#work shit min wage or go homeless
robo-nya · 3 months
guess who made enough tips to get hammered B-)
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People in Reddit, (because of course they are) seen to think California is this prosperous utopia that makes so much money and people there just have it made. Except people were moving away in droves because of cost of living for a while and then because of lack of freedom after that.
Then I get greeted with "Nuh uh! They've had net positive people moving there". Sure maybe recently but during and right after covid people fled because of the tyrant state California was acting like. Not too mention the shutdowns on top of cutting off work from so many people while the Governor went out to party with his friends.
California might make a lot of money but it's because they SPEND a lot. And I can explain. California has some is the highest tax rates in the US. And add freakishly high rent and costs there and it's near impossible to live there especially in the big cities. So why are they supposedly so "prosperous". Easy. If a state was to charge you 40% in state taxes. Gas prices are 7$ and you rent is 5k or more a month "income" for the state is going to look insane.
Meanwhile if you have a state that charges no state taxes, costs 3$ in gas and rent costs 1k a month the state will seemingly be less "prosperous". Except that concept should more or less look at conditions of living. And in California the place with the best net positive living conditions for an AVERAGE resident are all red area. Or light purple leaning red. Meanwhile if you're in blue areas you've got streets covered in shit, homeless people, and rampant crime and car break-ins. Sounds SUPER "prosperous" to me. So prosperous in fact the state wanted to charge residents for 10 years after they left the state.
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Why? Because no matter how much they are making they aren't making enough. If you compare their GDP against how much they keep spending it's pretty bleak. Never you mind the impropriety in their local governments. Specifically L.A. and SF. Who "misplaced" millions a year that's supposedly supposed to go to the homeless. And other supposed "welfare". Fact is the sheer amount of people who I've talked to that left because they could not afford to live there. It's been quite a few. Income does not equal prosperity. And the fact Cali has had to be bailed out a number of times shows it can't sustain itself. Though the bailouts were not all extravagant. Most ended up being subsidies if I recall correctly. (Though it's been a while since I read up on it).
People dick suck Democrat policies so hard they need to present California as this bastion of perfection. It's not. And GDP doesn't make a place better. Especially not with tax rates as high as the have them. ON TOP OF federal taxes and living costs being that stupid.
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Record high of 6.43. FOR UNLEADED!
And then this bullshit.
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And a dollar for gas makes a lot of difference
So if it gas wad 3.40 even, 20$ would get you 5.8 gallons. At 4.80? 4.1 gallons. That amount MAKES A DIFFERENCE especially to those not making a lot of money a year. Then Cali mandates a $20/hr min wage for fast for (except Panera bread because a high level executive made a charitable donation to his campaign) 10k people lost our are projected to lose jobs. "Well that's the greedy companies-" I'm going to stop you right there. No it's not companies fault. It's the fault of California government. Because guess what? For those people that will be making more California gets a bigger cut of your money. Oh and guess what? Because of that you're in a higher tax bracket in both your state AND federally. California is mandating you get robbed blind.
Look. No state is perfect. But to pretend California is such a great place because a lot of companies had their head offices there and state taxes are absurd? Isn't a win. And frankly it makes your look stupid. Because it's a pretty nuanced thing. And it completely flies over most of your heads. Because if they were so well of WHY would they even consider an exit tax? Why would their tax rates be so damn high? Oh right because the state is lining it's own pockets while pretending they are the richest place on earth. And all because "the weather is nice". Blow me. Several states have really nice weather. California just sets itself on fire from time to time because they dissolved their foresty departments so they can blame global warming for everything.
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sorstis · 7 months
Today I (25) had a man (60's) tell me it was my generation who is in control of the government and this was after going off about how awful things are.
It's absurd. His generation are literally the people in charge, with Gen x following. That's how our shit system works. You can't even run for certain offices until you're 35-45+.
Sure, yeah, it's my fucking generation in control. It's my generation who's holding all of the offices! Duh! We want it to be shit! We want homeless people living on the streets and we LOVE having really small wages. Isn't it just fucking dandy how our military industrial complex is larger than the next 3 countries combined if you list them by money invested yearly, and/or personnel. /s
I unironically wanted to fucking slap the dude. As soon as he left I looked at my boss and just went "my generation isn't in control of shit."
