#wishi stylist
veilantares · 2 years
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Chimera Gaze
If looks could strike, then every face, would glare a vipers gaze, three parts as one, the knight peers on, they live on as they endure, unfazed
Something from the very brief window where I was doing lineart again in between experiments for the more abstract and unrestrained combination that would become signature style this year. I think at the time I was a but wishy washy on whether these where people wearing strange suits (the proportions being stylistic exaggeration), or if the way they appear are how they naturally are. 
The ambiguity is pretty fun to play around with, though its nice to see everyones different interpretations of what they could be. I really like when this kind of thing keeps people guessing on the intent. I would be inclined to say most, if not all my pieces fit this ultra specific style, Metal Masked Machines, knights of flesh and metal, organized chaos ... it is hopefully more “itself” than anything else
There is of course a rationale  behind some of the design, I used to have a big old blurb explaining potential worlds these would fit in back when I was sharing them on reddit. Nowadays I’m more selective on some elements of what I share about the background and themes for the designs - those used to be fun worldbuilding but sometimes it adds an element of concreteness that makes the design... ah well - thats always something I can return to in a new form eventually, I’m sure!
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joy-crimes · 1 year
Weird question, but remember that ask which asked you the craziest hairstyle you ever had? Well, when you went to the stylist or hair salon, what did you ask for for that hairstyle?
it was weird cuz i've gone to so many stylists over the years and they ALWAYS have gotten wishy-washy when they realize what I'm asking them for???? So you gotta be ADAMANT. be like. "Super short in the back", super long in the front, flat cut bangs" or they WILL probably try to avoid giving u the hairstyle you want. if all else fails just be like "do like a ramona flowers haircut but with a more extreme length difference" and obviously like. it helps to have pics to back that up.
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papirouge · 2 years
Prayer circle ladies 🙏 that the balenciaga scandal wakes more people up to the world of pedophilia in fashion. Often they are higher up gay males in power with an agenda that hate women so they enforce rules to make women look as masculine/deformed for their fetish. They love to force straight men into gay shoots or gay sex (like the casting couch in hollywood) for their enjoyment too and these males are pedos into bdsm on children!! Obviously shown from that Balenciaga shoot with kids being surrounded by pedo propaganda. I want more women to burn these stores and brands down. I hope we do. We need to revive and support jobs of local seamstresses so they don’t have to work at these corrupt companies and protect anyone thinking modern fashion is a safe space. It never was
Unfortunately, nothing will change. Only normal people/normies are outraged about this, but fashion people know that in a few weeks everything will get back to normal....
Balenciaga eventually issued an apology
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As a fashion graduate, I keep an eye on the fashion industry and groomers have never been remotely threatened by these scandals. And they've been MANY (Alexander Wang, Richardson, Bruce Weber, etc...). As soon as they are in a position of power, men (for the most part) abuse models. But since they aren't as mainstream as Balenciaga, normies stay unaware of that. Right now as stylist called Nusi Quero is getting exposed for sexually abusing models, licking & flashing them (without consent obviously), spitting on their mouth, and making them wear tights soaked with cat urine???
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(btw side eye ing Diet Prada BIG TIME for being so wishy washy in calling out Balenciaga and being surprisingly factual on this one🤔 Weirdly enough, they went harder against Kim Kardashian (so did Candace Owens, probably to whiteknight her newfound bestie Kanye) when homegirl is nothing but a pawn but hey, she's an easier -and more visible- target than those pedo scrote hiding behind curtains... ) They usually aren't that much cautious when it comes to call out other (less known) designers for copying/stealing design, but I guess they can't go after Balenciaga like that since they probably line their pocket🤡 Like, I already knew they were sold out, but it's embarrassing how they aren't hiding anymore lol)
Oh and this predatory behavior doesn't only happens in high fashion, Abercombie OG Creative Director was known to be a creep (and OH SURPRISE! Bruce Weber photographed their campaign 🤡 I recommend you the documentary "White Hot" to understand the extent of the controversial legacy of this brand
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Back to Balenciaga: there's a twitter thread exposing one of the creative of the brand's weird Instagram posts. If you're familiar with Pizzagate, you'll immediately understand there's a hole rabbit nest under this trash.
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I wouldn't be surprised if internet sleuth find some other evidence of the utter degeneracy of this industry. But it's important to understand that like Pizzagate, it's not just individual, but a whole network. I'm absolutely not surprised to see Marc Jacobs commenting on her post and she mingling with Gosha Rubchinski...
Oh and while we're at it, I'd like to explain to the idiots thinking this
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is a "clever" clap back, that it's not.
Regardless what delusional Conservatives think, PEOPLE (not company) are absolutely entitled to not buy products based on whatever reason. That's not "cancel culture" in and of itself. This always existed as a leverage for citizens to express themselves - that's the whole point of boycotting (were the civil rights movement "cancel culture" too?🤔) and I'm FRICKIN TIRED of idiots using this word for literally EVERYTHING. Actually, the same conservatives are actually those who called to boycott Gilette and Nike BECAUSE they didn't appreciate the statements these brands did. So how any of that any less "woke" than liberals refusing to give their money to a republican brand?
Banks...do not close the account of people whenever they get in legal trouble. This talking point I've seen many Kanye simp/Conservatives pull out is retarded. Kanye didn't get his bank account closed: the IRS froze his account over TAX EVASION. Actually Balenciaga has yet to be condemned about anything. Plus, there's also the issue of them using 3rd party for the shooting which makes harder to identify an actual individual responsible for this. Expecting banks to close the bank account of company because they got under public heat is PEAK cancel culture, so Conservatives should live up to their own standards and shut it down.
I want the fashion industry to be destroyed as much as the next sane person, but that's not the way to go. Weaponized such a serious issue for silly political catfights while spouting misinformation is NOT helping. We need to bring awareness about the network of people pushing a very specific agenda (and guess what? That's not Kim Kardashian). All of this overrides political parties and I'm SICK of seeing people using this very serious issue to shoehorn their personal grievances against Liberals. Disgraceful and Wrong.
