#i love working on ideas but executing them?? we shall see.... HAHA
teamred · 24 days
re: your tags - I am dying to know about your Wade’s sister!reader x Logan fic, omg that sounds so fun 👀💖
omg hi j!!! @eupheme (gonna tag you in case the ask post doesn't do it)
i actually have two wade's sister!reader x logan fics in the works! i hope you don't mind me sharing both~
the one i was referring to in my tags is called "dusk till dawn".
summary: vanessa is kidnapped, so while wade runs off to save her, he assigns logan to be reader's bodyguard. however, they don't get along, but they start to fall for each other over time.
it'd be a road trip/motel hopping au with lots of banter, sharing one bed, tension, angst, and steamy moments of course 👀
i'm taking inspiration from some of the moments with logan and mariko from the wolverine (2013) movie!
i'd love to share snippets, but it's really in the draft stages right now!!
second fic i have is called "can't help myself" (title tentatitive)
summary: wade only has one rule for logan: his sister is completely off-limits. but of course, logan never plays by the rules, and you couldn't give two shits about what your dumb-ass brother says.
this one would be more of a fun fic!! just like messing with wade but also having fun with logan and lowkey falling for him too
lots of dialogue, especially with wade, smut, fluff, etc. just a vibes fic
wouldn't be as long as the other fic - i wrote quite a bit for this already! here's a snippet of the intro:
“Don't look at her,” Wade paces around his apartment’s living room, listing the things Logan, his new roommate, should avoid when he meets his sister tomorrow. “Don't breathe in her presence, don't even think about her, and especially don't—” 
“What, ya gonna tell me I can’t fuck her next?” Logan cuts in with an amused chuckle, reclining on the living room couch with a hand above his head. 
“Yes, bingo!” Wade exclaims, pointing at him excitedly. “Exactly that, you geriatric sexy vampire. Or should I technically say vampire hunter?” He pauses, wondering for a moment. 
“Anyways,” he continues, “you can have any woman you want in this new universe—hell, I’ll cry my heart out every night after my evening jerk-off seshes, but you can even have Vanessa—but my sister? We’re gonna have a repeat of the Honda Odyssey fight, Wolvie, and that won’t be a pretty sight to see.” 
“Okay,” Logan replies, getting up from the couch and heading toward the kitchen. “I’ll make sure to fuck your sister until she forgets the fact that she's your sister. Got it.” 
“Hey!” Wade smacks him on the back as he’s bent over, trying to grab a beer from the fridge. A low growl escapes from him. “I’m being serious here.” 
“When are you ever serious?” Logan asks, popping off the beer cap with his thumb. 
“Now! I am being serious now.” Wade’s voice rises before he takes a second to compose himself, closing his eyes and inhaling slowly. Logan watches him carefully, sipping his beer. 
“Please, Logan,” he barely whispers, avoiding eye contact. 
The silence, punctuated only by Logan’s sipping, feels uncomfortable and heavy. Finally, Logan lets out a sigh.
“Fine,” he grunts. “I won’t get involved with your sister.” 
Wade breaks into a relieved smile and extends his pinky. “You promise?” 
Despite Logan rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he ends up hooking his pinky around Wade’s, sealing the deal.
Except Wade doesn’t see Logan’s other hand behind his back, with his middle and index fingers crossed over another.
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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teresa-moyocoyotzin · 3 years
short recap of my thoughts on 5x09
okay so i was gonna rewatch the whole episode and do a blow-by-blow reaction post but i’m not sure i’ll have time and i kinda wanna focus on watching my fave scenes from the show before tonight. also, everyone else’s reaction posts p. much sum up my thoughts lol 
nonetheless, i just wanted to give my main takeaways on the episode a week later, in case anyone cares where i’m at going into the finale! gonna go over the things i liked first, anyone who wants to just remain positive and not see any salty takes might wanna just stick to reading the first part b/c i definitely rant a bit at the end lmao. we’re still having a fun time tho 😂
- i mean... i think we know LOL
- obviously. i loved james and teresa’s i love you scenes, and kisses, and OOF THAT SEX SCENE. if someone had told me we were gonna get that scene back in like 2017??? i probably would have started literally floating. i totally respect that people had very specific ideas of what they wanted out of those scenes and could have different feelings about it but NOT ME BABES I AM ECSTATIC!!! i did go into the episode with a ~feeling~ that we were gonna get at least one ILY in the episode, and i just had a feeling it would be james, or at least that he would say it first. i’ve already explained in my meta about the scenes why i think it makes sense that he said it first and why i love it that he did, so i won’t go into that here. but i went in having really no expectations for it other than that it was gonna happen! i was debating about whether it would happen really casually while they’re talking, or in like a big action scene, or really dramatic or what, and what i would prefer, and i came to the conclusion that i would love it no matter what lol, but i was really into the idea of james just. fucking. saying it. while they’re just talking about something really casually. so therefore i was pretty happy with it when we got sort of a mix! they’re talking about teresa’s insane death trap of a plan so there’s that drama of “i don’t want to lose you esp. not before saying ILY” kinda thing, but it’s also just. so simple and sure! and then teresa’s i love you is like the perfect scene for me where one character is super focused on something else (in this case, trying to protect the woman he loves! agh!) and the other is just like.. i love you!!!! SO GOOD
- let’s see, what the hell else happened in this ep?
- oh okay i really liked james and teresa’s vibes this episode, they were so focused on each other and had this very ride-or-die feeling about them like they knew that each of their plans was increasingly stupid and desperate and might not even get them where they wanna go, but they were IN IT TOGETHER no matter what 😭i wish we had gotten a callback to that line but at this point, i’m p. sure they Know they’re in it together, and we do too. so it’s okay. i love that teresa still asks his input and considers his opinions even if she does her own thing anyways haha 
- oh on that note, i LOVED the moment where their plans to kill Kostya aren’t working and Teresa says something like “If I can meet with him in person, I can kill him myself” and James just has this LOOK that just is the epitome of the “I am in love with a women who is DESIGNED TO STRESS ME OUT” meme lol, it made me giggle, v classic QOTS moment 
- oh and of course, I LOVED that scene with devon and james at the end!!!!!!!! i was also confused about how james was showing all his emotions in that scene esp. since he tries to be stoic about his feelings for Teresa around Devon, but now that i’ve read a few people’s thoughts about, it i’m fully on board w the theory that james and teresa already knew this was coming, b/c they’re smart, and b/c james knows devon wouldn’t have let him walk away to save Teresa at the beginning of the season without motivation (like having him in place to kill her when she’s no longer useful to the CIA) and THEREFORE james was sort of “overacting” to make it believable to devon (and the audience lol) that he didn’t know this was coming, didn’t want to do it, but felt like he had to, rather than the fact that they were already plotting a fake death. that makes a lot of sense to me and makes me really love all the layers to that scene. it does give me a little bit of hope that the finale ~teresa’s not really dead~ reveal will be at least a little well executed and not just shoved in at the very end. we shall see though! 
- alright i think that’s what i loved about the episode, if u don’t wanna hear me bitching about the little things then u should probably stop here!! just have to get out some of my saltiness lol 
- i’m just gonna get it out of the way, yes, i too was supremely annoyed at the amount of KA and Pote take suburbia; it was all 1000% predictable down to the raccoon and the cookies, and the point could have been accomplished in exactly 1 scene, maybe 2, certainly not like 10 or however many we got. whatever. ugh. 
- okay. OKAY. chicho. we need to talk about chicho. i for one, am not mad that he called pote, my boy was stressed. I AM HOWEVER, mad at the writers for making pote come back after saying he trusted chicho to take care of teresa now. like. it totally devalued THE WHOLE THING!! imo, pote shoulda stayed his ass at home where we had to watch him settle all episode, and chicho should have gotten THE HERO MOMENT HE DESERVED (esp. cuz he’s on first name basis w teresa now??) which ALSO WOULD HAVE MADE THE SCENE WHERE TERESA GIVES CHICHO THE DISTILLERY AND THE BAR SO! MUCH! MORE! MEANINGFUL!!!!! or just made it make sense at all? like .... i’m just so confused by that whole plotline like what was the point? chicho does nothing but call pote and gets T’s whole legacy in NOLA? 
- and don’t even get me started on how it makes ZERO sense that pote would have had to charge in at the last minute to save teresa when JAMES THE SNIPER W AMAZING AIM WHO IS LITERALLY. IN LOVE WITH HER. is standing outside like. ur telling me james and chicho (who again, is supposed to be her #2 after james now) just stood there like “oh hey pote yeah you go ahead we’ll wait here good luck” like WHAT also.. how did pote get past all the guards that made james stay outside? are we meant to believe pote is that sneaky? y’all. it just. doesn’t make sense. this whole plot situation maddens me more than anythings tbh UGH JUST MAKE IT MAKE SENSE 
- oksana’s daughter..... what’s her name again? idk b/c we only MET HER THIS WEEK....okay this amuses me but i’m also annoyed b/c like. there were so many other women who could have taken that spot in the opening sequence... Lil T, Castel, hell even Isabela??? Like idk how they could have done it but they put so much effort into her plot in the first seasons that i really thought she was gonna end up w/ Teresa in the end.. idk that would have been kind cool, Camila’s two “daughters” eventually working their way out of the life together..again idk how they could have realistically done it but i really do wish it had been someone we met before. if it had to be someone new this season, they could have introduced her earlier instead of one of the seemingly dozens of random guys we knew for 1 episode before they died... like.. give her some depth please. is she even gonna be in the finale? honestly she better be after making us listen to pote welcome her into the family... like the family u were supposed to leave so u could have an actual baby pote? the family that’s literally dispersing as we speak? also.. since when did pote love oksana so much anyways? also...... just.. if teresa’s gonna have some sort of daughter figure or whatever she’s supposed to be, wouldn’t it make sense to have her be the one to give the big welcome to the family speech? idk y’all..... i’m amused but also baffled at the sheer lack of planning behind this. did no one realize they needed someone for the opening scene until like. halfway thru the season? did they plan to have it be castel but they couldn’t get her for filming (hence all the weird castel plots?) INQUIRING MINDS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. it’s whatever tho lol 
- i just hope that what’s-her-name gets a lil bit of plot in the finale esp. since otherwise it might just be pote running around being pissy (i don’t actually think that haha but i am a lil nervous that teresa won’t come back until the last few mins and i’ll have to spend all episode looking at boaz and devon and pote and KA.. i haven’t looked at any spoilers tho so i’m still hopeful! i will probably make a post about my hopes going into the finale a lil later, both realistic and unrealistic :) 
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
svsss: the (not so) grand return of peerless cucumber
so a LOT happened in the chapters i read last night (44-49) and i have. SO many thoughts
not as many as i had right after i read but i really had to go to bed so i couldn’t write them all up.....
i put some reactions in individual posts but i’ll repeat them here!
first of all. shang qinghua. fucked off to the demon realm. like, good for him? but also. i want to see my boy
binghe keeping sqq’s body??? xue yang vibes OFF the charts
i love how every so often sv will hit me with a twist that is SO up my alley that i just. lose it a little bit
i love mushroom shit and i love bodyswapping and. my god.
the fact that sqq has died twice and been forced to inhabit 3 different bodies??? wei wuxian wishes he were this cool
sidenote but the mental image of sqq doing radio calisthenics in the forest is really funny. or maybe it’s just funny to me because of the associations i have with this one time in japanese class?
sqq’s new body looking like a cross between shen yuan and shen qingqiu is really interesting and perhaps... symbolic....?
also hey does this mean he doesn’t have to deal with the cureless poison anymore. i assumed that it would be cured in his eventual sexytimes with binghe but hmmm i guess not!
the point where i really lost it was when he realized he was disconnected from the system. i know now that it wasn’t permanent but that was just so interesting, how much he hates it and wants it gone. which makes sense! even though it has helped him get out of bad spots at times, it’s a sign that he’s not really from this world. now i’m just really curious what’s gonna happen to the system at the end of the novel. maybe it’ll shut off once he achieves the “goal” it’s seemed to have set for him and gets together with lbh?
also i’m glad that sqq seems to have matured a little bit in terms of his people skills / problem solving skills? though uh. remains to be seen how he’ll act in front of binghe when binghe realizes who he is
it also seems like i was completely wrong about sqq’s motivations for sacrificing himself lol. lot more selfish than i thought? but it makes sense! fun twist
mxtx sure likes to have her protagonists execute plots that they don’t tell the reader about until after they happen lol (i’m thinking of the golden core transfer)
uhh back to plot reactions
love the running joke about peerless cucumber. also the demon names... six balls <3
also hold on a minute, peerless cucumber is a dick joke? lmao
thank you airplane for making it clear binghe has a big dick. absolutely vital character information
so i’ve said this before but sqq’s narration really CARRIES this novel. here i’m thinking specifically about his diatribe against sha hualing’s nails
shl is pretty fun. sexy evil lady!
sqq can turn his fan into a blade. nie huaisang get ON that smh
yang yixuan my beloved!
also HAHA i predicted that sqq’s super mushroom powers could help the xin mo thing and i was RIGHT
so sqq is just. SO invested in getting the plot back on track. like with all the harem members and stuff. it’s so funny because like bro. surely you’ve noticed by now that things are going very differently than in pidw. and also... you don’t WANT to go back on the pidw track bc that would kill you!!!
so the system reactivates when binghe turns up right? i am thinking about. the fact that when it tries to reboot it’s like “contacting customer service”
it’s so interesting because like... obviously the whole system thing is so much bigger than just A Book? it’s even got airplane trapped inside it. and he’s the fucking author! who is running this thing? and for what purpose?
sqq listening in on the gossip about how lbh is DEFINITELY obsessively in love with him was SO funny. poor man
so binghe. he has become so COLD
i don’t like it :(
once more. my dude go to therapy.
wait also random but sqq has a beard now and for some reason that’s so funny to me
life at the palace seems terrible lmao no one is doing ok
smh, mxtx protags keep dying and staying dead for huge amounts of time and then coming back in different bodies
the fact that binghe’s happiest memories are training with sqq :(
my god. that entire scene
went from “awwww headpats” to “AAAAAAAA”
the fact that the system congratulates him i’m sjkdhgjhsdhgjsds poor sqq.... didn’t ask for this shit.......
after 50 chapters, he’s finally realized he turned the male lead gay <3 say goodbye to all those funny oblivious moments!
i had to stop there because it was way too late at night but wow. we shall see how this relationship progresses
i can’t see it improving anytime soon but at least sqq knows lbh likes him now???
i had a LOT of thoughts last night but now i’m pretty much just like. i really need to see where it goes before i make any judgements on bingqiu
rn i’m not a big fan because 1. sqq is so wildly uncomfortable (understandable lol, even if lbh thinks it’s just a dream) and 2. lbh is very obsessive and that’s not really my favorite trope. but like it’s obviously not meant to be a healthy relationship, at least definitely not right now, and i do like some good fucked up romance! i’m excited to see the developments where sqq realizes what his real feelings are
i’m also fairly neutral on binghe as a character atm. his main personality traits seem to be “obsessed with sqq” and “trying not to die from evil sword qi poisoning” and i don’t find that all that compelling? between him and lwj i have to say that mxtx’s love interest characters are not really my favorite, though i wouldn’t say i dislike either of them.
furthermore i’m slightly concerned with how lbh’s “i’m the main character and i get what i want�� attitude is gonna affect the romance. i know there’s some dubconny stuff later which i can’t say i’m excited for but i am excited to see how binghe’s character is gonna develop in general
my aspirations for bingqiu is that they’re both able to eventually break free of the expectations of the system
because, look at this from sqq’s pov. there’s this ai in your head that has, for literal years, been steering you towards a romance that you (at least outwardly) don’t want. isn’t that fucking terrifying? i love it. the system (at least how i see it) has been bending the established plot of the world in order to make this happen. it’s like fate but you can see the gears turning.
and even if sqq does end up liking lbh back, can you imagine the existential crisis of like. wondering if he really CHOSE to get with binghe or if he was somehow compelled to by the system which acts based on binghe’s emotions?
i think that would be so interesting
however what i think is Actually going to happen (based on that one time when airplane was like “hey cucumber, uh, is lbh just a character to you or is there more...”) is that sqq is gonna realize that he’s had a bit of a crush on binghe since reading pidw and is only just now dealing with his internalized homophobia. so him getting together with binghe has less strings attached
i think there’s some opportunity here for a commentary on the soulmate trope? because svsss is just so steeped in themes about agency and fate. i think that would be really cool but we’ll have to see. i feel like the ending is gonna be simpler and happier than i want it to be but obviously i cannot make any judgements yet! i’m just having Thoughts :)
so, i also read one of the extras (the one where he goes with lqg to battle succubi) because the translation i’m reading recommended it! it was pretty fun
sqq SO clueless. like i get it, he doesn’t think he’s into anything other than Pretty Cis Women, but. sqq we’ll work on this
also ASKING LQG IF HE’S A VIRGIN. sqq literally stop
(that was so funny though)
liu qingge ACE RIGHTS
actually lqg’s outburst in this chapter was kind of bizarre and can be explained in a few different ways i think?
i really like the idea of him being aroace. thinks true love doesn’t exist etc
i feel like the intended implication of lqg’s outburst is that he’s realized madame meiyin is referring to binghe and is like “holy shit no sqq can’t be with Him”
maybe lqg is just homophobic?
but i. also kind of wonder if lqg is gay and in love with sqq? and is just putting up the “such deep love doesn’t exist” thing because he really doesn’t want sqq to know
there was that whole line where the succubus was like “well you’re not his soulmate you don’t know” and it made me think
on the other hand i can’t really see lqg liking sqq that way; they seem to have more of a Bro Bond
then again lqg does keep fighting binghe for sqq’s sake
either headcanon is fun! i’d be excited for more insight into lqg in general i think
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dreamingsushi · 3 years
The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity
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So I was looking for clips of Zhao Youting for animated gif making and I stumbled across a video of this movie starring him and Deng Lun, and that was of course on my long long long watchlist on Netflix. And it's been a while since I haven't done any reviews, so many projects are still ongoing, but what a better way than to start with a movie. Because after two hours, it's done and I can just go back to whatever else I was doing and it doesn't cause sleepless nights since I won't need to keep on watching when the two hours are over. As usual, I have actually totally no idea what this is about, I guess from the bits and parts I saw (and the title) that this must have some xianxia background to it and I wouldn't mind that at all. After all, that's just my favorite genre when it comes to drama. And movies. So wither further do, let's dig into this!
