#yes I'm dramatic
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sc0rpiflow3r · 5 months ago
Loving and writing rare pair fics is a struggle because I think that I'm writing just hoping there's someone out there who would like to read about this pair.
But on the other hand, I truly feel like Tinkerbell sometimes... I crave validation, and if I don't get attention, I'll perish and die
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sunshinemayhem · 11 months ago
this is so pretty i gotta save it
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Ugh, okay, my last try. Lucian's hands practice.
[I did this practice a month ago and now I see that it is pretty rough, but I was convinced to post it anyway]
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secretly-a-trekkie · 6 months ago
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mid crisis but here's firefighter AU despite 75% of the firefighters i know being absolute douchebags
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divorcedfiddleford · 2 years ago
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and you may say to yourself: "my god! what have i done?" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful wife!" and you may tell yourself: "this is not my beautiful house!" and you may ask yourself: "well, how did i get here?"
time isn't holding up, time isn't after us, time is a pony ride! (images described in alt text)
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thevoidstaredback · 10 months ago
The plan was set and the game had begun.
There was a meeting on the Watchtower exactly three days after the Bat Clan had decided to mess with the Justice League, so that's when they planned to set everything in motion.
Robin couldn't be at the meeting because it fell during school hours, so Nightwing had come to the meeting with Batman. He'd already had the day off, so it wasn't too much of a hasel. Red Hood and Red Robin had both wanted to come, but they also had civilian duties to take care of.
When the meeting was over, the 'main leaguers', as many others had dubbed them, stayed behind as they always did. Normally, it was just so they all could catch up, sometimes to arrange another meeting, or even to discuss more sensitive topics.
This time, when everyone but Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Nightwing had left the room, Nightwing threw his arm across Batman's shoulders and said "You all should come to the Cave!"
All conversation stopped as everyone turned to look at the black and blue clad vigilante. For a long moment, no one spoke or moved. Then, Batman nodded.
"Perfect!" Nightwing's smile got even bigger.
"Um," Superman, the sweet midwesterner, flicked his eyes over to Batman's face before looking at Nightwing. "Are you sure? Bat's has never let any of us into Gotham, let alone the Bat Cave."
Nightwing winked at the hero, his domino mask not hiding it, "Yeah, well, me and the others managed to wear him down. Besides, we've all wanted to give you guys a tour! We've been to all your secret hideouts, so we figured it's about time you saw ours!"
"I'm sorry," Green Lantern raised his hand slightly, "'Others'?"
Nightwing blinked, his smile dropping. Batman straightened up. "Did you-" Nightwing cut himself off, "You do know how many of us there are in Gotham, right?"
The heroes all looked at one another. Sure, they'd heard that there was two, maybe three, working with Batman, but nothing had ever been confirmed aside from Robin working with Batman and Nightwing working in Bludhaven.
Batman fought very hard to keep a smirk off his face. Nightwing didn't even try to hide his amusement.
Wonder Woman was the one to ask, "There are rumors, but I can't say any of us know exactly how many heroes work within Gotham City limits."
Nightwing and Batman shared a glance. This added so much more to their game. They had to tell the others! This was already so much fun, but it was about to get so much better!
"Then, I guess you all have no choice but to come to the Cave with us so you can meet everyone!" Nightwing exclaimed.
The eight heroes shared looks with one another before looking back at Batman and Nightwing. Their choice was obvious to the two Bats before the group had even decided.
"Alright," Aquaman said, "When would you like us to stop by?"
Right on script. Batman said, "Meet here tomorrow at fifteen-hundred New Jersey time. We'll be here to bring you down to the Cave." Then, he left, Nightwing trailing behind him.
"Cool," Flash nodded, "Cool, cool. Totally not nerve wracking at all."
Cyborg stood from his seat. "Don't be nervous, Flash. We're actually being allowed in Gotham. Batman doesn't let anyone in Gotham."
"No," Green Arrow said, "He doesn't let anyone operate in Gotham. I've been many times."
"As Green Arrow or as a civilian?"
He fell silent and the others all laughed. He joined them.
"Regardless," Martian Manhunter said, "I think it's good he's allowing us to see his main base of operations."
"Yeah," agreed Superman, "I wonder what it'll be like."
Wonder Woman was the next to stand from her seat. "It will be quite the tour, I'm sure."
