#yang soo kyung
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When Gayo Top Ten meets Music Bank...
Yang Soo Kyung's "You I Can't Look At" vs Lee Ji Yeon's "That Reason Was Pain To Me".... Who will win?
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This time it's the battle of the innocent godesses... and who is the winner? Kang Susie's "Scattered Days" or Lee Jiyeon's "Wind Please Stop Blowing"?
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cosmojjong · 2 years
그대의 의미 - 양수경
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xiaolanhua · 2 years
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Crash Landing on You (2019) Dir. by. Lee Jeong Hyo
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stuff-diary · 3 months
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Revenant (2023, South Korea)
Directors: Lee Jung Rim & Kim Jae Hong
Writer: Kim Eun Hee
I finally got the chance to watch this, and it didn't disappoint at all. I love me a good horror thriller, a genre that's very in rare in the world of k-dramas, and this one ticks all the boxes for me. Sure, it's not super scary or anything, but it does know how to be creepy as hell. And while it was the central mystery that kept me hooked from beginning to end, I also appreciated the way they used individual "cases" to build up the main plot, especially during the first half. On top of that, the show is superbly acted, with Kim Tae Ri being particularly excellent in a sort of dual role. But really, I don't think I have a single complaint. Revenant is truly that good, and I will certainly add it to my favorite dramas list.
P.S. There is a lot of triggering content throughout its twelve episodes, so be careful with that and make sure to check warnings.
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somanykdramas · 2 months
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GENRES: Drama, Comedy
SUMMARY: Three shamans try to figure out which is worse: not finding your spirit or losing it when you need it the most.
THIS MOVIE HAS EVERYTHING: Shaman Academies, debt, single moms, fortune telling, domestic abuse, rezoning, jjajangmyeon delivery in the woods, human trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, and freestyle shaman battles.
HOT TAKE: At first I thought this movie was going to spend its entirety taking a swing at the potentially absurd nature of shamans and shamanism in modern culture. And yes, there was plenty of that, until everyone managed to summon their own spirit and cause havoc in the name of putting some real bad guys to justice.
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binging-asian-dramas · 5 months
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A Man in a Veil. 6-7
Story: 7
Acting: 8
Chemistry: 8
Comparable to: Can You Hear My Heart (kdrama) ; Good Doctor (kdrama)
Turn your brain off and go with the flow. This drama is highly highly overly dramatic, think telenova, makjang, soap opera. Nothing follows through really with the storyline, so many plot holes, and the characters are dumb down to village idiots, except one character who apparently can get away with murder….seriously. OverallI couldn’t stop watching the series, it’s addictive as heck especially if you’re into this type of drama. Warning though, it’s over 100 episodes long.
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8,7 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Crash Landing on You (English title) / Love's Emergency Landing (literal title)
Hangul: 사랑의 불시착
Director: Lee Jung-Hyo
Writer: Park Ji-Eun
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Hyun-Bin, Son Ye-Jin, Seo Ji-Hye, Kim Jung-Hyun
 2020 (56th) BaekSang Arts Awards - June 5, 2020
Best Supporting Actress (Kim Sun-Young)
��Bu dizi için hem anlatacak çok şey var hem de hiçbir şey yok. Dizinin dinamiği ve teması ile ilgili çok fazla konuşabilirim. Diğer yandan konusu ile ilgili uzun uzadıya anlatılacak bir durum yok. O yüzden öncelikle kısaca konusundan bahsedeyim. Yoon Se-Ri’nin  (Son Ye Jin) Güney Kore'de kendi kurduğu bir moda şirketi vardır. Aynı zamanda babasının 2 erkek oğlu olmasına rağmen holdinginin varisi olarak Se-Ri’yi seçmiştir. Kendi şirketindeki bir lansmanda hazırladığı sporcu kıyafetlerini denemek ve tanıtımını yapmak üzere yamaç paraşütü yapar. Çekim sırasında çıkan fırtına büyüyüp hortuma dönüşünce paraşütle Kuzey Kore topraklarına sürüklenir ve bir ağacın üzerine düşer. Nerede olduğunu bilmeden bir süre kurtarılmayı bekler. Bu esnada bölgenin güvenliğinden sorumlu bir grup asker, şimdiye kadar böyle bir duruma ihtimal dahi vermedikleri için rutin olarak nöbet tutmaktadır. Çok dikkat etmedikleri içinde kadını gözden kaçırırlar. Asker grubunun başındaki Yüzbaşı Ri Jeong-Hyeok’un (Hyun-Bin), kaçak ziyaretçiyi bulması ile dizi başlar.
