#yes her name is Secretary
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Dungeon Maker Demon lords as Yuu!
As a way to tide my creativity over, time to do something literally no one knows about nor wants! The demon lords have landed in twisted wonderland and have a bad case of amnesia.
Warning there will be spoilers for twisted wonderland… and like there's barely any story in Dungeon Maker but i will be referring to what little it has for one of the characters. So I guess spoilers for Dungeon Maker? (dude you don't need to know anything about Dungeon Maker. I just rant about how much I hate Luca. at the end it’s not headcanons anymore. So if you don't want to sit through my boring ass lecture on how much I hate Luca. you can skip the last “headcanon”)
Tw: sexual-ish content (no NSFW! Just innuendos, and photos of bathing suits), amnesia, mentions of mass murder.
“All I know is my name is Lilith. What's yours cutie?” “*wink* I can show you a good time.” “hm? Oh need something hun?” “oh flirting back, bold move there.”
Oh boy does this Yuu know how to flirt, Yuu will flirt with anything with a pulse that isn't under the age of 16. Man, woman, or other as long as it’s over sixteen is not safe. Yuu just keeps trying seduction techniques. If no one cares that’s fine, to Yuu it’s for the sport of it. Innuendos and lewd remarks are also common. Using sexual body language to pull poor saps in. Does Yuu want to do the do? Who knows! no one’s ever given them the time of day.
Yuu’s also super attractive! Well kinda expected… Why would someone be such a player if they weren't? They tend to use their looks to their advantage to get what they want. Blinking their eyes at the right time. Almost always getting out of situations with a slap on the wrist. A silver tongue can do wonders on the right people. Yuu knows when it is not acceptable to NOT flirt. Understanding there are times it just makes people uncomfortable. Also stopping when people say it’s uncomfortable. Consent is sexy after all! At least that's what Yuu says.
Leadership style: every single one of the Yuu’s have extremely good leadership skills. So how do we differentiate? Showing off the styles! Yuu uses charming words and compliments to instill loyalty. If you hear Yuu dish out orders it’s like a seductive whisper promising great things. No one is immune to Yuu’s charm. When I said Yuu had a silver tongue I wasn't lying.
Let me set the scene: you, a presumed human, have been living at this school for the past few months. You remember nothing but your name. And have no recollection of a past beyond being trapped in a coffin for a few seconds. You help the people around you and fight horrible monsters. So when you wake up with a pair of bright pink horns. a thin pink tail AND small black wings. You would panic as well. That was the day Yuu found out that. NO they are not human, and yes they are a succubus… welp guess all the compulsive flirting was a part of Yuu’s biology.
So after figuring out what exactly Yuu was, Yuu accidentally also found out what they're magic was. Who knew Yuu could summoning a pink whip that forces anyone hit by it to obey you every command? Scary… Yuu holds onto this thing like it will end the world. Considering it has ended worlds… not that Yuu knows that in their still amnesic state. Yuu’s never tried to use it, keeping it strapped to their hip. Yuu hopes they never have to use it.
Favorite students: Cater matches Yuu’s energy very well. He also knows when to tell Yuu off once they start flirting way too much. Yet the two just click. Cater totally posts pictures of Yuu to get more followers on magicam. Yuu’s fine with it so why not exploit it? Yuu can also see how Cater keeps them at arm's length. Yeah there's one other skill Yuu naturally has. It’s to just tell when people are not being genuine. Yuu’s slowly trying to untangle Cater’s issues.
Least favorite students: Kalim is too dense! Only taking Yuu’s flirting at face value. Yuu’s not going to take advantage of someone who doesn't understand what they truly are saying. That is to say Yuu doesn't hate Kalim. The two get along great. But for Yuu to hold you favorably you have to at least flirt back.
“No, it’s fine!” “ugh is it hard walking for you as well?” “my mouth is watering?” “... I'm what?”
Yuu has a lot of medical issues. Iron deficiency, vitamin D deficiency. It doesn't help that Yuu hates the sun. it doesn't hurt them or anything… It's just annoying. The Sun’s just too bright or too hot. Yuu needed a lot of blood transfusions. Spending most of their time in the infirmary. It gets really bad considering walking is hard for Yuu. getting up after class causes them to fall over. They are envious of other students who don't have the medical issues they have. Who can run, and jump without having to worry if they're going to be able to get up afterwards.
Even with Yuu’s issues Yuu really excels in their studies. Yuu could even be called the top of the school. able to beat anyone in a battle of the minds. Yuu even beat Leona in chess. “Yuu’s intelligence is the only good thing about them.” that is what NRC’s students say, and what Yuu thinks of themself. Their lack of magic hurts them as they watch students do the impossible…
Leadership style: Yuu’s intelligence extends past school subjects. Bleeding out into being extremely adept at strategic warfare and tactical thought. Being a strategist that comes once every millenia. Using sound logic to crush any opposition. Yuu’s a tactical genius.
Setting the scene: Yuu’s fallin after trying to keep up with Ace and Deuce for the tenth time of that day. Both boys care for Yuu and try to help them up. It just so happened that they were near a brier bush… and Ace accidentally cut his hand on the thorns. After they help Yuu’s drooling. “Hey Yuu you ok? You uh look…” Ace didn't get to finish his sentence before Yuu licked the blood off the wound. Both brushed it off as Yuu was their friend. Yet the odd thing for the next hour Yuu never complained about it being hard to walk… after that Yuu had to at least try something out. So the next day when Yuu was in the infirmary. When the nurse was getting IV ready Yuu took the blood pack, and bit down. Considering how most people don't do this there was a panic. Yet after tons of questions and Yuu feeling better then they have ever. They found out Yuu was a vampire
It took a while but Yuu found out they had Hemokinesis. The ability to manipulate blood. Yuu’s now terrified of them self. It’s scary too scary. Knowing you can manipulate blood. Yuu’s been too tempted to take blood from unsuspecting students. Yet holds themself back. Yuu doesn't know the limits of this ability… and they're scared to know. because it could be very telling about their past. Something they haven't thought about too much. Until now, just what kind of person were they? And how horrible they were that the sun doesn't hurt them at all? The only way that could be is if they had taken lives.
Favorite students: Lilia had always comforted Yuu about their condition when everyone still thought it was medical. Saying how they had talents that no one else had. The way he hangs from the ceiling was comforting and a bit nostalgic for some reason. So when they found out about Yuu’s vampire lineage Yuu became worried that people would leave them out of fear. Yet everyone stayed. Lilia was the one to explain it “if you wanted to hurt us you would have done so already.”
Least favorite students: Floyed. Yuu could not run very well. And while yes merpeople aren't very good at running. Floyed has long legs, Yuu doesn't. Yuu couldent run away from him in book 2. Dring book two Yuu had so many issues in the sea trying to get that picture. Floyed quite literally swam circles around Yuu. Floyed gave Yuu so many issues. Yet when the truth of what Yuu really was got out. Floyed get annoyed when Yuu for the first time out rain him. And it felt like an huge accomplishment for Yuu.
“What’s wrong with me?” “Did you see that?” “AHHH! G-g-ghosts!” “...dark magic…undead…”
Yuu’s skin is pale grey, pointy ears, and bone white hair. They look unnatural. Yuu also smells like dirt for some reason. Yuu looks like how Ramshackle sounds. Is Yuu a fey? Well Yuu doesn't know. But Yuu’s red eyes clearly see things no one else can. Yuu claims the ghosts don't look like marshmallows and more like corpses. Often being too scared to face the ghosts that work at NRC. Yet for some reason the ghosts of the school gravitate towards Yuu.
Yuu’s very adept at magic theory. Almost as if Yuu is a mage them self. That's ridiculous. Yuu’s never used magic. The mirror also said they have no soul so it’s not like they can use magic. Yuu’s just good at magic theory. There's been plenty of non-magic users who’s good at magic theory.
Leadership style: Yuu gives out clear and concise orders. Treating the people around them as if they're going to follow the orders. Not accounting if anyone doesn't want to do them. And I mean the last time someone didn't do that they got seriously hurt during one of the over blot fights. So everyone just follows the orders. Some people do complan yet Yuu ignores all comments.
Setting the scene: Sam’s store has always been an interesting place for Yuu. the magic items have always intrigued. Cursed or not Yuu is fascinated by magic. Sam knows this, and likes to show Yuu magic items that in theory could work. Today he wanted to show them an object that glows when touched by the undead. Yet no one can raise the dead. Magic has lim- why is it glowing so bright when Yuu’s touching it. So Sam decided to give it to Yuu to figure out since it reacted so highly to Yuu’s presence. Only to contact his shadow friends about what the hell was happening. One thing led to another, and Yuu’s truth was revealed. Yuu’s a litch. Someone with such strong magic they came back from the dead and now live in a timeless limbo.
Ok so many people freaked out after finding out Yuu not only died, but CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD! Yuu was so excited when Crowley gave them a magic pen. Yuu held back on doing any magic until the end of the day in which they went out back of ramshackle. To test out some experimental magic… ok how about a simple summoning spell? I mean if Yuu’s a litch it’s possible to bring the dead back right, and well yup that’s a walking skeleton. Currently standing at the ready for orders. Then it dawned on Yuu, they summoned that skeleton a little too easily. Who’s to say that they didn't hurt people to continue their magic research in the past.
Favorite students: Idia and Yuu get along too well. They both babble on about experimental magics and magic machines. When Idia found out Yuu was a Litch! Something that should be impossible. Someone didn't open the door to the underworld right?! When Yuu told Idia they raised the dead. The poor teen fainted when he saw the skeleton servant. Idia is tempted to ask Yuu if they could possibly bring his brother back.yet at the same time he’s worried what the result could end up being.
Least favorite students: Azul leave Yuu ALONE! So what if he wanted to contact Yuu before the truth was out. Yuu didn't want to write spells for anyone but themself. When the truth came out Azul got more pushy. If Yuu came back from the dead they must have an unbelievable amount of magic! And when Yuu’s ability to summon the dead got out Azul became relentless, any small favor would constitute rights to Yuu’s magic. Yuu’s dodge all attempts so far. But Yuu’s been more inconvenienced more than usual. Almost as if someone is trying to get Yuu to owe them a favor.
“Say that to my face!” “Come on now, let’s talk with our fists!” “Raghhhh!” “you need help picking something up, sure I’ll help!”
Yuu is freakishly strong. Yuu’s clearly a beast man cow with the bovine horns sprouting up from there head. And their cow-like tail. The only thing that sticks out? Their color. I've never heard of a pink cow. Perhaps Yuu’s half fey or something. It would explain their high magic talent. Yuu loves helping out with a massive grin on their face.
Yuu adores cute things. Often gushing about baby chicks, or making flower crowns. Yuu is so girly it hurts. They actually hate the uniform for how uncute it is. Yet even with all of these qualities. People forget that Yuu has a very short temper, and is quick to violence. Often huffing and hitting first before asking questions.
Leadership style: Yuu uses their temper to their advantage. Anyone steps out of line a glare down at whoever decided to make a mess of Yuu’s plan. Yuu’s total dominance over strength has them the strongest physically over anyone else. Don't take Yuu as a fool, they are just as good at planning fights as they are at fighting.
Setting the scene: With everyone thinking Yuu is a beast man everyone thought that was all. No one needed more questions about it, yet Yuu felt like it was wrong. Their coloring doesn't follow how the beast man should look. There are no pink wolf beast men. So why is Yuu the odd one out? And after a DNA sample and an extremely old book. Yuu’s minotaur hartige was found. Who would have known that Yuu's anger issues were genetic?
Yuu’s favorite way to use magic is to enhance their already ridiculous natural strength. Yet this doesn't just apply to them they can enhance others. Just the caveat of a bit of their own wrath also gets transferred. But what's that compared to being able to lift up a truck!
Favorite students: Lilia just gets Yuu on a spiritual level. Dressing in cute outfits is the beast. The two gossip. And Yuu helps Lilia with anything he needs… as long as it requires physical power. Lilia and Yuu look like besties. And sometimes it feels like they are. Ace and Deuce do get jealous of the two’s friendship. Ace is meant to be the best friend! And Deuce is worried that Yuu will forget about him.
Least favorite students: Yuu never wanted to dislike anybody. Nope, not at all. But god dammit “Leona get you ass up right now! Our test is in three minutes!” yup Yuu hates how nonchalant Leona is about practically everything. Not citing it as his lack of motivation but just seeing it as him being lazy. Yuu’s pretty simple with everything outside of battle so why is he so unmotivated?!
“Let’s turn the heat up!” “I don't know why I’m on fire… what do you mean there's another student who looks like me?” “I have a burning hot will!” “so that is what makes me different”
A burning hot will that could never be extinguished. Liking to live life on the edge Yuu’s life is exciting. Something about being in the center of chaos is nostalgic. Getting a little too close to fire for people’s liking. Yuu’s strange, that's for sure.
For how normal they look. Their hair is made up of fire. Othering them from most of the other students. That was until Yuu was told another student had hair like theres and his a was blue fire. So uh wasn't exactly a normal meeting having someone breaking into your room asking you what you were. the two have actually gotten close. Even though Yuu terrifies Idia.
Leadership style: using a burning passion and just a little bit of force. Loudly yelling out orders from the fort line Yuu’s no normal leader that's for sure. Most expect for someone as weak and magicless as Yuu they would get hurt in the Overblot fights…
Setting the scene: And you wouldn't be wrong. Yuu’s been injured a little too much. Let me set the scene: you're in book 3 and Yuu’s in the front line fighting Azul themself. And losing horribly for the sheer fact Azul is actually a lot stronger than people give him credit for. Then Yuu's keeping him back… *snap*. And Yuu’s body breaks in half due to the sheer force exuded on it. Yuu’s at least paralyzed for life, and their friends don't even have the time to mourn their death. They have to focus on Azul. well Azul’s beaten eventually. And Yuu’s friends start to mourn them as Yuu’s last moments are spent in total numbness. And as Yuu closes their eyes… Yuu’s body gets hot. Very hot. Like Yuu’s on fire. No seriously Yuu’s on fire and everyone is panicking. As Yuu’s body becomes ash. Before reforming. Yuu’s a pure fire elemental.
Yuu’s ability to make fire. Any kind. Like white hot fire, purple, blue, oranges, Yuu’s fire can be as hot as the sun… Yuu’s tried it away from everyone else. And such destructive power… it is… so just who was Yuu? Yuu’s getting worried about their own past.
Favorite students: Ace and Yuu’s friendship has been an eternal constant. The two get along very well and Yuu’s never going to forget Ace. When Yuu was still wondering what they truly were Ace was there to help them relax. When Yuu’s resurrection happened the first to nearly die due to relief was Ace. These two are stuck at the hip.
Least favorite students: man so many dower and people to bring passion to. Yuu truly has mixed feelings about Idia’s lifestyle. They know that pushing him to get out of his dorm could backfire, and yet they do it anyway. Yuu wants Idia to get out more and not have to stay in his dorm all day.
“See, it's harmless.” “your crushing the flowers!” “Oh my, aren't you all sweet.” “I’m… what?”
Yuu has an extreme affinity for anything nature related, often being found in the botanical garden or outside in the forest. Often getting upset when people crush flowers, or litter. Yuu’s not going to get mad if someone steps on grass, but don’t destroy the natural beauty around you. And it’s hard to argue.
Animals and fairies tend to gravitate towards Yuu. This dose induced the fey; they just naturally gravitated towards Yuu. leaving them in a good relationship with the Diasomnia dorm. It’s harmless, the student feels like they are looking for something, and finds that something when they find Yuu. That has raised some suspicions, why would they naturally try and seek Yuu out?
Leadership style: Yuu uses kind words and general affirmations to make someone follow their commands. A “please” and “thanks you” tend to follow up on any orders Yuu gives out. Yuu also generally has a sweet demeanor.
Setting the scene: ok so it was a while and after a lot of quetoning. During the first day of spring wherever Yuu stopped flowers were soon to follow. While this would normally be considered minor. Some of the flowers they make literally tear through the floor and sprout up from underneath them. And the size of some of these flowers! When Yuu stood in place for too long a rose the size of Heartslabyul dorm grew. This all accumulated in the Head mage decided that continuing to call Yuu human was more trouble than it was worth. He could actually get insurance if Yuu was found to be a powerful fey. As after various rituals and long nights as well as several repair bills. Crowley cracked the code. Calling Yuu a fey wasn't wrong per say. But uh…. Yuu was a dryad not fey. Crowley cured the land at which Yuu now walked.
Magic: to call Yuu a classic dryad was not right. Yuu was more of a spirit of nature than a nature spirit. Yuu cans grow, control, and revive plants. The extent at which this power of theirs gose. Well Yuu hasn't found a limit yet. Such powerful magic makes Yuu nigh unstoppable. No wonder why such magical creatures were attracted to Yuu.
Favorite students: Malleus Draconia And Yuu get along so well you could say they were dating and half the school would say. “Yah that sounds right.”. Not that they are. The two are purely friends. Malleus didn't know why he gravitated to Yuu for no reason after the two first met. Yet the two became fast friends monolonging to each other about their specialized interests.
Least favorite students: Ortho is a good kid. He truly is yet the fact that he’s not a natural being irks Yuu only a little bit. She can't hate the kid… but she can say she doesn't like him either right? It’s a bit of a strained smile as Yuu looks at Ortho. Yet their opinion could change if Ortho tried to help the environment.
“Huff* Huff* hey let me keep up!” “The sea is so beautiful I wish I were a mermaid so I could swim in it all day.” “You mean we're going underwater and can breathe underwater!” “hahaha this feels so natural! What do you mean I’ve chag- Oh my! It’s gorgeous!”
An avid lover of all things ocean, sea and underwater. Who stares at the aquariums in Octavinellefor hours. To Yuu the sea is the most beautiful thing to ever exist. Any creature big or small is gorgeous in their own right and has their own place in the circle of life. Yuu looks at the merpeople and can't help but feel jealous of them.
Yuu has an affinity for anything ocean related, like merpeople. As such merpeople naturally gravitate towards Yuu, and Yuu gushes about how amazon the merpeople are. Yuu often asks questions about what it is like to live under the ocean. What society is like down there, and what they use as currency. Yuu asks so many questions.
Leadership style: Yuu’s leadership style is quite lax. Often letting other people take the reigns but calling out to them. Like saying where weak spots are. Or if they are about to be hit. Yuu takes a hands off approach to calculate and learn what weak spots an enemy has and what openings they have as well.
Setting the scene: when book 3 rolled around and Yuu had to go underwater to get the photo Yuu was more then just ecstatic. Yuu could barely sit still in class. So when Acee and Deuce dragged Yuu and Jack to the ocean Yuu gladly followed. Unlike everyone else though… Yuu didn't suffer from lack of air after drinking the potion yet still entered anyway. I mean they drank the potion. So entering the ocean and looking at the sites that they had only dreamed of. One could not fault Yuu for not noticing their tail sooner. Yuu was a mermaid.
Magic: controlling anything related to the ocean, sea, and underwater comes naturally to Yuu. The ocean itself is Yuu’s domain. Such amazing control. Yuu’s almost worried that they could control mer people. And Yuu never wants to try and see if they can. It would scare them too much if they were good at it as well. It paints a scary picture of their past. Also Yuu can just make themself a pair of legs whenever. Doesn't mean Yuu’s good at using them though running iters Yuu out.
Favorite students: Jade, Floyd, Azul. They are all dear to Yuu. they lived in the ocean before they knew that they too used to live in the ocean. Yuu’s smart enough to know that they shouldn't make a deal with Azul. That doesn't mean that they can't be Azul’s friend. And Azul sort of echoes that statement. Sort of grateful for Yuu, their compliments to him mean more to him then he lets on. So Yuu’s friendship is valuable to him.
Least favorite students: Yuu doesn't like Vil. he’s too arrogant. He is not as pretty as the sea yet acts like he is. The two kinda butt heads. since both are actually quite stubborn. It’s hard to tell who’s won in any situation when the two get into a fight. Vil’s poison making is annoying and dangerous for the environment. And Yuu will always make a point to sneer whenever Yuu sees Vil making poison.
“No one is as intelligent as I am!” “hmf, beg for my help then maybe I’ll help you.” “Do you think your opinion matters to me?” “Naturally I wasn't surprised.”
Yuu is arrogant. Super extremely arrogant. One could forgive them if they were strong. But since Yuu is a magicless human all they really can brag about is being smart. And with the battle of the ego’s being this whole school’s main plot. So yuu’s often disregard or out right teased for how arrogant they are. Yet for some reason it never gets to Yuu.
Yuu’s extremely unwilling to help other people normally having to be threatened into assisting anyone, or having to have people grovel at their feet. To say Yuu is a bit of a bastard is not untrue. Yuu’s personality is horrible so the only thing that they have for them is their looks and smarts. Their Haughty attitude has gotten them in plenty of trouble with other students. Yet Yuu only sometimes looks away, and say thanks to people who help them get out of trouble.
Leadership style: to say Yuu give out orders is an understatement. Yuu gives out commands. It feels like Yuu’s looking down on everyone as Yuu commands them to follow their plan exactly as described. And every time it works Yuu just pats their own back with a smug look.
Setting the scene: Yuu’s been keeping to themself a little too long. Ace and Deuce are the only people who truly keep up with their horrible personality. The small thank you’s were enough for those two to keep being friends. So when those two got in trouble for being Yuu’s friends. It pissed Yuu off. Yuu clenched their hands. “These two are under my protection. Who are you to hurt them!” Yuu yelled as lightning struck whoever planned this whole thing. Realizing something as they looked behind them. A halo appeared, one too big to belong to an angle. I guess Yuu’s haughty attitude wasn't unfounded. Yuu is the god of lightning
Magic: control every part of electricity and natural disasters id uh kinds overkill. But Yuu's a GOD so uh I guess it makes sense. How else am I meant to explain how op Yuu is? Yuu has no downside to their power. Yet there's something sinister about Yuu.
Favorite students: Rook is too much of an enabler… he just gives those with an ego too big more fuel to their fire. So when Yuu was revealed to be a GOD. yah that went over as well as you expected. Rook just piling on praise and Yuu soaking it all up. Vil was indeed jealous so what if that darn perfect is god. Their personality is horrible.
Least favorite students: literally anyone who doesn't compliment them or think they're lower then Yuu. so over half the cast… grate… Yuu has a particular rivalry with Malleus. Who the hell is this fairy to look down on Yuu so subtly. It pisses Yuu off. Yuu should be looking down on him! He acts as if looking down on Yuu is the most natural thing. Pissing Yuu off even more. So the shock when Malleus found out he’s been looking down on a GOD. yah that took him a minute to process.
“Fight me you punk!” “I don't trust anything I can't solve with my fists.” “You suck really badly, you know that right?” “I’m a what?”
Yuu’s such a war monger. Always looking for fights and taking the slight hint of aggression as a personal challenge. Using any dirty trick they can win a fight. There's no respect for Yuu. Honer who’s her? Yuu’s a fighting machen who’s had to be pulled back by complete strangers. Yuu’s looking to fight anyone and everyone.
Other than that Yuu’s got a strange affinity for making poisons. It’s odd considering Yuu likes fist to fist combat. I think the only thing that can cure Yuu’s murder boner is making poison. Because during that there dead calm, focused, and even relaxed. It’s a shocking contrast seeing them so calm. Normally when they walk they look like they are about to pounce on the first person they see. Yet when they're carrying a vile poison it looks like they are the most composed scientist in the world.
Leadership style: RUNNNNNNN INNNNNNN! You want a command? Get the hell out of my way! Yup Yuu’s a bit of a berserker. Normally using their extremely good tactical skills to fight alone and win. Yuu’s the front line fighter giving others commands like “support me.” or “get your ass out of here.”
Setting the scene: it’s book 5 and Vil has started poisoning the food everyone eats, and for the sake of plot. Let’s just say Yuu’s also been affected by the poison. Yuu didn't want to follow one of the orders since Yuu’s going to play by their own rules until they die, yet they dont die from poison. instead their hair starts moving on its own! Is that hissing! Yup Yuu is a gorgon snake.
Magic: a gorgon snake with both a high tolerance to poison and who’s magic is to inflict any sort of poison they want on their enemies. Yuu’s realization of this kinda scares them. If they had magic like this why is fist fighting such a central thing to them… Yuu stopped fighting after realizing what they are. After all, what the hell could they have possibly done in their past.
Favorite students: Jack is too good of a sparring partner to give up. So Yuu pays nice and by his rules. And Jack respects him for this. Yet can't help but sigh watching Yuu play dirty tricks on others.
Least favorite students: in yet another installment of “stop stalking me rook.” Yuu’s been followed by rook after you know they're gorgon lineage has been revealed. Yuu’s now glad to have so many eyes makes it easier to spot the bastard and beat him up for spying on them.
*sigh* do i have to?
“:*nod*” “sure I’ll help.” “... huh?” “get away!”
The only demon lord in the game with a cannon personality. And that personality is a cardboard box. Notice how I said only one. That is because I’ve given everyone a personality based on their design. Their species aren't even confirmed. So I had to make it up on the spot. But the last one is the most anti-climatic. No you know what these headcanons are just going to be me complaining in the most entertaining way possible. *grabs Luca and throws him across the room*
This dude is a visual novel protagonist, no seriously he is. The story mode of this game has you playing as the most basic dude ever moreover. Normally you can get at least some milinge out of dialog options. You could pick a funny one or a serious one. It’s why I actually love Persona 5’s protagonist even though he’s basically the same thing. His dialogue options give him personality. Hell twisted wonderland’s makes Yuu sound clueless, scared, sometimes even sassy. Not everyone loves these options. People make their own Yuusona’s as a result of that. The story is entertaining and people make up their MC to think up new story beats. But even Dungeon Maker’s story is boring and just kinda there. This is a roguelite mobile game. So truly the story is only meh. It’s the gameplay I like. Luca is the only person you could play in the story mode. While in every other game mode you can pick from every single other demon lord Including Luca.
Leadership style: this man would just give out orders. Like boring ass “Hey do that.” or “attack there” boring. I will never get over how this guy’s secretary follows him.
Here’s where I get into the semantics of how a good character design can tell you a lot about them. I think the only good part of Luca is his character design. He’s clearly a demon like Lilith is a succubus. Yet if you look closely in some of his outfits you can see he uses shadows shaped as thorns. Which Is a great translation of his thorn build in game. That's where the parts I can control stop. because once more he's only demon lord in the game with a cannon personality
I will touch on gameplay aspects here. The game as its name implies a dungeon Builder. Where you're protecting a Demon lord from waves of hero’s each demon lord has four skills you can use. Each demon lord is themed around one of the game's core buffs/debuffs. Luca as i previously stated was built around thorns, and armor. A purely defensive build. In the end though you’ll end up gett a little bit of everything on your demon lord
Any sort of character interaction between him and other characters would probably fall in the same way I normally do MC charters. I make sure it’s up to reader interpretation. If you go back and read some of my other works you’ll find I like keeping MC’s dislikes vague at least. MCs are meant to be self inserts most of the time so I like to translate that a bit into my writing.
for keeping up with my angry ranting about a fictional character that literally no one has ever heard of you get this!
“I hoped you washed your hands before touching me.” “Master, I have returned for you.” “my dear leader, you've lost your memories. I shall get them back.” “Now do you understand we shall destroy this world as we have for so many others!”
Truth of the past revealed. And the secretary has come back for her demon lord. The secretary is clearly this close to losing it, Because these people are being so friendly with her boss. to call out that they were a bringer of destruction wherever they went and destroyed worlds. It’s clear that they are not in that mindset. It's almost like they have the same DISGUSTING mindset as those heroes. That tried to kill them. It’s alright all that she has to do is subtly nudge memories out of her Master’s head.
Now after fully regaining memories there is a very important voice to be made. Choice one is to stop all they have done, and give up to go continue their conquest. To continue to destroy the words. The secretary is most pleased with this being the choice. The second choice is laying down arms. Who said we needed to fight? We can just stay here and make friends. This is the secretary’s most hated option. The last one. Why stop at one Secretary? Bring the boys into the loop. Show them what true power is. Have them learn from your army! Adapt and overcome hardships. The devil stone is powerful enough to bring them back perfectly fine.
#twst#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#dungeon maker x twst#dungeon maker#Dungeon Maker#dungeon maker irea#irea#dungeon maker luca#luca#dungeon maker marielle#marielle#dungeon maker rebecca#rebecca#dungeon maker emma#emma#dungeon maker viper#viper#dungeon maker floria#floria#dungeon maker tania#tania#dungeon maker elizabeth#elizabeth#dungeon maker lilith#lilith#dungeon maker Secretary#Secretary#yes her name is Secretary#tbh Luca may have more personality I just haven't gotten that far in the story mode since it's so hard!
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Networking/Knowing A Guy: A Guide
This is the autism website. Now, as an extension of the power of love and friendship, there are few things more useful than Knowing A Guy. Knowing A Guy means you have a support network. Knowing a plumber, or a tax accountant, or just that one dude that's really fucking good at finding the information you need when you're really overwhelmed, can be the difference between being able to pay rent and having a fun party with friends to fix your shit.
How does one end up Knowing A Guy? It's a skill you can develop called Networking and it is one of the foundations of society. Unfortunately making those connections with people is fucking hard and nobody makes a tutorial for it. So, here you go:
The golden rule is you scratch my back and I scratch yours
It is necessary for survival to seek out useful people
Great news! Everyone is useful in some form or fashion - including you! When given the opportunity to learn about someone, do it! Extroversion does not come naturally to some people and that's okay. Just take whatever falls in your lap.
Types of usefulness: trade skills, connections of their own, personality you jive with, pleasant to talk to, niche interest in shared hobby, security - the list is pretty much endless. I know a guy that lives in the metro area - no job, no major hobbies, inoffensively annoying to me personally, kinda ignorant, not attractive to me, but you know what? He knows how the fuck to get around the city by foot. My rural-raised ass APPRECIATES the guide.
Remember important information: general personality, background, skillset, likes and dislikes. You can find this information by making smalltalk about their life. There is no such thing as pointless conversation. (Yes, even the annoying smalltalk)
The more people you know, the higher the likelihood that one of them will be useful in a given situation - or will know someone who is.
It is overwhelming. In a given clique/community/workspace/whatever, there is A Guy Who Knows The Other Guys. This Guy is a shortcut. Find them. They're often elderly, extroverted, a little bit annoying, a secretary or in some otherwise forward-facing position. Look for people that are gossipy/talk about other people a lot but not in negative ways. If they constantly talk shit, they'll talk shit about you too. They're still useful but be careful with the information you share
You do not have to like someone for them to be useful.
You do not have to like someone for them to be useful.*
If you have low self esteem, you're going to feel like you're using people. You're not. That's the devil talking. People like feeling valued and the connections you are making are the threads holding community together. Recognize people for their talents. It's only a problem when you're taking advantage of people
So: don't feel scummy about it. You're an animal. You have to claw out your right to survive and people will respect you more for it.
Luckily mutualism is the name of the game in the animal kingdom. Offer something back. The foundation of a Know A Guy relationship is Mutual Benefit
Sometimes that Mutual Benefit is just spreading news of the The Guy far and wide. My plumber friend is my actual friend and I love her to death, but I'm maintaining our backscratch relationship by pimping out her plumbing business to anyone that'll listen
Food is a good Mutual Benefit. People across cultures for all of human history have bonded over food. I have good success asking people for a favor and then offering to buy them lunch in return **
General compensation is also good. Offer a service in return and always do your best to offer financial compensation as appropriate. Having your plumber friend take a look at your drain: doable with a case of beer. Having your plumber friend redo the pipes in your entire house? You need to pay for that.
Being transactional is not necessarily a bad thing. I would advise against keeping an itemized list of things owed, but fish don't seek out cleaner shrimp just because they enjoy their company. Everyone gets something
Unfortunately being extroverted and generally personable is a huge benefit here, but that's the value of the Guy That Knows A Guy. There's someone out there that has consolidated All The Guys so you don't have to be the local expert. Always remember nobody can do everything and you don't need to master every skill
* This is the foundation of a functioning community. I have many acquaintances that I find incredibly annoying. They include doctors, welders, artists, social workers, lawyers, construction crew and random fuckers at the grocery store. I do not hang out with them. I do not have to in order to maintain a civil Know A Guy relationship. I can drop them useful tidbits and fuck right off so I don't have to spend any more time than necessary with them
** People may assume romantic intent. Be prepared for that. I generally denote that it's a friendly/work lunch by calling them bro at some point if they're my age. Otherwise my general demeanor is sufficient to show that I do this with everyone
Source: personal experience, mother's teachings of crime, booth vending and poverty
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robin bullying batman part 2
Clark: Hi! You must be Batman’s sidekick!
Robin!Dick: Actually, he’s my sidekick.
Bruce: No. Stop telling people that.
Dick: You’re saying that if I left right now you wouldn’t follow me?
Dick: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Bruce: Have you come up with any names for when you start being an independent hero?
Robin!Jason: I’m already an independent hero. We should come up with a name for you when you finally stop following me around.
Bruce: *war flashbacks*
Jason: I’m thinking something like Robin the Lesser. Or Worm, to really tie in the bird theme.
Kon: So what’s it like working for Batman?
Robin!Tim: Batman isn’t my boss. He’s more like an annoying secretary I can’t fire because of nepotism.
Kon: But i thought you became a hero specifically to work for Batman.
Tim: I used to think that too. But do you know what I learned?
Kon: What?
Tim: Batman needs a Robin. Robin does not need a Batman.
Bruce, back in Gotham: *actively regretting listening to their comms*
Bruce: You have to follow my orders!
Robin!Steph: No, I don’t. Just because you’re the loudest doesn’t mean you’re in charge.
Bruce: I see you and Tim have been talking.
Steph: Actually, you’re not even the loudest. *cue ear-piecing shriek*
Bruce: *falls off a gargoyle*
Bruce, so tired: Are you gonna say that I’m your sidekick?
Robin!Damian: Tt, no.
Bruce: Oh thank God.
Damian: Goliath is my sidekick. Then Batcow is his sidekick. Titus is her sidekick and Alfred the Cat is Titus’s sidekick.
Bruce: …that’s a lot of sidekicks.
Damian: Yes. I suppose you may be Alfred the Cat’s sidekick. But if I get a new pet, you will be demoted.
Bruce: *sigh*
#batman#batfam#batfamily#dc comics#tim drake#jason todd#bruce wayne#incorrect quotes#incorrect batfamily quotes#dick grayson#stephanie brown#stephanie brown incorrect quotes#incorrect stephanie brown#damian wayne#robin dick grayson#dc robin#batman & robin#batdad#batman comics#batman and robin#robin jason todd#jaybin#robin tim drake#robin stephanie brown#robin damian#incorrect batfam quotes#incorrect batfam#incorect quote#incoorect quotes#incorrect batman quotes
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fun discovery from today's internet rabbit hole:
the first lesbian magazine published in the US, Vice Versa (1947-48), was entirely hand-typed by one Edythe Eyde (better known by her pen name Lisa Ben - yes, that IS an anagram for lesbian). she worked as a secretary with a ton of spare time on her hands, and her boss would tell her he didn't care what she was doing so long as she "looked busy"... so she decided to use her free time to type out copies of a home-made periodical for lesbians, writing most of the content - editorials, book/film reviews, poetry, short stories, and more - herself!
overall, the magazine ran for 9 issues, 16 hand-typed copies of which lisa would mail to friends (well, until one of them advised her she could be arrested for sending "obscene" materials) and distribute at lesbian bars :)
#she was also an avid science fiction/fantasy fan and frequent contributor to scifi fanzines!#and so was the co-founder of the first (US) gay periodical#completely unrelated i just thought that's neat :)#.txt#i'll be adding some links in a sec
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An Ethical Consideration.
