i was gonna say we should look for the human anyways" and benny tells him about the way humans can get out of purgatory (idk the details yet so i'm sorry if any of this ends up inaccurate) and jaime's like "OH RAD" and so they go to find him. and they save dean from that other vampire. dean is sooo surprised to see jaime with a baby in a makeshift baby carrier.
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bioswear · 1 year
I should do Art of the VampireAU of my original project
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neo-my-geo · 9 months
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So @pinapin and I were talking about what would happen if you wrote a fic using a D20 to determine the outcomes of everything that a character attempts to do, and it snowballed into a full blown D&D fantasy AU
Race/class details below the cut!
Scout - half-orc/way of the drunken bonk master monk
Soldier - human/genie warlock
Pyro - ???/dragonblood sorcerer
Demo - triton/war wizard-fighter multiclass
Heavy - dwarf (with gigantism)/glory paladin
Engie - needs no introduction/artillerist artificer
Medic - vampire/order of the profane soul blood hunter
Sniper - human/sniper (tf2)
Spy - changeling/soulknife rogue
(ft. original scrapped soldier sheet; yes, Merasmus is his patron)
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(and also ft. other sketches)
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ignore the drow, this isn't about him
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katiefrog217 · 5 months
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Walks with Aziraphale were always so amusing, especially when he took one of his different forms. Tonight, Crowley took note of a few different reactions:
1. Much to his bemusement, quite a few people crossed the road entirely just to avoid him (he didn't know why, he thought this particular form was very charming).
2. Those who didn't avoid them either didn't notice at all, or cooed adoringly at his companion. A few snake enthusiasts tried their best to impart advice upon him (Yes, he was aware it was a chilly night to have a python outside. Yes, he was aware that he had a few extra rolls on him, and he would appreciate it if they didn't body shame him, please and thank you).
3. He had a particularly interesting encounter with a stranger who tried his best to buy Aziraphale from him (he didn't know whether to laugh or be offended on his companion's behalf when the person subsequently dropped their price offering upon learning he was male. He turned them down, of course).
This just in: local vampire hunter tries his hardest to look cool in front of his crush.
I said soon and I guess I meant now haha.
I could help but draw Crowley and Aziraphale from @mrghostrat 's new Vampire AU (thanks for the permission btw!!) and I'll be damned if I couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw Ball Python Azi after being deeply entrenched in Ball python morphs and drawing them for the past few years.
I'm also a big sucker (har har) for any kind of vampire au, so I was incredibly excited to draw this!! I'm still not confident in my ability to draw Crowley (or jackets oof) but I tried.
On that, while I have ya'll here, a few fun facts about Ball Pythons and Morphs:
Azi looks to me to be based on a Blue Eyed Lucy (Leucistic) ball python. Leucistic is different from Albino - both lack pigment, but Leucistics only lack pigments in parts, rather than entirely like with Albinism. The fastest way to tell the difference is the eye color.
Blue Eyed Lucies have eye colors that range from Black to Blue - blue obviously being the more popular eye color.
The whiter the snake, the more sought after it is (not all Lucies are pure white, depends on the morph combo)
Unlike a majority of ball python morphs, Blue Eyed Lucies don't have a distinct gene combo that defines them. Generally, their morphs included Mocha, Mojave, Lesser, Butter, etc. The combos are generally endless. A Super Mojave (Mojave bred to Mojave) will produce a fairly grey/white snake, but their heads tend to be a very dusty grey, and isn't an ideal combo for a Lucy.
A snake that seems incredibly white when hatched may change color as it ages and become less white. This is common for all morphs, and their patterns define themselves and get stronger with age.
In breeding, males are generally less desired than females, and run at a lower price generally. This is because a single male can breed multiple females, so it's less effective to have more males in a clutch than females.
Obesity in snakes IS a real thing, and generally hard to manage if you do have an obese snake. Snakes tend to retain weight well, so exercise is really the only method to help bring their weight down (plus smaller meals). Good luck if you have an obese snake that isn't particularly inclined to be active.
Ball Pythons generally tend to have what's called a 1,000 gram wall - in which a snake that hits 1k grams stops eating and will not gain more weight. No one is 100% sure why this phenomena happens, but it's incredibly common.
Not a fact but opinion: Paradox ball Pythons are my favorite morph. If you want to see some incredibly interesting genetics, look them up.
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rooksamoris · 3 months
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💞 — in which vil invites a vampire hunter to live in your castle as a guard. this hunter seems to enjoy pressing your buttons quite a bit.
💞 — vampire!vil schoenheit x vampire!reader x vampire hunter!rook hunt (implied poly)
💞 — warnings: SUGGESTIVE!! nothing crazy, but it is suggestive, hopefully in the gothic romantic sort of way. obvi, blood, mentions of gore. rook says "bon appetit" at some point. vil and reader are "married" but in the eternal partners thanks to immortality sort of way
💞 — 2.2k words. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY @v-anrouge!!! when i was wondering what i should write, i remembered you were the one who gave me the thought of vampire hunter!rook which has completely haunted me since. i wish you a million more happy days <33 think imma do a whole au tagged as "𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄." bc wow i miss vampire stories
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Vil could not have been serious about this.
You looked at him in disbelief as he sat at the luxurious table. He ignored your look of disbelief and continued to sip from his wine glass, the rid liquid sloshing to and fro. Any idiot would assume it was just wine or fruit cordial, but no, this was a bit too thick to be either. Your eyes then darted to the smiling blonde bowing at the both of you. That bastard hunter that you and your kind were constantly trying to get away from. He was grinning without a care as if he was not in the presence of one of the most feared vampires in all of the Twisted Wonderland. 
“You don’t look too pleased to see me, mon vampire,” he said, tilting his head to the side, smile ever present.
It took everything in you not to scrunch your nose, “What vampire would be pleased at the sight of a hunter?” you retorted, before looking back at Vil. You assumed he was bluffing when he told you he would employ a vampire hunter to keep watch over the castle. You knew why he did it—all that power came with enemies and artifacts that all manner of magical creatures wanted to steal for themselves. But come on, you hoped he would settle for a protective spell.
Vil finally sighed, “He won’t harm you, or me if he knows what’s best for him.”
“Oh, Roi du Poison, no need for worries. I could never dream of tarnishing such beauty,” he replied, standing straight again. Despite that smile of his, there was something sinister beneath it all. He was hiding something, that much was clear.
“Vil, darling, you can’t be serious—”
All the vampire did was stand and make his way over to you, standing behind your seat and placing one of his hands onto your shoulders, and then he used the other to cup your chin so that you were glancing over at him, “Stress ages the skin. Relax your brows,” he told you. Your immortality would keep you from aging just fine, yet he still insisted that you follow these human regiments with him.
After a moment, you sighed, letting your shoulders drop before sending a half-hearted glare at the hunter, “Fine,” 
“Good,” Vil moved away from you and to the blonde hunter, his hand quickly grasping his jaw, “And you,”
“Yes?” Rook asked, practically beaming over the fact that the poisonous vampire himself was touching him. He could barely keep himself from reaching out and embracing the vampire.
Before this, he had just been admiring you and your spouse. All of this was like something from one of his dreams. Here he was, in that gothic castle which he had only seen in paintings, with the famed vampires hiding in it. Rook could not wait till he was free to explore the place and uncover the magical secrets that were hidden there. Perhaps he would even get the chance to collect skeletons from the closets.
Your glares were exhilarating and Vil’s touch was just… arousing. This was the type of opportunity he would kill for. He probably did kill for it, no one could know when it came to him.
Vil’s lavender eyes traced over the hunter’s face, before narrowing in on his eyes, “You will be on your best behavior, yes?”
Rook nodded, placing a hand on his chest, “Of course, my queen.”
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“Darling, quit your pouting already,” Vil said, glancing at you through the mirror as you tended to his hair. He never let anyone tend to his beauty process, but you. Who would not trust their eternal lover? He began to rub a serum into his skin, “I know you’re not happy, but you’re a vampire, not a toddler.”
You nearly tugged his hair at that, “You know how I feel about vampire hunters,” you told him, “And him? Of all the hunters to bring into our home, you have to bring the one with the most kills under his belt—if he tries anything, I’ll… I—”
“We’ll both feed off of him. Don’t worry,” he said, cutting you off as he turned around to face you. One of his hands reached for the brush and he set it at the vanity behind him while gazing up at you. His hands cupped your hips and forced you closer, “You worry too much. If he messes up, he’ll make for a great meal.”
His hands trailed up and down—hips, to thighs, hips, to waist—he had done this thousands of times before, “You’ve heard of his skill, his strength. A man with such endurance must have plenty of blood… all that running and fighting he does has to show in the health of his arteries. I’ll even let you use those fancy chalices you like,”
Oh, Sevens. He was so attractive when he went into his informative tangents.
A blush covered your cheeks and your hands reached to grab onto his shoulders so that you could balance yourself. Centuries later he still managed to make you blush like a rose. He claimed you were his spouse, but sometimes you felt more like a devout worshipper. His body was the shrine you bowed to, your love was the offerings you held out to him.
“I just ask that you play nice,” he said, his hand drifting from your hip, up to your cheek. A smirk came to his lips as he tugged your face towards him. He smirked when your eyes trailed over to his mouth, “You can do that, right?” 
All you could do was nod in response.
“Good,” And finally, he gave in and kissed you, teasingly dragging his fangs along your bottom lip. Vil knew how much you loved when he did that, he could feel it in the little shift you did as he held you close. He pulled away after a moment, just to let his hands dip down to the back of your legs and pull you into his lap, “Now, let me take care of you.”
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Living in the castle with Rook was strange, but not completely horrible. He had so much to satisfy his curiosity, so most days you did not see him unless you were in places that he was monitoring. You caught him a few times in the secret tunnels beneath the castle, and the various hiding places that no one knew about.
He tried to get into your good graces with his… strange shows of affection. Last night, when he was walking you home from the opera, he told you how much he wished you would let your rage control so that you would sink your teeth into his pale freckled skin.
Strange, and yet your mind drifted back to the thought of it. Letting go of your control and pouncing onto the hunter, tearing the collar of his shirt, piercing that pretty skin of his. You forced the thoughts out of your mind when you began to imagine what his gasps and whimpers may have sounded like.
Vil seemed to be much more quick to let up when it came to Rook. He did not think the green-eyed hunter was a threat and just let him share his amorous and romantic poetry. At the dinner table, he would laud you and your Queen, comparing himself to the knights of yore, bound to protect and never to touch—and Vil did not interrupt him once. He looked pleased, instead, amused even.