Part 2 Part 4
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too-many-lavellans · 7 months ago
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Just one more kiss. And another. And another.
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fawnnfiction · 10 days ago
Siffrin: Into the Siffrin-Verse
Crack In Stars in Time AU where, after the 500th loop (oh jesus christ), reality TRULY starts breaking down, and Siffrin wakes up next to... Siffrin.
There's another Siffrin.
Two Siffrins.
And the original Siffrin is not hallucinating. Everyone else can see this other Siffrin. Isabeau inwardly celebrates
Loop is at a loss.
Then, little by little, even more versions of Siffrin start bleeding into the same loop. Two Siffrins become four, then seven, then ten, then twelve, and so on.
At first, each Siffrin is pretty similar to the last. It's a sea of cloaks, pointy hats, and crippling introverted anxiety.
But then it starts getting bonkers.
Like, actually off the rails.
There's a Siffrin who never lost his eye.
There's a Siffrin who joined forces with the King.
There's a Siffrin who remembers his home.
There's a Siffrin who swapped personalities with Isabeau.
There's a Siffrin who is the same age as Bonnie.
There's a Siffrin who runs a successful coffee shop.
There's a Siffrin who is the Chosen One™.
There's a Siffrin who has cat features.
There's a Siffrin who wont stop ranting about Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash.
There's a Siffrin who is a mob boss.
There's a Siffrin who is a vegetarian.
There's a Siffrin who is a straight-up Kamen Rider.
Worse of all, none of the Siffrins are going to allow the original's self-destructive tendencies.
So... Change God help everyone.
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likesdoodling · 5 months ago
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I know this might seem like a wild crossover, but so far as I'm concerned it makes perfect sense. >:D
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emmavakarian-theirin · 1 month ago
the way the music died at just the right moment made this so perfect
#HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP#holy hell i'm brainstorming there will be an essay in the tags#da4#dragon age veilguard#lucanis dellamorte#taash#i love how that phrase became a joke between them and got this far. and with lucanis being first talon#plus if you have taash assigned with the crows rook and teia comment on making them an honorary crow#i genuinely wonder if taash actually joins them and how it would go down#because on the one hand i imagine lucanis can just immediately let it happen no questions asked#but on the other hand the crows are more than what they appear to taash and it's not like people line up to join the crows#ANYWAY ignoring whether it's a good idea or not-- considering caterina's probably not far from passing#and illario being locked away (in my universe) House Dellamorte is down to one (1) and it's the first talon himself#so what if - dare i say it - lucanis takes taash under his wing and makes them part of house dellamorte#because taash has lost their family. lucanis has lost his. lucanis has since realised a family doesn't have to be by blood#and so lucanis is like 'you could be part of the dellamorte family. if you want. I won't be upset if you don't- i can find another house f-'#and taash is just 'fuck off you're joking of COURSE fuck yeah!'#and i imagine taash would want to be his personal bodyguard and lucanis is like NO that's too much stress and things you'd have to learn#and be aware of. and taash is like 'okay but how many crows do you know of that can breathe fire to threaten people'#and then spite dramatically intervenes with 'YES! FIRE!!!!!' and lucanis is right back in Tired Dad Mode lmao#ANYWAY i have a lot of feelings about their friendship
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sorryiliketoscreenshot · 3 months ago
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salmoninzeeweed · 1 month ago
Idc what anyone says, if they make alucard and maria fall in love with each other I will blow up the universe, you can't just put a 300+ vampire with a 16 y/o fuck you all!!
And idc if they were "canon" in the games and that maria was "older" mf she was still a minor and alucard is an adult man WHO BTW WOULD NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH A 16 Y/O
if you ship them you should get your brain checked!!
Some people got mad at this so I'm just gonna say, I am being overdramatic on purpose and this is NOT completely serious, I'm just a hater, hope that helps!! :3
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essektheylyss · 9 months ago
Look, I don't mean to be a broken record but my God, do you understand how much Essek's arc means to me?