Like, we have to wait for you all to die first. I wish we actually did have as much power as that dumbass thinks. At the very least we'd have people who actually know what it's like to be gen z. The impossible housing market, min wage not rising vs massive inflation, homelessness on the rise for Gen Z, especially queer youth and young adults.
I am one of those statistics. A nonbinary person who was homeless. The system is not built for us and we are not surviving, we are barely holding on.
The people who are in power are peeling our fingers off the ledge. It isn't our fault that we fall. It's theirs.
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jaythelay · 17 days
One thing I don't see mentioned when it comes to having kids, is the Very Real Fear you'll fail and Have to give your child away to adoption centers that will be a worse life.
If you go homeless, as most of us are teetering towards, you lose the kid, but making the choice long before then? Good. Smart. Fucking existentially damning for a person's self to themself. Letting down a child sucks, being forced to give up your kid because the country is set up to kill both you and your kid?
Republicans don't care about you or your family and actively make it harder to have them. The fact is, not one of us would "survive" such a fucked up situation. You could never forgive yourself for ending not just your life, but making a brand new person's life utterly miserable for the rest of theirs.
But again. Cruelty is the point. It's short term to force births for whatever bullshit population/economic reason. It's long term to make a place worth having kids in. R's have nothing and have never had long term anythings.
So, no. I will not have a child just for it to end up with me killin' myself, the sheer weight of empathy deafening guilt, while making another life equally as completely fucked.
The chances of the country having another economic crisis I gotta pay for yet again, the unaffordability, and utter lack of medical anything from psychologists to dentists, the high cost of transportation, rising greedflation prices and ever lessening power of min wage...
Right now I can "handle" such problems. With a kid? No. I go from 8$ in my account every week to a negative balance with a kid. If a hole happens in my house that shit has to stay forever. No job pays enough and I can't afford childcare. Genuinely parents today don't seem to understand what it's like not being born into any amount of money, getting lucky, or having the right connections, or ability to lower living standards to work 3 fucking jobs that only one should be enough for.
Ensure I have a future and can use it for my child to have one better. As is? You're genuinely cruel to demand someone take such a risk, to bring another into this shithole is a genuine sin in my eyes. The fuck is my kid supposed to do? Work? As if. Their hands will be softer than room temp butter until they're 18 so help me god. Our ancestors didn't want this "grind" bullshit for us.
Don't get me started on infant and maternal mortality rates going up having banned abortion. Valid, accurate, neccessary...
but the focus really needs to go back to the fact this country is set up to kill you and your child. If they want kids, fucking change that. Otherwise genuinely commit reddit care bot or grow the fuck up.
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crowempress · 5 years
Not to want rights for people or anything but I think housekeepers deserve to be paid a lot more than minimum wage
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bitch-spectrum · 3 years
Drop those "homeless bf" writing references please.
(I'm morbidly curious)
Bet. TW //Drug Usage Mention
1. He's going to make bad choices. His brain is set to survival mode because he's probably been fighting for his life on the streets (yknow with cops and other homeless people) so if (y/n) is going to try to acclimate him back into society he's going to be anxious and aggressive at first.
2. if (y/n) is working minimum wage in the story (you better not be writing for no damn high schooler (y/n) istg ill beat you) they CANNOT house their homeless bf unless he gets a job too. Rent is expensive as HELL!
3. If you're writing for a substance abusing homeless man he's going to experience withdrawal symptoms. Yes, even if he's in therapy/management/rehab, he'll still go through the mood swings. Look up withdrawal symptoms if you're writing for a character that previously abused substances. Addiction is a serious mental illness that deserves to be represented correctly.
4. If your mans has a history of being abandoned he's going to have attachment issues. How each person experiences them is different so be sure to do your research as always.
5. Yes, he can shower/do laundry/ eat etc. at (y/n)'s place but at the end of the day he probably shouldn't live there until he has a job bc (y/n) wont be able to support them both if they're working min wage.