Pairing: IVE’s Yujin x Male Reader
Word Count: 9,124
A/N: The last fic of 2024. Been wanting to write some office-related stuff right now and glad I had the time to do so. Hope y'all like this quick piece of mine and cheers onto the next year ahead! <33
The weight on her shoulders is the sum of her choices, and it bears the burden of being intact and to be precise eloquently. She’s often mistaken as a model due to her undeniably stunning pulchritude from head to toe as well as her clever mind that's just the cherry on top, and you can’t deny that, but the thing is, she’s a power lesser than you since you’re the more omnipotent one.
Your ego refuses to let her crumble down your defenses whenever you fall for her natural charms and whatnot, yet again, you can’t deny that. Mainly, it doesn’t help with the nature you have with her, always used to assert dominance.
Despite all of these egotistic approaches and hypocritical advances, you still treat her as a human because you’re not that cruel of a person, and even so, letting her be the first one to know what you have in plan for today.
“Schedules, again, Yujin.”
“All over? Today? To—”
“Yes.” You look at her, fixing your necktie with a stern stare that possibly intimidates her. “And yes.”
Standing a little awkwardly beside you, Yujin mutters each of your endeavors, an occupation that seems to strangle the concept of time.
“At 1 P.M., you’ll have a meeting with Mr. Kim and his colleagues, and that will take an hour and a half, presumably. Then, at 3 P.M., you’ll be in a—”
“Wait, wait, Yujin.” She gulps nervously with your words, possibly a little nuanced from what’s her usual demeanor until you chuckled a laugh.
“You are really something else, Yujin.”
She composes herself with her eye contact with yours, and you replied with a mutual action as your reassuring tone possibly relieves her. “W-What do you mean, sir?”
“Come on, I’m just playing with you—you don’t need to repeat it all but you’re just…” You look at her, from her doe eyes to her black heels, and then paint that smile you know that she always loves to see. “A different breed, I guess.”
Yujin smiles, knowing this is all a test and completely reassured. She continues assessing the paperwork lying on the desk and you watch her amusedly, clearly admiring her determination and this little interaction etches a note down your brain.
These are one of her struggles being your secretary, and it’s often making her question her every move nowadays since your mood is often played inside a Russian roulette. Yet on your side, it’s clear that you like to see the subtle anxiety in her eyes and your little, silly fantasies that possibly annoys her.
“Also, one thing, Yujin.” She looks at you, eyes full of anticipation.
“Yes, sir?”
“You can drop the paperworks.” You gesture it with your hands, a smile vibrant towards her even though it’s evidently simple, and she can’t help but feel relieved with your words. “Treat yourself a little, alright?”
A simple token of gratitude is what made her smile that gleefully. At long last, she won’t be worrying most times, beating herself into that stress that’s always inevitable whenever she’s in your vicinity but it doesn't eliminate the fact that she’s still incredibly doubtful.
“I don’t understand, sir.”
“I mean it, Yujin.” You draw yourself closer but not too much, then stare at those brown orbs of hers to make her feel the sincerity of your words. “Don’t worry for me, for now. Make yourself comfortable, okay?”
She nods and is clearly being reassured with your words. She thanks you for the little token of gratitude, bows at you and walks swiftly immediately, not before stopping on her tracks with her name coming out of your lips, her eyes intrigued. “By the way, come to my office later at 5 P.M., I’ll show you something and don’t worry, you won’t be in any trouble.”
Well, that doesn’t help her at all but your reassuring tone was the indicator, to say the least.
You’re just hoping she gets to use her time in the best ways possible, for every second should be worth her time, and you’re just waiting patiently for her and what’s bound to possibly happen.
Frequently checking your watch, you patiently wait for her as the rook takes your queen, near with your king and that’s another checkmate. You’re killing time playing chess online, and knowing you’ll still have some time to spare allows you to decide on this.
“Wow, he’s good.” You murmured as your focus is entirely invested onto what could be your next move as a knock on the door could be audibly heard.
“Come on in.” It’s enough to hear it, and there the figure goes into the room. There’s a high chance that Yujin’s the one that’s going to knock on the door at this given time, three minutes after the clock strikes five and damn right it is.
“Oh sir, I’m incredibly sorry—”
You snap and she shuts herself, eyes wide and a gulp evident. “Don’t apologize, Yujin—take a seat instead.”
Once she hurried to take a seat, you fixed your collar, and composed yourself to possibly intimidate her. Here it starts, and your choice of words reflects the outcomes that may happen.
“You really do surprise me sometimes, Yujin.” Your voice is so close to being unreadable that even Yujin takes a hard time to decipher it. She’s matching your disposition, and clearly anticipating more. “You’re still into those things that we used to do?”
Fuck. Something clicked in her, and she instantly knew the sole reason for her appearance here.
She still denies it, knowing there’s no evidence of the assumption but you know she’s back to her clandestine roots. “S-sir, I can assure you that I’m over whatever you’re possibly thinking.”
“Oh please, Yujin, stop with the lies—”
Knowing how retaliation with words and the defensive approach could absolutely result in anything going against her way, she would opt for an option that could possibly bear the best of outcomes. “Then what is it, sir? What’s this assumption all about?”
She’s slowly raising her tone, failing to cover up her permeating defensiveness as you gestured to calm her down, and let yourself be heard as she’s in clear of any trouble.
“Yujin, me personally—I’m just saying that I was genuinely baffled that you’re still into that.” Your words work like a charm, getting more loosened up as the soothing atmosphere really eliminates the fact that about denial and lies. “If it’s the others, you could’ve landed onto something hard on the surface but not for me.”
Her gaze fixated towards you with your last words, a smirl curling up your lips as you can see the comfort within her. Yet, there’s still a question lingering in her mind that she can’t contain any longer.
She gave up knowing it’s not worth it to put a nail on a coffin, yet rather, open it up. “How’d you know, sir?”
She's still anxious and it’s completely normal even with the possibly platonic relationship you’ve built with her because at the end of the day, you’re the one in control, a higher hierarchy. “Well, it’s quite simple, actually?”
There’s probably glint in her eyes, running up the possible reasons of a secret unshackled as her career is probably flashing before her eyes, knowing how your sugar coating is absolutely deceiving at most times. “How s-simple, sir?”
She’s stuttering but that didn’t stop you, and it’s cruel to know how bittersweet these events can get but you need to address it, and add a possible way to bring something back to life.
You push the seat away from you as you stand up, now going towards her and breaking that suspense that’s lingering right from the start when she steps foot onto your office. “Wonyoung reported me about your naughty desires when all eyes aren’t watching you, clearly moaning my name and still fantasizing about me, hm?”
Oh, the sabotage. You know how it can possibly hurt her to hear those words come out of your mouth, but that’s the truth and right when Yujin is coming to defend her actions, you pull up a trick on your sleeve that could easily dismantle her attempts to dismiss the truth.
The recording plays, loud and clear, her voice calling you lustfully and god, it’s breaking her, piece by piece.
“It’s hard, Yujin—I know, but at least keep it within yourself probably, you know?” Now, you’re just hitting her critically, opposing the reassurance you enlightened her with earlier. She’s looking down, defeated and apologetic and you’re sympathetic with her vulnerable state. “Oh please, look at me, Yujin.”
You inch closer towards her, tilt her chin up, looking at you endearingly with a plea loud in each second she stares at you, as you continue. “Enjoy your break, Yujin. We’ll talk later for more. I’m clearly disappointed.”
You give her way towards the door as she stands up quickly, on the verge of tears, sniffling with a loud thud of steps. As she’s about to reach for the door handle, your voice interrupts her, feeling like a deja vu from earlier. “Clearly disappointed to know I wasn’t there to aid you.”
Those words struck hee like lightning, piercing through her like a sword as it hit too well, letting her feel rivaled and frozen. You walk towards her, a smile curling up your lips as she turns around with a quizzical expression. “What do you mean, sir?”
“You know what that means, Yujin.” Your hands are quick to pull her dangerously close toward you, making her yelp with your actions and she’s clearly processing what’s currently happening yet jovial knowing this could end up something elevated that what she was expecting.
You’re now facing her, nose a mere inch away as you whisper. “Now let me show you what you really need.”
God, it’s a sight to behold. You immediately pull her and latch your lips with hers, exchanging torrid pecks that define the hunger and deprivation between the both of you.
You’ve been in your cage for so long and for the longest time possible, you missed these moments with Yujin and you can’t let that opportunity slide. You tug onto the hem of her blazer as you admire her outfit, and teased with how it’s clearly against the dress code. “Feeling really stylish, as always.”
“Hope you liked it, sir.”
“I really do, Yujin.” Then, you continued with the sloppy exchanges, clearly savoring each second you latch onto hers as her plum lipstick accentuates her given scrumptious taste, letting you yearn for more and she reciprocates so swiftly.
It was a quick descent and possibly all according to plan, but you can’t deny the fact that a possible friendship can be ruined between such close friends, but for now, all these things are set aside as your focus is entirely averted towards Yujin.
One, two—fuck, she’s a great kisser.
And so are you, possibly.
These events really took a wild turn, and not even two minutes of such a lustful exchange, comes the comfortability of both parties, even descending down to the madness of lust, and the first victim that falls onto that is Yujin, clearly vocal about how she missed getting that taste of your succulent shaft.
“You really want to suck my cock, huh?” She can’t help herself with the thoughts in her, absolutely telling her to give in to her carnal desires and she does so.
Yujin just falls onto her knees, a loud thud audible as she can’t help herself but just be drunk with the thought of slobbering all over your length. “Please, sir—I need your cock—to taste it.”
“Wrong name, Yujin.” You tug her ponytail, earning a yelp from her as bites her lips, subtly liking the way you’re rough on her.
“Sorry, daddy—I just can’t help it…” And so, you gave her mercy, even with just the precious seconds left to spare.
You smirk, looking down and eventually seeing the lust behind those adorable, doe-like eyes that resembles how she’s undeniably ruinable whenever she pulls up this look.
“Oh, Yujin…” You lift her head up with a finger on her chin, chuckling as your sinister plans are starting to choreograph the possible actions you can do to ruin your secretary on your professional grounds as this can be considered somewhat ethical at your own words. “I’m going to make you choke all over my dick so bad that the only thing you’ll remember on the whole day we’re here is the taste of it, and mark my fucking words.”
Fuck. Yujin mutters and gulps, because your tone permeates sincerity and there’s no way on god’s green earth you’ll never fulfill those promises, not when Yujin is kneeling down so submissive and entirely begging to be sullied.
“That’s what I want to hear, daddy.”
The falling consonants escaping her lips ignites something within you, and you’re throbbing just hearing her voice being sultry, aching to be freed. You are unable to take it anymore, and Yujin knows how much you need to be relieved even if it gets so risky. “Do the honors, my Yujin, now.”
You’re really demanding, and she fulfills it within a heartbeat.
Yujin unbuckles and frees every bit of clothing that deprives her with the view of insatiability, hungry and yearning to get herself a hold of her desired prize. She’s swift and deft with it, hands skating through the confines like it’s nothing and that’s what you like about her—the lingering confidence that no one else can match, and she’s bold and audacious with a care towards you only. As selfish as that sounds, why would it matter when it’s Ahn Yujin that’s in front of you and possibly, worshiping you.
The last bit of defense, your boxers, and it’s going to be deemed useless as her hands tug on it and give you that submissive look. “Promise me that you’ll be rough for me, daddy.”
There are two reasons why is this extremely rhetorical: first, with a girl oozing with hotness and a body built to be ruined, how can you not think of something so ludicrous and utterly aiming to ruin her living life out of her; and second, preferably last, she always wants to be pounded and controlled to oblivion, putting in her place, just like the usual pursuits that sparks the risk.
“Always, Yujin—now get that lips on my cock now—want to feel it.” Again, it’s commanding and she likes it a lot.
The encapsulation of her lips around your purplish crown meets the inevitability of moans coming from your lips, her hot, wet flesh being too euphoric to handle. You can bear with the gratification, of course, but the way that she’s applying the pressure whenever her cheeks hollow and the plumpness her lips provide would like to have a word. It feels like your cock is made for her to suck, and she proves it with every second she spends her precious time with, a slobbering mess all over your length. She was quick to be messy, spit already seeping out of her mouth as she held your thighs for a support with her rapidly increasing pace.
“Jesus, Yujin—this hungry for my dick? Really this bad—fuck!” The question was quick for her to be registered yet she chooses to ignore it, occupied with the devotion of giving the utmost pleasure and fulfilling her needs of tasting you.
“I asked you a question, didn’t I?” You tugged her hair, a statement to consider as she pulls away from your saliva-sheathed shaft and catches her breath.
“Yes, daddy—I want y—mmh!” All you need to hear is a single yes to conclude the satisfaction within you and the want in her. She’s quickly muted with your sudden impalement, making her hands grab onto your thighs as she eagerly bobbed her head to prove that she can match your roughness. You grit your teeth, looking down at the sight of a lifetime, groaning with Yujin’s actions as her eyes gaze at yours through the reflection of her glasses, scanning your expressions to tell if you’re loving this or not.
Why would that be a question within her when you’re already moaning with her suction wringing the best bits of pleasure possible? Guess people have their own ways of assurance and Yujin’s ways are something you’d always commend—she always loves to ensure things even if it’s already confirmed to be certain.
When your tip hits the back of her throat, nose flushed onto your lower abdomen and her glasses slightly pressed, that’s when you uttered the hottest moans imaginable, feeling her oral assaults are a battery to invigorated the lust within you.
“God—fuck—how are you always feeling so good, Yujin?” You hands caress her ponytail as she ensues her pace, rightfully sullied then pulling out to state the rhetorical within you.
“Maybe because I’m a sucker for daddy’s cock, that’s why.” The choices of words were simple, yet hot and it’s the way that she delivers it too. Yujin flashed a smile before indulging onto your length again, stroking your base as her hunger speaks loud and clear, actions rapid and pleasurable.
The scene alone inside your office is something like in the pornogrpahic videos that tells the tale of fiction and what’s on the camera yet this is real, as the insatiability between the both of you drew towards this madness. Knowing that you keep your promises and wanting to make things elevated, you flashed a sinister smile before tapping Yujin’s cheeks poking with your length, and then she pulled out yet again, whimpering with the sudden depravity.
“What now, daddy?”
“I’m going to make a mess outta you, starting with this tight throat.” Your words are laced with lust and the venom that stings her to bite onto your commands, and eagerly anticipates what you’ll do next. You take a hold of your wet length and direct it inside her tightness yet again, groaning with how warm and pleasurable it is before grabbing her head with both hands and thrusting with an already moderate pace.
She wants it rough, right? Then you’ll give it to her, even if it takes to break you as long as you get to ruin her innocence and that existing class within her.
She gags when it hits too deep, yet she doesn't stop you, taming her reflex as you invite you with more, digging her hands onto your hips and urging to take what her limits can. She’s fighting you, closing her shut and tight as she takes you was the notion that she’s already reaching her limitations, yet this is not what you trained her for and she knows it.
Without further to do, you let yourself be the one to expand her horizons of the inevitable domination all over her, and this time, you’ll be berserk.
“Open your fucking mouth, Yujin.” You let her jaw be slacked, up for the taking as you relentlessly pound her tight throat, fulfilling your needs and deeply disheveling and leaving her sullied once she leaves the office doors. You pinch her nose, playing with the risky game between asphyxiation and god, she’s struggling and constantly gagging onto your rapid length.
“You always love my cock balls deep into your slutty throat, don’t you?” The mocking gets into her, nodding frantically as your words spill the truth, nothing even close on being a lie.
Yujin’s cheeks flushed red, struggling for oxygen as you let go, letting her breathe through her nose and with a pocket of relief, she took your whole cock with an invigorated stance, standing her ground and not letting herself break. You tug onto her ponytail, surprisingly still bonded even with your relentless pace and ruthless actions and it’s just a great element for leverage, elevating the ruined look she emanates all for your eyes to see, and the glasses she’s constantly wearing is just the cherry on top. She digs her fingers onto your thighs, spit seeping out of the crevices of her mouth and your cock, coating the vicinity of skin around your length.
She wanted this anyway, and you’re just warming everything up.
Her ruined countenance is a sight to be etched within your deepest lobes in your brain, for it’s something stupendous and incredibly monumental. She ruins her own clothing and gags repeatedly, yet it doesn’t matter because as long as you’re molding her throat with the shape of your cock, then you’d say you’re in a triumphant run of domination over Yujin. “Take it all for me, Yujin—god, t-this fucking throat is way too good.”
You can vouch and it’s incredibly factual. You’d want to just warm up your shaft for the magnitudinal display of pleasure that’ll happen later (and it’s going up her tight cunt) yet her throat and her lips would like to speak up, or maybe even adding up to the mess you’re making right now.
Pick a side, and you can’t, but you have to decide yet the pleasure coursing down within you is putting you in a position of indecisiveness.
You continue the ruthless assault against her mouth, chanting her name while you do what you’re best at and your sincere praises towards her is just the cherry on top. Usually, she would be writhing her arms with subsequent gags resonating all over the room but it's surprisingly and genuinely impressive how she takes you better now, yet not the perfected craft you sought her to be and you wouldn’t complain.
There’s also an additional element of lust that elevates the oral experience, and you cared to address that because of how hot it actually makes her, even more than what you expected.
“Not going to take those off, huh, Yujin?” You cool down your thrusts and let Yujin have the capability to control her pursuits, impaling her with more of what you can offer she pulls out to answer you, catching her breath and painting such a vibrant smile that contradicts the sexual tension lingering in the air.
Her mouth is utterly messy, saliva drips down to her chin as her insatiability towards you didn’t even bother the tiniest bit of modesty to even clean up. “I’d like to see how much you’ll cum knowing this does turn you on more.”
She knows. She fucking knows you. The way she said it so confidently with the smirk painted on her face says a lot, knowing that she’s just inflicting on the wounds of lust within you. She cracks the code open with your subtle kinks that’s profoundly known by her and immediately, she would live up to those fantasies of yours—it’s actually baffling how she knew your little fetishes that no one else can, and she’s absolutely clever reading you like a book.
“You know that I’ll probably destroy these glasses, Yujin.” The warning is audible, falling onto her ears as she continuously teases your tip with her tongue, before setting your insatiability aside and muttering up a reply.
“You probably can consider that you’ll fuck my mouth like it’s my cunt.” She’s not wrong, though, and certainly, that’s bound to happen. “And just so I know, you’re going to give me another set once these are broken because I’m something special, am I?”
It’s a blessing and a curse whenever she gets too cocky—her permeating confidence knowing her words exhibits the truth and it won’t help for your supposed reasonings, yet sometimes, her limits wouldn’t help her much, not when you still have the authority to be in control with a flick of a switch.
“Damn right it is, Yujin… You gave up and relinquished the truth, but you can’t wait up any longer for what’s the reason behind this sinful mess. “Now shut up and let me fuck your mouth.”
“Oh pl–mmh!” It was a mistake once she parted her lips enough to impale her with your cock, yet it’s all bound to happen and embraces every thrust your hips muster.
The opportunity is taken, instantly ravaging her mouth like it’s your last, tugging on her ponytail that’s holding on thanks with your vice grip onto it. She’s tearing up as you ensued and put her in her place, managing eye contact towards you with a silent plea laced behind those glinting orbs of her for more. She’s gripping your thighs, a leverage that’s still not enough for her to handle your roughness and god, her hands digging you for more tells exactly how she doesn’t want the pace to dissipate.
She’s crazy for this, and you’ll match that freak of hers.
It hits balls deep every time, her glasses almost slipping out and being crushed with your own weight of force being distributed to this sinful endeavor. She grasps your thighs like she’s bound to break, and you’re going to achieve that yet she’s robust and able to take you for she is capable of your pace even with the evident gags and subsequent grips that could probably bruise your skin.
Your pace never fails to bring her to the weakest, tears flowing down her cheeks as she indulges under your control and you’ll never falter, not when you had enough. The way her throat tightens up once you push your length deeper always sends yourself closer to the promising heights of euphoria and god, she’s just taking everything your hips oscillates. She’s just getting messier with every second that counts, yet she perseveres to prove her worth despite the apparent struggles.
And she delivers, every inch, every thrust, and every goddamn gag—
You pull out and she’s gasping for oxygen, her reddened face tells the story of your roughness and she just flashed a grin, her satisfaction fulfilled choking on a cock like yours.
“God, you’re so fucking messy, Yujin.” Your swears ignites something in her and it’s such a gem to hear profanities coming out of your mouth, because she knows she’s making you crazy and this was just the start of an exhilarating show. You wipe the saliva that escapes out of her mouth and seductively play with those lips of hers, and she knows what’s the reply of such display of lust.
She didn’t waste her breath to mutter a word, but rather, invest in constant hums as she sucks onto your fingers like a lollipop, enveloping that soft flesh and tasting like the sun won’t come up tomorrow. The voracious assault onto your fingers concludes her insatiability towards you, and she’s trying her best to live up to her desires and selfish pleasures.
As she’s incredibly readable, you could only imagine how soaked her cunt is with all of the lingering intimacy.
“God, please—more, daddy—please let me—”
“No.” You caress her cheeks and look at those eyes full of that lustful glint, preparing for what you could possibly do with her. Help her stand up and pin your arms so her back is pressed against the wall, your stare continues to pique her as it lures her in like a trap. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Yujin. Since you took me so well, I might have to consider something to aid your wrongdoings.”
A cunning smile paints you, as her eyebrows furrow in anticipation as her lust puppets her to desperation. “A-And what is that, daddy? Please, I’ll do everything even if it means more than what you can expect of me.”
“Expect? Hah.” A chuckle escapes your lips, and that puzzles Yujin. She’s laughable at that moment given how she’s mostly the epitome of fulfillment, the clear meeting of expectations. “Gladly enough, everything that I could think of links every missing piece so perfectly.”
That’s the beauty of An Yujin—clearly innocent yet determined for every obstacle that gets in her way, even if it means something unethical. But here’s the thing, you orchestrate what’s the order in this room and have the authority to bend what’s considered to be rightfully taken.
In this case, it’s something way too obvious.
“The question is: where do you want it, Yujin?”
Once those words were said, her eyes immediately averted to your throbbing cock, rock-hard just for her as her hand seizes the opportunity yet you stop her. “Answer me, Yujin.”
“Inside me—just as long as I can feel it, feel you, daddy.” Now, you’ve just broken her and it’s all with a single kryptonite that she always loves to play with and it never fails her to be driven towards insanity.
“Oh, you really want it, huh?” The nod is evident and desperate, and you’re just igniting the fire to tease her further. “Bend over for me, on the desk.”
“But the documents—” Maybe the addressing of concerns should take place in a completely separate hour or day as you don't care if they’ll get all tangled in a huge mess because getting Yujin railed from behind will be your utmost priority.
“I don’t give a shit, Yujin—we can rearrange them some time.”
“But daddy, it’ll be a—ow!” You’re fed up with her considerate actions because of your selfishness too, a grab on her wrists and a spank is enough to enlighten a statement within her.
Your eyes penetrate daggers through her, and it’s turning her on even more. “I really hate repeating myself, Yujin.”
You really do, and with the grip immediately loosening, she obliges and gets rid of such paperwork and bends over your main desk without any care but you.
“Better. Fucking better.”
You glance over the helpless, submissive stance Yujin is on, and you’re just running on the possible permutation you can possibly do with her. She holds onto each side of the desk while looking over her shoulder, eagerly anticipating what you have in store with you and you definitely have an abundance of tricks up your sleeves.
“Don’t look back and put your hands behind you, Yujin.” She’s quick and obedient, gladly compliant because this would definitely turn around worse for her if she wasn’t being one. You are quick to grab your belt and she knows what’s possibly going to happen, erratic breaths and chuckles coming out of her mouth are the signs of her building satisfaction.
“God, I always wanted to experience this while you ravage me senseless, daddy.”
“Great thing this is your lucky day.” You wrap your leather belt around her wrists and hold them in place, making sure that Yujin is as helpless as possible before the sinful act commences.
“Too tight?”
“Not really, it’s just right.” She yelps and cries because of a harsh spank as its hypnotic ripple earns that groan from her, deriving pleasure out of your enervating ruthless approach towards her ass. You raise the hem of her skirt up to her waist, and so are those grey-colored shorts just a little to get a delectable view of a backside that could be worth millions, and luckily enough, you’ll be the only to see the wonder of such treasure.
Your hands roam around her arched butt and those heaven-sent thighs, feeling the smooth, porcelain skin in every inch that just feeds to the hunger you’re having towards her but you have your own composure, a word of modesty and patience that Yujin isn’t bothering to have at these desperate moments. “You know this dress code isn’t really allowed, hm?”
“How so? No one has ever called me out wearing short skirts like these—oh god, right there…” She’s delving nearer onto her breaking point, moaning with your repeated assault towards her supposedly drenched lips through the frustrating fabric, teasing and building up her lust while she fights to be as eloquent as possible. “You n-never said a warning, daddy, let alone implement a rule or a ch—ow! Ohh, fuck!”
“All I’m saying is that you’re being such a slut for wearing one, just to summarize it for you, Yujin.” Your words sting as much as the heavy hits of your palm, marking a familiar rosy hue onto her ass that earns that triumphant smirk on your face.
“But I know you like it, by a lot.”
“Never said I didn’t.” You’re growing impatient because of the possible things that’s running around your mind, and it’s all about how you can totally sully her.
Your eyes darts onto her perfect skin, before tugging onto her shorts which is surprisingly easy to undress, coming off and onto her ankles just with a few seconds (Yujin standing up quickly also helps) and then the last bit of defense against the inevitability—those ruined, black silk thong that’s drenched with juices. Also, those come off and down on her ankles and all of those kicked to god knows where as she can’t help but moan with the sensitivity she’s currently feeling, and she likes being defenseless and being totally handled by you.
She never looked great being incredibly submissive and she’s perfectly built to be like this.
Amongst all of the foreseeable futures that could happen, one by one they are eliminated, until only three had made it to the final cut as these are the things that can go so right for the both of you: you could curse her satisfaction with your fingers teasing her tight cunt, on the edge of breaking apart and make her cum effortlessly; could invest onto some returned favor, your lips eating those succulent holes of hers as she writhes with the wetness you bring; and lastly (being the most cruel and pleasurable act you can possibly do), a finger, knuckle deep into her asshole and teasing her tightness with your own length.
Yet, with all of the articulative thinking, you can’t help but let your patience run thin and do what you promised earlier on—to let her see stars, ruin her entirely.
You nudge your cock onto her waiting heat, and immediately, you halt the agonizing reprieve as it is sheathed inside without a warning, knowing she can take it all despite her helpless state. At this rate, Yujin would be gripping both ends of the desk yet with the belt around her wrists and your hand holding her in place, she could just writhe and moan your name out uncontrollably as she gives everything in, and you control her.
Thanks to her slick juices, it wasn’t hard to accommodate yourself onto a moderate thrust that she grew accustomed to once you keep assuring and complimenting her, even if it comes out as a profanity.
“Not bad for a slut like you, Yujin—god, do you like this, hm?” You’re refraining to voice out how great she fucking feels around your cock, and let your mind savor the sight of her powerless figure dependent for your handling.
“Yes, y-yes—oh fuck, yes, daddy—it’s so good, so good!” Her strained voice, stuttering and alluring is what invites you for a harsher pace. The both of you are mutually gratified with each other’s actions, and you can’t help but groan her name too in every thrust you do, now filling her up.to the hilt and withdrawing with just your tip inside. It is hard yet moderately paced, just how you like it for now, and knowing how this possibly defeats what Yujin likes, you don’t want her to wail and break apart within your own eyes.
Wait, she is calling you and pleading with you—that’s the sign, she wants more.
“Harder, daddy—please.” Of course you’ll fulfill that as soon as possible. You pull the belt towards you, letting her hands meet your abdomen and pound her tight cunt with a power greater than before. Every clash of your hips to her butt resonates this sound that’s the epitome of candy in your ears, and it’s just going to get better, knowing that with the profound kisses you do on her nape makes her clench even harder and wringing out the best of all pleasures.
She cries and you hum onto her skin, continuously worshipping her as her moans with your repeated actions set the fire in you, as well as her constant compliments that you know would be inevitable.
“You lips—g-god, you kiss me so good, daddy—oh shit…”
Your lips are dangerously close to her ears now, as you whisper, “And you take me so well—this tight cunt is really for my cock.”
Well, it probably is, considering how every thrust molds to the shape of your shaft lives up to your words. She’s incredibly tight and slick, even with the constant ravaging and it’s just getting way better knowing that she’s not showing any signs for you to slow down nor stop, letting you go berserk on living up to both your likings. It’s possibly painful to know that your eyes can’t get that hypnotic sight of her thighs rippling and as much as you like kissing her backside, you can’t afford to lose an opportunity with an angelic view.
“Grab the desk, Yujin. I’m gonna fuck you harder now.” Now loosening the grip of the belt around her wrists, she immediately leveraged with a painful grip onto each end of the desk as you didn’t slow down and continued your igniting fervor. She’s trembling once she grabbed onto both ends, thighs shaking due to your actions as her mouth spills honey-filled moans with the pleasure spiking up on her spine, and through her veins.
Now, you have the everlasting sight to behold—the recoil of her skin with your thrusts is a vision to be etched within the deepest parts of your brain, and you’d live every moment seeing her like this. You painfully grip her hips, pounding her harshly to the point that the desk is even responding to your ruthlessness, but you don't care, not when she’s still coherent, able to walk and most of all, not cumming all over you.
These are just the multiple goals you'd eventually achieve, and it’s getting pretty near considering how her lips pulsate and drenches with copious amounts. She’s now creating a miniscule puddle onto the floor and the small rivulets on her thighs full of her nectar, and you’d eventually double that given how hard you’re fucking her and god, she’s crying and far from the An Yujin everybody knows.
“God, fuck—da-ddy, p-please—let me cum—let me cum, I’m s-so fucking close—oh god, oh god, p-please!” It continues like this, a jumble of words due to the skyrocketed pleasure she’s experienced and you know she’s dangerously close, and you’re just there to pull the trigger sooner.
She lets out a primal cry, and you seal her fate.
“Cum for me, Yujin.” Simple words yet enough to break a woman like her.
She’s practically gushing onto your fingers as you rub them out to reach her climax and she does so, spilling the borderline screams of pleasure that is caused by you, and she’s basically elevated way past her euphoric trance.
Her knees tremble due to her orgasm, and whisper onto her ear while still pounding her through it since she wanted this in the first place. “You know, Yujin—I would have just fucked your tight ass if we have some lube, want to see your cunt gushing out while I ravage your tight hole.”
You’re not yet finished and your words immediately made her clenched so tightly that it made you groan in the middle of your sentences, but that doesn’t stop you from enlightening her with your fantasies. “God—both of your holes are fucking tight—guess I’d just make this pussy cum all over again while you could only imagine how my cock would slide so good inside you, hm?”
Your words do make her squirm uncontrollably, a key to the door of madness as you didn’t waste time increasing the pace and getting back to the roots of how this goes. Knowing how much you want her to reach another inevitable high, you opted for a leverage on her end, offering your fingers for her to such as she eagerly does so, tasting you and humming in need as every second passes by. You make her choke with your own digits, and she slurps each time she does so, yearning to impress you and to voice out how much she loves these miniscule actions to fight against the pleasure.
“P-Please, daddy…” She cries for you, letting her catch her breath as your thrusts are constant, deep, and unforgiving.
“Say i-it, Yujin—please for what?” You need that answer escaping those sinful lips of hers, you need it desperately, even if her voice is broken for all of the vocals she bestowed.
“Fuck—f-fuck me, daddy, please!”
It’s the constant chant of the same sets of phrases and words and you can’t blame her, not when you’re absolutely fucking her like you do mean it. She can’t think straight, possibly seeing stars at this moment as her nectar spills into rivulets yet again, the mess currently spoiling the marble floor that didn’t concern you.
“My office is gonna smell like sex thanks to you, Yujin.” You let out that primal call, a satisfied one as her clenches aids more with the pleasure you’re currently experiencing. “And I’m—I’m fucking close, Yujin.”
The stream of constant moans ends up on a halt, as Yujin still has the coherence to think and break the loop of words, pleading as she tightens her grip on the desk. “On my face, please, daddy—you can’t cum inside me yet, not here!”
Oh, she now has this courage to utter words against your possible wants, and honestly, that’s commendable yet you didn’t like it and not when you’re in the peak of the hierarchy, in the absolute authority of things.
“And why not? Also, girls like you deserve a load inside their tight cunts, no matter what the circumstance.” No one could probably argue against you, not when her walls clench for you to fill her up, even though it’s against her wants yet again, you are the dominant one, the power to control and bend towards your will.
You didn’t utter a word and ramped up the pace again, and this time, you’ll do everything to feel every ounce of pleasure as much as possible. Yujin’s face contorts into that familiar countenance of being cock-drunken, yet you break that trance with a hand on her chin, making her face towards you and then again, you meet those luscious lips of hers that’s entirely insatiable.
You pull her close and continue to pound her tightness, humming on your reciprocation and her lips quivering in pleasure, chasing that high of yours that’s bound to spill into the depth of her tight walls. She tastes so great you can’t pull away just yet, closing your eyes and feeling how soft her lips are and when you do, you bring the final onslaught of thrust that’s possibly going to break her in half, moaning on how good you’re making her feel.
“Fuck—f-fuck, daddy—I’m gonna cum too—so close!” At long last, she’s a hair’s width onto her own high and being in the same boat as yours, and this couldn’t be any better.
“Fucking cumming again? Hah, then we’ll cum together then—gonna fill this pussy up so good, Yujin.” It’s surprising how coherent you are even though you’re as stimulated as Yujin but it doesn’t matter, not when your primal instincts are the ones that powers you to achieve that euphoria.
You dug your hand onto her hips, spreading her legs more to go deeper and god, you can’t possibly survive another set of thrusts on the count of five.
That familiar tingle firing you up was the call, and you impaled yourself deep into her snug walls, filling her with every spurt your slit can possibly deposit. She’s wailing, calling you and yearning for more as her brain can’t possibly fathom the utmost pleasure she’s experiencing and you’re just giving it all, giving what she desires right from the start.
She’s thanking you, a cry that could break you but in a different, unorthodox way that relies on the scope of lust. “Jesus—fuck, why are you always so goddamn tight, Yujin?”
It’s rhetorical and she knows it—she’s aware of what she can do to you, and even in a submissive frame, she can absolutely break you apart. You kept your length buried in her for a longer while, possibly extending the pleasure that’s beating your brain in a mush, and eventually, the inevitable could not be stopped. You pull out and let out exasperated breaths, admiring with the wonder of your roughness evident with your red handprints, and as the cherry on top, her cunt dripping with your anticipated load.
There’s still that gas left in the tank, a fuel burning and igniting for more and you can’t let it become idle.
“Thank—o-oh fuck—thank you for this, daddy…” Yujin’s chants are a constant ringing in your ear, her moans subsiding as she recovers from her own high, assessing how great you feel with your load deep inside her.
Your hubris never fails to fuel you up too, and you’re far from over.
“You remember me saying I’m going to fuck you rough, Yujin?” You’re demanding, incredibly primal and wanting more of what she can offer. She can sense it as she looks onto her shoulder only for you to guide her and flip her around, now facing you with your eyes evidently distracted with her leaking cunt. “And really mean it, because you're going to take more.”
