#worst boy would punch him on sight
Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 5 Review
-Let’s get into the most important character this episode: Elan. He’s a genetically engineered clone created specifically to handle the strain of using Gundam technology. I always had a suspicion that he wasn’t fully organic due to the gloves he wears, but he’s a full test tube baby, not just part robot. I feel bad for him, all he wants is companionship and sought that in Suletta, but when he saw that she doesn’t struggle like him, he realized he’s truly alone. Of course, that doesn’t excuse making Suletta cry, but his feelings are understandable. I’m going to guess he’ll be a part one antagonist before either switching sides or dying.
-Now for the MVP, Guel! Immediately sliding into the rescue and defending his lady’s honor. But then he got his ass kicked lol. This might be a hot take, but personally, I think Guel is the best pilot we’ve seen so far. He piloted a mecha he wasn’t used to that was stuck in the ground and he still did a great job against Elan. Especially that scene of him dodging the lasers. Once he gets his Darilblade back and learns to control his anger, I expect him to be the Badass Normal of the group. Taking names while not piloting a Gundam.
-Another great thing about Guel is his attitude. It’s clear he’s still struggling with the misogynistic ideals planted in him, but he’s gone from looking down on Suletta to genuinely liking her. You can see his attitude change when he realizes she’s crying. He also went directly against his father once again, but since he lost, I don’t see him getting out unscathed. He’ll probably be disowned and kicked out of the Jeturk House. But then, maybe Suletta will take him into Earth House. It’d do wonders on his personality if he started working and living with more humble people and those willing to call him out. I see Mio and Guel being real frosty towards each other but after a deep talk they both work together to protect Suletta
-This episode really seems to be pushing the Eri=Aerial theory. Suletta apparently has a sibling, and she doesn’t remember her father which is weird since she was four years old when he died, not a baby. Elan also mentions that she might have somebody else’s face, and who else could it be but Eri. Finally, I think the reason Aerial doesn’t put a strain on the user is because it’s the one taking the strain, or more accurately, Eri is taking on all the pain so Suletta can pilot normally. Now of course there are problems with this theory, but I think this is the most probable explanation so far.
-Peil Technology seems to get pass the Gundam argument by making clones that can handle the mecha’s strain. Therefore you can’t say it’s damaging to the pilot and human rights if the pilot isn’t human. Of course I doubt Delling “I say it’s a Gundam” Rembraun would let this slide, but since they’re a big money maker, an under the table deal will get them out of hot water. Ah, the beauties of capitalism
-Finally, I want to talk about the male-centered dueling that this episode pushes. While Guel is trying to help Suletta, he undermines her own agency by creating a duel for her. The story seems to be pushing the same theme Utena did, that chauvinistic males take away a woman’s agency to her own body or soul. I expect Guel to grow out of these themes as the story goes on, but the society as a whole still remains locked in this male-centered combat. Hell, the only female in the dueling committee just sits around and paints her nails. I hope the series takes the route of allowing Suletta to make her own decisions without being pressured, just like what her mother is doing to her.
-I expect the next episode to be Elan and Suletta’s duel. With the title “A gloomy song” I’m going to guess it’ll reference back to the prologue when Eri’s dad sung Happy Birthday. Maybe Suletta will hear that song while she’s fighting and either she or Aerial will go berserk. As to whether she wins or loses, I think there’s a 50/50 chance of both options. If she does lose, I can see her only getting Aerial back on the part 1 finale, with the down time being used to strengthen her piloting skills with other mechas and to bolden her personality.
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11rosebunny · 4 months
Hiiii, just to say I love your Shishitoren and Bofurin contents, I'm so glad that I found your blog 😊. Personally, I prefer Togame, but your writing of them all is so great ^.^
Could you maybe do a jealous story like them reacting to you beings jealous or just them being jealous/possessive (I love this trope)?
Like Togame and Suo being jealous, just give me life 😂
It's okay if you don't want too no worry ^^❤️
(Sorry if it's not clear. English isn't my first language)
When they are jealous
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—Haruka Sakura, Toma Hiragi, Jo Togame, Hayato Suo
Haruka Sakura
When it comes to someone else taking your attention away, as much as he'd like to convince himself he's chill about it, inside he is jumping around in circles.
For the most part, he's able to control himself and differentiate when you're being just kind and flirting back, so usually, he doesn't mind it if another guy speaks to you in a nicer tone.
However, if he comes to notice that the guy begins to go on a tangent, ultimately speaking a little too much to you than he'd like, starts to grow a bit irritated. Of course he won't go up to the guy and punch him, after all, the person he so happens to be usually jealous of is Nirei.
His face transforms into a small scowl, while trying to shift his eyes away from the scene. At the same time he keeps repeating to himself,
'I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care.'
Spoiler alert, he does care.
The worst part is, he can not blame the air-headed male for acting like how he acts, when it's literally his personality. So when he witnesses the both of you becoming a little too friendly, the best he will do is force himself into the conversation, regardless if he was even in it or not.
Afterwards when Nirei finally leaves, he waits till he's far enough before launching his body towards yours in a flash.
Toma Hiragi
If you've never seen jealous, then you have now. It's not the usual for Hiragi to explode on sight at another dude that seems to be hitting on you, other than if it was a random guy, then he's surely dragging you away with him to wherever, while cussing out the boy to leave you alone.
But when it comes to people he knows, he's jealous of Umemiya, and not for those reasons. Hiragi is aware that he's best friend simply has an outgoing and extroverted personality, he doesn't blame him whenever he gets a little too close. But jeez does it drive him crazy on the inside.
His mood instantly shifts, but not in way anyone would expect it to go. Rather then blowing up at the grey-haired male, instead, the atmosphere around him grows calmer, almost as if he's trying to avoid its not happening. The tactic for him, is it straight up ignore it by any means possible.
He'll start responding with dryer answers to anyone and spends a hefty amount of time on his phone to get the scene off his mind of Umemiya guiding you with him around the place on the roof top. He might even throw in some earbuds and blast rock music.
Afterwards when you two are back together, you can't tell if he had a scowl on his face while walking away with you by his side.
"Is something the matter?" You asked looking up at him. He doesn't say anything, still too pissed about what happened earlier so instead, he reaches his long arm behind your back to the side of your hip and brings you a bit closer to him without saying another word.
Jo Togame
Whenever he finds himself in a tight situation, specifically in public when a guy that's being friendlier than usual comes by to say hello, he's able to hold himself together very well for the first few minutes.
He even adds himself to the conversation whenever he sees a chance to—purely because he does not want to seem like a loose thread just watching the both of you speak when he's right beside you standing like a weirdo. However, when he starts to take note of how the other guy is getting closer, all up in your face, flat out ignoring whenever your boyfriend chimes in, and worst of all throwing in hints that you two should meet another time, he knows right away.
This is one of the very few times where he finds it extremely hard to keep his cool and usually, he's able to do that.
Seeing that he can't really talk to the guy because he keeps ignoring him, he'll slickly wrap his arm around your shoulder to lean on you or he'll wrap his arm around your waist and at the slightest—pull you closer to him. He stays quiet the entire time, he won't see this situation as such a huge deal where he has to hammer the guy into pieces, but there is a tiny part of him where his ego begins to escape.
He'll never cut your time short simply because he wouldn't want his time to be cut short either, but the most he'll ever do (which is quite intimidating), he will whisper in your ear.
"Are you trying to piss me off?" All while putting a smile on his face.
He only does this when he feels like it's going too far and for him, it works. Hearing his deep voice whisper in your ear to watch what you're doing makes you do a reality check that if Togame really wanted to beat up the guy right in front of you, he would without a doubt.
Hayato Suo
It's extremely hard to make him feel jealous. He knows how to keep his cool and trained himself to never lash out at all, only if something absurd had happened right before his eyes. But aside from that, even if you try to get him jealous, chances are—it's not working.
Even speaking to another guy, spending more time with your friends, or replying late, he will never get jealous or mad at you for that. So what is the only circumstance where he does feel a slight hinge of jealousy?
That is only when you get physical with another guy. He can flirt with you for all he cares and yet, he will never get upset at the sight of the random guy calling you pretty (he might even add on and say "She is, isn't she?") but the moment he sees him trying to lay a finger on you, there's a chance where he'll grip his arm in midair to stop him from touching you.
"I think that's enough yes?" He says while pulling you closer to him and putting the guys arm away.
Afterwards, the whole mood of the conversation changes, in fact he might be the only one who continues his happy go lucky personality and on with the conversation. It's awkward, the way he flat out rejected the guy for you without you even asking. Not to say that you didn't appreciate it, but now it made the other guy uncomfortable which was what Hayato was striving for anyways.
He's pricky whenever someone tries to touch you and the only time where you'll see his attitude changes.
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risuola · 1 year
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You felt sick watching your husband fighting for his life, but your unborn daughter seemed to sleep just fine despite your complete distress. Little that you know, Satoru made some promises to her.
cw: manga spoilers!!! (chapters 223-235 with not much of specific details, but it’s resolved around the events), reader is pregnant — 0,8k words
a/n: this piece has TWO alternative endings — FLUFFY & SWEET & ANGSTY & DEPRESSING — choose your fighter, I guess
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Sick. You felt sick, sitting in the room full of people, most of which you didn’t even recognize. You felt sick watching the screens that showcased live what was happening in the middle of Shinjuku. You felt dizzy and nauseous, and so overwhelmingly sick when you heard people betting money, trying to make profit of something that was so painful for you to watch.
“You think he’s gonna win that?” “Nah, he’s dead.” Some men were talking, chuckling like it was entertainment of the highest level for them. And maybe it was, maybe some sorcerers could benefit from the outcome that you considered the worst one, but you felt like the world was crumbling down in real time. Your world was fighting for his life right in front of your eyes.
You sat there paralyzed, unable to move as all of the voices around you slowly became distant. Yuji’s rambling, Kusakabe’s comments and Yuta’s notes all blurred into one, incoherent noise in the background and you wondered what happened, what went so wrong to lead to all of this. Why it felt like you’ll never see Megumi again? You raised that boy, you talked down his teachers in middle school from expelling him when he beat the hell out of other students, you encouraged him to train harder when he felt down, overwhelmed by the comparison to Gojo’s strength. Why now it felt, like you’ll never get to force another hug out of him, like you’ll never see his grumpy face again? You’ve already lost Tsumiki, the tears from that still felt fresh on your face and now you had to watch your husband on the battlefield, being wounded time after time by a cursed spirit that should have been dead thousand years ago.
You felt your insides turning and twisting into a very tight knot, every time Satoru got hit by Sukuna’s attack, every time you saw blood staining his light skin, you felt a little closer to heart attack. It was a sight you could never familiarize yourself with, Gojo never bled. He never was cut, not even punched and now, all of his body was covered in slits. Just once in your life you saw him in a puddle of blood, decade ago while still in high school and after that, never again. Until today.
You were scared. Petrified with the thought that he might not come back, that you might never feel his warmth again. The idea of going further in your life without him spread out in your mind in the colors of the worst kind of nightmare, your throat clenched, tears rolled down your cheeks as you watched his domain shatter. Infinite void fell down in pieces and the reds and blues were not effective either. It’s worse than nightmare. It was torture.