Right from the start, beautiful sceneries and images. I feel mesmerized by what I'm seing. It all starts with a little boy, Qing Ming being taught by his teacher how to cast a protection spell however he can't seem to master it, even after years of practice and finds a way to protect himself otherwise. But his master isn't pleased with his side ways and even though he's the best disciple, if he can't master something as basic as this, he will never become a Yin-Yang Master. Then, the big ice wall starts to crack up and the master sends Qing Ming away and summons three magic beings. Beasts? Not sure yet what are they. But the special effects are gorgeous, everything is gorgeous.
But no matter how hard the master tries, a bad snake comes out of the wall and when it's time to conjure the protection spell, Qing Ming tries his trick but of course it doesn't work, so the master sends his shield to his disciple and ends up being badly injured but the snake and one of his minions jumps in the snake's mouth to kill it. And it was all in vain because it won't cure his master since it wasn't the real snake. So the master will die. Qing Ming is afraid to be left alone and he doesn't care about people remembering him, but his master calls him the Yin-Yang Master.
Seriously, this really beautiful, as far as I am concern. The costumes. The setting. I'm really impressed. It really immerges you in the spirit of the movie.
Ouuuuh a Deng Lun playing the flute. That is nice. Him and Qing Ming both sense that there is a demon somewhere near and start moving, and so they meet. But somehow, Qing Ming saves the pipa playing demon? I'm so confused. Ah, that's because he's not a mean one. So Deng Lun's character hates demons, but Qing Ming thinks some demons are good. So they end up fighting while the demon flees. The choreography of the fight is beautiful. So well executed. In the end, Qing Ming wins. And he drops Deng Lun on the top of a roof.
The demon waited for Qing Ming because he wanted to thank him for saying that demons have feelings too. And he asks to become... hmmm... like his servant? It's more complicated than that obviously, but I can't quite put the right word on their relationship now. Some concepts are so hard to translate to be honest, because we have actually nothing similar in Western culture. Anyways.
Deng Lun goes back to his academy or temple, wherever it is that he's training, to receive orders regarding the bad snake from the beginning of the movies. Some of his shadows are coming back to stir up troubles. He has been sent to attend some worship ceremony and bumps again into Qing Ming, which angers him because he believes that someone sympathizing with demons shouldn't have the right to attend. So he challenges him to a duel, but Qing Ming declines. Then some girl comes to ask if he's declining because he's afraid of losing. Then some other man comes over and tells them to go have a rest, but when he sees him, something seems to shock Qing Ming. Probably he knows him from somewhere else? We'll see. That girl and that guy are both creepy. Like they give me chills. They are too soft spoken.
As cultivators, I feel it's kind of weird that hey get dressed up by other people, even though it's a special day. They are not royalty.... And I don't like Qing Ming's hair for that part. Then a princess comes around. The creepy girl spreads the gossip about her: she isn't married even though she's over 30 and she might know of demonic cultivation. One of the cultivator wasn't there, and when they ask about him, they hear he died. So the creepy guy will take his place during the sea,ling ceremony. The guy was killed by a demon. Qing Ming suggest the killer is in there. So the creepy girl suggests they use her technique to detect demonic energy, so they decide to. The fishes in the bowl all converge to Qing Ming: it is said that his mother was a fox demon. Oh interesting. The princess orders to take him away, but Bo Ya says Qing Ming wasn't the one to kill the master. How does he know? What is he going to say??? So he put that little bell in Qing Ming's room that night, the one he noticed. So he didn't go out of his room. The Princess says it's not enough to prove his innocence, but Qing Ming has another evidence: someone stuck something on him and that thing actually lures the fish when he passes it over to Bo Ya. Then the fishes move to the princess. She gives them three days to summon the beasts to lock away the bad snake.
Oh so they all spied on each other. Hahaha.
I really like Qing Ming's character. He was asking Bo Ya to have a drink, but he's in a hurry to leave. Then one of his servants comes around and Bo Ya almost kills it again because it's a demon. He tells him to become a demon instead of a cultivator if likes them so much. His answers really angers Bo Ya. But I just love how Qing Ming is really calm about everything, he's so relaxed.
Okay, I'm not digging the thrid eye in the middle of Bo Ya's forehead. That's creepy. Like it's well done, but I really dislike it. Anyways, they all go around killing demons, I guess to wake up the guardians as they feed spirit balls to their statues. Except for Qing Ming. He's drinking with a bunch of women. I like that he's relaxed, not that he's some womanizer. But I guess there's something more to it than that so I'm not too worried yet. Later on he meets with Shou Yue and asks him if they ever met. But he never left the palace. He asks him if he killed the other master, but actually he's a servant of his late master, so he's going to die soon.
Ohhh so he was collecting information as to find the demon spirit to feed the dragon he has to awaken. As he's explaining that to Bo Ya, a servant comes for Qing Ming as something happened to the princess. While he's trying to treat her, Qing Ming notices some worm-like shapes moving under her skin. So he takes it from her body to his. It makes him ill and thanks to Bo Ya. The spirit is enough to awake the dragon.
Bo Ya and Qing Ming share a little of their past. Bo Ya's mom was killed by a demon, so he started cultivating to rid the world of demons. Whereas Qing Ming was mistreated by people because people branded his mother for being a demon. That the only nice person to him was his master. So he shows Bo Ya how he died at his hands.
Okay so the four masters end up fighting each other while someone tried to enter the emperess's rooms. Ah long, the creepy girl with the fishes noticed something odd about the princess and she gets killed by a bunch of hair. Before dying, she tells Qing Ming that the princess is the murderer. Later that night Bo Ya threatens Qing Ming while the princess asks Shou Yue why he betrayed her. So Shou Yue is controlling the hair demon and killed Ah Long because she knew their secret. He wants to bring back the snake. And he killed the other master earlier. Now he plans on killing Qing Ming and Bo Ya. Qing Ming is convinced that the killer is the Princess from what Ah Long told him, but Bo Ya still doubts Shouyue. But then Qing Ming tells him the relationship between Shouyue and his previous master. So Bo Ya thinks it's a conspiracy against the princess, since he grew up with her. So they're both convinced that they friend isn't the bad guy. They both are. I guess they are somehow lovers too? Confusing much, but she doesn't kill him.
Boya and Qing Ming both go their way to discover who is the murderer. And they each tell each other to call if they need help. So of course, Shouyue betrayed the master and he's going to try and kill Bo Ya. The hair demon kills the princess before Qing Ming can ask anything and it stole the sword Qing Ming's master entrusted to him. I think? I'm not sure. Okay, so the air demon killed the princess by itself and not under the orders of Shouyue. She broke out of the controlling spell, as she was a servant spirit. But not I am kind of lost. Qing Ming finds a portrait and it seems to be revealing of something important but... haha I lost some bits and parts I guess. Because I don't understand.
Qing Ming rushes to see Bo Ya. The princess isn't dead. She's actually the empress. Her body is actually sealing away the bad snake. She got eternal life. When she starts feeling unwell after telling all about her past, when they try to attack, Shouyue sends them in boxes filling with sand. Qing Ming manages to save Bo Ya in extremis.
Omg, the girl is the sword. She was in love with the master? And now she gave birth to the bad snake and Shouyue eats it, preventing the sword to kill it. So now Shouyue is not dying anymore. So that's what they were trying to do. But it's not enough. Qing Ming and Bo Ya comes in too late. The snake is now huge and the guardians didn't wake up because Shouyue didn't feed his. The snake is trying to kill everyone. He's trying to take her away from Tiandu. But then the Princess jumps from the snake, bringing with her Shouyue so they shall die together. The snake eat both of them. Qing Ming calls his servants to fight away the snake. However, Shouyue didn't die and he comes out of the snake, battling the servants like a badass. Bo Ya is asking Qing Ming to make him his spirit servant, whatever how I should translate that, as he will sacrifice himself to save the princess and awake the last guardian.
I said that Shouyue guy was creepy. Like so much. I don't get his motive.
Okay so now Bo Ya became the guardian. But like... where are the three other ones?
Qing Ming goes into the snake to look for the princess. She's stuck in an illusion where she sees Qing Ming's master. So Qing Ming takes her to when his master died. The master gives her the dagger/sword, however you like to call it. It was named after her name, by herself, so the master could remember her. She makes me so sad. Poor lady. Cursed to live eternally to birth a big bad snake ):
Qing Ming takes her back to the world and send Fangyue to Bo Ya. Who sends it to the snake, but he uses a protection curse. So the princess threatens to kill herself and does it so Shouyue can't use the protection spell. Bo Ya jumps in front of Qing Ming to protect him. Then Shouyue comes back to attack, Qing Ming's protection spell fails to work, but in the end he manages to do it because he found someone he's willing to protect: Bo Ya. So Shouyue was made out of his master to always stay by her side. So that's why he looked so similar. Because he wanted to look his master. So in the end, his motivation was to live forever to protect Fangyue.
That's it, now I'm crying. Even the bad guy was a good guy in the end. He was just doing what he was asked to. And now Qing Ming and Bo Ya are parting ways. Seriously. Why are they always making me cry so bad?
What the heck. Why is she not dead? I mean the creepy girl. Why is she breathing again now? How can they do this to me? And there's nothing else, it's over... Seriously TT
This definitely was a very good movie. It was well executed. The plot line seemed a little bit chaotic for me at first, I was already taking out points to this movie because of that, it felt as if it wasn't going anywhere. I was wondering what was that story telling and everything became so clear at the end. I wasn't expecting the princess at all to actually be the empress, nor Shouyue a part of the master (or maybe I didn't understand that when he introduced himself first?). It was just such a touching story. Loved the dynamic between Zhao Youting and Deng Lun, even though their friendship and trust built a little too fast for me. But overall, there were not loopholes in the plot. The special effects were really good. The costumes, gorgeous. The music perfect. I just really highly highly recommend. Seriously. Put that on your watchlist. It's so so so worth it.
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emily-strange · 4 years
Second Chances
Wow so this chapter...feels like I’ve been working on it for years! haha But we got there in the end. I’m going to be on and off here today because it’s my birthday and I’ll either be off playing games to distract myself or in a cupboard crying because I feel old haha
Really hope you enjoy this chapter!! Please let me know what you think xx
Tagging: @porkchop-ao3 @redeadepression @lucacangettathisasss @janewilson-rdo @gangofgunslingers @fangirl-ramblings and @sleepylunarwolf who asked but if you’d like me to stop let me know :) Apologies if you’ve asked to be tagged and I haven’t - please just send me another message! :)
For the premise of this story, Jack is a little bit younger. I just can’t hurt that boy’s feelings!
Summary: You’re Sadie Adler’s 18 year old daughter who was visiting when the O’Driscoll’s attack. How will you cope with gang life and your increasing feelings for someone who, on the surface, isn’t up for grabs?
Pairing: John Marston x female reader
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Chapter 7
You see Hosea glance at you but you don’t make eye contact with him, you just play with the skirt of your dress and try to seem less frazzled than you actually feel. He’d caught you off guard and you know he noticed it.
Hosea whistles and calls for Arthur to loop around and come back to the wagon, which he does with the greatest of ease. Even with your new little horse in tow. When he reaches the front of the wagon, Hosea pulls on the horses to stop the wagon.
“It’sa nice day. Miss Adler ‘nd I are gonna take the scenic route back ta camp. You good?” Hosea asks Arthur even though you all know it isn’t a question. Arthur looks at you and then scoffs a little bit, shaking his head while grumbling something like, “Alright” under his breath. He really can be so grumpy.
Hosea takes out the large stack of bills from his breast pocket and dolls it out amongst the three of you. He hands two piles to Arthur for camp and himself, then hands a pile to you.
You take the stack and look through bills, “Wow…” you say quietly to yourself. Trying to forget the people, or person, that the money came from. You then turn to Hosea and say appreciatively, “…..minus the amount for the horse?”
Hosea chuckles and stuffs his pile back into his pocket, “Now, I’m making an….executive decision here and sayin’ that boys an investment fer the camp. So, camp’ll pay….You two happy with that!?”
Hosea looks at Arthur who holds up his hands up in surrender before putting his money away. You open your mouth to protest but Arthur beats you to it saying, “I’d just agree if I were you Miss. He’s likea dog with a bone when he gets an idea into him.”
“Okay…” you say to Hosea, your smile beaming, “Thank you Mr Matthews.” You lean across the seat and give Hosea a small kiss on his cheek.
“Best not be doin’ that either, think his heart’ll give out!” Arthur laughs heartily and Hosea reaches for his gun. “Think that’s ma queue!” Arthur says before manoeuvring the horse’s round again.
“Can you please tell my mom that I’m fine….oh and ask Kieran to check over my new baby?” You ask Arthur who shakes his head and replies, “That best not be his new name.”
“Well….” You pretend to think to yourself, “….he is a Morgan. Maybe I’ll call him Arthur.”
Hosea bursts out a large laugh and Arthur grumbles to himself, “Never heard that one before.”
You smile at Arthur who huffs lightly and tips his hat. He gently kicks the horses into a gallop and you smile watching your new horse trot away, knowing he’s safe with Arthur. He’s grumpy but he loves those horses. You’ve seen him sneak your boy a treat or two already.
“Shall we?” Hosea asks readying the reins and you nod happily singing, “We shall!”
Hosea gets the wagon going again and you ride in comfortable silence for around 15 minutes. He stops at a lovely grassy bank next to a large lake and you eagerly jump down, not waiting for Hosea to help you. While Hosea secures the horses, you walk to the waters edge and squint as the sun glares off of the water.
“Me and Bessie stopped at this lake many a time on the way back from town.” He says looking out into the water. You can tell whoever she was meant a great deal to him.
“Bessie was my wife” Hosea confirms and moves to sit on a large overturned log; groaning a bit as he sits, “We lost her a while back now. Still feels like yesterday.”
You take a seat next to him and think about your father.
“Does it ever get better?” you ask Hosea in a small voice, “Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe it hurts so much.”
Hosea sighs and you know he’s choosing his words carefully.
“It doesn’t always get...better..” he says, stopping briefly, “but it does get easier to carry.”
You nod, mostly to yourself and Hosea bumps your arms with his. Bringing you back to the present.
“Now, I’m not usually in the business of gossiping.” He begins, giving a slight chuckle, “However..John..” Hosea trails off and shakes his head, almost as if he isn’t sure how to phrase it. You sit quietly and allow him the space to think. After about half a minute, Hosea continues, gesturing with his hands as he speaks.
“You haveta understand that John and Arthur, they grew up tough. It was hard on them. Those boys…” Hosea sighs, “Me and Bessie, we couldn’t have kids. Probably for the best considering our lifestyle but..they were ours you know? We raised them as ours.” You smile and nod, imagining a pair of young (and grumpy) misfit teenagers.
Hosea sees you smile and laughs.
