#wish i could draw it to explain myself better lol
narryffdreaming · 5 months
english speakers friends (hehe) how would you call it when there's a mountain and/or hill and part of it falls down? you know like when it's snow we call it avalanche, but what about when it's trees/rocks/land etc idk? in portuguese we say "deslizamento de terra" and google translate says that would be "landslide".. would you say that's correct?
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.3
Okay can anyone explain the “false hotel registration” thing to me? Does it mean they registered under a false name? So Paul registered under a false name so he could go fuck a girl in his room without getting in trouble with the press? I'm confused. Didn't they bring girls to their rooms all the time without getting in trouble? It doesn't make sense. Why did he feel the need to register under a different name?
Paul, talking about American conservatism, “So many organizations over here that are nuts anyway.” John, “Yeah, they're so far right they just–” tape ends. They really were brave, though. To say what they thought and risk losing what they'd only just got. I wonder who cut the recording. 
Journalist: Paul, are you planning to marry Jane Asher? John: scream ‘no.’ Go on. Lol John certainly says what he feels doesn't he?
Paul making fun of the racist question. Good job bud. 
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The whole “Yesterday” thing is crazy. Like, what a feat, first of all. I think we forget how unbelievably successful the song was.
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Second of all, I know John's reaction was childish and mean, but his feelings were valid if you just look at the treatment and reception of “Ticket to Ride”  (John's dead mum song). Like objectively yesterday is a better song, but still.
Oh, John. Poor thing. 
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If “Girl” is secretly about Paul . . . yeesh. It's so obsessive and adoring and simultaneously so disappointed and disparaging. John always has such impossible standards for Paul. “She promises the earth to me and I believe her, after all this time I don't know why.” Um… maybe because he literally did give you the world? At so many points I find myself asking, “what more could Paul possibly have given John?”
People always take this quote as a sexuality thing, but couldn't it also be a conscience thing? Revulsion at taking advantage of the fact that all these women are fans? At the scale of his infidelity? I don't know, am I giving him too much credit?
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The thing about Paul, John – and though it drives you insane, it's a big factor in why you love him -- is he's not going to be bullied into anything. If he decides to take LSD it's going to be on his own terms. And I know you think it'll bring you two closer, and you're right, but peer pressure just doesn't work on him. There's no point. You know that.
I LOVE Paul and the Indica. Designing the wrapping paper in secret up in his little attic room, covering over the shop windows so he can do his handyman work building shelves and painting in peace. It's Linda's Paul pre Linda, you know?
John is so good at PR as in making something sound as beautiful and important and powerful as possible. Which is something Paul absolutely relied on John to do and clearly could not do on his own after the break up. Look how John makes them almost into prophets here.
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"I really wanted to live in London but I wouldn't risk it." Another thing to make John envious of Paul and resentful of Cynthia. I really wish those two had just never got married. 
“I don't object to people having a lot of money, I never did. But I do object to people being stony broke and starving.” RIP John, you would've loved the American “left” of today. But you can't have the former without the latter, sorry.
This picture always gets me. It's ridiculous. Pattie and George. Mo and Ringo. John and Paul. With Cynthia awkwardly by herself. It's funny. It's adorable. It's crushing. And with that quote? It's impossible.
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I think Tara Browne is overlooked. Paul brought him home for Christmas. That's a big deal. And John hated him enough to laugh when he read about his death. That's also a big deal. Paul and his messed up social climbing obsession. I do think it's worth pointing out, though, the difference between Paul’s LSD trip with Tara and his trip with John. More on that later.
I really do think they were all staunchly anti-racist for their time, you know, besides John's racist jokes and drawings… but Paul particularly. And I have to wonder where that came from. Did he have empathy for people being judged on appearance and background? Was it partially due to his idolization of black artists? Did Little Richard maybe say something to him about racism in America? Anyone have any thoughts?
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Actually, same, John. 
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Okay and I have to share my hot take on the whole Jesus scandal. It's this: the American right doesn't actually care about Jesus. They care about protecting their hegemony. They didn't like that the Beatles were openly and stubbornly integrationist. They didn't like Paul's comment about their inhumane racism. But they couldn't openly counter that without showing their hand. So they used the Jesus comment as an excuse. If they play the religious persecution card, they get to paint themselves as the victims and therefore the good guys while they take down anyone who challenges the status quo that keeps them in money and power (aka the Beatles). 
Maybe I should've had a “poor baby” tally because the number of times I've said that about John in these comments has got to be tally-worthy. I would've driven around in a gorilla suit with you, honey!
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It is actually amazing that there hasn't been more speculation on Paul's sexuality with all these serious boyfriends. 
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Paul tells a story about a time he flew a plane, and how much better he liked it than being a passenger. First off. Imagine being a pilot and just being like “oh, you've never touched a joystick in your life, but you're Paul McCartney? Sure, go ahead. Fly the plane.” But also. His control issues and his confidence are both off unreal. No one in their right mind would feel more safe flying a plane – as someone with a complete lack of experience – than when a licensed pilot is flying it. 
Okay I literally JUST learned that Here There and Everywhere says, “how good it can be” not could. Can. And it's one of those in my "for sure this was about John" folder. Okay then. Wow.