Kuzey Kore’deki şartları şimdiye kadar en gerçekçi şekilde yansıtmasından dolayı dizi yayınlandığı an itibari ile çok fazla izlenmiş ve beğenilmiş. Kesinlikle en iyi Kore dizisi diyemem ama 2019 yılı en yüksek reytinge sahip olduğunu ve o dönem çıkan diziler arasından sıyrıldığını söyleyebilirim. Dizinin senaristini daha sonradan öğrendim. Benim izlediğim diğer iki dizi My Love From the Star ve The Legend of the Blue Sea ‘nin  de senaryosu aynı kişiye aitmiş.. Bu iki dizide benim gözümde ortalamanın altında kalmış dizilerdi. Ayrıca iki dizide de Jun Ji-hyun oynuyordu. Bu dizide de onu oynatmamış olmasına gerçekten çok sevindim. Birincisi Jun Ji-hyun’dan çok hazzetmiyorum, ikincisi ise Son Ye-Jin bu dizi için biçilmiş kaftandı. Daha önceden tanımıyordum ama burada hem oyunculuğunu hem de kendisini çok beğendim.
Burada araya biraz dedikodu sokayım, Son Ye-Jin ve Hyun-Bin diziden sonra evlenen çiftlerimizden biri. Daha önce bahsettiğim Song-Song çiftine kıyasla bu çiftimiz çok daha aklı başında ve emin adımlar atmışlar. Şimdilerde çocuk sahibi olma planları olduğunu açıkladılar.
Diziye başlamadan önce biraz ön yargım vardı. Kuzey Kore’de geçiyor olmasından kaynaklı ağır dram olduğunu düşünmüştüm. Neyse ki öyle çıkmadı, tam romantik olmayan kesinlikle komedi diyemeyeceğim ama romantizmi de komediyi de içinde barındıran tatlı bir dramaydı. Dizi boyunca ara ara konuk olan oyuncuları görmek de keyif vericiydi. Hospital Playlist’in soğukkanlı kalp cerrahı Jung Kyung-Ho’yu birkaç bölümde gördük. Park Sung-Woong'u taksi şoförü olarak izledik. Ama en keyiflisi Kim Soo Hyun’du. Güney Kore’de akıl hastası rolünde geziyordu. Sonradan öğrendim ki, Secretly Greatly filminde Kuzey Koreli bir ajans rolündeymiş. Bu dizide de aynı karakter ile konuk olmuş. Ben bahsi geçen filmi izlemedim ama yine de konuk olarak görmek yüzümü güldürdü.
Dizide mantıksız çok fazla şey oluyor, mantık aramadan izlemenizi öneriyorum. Mantıksızlığın yanı sıra ilk kar, kız arkadaşının saçını bağlama gibi çok fazla klişe ile karşılaşıyorsunuz. Buna rağmen bence bilinmeyen karanlık bir yere ışık tutmaya çalıştığı için diğer dizilerden sıyrılmayı başarıyor. Bölüm sonlarında koydukları minik kesitlerde de izleyiciye jest yapıyorlar.
Dizinin içerisinde konusu ve işleyişi ile ilgili çok detay vermemi gerektiren bir durum yok çünkü; en başta anlattıklarım birçok şeyi açıklıyor. Kızımızın durumuna üzülen yüzbaşımız onu askerlere teslim etmek istemediği için gizli bir şekilde ülkeden çıkarma yolları arıyor. Bu esnada yüzbaşının ekibi ile tanışıyoruz. Se-Ri’nin sınırdan geçtiğini fark etmedikleri için istemeden de olsa bütün ekip suç ortağı oluyor. Kuzey Kore’nin kapalı yapısı yüzünden dış dünya ile ilgili çok bilgileri olmadığı için Se-Ri ile olan diyalogları dizinin komedi yönünü ortaya çıkarıyor. Başlarda onunla konuşmaktan çekinseler ve sürekli Güney Kore ile ilgili bilgi vermemesini ya da Kuzey Kore ile ilgili bir şey sormamasını söyleseler de bir süre sonra tatlı bir arkadaşlık ortaya çıkıyor. Özellikle Güney Korelilerin parmakları ile yaptığı kalp işaretini anlamaya çalıştıkları sahneler oldukça eğlenceliydi. Karakterler üzerinde çok durulmuyor. Tamamen Yüzbaşı ve Se-Ri odaklı bir hikaye ilerliyor. Yine de yan roller bir süre sonra kalbinizi çalabilir. Birçok yorumda hiç bahsedilmiyor ama ben dizideki diğer çifti de çok beğendim. Se-Ri’nin abisinden kaçmak için Kuzey Kore’de saklanan eski nişanlısı Gu Seung-Jung  (Kim Jung-Hyun) ve bir süre sonra aralarında çekim olduğunu açıkça gördüğümüz Yüzbaşının nişanlısı Seo Dan ( Seo Ji-Hye) çifti beni oldukça etkiledi. Özellikle Gu Seung-Jung ile kurulan empati ilerleyen bölümlerde izleyicinin kalbini çok kırıyor.
Bol bol eğlenmeme rağmen, gözyaşlarımı tutamadığım sahneler dizi bittikten sonra daha canlı aklımda kaldı. Kim Jung-Hyun’u daha sonra MR. QUEEN dizisinde izlemek, oyuncu hakkındaki düşüncelerimi doğruladı. Bence çok başarılıydı. Kısacası, bu dizi Kore dağarcığıma üç yeni isim eklememe neden oldu. Hyun-Bin, Son Ye-Jin, Kim Jung-Hyun.