6. Never ask ur hobo hubby where he gets the good shit.
7. He's gonna be nasty at first. He's not gonna be endearingly nasty. He's not gonna be "uwu rat boi". He's gonna be fucking DISGUSTANG. My mans lives in a got damn garbage can. He's going to be difficult to be near. Idk about you but your garbage can at your house probably don't stink that bad but garbage cans behind industrial building stink to high HELL. He's not gonna smell like left over maccas okay? He's gonna smell like the shit they throw out and that's gonna be fucking NASTY! He's N A S T Y.
8. Unless you plan on making (y/n) a licensed therapist they can't "fix" this man. They can offer love and support but unless you got the degree you can't "fic" anybody. That's not what you're there for. I'm just tired of that trope bc I tried to "fix" my homeless bf one time and guess what! Nothing happened! Bc I'm not licensed to guide a "fixing" and even then "fixing" is a nasty word. Please start sating "I can help him heal." It's so much nicer.
9. Homeless men are not typically dangerous. They can actually be really chill people who had just been handed a bad set of cards. Even the ones who look "deranged" can be genuinely decent human beings. So if you're writing for a homeless love interest you don't need to make him this horrible "deranged" person. A bit weary, a bit defensive maybe, but at the end of the day he's just had it rough.
10. Mental illness takes a lot out of a person. Sometimes mental issues can have physical results on the body and even give a person fever-like symptoms. There's no such thing as a mentally well homeless person. Being homeless for any amount of time is traumatic. You will have PTSD from being homeless, even if it's minor. PTSD is WILDLY misrepresented in media so please do ur research on the effects of PTSD too.
Also don't romanticize anything I've listed above. PTSD, substance abuse, Depression, whatever have you are NOT fun. They are not things to make light of and be like "Aw, he's shooting up dope in the allyway. Hahah! That's my stinky little rat boi uwu" NO! Don't do that! You can write for characters who go through these things and you can have them fall in love and whatever but listen. Don't make it cute. It's not cute. It's serious, it's fucked up, it's awful.
Anyway, those are my 10 broad tips for writing a homeless love interest for (y/n). Specific Qs are still okay bc tbh, you guys do not know what its like.
I personally haven't experienced homelessness first hand but my 2 best relationships where with people who were homeless at some point in time.
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genuflectx · 4 years
Just wanna rant about my job a bit, will probably delete this later. But I think I may quit my job within the next month or so u_u’
Originally when I joined this job last year it was under originations- I helped people apply and get approved for loans, or offered general tech support when they needed help with the process online. I felt like I was helping these nice old people, they were rarely mean (save for the occasional grouchy old man after he gets rejected), and the work load was decent. Not too heavy, not too boring. 
Then the pandemic hit. My entire team, which had been hired only a few months before, were rushed in for “accelerated training” on the credit card support department. I believe it was just like 4 weeks of training for a tooootally different workflow. We worked in the servicing department for what, maybe a month? Then they furloughed a ton of people and managers and moved us AGAIN, this time to collections. So calling to collect debts on our credit card product. When I joined this company it was under the understanding I did NOT want to do collections because it makes me sad and feel shitty. But they promised us we would be transferred back to originations after a bit, so whatever.
Slowly things have gone downhill since. Just tiny things adding up. They implemented a internet speed minimum requirement, which is understandable working from home, but we lost another good chunk of people who got fired for that, some who I’d made friends with. Hell, I got THREATENED with firing due to this, forcing us to run an Ethernet cable through 2 stories of our house. And I was PISSED because I was the only one on the team making a 100% average on QA scores. Then a few people quit, leaving only 3 people from my original originations team. They hired a new manager to oversee work force management (WFM) and quality assurance (QA) around this point and I’m CONVINCED it got worse because of her changes...
They changed our outbound dialing system to a cheaper one, promising all these improvements, and who woulda guessed... the quality of work life barely improved with this piece of crap tech but hey, it cut costs. Next they dismantled the debt management company department (DMC) and trained us in it so we’re technically trained for and work in two departments. On top of the promise that in the far future that they will cross-train us with the loan department too, a totally different product. We also have to do the emails for our department as well.