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Today is the birthday of my main man, Charles M. “Sparky” Schulz. We know Schulz best as the creator of Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Linus and Lucy. We know these characters for our own reasons. Maybe there was a stuffed doll. Maybe you caught the classic tv specials that had really great jazz tunes and brooding shakedowns on the bittersweetness of the holiday seasons. But some of you may wonder why I am so militantly committed to the whole Peanuts crew as an adult, given that in the age of the internet all Peanuts stuff that is televised or commercialized may seem reducible to a blasphemous cliche. All I can say is this: jam with or against the specials if you want—Snoopy has your back either way—but my zealotry is tied almost entirely to the original sacred scriptures of modern American cartooning, AKA the actual daily comic strips that appeared in newspapers worldwide. (Those strips can be bought through the various Complete Peanuts volumes put out by Fantagraphics, and I would say that the essential years for me are basically 1955 to 1970. Start in that era, or maybe if you want to mainline the Greatest Hits, a cool volume called Celebrating Peanuts: 65 Years ties the whole room together.) Issue is the toys and merchandise make you think Peanuts content is capitalist baby stuff, then the specials make you think the style is some 8/10 slow burn sadness. SOS: the original Peanuts comics are substantial suburban existential post-Beatnik angst as sliced up through wrenching Kierkegaardian sensitivity, and stylistically the golden era strips are snappy and inspiring in their Zen pop precision. Truth is, being funny every single day of your life with a complex cast of characters is hard work when you’re dealing with the depressing upheavals of the second half of the 20th century, and for real people: Charles Schulz is the ultimate G for airing out his neuroses in public for so long in such an honest and trackable way. And I just want to say, for most of my 20s I was wishy-washy Charlie Brown, but due to recent events I’m going to try and keep it pretty Linus in my 30s. Any objections? Thanks Schulz, you was a real one.
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ecsundance · 8 months
Festival Summary
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During the first two weeks of on campus classes I concluded that assigning a definition to the word "indie" relying on factors like funding, inclusion of larger companies (or the separation from these companies), and style, was often wishy washy. In some cases economic funding from a larger company would immediately exclude a film from being considered "indie", while in other cases people would gladly assign it that wonderful title no matter who provided funding (it is so coveted to be considered indie, because if you're indie you're the good guy!) The same thing goes for stylistic choices. There is no specific formal element that will place a film in the category of "indie".
One of the main viewing strategies provided by Michael Z. Newman in Indie: An American Film Culture is, if in doubt read as anti Hollywood. This resonates to some degree after seeing the films at Sundance. There are a few stand out films that subvert the idea of a traditional narrative film. A traditional film being an introduction, middle, climax, and conclusion. Eno (2024) for example, uses a program to put into sequence pre-existing edited material with the possibility for 51 quintillion different films. To my knowledge there has never been a film created with a similar assembling technique. It is the first of its kind to completely change the idea of film assembly, and considering the subject of the film, Brain Eno who believes artwork should be living, the methodology serves the film well. While there were many other films that also contend with the idea of narrative normalcy, the answer of whether they are "indie" or not will be contested by many. It becomes difficult to objectively decide what should be considered "indie" or not, and it generally relies upon the judgment of the individual.
In regards to an organization like Sundance, the idea of what they have cultivated as "indie" shows glimpses of its face. In particular, the reoccurring directors that come back year after year seem to be a staple of Sundance. Additionally, Sundance incorporates directors into labs ran by the institution itself to provide the necessary support to create the films they believe to be a good fit for their festival. These programs are not unique to Sundance as many major festivals, such as the New Orleans Film Festival, also provide supportive services to filmmakers they wish to provide a platform for. These supportive services only provide an insight into the concept of "indie" for very specific microcosms located throughout the country. Ultimately the concept of "indie" will change over time for each of these organizations. Their festival brand changes, so the films they show will change, resulting in a new concept of "indie" they are looking for.
List of Films
Feature Films:
The Greatest Night in Pop - An intimate look into one of the most recognizable pop songs in existence. Bob Dylan.
Freaky Tales - A very fun movie with a mix of different formal genre elements to keep things freaky.
A Different Man - I don't get why he stabbed that guy, but sure I guess.
As We Speak - If you like rap music you should watch this. Incorporates interesting history and scientific studies that leaves you thinking.
Didi - It's like Mid90s (2018) but its not! A very fun and emotional film that tackles identity and relationships.
Never Look Away - A very challenging film with a very difficult to understand main subject in Margaret Moth.
Kidnapping Inc. - Haitian urban odyssey that tracks two morons on their search for their own humanity.
A New Kind of Wilderness - I'm not crying, you're crying.
Realm of Satan - Did she just.... did she just breastfeed that goat?
Ibelin - Sometimes those internet friends can be the best relationships in the world!
New Frontier / Indie Episodic :
Eno - The way this film is assembled fits perfectly for the its subject, Brian Eno.
LOLLA: THE STORY OF LOLLAPALOOZA - Nine Inch Nails rules, and so does this show.
The Rainbow Bridge - Chaotic and funny in all regards!
SHE (SNAKE) - Utilizes and interesting mix of stop motion that makes the already disturbing film even more strange.
The Bleacher - What was that dolphin doing to the sock? Was he? No.... He wouldn't...
Bold Eagle - The artistic value of this film became ever so clear to me once the dudes butthole said, "I love you."
Dream Creep - A very interesting idea executed in one room. The meat thermometer doesn't belong there!
First Time Film Makers @ The Box - Very informative talk about the importance of trusting the people around you and incorporating your personal experiences (to some degree) into film!
(Forgot the title of the talk) @ The Macro Lounge - This was a talk with a bunch of people from Africa who were discussing the importance of social networks. The film industry isn't as strong in Africa so a few choice people have begun to build it up together!