Even more absurd was when Vil began letting Rook help him out with his clothes or his makeup. That had truly caught you off-guard, but you still did not seem to let up on your suspicions. He was just so unsettling sometimes, despite his sweet moments. You worried he would turn around and set a trap for you, or worse, for Vil. 
Vil could take care of himself, but you loved him too much to not worry.
“Ah, mon vampire!” 
You turned around when the hunter suddenly called out for you. Of course, he just happened to be in the gardens at the same time as you, “Rook,” you muttered, “Do you never sleep?”
He quickly took his spot at your side, his hand drifting to hover around the small of your back, “Now why would I tell a predator like you when I am most vulnerable?” he asked, this thumb sliding over your spine a bit. His green eyes looked a little more threatening for a moment, “That would make me a poor hunter, non?”
That look in his eyes made you shiver.
“I suppose you are right about that.” 
You were sure you could take him on in a fight, but you also wished Vil was out here too. Rook always seemed a little more behaved in the presence of Vil, since he was more of a threat than you were—or perhaps Rook just enjoyed toying with you more. When the two of you were alone, Rook seemed more like the bloodthirsty creature, except he thirsted for your ire. He was just begging to be your meal with the way he acted.
His touch grew firm, “Looking for an escape?” he asked, raising a brow, smiling at you. He looked quite pleased with himself.
“No,” you retorted, a little blush coloring your cheeks, “That’s what you should be doing.”
Rook laughed at that and his hand moved off your back and to your hand instead. Gently, he tugged you with him deeper into the gardens, “I would never want to escape from you. No matter how vicious you became,” he told you, affectionately.
You scoffed, “I don’t believe that for a minute,”
“You don’t?”
“Of course not. You’d run with your tail between your legs just as the other mortals do.”
He tugged you a bit harder once he came to a stop, forcing you to fall against him. The blonde nearly shivered as your hands met his chest to steady yourself, “Mon vampire,” he whispered, “You and I both know I would never run from those gorgeous fangs of yours,” he said as his free hand cupped your jaw.
The foolish hunter was guiding your face toward his pale neck. A soft growl came from the back of your throat, “Stupid hunter,” you muttered. That familiar bloodlust began to seep from your every pore.
“Go on,” he cooed, “bon appétit.”
You decided to give in—his blood just smelled too good. You brushed his blonde hair behind his ear before slipping a hand behind his neck to force him closer to you, causing him to place his hands on either side of your head, against one of the pillars in the gardens.
Fangs glittered beneath the night sky like swords on the battlefield, his neck was your enemy. All you wanted to do was suck him dry, and end that dull beating you could hear where his blood was rushing. Vil had told you athletic people carried more blood. He shivered as your tongue swiped against his neck.
“Ah—wetting my neck to make it easier? You are just so—”
Before he could finish with his teasing, you quickly and violently sunk your fangs into his neck, humming in satisfaction as his blood hit your tongue. His body tensed up for a moment and then he relaxed, leaning his body against you, pinning you to the pillar. He gasped a bit at your harsh sucking, but never once did his protest.
Instead, his fingers tenderly carded through your hair, “Mmm… Tu es merveilleux.”
You could not even bring yourself to pull away and reply to his compliments, instead opting to dig your fangs in even deeper. The blood began to drip down your chin, Vil would scold you for that, but you did not care. His blood was delicious.
“What have I told you about getting blood on your clothes when you’re feeding?”
Speak of the devil—erm, vampire.
Quickly, you pulled away from Rook’s neck and you were just about to wipe your face on your sleeve, until you felt Vil’s sharp glare and Rook’s hand grasp your arm in time. 
The hunter gave you a teasing smile, before turning his attention to Vil.
There was a frown on Vil’s face, “I can’t believe you managed to make such a mess in the five minutes that I have left you alone.”
“Merci, I do my best.”
“It wasn’t a compliment. Look what you have done to mein schätzelein,” he scolded, as he took out a handkerchief to wipe up your mouth for you. His attention was now on gently wiping away the blood that dripped down to your chin and onto your chest. He patted it down, careful not to rub too hard. A brief look of hunger flashed in his eyes as he wiped the blood. He nearly bent down to lick it off of you instead. “Such a mess... and I thought we promised we’d feed on him together? Greed is not a pretty look for you.”
The flush on your cheeks brightened, much to both of their amusement.
“Don’t scold them, Roi du Poison. It was my fault. I was teasing too much,” Rook interrupted before you could speak. One of his hands trailed down your back, while the other slipped around Vil’s waist, “But since you’re here now, you can have a taste as well.”
Vil rolled his eyes, “I am much better at controlling myself,”
That was a lie. His eyes kept drifting between the pierce marks on Rook’s neck and the little bit of blood stuck on the corner of your lips.
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©rooksamoris 2024. do not steal or translate my work!
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teamred · 28 days
re: your tags - I am dying to know about your Wade’s sister!reader x Logan fic, omg that sounds so fun 👀💖
omg hi j!!! @eupheme (gonna tag you in case the ask post doesn't do it)
i actually have two wade's sister!reader x logan fics in the works! i hope you don't mind me sharing both~
the one i was referring to in my tags is called "dusk till dawn".
summary: vanessa is kidnapped, so while wade runs off to save her, he assigns logan to be reader's bodyguard. however, they don't get along, but they start to fall for each other over time.
it'd be a road trip/motel hopping au with lots of banter, sharing one bed, tension, angst, and steamy moments of course 👀
i'm taking inspiration from some of the moments with logan and mariko from the wolverine (2013) movie!
i'd love to share snippets, but it's really in the draft stages right now!!
second fic i have is called "can't help myself" (title tentatitive)
summary: wade only has one rule for logan: his sister is completely off-limits. but of course, logan never plays by the rules, and you couldn't give two shits about what your dumb-ass brother says.
this one would be more of a fun fic!! just like messing with wade but also having fun with logan and lowkey falling for him too
lots of dialogue, especially with wade, smut, fluff, etc. just a vibes fic
wouldn't be as long as the other fic - i wrote quite a bit for this already! here's a snippet of the intro:
“Don't look at her,” Wade paces around his apartment’s living room, listing the things Logan, his new roommate, should avoid when he meets his sister tomorrow. “Don't breathe in her presence, don't even think about her, and especially don't—” 
“What, ya gonna tell me I can’t fuck her next?” Logan cuts in with an amused chuckle, reclining on the living room couch with a hand above his head. 
“Yes, bingo!” Wade exclaims, pointing at him excitedly. “Exactly that, you geriatric sexy vampire. Or should I technically say vampire hunter?” He pauses, wondering for a moment. 
“Anyways,” he continues, “you can have any woman you want in this new universe—hell, I’ll cry my heart out every night after my evening jerk-off seshes, but you can even have Vanessa—but my sister? We’re gonna have a repeat of the Honda Odyssey fight, Wolvie, and that won’t be a pretty sight to see.” 
“Okay,” Logan replies, getting up from the couch and heading toward the kitchen. “I’ll make sure to fuck your sister until she forgets the fact that she's your sister. Got it.” 
“Hey!” Wade smacks him on the back as he’s bent over, trying to grab a beer from the fridge. A low growl escapes from him. “I’m being serious here.” 
“When are you ever serious?” Logan asks, popping off the beer cap with his thumb. 
“Now! I am being serious now.” Wade’s voice rises before he takes a second to compose himself, closing his eyes and inhaling slowly. Logan watches him carefully, sipping his beer. 
“Please, Logan,” he barely whispers, avoiding eye contact. 
The silence, punctuated only by Logan’s sipping, feels uncomfortable and heavy. Finally, Logan lets out a sigh.
“Fine,” he grunts. “I won’t get involved with your sister.” 
Wade breaks into a relieved smile and extends his pinky. “You promise?” 
Despite Logan rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he ends up hooking his pinky around Wade’s, sealing the deal.
Except Wade doesn’t see Logan’s other hand behind his back, with his middle and index fingers crossed over another.
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ohbo-ohno · 5 months
Vampire!Soap with his Sire, Vampire!Ghost (who turned him by force), and their shared captive bloodbag, the Reader. Maybe you’re a Hunter, maybe you’re just unlucky, either way you wind up chained to the floor in their lair and being given just barely enough to be alive and useful. While they’re waiting until you have enough blood to be fed from again, they fuck you while you close your eyes and try not to scream because it just gets them off more. Eventually the longer they keep you the more fond they become, and the more luxuries you’ll be afforded, like a pile of fluffy blankets, a stuffed toy or two, outside time (monitored, of course), and even time without your collar.
~🦋 (yes I’m still alive and I’m still being weird about stuffed animals. Don’t call your autistic kids mature for their age and put them in GAT programs when they’re 9 or they’ll end up like me. Still sleeping with a mountain of stuffies and also being horny about it.)
big big fan of vampire au's where the human's emotions affect the way they taste
ghost likes the spice to your blood when you're afraid, so he likes to make himself as big as possible before he pins you to the ground to feed. he likes to chase you a bit, to give you a chance of escaping so he can taste your devastation when he wraps an arm around your stomach and holds you to him
johnny likes the sweet taste of you when you're coming for him. loves the overwhelming rush of endorphins he can literally taste, always overwhelms you with sensation just before getting you off when he wants to feed. likes to hurt you just a bit while getting you off, scrambles your little brain up until you have no idea what you're feeling (likes to moan in your ear about how much you enjoy it, how he can taste that you like it)
one of the most appealing things to me about captive blood bag vampire au's is the like... necessary aftercare, kinda? like ghost and johnny need you to stay alive, so they might do all sorts of horrible and cruel things to you when they want to feed (ie: whenever they want), but they'll hand feed you your favorite foods and keep you tucked up in a soft nest to rest
ghost in particular takes special enjoyment in bandaging your bites. he's got a sort of fascination with how humans heal (he's old enough that he hardly remembers what it was like to have a scab) and he checks your wounds on an extremely strict schedule. likes to compare your bruises, compare your scars and see how they're healing. never lets you hide from him or try to take care of the wounds yourself - if he did it to you, he's taking care of it too
johnny likes to use you as essentially a body pillow/emotional support human. he gets real needy after he feeds, and you're too weak to try and move away from him, so cuddles post-feeding aren't optional. it's not rare for ghost to find the two of you curled up in bloody sheets - no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to train johnny out of being a messy eater
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obiscious · 27 days
MF!AU Art 2
Prev - Next || here's more pieces ! yes there are hidden messages for all the gravity falls nerds out there .