Son olarak, dizinin içine yerleştirilmiş Kuzey Kore gerçeklerinden bahsedeyim. Dizide birçok gerçek yumuşatılmış olsa da, büyük oranda gerçekleri yansıttığı için bu başarıyı yakaladığını söylemiştim. Kuzey Kore’de bütün erkeklerin askere gitmesi zorunlu, diğer ülkelerden farkı ise askerlik süresinin 10 yıl olması. Fakirlik bütün ülke genelinde süregelen bir durum. Dışarıya kapalı bir ülke olduğu için ihracat kavramı burada yok. Buda demek oluyor ki, kendi elektriğini, suyunu üretmeleri gerekiyor. Kaynaklar yeterli olmadığı için evlerde ne elektrik ne de su mevcut değil. Elektronik cihaz kullanımı yasak, telefon televizyon gibi dış dünya ile bağlantı kurulabilecek teknolojiler yasak. Yalnızca yüksek rütbedeki askerlere telefon veriliyor. Belli bir saatten sonra evlerin ışıkları sönmek zorunda. Yiyecekleri koymaya buzdolabı olmadığı için bahçelerde yer altı mahzenleri var. Belli başlı tarım ürünlerini buralarda muhafaza ediyorlar. Başkent Pyongyang dışında lokanta, mağaza gibi kavgamlar yok. Erkekler içinde kadınlar içinde belirlenen saç modelleri dışında saç yapılması yasak. Aklıma gelen son bilgi de, ülkeden özel yetenekleri sayesinde çıkabilen gençler, üniversite ya da sanat dalı gibi, işi ya da eğitimi bittiğinde ülkeye dönmek zorundalar. Dönmezler ise aileleri idam ediliyor. Sayısını bilmiyorum ama her yıl Güney Kore’ye sığınan Kuzey Korelilerin oldukça fazla olduğunu okudum.
Dizinin OST’leri beni çok cezbetmedi. IU’nun bile bir şarkısı olmasına rağmen ben K-drama müzik listeme herhangi bir şarkı ekleyemedim. Diziyi önerir misin derseniz, bence izlenmesi gereken bir yapım olmuş.
Raven Melus
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consumeronionbulletin · 7 months
Marry My Husband (2024)
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This show is not perfect, and it is certainly not Perfect Marriage Revenge, but it does have its charms.
What Worked
Like that other show about a time traveling wife who was betrayed by her family and goes back in time to get her revenge, this show was good because of its villains. Song Ha-yoon who plays the evil best friend Jung Soo-min was the most fun to watch of the baddies. She was believably bad while pretending to be nice, and watching her spiral out of control over the course of the series was a treat.
The show also made the most of its side characters, giving them interesting plots and bringing in a solid cast. I especially loved watching young actor Choi Gyu-ri bring this delightful manic energy to Yoo Hui-yeon (the younger sister / bestie). I could have used more scenes with her, and hopefully she'll break into a lead role in a future series.
What DIdn't Work
Though it had a solid final two episodes, the show sagged a bit in the last third. They brought in an evil-ex fiance character that just wasn't interesting to watch.
Also, there were a few moments where the show went from "Over the Top" to "Completely Unbelievable". Like the end of episode 13 (aka the "slowest truck of doom ever") and the end of episode 14 (aka "WTF Ji-won, don't just stand there, Kick him in the nuts, FFS!").
The Performances
Park Min-Young as ("Time Traveling Wife") Kang Ji-won. I've been kind of disappointed in PMY's choices lately, so it was nice to see her in a somewhat better role. There were moments when I felt pathos, or enjoyed the romance, but not that many. Mostly, it was the moments in the show where she got to be angry—and even a little ruthless—that I remember. Which is part of the appeal for any good revenge show.
Na In-woo as ("Future CEO") Yoo Ji-hyuk. I think he was a little wooden in this, but alot of that was the writing. The show was really focused on the FL and on her relationships, and it didn't have much space for him. I didn't really mind that, but it did make those few moments where he got to cut loose a little (like the ice cream scene) more memorable.
Lee Yi-kyung as ("The terrible ex-") Park Min-hwan. This guy was great at playing a mediocre man completely out of his depth. He was like one of those clown punching bags that just pop right up after you hit them. And it was fun watching him get beaten down and come right back up for more.
Song Ha-yoon as ("The evil bestie") Jung Soo-min. I liked watching her slowly get more evil and more crazy as the show went on. The actor did a great job making her contemptible, while pretending to be kind and thoughtful.
Lee Ji-kwang as ("The chef") Baek Eun-ho. Probably the most sympathetic character in the show. He just wants to run his restaurant and feed all his friends and get a cute girlfriend and all of these crazy people keep coming in and messing with things. Would have liked to see more of him, and his loveline, but what we got was nice.