Then things got bad. Non stop calls for a months. Likely related to the unfortunate weather disasters in our outsourced locations. The outbound dialer, which is an autodialer that WFM loads up with late people to auto-call, starting filling up with impossible amounts of people to call for our agent count. We started going from 5000 to call every few hours to 10,000. And it doesn’t matter if we don’t clear the queue, they will load more in at certain times of the day. So we’d get 10,000 at 1pm, we’d get it down to 3,000 by 5pm, and they’d just load it back up to 10,000 again. 
Then they added on the mandatory overtime. Everyone in our department either has to do a half shift extra on either saturday or sunday- with mine being on saturday. Another person quit (down to 2 from my original team). We’re understaffed as hell and they tell us that they’re FINALLY training a new class. And know what? They ONLY enacted the OT and got a new class because their service levels were down. Service levels are a mandatory legal level of how many agents per how many customers we have, they get in legal trouble when it drops too far for too long. They didn’t give a shit about our stress until their damn legal agreement dropped and then forced the OT on us. Wow. We feel so appreciated. 
And THEN the OT was supposed to go until Feb 14th- today. THEY EXTENDED IT ANOTHER WEEK. 
And and and a few days after they told us it was extended these dudes LAY OFF 3 managers, including our team’s manager, who I REALLY liked, and stuck us into the team of a manager who is notorious for giving out incorrect policy info! Why! >:( 
Some other small things they’ve done that have added up slowly: They sent me a “nice” alluminum mug for my high QA score. Stuck it in the washer once and the pretty gold lettering on the front melted. It also leaks. They do these “thank you” videos some time where the upper management (never faces you recognize save for 2 or 3). BUT they made us watch this 10 minute long “thank you” Christmas video BETWEEN CALLS instead of scheduling time for us to do it like usual. Due to the short staffing, they changed how our weekly meetings with our manager/team go. Instead of having the whole team go into a meeting with her twice per week, they made her split this into 3 smaller meetings once per week, so that 2 or 3 team members meet with her at a time (more people on the floor to take calls). It spread her thin- before they laid her off of course. After they enacted the OT a week or so into it one of the upper management people sent us all an email telling us we basically weren’t doing good enough because our collections numbers weren’t high enough.. KNOWING we’re under staffed, she still emailed that. Come on.
So ya know what? My fiance and friends have encouraged me to just move on. This company isn’t what it was when I started a year ago, and idk if it’s legit just due to covid or if this WFM/QA overseer that they hired near the end of 2020 is fully to blame. I hate hearing customers tell me day in day out about their family dying, about being homeless/evicted. I hate old ladies screaming at me because they can’t comprehend that WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC and the MAIL WILL BE LATE, so their damn paper checks need to be mailed out at least 2-3 weeks in advanced- OR THEY COULD JUST CALL AND PAY LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE. Tired of people insulting me and calling me names because THEY’RE late and THEY missed a payment and they can’t accept responsibility- because they think screaming at someone making a few bucks over min wage will do anyone any good or make their shitty credit score any better.
All this mandatory OT and my nice manager being fired has put a lot of stress on me, if the other crap wasn’t enough. We’re really financially stable in this household even if I did quit, even if I’d feel guilty af. And it could be months before I found another job as safe and well-paying as this one, but at least my mental health would recover.
So I have about a day of sick time and 80 hours of PTO. My plan is to hopefully schedule out all 80 hours, or at least 85% of my PTO if I can, then when I come back to put in a 1 week notice. By then the new agents will be in full swing. I can get the money from the PTO I earned at this shit collections job and then try and move on to bigger and better things. And in the mean time while looking, I can work on art/writing and I can also possibly get a new car with all the money we’ve saved up. My mama and granny might end up disapproving and judge me but 2020 was such a shit year and I’m tired of this. I feel like this job is taking advantage of us and legit just doesn’t give a crap about their employees.