The thing is they really did compliment each other's songs a lot more than modern Paul makes it seem like. So I wonder what it was about the “Here There and Everywhere” compliment that made it so special to Paul?
This footage where John is hiding behind McCharmley. I love protective Paul and how different he is to protective John and how much they needed each other. 
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Hall of Fame quote: “what composer do you respect the most?” “I dunno really. John Lennon.” “Paul McCartney.”
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So many people are afraid of drawing backgrounds and I think it's a shame, so here's some tips and tricks, because I'm not perfect at it myself but I think the hardest part is really just knowing where to start.
First off: Perspective
Yeah, yeah, that's the scary word. But I promise you, once you're familiar with the basics, backgrounds are a LOT less intimidating. Don't get discouraged if WHEN you have trouble with it. Even professional artists struggle with it. I promise you, screwing it up is good and normal. That's how you learn after all!
Now I'm not going to go into detail on how to do it here, because honestly there are a thousand and one free resources online and in libraries that can explain it far better than I ever could in a singular broad-strokes tumblr post. But I AM at least telling you you should familiarize yourself with these basics:
Important Terms: Horizon Line: A horizontal line across your canvas, showing your viewer's eye level and providing a location for most of your vanishing points. Vanishing Point: Integral to drawing in perspective. The sides of a 3D object get smaller as they become farther away from the viewer in space. This point is where the parallel lines of a side eventually meet.
The Basic Types of Perspective: One Point Perspective: Good for drawing things that you're looking at straight on. Two Point Perspective: Good for drawing things at an angle. Three Point Perspective: Good for drawing things the viewer is looking up or down at, especially at an extreme angle.
[Click images for ALT descriptions]
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And if you're comfortable with these and serious about improving your skills for use in storytelling, I also might suggest looking up:
4 Point Perspective: Great for extra wide or tall shots and for camera tilts if you're doing an animation or animatic. I think some other names for this in animation include "banana pan" and "warp pan."
5 Point Perspective: Fish-eye lens. Good for all your angsty anime boy slipping into madness needs!
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Some perspective tips I wish someone had told me earlier:
Objects' relation to the horizon line is constant. A super helpful tip to remember when placing a character or object in space is that they will always (assuming they aren't changing in size or moving up or down) have the same relation to the horizon line no matter how far or close they are. If your horizon line is at shoulder height for your focus character in the foreground, any character of the same height in the background will still line up with the horizon line at the shoulders.
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How to pick the distance between your vanishing points: 2 pt perspective uses 2 vanishing points, 3 pt uses 3, etc, etc, but how close should they be? Well, first of all, for anything that isn't one point perspective, one or more points will usually be off the canvas. Super annoying, I know, but the closer your vanishing points are, the more warped your drawing will become. Second, a helpful thing to know is that choosing the distance between your points is basically the illustration equivalent of picking your camera lens! Photography buffs will know that wider (shorter focal length) lenses show more space and make the distance between foreground and background more dramatic, while longer focal length/telephoto lenses are flatter, and more focused and intimate. The same is true of vanishing points that are closer (shorter focal length) or farther apart (longer focal length).
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2 point/3 point/etc doesn't actually mean you're limited to that many points total on your page. this one confused me a lot when I was getting started, lol. A lot of examples will show you drawings of nice, neat cities or something, in which all the buildings are facing the same way in order to demonstrate perspective drawing. But in real life, buildings don't all face the same direction. They're at all sorts of different angles. So how do I do that??? Answer: Just because you're drawing in 2 point perspective or whatever doesn't mean you... have to actually keep your 2 points in the same spot. You can move them around, just keep them the same distance apart, so you're not screwing up your camera lens.
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Other Tips:
Use reference! The instant you try to draw a house, you're going to forget every house you've ever seen. That's just how it goes. Buildings are complicated. Do yourself a favor and collect a few reference images first, buddy!
Consider details (like architectural style, amenities, and materials) Your building will look more like a building when you keep in mind that buildings have gutters and door knobs and light switches and paneling and stuff, and aren't just boxes with roofs on them. Again: reference! You will forget electrical sockets and baseboards exist immediately. Art brains are dumb.
Use details and texture to fill in negative space Giant stretches of blank space tend to be boring and distracting. Put a few suggestions of wood grain or something on that wall back there, bud, just don't overdo it.
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Line weight Darker, thicker lines draw more attention, look heavier, and look closer to the viewer than lighter, thinner lines do. Take advantage of this to draw the viewer's attention to your focal points, de-emphasize less important details, and imply depth. It's up to you to decide how you want to use this and what your style is, especially once you start getting into combining or replacing it with shading, values, and color, but a helpful rule of thumb is to try reserving your thickest lines for focal foreground characters and use thinner lines on backgrounds, especially details in the far distance.
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Perspective guides If you're drawing digitally, take full advantage of any perspective tools you have access to! A lot of art programs lately have begun adding perspective guide features that let you set up vanishing points and then literally guide your hand as you draw so you stay in perspective. Some of these include Procreate, Clip Studio Paint, and Adobe Fresco. (still sadly none in Photoshop as far as I'm aware, what the heck, Adobe!). Check through the settings of yours to see if it gives you any perspective guides or other similarly useful tools. They're 100% worth it! And for god's sake, if you've got any skew or perspective warp tools, draw your complicated shapes flat and then warp them instead of spending an hour on it! Don't make my mistakes!