Have you ever been so certain that there was one thing alone that you were meant to do, and you were encouraged to do it, and you put in the time and effort to learn and feel confident in it even beyond whatever measure of talent you'd started with, and then realized that no matter what your parents and your teachers said, the circumstances of the world were not going to let you do that? Have you ever had to leave the one place that had the resources and means to do that thing because those circumstances had become untenable and if you stayed you were going to be crushed under the weight of them? Have you spent years reckoning with the fact that you are so foundationally unsatisfied with anything else but you are not going to have this in the form you thought you'd have it, if at all, and instead had to force your way through appreciating the little things you do have—your partner and friends, who might not be there everyday but are there enough; what small work you can do, even if it's not exactly what you want to do, but it helps someone; the fact that there is a garden that you can tend to and cats to pet—and hope that those small things can amount to enough that the void that lives in you feels small enough to ignore? Have you found yourself surprised to realize that, while that will never quell it entirely, you can have that thing in piecemeal sometimes and maybe one day you'll have it again, and in the meantime somehow, miraculously, the rest is enough?
Like, do you get it? Does anyone hear me?
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scurvyboy · 4 months ago
wait were you serious about not liking gay people
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thevoidstaredback · 3 months ago
Oliver was having a crisis. He has been for nearly a week now. It's gotten to the point where Dinah has benched him. Benched him!
He tried to tell her what was wrong, but what did she do? She laughed. Laughed! She laughed at him so hard that she started crying. And when she recovered enough to actually speak? She told him, point blank, "Don't be ridiculous, Oliver! You honestly think that Bruce Wayne is Batman? Brucie?! He literally said that he doesn't like Batman! What kind of person gives their secret identity a bad rap?"
"That's the genius of it, Dinah!" he shouted back, "No one expects it because the very notion is ridiculous!"
Dinah had put her hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Look, Ollie, I get that you two are long-time friends, and it would be awesome to let him into this part of our lives, but really? You want him to be Batman of all heroes? And, no offense to the Big Bad Bat, but he's way to scary - and probably pumped full of death magic and curses - to be human, let alone Bruce Wayne."
Oliver could do nothing but watch her leave.
Is this why Bruce told him? To make everyone think he'd gone insane? He thought they were friends!
Roy, of course, had witnessed the entire interaction before Oliver and Dinah left Bludhaven. Naturally, he gave Jason a play-by-play of the entire thing.
The last meeting at the Watchtower had ended with the 'Core Members' of the Justice League getting a tour of the Batcave. Now that this one was now over, they found themselves sitting in quiet at the table after everyone else had gone.
Green Arrow was the first to break through the growing tension - though no one really knew the source - in the room. "Batman, isn't there something you'd like to tell us?"
The looks of confusion from the other seven heroes went ignored.
"Yes," Batman nodded, "Our civilian identities are closely held secrets. Such is the fact that not even we know who each other is. But that's not quite true. I know who every single one of you are under your masks. I have information on you, your families, your coworkers, even strangers you interact with when you get your coffee in the morning."
"What?!" The cry of outrage could be heard even outside of the soundproofed room.
"That's a huge violation of privacy, Bats!" Green Lantern shouted, slamming his hand on the table.
"I know," Batman admitted.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Superman, ever the voice of reason, called over the rising voices, "How do you know it's actually our secret identities and not a random group of civilians?"
"We're detectives before we're heroes," Batman explained, "We don't make mistakes like that."
"I'm sorry," The Flash interrupted, "'We'?"
"Do your- Do your sidekicks know, too?!" Aquaman screeched.
Batman nodded. "If it's any consolation-"
"Doubt it," Cyborg scoffed.
"-I did not tell them; They figured out all on their own."
"You are really bad at this." Martian Manhunter said.
Batman ignored the noise, finally standing from his chair, as he spoke, the other's quieting down to hear him. "I'd like to ask for your trust in my keeping your secrets by offering you mine in turn." He lifted his arm and gripped his cowl. In one swift move, he pushed it off to fall against his back with his cape. "My real name is Bruce Wayne."
There's a long moment of nothing. No one so much as breaths for what feels like an eternity.
"...holy fuck." Green Lantern whispers, breaking the spell over the room.
"I told her!" Green Arrow shouts, also standing, "I told her! And what did she do? Laugh! You owe me, Canary!"
Part 17 Storyboard Alt. Ending
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mellohiizz · 5 months ago
Art rq… Mayhaps a paralysis duo doodle? 👉👈
the way i dropped everything the moment i saw this req.
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guys, i'm so normal about tsftlt, i promise you!!
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fangemorose · 4 months ago
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The fandom of Count of Monte Cristo be like
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