Her eyes darted towards you, glowing, endeared, and laced with lust. She wanted this for weeks and now, she’ll get to feel your wrath once more, and this time, it would be way better than before since you’ll see how beautiful her face contorts whenever she succumbs to the pleasure, on even her moans to the very least.
It’s one of the robust parts of the pillars that builds up your concupiscence, and it’s the strongest amongst them all—her sultry tone says it all, and it’s just making you descend down to your own madness.
“Gonna breed me like the desperate girl I am, daddy?”
“Correction,” Your hands deftly find her waist, drawing her frame closer to you as she yelps with your sudden control, then smiles knowing she’s going to be put in her place. “A desperate slut.”
Yujin is still leaking, thighs stained in the right places with indistinguishable liquids caused by you and you’ll stand proud for the product you just made. Still with the skirt pulled up on her waist, you lifted her legs a little as she relaxes herself onto your desk—it’s pretty surprising how sturdy this is and probably, you’ll invest onto some greater furniture in the latter weeks, if ever—and teased your rock-hard shaft against those sullied, white-stained slit of hers, which earned another set of needy moans that’s clearly aphrodisiac in nature.
You’d never shut up how great she sounds, and you’re growing impatient by the second you tease her heat.
“Please, daddy—please put it in again…” Both of her arms extend down your shoulders, hands resting on your neck and caressing it, urging you to comply with her needs and she doesn’t need to plead more because you’re definitely in a losing battle of discipline.
Why would you even bother thinking of such a concept in this filthy endeavor? Yes, you won’t, and you’ll dismiss it.
It’s another sudden action, you buried deep, withdrew and slammed back in, repeating the harshness you bestowed upon her earlier but this time, you’re feeling everything and even better, see how pretty she looks when she’s blessed with the constant overwhelming pleasure. You grabbed her hips and impaled her deeper, your cum leaking repeatedly out of her tightness as it stained everywhere in its vicinity—you’d probably have this dilemma of cleaning your workspace once you’re done with her, but you wouldn’t care until she’s fucked senseless, her mind thinking of you and you only.
You’d intend on doing that, and with your stored-up strength, you’re able to lift her with your arms and pinned her onto the nearest wall where you’re in full pace on revving up your thrusts with abandon, letting out the most sinful moans of satisfaction Yujin can produce. You’re in the same boat as hers, utterly succumbing into the abyss of gratification and constantly grunting with how great she still feels, tight in the right places, possibly molding her walls onto the shape of yours.
It’s genuinely hard to comprehend her unparalleled tightness despite the pounding she took earlier and that’s just elevating the pleasure you experience as always, dismissing that sensitivity that once took over your length. You hold her frame with your hands on her waist, her legs wrapping around yours as you achieved greater depths that resonated magnitudes of different cries of pleasure. You catch her lips again, holding her chin upright as the both of you exchange torrid kisses, hungry for each other and utterly leveraging the unstoppable pleasure each of you brings to the table.
It’s the sound that she makes while making up with you, and you’ll never get tired of it, not when she’s dancing her tongue against yours, and attempting to mutter words that fail to be audible with how much you’re investing on dancing with her. Her legs instinctively pull you closer, and can’t help but groan against her lips on how much she clenches between every thrust your hips muster.
“Are you getting close again, Yujin?” Your breaths come right after, clearly anticipating on achieving her ultimate prize once again, letter her see stars let alone galaxies with how much exertion you bring onto pounding her. Her legs are falling limp, tired with the monstrosity you’re doing but neither of you will have any regrets, and the closest thing to have a thought like that is if someone sees you and there’s no world anyone would have an eye of a trusted, hierarchical man of the company ruining her secretary.
Oh, curse these ethical bullshit and your reputation, because you’ll fulfill your utter desires before you can call this a day.
“I can’t h-hold–oh fuck—so good! Can’t hold it anymore, daddy…” She’s just desperate for another release, and you’re inching closer towards your promised land. She’s bound to feel something so euphoric, and it’s all mutual, even up to the point where you fill her up to the brim. You’re gaining every ounce of strength to wrap herself around you and a bright idea sparked within you despite all of the thoughts within you spiraled up, all tangled and in haywire.
Before the unexpected detour, she could just moan onto your neck, resting her head against your shoulder and chasing her high, messing up the floor and your thighs with her succulent nectar. Your workplace being stenched with the smell of sex will be the least of your concerns in this current affair, but rather the fact that you can’t see a pulchritude broken into something sullied, and your mind currently emptied, just with the thought of making herself her own canvas.
“What—what are you d-doing?” Yujin is limp once she stands on her feet, messed up thanks to you as her puzzled face is evidently confused with what you’re having it in your mind. Still recovering and gaining that semblance of urgency, she anticipates what you’ll utter and it wouldn’t be long.
“Remember what you said earlier about your favorite pair of yours?” Even with the stupor clearly shown, she’s still articulative and bright, grasping with what you’re trying to make her remember and just flashing that innocent grin with the thought of it.
“Oh god, yes.” She’s quick with it, instantly dropping down onto your knees, legs quivering as she looks up at you, her eyes glistening with what you’re going to shower her with. “Would like to see my favorite pair covered with your cum, daddy.”
God, she knows, she fucking knows.
You didn’t hold back, and she’s sticking her tongue out and closing her eyes, letting her imagination roll upon what could be the most erotic sight that could happen between the both of you. It’s turning you on even more, clearly focused on chasing your high with the velocity your wrists are doing and eventually, it wouldn’t be long enough for her to be deprived of it.
It’s a decent shower, not excessive but god, it’s just right. Her messy bangs got caught off on the process, a little stained and you did what you could to seal the promise, her nose, mouth, chin and most importantly, the scaffolding of her glasses, stained with that white liquid that’s drained out of you.
To be honest, you clearly forgot the existence of such an element, but glad you’re able to cover it and fulfill her needs.
“Fuck—god.” Yujin’s breaths are erratic, still kneeling down and scooping the remnants of your cum and tasting, undeniably satisfied with the outcome. “Considering the load in my pussy, you still came a lot.”
It’s still surprising how she sounds so confident saying such sinful words, but being still in the trance, you wouldn’t mind it so much. “Dropping the names, huh?”
“Oh, sorry—”
“Hey, hey, it’s totally fine, Yujin.” Still managing to display humor, she laughed it off in relief, dropping the act and exchanging exhausted breaths in every second that counts.
“Well, I guess we should clean up, sir.” You help her stand up, legs trembling as she laughs it out and reassures you that everything is going to be fine.
“Yeah, we should, I’ll call up my—”
“No sir—” Her hands stop you from grabbing your phone on the desk, unharmed, and you’re painting shock with her actions.
Yujin stares at you, removing the cum-stained glasses and onto the desk and you can clearly see what she’s made of, a monster in the making. “Just us, please, sir—at your place.”
That’s a bold move, but considering what happened, it wouldn’t be much of a deal as you drop the hierarchical advantage you possess. “There’s still another hole you haven’t stretched yet.”
The wink was the cherry on top and you swear to god, this girl will break you, possibly into millions of pieces more.
You need to fix yourselves up first, and with the obviously influenced and hurried decision, it was damn sealed in the history books.
“How can I resist that?” Your chuckles reflect your masked answer, and clearly, she knows what’s bound to happen. “Guess tomorrow’s going to be your day off then.”
She broke you, and it’s mutual between both parties. Possibly, the threat of a tension between Wonyoung and herself would break apart with this profound comeback of such roots yet who knows?
These hours have been stressful and quick, but nonetheless, absolutely phenomenal and baffling…
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The Secretary's Surprise

Male reader x Kep1er Xiaoting
this is my first time writing so I don't proofread, my bad. Anyways, enjoy
you wake up early today because you must interview some new intern later, even though you are the owner, sometimes you interview them to know who will be your employee. you get up from your bed and make a coffee in the kitchen and go the balcony enjoy the coffee and the view from your apartment. today's weather is so nice, you can see the view clearer than other day while slurping your hot coffee slowly not realizing you are late actually. you take your phone and send message Kim, your HRD to start interview first because you will come late. After sending a message to him, you take a shower and get ready to go.
on your way to the office, you stroll and enjoy the view and fresh air but suddenly someone crashes into you from behind and makes you fall on your face. you try to sit down and face up to see who crashed on you. She is beautiful you thought then she screamed when she looked at you
"It's blood !!" and she rushed to you gave a tissue and apologized to you.
"sorry i crashes into you because i was in a hurry to the office for a job interview" she said while bowed to me many times.
"it's okay, careful next time. okay?" you replied and then helped her tidy up her belongings that fell after she bumped into you earlier.
"where will you have a job interview?" you asked her.
"it's DP company" she said.
you hide your shock while helped tidying her fallen belonging because she will do the job interview at your company and not telling her that you are the owner.
"ah it's a big company, right? why do you want to work there… sorry who is your name?" you asked
"i'm xiaoting" she replied.
"ah i see, xiaoting. it's beautiful name. so why you want to work at DP company?" you asked her once again.
"it's my dream to work there since my college life, i study hard so i can reach my dream there" she said reminiscing her dream then the reality slapped her that she already late to the job interview
"i go first and i'm sorry once again crashes you" she continued and bowed to you for one last time.
finally you arrive at your office and you got bombarded by question from your employees because a tissue plugged in your nose
"Y/N, why are your nose bleeding?!?" they asked.
"ahhh it's nothing, i got tripped and fall down" you replied
"Which room is the place for job interviews?" you continued
"it's on the third floor, for accounting team's room" they replied
"ah okay, thanks" you replied again then go to the third floor and stepped into the room when xiaoting interviewed, her eyes widen and confused why are you there in the same room.
"Oh, Xiaoting is being interviewed now? Just accept her to work here, no need for interview further" you said ordering Kim.
"do you know her boss?" he asked
"yes, i met her when i collided with her earlier" you replied
then Kim explained who you are to her, that you are the owner of the company.
"ah.. 1 more question xiaoting, which department do you applied again?" you asked her.
"i applied for accounting department and secretary.." she answered
"okay good, be my secretary then. you can work now, can you?" you cut her.
"yes i can, sir" she answered.
"okay let's go then" you command her to follow you
"you can continue the interview for accounting department" you said to Kim and he nodded.
you walked out from the interview room and lead xiaoting to her office room
"Y/N, i'm sorry that i don't noticed you earlier and sorry for made your nose bleeding too", she said while bowed again.
"heyyy.. it's nothing don't blamed yourself like that, and i can see your passion for the work and have a great attitude too. if not, you already leaving me there bleeding" i laughed changing the subject.
"by the way, how old are you now, Xiaoting?" you asked her,
"i'm 25 now, sir" she replied.
"heyy.. the different not that much, i'm 29. you can drop the honorifics, because we met casually" you said.
"here.. you can work here, this is your office room. you know what secretary do, right?" you showed her office room and give her a deskjob then she nodded.
"if there is anything you don't understand, you can come to my room to ask, okay" you continued as she nodded again.
day to weeks you work tandem with her, she is excellent with what her doing. you never expected found someone with talent to be your secretary like her. today is like another day you work with her while she mention your next schedule.
"okay, thanks for the info, ting" you said.
you go out for the meeting with your client and she stay at the office because you command her. you done meeting with lient before lunch then heading back to your office. after you arrived at office, you are not heading to your office room but her office room. you opened the door and it made her jolted in surprise
"oh, sorry to surprise you hehe" you giggled.
"want to lunch together?" you asked her and she nodded.
"how is the job? do you like it? does it meet your expectations when you dream of working in my company?" you bombarded her with questions.
"can you asked one by one?" she said chuckled.
"oh my bad hehe" you chuckle replied her.
"the job is best for me, it absolutely meet my expectation i dreamed of" she answered,
"it's relieving , i put you in the right job" you replied.
"by the way, tonight you will no have any schedule, sir" she said.
"okay thank you for the info, you can go home early too. hey, remember to drop honorifics when meet me?" you said, she nodded smile.
the night has come when you packing to go home early but something make you to work overtime because of your client request, you sighed of it. then, someone knocking your room
"come in" you answered the knock.
"oh it's you ting. what's up?" you asked her.
"hmm.. didn't I say that you don't have any schedule tonight?" she asked.
"well, client's request so i have to wrap it up. something happened?" you asked while focus on your laptop as you heard the door locked in.
you turned you face to the doorway and see xiaoting,
"hmm? why you locked the door?" you frown questioning.
xiaoting not answering but walk into your way slowly and stand behind your chair, her hands landed your shoulders massaging it,
"you've worked hard, Y/N, your muscle is so tensed" she whispered
you can feel her hot breath on your ears. you turn your chair around to face her,
"wh-what are you doing, ting?" you asked while she start stripping in front of you.
her small pert breast with pink nipples and shaved pussy, make you gulped with the sight and can feel you cock start hardening,
"i can make you relax.. oppa" she said, this is the first time she called you oppa.
then she kneel down and caressing your thigh and trail her hands to your cock through the pants. her hands worked unbuckled your belt and unzipped it to pull it down, your cock sprang free hit her chin. she smiled and her eyes widen awe by your size
"it's so big" she murmured.
then she place her hands on my cock and stroke it up and down,
"ah.." you moaned.
she is not wasting time leaned in and kiss your tip to taste your precum, her mouth gaped slightly and take you cock into her mouth while her tongue licked the underside.
"oh my.. your mouth.." your words are cut off as you moaned and caressing her hair and bring her head to go deeper take your cock.
you hold her head till your tip can feel her back throat, you can see the tears flowing from the corner of her eyes. then you pull you hands off of her head and she start backing off gasped some air, you can see a string saliva connected from her lips to your cock.
"woah.. woahh.. didn't expected my secretary can help relax too" you said as you caress her cheek,
then you command her to blow your cock again. you can feel your orgasm building but you don't want explode in her mouth, you want your cock deep inside her pussy, you thought.
you stand her up to her feet and bend her over to your desk
"stay like this, ting" you command her
you kneel down and leaned in closer bring your tongue to her pussy, you lick her pussy from behind while your hands caressing her asscheeks. she moaned by your action and her juices start dripping to your mouth.
"hmm.. someone must be so horny here, huh?" you teased her,
"ahh.. oppa, don't stop. i'm so close" she said moaning.
you continued your lick but your finger slid inside her pussy now. you slid another finger to her pussy, scissoring and stretch it wide, you pump in and out of her pussy and touch her sweet spot while your tongue worked on her clit, she cry out and a few moment later she squirting hard on your hand and face.
"wow, you came so much" you watch with awe while you lap your chin,
"i'm sorry oppa, i make a mess in your office" she apologized.
"it's okay ting, i want to make you squirt more and make this room our playground" you smirked while you kiss her bare back trail up to her shoulders.
you aligned your cock to her pussy and penetrate her slowly from behind
"ahh ting, you're so tight" you groaned.
"ahh oppa…" she cry out while you thrust deeper,
and finally your cock successfully entered inside her pussy, you stay still so she can adjust your size and feel your cock inside and also in the meantime you can feel her walls pulsating massaging your cock
"can i start?" you asked her permission and she nodded.
then you start thrust in and out slowly so she can feel the sensation.
"faster oppa.. fuck me faster !!" she moaned begged me to go faster and i complied it.
your hands gripped her hips as you thrust into her faster as you watched her ass jiggle rhythmically with your thrust, you can't help but slap her ass, she moaned louder and her walls clench my cock tighter.
"are you close ting? i can feel your grip me tighter" you said, "yes.. oppa.. i'm cumming!!" she cry out, squirt on your cock coating it with her juices. you're not slowed down, you still thrust in and out fast through her orgasm that make her squirt once more.
you flip her body and lay her back to your desk,
"wrapped your legs to my waist ting" you command her and she complied it,
then you pull her arms and put it around to your neck. you penetrate her once again and carry her make she yelp. your hands grip her ass and moves her hips up and down like a fleshlight, she cry out again, you hold her hips still while your moves up and down now thrusting faster and harder into her pussy. with some thrust she squirt again, and her walls clench tighter like milking your cock.
"i'm close, ting" you whispered on her ears and bring her down to her kneel, stroke your cock.
"open your mouth, ting" you command her and explode inside her mouth and some on her face and hair.
"swallow it if you want. it's okay to spit it out" you hands her a tissue but she swallow it instead.
"your cum taste sweet and salty, oppa" she said as wiping her face and hair with the tissue you gave her ,
"lick cleaned me up ting" you command her as you bring your cock in front of her lips again, she complied lick your cock clean.
"you are amazing, ting. you are my best secretary" you kiss her forehead and caress her hair.
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*Feral noises*
I need more Price and sidechick!! (Also, it was amazing) -🐻✨
THIS TOOK A WHILE IM SORRY, but here you go..!
part 1 of Sugardaddy!Price where you're just his sidechick.. 😔
or are you? *vsauce theme playing*
thanks to auntie @ahobaka-trash for beta <3
Pairing : Price x Gaz x f!Reader, implied poly141 x f!reader tw : oral sex (m receiving), foot job, dubcon, infidelity (or is it?), workplace harassment, praise kink, daddy kink word count : 6731 rated : E AO3
Between Him and Him
The night was full of passion, where pleasure was shared with every touch. Fingers intertwined on the sheet, squeezing with every collision of his hips against yours. His beard rubbed against your skin as his lips left a trail of marks down your neck. Rough fingers oh so skillfully working their magic, placed between your thighs to dance on your clit, rubbing, circling, pinching-
You shook your head and sighed shakily, scolding yourself in your head. This was no time and place to remember that. Your hands tapped your cheeks which felt warm to the touch, before looking around, hoping there were no mind-readers present.
You almost jolted when perfectly manicured nails tapped against your desk, sharp and deliberate. You looked up to find your boss’s wife staring down at you, her expression taut with barely contained anger. Swallowing hard, you quickly stood—while instinctively making yourself seem smaller in her presence. Stammering out an apology, you braced yourself as she launched into a scathing lecture on workplace etiquette.
Used to it by now, you only looked down at your heels and listened. From the very first day you started working as her husband’s secretary, she had always been hostile towards you. You never understood why until one day you overheard her accusing your boss of cheating on her with you.
You almost laughed at the time. As if you'd do something like that.
But now, an image of John Price flashed in your head. His smile, his touches.
The ring on his finger.
"Are you even listening!?" You snapped out of your thoughts at the sharp tone.
"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry.." You murmured, fingers twitching as you held back from fidgeting with your skirt.
After enduring another round of berating, you sighed in relief when you saw your boss finally emerge from his office and beckoning his wife over.
You watched as she made a public claim of her husband, kissing his cheek before clinging to his arm as they both disappeared behind the door. You saw a glimpse of her smug smirk before the door was fully closed.
You snorted.
A pause.
Then your shoulders sagged.
As you sank back into your seat, your mind raced with the thought of a similar scenario—but this time, it was John's wife who stood in her place.
Just then, your phone buzzed. As if he was summoned by your thoughts, his name appeared on the screen.
Despite getting an earful about work ethics previously, you answered the call and cradled your phone between your shoulder and ear. "Hello?"
"Hi darling, I hope I'm not bothering you" His deep voice rumbled, sending a shiver down your spine which made you feel ashamed for having such a reaction just from his voice alone.
"No sir" You responded, acting like you were taking a work-related call as your eyes focused on the documents you needed to proofread.
You heard John’s low chuckle and instinctively squeezed your thighs under the desk. "You're off work at 6 like usual?" He asked, to which you responded with a nod.
It took you a second to remember that he couldn't see you. Wow, even without him being physically present, he was still able to make you dumb.
"Yes, sir, 6.00 pm" You finally answered.
"Good" He purred. "I'll pick you up later, yeah?" He added.
"Um- ok-" you didn't manage to finish your sentence before he started speaking again. "From work, not your place"
At his words, you found yourself frowning. “Um- what do you mean?” You asked.
He never picked you up from work, you prefer that he come to your house anyway. So you’d have time to retouch your makeup and change into a more suitable outfit for the date. You didn’t like being to go out unprepared, he knew that.
“I’m taking you to my house” You heard him say.
He never took you to his place before, and you assumed it was because of the missus.
..Is this like one of those porno where he fantasized about fucking his mistress in the space he shared with his partner?
You should feel disgusted, really.. you should stop interacting with him, block him, ghost him, avoid him at all costs.
But your body betrayed that thought as you felt the heat simmering below your belly. Your face heated up in embarrassment. Ashamed.
Well, at least you were still capable of feeling shame.
“I want you to meet someone” John continued like he could read your mind.
He probably wanted to introduce you to his wife so she could see for herself—that you were just a friend, or something, nothing more. A way to earn her trust, to ease her worries about suspicion of infidelity. You wondered if she had grown suspicious, which made him come up with such an idea.
If so, agreeing to this made you more of a bad person than you already were.
“..Okay” You responded against your better judgment.
Before he could speak again, you remembered something and spoke up again. “And oh- John..” You purred softly with the tone you used whenever you wanted something. He seemed to understand it immediately with how he let out an amused chuckle.
“Got it darling, checking out everything in your cart right away.” He uttered firmly, like a soldier following an order.
You felt giddy for being able to get a man like him wrapped around your finger.
Talked too soon.
“I’m expecting the payment first, love.. talk to you later,” He murmured seductively before hanging up.
You could only sigh and smile, and if anyone was looking at you right now, they could see red flushing your cheeks.
Looking around, you made sure no one was actually looking at you before you lifted your phone for a selfie to send him as the payment, snapping multiple pictures with the same pose and slightly different angles. You made sure the camera caught your cleavage that peeked out from your blouse, knowing how he often showed favoritism to your tits even though he worshipped every curve of your body.
You always noticed the way his pupils dilated whenever you wrapped your hands around his arm and made it rest between your breasts, the way he would casually cop a feel of your boob during cuddles, playing with them in a way that made you think you could cum from him fondling your breasts alone, the scratch of his beard as his groans were muffled when he buried his nose between the mounds, big hands squeezing them together like he wanted to suffocate himself with them, how he always need to have them in his hands whenever he pounded into you-
You let out an embarrassing yelp when you feel someone tap your shoulder.
A familiar chuckle was heard which made you look up, feeling a tad bit disappointed to see your boss instead of a certain someone who had been living in your head rent-free.
“Are you okay? Called your name a few times there.” He said with a head tilt and that signature smirk.
“Yes sir, I’m sorry.. I was just thinking..” You stuttered, looking down in remorse. You felt your cheeks warming up, hoping that he didn’t notice the look on your face when you were previously lost in such thoughts.
You felt his hand linger on your shoulder before he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. The office light caught the glint of his wedding ring as he pulled his hand away.
He seemed to notice you glancing at it from how his lips curled in a crooked smirk. “She already left, don’t worry.” He said, amused that you didn’t seem to notice that either.
Suddenly, you understood why his wife was wary of you.
“Um, what do you need me for, sir?” You asked, trying to keep professional despite the disgust you feel. Something you never felt when you were with John, even though the older man held the same relationship status.
“The meeting,” His head tilted slightly, eyes narrowing in something close to amusement. "You were supposed to remind me, I was waiting for you."
Your stomach dropped.
Heart racing, you clicked open his schedule, scanning the time. Five minutes.
You cursed John in your head for leaving you unable to focus properly on your job.
You stood up so quickly your chair scraped against the floor. "I’m so sorry, sir. I lost track of time—"
"I noticed."
You could feel the heat creeping up your neck. He didn’t look upset—if anything, he seemed entirely too entertained by your flustered reaction.
"It won’t happen again," you promised, already gathering your tablet and notes.
His gaze flickered over you—calm, assessing, just a little too lingering. Then, "Relax." A faint smirk. "I figured you were busy. That’s why I came looking for you."
Part of you wondered if he had waited in his office for something else to happen if you had come to him.
"Let’s go," he said, stepping aside for you to walk first.
As you did, you swore you could feel his gaze on you, feel the weight of his gaze on your ass. You held back from tugging your skirt down.
Seriously, what’s with you and married men recently..
The day went on in a drag. Usually, you had no problem zoning out as your body moved on it’s own, slipping into the routine of your job. When time slipped away from you, swallowed by emails, reports, and an endless to-do list.
But today was different. Ever since you noticed how your boss sees you in a way that he shouldn’t, you became more aware of everything. The way he purposefully brushed his hand with yours when you handed him something, how he placed his hand at the small of your back, how he not so subtly peeked down the collar of your blouse.
How come you never noticed it before?
It made you uncomfortable, overshadowing your previous anxiety at the thought of John taking you to his house.
His house, the place he lived in, with his spouse.
Come to think of it, both situations were practically the same.
Even so, you’d rather be with John than anyone else.
You resisted letting out a sigh of relief as the clock finally hit 6 PM. Heels clacked against the pristine floor as you fast-walked back to your desk, swiftly tidying everything up.
“Need a ride?” You froze when you turned around, almost bumping into your boss looking down at you.
“Um- no sir, thank you” You responded quickly before sidestepping to walk past him.
His hand caught your arm, pulling you back towards him before smoothly slipping around your shoulders. “Come on, it’s almost getting dark out, not safe for someone like you to be out alone” He said before dragging you away to the exit.
Your stomach twisted. Refusing him outright felt impossible—he was your boss, after all. Powerful. Untouchable. And if he took offense… your job wasn’t exactly secure.
“Sir, please.. i already-” You tried to plead but then a familiar voice called out your name.
The deep, gravely voice cut through the thick tension like a knife.
As you turned your head to look, and you relaxed as the familiar figure stepped closer. John. He was dressed casually—jeans and a fitted jacket—but his stance was firm, his expression calm but unwavering.
You bit your bottom lip, God he’s so-
Your boss’s jaw tensed. “And you are?”
John barely spared him a glance. “Her boyfriend,” he said smoothly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. His tone was casual, but there was an edge to it—subtle, dangerous.
Blue eyes shifted to you, like he was expecting you to move to his side. So you did.
A strong arm slid around your waist.
Your heart hammered, but you nodded quickly. “Right. He’s, uh, here to pick me up.”
Your boss smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He then looked between the two of you, assessing. Eyes lingered at the ring on John’s finger, the corner of his lips twitched knowingly before he exhaled a low chuckle. “I see. Well, drive safe.”
John didn’t wait until your boss left, couldn’t care less for the retreating footsteps as he focused on you. His fingers gently held your chin, guiding your gaze away from your boss and onto him.
“You alright, luv?” he asked quietly.
You were still shaken, hands trembling as you felt your heart thumping up to your throat. You were not alright, but you nodded anyway.
He glanced down at you, giving you a once-over like he didn’t buy your response. He always had a way of reading you, picking up on what you felt without you ever needing to say a word. So he knew better than to push. With a small tilt of his head, he simply murmured. “Let's go then”
The ride to his house was quiet, safe for the soft hum of whatever was playing on the radio. Outside, the night sky loomed dark, concealing the clouds that had silently gathered. Eventually, raindrops tapped gently against the car window, their rhythmic pitter-patter lulling you into a fragile sense of ease. For a while, the silence felt almost comforting—until he finally spoke.
“How long has that been going on?” His voice was low, gentle, yet beneath it lingered an unmistakable edge. His protectiveness slipped through the cracks.
It took you a while to process his words, couldn’t think with his musk penetrating your nostrils, the warmth of his hand which rested on your thigh at the hem of your skirt, his thumb drawing small circles on your soft skin.
“I-i think.. it’s been a while” You stuttered meekly.
He scoffed. “You think?” he tutted, scolding in a playful manner. His grip on your thigh tightened briefly before easing, his thumb resuming its slow, deliberate caress.
“I-i never really paid attention..” You responded quietly, cursing your own stupidity in your head. Come to think of it, you should’ve noticed since the beginning. From the way your boss looked at you, to how his wife took a dislike in you. Yet, you’ve always brushed it off, and now you were left to face the consequences with how bold he’d become.
“Quit your job,” He said. A demand uttered in a calm tone that was edged with steel. It carried the weight of authority, leaving no room for argument.
“W-what? i can’t just-” You cut yourself short when his blue eyes shifted to you, pinning you on the spot.
“I've told you already, you don’t need to work when you have me, sweetheart,” He said in a softer tone, the words uttered were soothing. His hand slipped higher beneath your skirt, fingertips grazing the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
Well… he wasn’t wrong. He was your sugar daddy, after all. Whatever you wanted or needed, he’d provide—whether you asked for it or not. As he had been nothing less than that ever since you met him. And would continue to provide as long as you kept being his good girl. You could trust everything with him, right?
The moonlight caught the gleam of his ring, a fleeting glint in the corner of your eye.
You were smart enough to not put any hope to a married man. Didn’t want to face the reality of him choosing between you and his spouse one day. You could endure everything for now, content with receiving his attention and money even though you knew it was wrong. You couldn’t help it, when somewhere along the way, you’d unintentionally started to have feelings for him.
Looking away with a pout, you responded “I’ve only worked there for three months.. it would be bad for my CV-” Your words faltered, lost in a sharp inhale as his finger went further up to trace along the edge of your panties beneath your skirt.
“Don’t test me, doll” The rumble in his tone sent a shiver down your spine.
You exhale shakily, cheeks flushed red, ashamed of your own reaction.
“A-alright, i’ll think about it..” You responded, with a voice that was too high and more shaky than you would’ve liked.
He hummed, fingertips moving to the front before squeezing your clothed clit gently between two digits. “Try again, baby”.
A whimper slipped from your lips as your thighs instinctively squeezed shut, only to draw a breathy moan when the movement only made the sensation worsen for the better.
“Y-yes, daddy..” You breathed out pathetically.
“Good girl” he responded, his eyes were now focused on the road. Though, his hand stayed between your legs.
You didn’t know what to expect when the front door opened. Maybe a sweet lady who would make you feel guilty for being a homewrecker. Or a weary, hollow-eyed woman who had long since stopped loving her husband. Perhaps even a striking, glamorous beauty—someone who only married him for the money.
Well, you certainly didn't expect to see the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. He looked like he just walked out of a Vogue magazine cover.
Broad shoulders, a solid chest, and arms that looked like they could hold the weight of the world without breaking a sweat. Defined muscles, sculpted but not exaggerated, hint at power without intimidation. His skin was a warm, rich brown, smooth and sun-kissed, complementing the deep chocolate of his eyes. But it was his smile—soft, warm, teasing—that made him truly ethereal.
His gaze rested at you tenderly while you stood there, gaping like an idiot.
“You must be..” He uttered, followed by your name, his voice smooth as silk, wrapping around each syllable like a slow, deliberate caress
Damn, even his voice was sinful.
Why the fuck did John cheat on him.
“Yes, um.. that's me, yeah.” You responded dumbly, blushing even harder when you heard him and John chuckle.
What should you introduce yourself as? John didn't rehearse anything with you-
“John told me a lot about you,” He said before you could break down and tell him everything about how you had been sleeping with his husband.
“I’m Kyle, by the way” he added, extending his hand for you to shake.
You shook his hand and hoped that your palm wasn't as sweaty as you thought it was.
He didn't let go until you did. And when he did, his touch lingered.
Or perhaps it was just in your head.
The light above caught a glint of the ring on his finger. A ring similar to John’s.
You shifted your gaze away from it.
“Come in, then,” Kyle said as he stepped aside.
As you walked through the door, you saw John kissed him tenderly out of the corner of your eyes. You chose to focus on admiring the interior of the house, looking anywhere but at them.
The atmosphere inside was calm, steady, a quiet sanctuary from the rest of the world. It wasn’t extravagant or overly decorated, but it still felt homey.
Made you feel like an intruder.
“John said you like pasta,” You sensed Kyle’s presence beside you which took you by surprise. His hand was placed at the small of your back as he escorted you to the kitchen.
The touch felt more intimate than it should. But you were too confused by everything to think much of it.
The dining table was set with effortless charm, set with care but without unnecessary formality. Multiple plates of steaming truffle pasta were arranged neatly; the rich, earthy aroma wafting through the air.
You were still trying to figure out what was happening. For what reason did John invite you here, what kind of stuff had he told his husband about you.
From what you were seeing, you could assume that this was a casual dinner. It also seemed that John had been talking about you to Kyle a lot, but why? Wouldn't it make Kyle suspicious? Maybe that was why John invited you over, to get Kyle to lower his guard by knowing you, your previous theory might be correct. But the way Kyle acted towards you was odd, there was no hint of jealousy in his eyes. If anything, he greeted you way too nicely than he should-
Everything was too confusing, you should just stop thinking.
“Oh- sorry, i didn't bring anything-” You replied as you looked up at Kyle with wide eyes.
Kyle exhaled an amused chuckle as he pulled out a chair for you to sit. “Why do you need to bring anything?” He responded with a teasing tone.
“Well.. um.. to be polite..?” You said after you sat, voice becoming quieter at the end of your sentence. Two pairs of eyes locked onto you, making you fidget in your seat.
“Cute.” Kyle simply said with a smile.
John smiled and reached out to caress your legs beneath the table as a gesture to calm you down.
A simple touch that sent heat rushing through you, the impropriety of doing it discreetly in front of his husband only making it more titillating.
You chose to shift your focus to the plate in front of you as you tried to keep calm, playing the role of a ‘friend’ or whatever John had told Kyle about you.
The dinner went better than you thought it would. At least on the surface, with how the two men seemed to be treating you kindly, even if on the inside, you felt like a sinner at the church.
You expected Kyle to ask more about you, but that didn't happen. It was like he knew about you already, asking you about your job and things that had been going on in your life like he was catching up with some old friend instead of talking with his husband’s mistress, even though he probably didn't know about that.
But even with how welcoming Kyle was, and how John was kind to you like he usually was, you still felt like an outsider. You couldn't help but notice how John always reached out to touch Kyle, whether to pass something or just a gesture he did when he talked. While Kyle looked at John like he hung the moon, smiling with each word uttered by the older man.
They made sure to include you in the conversation, but you couldn't help but be reminded of your position.
They were married, bound together by vows, the promise of forever, witnessed by the weight of rings on each other's fingers.
While you were..
A temporary pleasure, a pretty thing to warm John’s bed. A secret folded between late-night pleasure and stolen hours, never meant to see the light of day. He whispered sweet nothings, traced promises on your skin with the same lips that uttered his wedding vows.
You knew it, deep down. You were excited, the rush of something forbidden, the fire that burned bright but was never meant to last.
Then, your mind reeled back to the questions you had in your head ever since John said he wanted to invite you over. You still weren't sure of the reason, as you could only assume.
What was his reason? Was it really to convince Kyle that you were nothing to worry about? Or was it to show you that you were truly nothing to him.
Kyle laughed at a particularly awful dad joke John made, while you sat there in silence, lost in the whirlwind of thoughts crowding your mind.
Thoughts that gave you a headache.
And heartache.
You weren’t possessive of John like he was with you. But you were jealous—not of Kyle, but of what they had. Pushing aside John’s infidelity, you longed for what you were seeing right now.
Your eyes drifted to the rings on their fingers, and felt the lack of weight on your own.
You were a nobody.
“Sorry, i need to use the bathroom,” You stood up a bit too quickly, causing the chair to scrape against the floor with a sharp noise.
You winced. Both at the sound, and the way your heart clenched. No, don't cry. Not right now. Not in front of them.
“Come, i’ll show you where it is,” Kyle replied with a kind smile that sent a pang to your heart.
“I’ll clean these up,” John said as he stood and collected the dishes. He then walked around to give Kyle a peck on his lips before he headed to the kitchen.
With barely a glance towards you.
It was for the better, you thought. So his husband wouldn't suspect a thing, so you wouldn't get your hopes up.
