#works in progress weds
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celinamarniss · 2 months ago
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I'm working on the next chapter of Smuggler's Guide! It's just going slowly (holidays, work, migraines, other shiny distractions, etc)
The next part picks up post Death Star escape:
Han pushed himself out of the captain’s chair and brushed past the princess before she could start ordering him around again. Chewie had already disappeared around the bend in the corridor, probably headed for his room, but before Han could hunt him out, he was nearly knocked off his feet as Luke barreled into him. “Hey, hang on, where’s the fire?” 
“Where’s the medkit?” Luke demanded. “Mara’s been injured.” 
“I’m fine,” Mara called from behind him, her arm clutched to her chest. “It’s not that bad.”
Han jerked his head in the direction of the med bay. “Over there.” Luke darted past him, on a mission to find the medkit. “What happened?” he asked Mara. 
“Wiring shorted out in the turret,” Mara said. Her voice was steady but she winced as he pulled her arm free and turned over her hand. “It’s just a burn.” 
“Salve and a wrap should take care of it,” he said. “Take a painkiller, too.” She nodded. “And stay out of the turret until this heals. If we run into any more trouble, I’ll man the guns myself.” 
“I can bandage it for you,” Luke said, reappearing with the medkit clutched in his hands.
“He can bandage it for you,” Han said with a mocking lilt. 
Mara rolled her eyes at him.
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baudouinette · 28 days ago
(WIP) First page of some panels representing the wedding scene in HCW (in the following panels to these, which I haven’t started on yet, Baldwin does something rather cute if I say so myself 🥹)
I’m currently writing the two chapters before the wedding, but I’m also writing some of the wedding because I could not wait as I already had so many drafts and concepts in my notes app for it ✨😭🫶🏼)
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This is a big deal for me, drawing panels. I never could before. With or without references. So far I’ve done this without (that’s why the top one is looking very messy and raw. I will reference some Holy Sepulcher photos and period-accurate cathedrals to make it make sense, architecturally speaking). Besides drawing without reference, with this style in particular I mostly struggle to figure out how many panels and which exact actions/scenes need to be drawn and how to arrange them.
Every time I tried to do this, I would soon give up from frustration. I have found the key to my improvement in art:
Weening myself off references might result in frustration at first, but I realized, just giving myself a little more time to re-do or reshape what I have only just first drawn (that usually looks crap) gives the chance to actually improve (duh). I also realized eventually, after reshaping as much as necessary, the drawings end up looking kinda better than with reference (or at least have more of a personal touch and style)
If you are also an artist and struggle with something and would like to share some mutual support message me! I’m open to talking on discord, where I can be more interactive with people individually, as opposed to larger social media which I can’t browse or use much other than to post my creations, to avoid internet addiction 😞
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toads-treasures · 7 months ago
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"You touch me like I am everything you asked god for. Underneath your hands I become poetry. This is the alchemy that you do."
—T. James
These two would either have the fanciest, the biggest the sappiest wedding Waterdeep has ever seen, or they would have the DND equivalent of a Vegas wedding. Maybe I’ll draw that version later.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months ago
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Follower Recs
A Marriage Alliance with a Summer Wedding, Anyone?
by Herlilacskies
Not rated, 146k, WIP, Wangxian
Summary: i'm a whore for wangxian arranged marriage Was previously titled "Bitch I'm Petty"
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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bloodsuckerproxy · 11 months ago
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Another WIP!