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fiddleford ( tanuki ) = fords lab partner and long life best friend : fidds ! hes the voice of reason most of the time and safety is everything to him . he always follows his gut , and usually hes right .
bill cipher ( human ) = billiard is his nickname , his actual name is william . he is very intelligent and physicaly fit despite his old age . some call him the hunter of the woods , others call him a maniac . he is the leader of a small group of vigilantes called the henchmaniacs , a sour band of misfits !
gideon ( vampire ) = in this au , gideon is actually very neutral . his dad isn't the " yes man " he usually would be like in the show , instead , he teaches gideon about vampirism and the vampire cult him and his ancestors took part in . his amulet is a gift from his mother for him to lure in victims to their manor , gives him the ability to disguise himself as human , and makes people believe he is not suspicious .
pacifica ( land n sea siren ) = born to a rich and wealthy monster family , pacificas life is tethered to a lifelong memory of serenades and pageants . beauty , music and gold is all that matters to her mother and father . she always hides her land siren form and has always been shown as a mix of both , representing the ties between land and sea , pacifica is a trophy for her parents to display as other sirens pay homage to this equilibrium of harmony of the earths waters and lands .
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antlerchxrming · 1 month
Do you know what it means to be loved by death? || Charminghearts Vampire AU.
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Chloe knows what day it is, the moment she opened her eyes it was in her mind, creeping out into the open as she went along with her morning.
“Your father has been a hunter for years,” Ella says, as she takes her daughter’s shoulder and leads her through the winding hallways of their home. Chloe’s heard it about a dozen times, and believes she’ll hear it a dozen times more. “He’s been training you for this day, Chlo, you can’t tense up now.”
The words were supposed to be reassuring and Chloe knew that, but there was still the feeling that everything was about to go wrong- like there was a hair out of place within this whole moment.
“I know! There’s always beginner’s.. anxiety.” Chloe stumbled out slightly as they finally found their way outside, making a half attempt to squint under the harsh sunlight. Beginner’s anxiety sounded stupid, but what else could she say? She was about to be hunting another person- or a creature, as her brother likes to put it.
She watched as Ella rolled her eyes, pressing a kiss to her temple before her attention landed on her father, standing in front of the training court with a smile that seemed almost taunting.
“Dad.” Chloe greeted with a nod of her head, stepping forward to look at the items in his hands. A stake and a dagger. Chloe’s blood felt like it stopped flowing out of anxiety.
Her brain might have tuned out his instructions, she honestly can’t be too sure until the dagger was in her hands and the stake had an unmistakable ‘C’ carved into the handle. Chloe wanted to break the stick as soon as she noticed it.
“You’ll do this tonight,” Christopher started as Chloe walked circles around him anxiously, his eyes following her as best they could without starting to spin himself around in circles like a dog chasing its tail. “You’ll go over towards Wonderland– Yes, Chloe.” He started to roll his eyes the moment his daughter stopped in front of him, an incredulous look in her eyes as if Chloe couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
“Why there? Why there?!” Chloe spoke up quickly and she shook her head, stepping towards her father with a frown. Chloe heard stories about Wonderland for years, from Chad and from her own friends within Auradon. Vampires practically ran Wonderland, as interesting as that sounded they were all particularly too strong. Chloe’s face paled at the idea of going over there.
Her father sighed, starting slowly in hopes of quelling some of his daughter’s worries. “Because it’s their own hunting grounds, Chloe. It only makes sense, when they feed they’re vulnerable.” He explained as he pulled Chloe closer by sudden hands on her shoulders, rubbing there as soothingly as he could. “You’ll do fine, you only have to be out there for an hour or two, we won’t make you stay out there for the whole night.”
We? Who’s we in this situation? Chloe wanted to ask, only getting the thought interrupted as she felt another arm sling over her shoulders, rougher than her mother would have done. It made her flinch and stumble a bit, stepping back to glare at her brother as he stood there.
Chad had a stupid smile on his face, she fought the urge to smack it off of him.
“You’re both watching? Chad doesn’t even know—“
“I know enough to keep your dumbass out of trouble.” Chad interrupted, cutting Chloe off before the insult could even come to fruition. It was no secret Chad wasn’t.. a very good hunter, but he still was one. He often got distracted and barely came home with his gear at times, Audrey loved to tease about it, it made Chloe sick to her stomach to listen to them giggle about it in the Grand Hall the nights Chad came home and Audrey was there on the promise of ‘sleeping over’ with her boyfriend.
“You’re impossible..” Chloe muttered to him, glaring daggers as it sunk in that he called her a dumbass. She stepped back and stomped on his foot as hard as she could, heel digging into fancy dress shoes and she felt Chad flinch behind her. It only got her a light shove before she turned and they started swatting at each other like cats. They rarely caused each other long lasting pain, but they fought like this more than they both could keep track of.
The mere sight of it made Christopher roll his eyes, reaching to hook his fingers in the back of both teen’s collars before pulling them away to separate them. “Don’t make me get your mother out here.” He threatened, his voice the epitome of parental reprimanding.
Chloe held her hands up, gesturing at Chad as if nonverbally saying it was his fault, it resulted in a glare from Chad before she tried to lunge forward again. She stopped when her father pulled her back again, “I mean it, Chloe.” He said firmly, causing her to wilt a bit and fall still.
“You will go tonight, we’ll follow paces behind you.” Christopher started again and he let both his children’s collars go, arms tensed as if ready to grab them again. “And you’ll be fine.” He said, trying to reassure Chloe, although it sounded much more like an after thought than anything else to the girl.
“Okay, whatever.” Chloe muttered, trying to play off her anxiety by snatching the dagger and the stake from her father, shoving it roughly into her belt in its proper holsters. They felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. Was she really going to do this?
The answer was yes. There was no getting around this.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, training then lunch then more training then dinner. It was a monotonous routine that Chloe had practically perfected, counting down the minutes and seconds until bells were rung or dishes were served.
The only true worrying moment was when Chloe could see the sun start to set, her stomach twisting itself into knots practically. She couldn’t sit still, not even for her mother, who was trying to braid her hair back so it wouldn’t distract during the night.
“You’ll be fine, Mon chéri.” Ella tried to soothe, watching the girl squirm on the floor for what felt like the hundredth time in a minute. “Your father and Chad will be behind you, if you need help, yell and they’ll come running.” Her mother’s voice was soft, practically whispered into her ears like the lullabies she used to sing when trying to make Chloe sleep at night.
Oh how Chloe wished she was five years old again, the only concern was if her favorite toy was broken, not if she was going to die tonight.
“I know I’ll be fine but what if I’m not strong enough? Swords don’t particularly kill them and daggers lead into close combat which gives them opportunities to bite me and then—“ Chloe knew she was rambling, she could feel the air leaving her with every word as her vision blurred and she held onto her mother’s calf even through the dress the woman was wearing. It felt like the start of her death.
Ella’s hands immediately froze in Chloe’s hair, reaching down to tilt her daughter’s face up and she made the quietest ‘shh’ noise as she could manage. “Mon papillon, you’ll worry yourself into a panic, it will be okay. You will be okay.” She whispered, wiping away what tears streamed down Chloe’s face as gently as possible.
“But Chad said so much—“
“Chad says a lot of things, Chloe, you know better than to believe half a thing that comes out of his mouth.” Ella didn’t mean it as harshly as she might have put it, but it was true, Chad had a bad habit of exaggerating just to scare his little sister. She watched Chloe wipe her tears again before her fingers found their place in her hair again, continuing to braid.
Chloe’s silence was off putting, but she didn’t push her daughter to speak, only basking in the thin comfort of the moment.
That moment, however, was quickly shattered when Chad’s voice was echoed up the stairs. “Mom? Chlo? We’re leaving!” He yelled, making both women grimace at just how loud he was.
“He never has an off switch.” Chloe grumbled as she climbed to her feet, running her hand over her hair and suppressing a smile at just how pretty it felt.
Her mother beamed seeing the attempt, a small reminder that Chloe was always going to be her little girl, even if her profession bordered on the dark and ugly. Ella quickly ushered Chloe downstairs, watching as she took two steps at a time without ever seeming to falter. She could tell the anxiety was still lurking but was only pressed down for convenience.
“I will see you all later.” Ella started as she pressed a kiss to Chad’s temple than Chloe’s, ignoring the sudden groan from Chloe when she leaned to kiss her husband. “You groan now, but just you wait.” She teased as she pulled away, winking at Chloe playfully and watching her face twist with slight discomfort.
“As if.” Chloe muttered as they left the castle finally, starting on foot because according to her father, ‘The horses would distract, the carriages would attract attention.’. It all felt very stupid, an excuse to just walk and watch Chloe from afar.
Chloe walked for what felt like hours, she could no longer hear her father and Chad behind her, assuming they had dropped pace to talk about something private all together but it still make Chloe’s chest tighten with anxiety, as if she was about to have a heart attack and keel over.
The woods around her were dark, trees an eerie black as they passed by. Their branches were sickeningly curled, as if reaching out with hopes of snagging her hair or clothing, waiting for the perfect vampire to come and take a bite of the snack they’ve found for them.
The more Chloe looked at the trees, the more their colors seemed to shift right before her eyes, eerie black turning to a bloody red then to an almost unsettling blue, like it didn’t belong there- It glowed under the bark as if asking Chloe to reach and tear it off to see what was truly there.
As Chloe got closer to Wonderland, or its ‘rabbit’ hole, the trees changed even more, cycling through the dullest forms of the rainbow and enticing the girl further. It was a beautiful sight, if Chloe had to admit it, the colors entranced her.
She wasn’t paying attention anymore, she had come to a stand still to watch, it was a recipe for disaster.
And Chloe was the only one that apparently didn’t think so, but she wasn’t up in those trees, stalking her like a hawk hunting a rabbit. It was someone else, and they felt hungry.
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
Hi lovely!! To answer your question about what I’d like to see in the future, first of all I just want to say that I am so so deeply glad you’ve started writing and sharing your work with us, I just think you are so so so good at writing and extremely original with each concept you come up with!! I get SO excited every time I see you’ve posted something!! Personally, my favorite fics to read are female reader with either Wanda or Natasha, or with wandanat. Hands down my most favorite fic you’ve written and that I find myself thinking about frequently is, ‘you have me for the night,’ like it is seriously mindblowingly amazing as a concept and the way you executed it!😍
My other favorites you have so kindly created and shared with us to enjoy include ‘ups and downs,’ I just can’t get over how fantastic your writing is and how funny and enthralling this story is. ‘Taste,’ simply had me in a chokehold with how hot it was and all the pining and sexual tension! Your vampire reader stories and ‘inspiration,’ are also some of my personal favorites from you.