Okay! Well that’s outta my system! Bleck
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2womenforme · 4 years
leaders should have a decent foundation in for 90% ish then do others things from there even the god players politicians and rich brake the basics of most bibles in the world so the world is and always been broken = if a car or anything is 3/4 messed up it is shit and the world is 3/4 poverty wage slave wage and always has been and so it is shit cause it acts shit to most actions speak louder then words insulted your teachers and book writers not u so much those writers left out the best of the basics and they do not chat about otherside play influence being a big part of the problem and even the bibles talk about otherside soul side play as god devil demon angels soul spirit ghost , and we need to admit it and communicate and work together this and otherside cause this and otherside is broken the way they do it all of human history leaving most in poverty wage slave wage - bernie s calls it s starvation wage for yrs this was used as a contest to try to win one way or another and run the world that way and yet most are still left without an ok life , and they play games and basics common sense fairness for all plant animal and human won since the beginning of time yet they= lame leaders out of control still running it with the greedy liar con job cheat immoral inhumane killing the planet and human race way too much ways We’re done. But before I go, let me recommend your read some Mises, Bestiat, Rothbard, and Spooner. Peace. Now you’re insulting me well u must have been taught by lame professors or read lame books that leave out the basics of common sense and decency for alll plant animal and human Why can’t it be that high? u just got rediculous on min wages and it makes my point of how rediculous the rich are taking that much and more for self not u going to insane extremes like the rich have done for self as those rich amounts per hr for self and more and yet will not stop selves from so greedy they are stealing and refuse to let people make living wage and up each yr with the cost of living low wages do not go up much or often and not as much as cost of living so most are repeatedly in slave wages and it getting worse for 70 yr in usa most yrs they do not do it volentary it is this job or u get nothing and homeless and starve etc , if they had a choice no one would take slave wages they would take better pay jobs Sure, why don’t we make is $100 an hour? Why not $1,000,000? it is a save wage anything under 16 hr in usa and england in cheap areas and min wage needs to be more in med areas and stil again more in high priced areas Pressured by circumstance, probably, but not coerced by anyone it is big time u are not getting the big pic of violation of most on the planet s take slave wage or u get nothing= criminal treatment of most on the plenet If someone voluntarily takes the job in spite of the low wage, they do so voluntarily If no one takes the job, the wage will be raised There’s no such thing as a slave wage Still not a violation. having a poverty wage slave wage is slavery is immoral inhumane criminal abuse etc etc violating many people yes the system does cause it is do this job or u get nothing far to often Again, no violation of consent Nobody forces them to work below their worth. it violates most cause it does not pay the poverty wage people more 1st and it adds to raises prices and cost of living to much and too often , and greed does not care for the planet =killing the planet is killing the human race the people under 20 hr do most of the work of the world so they are important so should be the ones to get paid more not far above average keep stealing more n more of what is availble in the world = hoarders = rich people it is a crime of stealing and a sckness like a drug addicta Greedy is bad for different reasons, but it doesn’t violate anyone. Being greedy is not a “form” of stealing god players have not delt with this issue even though it is touched on breifly in most bibles being greedy is a form of stealing taking more then their turn share taking more then they need deserve or truely earned taking part of many people s turn and share and colleges high schools did not teach these basics but politicians rich do not want us to know this cause then they can not be greedy We don’t need greedy warmongering governments to protect us from greedy warmongers. books and college professors left out many parts of basics and so the world is and always been screwed up for most by the greedys and warmongers dragging the rest into their ways that is mostly for and about them the memememe people Only if you’re stealing being greedy is violating most other people consent Violating consent is going too far the greedy will claim any conditions are immoral to try and get away with being greedy going too far would be a touch of immorality but doing good job is not immoral to protect morality and humanity and environment So, we need to be immoral to protect morality. That doesn’t make sense to me. many ideas man ideas sound good and free and pure but the greedys corrupt it so conditions to maintain morality and humanity and care for environment are always needed but rarely added so even democracy is corrupted by greedys even free market would not truely be free cause the greedy would corrupt it and claim it is free and best for all cause they lie cheat and con in all of human history morality without conditions for marality humanity the greedys always get out of control and have been in all of human history If the market isn’t free, it’s forced. Do you believe consent should be violated? the idea of free market is good with conditions to be decent humane moral to most but the rich are not doing 10 times more hrs nor 10 times more better or more important work so they should not be allowed over 10 times more then any min wages and we can replace all rich with 2 40 hr a week people for lots good work and use the old rich wages to pay the poverty wage wage people better My observations have been that free markets are the only ones that aren’t “shit.” But when a third party forcibly intervenes (gangs, governments, etc.), that’s when markets go bad. and that all can not happen unless they do better schooling about it a god play politicians and rich people grow up and help so any attempts at free market are so far and would be shit also unless most are doing ok with ok decent min wage and up each year with the cost of living and true equal rights from childhood economics has always been shit in the world cause most are in poverty wage slave wage all of human history and if u where being smart ass we can both make up smart ass shit u can show me how much u know and i can act like trump and make shit up and lie 🤣 1 ok go for it How about agorism and Austrian economics? 😁
this is a conversation with vera meirmer on mewe from bottom to top = it recorded=copied that way
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transwrongs · 4 years
yeah i need to leave my job asap. it’s not the WORST job i’ve had but it definitely has its downsides that i can’t take anymore
i seem to be one of the only people on our team of like 8 who understands the health code and actually cares about following it thoroughly. my efforts to keep the place clean/organised has fallen thru so many times.
