#xia tag
least-fav-proxy · 2 months
I have taken front once more!
So, how is my favorite brother doing today, hm?
- @fuckin-liuuuuu
oh, hey liu. missed you. whats been up with you? i've been awol too, so no need to worry about if you missed me by not frontin'. ive just been lowkey locked out of front by Xiaqra, our new transtroll collective identity. you can find hyr at hys blog @hemocasteistviolet! :}
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starstruckodysseys · 26 days
so glad to see alex taking the murph strategy of just a little guy pc -> big fucking dude pc pipeline. and also speedrunning it
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catvampire · 3 months
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Dracula at the Finnish National Ballet: ⮡ Harker & Dracula's first meeting [1/2]
Jun Xia as Jonathan Harker Michal Krčmář as Young Dracula
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targarrus · 5 months
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joker out model era
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shijiujun · 5 months
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The Spirealm 致命游戏 (2024) | Kaleidoscope of Death Live Action
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zishuge · 3 months
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the first time lingling calls him nanzhu The Spirealm 致命游戏 (2024) | Ep. 22
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michaelmac6072-art · 1 month
Two-handed Squish
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The more face, the more cheek to squish~
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daily-linkclick · 1 year
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daily link click: 6/30/23
sleepover (hope everyone had a happy pride!)
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if you, like me, loved Sons and Sonsability BOY HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU!!! about a new project a bunch of people (some of them known from Dropout.tv) are doing called Bitcherton!!
it’s an improvised regency-era podcast about a family with two daughters and a “dopey cousin” whom are all trying to find a husband this season (sound familiar?)
please, please give the first episode a listen and maybe even consider pledging to the kickstarter campaign so they can make a full season (btw Ify Nwadiwe plays a vicar who is “definitely asking you all these personal questions so he can pray for you”, and not so he can write about it in the gossip papers)
did I mention that they are hiding a body?
anyways here is a link to the kickstarter, where you can also find the first episode: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/manysidedmedia/bitcherton/description
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I am truly so happy to see people reblogging the first part of this with "tag yourself I'm...", because I had the exact same thought when I made this! :D
So have some more of my favourite descriptive closed captions from this season of Dimension 20: Mentopolis!
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Try to predict the dice gods' will on Never Stop Blowing Up...
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tahdashi · 2 years
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: the 2nd anniversary cards have taken over my life >:(
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✦ ARTEM can be shy with kisses, only kissing your forehead or lips sparingly when in public, but when it's just the two of you in the comfort of your shared apartment, artem indulges a bit more. on nights when he's finishing some work up in the living room, his feet propped up on the coffee table, he'll play with your hand as you lean into him, taking in the scent of his freshly washed hair and eucalyptus body wash. and even in moments of deep focus, artem will bring your palm to his lips, leave a few kisses to the skin, and trail his lips up to your wrist and forearm. and although his actions are a bit mindless, you can't help but feel warmth rush to your cheeks — his casual affection catches you by surprise. and when artem's feeling a bit more spontaneous, he'll snake his hands around your waist, pulling you into his chest before placing several kisses to your jaw and behind your ear.
✦ MARIUS finds himself being drawn to you the second you're in his line of vision. whether you're preparing something in the kitchen, or working at your desk, you'll feel marius' fingers dance across your waist before feeling his breath linger on your skin. he starts with a whisper, usually a "missed you," even though he's been with you all day. he'll hover his lips over the shell of your ear, placing a quiet, featherlight kiss behind it before moving towards your neck — his haven. and sometimes, marius will do it casually, telling you about his day as he places kisses to the skin of your neck as punctuation. he can't get enough of your scent, your warmth, the way you adjust to give him more room to kiss your collarbones. his plum-colored hair tickles your skin, and he revels in the sound of your laughter.
✦ LUKE has a habit of kissing you as a distraction. the second he sees a wrinkle form between your brows, he's turning your face towards his ever so gently, flashing a soft smile with earnest eyes that look as if honey is dripping from them. and maybe, luke needed this kiss, too. you're both smiling into it, your hands always end up in his soft locks. his favorite kisses, though, are when you two are being lazy on the couch — a movie's playing in the background, but neither of you care enough to pay attention. somehow, you always end up on his lap, his fingers gripping your waist just enough to keep you in place. he jokes around a bit, telling you to pay attention to the movie, but he's looking straight at your lips. and when you make the first move, he's a goner. he kisses back lazily, his tongue meeting yours gently before pulling away to move to your jaw. when it comes to having his lips on your skin, luke pearce is insatiable.
✦ VYN always starts with an innocent kiss to the cheek, his lips linger for a quick second before he’s pulling away, smiling at you with sincerity and heart shaped pupils. but the innocence doesn’t last — he knows just how to make you melt for him. his kisses are intense, as if he’s pulling all the air out from your lungs, taking in all that you are. he pays attention to all your little movements — the quickening of your breath, the way your chest rises and falls, the way your fingers look for something to grasp onto. and he doesn’t stop until he hears those pretty sounds fall from your lips. you’re both gasping for air, looking at each other with something that looks like lust and love. he readjusts his clothes quickly, smoothing out the wrinkles from your roaming hands before he puts his glasses back on and swipes his thumb across your lower lip.
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feedback & reblogs are appreciated !!