Ben Wilson
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thewishi · 5 years
Update your Style Expertise
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Selecting the gender(s) and body type(s) of the kind of client(s) you prefer to style will determine the choices that show up under What is Your Expertise? If you chose all gender types, options for Male and Female will appear. And if you only chose one, only one gender will appear. Make sure you only choose the ones that you are 100% confident in styling! Your selections will help compatible clients match up with you, so picking more isn't completely necessary.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
A list of all the things THAT HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED that they/Meghan did behind the BRf's back...as an own-goal...which created friction and made them distrust her -
1. The Vanity fair issue in 2017 (she told them it was to celebrate 100th episode of suits)
2. The love-shield statement by Harry (against Jason Knoufs advice, while Charles was on tour. Seems she wanted Harry to legitimize their relationship even after the VF article)
3. The Vogue UK issue in Sept 2019 (kept a secret for about 8 months)
4. The smart works capsule collection.
5. Promoting Misha nonoos label as part of smart works.
6. The dinky Jen Meyer jewellery merching (which BRF publicly put a stop to in late 2019, around US open)
7. The Elephant documentary. (Going to Lion King with Harry to meet Beyonce. Skipping the Deal memorial for the premier.)
8. Getting permission from queen to do an Invictus documentary but later changing that and doing mental health apple doc with Oprah. (And bashing queen and Charles in it for the 'genetic pain' inflicted upon him.
9. Treating the Aus tour as a vacation and thinking everyone was jealous of her. Taking Messica on the tour as part of emotional support group/stylist. (Gifting Messica a Range Rover as payment is not officially confirmed. Existing articles about it are a but wishy washy)
10. Wanting to release Bench with Vogue UK in 2019 to promote herself in the US market.
11. Collaborating on Finding Freedom (court records show she instructed Jason K to provide material to the authors).
12. Megxit. Planning on the US/Hollywood based career since 2018 and having a Us media team (and keeping them.a secret from her palace staff).
13. Using the Queen, Palace, titles as threat or coersion when something did not go her way (and possibly grabbing deals using those titles).
14. Cutting Harry off from his friends as early as the engagement ( 2017)
15. Secret engagement in early 2017 without the queens permission or informing her (and then waiting for her to get back from Balmoral to ask her permission).
(Remember the Botswana elephant pic with Harry? I suspect that's when they got engaged and she put that pic on her IG as a tease/"sweet nod")
16. Moving in with Harry way back in 2017 (and possibly living in with him for a good year and a half before marriage)
(I suspect that she arranged the VF interview and shoot in London as a flex and to show-off).
17. Hating Nott Cott for being too small and non-glamorous. Then planning to move out or get a fancy place (they leased a cottage in Coltswold)
18. Wearing merch jewellery (the HnM initial jewellery even though Jason K explicitly told her not to draw attention)
20. Deliberately excluding her Dad from the wedding and giving flimsy excuses to the BRF as to why meeting him in Mexico would not be practical. (We always suspected that she did that against the BRFs wishes and pissed them off with those antics alone).
21. Cutting off Harry's friends and later his family by pissing them off, acting superior to them.
22. Deliberately love-bombing male journalists or men in power so they would write favorably about her or do as she wishes. While being abrasive towards female staff or women. ( VF journalist, Pierc Morgan, Scoby, Ed Enninful, Markus, Jason K, Prince Charles, David Foster, Craig Ferguson etc etc etc)
(Treated badly - Catherine, Camilla, Queen, Sophie, all the WAGs of Harry's friends, female staff, RPO, AKelly, UN women etc etc)
23. Trying to cut William and Catherine out Harry's life by saying they are jealous of her popularity.
24. Wearing the blood diamonds in Fiji and then again for Charles bday even though PC himself asked her not to)
25. Trying to open a shady foundation with the help of her US agents to dipost the earnings she makes from her royalling.
26. Being too gung-ho about projects, throwing a million ideas and then changing her mind constantly. Being a mean boss.
27. Competing with the Queen, Camilla and Catherine for popularity by deliberately releasing pics, projects, papwalks or articles about herself on their important days.
28. Demanding a separate salary as a working royal. (And asking for all her expenses to be paid by Charles).
29. Harry's asking to be involved in the working of duchy of Cornwall and expecting to be paid for it (and getting pissed that it wasn't possible)
30. Being jealous of Williams and George's position as future Kings, and being paranoid about become irrelevant as a brand in a few years. (Hence leveraging their royal titles for fame, adoration and money)
31. Trying to sabotage Charles because he wanted to slim down the monarchy for financial reasons.
32. Securing Netflix, Spotify, quibi in 2019 before megxit. Planning megxit and the drama to justify these deals.
33. Demanding a wedding more expensive than will and Kate. Expecting a bank holiday to be declared for her wedding. Not planning anything well (and so PC and BP staff had to step in to arrange basic things)
34. Asking the wedding choir for constant re-do (12 times, and then rejecting the final selection anyway).
35. Rejecting the queen and Charles attempts to reconcile her with her side of family.
40. Stood up Charles for his documentary at the last minute.
41. Inviting celebs for her wedding even though she had never met them.
42. Receiving freebies as a royal (so far confirmed is Soho Amsterdam getaway, Jen Meyer jewellery, things she promoted on SR ig, private jets from Rich celeb friends)
43. Demanding separate staff from the Cambridges and being salty for being put under the BP umbrella (they did not like the checks and rules and hid everything from BP)
44. Rejecting palace doctors and deliberately creating controversy with bump clutching for publicity (she was angry palace asked her to remain low-key and to stop patting her belly so much lol)
45. Going behind Williams back and love-bombing Charles. Going behin Charles' back and trying to cosy in with the queen. Insulting queens staff and bad mouthing them in interviews to undermine the queen in the public's eye.