i get paid $14.25/hr (which is min wage in LA and can barely keep me afloat) for basically an shift lead/assistant manager position because it’s a very small family owned business. and i GET why the owners can only afford min wage employees and one manager on salary(their daughter). especially bc of the pandemic hitting their business pretty hard (disconnecting postmates took a lot of business too but they started taking like 33% commission which was just way too much) and they opened a second location march 2020 right before we went into lockdown which really fucked them up a bit.
but it doesn’t really matter their reasonings. i cannot afford to keep working 25 hour weeks when my rent is $900 a month. i’ve essentially dropped out of school until this sit clears up and i can go back to going on campus bc my brain will not let me do online school. and having “so much” free time to myself doing nothing but thinking about how shit my life is isn’t good for me. i need a stable/well paying job at the VERY fucking least. i can’t keep doing this. i cant.
i’m also not out to anyone at my job bc when i started i was about to be homeless and i sacrificed my sanity in order to get any job i could so That Wouldn’t Happen. i’ve been here for about a year now and i don’t know how much longer i can take.
it’s literally affecting my mental health(and physical) feeling responsible for so much. i have top surgery that i force myself to not think about bc i know it’s something i cannot financially get thru in the near future. i need a car to get a drivers license. i need a drivers license to get a car. but it doesn’t even fucking matter bc i cant even afford to save up for a car with the pennies i have leftover after paying my rent. i close more than anyone here which automatically means i do more work than anyone else. on top of that i actually clean shit and follow the health code so i’m doing more work on top of the half assed shit everyone else does during closing shifts. and i cannot just.. Not follow the health code or that would weigh on my conscience too. it’s too fucking much. living is way too much fucking pressure and i am barely hanging on by my fucking fingernails
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gaspdl-blog · 5 years
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ok hi im late to the partay mostly bc my shit wasnt together but now it is!!! so hi im kenny, im 21, in the cst & i prefer she/her pronouns. this is my tragic texas baby boy jamie!!! he’s basically the product of me stress watching breaking bad and becoming v interested in fall from grace tropes lol. but there’s a bunch of details about him under the cut if you want to learn more about the vipers’ mechanic, otherwise tldr;; like this and i’ll hit you up to plot !!
﹄MIN YOONGI, CISMALE, HE/HIM, TWENTY-FOUR ﹃  a new car has been dispatched in search of JAMIE KIM. he is known for being a MECHANIC for the VIPERS, for about six months now. he has proven to be resourceful and quick-witted, but also reclusive and arrogant, please proceed with caution.
more in-depth bio of me rambling here, please for the love of g*d dont read it
the gist ---- tiny bi chaos gay got a lucky shot out of the deadend future of running his family’s auto shop in texas via a full ride to ucla. mechanical engineering was the route he was set up on, + a stable friend group + a boyfriend, but he got hit with a big wave of depression and things spiraled downward from there. he walked in on his boyfriend cheating on him with his best friend a week before finals, failed all his exams, failed out of college, the ex kicked him out and he ended up on the street for a long while.