“You know, I don’t think John’s properly cut his hair since Bessie died. She used ta have Arthur pin him down just so she could shear that mop.” He grins while putting his head in his hands dramatically.
“Something I’m sure he appreciated greatly” you laugh. You look at Hosea and watch as his eyes swim with all the memories his heart clearly holds. He takes a moment and adjusts his hat, shielding himself from the bright sun. And possibly shielding his eyes from you.
“But as I was sayin’. They didn’t have it easy. Arthur’d been with us a long while before Dutch saved John..” Hosea continues but your brain jumped at the word “saved”. You opened your mouth to ask but Hosea cut you off, “Now I’ll let John tell you about his past. Some things a man should be allowed to keep to himself if he so chooses.”
You try to understand where Hosea is coming from but it just confuses you.
“Why share anything with me then? About John?” you ask, honestly curious as to why the older man would ‘indulge in gossip’ as he put it.
Hosea glances at you and gives a small, sweet smile, “Honestly? Because no one’s ever seemed bothered before...about how John is. Not since Bessie anyway…I think that might be the biggest reason he ran off.”
“Something was mentioned about him leaving….” You say quietly.
“Mmhm for about a year. After Jack was born…it was tough on him. But runnin’ off…” Hosea is the picture of a disappointed father as he shakes his head, “for a while we thought he was dead. But then people’d seen him about so. That’s when we knew. If I had’ta guess, I’d say that’s what hurt Arthur the most. Thinkin’ his brother was dead. Then finding out he’d just taken off.”
“I get it..” you say begrudgingly. Part of you had hoped Arthur was being petty in his feelings towards John but honestly you really did understand. You take a second to ponder over how someone might feel if you just took off one day, or night, without a word. The memories threatening to invade your mind make you feel less than relaxed so you jump back into the conversation with another question. “Did he just..waltz back in one day?”
“Basically” Hosea nods and gives a grim laugh, “I think he was expecting more of a fight. He came in with his back up, waitin’ for a punch but Arthur just…walked away.”
“That was probably worse.” You recognise and Hosea agrees. “John said he went to Arthur when Abigail told him she was pregnant. That all he said was that it was time to ‘be a man’.”
Hosea scoffs, “I’m sure he did. Arthur had his reasons for reacting that way…but I agree with what you’re getting at. He could’ve handled it better.”
Hosea gets up and stretches out his back with an over the top groan. You watch him as he settles his hands on his hips and turns to you. “Now, Miss Adler, why don’t you just ask what I know you’re dyin’ to ask.” He says smiling perceptively at you.
“John’s not Jack’s father is he?” you blurt out and Hosea lets out a long, deep breath before simply saying, “I don’t believe so, no.”
All of a sudden you jump up from your seat on the log, causing the older man to flinch. You stomp childishly over to Hosea and find yourself in front of him before your brain even registers that you’ve stood up.
“I don’t understand you people!” you almost yell, “He’s…he’s struggling. He doesn’t eat, do you know that? He thinks no one notices, but I did, I do. He doesn’t…people are...and well Abigail she’s..” you flail your arms around. Completely exasperated, “I don’t understand you all.”
You shake your head when Hosea stays quiet. You can see that part of him is ashamed. It’s in the way he hangs his head, avoiding eye contact with you completely. You go and sit back down on the log with a thud, “You all go on about being family…but when one of you are struggling….you’re just setting him up to fail.”
“I know it might seem that way y/n but John knew what he was riskin’ when he started seein’ Abigail. Dutch has always preached about goin’ outside’a camp for…companionship. Not that he practices it himself of course.” Hosea grumbles and comes to sit next to you as you listen, “I did warn him. As did Arthur.”
Hosea sighs and scratches at his chin. You don’t know what you’d expected when you decided to get answers from one of the gang’s elders, but this horrible sinking feeling wasn’t it. John’s situation seems well and truly stuck.
“Arthur’s always gained somethin’ from being alone. Like he thrives on that feelin’. Be it good or bad!” Hosea laughs humourlessly, “But John…being alone, it almost…cripples him. Used ta drive Arthur nuts, couldn’t get a moments peace when John was younger. Always wanting someone with him. Needing someone next to him when he slept.”
“That’s so…sad.” You say and Hosea looks at you. After a moment you both break into a morbid little chuckle which erupts into full blown laughter. You don’t know why you’re laughing, it’s horrible really. But it’s almost so sad that if you don’t find the humour in Arthur’s annoyance then all you’d do is cry.
“Oh and doesn’t that sum everything up nicely?” Hosea says once the laughter subsides, “Sad.”
You both sit quietly for a minute or two and just let the sun shine down on you.
“John’s always been sensitive” Hosea finally says, “It’s somethin’ Dutchs’ tried ta shake outta him over the years. He basically caused this…rivalry, between him and Arthur hoping it’d toughen him up.”
“Well, the man survived gunshots and a wolf attack. I’d say he’s pretty damn tough and I doubt very much that’s from years of being pitted against Arthur.” You say bitterly as your nostrils flare. You completely miss the smirk Hosea gives you. “So unless Abigail decides to be…forthcoming…with the truth…that’s that?” you ask, fully knowing the answer.
After a quiet pause Hosea says gently, “I know this world may be confusing fer you. If you ask me, you ‘nd your mother are better off out of it…not sayin’ you should just up and leave, but…I just think once you’re on yer feet…it may be worth thinkin’ long and hard about how you want your life to look.”
“And isn’t that the million-dollar question.” You say under your breath, but Hosea had still caught it and looks at you quizzically. “Sorry” you say laughing a little, “it’s something my pa used to say. When I asked for advice or his opinion…he used to say ‘now isn’t that the million-dollar question’.” You smile at the memory but find yourself falling into a pit of sadness. But before melancholy can completely set in, Hosea breaks the silence.  
“Now, I think I’ve been good and honest with you Miss Adler. Will you be honest with me?” Hosea asks, turning fully to look at you. You shrink under his intense gaze but nod anyway. “What is it about our Mr Marston that has you so…curious…as you put it?”
You know what Hosea is asking. He’s trying to suss out if you have romantic feelings or intentions towards John. Problem is, you don’t really know yourself. So instead of lying you decide to be completely truthful, part of you sensing that he’d know if you lied. So why try?
“Honestly Hosea…I don’t know.” You say before running your hands through your hair, getting it out of your face so you can look him in the eye better, “He was sweet to me. Kind. And, I think I want to repay that you know? Be a friend maybe…” You trail off and shrug, knowing it isn’t a concrete answer. It does however seem to satisfy Hosea who claps his hands onto his knees and pushes himself up.
“Alright then. Good enough.” He says holding out a hand to you. You take it and he helps you up from the log, “You know, my Bessie would’ve liked you. You have’a kind soul…but I also see the fire she used’ta have herself.”
“In that case I’ll take it as a wonderful compliment Mr Matthews.” You say making your way back to the wagon. “You know, I’d like to know more about her…if you ever feel like sharing.”
Ever the gentleman, Hosea helps you up onto the wagon and you smooth out your dress before sitting. You’re really looking forward to getting back into some jeans. After Hosea settles next to you, he quietly says, “I think I’ve had my fill of memories today Miss. But at another time, that’d be lovely.”
He gives you another soft smile before starting the horses back towards camp.
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
day 10
Okay, so I had no idea this chapter was out. (Sorry for the late review!) I had anticipated for it to come out early this coming week for some reason so I wasn’t even aware that it had dropped until I started seeing a lot of the asks refer to events that I don’t recall happening in the previous chapters. So this was a very pleasant surprise. And I feel as though “surprises” were kind of the theme for this chapter.
In true “Gentlemen” fashion, we shall start with Jin. 😉 Whilst reading Jin’s section, I was struck by an odd feeling: the warm fuzzies. Despite all of the sexy times that have been happening in the villa, I have always felt as though the kiss scenes have always been the most intimate moments between the characters because the notion is so “romantic” in nature. The moment when our lady realizes how close she and Jin were despite being half clothed reiterated this to me, making the entire moment when Hoseok interrupt them (and then y/n’s subsequent verbal slip up) all the more impactful. The whole notion of “it hurt because it mattered” never felt more real than when she realized that that connection that Jin felt whilst being with her resonated far deeper than she had anticipated made the “scene” much more heartbreaking. I love that y/n is not cookie-cutter perfect, by the way. I like that she makes mistakes, that despite no intention to harm, sometimes she sticks her foot in her mouth. It makes her super flipping relatable and I really really want to thank you for weaving that into the story! There is something to be said about how mature Jin handled the whole situation too. Like it was blatant that he was effected by what she said but he tried to keep a level head about it. Knowing him, I’m surprised he didn’t react more irrationally. I know that he’s most likely trying to be “the voice of reason” but I can’t help but feel as our lady felt: “What if he’s just pretending to save face and make things less awkward?” Something to ruminate on whilst I am surprised once again during the breakfast scene. 
How is it that all of this has become so normal? That ease of transition feels so effortless and I am left with the biggest smile on my face. And yet, there is this invisible veil of tension. Starting right from when things left off awkwardly with Jin to Yoongi dressing differently and acting odd. I felt like there was this undercurrent of unease which I think worked in Yoongi’s favor because it set the “mood” for his scene perfectly! Not only did the mysterious and strange actions from him add to the intrigue but when the topic of her limits and the reminder of her safe word came up, I must admit that all of it left me quite anxious. Mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. And when the scene moved outside, I was even more confused… and yet still intrigued. Then when the scene started in earnest, I was blown away! It was raw and visceral and primal! There was something so savage in the way he ravished her, in the setting, in the mood that it set for the entirety of their intercourse, as if the scene had been laced with a live wire! The adrenaline fueled that feral intensity between Yoongi and our lady and I couldn’t help but feel my heart skip a beat when he told her to run. And yet, even when things got really rough, I never once felt like she was in danger; the way you wrote it left me feeling that our lady was completely safe and that Yoongi was in complete control of his actions which just left the scene to be so intense in the hottest way! It was sexy af and I think it might be the hottest scene you’ve written for this series. I don’t know if it’s because it’s Yoongi but the way you write him and that entire scene (aftercare included!!) made this entire chapter so amazing! From the specific adjectives you chose to associate with him and the very intentional imagery that you used for Yoongi, to the way the scene played out - *pterodactyl screech* 😍 It was so flipping good!! It was executed so well, I have to commend you for how well thought out the atmosphere was for this scene. The only other scene that came even close to affecting me the way Yoongi’s scene did would probably be Taehyung’s first scene with our lady. Just… wow! I honestly could spend all night praising how amazing this scene with Yoongi was. Just… 10/10. Perfection! 🤩
So many lovely, magical surprises in this chapter (including how I swooned hard when Yoongi comforted our lady about Jin. Just the fact that she felt comfortable enough to open up to him about it made my heart just UwU hard!) What wasn’t surprising was how spectacular this entry was. As always, you never cease to amaze me with your innovative way of making these prompts so interesting and even putting members into roles they may or not realize they would fit into always leave me in awe of your literary prowess. Thank you so much for your continued hard work. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the coming entry! 💜 Jan
don’t apologise !! it was a pretty out-of-nowhere release, so i’m not surprised if it went off the radar for a lot of readers haha 
and also THANK YOU ! you’re so right when you say that the kisses are some of the most intimate moments. i feel like when the initial premise is sex, sex is sort of removed as the peak of intimacy for our characters, leaving them to seek those tender moments in kisses, hand-holding, moments of privacy away from the cameras, things like this.
as much as i joke about yn having dumb bitch syndrome bc i need some soft angst and tension and can’t bear to have the guys fuck up, i think for me the “scene” slip, and the scene itself in general are important for us to see that already, after less than a fortnight the people in the house are starting to develop their own perspectives on what exactly is going on and the relationships forming, and that these perspectives don’t always perfectly overlap. 
jin definitely puts a lot of importance in wanting to be the impartial party that anyone can come to, and so i think for him feelings that threaten that objectivity are something that he struggles with a lot, and perhaps yn’s comment was a reality check for him on how he’s beginning to lose that impartiality. we’ll see more on that later though, jin did promise yn a talk !
and oh my goodness ! i was wondering how you’d find the yoongi scene and i’m so surprised that you think it’s the hottest ! it’s a lot of fun reading about how it got to you 0.0 as much as i’m partial to yoongi’s blend of intense-then laidback-then comforting-then intense again, i’ll definitely challenge myself to top my personal best ;)
thanks so much for all your kind words as usual, i got so excited when i saw the notif for your submission !!! but alas i can’t take credit for assigning prompts, i use a random generator for that (though in this week, some of the anons i got suggesting potential prompts were so good that i couldn’t help myself and changed one up a bit o.o)
i’m so happy you enjoyed, and i’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts again in the future xxxx 
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kallypsowrites · 6 years
The Crimes of Grindelwald and how not to write a mystery (spoilers)
Hey. J.K. We need to talk about this latest movie. I know you’ve been getting a lot of flack about the nagini thing, the trying to introduce too many new characters in one movie thing, the implying that weird ending where you implied Grindelwald wanted to stop the Holocaust. Weird stuff. But really I want to talk about the twist. The Aurelius “Credence” Dumbledore twist. I...I hesitate to even call it a twist because that implies that “who is Credence?” is a question any of us were asking at the end of the first movie. Like...he could have been his own character. But no I guess he...had to have a recognizeable name. Cause if there’s anything your books have taught us: it’s all about the family you come from. That’s what makes you powerful.
Anyway, the real problem is: this was a terribly constructed mystery. Which is really odd because mystery was what you used to do best in the Harry Potter books. Maybe writing for film posed different challenges for you or maybe you just give yourself too many toys to work with, preventing yourself from fully constructing this mystery but...whatever the case, I want to go back to your books.
The thing about the Harry Potter books was the mystery was always high stakes and figuring out the answers determined whether or not Harry would live or die. The mystery was directly connected to the plot, and therefore we cared about solving it. 
So in book 1 we ask the question: what is in the vault? It’s the sorceror’s stone, which can make people immortal or revive them from the brink of death. This is important because it seems Snape is trying to get it for Voldemort to help resurect him and we care because both Snape and Voldemort seemed to have been out to get Harry all year. So when we get into the vault and find out SURPRISE! It’s actually the unsuspecting, stuttering proffessor Quirrel who has Voldemort on the back of his head. This is satisfying because it’s unexpected but also the hints were dropped throughout the books. And it raises the stakes because Voldemort is LITERALLY on the back of Quirrel’s head. The sorceror’s stone itself is more of a plot device, but what makes it significant is that it COULD have brought voldemort back if Harry hadn’t stopped him.
In book 2, we get an even better mystery. Something is petrifying muggleborns and Harry think it might be Malfoy. Yet again, we have a red herring in the mystery. First it was Snape. Then it was Malfoy. The whole book revolves around the creature, it’s master, and the location of the chamber of secrets. Once again, the location of the chamber of secrets is just the plot device. What makes it significant is that finding it enables Harry to find and save Ginny. And, of course, it reveals that it was Voldemort all along, this time trapped in the memory of a diary. More upping of the stakes and the introduction of an element (the horcruxes) that will come back later.
In book 3, we hav ethe mystery of Sirius Black. Why did he betray Harry’s parents? Surprise! He didn’t. It was a red herring. The real culprit was Peter Pettigrew who supposidly died on that same night. Harry has been seeing Peter’s name on the map and we wonder why. it turns out he faked his death! And Sirius was innocent! This ups the stakes because the whole climax revolves around saving an innocent man from a cruel fate.
You’ve noticed so far that every mystery has had a red herring, but hints placed throughout for the true culprit. And it has a plot device that more or less serves to raise the stakes. Nicely enough, the plot device is all in the book title for us.
In book 4, the mystery is: who put Harry’s name in the goblet of fire? Red herring: Karkaroff or Snape again. True answer: Barty Crouch Jr. Does it actually matter who set up the goblet of fire? Not really. It’s really just a way to up the stakes more by having Harry witness Voldemort’s return.
In book 5 the mystery is: way more nebulous. There’s the question of why is Harry seeing through Voldemort’s eyes and what does it mean? Voldemort starts manipulating their connection to get Harry to pick up this prophesy. It’s kind of interesting but the REAL purpose of going to find the prophesy is to rescue Sirius and then raise the stakes when he dies, leaving Harry once again without a treasured loved one. 
In book 6 the mystery is twofold: what are horcruxes and who is the Half blood prince. The answer, you guessed it, ups the stakes. Horcruxes hold pieces of Voldemort’s soul and to kill him, they must be destroyed. And the identity of the half blood prince? Satisfying because it comes after Snape killed Dumbledore.