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reimenaashelyee · 9 months
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Clean version here
Not a bingo but a jenga. My responses below the cut
Somehow I have half of this image filled out. I wish I could cash it in for points to redeem.
First comic is a magnum opus: There had been a string of graphic novel adaptations of books I wanted do when I as a young teenager, but The World in Deeper Inspection was my first, substantial, original behemoth of an idea. It was the only one with the power and the potential to stay and push me to become a comics creator. Everything I am and have as an artist and writer is because of TWIDI.
Fan art more popular than OCs: This was going to be inevitable because I hardly ever post about them online. But I suppose if you count my one-off character design illustrations that go viral or my published graphic novels, this box wouldn’t be true… (The God of Arepo is my most popular fan work)
I binged your life’s work in 2 hours: I am glad you like my work enough to be this engrossed in it – but honestly please please reread it again and SLOWLY so you can appreciate the visual storytelling – not just the words and the main action!! You’ll have a fuller experience if you take the time to luxuriate!!
This isn’t even my day job: It both is and isn’t. I do enough from comics that I can survive out of it near full time (thanks to my usual speed; very grateful), but I get financial stability from the monthly paycheck from the actual day job. Relying on my speed to produce near-constant output for money is something I am losing interest in as my ideas become more ambitious and niche.
Subscribe to my Patreon: Somehow I am able to hawk my free-to-read platforms with a certain amount of success but never can get a big dent on my Ko-fi.
Received unsolicited critique on a free comic: Unavoidable reality. Though I hadn’t had something egregious in a long time (and it better stay that way).
Had to explain what a webcomic even is to someone IRL: Nearly all the people I surround myself with are ‘normies’ (people who aren’t so online and/or don’t read online media), so this comes up often – and it will become more frequent as I pursue institutional pathways like residencies and grants. Even if they knew what webcomics were, it would be under the name of webtoons.
I can’t wait to draw this scene in 4 years: lol @ Alexander Comic and TWIDI
Multi-year hiatus: TWIDI’s eternal curse, until I figure out how to build enough stability in my career/life to return to it – full-time and for real.
Financially supported by someone else: My dayjob, mainly, but previously my parents.
Is somehow mutuals with favourite artist: That’s what it’s like as your career progresses and matures! It’s always nice to become peers with those you admire – especially the ones you grow to love only after knowing them.
Characters get gayer over time: Growing up and being able to witness the various ways of living can and will change how one approaches their characters.
Successfully fulfilled a Kickstarter: Not on my own, but I had a few for my books that published smoothly.
Empty space:
ADHD diagnosis: I have ADHD-esque behaviours that I have managed to overcome with ADHD-specific hacks, but whether I actually have the thing itself is a question mark. I lean towards not really having it since I am able to execute and complete tasks regularly.
Works in animation or went to school for it: I used to want to study and work in animation before I discovered the potential of comics as a storytelling medium. I don’t have a desire to break into that industry, even without all the employment and late-capitalism instability that it’s going through right now. I am not averse to trying if asked, however.
Had an art teacher who hated anime: Never went to art school.
Yes I’ve had burnout but what about second burnout: Currently going through a fallow period, but I really don’t think it’s Burnout Burnout. Touch wood, I continue to maintain my love, interest and desire to make comics and stay in my artistic career.
Forgot how to draw main character’s face: Characters are so seared into my brain, it’s not easy to forget. Helps that they each have particular quirks that belong to their design.
This comic gave me my hand/wrist injury: Still out here WITHOUT any of those. I hope I can keep it that way until whenever I retire.
Emergency commissions: Hopefully I will never have to resort to do this. (Very grateful, yes)
Sleep… “schedule”? my 7-8 hours of sleep is essential and non-negotiable.
If it’s not 3 hours long is it even worth adding to the work playlist: This is is referring to video essays I guess? I rarely ever encounter essays of over 3 hours that I am interested enough to watch. (Also I can’t really watch something while drawing; I lose speed/concentration)
Embarrassed to look at early pages: Not embarrassed – I was younger and less-skilled then, that’s just how it is. There were a lot of things younger me did that I could still learn from.
Regrets costume choices: I pride myself in being able to style myself and my characters, and so far I have never regretted the clothes I give my characters – the TWIDI characters all have base outfits from when I was 15!
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lynaferns · 1 year
I needed to take something out of my chest and I got into a rant of basically me complaining about the (DCA) fandom and shippings. It got long so I'm putting a cut.
If you don't want to read it you don't have to.
Edit: I wanted to clarify, I'm not throwing crap at anyone for liking shipping, there is nothing wrong with the ships. I'm just taking my frustration out to the air because good platonic/friendship content is hard to find. The problem is mine, not yours.
Edit 2: This post is VERY outdated and I don't belive in half of what I said here anymore (the bottom half), I grew out it and I'm doing better now, I think. Also guess what? turns out I may be very aroce so that explains the other half of the post lol.