eventually, bc irony is so, so cruel, he ended up working in an auto-shop wondering how the fuck, after all that, he was going to end up just like his father. jamie was sleeping in the backseats of cars saving up that tiny min wage paycheck to eventually get his own place. he lucked out, though. jamie had done work for the right person, and got a cryptic phone call offering him a job that he took without a second thought - he’s been the vipers’ mechanic ever since.
he’s quiet, southern, a smart ass. jamie thinks he knows more than anyone about cars, which sometimes he does. he’s mostly motivated by the fear that he’ll end up on the streets again, and fullass refuses to put trust in people or spend any of his money until he feels sure that he won’t end up cold again.
random hcs;;
has a tiny bit of a texas accent but it only comes out when he’s angry or really happy.
part time JOBS - he used to work as a night guard at a museum (mostly as insurance to have somewhere to stay if things fall apart again, he’s really scared of being on the streets a second time and it feels inevitable when hes mega anxious) he wont give up the job bc hes scared he’ll need it in a pinch so he volunteers two nights a month to guard for them for free
hasn’t talked to his family in a really long time
spends a lot of his day alone // if you cant find him he’s probably asleep on his skateboard under a car
old hands
gross and sweaty and covered in grease
cap sun cancer moon taurus rising
has a couple weird quirks he picked up when he was experiencing homelessness - wears a lot of layers, eats fast, scared of cold weather
definitely an asshole at times , if he feels like ur bein a meanie to him and making fun of him he’ll def go into arrogant piece of shit mode where he’ll try to make you feel stupid ,, mega yikes
he’s the kid asleep in the back of class that the teacher calls on to be like GOTCHAbut jamie says the right answer even though he was snoring 10 seconds ago
can’t flirt so if he likes you he’ll fix all your shit & try to take care of you
skeeeeny repair man smart boy typa shit
hes a human cigarette when he’s stressed which is most of the time
he’s a lil bit of a pacifist, so he doesn’t attend any of the fights. he knows speaking out against them would be stupid, so jamie keeps his mouth shut, but the violence sort of makes his skin crawl
he’s gotten meaner as the vipers have gotten more successful, he doesn’t let people fuck with him so he knows how to defend himself - he tries to inspire the intimidation and fear that would come with his reputation, but he thinks saying less is better and more effective (ie less scary).
playlist;; just his vibe kinda
001. I THINK – tyler the creator 002. baby boy – kevin abstract 003. this life – vampire weekend 004. the louvre – lorde 005. sunflower seeds – bryce vine 006. love$ick – a$ap rocky 007. waiting on the warmth – mormor 008. hold on – alabama shakes 009. cringe - stripped – matt maeson 010. empty – kevin abstract 011. o-o-h child – the five stairsteps 012. feel good inc – gorillaz 013. WEIGHT – brockhampton
wanted connections;;
a friend, pls give the kid a friend
someone outside the vipers who pays him to do work on their car
someone who rlly exposed him to something violent, ie jamie avoids them and prob freaks n thinks they’re the antichrist
the ex bf?? 
i’m open to anything!! it’s a lil tricky bc he’s a mcisolato but pls plot w me <3
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When did our country turn to shit?
Hi everyone
I am forewarning that I am on a rant today!
What is it with this country? Theresa May or should I say Tresemme? Is stating they can’t afford this countries public sector a pay rise, but don't worry she can fork out millions to the DUP, so she’s got her arse covered!
When those poor victims of Grenfell Tower were left homeless and grieving, members of our government and country saw it as a way to take advantage!!! British Red Cross tried stealing donations meant for those victims who've been left with nothing! The government have said that any funds or compensations the victims receive, will have a profound impact on their benefits. Hold the fuck on! Those people lost everything because our government believed it was more important for their building to look nice, rather than safe! They're the ones to blame for this incident and the victims are being punished for it! For weeks, so many of those victims had to live in shelters and hostels because the government would not place them in surrounding homes, because they were luxury apartments! When did the value of a life being weighed by their monetary status??? A human life is a human life! In court, if a person takes another person’s life, they receive the longest sentence. It doesn't matter if the person killed is rich or poor, so why do the government believe that they can judge people like that?
