#writing / words
heartoflesh · 5 months
Who knew, the key to writing was to just write 😀
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trashootie · 1 year
Can you tell more about the deleted scene you mentioned under your "choking" piece? I've only played bg3 after full release, it sounds very intriguing. Also I am fascinated by your art like woah
Yes absolutely!
Basically the dreams is early access were very different, with the question asked during character creation being "Who do you dream of at night?"
This meant that the dreams were very personal with each character dreaming of someone important to them: Lae'zel about Vlaakith, Astarion about Cazador etc. So as a player you could make your dreams about someone from your ocs past.
I'm putting the rest under the cut bc I have a lot to say about this.
Your dreams were also very vague and to this day I'm not entirely sure how they were going to develop through the story if they remained as they were.
The character tells you that greatness awaits you and seems to embody temptation. Your relationship to them can be very different even with the fiew dialogue opportunities. I'll just provide a few screenshots from my ea playthroughs:
Dream 1
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Dream 2
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Dream 3 (you can make out but that's not where I went)
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The vibe becomes very intense and it really makes you interested as to where they were going with this!
Also let's not forget about all of the dialogue with your companions:
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Honestly I'd advice any fan of the game to check out an early access playhtough because A LOT has changed and there was so much interesting stuff in there
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lostboithoughts · 6 months
No summer ever came back, and no two summers were ever alike. Times change, and people change..
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a-bird-who-writes · 1 year
Me: How do I get myself to write?
Me: ....
Me: You don't, wait out the writers block.
Me: ....
Me: You gotta write an ENTIRE Novel right now because life is short, DO IT NOW.
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Writer Interview Game
I think this one has been my favorite tag game yet. Thank you so much for the tag, @gilded-glitter!
When did you start writing?
I wrote the most cringeworthy American Revolution-era "romance" you've ever seen I think when I was about eight or nine? I don't remember exactly. Eventually I transitioned to writing fanfiction when I was thirteen, and I posted on FanFiction.net until life just got too hectic and my writing world narrowed to academic papers and poetry I scribbled down during writing club meetings in undergrad. I've been an avid fanfiction reader that whole time, though -- I may not have had the time, energy, or motivation to contribute, but there have been many fanworks I've enjoyed immensely and reread multiple times over the years. Especially once I found the good stuff on Ao3.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really like fictional works written in the style of a diary. I find it highly unlikely I will successfully write such a work (besides my own journals, of course, although I've gotten out of my journaling habit. Sigh).
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I am going to be so real right now: it has been ages -- and I do mean actual years -- since I have read any books aside from academic works and fanfiction. It's sad, but it's true. If someone compared me to @aevallare, @shewhowas39, @kittenintheden, @bardic-inspo, @atsadi-shenanigans, or any other of my favorite fanfic authors, I'd take that as an extremely high compliment.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I don't have a desk, so most of the time I write on my laptop while sitting on my bed. When my parents aren't home I like to write at the kitchen table. (Obviously I can't write there when they're home because I'm not going to risk my parents walking by, looking over my shoulder, and finding, you know, smut.)
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Funnily enough, most of my recent ideas that I really like have come to me while I'm daydreaming in the shower. Another helpful thing I do is take a walk, talk to myself, and work out dialogue that way.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
It depends on which part of my life we're talking about. In my teenage years my fanfiction was very much centered on found family and the idea of sacrifice for a higher purpose. My poetry in college was centered on unrequited love. None of those threads surprise me in the slightest. I'm guessing that this time around the found family thread will likely appear again, but I'm not sure what other themes might appear alongside it. And that supposition might just be wrong anyway. I'm simply here for the ride -- I'm excited to see what emerges.
What is your reason for writing?
I write so I can live vicariously through the characters I write about.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Any that quote a line or passage that stood out to and/or explain why the work was meaningful to the commenter. But any and all comments are extremely motivating.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I just hope my writing makes readers feel something. If I can get readers to care about the characters involved the same way I care about them, then I'll consider myself having done a good job.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think I'm good at timing -- knowing when I can spend time on a specific moment and when I should keep things moving. (I would much rather a reader answer this question, though.)
How do you feel about your own writing?
There will always be someone better than me. But I don't think my writing sucks, so there's that at least.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for me. Do I want readers to enjoy it? Absolutely. But at the end of the day, this isn't writing I'm going to submit to a publisher or put in a portfolio. So I write what I want to write, purely for my own enjoyment.
No-pressure tags for @shewhowas39, @bardic-inspo, @locallegume, and @nyx-knox!