I think I personally really like stories that have some pining and build up which you write soooo deliciously well.
I would also eat it up if you ever had any interest in a female reader and Wanda or wandanat fic with reader being a new avenger and a werewolf who discovers that Wanda (or wandanat) is her mate when she joins the team. Maybe Wanda (or wandanat) even doesn’t like reader much or doesn’t trust her when she joins so it’s like an enemies to lovers, lots of pining kind of situation.
To whoever requested this mooooonths ago, I am so so so so sorry it took me this long to complete it. I honestly started and deleted writing it like five different times. I just couldn't find the right plot in my head. But hopefully, you enjoy this <3 And I truly apologize if you're upset with some liberties I took and changed.
After Midnight
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master list . maroon master list . dark master list
Yes loosely based on the Chappell Roan song :)
Monster AU (Female Werewolf Reader X Monster Hunters WandaNat)
Summary: For some time now, Wanda has had visions of you. She doesn't know who you are, but when her senses lead her and her girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, to a club, they end up learning more about the world than they thought they knew.
Word Count: 2.6K
Content: Crowded Places, Monsters, References to Sex, Teeth, Biting, Lust
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You danced in a dress that you wanted forever with red lipstick painted on your lips.
The poppy music swirled around you and through the club, as you drank and made quick friends with girls you knew wouldn't remember your name the next day.
Only the fact that your teeth sunk into their neck.
And the cry of pleasure that followed.
Regardless, with a smile, you danced and drank (as if you could even get drunk) and waited for the woman you had been dreaming of for the last few months.
A woman you knew belonged to you.
A woman who, like you, had been dreaming of someone she felt connected to.
"Wanda, are you sure this is it?" Natasha Romanoff asked of her partner Wanda Maximoff as they arrived outside the club The Full Moon.
To say Natasha was annoyed would be an understatement. Her girlfriend Wanda had been having these dreams of an ethereal animalistic woman for months.
Wanda was open and honest about what she would see. Natasha almost wishes she wasn't.
And yes, Natasha knew what she was experiencing was jealousy, but when her girlfriend says she "feels a connection" to this mysterious person, how else was she supposed to feel?
So, as the two of them entered the club, they both had their sights set on finding you. Whoever you were.
The second the pair of Monster Hunters enter the club, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Your sense going off. Yet, through the bodies of people in the club, you can't locate them as quickly.
Especially in your human form.
With a sigh, you give your empty glass to a hammered girl with big boobs and glasses as you leave the dance floor.
You hope to find the two monster hunters faster this way.
However, across the club, as the rainbow lights bounce off everything around Wanda and Natasha, they also sense something is off. Wanda gives Natasha a quizzical look after they order their drinks.
A purple cocktail for Wanda and a beer for Natasha.
"You sense it?" Wanda asks. Natasha nods as her eyes are already scanning what she can see. "A monster on this side of town? This late into the month? I don't know." Natasha replied to Wanda, who picked up her cocktail seconds after it was delivered.
Wanda also looks around the spacious room. "See anything?" She asks Natasha, who shakes her head. The two of them are experts in their field. They should be able to snuff out who or what is breaking the laws set before them, but they can't.
On top of that, they're off the clock.
Natasha turns back to the bar and takes a sip of her beer. Wanda looks at her girlfriend. "Let's just focus back on finding this mysterious person and figure out why I'm drawn to them."
Once again, that option isn't as thrilling to Natasha, but she follows along. She loves Wanda and knows how much this means to her. "Okay." She says, grabbing Wanda's hand and following her to the dance floor.
You move from your sat postion at a table far too close to a speaker as you watch the way a redhead follows another woman hand in hand into the crowd of drunks on the lit-up floor.
"Gotcha." You whisper spotting the off the clock Monster Hunters silhouetted in black. You smile, knowing you like to have fun with these people regardless, but it is far too late into the night for them to do anything.
After Midnight.
In the middle of a sea of people, Natasha and Wanda slowly start to lose themselves to the indie pop hits of today, but just as Wanda goes to finish off her cocktail, she gasps. Natasha immediately notices and comes to her side. "What is it?"
A vision plays out in Wanda's head—a vision you also see.
You smirk as the vision dissapears in your mind. You finally figured out what these visions mean.
"What is it?" Natasha asks as Wansa looks up and around the place. "She's here." Natasha looks as well but stops when Wanda gestures towards you, making your way through the crowd.
Natasha freezes as she looks over you. You're, of course, gorgeous (something maybe Wanda didn't fully explain), and you're wearing a red dress that hugs your curves beautifully.
Natasha looks from you to Wanda, whose mouth is slightly apart, in awe. "It's you," Wanda says, making you tilt your head with a smirk.
"Aside from my visions... Where do I know her from?" You question yourself before you stand in front of the pretty pair of faces looking at you. "Hi!" You say it with a sultry tone, making Natasha blatantly roll her eyes. Something you find amusing. Something Wanda ignores as she brings her body closer to you. "Hi." She says it with a soft, almost too-quiet tone.
"So you're from my vision." You cut to the chase as you bring your body closer to the brunette. Ignoring the glares from the redhead. "And you're from mine," Wanda replies.
Natasha huffs as she interrupts the eye fucking going on. "Okay. Yes. You have dreams about one another. What does that mean?" Natasha not so subtly moves in between you and the brunette. You look from the girl with the soft expression to the one with raging red hair. "And you are?" You say, biting back a smirk.
Natasha hates your attitude, forcing herself to narrow her eyes. She thinks you're lucky she's using all her strength not to fight you right now. "I'm Natasha Romanoff. I'm this one girlfriend." She says, pointing back to the brunette.
You smile. "Girlfriend?" You ask, questioning the other woman, who nods. "I'm Wanda. Wanda Maximoff." She extends her hand and raises her voice above the club music. You gingerly take her hand and shake it. The action sends a jolt of electricity through the two of you. Making you smile even wider.
"What?" Natasha asks as she sees the look on your face.
"It's just you two don't know why you've been having these visions, do you?" Each person shakes their head at you. "Well... there's no easy way to say this." You look around. Maybe the middle of the dance floor isn't the best place. "Follow me." You say to them, not caring if Natasha wants to follow or not.
You knew Wanda would.
You paid off the bouncer to the VIP area and closed the door to a private room. "Oh, come on." Natasha groans, seeing the bed in the middle of the room. "I didn't know The Full Moon was this kind of place." Wanda quietly held in a laugh as her girlfriend squeezes her hand. Annoyed. "It's not like that, I promise." You say, gesturing between you and Natasha, ignoring the comment about the bed as you move in front of the girlfriends.
It was just there for people to have a good time consensually.
As you look from one face to the other, it clicks for you.
However, just to be sure, you lightly sniff the air in the room, and your senses instantly alert you to the presence of two Monster Hunters.
The ones in front of you. 
You can't help but shake your head and smirk.
Of course.
"You two don't seem to know much about this place." You say to Natasha mainly. She rolls her eyes again. "Look, just tell us the real reason we're here." You put your hands up in a fake surrender and walk over the bed. Sitting down on it before moving back ever so slightly. Your covered breasts and long tan legs perfectly make Wanda want more.
"Wanda is my mate." You come right out and say it, knowing it would throw the two of them for a loop.
Also laughing knowing that they're Monster Hunters. They weren't supposed to be able to mate with said Monsters.
Wanda stares at you wide-eyed as if she can't believe what she just heard. Even if it was the truth and not that far from unbelievable.
She has witches blood in her after all.
Natasha, on the other hand, can't fathom it. She laughs like it's a big prank and steps closer to you. "Mate? Yeah right. Okay. Quit messing around around. Tell us the real reason."
You squint your eyes at Natasha and lie down on the bed. Sighing. "That is the real reason." Natasha opens and closes her mouth before stumbling to say: "Only Monsters can have mates." Natasha looks at you and slowly backs up. Grabbing a stunned Wanda, the two of them move away from the bed. "If it's true, then you're a Monster. That's why we sensed something. It was you!"
You lift your head up slightly. "First correction. Monsters aren't the only ones who can have mates. And secondly, do I look like a monster to you?"
"I th-"
"I was asking Wanda." Natasha closes her mouth and looks at her girlfriend. Her gaze on the person on the bed. You. "I.. I don't think you look like a Monster."
"Wanda!" Natasha says, unable to believe what Wanda was saying. Or trying to say. "I'm a beauty, Nat. What can I say." You smirk before looking at Natasha and winking. 
Even before tonight, she was having trouble coming up with reasons to be here, but now she's really struggling.
Natasha looks from Wanda to you once more. "What are you?"
"Wanda's mate. Now I don't know-"
"What are you really!?" Natasha asks, not wanting to hear any more about you and HER girlfriend. "Tasha." Wanda quietly says as she pulls on Nat's hand.
Wanda understands Natasha's frustrations and anger, but to Wanda, you were attractive, and Wanda did want to know more. Being rude wasn't going to solve anything.
You slowly pull yourself up and off the bed. Standing several feet away from the two. "I'm a Werewolf." You say, a tad quieter than you had been all night.
Something Natasha and Wanda picked up on.
"How do we know you're not lying?" Natasha asks, looking for more answers. "Aren't the visions enough?" You reply, almost annoyed. Natasha shakes her head. "Prove what you are."
You roll your eyes and take steps closer to Wanda and Natasha. Neither woman moving away. They're intrigued. You lift your upper lip up so the Monster Hunters can see a large canine tooth form before going away.
"The closer it gets to a full moon, the harder it becomes to control my human form."
Silence rests between everyone.
"Funny name for a bar then, no?" Wanda breaks the tension with a joke that makes you laugh. A sound Wanda giggles at.
Natasha squeezes Wanda's hand and does her best not to smile as she looks at you. "So now what?"
"Well, you're not taking me in. I'll tell you that." You look from the green shimmer in Wanda's eyes. "We won't," Wanda says without missing a beat.
Natasha sighs. "We weren't going to anyways. It's after hours and... and now the situation's complicated."
Truthfully, Natasha didn't care if she saw you ever again. But the more Wanda hung around you, the harder it was to pull her back.
"You know..." Natasha speaks up. "We came here tonight with one goal in mind. To see who Wanda was sharing visions with. But now that she's supposedly your mate and all that... What happens?" Natasha swallows and looks from Wanda to you and back. "Because I'm not losing Wanda to you. Not tonight." Natasha shakes her head as her eyes sting. But she sniffles and holds back the tears.