46. Using the Diana template and trying to be Diana 2.0 as a branding strategy. And resorting to self-victimisation to become popular against the best of advice from her UK advisors.
47. Rejecting South Africa as a place they could move to after the palace arranged for the couple to spend their initial years there (this to you dermine Harry and emotionally manipulate him, I believe)
48. Reading everything about themselvesand then berating staff to correct opinions on Tumblr, LSA, YouTube etc. (Doxing bloggers who were critical of her)
49. Weaponizing her fandom, Sussex squad (they acknowledged a super sugar, Scoby frequently collaborates with them, they acknowledged fundraisers etc)
50. Being work-shy. And barging in on Harry's patronages for publicity. Dragging him away in the middle of conversations. Excessive PDA.
51. Oprah interview. And using that to push the racism angle, jealousy angle and suicide angle. (As a retaliation for taking away Harry's patronages)
52. The exorbitant NYC baby shower. Getting freebies from companies as gifts. Saying Serena comped for the shower when it was a publicity stunt and merching gig.
53. Lying to queen about Lily's name. And lying to public.
54. Blackmailing BRF for jubilee using the kids as a bargaining chip. (And then walking off in a huff when rejected)
Please note: These are the things that I believe the BRF got to know about or knew about. Things that are provable with actual reciepts. Proved either in articles over the years or various books published so far. I'm not including the things she "may" have done or rumours or hear-say.
Can I tell you what I consider to be the most heinous on the list? It's the merching. Her merching was completely against the BRF's financial code of conduct, never mind that fact that universally everyone would agree that a public servant who uses their office for personal profit is CORRUPT.
I am not diminishing the hurt that she caused her staff or even the Cambridges, but I simply cannot abide by people who abuse the public trust and not to mention misuse hard-earned tax payer money. Which is exactly what Meghan did. Every penny spent on her was to prop her up and only her.
My problem with Meghan has always been about her deception and her behavior and this incredible list by you is the proof.
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dame-c · 3 years
Preface: I am LOVING Leverage Redemption, and am really hoping for a season 2. Some of my Leverage Redemption thoughts, some transposed from Discord.
I felt it a bit more in 1B but I think other people noticed it in 1A. Kate Rorick as a showrunner gives the show a different feel. It is more comedic & over the top. This isn’t a bad thing, just different. There was a couple times it did bother me though. A few of their aliases were unbelievably over the top.
First 2 examples I can think of are Eliot as the bee keeper and Parker as the rich sister throwing a tantrum. Like they were both too over the top to be realistic. I winced cause I thought the mark might realize that Parker was playing a bit. I also felt that was about the scene where Hurley was “triggered”. OT3 Rant:
I'm over the confirm or deny part of the conversation. JR is not the showrunner and I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up from his tweets. And I was hoping IMDB wanted to be a groundbreaking, progressive network choosing LR as their flagship show, but that has not been the case.
I am super unhappy with how they are being wishy washy on how serious Eliot's relationship with Parker & Hardison is. I'm aromantic and in a queer platonic relationship. They are your qpp because you do have a strong emotional bond, you do open up to them, you commit to them, and they are your most important people. The way they are playing it, they are best friends/"family" of 10+ years not people in a committed, long term relationship, whether or not it's platonic, sexual, and/or romantic. But we have been mislead on the emotional intimacy of the OT3, the conversations about wanting someone to open up to and be genuine with. It's like he doesn't have ANY relationships that he can be that way with. It would be different if he said something like "besides you two" or "someone outside of our family" or just "a romantic partner". Those would allow for the emotional intimacy most of us shippers are looking for, even if some of them nix the idea of a romantic relationship between the 3.
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pixel-bloom · 3 years
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Ladybug: Holy shit Theo. You look--good. Like an actual person. But you didn’t need new clothes or a new haircut. You looked great before. Um....
Theo: You wound me with such wishy-washy words. I think I look very good.
Lucia: You look wonderful Theo! Gnat, I think you should tell Jazz to get into this stylist career for good.
Gnat: Maybe. Ugh, Bug don’t be so dismissive. Theo, she’s trying to compliment you but she’s still mad at me.
Ant: Mmmhmmm. Sisters.
Theo: No really, you hate it. I can take it all back--
Ladybug: No! I don’t hate it. You look really handsome, as always. I just--I don’t like surprises. And I’m kind of embarrassed here, did we have to do this in front of my family? You do look better, the hair suits you. Wait, your ears! You got them re pierced?
Theo: Er, one of them did not close up so I put my old earring in. Will have to do the other professionally, Jazz offered but probably not a good idea.
Ladybug: Yeah. probably not. Wow. Um, I like it all. Really.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Sorry to interrupt you but can you explain why do you think taeyong's kibbe type is dramatic?
taeyong’s kibbe analysis: a dramatic type profile
first impression is everything with kibbe, so let’s take a look. what instantly strikes you is how you can draw this guy with a ruler: everything stark, everything sharp.
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this looks just way too mature for any other kibbe category already. so many pointy, irregular, long, thin angles. to me, except the extreme height, he has all dramatic characteristics and no tinge of yin in him. not a single curved line to be seen. look at that arm and how taut his cheek profile is. the nose can cut like a razor.
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to confirm that. taeyong also looks best in D stylings rather than say gamine. it feels too chaotic or childlike on him, the outfit overshadows the person, it looks like a different world:
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or classic — too understated on him, too symmetrical, bland, makes him disappear, doesn’t underline his features well:
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whereas the same outfit idea looks much sexier and sassier on an actual (flamboyant) gamine who carries it effortlessly:
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and an actual (soft) classic, which is a type that shines in the most conservative of clothes:
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for taeyong, it needs a head to toe color kind of futuristic concept. suddenly his face is where you look at and the bigger picture works out. 
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the more geometric and bold with black and white contrasts, the better. keeping it minimal so we see him the most. he really pops out in kick it because it’s a dramatic styling. 