Choi Gyu-ri as ("The Best Sister in the World") Yoo Hui-yeon. This actor had golden retriever energy and it was so much fun watching her in the middle of this craziness. I want to see an entire show with her just running around living her best life. We needed more of Hui-yeon and chef's story than we got, for sure.
Gong Min-jeung as ("Sad boss") Assistant Manager Yang. I've seen this actor a few times and I always enjoy her, though they rarely give her a good loveline. She got a pretty decent one here, despite all the other crazy stuff that happened, so that was nice. Again, could have used a few more scenes with her and Lee Seok-joon.
Ha Do-kwon as ("The Salaryman") Lawyer Lee Seok-joon. He did a good job bringing some gravity to this crazy show. Was able to be funny too (in a Butler Jeeves kind of way). Not enough time spent on him and Manager Yang's story, but what we got was good.
BoA as ("The Evil Ex-") Oh Yu-ra. This character felt more like a plot device than anything. There were a few moments where she could have felt menacing or crazy, but I don't think the actor was quite up to it. They needed to cast a real Mean Girl, but they didn't have enough story for that kind of character.
Ha Do-kwon as ("Bad Manager") Lee Seok-joon. They brought in a really good character actor and this guy made the most of the part. He felt like someone I could have met in real life, and I despised him. Which means the actor did a great job.
Everyone Else. The high school bully girls were fun to watch. Yang's husband did an okay job being despicable. The judo teammates were funny. Even the grandfather had a couple of good moments. Show did a good job taking care of its minor characters.
If you liked Perfect Marriage Revenge, you'll probably like this too (and vice-versa). It's different enough that you don't feel like you're watching the same show twice. It's also not quite as good as that other show, which means people likely judged it a little harder than they otherwise might have done.
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galaxymagick · 3 months
240625 OfficialJTW_LEO✖️
[#JUNGTAEKWOON NEWS] 전소민·지승현, '베란다' 출연 확정…정택운 스크린 데뷔 📌 https://naver.me/GBF9dlvH 📌 https://m.joynews24.com/v/1734207 #정택운 #레오 #LEO #영화 #베란다 #아덴
Jeon Somin and Ji Seunghyun confirmed to appear in ‘Veranda’… Jung Taekwoon's screen debut
#JungTaekwoon #Leo #Movie #Veranda #Aden
web translated article
Korean journalists, often use this expression "crank-in" when filmmakers start to shoot a movie.
Movie ‘Veranda’ Jeon Somin, Ji Seunghyun, Ha Suho casting, crank in
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The casting date for the romantic thriller film ‘Veranda’ (directed by Cho Sung-won) has been confirmed.
Director Cho Sung-won's romantic thriller film 'Veranda' selected Jeon So-min, Ji Seung-hyun, and Ha Soo-ho as the lead actors and recently began filming, distribution company Santa Claus Entertainment announced on the 25th.
The movie 'Veranda' is a story about people's secrets and truths projected in a space called an apartment, a communal home. 26 Company Co., Ltd. named this work, which has a narrative that relieves the burden of drama from the existing genre of 'erotic thriller' and highlights a more sophisticated and sensuous mise-en-scène, as a genre of 'romantic thriller', providing unique fun and entertainment. He expressed his aspirations for the production, saying that he wanted to create emotion.
Actress Jeon So-min plays the role of Jeong Ha-yeon, who is threatened by a mysterious person claiming to know the secret about her husband's death. Actress Jeon So-min, like a chameleon, plays roles in a variety of genres, including a love story in the drama 'Show Window: The Queen's House' and a life-style role in 'Cleaning Up'. In this work, she plays Jeong Ha-yeon, who senses that someone stalking her house is related to her husband's death and sets out to find her. She is able to establish herself as a thriller queen with strong maternal love for her son Aram. I plan to go through a transformation in my acting.
Actor Ji Seung-hyun played the role of ‘Hyun-woo’, who lost his beloved wife and child. He clearly made a mark on viewers with his role as Yang Gyu in the drama 'Khitan War of Goryeo', and has recently become a popular actor, even holding a fan meeting for the first time since his debut, and is actively engaged in activities. In this movie, the main character Hayeon's son 'Aram' follows Hyunwoo, and attention is being paid to how 'Hyeonwoo', who begins to dream big in new hope with Hayeon, will be portrayed.
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Here, the role of Hayeon's husband 'Woojae' is played by actor Ha Soo-ho. Since his debut, actor Ha Soo-ho has expanded his scope of activities to include screens, TVs, and OTT series, and is showing impressive acting across genres. In particular, he left a strong impression on viewers with his impactful acting as a vicious villain in Netflix's 'The Hounds' last year and in Disney+'s 'Han River'. Ha Soo-ho is solidifying his position as an actor. This work raises expectations about how the heavy and ugly truth hidden behind death will be expressed in detail.