The thought of Wanda not being with her is eating away at her.
"You don't have to lose Wanda." You smirked as you brought your body closer and closer to Wanda. Her soft eyes going from her girlfriend to you.
She doesn't want to lose Natasha either.
"You know..." You lift your hand, making Natasha step forward, but she stops when she sees you push some hair from Wanda's face. "Us Monsters or Werewolf's aren't like Seahorses." Wanda tilts her head as she lays your hand on her cheek, bringing your eyes to Natasha. "Mating doesn't end with one person. It's normal and what usually happens, but... it doesn't have to be."
You bring your gaze back to Wanda as she looks from you to Natasha. Both of them understand your words. "You wouldn't lose her, Natasha."
You're honest and surprisingly caring. At least that's what Natasha thinks of you now.
"What are you doing now?" Natasha asks as you lean forward and look at Wanda's skin—especially the beautiful place on her neck.
Wanda can sense what you're thinking. "She wants to bite me." Natasha widens her eyes and goes to push you away, but you quickly grab her arm and twist it.
Your true strength coming through.
"I'm trying to be a good, good girl." You let go of Natasha, making her huff and stand in between you and Wanda. "I'm sorry I just love a little drama."
"We should get going," Natasha speaks to you as her eyes never leave yours. Yet she doesn't move. The second she gives you makes your mouth work faster than your brain. "I'm feeling kinda freaky." You raise a playful eyebrow. "Maybe it's the moonlight. Maybe it's something else. The club lights?" You shrug and step closer to Natasha.
Wanda watches as your eyes travel to Nat's smooth skin.
"I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend, if you don't mind."
Natasha opens her mouth to argue, but Wanda stops her. "She's not talking to you," Wanda says as Nat looks back at you, wearing a widening grin. "M-me?" Natasha asks you.
And since walking into the club, the chip on Natasha's shoulder melts away. Wanda walks up behind her girlfriend, wraps her arms around her, and kisses her cheek. "We could never lose each other."
Yet Natasha still can't process what you're asking.
You nod as she stares at you. "You, Natasha." Wanda brings her lips up to Natasha's ears. "It's okay." You nod as your ears pick up Wanda's words. "And then Wanda."
"And then Wanda-" Natasha gets cut off as you invade her space and take her face in your hands. Your callous fingers move down Natasha's cheek as your aggressive kiss slows into one of passion.
This is what I wanted. This is what I like.
When you pull away, your lips are darker. Natasha stands stunned before bringing her fingers to her lips. Touching where you just were. "Yo-you just kissed me.?" She speaks, making you blush. "We can do more than that." You offer with a laugh.
Wanda, with her eyes dark, can read your mind as your kiss with Natasha opens up the connection between the three of you.
She knows you're not joking about the offer.
"Wanda..." Natasha turned her attention to Wanda as her girlfriend looked over her fondly. Lovingly. Natasha can see Wanda isn't upset by what just happened. Making Natasha's brain scramble for an answer.
A solution to the chaos of tonight.
"It'll be okay." Wanda steps forward and gives a quick peck. She can even taste you on Nat's pretty pink lips.
"B-but now... now what?" Natasha asks as she can't even think. You make your presence known again as you gently bring your hands to Natasha's. "We belong together. We make it real. I want to make this real." Natasha watches you for a moment in silence before your hands leave hers and grab Wanda's hair.
Moving it over her shoulder.
Exposing her neck.
This wasn't right.
And yet. Natasha can't help but move closer. Her mind being made up with each step. Natasha holds Wanda as you open your mouth.
However, it wasn't until the three of you were in the middle of the dance floor once again that you put your canine teeth in the side of her neck.
A scream of pleasure left her, and after midnight, that night, the three of you became more.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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daechwitatamic · 9 months
Of Ruin: Chapter 5 || KTH
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
Of Ruin (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni Genre: vampire!au magic!au royalty!au, s2l, slow burn, eventual smut, angst and fluff
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of a world on the brink of civil war… and the love you start to feel for the prince.
A/N: Thank you endlessly to @/sailoryooons for betaing!!! 💕
Section Warnings: language probably, tense situations with dangerous vampires, angst ig?
wc: 4.6k
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Midmorning finds you and Namjoon seated on the stone floor around the low center table of your main room. The table is littered with papers and open books, pens and half-full coffee cups. Your previous argument forgotten, you’ve spent the morning productively and companionably. 
On the paper closest to you, you’ve made a list of all the threads of the curse that you’re confident are present, the same ones you’d discussed with Prince Taehyung in this very room yesterday. On Namjoon’s side of the table is a list of possible threads - things you’re unsure about, things you’re considering, things that are possible but thus far unproven.
On the paper beside yours, you’ve begun listing options to counter each of these threads. There’s always more than one way. The key to a countercurse is to first determine each thread that must be countered, and then find the exact correct counter for each one. 
It isn’t even a matter of countering each individual strand - there are elements of finding the least-common-denominator, in a way: you need the best thing that will counter as many as possible at once. 
One thread might be best countered by a certain incantation, but if a different one will counter three threads, then it’s the better choice. 
Once you know what incantations and magical elements you need to include in the counter, you can begin to decide how best to weave them together and cast them effectively into a countercurse. 
“We counter the infliction of pain with healing,” you mutter, tapping your pen against the paper. You look at Namjoon, thinking hard. “Do you think we could tap into the prince’s healing abilities for that?”
Namjoon’s eyes widen and he scrambles for his own pen, starting to write quickly before he can lose the train of thought. “Yes,” he answers you as he writes. “Yes, that’s brilliant. Instead of weaving in our own healing spell, we can pull his ability to the surface - it’s much cleaner that way.”
“I was also thinking about this…” you muse, glancing up to see that Namjoon is following. “I know this might sound silly, but… I was thinking about the creation myth? The Hunter and the Highest, do you know it?”
He looks confused, but nods. “Who doesn’t?”
“The myth serves as an explanatory tale,” you say, accidentally slipping into professor-mode, “regarding how the Infracti changed from just monster.”
“They were traded humanity,” Namjoon says, trying to remember the story.
“Traded, gifted - yeah. The magic-wielders gave them humanity. So, I’m wondering… if that’s what we’re meant to do now, with the countercurse. Return his humanity.”
Namjoon thinks on this. “That’ll be a hell of a thread for us to create,” he muses, and you have to agree.
You’re interrupted by a knock on the door, and Dansoo approaches, looking down at where you and Namjoon are seated on the floor. You look up at him expectantly, your hand frozen mid-air, still clutching your pen.
“Her Majesty the Queen has requested your company,” the Infracti says to you, tone cold. He’s probably still pissed that you escaped the other night. 
You look down at yourself - you’re in sweatpants and a t-shirt, feet in fuzzy socks. 
“Can I, uh… get changed first?” you ask, gulping.
The Infracti man looks over you, lip curling just a touch. “I would recommend that, yes,” he says flatly. 
“Okay,” you say, nodding. “Please wait for me outside. I’ll come out when I’m ready.”
“Do be quick,” he says, casting you a sharp side-eye as he turns to return to the corridor. 
Namjoon looks up at you. “Do you think she wants both of us?”
You let out a wild laugh, anxiety already starting to worm its way through your system. “I don’t care if she doesn’t,” you say. “Please come with me. She scares me.”
Namjoon smiles at this. “I’d be honored,” he jokes, and heads to his room to - you assume - get more presentable as well.
You hurry to change, choosing something that you hope toes the correct side of the fancy-or-professional line. Once you’re done, you meet Namjoon back in the main room. 
“Ready?” he asks, and you nod. He lets you lead the way into the hall, and Dansoo leads you both deep into the palace into a wing you haven’t seen before. 
You notice something you haven’t seen before in your time in Infracticus - as you get further and further down this particular corridor… it gets brighter, sunlight filtering through stained-glass windows on the doors at the end of the hall. 
“Are we going outside?” you ask, peering over the Infracti’s shoulder, trying to peek through the more opaque pieces of glass. 
You’ve read about the physical characteristics of Infracticus, written papers about them, given lectures about them. But nothing prepares you for the momentarily blinding brightness of unfiltered sunshine, or the sudden melody of birdsong as you step out of the palace into Infracticus proper. 
Your trip to the ocean’s edge last night doesn’t count; it was too dark to see a thing. Now, in bright sunlight, you’re breathless, taking in the beauty around you.
You must have come out the opposite side of the palace, because the ocean isn’t visible, nor does it even smell particularly salty here. Instead, a mountain looms to your left, the summit cut off from view by sandstone palace walls. Trees line a distant stream that runs nearly black, like ink. And the sky - the sky ranges from periwinkle to deep violet. 
A light laugh breaks you from your reverie and you feel your face heat in embarrassment. The stone pathway you stand on ends before you with a roofed gazebo that seems to jut out over the valley below. Seated at the table, the Queen has been watching you stand in frozen wonder, staring in awe at the sky she has known for over a thousand years. 
“God,” Namjoon mutters beside you, and you know he’s feeling the same thing you are.
It’s beautiful, you mean to say. Instead, you utter, “It’s purple.”
“I remember my first time going above,” she tells you, as you remember your feet and make your way closer. You can’t keep your eyes off the sky for more than a second. You feel like you’re inside a painting. “I felt the same way about the blue.”
“I read so much about it,” you tell her. “But nothing could describe this.”
“It pleases me that you find beauty in Infracticus,” she says. 
“It’d be impossible not to find beauty here,” you breathe, turning further still to try and see more. “Could I go out there? With the prince, maybe? Do you think he’d take me, if I asked?”
The Queen purses her lips and says, “I imagine after you break the curse for him, the prince would do nearly anything you asked of him.”
This reminder of your purpose here sobers you. You find yourself forgetting, yet again, that you aren’t here just to experience Infracticus.  
“Please join me, both of you,” the Queen says, opening a hand towards the empty chair across from her. There are a variety of pastries and fruits on the table, and you can tell that a small section of them aren’t bloodfood, but human food. There’s also a set of some sort of chess-like board game, the pieces intricately carved like tiny works of careful art. “My son said you were eager to see more of Infracticus. I thought it might help ease your restlessness to come outside. These are my private quarters, so no one will stumble upon us here.”
Prince Taehyung had said he wouldn’t tell on you; he must have mentioned that you were wanting to look around. Hopefully he left out that you’d tried, and been caught.
“Have you played before?” she asks, watching as you delicately take the seat she’d offered and pick up a piece to examine it. 