In book 7, the mystery is finding the horcruxes and also the deathly hallows. Though the deathly hallows are far less significant than the horcruxes. The ressurection stone serves a thematic purpose more than anything. And the point of the Elder wand is that Voldemort was never it’s owner. Harry is supposidly the master of death and so it’s more tied around that theme. The horcruxes are more central to the plot as finding each one enables Harry to ultimately kill Voldemort. This book is like a bunch of mini mysteries, but the mystery, once again, isn’t the point. It’s all leading up to the final confrontation with Voldemort which Harry wins with this really powerful speech and conversation.
So J.K., if we review, we see that your mysteries are well written with excellently placed red herring, sprinkled with plenty of hints to make the twists legitimate. But, at the end of the day: the answer to the mystery isn’t the point of the story. It was a vehicle to raise the personal stakes for the characters (though still tied very closely to the plot).
So...Aurelius Dumbledore. Let’s talk about that, shall we?
First of all, you try to set up the Lestrange family as a red herring. Except...we know nothing about the Lestrange family at all. When you introduce the idea that “he might be a Lestrange” our only thought is...Oh. Cool. What does that mean? How does that have any bearing on the plot? It’s also clumbsily introduced because we’ve only just met Leta Lestrange. And found out she had a brother who died. And that people think it could be Credence. But it’s not like...we’ve spent time with this character and gotten to known her sorrow over her brother’s death. It has to be TOLD to us. The whole backstory has to be described in order to have any weight. Leta’s half brother (who we don’t care about) describes Leta’s history for no reason as if to say “haha, HERE’S the answer”. Only to be like “ACTUALLY JUST KIDDING IT’S NOT THE ANSWER! YOU were FOOLED”.
No we weren’t. We had no context. We had no ability to guess this twist. This is the equivalent of “You’re a vampire Harry” “I’m a what?” “Haha, just kidding. You’re a wizard. Fooled you.”
So, whatever. The red herring is thrown in there for no apparent reason. They try to make this  a mystery when it didn’t need to be. But surely the answer...the reveal...matters? Right?
Haha, guess again. Here’s a question, J.K. What does Credence being a Dumbledore change? Why does it matter? Are you saying that because he’s a Dumbledore, he’s more powerful? Because that sounds like some pureblood bullshit right there. I could have sworn the whole point of Harry Potter was that blood ties didn’t matter and the strength of someone’s magic was like...personal or some shit. That’s why Hermione is powerful, right? You’re surely not saying that coming from a good family is what makes your magic strong right? So Credence being a Dumbledore shouldn’t be what actually gives him the power to face Albus.
Does it raise the emotional stakes? Not really. Dumbledore never knew this brother. This isn’t a Leta Lestrange situation of “I had a brother and he died”. Dumbeldore doesn’t even know Credence exists so he has no reason to care yet. This reveal effects NO ONE, except for Credence himself. It does not advance the plot. It does not raise the stakes. It is little more than a fun fact. Credence could have just been a really powerful wizard because of how he was able to suppress is obscurus for so long. He didn’t need to be special.
It’s as pointless as the Nangini reveal. It’s just...trivia. It’s a twist to be a twist. It doesn’t effect the plot. Lord knows Nangini does FUCK ALL in this movie. At most, it gives Credence an excuse to go with wizard hitler, and that’s just...so weak. He wasn’t concerned about where he came from in the last movie.
I just...he could have just been a powerful wizard. This movie has so many answers to questions I never asked: the history of the Lestrange family, Credence’s identity, Nangini’s backstory. No one needed or wanted these things. And what’s weird is that this involves so much retconning of Harry Potter canon. Weird how this whole “Dumbledore had another secret brother” thing was never mentioned in previous books or histories. Weird how there were NO HINTS in the original books about Nangini being a cursed snake. Weird how APPARENLY LETA IS THE LAST LESTRANGE BUT YOU JUST KILLED HER SO WHERE’D BELLATRIX’S HUSBAND COME FROM?
The mystery could have been removed and not made a difference. And the film treats the reveal like it’s some big deal. It’s not. It does not raise the stakes. Grindelwald himself raises the stakes by actually convincing some good people to join his side. I guess maybe a movie called Crimes of Grindelwald should have been focused on him right? And the other characters? And not bloated with this pointless mystery?
J.K. I know you can write mystery. I’ve seen you do it. A good mystery is made from keeping it simple, building in hints naturally, including well established red herrings and making the actual mystery drive the plot forward.
This...was an after thought. A way to distract from meaningly developing your five million characters and a sorry attempt to try to keep to the formula that you don’t seem to know how to execute anymore.
(Final note: I enjoyed parts of the movie. I thought the ending was over all strong and I actually loved Leta’s character. Also, shockingly, Grindelwald was one of the best things about this movie and I thought I was going to hate Depp’s performance. It’s a shame that so many of the characters had nothing to do because I bet they could be interesting. So, you know, what a mess. There are good parts but they don’t fit together to tell a cohesive story
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gojaimas · 5 years
More Late Comment Replies
Hey people. I just watched Endgame, and since Thanos memes always remind me of my story because they kept coming up in the comments for some reason, I’ve decided to come back and reply to some more late comments. Here goes.
HorsemanOTA: “looks like you finished this earlier this year but i wish i would have come by it sooner, spent the past almost week binge reading this story and have loved every minute of it, i cant say im not disappointed that all three of them didn't end up in a poli-relationship, i was hoping it would have ended like that. The crutch thing i can understand but i feel like they had bonded way too much for it to end way, it hurt me that that was the out for her to be like i gotta squash it and let it be a pair instead of a trio. Got so invested in your version of Lucy lol. regardless i loved just about all of this fic so thank you for the read, hope this review reaches you well. Later Daze”
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! I’m a little let down that I couldn’t have all three of them get together in the end, too. But I couldn’t just snap my fingers and make everything turn out alright in the end. I wanted to stay true to the story I was writing and it just didn’t fit for that to happen at that point.
J Master 87: “Holy shit. That was down right amazing. I absolutely loved this story, the interactions, the twists and turns. It was everything I could have asked for in a Ben 10 fic. Thank you for that”
You’re welcome! I only had a few real ‘twists’ I’d say, but I’m glad I managed to pull them off well enough for some people to enjoy.
Guest: “Lurking in the shadows huh? Batman, is that you? For being the world’s greatest detective you sure gave your identity away pretty easily”
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CrimsonBolt1: “This is enjoyable so far. Reminds me of Little Moments in feel. Nice to see them finally starting to be open and honest with each other. I like your Lucy. Much better inclusion than a random OC.”
I didn’t want to make any OCs major characters in the story. Lucy ended up being a good fit for the role I needed. Also, for anyone who hasn’t seen, shadows59 just started a reboot of Little Moments, so go and check that out.
yuyuyre: “Why, this is my first ben10 fanfic and I'm glad. It's beautiful, truely. Thank you for writing this wonderful story.”
Thanks! There are lots more great Ben 10 fanfics out there if you’re interested, so I hope you find some others that you enjoy, too!
Hassan Elgarni1: “Nothing to do, so I re-read. Sigh. And shit, no more good fanfictions for ben10, plus the fandom seems like it's diying. What to do? We're lost without some drama in our life. No! I mean some dramatic stories to read about, and this one seems to always fit.”
Not to plug for it too much, but there’s that Little Moments reboot now...
Guest: “Can we get that Lucy ending or that afterstory as a Christmas present? We got a snow map in PubG, Fortnite season 7, MCU trailers with Avengers: Endgame, Blackout from CoD, GOTY awards, it’s such a shame RDR2 didn’t bag the prize but can’t really say God of War didn’t deserve it so an update would be the icing on the cake, unless you’re pre occupied with unwrapping presents. Also, can we have a Ben 10 battle royale mode too? Thanks”
Sorry I couldn’t get that Ben 10 battle royale out in time for Christmas. Also, I’m not working on a continuation for this story right now. I’m too busy trying to find time to work on my Legend of Zelda story.
Guest: “Me when gojaimas updates: Ayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya”
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Guest: “According to the Bible we're all related, so we all share blood so it being forbade by Christianity makes no sense, also great story thanks for making my day less boring”
I don’t really get how I’m still getting comments about this one particular line in that chapter. I never said anything about what should or should not be forbade by Christianity. Lucy was simply trying to figure out Gwen’s reasons for being against incest, and she considered religious beliefs to be a possibility since, regardless of whether or not you think it makes sense, there are Christians out there who are against incest for religious reasons. Neither me, nor Lucy, nor Gwen said that should be the case. I hope that’s clear by now. Anyway, I’m glad I made your day less boring.
dippytrippy122: “Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Simply put this was the best romance-based fanfic I have ever read that wasn't just a humorous jab at the genre. You did so with a pairing I disliked due to its incestuous nature and actually made me enjoy it greatly. You also made sure that the ending wasn't perfect and I respect you immensely for that. Thank you for this wonderful story. :)”
Thanks! It’s always great to hear from people who enjoyed the story despite not liking the pairing. I think that means I did an okay job with recognizing the weirdness of it and not shying away from that.
xSean: “THATS WHERE YOU END IT?! Can't deny I'm a little annoyed with that but this fic was still great over all. The character development and interactions were absolutely superb. Wish there was more clueless, fluffy interactions but I guess they gotta grow up and realise what is happening at some point. Again great fic over all, one of the best I have read in a long time. Only the 2nd Ben 10 fic I've read too!”
Thank you! I’m sorry I couldn’t keep it going for another year or two, but I had to let it end before I ruined it, haha. The clueless, fluffy interactions were always a lot of fun, though. I loved that part of their relationship.
Samian: “Read through it in 2 days and some how I'm sad about that, the pace of your story should have made me slow down and push the ending further away. This was exactly the kind of development in their characters that I was looking for with in the Bwen fics. Beautifully done, really good job. That being said though there were some downsides, over the course of the story you took what made ben 10 what it is out of the story, which was a bit sad in my eyes. I do have to admit that you made it work though and I wouldn't change any of it. The ending is a bit of a letdown in the sense that there is a strong sense of anticipation of where it would have gone too. But again you some how made it work. You really did an incredible job.”
Thank you. I’m sorry to everyone who read this story expecting more alien fighting action, but even from my minimalistic description, “A story about how Ben and Gwen's relationship evolves over the next four years following their summer trip,” I think I made it clear that that simply wasn’t what the story was about. I’m happy you managed to enjoy it anyway!
Slayer of The Abyss: “I really liked how you gave the characters depth and Sense of being real people, the only thing that bothers me is how the thought process of different senteint species could be almost exactly the same, which isnt really your fault. But anyway i am looking forawrd to any potential fic you may write in the future”
Yeah, not much I could’ve done about that. If Lucy was too alien, she wouldn’t really have acted the way she did in the episode she appeared in.
MosquitoesLoveMe: “This story is adorable and you're a wizard at writing to make this happen! The fluff I've read till now has been heartwarming, I demand more fluff for the fluff gods!”
I, too, worship the fluff gods.
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MosquitoesLoveMe: “Oh Lucy, you're about as subtle as a brick. Which says something about Ben and Gwen I suppose...“
Ben and Gwen: *oblivious to their love* Lucy:
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MosquitoesLoveMe: “I am not sure how I feel about this. The lead up, the talk, and the execution was perfect mind you, and Ben's reaction is to be expected from how he's been portrayed. Maybe it's because we've seen Gwen struggle with her feelings and come to terms with them but we haven't had quite as many chapters from Ben's perspective. But because of that it kind of felt off. I didn't expect both of them to have sorted this out at the same time, but it doesn't even seem like Ben entertained that thought, leading to a blank face when confronted. Somehow I didn't expect that, or rather I expected more than that. Either way considering I'm reading this months after it's been completed, I shall have faith that you'll tie it up well, after all I haven't been disappointed thus far!”
It’s been a while, but I think around this point in the story, I was doing a lot less from Ben’s POV because I wanted the reader to be unsure about how Ben would react as much as Gwen was. As for whether or not Ben has entertained the idea, I’ve shown in the past that every time anything even close to resembling the idea pops into his head, he finds some way to dismiss it and bury it deeper because to him, his cousin was completely off-limits. It took Gwen confronting him with the idea directly to finally get him to truly consider it.
MosquitoesLoveMe: “It was a wonderful journey, thanks for writing this story! It was a pretty realistic end to the story and finished on a hopeful note, that leaves me wishing there was a sequel that goes into how Ben and Gwen handle the trials of their relationship and the adults finding out. That also made me really wish for a chapter from the perspective of Ben and Gwen's parents. Keeping with the trend of maintaining a realistic tone, it's hard to believe they did not at least suspect something was up, especially Natalie. It makes me really curious as to what went on in their heads during the last few chapters. Either way, whether or not you get back to this at a future date, I'm happy you wrote this story and glad I got to read it, cheers mate!”
Natalie was definitely getting suspicious. If I ever do continue the story, I probably will go more into what their parents are thinking. But that’ll be on the backburner for now. Thank you so much for reading my story! I’m happy you enjoyed it!
Well, that wasn’t all the comments, but that’s all I have time for right now. I’ll get to the rest eventually. Thanks again for everything! My fans are truly a joy to hear from.
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dcwastelands · 5 years
For Honor Event - Part 1 - July 13, 2019
It had been about five minutes since everyone had been loaded into the transport van, jostling as it rolled across the bumpy untamed roads of the wastes while a handler gave a briefing on today's events, having prior only been explained as "Ghost neutralization".
"We're currently about ten minutes off from the Old Renaissance Fairgrounds where we are aware a Ghost has made it's lair, this ghost; Phantom Knight by our logs, or..." They'd take a close look at the log sheet they had brought with them "'Ser Gaius Grimsley von Datenshire III' by it's own proclamation, is on the more passive side, but it's actions inadvertently put the base and travelers at risk. As such it's been decided that it should be neutralized for people's safety. We're currently not recommending direct combat with the ghost, as we don't know it's full capabilities and we'd rather minimize chances of harm coming to anyone, instead we want to use this as an exercise in repenting a ghost through fulfilling it's last desires, since not many have done so. Judging by the ghost's behavior, we assume that engaging it in a 'tournament' has a high probability of fulfilling these desires, so it will be up to you all to put forth your best effort in defeating it in anything it challenges you to."
The driver in the front seat would call out for the handler's attention "About eight minutes now." gripping their papers the handler would turn back to those present "Y-yes, as he said, it's not far away, so if there's anything you need to know ask it now, and I'll try to answer your questions with what intel we have. Also," They'd produce a stack of papers from under their seat "Everyone should take a copy of the log sheet and give it a look as well." They'd hand the stack to whoever was behind them, ready to take any incoming questions.
Gakuran, having begrudgingly come along, began to exam the paper work. While  understanding the reasoning for not attacking, he'd be concerned with toying with a ghost. Though he had no questions, he was ready for the day to be over. He was here for observation and help, the quicker they did this the faster they'd get back home. "I'm fine with trying to repent the ghost by its means but what if it gets violent? Will we abort and take it down by other means?" Knowing that repenting a ghost could work well or fail about half the time. But he wouldn't be caught without some backup plan. "If so whats our backup?"
The handler would scratch their chin a bit at the question "Well, if the ghost does go hostile, you are given permission to fight it, if we find it to be considerable risk we'll call you back and retreat back to Psi. We'll just have to play it by ear but we're really hoping it won't come to blows."
Spanx reeled back a little as the words "you are given permission to fight it" hit her ears. "Gosh, I sure hope it doesn't come to that. I hope we can give a ghost a nice send-off for once."
"I'd rather avoid that too," was the involuntary mutter from Haori. He wasn't one for fighting- or expending more effort on something than absolutely necessary. He still wasn't sure how he'd gotten roped into this, really. But it seemed to be in everyone's best interest, so who was he to complain?
"If worst comes to worst, and there's an impasse it might be the only choice. But the proposition that there is a way to do so is much, much favorable for the deceased." While Chaqueta wasn't the battle oriented type, she could defend herself decent with humans at the very least. But she hoped it wouldn't be necessary given the group was tasked with a more peaceful repent to be executed. If her brains could be of any use to them, she had more than enough brain cells to spare.
Ah, cramped vehicle space. One of the few things Obi had forgotten about this past century. But here he was; a near seven foot colossus of an archangel sitting in a van surrounded by others. Almost brings him back. Keyword being almost. He simply nods as he looks over the rest of his compatriots. In a way, it was good to finally get some new scenery for him. Felt like ages since he stepped out.
At least they were all on the same page. But something still lingered in his brain, a question. "What can we even expect from this? carnival games?" hoping for any easy excursion. Considering the venue, anything was possible.
"Well, the ghost seems to fancy itself as a type of knight, if you've ever heard the term 'hastilude' that should give you a pretty good idea, they're contests knights would perform in the olden days as a sort of honor thing."