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when you wear your kibbe category, the outfit no longer overpowers or is more important than you. you see taeyong, not the fashion choice. you can get a good idea of him and the shapes and size bring out all the sex appeal. i find him the most impressive here:
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any element that is contrary to his type has the opposite effect. fluffy hair, small accessories, wild color layering, bulky lines, no geometric shapes, youthful wardrobe: suddenly he’s completely gone, almost unrecognizable and even appears a lot older.
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put some grandpa glasses, wild and terribly dyed hair, plus a random jacket on a gamine, it plays into their look entirely. what’s a bad outfit on one type is attractive on another, it’s funny.
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so, you can see why pure dramatic brings out his very best. that’s a type that can handle a lot of dressing up. it’s also the reason why he can rock the subcategory. taeyong in soft dramatic, he looks dazzling with all the drapes and ornaments and jewelry overload. oh man, look at him.
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a little different and the hair doesn’t fit completely but also very interesting and memorable on him, this soft dramatic jacket is the bomb:
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natural stylings, sort of decent, can be too large though, especially sportswear jackets. but you can tell there’s some major yang going on by how he can wear a completely monochrome look and not make it boring. it also feels like he has the height to pull it off even if taeyong is not the tallest when you compare him with others. but in and of itself, the vertical line is there.
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regardless, it has to be crisp and fitted. dramatic makeup is the best on taeyong. sharp dark brows and smoky eyes, very harsh lighting, shadows all around him. add metallic jewelry... perfect.
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the hair is best when it’s all sleek and pulled back. put him in a funky gamine multicolor crop mane and it looks like a wig he got from 2013 sehun 😂
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seriously, these stylists. the fluffed up cotton candy colors need to go back to where they belong which is on the sweet gamines. where it looks surprisingly sexy, if not seductive. when baekhyun said girl i’m your candy, he didn’t lie.
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gd (flamboyant gamine poster boy) has done all of these colors times ten and manages to look handsome and pretty edgy, even in the weirdest cuts and colors.
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same for hyuna (soft gamine), looks pretty cool right here. no other type can do ice cream galaxy hair.
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because: it’s in their gamine geometry and they have some yin (= soft, wishy-washy outlines). button nose, squishy cheeks, pouty lips, moon face. completely different story. you can fluff the hair up to maximum effect and it looks really good.
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the same idea looks strange and frizzy on taeyong, he doesn’t look like himself anymore.
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you can see how it makes his face look even sharper. compare it to yoongi, hair like that only picks up on the roundness that’s already there. with taeyong, it creates a contrast. that’s your sign.
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it needs a much more severe and hypermodern outfit. with large square shapes, hard contrasts and only 2-3 dominant colors. that’s how you know taeyong is pretty much pure yang. most other types need some kind of line blend. meanwhile, taeyong shines in the absence of yin. this one has a bit of natural sprinkled in but looks on point because it’s so geometric:
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as the finale — easily my favorite outfit here, lots of dramatic elements: only one color (no gradients either), stiff hair and fabric, a huge lapel, asymmetry with the flower emblem and waist ties, strong eyebrows, eye shadow, sharp shoulders, straight sleeves, V-neck. amazing. 
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so, i rest my case — we have a dramatic on our hands 👆
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quaintrellelily · 4 years
Why Euphoria’s first bridge ep might be one of the best episodes to grace our TV (or laptop) screens.
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When I decided to watch Euphoria for the first time in 2019 (thanks for the rec @o-d-d ), I expected, at most, mediocre character arcs and a weak but acceptably entertaining plot line that aimed to deliver to a particular subset of teenagers: those who like to excessively drink, party, or do crack. But hey. Don’t blame me for assuming low standards for teen dramas. I’m not. I just simply believe that the depth at which the human emotional condition is explored on screen severely lacks. Trouble Don’t Last Always captures that and with appreciable finesse.
A message for anyone who is thinking of starting the series: let me make one thing clear before I dive into talking about this particular episode. The sex on this show is explicit AF. I’m talking about full frontal nudity and masturbation. Is it something I believe Euphoria could do without? Could it still make as big of an impact? Shock without the visual shock value? Absolutely. I truly believe it would. If you do skip past these unnecessary scenes, rest assured you will not be missing out on anything important.
So onto the first bridge episode without further ado. These are the reasons why it shined
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• It might sound strange, but hbo’s decision to exclude music for most of the episode was a bold but appropriate stylistic choice. This episode is pulled together by many non-verbal moments that rely on being brought to the surface by it’s characters. It’s almost disconcerting..sitting in silence with two people who have experienced things and emotions that many of us haven’t at our worst. It just feels more authentic that way and is more intimate, like we’re present at Rue’s therapy session. Rue’s admission to threatening to kill her mother is an example of when this works. You’re not supposed to hear it as much as witness it. It’s just Zendaya and her stellar acting in it’s element, and it works seamlessly well regardless of the generic backdrop or anything else in the room (Ali and Ms Marsha aside)
• MORE on the acting. I just..wow. Brava. Zendaya’s breadth of skill really manifests itself through her eyes and lips and forlorn sitting position as Rue. You know it goes beyond your expectations when you forget a person is only acting, and Colman Domingo was also able to emote his lines and countenance in nuanced ways that seemed to deliver that exact level of desperateness I wanted to see conveyed by addicts or ex addicts. I call this art
• There’s this amazing albeit lengthy discussion that is the backbone of this episode. This was absolutely needed despite what some people might think. Why? Because this is quite literally what Euphoria is about. It isn’t centred on the striking neon lights, glitter, or trendiness of the gen z scene. It’s about a real issue with real repercussions. This is the aftermath. The moment we confront our innermost demons with an honesty that is seldom drawn out into an hour on a show for entertainment. Another bold choice here because the critical eyes of many can indeed infer that it is a tedious, almost gratuitous chapter for an audience to watch. But I beg to differ.