You felt the pain, deep in your heart, spreading in waves to every cell of your body. You wanted to go there, to jump in and help him, to shield him from the attack even if it would cost you your own life. You wanted to go there and slap Sukuna out of Megumi, to hold the boy to your heart and tell him that it wasn’t his fault, that everything’s gonna be alright. But you couldn’t do either of those things. You knew you’d only be an obstacle, a limiting factor to your husband’s abilities. You knew your tears wouldn’t bring Fushiguro back. You were strong on your own, but now, you were helpless just as everyone else. And you had a life to protect.
And so, you sat there, rubbing soft circles into the bump of your stomach that held the little girl that was yet to come to this world, wondering if she’ll get to know her father. She will, you knew that, deep down underneath all of the layers of fear and worry, you knew that Satoru will win, because he has to win. He has to be there with you, he has to know if his daughter has the same blue eyes as him and the same cute nose as you, because he bet on that. He has to be there to take all of those goofy selfies with the newborn, he has to be there to showoff the miracle that he’s created with you, to be able to put new title to his name – the best dad.
The baby seemed to be sleeping, calm in your stomach despite the utter distress that consumed you. She probably knew better than you not to worry about Satoru. She probably knew that her daddy will never leave her. He promised that to her, when before leaving to the Shinjuku district he pressed his lips to the curve of your bump, whispering things you barely heard.
He made a promise so he had to keep it.
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c3berus · 3 months
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 — price, gaz & simon SHORT angst.
𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴: you’re soap’s identical and grieving twin brother and you’d do anything to get your boys happy again, even if it meant that you disappeared.
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2 months.. that’s how long it’s been since you two have got into one of your brotherly scuffles.
60 days..that’s how long it’s been since you’ve heard johnny’s obnoxious laughing .
1,440 hours..that’s how long it’s been since simon looked at you.
86,400 minutes..fucking hell that’s how long it’s been since you’ve shared a bed with your husband.
and 5,184,000 seconds..that’s how long it’s been since you became a stranger to your own boys.
you knew why they didn’t want to associate with you— you looked exactly like Johnny. you knew when they saw you, they saw your brother— cold, dead, soaking in his blood, reliving his life in seven long and emotion filled minutes. you knew they couldn’t help but grieve but god did it hurt any less. you knew that you were a key reminder of exactly what they lost.
but did that give them the right to treat you like this? like a stranger? you didn’t want that. you wanted a sense of familiarity. you wanted to grieve with them— to cry and remember with them. which is what lead you here— holding a pair of clippers with the initials ‘J.M’ carved into the side in the sloppy handwriting you knew too well. you gripped the clippers tighter knuckles turning white and you took a deep breath and removed the towel from the mirror.
you physically shuddered at the sight that greeted you. you looked miserable, hell you were miserable, you were on the brink of a breakdown and you had to do something about it. your eyes had horrible bags, themselves being bloodshot. your hair untamed and unkept, you tore your eyes away from the mirror, eyes blurred over with unshed tears. his blue eyes was what disturbed you, except they were yours. but yours were a pathetic replica that would never match the weight of his, they would never come close.
you turned the clippers on giving yourself one last pathetic once over before lifting the clippers to your hair. clump by clump and sob by sob johnny was back. johnny was home. your boys would be happy and everything would be normal. you’d make sure of it.
even if it meant you disappeared with his return..
even if you wouldn’t be able to welcome him back yourself..
even if you had to wipe every trace of your being or break and bend every piece of flesh and bone to bring your baby brother home.
you’d do it one thousand times over. you’d consume his very being from his mannerisms to his golden retriever like nature, you’d do it. you did it. you rid all of your clothes and instead took on his, a little tight fitting but who cares? you cut your hair to be just as it was two months ago. you took back up on some hobbies, the ones you had two months ago.
simon immediately greeted you with a hug, it almost made you nauseous, you almost wanted to claw his hands off of you with how much his touch was foreign. instead, you embraced him with just as much passion.
kyle broke down before punching your shoulder and cracking jokes.
and your husba-‘good to have you back soap’ oh..
that sent a slimmer of pain through your body. when your husband looked at you he didn’t see you. he saw johnny. you know he did, those eyes? he didn’t see his husband. you looked exactly like him, you acted like him, got his exact tattoos. you hated how sick and twisted you were to do this but as they say..grieving actions are the worst— best remedy. as time went on, it hurt less, yo-no johnny felt welcomed.
johnny was welcome.
johnny was happy.
johnny was home.
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dindjarindiaries · 23 days
‘why is it, that whenever we see each other, you’re always covered in blood?’
for our boy din 🥹
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character: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
prompt: "Why is it that whenever we see each other, you're always covered in blood?"
main masterlist • prompt masterlist
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You woke to the sound of a fist pounding against your front door in endless succession. You sat up straight in bed, your eyes widened as you instinctively reached for the blaster on your bedside table. After taking a few breaths to steady yourself and gather your bearings, you dared to tiptoe out of your bed and make a slow approach towards the door.
The knocking continued. You lifted your blaster and pushed ahead, only pausing once you were close enough to reach the tiny, sliding peephole that would give you a glimpse of who was outside.
Expecting the worst, a quiet gasp passed through your lips as soon as you caught the shine of silver armor.
You lowered your blaster and opened the door. It slid aside to reveal Din's full form, his weight shifting between his feet as his visor gave you an obvious once-over.
"Are you okay?" Din's modulated voice was breathless.
You huffed and raised your brow. "I'm fine." Giving him a similar once-over, your heart rate picked up at the sight of crimson smeared upon various parts of his armor, most notably his cuirass. You kept your tone light as you spoke again. "Why is it that whenever we see each other, you're always covered in blood?"
Din exhaled, taking a step closer to lift his gloved hand to the side of your neck. "I'd rather it be on me than on you."
He glanced over his shoulder, the leather by your neck groaning as he gently tightened his grasp. Din lowered his hand to your shoulder and lifted the other to your arm, guiding you back inside your home. He paused, however, to let his visor meet your gaze.
"Can I come in?"
You chuckled and pulled him inside with you. "You don't need permission to come inside, Din."
Din didn't respond to that. Instead, he focused on making sure your door was secured closed behind him. Your chest tightened.
"What's going on, Din?"
The strain in your voice caused Din to face you again. He tilted his helmet in a slow, soft motion. "I'm sorry for scaring you." Din gestured with his helmet to your bedroom door. "You didn't answer your comm."
You raised a single eyebrow. "I was asleep." You gave the pauldron with his mudhorn signet a playful punch. "Some of us don't pick fights in the middle of the night."
Din huffed. "Right."
You gave him a more obvious once-over. "Is this your blood, or someone else's?"
Din's hands tightened into fists. "Which would you prefer?"
"Take a guess."
Din closed whatever distance was left between the two of you, cradling your face in his gloved hands as he nodded. "I'm fine." His helmet gently fell against your forehead. "And thankfully, you are, too."
Your brow wrinkled together, your voice no more than a whisper as you searched the empty void of his visor. "What happened, Din?"
Din sighed, his armored shoulders falling forward as he did so. "I don't think I've been careful enough."
You blinked at him. "What do you mean?"
Din lifted his helmet from your head and gave it an aimless shake. "In the search for my covert. Doing these jobs and giving them too much insight about what I'm looking for."
He paused. You lifted your hand to his beskar cheek, running your thumb along the curved ridge in the handcrafted metal.
"I just finished a job, and they wanted more from me that we hadn't agreed upon. I was about to leave when they..." Din took another soft breath, "mentioned your name."
Your eyes widened. After a few heartbeats, you recovered enough to speak. "How?"
Din shook his head again. "I don't know. I've never, ever told anyone about you. About us." His visor fell. "Like I said before, I must've slipped up somehow, become too careless in looking for information. But I'll stop." He looked at you again. "Because it's not worth risking you."
You clicked your tongue. "Din..."
He continued before you could finish. "I killed them all, everyone who heard your name." Din's voice wavered. "Hopefully, that means you're safe. But I didn't know for sure until I got here."
"Din." You held his helmet between both your hands, lifting your brow again to convey your severity. After a brief pause, you went on. "You shouldn't stop searching for your people just because of this."
Din shifted his weight between his feet. "But..."
"No." You remained firm. "I knew what I was risking the day we started this." You gestured with your gaze to your blaster, which you had set on a nearby table when you reentered. "And I can protect myself, too. Even if they had shown up, you know I could've put up a fight."
Din exhaled, but he ultimately nodded. "I know."
You smiled. "Good."
You lowered a hand to the lip of his helmet, your fingertips running along the exposed skin and scruff beneath until they caught on the seam of the cowl at his neck.
"Thank you for doing what you did to keep me safe." You tugged the material down enough to set a soft kiss upon the warmth of his skin. Din inhaled, a sweet breath you could hear from within his helmet. "Now, let's get your armor cleaned and get you in bed. We can figure out the rest in the morning."
Din nodded, his hand catching your elbow when you set a hand upon his cuirass.
"And next time?" You chuckled. "Please try to show up without all that blood on you."
Din also chuckled, nodding once again before he escorted you to the safety and security of a bedroom you considered to be just as much his as it was your own.
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pastryfication · 2 days
hii please could you do another leclerc sister! reader imagine where arthur gets dropped by ferrari or dosent get a seat and he’s upset and reader and charles comfort him? x
the weight of the world
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pairing: leclerc sister!reader x leclerc brothers note: thank you for requesting!! as an older sister, this was very easy to write.
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the news hit like a harsh punch to the gut. arthur had been dropped by the ferrari driver academy, and without a seat for the next f2 season, it felt like everything he had worked so hard for was slipping through his fingers.
your childhood house was eerily quiet as you entered, the rooms filled with the heavy silence of disappointment. arthur had withdrawn from everyone, retreating to the living room where he sat, slumped against the couch, his head buried in his hands.
you hovered near the doorway, watching him from afar. his shoulders were stiff, his body rigid with the weight of what had happened. arthur had always been resilient—he fought hard for everything, just like all of you had, but today, he looked fragile, like the world had finally caught up to him, and the cracks were starting to show.
you walked in quietly, lowering yourself onto the couch beside him. “arthur?” you called softly, careful not to startle him.
he didn’t respond. his hands stayed tangled in his hair, and his eyes were focused on the floor. his breathing was shallow, and you could tell he was trying to hold everything in, but his walls were crumbling, slowly but surely.
“i’ve failed,” he muttered, his voice rough and barely audible. “i’ve let everyone down.”
your heart clenched at the sound of his voice, raw and laced with pain. you reached out gently, placing a hand on his back, rubbing slow circles. "arthur, you haven’t let anyone down. this is just a setback.”
he shook his head, his jaw tight. “but i have. look at everything charles has done. he’s won in f2 and now he’s winning races in f1. and me? i can’t even secure a seat for next year. i’m nothing compared to him.”
the self-doubt, the frustration—it was all spilling out now, years of pressure building up, finally breaking through. arthur had always been chasing something, always pushing himself to live up to the expectations placed on him, the ones he thought came from others, but really, they came from inside him. he had built his entire career trying to prove that he belonged, not just to himself but to everyone watching. and now, with ferrari dropping him, it felt like confirmation of his worst fears.
