#women freedom life
weemietime · 3 days
Y'all are stupid if you don't understand that the IRGC are directly responsible for a significant portion of current anti-Israel sentiment in the West. And their goal, in case you don't understand this, is to increase support for radical Islam.
The IRGC itself took over Iran and forced its citizens to adopt Islam, and it's so insidious that people to this day who cry about Israeli "colonialism" actively call Iran an Arab country.
I will give a shit about your Israeli "colonialism" when you give equal air space to Arab and Islamic imperialism and actual colonialism which is why Hamas openly says that their goal is to destroy Israel and replace it with yet another Arab and Islamic ethnostate.
People use the term ethnostate to apply to Israel when Israel is the single most diverse and liberal country in the Middle East while ignoring that every single Arab country around it is an ethnostate that rejects those who aren't Arab or Islamic.
I will give your arguments weight when you can point to a country in the Middle East other than Israel who have a 20% Jewish population with equal rights as the Arab citizens. I'll bring some popcorn and then starve to fucking death before you are able to do so.
The Houthis perpetrated a genocide of 200,000 people and the IRGC actively encourages Westoid idiots to make Tik Toks saying shit like "based Houthis," and then "I oppose genocide" lmfao, gooooooooo fuck yourselves.
Zero Jews in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. All Jews ethnically cleansed or murdered. Israel has a 20% Arab population with equal rights as its Jewish civilians but Israel is the ethnostate, and y'all don't even realize that this rhetoric you are spewing comes from an Islamic imperialist state who actively work to destroy Iranian and Persian culture.
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postalpundit · 1 year
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anyahita · 2 years
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Schoolgirls in Iran in protest against the regime sticking their middle fingers to Khomeini and Khamenei
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rosielindy · 1 month
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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Barbara Kruger, Untitled (flag), 2020,
Screenprint in colours on cotton, created for Artists Band Together, published by Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Sheet: 55 x 55 cm (unframed).
Courtesy: Roseberys
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svdaily · 8 months
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If you ever wondered if the pro-Palestine movement was a trend, look up the protests yesterday against the Taliban.
Oh wait, there were no protests.
The Taliban has essentially outlawed women’s existence. You cannot be heard at all, nor can any part of your skin be seen. This is actually more strict than Iran, where we saw the mass protests following the death of Mahsa Amini.
Mahsa Amini went viral on social media, so there were some protests for that. However, most protests overseas (not in Iran) had ended by spring of 2023. They didn’t end due to policy change in Iran. Women are still being persecuted there. It’s just no longer trendy to protest the Iranian government, even while the American government is helping fund the Ayatollah (and the Taliban, by the way).
We even saw the disqualification of an Olympic athlete for wearing a cape that said “Free Afghan Women”. I was hoping the movement might get started after that. I know the whole world saw her - surely this will be the start. How wrong I was.
It seems people only care when something goes viral on social media. Protests for change are only for viral movements.
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
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hadesoftheladies · 27 days
to my indian sisters, may you know your grief and anger are shared by many. may you create a more just world with your voices. you are the path toward a humane and fantastic future, you are the explorers and inventors our world desperately needs. your strength is the pride of the human race.
to my usa-american sisters, may you secure your rights and come together in a new and powerful way, pulling away from other divisions in order to come into your power and wrestle your country back from the self-destructive hands of men. to my native sisters especially, may your resilience in guarding the earth from the violence of men yield fruit. may your people roam their lands freely and without fear once again. may your daughters be rescued from the dim trucks of the military ghouls of a society merely pretending at civilization.
to my afghani sisters, may the world, sun and sky, once again see your beautiful faces. may your voices run as free, wild and far as the wind again in song.
to my sisters in iran, may you you once again dance without fear as boldly as the fire. may the evil world of men around you burn and may your daughters and mothers kick up its ashes. women. life. freedom.
to my south korean sisters, you are fiercer than anyone could have ever imagined, a beacon of hope to women everywhere. you have inspired a generation of women to reclaim what is rightfully theirs and there is no reward we could give that would ever measure up to that gift. i will do my best to follow your lead into freedom.
to my sisters in congo, no one knows the pain you have endured and no one can fathom it. i will keep my ear out for your weeping and your crying. i will not turn my face from you. i will see you.
to my sisters in sudan, you have done your best to bear more than can be humanly possible. i cannot comprehend the volume of your suffering. i cannot fathom it. but i refuse to forget you. i ache for you. may your stomachs once again be full and your bodies free of the pain of hunger. may you find shelter from the desert and the wild men that roam it.
to my tigrayan sisters, you should never have had to suffer for the hatred and greed in men's hearts. may your world be once again filled with friends instead of enemies.
to my sisters trapped and corralled in deutschland, may you break out from the display windows and trafficking pens. may your body find rest and comfort. may you find home and love. may you go to bed at night and fear nothing. may the district one day go completely dark.
to my sisters in palestine, may you see the day you rebuild what had been utterly destroyed. may your every need be met and your grief validated. may your anguish be taken from you. may abundance surround you and may there be laughter once again in your homes.
to the immigrant women, the working class women, the mothers, the schoolgirls, the women in cities and countries facing rising rates of femicide and assault, the victims of cyber-bullying . . .
there are so many of us, suffering at the hands of incessant male violence. no matter the age, income, or ethnicity. no matter the location. it is everywhere. and so i grieve with all of you, i am angry on all your behalf, i hope for all of us. and i will do what i can to let you know you are not alone in the world. we are here, all of us, together.
may we all be free.