“This way,” You heard Kyle say, standing nearby as he gestured to the hallway.
You could only smile and nod in response before you headed your way.
Lost in your thoughts, about what would happen after, what should happen after.
Should you put an end to this? Stop wrecking the happiness you just witnessed from the sidelines. The rational part of you said, yeah. But your heart was already attached to John.
Thought after thought occupied your mind as you walked down the hall and into the bathroom before heading for the sink to clear your mind.
Too lost in your head to notice footsteps following you from behind.
A presence followed you in, locking the door behind.
At the sound of the click, you looked up, only to catch Kyle's reflection in the mirror as he approached from behind.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist, chin on your shoulder with his cheek pressing against yours.
And you froze, couldn't speak, stopped thinking.
“What’s with the pout?” He cooed with a disarming smile that made his eyes squint. His hand reached up to tug on your lower lip with his thumb.
“W-what?” You managed to break out of your shock with an embarrassing squeak.
His chest rumbled against your back as he chuckled in response.
“I was hoping to see this cute smile in person,” He continued as he pulled out a phone from his pants, showing you the pictures you took this morning, an innocent selfie–safe for the cleavage peeking out the collar of your blouse. The one you sent John.
That phone.. John’s phone.
You felt your heart drop, colors drained from your face.
“..You knew” you stammered.
And before he could say anything, you started to blabber. “I-i’m sorry.. sorry i’m- i know i shouldn't- i know it’s wrong”.
Your eyes teared up as the grip around your waist tightened. And you were reminded that the person behind you was a strong man who could snap you in half if he wanted to.
“Hey.. ssh..” his voice was soothing you as he turned you around, one hand rested on the sink beside you as the other went up to wipe your tears.
No hint of anger in his tone, just a tinge of amusement.
A thumb pressed against your lips to stop you from apologizing. “You're sorry..?” He asked with a tilt of his head, smirk on his lips.
You nodded shakily, holding back a whimper when he leaned closer.
Firm lips pressing against your trembling one, his hand cupped your cheek to keep you still. Not that it was needed with the way you froze.
Eyes wide as you could only stand there and let him savor your lips.
It was gentle, soft, almost.. sweet. Yet, you were left breathless when he broke the kiss.
He didn't back off all the way, pressing his nose against yours. His warm gaze locked onto you as he slowly licked his lips, savoring the lingering taste of you.
And your eyes couldn't help but follow the movement of his tongue.
Whatever thoughts that bothered you before were now thrown out of the window.
“Hmm.. prove it then,” he purred, warm breath caressed your lips as the timbre of his voice went straight to your core.
Your cheeks felt too warm for your liking. “..What?”.
His hand went down, but your eyes stayed locked to his. Even when you heard the familiar smooth whirr of metal teeth separating, accompanied by a faint rasp of fabric shifting.
“I said prove it, baby,” he murmured as he pulled back only to push you down on your knees by your shoulder.
One hand caressed your cheek, while the other held the base of his hardening cock in front of you, tapping the tip against your lips.
You jolted instinctively. Wet lashes fluttered as your doe eyes widened, looking up to meet his. That same charming smile from when he first greeted you lingered on his lips—but now, it carried a different weight. His pupils, blown wide with something else, sent a message that made you hold your breath.
“I’d call John over, but I'd rather have you to myself right now,” he purred as he pressed the tip of his cock between your lips, rubbing but not pushing any further.
..What is going on?
John would definitely notice both of your prolonged absences, he would eventually search for you- for Kyle-
This is wrong on so many levels, being in this position with your.. sugar-daddy’s husband, someone who should have despised you when he found out about your status as the mistress.
Push him away. Your conscience whispered.
You had already become a willing participant in something scandalous from the moment you met John. Did you even have the right to weigh morality now, when the lines between right and wrong had long since blurred?
And who were you to refuse a command from such a fine man standing before you?
Your doe-like eyes trailed up his figure, taking in the lean muscles wrapped in a tight shirt, the faint happy trail leading downward, the sharp cut of his jaw, and that devilish smile playing at his lips.
Saliva pooled in your mouth, a drop slipped out the side and dripped down your chin as you parted your lips to suckle on the tip of his cock shyly.
“I know you could do better than that..” he murmured. Fingers pressed against your jaw, thumb and forefinger applying just enough pressure to part your lips. A slow, deliberate motion—prying them open with ease.
A soft moan escaped your lips as he eased in, inch by inch, stretching the warmth of your mouth.
He was gentle, pushing but not forcing. Giving you an illusion of control when you both knew who was truly in charge. Contrasting with John, who always made it clear from the start that he would break you apart, but also familiar in a way that they both intended to make a mess out of you.
Oh god.. John.
He was outside this bathroom, probably somewhere nearby. It should scared you, the fact that he might come knocking at the door only to find his side chick sucking on his husband's dick.
You were too occupied to worry about that right now.
“That’s it.. good girl..” He cooed when you were an inch away from taking all of him. The praise sent a slow, simmering heat, curling deep in your core, you could feel yourself being embarrassingly wet just from having his cock in your mouth.
His fingers caressed your cheek down to your jaw, a small gesture of commendation that made you long for more. Wanted him to tell you how good you were for him, to have those long fingers caress your scalp as you pleasure him.
So you loosened your jaw further, letting your throat relax before pushing forward until your nose was nestled against the neatly trimmed curls at the base.
You preened when you heard him groan.
“Attagirl baby..” he rasped as he patted your head, an innocent gesture that made you shiver.
You wanted more of that, wanted him to praise you more, to be a good girl for him so he would reward you.
His hand rested atop your head—not gripping, pulling, or pushing. A silent command lingered in the touch, a wordless expectation for you to do your job while he watched.
And you obeyed.
Slurping up the precum and saliva that slicked his length, your tongue glided along each pulsing vein, tracing every ridge as you slowly pulled back. When you withdrew, you extended your tongue further, the pointed tip teasing over his frenulum with deliberate precision. Wide, doe-like eyes gazed up at him, making you look so utterly docile—obedient and eager to please, silently pleading for more praise.
And it was so nice of him to give it to you.
“Look at you, so pretty taking my cock like that.. you’re enjoying this, aren’t you? don’t worry baby, i’ll give you more.. just keep going.. oh.. that’s it..” He kept uttering praises that made you moan softly around his cock.
Leaning back in, your eyes fluttered to a shut as you focused entirely on his pleasure—willing to give your all if it meant earning more of those sweet praises.
But then, he gripped your hair and tugged you away, making you let go of him with a lewd pop as you whined.
“None of that, baby. Keep those pretty eyes open,” He scolded. His tone was gentle, yet the commanding words made you instinctively straighten your spine, nodding in quiet obedience.
He smiled before loosening his grip and let you continue.
With his words in mind, you kept your gaze locked onto his, never looking away as you worked to please him with your mouth.
Slurping, sucking, licking, swallow. Memorizing each twitch and breath, making mental note of any precise movements that pulled those deep, satisfied groans from his lips.
Relishing every praise uttered between the sound of pleasure.
Soon enough, you quickened your pace, bobbing your head fast the moment you felt him twitch. Desperate to coax him over the edge and feel him shooting his load down your throat.
With every nudge of his cock against the back of your throat, your pussy clenched. And you shifted on your knees, pressing your thighs together in a desperate attempt to quell the heat simmering between them.
And how kind of him to notice—even more so when he lifted his leg, tilting his ankle just enough to press the arch of his foot firmly against your aching heat.
An embarrassing whine muffled by his cock as he moved his foot side to side, rubbing your sensitive clit. Your eyes rolled back when he pressed his foot further up to press against your cunt before dragging it back and forth. Giving you a slow, torturous sensation that got you dripping.
Hands gripped his pants as your hips rolled against the slope of his foot to chase the pleasure.
It was embarrassing, to get yourself off of someone’s foot. But you were desperate, squeezing your legs together to trap him there as you continued to grind. Pathetic whines and moans slipped from your lips every time your clit caught on your underwear, or when you ground your hips down just right.
But then, he pulled his foot away and you almost sobbed at the sudden loss.
“Ah ah, don’t get distracted..” He tutted, hand reaching up to push your hair out of your face before trailing down to your lips which were still wrapped around his cock.
You bat your eyelashes at him, a pitiful muffled whimper slipped past your lips in a feeble attempt at an apology. Feeling sorry for getting temporarily lost in chasing your own pleasure that you forgot about his.
His smile widened in response as he trailed his fingers down to your jaw, a gesture that commanded you to continue the previous ministration.
As you started moving your head again, he put his foot back between your legs to rub against your clothed cunt.
With your hips grinding down at the same pace as your head, you tried your best to split your focus. But it was getting harder and harder with how he moved his foot like so- rubbing and pressing your clit as the slope dragged itself back and forth against your throbbing pussy, teasing between your folds.
You worked your mouth on him as you kept trying to build up the heat that intensified in your core. Doing both simultaneously as you were afraid he might rip the sensation away if you didn't satisfy him enough, just like before.
“You close yet, baby?” His voice purred as he moved his foot against you some more.
A squeak escaped your lips as a thrill shot up your spine. Your nails dug into his hips as you ground your pussy against him, hard.
And then you felt him moving his foot to the side, tugging the edge of your panties to push it aside before grinding directly against your bare cunt. Then, you felt the tip of his toes pressing against the entrance which became the final push that sent you over the edge.
You moaned wantonly around his cock as your legs buckled. Gasping through your nose as you struggled to breathe with him deep in your throat. Unable to keep up with the waves of pleasure that hit you.
A distant echo of Kyle’s voice was heard behind the blood rushing through your ears.
“That's it..” He praised.
You slurped around his cock as you kept moving your head.
“Making a mess of yourself..” he continued in a seductive whisper.
You swallowed with him deep in your throat, making him twitch as he groaned.
“Good fucking girl..” He grunted as he put one hand against your throat, cradling in a way like you were nothing more than submissive.
Spit inevitably coated the underside of your chin, lining the ridges of your throat.
Then, his head hung back, relishing the sensation as he teetered over the edge. His cock throbbed with the intense release, shooting thick ropes of white down your throat.
Tears welled at the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision as they clung to your lashes. But you couldn't pull away with his hand keeping your head still, making you take every drop of his cum.
“Take it all, doll.. but don't swallow,” he commanded with that smooth voice of his, which was way more soothing than it should be.
And you obeyed.
Pliant when he finally pulled your head back until his softening cock slipped out your lips with a wet, obscene pop.
You let him tilt your head up before prying your mouth open. Your gaze, glazed and unfocused as he drank in your wrecked state.
On your knees, basking in the afterglow after getting off on a man’s foot, saliva and cum trailing down your chin.
Then, he spit into your mouth.
And just like before, you obeyed.
If you didn't feel dirty being his husband's mistress, you sure did now.
Again, what's with you and married men recently.
The door clicked shut, his lips curling into a satisfied smile.
Kyle couldn't help but chuckle at the fresh memory of your face in his mind. And while he wanted nothing more than to be by your side, you wouldn't let him.
And since he was in a good mood (thanks to you), he decided to indulge, letting you be when he noticed how flustered you were—too overwhelmed to bear another second in his presence.
So when you pushed him out, he left and let you clean yourself alone in the bathroom, letting you gather your thoughts.
“How was it?” He heard John speak from where the older man sat on the couch.
“Better than it should, if i say so myself,” Kyle approached and gave him a quick peck before taking a seat beside him. “I was just going to talk to her, but.. i couldn't hold myself back.”
Before John could respond, a continuous buzz was heard.
Kyle pulled out his phone and accepted the call before putting it on speaker mode.
“Fuck ye, should’ve said somethin’ about the lass comin’ o’er.” Thick scottish accent came through the speaker.
John chuckled at the complaints. “Don't want to overwhelm her yet, Mactavish."
“Ya fuckin' dobber- Come on, Simon! Hit the fucking gas. We’re headin’ back home whether they like it or not,” His yelling rang loudly through the line, even if it was directed at someone from his side.
Looks like the other two were ending their date early.
open taglist : @skeletonsucker, @niazrzl, @iiriam, @katerinaval, @chickennn-soupp, @massivescissorsthingperson, @dreamland08, @massivescissorsthingperson, @brittney-121, @kukavittu, @noheadcanons-juststories, @z-wantstowrite, @uraeus56, @tellme-im-pretty, @prettygirleevee, @pisiksukedk, @nathanmcr, @honestlymassivetrash, @stupidonme, @tribbisweetdear, @bluetokie, @babybimbo777, @aneternallyexhaustedpigeon, @avavie, @angelsdemonsmonsters, @cupcake4440, @herefor-tojis-tits, @axulaphie, @h0e-02, @lucienofthelakes, @goodbyegh0st, @cryingdevil, @pink-princess-amara, @kittygonap, @wiciclesatmidnight
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.˚✶˚. motherhood and matrimony ・❥・ wrapped in love .˚✶˚.

ꨄ︎ pairing. au ceo! satoru gojo x single mom secretary fem! reader
ꨄ series summary. satoru gojo, the arrogant and irresistible heir to a billion-dollar corporation and the son of your boss, the ceo... but when satoru’s father dies unexpectedly, his inheritance hinges on a stipulation: he must marry and have a child, but the child doesn't necessarily have to be his, right? together, you strike a deal: a fake marriage that promises financial stability for you and corporate control for him. as the lines between business and emotion blur, you must decide if your partnership is purely contractual or if it could evolve into something real.
ꨄ chapter summary. christmas morning at the gojo estate has always been a display of elegant grandeur—but this year, the true magic is found in the quiet, heartfelt moments shared with you. for satoru, it’s a holiday that finally feels like home.
ꨄ︎ warnings/tags. pure tooth rotting fluff. satoru being the best step dad. lots of domesticity. it does get a bit suggestive at times.
ꨄ words: 12.6k
ꨄ a/n. this is a part of my series motherhood and matrimony, however it can also be read as a fluffy holiday oneshot (you'll probably appreciate some of the references more if you've read the series though!) this entire ch is written from satoru's perspective! also, for those that have read the series, i would definitely read this after ch 7 ♡
ꨄ taglist: closed (ao3)
♬ playlist ꨄ series masterlist ꨄ

side ch // wrapped in love

Christmas had always been a spectacle at the Gojo estate. Extravagant decorations that seemed to glisten with the weight of their price tags, a towering tree so grand it nearly grazed the vaulted ceilings, and a meticulously curated guest list for the Gojo’s annual holiday gala.
Business, wrapped in tinsel—topped with a bow.
Yes, for Satoru Gojo, Christmas always felt cold. Not the kind of cold that nipped at your nose or made you long for a crackling fireplace—it was the emptiness of grandeur.
Growing up in the Gojo estate, Christmas wasn’t a celebration; it was a stage. Takemi Gojo orchestrated the performance with precision, weaving an illusion of family warmth while the frigid reality of their relationship sat heavy within the corners of the mansion.
Twinkling lights adorned every surface, crystal ornaments shimmered under the tree’s glow, and tables overflowed with feasts meant to impress, not to savor.
His father had called it tradition. Satoru had called it lonely.
And from a young age, Satoru had learned that gifts were currency, not sentiment—the meaning of the season buried beneath layers of duty and pretense.
But this year… something was different.
Satoru lounges on the couch, long legs sprawled out as he watches you and Haru at the tree. You crouch low, holding an ornament in your hand, gently guiding Haru as she reaches up to find the perfect spot.
Her giggles fill the room like the sound of bells, bright and contagious, and she claps her tiny hands when the ornament finally stays.
Turning to her, your smile and the warmth in your expression is enough to melt something in Satoru’s chest.
It’s a feeling he can’t quite name—foreign, yet achingly familiar. Like standing outside during the first snowfall—the cold biting at your cheeks, but the beauty of it stealing your breath.
For the first time, Christmas doesn’t feel like an obligation. It feels like… home.
But it isn’t the decorations, nor the estate’s grandeur—it’s you. It’s Haru. It’s the way you’ve taken this cold, hollow place and filled it with laughter, warmth, and life. It’s the way you’ve turned this house into a home—a home he doesn’t want to leave.
“What do you think, Satoru?”
He blinks, glancing up at you—your voice pulling him out of his reverie. You were holding up two ornaments, one red and one blue, with a quirked brow and a soft smile.
Haru, meanwhile, was standing on her tippy toes, trying to reach the highest branch she could manage.
“Oh, uh… hmm?”
You roll your eyes with mock exasperation, shaking the ornaments for emphasis.
���Red or blue? We can’t have both; it’ll clash. Focus, Gojo.”
His lips twitch into a lazy grin as he leans back, folding his arms behind his head.
“Oh, definitely blue,” he says with a teasing lilt. “It matches my vibe better. Don’tcha think?”
You snort, rolling your eyes with a grin—muttering something about his ego—and as you turn back to Haru, Satoru takes the opportunity to watch you again.
The sight of you—your hair falling loose over your shoulders, the way your smile makes even your oversized sweater seem elegant—It isn’t just the room you light up. It’s him.
‘Gifts are just another transaction, Satoru. A display of wealth and power.’
His father’s voice lingers in his mind, sharp and cold as ever. But you—you’ve shown him a different kind of wealth. One that can’t be bought, or wrapped in shiny paper.
And for the first time, he feels it. Not the chill of the season, but… the warmth of belonging.
But with that warmth comes something else—something he’s not used to.
Christmas is just days away, and for the life of him, he has no idea what to give you.
He’s Satoru Gojo. He could buy you anything. Diamonds. Designer clothes. Hell, an entire island, if he felt like it. Money has never been an obstacle—it’s always been a solution.
But when it comes to you, every option feels… wrong.
You—who sighs in exasperation at the estate’s staff, grumbling about how you’re perfectly capable of pouring your own glass of water, thank you very much.
You—who pokes at the extravagant feasts from world-class chefs, saying they could feed an entire village, yet they still couldn’t make your favorite comfort food the way you liked it.
You—who wrinkles your nose at his pretentious lifestyle, rolling your eyes every time he casually mentions the price of something without even realizing.
A necklace dripping in diamonds? You’d probably say it was heavy to wear. A vacation to a private island? You’d tell him you’d rather spend the time with Haru in the backyard, making snow angels.
A car? A house? Exquisite art? Fuck, a horse?
None of it feels enough.
He groans quietly, running a hand through his hair, cursing himself under his breath.
When did this happen? When did he get so comfortable letting his guard down around you, so at ease that now, sitting in his own home, he feels utterly vulnerable? Utterly lost?
And worse, he knows you can probably sense it.
Your voice cuts through his spiraling thoughts, drawing his attention back to you.
Standing a few feet away, the soft glow from the Christmas tree casts a gentle light on your features—a slight furrow to your brow as you tilt your head, holding a new ornament in your hand.
“Are… you okay? You look like you’re plotting something.”
He straightens instantly, schooling his features into an easy grin, but it’s a little too late for that—you’re watching him too closely, as if trying to unravel the puzzle in his head.
“Me? Plotting? Never.” He leans back, resting an arm across the top of the couch. “Just wondering if we need a bigger tree. This one’s lookin’ a little small.”
Your eyes narrow suspiciously, and for a moment, he wonders if you can see straight through him.
You always do.
“Satoru,” you deadpan, and fuck—he knows he’s lost. “This tree is ten feet tall.”
He shrugs, as though you’ve just proven his point.
“Yeah… but like… wouldn’t fifteen feet look better? That’d be a real statement.”
Your groan comes with a roll of your eyes, but it’s paired with the grin he was hoping for.
“Sure, let’s just knock down the ceiling while we’re at it. Maybe put the Empire State Building in here for good measure.”
He chuckles, relieved by your sarcasm, and for a moment, his deflection works—you turn away, back to the tree. He watches you carefully loop another ornament onto a branch while Haru tugs at your sweater, babbling about a penguin ornament.
But as soon as your attention has shifted, it’s back—that gnawing uncertainty, that quiet panic clawing at the edges of his mind.
Good lord, when did this get so hard?
He’s Satoru Gojo. He can charm his way through anything, pull the strings of the world’s most powerful people, and yet he’s paralyzed by the thought of picking out a gift for you.
The longer he thinks about it, the worse it gets. You deserve something perfect—something thoughtful. But what does perfect even look like?
What do you give someone who doesn’t want anything money can buy? How does he give you a gift that carries the weight of what you’ve given him?
“Santa’s gonna like our tree, right, Mama?”
Haru’s voice rings up like a bright chime, tugging him back to the room—to reality.
He watches as you glance down, and a soft smile blooms across your lips as you tuck a loose strand of hair behind Haru’s ear. That look—the one you reserve for her, the kind that could thaw glaciers—hits him squarely in the chest.
“He’ll love it, sweetheart.”
Your voice is as light and sure as the snow falling gently outside the frosted windows, and Haru grins, pivoting to Satoru now.
“’toru!” her face lights up like the tree behind her, “Santa’s coming! He’s gonna bring presents, and cookies, and he loves hot cocoa!”
Raising a brow, Satoru slouches further back into the couch with that practiced ease—masking the chaos still whirling behind his nonchalant façade.
“Hot cocoa, huh? With marshmallows?”
Haru nods so hard, her little curls bounce and her entire being vibrates with conviction.
“He loves marshmallows! And cookies. And maybe waffles too.”
Satoru huffs out a soft laugh, his smile easing.
“That’s a pretty sweet deal for Santa,” he murmurs.
With all the grace of a puppy on ice, Haru scrambles up onto the couch cushion beside him, wiggling her way into place. Her voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper, though it’s far from quiet.
“Mama makes the best hot cocoa. We should have some.”
The confidence in her tone makes him snort quietly, and he raises a brow—playing along.
“The best, huh? Mmm.. I dunno. That’s a pretty big claim, kid.”
“It’s true!” she insists.
And then there’s your laughter—soft, light, and entirely unguarded as it floats from behind him. It’s a sound he’s learned to treasure, one he’d bottle up if he could, a warmth that sinks beneath his skin and quiets everything else.
He swears it’s one of his favorite sounds.
“You know what? That’s a good idea,” you say, ruffling Haru’s hair as you step behind the couch.
But then, you pause beside him, leaning down to press the faintest kiss to his temple—a feather-light touch, and it strikes him like a match catching fire, warmth unfurling from that single point of contact.
Oh, how he loves the touch of your lips.
“I’m gonna grab some hot chocolate—with marshmallows, of course,” your hand brushes briefly through his hair before pulling away. “Watch Haru real quick, yeah?”
Tilting his head back to look at you, he swallows down the tightness in his chest, masking it all with another lazy smirk—because he doesn’t know how to show you just how much that tenderness means to him. How much he loves when you touch him like that, so unthinking, like it’s natural.
And for Satoru, masking it is second nature—it always has been.
“Yeah, yeah… I’ve got it covered,” he waves you off with a dramatic flick of his hand.
You roll your eyes with an affectionate huff, and he lets himself watch you for a moment longer as you disappear into the kitchen, your humming trailing softly behind you like a ribbon that tethers him to you.
And then, silence.
The moment the door swings shut, he lets out a slow, quiet exhale, the tension uncoiling from his shoulders as if he’s been holding himself together for too long.
He slumps back against the couch, his head tipping against the cushion, feeling the ghost of your touch where your fingers had been in his hair. With a sigh, he runs a hand through the same spot, smoothing the strands down absently as if he can capture what’s already gone.
It’s ridiculous how much you’ve undone him. How a single kiss, a fleeting touch, can dismantle the person he’s spent so long pretending to be.
Because in those fleeting moments, when it’s just him and the lingering warmth of you, Satoru Gojo—the man who never lets his mask slip—realizes just how tightly wound he’s become. Just how much of himself he’s spent trying to hold it all together when, in moments like that, you make it so damn easy for him to fall apart.
He closes his eyes for just a breath, letting himself feel it—the calm, the weight of it all, the way his heart stirs.
But then—
A sudden rustling sound shatters the quiet, pulling him sharply from his thoughts. One eye cracks open, blinking lazily as he scans the room.
His gaze lands on Haru, and the breath leaves his chest in a sigh that’s somewhere between disbelief and resignation.
There she is—somehow, in the span of seconds—teetering precariously on the armrest of the couch, her tiny arms outstretched like she’s on a tightrope, her face scrunched in determination.
Satoru stares at her for a beat, utterly disheveled and utterly defeated. His head tilts lazily to the side as he watches her.
“Oi,” he drawls, dragging a hand down his face with a groan that’s more exasperation than anything. “Munchkin. What do you think you’re doing?”
Haru doesn’t even flinch. She grins, wide and triumphant, wobbling dangerously like a baby deer.
“I’m tall, ‘toru!”
He blinks at her, deadpan, before letting his hand fall limply to his lap.
“Yeah? Well, you’re also gonna fall on your face.”
“Nu-uh!” she insists, wiggling her feet against the cushion for emphasis.
“Kid…” He straightens with a reluctant sigh, reaching out with one hand, just in case she topples over. “You’re gonna get me in trouble. You do realize your mom’ll murder me if she catches you pulling stunts like this, right?”
Haru giggles—loud, unbothered, entirely unfazed.
“It’s okay. I’m good!” she declares proudly, as if she’s just conquered Mount Everest.
“You sure about that?” Satoru raises a brow, though the smirk tugging at his lips betrays him. “Because… you’re about two seconds away from face-planting into the tree. And I’ll tell ya right now—Santa’s not gonna bring you anything if you wreck his setup.”
Haru freezes, her expression suddenly serious.
“He won’t?”
Satoru shrugs, as casual as ever, though there’s a sly gleam in his eye.
“Nope. Santa’s big on the whole naughty or nice thing, you know? Pretty sure ‘tree-destroyer’ lands you on the naughty list.”
Haru’s jaw drops like he’s just shattered her entire world.
“But I’m nice!”
“Yeah, well…” he sighs dramatically, “You’re not exactly convincing me right now, short stack.”
She gasps—a flurry of tiny limbs as she clambers down from the armrest in a dramatic tumble onto the cushions.
“I’m nice!” she insists again, louder this time, as if sheer volume might make it more convincing.
Satoru huffs out a laugh, ruffling her hair in an act of surrender.
“Yeah, yeah… crisis averted, princess. You’re nice. I’ll put in a good word for you with the big guy. Just… no more stunts, kay? Santa’s watching.”
She squints at him suspiciously, like she’s testing the limits of his authority over Santa Claus, before finally settling back with a small huff.
But then, Haru shifts entirely to look at him—her brows pinching together, her tiny face suddenly serious.
The shift catches him off guard—how a two-year-old can go from giggling chaos to this kind of weighty focus will always baffle him.
He quirks a brow, leaning an elbow against the back of the couch.
“You hafta tell Santa to get Mama something.”
The words catch him off guard. His grin falters just a fraction as he blinks, straightening a little to study her tiny, earnest face.
How the hell does this kid always seem to know exactly what’s on his mind?
“Oh yeah? Something for your mom, huh?”
Haru nods solemnly, as if she’s just handed him the most important mission of his life.
“Mhmm. Santa forgot last year.”
At that, his heart stumbles, the smile fading from his face.
“W-What? He… forgot?”
“Uh-huh.” Haru props herself on her elbows, swinging her feet idly against the couch. “Mama didn’t get a present.”
The simplicity of her words hits him like a punch to the gut. Innocent and unassuming, but full of a truth she doesn’t fully understand.
Satoru doesn’t respond right away, his mind suddenly swirling.
That unsettles him. The fact that no one thought to bring you anything at all?
You—who pours so much of yourself into others, who has brought a warmth into his life he didn’t think he deserved—spent last Christmas with nothing?
No gifts. No family. No one?
He hates the thought. He knows it shouldn’t surprise him though... you’ve never asked for anything, and it’s not hard to fill in the blanks.
You don’t talk much about your family—he knows there’s distance there, silence where there should be connection—and Naoya, well… he was never part of the picture. But still, the realization knocks something loose in Satoru, a quiet ache settling into the spaces he didn’t know could hurt.
“It’s no fair, ‘toru. Mama’s nice too!”
Satoru swallows hard, dragging a hand through his hair as he forces a smile back onto his face.
“Yeah… you’re right, kid…” he murmurs quietly. “Your mom’s on the very top of the nice list.”
Haru beams, her hands clasping together like she’s already imagining the magic of Christmas morning.
“Tell Santa, ’kay? Mama needs something really nice.”
The simplicity of her words hits him like a sledgehammer.
Something really nice.
As if it’s that easy, as if fixing the pieces of your world can be done with one perfect gift. But to Haru, it is that easy. Because to her, Santa fixes things.
And for the first time in his life, Satoru Gojo feels the weight of expectation—not from a boardroom, or a title, or the world that demands he be untouchable—but from a tiny girl who trusts him implicitly to fix the one thing he’s been so afraid to get right.
Fucking hell. Now he’s back to square one. What the hell is he going to get you?
He leans back into the couch, one arm draped lazily along the back, but his mind is already turning—the gears clicking into place.
“Something… nice, huh?” he says softly, more to himself than to her.
Haru beams, her little legs kicking against the cushion again as she settles back, satisfied that her request has been heard.
Satoru tilts his head toward her, studying her with a thoughtful squint. Kids always seem to know the answers to things grown-ups can’t figure out. She’s managed to pry into his thoughts with frightening accuracy already, so maybe—just maybe—she’s his best shot at figuring this out.
After all, who knows you better than Haru?
“Well…” he says after a beat, angling a glance toward her, “what do you think Santa should bring your mom then?”
Haru gasps—like this is the most important question she’s ever been asked—and sits up straight, her little face lighting up.
“Yeah, you.” He flicks her nose lightly, earning a squeak and a giggle. “You know your mom better than anyone, right? So… what do you think she wants for Christmas?”
Haru’s brows furrow as she thinks very hard, her tiny hands tapping against her chin for emphasis. Satoru watches her expectantly, the smallest spark of hope flickering to life in his chest.
“Well…” she starts slowly, drawing the word out as though she’s stalling for time. “Mama likes cookies.”
Satoru blinks. “Uh… cookies?”
“Uh-huh.” She nods solemnly, as if this is the most serious answer in the world. “Chocolate cookies. With milk. I like them too.”
Ah… right. To Haru, the solution is simple—because to a two-year-old, happiness is simple. And for a moment, Satoru envies her for it.
Satoru exhales sharply through his nose, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth as he humors her.
“Of course you do, princess. Alright. Noted. So Santa’s supposed to bring your mom cookies. What else?”
Haru’s face lights up as another thought strikes her, and she bounces slightly in place.
“Oh! A teddy bear!”
“A teddy bear?” Satoru quirks a brow, half-amused, half-resigned.
“Yeah!” Haru stretches her arms out as wide as they’ll go, as if trying to contain the sheer size of her vision. “A big one. Pink! Really fluffy. Mama can hug it.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. So much for getting a serious answer out of her.
“Okay... so cookies and a big pink bear… anything else?”
Haru pauses again, tapping her chin with her finger like she’s pondering the great mysteries of the cosmos. Then—her eyes go wide, and she gasps, louder this time.
“A pony!”
Satoru stares at her, deadpan. “Really? A pony.”
“Uh-huh!” Haru nods emphatically, little curls bouncing with enthusiasm. “Pink! With sparkles.”
“A… sparkly pink pony?”
“Yes!” She beams, practically vibrating with excitement. “Mama can ride it. I can ride it too. And—and we can give it cookies!”
That does it.
A sharp bark of laughter escapes him before he can stop it, his shoulders shaking as he slumps back against the couch.
With a deep groan, he drags a hand down his face like she’s aged him ten years in two minutes.
He’s getting nowhere.
“Kid… you’re killing me here. Cookies, a teddy bear, and a pony? You’re just listing stuff you want.”
Haru puffs out her cheeks, crossing her arms in protest.
“Nuh-uh! Mama likes ponies. And cookies. And bears.”
Satoru sighs again, tilting his head back against the couch with an exaggerated groan.
This kid.
Her world is so simple—so bright and innocent. Cookies, teddy bears, and ponies.
Haru doesn’t overthink it. She doesn’t make it complicated. To her, happiness is just that—simple.
And maybe… that’s what he needs to remember.
They’re terrible suggestions, but she’s right about one thing: you deserve something really nice. Something that makes you smile—something that feels as bright and simple and warm as Haru’s world.
And if Santa won’t fix it, then damnit, he will.
“Everything okay in here?”
Your voice calls out lightly, followed by the soft clink of mugs. The moment Satoru hears you; he straightens a little, his casual mask snapping back into place.
Stepping in, a tray balances carefully in your hands, three steaming mugs of hot chocolate wobbling precariously as you nudge the door shut with your hip.
The smell hits the room before you do—sweet, rich cocoa laced with the sugary promise of marshmallows—and Satoru thinks that it might as well be magic, with how Haru perks up.
“Mama!” she bounces on her knees so enthusiastically; Satoru thinks it’s a miracle the couch doesn’t catapult her into orbit. “Yay!! Hot cocoa!”
“Mhmm. Hot chocolate delivery!” you announce proudly, lowering the tray onto the coffee table with a dramatic flourish and a smile of pure satisfaction. “Marshmallows included, as requested.”
The soft glow of the Christmas tree dances in your eyes as you kneel in front of Haru, carefully handing her a small mug.
“Two hands, Haru. It’s hot, okay?”
Haru nods solemnly, as if you’ve just bestowed upon her the Holy Grail itself. Her little fingers curl reverently around the mug, and she murmurs softly, “’kay.”
Rising, you hand Satoru his mug next, and he clears his throat—mumbling a quiet “thanks.” When you settle on the couch beside him, he doesn’t miss the way your shoulder brushes against his—your own mug cradled in your hands.
For a moment, it’s calm. The Christmas lights flicker across the room like soft, lazy stars, the cocoa steaming faintly in the air, and Satoru almost lets himself believe this is pure perfection.
But then you ask it.
“And what were you two talking about?” you peer between the two of them with a teasing smile. “I heard lots of giggling.”
Satoru freezes, his mug halfway to his mouth. He’s ready to spin some ridiculous excuse—he’s a master at bullshit, after all—but before he can get the words out, Haru beats him to it.
“We were talking about presents!” Haru announces proudly.
Fuck. That tiny traitor.
Satoru schools his expression, plastering on his best lazy grin as if Haru hasn’t just sold him out for free. He doesn’t need you catching on to the fact that he’s been silently losing his mind trying to figure out what to get you for Christmas.
You arch a brow, amused as you blow lightly on your cocoa.
“Presents, huh? What about presents?”
Haru doesn’t even hesitate. She launches into her list like a kid on a mission.
“Mama, ‘toru is gonna tell Santa we need cookies. And a big pink bear. And a pony!”
Satoru lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, relaxing fractionally against the cushions. Of course. The kid’s list is nonsense—pure, two-year-old chaos—and she’s so earnest about it that you’ll never suspect Satoru was fishing for information.
He’s safe.
“Uh-huh,” you hum, nodding indulgently as you sip your drink. “Sounds like quite the Christmas list, sweetheart. Anything else?”
Satoru almost smiles into his mug. It’s ridiculous how close he was to panicking—there’s no need.
But as Haru stops, her face scrunches in concentration before it lights up again. She looks straight at you, eyes wide and earnest, as she adds brightly:
“And I want a little brother!”
Oh, shit.
Satoru chokes—actually chokes—mid-sip, sputtering and coughing like he’s forgotten how to drink liquid. You don’t fare much better, nearly inhaling your cocoa as your head jerks up, eyes wide as saucers.
“A—what?” you croak.
Satoru’s shoulders shake, one arm flung over his face as he tries to muffle his laughter. It’s no use—his wheezing breaths betray him, and he can’t help but grin through his coughs.