Even businesses are disgusting me! Why even in the 21st century are women still being seen as second class citizens??? Companies are still paying men more than women! Even the BBC are to blame for this!
The government and media are using their power to manipulate people within society! Saying that Muslim people are terrorists! No, terrorists are terrorists! Islam is a peaceful religion, who believe Allah will punish them if they harm another person, so the next time you believe a Muslim person is a terrorist, think again! The media and government are making society believe that all our problems are caused by immigrants or people of other races! This isn’t the case! Most of the problems in this country are caused by the people born here, but the media mostly pin the problems on other cultures and religions as no one wants to blame the white English person. The government don't help by saying that they’re preventing immigrants into the country because of all the terrorist action! Well who do you think is putting immigrants up in the best houses in Britain and giving them benefits because they cant get a job here, as they don't speak the language. oh yes! The government! No wonder there’s over 6 million people in this country who are working and still living below the living wage!
Oh but don't worry! The governments paying for a lovely new train track and train that will knock what 10-20 mins off the journey between Edinburgh and London! Oh yeah, sorry I forgot that’s more important than paying those hard working citizens, who are trying to support their families, enough money to feed and clothe their families!
Seriously, what sort of world are we living in??? People see third world countries suffering from malnutrition and homelessness, but what no body mentions is that it is happening in our very own country! There are loads of homeless people living on the streets, but when the media investigates local councils, they admit that there’s only one of them in their town. It’s like schools saying that bullying doesn’t happen in their school. Just because you ignore it or act like it isn’t happening, doesn’t mean it isn't! If this was the case, why are there charities and organisations out there who are overwhelmed by the amount of people needing their help, through homeless shelters, food banks and soup kitchens?
And then those poor disabled people who are being made to be reassessed for their disability benefits as apparently too many people are on it. So they go through assessments and being told by medical assessors who aren’t necessarily qualified in the patients disability field, that they are well enough to go to work! and yet, so many people on jobseekers allowance who use their money for drink and drugs, aren't being stopped their money, when they're capable of working. Why is it always the weakest who are the hardest hit?
But then again, I’m learning that to get anywhere in life where you’ll earn a decent amount of money, you have to be an arsehole who would rather stomp on others to get up rather than help them up. Look at it this way, doctors, nurses, police and fire workers earn no where near the amount of money they deserve for the work they do. And so many of them are having to take out payday loans as they can’t afford their bills. When did being a medical professional be a job that someone could suffer poverty with? When I was a kid, medical professions were jobs everyone aspired for, because they were highly paid and respected. They save lives everyday! Those jobs should be paid more than anyone, especially as the value of a person’s life is worth more than anything. When did our world become so backwards?
I’m honestly scared of the life my children will have when they are older! I was always told that to get somewhere in life, you must be kind, respectful and hardworking! Tell me which people in the world who are like that, who are getting paid their value! I bet there’s not many, if any!
Rant over! I apologise to anyone I offended, but I’m a white British woman, who doesn't believe there should be double standards for anyone. How did our country end up like this? God help us! x
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peachazara · 3 years
bruh I used to work in Zara, and my manger fat shamed customers and talks down on homeless people. She has connections with HR and higher ups so she gets away with it and also verbally abuses workers. They hire people who have no experience in retail or are desperate for jobs because they know that they can abuse them. The more docile and moldable you are the more likely you are hired. The manager got promoted to HR lol...the place has the highest turn over because of they abuse and overwork people for min wage. If your scheduled for closing your not going to get your 8 hours (5 hours most) and there is no overtime pay even though people stay till midnight sometimes cleaning. Also the safety standards are shit......especially for cashiers that stick their hands in a drawer of pins for every clothing returned. I don’t get how that's not a safety hazard. All of the cashiers have injured their hands on a daily basis. HR is shit too, my coworker complained many times about health concerns and the manager picks and bully’s her because she reports to HR. HR just lies about doing anything and has their head in the ass of that one manager. 
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