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actualbird · 6 months
UHM HELLO!! idk how to use tumblr tbh and im awkward so this is gonna be. uh. yeah HOW DO YOU GO BACK TO ANOTHER LINE - moving on. i love ur polynxx hcs soooo so much please i need more more more 🤲🤲
wahhh, hello and welcome to tumblr :D!!! im so glad i enjoy my nxx polycule stuff hehe and it's been a While since ive written for them (be it for fic or hcs) so this ask came at a lovely time. without further ado, here's some:
the nxx polycule date permutation hcs
due to everybody's schedules being immensely packed all the time, all 5 of them cant go out on dates/get-togethers very often with everybody in attendance. like, when theyre All together it's often for NXX Work OR they save it for special occasions (ex. christmas, new years, any of the team's bdays)
that being said, the Top 1 most common not-everybody date permutations are: artem + mc + luke, and then marius + vyn
artem + mc + luke can meet up often and easily because artem and mc work at the same place (so they can quickly figure out when their schedules align, quickly meet up), AND all three of them LIVE IN THE SAME STELLIS CITY DISTRICT!!!
they all live in South Stellis (mc's address was mentioned in The Birth of Stellis | Tears of Themis "Behind The Scenes" Episode, and artem's and luke's can be seen easily in the Stellis Explore function) so i can imagine just like
artem and mc finishing up with work and wanting to go out to dinner together and both of them independently and intuitively understanding that on the drive to the restaurant, they should go pick up luke because if left to his own devices he'll probably only chips and a stale salad for dinner.
mc shoots luke a quick text like "let's have dinner! artem's treat!" 5 minutes prior to them arriving at his shop, and luke panics trying to find something nice to wear because if it's Artem's Treat then that means the restaurant is gonna be QUITE UPSCALE AND FANCY and he doesnt want to look like their boyfriend who they picked off the street from a dumpster because earlier today he had just so happened to be tailing a lead for a case that sent him into the forest so hes all muddy. but hes only got like two (2) sweaters that he himself finds viable for a Fancy Restaurant Date
so when mc and artem arrive to pick him up, hes wearing the blocky xmas partyland sweater. at which mc visibly winces at and at which artem internally winces at
but they all go out for a nice dinner out anyway
MEANWHILE, marius + vyn's homes are in completely different stellis city districts: orchideshine and long beach, hemingway heights respectively. and the Stellis Explore function seems to posit these two locations as pretty far-ish away from each other, yeah, BUT....
marius' PERSONAL STUDIO is right in the same neighborhood as vyn's place
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i assume marius' personal studio is in this area because another thing thats in hemingway heights (that's just not mentioned in the Stellis Explore function) is Stellis University, where marius is taking his masters. so right after his classes, he can drop by his studio and destress before heading over to the CBD for work
marius has mastered this art. he comes to learn vyn's schedule at the university, at the research center, and at his home so that he only shows up when vyn isnt busy and is most likely to actually say yes to an impromptu fancy lunch
and vyn acts like hes Bothered but he really isnt, especially when marius has the money to treat him out to the High End Pastry Places that even vyn "pastry master" richter can appreciate
basically it goes
marius, yelling on vyn's yard: hey vyn! let's go out on a date!
vyn: get off my yard
marius: PLLEEEAAASSSEEEE, i'll take you to that bougie place you like!
vyn: fine (secretly pleased to be spoiled)
that being said, while these are the most common date permutations due to the simple reason of proximity, they all still find time to meet up in different permutations and all together
vyn appreciates luke taking him out on dates to more simple places, like a family owned diner or a hole in the wall ramen place. while it's not his usual kind of place, he enjoys the food and seeing luke light up talking about the memories hes had in this particular establishment ("one time, i ate here immediately after a mission and i was still bleeding out!!" "....please take care of all open wounds before you have ramen")
marius and luke and mc often meet up online and video call to game together. sometimes artem will join in on the call, despite not being much of a gamer himself, but he just likes hearing their voices and enthusiasm and yelling in the background while he cooks or works
ARTEM AND VYN GO TO THE FARMER'S MARKET TOGETHER. theyre both culinary Geniuses after all, and together they are extremely picky about produce and honey and handicrafts like an old married couple
and of course, they all get together every once in a while when their schedules permit and have a lovely time and enjoy each other's company
bonus, what kind of dates each of their residences are best for
artem's residence: best for full-team dinners and movie marathons in his home theatre
mc's residence: best for cozy afternoons because her place is so homey!!
vyn's residence: best for full-team outdoor brunches and tea times and also if you want a touch of nature relaxing in his garden
marius' residence: best for THAT WALK-IN WINE CELLAR and also movie marathons because have you seen the wall-mounted flat screen TV in his bedroom??? phew
luke's residence: best for uhhh...if you wanna slip on stray files on the floor or stub your toe on his palette bedframe? JHFKJ JUST KIDDING, best for in-person gaming hangouts
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mogoce-nocoj · 1 month
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he chose to put Kris in the shirt I had a breakdown over. this is specifically for me. thank you damon baker
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zhivchik · 4 months
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izpira-se-zlato · 5 months
just watched Alessandra's new MV and listened to the song, and -- yeah, okay, that got me right in the feels.
The song resonates on such a personal level... like. It describes my 2023 so well; and of course it wasn't the same as Alessandra's, but it was because of her and the cool, amazing people she became friends with (and shared a small part of) that I went out, that I got out of my shell, travelled on my own, met incredible people and --
Maybe I've cried Maybe I've laughed And maybe it's sad It was the best year of my life
Yeah I've been so mad Yeah I've been so reckless But when I look back It was the best year of my life
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