“you are not a failure,” you said, your voice firm but gentle. “you’re on your own journey, arthur. it doesn’t matter what charles is doing—this is your path, and one setback doesn’t change how talented you are.”
arthur glanced up at you then, his eyes rimmed red, glossy with unshed tears. the sight reminded you of the little boy who would come crying to you in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, and your heart clenched painfully. “but what if . . . what if i never make it?” his voice broke slightly, and it was like a punch to your chest, hearing him voice the fear that had clearly been gnawing at him for so long. “what if this is as far as i go?”
before you could respond, the door creaked open, and charles stepped into the room. you glanced at him briefly, noticing the concern etched across his face. he had rushed over the second he heard, but now, seeing arthur like this, he hesitated. charles wasn’t used to comforting people like this—he supported you in different ways, always the one who fought through his pain in silence, pushing forward no matter how bad things got.
he stepped forward cautiously, unsure of what to say, his usual confidence nowhere to be found. he looked at you, almost as if asking for guidance. this wasn’t a situation he could fix with strategy or motivation; this required something softer, something more emotional.
charles crouched in front of arthur, placing a hand on his knee. “arthur,” he began quietly, his voice tentative, “you haven’t let anyone down.” there was a small hesitation in his words, as though he was uncertain how to reach his brother in this moment. “i know it feels bad now, but this isn’t the end.”
arthur barely reacted. he didn’t lift his head, didn’t shift his position. it was as if the weight of the news had pinned him in place. charles was trying—he always did—but it was clear he wasn’t sure what to say, or how to truly reach your brother.
you moved closer to arthur, your heart breaking at how still and defeated he seemed. “arthur,” you whispered, your voice soft, coaxing him out of his shell. “come here.”
at first, he hesitated, but then the dam broke. he turned toward you slowly, collapsing into your arms as his body trembled with silent sobs. his grip was tight, desperate, like he was afraid you’d let go if he didn’t hold on hard enough. you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close, holding him as he cried. your hand rested on the back of his head, and you gently ran your fingers through his hair, whispering soft reassurances.
charles watched, his face full of concern and helplessness. he stayed where he was, not quite knowing what to do next. comfort didn’t come naturally to him in moments like this. he was used to being the one who kept everything together, but seeing arthur like this—seeing him so vulnerable—made him unsure of himself.
you met charles’ eyes over arthur’s shoulder, giving him a small, encouraging nod. arthur wasn’t ready for advice or tough love right now. he just needed to feel like he wasn’t alone, and you understood that.
charles heart warmed as he watched you. the way you instinctively knew how to ease arthur’s pain, how you could make him feel safe with just your presence—it was something he wasn’t sure he could ever do as easily as you. charles cared deeply for his siblings, but watching you now, he realized how much of a rock you were for your younger brother—how much of a rock you were for him too. your patience, your quiet strength—it was something he admired more than he could put into words.
arthur clung to you like a lifeline, his body shaking with the effort of holding everything in for so long. “i’ve let you all down,” he choked out between shaky breaths. “i’ve failed, especially you, charles. you’ve done so much for me, and now . . . now i’ve ruined it.”
charles shifted, his brow furrowed. “arthur, you’ve never let me down. not once,” he said, his voice softening as he found the right words. “you’re not in competition with me. you’ve already accomplished so much, more than you give yourself credit for. i’ve never compared you to me, and neither should you.”
arthur shook his head against your shoulder, still clinging to you. “but you’re always so strong. i don’t know if i’m like that. i don’t know if i can come back from this.”
you held him tighter, rubbing his back soothingly. “you are strong,” you murmured. “you’re stronger than you realize, arthur. just because your path is different from charles’ doesn’t mean it’s over. it’s okay to feel lost, but we’re here. we’ll figure it out together.”
charles nodded, stepping forward and gently placing a hand on arthur’s back. “you don’t have to figure everything out right now,” he said, his voice calmer now, less unsure. “we’ll take it one step at a time. i believe in you, arthur, and so does everyone else.”
arthur sniffled, his grip on you loosening slightly as he pulled back to look at both you and charles, his eyes still filled with doubt, but there was a flicker of hope. “i just . . . i don’t want to disappoint you guys.”
“you haven’t,” you whispered, brushing a tear from his cheek. “and you never will. we’re proud of you no matter what—charles, lorenzo, mum and i are always proud of you. always.”
charles leaned in closer, his hand still on arthur’s back. “you’ve got so much more to give, arthur. this is just a bump in the road. you’re going to come back stronger, and when you do, we’ll be right here with you.”
as charles looked between you and arthur, something stirred inside him. it struck him how lucky arthur was to have you, and how lucky he was too. not everyone had a sister who could hold everything together like you did, especially when things fell apart. there was a strength in you that charles knew he could never replicate, and it made him admire you even more. he made a mental note to tell you later—how grateful he was, how much he admired how you cared for arthur, how you seemed to know exactly what he needed, even when he didn’t.
arthur leaned into you again, this time not out of desperation but for the comfort you were offering, knowing that no matter how hard things seemed right now, he wasn’t alone.
and he would never be alone. not as long as he had you.
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hidtired · 5 months
A Single Punch [Part 4]
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Description: The line up ended with people thinking you died. However, your recovering at Hilltop with severe injury's. How will the rest of your family react to seeing you again, even Negan?
2.1k words
Warnings (much angst, injury, near death, depression, recovery, typical walking dead shenanigans) [Happy ending, fluff <3]
(Daryl Dixon x reader) Masterlist
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Rick POV
They decided that the Saviors had to go. Headed to Hilltop to gather support. Rosita also said there was something there for them that had to be seen to be believed. He was hoping for good news for once. With finding out they had Sasha and even the whole Carl stunt, and the two Alexandria lives lost, with them also taking Eugene, he was due for a break.
So to his surprise he saw Daryl turn the corner. He was surprised but the only thought he could think of was you.
“Thank you, for being my family.”
Guilt ate him. He still moved to embrace his brother. He knew what it felt like to lose something like that. He also felt responsible for bringing you. He knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help thinking if he didn’t… Daryl seemed broken to see him. Knowing him for so long as he had, never thought he would see the gruff guy simply crumpled at the sight of him. It made him tear up a little at the thought.
He looked more beaten than the last he saw him at Alexandria. He was holding up better than he thought he would. Everyone else hugged him but Rick had to say something, “Brother I’m so sorry… Y/N… if I didn’t- she wouldn’t have been there if I didn’t ask her to come.” Daryl only smiled at your name mentioned, ok that unnerving him. Maybe he wasn’t doing as well as he thought. When Rosita seemed shocked to see him he was confused, ‘Wasn’t this what she was talking about?’
Daryl pulled out Ricks gun handing it to him, Daryl finally talking in a breath after all the attention. “Wasn’ your fault. You should know-“ Carls loud gasp made Rick turn to his son. He was looking over Daryl’s shoulder, tears starting to brim in his eye. It was hard to get tears out that boy so, Rick followed his eye line.
“No, I’m not a walker-“
You. Jesus leading you by his arm. The sounds of people stuttered gasps at the sight of you, making their hearts drop. Carl had run into a hug. Daryl chuckled, “Ya, that’s what I was gonna mention.” Rick put a hand to his mouth, an attempt to hold himself together. He put a hand to Daryl to walk past him to you. He had mentally beaten himself up about you. Feeling like the blood was on his hands. You were like a little sister. He joined Carl to hug you. Soon following Michonne and Tara.
“It’s good to see you all.” You looked well… beaten to hell. But it was a drastically better image than the last they were left with of you. When everyone pulling away from you, you seemed to struggle to find your center of gravity. It was Daryl that was behind you with a arm around your waist as you half leaned back into him.
It was Michonne who panicked thinking you were going to fall, “Are you ok?” You gave a small smile and shrugged, “You know, just brain damage.” You sighed at the still serious faces pointed at you. Rick could hear it in your speech, the weird places your voice would fluctuate.
“I’ll be ok, the worst of it is over. I’m just… relearning somethings again.” Your eyes now red from tears shed from happiness of your family back, “Long story short, took the hit-t to the hand, didn’t blackout immediately. But later woke up -later in the truck.” Rick closed his eyes soaking the information in. “I’m so sorry if I just let you stay at Alexandria you wouldn’t have had to go through any of it.” The face you gave him was like that you’d give at a child dissolvingly, “You didn’t hit me with that bat.” That silenced everyone for a moment into thought. It was Jesus that pulled his focus back.
"Why are you all here anyways?"
Your POV
They were going to fight the saviors. They need the support from Hilltop and that lead them here, Gregory's office. He was a coward that much you knew. Maggie was at a constant stand off with him your whole time here. It was Daryl's voice pulling you out of thought, "So what your just gonna wait till they decide something isn't enough and start killing some of you?" Daryl shock his head, "As long as its not you though, right?"
“She made it out of it can’t you just take that as a win and count your losses?" Gregory pointing to you next to Daryl. "See I’m happy that your little girlfriend-“
Everyone’s eyes widened and just looked to each other before just accepting that little info letting you continue. “If you would like to remain not knowing what being beat-t half to death feels like, I’d suggest-st listenin to them.” Gregory’s eyebrows furrowed deeper, “Are you threatening me after my hospitality to you?” You tilted your head to the side 'Jesus really was the one to help', “Not at all. That-t day will come at the hands of your buddies you’re so found of.” It was clear this prick of a man lacked a back bone. He wouldn’t change his mind. You were going to get worked up if you argued any longer so you waved your hand in front of you before slowly walking out the front door. You were done with it. The others could deal with it.
It was later that Jesus said he knew of another place that they could ask. You were going to go with at the suggestion of a doctor. That's what lead you in the back of a car, Rick driving and Michonne in the passenger seat. Carl was staring at you from his place next to you, "Go ahead and ask." You turned to him with a knowing look. Carl perked up and tried to look away like he wasn't caught, "Nothing, just still can't believe your here." You hummed, "How's little Jude." That got him talking, completely forgetting his originally thought as he gushed about his baby sister. It was Rick to ask the next question, "So its Mrs. Dixon now is it?" Your attention turning to the man in question. He had taken his motorcycle, you didn't want him to worry you'd fail off. You looked at Rick in the review mirror. You were slightly bashful, "Bout damn time I know." That caused laughs to ring in the car. Maybe everything was going to be ok.
Meeting this 'king' was a experience. A man with a tiger was a very big first impression. The big thing to put everyone at ease was that Morgan had been here. Rick however was a little unhappy of him trying to talk about is peace stuff. "They killed Glenn and Abraham, right in front of us... Among a few at home like Olivia and Spencer. Hell I only found out Y/N didn't die with them." You were uncomfortable with eyes looking to you. 'Didn't die with them...' Survival guilt had been eating at you. But, it seemed to snap Morgan into a apology.
You felt a hand slipping behind your back, Daryl. He try comforting you and you appreciated it. The Kings decision was made in the morning, and like Hilltop didn't go to plan. It was offered that you and Daryl could stay. With your injurie and Daryl on the run Rick agreed. Much to a displeased Daryl at him not having a choice he wasn't to apposed to you being there.