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At the end of the day, our ability to communicate our misery to others is a tried and true strength. The script isn’t forceful in the way that Ali, Rue’s sponsor, tries to exculpate Rue and project his moral or religious conscience, no. In contrast, he holds himself accountable for his previous actions and recognises himself as the flawed human being just trying to stand by right, finding purpose as a result. He doesn’t blame Rue. Doesn’t even tell her that her feelings are invalid like so many others might. That her only way out is to surrender to the universe or anything wishy washy. Instead he will stand by her. He tells her he’s got some hope left; little as it may be, but he doesn’t know why. It’s just like that song, Lost Stars by Adam Levine.
Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we’re dancing in our tears
He wishes she could have some hope too. For this reason and those above, I would gladly recommend viewing this ep to those who struggle with sobriety. Huge disclaimer. I have never been an addict, used, abused, or thought about taking drugs. However I’ve been through my own mental hurdles and lost my dad this year. Way back when I started to watch season 1, I thought Euphoria was teenage angst for teenage addicts. It might be, but it is also for anyone who has felt painfully lost, had their soul crushed, lost someone, or is purely prone to getting swept up in existential dread. I hope Ali’s message here will stay with each individual who grapples with their sense of place in the world. I hope that no matter what, you carry the most measily of hope, trust, and courage in your heart. I reiterate that trouble don’t last always.
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varsitycult · 4 years
Reading List 2020
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One of my resolutions for 2020 was to read a book per month to incentivize myself to actually finish books. I’m geeked I succeeded and ended up reading 14 books plus+++. Sometimes you just start to feel genuinely fucking dumb; then you know it’s time to create new habits and engage in new hobbies : )
I was able to find a lot of books for free--I’ve included links below.
January --
“The Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents” by Lindsay C. Gibson PhD truly fucked me up. Lots of highlighted passages. Being almost a year removed from the revelations that this book helped me have around my own family dynamic, I’m really thankful with the amount of actual peace and contentment I am able to feel now.
February --
“Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English” by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana is the follow-up to “Mindfulness in Plain English”. Very helpful for more advanced meditative techniques, particularly around the Jhannas. Also highlighted the fuck out of this book. Not much to say about the book itself, it is more about the advances in meditative technique that can be gained from using the advice in this book....uh is there a difference idk 8 ) let us chat abt it
March --
“Fever Dream”/”Rescue Distance” by Samanta Schweblin. It was aight! Read it in one sitting one night under the impression it was a genuinely scary horror short novel, but wasn’t really impressed as a horror nerd, though I do appreciate Schweblin’s stylistic choices.
April --
“Perfume” by Patrick Suskind is a banger and I look forward to the end of quarantine when we will all engage in an end-of-Perfume-level orgy together : )
May --
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“Chi no Wadachi” by Oshimi Shuuzou is genuinely the best manga I’ve read in a long time. It is an exceptionally well-executed psychological horror manga about an abusive mother and her son written by the same guy who made “Aku no Hana” (which I also read in May lol).
“Black Hole” by Charles Burns was both good and irritating! Really enjoy his artistic style. Could do without a huge percentage of his dialogue tho eheh.
June -- 
“How Nonviolence Protects the State” by Peter Gelderloss created a lot of space in my brain, which I think is the most valuable thing a book can give you--space from prior immediate cognitions. I started reading it because we live a few blocks away from where George Floyd was murdered; the way in which American (white) liberals choose to intellectualize violence and decide what an “appropriate” response is, when a vast majority of them never experience violence directly, esp at the hands of the state, is really telling of our collective psychological development as a country. ie our collective American ideology is always in support of the state. Let’s conceive of violence differently.
July --
“Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl” by Andrea Lawlor was rad. Just read it.
August --
“Audition” by Ryu Murakami -- this was a long time coming, I guess. I watched Audition when I was maybe 13 or 14? It is a genuinely good Japanese horror film and so I bought a copy before I lived in Japan hoping to read it there (uh i didn’t lel). It was a very fast read; the pacing was odd, and there was a lot of weird theorizing about trauma, and also lots of misogyny (I mean you’d think so). I honestly didn’t feel much once the book was over. The movie reigns supreme here.
“Capitalist Realism” by Mark Fisher was also a long time coming, glad I finally read it. rip Mark ;-; you would hate this timeline.
and 2 shorts, “Lone Shadow” by Mia Nie and “Lady of the Shard” by GiGi D.G. BOTh really gOOOD!!!1
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September --
“Kindred” by Octavia Butler was a ride.
“Chainsaw Man“ by Tatsuki Fujimoto (up to September) is just fucking so good, get Viz it’s only 2 or 3 bucks a month.
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October --
“The End of Policing” by Alex Vitale is essential reading.
November --
“From Here to Eternity” by Caitlin Doughty was an overall poppy (to be expected) but very interesting exploration of different cultures’ relationships to death. It is hard to imagine growing up in Indonesia, participating in Torajan mummification practices, keeping your deceased loved one dressed and housed indefinitely after death. This book made me want to read more anthropological and religious stuff again.
December --
“Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction” by Susan Blackmore is what it is! At times her writing style is overly wishy-washy and concluding segments often feel abrupt and not succinctly explained but it was short and an adequate primer.
Books I Read A Lorge % Of:
“On Violence” by Hannah Arendt
“What Terrorists Want” by Louise Richardson
“The Origins of Political Order” by Francis Fukuyama
“Imperialism: Past and Present” by Emanuele Saccarelli and Latha Varadarajan”
“Neuromancer” by William Gibson
*Hoping to finish all of these in 2021.
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hoochy-coo · 4 years
Harry needs a more direct style with his street style. Like nothing so wishy washy. 2017- beginning of 2018 street style was impeccable. He also needs to tailor everything to him because sometimes I see something and I’m like ‘huh?’