Namjoon shakes his head, peering closer. “It’s not chess?” he asks, eyeing the different pieces for differences.
“I’ve played, but only with humans,” you tell her, turning the piece over in your hands. “It’s similar to chess, but the pieces and their movements are different.”
“Would you join me for a game?” she asks lightly. 
You look at her over the top of the piece in your hand. If you’re right, and you aren’t completely sure, the piece is called the Seer. Behind it, the Queen watches you. Her eyes are inhuman, all black, and you find them hard to read. Her mouth quirks like she’s considering a smile, but you can’t discern if there is any true warmth behind it. 
She’s beautiful. She’s frightening. 
“Yes, of course,” you answer. “But you may need to help remind me of the rules.”
She gives a slightly bigger smile and begins to set the board up, and you replace the Seer where you think it goes. She gives you a pleased nod.
“I know it’s only been a day, but I wanted to inquire about your progress,” she tells you as she places the last piece, the single Bloodletter, on its spot. 
She moves her first piece and sits back, waiting for your answer to both her question and her movement. 
“We’ve identified many strands of the original curse,” you tell her, turning your shoulders to indicate inclusion of Namjoon, who sits in the chair beside you, watching the game board intently. It wouldn’t surprise you if he knew the rules by heart at the end of one game. “But certainly not all of them.”
You move a Mason piece, and then add, “There’s more we need to investigate. I need to spend more time with the prince, and perhaps run a few rituals to suss out what we can’t find through questioning.” 
The Queen accepts this, nodding, and the game continues, pieces beginning to fill the middle space of the board. She asks a few follow-up questions about the threads you’ve determined, about what might help you discover the rest.
You don’t want to go over the prince’s head to his mother, even though you firmly believe that seeing him while the curse is active will be paramount to your work. You’d rather change his mind yourself, rather than risk making him upset with you. 
You eye the board as you answer, weighing your options. You could move a Mortal, which would be a very safe movement and wouldn’t earn you much. You could let your Mason take a hit, which would open a path for your Seer. Or, you could take on the Bloodletter with your Priestess - which would give you a clear and unblockable shot at taking the Queen’s Thief. 
Do you dare actually take one of her pieces, before she’s taken one of yours? It wouldn’t win you the game, but it would certainly make this an actual competition. 
“I see the move you see,” she says evenly, her voice cool and still. “If I wanted to win without a challenge, I’d simply play against my staff.”
You smile at this, caught. “As you wish,” you tell her, and the Priestess takes the Bloodletter, the piece being placed to the side of the board, belonging to both and neither of you. On your next turn, as you’d arranged, you reach to take her Thief. 
The piece burns your fingers and nearly slips from your grasp as you jolt with surprise and pain; you sit forward in your seat and use both hands to catch the piece before it can hit the board and scatter the others. 
Cradled between your hands, the Thief glows - brighter and brighter, the color starting out orange and shifting quickly to yellow and then blue. It no longer burns where it touches you, but you set it down gently anyway, your hands starting to shake. 
The fingers that were burnt seem to pulse, the pain stabbing and unrelenting. You hold up the hand that stings, eyeing your injured fingertips, looking for evidence of the burn. There is none, but the smarting continues, keeping time with your quickened heartbeat. The blue light fades from the Thief as it lays still and unassuming, sideways on the tabletop. 
You do not reach for it again.
Behind you, Namjoon whispers your name. You don’t turn, instead locking your eyes on the Queen, whose face stays as impassive and unreadable as ever. 
“I would really like,” you say, your voice low and trembling, an animal caught in a trap for the second time in as many days, “to know what just happened to me.”
The Queen lazily lifts her hand and an Infracti woman appears at her side. “Fetch my son, would you?” she says, and then reaches to move one of her Mortals as if nothing had happened. 
When you don’t take your turn, she looks at you with those fathomless black eyes. “Does it still hurt?” she asks innocently. 
It does, but less than at first. Mostly, you’re suddenly terrified, hands still shaking so badly you don’t think you could grasp another game piece without dropping it. You’re reminded that you are alone here - that you cannot and should not completely trust a single Infracti, that every single one of them sees you as dinner to be toyed with before eating.
You should have known the game was more than a game. You should have known a request for your company was anything but.
“That was a magical reaction,” you say bluntly, feeling something harden behind your ribcage, armor sliding into place and latches snapping shut. “I’m very curious as to the specifics.”
Beside you, Namjoon has shifted into your line of sight, in your periphery. You can’t afford to turn and meet his eyes right now. You can’t afford to look frightened. 
The Queen is spared from answering you as Prince Taehyung strides up the walkway, brow furrowed. 
He takes in the scene in seconds - Namjoon’s hand hovering near you, alarmed like a mother hen; the Queen’s expression gone defensively haughty; and you - clutching your burned fingers, trying to fight against the frightened tears that threaten to give away your terror. 
He lets out an exasperated growl. “Mother,” he scolds, and then drops to kneel beside your seat. “May I heal that?” he asks you, expression open and apologetic. Your stupid heart dares to flutter - weakly, but there. The little ways he cares for you are enough to make you forget that he’s royalty - plus, inhuman.
It’s easier to forget when he’s made his eyes look human again today, as he had yesterday and the day before.
You nod mutely, letting him take your hand in his. He passes his thumb over the pad of each burned fingertip, and you feel the sting of the burn slip away, as you had imagined the whole thing.
“Thank you,” you whisper, keeping your eyes on him. His presence tethers you, is the only thing that allows you to feel safe. You want to hide behind him, make him stand between you and every scary thing here.
He stands again, but keeps your hand lightly in his own. He faces his mother, frowning again. “Well?” he demands. “Did you get the answer you wanted?”
The Queen sets her jaw in response.
Prince Taehyung scoffs and continues. “Do remember, Mother, that our guest could decide she doesn’t want to be here anymore. She could go right back to the human world and never look back. I certainly don’t want that - do you?”
You know he means for the sake of breaking the curse, but you can’t help but feel a rush of… something - gratitude? pleasure? - at his words.
“Come,” he says to you, giving your hand a light tug. “Mother’s played enough games for the day.”
You follow immediately, hearing the heavy steps behind you to indicate that Namjoon isn’t far behind. As Prince Taehyung nears the doors that lead back inside the palace, the Queen calls after him.
“It turned blue, Taehyung,” the Queen’s voice calls. “Almost instantly.”
Prince Taehyung doesn’t indicate that he’s heard, doesn’t even turn his head. He simply leads you inside without looking back.
In the safety of the palace, you feel yourself calming, no longer feeling like the Queen is simply playing with her food - with you. 
Prince Taehyung doesn’t speak to you until he’s led you both in your own main room, latching the door shut behind Namjoon, who takes up the rear.
He sighs apologetically, his head hanging a little. “I cannot seem to keep you out of trouble,” he laments.
“Was I supposed to refuse her request?” you say hotly, feeling suddenly defensive.
“Of course not,” he soothes. “I’m sorry my mother tried to scare you half to death. Is the pain gone? Are you better?”
“I feel better,” you tell him. “But… what did she do? What does that mean, it turned blue?”
He shakes his head, frustrated. “That’s an indicator of your magical quotient,” he explains. He’s frowning deeply, and your mind is whirring fast trying to fit pieces of information together. “She was… measuring your ability. Blue is… well, it’s quite high.”
Beside you, Namjoon makes a strangled noise, like he’s choked on his own breath.
He’s done the math faster than you.
“My magical quotient?” you repeat. “But I’m human. My magical quotient is zero, unless I’m casting - and that’s borrowed magic.”
“A human,” Namjoon murmurs to you, shifting protectively closer, “would have held nothing but a wooden game piece. There would have been no glow at all.”
Your eyes dart around the room for answers that aren’t there. Your head spins. You can’t even begin to process this - that you may be inherently magical - because still pressing is the question:
“Why did she want to know that?” you ask, your voice a bit like a gasp. Both men in the room are looking at you carefully. You’re a wild animal in a trap again. Again. 
You want to go home, you want it to stop. You want to feel safe, and you haven’t since the Infracti two days ago had cornered you at the top of the stairs. 
“I don’t know,” the prince admits, twisting his mouth to the side. “But I assure you, I know my mother well. Her intentions would not be to hurt you, or to frighten you. Even though it seems she did both.”
You shake your head, overwhelmed. “My parents were human,” you whisper. “What does this mean? Am I a -?”
You can’t make yourself say witch. This is too much. It’s too much.
Prince Taehyung reaches out a hand like he wants to comfort you, but thinks better of it and lets it rest at his own side again. “It happens that way sometimes,” he says gently. “You really didn’t know?”
You turn and look at Namjoon a little wildly. 
“Don’t look at me,” he laughs, holding up his hands. “I just met you.”
“Dr. Kim?” you press. “He never -?”
“If he had suspicions, he never told me,” Namjoon tells you seriously. “Though it does explain your… aptitude.” 
Something inside you feels like it’s sinking. “I thought I was just… well-studied,” you admit to no one. You feel weirdly like you’re grieving - like you’ve lost something instead of gained it.
You feel wilder still, less calm by the second. You need to get away from them both - their gazes too heavy. 
The prince shifts his weight uneasily. “I have to leave you now,” he says, and he sounds regretful. “But I’ll come check on you - rather, on your progress - after the court families leave this evening.”
He waits; you don’t reply. You’re reeling too fast - you can’t fake normalcy, not right now.
“That’s fine,” Namjoon says, looking sideways at you cautiously, like he’s waiting for you to explode. “We’ll try to get some work done this afternoon.”
Prince Taehyung nods in thanks and heads for the door. Before pulling it shut, he pauses, and somehow his eyes meet yours. The look he gives you borders on pitying, but stops shy of it. Instead, you read something understanding and sorrowful, like he’d rather stay. You wish he would.
“I’ll check on you later,” he repeats softly, just for you. 
You manage to nod. The door closes.
Namjoon looks from the door to you and then back again, like he’s starting to put pieces together of a puzzle you didn’t know you were part of.
“I think I need to be by myself for a little bit,” you manage to say, your voice flat and hollow even to your own ears. You close yourself in your own bedroom, change robotically into sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, climb onto your bed and roll to face the wall.
You’re feeling so much - too much, all contradictory and all overpowering and none of it mixing well together. You’re been foolish here, and you’re embarrassed. You feel unsafe. You feel afraid. You feel angry. You feel doubtful about the curse. You feel doubtful about your partnership with Namjoon. You still, despite everything that’s happened, feel eagerness to experience more of this place. You feel excitement at spending more time with Prince Taehyung, which is the stupidest part of all of this. You feel idiotic that you hadn’t known you have your own magic for almost thirty years. You feel bereft that what you’d thought was grit and hard work was actually unearned, inherent ability. You feel grief at losing your humanity.
