#without a tank
clanoffelidae · 5 months
How to politely ask my group’s cleric to stop trying to play dps with her spells slots and to save them for healing because everyone else in our party is dps and I, the paladin, am currently having to play tank, healer (for myself mostly, shock and awe), and try to get some melee dps in on the side and it would be a lot less stressful if I knew I could count on her to get me back up after getting downed but I cannot
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
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Even CNN is reporting the truth more now. But if you are held without being charged, you aren’t a prisoner, you’ve been kidnapped and are a HOSTAGE. And human rights organizations have said that the other 50%, who were charged, were mainly charged with throwing rocks, and that even most of that was made up.
For all the pro israel who came to my posts of Palestinian children celebrating their freedom, calling them terrorists and criminals. Israel is an occupation state, they don't need a reason to arrest you as long as you're Palestinian.
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saeiken · 4 months
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pinetreevillain · 27 days
I think in HLVRAI2 Dr Coomer should be a woman
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ultrapeptoposting · 8 months
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one-squash-one-end · 5 months
the only thing six of crows is missing, in my humble opinion, is bycicles
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llittletingoddess · 5 months
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A snack
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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a comic about a love story between two girls who only have each other, and take a chance on it.
Buy “Soliloquy Down To Three”, an anthology of blood stained sapphic comics (including this one) here.
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tastycitrus · 10 months
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cassandra cain in batman #137 be like
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bruhstation · 8 months
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a few days ago, I revived my years old hyperfixation. so what better way to keep it in memory than to make an AU based on it with my current special interest <-- has happened several times before
I present to you all: ttte atla AU! set in an era (or rather alternate universe) where the hundred year war didn't happen, the air nomads are still around, and the main conflict -- though it still came from the same source which is the fire nation -- is different now; which is a crazed nonbender scientist from the fire nation with a strong dislike for bending arts and having his own army of technology-boosted soldiers
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artemismoorea03 · 8 months
DP x DC (Or Marvel) Prompt: Pirate of the Underworld
(Again, this can work for either and I have no issues people changing up which Fandom they use because they're both good)
Youngblood was a great kid and that would never change. That being said he was a Ghost kid with a huge imagination and because he was a kid a lot of ghosts would play with him. Not normally a problem until Youngblood, Ember, Skulker, Kitty and Johnny decided to 'play' together in an alternate dimension after going through a natural portal!
But there they were,continuing to play and raise hell for a dimension who had little to no experience with the Ghost Zone. Thankfully, Danny had plenty of experience dealing with all of them, and while he wasn't used to it being so public he wasn't about to let the five (six counting Youngbloods bird-thing) torment this new dimension.
Now if only the heroes from this dimension would stop trying to interfere.
The last thing Bruce expected to see in the Gotham Harbor was a massive glowing pirate ship that seemed to rise up out of the ocean itself before sitting in shore. He also didn't expect flying figure's to start taking 'treasures' from all throughout the city. Gold, jewels, people, anything they could get their hands on.
His city was in trouble, that's all he knew and he wasn't going to stand for it.
Now if only this weird white haired meta would stop trying to interfere and let him and his team do their jobs.
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brittandbiscuits · 3 months
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Inked and colored version of this doodle here 🐻💚
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seraphicalsuccubus · 2 months
well. it’s officially ‘I like your tats’ weather. aka the bane of every tattooed girl’s existence 🙃
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Give Danny a nemesis who’s just a dude with no ghost theme, they just saw that the town had a superhero now and they are ecstatic to live out their supervillain fantasy, they don’t care about all the spooky stuff, they just wanna kidnap the mayor with a disintegrator ray and demand ransom in the form of cartoonishly large jewels
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ccarrot · 7 months
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y'know i'm with dazai here. if i were him there is nothing intimidating about chuuya.
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soup-scope · 1 year
i hc darlin to just be so horrifically awkward to the point that people think they’re standoffish and threatening but in reality one too many jokes didn’t land at pack get-togethers and darlin vowed to never speak again 😭😭
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