“Alright, if nobody has anymore questions we've just about arrived-” Suddenly the handler was interrupted by the car come to a brisk halt “The fairgrounds.” hopping out of the passenger side door he'd open the door for those in the back “Alright, everyone out, try not to hit your head on the roof Mr. Ravissepto.” Being ushered out, the passengers would be able to get a good look at the faire, weathered old tents being reclaimed by nature, a stone bridge over a small stream with a concrete castle just past, wild grass had been attempting to encroach the center of the faire, but seemed to have regularly been trampled away by footprints. There was currently no sign of the ghost, but enough evidence that something or other frequents this area.
Precaution taken, Mr. Van Driver, sir. However, that precaution would still serve no good as the minute the door opened, the taller angel of the group sat up to, the surprise of no one, slightly hit his head when trying to get up, He says not a word and waits for at least a few of his compatriots to leave the van first before attempting to sit up yet again. The last thing he needed was blocking other peoples way of exiting while he himself was trying to exit. #JustGiantThings, amirite?
Lolo seemed oddly present for once, turning around to listen to each voice intently; it wasn't often she showed up to these training exercises but considering combat wasn't the focus, she was given the option and took it. How nonchalant all the angels seemed about this was fascinating still. that's just how it was in the wastes! Nothing phased these people.....She hopped out eagerly, staying closer to the handler than letting herself roam free.
In the back, though...someone else didn't seem remotely as amused. One green eye was focused more on the ruins outside the van, taking in the lay of the land as the others went on. He'd been through a lot of these, no need to be too attentive; seeing the wreckage of poles, tents in the greenery it kind of brought an odd knot to his stomach. He'd tail behind the rest of the group, his attention still seemingly far beyond the rest of the group with unwarranted tension. (Really, it was a non-combat repentance, this was what he liked seeing as a human--)
Spanx took a moment to stretch after stepping out of the vehicle.  It seemed quiet for a place haunted by a ghost that was causing trouble for people. "I hope it doesn't take too long to find this guy. Anyone have any ideas on how we should lure him out?"
Crown hopped out of the back of the van, taking in the sights and the smells of the faire. This. Was. Great! She'd always loved stories of knights. And now she was standing in a place where real knights did battle! At least that's what she got out of it, her listening comprehension might have gone a bit out the window when she heard the word 'knight'. But either way she was beaming and happy to be here.
Chaqueta got a small chuckle out of Obi still hitting his head regardless of warning. Once she was out she took a quick lay of the land. She could only imagine how much fun this dinky little faire was many, many years ago. It never ceases to amaze her how quickly all of this transpired, even in the wake of a festival. Tragedy th as no mercy it seemed, but still, she couldnt help but give a sad sigh.
Haori slumped out of the vehicle and blinked lazily as he took a gander at the surrounding area. There was still no telling what that knight-ghost would ask of them, really. Knight tournaments had various events, right? Maybe they would end up going through all of them before they were off the hook....great.
"Weirdly quiet," He mumbled
Alright was that everyone? That looked like everyone. Taking his turn to get out of the car, Obi took in the air and looked over the fairegrounds. Damn...it'd been a hot minute since the archangel had seen something like this. Places that were supposed to be filled with joyous occasion and enjoying the moment. All of that merriment...gone. He frowns slightly at the ruined grounds, but continues onward nonetheless. They had a job to do, and hopefully, a peaceful repent to pull off.
Gakuran trailed behind, making sure to stick behind the group. He was uneasy about their task but was hopeful about succeeding. Though, the new faces made him wonder if they would work well together. He would followed behind Obi and commented to Haori "Quiet, but lets enjoy it while we can and take time to prepare".
No sooner did Spanx ask how to find the quarry than from a distance came a hearty “HAHA!”, with a loud whinny and the beat of hooves approached a stout (aka, short, real manlet like) figure clad in heavy black armor on the back of an impressive ghostly stallion. Slowing to a trot in front of the party they would proclaim “HARK KNAVES, FOR THOU HAST ENTERED THE DOMAIN OF THOUST TRUELY, SER GAIUS GRIMSLY VON DATENSHIRE, THIRD OF HIS NAME. FOR WHAT PURPOSE DOST THOU TRESPASS UPON THESE GROUNDS, SPEAK QUICKLY, OR I SHALL HAVE THEE DRAWN AND QUARTERED!” The handler would bury their face in their hand before addressing the group “Alright, here's your quarry, try to calm them down, if it gets too hot we'll make the call, good luck, me and the driver will be watching from nearby.” With their piece said the two of them would walk off, staying within viewing distance.
"Interesting," Haori said under his breath. "Uh, which of us is spokesperson, exactly?" This was a little louder, enough for everyone to hear.
Haori didn't see himself as capable enough to speak for the entire group....or smooth enough. How were knights supposed to talk? He couldn't get into a character on command.
Well, something was coming back to Braces, but he wasn't sure what it was exactly...none of this crew really seemed to get what was going on at a ren faire though. He crossed his arms, grimacing...he may actually have to intervene?
Oh woah, right to it, eh? Uh...alright, Obi will step in.  Not too far, but a good half-step at best.
Spanx replies to the knight meekly, "Apologies Sir Gaius, we, uh, didn't mean to trespass. We're here to, um, what was that word again? Halibut."
"Greetings, Sir." He speaks up alongside Spanx. "We are....travelers of sorts here to...seek why you reside on these grounds."
Braces pinched his nose. This was horrible. He wasn't sure how much of this he could take. He looked almost close to tears, even.
For the event, Chaqueta wore simple dress and she gave a polite curtsy toward the knight as the others spoke.
Haori tugged at his collar. The whole...whatever he was wearing...it was a little tight across the chest, and stuffy. Not like the loose clothes he normally wore. This whole thing felt like a stageplay, which- as far as he understood- wasn't far off from what a ren faire actually was. He remained carefully quiet, aware that any snarking could easily get them all in big trouble right now. Time and a place for everything.
Gakuran followed suite with the group by acknowledging the knight with a nod. But he didn't feel the need to respond verbally. He instead would analyze the ghost size and environment to get an idea of what might happen. Gakuran would glance over at Brace and respond "Theres no need to cry, we'll be fine"
The ghost would think about Spanx's comment before realizing what they meant “HA, WHAT A JEST, YOU MEAN THE HASTILUDES! THOU SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED EARLIER, IF THOU WISHES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GAMES OF HONOUR THEN SO BE IT, WE SHALL MAKE A TOURNAMENT OF IT!” He'd rear his horse before trotting toward another section of the fairgrounds “COME, THE ARENAS ARE READY, AND BE SURE TO BRING THY STEED.” At this he'd point his lance towards their 'steed', the van they had arrived in, the keys still in the ignition.
"Our- our what." Haori deadpanned. "Are we- does the van have a name? Does it need a- never mind." He sighed. He needed to learn to roll with the punches better.
Well, that went...well enough, despite the lack of decent acting. Braces raised a brow in disbelief though as his gaze panned from the van back to the ghost. He knew the not-yet-passed had some issues with denial, but .....it'd been a while since he really had to deal with it.
As amusing as the ghost was, Chaqueta couldnt help but make a quick note of how the thing registered the van as a horse. "Seems like his perception of reality is different from ours, she whispered. We can use this to our advantage? I wonder to what extent it goes to. We could pass off makeshift props as the real thing if so."
"That'd be ideal, actually," Braces blinked, his volume matching Chaqueta's. "Angels shouldn't lose track of their own weapons, but that can save us from causing any unecessary harm. Nice catch."
Crown was starstruck, a real life knight! And they even challenged them to knightly games, today was surely going to be amazing! She broke out of her trance momentarily when the knight headed off, jogging a bit to keep toe with them.
Maybe the Knight was looking at the raw horsepower of the Van, but that was beside the point. However, it seemed like the rest of the group was already planning. Gakuran would then focus his attention on Chaqueta "That is a good point, I'll keep that in mind." Since it was a strategic advantage, Gakuran complied and headed toward the van. However being much taller than most people also had disadvantages. He'd struggle a bit till everyone else caught up to crown and relocate their steed. Good thing he didn't have his armor on, otherwise the knight my mistake this as a joust.
Obi nods along with the group and follows along with Crown.
Spanx blushes a bit after realizing she misspoke. Halibut is a fish you idiot how could you mix that up she mutters to herself. She shuffles behind Obi as he follows Crown. The closest thing to a tree she could hide her shame behind.
Shhhh, your shame shall be resolved by the tree, young Spanx. All is forgiven, child.
Following the hunch suggested from Chaqueta, Braces made an ever so slight detour to dislodge a rod of what he assumed was some sort of metal since it was still intact. He was no lance user, but it'd come in handy and he had no idea how well old faire ruins would be stocked, anyway. who knew who raided these things for weapons even if they were props.
Lolo followed after, nearly sprinting to keep up; she was simply observing at this point since she was...probably too young to remember this phenomenon.
Gaius led the group to what seemed like a long track, a pole stretched along the middle “AND SO WE COME TO OUR FIRST CHALLENGE, CHOOSE THY CHAMPION, FOR UPON THIS FIELD WE ENGAGE IN THE JOUST!” Having said his piece, he positioned himself at the far end of the track. Seems like, as Gakuran was afraid of, someone would have to duel him in a Joust, but another question remained, who would be the 'horse'?
(One person must participate as the Jouster, another must participate as a Driver)
Unknowingly Gakuran signed up to be the steed by driving the Van. He'd show up at what looked like a parking space; without the knowledge that this was his starting point. Having been  away from the group, he didn't catch what they were doing. So he'd sit in the van and observe. "I wonder whats going on out there, did I hear 'Joust' "
"Eyepatch here," she said while point towards Braces. "Seems like he'd make a good jouster. He got the pole and the beef to handle it"
"A joust sounds like a pretty intense first challenge. I might be able to stay on pretty well but I don't know about knocking him over. Maybe someone else should..." Spanx hoped she didn't sound like she was putting this off on others. She was trying not to let her nerves get the best of her but a real life ghost, even a small one, was still intimidating up close.
"I weigh like as much as a cat," Haori provided flatly.
Braces looked over at Chaqueta with a sour face. "I got this just in case! .....Geez, I guess if someone had to though, I could....,"A hand paused on his chest before working at the pole, his suspenders not in their usual spot.
Crown would stand on one foot as she gave Braces a little cheer “You can do this Mr. Braces! I know from experience that you're plenty strong!”
He gave a sigh. "Fine, you guys don't look like you've even so much as eaten a turkey leg with a fool jingling beside you anyway," He hopped up on the van's roof, giving a tap once he finally got up there. Sure was weird to do this on a car roof, but it wasn't like training or even finding mustangs was a good idea either. "Ready when everyone else is."
"I have no idea what that means, but thank you anyway!" She said clapping her hands together and giving him a sarcastic smile.She took a couple steps back to where Crown was and would cheer for Braces and Gakuran from the sidelines.
With his opponent in position, the ghost would loudly proclaim “MAY THE FIRST ROUND BEGIN! CHARGE!” Readying his lance he'd Charge towards the two, Gakuran would pull the car Forward, and Braces would Block atop it.
Despite Braces' preparing for the attack, the Ghost's lance manages to find purchase, hitting him and setting off his balance on the car, though he manages stop grounded.
Spanx roars from the crowd, "Hang in there Braces!! You can do it!"
"Give it your all, you two!" Obi shouts alongside a swell.
That'd hit harder than Braces was anticipating; he tried to use the pole's shape to his advantage to grind the attack back but, that kind of backfired, the ghost being too strong and pushing him back.
Chaqueta winced, she felt that. Still, she continued to clap for the angel.
How did he get roped into this. Sadly it was too late to back down, so he braced himself for impact. Thankfully the vans weight helped disperse some of the brunt force. "You okay up there?"
The commotion seemed to be drawing a bit of a crowd, fauna ghost starting to congregate around the arena, the ones present perking up at Gaius' strike against Braces.
"I think so? Dealt with worse. Whatever," He waved it off, though the other guy couldn't see him doing it. he rubbed his arm. Christ, that smarted.
Circling around the arena, Gaius would CHARGE toward his opponent again, as Gakuran rounded the corner Braces would prepare to DEFEND, and as the two were about to meet... Gakuran stepped on the gas, BOOSTING towards the collision.
In the collision Braces defended valiantly, but the Ghost's strike was still too strong, breaking his guard and nearly tossing him off the van.
A "God FUCKING damnit!!" could be heard, ponytail flapping in the wind as he was doubled-over on the roof.
Gakuran simply looked up and covered his face with the brim of his hat. "Good grief" maybe luck wasn't on their side today.  "I'm guessing you are still ali- dead right?"
"Don't remind me," he covered his eye, groaning. too soon. "God I wanna end this man's whole career."
As they circled again, Gaius ever so slightly shifted the lance is preparation to BLOCK Braces' incoming STRIKE, as the two get closer Gakuran once again BOOSTS.
As they collided, Braces' lance hit the ghost's, but not with enough force to break their guard, the magnitude of the collision rebounding to him and hurting his arm.
For one final time the two teams circled around the ring, the ghost preparing to strike, Braces, fatigued from the blows he had taken he was scarce able to take another hit and was knocked off into the mud.
Cue a very comedic roll off. he's gonna be fine, he's an angel, who cares. at least he didn't get stabbed in the eye again.
Big oof. Maybe those muscles were just for show in the end. "Maybe one of us will do better in a different event."
Gakuran having felt the rumble of a body, stopped and started to reverse. Once he reached Braces, he'd exit out of the back to help him into the Van and out of there. "Hey we did our time, you need a smoke?"
"Brutal," Haori winced. He was glad it wasn't him up there. He'd have been catapulted in a single hit. If anything speed was his game, but he was less experienced than any angel in their group might be. He was beginning to wonder if He would even be any use here.
The ghost would trot up to Braces' side with a chuckle “A VALIANT EFFORT, I APPLAUD YOUR BRAVERY FACING ME. DO NOT FRET YOUR FAILURE FOR LONG MY FRIEND, THE DAY IS YOUNG AND THE CHALLENGES WILL BE MANY.” Rearing the horse away he would lead the group towards their next trial, the interested wild ghosts following behind like a group of fans.
He waved a hand, grimacing. "god, no. I'll pass." He wasn't a smoker by any stretch of the imagination, and all he could think about is how much fucking mud he was getting all over the van. At least the ghost seemed a good sport about it all. He'd hate to be dealing with an angry one right now, all things considered.
Yikes. That look like it hurt.
Gaius led the group to a fence, he would dismount before pointing to several targets in the distance “BEHOLD, FOR THIS WILL BE THY NEXT CHALLENGE, A SIMPLE ARCHERY CONTEST, CHOOSE THY CHAMPIONS MOST DEFT OF AIM.” He would pick up a bow and arrow near the fence, preparing himself for the contest.
(As many players as want can participate in this at once)
Braces groaned and grabbed his arm, watching this all unfold. At least archery had less risk to leave anyone in a state of dishevelment. "Don't look at me, guys."
"I'll offer myself as tribute," wow what an archaic hunger games reference.
"You can do it Chaqueta! Get us a win!"
Haori bit back a snort at the poor joke, but rolled a shoulder to loosen himself up and stepped forward as well. He wasn't the best shot, but he wasn't bad either by any means. The more the merrier...or something. "You have my bow," he offered pulling one from- did he just...pick that off the ground?
Having been battered around by the jousting, he declined "Someones gotta watch the Van, this guys only one good arm."
“THEN THESE ONES SHALL BE MY OPPONENTS” boomed the ghost, wasting no time nocking the arrow and pointing it towards the middle target and letting it fly, watching as it embedded into the middle ring. “HA! A FINE SHOT TO START THE SHOW.” Meanwhile, a lizard like ghost had manned a scoreboard, changing a score meant to represent Gaius to 4.
"Kick his ass, Chaqueta!" A bit overenthusiastic there Obi,  but the rally cry is definitely appreciated.
Haori took a step forward, readying his bow first. If nothing else, he at least knew how to shoot archery. He might be a little rusty, but...he pulled into stance and made sure not to twist his elbow. His eyesight wasn't so good these days...still, the close target looked pretty clear. that ought to make for a decent shot. He lined it up and let fly- thwip went the arrow as it smacked into the bullseye mark.
"That's a pass," He sighed in relief. Not nearly so impressive as Gaius, but a good start.
Chaqueta was feeling a bit bold, so she grabbed a spare rickety bow and arrow and launched the thing with as much confidence and vigor as a professional. She managed to hit the outer most ring, but missed the next time she fired.
Still, that was better than the critical failure she was expecting having never done something like this before so she was satisfied.