“Haru, kid—”
“A little brother!” Haru repeats, utterly unfazed by the chaos she’s unleashed. Her tiny hands still cradle her mug, looking up at you with innocent conviction. “Santa can bring one. Like how he brings the toys.”
Satoru peeks out from behind his hand, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as his laughter tumbles out in unfiltered bursts.
Oh, this is gold. Pure gold.
You whip your head toward him so fast he thinks you might pull something. Your cheeks are flushed—whether from the cocoa or mortification, he’s not sure—and your glare could cut steel. It would have him worried for his life if it weren’t so damn funny.
“Satoru Gojo, what did you say to her?”
“Me?!” he splutters, desperately trying to get his composure back. He throws his hands up in mock innocence, laughter shaking in his shoulders. “Hey, don’t look at me! That’s all her!”
Haru blinks at the two of you, her expression perfectly innocent.
“Santa brings presents, right? So he can bring a brother. A nice one. And he’ll ride the pony with me.”
Your hand flies to your face, pinching the bridge of your nose as you shake your head, biting back the laughter threatening to spill out.
“Haru… sweetheart, that’s… not how it works.”
“Why not?” she asks, and it’s like she genuinely can’t fathom why Santa wouldn’t pull through on such a reasonable request.
Satoru, finally breathing normally again, leans forward with his elbows on his knees—the smirk on his face nothing short of diabolical.
“Yeah, Mama,” he drawls, dripping with mischief. “Why not?”
Your glare sharpens as you turn toward him. “Do not encourage her.”
“Hey,” he’s utterly unrepentant as he leans back lazily, one arm draped over the back of the couch. “I’m just saying—if Santa’s listening, we wouldn’t want Haru to be disappointed, right?” Tilting his head, he smirks at you. “Looks like Santa’s got his work cut out for him this year.”
You groan, burying your face in your hands as Satoru lets his laughter spill out again, unbothered and thoroughly entertained.
Meanwhile, Haru hums to herself, swinging her legs and sipping her hot chocolate contentedly.
“It’s okay, Mama,” she assures you with a confident nod. “Santa’s magic. He can do it.”
The past few days had been a blur of snow, laughter, and tiny hands tugging Satoru in every direction.
If someone had told Satoru Gojo that he’d spend his holiday season wrangling a two-year-old in the snow and actually enjoying himself, he would’ve laughed them out of the room. But here he was, standing knee-deep in the white fluff while Haru shrieked with glee, launching another snowball his way.
“Take this, ‘Toru!” she cried.
The kid’s aim was absolute trash, her snowballs missing him by a mile, but the way she shrieked with delight when Satoru “pretended” to get hit—well, it made it impossible for him not to play along.
“Kid, you’re ruthless,” he’d groaned dramatically after she tackled him into the snow for the third time.
And then there was you. You—standing off to the side like some winter painting coming to life—warm coffee in hand, wearing that smug smile he couldn’t decide if he wanted to kiss or wipe clean with a snowball.
He swore you’d been the one to tip Haru off about aiming for his knees. Traitor.
The snow had been Haru’s personal playground—and, by extension, his. For days now, his life had been an endless stream of winter chaos: sledding trips that left his muscles aching (Haru’s favorite phrase seemed to be “One more time!”).
Oh, and inside the Gojo estate? More chaos, pure and simple.
Haru’s Christmas cookie baking turned into an all-out war zone—flour dusting the countertops, chocolate chips mysteriously vanishing before they made it into the dough (a crime Satoru was not-so-secretly guilty of), and Haru wearing more icing than she’d used.
Still, the chaos didn’t bother him. He was struck, again and again, by the realization that this—this messy, chaotic, perfect life—was because of you.
And the high-end galas you’d been forced to attend as the faces of the Gojo Corporation—the press, the flashing lights, the constant conversations—all of it felt easier with you beside him.
And you? Well… you carried yourself with a poise that Satoru was genuinely impressed with. But beneath that, he could tell that these past few weeks had taken a toll on you.
You were exhausted.
The late nights catching up on work, the charity events, the endless holiday prep—you hid it well, but Satoru noticed the way your shoulders slumped when you thought no one was looking. The way you sighed as you kicked off your heels by the door.
And it bothered him more than he cared to admit.
It wasn’t just the exhaustion, though. It was this look in your eyes—something wistful, like you were watching all the joy and chaos around you, but holding yourself at a distance.
Satoru didn’t like that. Not one bit.
And still, despite everything, he hadn’t figured out what the hell to get you for Christmas.
The frustration simmered under his skin, gnawing at him whenever he thought about it. You deserved something perfect—something that would remind you how much you were loved. But every time he thought he had it, every idea felt wrong.
Too extravagant, too impersonal, too damn meaningless.
And now, tonight, as he sits at the kitchen table pretending to sip his hot chocolate (while sneaking glances at you sorting through Christmas cards), the idea struck him like a light bulb flickering on.
If he couldn’t figure out the gift just yet, there was one thing he could do.
He could give you a moment. Just one night to breathe—to feel cared for.
Leaning back in his chair, his legs stretch out underneath the table as he watches you—that little furrow of concentration in your brow. You aren’t even faintly aware of how tired you look, or notice when his voice breaks the quiet silence.
You hum absently, still focused.
“Tomorrow night, don’t make any plans.”
Your gaze lifts, brows raising slightly as suspicion flickers across your face.
“Okay… why?”
“Mmm… ‘cause I’m kidnapping you,” he teases, folding his arms behind his head. “Just dress warm. It’s a surprise.”
That earns him a proper look—you eyeing him skeptically, your lips twitching like you were already fighting back a smile.
Bingo. That’s the look he lives for.
The night air is crisp, biting at his cheeks in a way that’s sharp but oddly pleasant, like winter itself is showing off. Snowflakes drift lazily from the dark sky, glowing gold as they pass through the light of the estate’s lanterns, and the world is blanketed in that perfect kind of quiet—soft, still, almost fragile. A nice kind of quiet.
It’d be perfect, really, if not for the sound of your increasingly dramatic sighs cutting through it.
Satoru tugs his scarf higher around his neck, not because he’s cold—he never seems to feel the cold—but because he’s trying to hide the grin pulling at his lips. He glances over his shoulder to find you trudging through the snow like a grumpy little marshmallow, bundled so thoroughly in your coat and scarf that you look like you’re about to tip over.
“You’re gonna freeze to death if you keep trudging like that,” he calls easily over the snow, making no effort to hide the amusement in his tone.
“I wouldn’t have to trudge if you’d slow down, Gojo,” you snap back, and your exasperation is muffled slightly by the scarf wrapped around your face. “Not everyone has legs like a damn giraffe.”
The laugh he lets out is rich and unbothered, a puff of white against the dark sky. Deliberately, he slows his steps to a near-comical saunter, his boots sinking into the snow with every exaggerated step.
“Better, princess?”
“Barely…” You catch up, though you don’t look particularly grateful about it. “I swear, if you keep dragging me through the Arctic tundra—”
“Oh, come on,” he interrupts, stopping in his tracks. His grin is pure mischief, bright even in the dark. “Where’s your holiday spirit?”
“It died about twenty feet ago,” you mutter, shoulders hunching as you try to burrow deeper into your coat.
He holds out his hand to you with a dramatic flourish, fingers wiggling like he’s offering you salvation itself.
“Here,” his sighs affectionately. “Before you collapse and I have to carry you.”
You stare at his hand for a long moment, clearly torn between taking it and smacking it away. The tension only makes his grin widen.
“C’mon now… you’ll bruise my ego if you say no.”
With a sigh that sounds like a thousand reluctant decisions being made at once, you slip your gloved hand into his. It’s small and warm, even through the layers, and Satoru’s grin falters for just a second when he feels your fingers curl around his.
Did he just get butterflies? That’s dangerous. He’s gotta keep it together.
“Atta girl…” he says softly, a bit too softly for his own comfort. But he covers it up with a gentle tug, pulling you closer as the two of you trudge forward.
The path winds through the trees, the branches drooping under layers of snow. Some of them stretch over the walkway, woven with twinkling lights, so it feels like you’re walking through some kind of enchanted tunnel.
It’s the kind of thing that could make anyone believe in magic, and Satoru would probably be soaking it all in… if he wasn’t so preoccupied with watching you out of the corner of his eye.
Your nose is pink, your cheeks dusted with color from the cold, and there’s a light in your eyes that makes something stir in his chest. He tugs his scarf a little higher, like that’ll help somehow.
Then, just ahead, golden light spills onto the snow. A sleigh comes into view, and Satoru slows his steps as you round the corner and see it.
It’s impressive, even he has to admit. The carriage looks straight out of some over-the-top fairytale, polished black and draped with garlands of evergreen—dusted in fresh snow. Strings of soft golden lights wind along the edges, glowing warmly in the dark.
The horses, two massive creatures with sleek dark coats, stand tall and still, their breath misting in the air. Tiny bells dangle from their bridles, giving a soft jingle every time they shift.
It’s almost too picturesque, like something out of one of those cheesy Christmas movies Satoru always pretends to hate.
He doesn’t look at the sleigh, though. He looks at you.
Your eyes go wide, your mouth parting slightly in surprise, and for a moment, you’re so still he wonders if the cold finally got to you. The snowflakes catch in your hair, the glow of the lights reflecting in your wide-eyed expression, and there it is again—that quiet spark that makes his chest tighten.
“Well?” he breaks the silence with a quiet murmur. “Was it… worth the trek through the Arctic tundra?”
You blink, dragging your gaze away from the sleigh to look at him. There’s something different in your expression now—softer, quieter.
“You did all this?”
He shrugs, slipping his free hand into his coat pocket and forcing a grin onto his face.
“What can I say? I’m a man of many talents.”
“Ridiculous…” you murmur, shaking your head with a faint smile, but there’s no edge to your words. Just that quiet disbelief, like you’re still trying to figure him out.
He gestures to the sleigh with an exaggerated sweep of his hand.
“Well? You gonna stand there and let the snow bury you, or are you getting in?”
The driver steps aside with a polite nod, and Satoru’s already moving to help you—steadying you as you step up into the sleigh, his hand lingering at your waist.
When you settle into the plush seat with a quiet exhale, Satoru’s brain takes a quick pause to tell himself that he’s absolutely screwed.
Because if Satoru thought walking through the snow with your hand in his was dangerous, this is a death blow.
But he still climbs in beside you, moments later—tugging the blanket over your laps as the sleigh jolts softly forward.
The bells chime faintly as the horses’ hooves crunch against the snow. They carry you both down the path, allowing the forest to melt away completely as the sleigh crests a small hill, and suddenly, the town comes into view—a world awash in color and magic.
Lights shimmer from every surface—woven through trees, strung like ribbons between lamp posts, wrapped snug around shopfronts as though the entire place has been dipped in starlight.
Shop windows gleam with warmth, framed by wreaths and garlands dusted with frost, while displays of tiny trains, glowing reindeer, and spinning nutcrackers turn slowly behind the glass.
As the sleigh turns fully onto the main street, Satoru glances at you, and predictably, you’re completely mesmerized.
He knows, because you’ve gone completely still beside him—your breath visible in the cold as you take it all in—and he doesn’t even bother to look at the lights anymore, not when you’re staring at them like you’ve stumbled into a dream.
That glow in your expression—soft and open—that’s what mesmerizes him. And the reflection of the lights in your wide eyes gives him the urge to bottle this moment—keep it tucked in his coat pocket forever, so he can pull it out and look at it whenever the world gets too loud.
The bells from the horses chime softly, blending seamlessly with the hum of life ahead—children laughing, carols echoing, the soft crunch of fresh snow.
But Satoru can’t focus on any of that.
Snowflakes have caught in your hair, little flecks of white like frost spun from the lights above. Your lips, soft and faintly parted, are far too close to his line of sight, and his gaze catches there for longer than it should.
Satoru’s brain is short-circuiting.
He’s never been good at this. Restraint. Holding back. Not when it comes to things he wants, things he craves—and God, does he crave your lips so badly.
You shift slightly, burrowing deeper into his side with a soft hum of contentment that nearly knocks the wind out of him.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” you murmur suddenly, as soft as the snow.
He clears his throat lightly, tipping his head back in a lazy attempt at distraction—trying to focus on literally anything else.
“Yeah… not bad,” his voice carries the faintest edge of smugness. “Bet you’re glad I dragged you out here now.”
You hum softly, a little laugh under your breath.
“Yeah… guess I’ll give you this one.”
But as you shift slightly again, your head tilts, and your gaze lingers on something ahead.
In the square below, a father spins his daughter in his arms as she shrieks with laughter—bright red mittens flailing in the air. The mother stands beside then with a warm soft smile, brushing the snowflakes gently out of the little girl’s hair as she settles still.
It’s simple—a fleeting moment of joy—but Satoru notices the way your expression changes. The glow in your eyes dim, just slightly, fading into something distant, something far away.
He doesn’t like it.
It’s not the first time he’s seen that look either. It’s lingered in your eyes at odd moments during the month when you think he isn’t watching.
“Hey… you okay?”
The question snaps you from whatever memory you’ve fallen into. You blink quickly, turning to him with a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“What? Oh… yeah. I’m fine.”
It’s a lie. A bad one.
Satoru knows it instantly because your voice wavers, just slightly, and your hands fidget under the blanket like they’re looking for something to hold onto.
He doesn’t push right away. Satoru isn’t great at handling fragile things—he’s all big, teasing words and careless confidence—but seeing this?
You—retreating into yourself, suddenly quiet? Yeah… it never really sits right with him.
“You know…” he starts carefully, voice softening as he watches you, “you’ve already heard all about my old man. But you… you don’t really talk about your family much. What was Christmas like for you growing up?”
The words settle like snow between you—soft, quiet, but heavy. You stiffen slightly.
Fuck. Maybe he’s said too much. Regret flickers in the back of his mind. He’s half-expecting you to deflect.
You hesitate, staring at the lights again as though they’ll save you from answering, and for the first time, Satoru curses those damn Christmas lights. They feel like they’re pulling you away from him.
But then you sigh, and the sound makes something twist low in his chest. It’s too careful. Too practiced.
“Mmm… there’s not much to talk about,” you admit quietly. “My parents weren’t exactly… involved, so Christmas wasn’t really a thing for us.”
Satoru doesn’t say anything right away. He just watches you carefully, like he’s waiting. He knows there’s more, and he’s careful not to push, not yet.
“I used to watch all the Christmas movies, though,” a faint wistful smile tugs at your lips. “The ones where families sat by the fire… wrapping gifts and baking cookies, singing carols together. It felt… magical. Safe. Like they belonged there.”
The smile slips slightly, and Satoru sees the moment the words shift—when they stop being a memory and start being something else entirely.
“But…” your voice dips to a whisper, “Honestly it was like watching through a window. I felt like a spectator. Always outside looking in.”
There it is.
The words hit him square in the chest, sharp and unrelenting, and Satoru hates it. Hates how small you sound when you say it, like you don’t realize how wrong it is for someone like you—you—to feel that way. It makes his jaw tighten, his fingers twitching faintly under the blanket.
“That’s not fair,” he blurts out, faster than he means to. The sharp edge in his voice surprises even him, but he doesn’t care. “I hate it. It’s not right. You shouldn’t have had to feel like that.”
Your head turns slightly, your eyes flicking back to him, startled.
“It’s not fair,” he repeats, reining it in slightly this time. He shakes his head, turning to look at you fully now. “And you know what? It’s not like that now. You’ve done the exact opposite.”
You blink again, your brows furrowing faintly.
“What do you mean?”
The surprise on your face makes him huff a quiet laugh. He can’t believe you don’t see it.
“C’mon now sweetheart… I mean, look at Haru.”
Your expression softens at the mention of her, and Satoru feels that familiar twist in his chest—this inexplicable warmth that’s only grown stronger since you and Haru came crashing into his life.
“She’s a happy kid,” he says simply, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “You’ve made her a happy kid. Kind of a little terror sometimes—definitely gets that from you—but happy nonetheless.”
You roll your eyes faintly, but there’s a tug at the corner of your mouth that you can’t quite hide.
“Seriously,” he continues, a smirk teasing at his lips now. “That kid lights up at the dumbest stuff—like that ornament she found with the penguin in a Santa hat. You’d think she struck gold. She made me stare at that thing for ten minutes straight.”
You groan, pressing a gloved hand to your face, but there’s a small laugh behind it now.
“She did the same to me.”
Satoru chuckles, low and easy, though his expression softens as he looks at you.
“Because to her, it is magic. You made that happen. You gave her something real, something she’ll hold onto forever. The kind of magic you didn’t have.”
You open your mouth like you want to say something but can’t quite get there yet, and he leans in closer.
“And it’s not just her…” he murmurs hesitantly. “You’ve done that for me too.”
His blue eyes fix on yours with a quiet vulnerability, and your brows furrow faintly as you stare at him.
“What? Really?”
For a moment, Satoru freezes.
Vulnerability isn’t something he’s good at—it doesn’t come naturally to him; he’s always kept people at arm’s length. But somehow, around you, it slips out easier than he expects. Like you’ve managed to dismantle his walls one smile, one moment at a time.
Around you, he doesn’t have to try so hard. And it’s fucking terrifying.
His throat tightens, but he shrugs, playing it off like it’s nothing—even though he knows it’s everything.
“Look… I used to sit in these massive rooms my dad filled with people. All the decorations, all the noise—he made sure it looked perfect. Trees the size of small buildings, tables stacked with enough food to feed an army.”
Satoru pauses, his blue gaze flickering to the snow-dusted path ahead before settling back on you.
“But… none of it mattered. I’d sit there, surrounded by hundreds of people, and still felt so damn alone. Like I wasn’t really there, y’know?”
Your face softens, and he feels it again—that warmth that only seems to exist when you’re looking at him like this, like you can see straight through him. You always do.
“But now?” he exhales, breath curling into the cold air like smoke—his eyes meeting yours fully. “Christmas feels… different. Doesn’t feel so empty anymore.”
“Yup…” he shakes off the tension with a sigh, and smugly adds, “You’ve officially ruined Christmas for me, sweetheart. Thanks a lot. Can’t have it any other way now.”
Your laughter comes quietly, and God, there’s that sound that he loves again. Your gloved hand finds his underneath the blanket.
“Well…” your fingers curl around his. “Thanks to you, I finally don’t feel like a spectator anymore… ‘cause you’re in my life.”
Satoru swears his heart trips over itself. For a guy who never feels the cold, he’s never felt this warm.
The sleigh jolts suddenly, rolling over a bump in the snow, and the movement sends you swaying against him with a soft gasp.
You’re so close—close enough that he can see the faint blush on your cheeks, the soft part of your lips as you glance up at him.
Your gaze flickers—just once—down to his mouth.
That’s it.
He leans in, his hand slipping out from under the blanket to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing softly along your skin as he kisses you.
The first press of his lips against yours is careful, tentative, but then you sigh softly, tilting your head slightly, and Satoru’s restraint snaps like a wire pulled too tight.
The kiss deepens, slow but deliberate, as Satoru tilts your face up to meet him properly. His other hand finds your waist, the curve of it fitting perfectly under his palm as he pulls you closer—closer, because he needs you like he needs to breathe.
He swears he’s losing his mind.
You respond just as eagerly, your fingers curling into the front of his coat, and Satoru groans softly against your mouth—equal parts relief and desperation.
He’s screwed. Utterly, completely screwed.
Because now that he’s kissed you, he doesn’t know how the hell he’s supposed to stop. All he can think about—all he wants—is to pull you into his lap right here on this stupid sleigh and kiss you until the world stops spinning.
His mind betrays him, flooding with images he has no business thinking about right now. Your legs straddling his hips, your coat slipping off one shoulder, coaxing sounds from you that he’s dying to hear—fuck he’s losing himself completely.
He wants to take you—away from the prying world, away from everyone—somewhere that’s just the two of you—home.
When he finally pulls back, it’s only because even Satoru Gojo can’t survive without air forever. But he doesn’t go far. His forehead rests gently against yours and his thumb brushes softly along your jaw.
The corner of your mouth curves faintly and your eyes linger on him—just enough to make his heart skip like it’s forgotten how to work.
It’s torture. Absolute, pure, devastating torture.
His thumb drifts lower along your jaw, reverently tracing the soft line of it. He could stay here forever, just like this—your breath mixing with his in the cold air, your lips pink and kiss-bruised from him.
God, you’ve never looked more beautiful. He wants more.
Shifting slightly, his breath fans across your lips as he murmurs, “You’re so perfect… you’re making this really hard for me, y’know that?”
Blinking up at him, your lips tug into a soft, teasing smile. “Oh?” you murmur, breathlessly. “And what exactly am I making hard, Satoru?”
His breath hitches. Shit. You’re going to be the death of him. He chuckles softly—strained and fraying like his self-control.
“Careful, sweetheart. Keep asking questions like that, and I might just take you home right now.”
Tilting your head, your voice lowers—a quiet challenge.
“…why don’t you, then?”
God, what the fuck are you doing to him?
For a moment, he wants to say screw it. Forget the stupid sleigh, the town, his plans. Forget the world and take you straight to bed where he doesn’t have to hold back anymore.
Take her. Have her all to yourself.
But then your wide, daring eyes lock onto his, and it hits him—you’re playing him—you’re winning. And Satoru Gojo does not lose.
With a slow, shaky breath, he pulls back just slightly. The smirk curling at his lips is lazy, practiced—masking the fact that he’s literally about five seconds from falling apart.
“Mmm… tempting,” he drawls, brushing the pad of his gloved thumb against your bottom lip. “But I’m not that easy to break, sweetheart. Besides, we’ve got more to explore.”
Your eyes narrow faintly, suspicion flickering beneath the teasing curve of your lips.
“You’re unbelievable…”
“Mm, you say that now,” he sighs, “But you’ll thank me later.”
You scoff quietly, rolling your eyes as you lean back just an inch.
“More to explore, huh?”
“Yeah.” His grin widens, lazy and lopsided. “And if you’re good, I might even let you hold my hand the whole time.”
“You’re going to rot your teeth, you know,” you say, watching as Satoru unwraps yet another snickerdoodle cookie—his fifth, by your count.
“Excuse you.” He pauses dramatically, holding the cookie up like it’s a priceless artifact. “I’m single-handedly funding this poor vendor’s retirement. Call me generous.”
You snort into your hot chocolate.
“More like you’re single-handedly making sure they run out of stock before dinner.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He takes a slow, deliberate, obnoxiously loud bite, eyes locked on you the whole time. “I’m boosting the economy, sweetheart.”
“You’re boosting your dentist’s next paycheck, honey.”
Satoru groans, tossing his head back like you’ve just deeply insulted his honor.
“You wouldn’t understand. You don’t appreciate the artistry of sweets like I do.”
“Oh, I appreciate them,” you retort smugly, tugging him away by his coat sleeve before he can eye the next vendor’s table. “I just don’t inhale sugar like I’m storing it for winter.”
“Amateur,” Satoru quips, biting into the cookie with dramatic flair. “You’ll learn.”
“Yeah yeah… I’m cutting you off before you go into a sugar coma.”
“Cutting me off?” He presses a hand to his chest like you’ve insulted his entire existence. “Sweetheart, you wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I would,” You grin victoriously, striding ahead of him through the snow-dappled streets.
“Cold. Heartless. A tyrant, really.” Satoru’s voice follows dramatically as he trudges after you, shoving the final bite into his mouth with zero shame. “This is abuse, I tell you.”
“You’ll live.”
The two of you wander together through the town, your shoulders brushing every so often as you pass small stalls and shops.
The shop windows glow faintly, wreaths and garlands framing every corner, and the air smells of roasted chestnuts and warm cinnamon.
You stop suddenly ahead of him, your steps faltering as your gaze locks onto the massive Christmas tree at the center of the square.
Satoru follows your gaze, and the thing is ridiculous—exactly the kind of over-the-top nonsense Satoru’s father would brag about back in the day. Towering, glittering, competing with the stars like it thinks it has a chance.
But for once, Satoru doesn’t care about the ridiculousness. He only cares about you.
You stand perfectly still, staring up at the tree with something quiet and awed in your expression, like you’ve forgotten the rest of the world exists.
The golden lights catch in your eyes, snowflakes drifting lazily into your hair, and the faintest pink lingers across your cheeks from the cold. You’re glowing—and maybe it’s the lights, or maybe it’s just you.
You look perfect. You look his.
There’s that urge again—capturing this moment, bottling in up, keeping it for himself.
The feeling is so sudden, and before he can second-guess it, his hand slips into his coat pocket, pulling out his phone.
The shutter clicks.
Your head whips around instantly, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
“Did you just take a picture of me?”
Satoru freezes, phone still half-raised, trying to look as nonchalant as a man caught red-handed can. “Nope.”
Your eyes narrow further, shifting on your feet. “Satoru.”
“I was… texting someone,” he says weakly, his grin betraying him.
“Texting who?” you press, eyebrow arching.
“Santa,” he deadpans. “Telling him you’re being mean to me. Again.”
The flat look you give him is priceless. “Good lord. You’re impossible.”
Satoru grins triumphantly, twirling the phone between his fingers like a magician showing off a trick. “Fine, fine. You caught me. I couldn’t help it. You looked cute.”
The faint flush of your cheeks deepens slightly—probably the cold, he tells himself, but he’ll take it anyway.
“Let me see it.”
“Not a chance.”
Your glare sharpens, and Satoru swears you’re plotting his demise. “Satoru. Hand it over.”
He snorts, immediately shoving the phone into his coat pocket. “You’re cute when you’re bossy, you know that?”
You step closer, determination lighting your expression. “I will fight you.”
“You wanna wrestle me in the middle of town?” Satoru raises a smug brow, delighting in the way you’re glaring up at him. “With kids around? Heartless, sweetheart. Absolutely heartless.”
Before you try to snatch his phone from his coat pocket, he moves faster—his arm looping lazily around your waist, tugging you into his side with practiced ease.
The suddenness knocks you off balance for a moment, and you let out a soft, startled laugh. Satoru can’t help but grin, using the moment to pull you even closer.
“Alright, alright…” he murmurs, pulling out his phone. “Here. Let’s take one together. Our first real photo together—no work, no press. Just you and me.”
You blink, your eyes flickering up to meet his, the faintest surprise crossing your face. “Really?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs like it’s nothing, though the warmth in his voice gives him away. “Gotta document the occasion. Might be the only proof I have that you tolerate me. C’mon, lean in.”
You roll your eyes, though there’s no hiding your smile as you let him pull you closer. He adjusts the camera, keeping his arm secure around you.
“Alright,” he says, angling the phone just right. “Say ‘Gojo Satoru’s the love of my life.’”
You snort, laughing as you nudge him. “I’m not saying that.”
“Mmm… I’ll wait.”
Your laughter bursts through the square, bright and unrestrained, just as the shutter clicks. Before you can recover, Satoru leans in, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek as he steals another shot—your laughter caught mid-breath.
“Hey!” you yelp, pulling back to glare at him, but you’re still smiling.
Satoru grins down at the photo as he flips the screen to show you. “Look at that. Photographic evidence that you adore me.”
You gape at him, incredulous. “Adore you?”
“Yep.” He winks, tucking his phone back into his pocket before you can swipe it, catching your hand instead. “Captured for infinity. You’re welcome.”
Your grip tightens on instinct, and you open your mouth to argue, but Satoru beats you to it.
“C’mon,” he swings your hand lightly as he starts pulling you forward again. “The candy stall up ahead has fudge.”
The two of you wander back through the streets, hand in hand as the shops blur by in warm, golden streaks of light.
Satoru doesn’t mind wandering—especially when it means you tugging him along by the hand, pausing every so often to peer into window displays. It’s cute, he thinks, the way you light up at the smallest things.
But then you stop abruptly in front of one shop in particular.
It’s so sudden that Satoru nearly keeps walking, your hand tugging him gently to a halt. When he glances over, he follows your gaze straight to the window of an antique shop tucked snug between two cafes.
And there it is. The locket.
It rests beneath a glass dome, perched on velvet as though it’s worth more than the shop itself. The silver surface gleams faintly under the soft, golden light, delicate and timeless, and engraved across the front is an infinity symbol—curved and flowing endlessly into itself.
Satoru tilts his head slightly, his brows lifting in quiet curiosity as he watches you stare at it—as if that locket holds the entire universe within it.
“See something you like?” he murmurs, looping his arms around your waist and pulling you gently into his chest.
He feels the way you relax into him almost immediately, your hands curling lightly around his forearms.
“Infinity…” you whisper.
He hums, burying his face into the curve of your neck, nuzzling there like he’s trying to steal the warmth of you.
You don’t answer right away, your gaze still locked on the locket. Satoru takes the opportunity to press a lazy kiss against the soft skin of your neck, his lips curving into a grin when he feels you shiver slightly beneath him.
“What’s got you so lost in there, huh?” he teases.
“Hmm? Oh…” You blink, your cheeks tinged faintly pink as you glance back at him. “I was just thinking about what you said. About infinity.”
He raises a brow now, a slow grin spreading across his face as he straightens just enough to nudge his chin toward the locket.
“Yeah? You been pondering the mysteries of the universe without me?”
You turn slightly in his arms, your gaze lifting to meet his, and for a moment, the world narrows to just the two of you.
“Well,” you begin, smiling faintly, “I’ve been thinking… you’re… well, you’re kind of like infinity, aren’t you?”
Satoru blinks, his grin faltering for a split second.
“Yeah… you’re always moving, always bigger than life, like there’s no end to who you are. You don’t stop—don’t ever really slow down. You’re... limitless.”
For once, Satoru’s brain stalls. Completely. He’s torn between a smug She thinks about me like that? and the sudden ache in his chest that he doesn’t know what to do with.
He sees the way you’re looking at him—soft, honest, like you’re laying something fragile and important at his feet—and it hits him harder than anything he’s prepared for.
Satoru tightens his hold on you, pulling you closer as though that’ll somehow ground him.
“You really think that?” A softness creeps into his voice. “That I remind you of infinity?”
You nod slowly, your fingers curling into the fabric of his coat. Your gaze drops for a moment before lifting again, steady this time.
“Yeah… because no matter what... you’ll always protect me. You’ll always be here, won’t you? Like infinity. Always.”
Satoru’s breath catches. For once, he doesn’t have a clever comeback. He doesn’t have anything except this overwhelming, all-consuming feeling swelling in his chest.
He dips his head, brushing his lips softly against your forehead. It’s the only answer he has.
“Mhmm,” he murmurs quietly. “Always.”
For a moment, he lingers there, his forehead pressed to yours, your breath mingling in the cold. Then, with a small grin tugging at his lips, he pulls back slightly, arms still secure around you.
“C’mon,” he sighs affectionately. “There’s still fudge with my name on it.”
You let out a soft laugh, your hand slipping back into his as he tugs you gently forward. But as you fall into step beside him, Satoru’s gaze drifts back to the shop window, to the locket resting beneath the glass.
Infinity, huh?
The faintest smile plays on his lips as he squeezes your hand lightly. He finally knows what he’s getting you for Christmas.
For Satoru, Christmas morning felt… surreal.
The Gojo estate, usually silent and polished like a showroom, had transformed into something far more, filled with a warmth—Haru’s delighted squeals echoing down the halls, filling the empty spaces with pure, unfiltered joy.
“Mama! ‘Toru! Wake up! Hurry, hurry!”
Her voice carries like a one-person parade, punctuated by the rapid thump of her tiny feet sprinting towards the tree, and Satoru groans into his pillow—dragging a hand over his face as if that would erase the early hour.
The sun wasn’t even properly up yet, and here he was, reluctantly dragged from the cocoon of his bed by the infectious energy of a two-year-old.
He shuffled down the hall in his pajama pants and hoodie, stifling a yawn as he dragged a hand through his sleep-mussed hair.
Rounding the corner, he caught sight of Haru—a blur of bedhead and reindeer pajamas, arms flailing as she skidded to a halt in front of the Christmas tree. Her tiny hands clapped together as her wide eyes took in the mountain of carefully wrapped presents beneath it, glittering under the soft glow of twinkling lights.
“Mama! ‘Toru! Look! Presents!!” she squeals, bouncing on her toes, so full of excitement that Satoru half-expects her to rocket straight into the air.
He leans lazily against the doorframe, watching her with an amused grin. This kid… she was like a wound-up toy, running purely on joy and Christmas spirit. It tugged at something in him—a place he didn’t even realize had been empty until now.
“How does she have this much energy so early in the morning?” he mutters, glancing over his shoulder just as you appeared behind him.
You looked impossibly cozy—wrapped in your pajamas, your hair tousled from sleep. In your hands were two steaming mugs of coffee, one of which you handed to him without a word.
“She’s almost three,” you say simply, a knowing smile tugging at your lips. “And it’s Christmas. Welcome to parenthood. This is her prime time.”
“Prime time for chaos,” he quips, taking a careful sip of his coffee.
He shoots Haru a mock-suspicious glance as she darts around the tree—tiny hands hovering over the presents like she’s trying to decide where to start.
“You sure Santa didn’t slip her a double espresso in her stocking?”
Your laugh is quiet and warm, the kind that made the corners of his mouth tug upward instinctively, and he couldn’t help but think how ridiculously domestic this all felt—Haru bouncing by the tree, you standing beside him with that soft, sleepy glow.
It was almost unsettling how much he liked it… how much he cherished it.
His gaze shifts back to Haru, who was now crouched in front of the tree, examining the tags on the presents like a tiny detective—a kind of joy so radiant it made something tighten in Satoru’s chest.
It hit him then—here he was, watching Haru’s eyes light up with the same wonder he never got to feel growing up. His Christmases had always been all flash and no magic. Gilded parties, perfectly wrapped gifts that lacked thought, and a cold sort of extravagance that filled rooms but never hearts.
But this?
This was different. Seeing Haru’s excitement now felt like reclaiming something he didn’t even know he’d lost.
“Mama! ‘Toru!” Haru’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts as she holds up a box triumphantly. “Look! Look! For me!”
“Man, Santa really outdid himself this year,” Satoru drawls, stretching an arms over his head as he plops onto the couch beside you.
He made a show of sipping his coffee like he hadn’t been the one painstakingly arranging the presents under the tree just hours earlier.
You’d handed him ribbons to tie, smirking as he fumbled with the tape, and rolled your eyes as he huffed about how ‘unnecessarily complicated’ wrapping paper was.
And then there’d been the cookies and hot chocolate Haru had left out for Santa, which he devoured with exaggerated flair. You’d caught him red-handed, crumbs still on his face, and he grinned sheepishly, muttering something about how Santa worked hard and deserved a snack.
It had been... nice. Warm. Like stepping into a life he always thought was meant for other people, not him.
But Haru?
She didn’t care about Satoru’s epiphanies. She was too busy shredding wrapping paper like her life depended on it.
The morning quickly descended into a delightful chaos—a whirlwind of torn ribbons, squeals of delight, and an ever-growing pile of toys. Haru didn’t just open her gifts; she paraded each one around the room like a prized trophy.
A dollhouse, a pink fluffy stuffed bear (that was for you, right?), and a set of art supplies. Every present came with an enthusiastic ‘Mama, look!’, making you laugh while Satoru grinned like an idiot.
And his attention… well, it kept drifting back to you.
The way you tucked your legs beneath yourself on the couch, leaning slightly into his shoulder as you sipped your coffee. The way your eyes softened whenever Haru ran to you, clutching another gift—her excitement bubbling over.
The way the light from the tree caught in your hair, making you look like you belonged in this moment… more than anything else ever had.