The place was rather nice. Guy name Jerry offered some cobbler and it was one of the best things you had in a while. You had meet with the Doctor while Daryl try getting Ezekiel on board, by Ricks request. Daryl found you at the table with your cobbler. He sat next to you looping a arm around your back. He had a displeased look on his face. "I found Carol." You look up from your plate to him, "She ok?" He made a face that said not really, "She doesn't know about everything that happened yet. I just couldn't say anything." He looked down ashamed. She did seem a little out of it the last you saw here. You nodded at his statement, "She around?" Daryl shock is head, "On the outskirts of the place."
You both remained silent until you broke it, "I see you want to help. You can go you know?" Daryl only scoffed at the suggestion, "Nah." You smiled, "I can try and convince-ce the King. While you fight the fight." He gave you a look that told you he was struggling to leave your side.
"I'll be here."
You raised you eyebrows to him, "Your eating yourself alive by not doing anything. I see that." He inhaled and started to nod, "Assholes need to pay for what they did." You patted the hand that was around you, "Always so passionate, one of the many reasons I love you." He grunted, "uh-huh knock it off women." You loved making him fidget at your words of praise. "That anyway to be talking to you wife?" He finally looked down at you with a small smirk, "Sure as hell made it known earlier." You shrug with you now the one being bashful.
That evening you waved Daryl off to get into the fight. With promises to kick his ass if he got hurt. You spent your days mostly with a doctor trying to heal. You were getting there. You didn't have anything much going on other then that. One of the few things to happen was seeing Carol. She seemed surprised to see you and embraced you, "Morgan told me what happened." She looked ashamed, "He said you almost died to." You nod, "Closer then I ever been." Your voice seemed close to normal again, you still put most of your focus in walking. Carol looked you up and down, taken notice to your hair growing back in the place that was shaven. Your face still some colors of yellows and greens.
The war had its ups and down but you had won it in the long run. By the next time Daryl saw you were moving independently. He retold his story's to you. The knowledge of Carl passing saving someone and his role in the win. His talk with Maggie about 'Glenn and how he would have likely had like his death mean something.' Mentioning Aaron took in a baby Rick found in a saviors outpost. Also mentions of Morales someone from the old quarry days and how he killed him. He expressed his dislike for the decision Rick made to keep Negan alive. You didn't like it much either but life went on. Daryl took you to Alexandria not wanting you to deal with the Sanctuary. You wanted to talk to Negan but said nothing to Daryl about it.
You have a foggy remembrance of the guy. Early one morning you went to confront him. He was laid down facing the wall. So you stood quietly leaning against the wall opposite to the bars. He turned at the feeling of a presence. "If your here to kill me I think there is a line." Ah right, smug asshole. You step closer to the bars, you could feel Negan's demeaner drop. "What? Looks like you saw a ghost..." He only look you up and down considering maybe he had lost it, "Well if it isn't the little Plague herself." That's right, he had called you that before trying to kill you. "I killed you if I'm not mistaken, Daryl sure as hell tried killing me for it." You nodded, "Well you seemed to have missed." You turn to leave getting what you wanted. The information you forgot and scaring him, you turned before leaving, "Or did you?" He sat there thinking maybe he ha lost it and imagined you.
That made you smug about it the rest of the day. If you couldn't kill him, you'd make him feel like he had one foot in the grave just like you thought you were.
The end.
Feedback welcomed and requests open!
My Masterlist for more Daryl ( Masterlist )
Lost a little motivation to write most parts in here, its stuff y'all already knew so.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Imagine of Leonidas who found a child in middle of the woods, lost. Leonidas adopted Y/n. Y/n grown as beautiful woman when many years has pass by til her beauty caught Apollo attention. Leonidas is very overprotective of his daughter and never let Apollo go near her.
-He could remember the day he found you, all those years ago, you were only a baby, a few months old at least, abandoned in a forest, as he had been drawn to your cries.
-You were so little in his arms, cooing quietly up at him, now happy that someone was there, as you had been scared, being alone and he instantly fell in love you, adopted you as his own.
-His men didn’t know what to make of the sight, seeing their fearsome king and leader, smiling down at you as you were trying to walk to him, playing with you and being a totally doting and whipped dad to you.
-However, many were quick to learn that what they said was true, the dads with daughters are very intimidating, as Leonidas was fiercely protective, ready to even punch a child, a boy, who had been picking on you, much to the amusement of his men.
-You were not a delicate flower, despite your stunning looks, you were the daughter of one of the greatest Spartans to ever live! You were a warrior, being trained by your father himself, as he wanted you to be able to take care of yourself if he wasn’t there.
-You grew up protected, as your papa was the definition of protective, and his soldiers were all threatened to keep you safe if he wasn’t around, but you were able to defend yourself if needed.
-Not many believed you knew how to fight, you looked so angelic, like a delicate flower petal, graceful, soft, and your beauty was stunning to all who met you, men and women alike.
-So once you were old enough, Leonidas’ worst nightmare came true, where men were coming to ask for your hand in marriage. You set a stipulation for anyone wanting to ask you that question, that they had to ask your father first.
-He always said no.
-Many complained to you, claiming it wasn’t fair and some were even trying to turn you against your father. That didn’t work and you told them that if they had a problem with it, then to challenge Leonidas to a duel, if they managed to beat him, then he would give his blessing.
-You didn’t mind staying single, as you weren’t thinking about it at the moment and had no interest in being with someone who was only with you because you are pretty.
-You wanted someone who loved you for you. And that certainly wasn’t Apollo!
-The day that sun god saw you he was instantly enraptured, wanting you for his own, you were beyond perfect, you were so beautiful but so sweet, as he had seen you with some children, making flower crowns.
-As Apollo approached you to speak with you, like a demon of the shadows, Leonidas appeared between you in a plume of smoke, a fierce glare on his face, “You’re not going to approach my daughter, you bastard!”
-You turned, seeing a god and your father speaking and you could see that your father was extra grumpy with this man, before one of the children told you that this was Apollo!
-You nodded, now realizing why your papa was so pissy, now locked up with Apollo, both trying to make the other submit and you herded the children away from the area.
-Apollo wasn’t allowed to get close to you, if you left the house, you had to take several of his strongest warriors with you or take your papa with you.
-If you were with your guards, they just ushered you back home, keeping themselves between you an Apollo, but if you were with your father and he tried to approach, you heard the bell that signaled the start of a fight, and you walked off to sit until they finished.
-When Apollo finally was able to greet you, he grabbed your wrist, “You’re coming with me Y/N! I’ve been dealing with a lot from your bone head of a father and you’re going to make it up to me!”
-He didn’t get farther than a few feet after you rocked his ass, punching him hard in the center of his face, sending him to the ground. He held his bleeding nose as you glared fiercely down at him, “Nobody touches me without my consent. Get lost you shithead!”
-Leonidas was beaming behind you as he had been running to defend you, little flowers of happiness surrounding him as he smiled, feeling so proud of you that you mimicked him while Apollo was stunned, seeing that you were just as strong as your father.
-He had to admit that he was impressed with your strength, as not many could put a god on his ass. If anything, your actions weren’t seen as disrespect, he came on too forcefully and you put him in his place!
-Leonidas couldn’t help but groan in annoyance as Apollo only seemed more infatuated with you! But hell to the no was he going to get you! Don’t worry Y/N!! Papa’s coming!!
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magnoliasandarson · 5 months
the first gala
Jason was uncomfortable. His skin chafed against his stupid silk suit, his dumb tie was strangling him, and his shoes pinched his heels with every step. Worst of all- he was staring down at a crowd of Gotham's wealthiest- decked out in all their resplendent jewelry and finest clothes. It made him vaguely nauseous.
Bruce patted him on the shoulder, fingers clasping firmly for just a moment before swanning down the stairs, smiling broadly at his adoring army of socialites. It was a sickening sight. Just an hour prior, Bruce had sat with him, tied his tie, and told him what to expect. That he wouldn't be the same person at the Gala that he was when they read together. It made Jason's chest clench.
He carefully followed down the stairs, eyes locked firmly ahead, jaw clenched. Dick warned him that the snooty bastards would not be kind, that they wouldn't accept him. They hadn't accepted Dick at first, but his stupid smile and stupid charm eventually won the hearts of most of the stupid crowd. Jason exhaled deeply through his nose, he needed to stay calm.
Once he reached the main floor, his eyes strayed from their laser focus to find Bruce Brucie. The billionaire was playing his part remarkably well, an arm wrapped around a stunning blonde woman- the other gesturing with a half-empty champagne glass. The sight of Bruce downing the rest made Jason's stomach roll.
A withered hand gripped his shoulder and made him freeze in place. He followed the hand up and found the hooded eyes of one of the many rich old ladies that had popped up on Dick's PowerPoint. He distantly remembered a giant red circle and big black letters that said AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
"And what dumpster did Wayne pull you from, boy," a little bit of saliva passed her red painted lips, splattering onto Jason's face.
Jason felt a dark blush bloom across his face, turning his tan skin the color of a tomato. He shook the arm off and opened his mouth to respond, when another idiot materialized, "Leave the wretched thing alone, mother," the idiot smiled a stupid smile and Jason found himself wanting to punch those dumb perfect teeth in, "you know how sensitive Wayne gets about his charity cases."
Jason's upper lip curled up into a violent version of a grin; his ears were red, and his fists clenched. Venom pooled on his tongue but he curbed the desire to shout and curse, "I'll be goin' then."
The 'son' laughed that stupid rich fake laugh, his stupid gelled hair not moving a millimeter when he tossed his head back, "No no no, the other one did these delightful tricks," he swirled his glass of champagne, "why don't you do something amusing for us. Show us why Wayne rescued you from whatever hovel he pulled you from."
Jason felt more than saw the presence at his back, and all of a sudden, the gelled-haired idiot was on the floor, clutching his jaw with his champagne glass shattered next to him. Bruce smiled like he'd just read an article taking down Lex Luthor, "My apologies, Preston, Veronica," he shifted to partially obscure Jason, "my hand must have slipped."
And in that moment, watching an aristocrat spit blood onto the polished floor (those perfect teeth covered in red), Bruce's fine tailored suit protecting him like a shield, in a stunned silent room- Jason smiled a real smile for the first time that night.
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jakes3resin · 4 months
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I know I promised Blonde Bucky soon, but can I interest anyone in Hallucination Bucky instead?
It's the jacket.
Bucky loved that stupid, awful, never clean monstrosity. Once it had be a pale cream, Gale's sure. Time and Bucky's usual ability to take care of himself and his things had quickly seen that the cream yellowed.
Buck had hated it. Gale still hates it.
"C'mon Buck," A familiar voice. "It's not that bad. You just have no eye for style."
Gale twitches towards the voice before he can stop himself. It's old habit, one that refuses to die.
"Jack took good care of it, don't you think? Even managed to get the worst of the staining out." Hands stretch out into Gale's line of sight reaching for his own. A flash of a sleeve. Gale turns his head. A sigh into his left ear. "Buck, please I'm sorry, okay? I know its hard, but I'm trying."
Gale shakes his head. He keeps his eyes on the horizon. Ken's leading his boys through a few repairs. Beyond him, pilots run training flights. Beyond them, Gale can't see but imagines a world holding it's breath. But perhaps he's just projecting.
"I should have been with you." The voice is mournful this time, a contrast to its usual vibrancy but one Gale has heard frequently the last few months. "Buck, please."