In addition, actor Jeong Hee-tae will play the role of 'Nam Kyung-jang', who begins to investigate the surroundings while suspecting 'Woo-jae's' accident, and 'Kim Kyung-jang' will be played by newcomer Jeon Young-chan. Actor Jeong Hee-tae, who showed outstanding acting in the dramas 'Wedding Impossible', 'House with a Yard', and the movies 'My Neighbor' and 'Cheer Up, Mr. Lee', takes on the role of Detective Nam Kyung-jang, who is investigating the case in detail. It will add weight to the play. Meanwhile, actor Jeon Young-chan is recognized for his acting skills in short films such as 'Daejeon, 1960' and 'Lighthouse', and recently, he is a rookie with infinite possibilities and potential with his passionate passion in dramas such as the drama 'Cheer Up' and the OTT series 'Dominant Bell' and 'Deal'. am. Expectations are high for the diverse charms he will show through ‘Chief Inspector Kim’.
Jung Taekwoon, who plays the role of 'Arden', who is about to make his screen debut through 'Veranda', debuted as the main vocalist of the group VIXX in 2012 and received a lot of love for his unique voice and eye-catching charm, and has appeared in the musical 'Full House' since 2014. , 'Mata Hari', 'Monte Cristo', 'Elisabeth', 'Marie Antoinette', 'Frankenstein', 'The Great Comet', as well as the play 'Tebesland', and has been praised for her passionate performances regardless of genre, becoming an all-rounder with acting skills. It came out. In this 'Veranda', he plans to further expand his range of acting by playing the role of a mysterious character who spies on Hayeon's house and learns her secret.
In addition, this film 'Veranda' won the Grand Bell Award for Art Director with the film 'Moss', and he served as art director and set manager for leading works representing Korea such as 'Battleship Island', 'Sabaha', 'Korean Peninsula', and 'Bat'. Since this is the first work directed by director Seong-won Cho, it is attracting particular interest and expectations.
The movie 'Veranda', which is raising expectations with the appearance of many actors with solid acting skills such as Jeon So-min, Ji Seunghyun, and Ha Suho, as well as excellent supporting roles, is scheduled to be released in 2025.
Jeon So-min and Ji Seunghyun confirmed to appear in ‘Veranda’… Jung Taekwoon's screen debut
Actors Jeon So-min, Ji Seung-hyun, and Ha Soo-ho are coming together for 'Veranda'.
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26 Company Co., Ltd. said, "This work, which relieves the burden of drama from the existing genre of 'erotic thriller' and has a narrative that highlights a more sophisticated and sensuous mise-en-scène, is named as a genre 'romantic thriller', and provides a unique and fun experience." “I wanted to create an emotion,” he said, expressing his production aspirations.
Jeon So-min takes on the role of Jeong Ha-yeon, who is threatened by a mysterious person claiming to know the secret about her husband's death. Jeon So-min plays Jeong Ha-yeon, who senses that someone stalking her house is related to her husband's death and sets out to find her. She is able to establish herself as a thriller queen with her strong maternal love for her son A-ram. I plan to go through another acting transformation.
Ji Seung-hyeon plays the role of Hyun-woo, who lost his beloved wife and child. As Hayeon's son Aram follows Hyunwoo, attention is focused on how Ji Seung-hyun will portray Hyunwoo, who begins to dream big in new hope with Hayeon.
Hayeon's husband Woojae is played by Ha Soo-ho. After his debut, Ha Soo-ho, who expanded his scope of activities to the screen, TV, and OTT series, and showed impressive acting across genres, raises expectations about how he will densely express the heavy and ugly truth hidden behind death.
In addition, actor Jeong Hee-tae plays the role of Nam Kyung-jang, who begins to investigate the surroundings while suspecting Woo-jae's accident, and newcomer Jeon Young-chan plays the role of Kim Kyung-jang.
Jung Taekwoon (Leo), who plays the role of Arden, who is about to make his screen debut through 'Veranda', debuted as the main vocalist of VIXX in 2012 and received a lot of love for his unique voice and eye-catching charm. Since 2014, he has been well received for his passionate performances across genres in musicals such as ‘Full House’, ‘Mata Hari’, ‘Monte Cristo’, ‘Elisabeth’, ‘Marie Antoinette’, ‘Frankenstein’, and ‘The Great Comet’ as well as the play ‘Tebesland’. He was reborn as an all-rounder with acting skills. In this 'Veranda', she plans to further expand her range of acting by playing the role of a mysterious person who spies on Hayeon's house and learns her secret.
'Veranda' won the Grand Bell Award for Art Director for the movie 'Moss', and director Seong-won Cho, who was in charge of art direction and set responsibility for leading representative works of Korea such as 'The Battleship Island', 'Sabaha', 'Korean Peninsula', and 'Bat', etc. This is the first work that took on a megaphone. It is targeted for release in 2025.
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exoluxionlove · 2 years
[INFO] Kyungsoo cast in upcoming new SBS variety show by former "Running Man” PD Choi Bopil!
Kyungsoo along with Zico, Crush, and Jannabi's Choi Jung-hoon (as well as Lee Yong-jin and Yang Se-chan), have been cast in the new entertainment variety.