As the Score Ghost changed Haori's score to 3 and Chaqueta's to 1, Gaius, feeling cocky after his last shot decided to be so bold as to fire on the farthest target, as he pulled back and released the arrow he was... a bit disappointed as it landed nowhere near the target, his entourage of ghosts seemingly disappointed as well.
Braces tried not to be too loud but he was definitely on the edge of his seat and pretty happy about all this before wincing and recoiling back to clutch his arm more.
Haori was also feeling a little bolder. He nocked an arrow and let fly toward the middle target....the arrow fell short. He could practically hear the sad little wop wop wop noise as it clattered to the ground. "Welp," he muttered. He'd just have to put it all in for the last round, then.
A soft "Yes" along with a casual fist pump comes from Obi. He's a proud tree.
Crown waved a ratty old flag she found to the side, cheering on her team's archers.
Chaqueta kept her hands steady and breath held in until she released her arrow soaring through the distance and NAILING a bullseye on her target.
She jumped a little, surprising herself and was giddy as a horse, stomping her feet hooves in celebration.
Another fist pump. Fuck ye FUCK YE-
Ooop, don't get too excited there, Obi. Keep chill.
The score ghost would reluctantly bump Chaqueta's score up to 4. Gaius meanwhile, deciding to be safer with his shot went only for the close target, firing an arrow and sticking it directly in the middle, 2 points. “AND SO I END THIS CONTEST WITH SIX POINTS, LET US SEE HOW YOU FARE, MY FOES.”
A soft "nice!" can be heard in the background.
Chqueta waved off to the others, still proud of her second attempt before, recklessly aiming another arrow for a slightly more ambitious score. However, her arrogance would be her downfall as the arrow completely missed the target.
"Ah shoot." Now she felt embarrassed. She looked away from the others, too shy to see their, she assumed, disappointment.
Haori aimed at the close target again. Two shots meant a better chance for points, right...? God, he hadn't done this in forever.
His fingers slipped as he loosed the first arrow- it came close but ended up sailing past the target without hitting it. The second....thunked into the ground several feet away.
"Ah, for shame. How ever will I face my people." He droned. He wasn't all that upset, he hadn't been expecting to win anyway.
Braces rubbed at his eyepatch, that was rough.
The Score Ghost snickered a little as it saw it didn't have to change the scores. “ANOTHER VALIANT EFFORT MY FRIENDS, IT WOULD SEEM THE WINDS WERE NOT IN YOUR FAVOR, PERHAPS YOU SHALL FIND GLORY IN OUR FUTURE ENGAGEMENTS, NOW COME, WE HAVE COMPLETED HALF THE TRIALS.” Without another word he mounted his steed again and head toward a tent, beckoning the others to follow.
"Looks like we werent the only ones with bad luck." Chimed Gakuran, with a beer in hand. "Though, you alright eyepatch?"
Haori shuffled back in a slouched state, not particularly bothered. This ghost seemed really docile, honestly. Perhaps it had only been hassling travelers because it wanted people to do these events with. It was possible it would be satisfied just as long as they spent time with it so it could play. Kind of like a kid...
Then again, there was really no knowing for sure until the end.
"Aye, tis but a flesh wound," he replied to Gakuran, looking a little sour. "What's that ghost gonna do to me? Kill me again?"
Oh they're moving? Looks like they're moving. Obi follows.
Haori stifled a laugh as he overheard the remark.
"Probably but i think its having much more fun kicking our asses. " At least they were trying and didn't have to win. That made it a little less sour. "Kudos on giving it a warm up though"
"Kinda wish the plague would come take me out I'll say," she joked. Even if she had failed she couldn't help but smile through it all. Genuinly it was pretty fun.
"Hey, you kicked MY ass at least. You see that shot that fell short? Awful." He offered a crooked grin as he leaned against a fence post. "I thought I'd remember how to do this shit better,  but I guess I'm getting old or something."
"Hey, you made some damn good shots though." Obi complimented her, giving the reporter a pat on the shoulder.
He was following the rest of the group, begrudgingly this time, really hoping there wasn't arm wrestling involved for the next stunt. "Thanks I guess, I just wish I could've done better, is all...," he groaned, scratching his hair with his uninjured arm.
"Everyone did pretty good. Don't feel dismayed." Though having not contributed yet she has no right to judge anyone else's performance.
As the party continued on to their next destination they would enter a tent and be greeted by a number of oaken barrels piled up in the back, radiating a strange menacing aura. “AND SO WE COME TO OUR THIRD CHALLENGE, A SIMPLE DRINKING GAME, WE WILL DO ROUNDS OF DRINKS, THE ONE WHO STANDS WHEN ALL OTHERS HAVE FALLEN SHALL BE PROCLAIMED THE VICTOR, PICK THY STRONGEST OF CONSTITUTION, ALL CHALLENGERS WELCOME! He'd plop down on a wooden bench, his armor creating a thunk despite his small stature.
Spanx steps forward confidently, "I sat out the other two contests so it's at least my turn!"
Despite her hubris, Chaqueta appricated the reassurances being given. Though soon as they entered the tent Chaqueta immediately lite up. BOOZE. ITS BEEN MONTHS SINCE SHE LAST HAD ALCHOHOL.
"...I'm with her." He's tall enough, might as well test some sort of body alcohol theory.
"You guys have at it."
Braces didn't seem eager to get involved in this one either, even if alcohol would help dull the pain.
Having got a head start, Gakuran was game. He'd catch up to the crowd and join up. "At least this seems more fair"
Haori waved his hand. "Not like I haven't been blackout drunk once or twice by this point in life anyway. Go big or go home," he smirked.
The ghost entourage would bring up the first round of drinks “ALL RIGHT MY FRIENDS, I WISH YOU LUCK, AND BOTTOMS UP!” Raising the mug to his face he would chug the drink down, it evidently hit him pretty hard, already having him look pretty wet behind the ears.
Oh damn, ale. When the fuck was the last time Obi drank? It feels like a hot minute, but a challenge was a challenge. Taking the frothy mug, he follows suit with the ghost and chugs it down no sweat. Hmm. Ain't bad. He was waiting for it to be at least a bit off given the state of the world, but that's a solid mug right there. He slams it back down with ease.
"This is the best thing to happen all day" Taking the round with nothing more than an easy gulp. "Not bad, give me another".
Sweet alcoholism take her down. She pounded the drink down like a champ and knocked over her empty cup with gusto, "Fuck yeah, hit me again!"
Spanx downs her drink. "This goes down surprisingly smooth for something that's been sitting abandoned for god knowns how long."
Haori sniffed his drink. He had to be honest, his tolerance was fine, but something was just off about this stuff. And not in a rotten food kind of way. Well, no point chickening out now.
"Bottoms up," He mumbled, and tilted his head back to drain the mug.
...and then he continued tilting until he was on the floor. On his back. Groaning sickly. "Okay, I'm. Done." He choked- just before passing out. Something wrong indeed.
As the entourage brought the second tray Gaius snatched a mug and downed it, as he came back down he slapped the table with raucous laughter “HAHAHA! SEEMS I'VE FORGOTTEN HOW TO HOLD MY DRINK, ANOTHER HIT LIKE THAT AND I DOUBT I'LL BE STANDING!” he would continue laughing and shaking the table as his opponents took their drinks.
Spoke too soon, as this drink was one too many. This one combined with the other would be his undoing. After finishing, he'd gracefully lay down and let everyone else suffer instead.
Well, this wasn't looking good. Braces was grabbing his mouth in his hand, looking around. Hm.....
"Dude you shouldn't have had that beer before you went into the tent." he finally muttered as Gakuran went onto the ground.
Obi takes another hearty swig of that ale. The fizzyness is startin' to get to him just a teensy bit, but other than that, it's a damn good mug.
Gakuran having drunk too much could only mutter back "Worth it" knowing that he was gonna fail anyway but free alcohol was free.
Her hubris is rmtruely her down fall, for even with a side of bread Chaqueta was shitfaced. She didn't really care, hiwever, it seemed from his giggly she was.
"Heeheheheheh...." She slumped against Obi, unable to support herself. " oops a daisy I did a fucky wuckyyy... You smell good."
Anotha' one? Anotha one. And the alcoholic content is starting to get to him, but he's still got things under control. Hopefully.
As the table started to clear, the bartender ghosts brough out 3 more drinks, Gaius grabbing his and chugging "HAHA, BARELY HIT ME, SEEMS IM GETTING MY SECOND WIND!"
Spanx manages to finish her last drink and mumbles out an, "I'm sorry, that was just a little too much," and falls forward, snoring into her arm.
The sight of a shitfaced chaqueta though did earn a snicker from the archangel as he held onto her shoulder.
"You did the best you could, dear."
One more tray, two drinks, Gaius took his mug and clinked it to Obi's "CHEERS MY FRIEND! THIS WILL BE THE DECIDING FACTOR!" Tilting it back he'd chug, then slump his head onto the table, he was done.
Casually, Someone was popping in and tampering with the ale. The ghosts didn't even seem to notice, nice.
Obi takes that third mug and drinks it whole, slamming the mug down after another good chug and looking back at his ghastly competitor, a glint of determination burning in the archangels eyes.
The culprit clenches his fist quietly, trying to remain unseen yet.
"Woo woooo~" Chaqueta drunkenly cheered on. God was Obi always this sexy?
And so, Obi stood alone among a pile of drunk nearly-to-fully passed out people, the sole victor. The attendant ghost's bringing out pitcher's of water to help bring people back to their feet, this would be a good time to give everyone a breather.
Spanx wakes up, eats some of the bread and proceeds to talk, "Slo, diwd hwe hwin?"
a splash of water got Haori back to his senses. He wasn't happy about being damp, but the glass offered to him for drinking helped clear up the dizziness surprisingly well. What was in that ale, he wondered. Normally he could knock back a good clip of shots of something nice and strong before he needed to quit.
"Spooky," he sighed, and stretched. Looked like everyone but Obi had seen the same fate. "At least we finally took one, I gather?"
Crown would cheer Obi on “Congrats Obi! You got the first win of the day! Though I didn't realize drinking contests were really a knightly thing, maybe I should be taking notes.”
Alright, up you go, little lady. Obi picks up Chaqueta princess style, helping up Spanx along the way. And Haori as well.
"Its more a thing people do to flex on each other, but I figure it works for shows of manliness or whatever as well,"  Braces interjected as he stretched himself out--arm still hurt but it felt good to not be crouched down after a nice victory.
Oh and cheers from Crown as well? This day was already made.
"Honestly? Neither did I. Think it's some sort of valor thing. But  I'll definitely count it as a victory."
A head ruffle for you, godkid.
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atopearth · 5 years
Shall We Date? Ninja Shadow Part 11 - Kusunoki Tsubaki Route
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Tsubaki looks like a pretty boy😍 Anyway, I was pretty surprised that Toru and Tsubaki so blatantly went to the vigilantes hideout and kidnapped the heroine right in front of them! It’s like a declaration of war! How crazy of them to do that! But I see, Tsubaki is a doctor and obstetrician and wanted to help the survivors of that village that was burnt down by Suetsugu but it was too late for the heroine’s brother, so he basically witnessed everything and knows why she is here in Nagasaki and why and who she wants revenge against. Nice to see that they’re sharing their perspective with her about how they think it’s difficult for Makoto and the vigilantes to deal with Suetsugu since he controls a lot of the trade and killing him would cause chaos, so they think their methods are better and more productive I guess? Heroine is right though, no matter what they say, it’s hard to trust them right now since they’re kidnappers holding her here lol, glad that Tsubaki took her back to the vigilantes after they explained who they were, and loll at Tsubaki trying to get her to trust him by telling her random stuff such as him liking to eat sweets🤣
I guess Tsubaki and Toru are pretty similar in that they’re quite pushy and just forcefully barge into the heroine’s life lol. I guess the difference is that, Toru was always sincere to the heroine in his route, whereas for Tsubaki, although he is interested in her, you can’t fault that his ultimate aim in the end was to solicit her into convincing the vigilantes to support their cause of overthrowing the shogunate and changing Nagasaki. Is Zeyo Sakamoto Ryoma????😮😮 That CG with the heroine and Tsubaki by the sea is so pretty. It must have been so tough for Tsubaki to have been born in the red light district by his mother who was a prostitute and then have mixed blood (father is from Holland) making him look like a foreigner that doesn’t belong anywhere here. Gotta agree with the heroine though, he may detest his appearance but we think he looks wonderful. It’s saddening that all Tsubaki wants is for foreigners to be acknowledged by allowing them to come in and trade with them, and yet when such a thing happens, all the merchants are really just using this opportunity to trade for weapons such as guns.
Although it was reckless and going against Makoto, I really liked that Shintaro and Asagi decided that they (along with the heroine) would go to try and stop Tsubaki and Toru since they don’t want to kill Toru. It’s nice to see that although they don’t agree with his methods, they do understand that just like them, Toru also wants peace for Nagasaki and so they don’t want to see him die. I guess the difference between Toru and Tsubaki’s route is that for Toru, both the heroine and him were people that stuck to their beliefs despite their love for the other, they were strong in that they were determined that what they believed in and what they chose was what they wanted to do and that they wouldn’t regret it. Whereas for Tsubaki, he did have the clear goal of wanting to bring down the shogunate to put Toru there because he wanted peace for foreigners and everyone, but after meeting the heroine, this conviction wavered and he realised that this wasn’t the only way they could change Nagasaki for the better, but he didn’t want to be “saved” by her because he didn’t think that he could be or that he deserved it or that he could just leave Toru and Willem after everything they had done and planned to this moment. I guess in the end, I’d say that Toru’s route is more logical and rational, whereas Tsubaki’s is more emotional and leans more towards the idea that romance saves you haha.
Wow, the shogun was very forgiving to not execute Tsubaki even though he attempted to assassinate him. At least he’s put him on his watch by making him join the Nagasaki vigilantes and Makoto has him help out at the Meiko salon, which even though is the lowest job (apparently), he gets to spend everyday with the heroine so he’s got nothing to complain about lol. Lmao at Kagura being so done with their flirting that he just casually covers his ears and then tries to go off somewhere else hahaha. Overall, this route was all right but I much prefer Toru and his route in all aspects of story, romance and personality. I didn’t really feel their “love” in this one and felt that it was more fleeting passion that made them want everything of each other, but I did like that the heroine helped him out to live a more normal life without hatred, and it was a different way of solving things (even though it was done haphazardly) since they did go through the assassination attempt, it just didn’t work out and the shogun fixed everything in the end haha.
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justjen523 · 6 years
Let’s Play (Part 2)
MC x Saeran
Rating E (18+)
WARNING: Explicit sexual content and depictions of violence. Rape themes.
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Chapter 2
It was just after eight in the evening. I knew he would be stopping by soon, call it...intuition. This time I was ready for Mr. Prince Charming. This time Ms goody two shoes actually allowed me out of my cage. 
I stared into the mirror applying my ruby red lipstick when of course she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
“You’re not going to really hurt him are you?”
“Who, little ol’ me? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Idiot. I have no idea why I even keep her around. What a pain in the ass with all her ridiculous feelings. It’s this kind of thinking that gave birth to me in the first place.
“Please don’t hurt him too much...Ray is still in there I know it!”
“Of course he is. Those two are just like us, a package deal. Stop complaining and let me handle this, we’re in my territory now. I know exactly how to handle little boys like Saeran.” An angry voice pierced the silence in the hall and a thrill ran through me.
“Showtime. Now be a good girl and run along.” I couldn’t help the smirk that followed the instant I felt her retreat. Hmm....time for some real fun.
The door swung open violently and in walked Mr Handsome himself with that delicious looking crazy all over him. When I didn’t even flinch from the forceful cracking sound of the door slamming shut, it seemed playtime was about to begin. 
I continued applying my lipstick without ever even batting a lash in his direction. A fact that had not gone unnoticed and was quickly degrading his already sinister and general unpleasant mood.
“HEY!” His voice startled me enough to mess up the application of the crimson stick swirling along my lips and that’s when I lost my temper.
Shards of glass rained down around me from the shattered mirror I had just punched a hole in making him freeze wide eyed as I turned to face him.
“You made me fuck up my lipstick. I happened to really like that color... if you know what’s good for you, you better start thinking of a way to make it up to me.” I crossed the distance between us and stared deeply into his eyes. Heh. Confusion. Fear. Panic. I always have this affect on people. 
“W-Who the fuck are you?!” I blinked several times trying to feign my shock at such a ridiculous question.
“Why, I believe I’m your toy aren’t I? Isn’t that why I am here? For you to come play with me?”