Gale turns a page in his book. He's heard this pleading before. There's nothing to forgive. He was never left behind.
"Buck, I'm sorry. Please, I shouldn't have gone to London. Forgive me?"
"Major Cleven?" A lieutenant Gale doesn't recognize walks up to him, not that Gale recognizes most of the men on base nowadays. They're all so new, and none of them let him forget the people they replaced. He stands just enough to Gale's left that he has to turn his head back. He keeps his eyes on the lieutenant.
"Apologies for interupting. I was sent to bring you to a briefing with Kidd."
"Not interupting a thing." Gale can hear the huff from the other, knows that if he turned his head just a degree he'd see hands on hips and rolled eyes. A yellow jacket that he hates. He slowly shuts his book not caring enough to mark the page. He hadn't read a word of it anyway.
"Not a problem," Gale lets the lieutenant guide him as if it was he that was new to Thorpe Abbotts. "Is this about the ceasefire?"
"I'm not sure, sir." The lieutenant won't meet his eye.
"It's gotta be!" Gale pretends the stutter in his step is the uneven gravel under his feet not the voice in his ear. "Jack better let you back in the air, I'm not missing this!"
"Here you are Major," The lieutenant's farewell is professional and respectful, Gale's is lackluster.
Jack's waiting for him. Gale can't look at him without remembering.
"Bucky would want you to have this."
The memory hits him like punch to the gut. He breathes out, air rattling around in a harsh burst he refuses to call a grunt. Jack doesn't notice, or if he does, he's good enough to not mention it.
"I've got you scheduled for a couple training flights starting tomorrow." Jack picks up a few different documents glancing through each before replacing them. He lists of a few times that Gale quietly memorizes. Jack won't meet Gale’s eye.
"Any word on the Germans?" Gale sees a hand reach out to tug a discarded document closer. A familiar sleeve comes into view, sheepskin ragged and dirty. He rips his eyes away.
"Not yet," Jack finally looks at Gale. "Smokey said you're good to go."
It's not a question, but Gale answers like it is.
"He did."
"Fit as a fiddle, though I still think he needs to gain a few more pounds."
Gale leans over the table too used to this chatter now. The documents Jack had been looking over are supply lists. The one tugged to the edge of the desk lists incoming flights from Paris.
"When would we go up?" Gale shudders as a familiar weight settles next to him intently reading the lists as well. Gale inches away.
"As soon as we get everyone trained up." Jack pulls out a map for Gale to look at. "Waiting for a few more shipments from the ports as well, but they'll be here before you're in the air tomorrow. All goes well, we'll be ready in a few days."
"Good," Gale pulls away. The voice to his side stays silent, but Gale doesn't look. It'll only makes things worse he's learned.
"That's all. Rosie will grab you tomorrow, so don't worry about anything else."
Gale nods taking the unspoken dismissal. Turning, his eyes jump to his left unbidden as someone drops something, instincts screaming at him to find the threat. An old yellow jacket fills his vision.
"How about some dinner Buck?" A bright grin graces familiar lips. "I'm sure the chow here will beat anything the Germans can make."
The idea of food turns his stomach, but he knows he needs to eat. Others will notice if he skips dinner, and he doesn't want his health called into question. He looks away.
"See you at dinner?" Gale turns back to Jack. The other's eyes watch him.
"Sure Buck," Jack puts down his papers. "Let's walk over now. You wouldn't believe the lines these days."
"That a fact?"
Jack falls into step at his right side Gale notices. A hand grips his left shoulder.
"Good job Buck." The touch fades away. A weight settles over his chest.
Dinner is a quiet affair. Rosie and Crosby join them, but no one seems to be in a jovial or talking mood. They're all so tired that a quiet farewell is the most any of them talk.
It's the silence Gale hates most, after that jacket, of course. He darts a look to his left, but he finds only Rosie, who meets his gaze with a small smile that Gale tries to return. He's not sure how he manages.
Gale avoids his bunk after dinner. Night has finally grabbed hold of the base, but he keeps away from his bed, from his trunk. From the trunk not his own under his bed gathering dust. He thinks of the jacket locked away there, unable to be returned to its rightful owner. He knows what awaits him there and turns away when the others head towards their quarters. He'll sleep another time.
The hardstands are quiet. No one's out wandering like him. The crews have been working all day to get the planes ready, and Gale's sure they're all glad to be prepping these planes for mercy rather than war.
Still, the silence unnerves him.
"Buck," A faint whisper in his ear. A hand clutching at his left shoulder. The sleeve of a jacket he knows in his peripheries. Gale shudders out his next breathe as tears prick at his eyes.
It's not John. He knows that. He's spent days telling himself to look away, to pretend he can't hear anything. Because he knows John is still somewhere in Germany. John is with the men. John is fine.
He's held tight to that mantra these last few days. Whispered it to himself at night when he can't sleep, in the morning when he wakes from nightmares, and the moments in between. John is with the men. John is fine. John isn't next to him, Gale knows this. John isn't kneeling down gently taking Gale's cold hands in his warm ones.
Because he knows that John wouldn't smile at him the way he is now. Gale wouldn't deserve it.
He can't remember slumping to the ground, but he'll remember the sad smile he receives forever. Blue eyes pinched but still so clear as they stare at him. Full cheeks so different from the ones Gale last saw. Tears fall down his own cheeks as he remembers how John started to fade away during those long winter months. His frame thinner each day, but here there's no trace of hunger. It's just him. Just a familiar smile and an old jacket Gale used to hate. An old jacket he can't bear to look at.
"I don't blame you." The words fall into his ears even as Gale shakes his head. They won't stop. "I wanted you out of there more than I wanted to get out. I swear it Buck."
"I can't." Gale sobs out. He tries to breathe, but his tears take precedence. "You should be here. Not me."
Hands reach up wiping away his tears. Gale wonders how something so warm could exist when he's so cold, as if the sun had burrowed into one man's very being as winter burrowed into his.
"You deserve it Buck!" Gale shakes his head, but the voice repeats, firmer this time. "You deserve it Buck. If you can't believe it, I'll believe enough for both of us."
"I should have made you go first." Gale says. Tears slip from his eyes. The dam he's been holding back for so long finally broken. "I should have chosen a better time. If I'd just-!"
"You can't control everything Buck." Said with such a sad smile, Gale wants to scream.
"I could have been shot by that guard. Or I could have been the one killed in those woods." The words shock Gale to his core. "If you let me go ahead of you or you changed the order, anything could have happened. None of it in your control."
Calloused hands wipe away his tears. Gale shudders out his next breathe.
"I forgive you Gale."
"No," Gale rasps out. This wasn't what he wanted. This wasn't right. He doesn't deserve this. "You can't."
"I forgive you for going before me." Another tear wiped away.
"I forgive you for not looking back." A hand cups his cheek.
"I forgive you for making it out of there." A kiss placed on his cheek just on his scar.
"I forgive you for leaving me behind." A forehead pressed against his own.
"I forgive you Gale Winston Cleven."
Gale sobs. An old off cream jacket settles over his shoulders. He swears he can still feel the warmth of its owner. He hates it.
"I forgive you."
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Cold and Cuddly (Fluff)
2003!Donatello x reader
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A/N: So, I woke up with the worst cold I’ve had in a long time, and a big need for some Donnie love, so here you go💜
Warnings: Sickness and spelling.
The turtles were scattered around, each preoccupied with their own activities. Leonardo was meditating in the dojo alongside Master Splinter, Raphael punching a punching bag in the corner, while Mikey was reading his Justice Force comics on the couch. Donatello, as usual, was hunched over his workbench, tinkering with gadgets and technology. You, however, were not your usual energetic self, and had therefore retreated to Donatello’s room. A relentless flu had gripped you, leaving you weak and tired.
It wasn't long before Donatello noticed your long absence in the common area.  Normally when you were sick, you would usually come out of your or his bedroom every once in a while, going to the kitchen for snacks. You hated being sick and Donnie knew it. When you were sick, it was as if you refused to be sick, continuing to take care of yourself, even with a stuffy nose and irritating cough. So you being gone for so long, without getting yourself anything from the kitchen, was way out of the norm. Concern etched across Donnie’s face as he abandoned his projects and made his way to his room to see you.
The sight that greeted him pulled at his heartstrings. You were bundled up in blankets on his bed, a mountain of tissues beside you, and your face flushed with fever. Your breath was labored, sounding loud throughout Donatello’s room. Your eyes pressed shut, with a slight look of pain. Donnie couldn't stand seeing you like this. He quickly assessed the situation, donning his purple bandana over his mouth and nose. Not because he feared catching anything from you, but to make you smile just a little. Donatello and his brothers had proven to be quite immune to diseases, with the exception of that one time Donnie experienced a second mutation…
"Hey there," he spoke softly, pulling up a chair beside the bed, leaning down to you. "How are you feeling?"
You managed a weak smile at the sight of your boyfriend, wearing his bandana around his mouth like a nurse. "Not great, Donnie. This flu is kicking my butt", you said pulling the blankets tighter around you, groaning lightly at your headache.
He nodded sympathetically, reaching over to feel your forehead. "You're burning up”.
“I am?”, you asked in confusion, coughing as you felt your throat hurt. “Well, I feel cold”.
Donnie looked at you in concern. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you."
And so began Donatello's mission to nurse you back to health. He disappeared into the kitchen and a short time later returned with a steaming bowl of chicken soup - a known remedy in the Hamato clan for any ailment, though it was usually used by Splinter, to help the boys in case they were feeling down. The warmth of the broth seemed to soothe your sore throat, and you couldn't help but appreciate Donnie's thoughtfulness. How lucky you were to have such an attentive boyfriend.
With the soup being eaten, Donnie placed his laptop on the nightstand, before he crawled into bed right behind you. With you tugged closely against his plastron under the many blankets, Donnie leaned over to start the movie you had asked for.
As the movie played and the two of you snuggled closer, with your legs intertwined, and Donnie’s arms wrapped around you. Every once in a while he would ask if needed anything. Something to eat, or maybe just snacks? Something to drink maybe? More napkins? More blankets? You smiled, shaking your head, pulling Donnie’s arms closer around you. All you needed was what Donnie was giving you at that exact moment; comfort and love. And with that love and comfort, it didn’t take long before you found yourself falling asleep in your boyfriend’s strong arms.
Over the next few days, Donatello became your personal nurse. He checked your temperature regularly, prepared meals, and even rigged up a makeshift entertainment system in his room so you wouldn't get bored. Mikey took one look at it, and started begging his brother for one in his own room. Donnie brought you books, movies, and anything else that might lift your spirits. If you asked for cuddles, Donnie would cuddle you until you fell asleep in his arms. Sometimes he would fall asleep too, finally giving him some much needed rest from his lab.
As your fever broke, you found yourself growing more and more grateful for Donnie's constant care. He didn't complain or show any signs of impatience. Instead, he treated you with a gentle tenderness that surprised even you.
One evening, as you were starting to regain your strength, Donatello sat by your bedside, feeling your forehead. "I'm glad you're feeling better," he admitted, a hint of relief in his voice.
You smiled at him, realizing just how lucky you were to have someone like him in your life. "Thanks, Donnie. I couldn't have asked for a better nurse."
He chuckled, a soft warmth in his eyes. "Anytime. Just promise me that next time you call me doctor instead of nurse, okay?"