Since I rebloged that post about being tired of shipping in the fandoms my feed (<-idk if it's called that) has filled up with more posts about it that I relate to but feel bad rebloging because I don't want to call out any of you.
But I'm at a point that it has gotten SO tiresome, shipping is the only thing I find when I go in the Sun and Moons tags. "If you don't want to see that you can filter the tags-" <-that would be great, that would work if it wasn't because 1-there are like 20 different tags for the same thing and I'm constantly adding new ones to the filter 2-not everybody tags correctly/at all their post, I've seen people post their ship art and not tag it as ship, that is going to slip through the filter.
And all the shipping is about romantic/suggestive, they either want to kiss them or something more intimate. Where are the platonic relationships? And I mean friendship relationship, sex/romantic repulsed even. I tried to make one myself, even if I put tags of 'no ship' people still tags it as 'character x selfinser/yn' ship, why? What in the post/drawing/comic/AU made you think this was romantic? That makes me question more things like, why holding hands has to be romantic? Why sleeping in the same bed because there is only one has to be romantic? Why does the minimum of fisical contact a character has with other has to mean is romantic? Why why why? Even if the characters are truly in love/already dating, I don't get it, I don't get why that's the norm, why any of it automatically means 'romantic'.
There is really no solution to this unless I leave the fandom or stop searching content.
I wish I was into that stuff so I could appreciate it, but I'm not and it's no ones fault. I know those people are just doing their thing and having fun, AND it looks fun! I've seen a lot of cool artists around but I can't follow them because I risk having to see everyday the stuff they draw or reblog that makes me uncomfortable. It sucks. I can't make any friends here or anywhere because of this barrier (other than anxiety/personal difficulties and stuff).
And it doesn't stop there. Since the beginning I had the feeling that the DCA fandom likes a totally different character from the one I like. When I search fanart/comics/AUs Sun doesn't feel like Sun, Moon doesn't feel like Moon and every interpretation of fanon Eclipse I had encountered is some kind of mastermind, manipulative and as a plus, predatory, in a bad way.
I'm not good at writing, I know it's hard, I know not every one will share the same perspective I have of the characters, there is not much info about them anyways. But sometimes it feels like people throws out of the window the few details we have about them that makes the Daycare Attendant THE Daycare Attendant to make a completely different character with the same shell. Or they believe as canon something that the fandom made up because everybody collectively believed a rumor even though there's no official information or confirmation.
If the canon Sun and Moon were the same as fanon I would have never liked them.
I'm sure this is a thing in every fandom and I'm probably just pointing out something that everybody knows but this is the first fandom that I got into so this whole year and a half has been a new experience.
Even though all of this I'm still going to draw them, I'll still make fanarts because I like this character.
I've been feeling burned out lately so I don't know how regularly I'm going to draw them or post about them but the brainrot is staying one more year.
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just-a-carrot · 6 months
hi carrot . just wnat you to know the finale made me genuinely sob so much i had to get the tissues out and everything
thank you so much for making this game, i remember playing it for the first time a year or two ago and even though it was like 3am i annoyed my brothers about how good it was despite them hating gore. this games impacted me so much in such little ways
genzou and iggy are my entire world btw god i love them . also cannot stop thinking about when genzou wakes up and he looks around he specifically looks at his legs (because arc 4....) oogh and and theyre so adorable..... plz never stop drawing them.....
ALSO confused about the ending a little bit
so when iggy made the wish it flung everybody back in . in time or to a separate timeline ?? where events happened but they handled them better. was the tidbit about remembering things in heart but not mind about the wonderland in general or specifically the time loops arcs? im curious if its like/ a whole separate thing now
plz keep making games like this :[ (no pressure ofc, its your life you do what you want/can in it!)