“Mama, look!” Haru gasps yet again, holding up a small box wrapped in gold paper. “Santa didn’t forget you!”
You blink, momentarily startled, as she thrusts the box into your hands before darting back to the tree—already rummaging for her next gift with boundless energy. Your gaze, however, shifts toward Satoru, narrowing with playful suspicion.
“Oh really?” you arch an eyebrow, grinning.
Satoru scratches the back of his head, feigning nonchalance even as a smug grin begins to tug at the corners of his mouth.
“Don’t look at me,” he shrugs. “That’s between you and Santa. Guy’s always been a softie for you.”
Rolling your eyes, you turn your attention to the package, peeling back the carefully wrapped paper to reveal a small rosewood box.
The craftsmanship immediately catches your eye—with rich, dark wood, smooth to the touch. Two turtle doves are etched with breathtaking detail across the lid—wings entwined in a delicate dance of devotion. As you trace the design with your fingertips, the doves seem to almost flutter underneath—a stunning work of art.
And as you lift the lid, your breath hitches.
Nestled inside is the platinum heart-shaped locket, glinting under the soft glow of the Christmas tree. Encircling the heart is a delicate band of diamonds, each stone catching light like tiny frozen stars. And there, at the center of the locket’s face, is that infinity emblem you know so well—etched with graceful precision.
Your breath catches—your chest tightening as you carefully lift the locket from its velvet cradle. The weight of it is delicate yet grounding in your palm.
“Satoru…” you murmur in awe.
Beside you, he nudges your shoulder gently—his grin softening into something quieter, something more vulnerable.
“Open it.”
With careful fingers, you undo the clasp, and the locket falls open, revealing the secret it holds.
On one side was the photo he’d snapped of the two of you in the town square—you laughing, your cheeks pink from the cold, while he pressed a kiss to your cheek with that obnoxiously smug grin.
On the other side was another photo—one you hadn’t even known he’d taken—a candid shot of you and Haru in the kitchen, flour dusting your nose as you helped her decorate cookies.
Your smiles were radiant, unguarded, and completely at ease.
For a moment, you just stare, your lips parting slightly as you tried to form words. Satoru leans closer, his hand brushing lightly over your shoulder.
“You said… infinity reminded you of me,” he says quietly. “So… I thought maybe this could remind you of us.”
Your eyes lift to meet his, shimmering with an emotion so raw and overwhelming it makes him hold his breath. Then, without a word, you reach up, cup his face with both hands, and kiss him.
It’s soft, deliberate, and unhurried—the kind of kiss that makes him feel like maybe the universe doesn’t have to be so vast and infinite. Not when it can be filled with moments like this.
Before he can fully bask in the moment, Haru’s delighted squeal cuts through the air like a firework.
“Mama! Look! A big one!”
Satoru turns to see her tiny hands tugging at a large, carefully wrapped box partially hidden behind the tree. She tries to drag it forward, but honestly the box is way bigger than her.
You laugh softly, already stepping up from your seat to guide her hands away.
“Oh… that one’s not for you, sweetheart. It’s for Satoru.”
Satoru blinks, caught off guard. For him?
He doesn’t even have time to process it before Haru’s face twists into the most dramatic pout he’s ever seen—complete with trembling lips and misty eyes. She crosses her arms like she’s about to stage a sit-in protest right then and there.
“What? No fair!”
Satoru chuckles, setting his coffee mug aside as he pushes himself up from the couch with an exaggerated groan.
“Alright, alright,” he ruffles Haru’s hair as he crouches beside her. “How about this? You help me open it, and I’ll share whatever’s inside. Deal?”
Haru’s pout vanishes like snow in the sun, replaced by a radiant grin as she nods enthusiastically.
With Haru leading the charge, they attack the wrapping paper like a two-person wrecking crew. Satoru makes a big show of struggling with the ribbon, grunting and pretending to pull with all his strength. Haru giggles at his theatrics, and finally, the last shred of paper falls away.
As the box opens, Satoru stills.
Inside is a telescope—sleek and polished to perfection. His hand trails over the smooth surface, and suddenly he was eight years old again, lying on his back in the garden with a telescope propped on the grass, mapping constellations under a vast, endless sky.
But then, his eyes widen as his fingers brush across something etched on its side. Engraved with precision, is the constellation Lyra—the harp.
Satoru knows enough about stars to understand its meaning. Lyra represents love, devotion, and music. It’s the constellation of Orpheus and Eurydice—a love story as infinite as the stars themselves.
For a long moment, all he can do is stare, his thumb brushing lightly over the engraving as if to ground himself. He doesn’t even realize he’s holding his breath until your voice pulls him back.
“You recognize it?” you ask softly.
He glances up at you, the grin on his face softening into something quieter, something real.
“Mhmm... It’s Lyra.”
You step closer, the faintest hint of nerves in the way you tug at the hem of your pajama sleeve.
“I thought… I thought you’d like an upgrade…” you say shyly, “You love the stars, and I thought you deserved something that made you feel… closer to them.”
Satoru’s throat tightens, and he can’t speak right away, but before he even has the chance to, Haru tugs at his sleeve impatiently, breaking the moment.
“What is it? What is it?” she demands, eyes wide with curiosity.
Satoru lets out a breathless laugh, pulling her onto his lap as he turns the telescope slightly so she can see.
“This, my little star, is how we can see the sky up close. The stars, the moon, even planets if we’re lucky.”
Her eyes widen. “The stars? I wanna see the stars ‘toru!”
“Okay, princess. Tonight, I’ll show you the whole sky.”
“Yay!!” Haru gleams, bouncing on his lap.
Satoru chuckles, steadying her with one arm, but as Haru chatters away, his gaze drifts back to you.
You’re standing quietly a few steps away, watching the scene unfold with that soft, knowing smile that always makes his heart trip over itself. The glow of the Christmas tree casts a faint halo around you, and for a moment, Satoru wonders how he ever existed without this—without you.
Wordlessly, he tilts his head, beckoning you closer. When you step forward, his free arm slips around your waist, pulling you gently down to sit next to him.
He doesn’t say anything at first. Instead, he leans in, pressing a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, then finally your lips—slow, unhurried, and laced with everything he can’t quite put into words.
When he pulls back, his forehead rests lightly against yours.
“Thank you,” he whispers.
It’s not just for the telescope. It’s for this moment, for this morning, for you. Your fingers trail softly over his cheek, and he swears you’re glowing.
“Merry Christmas, Satoru…” you murmur quietly.
“Merry Christmas… sweetheart.”
There’s a warmth in your eyes that feels like home, and for the first time in his life, he understands what it means to be content.
This—this moment, this family, this love—it’s everything. It’s infinite.
And as the three of you sit there, bathed in the glow of the Christmas tree, Satoru realizes something he’s never dared to believe.
He finally belongs.

a/n. i got in my feels writing this. as someone who struggles around the holidays, this was real cathartic to write. hope you guys have an incredible holiday season with the ones you love—thanks for reading, sending hugs! ♡
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when your husband’s secretary acts just a little too friendly around him.
FEATURING: office worker! nanami kento x wife! reader
CONTENTS: 18+ content, mdni. semi-public sex, exhibitionism, cunnilingus, fingering, use of pet names (sweetheart & my love)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: so ik nanami might b too professional for this but 🤫🤫
"you need an appointment to see mr. nanami."
the receptionist spoke in a bored tone, barely looking up from her computer to give you a once-over. all the while she rolled her eyes and obnoxiously smacked her gum, like you were the one wasting her time.
but before you even had the chance to answer, the office door creaked open. "and i thought i mentioned that she could come in without needing one," nanami spoke up, appearing beside her desk.
the receptionist straightened up and busied herself with 'stacking' a couple papers on her desk. fluttering her lashes when she did look up at him, leaning forward just the slightest bit. "sorry, sir. you've just been soo busy and you did mention you didn't want anyone to bother you."
you honestly couldn't blame her, though. not when your husband had walked out of his office without his suit jacket on—the sleeves of his blue button down pushed up and showing off his watch. and well, the most important thing, his wedding ring. which she was blatantly trying to disregard.
"i'm aware. but you should know that doesn't apply to my wife, she's welcome to enter whenever she pleases," you could practically see her jaw clench as soon as he called you his wife, "please don't have me repeat myself. again."
"yes, sir. it won't happen again."
what she'd promised last time.
you stepped foot into the office, ceiling to floor windows decorating the space behind his desk. your heels clacked against the pristine floors, walking over to one of the wooden chairs.
"i brought you some lunch. saw that you forgot your bento at home and i wasn't sure if you brought any money to buy lunch," you spoke up, giving him a soft smile as you offered him the bento.
"thank you," he took the bento from you, setting aside, "but i think i'd like to have something different for lunch," kento cleared the space in front of him, patting on the wooden desk. a silent invitation. the skirt you had on rose up when you took a seat. the perfect offering if you'd ask nanami.
calloused hands ran down your legs, gently spreading them open. taking his time despite the thirty minute time constraint. "i'm sorry about her, by the way," nanami spoke up in a whisper, his lips pressing against your calf. "i don't know how much more obvious i need to be about being happily married."
his lips were reverent as he kissed up your leg, one of his hands holding the other in place. "like i'd ever want anyone but you, my love," he murmured, more so to himself, gently nibbling on your inner thigh. where only he'd be able to see them after. your legs spread apart almost instinctively, giving nanami the perfect view of the lace panties he adored so much.
and as much as he loved seeing you in them, the sight of you without them was much better. kento hooked one finger around the waistband, slowly removing them. sliding them inch by inch down your legs. "you didn't think we should hurry up, mr. nanami?" you questioned teasingly, pushing his hair back to take a look at his face.
"and why would we do that, mrs. nanami? i want to enjoy our time here," he pulled the underwear off, letting it fall to the floor. "well, you know you're sooo busy," you drawled, twirling a hair strand in between your fingers. he let out a small scoff, gently nipping at your leg in retaliation.
"never busy enough for you, you know that," nanami's voice came out muffled, licking a stripe up your cunt. he swirled his tongue around your clit before moving down, running the tip of his tongue down your folds. "never?" you mused, looking down at nanami. he wasn't paying that much attention to you anymore—rather, just your pussy.
"never," he muttered offhandedly, pushing a finger inside of you. your heels dug into his shoulder blades, your back arched when kento curled his fingers to hit your g-spot. and while it'd hurt at first—it was a pain that nanami was more than welcome to receive if it meant getting to lose himself in you.
your nails—paid for by yours truly—tugged on his hair, pulling him closer to your dripping cunt. kento clicked his tongue, looking up at you, "come on, use your words. tell me what you want and i'll give it to you."
"more, please," you responded almost immediately, your grip on his hair loosening up. just a bit. he replaced his tongue with two fingers, slowly getting past that initial resistance before pushing them in and out of you.
even with his glasses fogging up with every heavy breath that he took and your slick covering his mouth and chin, nanami continued to push his fingers inside of you. coaxing out all the pretty little noises you were making. "you can be a little louder, no? just a little bit, sweetheart," nanami curled his fingers, drawing out a whine from your lips.
you dripped onto his digits with each thrust, the golden wedding band on his finger glistening against the office lights. "k-ken, don't stop," your nails dug deeper into his hair, messing up the time he took fixing it this morning. you weren't even sure what was louder anymore—the squelching in between your legs or your moans.
your thighs clamped tightly around his head, holding him in place. "open them, darling. you can take it, you even asked me for more," kento felt the way your legs trembled—the way you were almost hesitant to open your legs again. you were close. "too much, too much," your moan had come out louder this time—loud enough to bleed through the walls.
not that it mattered.
you felt that familiar pressure build up in your lower tummy, your legs threatening to close again all the while your toes curled against the leather heels. too much, you'd said, and you still found yourself needing even more. "cum for me sweetheart, you can take it. take what's yours," his words served as a final push, your orgasm washing over you like a wave.
nanami pulled his dripping fingers out from your cunt and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping them off. effortlessly, he wiped away the spit and slick dribbling down his chin before carelessly tossing the handkerchief to the side. like it was nothing more than just a bother.
your chest heaved as you leaned back against the desk, watching your husband stand up from his spot. a wet patch adorned the front of his khaki pants, his cock practically twitching against the confines of his boxers. "i think i'll just skip ahead to the main course."
needless to say, you didn't have any more trouble coming into nanami's office after that <3
#suguboos ٠࣪⭑#ᯓᡣ𐭩 love letter to: nanami kento#nanami kento#kento nanami#nanami kento smut#nanami kento x reader#nanami kento x you#nanami kento x y/n#nanami kento x fem!reader#kento nanami x reader#kento nanami x you#kento nanami x y/n#nanami smut#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen fanfic#nanami kento fanfic#nanami fanfic
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where there’s sparks, there’s fire!

pairing: patrick zweig x fem!reader
summary: you can’t tell if patrick hates you as much as you hate him. every time you see him he’s constantly talking to you, touching you, trailing behind you. but he’s only doing all that to piss you off. you think back to tashi telling you it’s obvious that he wants to fuck you. you don’t see it. patrick wants to fuck everyone, you’re not special.
—or: patrick zweig is a slut. you can't stand him.
word count: 4.6k
contains: 18+ SMUT MDNI, p in v, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it y’all!), public sex (doing it in a coat closet lmao), more hate sex, swearing, fighting as foreplay, light choking, light hair pulling, degradation, even more hints of mean!reader cause i really do live for that shit, tashi and reader are cute besties always, porn with a little plot, no use of y/n.
author’s note: i originally wanted to post a tashi fic next but i realized i don't have any like actual full on plot filled patrick works lmao i felt bad neglecting him and my patrick girlies so yeah. once again had literally so much fun writing this, like i hardcore love this niche!!! i ride so hard for it!!! the tashi fic i'm working on also falls into this category lols and yes this is fourth of july themed and it's late shut up i cannot write fast for the life of me...anyway! to the anons who requested something like this, hope you love it! okay bye mwah xoxo.
Patrick Zweig is a huge slut.
Everyone knows that. He doesn't even go to Stanford but he's still somehow managed to sleep with a third of the girls on campus, maybe even more than a few guys too if the rumors going around are true.
You hate him. Hate isn't even a strong enough word. You loathe him. You despise him. You detest him. Pick any other fancy synonym, the point still stands. You just really fucking hate him.
It blows your mind that someone as sweet and angelic as Art would be best friends with someone like him. Someone who's so obnoxious, so arrogant, so crass. Art’s the guy that goes out of his way to protect you from the gross frat bros at parties, only to bring his very own as a plus one.
Sigma Nu throws a rager every year on the fourth, extending invites to those who are still in Stanford for the summer. The women’s tennis team is always invited, and Tashi always ends up convincing you to go. Well, she’s less convincing than she is more forcing you, but it’s basically the same thing to her anyway. She did your makeup and wrestled you into a Hollister dress, vowing to get you laid as she straightened your hair.
Tashi’s almost more invested in your sex life than you are, constantly hand-picking guys on campus for your consideration. She actually offered up Patrick once when you told her you wouldn’t fuck any of the guys on campus at all. The two of you were practicing, she suggested it as casual as ever while returning your serve. You were so shocked you stopped in your tracks, letting the ball fly right past you. She assured you she wouldn’t mind if you did, that what the two of them had was quote “Nothing serious, he’s just a really good fuck.” and that you should “Totally do it. He definitely wants to fuck you, I can tell.”
You just brushed her off, ignored the way she smirked knowingly at you over the net. Your cheeks burned as you served again, you wrote it off as annoyance. As if you would ever let Patrick Zweig fuck you.
You lost Tashi when she took off to the bathroom, texting you that she’d be a while thanks to a long line outside the door. You were leaning against a wall nursing a half-empty cup of jungle juice when he came up to you. You can’t remember his name, you think it starts with a B. Something like Brandon? Or maybe Brian? One or the other.
He’s Sigma Nu’s secretary, you sit three seats down from him in your economics lecture. Tashi says he has a crush on you, and he’s nice for a frat guy but he’s definitely not your type. He’s been droning on about his upcoming trip to his family's summer house in Cabo for almost ten minutes. You try your best to seem interested, humming and nodding every couple seconds. You’re in the middle of tuning him out when a loud, familiar voice calls out your name.
“There you are!” Patrick Zweig shouts from a few feet away, ugly American flag patterned flip flops smacking against the ground as he makes his way over to you. He’s wearing a bright red button down and white cargo shorts you scrunch your nose up at. He’s tanner than the last time you saw him, legs long and even more toned. “I’ve been looking everywhere for that pretty face.” He coos sweetly, his hand that isn't holding a bottle of Bud Light comes up to pinch your cheek.
You scoff, smacking his hand off your face. “You found me, so you can go bother someone else now,” you say, rubbing your cheek lightly. “Bye.” You press, waving your hand dismissively when he makes no move to walk away.
Patrick grins, unfazed by your reaction, he steps in even closer. “Yeah, I missed you too,” he says breezily, his breath smells like cheap beer and camel blues. He’s just as tall as you remember. He has tacky blue shutter shades resting on the top of his head. His eyes rake over your body shamelessly, lingering on the low dip of your neckline. “Cute dress.”
You ignore him, rolling your eyes before turning your attention back towards Brandon/Brian. He’s silent now, eyes flicking between you and Patrick skeptically. “Are you like, together, or something?”
You laugh loudly, quickly shaking your head ‘No’. Patrick beats you to speaking though, “God no, man.” he says through a laugh, dark curls bouncing as he shakes his head. “I came over here to warn you.” He continues, voice and expression going overly serious like he’s not talking out of his ass.
Brandon/Brian’s brows furrow, clearly confused. “Warn me?” he asks, head tilting to the left slightly. His puka shell necklace makes a small clicking sound as he moves.
Patrick nods his head gravely, clapping his free hand down on Brandon/Brian's shoulder a little too roughly to be considered friendly, shaking him back and forth like a rag doll. “Yeah, best of luck trying to get inside that snatch, man.” he says earnestly, jerking his head in your direction. “Cause’ she’s really fucking picky–”
You whip your head in his direction to cut him off, grimacing in disgust. “You would say snatch, you sick fuck.” you snap, red solo cup crunching quietly in your hand. Patrick just laughs, dropping his hand from Brandon/Brian’s shoulder. Anger stews inside you the longer he looks at you with that stupid shit-eating smirk on his face.
You can’t tell if Patrick hates you as much as you hate him. Every time you see him he’s constantly talking to you, touching you, trailing behind you. But he’s only doing all that to piss you off. You think back to Tashi telling you it’s obvious that he wants to fuck you. You don’t see it.
Patrick wants to fuck everyone, you’re not special. Sure, he may feel the constant need to be a horn-dog when he’s around you. That doesn’t mean anything. Patrick’s just gross, constantly making crude comments or lame innuendos. What Tashi fails to see is him making sex jokes around you is just another way he can piss you off. It’s not an open invitation into those god-awful shorts.
Patrick takes a small step back, big hands raising in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. Put the claws away,” You try to ignore the way him saying your name in that goddamn infuriating condescending tone makes your cheeks start heating up. Patrick leans his shoulder on the wall next to you, looking down at you with a small grin on his face. “I actually wanted to congratulate you on cracking the top twenty.” He takes a long sip of his beer, head lolling to the side lazily as he swallows. “Lucky number 14.”
You’re not too proud to admit that Patrick is kind of hot, especially in this lighting. He’s objectively a hot guy, and he knows it. All tall and firm looking even in his horrendous outfit. But he’s kind of cute too, in an ass-holey way. His hair's a mess of soft-looking black curls and his ears stick out from his head sort of endearingly. He’s close enough that you can see he’s got a little brown in his eyes, and long lashes. There’s a handful of freckles sprinkled over the bridge of his nose.
His big, strong nose that looks like it could work wonders between your legs. Or at least that’s what you’ve heard from Jen in your chem lab. Maybe this jungle juice is stronger than you thought.
Patrick's smirk widens, wolfish and dirty like he can see what you’re thinking. “That’s pretty impressive.” he continues, his tone a mix of genuine admiration and teasing. "Especially for someone who's always so...busy." He lets the last word hang in the air, a clear innuendo that makes your blood boil all over again.
"Busy training," you snap back, not willing to let him get under your skin any more than he already has. "Some of us have actual work ethic, Patrick. We put in the hours on the court instead of fucking anything that breathes, you know? So we don’t look like idiots that get their ass handed to them on tour by nobody scrubs."
You can feel the heat start to simmer in your stomach, anger and frustration bubbling beneath the surface as Patrick's presence continues to grate on your nerves. The tension between you is thick, amplified by the chaotic energy of the party swirling around you. You see Brandon/Brian take a long, awkward sip of his beer as he steps away, turning on his heel to quickly disappear into the sea of bodies crowding the living room. You roll your eyes internally, pussy.
Patrick grins, not deterred in the slightest. “You’ve been keeping up with my matches?” His voice is low and pleased sounding, shiny green eyes slowly getting swallowed by the black of his pupils.
You pause, owlishly blinking up at him in silence. You’ve been caught. Shit.
You can feel the immediate warmth of embarrassment burning hot on your cheeks as you cast your gaze to the floor. “Only when I need to cheer myself up, a losing streak that high is actually laughable.” You mutter to the floor, lightly swirling your drink in your cup.
Patrick laughs loudly, throwing his head back in amusement. “Still thinking about me though.” he says matter-of-factly, a lazy grin taking over his face.
His audacity sends another wave of anger and embarrassment through you, your grip tightens around your cup. "Only because you make such a spectacle of yourself," you retort sharply. "It's hard not to notice when you're crashing and burning so publicly."
Patrick's grin doesn't falter. If anything, it widens. "I'll take what I can get from you," he says, his tone a blend of amusement and something else that you can't place. "But seriously, congratulations. You deserve it."
His unexpected sincerity throws you off, and for a moment, you don’t know how to respond. It's rare to see Patrick in a light that isn’t coated in sarcasm or sleaze. You catch a glimpse of something genuine in his expression, something that almost resembles respect, and it confuses you.
It confuses you, and it makes something warm start to burn in your stomach. You can’t afford to feel any warm, fuzzy feelings around a guy like Patrick, not if you don’t want to get majorly fucked over the second he gets bored of you.
You don’t know how to react so you do what makes sense, you lash out.
“God, will you just fuck off and leave me alone Patrick,” you say, tone over-dramatic and long-suffering as you tip your head up to the ceiling in annoyance. “I’m trying to have fun.” A lie. The party kind of sucked compared to last years. You were planning on talking Tashi into leaving when she came back, but he didn’t need to know that.
Patrick’s cool exterior finally cracks, letting out a quiet huff of disbelief as a frown starts tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Jesus Christ, what the hell is your fucking problem? I’m being sincere.” The playful light in his eyes is gone, replaced by something darker.
You let out a loud laugh, shaking your head in amusement. “Maybe I’d believe that if you weren’t such an ass. I know you too well, Patrick.” You say, tone mean and condescending. You know he’s right, on some level, but that doesn’t stop you.
Patrick is silent for a beat, eyes boring into yours with an intensity that makes you want to start squirming. He lets out a quiet, bitter laugh, bringing his beer up to his lips to take a long sip. You watch the way his throat moves as he swallows, the way his lips look wrapped around the neck of the bottle. You feel a familiar heat start to pool between your legs, thighs clenching involuntarily as your mind envisions something else his slick, pink lips would look good wrapped around.
He drops the bottle to his side, finally breaking the silence. “You know, now I do believe you.” he says casually, swiping his tongue over his lips lazily. “You must really not be getting any dick acting like this much of an uptight bitch.”
You reel back in shock, his words hitting you like a punch in the gut. The wave of fury that sweeps through you is almost tangible, your vision narrowing to a tunnel that begins and ends with Patrick’s infuriatingly smug face. “What did you just say?” you ask completely taken aback, voice low and rough. Your hand twitches at your side with the need to throw your drink in his face, anger and embarrassment lapping white hot flames in your stomach.
Patrick just scoffs, heated gaze not breaking from your own. “You heard me.” He says, jaw set stubbornly. “You need like, emergency dick, or something to chill the fuck out for once.”
You feel your heart rate spike, your free hand clenching into a tight wrist by your side. “You’re a fucking pig.” your voice shakes with anger, you feel sweaty and hot all over. The heat swirling between your legs is persistent.
Patrick laughs, a loud and infuriating sound. “Come on, we both know you’re fucking begging for someone to give you what you need.” He says like it’s obvious, you clench your fist a little tighter. He takes a step closer, voice dropping down to a whisper meant just for you. “I can help you with that. I can fuck all that bratty shit right out of yo–”
You’re reacting before you can stop yourself, hand flying up to slap him hard across the face. The loud crack pierces through the room, loud enough that a few eyes turn in your direction. Patrick's head snaps to the side, the shades resting on the top of his head fly off.
Your heart stops, hands shaking with the realization of what you just did. You expect Patrick to flip out, start shouting and threatening to sue you or whatever else it is that rich people do. Time seems to slow down as he turns his head, and when he looks back at you, there's no trace of anger in his eyes. Instead, they're dark with something else entirely— something that makes your stomach flip.
He licks his lips, a slow, deliberate motion, and then he laughs, a low, throaty sound that sends shivers down your spine. A clear hand print grows steadily, red and angry on his cheek. "Fuck." he breathes, his hazy eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your breath catch in your throat.
You’re stuck staring at each other for what feels like hours, the music and chatter from the party reduced down to a low hum as you’re caught under Patrick’s heavy gaze.
He drops his beer bottle on the floor carelessly, hand shooting out to grab your wrist tightly and drag you away from the living room. Your cup falls from your grip, splashing down onto the hardwood in a red sticky mess. You fall into step behind him, letting him guide you into the hallway outside the living room before he lurches to a stop in front of a closed door, ripping it open and shoving you inside. Patrick follows quickly, closing the door behind him and bathing the coat closet in darkness.
It’s a tiny closet, you’re pressed up against too many coats fighting for space on the tiny rack, kicking loose shoes around as you try to find your footing. “Patrick, I–” You start, but you're cut off by a strong hand gripping your forearm and whipping you around. Your back hits the door with a dull thud, you don’t have any time to react before his lips are on yours.
The kiss is the opposite of gentle, Patrick’s lips are almost violent as they move with yours. Your hands tangle in his soft hair, kissing back just as roughly. He hisses into your mouth as you twist the strands in your grip meanly, pressing you into the door harder. His tongue forces its way past your parted lips, claiming your mouth fiercely. He tastes like beer, his fingertips are rough and calloused on your skin, pulling you closer as if he wants to meld into you.
“If you don’t want this, say the word and I’ll stop right now.” He says against your lips, breathless and rumbly. His hands squeeze your hips reassuringly, his own version of sincerity softening the moment.
Yeah fucking right.
“Zweig,” you say slowly, yanking his hair roughly. “If you don’t shut up and fuck me in the next ten seconds, I’ll kill you.”
Patrick grins wildly, surging forward to connect your lips again. Your hands find the buttons of his shirt as the two of you kiss, working them open one by one until you get too frustrated and rip the two half-open sides apart. Buttons clatter onto the floor of the closet, Patrick groans into your mouth, breaking the kiss with a huff. “I liked that shirt, dick. You owe me twenty bucks.”
You’re not listening, eyes trained on the bare skin of his chest as everything seems to slow down for a second. Of course, you’ve seen Patrick shirtless before, when he’s on the court and it’s above ninety or when he’s taking up space in Art’s dorm. This feels different, a completely new situation where it’s actually okay for you to stare at the expanse of his torso.
You can’t help reaching out to touch him again— running your greedy hands down his chest, his abs, the sharp ‘v’ cut of his hips that makes its way into the waistband of his shorts. Your manicured nails scratch through the dark hair of his happy trail, you can see the muscles in his stomach jump.
“Fuck,” you whisper breathlessly and immediately regret it. He was already insufferable— all you fucking needed was for him to know how you felt right now. How the sight of his barely undressed body is making your pussy soak through your panties.
Patrick doesn’t even gloat, just uses his tight grip on your hips to flip you so you’re pressing onto the door harshly. He impatiently yanks the skirt of your dress up, wasting no time in hooking a finger on the lace of your panties and moving the fabric to the side for easier access.
You hear him pop the button of his shorts open, his zipper following close behind. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” He says, sliding the thick tip of his cock through your slick lips, brushing himself against your entrance teasingly. “I’m gonna make you think twice about bitching me out ever again.” He seals his promise by grabbing your hair and yanking, causing a surprised whine to fall from your lips. His voice is so patronizing, but you aren’t getting mad like you should be. You’re just getting wetter, getting desperate with the need for him to get inside you right fucking now.
You grit your teeth in frustration, exhaling sharply through your nose. “I hate you.” You hiss, grinding back against his hard cock. You gasp raggedly as he starts to sink himself inside you, not stopping until his hips are flush against your ass. “Shit!” Your hands grip the door so hard you’re scared one of your nails will break. The stretch of him burns in the best way possible. You’d never say it out loud, not wanting to inflate his ego anymore than you probably already have, but he’s definitely the biggest cock you’ve taken. Almost porn-star big.
“I know.” He replies easily, hiking your thigh up with his hand as his hips start to pound mercilessly into the meat of your ass, not even giving you time to get used to the thick stretch of him. The loud smack of skin on skin fills the tiny closet easily, you hope to God the amount of clothes shoved in here somehow muffles the sound. The rough denim of his shorts scratches against your raw skin, adding to the sting of his hips.
Patrick was pounding into you in a way that makes you feel every inch of him. His cock felt impossibly big, filling you up like he was carving a place for himself inside of you. The sting in your pussy at the stretch of him is mind-numbing, you think you’d collapse from how hard your thighs were shaking if he wasn’t practically holding you up.
His big hand grips the sensitive skin of your inner thigh hard enough that it’ll probably be bruised by tomorrow. You distantly hope he’s high up enough that your tennis skirt will cover it, because if not it’ll be a hard thing to talk your way out of.
You throw your head back, a strained moan erupting from your lips. Your nails scratch at the paint on the door's edges, raking small lines down the wall. The loud squelch of your pussy’s overflowing wetness every time he sinks back inside you would be embarrassing if you had the mental capacity to care.
“Fuck yeah, keep making those slutty sounds, baby. Want the whole fucking party to hear how good I’m making you feel on this cock,” he mutters, hiking your leg up higher so he can pound into you deeper.
He drops your thigh, sliding his hand up your body and around your throat. You whine loudly, pushing back into his thrusts harder. Guys have tried the choking thing in the past, but Patrick’s hand is the only one that’s felt right. His long fingers curling around your throat like they belong there.
“Shit, fuck- don’t stop.” you mewl, lips parted in ecstasy. His hand squeezes a little tighter, not enough to cut off your breathing, just enough to get your eyes rolling back into your head as your pussy weeps around the thick length of his cock.
“That’s it, taking my fucking cock like you were made for it,” Patrick grates through a groan, gripping your hips and pulling out from your tight hole to spit on where his cock bumps up against your entrance before plunging back in. You jolt at the extra wetness, whining at how dirty it is. “So fucking tight— does it hurt, baby?” he asks in a barely breathless voice, laughter edging his tone. “Is my fat cock hurting your tight little pussy?”
“God– shit, yes!” you sob loudly, cheek rubbing against the wood of the door as you nod your head frantically. “Hurts so fucking good.” You stop caring about inflating his ego, letting moans fall freely from your lips as you get closer to the edge.
“Fuck yeah, I’m gonna come,” he grunts, his rhythm growing sloppy and erratic as his muscles tense. He wraps your hair in his other hand, pulling hard enough to make your neck crane back awkwardly. He leans forward, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “I can feel you, fucking clenching up on me so tight,” he whispers, still pounding into you roughly. “I know you’re close. Do it. Come all over my cock like a slut.”
Patrick's hand tightens around your throat as he talks, cutting off your air for just a second. “Patrick!” Your voice sounds weak and strained, your hand coming up to wrap around his wrist desperately.
He pulls out abruptly, dropping your hair from his fist to frantically jerk his cock, burying his face in your neck. You can hear the lewd shlick shlick shlick of your wetness help his hand glide over the skin of his cock quickly. Patrick lets out a loud growl before you feel the sharp bite of his teeth sinking in where your shoulder meets your neck, muffling a loud groan of your name as he sprays hot come over the skin of your lower back and the swell of your ass.
The feeling of Patrick’s hand wrapped around your throat as his come paints your skin has you catapulting over the edge. Eyes rolling back in your head as your convulsing pussy gushes wet over his spent cock.
You drag in greedy lungfuls of air, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. “You came first.” You say breathlessly, voice scratchy and hushed. Patrick chuckles against your skin, swatting the tender flesh of your ass lightly.
“Shut the fuck up.” He mutters half-heartedly, nuzzling his nose in your neck in a way that seems far too intimate for what the two of you just did. You don’t say anything.
Patrick eventually peels himself off your back, but the warmth of his body stays wrapped around you as he starts to gently wipe your skin clean. You’re ready to scold him for using some poor guy's coat as a come-rag, but when you turn your head to glare at him he’s using the inside of his own shirt. You wrinkle your nose, but a tiny smile fights its way onto your lips. So gross, you think with a sort of reluctant fondness.
He leans over to fix your panties back over your puffy, abused pussy. Your thighs continue to shake weakly as you try to stand on your own, still unsteady without Patrick holding you up. He gives you a sweet kiss on the back of your shoulder, smacking his lips loudly. You huff out a tiny laugh, pushing away from the door to face him.
You watch him as he languidly gets re-dressed. He looks well-fucked, his hair and clothes are mess, his face is flushed and sweaty. Your eyes trail down to where he’s buttoning up his atrocious shorts.
The fabric around the crotch is darkened with your release, wetness soaking the denim around the zipper and front pockets. You gawk at it, a mix of terror and excitement swirling through your stomach. “You can’t go back out like that.” you say to his shorts, shame burning your cheeks.
Patrick follows your gaze down to his crotch. A pleased smirk plays on his lips when he looks back at you. “I’ll text you later.” Is all he says, zipping his fly and turning towards the door.
“You don’t have my number.” You say, tugging the skirt of your dress down over your hips. You can slowly feel the horny fog leave your brain, leaving you clear-minded and a little panicked.
He cracks the door open, but before walking out of the closet he looks back at you over his shoulder. “Art’ll give me your number. “ He says casually with a small shrug of his shoulder. You suddenly feel sick, wondering how many other people have heard that line before getting completely ghosted.
Patrick must see the negative thoughts running through your mind play out on your face. He gives you an actual smile, one that has his eyes crinkling up the tiniest bit at the corners. “Promise.” He says with a reassuring nod, it’s the most sincere you’ve ever seen him. You bite your lip to stop from smiling at the hope blooming in your stomach, nodding back at him slowly. He throws you one last toothy grin before he’s walking out and closing the door behind him.
You sigh contently, staring at the closed door for a few beats before your phone buzzes to life from where it's laying on the floor. You bend over to search for it, blindly rooting around until you see the tiny display light. The ringing stops before you can answer, when you flip the screen up to check your inbox you have seven missed texts and two missed calls.
Four texts and two calls from Art, and just three texts from Tashi.
arty where are you? i’ve been looking for you are you okay? hello???
tash you know you're not invisible right? everyone saw your little show have fun <3

tags are now in the comments! if you want to get tagged for any of my works just fill out this form!
mini a/n: yes i did change the title leave me lmao love you!