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erischeatsdeath · 2 years
ya we all know about ladybug's piss-poor luck, but what about the wolf's bad luck?? what about how this Poor Orphan Boy™ with a Dark And Troubled Past™ whose presence on the bullet train has NOTHING to do with white death and the main plot?? who fails to stab ladybug only for his knife to ricochet and kill him?? that's so sad and so hopeless and something about his last words being the same thing he called his late wife seems so bleakly set in stone
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halfapersob · 2 years
hello. You stumbled here
This blog is mostly hermitcraft snd friend things. I do art sometimes. I do take requests :D
You can call me ghost or persob
me and @/totallynotagremlin are writing a fantasy mumscarian au, it's under the dr pepper tag.
And a ghost au. Mumbo is dead and scar is alone now. But strange things keep happening around the house...
And finally, my chukd of a fic, inkycaps. It's a fae au. Grians life is finally at a point where he's happy snd content but then everything changes, and there's no going back.
Links here:
[Dr pepper]
[Ghost au]
I also do art, from whatever Fandom I'm in at the moment. It's all under my art tag if you'd like to check it out.
If anyone has questions or thoughts you can come bug either of us with the ask button 🐛 🪲 🐞
I made an only art account recently (this month, Feb 2024) and thats where I think I'm going to start posting my art from now on. It's @notapersob.
This is mainly because if I want to sell my art, like prints and have my accounts connected, I don't want people I've met irl to find my silly people blog. This is for me and my friends.
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avesssswrote · 11 months
yo you guys want some fanfictions?
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does it ever make you wonder if someone is truly out there for you? Or is it just an illusion that we make ourselves believe because we can't imagine a world without a significant other. All these romances we read in books, of people expressing their love in so many words or in so special actions, of people dancing and falling in love, and stolen glances, and specific smiles that's only meant for you. Does it exist? Is it real? Will it happen in real life?
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bugmistake · 1 year
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hee hee worm poem
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jdslaytontheauthor · 2 years
Spell~Check 💜
Knew -- means -- you were made aware of something.
New -- means -- not old.
Example Sentence: She knew the shoes were not new.
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thanks to @bad-at-names-and-faces for tagging me.
Your words will be: exploit, eyebrow, expect, excuse, emotion. (You are also tasked with filling in any words you can't find with fun facts about your main WIP or a WIP of your choosing.
exploit: fun fact since I never used that word (just learned it exists...lol)... but in one of my fics, I used the synonym in the note at the beginning and hope that counts, too... Dear @loonysama, I hope you like the story that unfolded with your request. It´s taking place in a time of pioneering and still founding a state and nation. And then, for most women that period was hard, depending on their family and surroundings loving or taking advantage of them… (Letters in the leaves, kristanna 1840´s AU, my contribution to the Kristanna Harvest Day 2021 prompt collection) eyebrow We sat a while in peaceful tranquillity, enjoying the served afternoon tea and pastry, when the man crooked an eyebrow and pointed his hand towards me in question. “What about you? Have you got family?” Had I family? I was not even sure. But then his question made me still smile and I, too, raised an eyebrow. “And who is being curious now?” (Never too late, kristanna elderly residence AU, chapter 5: teatime) expect “What did you expect?” Anna glanced at him sympathetically. (Arendelle Mansion, chapter 5: magic shelter, current fic posting for kristanna halloween days 2022) excuse “Excuse me, your highness, but you´re expected in the blue salon.” Hans was escorted by Raoul and wondered about the strange request at this time of the evening, an uneasy feeling clamming his chest when he recognised Arendelle´s senior steward standing guard in the hallway. (Love can see beyond, chapter 14: the wheel of time, WIP for the sequel to Love can see the good, post frozen2 canon-verse divergent, in my files, not posting yet...) emotion Anna had told herself to control her emotions, but upon coming closer the dam would break and tears started to spill. Kristoff halted for a moment, scared of what might had happened. But Anna just launched forward and practically flew at him, clinging to his waist and burying her face into his chest. (It´s your life, chapter 7: it´s our life, kristanna modern AU) So... now tagging @sunshinesparkles @justfrozenthings @hiptoff @true--north (no obligation, of course)...
your words will be: minute, mouth, mile, measure, meadow
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trashootie · 10 months
How are you so good at drawing Lae'zel?? Its the most beautiful art of her I've ever seen!!!
Thank you!
one explanation I can offer is that I had 1.4k hours in the game before it released and she's the one person who never left my party so her image is kind of burned into my memory
also I have a thing for weird girls
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lostboithoughts · 6 months
It’s crazy, isn’t it?
How life just moves on whether or not you do as well.
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daily-spooky · 8 months
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soul-from-another-era · 3 months
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Unconditional love isn't a free pass to hurt me.
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