I have many ideas in mind for some future pieces. Posting also helps me keep track. Another Eddie piece ft. Waylon :3
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elfcollector · 4 months ago
can i be controversial? a lot of you have "i like this character and view them as a Good Person so its impossible for them to have any bad politics and therefore it's bad writing when my fav is written to have any prejudices at all, even prejudices it makes sense for them to have" disease and u must cure it
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ahalliance · 5 months ago
how do i turn qantoine’s spontaneous marriage proposal to qetoiles into evidence of his early-days fear of qfrench drifing away and keeping secrets from one another
#the conversation takes place in antoine’s vod: L’ANNIVERSAIRE DE TALLULAH at 41 mins ish#like . okay . its such a fucking crazy moment to me that still lives in my head bc it’s a a joke . but it’s also not#he asks etoiles directly after spiderbit wedding . ‘don’t you want to get married?’#after it gets mentioned*#etoiles turns him down bc he ‘doesn’t have time to fuck [he] needs to kill everyone’#and antoine says ‘well but— just a marriage’ like it’s the act itself that is the most important to him not anything that could come with it#the confirmation of partnership . of having someone to rely on . something that feels to him maybe more certain and solid than the#friendships antoine had at that point . like if he felt things were slipping and he was being left behind he wanted the certainty of#something like a marriage that is traditionally considered More important and certain .#and i think the end of their conversation is notable in how antoine brings up the notion of betrayal — he getting betrayed by others and how#he’s fed up with it . after etoiles says no to the marriage (though specifying that he’s gonna think about it) antoine brings the whole#betrayal thing up after a pause . he doesn’t necessarily consider etoiles as having betrayed him but it’s that lack of certainty#certainty that etoiles has refused to give him that makes him start to open up about how he’s tired of people promising him things (or#seeming to promise him things) only to leave him out and in the dark . and there’s an insecurity there that really shines if you take this#moment into consideration with the Larger Shifting his character is going through .#like tldr ; qantoine has begun to realise that his friends are starting to form deeper bonds with other people and thus keep secrets with#them which to him means leaving him behind . taking notice of this he brings this up to his friends in . not exactly direct ways . he#talks about how he doesn’t like secret keeping but doesn’t seem to push much further and he also tries to remedy the issue#of feeling left behind by doing shit as discussed above ^ however on account of the InHuman i’m not sure he understands what he’s doing very#well . and as we know antoine doesn’t make much progress and ends up retreating into himself and beginning to keep his own secrets . to do#his own shady shit . to work in the shadows and not be honest with any of his friends either . to hold them at arm’s length despite how much#he still cares . the only person he puts his full trust into anymore is pomme . not ayp who he deems too underhanded . not bagz who he sees#as having started the whole ‘secret keeping’ stuff in the first place . and not etoiles who’s actively going down a path with the codes and#resistance that he cannot follow#that was NOT a short tldr . why the fuck am i writing dissertation length tags about MINECRAFT BLOCKS#god whatever who cares i get joy out of this thats what matters#anw if you read this far holy shit ur insane . thank you#i am going to bed now godbless !#jay rambles#qfrench.posting
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blakeexists07 · 9 months ago
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Barnacles wedding:0
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yunogf · 2 months ago
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celinamarniss · 9 months ago
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What's this? A Triumvirate WIP? That's right, I've been working hard on the finale of the Triumvirate series, and it will be posting very soon!
Behind the cut is a little taste from the first chapter (I may have posted a bit of this before??? It was a while ago and I don't remember).
“Baroness Messaline wants to speak with me,” Mara told Luke quietly. 
He followed her gaze. Messaline’s hand alighted on her wine glass, tapping twice. “She’s charm signing,” Mara explained. “She wants me to come alone.” 
“Is that what she’s doing?” The furrow between his brows cleared. “I never got the hang of it.” 
Mara made a noncommittal hum. He looked down at her as if stuck by a sudden thought. “Did you ever try to use it to signal me?” 
“No,” she said dryly. “I knew better than to expect that a provincial prince from Naboo would understand the intricacies of Coruscanti charm signing.” 
Luke snorted. “Throneworlders.” 
She could sense the tension humming under his banter, but it didn’t bother her much; the Solmephodril kept her easy and relaxed. “Messaline might have gossip for me. I need to know what’s going on in the Court,” she reminded him. 
He took a long look at her. “You’re still high,” he said bluntly. “Are you sure you want to go alone?” 
“This isn’t the first soirée I’ve attended on Solmephodril,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It’s only Messaline. She’s not that clever an operator.” 
“Alright,” he murmured after a moment, hand brushing her lower back as he stepped away. “Be careful.” 
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ziekmakend · 8 months ago
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Currently working on a wedding dress for my Barbie extra mini that i found for less than four euro. I’m not done yet but she already looks so cute!
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 6 months ago
The scarecrow and Bride (WIP)
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Ah, and here's him with his scarecrow mask which is in progress (Question Iva's methods, but never her results/jk)
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This is just him with his mask on, he'll be wearing his full scarecrow costume, but I made two versions for funsies. In an ideal world, I would make a small animation to showcase the chance buuuuut:
Phantom learn from two years ago Tumblr has a vendetta against her and big gif files/hj
I...actually don't know how the duck to animate that
So it remains just as an extra, but also is a relief because it means less work outside the whole making a separate head just for an alternate and shading XD
This most likely, if I am able to get it done soon XD, will be my halloween post. If I am lucky I could also get the fic out soon, but that'll be dropped early for the ScarecrowWeek 2024 hahaha (which technically this piece will be, but for the last day as I am taking the oportunity that its a free day hehee)
Ok, so about the requests. I am not dropping them, Phantom is on a two-day break!