It’s too much, and you’re a simple creature. It all furrows into one thought, and you repeat it to yourself over and over as your blue-grey walls blur before you: I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home.
You repeat it until, eyes puffy and nose stuffy, you drop helplessly into sleep.
When Taehyung enters the dining room, where his parents are already seated, it is with the energy of a stormcloud descending on a picnic. His father seems downright jolly, bristling with good cheer as Taehyung stalks his way towards them, scowling.
“Whatever are you so worked up about?” The Queen asks, peering carefully at him, as if she herself hadn’t just tried to scare away his best chance of a cure.
“The stunt you pulled this afternoon,” Taehyung says honestly, leaning his long legs against the sturdy wooden table and eyeing them both, arms crossed over his chest. He addresses his father, asking, “Did she tell you? That she tried to send the curse-breaker running? What would the plan be, if she left? I’d stay like this forever?”
They both ignore most of this outburst, exchanging a mildly amused look. Taehyung’s irritation digs its teeth in a little harder, pushes him closer to snapping.
“Well?” he demands.
“Your mother told me she tested the girl’s magical quotient,” the King admits, still smiling slyly at his wife. “Did she tell you? It glowed blue?”
“Who cares?” Taehyung bites out. “Beyond that she can use her innate magical abilities to cure me, which is all I care about.”
“That’s just the problem,” the Queen says with a sigh. “You’re failing to see the bigger picture, as usual, my dear.”
Taehyung grits his teeth. Six hundred years of their bullshit have been too many. “Enlighten me then,” he growls. 
The King raises an eyebrow, looks at him appraisingly. “Do you think I forgot about our little deal?”
Our little deal. As if it was just a laugh, to him. 
Taehyung finds himself scowling again. “Of course not. But I did think we could afford to shift our focus just a bit until the curse is broken.”
Their little deal, to Taehyung, was anything but little. And his side of the bargain, his price to pay, was to start meeting suitors, and to give them a fair shot. 
And he had - suitor after suitor, some human but most Infracti, some common but most from court, some clever or funny but most just… lacking. 
“You promised to give her a chance,” the King had complained when Taehyung had refused to meet one particular Infracti for a second date. 
“I am,” Taehyung had groused, aggravated but trapped. “Pick a better selection, that’s all I can tell you.”
“You need to think more like a prince and less like a -” 
Well, Taehyung doesn’t need to remember the rest of that sentence. It wasn’t very kingly. 
“What exactly does that mean?” Taehyung had challenged. It was a dangerous game, pushing back against his father. If their agreement crumbled, there was an awful lot at stake. He’s got to remember that this game affects more than himself and his pride.
“Think more about what she can do for the bloodline and less about if she gives you butterflies,” the King had snapped, eyes narrowed. Taehyung had slammed the door on his way out that day. 
“I believe we were shifting focus,” the Queen says, something softer in her tone, finally. “But I saw you two together, and wondered…”
Taehyung bristles, feeling weirdly protective of the little witch (apparently) who’d been brought here to fix him. “You saw us together and wondered what else you could get from her?”
The King laughs. “What are you angry for? We were curious about her - couldn’t you feel her magic?”
Taehyung grimaces. At first, he couldn’t. For your entire first meeting, he hadn’t felt a thing. 
He’d felt it, finally, when he’d found you in danger. You hadn’t thought to use it, but your magic had been screaming, so loudly that Taehyung had heard it before he could hear your heart beating. In your distress, your magical signature had risen to the surface, singing just under your skin, summoned by and answering the magic that was inherent in him, in all Infracti. They knew each other, these two magics, and they called like-to-like.
He’d known it was strong. He hadn’t known what to do with it, so he’d ignored it, had put the information away for another time.
It hadn’t occurred to him that others - his parents especially - might notice, might have their own questions they wanted answers to.
“I felt it,” he admits, voice low and defensive. 
“She has the potential to be quite powerful, if she learned. Imagine adding that kind of raw ability to our bloodline,” the King says, serious for the first time. 
Taehyung doesn’t answer. He’s busy remembering his deal with his father, his agreement to marry - for the sake of the bloodline. 
He’s thinking about all the suitors he hadn’t cared about at all. 
He’s thinking of waking up morning after morning exhausted, his muscles weak from hours of throwing his poor, battered body against the door, his eyes heavy from lack of sleep, his throat raw from growling like the animal he is, deep down. 
He’s thinking about the look of relief you’d sent him when you spotted him behind your attacker, and again when he’d appeared at the veranda this afternoon. Like you trust him, like you knew even if everyone else was a danger, he wasn’t. Like you believed in him, and no one else, to be more than a monster. Lately, he’s felt like the monster is winning, and being seen as more feels… as necessary as oxygen. 
“Of course we want her to end the curse above all else,” the Queen says gently, watching her son’s eyes go unfocused as he loses himself in his thoughts. “But when that’s done… maybe her time in Infracticus doesn’t need to be. Consider it.”
“I’m considering,” Taehyung concedes, moving to take his seat. The King beams, but Taehyung talks over him. “But you two need to watch your step with her. If you scare her away, she won’t end the curse - and then no one will marry me.”
<;- Prev || Next ->
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thank you for reading!!! <3
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mrghostrat · 5 months
I didn't know that a vampire AU was something I needed until I saw the fan art, your art never ceases to amaze me. The details??? It took me like 40 seconds to even notice the bite marks because i was focused on the snake belt lmao. And like smoking is probably bad but oh my gosh I do love when Crowley smokes (Even if he does it shittly on a Parisian balcony) . I will be thinking about that fanart for a long while
i'm so here for smoking crowley. yes yes yes it's disgusting and dangerous and unnecessary but HE WOULD, don't even fight me on this. especially vamp hunter crowley, he would be of the "could die tomorrow, who gives a shit" mindset
but ALSO i feel the need to cramp his style and reveal more dorkiness any time we even suggest that he's cool:
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ynbabe · 6 months
Hii, could you do a part two of "bite me"? I love reading these types of stories <33
Bloody red ୨୧ Charles Leclerc x Reader- Vampire AU
| Part 1 | Heyyy y'all- I'M BACK!!! Okay so reader is at the end for this but I promise y'all will love this- it's Charles, how could one not? Anyways, enjoy and let me know what you wanna see next! REQUESTS ARE OPEN.
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Charles could almost throw up from the sight in front of him, he was exaggerating of course but it was close.
A large spread of food- human food. The drivers had all gone out to celebrate, he didn't know what, maybe it was a pity meal after the absolute mess in Australia. He hoped so, looking at how George and Logan looked- faces pale, eyes dark, looking like they could throw up.
Across from him Fernando hadn't touched the food and was sipping on his suspiciously red win, Lance sat to his right and Checo to his left. He spoke animatedly to the Red Bull driver in fast and whispered Spanish and Lance gossiped, loud (for the vampire) in French to Esteban, who seemed equally engrossed in what the Canadian was saying.
Charles swallowed thickly, it wasn't as if he couldn't eat human food it was just that it tasted bland and quite frankly gross to him and Fernando, whom he still suspected to be a vampire. How could he not? That man was surprisingly fit for a man of 40... not that 40 was old.
He fiddled with the spaghetti on his plate but finally gave in an shoved it in his mouth, swallowing like it pained him to do so.
When he looked back up, he saw Fernando staring at him, with a look on his face that Charles couldn't for the life of him figure out. So he decided to torture that old man, why not?
"The food's nice isn't it Nando?" He asked, pulling the table's attention to the two, he smirked as he saw the older man's eyes widen for a second before he regained composure and smiled- no smirked back.
"Yes, yes, it is," he replied, his accent thick, "You don't seem to have eaten much though, not to your taste?" he stressed the last word in an insinuating manner, the meaning lost on all others who were listening in, but he knew, he knew that he knew that he knew- okay this was getting confusing.
"Oh no, I like it, your plate has been empty though?" This was fun, Fernando shook his head and returned to his wine, everyone on the table seemed to have moved on, other than a few prying eyes, unknown to the two drivers.
As the night went on the herd began to thin, as most of the younger drivers- Max, Lando, Oscar (on Lando's insistence, which consisted of him dragging the poor boy out with him,) Zhou, Pierre, Alex, Carlos, Yuki and of course, Daniel had decided to go clubbing. Nico, Kevin, Checo, Valtteri and Esteban had returned to their hotels, tired of the weekend and its festivities.
Left at the table were Fernando and Lance, who seemed to be having a hushed conversation, too soft even for his ears, George and Logan, who seemed to be slightly panicked about something and Lewis who was paying the bill, but just as he was done, he nodded at Fernando in some sort of silent agreement and headed out, patting the drivers in his way, including Charles, on the back and gracing the others with a small wave.
The Aston-Martin driver's conversation finally ends, the younger man laughing at something Nando said as he gets up from the chair and walks away.
Then suddenly, all Fernando's attention is on Charles, unwavering, eyes like a hunter on his prey, "You know," he says nonchalantly, leaning back, "and you know that I know," his eyes still piercing into his own, "So what are we going to do about it?"
Charles knows there's no real danger, after all, he couldn't hurt him without having his secret out, right? Regardless he's terrified, but he's also a gutsy, annoying little shit, so he responds in kind.
"Nothing," and bares his fangs, sipping his own cup of wine, it actually was just wine. He felt pride as Fernando's face morphed into shock.
"This... this I did not expect," he surrendered, hands in the air, "but, I am not unhappy," he smiled, baring his fangs back the monegasque.
Somewhere further along the long table, they were seated at, something clattered, making the two vampires turn their necks at breakneck speeds, well for humans at least.
"What... the fuck!" The American cursed, the tall Brit ext to him equally shocked, his jaw locked shut.
Oh god, how could they forget about them? They were truly screwed now.
"George, think about this-" he began but he was cut off by him opening his pursed mouth which let a small stream of blood dribble out.
Before he had a chance to think the American opened his mouth, teeth- no fangs, stained red. They lifted the small metal decanter they had been drinking from throughout the dinner, he'd just assumed it was alcohol.
"Okay then, " Nando sighed and chugged from his glass of what he now knew was blood. He motioned for the two boys to come closer and they looked around before speeding to sit next to the older man, George where Lance was once seated and Logan where Esteban was.
All he could do was stare, "W-who? What?" slipped out his mouth before he could stop it.