im probably gonna gk draw the chaeacters now ... thank you :] <3
ahhhh this is incredibly sweet. thank you so much!! i'm really happy that you enjoyed the finale (and also the whole game in general!!!) LOL I DON'T PLAN TO STOP DRAWING THEM AT LEAST FOR NOW 🤣 they are pretty rooted in my brain, so i don't see myself not drawing them any more any time soon. though i have been kinda needing to rest up my drawing chops as i drew so much for the finale and epilogues that it really burnt me out art-wise
re: the ending, it's something i don't ever want to like explain super cut and dry. as i really want people to take away their own responses and interpretation of things. same as the whole rest of the game. it's why i don't like to give a lot of "word of god" type answers that ppl could then use to say "it's this way and that's that" or anything like that. i would much rather people continue to have their own theories and own interpretations of much of what happens in the game and with the chars
but i will say that that part is not really about flinging anyone back or to another timeline or anything like that. iggy destroyed his initial wish (along with all the other wishes). and his wish was what started the loops (and also what influenced every part of his life from that moment on). so when that wish was destroyed, it also destroyed everything that happened after it. which is why it took them back to before iggy had made his first wish
however, they still retain memories of all the past lives / loops in their subconsciouses, which is why they still randomly remember things from time to time and feel such a strong connection to each other
i hope that helps clear it up a bit lakdjfasd but as i said, it's really up to the player and how they also interpret things and come away with their own meanings! nothing in this game was ever really made to be completely set in stone
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xuune · 1 year
dropping this here because I kinda wish I'll snap out anytime soon from listening to the playlist you made for your last art, but here I am, booming 8:00, get me some, wyd, wounds will h.eal, and enclosed in my earphones at midnight. i think your music taste is fire, i'll give you that. mygods (ง •_•)ง
anw, I wanted to ask on how you decide and plan expressions/interactions for the characters when you draw your works? I always find your works to be so expressive. thanks in advance if you ever see this :OOO
p.s. I LOVE YOUR OCs, i think i'm in love with rael i genuinely wish they'll give me a headlock or smthn and i'll be happy p.p.s. i would marry your art if I could (i'm this fkn close 🤏 pls dont sue me)
(sorry for taking so long to reply, you'll know why once you read the rest of this lol)
im so glad that you had those as your faves bc those are some of mine too :D i've been seeing a few ppl rly enjoy 8:00, and if it wasn't for my friend recommending me that song, we wouldnt be here, and those drawings wouldnt have existed either, let alone the animatic i did
thank you for thirsting over my ocs, you don't know how much of a compliment that is whenever i see ppl react that way to them LOL. thats how i know i peaked with their design 😎 stay tuned for some other oc art, cuz im currently working on a piece for my friend's ocs. his ocs exist in the same universe as mine :)
i'll answer your question about planning expressions and interactions below, bc i have a lot to say about that:
when planning for expressions and interactions, i'm usually trying to answer a couple of these things:
what moment do i want to highlight
why is this moment significant
how do these characters feel in the moment, how to they react to each other, what's their motivations
what body language best answers the question above ^
basically, i'm asking myself "what's the scene?" -> "what do the characters feel in that moment?" -> "how do they act this out to convey that?" (that's how i was taught to read scripts for plays. you must understand character motivations before you figure out how to act their feelings out)
it's very important to have a good balance of body language and dialogue to convey the mood if/when appropriate, since sometimes strictly relying on dialogue to sell the moment w/o body lang or vice versa can tank the execution
i assume that you're more interested in how i planned the interactions for them sharing music? lmk if there's like specific ones, bc i can explain more for whatever else it may be
anyways, i start off with scripts of some kind. my scripts can be very barebones that just note a specific scene (i.e. "working at desk, listen to music together before class starts"), or that i build a moment based on a piece of dialogue (i.e. "better not queue anything lame"). here's the notes i made when i made the 8:00 animatic, since thats big on body language
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i wanted to get down my main ideas first, which was figuring out the the lyrics i wanted to use paired with dialogue to match. i dont show my thinking much on some of my notes, but what i was getting at this:
story moment: dk connecting the context of the song to his intimate moment with bkg
key moments: waking up, playing with hands, eye contact w/ bkg
i didn't expand on the ideas for how those moments would look until i actually started thumbnailing for the animatic, which i showed briefly here. here's what i kept in mind for their expressions/interactions:
dk shies away from directly confronting bkg outwardly expressing his feelings for him via the song. he avoids it and changes the topic verbally to make the conversation lighthearted -> "what expresses avoidance?"
bkg is direct about his feelings, his actions and expressions must convey a direct confrontation, an attempt to make dk acknowledge how he feels about him thru the song and potentially get a response from him -> "what expresses straightforwardness?"
here's what i decided would visually answer those questions
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the implications of character's expressions also factors in the circumstances of their situation. without the context, the execution tends to fall flat. if you didn't know that they were listening to a song that's all about romantic pining, then you probably would've been questioning why the fuck are they just staring at each other, or assumed that one is shy of the physical interaction when that's not the point; its the dawned realization and the acknowledgement of the other's feelings.
my other drawings for that thread followed the same kind of planning tbh, lol. all those drawings had the lyrics set the stage for how the characters are feeling, and i'd have to figure out what about their facial expressions and body language best matches the context of the situation. here's this brief example:
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but yeah, that's generally how i plan for expressions/interactions. sometimes i just get a rush of interaction ideas that is centered on one specific question i want to explore, like:
what do their mundane parts of life look like?
how do they physically react to realizing their feelings for the other?
how is someone anxious about the other person's perception of them in the comic i'm drawing?