I’m gonna be honest with you, I didn’t enjoy his street style in 2017-2018 either. Like he had a couple of outfits that I thought looked very slick/clean but I personally wasn’t a fan of the super skinny jeans and Chelsea boots combo.
He definitely needs tailoring. It’s like his stylist thinks looking sloppy is cute or something lol
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ooh, please talk about how animorphs as a series exists in conversation with comic books!
Here it is, a whole bunch of questionably-organized thoughts off the top of my head (because if I wrote it out properly it’d be an entire dissertation): 
Animorphs as Graphic Novels
Superhero team-up plot
Need for secrecy and “dual identities”, including through hiding abilities from loved ones and civilians
Kids’ powers given by science which no other human possesses — they are extraordinary, “unique to the universe” (MM3)
Small team of fighters with variations on similar powers (strength, speed, stealth, etc. divided among morphs)
Inability to trust authority, forcing them to take fight into own (amateur) hands
Secret Invasion: the aliens are in disguise, characters take on others’ appearances and identities
Use of exposition conceits and contrivances
Notably eschews Magic Tree House convention of putting all exposition into prologue
Also does not follow Babysitters’ Club convention of info-dump (thank Jeebus)
Follows in convention of using various devices (memory recordings, personal introductions, dialogue) to introduce the reader to the plot
When these occur, deliberately written w/ character voices
Stylistic descriptions
Heavy use of onomatopoeia
Short sentences, short paragraphs, short words
Written with hypertext symbols/pointed brackets
In comics, used to denote a translation from a foreign language (possibly b/c guillemets popular in French and Italian texts?)
In Animorphs, used to denote not-quite-real and non-audible nature of this type of speech
Simultaneous condemnation and celebration of need for lawbreaking and violence
Explorations of impermanent death
Rachel and Tobias in MM2; Jake in MM3 and #11; all of them in MM4; David (maybe) in #48, David definitely in #22; Cassie, Tobias, Rachel, maybe Ax in #41
Impact of death is NOT on dead character, but on surviving teammates left behind (Alaniz)
Explorations of impermanent disability
Loren in #49; James, Erica, etc. in #50; Tobias in #13 and MM2
THIS IS PROBLEMATIC AS FUCK and doesn’t age well, but it is still a convention of the genre
Vivid, lurid, unreal cover scenes, including stylized depictions of battles
Discomfort with public personas, including identity fragmentation
Jake being disturbed/horrified by own postwar lionizing (military awards, Mount Rushmore, etc.)
Cassie noting how much Rachel’s funeral would have discomfited Rachel herself, and the lack of accuracy in statements made about her postmortem
All Animorphs, especially Jake and Tobias, responding to praise with shame
Writing structure
Short sentences, short paragraphs, short chapters, short books
Heavy use of imagery, with emphasis on worldbuilding through unreal imagery
Dialogue does not let up throughout story — not during dreams, not during battles, not during self-reflection
During rare moments when no one is talking, everyone is doing something, w/ very little room for long reflection
Emphasis on concrete, physical sensations and images over wishy-washy abstraction
“Let’s do it”
“This is insane”
Arguably: “Good grief”; “Don’t call me prince”/”Yes, Prince Jake”
Superman as someone with “a body that retains no marks, on which history cannot be inscribed” (Bukatman)
Heroes getting “spear deaths” while villains and the pathetic get “straw deaths” (X)
Rachel’s death as heroic sacrifice
Jara Hamee, James et al, Rachel, Ax (?), Elfangor, Jake et al (?): dying in battle while bravely facing down hopeless odds
Visser One: stepped on almost accidentally after being stripped down to nothing by execution process
Visser Three: denied death in battle; must die after lifetime spent in prison
David: made helpless and pitiful before begging for death rather than continuing to exist in this state
Tom: “‘This pitiful, broken thing?’ He [the yeerk] gestured to his own body.” just before death (#53, emphasis mine)
Saddler: vilified and (guiltily) victim-blamed before dying in bed
Even “mock deaths” in Megamorphs books follow this pattern
Animorphs as SUBVERSIVE Graphic Novels
Ultrarealistic (humorous) embodiment of experience of fighting battles in multicolored spandex
Condemnation of violence
Emphasis on consequences beyond the physical
Physical violence is gross, disturbing, horrifyingly realistic (contrast: comics are often bloodless, or have unrealistically pretty violence) (Pizarro & Baumeister)
Unhappy endings
Superhero stories: “happy ending” = wife, kids, picket fence, heteronormativity
Animorphs: happy ending would be the chance to rest/recover and stop having to make moral decisions (#31); happy ending moves out of reach over course of story
Almost outsized emphasis on impact of secrecy, lies, violence, and injury on protagonists
Superhero comics (and later superhero movies): strangely bloodless stabbings, often played for humor or pathos but no gore
Animorphs: Marco’s entire jaw being ripped off as his tongue lolls loose from the hole in his face (#49), Jake tripping over his own entrails where they trail on the floor following disembowelment (MM4), Rachel being blinded by amount of blood gushing from a head wound (#41), etc.