You nodded with a laugh, appreciating the concern and humor. “I promise, doctor Donnie”.
Donnie sat back hearing that nickname, a smug smile spreading on his lips. “I will remember that when you feel better”.
As Donatello continued to keep you company, you couldn't help but feel that, perhaps, being sick had its silver lining – the opportunity to discover a new depth to your relationship with the genius turtle who had taken such good care of you.
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Sirius Black X Reader: The older brother pt2
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Took me forever but here it finally is part 2 to The Older brother
Part 1
Summary: You've found yourself intrigued by your friends older brother little did you know he's taken an interest in you as well.
Warnings: unwanted contact, violence, punching, cursing, dirty talk, smut, creampie, 69, cum eating, penetration (p in v), sub/dom(kind of), face fucking, oral (m& f), roughish sex. Not proof read (got lazy)
Word Count: 2K
Ten minutes felt like an eternity. 
You and Sirius had gone your separate ways, each of you trying to pretend that everything was fine. You were failing. Rather miserably in fact. You kept tugging at the hem of your dress anxiously. You’d been the one who started it but Sirius seemed to have a larger effect on you then you expected. Your thighs rub together in desperation for some sort of relief. You glance at the clock in the corner of the room. The one that had magically appeared the second Sirius had whispered in your ears. The room of requirements truly was wonderful.
You watched the clock hands move slowly. Had a minute always taken this long to pass or were you just so desperate that time had started to feel like it had slowed down. You made your way back to the drink table grabbing a shot of firewhiskey and throwing it down your throat. You glanced around the room, eyes searching for Sirius. Instead of catching sight of the black haired boy your eyes meet those of a slytherin one you recognized. He was Reggie's friend no doubt but you couldn’t remember his name for the life of you. Apparently your unyielding gaze had been interpreted as interest causing the boy to make his way to you.
“Bloody hell.”
You cursed yourself for your lingering gaze. Now you would have to deal with a couple minutes of awkward conversation and quite possibly a strong rejection. You raised your head when you heard your name slip from the boy's lips giving him a small smile. 
“How are you doing? Haven’t seen you in a bit.”
“I’m doing alright and you?”
What was his name? It’s on the tip of your tongue yet you can’t seem to remember. The brunette slytherin seems to realize your lack of recognition, letting out a laugh.
“You have no idea who I am , do you?”
“It’s alright. Give me a chance to remind you.”
He moves closer to you, his hands finding your waist, his breath fanning over your face as he moves closer to yours. It’s in that moment that it hits you who this is.
Despite your lips moving to form Barty's name it’s not your voice that calls it out. You turn towards the familiar sound of Sirius' voice, your body relaxing at the sight of him. 
“What do you want Black?”
“What are you doing?”
“What's it to you?”
“Listen mate, I like fun as much as the next guy but the lady doesn't seem to be enjoying herself. Let her go will you.”
Barty let out a drunken laugh, allowing you to smell the whiskey in his breath. You flinch away from him, trying to get away but his hands grip onto you harder. Sirius watches you squirm his hand clenching into a fist.
“I’m gonna ask one more  time. Let her go.”
“Or what? What are you gonna-”
Before he could even finish speaking your first made contact with his face, causing him to release you as he stumbled backwards. Barty put his hand to his cheek, eyes widening when he saw the blood coming from his busted lip.
“You bitch!”
Sirius' shoulders tensed at the boy's words, preparing himself to knock his lights out but he didn’t need to. The second Barty called you a bitch you've reached for your wand pulling it out in a flash and yelling “Petrificus Totalus”. Barty froze in place his eyes following you as moved closer to him so that your lips were near his ear.
“Pull a stunt like that one more time Crouch and freezing you won’t be the worst thing I come up with.”
You turned around flipping Barty the finger as you made your way to Sirius. The older boy grinned at you.
“That was-”
You swallowed dry at Sirius flirty tone, images of your closet randevu flashing in your mind. You grabbed his hand, dragging him through the crowd towards the door. You could hear someone call your name but you didn’t care. There was only one thing on your mind and you needed to get away from everyone before your desire got to you.
The second you made it into Sirius dorm your hand was on him. You had no idea where the sudden confidence had come from but you weren’t complaining. And neither was Sirius. He’d never admit it to anyone but seeing someone take charge in the bedroom made him incredibly horny. Sirius hadn’t managed to get a single word out since you entered his dorm, far too busy jamming his tongue into your mouth to be able to speak. It was only when you sank to your knees in front of him that he muttered out a breathy “Oh Merlin”. He watched you struggle against his jean buttons, cursing the chains he wore on the belt loops every time they clinked against your rings. It was cute how hot and bothered you were. Sirius enjoyed seeing you like this. It was a lot different than you normally act: always shy and quiet. And now here you were, glancing up at Sirius with the most lustful eyes as you stuffed your palm down his pants.
“Who are you?”
“Anyone you want me to be, baby.”
“Fuck-oh bloody hell love.”
“Gee Siri haven’t even touched you properly and you're already whimpering for me.”
Sirius groaned at your words, his hips thrusting forward. You smiled at him, pulling your hands out from his pants so you could take them off. Before you got to free Sirius dick his hand latched onto your wrist. You turn your head to the side as you look up at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing love, it’s just….”
Sirius stopped for a moment trying to gather his thoughts. Was he really about to ask you this? He feared you’d be weirded out by his desires, it being your first time together and all. But the way you were looking up at him with lustful eyes as you rubbed your thighs together for some friction made him forget his fears.
“I want to taste you.”
“You can after i’m done i’ll let-”
“At the same time.”
“Sorry what?”
“Gonna make me spell it out hum?”
Sirius let out a laugh, shaking his head as he closed his eyes. Once he opened them again the playful demeanor was gone, replaced by complete and utter lust.
“I wanna fuck you with my tongue while you choke on my cock. Got it love?”
You nodded at Sirius, mouth parting slightly as you tried to steady your heartbeat.
“Well? Are you down?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Sirius pulled you up by the chin, his hands moving to remove your dress in deseparation as his lips moved against yours. The two of you tugged at each other's clothes, removing everything that would get in the way of your fun. Once you were both satisfied you broke apart the kiss, each observing the other's body for a moment. You never get over the sight before you. Sirius Black, Hogwarts notorious flirt, completely bare before you. Your eyes skimmed over his pale skin, eyes falling on the small burn scars littered here and there. You didn’t need to ask what they were. Reggie had told you enough about his family for you to know who was responsible for Sirius' scars. Sirius eyes moved over your bare body, his gaze conturing the beauty of your curves. Beautiful, he thought. Beautiful inside and out. You moved slowly towards him, your lips finding a scar near his collarbone and placing a kiss on it. Sirius hands found their way to your hips, squeezing softly.
“You are so pretty.”
“So are you Siri.”
“I know.”
You swatted at Sirius shoulders as you laughed, nuzzling into his neck.
“I meant it, you idiot.”
“Me too princess. And now I'm gonna prove it to you.”
Sirius walked over to the bed, laying down comfortably before motioning his finger in your direction.
“Come take a seat darling.”
You did as he asked, moving towards the bed. Once you got close enough you climbed onto the mattress, placing your thighs on either side of Sirius face. He latched his hands onto your legs, pulling your pussy flush against his nose.
“Haven't even started and you’re already moaning my name.”
“Shut it you cocky bastard.”
“Cocky’s right. Bastard ah not so much.”
You moved your hand over Sirius dick , stroking it a bit before sinking it into your mouth. Sirius could cum right now, the feeling of your warm mouth on his dick and the feeling of your pussy rutting against his nose making him feel like he’d died and go to heaven. But the night was still young and he planed on lasting more than a fucking teenager. Not that you were gonna make it easy for him.
It wasn’t like you were having an easy time either. Each time you gave Siri a good suck his face lifted a bit causing his nose to bump into your clit. After a while of sucking you moved your hand to fondle Sirius' balls making him cum in a matter of seconds. You followed close after, your hands digging into Sirius thighs as you covered his face in your juices. Despite the soreness in your thighs you managed to manoeuvre yourself off of Sirius face. You laid next to him as you both tried to catch your breaths. Sirius' arm found its way around your body tugging you into his chest. You nuzzled into him sighing happily.
“That good hum?”
“Been a while since i came like that.”
“Seems like you’ve been with some mediocre lads.”
“Yeah I guess. Most boys only care about their own pleasure.”
“Yeah, only real men know how to treat a woman.”
“Oh yeah? Is that what you are, Siri, a man?”
Sirius passed a finger across his face collecting your juices and stuffing his fingers in his mouth. You watched with wonder as the older boy sucked his fingers clean.
“Well I'm the one who's got your cum all over my face aren’t I?”
You give him a cheeky smile, nibbling on the inside of your check as you lean to whisper into his ear.
“Want me to cum somewhere else?”
You reached down to Sirius semi hard cock, fingers skimming over it teasingly.
“Careful kitten, that's a dangerous game you're playing.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Oh yeah?”
Before you could blink Sirius pulled you under him, his arms caging you. You moaned as Sirius hand found its way between your legs sticking two digits inside your pussy with ease.
“So wet for me baby.”
“Ah Siri!”
“That's it baby. Gotta get you nice and ready for my cock.”
You clenched around Siris fingers at his words, making him smirk.
“That's what you want right? Want me to fuck you good?”
“Please Siri, I want it so bad.”
“Okay baby, I'll give it to you. But only if you promise to be a good girl.”
“I promise.”
Sirius sank into your cunt, your walls sucking his dick in with ease. He groaned, resting his forehead against yours.
“Merlin, you're warm.”
“Ah fuck-Siri-you’re so big.”
He’d been told that before but for some reason hearing those words come out of your mouth turned some sort of animalistic instinct in him. Sirius started moving against you, his speed picking up with each moan you let out. The wet sound of your pussy filled the room. Sirius was sure that when the boys came back the dorm would still reek of sex but he didn’t give a shit. Right now the only thing he wanted to do was blow his load. Into your perfect pussy to be exact.
“I’m close- ah uh- need to pull out soon.”
“Don-Ah ughhh-don’t….spell-fuck Siri!-i’ll use the spell.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah yeah cum inside.”
Sirius seed filled your cunt as he reached his orgasm, the feeling of your walls tightening as you gushed over his dick making him let out a guttural moan. He sagged into your body, his lips finding your collarbone as you came down from your high. Sirius doubted that this would be the last round. In fact if it was up to him he’d never let you out of his bed. Funnily enough you felt the same way.
Who would have thought falling for your best friend's brother would land you in his bed. Not that you were complaining.
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gaycentral · 7 months
Polar Opposites
In which Spencer Reid meets a masked vigilante with strange abilities, and he doesn’t realize he’s talking to his colleague.
Part One of ?
Virginia was a pretty safe place, all things concerned. Most of the BAU’s cases required them flying out of state, with the rare case in their own backyard. But that didn’t mean crime was nonexistent. He’d noticed it had gotten worse the last few years. Nothing outrageously bad that would end up crossing JJ’s desk, but more people were reporting thefts and burglaries and assaults.