Alright, lovely folks, don't worry about your request! I'll continue them on Saturday, as I am taking today and tomorrow off from drawing the colorless request, and focus on some stuff of mine.
I just took this decision recently, since honestly I've spent quite a lot of days drawing about 12 requests (THANK YOU GUYS!!!/vpos), so I decided to take a small teeny tiny break to relax and indulge in my stuff of Halloween! (better plan early than late, hahaha)
Although, I will say please don't send in requests today or Friday as it's on my break. I'll continue them on Saturday and slowly work to finish stuff. So in a sense, just for today and Friday, I am holding a small pause. I never thought I've gotten 12 drawings out already, and I appreciate it with all my heart, but I do hope you dears can understand I def need a small break so I don't get burn out or too overwhelmed. I will try however to get some progress done on one of the longest ones, as Delly has been an angel and been super patience.
In the first week of October I will only take two as I'll be busy, and the request will close down until next year (the last weeks of the year are the busiest for me)
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 10 months ago
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Before I take my work sketch and draw up the reference sheet for their wedding outfits, I wanted to draw them soft and in love, posing for a wedding photo. I thought about doing Dream's hair pulled back in a pony tail, give him a more "formal look", but I adore the idea of him with his fluffy mohawk in their wedding photos. Plus, Hob loves that he doesn't conform with what should be "formal" or "normal" and he loves that about Dream.
Finished Work & Snippet
Twitter/X•AO3•Pillowfort •Linktree•Bluesky•Ko-fi
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egregiousderp · 5 days ago
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This week’s had many high points but one of the quieter ones for me was finally having my own room where I can put @naniiebimworks ‘s Biblically Accurate Aziraphale up on my cabinet to totally reflect my LED bed lights like my Mica Door used to.
#personal skuun#I’d like to get a glass plate at some point and something to hold it in place to make it a permanent part of the door honestly#but at the moment I’m settling for tape and telling myself I can put more shit up later#dory’s probably next#I have so much beautiful art from so many artists I know personally#and it’s making me emotional that now I get to figure out how I want to display it.#I’m still waiting on some shelves to put my figs on and a fridge move#the main fridge in the house maybe died this week when the company was here? so that part might be delayed#that reminds me: I have more shelves to love tonight so everyone can use the trunk tomorrow#and a load of blankets to do from my old place#it’s so weird I’m almost totally unpacked and finding new things#I might even be able to set up a mini cooking station in the room with like. a crock pot or some shit eventually#I think the weirdest thing is realizing I can turn on the light whenever I want#the guests from the wedding are still here so I’m mostly sitting in my room and reading and day drinking but it still feels so huge#having my own space again after so many years…#but it’s also been an experience realizing as much as I have now I can still unpack and build in three days?#I spent most of the first day just building the shelving I’d need#and most of the second day retrieving the other shelves and all the boxes of like#kitchen stuff and books from the unit.#Yesi’s on her honeymoon so I’m trying to consolidate and move things all into one cluster for her but it still feels bad#pantry and spices haven’t moved and neither have the instruments so…that’s probably the next two days of work here#and then I’m back on the clock at 7:45 on Saturday 🤣#all in all I’m happy with this progress. it’s been more productive than I thought I’d easily be.#Thursday after airport drop I can do a supermarket run#(we’ve been eating out so much this week I haven’t made much of a dent but I need more English muffins and would like some cukes and limes.)
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thebluerose · 10 months ago
Hi Nero! When are you getting married? I am asking with the intent to tease you hehe
Tease all you want, but I’m the one getting married so who’s the one laughing now?!
But in all honesty, we’re not sure yet. Kyrie and I have been tossing around dates for quite a few months now and we still haven’t landed on one. I want this day to be perfect for her and well, just even picking a day has been stressful as hell.
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melaniekudo · 4 months ago
Happy Anniversary Mia Carla De Leon- Jinio and John Jewel Jinio👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏿
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November 3, 2022
Casa Bella
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Dance performance by the Bride Squad!
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Show off those moves 💃🏻
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Dance to the beat! 🕺🏽
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We are TEAM Bride!
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The Photobooth!
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