Descended from an ancient line of alien warriors, abandoned unwillingly by his parents at birth with unworthy guardians, grows up with no advantages, goes on to become a messiah-figure to the hork-bajir… and after all that, he’s just some guy on the team
It's not the story of Tobias and the Superfriends (or of Jake and the Superfriends) b/c he’s a part of the team
Characters like Cassie, who has ordinary (and therefore unconventional for superhero) backstory, actually get just as much development and even more narrative time than Tobias does
Showing impact: he has chronically, almost pathologically low self-esteem as a result of how he was raised, he experiences a lot of anger with both his parents for abandoning him, he gets continuously bullied in school for markers of poverty (wrong clothes, overweight, need to change school districts)
Another common superhero narrative: ordinary kid with group of friends accidentally stumbles into alien secret, ends up in charge of a group of superbeings almost overnight, all the while maintaining a secret identity as an ordinary (mediocre) boy non-hero to his normative suburban parents, aware all the while of villainous figure lurking in their midst…
But he remains, at the end of the day, not that special: the only “secret ability” he has to conceal is the ability to morph, not super-smarts or super-strength or any quality that makes him a brilliant rather than a merely decent leader
Again, impact: his family gets torn apart by weight of his and Tom’s yeerk’s secrets, something Aunt May (for instance) is much less likely to have to contend with
Rachel’s death as planned sacrifice play: Jake makes no attempt to die in her place
Contrast graphic novel trope (Superman and Jason Todd, Captain America and Bucky, Black Widow and Hawkeye, Hulk and Iron Man) of superheroes going to almost-ridiculous lengths to die in each other’s place, and superheroes almost never dying outside of concerted effort to prevent/undo friends’ deaths
Animorphs goes for military realism over classic self-sacrifice presentation
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taezhu · 6 years
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Johnny would propose by accident
Wait. I cant start like that. Let me try again
Johnny would probably enter any relationship with the aim of one day getting married
Hes not one of those wishy washy guys
and once you've met his family, and maybe after a year and a bit, Johnny is seriously considering it
he would start to plan things out with those around him and drop a few hints here and there
nothing enough for you to be able to notice anything he’s doing 
but Johnny would know when and where he wanted to propose to you
except when he finally buys the perfect ring for you, he’d be super nervous and start getting bad anxiety about it
the most common one being ‘what if she says no’
to which doyoung and jaehyun would both sigh and tell him to stop being an idiot
his plan is to take you to this fayre that’s going on because he heard you saying that you’d like to go
and at first he hated that idea because it was so cliche
but he got over it and decided to run with it since you were super excited 
and he planned on taking you to the end of the pier where it was being held so you were looking out into the distance  
the atmosphere would be perfect
and when you were telling him how much you loved the view he’d do it then
he imagines in his head that you’ll love it
but for the second time in your relationship he jumps the gun just a bit
the first time was when he asked you on a date and accidentally said it at just the wrong time
you had asked jaehyun what he said because you missed it
and Johnny jumped in saying are you free on Thursday because he was nervous again and yeah
he had to explain that no, Jaehyun doesn’t actually want to date you, that’s me
so a week and a half before he’s meant to be proposing you’re both walking down the street after getting food
and it’s kind of late, but not too late, so there are a few other people around
you’ll be talking about something random and Johnny is watching you 
he really does that thing where he literally s t a r e s as someone speaks huh
but he’s smiling and his mind is working through just how much he loves you and then he just kind of.. says it
“I really want you to marry me”
and you fall quiet
and he realises a second later what he says 
“wait I mean uh...”
longer pause as Johnny tries to come up with an excuse 
but he eventually realises that he can’t make an excuse for this and just asks again but more formally
“I meant to say will you marry me?”
and he’d be so relieved when you say yes but then he realises he’s completely messed up everything 
“are you gonna be mad at me if I tell you this wasn’t supposed to happen?”
“no this isn’t a joke!!”
“I just... don’t have the ring on me and I wanted to do this next weekend. I messed up”
oh johnny, he’s so cute
if you thought he was good boyfriend material then he's even better husband material. 
and if it wasn’t because he makes sure you do equal chores, he never leaves you to sort everything out and he just generally helps
I mean... that’s not something that happens often so be grateful..
then it’s definitely because waking up together, listening to his stories as you fall asleep and crying from laughter together
honestly not much changes apart from the arrangements between you
instead of pictures of your first date on the fridge there is the cute ass picture 
where Johnny is trying to kiss you but you’re having way too much trying to girl group dance in that white dress
if there was one word for the relationship: carefree
and that isn’t to say Johnny doesn’t care
he dedicates everything to you, if you're not happy then he’s not happy
but you’re not afraid to do things around each other and there isn’t many boundaries between the two of you
which does mean often you can fight 
and usually they’re not that bad
but occasionally you or Johnny will say something and it will end in one of you shutting yourselves in the other room for a while
most of the time it’s because you’re both tired and you mishear something that’s being said and one things leads to another
he'd never be loud, he’d maybe just say something which would get you in the wrong place
usually by accident, he definitely meant nothing by it at all
that’s just how things go sometimes
if ever Johnny knew he pissed you off he’d be back the next morning with breakfast in bed and some flowers
and he’d do whatever you wanted from the rest of the day, but whatever 
let’s leave it as Johnny knows how to make it up to you ~
he’d also keep a night spare for date night 
which quite often is just the two of you chilling in bed together watching a movie
forgetting about work or whatever other stress you have on
Johnny just loves to be around you, and it shows 
anyway, kids
he just seems like a guy that would want kids really bad
he would probably nag you a lot about them and act like the world will end if he doesn’t have his own
so as a dad, Johnny would be top notch 
loved by everyone, always going to the parent-teacher evenings so he can catch up with the teachers
and do the education stuff, of course
if you picture how you’d want the father of your children to be
somehow Johnny would mould into that no matter how far fetched it was
great chef? Johnny can cook anything you ask him to
great style? he’ll pick the kids outfits like their personal stylist 
can file your taxes? he remembers that lesson in school like it was yesterday 
Johnny is just.. yes
yes to everything about him
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thewishi · 6 years
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We're so excited to announce that you can now suggest individual items to clients on the app! Thanks to the suggestions you've all sent, with this new feature you'll no longer have to create a brand new Style Board if a client loved everything but a few items, and use it to suggest items you think your client will absolutely love. 
Keep reading to learn more.
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To suggest an item, simply go to your client's chat and tap  + > select an item from our inventory or your Store  > send and voila! Your suggestion will automatically appear in the chat. You can also filter by inventory from stores such as Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Matches, River Island, and SHOPBOP if you'd like to suggest an item specifically from them. To do so, tap + > select a store > browse through inventory and select an item > send.
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