"Zico, Crush, and Choi Jung-hoon are musicians of the same age, born in 1992. Doh Kyung-soo was born in 1993, but he is friends with them because he was born in January [...]
Expectations are high on what kind of entertainment chemistry four people of the same age with such extraordinary relationships will show. In particular, attention is focused on what unique charm Doh Kyung-soo, who will challenge variety entertainment for the first time alone other than the program with EXO members, will show with his best friends."
They are currently preparing to film the show and plan to air the episodes in March.
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K-pop Boy Bands Stations
Choi Seung-Cheol (S. Coups)
Yoon Jeong- Han (Jeonghan)
Joshua Hong (Joshua)
Wen Jun-Hui (Jun)
Kwon Soon-Yeung (Hoshi)
Jeon Won-Woo (Wonwoo)
Lee Ji-Hoon (Woozi)
Lee Seok-Min (DK)
Kim Ming-Gyu (Mingyu)
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Boo Seung-Kwan (Seungkwan)
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
Choi Soo-Bin (Soobin)
Choi Yeon-Jun (Yeonjun)
Choi Beom-Gyu (Beomgyu)
Kang Tae-Hyun (Taehyun)
Kai Kamal Huenging (Huening Kai)
Monsta X
Sohn Hyun-Woo (Shownu)
Lee Min-Hyuk (Minhyuk)
Yoo Ki-Hyun (Kihyun)
Chae Hyung-Won (Hyung-won)
Lee Joo-Heon (Jooheon)
Im Chang-Kyun (I.M)
Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho)
Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)
Byun Baek-Hyun (Baekhyun)
Kim Jong-Dae (Chen)
Park Chan-Yeol (Chanyeol)
Do Kyung-Soo (D.O)
Kim Jong-In (Kai)
Oh Se-Hun (Sehun)
Zhang Jiashuni (Lay)
Li Jiasheng (Kris)
Lu Han (Luhan)
Huang Zitao (Tao)
Stray Kids
Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
Lee Min-Ho (Lee Know)
Seo Chang-Bin (Changbin)
Hwang Hyun-Jin (HyunJin)
Han Ji-Sang (Han)
Felix Lee (Felix)
Kim Seung-Min (Seungmin)
Yang Jeong-In (I.N)
Kim Woo-Jin (Woojin)
Lee Tae-Yong (Taeyong)
Moon Tae-Il (Taeil)
Seo Young-Ho (Johnny)
Nakamoto Yuta (Yuta)
Qian Kun (Kun)
Kim Dong-Young (Doyoung)
(Korean Name) Lee Young-Heum (Ten)
Jeong Yoon-Oh (Jaehyun)
Dong Si-Cheng (Winwin)
Kim Jung-Woo (Jungwoo)
Huang Xuxi (Lucas)
Mark Lee (Mark)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Huang Ren Jun (Renjun)
Lee Je-No (Jeno)
Lee Dong-Hyuck (Haechan)
Na Jae-Min (Jaemin)
Liu YangYang (Yangyang)
Osaki Shotaro (Shotaro)
Jung Sung-Chan (Sungchan)
Zhong Chen-Le (Chenie)
Park Ji-Sung (Jisung)
Yang Jung-Won (Jungwon)
Lee Hee-Seung (Heeseung)
Jay Park (Jay)
Jake Sim (Jake)
Park Sung-Hoon (Sunghoon)
Kim Seon-Woo (Sunoo)
Kim Nam-Joon
Kim Seok-Jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-kook
Solo Artists
Lee Ho-Seok (Wonho)
Kang Dong-Ho (Baekho.)
Cho Seung-Youn (Woodz.)
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I'm getting so many old videos and channels that subtitle and upload 80s, 90s and 2000s pop culture content and most of the time it's ahjusshis and them just uploading all of their vcr recordings, if you're interested here goes! :
This channel uploads some subtitled clips of Jang Heebin 1995, 1981 and 1961 as well as some other stuff.
This person used to upload Kim Wan Sun videos!
Distant Memories/Memory Distant uploads content like variety shows and stages from actors and singers, that they recorded on their VCR from the mid 90s to 2000s. They also have a blog here and a post where they sent Lee Jiyeon a postcard/fanletter and she responded here !
victory lee is a channel that has exclusively 80s and early 90s content. They have very extensve knowledge and a database.
This channel has more of a trot and ballad music vibe and they post a lot of compilations.
Sungdy is a Yang Soo Kyung fanchannel that uploads her videos. Another channel for Yang Sookyung is Soo.
Lastella is a Ha Soo Bin fan channel and has a lot of Soo Bin's performances and music videos, tv appearances etc.
Time Machine 90s also uploads videos from the 90s and 2000s from their own collection.
As you can see from the name, towhitecastle is a H.O.T. fan but uploade bad quality videos of 1st gen idol groups and artists. Going into their comment sections is like riding a time machine to 2005 and it is interesting to see how the conversations were about the "new gen", just how we talk about the current new gen today.
jk Kim ahjusshi is more of a classic Korean Pop Music uploader. He uploads 50s,60s and 70s pop and trot standards as well as modern folk music and even contemporary gugak.