and then build off from there. hope that helped :D
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nian-7 · 6 months
Heyo, I think matchup reqs are open but if not feel free to ignore (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
If it's alright I'd like a romantic and platonic match up for Pjsk and bsd (if not just romantic/ pjsk is fine)
My names Karma
I'm a minor, 17
I'm afab but I'm Genderfluid and use all pronouns
I'm pretty short for my age, 5’1 the last time I checked unfortunately, sobs. I don't get out much besides going to work for money so I'm pale as hell. I have freckles pretty much everywhere not a whole lot but they're definitely noticeable. I am cursed with a baby face, it gets better when I put on my glasses though, im cursed with terrible vision, I'm not allowed to drive without my glasses it's that bad
My hair is a shaggy wolf cut with curtain bangs, I'm a natural blonde but I always dye my hair ginger cause it's my favorite look on me (I'm trying to look like Chuuya cause I love him sm)
I'm an INFP-T, I'm also Asexual and Panromantic (slightly woman leaning but not an insane amount) I dress in dark academia style almost always: cardigans, sweater vests, long over coats paired with sweaters underneath. I'm very much trying to be that person you fall in love with in the book store 
When I'm in public alone I am very much socially awkward and anxious. I keep to myself and I am terrified of causing trouble for anyone
I tend to be drawn to more loud people; or more like popular/louder people adopt me out of the blue and I go along with it (which is funny considering I'm usually quiet) 
Once I've warmed up with people I very much match energys with whoever I'm with, typically just trying to make friends laugh. I value people's happiness very much
If we're out at a mall or something I'm quieter, but in private I can get very loud 
I also have a very close group of online friends all over the world (Some of us are meeting up soon and I'm very excited)
A lot of people have said that I also have big sister vibes
I do have diagnosed Anxiety and depression, typically I try not to let anyone see that side of me. I can spiral a bit into episodes where I just kind of ghost people and ride out whatever feelings I'm dealing with, then come back about 3-6 days later
I don't really do well with anger in general, weather it be my own or other people's
I also don't really have any appetite most of the time (I'm not sure if it's medical or not) but this can cause me sometimes to get super dizzy out of nowhere because I've forgotten to eat/drink 
I'm a digital artist, and I actually write fanfiction on Tumblr as well. I absolutely love cats, I’d talk about my cat Hazel for hours if I could (She's mean to me but I still love her </3) I also really like Vocaloid/Hatsune Miku music (kinda not surprising considering pjsk lol), I don't usually mention it in person though cause it's embarrassing to explain that shes just a singing hologram
I also have a fox obsession, I own a huge fox plush that takes up a designated corner of my room lol
I don't mind most things personality wise in people, but I do wish to be respected obviously
I like someone I can poke fun at casually and who can poke fun at me as well
My love language is big gift giving (wether it be buying or drawing occasionally) and physical affection (Cuddles always ╥⁠﹏⁠╥)
I've gotten tones of jokes that I only go for gingers, but I have zero preference for looks
I'm an overly patient person and get a little annoyed when people aren't as patient (but it's not a complete put off or anything) 
I also am very much someone who has to be on time. If I am not on time I lose it a bit
I think that's all (Maybe too much ´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`)
But thank you so much in advance! I hope you have an amazing day/week 💟
hi, anon! i haven't read bsd in a while so i'm a little rusty so i only did prsk. hope you still enjoy!
I match you with... (platonically)
Saki Tenma!
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-The biggest thing for you to be matched with Saki was the big sister vibes that you mentioned. The dynamic would just be too cute to pass up on!
-I tried to pick a more 'loud' or extroverted person and although I decided to opt for Saki instead of Tsukasa, I think you both would mesh together even when she's not necessarily as loud as her brother.
-Saki is like the person you can fall back onto in social situations when you get anxious. She doesn't mind taking the lead and helping you out when you get nervous.
-She's not someone who gets angry often and tries to be there for you when you ghost her or others. She tries her best to understand what you're feeling and tries to sympathize with you.
-You both having the same energy is something that would make the whole friendship mesh well and she has the capabilities to be calmer or quieter if needed.
I match you with... (romantically)
Shizuku Hinomori!
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-Although Shizuku is somewhat different than Saki, I think she's the best match overall. The physical affection she gives to you is one of the big factors.
-As someone who enjoys pda/affection, Shizuku would love to cuddle or hold hands with you all the time. She kisses you in public and just loves to be near you.
-She loves the gifts you give her as well no matter what they are. She'll always gush about them whenever someone asks about something relating to it (whether that embarrasses you or not).
-She's a very light teaser and it comes off more lovingly than anything but she enjoys it when her partner gives her attention through light teasing too.
-Although a bit airheaded, she's treating you similarly to Shiho. Asking always if you're hungry or thirsty, being the talker in public if you need it, etc. She just gives you more romantic affection than sisterly affection (obviously)
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iguessitsjustme · 25 days
I Saw You In My Dream Ep 1 Thoughts
I want to liveblog a show again and since a few shows ended and I have the bandwidth to add a couple more shows so I’m back with another liveblog. This time it’s I Saw You In My Dream. I promise I will try to be better about tagging my liveblogs but I am…well I’m me. But I’ll try my best. I’ll be using the tags #rae liveblogs and #rae liveblogs i saw you in my dream for anyone who wants to filter. Anyways, as always, liveblog under the cut:
I honestly have no idea what this show is about. I’m going in blind. Is this a good idea? Who knows. But we’ll find out!
The opening is cute.
Okay. This is subject to change but right off the bat, not a fan of Yu. Just very…boys I went to high school with. I don’t see what’s so funny. But I do like the little drawings. I love when shows do the little drawings like this.
NOT JOY TO THE WORLD NO. I hate this Christmas carol so much. I have for my whole life. It is a known thing to my family. I have to suffer it every year at the one and only church service I go to. And it is. The worst. Yes, I am aware that it’s basically just the G scale. Well fuck the G scale all the to hell. I was put on this earth to suffer.
I rarely mute shows but I had to mute this. Joy to the World? More like Misery to the Rae.
