#wtnv shit post
localratwithcowboyhat · 2 months
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Well come to nightvale
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The pure comedy of Carlos wanting to be a marine biologist and then fucking off to live in the dessert forever is unmatched
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xiangtefi · 2 months
i’ve just finished listening to episode 19A of wtnv and. KEVIN???
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leconcombrerit · 1 year
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I redrew Lauren so naturally I redrew Kevin too. He looks a tad more unhinged than before, go Kevin go
I'm gonna put them side by side too, Lauren had it coming.
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flamingfoxninja · 2 years
Yes night vale was the pinnacle and trailblazer of queer media, but it also gave my glutin-free cousin an entire episode on how Wheat and Wheat By-Products turn to poisonous snakes and kill people that we keep using as an injoke for the last 8 years
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mudstoneabyss · 2 years
wait hold on. thinking. what if Charles does have (some of) the same "just walk out if it sucks hit da bricks" mentality as Carlos but it also falls into the work/family parallels with them. like Carlos came to Night Vale for work- and to escape a workplace- Charles came to Desert Bluffs for family- and originally left Cactus Park (or, fuck, Pine Cliff) to escape one. What if he just grabbed Donovan and left.
This and okay hear me out I'm bringing out It Sticks With you because the traffic from it haunts me:
"But let’s have a look now at traffic. At the intersection of High St and McDowell sits a 2004 Honda CRV, silver, with a broken taillight. Inside the car is a man named Sergei. He’s looking at the night sky. He does not see the light change from red to green. Nor does he notice this process repeating. There is no one behind him to indicate his attention should be otherwise paid to the road. The intersection of High St and McDowell is curiously empty except for the man in his 2004 CRV."
that, then from The Mudstone Abyss Part 1:
"Let's have a look now at traffic. There's a single car, a maroon Honda CRV, one taillight out, driving along State Street. Inside is a man, listening to his radio."
which hey. imagine being me when I was listening to this episode and they just threw THAT out. But the traffic in It Sticks With You continues:
"If anyone else were around, and they were to look at the same night sky, they would see blackness and stars, the faint slit of a nearly-new moon. They may see an airplane or the wisp of a cloud. Yet Sergei sees something that anyone else would not. Sergei sees a triangle of bright orange lights. They do not move, nor blink. They simply are an inscrutable pyramid perched in the firmament. Sergei wonders if they are extra-terrestrial or just a trick of the eye. The traffic signal changes from red back to green, and the CRV does not move. No one else is around."
Yeah so he's the only one seeing an orange triangle huh? An orange triangle specifically? And isn't it consistent with the dark planet that when people end up in Night Vale they saw the dark planet lit by no sun beforehand. This idea of seeing something in a sky and ending up somewhere. (At this point I'm fulling using Sergei as a metaphor for Charles than a parallel sorry buddy)
and it continues:
"He is scared. He is hopeful too. Sergei hopes that he is to be abducted. Saved even. Taken away from his job, and his wife, and his dogs, and his family. Taken away from his CRV with its broken taillight. Taken away from High St and McDowell. He doesn’t know if the alien craft would imprison him, experiment on him, or even kill him. Everything that is unknown is hope."
So this when I first listened had me hey wait why's this guy paralleling Charles seeing an orange triangle and not liking his family D: but I think if we're seeing Sergei as a metaphor, a parallel, etc, and the lights as symbolic of db, this makes more sense to be Charles before Desert Bluffs. The lights- Desert Bluffs- being a promise of possibility he's hoping to reach
"Sergei does not pray, he only thinks of the possibilities of leaving his car, his body, his planet. And as the traffic signal changes again, Sergei opens his car door and steps out, jacketless, into the brisk night air. A swirling breeze curls his hair.
He stands in the center of the intersection of High St and McDowell and waves. He waves to the triumvirate of orange lights in the night sky, and he imagines someone or some thing waving back."
Then dropping everything and going no hesitation to greet this possibility. This whole time, not being sure if it'll work out- if it'll be dangerous. But everything that is unknown is hope. This could be better.
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mellowmaidenhairs · 2 years
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cecil …. s
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mushroompoisoning · 2 years
god forbid a cat hover in the mens bathroom. he's trying to go to the bathroom. god forbid women do anything.
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aroace-and-has-a-mace · 10 months
moment of appreciation for my father, who:
is a huge ally
was in band as a kid
listens to weird music
makes shitty jokes
wears shirts with puns
teaches fucking history
apparently listens to wtnv?!?
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halfdeadwallfly · 11 months
almost posted about doug eiffel on instagram and then realized that is not the site for that
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toytulini · 2 years
rip kevin you wouldve loved to become a santa clarita diet zombie
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Dr. Lubel lost all credibility the second she said “ALL of my hypotheses are proven!” Because ANYONE who has dipped a toe in the science world knows that hypotheses can’t be proven! They can just be SUPPORTED!!!!!
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b4 i go to sleep
cishet rhymes with crochet.
good night.
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realbigpodcastslut · 2 years
(I feel shy putting this on my blog but you're welcome to share this on yours if you want. Hope I'm not overstepping!)
Oh man oh man I think Night Vale really saved my life a couple of years ago. Back then I had really bad anxiety to the point of insomnia. And listening to wtnv everyday as part of my bedtime routine helped.
The Queerness was great, sure. I definitely think that soothed some part of me. But more than that it was the slightly creepy yet ultimately safe atmosphere that I could focus on instead of my own worries. And a narrative style that helpfully recounted details I might have missed whilst dozing off, whenever they became relevant again. And Cecil's utterly comforting voice. And the weather. It was just this perfect recipe for relief during a difficult time.
Things changed as I ran out of new episodes and my mental health improved. I haven't listened regularly in some months. I kinda want to save up that backlog for when I really need it. But it's reassuring to know that it'll be there for me.
Hey Anon,
I'm so SO glad you told me this and that this blog can be a safe place to express your thoughts. Because you are not alone. Actually, a very old post of mine (2017?) circulated for a bit because I had discussed how podcasts saved my life as well.
Podcasts are so important and I'm so glad they helped as much as they did and that you are doing better. I love hearing stories like this because it shows that pieces of art, like audio dramas, can have a profound effect on people.
Thank you for sharing! <3
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grimbeak · 6 months
ohhhh my goddd i dont want to read the transcript i want to listen to the episode the episode that you worked hard on the episode that you wrotei i dont want to look at words on a page i want to hear the voices the emotins the weather i dont want to read the transcript stop posting the transcript and not the episode i dont want to listen to the episode in four hours i want to listen to it when its supposed to come out
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its been so long since i listened to more nightvale, i think i might just start over (<- is looking for any excuse to go back to the absolutely batshit season 1 arc)
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