I'll keep on reblogging this post whenever I find some more channels!
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stay-tiny2021 · 2 years
Dad!AU BTS Children
These are the children I will write about for each member when writing Dad!AU prompts!
kim namjoon (rm)
Kim Chae Young (김채영)
Kim Jin Woo (김진우)
kim seokjin (jin)
Kim Mi Young (김미영)
Kim Kyung Mi (김경미)
Kim Chang Min (김창민)
min yoongi (suga)
Min Jae Sang (민재상)
Min Hwa Young (민화영)
jung hoseok (j-hope)
Jung Tae Yang (정태양)
Jung Min Ho (정민호)
park jimin
Park Byeol (박별)
Park Moon Sun (박문선)
Park Nari (박나리)
kim taehyung (v)
Kim Hyun Woo (김현우) & Kim Dae (김대) (fraternal twins)
Kim Beom Soo (김범수)
Kim Nabi (김나비)
jeon jungkook
Jeon Min Seok (전민석)
Jeon Jin Hwan (전진환)
Jeon Areum (전아름)
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neoshowa · 9 months
양수경 Yang Soo-Kyung - 그대의 의미 Meaning Of You (Jeon Yonghyeon Remix)
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kwavecl · 1 year
Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards anuncia a los nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión.
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¡Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards han anunciado sus nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión!
Los candidatos fueron elegidos entre dramas, programas y películas que se emitieron o se estrenaron entre el 1 de abril de 2022 y el 31 de marzo de 2023. Sin embargo, las obras que se estrenaron durante el período de proyección del año pasado también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año. Se encuestó a 60 expertos de la industria antes de las nominaciones finales. Además, las producciones que se excluyeron el año pasado porque se estrenaron durante el período de proyección también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año.
Echa un vistazo a los candidatos finales de la televisión y el cine del año pasado a continuación:
Mejor Drama
JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Netflix “The Glory” tvN “Our Blues” ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” tvN “Little Women”
Mejor Variety Show
tvN “Earth Arcade” Psick University “Psick Show” Netflix “Physical: 100” TVING “EXchange 2” Coupang Play “SNL Korea 3”
Mejor Show Educativo
wavve “National Office of Investigation” (literal title) Netflix “In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal” EBS “Your Literacy Skills+” (literal title) MBC Gyeongnam “Adult Kim Jang Ha” (literal title) KBS “Hidden Earth: 3 Billion Years on the Korean Peninsula”
Mejor Actor
Son Suk Ku – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lee Byung Hun – tvN “Our Blues” Lee Sung Min – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Jung Kyung Ho – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Choi Min Sik – Disney+ “Casino”
Mejor Actriz
Kim Ji Won – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Kim Hye Soo – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Park Eun Bin – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Song Hye Kyo – Netflix “The Glory” Suzy – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Kim Do Hyun – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Kim Jun Han – Coupang Play “Anna” Park Sung Hoon – Netflix “The Glory” Jo Woo Jin – Netflix “Narco-Saints”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Kim Shin Rok – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Yeom Hye Ran – Netflix “The Glory” Lee El – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lim Ji Yeon – Netflix “The Glory” Jung Eun Chae – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Kim Gun Woo – Netflix “The Glory” Kim Min Ho – ENA “New Recruit” Moon Sang Min – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Joo Jong Hyuk – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Hong Kyung – wavve “Weak Hero Class 1”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Kim Hieora – Netflix “The Glory” Noh Yoon Seo – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Lee Kyung Sung – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Joo Hyun Young – ENA “Exaordinary Attorney Woo” Ha Yun Kyung – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”
Mejor Entertainer Masculino
Kian84 Kim Kyung Wook Kim Jong Kook Jun Hyun Moo Hwang Jae Sung
Mejor Entertainer Femenina
Kim Min Kyung Park Se Mi Lee Soo Ji Lee Eun Ji Joo Hyun Young
Mejor Película
“Next Sohee” “The Night Owl” “Hansan: Rising Dragon” “Hunt” “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor
Ma Dong Seok – “The Roundup” Ryu Jun Yeol – “The Night Owl” Park Hae Il – “Decision to Leave” Song Kang Ho – “Broker” Jung Woo Sung – “Hunt”
Mejor Actriz
Bae Doo Na – “Next Sohee” Yang Mal Bok – “The Apartment With Two Women” Yum Jung Ah – “Life Is Beautiful” Jeon Do Yeon – “Kill Boksoon” Tang Wei – “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – “The Point Men” Kim Sung Cheol – “The Night Owl” Park Ji Hwan – “The Roundup” Byun Yo Han – “Hansan: Rising Dragon” Im Siwan – “Emergency Declaration”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Park Se Wan – “6/45” Bae Doo Na – “Broker” Ahn Eun Jin – “The Night Owl” Yum Jung Ah – “Alienoid” Lee Yeon – “Kill Boksoon”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Noh Jae Won –”Missing Yoon” Jinyoung – “Christmas Carol” Byun Woo Seok – “20th Century Girl” Seo In Guk – “Project Wolf Hunting” Ong Seong Wu – “Life Is Beautiful”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Go Yoon Jung – “Hunt” Kim Si Eun – “Next Sohee” Kim Hye Yoon – “The Girl On a Bulldozer” IU – “Broker” Ha Yun Kyung – “Gyeong Ah’s Daughter”
La ceremonia está programada para el 28 de abril en Paradise City en Incheon a partir de las 5:30 p.m. KST. El programa se transmitirá en vivo por televisión a través de JTBC, JTBC2 y JTBC4, y también se transmitirá en vivo a través de TikTok.