My attention span is shit today so I took a break and just watched a tiktok that literally threw me into such a hardcore laughing fit. I could not breathe. I was crying. I was dry heaving. It took me a full 10 minutes to calm myself down. It was the funniest thing I’ve seen in such a long time. I love people so much. Humanity is great actually.
Now I need to make dinner (yay leftovers) and then I can proceed on my watch.
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I’m pretty sure my mom has this sweatshirt not gonna lie.
The world is noisy and I am neurodivergent. Someone. Someone take me away. I need. Peace.
Prophetic dream time? Methinks?
Well actually *looks up at the title of this show* that would actually explain some things.
Lullaby soundtrack? But hummed lullaby? English speaking lullaby? Weird arrangement but I’ll move past that. Mostly because that is very much just a personal opinion there.
How many slices of bread are on that sandwich?
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Oh four. Okay. Where is the inside of that sandwich? Where’s the meat? The veggies? The anything? That’s just a bread sandwich at this point. Bread sandwich.
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Oooo the hand hold. Cuties. Alright. I’m on board. Also hopefully Ai scolding Yu to watch both ways before crossing will prevent the accident that’s about to occur.
The inherent homoeroticism of cacti (@heretherebedork honestly every cactus I see makes me think of you lol)
An…apology? With an explanation but not an excuse? An APOLOGY? I’m losing it. Okay. Officially sold on this show and this couple. Where are my donuts I must celebrate.
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Man I wish I could read Thai
My show watching got interrupted by my brother telling me a story about his date tonight with his girlfriend. Well also she told me the story. Very funny. Very strange. Both of them are great storytellers but back to BL.
Aaaahhhhh with the pictures as the birthday present that is sooo cute I am squealing I need to go take a nap I think because hoo boy too cute. Too too cute.
Now boys.
Oh dick so good it got you floatin
Oh end of episode? Well it’s not late at all so I can definitely do one more episode tonight. Praise bless.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
okay so that one ask Gryphon sent reminded me of my idea of Pre-BotW/AoC Link being called Fauna, which I have done for my Linx AU. It’s just such a good name
also going to steal the color coding idea. because I am about to ramble about my linx au. And also wish you a nice day, have a nice week actually since it’s Sunday somewhere.
Quick thing about the AU: A bunch of the Links are Fairies and they each have titles based on their powers, Pre-BotW/AoC Link is the Fairy of Fauna, so he has control over animals. He actually has control over more nature stuff but doesn’t know that, but BotW/TotK Link does and is called the Fairy of the Wild. I literally only made it so AoC Link doesn’t know he also has more control over nature specifically so I could call him Fauna.
Here’s more Linx thoughts because I like to share:
This AU is based on the show Winx, which has too much lore to explain right now, but just know that the main characters are all fairies. Side note but I think HW Link in any universe would love the show, fairy lover he is. But all the fairies are depicted as women. There are no guy fairies as far as I could tell. So I’m left with two options: 1) have them all be guys anyway, I do what I want or 2) make them all transmasc, I do what I want.
Guess which one I chose :)
So SkSw Link commonly has a “god-killer” moniker because he killed Demise, right? Well TotK Link quite literally has a god’s arm stapled onto him. People already have the idea of the Fierce Deity being scared of Sky, but what about Wild? I characterize Wild(in this AU at least)as having the worst god complex, mainly because of his literal god-given powers.
But I don’t think Wild would be scared of Sky, no, he would be taunting Sky because his ego is just that big. He might’ve killed a god before, but he never killed specifically a Zonai, has he? And what about an extremely durable Hylian, with Zonai powers? Checkmate “““god-killer.”””
I have a list of what kind of fashion each main Link has, among other notes. Why? Because Winx is also a doll line, and doll lines like to have their doll have different aesthetics to appeal to more people. Here’s what I’ve written down as their fashion, which are honestly a bit weird lol:
Wild: Final Fantasy Vibes - Belts
Spirit: Militant Train Conductor
Apo/Apocalypse(HW): Party Gentlemen
Wind: Sleep/Loungewear
Ori(LoZ1+2): Athleisure
Alt(AlttP): Moderate Regal
Time: Forest Boho
Ani(TP): Patchwork Farmer
Hope you enjoyed my rambling, and hope you feel better! I know the feeling of finally not writing and wanting to do other things…and then end up writing. I go to draw-whoops! writing motivation. I go to write-whoops! drawing motivation. Like I’m glad I got the motivation, but can I do it later? Thanks.
ooooh thats cool!!
i hope you hit em all with the transgenderification beam alkjslkssjl, they deserve to be trans, as a lil treat
i have this mental image of Wild being like ‘hehe haha you cant get me’ doing all sorts of tricks and flips and using the zonai powers while Sky just stands there unamused 😭
i definitely enjoyed your rambling, and i’ve decided to touch up an ‘older’ work i posted on ao3 as a sort of middle ground between taking a break and writing because it’s not as much mental work, I genuinely hate the fic, and I get to write without exhausting myself :) (i say older just because it was one of the first fics i posted for this fandom, it was only from january it aint that old😭)
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anomymoussoapbar · 29 days
hey, I saw one of your posts and your account and said you wanted to learn more about proship, right? (Sorry I can be a lil overthinker at times) I can explain my own causes if that can help you learn another perspective. THIS IS GONNA BE LONG SO PLEASE BE PATIENT.