"Well, I was turned very long ago," Fernando confessed.
"How long?" He asked,
"Let's just say Formula was as interesting in the '50s," he smiled, making the three younger men exclaim in various degrees of disbelief.
"That's- impossible, what?" Logan called out, clearly shocked.
"You're a vampire and that's what you think is impossible?" George sassed.
"Yeah? And whose fault is that?" Logan snarked back, using an unused baguette to smack the taller blonde across the head making him hiss in reply.
"Well, I was going to ask who turned you but I guess that's answered," Fernando said, looking at the younger boys.
"Wait, who turned you, George?" Charles asked.
"Lewis, he didn't mean to... it just kind of happened," the boy shrugged.
"And you, Predestinado?" Nando asked, ever theatrical but Charles was a little ashamed now.
"I- uh, I don't know actually," He replied making the other three look at him in concern.
"It happened at a club and I've been feeding off my girlfriend, ever since..." he let out and watched as Logan and George moved closer to each other and Nando sighed.
"Y/n, yes? She's a good kid, Charli, try not to hurt her, this life... it is not an easy one, you know," he warned but the look in his eyes told Charles he was speaking from experience.
The door opened just as you had dozed off, tired of waiting for Charles.
"Y/n, belle, are you awake, Cheri?" he whispered as he walked into the expensive hotel room.
You startled awake, immediately smiling at your boyfriend. He laid next to you and you moved to let yourself burrow into his arms, head on his chest. At first the lack of a heart beat scared you , but now it was almost comforting, knowing the the sounds you heard were your blood running through his veins.
"Bebe, you will not belive who else is a Vampire," he started off, making you awaken more properly than before.
"There's more of you?" you questioned in shock, leading to perhaps the most important gossip session of your life.
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lanitalay · 5 months
Azriel Supernatural AU x reader
Summary: In which you encounter a couple of hunters during a case. 
A/N: I've been rewatching supernatural and i just love it. This is based on the early seasons. Hopefully the ACOTAR and Supernatural fandoms overlap.
Warnings: mentions of blood and death, nothing descriptive.
wordcount: 1.7k
“It’s totally vampires, Az. Remember that nest we took out in Idaho? They did the same thing with their victims.” Azriel bites his lip recalling that hunt, it was in the top ten worst moments of his life. “I know you’re right but those things give me the creeps. The way their fangs just-” he gags thinking about the extra set of teeth. 
“You big baby, it's just teeth. What gets me is the decapitation. Ghosts are easy. Salt. Fire. But these suckers are a nasty job.” You look over your notes before asking “do you think Cass and Rhys could give us a hand? I think we’ll be outnumbered.” 
He shakes his head “we could call but last time we talked they were up to their necks on a vengeful spirit case. Get this, the bones are scattered in different places because the deceased couldn’t decide where to be buried.” You chuckle. “Those two always get caught up in something like that. What about Mor? Or Amren? I’ll call them just in case.” 
Two phone calls later and no back up to show for it. “That was a bust.” Azriel nudges your arm. “Hey, we can do this. We can figure out a way to take them out one at a time.” You sigh and lean your head against the window. Watching as endless fields blur into one another. “You’re right, wake me up when we get there will you?” Before he can say yes you’ve dozed off. 
The road to Texas was long and lonely for Azriel. You slept the whole way and he was forced to keep himself company with mindless humming and singing lyrics from songs he probably misremembers. You’re usually the dj, but he knows if he messes with your tapes he’s in deep shit. You arrive at the usual dingy motel at around midnight. 
“Hey, sleepy head, we’re here.” Az is careful not to startle you, slightly shaking your arm with a scarred hand to rouse you from sleep without setting off your hunter instincts. “I’m awake.” You mumble but don’t move to get out of the truck. “I’ll go get us a room, while you wake up.” A hum is the only response he gets. 
When he returns he sees you unloading the truck with a pep in your step. “We’re in 9.” Once you’ve settled in, it dawns on you that you took a six hour nap on the ride here. There’s no way you’ll be able to fall asleep now. “Az, you want something to eat?” He yawns “no thanks, I’m going to turn in for the night.” 
“Well I’m not tired. I’ll grab a bite at that bar across the street and come back.” You put on your jacket and make the short walk to the hole in the wall establishment that always seems to accompany the motels you frequent. “One beer and a burger, please.” It 's quiet. You assume that it’s because it’s Tuesday. Until you overhear the conversation from two guys at the bar. “Six people went missing and all of them were last seen here, Sammy, something’s up.” 
“I know, Dean, but we’ve been here a week and no one can point us in the right direction. Maybe they left.” Hunters, and by the sounds of it, they are on the same case.  The bartender sets a pint in front of you, when it’s in your hand you walk over. “Are you two looking for a vampire nest?” They seem to have a language of their own, exchanging a few glances before the one with blondish hair says “depends, who’s asking?”
“Y/n, my partner and I just got into town after hearing about six disappearances. Looks like you two got a head start.” You sit with them in a shadowy corner of the bar as they tell you about the roadblocks they’ve encountered. “Most of them came here without telling anybody they knew, they weren’t regulars.” The taller one with brown hair finishes. 
“So they were lured.” They nod. “It’s been quiet since we got here.” You finish the burger and wipe your fingers with the thinnest napkin you’ve ever seen. “They got six people in two weeks, that’s enough blood to keep a nest alive for a month.” But something’s off and you can tell they feel it too. “What were your names again?” 
“I’m Sam.” “I’m Dean.” No way.
 “Winchester?” They nod. 
“That’s crazy! I knew your father! It’s sort of how I got started in all of this actually-” you stop yourself, John is dead now and these were his sons “I’m sorry for your loss, he helped a lot of people.” Az is going to freak when you tell him. Dean swigs his beer and says “yeah well, that’s what happens when you make deals with devils.” 
It’s tense for a bit while you finish your beer “well, if you don’t mind it, my partner and I could help on the case. Four machetes are better than two. We’re staying right across the street. Room 9. See ya, boys.” 
The next morning you tell Azriel about your encounter. “I’m telling you Az, they seem nice enough. If we team up it will be safer.” He’s unsure, always wary of strangers. “I don’t know, y/n-” just then, a knock at the door. You check the peephole before opening it. “Hi guys, this is my partner Azriel. Az, this is Sam and that's Dean.” The brothers brought coffee, by the looks of it it’s from the prehistoric machine in the lobby. “We talked about it and we agreed, working together will speed things along.” 
“Az?” He sighs. “Fine.” 
“He’s chipper,” Dean quips. “He’s not a morning person,” you quickly defend. You were the only one allowed to comment on his crankiness. 
After a day of following dead ends, you sit with Dean at the same bar. Sam and Az are still trying to find something in the archives. “So what’s the deal with you and your partner?” 
“Why? Are you interested?” He chuckles. “Just curious, your room had two beds. Are you two not involved?” Maybe it was the whisky, but you said “not romantically.” 
“So he won’t be upset if I buy you another drink with the intention of getting in your pants?” You roll your eyes. “Your reputation precedes you, Winchester.” 
“My reputation as a hunter or a ladies’ man?”
“Your reputation as a shameless flirt.” He leans closer to you “is it working?” You laugh and push him off. “No.” 
“So there is something between you and Azriel. I bet he’s clueless. I’ve seen it time and again.” You keep nursing your glass. “I wouldn’t say he’s clueless. But you know how this job is. One second you’re here and the next… I think we both agree that it’s better if we don’t cross that line with each other.” 
“But you could cross that line with me.” He winks. “No, Dean. I don’t think I could.”
 He straightens away from you and sips his beer. “You said you met my dad?” 
“Oh, yes. It was years ago, I was a freshman in college and a vengeful spirit was wreaking havoc on the campus. John showed up right before the son of a bitch gutted me. After that it was hard to go back to classes, you know?” 
“And how did you meet Azriel?” 
“Az and I met in a bar like this one, he had been hunting with his friends for a while and I hustled them for gas money.” 
“You play pool?” You shake your head and try to keep a straight face as you say “I play fools, Dean.” 
When Azriel and Sam returned, he did not like what he saw. In truth, he was glad to see you were having fun but he hated seeing you having fun with someone else. It's not like he could complain. You both refused to cross that line. Sleeping next to each other every night, on different beds was not the whirlwind romance he wanted to give you. It wasn’t the life you deserved. But he stuck by your side because everytime he wanted to slow down, to stop, maybe go back to school, you refused. “There are monsters, Az and we save people. I can’t go back to sitting in a classroom only to end up working in an office.” He wanted domesticity. He wanted a routine. He wanted a lawn to mow and to barbecue on weekends. But more than that he wanted you. 
“She’s a keeper, Az.” Dean joked as you sunk the last ball in the socket. Azriel clenched his jaw, not liking the familiarity with which Dean nudged your shoulder. It had only been a day since you met and you were acting like you’d known each other for years. 
“You don’t have to sleep here if you don’t want to.” Your face scrunches in confusion at his tone. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I’m sure you'd rather be with Dean right now.” 
“Azriel, don't be like that.” He shrugs “just saying, you two were making eyes at each other all day.” 
“We were not.” He doesn’t say anything else but there’s a tension that lingers. “I hate when you do this.” 
“I’m not doing anything.” 
“You’re picking a fight. You know I would never be with anyone else.” 
“You could.” 
“I don’t want to.” 
“I know Az, “the life’s too dangerous,” “we’d be more vulnerable,” “it just gives the bad guys ammunition.” I know the whole song and dance of why we can’t… I get it. But it makes me feel stupid when I could be out with someone who actually shows interest in me but I stay with you.” 
“I’m not holding you hostage, you can go if you want.” 
“You’re an idiot.” With a huff you storm out of the room. Not entirely sure where you’re going, you wander around the motel grounds for a while. Knocking on Dean’s door was an option, but you wanted to be alone. He was infuriating. Azriel knows which buttons to push and when. He does this every so often, picks a fight to create iciness between you. It makes temptation easier if you’re too mad at each other to give in, you suppose. 
It's past midnight, and the lights in room 9 are off. In your haste you forgot a key. You go to the lobby and are surprised to see an attendant. “Hi, I locked myself out of my room and my partner is asleep. Do you have a spare key by any chance?” 
“Of course, name and room number?” 
A click sounds from behind and you turn to see a man, turning the Open sign to Closed.  His neck is covered in scruff and bite marks. You look back at the attendant. The ledger, that weighs at least ten pounds, slams across your face. 
You wake up tied up and breathless in a windowless room. Six bloodied bodies surrounding you.
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