Fuente: soompi.com
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 | Official Trailer
Star Wars: Visions volume 2 will stream on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
Volume 2 shorts:
“Sith” by Rodrigo Blaas at El Guiri Studios (Spain)
A former Sith apprentice, leading a peaceful, but isolated life, is confronted by the past when her old master tracks her down.
LUIS TOSAR as Sith Master
ÚRSULA CORBERÓ and LUIS TOSAR also voice their characters in the Spanish dub.
“Screecher’s Reach” by Paul Young at Cartoon Saloon (Ireland)
A young girl, seeking reprieve from her days in a rural workhouse, discovers a legendary haunted cave with her friends. The cave’s dark pull will change the trajectory of her life forever.
“In the Stars” by Gabriel Osorio at PunkRobot Studio (Chile)
Two sisters, the last of their kind who live in hiding on their ravaged land, squabble about how to survive with the Empire encroaching. On a water run, the sisters must fight back when they are discovered.
KATE DICKIE as Officer
VALENTINA MUHR and JULIA OVEIDO also voice their characters in the Spanish Dub
“I Am Your Mother” by Magdalena Osinska at Aardman Animations (United Kingdom)
Young pilot Anni, who is embarrassed by her sweet, but clingy mum, must team with her for a madcap family race at the academy. Along the way, their relationship is tested by the elements, their old ship, other racers...and each other!
MAXINE PEAKE as Kalina Kalfus
CHARITHRA CHANDRAN as Annisoukaline Kalfus
DAISY HAGGARD as Dorota Van Reeple
BEBE CAVE as Julan Van Reeple
DENIS LAWSON as Wedge Antilles
“Journey to the Dark Head” by Hyeong Geun Park at Studio Mir (South Korea)
A hopeful mechanic and disillusioned young Jedi team up for a risky and unlikely quest to turn the tide of the galactic war, but dark forces tail them.
Korean language cast:
JANG YE NA as Ara / Young Ara
YUN YONG SIK as Bichan
CHWANG KWANG as Interpreter
CHOI SOO MIN as Master Duta
SHIN YONG WOO as Master Leesagum / Shopkeeper
LIM CHAE HEON as Training Partner
LEE SO YOUNG as Master Moru / Another Jedi
English Dub cast:
ASHLEY PARK as Ara / Young Ara
ALBERT KONG as Interpreter / Jedi Master A
GREG CHUN as Shopkeeper / Master Leesagum / Training Partner / Padawan
JUDY ALICE LEE as Master Moru / Another Jedi
“The Spy Dancer” by Julien Chheng at Studio La Cachette (France)
The premier dancer at a famous, Imperial-frequented cabaret uses her unique skill-set to spy for the Rebellion, but the presence of a mysterious officer threatens to derail her mission.
BARBARA WEBER-SCAFF as Mee’ma & Additional Voices
BRUCE SHERFIELD as Additional Voices
TAYLOR GASMAN as Additional Voices
“The Bandits of Golak” by Ishan Shukla at 88 Pictures (India)
Fleeing from their village by train and pursued by ferocious Imperial forces, a boy and his force-sensitive younger sister seek refuge in a vibrant and dangerous dhaba.
NEERAJ KABI as Inquisitor
SAHIL VAID as Maghadi and Scavenger     
RICHARD JOEL as Scavenger     
SUMANTO RAY as Conductor, Jangori Leader and Dhoona      
RAJEEV RAJ as Helper
AVIRAL KUMAR as Stormtrooper      
ISH THAKKAR as Stormtrooper and Alien     
AADITYA SHARMA as Stormtrooper and Alien    
“The Pit” by LeAndre Thomas and Justin Ridge at D'ART Shtajio (Japan) and Lucasfilm Ltd. (United States of America)
A fearless young prisoner, forced to dig for kyber by the Empire, plans a risky escape for he and his people.
ANIKA NONI ROSE as Eureka / Mother
STEVE BLUM as Commander
MATTHEW WOOD as Stormtroopers
“Aau’s Song” by Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke at Triggerfish Animation Studios (South Africa)
An alien child who longs to sing is raised by her loving, but stern father to stay quiet because of the calamitous effect her voice has on the crystals in the nearby mines.
MPILO JANTJIE as Aau (dialogue)
DINEO DU TOIT as Aau (singing)
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