#— 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 ♡#natalia cant write anything under 1.000 words#*places this in your notifs*#hehehehe#i actually have ANOTHER patrick fic that's probably gonna take me a sec#it's more plot heavy#and more angsty#the way i struggled with this#i was terrified the dialogue would sound cheesy#the group chat was consulted#and now we're here#and i like it more now lmao#okay bye!!!#love you!#challengers x reader#challengers x you#challengers fanfic#challengers smut#patrick zweig#patrick zweig x reader#patrick zweig x you#patrick zweig smut#patrick zweig imagine
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money [a.a]
pairing: ceo!abby x secretary!reader
synopsis: when you finally land the job of your dreams, you had no idea what your boss would be like. and damn, no idea you conjured could've done her justice.
warnings: top!abby, bottom!reader, age gap (reader is in her 20s, abby is in her early 40s), cunnilingus (r/a receiving), strap (r!receiving), praise + degradation, mommy kink, dirty talk, manhandling, pet names (sweetheart, sweet girl, angel, baby, whore, slut)
word count: 3.3k
it wasn't everyday that you landed a job with one of the most well known law firms in washington. for now you were just a secretary, someone to sit outside of an office and take calls, but your hope was to work your way up to one of their lawyers.
you had little prior experience with being a secretary, but it was just enough to get you this gig. the building was large, and the office you were to assist was on one of the highest floors, naturally where the head of the firm was.
you knew her, abby anderson. incredibly talented lawyer who even won over a supreme court case. though you hadn't met her in person, you were exhilarated to meet her. she was who you dreamed to be, especially by her age.
it wasn't until your third day, when abby was finally in the office, when you got a glimpse of what working here would actually look like. abby showed up in a well pressed black suit, armani logo drilling into your eyes like a laser, making you feel all that underdressed.
"do I know you?" she asked when you knocked gently on her office door and went in. she truly didn't mean to be rude - her son had been sick for three days and she was feeling it now - but you didn't know that. you automatically assumed she was an asshole, and that threw you off.
you cleared your throat, meeting her eyes and immediately shifting them again. she was intimidating, almost scary. "I'm y/n. I'm your new assistant." she looked you up and down, gaze still burning your skin, and the corner of her mouth turned up to a smirk.
"great. I take my coffee black, nothing in it. there will be a card on your desk that you can charge it to every morning. get yourself something. I expect you to leave before I do, as I stay late. by any chance, do you babysit?" your eyes found hers as you finally looked up.
"I mean, I can. I used to when-" she cut you off, uninterested in anything except the yes. you noted that for later.
"I might need you to pick up my son from school every couple weeks. not often, and certainly not until I've run a background check on you." she wasn't hardly looking at you now, eyes flipping between her papers and computer. "did I miss anything?"
"no ma'am," you said, standing up and instinctively wiping off your skirt, though there was nothing there. suddenly you were back at your desk, waiting for calls and bookings to come in while trying to make sense of that interaction.
the next day you arrived late, but in your defense, the line at the coffee place was long and traffic was even longer, and now you weren't even sure that the coffee was hot. abby was there when you gently knocked on her door, allowing your entry with a low 'come in.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, there was really bad traffic and the line-"
"it's okay, sweet girl." your stomach flipped. yesterday, when your eyes knew nothing but the floor, you hadn't exactly taken in her appearance, but today. today.
today she was in a black turtleneck, sleeves right around the muscle in her arms that just made her look so, so good. her black slacks were tight at her hips with a belt, and they were hugging her legs so tight that you were sure the seam would rip.
her hair was pulled into a nice bun and she wore no makeup, not that she ever needed to. she had freckles, beautiful eyes. rings. she had rings, that she could put inside of you any day.
"I'll be on time tomorrow, miss." your gaze dropped again as you turned to leave her office. this was surely going to be nothing but torture for the following months.
two weeks later was the first time she asked you to stay late. you originally had plans, but the way your name dripped off of her tongue like honey made you immediately cancel them. she had asked you politely to pick up her son, and you even acquired her number from the ordeal.
dealing with kids was not your specialty, but abby's son was a delight. he talked all about his mom, some about his dad and it made you wonder if abby was single or not. she never wore a ring to your knowledge, not even on a necklace, and from your speculation she almost looked like a lesbian. maybe you were just dreaming about the end.
if you had taken your apartment and multiplied it by ten, it still wouldn't be half the size of abby's house. she truly did have money, if the armani suits and porsche didn't say that already.
an hour into your babysitting, which almost just felt like hanging out with a kid in a mansion, abby got home. she walked in, greeting you with the first real smile you had ever seen on her face. your brain malfunctioned when you gently placed her hand on your arm and pressed an innocent kiss onto your cheek.
you were blushing profusely, pupils blown, almost dizzy, all she did was kiss your cheek, a very normal way of greeting someone and you were fucked. abby didn't fail to see you run your fingers over the spot and look at them before quickly turning back towards the two of them.
abby lived for it. lived for the you drooled over everything she did, lived for the way that she was sure her fingers would look so, so good in your mouth... and she tried not to think about it. how could she, when her son was standing right next to her, trying to tell her about his day, and you. you just looked so innocent.
you were engulfed in her smell, the perfect balance of pine and amber and erotica. she smelled like five hundred dollar cologne right off the shelf of valentino. you wanted to smell like that, wanted to smell like that, wanted to wear her clothes and have everyone think that you were together.
"thanks for coming, sweetheart. I'll see you on monday." you looked at her with your brows knit, knowing you had work the following day, friday. "take the day off. you did something for me, and I'm repaying you. use my card and get something."
the amount of money she had to just throw around was so attractive to you. she was an independent woman who brought in millions every year and was letting some secretary she had known for three weeks let buy anything on a day off.
monday had arrived, and you had purchased nothing with abby's card, naturally. you weren't one to spend someone's money just because they had a lot of it, or because they told you to. she would've had to buy it for you to accept it, at that.
it was nearing eleven when abby called you into her office by your first name, instead of one of the many nicknames she always seems to use. "sit." she demanded as you stepped in, and you did so.
"is something wrong, ms. anderson?" she wasn't mad, but she was irritated. she told you to do something, told you to put yourself first and you didn't.
"I told you to treat yourself on friday," her gaze left her laptop and met your eyes. "why didn't you?" you blanked for a moment.
"I just.. I didn't feel right spending money that wasn't mine." she gave you a disapproving look, before getting up and coming around her desk to stand in front of you. in a matter of moments, one of her large hands was grabbing your jaw and forcing your head up to look at her.
she bent down slightly, lips grazing over yours, and you were sure she could feel how much your face heated up. "next time I tell you to do something, you're going to do it. understand, sweet girl?"
"I don't-" your pupils were blown and you were so desperate for her to press her lips just a bit closer, fill the gap and just let you have it.
"say 'yes abby'."
"y-yes abby." she let go of your face and went back to her desk, pretending to pay you little attention, but she was acutely aware of the way you pushed your thighs together and squirmed.
"you're dismissed. I expect to see a charge by the morning." you got up and hurried out, going straight to the bathroom. your face was burning up, and you could vaguely see an imprint from her hand.
you were meaninglessly circling the mall, trying to decide what to spend this newfound money on. obviously you wouldn't get something big and glamorous, no matter how much she seemingly wanted you to.
every time you walked, you seemed to pass victoria's secret. It seemed like it was calling you to buy something, and after that interaction with abby earlier, you decided that maybe you should treat yourself and went in.
you looked around for a while before finding a cute blue set, with embroidered, lacy flowers. it was nothing special, just transparent and high waisted, but it was speaking to you. suddenly you knew what you were wearing to work the next day.
- - -
you felt completely scandalous wearing a short little skirt over the lingerie in the morning, with a button down, where the first few buttons were unbuttoned. it was different from your usual dress pants and blouse, but it definitely did what you needed it to do.
work was as usual for the majority of the morning, and you were suddenly doubting why you wore what you did. there was no point, you were seriously delusional and seriously needed help. what kind of freak where's lingerie and completely inappropriate work clothes to work after one minor interaction with their boss?
that was until you got a simple email from ms. anderson herself, reading nothing but;
my office. now, please.
you cleared your throat, brushed out your hair slightly and adjusted your shirt before nonchalantly entering her office. you sat, observing the way she remained quiet for a moment before clearing her desk and turning her attention towards you.
“did you think I wouldn't realize?” she asked, cooly, with her eyebrows raised slightly. “I mean, props to you, you did as you were told. but I checked the card. I'm not the only one who can see the transactions on that card either, sweetheart.”
you were immediately red. who else could see them? “I didn't r-really think-”
“no, you didn't. I bet the men in my finances would love to see you dancing around in whatever you bought, wouldn't they, baby?” she was standing before you could think, hands resting on the handles of your chair. “why don't you show me, huh? I know you're wearing it.”
“I'm not- we can't do that here.” you looked around, though you knew no one would ever bother her and her office had no cameras. “we're at work, abigail.” there was a fast switch in her eyes, the way they went from cocky to wide, almost needy.
“fuck,” her head dropped into the crook of your neck before she ran her nose along your jaw. “say it again. please, baby.” her tone, the gentle pleading made any rational thoughts disappear from your mind. your hand wrapped around the collar of her button down and pulled her in gently.
“abigail,” you whispered, “I want this,” with that, her hands were everywhere, all at once. she was pulling you up, wrapping her large hands around your hips as she pulled you in for a harsh kiss. she was forcing you onto her desk, keeping her lips to yours as your bodies molded to each other.
she left your lips, finding a perfect spot on your neck and sucking. you gasped when you felt her hand undoing the buttons of your shirt and pulling it out of your skirt. you were grabbing her by her waist trying to pull her closer as she continued to mark up your neck and grab your tits.
when she finally pulled away from your neck, her eyes became wide looking at your lingerie clad tits. you slid your shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it, looking up at her as you began to unbutton hers. she didn't let you get very far before she was gently pushing you back until your back was against the cool wood of the desk.
she unclipped your bra and pulled it off, tongue immediately meeting your nipple. she bit it and you yelped, grabbing her shoulders. her large hand was messing with your other, tugging gently and kneading. "I love your tits so fucking much, baby.” she mumbled into your skin while she kissed down your stomach.
she left more hickies on your ribs, but you desperately needed her in one place. she was pulling your skirt down in seconds, pressing her tongue against you like it was nothing and watching you arch and moan. she was eating you out through your underwear for a minute, before you grabbed her hair and pulled her head up.
"take them off." she smirked, and her head tilted slightly to the side.
"who said you're in charge, sweet angel?" the nickname was new, but you fucking loved that she always called you sweet. you were something sweet to her, and that made your brain lag every time.
"abby please," you bucked into her, chasing friction. that's when you felt it; the large bulge in her slacks that you hadn't noticed earlier.
"feel that, baby? that's all for you." she pulled down your underwear slowly, tossing it in the pile of clothes. she spread your lips, watching slick connect and drip down your thighs. your face burned and you covered it, embarrassed. "uncover your face or I'll stop." you did as told.
she pulled a ponytail off her wrist and pulled her hair into a bun before pressing her tongue into your clit and licking a fat stripe. your head hit the desk with a thud, reveling at the feeling. she worked your clit, sucking it into her mouth and painting patterns with her tongue while she pressed a finger into entrance.
she used her free hand to hold you down by your stomach, since your squirming was messing her up. you whined when she added a second finger, not used to her thick fingers. "if you can't take my fingers, how am I supposed to fuck you with my strap?" you moaned at her words, loving the dirtiness of it.
she returned to your clit and you got loud when she curled her fingers up into the best spot, whimpering and groaning. she remembered the time when you pressed your fingers to your cheek in her house, and brought her unused hand to your mouth, tapping your chin lightly. "open your mouth and suck," she instructed, noticing your confused look.
you took two of her fingers in your mouth and sucked them, which shut you up. your stomach coiled, a warm feeling rushing between your legs before you could even mumble a word. it felt like you just kept coming, until she finally pulled away from your cunt.
"are you gonna give me another one, angel?" she was unclipped her belt while you caught your breath. "wanna fuck you all day." she pulled her pants and boxers down just barely enough to get her strap out. "flip over, ass up." you turned over, fucked out muscles aching.
she ran the tip of her strap between your folds, letting your wetness lube it up, then lined up with your hole. she pushed just the tip in, groaning at the way you took it so well and swallowed her in. "what if I just fucked you like this, huh?" you whined.
"please.. need more," you pushed your hips back slightly, trying to push her in further. she pulled out, simply pushing the tip back in.
"desperate fucking whore," she thrust in on the last word, bottoming out immediately. you whimpered, the strap stretching you far more than her fingers. "aw, baby, does that hurt?" she pulled out far and fucked into you again.
she started fucking you, deep and hard, until you were moaning and grabbing onto the desk, trying to stabilize yourself. one of her hands left your hips and grabbed your hair, wrapping it around her fist and tugging. "fuck.. abby- abs.. mommy,”
your eyes widened at the name, which came out unintentionally. she stopped momentarily before groaning and picking her pace back up rapidly. "call me that again." the tip of her strap kissed your cervix and bumped against your g-spot every time. her arm wrapped around your waist, flicking your clit.
"mommy.. m'gonna cum." you slurred, cock drunk and fucked out. she kept her pace, hardly changing anything except for the fact that she was louder now, finding the perfect angle to get the harness to hit her clit.
"just wait a second, my love,” you held it for as long as you could, but it became too much, and she was hitting just right. your mind went absolutely blank as your vision went white, a wave crashing over you as you came.
you could hear abby moaning, but you were still going, and unable to think of anything. “fuck baby, you make such a mess.” you relaxed your tense body and look over your shoulder at abby's soaked harness, pants, and desk.
“m’sorry.” she slowly pulled her strap out and unclipped it front her hips, letting you lay for another minute before she grabbed your hips and helped you flip over and sit up. “wanna make you cum, mommy.” you looked at her with doe eyes, watching her eyes darken.
“I already came, sweetheart. don't worry about me.” you brought your hand down to cup her cunt and she took in a sharp breath. you ground your palm against her clit and she groaned, shifting her stance from foot to foot.
you slid off the desk with wobbly legs and kneeled in front of her, pupils blown. “please mommy,” you ran your nails over her abs and under her boxer strap lightly, making her muscles tense.
“such a slut, aren't you? want mommy to fuck your face?” you nodded, pulling her boxers down to her ankles. her blonde bush matched her hair, and you noticed her happy trail that you hadn't earlier. “stick out your tongue, baby, be a good girl.”
you stuck your tongue out flat, not even getting a chance to lick before she was pressing her cunt to your mouth. she fucked herself on your face, gripping your hair tight and grinding fast. you gently pushed her against the desk, lifting one of her legs to your shoulder and leaving the other one down.
she must have loved the new angle, because she was moaning and grunting more than you had ever heard her. her clit was twitching and puffy, wet from your spit and her slick. she let out an involuntary whimper, and it was like music to your ears. “gonna c-cum on your f-fucking face, angel.”
her legs shook as she came, ans you spent the following moments licking all of it up. you pulled away and stood up, still shaky. she pulled her boxers and slacks up, moving towards the pile of clothes and handing you what was yours. “do you wanna get dinner tonight?” she stopped what she was doing to button up your shirt and zip your skirt.
“yeah, that's great.” she smiled, kissing you softly.
“you can go home if you want to clean up. I can take my own calls for a few minutes.” it was your turn to smile, grateful to get out of your uncomfortable, wet clothes.
“I'll see you tonight?” you asked, looking over your shoulder once you got to the door.
“pick you up at seven.”
a/n: part two? 🤭
tag list: @shewantstoknow @baumbii @zombholic
#abby anderson#tlou#tlou2#abby smut#abby anderson smut#abby anderson x reader#abby x reader#tlou modern au#lawyer#ceo#ceo au#maya writes
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Summary: Being a single parent comes with all kinds of challenges. Challenges that are so much easier to deal with when the father of your daughter's best friend is there to take of your more personal needs. And if that meant sneaking off with you into a laundry room at a garden party? Well who would he be to complain?
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem. reader
Wordcount: 2.2k
Rating: E
Warnings: smut (semi public sex, unprotected sex, oral f receiving, cumplay) friends with benefits to lovers, a lot of flirting, fluff?
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Full Masterlist // Joel Miller Masterlist
He didn’t know exactly why he agreed to go to this garden party. It was one of the few Saturdays he had off and he wanted it to spend with Sarah. She’s been in middle school since the summer and with all the changes that brought they only had little time to hang out in the last few weeks.
So when Sarah brought the invitation for this garden party that the parents of one of her new classmates were throwing, he wanted to decline. But Sarah told him she really wanted to go, and that if he had something else to do that day, he could just drop her off and pick her up after?
But of course Joel Miller went with her.
And it wasn’t that bad. The drinks were cold, the food was good and meeting all the new parents at the beginning of the year was a good thing too. Even if he already had forgotten most of their names. There were a few faces he recognised from Sarah’s elementary school, so he kept talking to them, all while having an eye out on Sarah who was playing soccer with some kids at the other side of the backyard.
„Fancy seeing you here,“ he heard your voice behind him, and his eyes closed before he took a deep breath and turned around, fighting unsuccessfully against the smile that sneaked to his lips as he looked down at you.
„Could say the same,“ he winked and your smile widened.
This party just got interesting.
You were running late.
The plan was to leave around twenty minutes ago but Charlotte, your daughter, just couldn’t decide on what to wear. She just turned twelve and if this last half year was a preview on how puberty would be with her, than you were in for a wild ride.
Usually you used the weekends to charge your mental batteries by having as little contact to the outside world as possible after working at a bakery and having to be social all week.
But Charlotte had brought the invitation for the garden party a couple weeks ago, begging you to go because Sarah would be there too.
And where Sarah was, her father wasn’t far behind which was why you said yes in the end and spend way too much time on deciding what to wear before you decided on a light summer dress.
It had been a while since you seen him, and you couldn’t even remember the last time the two of you had found the time to have sex.
Because ever since Charlotte and Sarah became best friends some time back in pre school, you and Joel started sleeping together occasionally. The first time happened after a night out at the bar where you ran into him, both of your kids on a sleepover. It had been positively mind-blowing and you were more than eager to agree to keep this going when you both needed a release.
His wife had left him and Sarah before the girl turned one and your husband had used your pregnancy to fuck his secretary because apparently carrying his child made you unattractive to him.
And with both you and Joel being very devoted single parents, both of your love lives was pretty much non existent. You wouldn't say it was frequent now, but every month or two you would find some hours where you’d meet up at either of your houses, not leaving before both of you were more than satisfied.
And you didn’t know if it was the secrecy of the whole thing, but my god the way Joel Miller knew how to play your body to the point of a crying orgasm was addictive.
But now you hadn’t really seen him in almost three months.
With the school change and summer break things were busy not only for you, but for him too. You texted occasionally, trying to figure out a time to meet up, but business was picking up for Miller construction and Joel used the little time he had off to spend with Sarah.
Something you could understand.
So you were excited to see him as you parked your car right behind his on the street after Charlotte finally had chosen a dress to wear. You knew all that time deciding on her outfit would be for nothing once they played soccer, but hey.
Charlotte was off to see Sarah as soon as you stepped into the garden, many people already mingling. The smell of fresh BBQ lingered in the air and before you even had taken two steps inside you already had an iced tea in hand, the host, one of the moms of a new classmate of Charlotte that you had met before, welcoming you.
You were glad that Charlotte and Sarah where in the same class, both of them loving each other like sisters. With Joel working so much you had Sarah over more often lately, seeing Joel only when he picked her up.
She was very well behaved and deep down you got the impression she loved hanging around with just girls for a change. Of course Joel was the best father, but there are some things that teenage girls don’t want to speak to their dads about.
Such as how to use the eyeliner she secretly bought correctly or the awkward question about what to use, pads or tampons or period underwear?
It was nice that she trusted you with questions like that.
You knew from Joel that she had struggled to not have a mom like other kids and he told you it was nice that she now had you to ask all those questions.
Not that you were her mom, or wanted to be.
Well…. Okay maybe sometimes deep into the night when you looked at the empty space in bed next to you, you might imagine how it would be if Joel would be there, every day. How could you not?
He was the hot single dad every mom in class always wanted and you were the one who had him. Occasionally. But still.
You let your eyes gaze through the backyard before you saw the broad shoulders of the man you had hoped would be here.
You could feel the butterflies in your belly as you walked over to him and fuck that smile he gave you when he turned around…
„Work still keeping you busy?“ You asked a little while later, both of you with a plate of food in front of you, sitting at one of the tables outside.
„Yeah. Can’t remember when I got more than five hours of sleep at night the last time,“ he groaned and you reached one hand over to rest on his knee before you could stop yourself.
„You got to take care of yourself, honey. Let that brother of yours pick up some slack too,“ you winked and he gave you a bashful smile before one of his hands came to rest on top of yours.
„He does. As a matter of fact he’s taking over the next project so I have some more free time to spend with Sarah,“ he said and you hummed.
„And if I’m being completely honest there’s this girl I haven’t spend any time with in the last months and I really really miss her and her little pussy,“ he had leaned in, whispering the last words against your ear and you shivered.
„Just her pussy?“ You mumbled back as you looked up at him and he smirked.
„Nah, she’s the whole fucking deal. Should probably get off my own ass and finally as her out on a date instead of just fucking he brains out whenever she lets me,“ he said and you sucked your bottom lip in as you tried to hide your smile.
You looked away from him for a moment, gathering your thoughts, making up your mind.
You needed him, and you needed him now.
„Think you can show me where the bathroom is? I think I need a little refresh,“ you asked, hoping he would get the hint. And by the shit eating grin that came to his face, he did.
„Of course. Follow me.“
„This… This is not the bathroom,“ you mumbled against his lips, his body pressing you against the door of what looked like a laundry room.
„Less interruptions here,“ he hummed, hand slipping under your dress, finger hooking into your panties, pulling them down. You smiled, hands in his hair as you helped him get your panties off.
„Been too damn long,“ he ran his hand up your leg, wrapping it behind his back, his other hand on your back puling you closer before he kissed you again, his tongue playing with yours as you reached down, unzipping his pants.
„Missed me so much you gonna fuck me in some people’s laundry room? Want us to get caught?“ You grinned, hand pulling out his cock, surprised to find out he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Wrapping your palm around his cock you loved the deep groan he released against your lips.
„Not gonna get caught if you keep quiet baby,“ he hooked your leg over his arm, hand on the door behind you as he stepped closer, opening you up for him.
„Oh yeah, because I am the one who can’t keep quiet,“ you teased and he huffed a laugh, replacing your hand around his cock with his as he pumped himself and lined himself up.
You wrapped one arm around his shoulders, standing only one one leg, trusting him to keep you there.
Slowly he finally sank into you, his thick cock stretching you perfectly.
„Fuckin’ perfect,“ he grunted, lips pressing against yours in a deep kiss when his cock filled you completely, both of you moaning quietly.
„This ain’t gonna take long, sweetheart. Been to fuckin’ long,“ he grunted and you gasped when he moved, bottoming out completely before thrusting back inside.
„Don’t care, just fuck me,“ you whimpered and he nodded against your lips, fucking up into you, skin slapping against skin every time he filled you.
You sucked your bottom lip in, trying to keep quiet as he hammered into you, his lips now attached to your shoulder as he groaned into your skin.
„Shit,“ he grunted just a couple of thrusts later and you felt him twitch as he came, spilling inside of you. Letting your head fall against the door you gasped for ear, having not cum but fuck it still felt good to just have him inside of you.
You were about to say something when he got on his knees, cock pulling out of you, your leg now hooked over his shoulders as his tongue replaced his cock, Joel moaning as he tasted you.
„Oh fuck,“ you whimpered, hands now in his hair as he looked up at you. He grinned wickedly as he licked into you, licked his cum out of you.
„We taste good together,“ he mumbled against your cunt, and you pulled at his hair with a quiet whine.
„Shhh Baby. Don’t want anyone to hear what a little slut your are for me huh?“ He teased and you pulled his hair harder, making him moan as he continued to lick you.
He sucked on your clit, tongue playing with it all while pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
„Joel,“ you moaned softly, your head falling back against the door as you finally came, gasping for air as your body shook in Joel’s hold. You melted against the door once you rode it out, limbs feeling like jello. He kissed your pussy one last time, before he set your leg down, keeping his arms around you as he got off of his knees. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him hard once he stood upright.
„We do taste good together,“ you whispered and he chuckled.
It was two hours later, nobody at the party had noticed the very explicit things you did in that laundry room, that Joel carried a very tired Charlotte towards your car, Sarah already sleeping in the backseat of his car.
You opened the backseat door of your car for him and he carefully sat Charlotte down, putting the belt on for her.
You were leaning against the back of your car as he closed the door and he walked towards you.
„What are you doing next Friday?“ He asked, fingers tilting your chin up.
„Nothing. Charlotte is with her Dad,“ you said with a small smile.
„And Sarah is at her Grandma’s for a sleepover,“ he hummed with a smirk.
„Wanna go on a date with me?“ He asked and you grinned, getting on your tiptoes to kiss him softly.
„I thought you’d never ask.“
#my fic#Joel Miller#Joel Miller x fem. reader#Pedro Pascal#fanfiction#fanfic#fan fiction#Joel Miller fanfiction#tlou#tlou fanfiction
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Legal Briefs
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lawyer!Dokyeom x fem!reader 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: pwp, corporate au, 18+, non-idol au 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, riding, unprotected sex, cream pie, pet names, slight exhibitionism, oral (m. receiving), clit stimulation, squirting 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2.1k 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Dokyeom is stressed out over his case, and you use your brain in more ways than one to help him relax.
AN: Thank you to @miabebe for beta reading this for me at the last minute and @miniseokminnies being lovely. This is a repost, as this fic was originally written for another idol. I have decided to edit it and make it fit Dokyeom more. I hope you enjoy it <3. Also, tagging @onlyseokmins because that's your man, duh, lol. If you want to be tagged in future fics, sign up here🤎
Dokyeom is one of the most prominent corporate lawyers in your country, and you understand how hard he works daily to maintain that reputation. You were a lawyer when you met him, so you know the ins and outs of the legalities and how stressful it can be defending clients. Your first time seeing him was at a kickboxing gym you both frequented and then on the opposite end of the court, duking it out to protect your clients involved in a breach of contract. You may have won that battle, but in the end, Dokyeom won your heart, and you left the corporate life behind to be a housewife.
You walk into the swanky thirty-floor office building, and the security guard greets you as you approach the elevator. You are holding Dokyeom’s favorite lunch, pizza with cheese sticks, secured in a heated lunch box. You also brought fruit and juice, which he has been into lately. It’s a nice day outside, and what would be better than spending lunch with your husband?
You hum your way up to the 20th floor, greeted by the receptionists as the elevator doors open. The anticipation is building, and the excitement and butterflies in your stomach are brewing as you make your way to his office. You speak to everyone that makes eye contact with you. Everyone knows you as the boss’s wife, a hotshot lawyer, giving it all up for love.
“Hi,” his secretary greets you nervously as you approach her desk. “He seems a bit stressed out today. That case with the pharmaceutical company isn’t going well, and I’m pretty sure I heard papers flying around.”
This concerns you, as it is different from Dokyeom to lose his cool like that. You thank her and tap quietly on the office door, waiting to hear his voice before entering.
“Yes?” His smooth voice makes your heart jump.
You open the door, and your eyes widen at the scene before you. There are papers and folders all over the floor. Dokyeom is lying on the sofa, his suit jacket covering his face and his arms folded on his chest.
“I take it you’re having a bad day?” You ask gently, setting the lunch down on his desk.
His face lights up when he lays his eyes on you, jacket falling to the floor as he jumps up to greet you.
“I wasn’t expecting you here,” he replies before getting up and kissing your cheek. “I would’ve cleaned up.”
“And miss all this drama?” you tease him. “Come on, I’ll help you put everything back.”
You survey the papers and put the files back in their folders. You know where everything goes because you helped him set up his file system to make his life easier. You may not be practicing law right now, but it doesn’t mean you haven’t had to use your expertise a few times to help your husband win a few cases. You initially quit your previous firm because you felt burnt out and needed a break. Then, when you got married, you wanted to spend time being a new wife and try for a family. Dokyeom supported you in all of that. He never made you feel inferior or less than for stepping away from your career to be at home. Now, it’s been two years, and the children haven’t come yet, but maybe it’s just not time, as lately, you have been missing practicing law.
Dokyeom helps you and profusely apologizes. “You don’t need to apologize,” you wave him off. But this is not like you; what happened?”
His expression changes, his eyebrows furrowing with worry. He takes a deep breath before putting the last envelope into the bookshelf.
“I am missing a critical piece of evidence, a part of a contract that proves my client’s innocence,” Dokyeom begins, clutching onto the desk. “I know who to subpoena, but the judge is being a real asshole and won’t allow me to access those documents. So my client might lose, and then they’ll drop me, which means bye to our house.”
He removes his tie and takes a sip from his water bottle, his Adam's apple shifting as he gulps. Your very frustrated husband is also very hot, and it’s taking all your willpower to stay on task.
“Listen,” you redirect your focus to his problem. “There’s no guarantee that you will lose this case, and we definitely are not losing our house. Why don’t you eat the lunch I brought, and we will figure it out, okay?”
He nods and kisses you on the forehead, his way of saying thank you that still makes you feel warm inside. You watch him take out his lunch, and you start to eat yours, making small talk about your day as you dig through the cheese sticks.
“When did you order this, babe?” Dokyeom asks, mouth stuffed with pepperoni and cheese. “You were cleaning up when I left for work.”
“I ordered it right before I came up here,” you say proudly, feeding him some of your pizza. “I got tired of eating lunch alone and wanted to see you. Looks like you needed me too.”
He gives you a kind smile that soothes your soul like a warm hug. You talk more about the case as you clear out your food containers. Dokyeom mentions that he has been trying to get the evidence to no avail for the past week. Watching him stressing himself out bothers you, as you know how hard he has worked on this case, and you want to see him succeed. His eyes were glued to the papers in front of him, skimming over everything to find a possible loophole. You can’t help but take in how handsome he looks, focused on his work, his jaw clenching as his frustration mounts.
So, you came up with an idea.
“Hey, babe,” you get his attention, removing your cardigan. “I’m going to help you relax, okay?”
He nods, his shoulders still tense up from reading over the paperwork. You move behind him, relaxing your hands on his shoulders before you massage them, making him feel more at ease. You start unbuttoning his shirt, reaching down to rub his chest while leaving kisses on his neck.
“Well, this is one way to do it,” Dokyeom hums, setting down his pen. He moves his head and kisses you deeply, his hands gracing your face softly, pulling you deeper into his rapture of love. You make a move to sit on his lap, taking off your tank top and exposing your favorite bra that pushes up your breasts just right.
“Was this always the plan?” He smirks, leaving kisses down your neck. His lips suck on your sweet-tasting skin, his tongue trailing down to the valley of your breasts.
“And if it was?” You move in front of him, sitting on his lap, and your skirt hikes over your hips. “What are you going to do about it?”
He chuckles and kisses you more, removing your bra and throwing it across the office. You lift and reach down, undoing his pants and lowering his briefs, feeling the growing bulge hardening along your slit. “No panties? Aw, baby…”
“What?” You smiled coyly. “Do you want me to leave? I can just get up—”
“W-what? No, no, it’s not that,” his cheeks turn pink in a panic. “I hate to rush, but I have to be in a meeting in twenty minutes,” Dokyeom’s breathing hitches as his hand touches his manhood, stroking his thick girth to your naked breasts and exposed ass. You lower yourself until you are on your knees, moving his hand away as you take over. You kiss his dick just the way he likes it, his legs tensing up as you take him in your mouth. His thickness takes over your mouth as you suck him good, your free hand playing with your clit as you watch him cock his head back and curse softly.
“Baby, you are so good at this,” he murmurs. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
He gently fucks your face, pacing himself so he doesn’t blow his entire load down your throat. Your eyes lock with his as you take him in deeper, drops of saliva spilling out of the corner of your mouth. Dokyeom is ashamed to admit it, but he likes it when you look like this: the makeup on your sweet face ruined with tears because you sucked him off so well. You would never tell him this, but you love how he tastes. The way his smooth cock hits the back of your throat makes you dripping wet, and if you keep up any longer, you will cum on this floor.
“H-honey,” he sputters. “I have 15 minutes. Get on top.”
You slowly take him out of your mouth with a pop, lifting yourself and positioning yourself to sink into him. You both groan in unison when you are entirely on his lap, your nails digging into the armrest of his chair.
“This won’t take long, I promise,” you mutter, giving yourself a few seconds to get used to his size before slowly grinding on him and enjoying the feeling of him being inside of you. His body tenses at your movements and his fingers massage your clit softly. You unexpectedly let out a loud moan, and he covers your mouth with his hand.
“I know this feels good, bouncing on my hard dick, but you are going to have to keep it down, princess,” he grits.
Dokyeom knows what that does to you, calling you princess as he fucks you into an earth-shattering orgasm. You’re a squirter, and he knows that, so it was unsurprising that your lower halves were covered with your essence. Your eyes never leave each other, whispering I love you and trading meaningful kisses. Dokyeom’s head rolls back, whispering songs of praise as you continue to ride him on his office chair.
“Baby, I’m close,” he whines, his hands gripping your hips. You grind on him hard, finding your clit and releasing again shortly after. Dokyeom follows right behind you, spilling deep inside of you as his head buries deep into your neck. As he slows down, he kisses you lovingly, making sure your cunt is full of his cum before pulling out. You're still trying to catch your breath when you climb off of him to clean yourself up.
“Mr Lee?” His secretary’s voice booms through the speaker, startling you both. “Your meeting starts in five minutes.”
You can see the time on his laptop, and the 5-minute reminder before the meeting stops flashing wildly on his screen. You find your bra and hurriedly put it on, with Dokyeom already dressed and holding your tank top and cardigan.
“What?” You catch him staring at you curiously.
“You are so bad.” “Well, isn’t that why you fell in love with me? Aside from me beating your ass in court, of course.”
You finish getting dressed, helping him put his tie back on, and kissing him goodbye before heading out the door. You catch a photo you missed picking up earlier, and something catches your eye that makes you stop dead in your tracks.
“Babe.” You pick up the photograph and inspect it thoroughly. “What’s the name of the judge?”
“Judge Choi,” he responds, preparing himself for his meeting. “Why?”
“This wouldn’t happen to be the judge in the 17th court, would it?
You pull out your phone and look him up, confirming your suspicions.
“Okay, I know that look,” Dokyeom comments, a puzzled look on his face. “What’s up?”
“This judge used to give me shit when I was practicing, but I always found a way to get around him,” you start. “There was talk about him being a crooked judge and being paid off by companies, but I could never confirm it until now. Look at the picture.”
You show him the photograph of the rival company at an event, pointing at the missing piece of the puzzle: the judge and the company’s CEO, arm in arm, taking a picture. “That’s why the judge is shutting you down, babe,” you confirm. “He has ties to the other guys. Judge Choi should have recused himself a long time ago.”
Dokyeom looks at you, amazed that his wife could figure out why he had this roadblock. “God, what would I do without you?”
“You’d still be losing to me in court.” You kiss him goodbye again, letting him prepare to attend his meeting. You close the door, and his secretary smiles at you and motions for you to come closer to her.
“You should be more careful in there, dear,” she advises. “The whole office heard you.”
#kvanity#kwritersworldnet#svthub#svt fanfic#svt oneshot#svt scenarios#svt imagines#ksmutsociety#svt smut#seventeen smut#seokmin fanfic#dokyeom fanfic#seokmin smut#dokyeom smut#svt x reader#seokmin x reader#dokyeom x reader#svt hard hours#seventeen fanfic#seventeen x reader
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Supercorp head canon: regarding the schooling of children. And the paradox of being Lena Luthor.