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radfemverity · 15 days
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“Not all men” you cry, as all the rest who aren’t the legislators, soldiers and politicians sit back and watch. Whether it be in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan where women have quite literally lost their right to speak in public, India with a sexual and domestic violence epidemic almost unheard of, Iran where women are murdered by police for removing their veil, the United States where women’s reproductive rights have been lost, South Korea with their spycam epidemic, France where a woman’s husband invited round dozens of men who lived locally to rape her as she lay unconscious, Iraq seeking to decriminalise marrying young girls, or how literally anywhere in the world you can access footage of women being sexually abused on page 1 of the biggest porn sites and google images with the simple click of a mouse.
“Not all men are violent oppressors” the rest sit back and watch. Immediately after telling us that they are our natural protectors, best equipped to defend us against hostile forces, men sit back and watch, or even cheer, as those oppressors roll into town.
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
Today marks one year anniversary of 2022 Iranian uprising against the oppressive Islamic Republic regime. An uprising that started with the brutal murder of a young kurd woman, Mahsa Jina Amini, for "inappropriate hijab".
For the past couple of weeks, the regime has prepared their forces to beat down any new movement immediately. The streets of Tehran and many other cities are lined with anti riot forces and police cars. In Saqez, the home city of Amini family, they've stationed the army around the city to massacre people in case they try to start another wave of protest. Mahsa's father has been arrested alongside some family members of other last year uprising martyrs.
There has been small protesting gatherings in Iran in the last two days, there has already been some arrests and violent crackdowns on protesters. I hear people chanting from my neighborhood homes. The government would commit as many bloodbaths as it takes to secure their position, but you can't beat people into obedience when they hate you from the bottom of their hearts.
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Woman life freedom
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anyahita · 2 months
If your feminism doesn't include Iranian and Afghan women, then you're not a feminist.
If your feminism doesn't include women suffering in highly patriarchial societies, then you're not a feminist.
If your feminism doesn't include honour killing victims, then you're not a feminist.
If your feminism doesn't include women suffering at the hands of a zealot religious ideology, then you're not a feminist.
If you support women who want to wear the hijab, but don't support women who don't want to wear it, then you're a morally corrupted person.
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she-is-ovarit · 24 days
For those of you who haven't heard, Afghanistan passed a new "Law on the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice," which places even more restrictions on women.
Under Taliban rule, women and girls are now required to fully cover their heads and bodies and their voices are forbidden in public.
Women and girls are legally forbidden from speaking in public.
They're also prohibited from interacting with non-Muslims, using public transportation by themselves, and looking at any man they either aren't married to or aren't related to.
Child marriage of girls also still continues in Afghanistan, and women and girls still have no right to education.
Seriously, please help spread information about what's happening to women in both Afghanistan and Iran. Women, Life, Freedom.
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rosielindy · 1 month
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I am permanently stepping back from all delusional people (mostly extended family) in my life. I don’t want to debate with them, my energy is better spent elsewhere.
From this point forward I will counter anyone who makes a statement about this traitor’s great character, especially when it’s based on staged events any fool could see are for photo ops only. No way to polish this turd, nope not having it. 💩💩💩💩
OMG, I’m really disappointed with some of the folks, I never wanted to believe they were this stupid. I refuse to pretend it’s ok. Not a matter of politics at this point, it’s a chasm between polar opposite personal values and worldviews.
Time to unleash and amplify the energy from the dawning of the age of Aquarius. It’s real, y’all.
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womenaremypriority · 2 months
Varisheh Moradi
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Nasim Gholami Simiyari
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Pakhshan Azizi
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Sharifeh Mohammadi
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All 4 of these women are real human beings who are at serious risk of being killed for their activism and opinions. The last two have already been sentenced to death while the other two await trail. I feel so hopeless, but I can at least share their names, faces, and stories. I recommend clicking on the link to read their specific situation.
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zahrabasiri · 2 years
Could I ask you guys to do a favour for me? I don't know if you've heard it or not but there is some news going on that our protests have succeeded and morality police has been shut down. This is a half truth. And half-truths are worse than lies. Let me explain.
While it's true that it has been "shut down" (at least in theory) it's nothing to celebrate about. As it's just a strategy to calm the people (the gullible ones at least) and show themselves as good people to the outside world. As soon as they feel the protests are dying down they will bring it back tenfold.
Hijab is still a law in the constitution. You will still not be serviced anywhere if you're not a hijabi. there are still polices and extremists who will crackdown and arrest women who are not wearing their hijab. So just because the morality police is disbanded doesn't mean that there is a freedom to choose at all.
Furthermore, simply the shutdown of the morality police is NOT the Iranian people's goal In these protests. We don't just want the morality police gone. We want THE ENTIRE REGIME gone.
So I want you guys to once again be our voices and let everyone know that this war is still not done, and ask them to not turn their attention away from us. I will now copy and paste the text you will need to tweet (or you can use your own words) and the organizations you need to tag. Remember the hashtag #mahsa amini as well.
*Some international news sites are talking about the Iranian people winning the revolution because the morality police has stopped working. The work of morality police has not been stopped and only its name has been changed*
*This is a PR move by the regime to quiet the upcoming nationwide protests. After 3 months of violence, rape, imprisonment & murder of protesters, it’s too little too late. This uprising is no longer just about draconian dress codes. The Iranian people want democracy.*
@wolfblitzer @ABaerbock @CNNPolitics @CNN @cnnbrk @CNBC @Europarl_EN
Please do not turn your attention away from us. Do not allow them to slaughter us in silence.
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