“You’re not her...” Hahaha. Oh. Poor baby. Seems he can’t take when the shoe’s on the other foot. Too bad, you wanted to play, gorgeous, and I’m in the mood to play tonight. The predatory smile the spreads across my face makes him recoil a moment and that was definitely not the right thing to do. I don’t like that game. Not one bit.
“You dare recoil from me!?” I grip him by the collar taking him completely by surprise before kicking his legs out and dropping him to the floor. I laugh evilly as I crawl atop him. Straddling him I bring my face dangerously close to his, our noses practically touching. 
“What’s the matter handsome? Too much woman for you?”
“Fuck you! You have no idea who I am!”
“No? On the contrary, I know exactly who you are Saeran.”
“I didn’t give you permission to say my name!”
“Well that’s perfect seeing as I don’t need your permission doll.”
“You! Y-Your an idiot! A moron! Do you honestly think you can stop me?!”
“Hmm.....yes.” I smile confidently before kissing the tip of his nose. 
“I’ll kill you!”
“Oh please say you’ll try! I LOVE that game! I must warn you however, I am VERY good at it.”
“You’re fucking crazy!”
“Aww....too bad. Not very bright. That’s alright, I can work with this.”
“How dare you touch me!”
“Touch you? Hahahaha! Oh dear boy, I am going to do so much more than touch you...”
“You heard me. You promised to play with me and I came all the way here to play.”
“You...you’re not her!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I offer with a perverse smile making his body go rigid beneath me. He could easily throw me off if he was so inclined, however, I think he’s enjoying the fact that he’s finally met his match. Figures. All men are pigs.
“You’ll pay for this!”
“You promise? Finally we’re starting to get on the same page. Tonight however is about what I want. See, you already came by and got what you wanted earlier. It’s only fair to you know....return the favor.”
“You...you’re insane.”
“You finally get it. Guess there’s hope for you yet. So....are you ready to play with the crazy girl? I warn you, I like to play realllllly rough you little pervert.”
“Fuck you!”
“Tempting, but not yet. You owe me first remember? You fucked my mouth, it’s only fair I fuck yours.
“What’s the matter? Never eaten pussy before? It’s not hard, just use your tongue.” There it is. That’s the expression I fucking live for. Walking that tightrope of desire and terror. You got in way over your head little boy. 
“So how do you want to do it? Willingly and I show mercy or...” I reach over and grab a thick shard of glass.
“Hahahaha! You wanna kill me? Go ahead!”
“Haha no stupid, this isn’t for you. It’s for me.”
“You’re offering to kill yourself? You really are an idiot.”
“Slow on the uptake. Not kill, no. Cut up into a disgusting bloody mess? Oh yes please. I’m sure your savior will love how Saeran disobeyed her orders and went completely psycho. Oh my....you might need another...treatment.” The color drains from his face as his pupils expand a moment before narrowing back in on me. He bursts into maniacal laughter a few moments before gripping my thighs firmly and sitting up abruptly. 
“You’re a crazy cunt you know that?” A sexy smirk greets me before his tongue licks across my lips. 
“I’ll eat your pussy, if you can make me.”
“Heh. Challenge accepted.” We tumble around on the floor fighting for dominance and I eventually end up beneath him. He bursts into laughter.
“Yeah....that’s what I thought. You’ve got a big mouth. Guess you didn’t learn your lesson from earlier. Shall we review?” Oh you poor child. You really are too wild and undisciplined for your own good. 
The entire course of the evening shifts from one simple move. He looks at me like a deer in headlights frozen in sheer disbelief.
“Oh don’t think too hard, you might hurt yourself. I always keep handcuffs on me. It’s not my fault that sweet young man never bothered checking the contents of my purse when I first arrived.”
“Release me, now.”
“I believe I said...no.”
“Hahaha! Awww, it’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Though I should tell you, I may have bribed the believers to give us some...privacy.”
“You crazy psycho bitch! Let me out of this now! NO ONE TIES ME TO A BED! NO ONE!!!!!!”
“You want out? Let yourself out.” I hold a small silver key in front of his eyes and he stills a moment looking at it desperately.
“G-Give it to me!”
“Come get it.” With a smug grin I hike up my skirt and spread my legs wide for him to see before placing the key deep inside me. 
“Well? How badly do you wish to be free? If you even think of using your free hand, the deals off the table.” His beautiful eyes are wild, his breathing erratic. He pushes me down and without a word wildly assaults my sex with his mouth.
“F-Fuck! Oh god yes......” The sensation of his slippery muscle swirling around my wetness has me writhing on my back. He kisses, sucks and licks at the tiny bundle of nerves causing my thighs to squeeze the sides of his head. Draping my one leg over his shoulder he fucks me with his tongue, my fingers digging into the plush carpet on the floor. 
“Nmmm.....yeah.....your mouth feels so good.” What happens next is executed so quickly and with such precision I’m actually surprised and nothing fucking surprises me anymore. His tongue claims the key, he unlocks the cuffs and throws them then straddles me holding both of my wrists to the floor above my head.
“Good game Princess. Looks like I won though.”
“Oh no, are you gonna hurt me now?”
“You’d fucking love that wouldn’t you?”
“From you? God yes....you make me so wet it’s practically unbearable.” His mouth greedily claims mine. A violent and desperate kiss from both sides. A clashing of tongues and teeth fighting for dominance. 
“Good, ‘cause I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t walk right.” Mmm...that’s more like it. That’s exactly the kind of fun I had in mind.
“You’re not gonna hurt me Daddy are you?” He flips me onto my stomach and a moment later slams into me. Not that I needed a warning, I’ve been ready for his cock since he walked through the door. 
“Yeah little girl, I’m going to fucking wreck you.”  
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ezra-the-librarian · 3 years
Reading Recap: January 2022
So far this year, I’ve managed to read a book a week – we’ll see if this keeps up! – and even better, all four titles were ones I enjoyed. One of them especially so; you can imagine my surprise when, two weeks into January, I found myself sure I’d just read one of my favorite books of the year! But without further ado, here’s my January-2022-reads-in-review:
Bird Box / Josh Malerman
This short novel was the first book I picked up this year. I remember the Netflix film pretty well – I think I watched it three or four times when it was first released (not because I was so in love with it but because I just kept watching it with different people, haha)! But it’s been a few years since then, and the adaptation differed plenty from the source material, both character and plot-wise, so it was almost like reading a different story set in the same universe. It was just as fast-paced and exciting, though, too, so this was a great choice for an easy, beginning-of-the-year read.
The City Beautiful / Aden Polydoros
THIS BOOK! There’s just so much I could say about The City Beautiful, I think I’ll probably end up writing a post at some point dedicated to it. Set during the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, it’s a new Jewish YA historical fantasy about a young man who finds himself possessed by the dybbuk of his close friend Yakov after his murder. I don’t remember where I first heard about the title (maybe a BookRiot newsletter?), but I put in a staff recommendation of purchase at the library for this title months ago (and to be honest, I think I submitted it twice), so I was the first one to get my hands on it when it was finally added to the collection at the beginning of the year. It’s just so well-written, and I loved the characters, the setting, and and and... You can definitely expect me to write another post about this book, there’s just so much I want to say about it! I loved it so much, I went out and bought myself a personal copy as soon as I finished reading the one I’d gotten from the library!
We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep / Andrew Kelly Stewart
This novella was my second post-apocalypse title of the year – a theme I didn’t intend on focusing on, but seeing as my hold arrived at the library on a day when I had a free afternoon…We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep is a distinctive story set in an alternate-timeline, post-nuclear-apocalypse version of the 1980s, and focuses on a group of doomsday cultists living on a submarine. The main character is a young girl who must pretend to be a boy to ensure her survival amidst the all-male cultists, an issue she must deal with in addition to planning her escape after discovering the new captain’s plan to release a decades-old nuke on what remains of Australia before sending their decrepit submarine to the depths of the ocean to die. Very niche novella, intriguing idea, and well-executed.
The Cat Who Saved Books / Sosuke Natsukawa
This one was my second favorite read of the month, behind The City Beautiful. Another quick, atmospheric novel, this one is about a high schooler in Japan who, after his grandfather’s death, faces the loss of the bookstore the two owned and called home for years - and the sudden appearance of a talking cat, who convinces him to follow along on journeys into mysterious worlds to save books in peril. It’s a fun work of magical realism, and I feel like I read it at the perfect time, as I’m currently playing through Persona5 again (a video game that shares some similarities with this book - talking cat and all!). In fact, I listened to this track off the Persona5 soundtrack the whole time I was reading, since it fit so well with the vibes of the story 🐈 Fun read for cat and book lovers alike!
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papillonrecordhouse · 7 years
Yuki x Sett: C - B Support
In collaboration with: @sakudrew
Sett: Hmmm, so my soldiers are supposed to bring the rebels' chief this morning, but it's already 11am... Maybe I should go check myself?
Sett: Ha? I can hear footsteps getting closers. They're coming.
Yuki: I already told you! I didn't know! And please stop yanking me... It hurts!
Soldiers: Your majesty! We finally caught the chief of the rebels who attacked and pillaged many villages nearby.
Sett: Yes, good job. I didn't expect a fragile lady though... You can leave, I need to ask some things in private.
Soldiers: Yes, your majesty. *leaves*
Sett: So... We finally meet. I must admit that this little game of cat and mouse was fun. But unfortunately, the ending won't be as pleasant...
Yuki: Oh nonono! Your Majesty, there has been a misunderstanding!
Yuki: I'm no rebel chief! I'm just an expert of naps and dreams! Please let me explain my story!
Sett: An expert of naps and dreams?...
Sett: Pfffhhahaha! Alright I'm all ears. You're here to speak after all.
Sett: I shall warn you though...
Sett: If you lie to me, I'll know it and you will be executed right away. You know about lèse-majesté don't you?
Yuki: Y-Yes sir, I-I understand. *gulp* I suppose I should begin from when I came back from town.
Yuki: A few nights ago, I was coming back from Ylisse in my travel wagon. I saw a couple arguing on the road. I stopped to help them and they told me they had to deliver some boxes. I told them I could help them, since I have no idea how to fix a wagon and the nearest repair shop was a good while away. So, they put the boxes in my wagon, we drove to the village they needed to go, and the soldiers stopped me. I asked why and the couple fled, leaving me with the boxes... filled with weapons. I had no idea that was what they were carrying! I swear to you, Your Majesty!
Sett:  A couple? What did they look like?
Yuki: Well the girl had a scarred left eye and the boy had a very elaborate way of dressing. Lots of talk, but no real... um- pardon the meanness, but not much brains.
Yuki: Oh! and the loveliest matching tattoos!
Sett: …!!! That was them!!! The ones who fitted that description...
Sett: ... *stares at Yuki carefully for a long moment*
Sett: I didn't sense any lies... but there is still something weird about you.
Sett: Sorry if I'm being rude at the moment, but this case is really important. We've been working on this for months and unfortunately you were dragged into it...
Sett: You may leave. I believe you.
Yuki: J-Just like that? Oh, thank the stars! *lets the broken cuffs slip off her* You should really invest in better cuffs. Those were so rusty.
Yuki: Also, Your Majesty, if I may be ask, who are these rebels? What are they rebelling against?
Sett: *chuckles* Thanks for the advice! I will take action.
Sett: And do not worry about that. I'm sure of your innocence. However, if it happens that you have really something to do with this case, I'll see you again soon anyway.
Sett: And I'll be merciless. *winks*
Sett: Oh... Those rebels are nothing more than nationalist plegians who are trying to rekindle conflicts between Ylisse and Plegia.
Sett: They aren't that many but the problem is coming from the weapons... From who did they get them?
Yuki: Oh, I see, well maybe I can help you, your Majesty! If I remember properly, I think I know what village they will go to next.
Yuki: Like I said before, the boy was lots of talk and no brains.
Sett: ...You would?? That would be awesome!!
Sett: Then I'm counting on you dear... uhm... what is your name?
Yuki: I'm Yuki Chance, Your Majesty. I work the Sleepie Sheep Dream Emporium~ I'd give you a card, but-
Yuki: *checks pocket* Never mind! Here~ *hands him a card*
Sett: *smiles while taking the card* Thank you Miss Chance! Seems like you bring good luck to people around you.
Yuki: *chuckles* They didn't call me the Luck Tactic back at the Academy for nothing, Your Majesty! ~
Yuki: So, if there is nothing else, I will go for now sir. I'm so very tired. The cell cots are horribly uncomfortable.
Sett: Haha sure. See you soon then!
Sett: *thinking: The Tactician Academy, right?... Hmm...*
[End of Support C]
 Yuki: ...So he really is going to execute them.
Yuki: I know they did wrong, and they killed people... but... this whole system feels so... wrong.
Yuki: *sighs as she watches the soldiers leave with the couple* ...
Sett: *suddenly appears behind Yuki with a smile* Hey Miss Chance. You were there too?
Yuki: ! *jumps* Your Majesty!
Yuki: Y-Yes I was here. I wanted to know how it went...
Yuki: You found them guilty so easily... If I may be so bold to say, maybe too easily.
Sett: *seems surprised* Ah? You really think so? All the evidences pointed them though.
Sett: They are indeed responsible for a ton of deaths among both civilians and soldiers. They are nothing more than terrorists.
Yuki: Yes, there is no doubting their guilt. I just mean to say- Well, outside this case. I think of how that could have so easily have been me.
Yuki: If you were in a harsher mood, or I had been unable to convince you with just my words... I would be the one with a missing head and not them. And that could be true of so many others that pass through your judging doors.
Sett: ...Well it's true. If I wasn't in the right mood or unable to question you the other day maybe you would have been executed with them.
Sett: As a king, my orders are absolute. Actually, I don't even need a reason to arrest people.
Sett: ... However. I wouldn't be worthy of being king if my priority wasn't to save innocents like you. And because I am absolute, I have the power to save you.
Sett: Trust me, it wasn't easy to convince my commander you were innocent. But I was confident... I’ve been familiar with this case for months, so I can tell when people are truly involved or not.
Sett: So yeah, Plegians's life are basically at my mercy... But I depend on them as well. If they ever stop trusting me, they could overthrow me anytime.
Sett: I'm proud to say that we have some of the world’s bravest and most dangerous fighters here.
Yuki: It's very good that you have so much trust in them, your Majesty. But...
Yuki: You can't erase the fact that you're human. And your heirs are human. And without checks, even with a heart even as kind as your own, this system will falter... *sighs*
Yuki: But I suppose it does not matter what I say. I'm not even a natural born... What do I know.
Sett: I am not conceited to the point of pretending I can save all the innocents. It's like you said... I'm merely human.
Sett: When you think about it, a king is nothing more than a human carrying a people's burden... Not a god, but not allowed to be a simple mortal either.
Sett: I hope you are conscious of something though...
Sett: ...Even if you can put the blame on me for being arrested despite your innocence, your naivety will keep causing you more troubles in the future. I hate to admit it, but New Plegia isn't exactly a land of peace and love. Any wrong step and your head maybe rolling at my soldiers' feet.
Sett: The world is full of wolves eating little sheep like you, so be a sneaky and smart one!
Yuki: Thank you, Your Majesty. I will try my best, though I can't say I will stop the way I am. It makes me happy to help others.
Yuki: But I hope you will think of what I said too. Even though I've only lived in Plegia for a few years, I've been very happy here. I can only wish the best for it and you.
Sett: Thank you for your advice, Miss Chance. I'm very happy to hear that. Though may I ask, what do you mean you’re not a natural born?
Yuki: Oh, I just mean, I'm not a natural born citizen of New Plegia. I'm from Ylisse. What did you think I meant?
Sett: *execution starting, pats her shoulder* Well I have to go now. If you can excuse m--
Sett: ..?! *thinking: That feeling... could it be?* *stares at Yuki, like he’s frozen*
Yuki: Oh s-sorry your Majesty! slips out of his grasp My clothes a-are enchanted, they are cold to the touch.
Yuki: I-I should go! Good-bye! *runs off*
Sett: Ohhh I see... *thinking: Hmmm.. there's something weird with that magic though...*
Sett: Miss Chance.... I should probably investigate more into you.
[End of Support B]
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jjaywmac · 4 years
This week, I have had a lot of friends reach out to me.  Great.  Because it is rather bleak in this small apartment in Paris.  I have my favorite songs playing on Spotify; Missy is close by; and a lot of projects in the works, so I stay busy.  AND, I have WiFi (FINALLY) and favorite programs on the television (BBC and CNN).  So, I am NOT bored.  Quite the contrary.  But, no matter how you look at it, this is not my idea of the way to see Paris during my birthday 2020.  Haha.  But this surreal event will begin to move on at some point, so I have to “gut up” while I am going through the days.  As do all of us. 