It made him nervous whenever he walked the streets, he wasn’t exactly an intimidating presence, he would be an easy target. He didn’t like carrying his gun around when he was off work, and his physique—as Morgan had once phrased it with an affectionate lilt to his voice, was wet noodle-like. As much as he wanted to be insulted by that statement, Spencer knew it wasn’t far off.
So he wasn’t exactly surprised when one night, during a late-night dinner run after coming back from a week long case, two guys who were visibly stronger than him pulled guns on him. He was terrified, but not shocked.
He dropped the bag he was holding that contained his dinner, hands raising immediately in surrender as his mind flashed to every time he’d had a weapon held to him in a way that made his throat go dry.
“Wallet. Now.” The older of the two spoke, his voice rough, mouth curled into a snarl. The younger seemed slightly less confident, but he held the gun without so much as a tremor.
“Okay…okay.” Spencer slowly reached for his pocket, his hands fumbling with anxiety and he could see the older man growing irritated.
“Get your fucking wallet out!” He’d stepped forward, pulling back the hammer of the gun and Spencer wanted to puke.
“I am!” Spencer squeaked. “I’m trying!”
That only served to anger his assailants more, and the older man lunged forward at him, and Spencer feared for a moment that this was it, eyes squeezing shut in anticipation of the worst.
The sound of a fist meeting flesh echoed throughout the street, but Spencer felt nothing. Cracking his eyes open, brow furrowed in bewilderment, he was met with a sight he certainly hadn’t expected.
A masked stranger had punched the older attacker, sending him collapsing to the pavement and clutching his jaw, his gun lying several feet away.
“What did this poor man ever do to you, huh?” The voice wasn’t any he had heard before, but it sounded familiar in a way that nagged at his mind. He couldn’t discern if the voice belonged to a man or a woman, settling somewhere in the middle in an eerily easy fashion.
As the younger assailants hand began to tremble, gun aimed at Spencer’s rescuer, the masked person tutted disapprovingly.
“What is it with the guns?” The voice was exasperated, and before anyone could process what had happened, the gun was in their hands being unloaded while the younger assailant was clutching his nose on the ground.
“I bet you don’t even have a license for these.” The masked stranger tossed the unloaded gun and magazine aside, before grabbing something from the belt tightened firmly around their hips.
“Now, I can’t let you boys just walk away. You held a gun to this nice gentleman behind me. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. Just gotta keep you in place, you know how it is.” Whatever the object was in the strangers hand, it glowed a brilliant pink in the night.
Spencer watched in a mix of wonderment and confusion as the stranger threw the pink object at the would-be muggers. It exploded, strings of what looked like pink…goo? Covered the muggers, wrapping around them like insects trapped in a spiders web.
The masked stranger finally turned to Spencer, ignoring the frightened shouts of the struggling men. They knelt down, grabbing the plastic bag off the ground before handing it to him. “Your stuff still okay?”
Spencer stared at him, opening and closing his mouth a few times while he attempted to say something, anything. He finally peered into the bag, and his food didn’t look too jostled.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah.” His voice was higher than he would’ve liked, and if he wasn’t so shaken he would’ve cringed at how he sounded.
“Next time,” the masked stranger looked back at the assailants before looking back at him. “Just throw your wallet and run. You can always get new cards.”
Spencer nodded dumbly. “Yes…I should, uh, do that. I knew that. I don’t know why I didn’t do it.” He felt…embarrassed in front of this stranger, like he wanted to seek cool even though they’d never met and he’d likely never see them again. They patted his shoulder reassuringly and he knew he wasn’t cool at all.
“Don’t worry too much about it. Most people panic. Take care of yourself, yeah?”
Spencer nodded again, watching as the masked stranger disappeared into the darkness, just in time for the red and blue of police lights to grow closer as sirens echoed through the air.
Spencer had been wrong though. He would see them again. Sooner than he thought.
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re: endosaku fic prompts... what do you think about a takiishi-sakura age swap? endo doesn't meet takiishi when he does in canon, because takiishi is doing whatever he was doing when he was 3 years younger instead of what put him in endo's path, and sakura's not in town yet so endo just stays in his dull life without getting obsessed with anyone. until sakura shows up at furin aiming for the top of the school at the same time as endo starts his first year. furin's not unified yet, so sakura doesn't get immediately accepted and softened up by everyone he meets, and endo is wide open to fall in love at first sight with a pre-friends, "i fight to validate my existence" sakura. and with endo's "i just want my beloved to be happy" vibe, of course he'd help sakura fight his way to the top... would this be a worst case scenario for umemiya, since noroshi wouldn't just voluntarily leave, but actively try to overthrow him? or would it be better than canon for everyone, with sakura getting converted to umemiya's side, noroshi becoming part of bofurin, takiishi arriving at furin and immediately being swept up into the shonen vibes like canon!sakura, and endo following sakura into a more positive relationship and environment than he had with takiishi?
So i've been thinking about this for a solid while now and I probably won't write a fic for it due to not knowing how to fully structure and end it- but boy is this AU fun
Endo's going to trip heads over heels even harder for Sakua—considering he's never started worshipping Takiishi, this means he'll continue with his people-pleasing/masking tendencies.
I'd say he got into the thrill of fighting to chase adrenaline, hence why he's going to Furin.
Endo first meets Sakura inside Cafe Pothos by chance—instead of getting punched, Endo strikes up a conversation with Sakura with his face full of smiles, not knowing the trajectory of his life is about to change.
After some prodding from Endo, Sakura announces why he's coming to Furin, and [cue the EndoShock.png + cherry blossoms + romantic music + wedding bells + random gust of wind]
Sakura is initially extremely confused and flustered at Endo tailing after him like a lost but devoted puppy. Endo drafs Sakura around Makochi and basically does what Nirei would've in the normal timeline. Eventually, Endo basically cuddling up and sticking to Sakura to get him to become the top fighter at Furin leads him to witness Sakura's fighting early-on firsthand—either versus a band of ruffians or a few Furin students thinking they're easy pickings on the first day.
It's then Endo has his revelation, that he won't follow anyone or accept anyone else but Sakura as his 'god'.
So! Since Endo has sunk into the pit of infatuation, Sakura starts internally panicking at all the attention Endo is giving him. He's always been hated and scorned, so why is this random man who heard about him aiming to fight to the top so obsessed with him??? Sakura slowly opens his heart fragment by fragment as Endo professes again and again that no, he will never leave Sakura and that they were 'fated to meet'. (Where is Takiishi? We don't know lol he's just Vibing)
Regarding Noroshi: since Sakura pays attention and treats Endo as his closest friend in Furin, Endo doesn't need to look for Takiishi in other people to sate his repressed desire to be noticed by his original 'god'. So TBH Noroshi existing wouldn't be needed. I still think it would be cute for them to be friends despite the circumstances! They gather around Endo and Sakura for both being so strong and together, they act as Sakura's new friends to propel him to the top of Furin.
I still think that despite it all, Sakura will find a weird sense of comfort and (mildly?) displaced belonging with Endo and Noroshi as they claw to the top. I think Ume will still be the one to unify Furin, though—during their final stand-off, Noroshi goes against Ume's group, and Ume challenges Sakura with the statement: "And what will you do once you've reached the summit?"
Sakura has never considered about what comes after achieving the highest status in Furin. This factor makes him withdraw the fight but not Furin entirely—I don't think Sakura and Ume would ever feud, they're both kind souls who had seen the worst in their world and needed a second chance/created a second chance to shine. So, Ume tells Sakura his vision of the future, and Sakura realizes he doesn't know what he wants to do in Furin, deep down.
Endo sees Sakura's internal struggle and also wonders about his own role—once Sakura achieved his dream, would he still be needed? Would Sakura still want him around? Their relationship is was forged on the basis of aiming to get Sakura to the top, after all.
Ultimately, Sakura throws in the towel and admits his defeat. But Ume tells him and Endo that once the two of them figure out the true meaning of "fighting to the top" and what they want to do when they've reached it, they're free to challenge him again.
Regarding Class 1-1: I'm unsure if they should be swapped along with Sakura, or if Sakura should meet them when he's a third year and they're newbies. With the former, Noroshi and Sakura's original friend group are most likely to grow close at the same time, but the timeline might be weird because people like Nirei and Anzai only chose to join Furin after being saved post-reform. Ofc their reasons for joining could be tweaked a little, where Nirei was saved by a passing Furin member and he tells Nirei, "You should learn how to fight to defend yourself."
Whereas if we go with the 3rd Year EndoSakus route, I'd imagine Sakura would be further softened up by his OG friend group (he'd probably be the one to monitor their class). Endo can have his own little character arc moment where he doubts if Sakura wants him around anymore. His relationship is different with Sakura, because Takiishi in the OG has never expressed wanting to remove or keep Endo, leading him to tag along no matter what; meanwhile Sakura acknowledges Endo and isn't purposely ignoring him. This means that the thought of Sakura abandoning him is something Endo desperately doesn't want because he still wants to see Sakura shine in every way possible.
3rd Year Sakura also means that Takiishi will be added into the OG friend group!!! POOR BOY HE'S GONNA GET TEASED BY SUO SO HARD... Imagine Tsuge going "WHAT'S YOUR VIRTUE?!!!" to 15/16 year old Takiishi helpfjsjjddj
I think that 3rd Year Sakura wouldn't be "top" of the school like Ume, but he's also a top dog in the school and leads his own little dispatch group with Endo and Noroshi. People with incredible fighting potential and/or people who need to learn better fighting and/or problem children probably get directed to their unit for supervision.
Sakura def mellows out by the 3rd Year compared to his 1st, but he is still very keen on becoming the top of the school in his own definition. He's still thinking about what he'd do, but he's getting closer and closer to the answer when his OG friend group's year joins him as his disciples/juniors/friends.
If we go the "Bad AU" route, Sakura would probably turn out a bit like Beta Sakura's design. Bad AU!Endo would end up unconsciously distancing Sakura from other Furin students to ensure he'll be able to stay by his side forever. He might convince Sakura on accident to leave Furin and seek a higher position elsewhere. Who knows... I feel bad thinking about this route!!!
I might add more to this little idea pile about Shishitoren and Co. later once I decide wtf I do with Takiishi 🤣 I need to give him more personality... The moment he steps foot into Furin and meets Sakura's OG group + is roped into their mess = Takiishi explodes from too much social lololol
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14buddy22 · 1 year
oh my goodness!! Aaron just stopped by, he had flowers for you? And a note! he wants to know how you’re doing? 🌻💌
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I know you were just being nice bestie and I'm doing good! But here's a one shot just for you bestie!! 🫶🫶🫶
I have no idea how many words this is, nor is this edited.
Warnings: car accidents, school fights, bruises, bad days, letters, soft Aaron, worried Aaron, loving Aaron, Jack is the sweetest in this, proposals
It started off as a great day. Aaron and Jack spent the night at your apartment. You spent the night laughing away at the movie Jack had picked out while you cuddled with your two boys on your couch.
Towards the end of the movie, you heard soft snores coming from Jack and it was then that Aaron decided to scoop Jack up and put him in the guest room that had slowly become Jack's. You had bought Spiderman bedsheets as well as a Spiderman nightlight so the little boy would be comfortable at your home. You didn't want to make him feel unwelcome if his dad would be spending so much time over here.
You know Aaron's time with Jack was precious, so you never told Aaron you wanted him to come over alone. You loved when Jack was around, just as you thought Jack loved being around you.