You would think Lena would be the business/paperwork/doctor visits mom…because vibes? But no. Kara frankly has a better aptitude for not threatening to nuke someone’s garage because they wouldn’t let her kid skip a grade (Lena would point out it was one time, and in her defense Lori ended up skipping two grades.)
No, Lena Luthor, as far as other parents at National City Co-Op and Preparatory Community School for Exceptional Young Minds is concerned, Lena is the…fun mom. Not that most of them even realize that woman who runs the monthly playground clean up is Lena Luthor. Because yes her name is Lena. But she’s always wearing an oversized NCU crew neck and faded jeans. And then does yard work, like shoveling manure yard work for three hours on a Saturday.
They gossip sure. They know Lena Luthor apparently has a kid these days but it’s super hush hush. And like? Lena…isn’t her last name Danvers? Lori’s paperwork says Danvers. Someone actually bribed the school secretary to check.
(Side note: AU, imagine this is a future fic from around season three. So Kara is a little less high profile, and Lena remains boss bitch ceo of LCorp.)
You can’t convince anyone that’s Lori’s mom Lena is Lena Luthor. Lori’s mom chaperoned the field trip to the basketball stadium last month, and everyone knows Lena Luthor owns the Lakehawks, but Lena the mom knew nothing about basketball. Which was embarrassing for her in a way, since her daughter must be a super fan; she was decked out in head to toe custom Lakehawks gear. But again it all said “Danvers.”
At one point Lori sprinted out onto the court to play. Everyone actually expected security to do something, but the gaurds were very chill. Just, like, waved to Lori and her mom. Which is lucky. They could have kicked the whole class out.
The main reason everyone knows Lena is not Lena Luthor? The time a supervillain threatened the school during pick up—Lena was there ushering Lori into a Range Rover—whatever Lori’s mom does, it does pay well—when Supergirl appeared. An explosion occurred, and what did Supergirl do? For some reason? She shielded Lena. There were other people around, though it did kind of seem like they had been aiming for the Range Rover…weirdly. And Supergirl was right there, protecting Lena Danvers: average citizen. Not special. With that red cape, and a fury in her eyes no one had seen since, like, that Alien invasion last spring.
Supergirl then carries the Range Rover away. Weird enough. But immediately she flew back and carried Lena! Like bridal, but her hands…were kind of weirdly…on Lori’s mom’s ass?
But there was Supergirl, holding Lori’s awkward, good-at-gardening mom flying her to safety like it was the most important moment of her life.
And after, when everyone asked Lena for details. Like…does she actually feel like steel? Or is her hair soft or like metal spaghetti? Lori’s mom was all silent and blushing. Does she think she could actually bag Supergirl? Is she thinking of cheating? People have seen Lori’s other mom, she’s not bad looking. Tall, blonde, very fit. Kind of if the concepts of truth, justice, and like the america way were an aesthetic? Oh and always has such a cute ponytail.
But I mean, she isn’t Supergirl.
Recently at girls night someone did bring up one hilarious complication to this conclusion: has anyone ever seen Lori’s mom Lena and Lena Luthor in the same room? Everyone laughed. No. But why would Lena Luthor ever hang around people like them?
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Citrus II🍋
Yuna x Reader
Tags : 7k, smut, incest, daddy kink,
Part 1

Five past eight in the morning, you arrive in front of your company, after having crossed a few blocks in the capital, at the automatic barrier, you wave to the guards to say hello and make your way to the underground car park, of course you have reserved your own space, not far from the lift, the privilege of having an important place in the company, you say to yourself; once the car has stopped, your bag in hand, you walk at a brisk pace to the lift and press the button for your floor.
Your impatience and shame are growing, you're late, which is far from your usual routine, especially when your president is probably waiting for you in your office. The reason for your lateness is even more shameful, but you're determined to put these thoughts aside during the working day.
Once you are on your floor, you pass through a second glass door, which you open with your badge. In the corner is the office of your secretary, who stands up to greet you and to warn you that the CEO is already in your office, just as you had expected.
"Hello Mrs Kang, and thank you, how long has he been here?"
"Not long, he arrived 5 minutes ago, he seems to be smiling, I think you'll be fine," she replies with a nervous smile, "would you like me to make some coffees and bring them to you?"
"No need, I'll do it myself, otherwise nothing else for the rest of the day? "
"There's a lot of paperwork to do today after the president leaves, your meetings don't start until this afternoon". You give her a thumbs up before putting your hands on the latch of your door.
Your office was a modern space filled with clean lines and muted tones. A large executive desk dominated the room; behind it, tall windows filtered soft daylight through half-drawn blinds, while recessed lights softly illuminated the dark wood cabinets lining the back wall. In the corner, a pair of white armchairs and a sofa were accented by a single red cushion.
Across from you is your chairman, a middle-aged man with short grey hair and a warm smile. His face has visible wrinkles, particularly around the eyes, suggesting a friendly mood. He is wearing a formal dark suit and tie.
“I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr Ahn,” you say, bowing 90° to him.
"Ha ha, hello director, there's no need to be so formal, just get up and sit down,”he says, pointing with both hands to the seat in front of him.
“Thank you, would you like a coffee while I'm up?”
“A short one then, my wife says I drink too much.”
You walk over to your desk and behind your chair is a piece of furniture that runs the full height of the wall, on top of which are various decorations, including your personal coffee machine.
“They all say that, but a good machine needs its fuel to work properly, doesn't it?”
A few minutes pass as you place your respective coffees on the table between you, warning him that they are still very hot.
“I heard about the new contracts with JYP, good work Director Shin, I imagine it must have taken a lot of negotiation, they're notoriously difficult to do business with.”
“You could say that, it's not the first time they've worked with a cosmetics company like us, and it seems that their previous partnerships haven't been very successful, but with the work of the whole team, I think we've convinced them to count on us.”
“We still don't know the names of the models who will be wearing our products? if they match our latest collections well, I think it would be a great boost to our sales.”
“No information on that, the TWICE girls would be perfect, they embody the mid-twenties woman and seem to have finally lost their all-cute and pink ribbon image.”
As you finish your sentence, you see the chairman smiling after taking a sip of his coffee.
"Really good coffee, and why not ITZY, I'm sure they could certainly manage it too", the President smiles obviously as he mentions the group to which your daughter belongs.
"Yes, I'm sure", you reply with a touch of humour, the President knows very well who your daughter is and the joke shows how close you are to him.
"By the way, how is your daughter, she's appearing all over the country, she really seems to be riding on her popularity, you must be very proud of her".
"Sure, I try to keep up with her, although it's not as easy as it sounds, I imagine she'd be surprised to model for our company, I doubt she knows where I work or my position," you say with regret in your voice.
"Raising a daughter is not easy, I'll give you that, my older daughter... "Before he can finish, your phone rings to tell you that you've received a message with an attachment.
"When we were talking about the wolf, she sent me a message, sorry, go on, sir," you say, trying to get the conversation going again.
"Take your time, it's important to maintain a relationship with your children, especially when they've left home," he replies, leaning back on the sofa to take a step back.
After unlocking your phone, you click on the notification to open Yuna's message, which contains a link to a video and the message "how to grow my lemons", the link takes you to the streaming site Yuna uses and a replay starts :
"I've talked about this before, but the other day I took two lemons home to my parents that I've been growing for a long time, I'm not very good at it, so I asked my dad for help, he worked hard on them yesterday, you should have seen him, he played with them first and then he watered them generously, I think he's learning as much as I am, so I looked up on the internet how to grow them properly:
- First you need to stir the soil well with your fingers or a tool, then you need to push the seeds in deeply until they reach the end, then you need to water the soil regularly with love to increase the chances of getting a big lemon.
My two lemons have already grown well, so I'm wondering if I shouldn't put in a new seed to make a third, much bigger than the others," she said as she finished her explanation, stroking her stomach several times each time the word seed was mentioned.
Your promise to keep your impure thoughts out of your workplace, but Yuna's provocation, so innocent at first, is dangerously immoral and exciting in the right context.
"Your daughter seems to have found a passion for gardening, which is rare for young people who have only known the capital and its huge buildings," the President replies in an amused tone.
"However, I wonder if young women have an attraction for fruity things, it brings a sweet and innocent side while retaining the exotic taste of a sweet and strong flavour, should we explore this avenue for our products?" he asked, he's the President after all, so business comes first for him.
"It's hard to say, I know she had a shoot with different fruits as a concept, she doesn't quite fit the image of a young teenager, but an entry-level range for young girls with products that are easy to apply and discreet or even fragrant could be a target".
Another message appears on your screen with only the text ‘Now you know how to do it 💦🍋’.
The shock is quite brutal, you would never have imagined that your daughter would be so direct with you on this subject, after all you only really resumed your father-daughter relationship yesterday, the difference in personality between the nice, almost innocent girl you had yesterday and this morning and now, where she doesn't hesitate to tease you in public or by text message, a part of you hopes that she is just doing it for fun and not to satisfy you for fear of being abandoned again.
At no point do you want to force her down a path that won't make her happy, you've already thrown away your morals for her, now her happiness is your only concern, her wishes are your orders and pleasing your princess remains your goal in life.
You thank her for the guide and send her a sticker of a cat blowing kisses, followed by an 'I love you'. You put your phone back in your pocket to resume your conversation with your CEO as the clock ticks.
"I think we're done, I've really enjoyed this chat, I knew I could count on you to come up with new ideas, would you like to join the monthly review of their project, let's bring them the seed of your future fruity project," as the President stands up and walks towards the door.
"Sure, I'm following you"
The meeting has seemed endless, the chair and the others have taken it in turns to stimulate the discussion with their ideas, and what was supposed to be a simple project review has turned into a kick-off meeting for your project. It's past lunchtime and you've just returned to your office, completely drained of energy and with an appetite that's starting to grow. However, your position in the company means that with a simple phone call you can have a member of the kitchen staff come to your floor with your food.
"Knock, knock"
"You can come in"
"Morning, Director Shin, here's your lunch," says an athletic-looking young man as he places it on your desk.
"Sorry for the inconvenience, I've had a busy morning and my legs need a rest," you say in a moment of weakness.
"No, no, no problem, sir, I'll come back for the tray later, enjoy your meal". The young man leaves your office in a hurry.
As you pounced on your meal like a hungry hyena, this break being one of the rare moments when you let your invasive curiosity take over, you grabbed the mouse of your computer to open the search browser and typed in the name of your company as well as your first name, you had this strong feeling that you knew what was being said about you or your company, public opinion is important and you were also worried about letting your bad reputation tarnish that of your daughter in case of problems at work.
And although you didn't show her much, it was also your ritual to follow your daughter's career. All these years you have been following her journey as an adult in the industry, and it fills you with pride that today your daughter's name still appears at the top of the search rankings.
Her latest Instagram post seems to have set the internet on fire, as you click on the top trending link to see a series of photos of her in the bathroom of your house, her hair flaming red, her make-up perfectly applied to her face and her brown eyes piercing through the mirror. She's wearing a lovely black and white tank top and I'm sure you'll agree that she looks absolutely fucking gorgeous in these photos, the comments are flooding in with praise for her look, despite the occasional haters, but nothing new.
You quickly take out your phone to leave a message for your princess:
"I've just seen your photos, you're as beautiful as ever," while attaching a photo of the article you took with your phone. Once you've sent the message, you go back to your meal and your thoughts take over, you realise that this kind of little intention would have started from the beginning of her career, the simple fact of exchanging with your child and the feeling that comes from it soothes your heart and too bad if you become a clingy dad, you're going to tell her every day.
You're suddenly brought back to reality when your phone displays a notification saying that she's replied to you with a simple :
"Hihi thank you 😛, look at my little present", while a second message appears with a still blurred image, followed by a third in the conversation, Yuna had sent it as sensitive content, so you have to click on it to view it, and you're far from imagining what's revealed before your eyes: the last message served as a description with the words:
"it was just after the shower when i was getting ready to go to the company, my little lemons have turned into cherries, all i need now is your big seed 🍒" the photo is taken from a higher angle where your daughter lifts her top to reveal her small breasts and the many hickey marks still present on her body, Her left breast and nipple are well marked by your mouth, not forgetting that she's not wearing anything, and you can see her little bush underneath, with a comment at the bottom: "To 🍼 my 🧔🏻, He must 🍼 my 😻 first".
At that moment, your cock springs to attention in a flash, it shoots up through your trousers and slams against your belly, any man knows that pain and it's far from pleasant, you loosen your belt to give your raging member a little slack, this little minx knew what to do to excite someone and the hours were going to be long from now on.
The rest of the day goes by slowly, you don't dare take out your phone for fear of getting into an embarrassing situation, you still feel some vibrations in the afternoon, but like a good professional you don't even look, the hours go by until the beginning of the evening, you leave your office and go to the underground car park, you make the effort to look at your phone and all you get are trivial messages, You're a little disappointed because you were secretly hoping for more messages from Yuna, halfway there you find yourself stuck in traffic on the road and you decide to call Yuna to find out how her day went, she answers almost immediately but doesn't answer your question, but you can hear the girls chatting as if she had picked up the phone and put it on a table.
You wonder what kind of phone she uses to get such good quality, the girls' voices are easily recognisable and the sound is as if you were in the room with them.
Yeji: "Ugh, yesterday's shoot was so chaotic! I swear we almost lost our minds trying to get the perfect angle".
Lia: "I know, right? I thought we were going to end up on a blooper reels. Remember when we all turned the wrong way during that one scene?
Ryujin: "Yeah, and Yuna was the only one who actually turned the right way! I guess she has an 'inner compass' or something..."
Yuna: "Hey! I just knew what to do! Plus you stole my concept, remember!"
Yeji: "I mean, you didn't mind talking about it online, you even mentioned your dad again, you're such a daddy girl after all"
Yuna: "Not you too! Can we please not talk about my 'daddy issues' again?"
Chaeryeong: "We can't help it! It's just so weird how you don't even look at all the sexy boys around us, I wonder what you do with all those pictures of him you snatch from the internet".
Lia: “'Even though we know what she's doing, she's acting cold towards him, but in the end it makes you hot, doesn't it? you should at least try dating someone, we've all done it so far and it's like, we're not asking you to sleep with them, just get some dating experience”
Chaeryeong: “Easy Lia-unnie, you're the one taking selfies with your exes' dicks in your mouth aren't you? they never fucked you anyway so keep your advice to yourself”
Chaeryeong:“Yuna, listen, we're not forcing you to do anything, but try to use your youth to meet people, it's weird to see you alone at home all the time.”
Yuna: “Unnie, that's not the problem, I'm just afraid of being rejected and I don't know how to tell him how I feel about him, we haven't been very close since mum left”.
Ryujin: “He's your dad Yuna, of course you love him in your own way, let's just say, just tell him and you'll be free of this burden, then we can go and pick up some hot guys backstage”.
Yeji: “I don't think she likes you getting fucked in the toilets when the newbies show up, same goes for you Chaeryoung, no one's putting any pressure on Yuna, right?”
Lia: “Easy for you to say when you're being fucked by your childhood sweetheart, we're not so lucky to have someone who loves us for something other than our bodies”.
Yuna: "It hurts, doesn't it? Aren't you afraid of getting pregnant?"
Ryujin: "'Are you kidding? Wait, you've never...? not even with the toys you hide in the box under your bed?"
Yeji: "Stop laughing you bitches, Yuna this ain't that serious, yes it can hurt, you have to be prepared downstairs and remember we take all the pills the company gives us and don't forget we always use condoms, DON'T GIRLS?"
Ryujin: "Don't give us shit about it, they shove it up my arse anyway, you think I'm going to let those sons of bitches touch my pussy? a good load on the face, that's what it's all about'."
Lia: "Same thing, they can fill my arse but my pussy is off limits, I love to smash their cocks and make them scream in pain when they try to pull out'."
Chaeryeong: "Fucking listen to these bitches, apart from sucking cocks when I want to, I only fuck other girls, no risk on my side."
Yeji: "See, we're all careful, protect yourself well and don't forget your pills, they help with your periods too'."
Yuna: “I'm out of pills and I don't have a condom, but it's not like I need one, is it?!!, I'm going home tonight, don't wait for me”.
Ryujin: “Don't take it like that baby, I can give you some if you want”.
Yeji: “Yuna, come back!!! “.
You hear the loud thud of a door slamming and limbs flailing as Yuna leaves.
Yeji: “ 'Well done girls, that was clearly a good time to bring her down and make fun of her and her problems”
Lia: "Sorry unnie, we didn't think she'd take it like that, I'll go and get her'.”
Ryujin: “Stay here, you're making it worse.”
Lia: “Bloody hell, how can someone like that be so ignorant of her own sexuality, do you think she likes girls instead?”
Chaeryeong: “She's got a crush on her dad, are you stupid or what, we don't say anything to avoid the subject, she's just wanted to fuck her dad for a long time, she's got photos of him on her phone, on her wallpaper, a photo of him under her pillow, the poor thing is in desperate need of fatherly love”
Yeji: “ I don't know what happened last night, but since then she's been really nervous about it, let's leave her alone, otherwise she'll go crazy and we don't know what she'll do”.
Yeji: "We'll see about that later, it's almost time. Get ready and I'll go to her, you three go with the managers. We'll go back to the company, Chaery, get her bag and phone. She left it on the table."
Calm returned to the room and before you lost the connection to your daughter's phone, you heard
"Looks like you've got work to do Daddy Shin, sorry for the trouble" and she hangs up.
This is a lot to take in, and apart from the sexual debates between the 4 girls, which did not leave you without a reaction, the hardest thing is still Yuna's problems, which confirm your fears about her feelings, your daughter is not the provocative woman she pretends to be in the message, she is a young woman who still has a lot to learn about her own love and carnal feelings, knowing that your little girl is 'pure and innocent' would make any father smile, but on the other hand, what is the harm in learning about her sexuality? The trauma that has held her back, and for which you are probably responsible, is preventing her from moving forward in her life as a woman.
You'd been thinking all day about how to punish your daughter for her insolence, but the person you'd been talking to didn't exist. With Yuna's true feelings in mind, the next logical step seemed to be to wait for her at home and assume your role as father, as a princess deserves.
When you get home, you look at the clock and realise that she won't be home for another hour or two. That gives you plenty of time to tidy up, do your laundry and take a shower. You've picked up some bad habits living alone, but now that you're sharing your home with someone else, it's time to get the ball rolling again and restore the beauty of your property.
Time flies and you've barely had time to get out of the shower and into your new clothes when you hear the door latch click. You quickly step in front of it to see a redhead running towards you, dropping her bag in the doorway and giving you a big hug.
"Welcome home, darling," you say, stroking her head as you feel her face sink into your chest and a wet feeling hit your chest.
"I'm sorry daddy, I..."
"SHhh, it's all right, I'm here."
The situation is very different from yesterday, Yuna's shell seems to have burst the moment she saw you, you feel the warmth of her body against yours as her arms wrap around you, you say nothing, leaving one of your hands on her head and the other on her back.
"Dad, I... the message... it's not .... I wan...."
"Just breathe, I'm not angry, you know,"
"I just wanted to make you happy, I wanted to show you I'm a big girl, I'm so embarrassed now"
"You don't have to make me happy, it's my job to make YOU happy, and don't bother trying to act big, you're my little princess, that's all".
Just as she seems to have calmed down, you take her face in your hands to wipe away the last of her tears before placing a loving kiss on her forehead, "I love you," you say in a low voice as if to lull her to sleep, "I will never let you down, my only daughter.
Yuna is lulled by your words and you feel the weight of her body fall on your arms, "just rest on the sofa, I'll bring you a snack, you must be tired from your day's work", she accepts without flinching as you prepare something to eat while you wait for dinner, your daughter sits on the sofa, her head resting on a pillow, looking at you, when your eyes meet you exchange a smile without saying a word.
The evening passes smoothly, while your daughter rests and eats, you finally talk about your respective days, leaving your erotic exchanges out of the conversation, she finally gets to know your job, while you finally know what happens off camera, the night is felt and you suggest she take a shower while you prepare dinner, again she accepts without concern.
"Would you like to join me?" she asks shyly.
"Yuna, your legs are shaking, you don't have to push anything, I'm not going anywhere," you reply to her completely unexpected request.
She doesn't even answer and locks herself in the bathroom, slamming the door. You really can't understand what's going on in her head, but there's no time to lose, so you start preparing dinner.
Like last night, the meal is spent in church-like silence, each of us with our own thoughts. Yuna is completely withdrawn and doesn't even look at you, which is quite an awkward situation for you as she seems so close and then suddenly so far away.
You try to break this silence in the desert and ask her if she wants to watch a film, she takes a while to answer and then accepts, saying that she has to change first so that you can start getting everything ready while you wait for her, it's a good start and the film could give you a new topic of conversation to revive the dialogue between the two of you.
While she's still in her room, you call out to her to ask what film she's interested in.
"Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken Please, Giselle-unnie told me it's good".
You hear through the house, you recognise your daughter, who has always loved cartoons, once you've found them on Netflix, you adjust the brightness of the lights for a subdued effect, you've prepared a blanket and something to eat.
The minutes tick by and you wonder what Yuna is doing, you don't see much, it takes so long to get into pyjamas, but you tell yourself she's probably on her phone at the same time, which often doesn't help.
You hear her footsteps behind you and when she appears behind you, you see her wearing a simple pink t-shirt, you can easily guess that she's not wearing anything underneath as it hugs her breasts.
Suddenly she's straddling you, saying, "Forget the film, I want you, Daddy," as she pushes her body into yours and lies on top of you in a lotus position.
"Yuna, please, I," you don't finish your sentence as she slaps your face.
"STOPPP REJECTING MEEEEEEEEEE' she screams at the top of her lungs as she bursts into tears over you, 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS, I....I....I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME' WH... WHY ARE YOU HURTING ME LIKE THIS?
Your daughter lashes out at you in shock at what's happening in front of you, you grab her arms and she becomes helpless under the difference in strength between the two of you.
"I just want you..." she says, her face completely ravaged by tears, the face of someone who is deeply hurt and can't take it anymore.
Something breaks inside you, all this time you've assumed she would throw herself at you, just to be like the others, just to receive the love you would have given her anyway, you've hurt her again and again until you made the same mistake you made with your wife.
Your daughter loves you more than anything and you are too blind to see that she doesn't know how else to show it, but this time you will make it right and give yourself to her.
Without further ado, you threw your lips over hers, releasing her wrists from your grip and sliding your hands from her lower abdomen to her breasts hidden under her t-shirt.
"No bra, you little rascal?"
Instinctively she puts her hands on your shoulders and fights your tongue with hers, you attack her nipples with your hand and they are already hard, the attack on her breasts causes Yuna to moan which is absorbed by your kiss, you go down her neck to place your marks while she can finally listen to her pleasure.
"Daddy, your cock, give it to me" she says as she plunges her hand into your shorts and meets your cock through the underpants, you lift her up with the strength of your legs and come to remove your underwear in one go, your cock is now naked between your daughter's thighs and she puts her hands on it.
"Put some saliva before baby," she listens to you religiously, but instead comes and gets the saliva overflowing from her pussy and applies it to your cock.
"Let me use my juices before you use yours," she says as she works your cock up and down, your shaft growing under Yuna's movements and the pleasure is truly enjoyable.
One of your hands digs into her soaking wet panties and you massage her slit with your fingers, your moaning cries joining in as you pleasure each other.
Quickly she gets up from the sofa to kneel in front of you and she begins to lick your cock with delicacy, her tongue starts at the glans and she places kisses on it, then her tongue and lips come together so that she tries to suck your sperm, her lips then go gently down the length of your cock and your cock goes slowly down her throat.
"Yuna, that's good, you're doing great," you say as you put both hands on her head to guide her, you watch as your cock disappears into her mouth as the sensations of her work send shivers down your back, from time to time she pulls out to spit on your shaft before sliding back in,
Yuna learns as she goes and her technique is perfected with each dive, after a while your breaking point comes and you refuse to finish here so you help her pull out and try to save your orgasm for later, her mouth overflowing with saliva and she looks at you with appetite.
"Sorry baby but it's my time to eat you now" you tell her as you take her in your arms and go into your bedroom where you lay her on her back on the edge of the bed, without further ado she attacks her pussy with your mouth and she presses her thighs against your head, Your tongue immediately attacks her slit, which rushes to secrete its juices, which you suck up as you go, her clit is quickly attacked by one of your hands, which takes great care to titillate the little bean, with delicacy you move up and down her slit, from time to time penetrating her entrance with your tongue to prepare the work,
The poor red girl cries out with pleasure as she experiences being devoured by her lover for the first time, she clings to your hair which she pulls when the pleasure is too great, on your side you shift into second gear and penetrate your daughter's pussy with two fingers, you feel like you're piercing a flan because the inside is so soft.
“Daddy don't stop, it's coming” your daughter cries out as she feels your third finger deep inside her, your mouth has turned into a wet wiping system as her pussy floods your mouth, you keep up the rhythm until you feel your daughter leave and in a flash her body goes rigid and her pelvis convulses under the power of the orgasm.
You lift your head and climb onto the bed to kiss your princess with a little “I love you” in her ears,
"Daddy, I want you,” she says, stretching out her arms to ask you to come inside her, “it's time to put that seed inside me,” as she spreads her pussy in front of you.
Worried, you reach over to your bedside table for a condom, but Yuna stops you.
“It's ok daddy, I'm on the pill and it's a safe day, you can pour everything into my secret garden", Yuna's naughty language excites you immensely and your cock hurts so you give in and come to lie on her entrance and gently tap your cock to soak it in her juices,
You sink gently and anxiously into your own daughter, resting your elbows on the mattress so that you can kiss her as you move inside her, every inch of her is painful and she lets you feel it as she scratches your back with her fingernails, you kiss her tenderly as your hips move up to touch her pussy,
Your cock feels the tightness of her vagina as well as the warmth and moisture from your excellent preparation work, the passage through her pussy is made without too much effort and you slide deep inside her like butter, on the other side Yuna seems to take your big cock like a champion and despite the pain she has already wrapped her legs around your waist.
You feel her warm, rapid breathing on your face as you look into her eyes, just inches apart.
"Daddy, I can feel you inside me, my little pussy just ate your big dick."
"Are you alright baby, I won't move until you're ready".
"I want to sit like on the sofa".
You obeyed her orders and gently lifted her up without pulling back to let her sit on you, you put yourself on her buttocks and she was now resting all her weight on you, the change of position made your cock dig even deeper inside her and she felt it well.
"Don't move, I want to stay connected to you like this," as she strokes her stomach trying to feel your cock, "keep eating my tits, please.
Just as your cock seems to have bottomed out, you turn your attention to her pair of little red lemons, You really loved her tits, they are not as big as some but in your eyes they are perfect, the texture of them, the feel of them in your hands and the way Yuna reacts every time you nibble on her nipples.
You decide to kiss your daughter and whisper "Shall we?" to which she only nods, you begin to rock your hips as your cock slowly emerges from her pussy and then slowly returns, never fully exiting, you carve your daughter's walls with your cock and Yuna moans with pleasure at the work of your rod.
“♥Hmm....♥Ah....♥Hmm, ah....♥ Daddy, your cock is turning me inside out, every time you push in it feels weird down there, it's a bit painful but also extremely pleasurable, I can feel your big cock pushing my sides apart and knocking on my garden gate, keep it up, I want to feel your cock ravaging me".
You pick up the pace at your partner's request, your cock seems to have done its job well as you are able to withdraw completely before impaling her again with no problem, under the force of your hips Yuna lays her head on your neck and sucks you like a baby, you let go of her breasts to lock your hold on her by circling her waist with your arms, once firmly in place you pound her with all your strength.
“♥Ah.... DADDY”
♥Ah.... DA”
For long minutes, you hold her close as your cock slams violently into her pussy. The pleasure comes from the fact that Yuna has her head back, unable to form a sentence. Pleasure has taken over her body. You feel your orgasm building slowly. While your daughter is already on the verge of hers, you feel her legs squeeze you hard as she explodes on your cock and her fluids flow down it. Yet you don't stop your thrusts.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Stop it"' At her command you stop and discover your daughter's face completely undressed, her hair sticking to her sweaty face and you push aside the lips that hide her eyes to kiss her.
"Let me do it now" she asks as she moves her hips on her own to embrace your sensitive cock, her movements are fast, her pussy devouring you at its own pace and you put your hands on both her buttocks to support her, you give little slaps to her delicate skin and as she fucks herself on her father's cock you feel your orgasm coming and you warn her.
"Yuna, I'm coming"
She gives you the coup de grace when she puts all her weight on her descent and your stiff cock pierces all her pussy until your balls kiss her pussy, inside your cock floods her and for the first time in her life Yuna is at the door of motherhood, her pussy sucks your sperm with efficiency and you withdraw from her.
Yuna is still sitting on your lap, your breaths heavy, your bodies full of sweat and juice, and neither of you can stand the silence as Yuna's cum begins to flow.
"Ah baby, that was amazing. You were amazing!"
"Thanks daddy, do you want some more?"
"I'm sorry darling, I'm not young anymore, my penis is withered."
You can see the disappointment in Yuna's eyes. In your youth, a second round might have been possible, but now your libido is limited to your arousal, and after emptying yourself into her, you no longer feel anything on that level.
"Daddy... Are you going to leave me like this?" says Yuna as she gets down on all fours, points her bottom at you and spreads her pussy with your cum dripping from it.
The sight of your daughter in this position would have turned any man on. You feel like it, but your desire is gone for the moment. You see your daughter wiggling her bottom, begging you to fuck her, and you're powerless to stop her.
"Dad, I'm sorry... I lied, I haven't taken the pill yet, I want a second shot or I won't take it. The longer you wait the more your seeds will fertilise my garden, look how hungry my pussy is, come and make sure you flood my pussy next to save my career."
You're at a loss for words, whether to believe her or not, but one thing's for sure, she knows how to work you because your cock has come back to life and you're going to take malicious pleasure in making her regret having put that doubt in your head.
You grab her hips and penetrate her little pussy, slamming your balls against her arse,
The gentleness of before has been transformed into a wild fuck where only pleasure is king. Your hands are firmly planted on her hips as you pound her with your pelvis, creating waves on her buttocks that will soon feel the onslaught of your hands.
"Daddy, your cock is stirring my insides, your sperm is mixing in my pussy, push hard".
Your daughter is now nothing more than a vulgar hole in your assaults, the seed of doubt she has planted in your mind has completely removed your sanity. If she is indeed unprotected, your first sperm must have done its work in spite of you. When in doubt, you prefer to flood her a second time and make sure she takes her medicine.
Go ahead daddy, make me your property, claim my pussy as your own personal garden, I'll take care of all your fruit,' Yuna's provocations rage in your mind. So you explode into your offspring's pussy again, you stand for a few seconds spasming against your daughter's ass as she collapses onto the bed, then you do the same, completely exhausted.
'Was that true about the pill, baby?
'Yes...' she says shyly. Now that all her libido has left her body, she presses you against her breasts and whispers in your ear: "It's too early to taste my juice, you'll have to give me some more water.
Your daughter is soon off to dreamland, still naked, and the bed is soaked with the fluids of your lovemaking. You make sure you look as tired as possible before you too collapse.
You wake up to a pleasant smell, but also to a body in pain. The bedroom gym session hasn't done your body any good, but your mind is at peace. As you leave your room, you see Yuna in an apron preparing breakfast. Beside her is a pack of contraceptive pills, two of which are already empty. When she sees you, she says:
"Good morning, Dad, you're going to need your strength, remember, you have to stir the soil first before you put your seed in. We're going to have to spend some time on this before you can make my pussy fertile for you."
Later, as you're driving to work, you see an important email from your CEO and a message from Yuna; you'd like to think that the email is more important, but that would be lying to yourself,
The text message is just a selfie of your daughter still in bed next to you with the message 'I've got a body full of marks, the girls are going to realise what we've done, not to mention I've still got your sperm in me 🤭"
Classic Yuna, but you'll have to get used to it. You've made a pact with a demon, but who cares, you're no angel anyway.
As for the email, just looking at the title 'Meeting with JYP & ITZY', it looks like you're finally going to meet one or more members of your daughter's group.
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CEO!matt that the only reason he calls reader to his office is to see what outfit she's wearing (he stares SHAMELESSLY at her tits)
for the third time this morning, the buzzer on your intercom rings, displaying the same familiar name; matt.
he’s not left you alone so far today, constantly seeking your assistance with the smallest, most insignificant things. who the fuck needs help deciding whether a document to be printed should be double sided or not? there’s definitely an ulterior motive behind his actions, but you don’t want to make any false judgments. so you answer his call with a pinched face.
“yes, mr sturniolo?”
there’s a strangled noise on the other end of the line and your eyebrows shoot upwards in concern; maybe he’s choking and that’s why he’s called you? you start to roll your chair back, ready to spring into action when matt finally speaks. thank god; you didn’t know the heimlich manoeuvre.
“could you come to the office real quick?” who could’ve guessed. “i have a question to ask you.”
you grit your teeth. “absolutely. i’ll be a minute or so, kinda swamped in work over here sir!”
“alright, that’s fine.” another strangled noise from his end, this one concealed but still audible. “just come up when you��re not busy.”
you thank him, ending the call and jumping back to your laptop to finish writing up an email, eyes creasing as you cringe at your formal language. it doesn’t take too long, thankfully, and soon enough you find yourself outside matt’s office, a folder tucked under your arm as you prepare for whatever unnecessary question is about to be thrown your way.
it’s worse than you imagine.
“how many sugars does an average person have in their coffee?” matt asks you as you open the door with caution; he sits behind his desk, tie loosened around his neck as he carelessly scrolls through his phone.
you can’t believe it; CEO of the fucking company and both incompetent and clearly bored of his own job. so privileged yet so spoiled, and you can’t help but scoff at him. he raises an eyebrow, placing his phone down. “you have a problem?”
“nothing, sir, it’s just…” you exhale through your nose harshly, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to stop the word vomit. but it’s too late. “don’t you think you should take your job a bit more seriously?”
matt blinks, stunned into silence as you continue. “i mean, you are the CEO, and i don’t think it’s appropriate to be constantly asking your secretary to come to your office to ask stupid questions about sugars in coffee.”
“it wasn’t stupid. it was genuine.” matt challenges, trying to hide his smirk at the sight of you getting more and more frustrated. he likes the sight of you all worked up.
“use google!” you gesticulate, throwing your head back as you groan. composure, you remind yourself, and you lower your head to lock eyes with matt. “sorry, sir. it’s just i have a lot of work to do. it’s quite inconvenient for you to be always calling me up to your office.”
he hums, tapping his fingers on his lips as he thinks of something to say back. but he’s rendered speechless, leaning back in his chair with a shrug. he doesn’t have the heart to tell you the real reason he called you up here, so with a dismissive hand, matt waves you and your low cut shirt away.
and you go, biting your tongue to stop a rogue asshole rolling off your lips, your hips swaying as you turn towards the door. “i’ll send you today’s analytics through before i go for lunch.” are your last words, and matt slouches down into his chair as he nods, watching with beady eyes as the door shuts behind you.
he smiles to himself, loosening his tie as his hand falls to his pants, palming his bulge. all of that just to see your tits spilling out your white button up? worth it. so very worth it.
taglist. . . ( @mattslolita, @aelinslegend, @chrissturniolossidehoe, @mattbrainrot, @conspiracy-ash, @emely9274, @matts1freak, @h3arts4nat, @sturn777 ) is open!
divider credits. . . @issysh3ll
(pls send some more scenarios for CEO!matt into my inbox!)
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