I have spent a lot of time upgrading my WordPress “Jayspeak” site, so that I now have a link to a “Voluntary Contributions” and “Donations” for readers to help me fund this project.  It is hard to be creative when you’re worried about money.  And, I am worried about money (along with my health).  So, I am considering this creative project “Jayspeak” a business and plan to develop it for my readers and followers.  Let’s face it, it is not every day that a woman, 83 and alone, ups and moves to Paris, France, to live and learn.  Haha.  It even sounds crazy to me!!  Well, actually, there have been a lot of problems, and EVERYTHING is expensive.  Duh.  …which takes me to my birthday, happening on Monday.  March 30, 1937.  Ugh.  I am going to spend some time with Lillie.  Who?  Lillie Westmoreland, my grandmother.  Hang in there!  I will try to make it interesting.  Jay (also known as “Janet Tallulah Jewell”) is speaking. 
One of my friends this week told me this, and I have thought about it a lot.  
“… we all carry the blood of our ancestors, and they survived through much more.”
Thus, I thought about “Lillie”.  And, I have been thinking about her ever since.  WHO?  What?  Lillie Westmoreland.  WHY?  What did she survive?  I don’t know.  This is what I know, sorta. This is her picture.  I don’t know how old she was when this was taken.  My niece, Deb Prince Kroll, colorized it.  She looks to be around 60 to me.  
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She was born into a family with 11 (COUNT THEM) – eleven!!!!!! children.  I don’t know where she was in the line-up.  Not oldest; not youngest.  I don’t know. I cannot imagine 10 brothers and sisters in the house.  Help!!!!!   They were not rich.  They were not poor.  I don’t know.  They lived in Royston, Georgia.  VERY SMALL TOWN.  Ugh.  She was born on September 12, 1840.  OK, let’s pause for a money to find out what was happening in the world in 1880. This is her father’s obituary that was in the Royston papers at the time of his death.  He was a Baptist preacher.  (no comment)
Seaborn Westmoreland Obit
Hello, Wikipedia!!! Help.
It was a Sunday.  Lillie was born (probably at home) on a Sunday, in Royston, Georgia.  The United States had five Presidents during the decade, the most since the 1840s. They were Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison.  On that day, James A. Garfield was president.  This is what I found interesting about him.
“At the 1880 Republican Convention, Garfield failed to win the Presidential nomination for his friend John Sherman. Finally, on the 36th ballot, Garfield himself became the “dark horse” nominee.  By a margin of only 10,000 popular votes, Garfield defeated the Democratic nominee, Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock.
Major power political disputes back then – same as now.  As President, Garfield strengthened Federal authority over the New York Customs House, stronghold of Senator Roscoe Conkling, who was leader of the Stalwart Republicans and dispenser of patronage in New York. When Garfield submitted to the Senate a list of appointments including many of Conkling’s friends, he named Conkling’s arch-rival William H. Robertson to run the Customs House. Conkling contested the nomination, tried to persuade the Senate to block it, and appealed to the Republican caucus to compel its withdrawal.  But Garfield would not submit: “This…will settle the question whether the President is registering clerk of the Senate or the Executive of the United States…. shall the principal port of entry … be under the control of the administration or under the local control of a factional senator.”  Conkling maneuvered to have the Senate confirm Garfield’s uncontested nominations and adjourn without acting on Robertson. Garfield countered by withdrawing all nominations except Robertson’s; the Senators would have to confirm him or sacrifice all the appointments of Conkling’s friends.  In a final desperate move, Conkling and his fellow-Senator from New York resigned, confident that their legislature would vindicate their stand and re-elect them. Instead, the legislature elected two other men; the Senate confirmed Robertson. Garfield’s victory was complete.
In foreign affairs, Garfield’s Secretary of State invited all American republics to a conference to meet in Washington in 1882. But the conference never took place. On July 2, 1881, in a Washington railroad station, an embittered attorney who had sought a consular post shot the President.  Mortally wounded, Garfield lay in the White House for weeks. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, tried unsuccessfully to find the bullet with an induction-balance electrical device which he had designed. On September 6, Garfield was taken to the New Jersey seaside. For a few days he seemed to be recuperating, but on September 19, 1881, he died from an infection and internal hemorrhage.
That said, I doubt the Lillie’s family was interested in politics or in the world at large, during those day.  No radios or television.  This was a large family, living in a small town in the Deep South.  Just trying to survive during the depression with a large family (Today, with DNA testing, I have confirmed by Ancestry.com that I have LOTS of cousins and cousins of cousins – especially with 11 kids growing up and having kids – black and white.  Hey, that was the South during those years.  How?  I don’t know how. Get over it!  
“The 1890s was the ten-year period from the years 1890 to 1899.   In the United States, the 1890s were marked by a severe economic depression sparked by the Panic of 1893, as well as several strikes in the industrial workforce. The decade saw much of the development of the automobile.  The period was sometimes referred to as the “Mauve Decade” – because William Henry Perkin’s aniline dye allowed the widespread use of that colour in fashion – and also as the “Gay Nineties”, referring to the fact that it was full of merriment and optimism. The phrase, “The Gay Nineties,” was not coined until the 1920s. This decade was also part of the Gilded Age, a phrase coined by Mark Twain, alluding to the seemingly profitable era that was riddled with crime and poverty.” – Wikipedia
Here is another picture.  I think she is 16.
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She would have been 16 in 1896, and there were football teams at the University of Georgia and Georgia Tech.  I know she played baseball with Ty Cobb in Royston.  He was a friend of hers.   She married a lawyer, Glen Dorough, who was also living in Royston.  I know she dreamed of being an actress and had “shows” in the family back yard and would present “pretend stories” to the neighbors in the afternoon presentation.  She would string a sheet on a clothesline for a curtain.  Her father has been described as a “character” with a good personality.  I don’t know much about her mother. 
I don’t know how old Lillie was when she got married.  Young, I think.  Very young.   I do know that she and Glenn had five little girls.  Mother was #2, I think.  Her name was Anna Louise Dorough when she was in college.  Quite a flirt with a good personality.
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Ruth was the oldest.  Then, Mother (Anna Louise).  Then, Lillian.  Then, Edna (she died when she was 21, from peritonitis).  Then Rose (the baby).   They were all in their 90’s when they died.  Papa Dorough (Glenn) died of cancer on November 19, 1940.  He was 65.  Lillie was 60.  I still remember the funeral.  Mother sent all of us to the movies so we would not be at the funeral.  But, before I went to the movies, I visited that living room and studied the casket.  I can still remember that day in my mind’s eye.  I can still see the flowers surrounding the coffin in the living room of the Mama Dorough’s boarding house on Green Street in Gainesville, Georgia (my home town).   I don’t know much about Glen. 
Lillie was 45 when her father died, November 7, 1935.  I was born in 1937, so Lillie was still rather young when I was born.  Mother was 35 when I was born.  So she was 33 when her grandfather died.  I think I have all of these ages wrong.  I keep trying to figure out how young Lillie was when she married Glenn, but I am confused.  My brain needs more exercise.  But, if Lillie was born in 1880 and her father died in 1935 and I was born in 1937……  That is where I get confused.  I think ALL of everyone is too young for ALL of this.  And, they all Died VERY OLD.  Amazing.  I want that blood of my ancestors in my veins, especially now that I want time to LIVE and explore Paris.  Haha.
At some point, Lillie started running a “boarding house” and helped with income, taking in “boarders”.  I think they were more into survival mode than what was going in the world.  Newspapers?  College?  Marriages?  I don’t know.  The flu?  Plagues?  Doctors? Medicine?  I don’t know. SEE. That is what will happen to me.  My children and grandchildren will know that I existed, but they won’t know much else.  I have a lot of trouble with that part – the disinterest.    But, enough about me, back to Lillie…
She at some point moved to Atlanta, still making money by taking in “boarders”, cleaning rooms and preparing all meals.  Quite industrious and entrepreneurial, especially when the South was going through a terrible depression. 
I loved Mama Dorough.  She was witty and loved jokes.  She would “chuckle”.  Remember “chuckles”.  Do people still chuckle?   She loved all of my kids, especially Craig and Blake.  She loved me.  She loved ALL of us.  Full of lots of love.  She loved her boarders.  They loved her.  How blessed I was to have her as my role model. At some point, I got concerned because the family did not know a lot about Lillie’s life, so I got some tapes and recorded my conversations with her.  I asked her about her life growing up.  She was reticent to talk about it.  But I got a lot from her.  I need to have help transcribing those tapes.  It is on my long list of projects for “someday”.  I seemed to be the only one who cared.  Debby (my niece) knows a lot more than I do.  She is interested in all of it. 
Lillie died March 6, 1992 at the age of 111.  She would have been 112 on September 12, 1992.  All of her daughters (except for Edna) lived to be in their 90’s. 
So, my hope is that I have Lillie’s blood in my veins and God knows what all she survived!  No one seemed to ask during those days.  “It was not discussed”.  Same as today.  No one is asking about me.  What I have survived. Or that my kids have survived.  Or that my grandkids have survived at their young ages.  They all have survived a LOT. 
Like each one of you.  But we are ALIVE.  Let’s stay that way.  So, on Monday, I shall celebrate Lillie Westmoreland, her life and her times.  And, all she survived.  And her wonderful spirit!  May it continue to live in me, in my blood, in my veins. 
Best, Jay 
(without hair and make-up.  Sorry, but it is recent and in lockdown.  So, you get the picture of a current selfie!!  Take note of the “support Jayspeak” button. To all I offend with my “support” button, I apologize in advance.  But, you move to Paris by yourself when you turn 83 and survive a pandemic!!!  This is not a requirement.  It is a voluntary simple  support button.  You can also do any multiple of 50, like 25 (I think), or 100 or 150 or …..  i hope it works.  Let me know if anyone has problems with it.  It should link with my PayPal account.  But, you also have to have a PayPal account, (I think).   So, this is a work in process.  Haha.   Sorry.
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ALIVE IN MY HEART! LILLIE! This week, I have had a lot of friends reach out to me.  Great.  Because it is rather bleak in this small apartment in Paris. 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 years
by all means, continue ranting about makoto. thank you. honestly, the bank arc really was honestly terrible and the second worst written, right after the okumura’s arc. you’d think it’d turn out that the mob boss was the one responsible for her father’s death, but nope. she literally has no reason to join the pt or even be there.
Np, if my salt can bring relief I shall keep bringing it. 8U
Her only reason is to....redeem herself I think? It’d be nice if the Kamo arc wasn’t just referred to as “what he did to Shiho” love the girl, but there were other victims too yo. ;w; Also funny how she’s like “I shall redeem myself! I shall force these high school kids who might be the PT, to change a mob bosses heart! Help/apologize to the Kamo victims? Nah! :D” All she really did was join our team and participate in battles (which isn’t mandatory, can get through the game without using her). Plans? Ha, soon as she joins we don’t even attempt to sneak the treasure out ever again. Let us in? Technically we can let ourselves in, the game is just....I dunno....dumb?  
If she just had a stronger connection to Kane, doesn’t even have to be her dad (and while maybe too obvious, works in hindsight....compared to what we got). Hell, she could’ve just taken her own initiative seeing her sister stressed about him too! 
As for Okumura and dungeons(under cut)
....I actually....I don’t hate that arc as much as most people. IT’S POORLY WRITTEN DON’T GET ME WRONG (and I def get why Oku is considered one of the worst, my priorities are a bit different maybe?)! Does Haru dirty like no other. But like he def deserves to be there, and what they have is good potential. It’s just a good ol’ flub fest. But I def rank his better than Mako/Futaba’s. Mako because just.....it’s so insulting and pointless and boring. Futaba because of the lore mess it creates (her shadow self.....her....gd.....shadow self.....orz), and I don’t like how they deal with mental illness by the end of it (or Futaba lying about how we stole her heart. What heart?????? There was no treasure we stole NOTHING!). I take a little flubbing over the game insulting the player and characters any day (seriously the fact Mako’s arc tries as far as to lie about characters, Anne didn’t know about Kamo! Because of mixed messages! She’s not the same as Mako who did know and didn’t care! They aren’t the same! Quit saying Anne not helping Shiho because she didn’t know is the same as that! ;w;) ANd then PQ2 lies both about Mako and Oku arcs asdklfjafj;fjkflj kill me. Oku’s gonna throttle Haru’s arc and not give us a coherent backstory till the last two secs AFTER we steal his treasure, just a big ol’ flub fest? Fine. Is it gonna be a poor message on mental illness (Futaba’s 3ish year depression was cured after a week of ~friends~!) or destroy the lore (both P5′s and Persona in general, Futaba dungeon) or character/arc assassination left and right (Mako dungeon)? Hell no. I’ll take the Big Ol’ Flub Fest for 500 Alex!
Tbh my rankings go....ah balls....I hate most of them....or they’re either really negative or the negatives outweigh the positives.....and my thoughts on Mada go down every time I play, but Shido is just so bland and so is yaldy.....Tbh Oku brings more to the table than them, but the writing isn’t very competent. But like......I wanna say Mada’s arc gets points for being competent, but he’s like competent to like......the dead roadkill that is most of the other dungeons (with him being the barely alive cicada that’s gonna die in 5 min)......geez I’mma have to do two ranks, one for story/plot/chars, the other for just design (how it looks/puzzles)
“Story”: Kane<Futaba<Shido/Yaldy(can’t decide which is worse)<Mada/Oku<Oku/Mada<Sae<Royal<Kamo
Design: Kane/Shido/Mada<<<<<Futaba<<Oku/Kamo/Yaldy<Sae<Royal
(fun fact: I typed Mako instead of Kane to rep the 3rd dungeon and I had to go back and correct......some of it. Was it just a mistake or my brain thinking she’s the real villain of the 3rd arc? 8U Jk it was a mistake, sometimes I call the arks by the villains names and sometimes by the char that joins....sans Kamo, but what if fdjasfklajf;j)
Design/puzzle wise, I just....find Kane/Shido/Mada’s boring as all hell. Slog to get through (Mada just hurts my eyes tbh). Futaba’s bad too, it’s just ranked higher cause I like egyptian stuff but it’s as lively as the dead bodies tombs hold. Oku/Kamo/Yaldy tie because....they have something I like but don’t blow me away but I don’t mind going through the dungeon cause there’s something I like. Kamo I just like the atmosphere only downside is no puzzels, Yaldy I like the atmosphere (well more the Mementos part tbh than the city part, probably cause it reminds me of Izanami kfdsljafaj;f) and the one puzzle (fav puzzle in the game, wish there were more). Oku hurts my eyes tbh and is a bit of a slog, but I like the airlock puzzle A LOT, I know other’s don’t but it’s one of the few good puzzles ok? ;w; Sae it’s pure atmosphere, love the casino vibe and music. Royal is the same, atmosphere and music, but I also like the puzzle (not as much as Yaldy’s or Oku but I still like it a lot). 
Story wise.....yeah.... I already quickly talked about Kane/Futaba. Shido and Yaldy I don’t hold in a very high regard (Shido as a concept is neat but execution is boring as sin....haha sin......), Yaldy is just a knock off Nyarly trying to be a knock off Izanami (you can’t be both Yaldy, you have to choose one! They are too different! Tbh you’re worse than Kagu, at least Kagu was just trying to be Nyarly! You’re ripping off two antagonists instead of one!). Mada/Oku flip flop. Oku is......a freaking mess, but I do find him very interesting, they did him and Haru so dirty (but the potential is there). Mada I feel like he’s a discount Kamo, and they don’t go as far and they focus too much on Yusuke rather than all the other victims (I hate he let his mom die, not cause it’s a horrible thing, but it felt unnecessary like they were marking a box off as if he already wasn’t bad enough). I feel like the game tries to make us forgive this guy more than Oku tho, and they don’t do a good enough job exploring a lot of these complex emotions (esp during the arc) for it to really work (on me at least). But yeah fun fact, Yusuke def didn’t need to join like Mako, game’s devs kinda shot themselves in the foot for both. Didn’t need Mako to get through the door (since we had also become Kane’s “guests”), don’t need Yusuke cause we can get through the door (via a window, via walking AROUND the electric fence) and thus no need for shenanigans. Sae has similar issues as Mada’s in terms of devs lack of noticing the surroundings they made and how we can get around them, also writing issues but not as bad as Mada (not great tho but eh). Royal’s has A LOT of great ideas which I love....there are issues tho (I need to refresh/reevaluate them). I think my thoughts on the dungeon when I played the JPN ver was “this is wasted on P5.” Kamo I just think is solid, and that’s a lot for P5......with it’s shaky ass foundation, Kamo was the damn pillar holding it together (not really akslfdjafj;). 
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