You never let Jack feel excluded, if Jack wanted to sleep in the same bed as you and Aaron, you would ignore when Aaron would try to tell Jack that he couldn't and you would tell Jack that of course it was okay to sleep with you and his dad.
While your morning started out great, it was not ending so hot. It seemed liked as soon as Aaron kissed you goodbye and Jack hugged you, shit hit the fan.
You had spilled your coffee on your favorite shirt that you were wearing to work. Causing you not to be late, but just running behind a bit and you had a few things you had to do before class started.
When you got to work, the printer wasn't working, so that became chaos.
Then, two of your high schoolers got into a fight in the middle of class, which was not fun to break up, especially when the two were taller than you, and may have accidentally hit you in attempt to hit the other kid. You caught the tail end of the punch, but it still hurt, you were sure to have a mark, and you had picture day coming up.
Filing out to report was no biggie, but just extensive. Work that you didn't want to do.
To top everything off, a car rear-ended you on your way home. You wanted to scream. How could this day go so wrong when it started out so well?
You had been texting Aaron throughout the day, explaining to him how you were canceling dinner plans for today, just not in the mood to deal with anything else.
You also didn't want to be grumpy or seem annoyed with Jack in your presence. He didn't need that, he needed you at your best, not your worst.
You debated telling Aaron about the car accident, but you were in somewhat of a shock, and the car accident was straw that broke the camel's back. That's what pushed you over the edge. That's when you lost it and called him, just needing to hear his voice.
Just as you were sitting on the couch, eating your favorite ice cream out of the tub, watching a movie and crying, the last thing you expected was a knock on your door.
You debated getting up and and answering it. You didn't want anyone to see you like this. However, when you heard the persistent knock again, you decided to stand up and answer the door.
You were met with your two favorite boys. Aaron and Jack were holding flowers and takeout from your favorite restaurant.
"Hi gorgeous. I had told Jack about your bad day and he figured we needed to cheer you up. So he decided picking up dinner and flowers for you."
"These are for you! What do you think? I hope you love them?"
You began to cry at the sight of your two favorite boys. They were so sweet. You could never be angry with them. Jack was so cute holding out the flowers towards you.
"I love them! Thank you so much, Jackers! They're beautiful! Let's get them in some water and let's eat dinner together, yeah?"
Jack nodded and you gave him a hug, kissing the top of his head. Jack ran inside the apartment, going to look for a vase and Aaron took a step inside, shutting and locking the door behind him.
"Honey, you didn't tell me the fight was that bad."
Aaron carefully brushed the bruise starting to form on your face and kissed you. He engulfed you with a hug and you couldn't help but melt right into him.
"I didn't want to tell you it was this bad because I knew you'd freak out. I didn't want you to bring Jack over if I couldn't be at my best."
"Jack knows you at your best. He'll love you even at your worst. Just like I love you at your worst."
You leaned into him even more as he placed a kiss to the top of your forehead. As you pulled away, you grabbed his hand, making your way into the kitchen and seeing Jack fill up the vase he had picked out with water for the flowers.
As you three ate dinner, listening to Jack speak about his day, you then decided to pick out a movie to watch together. Aaron was not throwing out any good movie ideas, so once again the decision would be left to you and Jack, which really meant Jack. As long as you got to cuddle with them and spend time with your two boys, you didn't care what you watched.
"Hey, I think I left my watch in the bedside drawer last night, do you mind going to get it for me?"
You looked at Aaron and then down at Jack. You ruffled Jack's hair and said, "Your daddy could be forgetful, don't you think?"
Jack laughed and said, "He sometimes forgets that I like Mac n cheese when I eat Dino nuggets."
You laughed at the little boy, knowing that when Jack ate his Dino nuggets, he always wanted Mac n cheese, yet Aaron knew that boxed Mac n cheese for dinner 2 nights a week wasn't always the best for Jack, which is why he sometimes "forgot" to make it for Jack.
You stood up, walking to your bedroom. You went to the side of the bed designated just for him, just as the nightstand next to it slowly became his over the course of your relationship.
You found a note addressed to you in Aaron's handwriting. You decided to sit on the bed and read it. Surely Aaron would have wanted you to, right?
To the love of my life,
You are the greatest thing to happen to me. Losing Haley was hard. We've talked about that multiple times and you know my biggest fear when getting into this relationship was that something would happen to you. But we talked through it, you told me you'd be okay if we began to date. We've been together for a little over a year and I know I want the rest of my life to be with you. Jack loves you. He's mentioned a couple times how you're his best friend. I couldn't ask for anyone better to love my son as much as I do. You never treat him any different because he's not biologically yours and it makes me love you even more than I ever thought possible. I love you. You are the best thing that's happened to my son and I. You're the sunshine on my darkest days and I promise that I'll be your sunshine on your darkest days. Thank you for loving Jack and I at our best and worst. Thank you for listening and loving my son. Thank you for welcoming him into our relationship, we're a package deal. I knew you were the one when you decorated your guest bedroom into a Spiderman themed room for him. Thank you for loving us, I want to love you for the rest of my life.
Love, Aaron
You had tears in your eyes. How the hell did he write this letter and leave it before you had the worst day of your life in a while. When you met Aaron, you weren't looking for love. You slowly fell in love with the man who was a single father, in which that scared you at first. Too afraid you wouldn't be good enough for the little boy who loved his father deeply, that's why you tried to hard at first to get Jack to love you. But turns out, he didn't need much convincing, he loved you from the first time he met you.
When you walked back, letter in hand, you saw Aaron and Jack standing next to each other, both of them with a huge grin on their face.
"What do you boys have planned?"
Aaron took your hand in his and he said, "I love you. Jack loves you."
You heard a quiet, "I do!"
When you smiled at Jack, you looked back at Aaron. He continued. "I wrote that letter a while ago, it's been sitting in the drawer for quite some time. But, after the day you had, I promised in that letter that I'd be your sunshine on your darkest days. You had a really bad day today."
Aaron dug his hand into his pocket and knelt to the ground. Jack began to smile even bigger than you ever had before. You immediately gasped, not believing this was actually happening.
"Let me be the sunshine on your darkest day today. I know this isn't the proposal every little girl dreams of, but, what better way to propose to you so you don't have to remember this as the worst day that's happened to you. You'll have this associated with a good day. So, please, let us be the sunshine on your darkest day. Will you marry me?"
Jack said, "And you can become a Hotchner like me and Daddy?"
"Yes! Yes, I'd love to marry you."
You leaned down to kiss Aaron as he pushed the ring onto your ring finger. Jack immediately wrapped his little arms around said, "We did it, daddy! She said yes!"
As Aaron stood up, kissing you once more, he lifted Jack into his arms, Jack linking one arm around Aaron's neck and another arm around yours. You place your hand on Aaron's cheek and said, "Thank you boys for being the sunshine on my darkest days. I'll promise I'll always be the sunshine on yours."
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aetherdoesthings · 8 months
Hello! I'm diving into your posts and everything is so lovely!
So I'd like to know if you're interested in writing about a reader who isn't sure why they were recruited, since they don't participate in the battles and are an ordinary person; The reader is always trying to prove their worth to their romantic interest in some way and sees this opportunity when, alone on the boat, other pirates invade the vessel and deciding that this was the moment, the reader tries to fight all of them and gets very hurt.
It may sound a bit confusing but the main idea would be something like "I want it, I get it", giving the idea that the reader was simply recruited by the cliché of love at first sight.
It's okay if you turn down the idea, find it boring, or just don't respond at all! I just thought it would be a cool and very emotional idea, cute confession and with a unique touch of each character, you know?
Anyway, thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ♡
(the characters in question would be Zoro, Luffy and Sanji)
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hello R~! i chose to only write for zoro bc i've been writing sanji a lot and i haven't really done a lot of zoro fics, so yeah! apologies if you wanted luffy or sanji!
forethoughts: kinda rushed, it's 1am and i have to wake up at 7 tomorrow 😭. this req will be a mixture of headcanons (bullet points) and text. also just as a question has any of y'all listened to ado before?
notes: gn!reader, zoro that doesn't know how to show emotions but being blunt about it.
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You really had no idea what your life would become when a scrawny boy walked up to you and asked you to join his pirate crew. No reason at all, just ‘hey join my crew’.
You were an ordinary person. That’s all. Can’t fight, can’t do anything, really. But you did so anyways, since maybe life on a ship would be much better.
You tried to get along with the crew and show your worth, but there wasn’t anything you could really do. There were already three very formidable fighters, a navigator, an archaeologist, a craftsman and snipe, a shipwright, all the jobs were already taken. So what could you do?
Thank God Luffy always called you to play tag with him and Usopp and Chopper, either having you chase them around, or find them in a game of hide and seek.
But one day, while the Straw Hats were exploring an island, you were tasked to guard the ship. You tried your best, hoping no pirates would come to attack you, but you had the worst luck in the world.
A band of pirates came towards the Sunny, and got on board. You had no experience in fighting at all, except for a couple of times Zoro would drag you into the gym to practice your punches and increase your strength. You never asked why, he just forced you to put on boxing gloves and begin hitting a punching bag. 
You knew that if you managed to hold them off, you could prove your worth to the Straw Hats, so you balled your fists and striked at a pirate.
You get knocked out and beaten into a blood pulp within an instance, 
Fortunately the Straw Hats came back early, and quickly subdued all the pirates and recovered anything stolen, as Chopper rushed to take you back to the infirmary.
When you gained consciousness, you saw a green haired man standing next to your bed, his arms folded.
There wasn’t anyone else in the room. Just you and the swordsman.
“Zoro?” You murmur.
“How do you feel?” He asked.
“My body hurts…” You try to sit up, before getting stopped by a blade.
“Move and I’ll slice your throat.” Zoro looked at you, his eyes narrowing. You lied back down on the bed, looking at the swordsman as he sheathed his sword.
“Where’s everyone else?”
“Fixing the ship and recovering everything.”
You felt guilt filling your heart, as you frowned. “I’m sorry… I really tried… I just can’t fight… I’m not good at fighting… I’m sorry…”
“You idiot, don’t be sorry. And don’t even think about moving.” The swordsman snapped. But underneath his words, you can tell his voice was shaking. You stay still, lying down on the bed.
“Why did Luffy recruit me? I’m just some ordinary person. I can’t even fight. I can’t even do anything…”
“That’s bullshit.”
“I’m sorry?”
“That’s bullshit. You’re not ordinary. You can do things.”
“But I can’t fight…”
“You don’t need to know how to fight to be on this crew.” Zoro looked at you intensely. “You’re already doing enough on this ship.”
“What could you possibly mean by that?”
“You’re doing enough on this ship by being on this ship.”
“You’re confusing me.”
“I like you, hear me? I love you a lot.” Zoro gripped onto your chin tightly, looking at you in the eyes. “I saw you on that island while back. It was like love at first sight. And when I want something, I’ll get it. So I got Luffy to let you join.”
“Wait, what?!  You like me?”
“Yes, I do.” Zoro looks at you. “So don’t ever dare call yourself useless. You have a use.”
“Being your girlfriend?”
“Mhm. Whatever I want, I always get it.”
Life was certainly going to get interesting for you now.
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