First off, I am mostly a darkshipper! darkshippers ship the illegal stuff, like incest and you know all that. I am myself a darkshipper mostly. I ship things like "stalker x victim", "yand3re", "obsessive dynamics" and all that stuff similar. I DONT ship the illegal incest/ age gaps but Instead I prefer to go with the illegal toxic dynamics!
Now as to WHY I am a darkshipper and why I use this KIND OF FICTION to 'cope' comes from a past experience of mine. Not gonna go into detail, but I used to be very obsessive and have unhealthy attachments! They weren't good at all! I even had harmful intrusive thoughts because I would get jealous and live In a constant fantasy of "yandere wannabe" (Lol- I was 11 at that time ok💀) Which almost led me to end up harming others irl! (Hopefully I never did) and Now, I am out of that phase, I went to therapy for a while but then my mom got me outta there for idk why, which is why after i finished therapy, I wanted to manage my same intruisve thoughts and urges as much as i could! which is what led me to discover proshipping! (Or darkshipping specifically)
I project myself onto my dynamics and characters, so i can relieve myself when im feeling stressed or have a strong urge to go back to that horrible phase of my life and not care about anything else (to be short, i am impulsive. Also, ive also tried things like writing and drawing but they dont help as much)
Shipping these kind of fucked up dynamics GENIUNELY GENIUNELY helped me figure out the severity of it and gave me more control and the common sense to not do those things irl. Since I am now taking out the intrusive and impulsiveness outta me in fiction and not real life, I am not harming anyone! Nor do I truly wish to. My preteen years were f'ed up but I am better now and darkshipping has helped me through that. I don't condone abuse nor toxicity irl, and I NEVER WILL, since I am now aware of how grave the situations are if you take it out of fiction and put it in a real life setting.
The main reason for darkshipping is to relieve myself in fiction without worry I am harming others (because it's fiction) whlist knowing the severity of the ships if they were in in real life. As a proshipper (someone who's anti-harassment and supports problematic media, pairings, or are laid-back about it), most of us go by this saying: "ship and let ship". Also, we KNOW fiction AFFECTS reality, it can and it will, but not on a 1:1 scale (meaning it only affects reality when the shipper doesn't have the common sense to differentiate the two or if it's a kid, who's brain hasn't developed yet)
I WILL always keep my ships in fiction, and I am no longer feeling as impulsive as I did all those years ago, because darkshipping for some reason helped me figure out a way, which was projecting onto characters as well as exploring dark dynamics for fun!
Each Proshippers/darkshippers/comshipper's stories are a reason for who they are now. We don't go around and go committing those things we ship irl because it's very wrong to do so. As someone who almost attempted horrible things irl at such young age like 11, I myself now have the common sense and the control within myself now that I'm a little more grown up. Now i am older, I know have the care and healthy attachment to keep friendships and hang out with others, be more self-controlling and of course, more understanding of myself and others.
PLEASE PLEASE take care of yourself, if anything bothers you distance yourself from it, drink plenty of water and go for a walk or do your fav hobby, anything when you're feeling a little down ❤️ I'm GLAD I could talk to someone about this! So sorry if it was very long but I hoped this helped with your perspective. You're loved and you're very amazing, I love your account, and I'm willing to share more some other time. Bye👋
Hello :*)
Thank you so much for sharing your reasoning. I love how you found yourself a healthy way to vent out feelings and express them in ways that you can realize how realistically would be harmful. Interesting how darkshipping is actually quite common now that you defined it.
Killers/stalkers/kidnappers x victims are a common trope people love and the complexity of it is something I see everywhere. Even self proclaimed antis use these tropes as well. I never really thought about it until now LOL.
Also, thank you so much for the ask, you are very kind. I am sorry I took so long to get to you 🌸💕 and for the other askers as well. I will get to you all soon. I love you all and the support I have received in this blog.
Explanation for inactivity under cut
I have begun my studies again, and have focused SO much on them I have been neglecting my tumblr. Specifically this one. Trust me when I say this is NOT bait. I promise.
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bitchineering · 9 months
You don't know me... but let's work on that
Okay so like, I'm never active anymore. Really just gave up being active on tumblr because who the f is active here. Also I have a funny name now so it's fine- don't hate me for it.
Anyway, I thought, wow I really hate some stuff with teaching and no one having resources to free educational things so I thought to myself, why don't I just post items on here?!
Yea so that's what this is. You have classes you want to take, you don't have the ability to learn almost everything you ever wanted? Your teacher sucks ass? Well hopefully this helps makes everything better.
Mostly, all resources I know are about science and math (🫢wow surprised?!), and they can be tailored for whatever you need in long run. This became much longer than I thought it would be lol!
Topics Included:
Computer Science
Math (HS Algebra and up)
Computer Science
https://github.com/ossu/computer-science: this literally builds so much for coding and getting someone into programming. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for some classes (I don't know how much it would help with AP Computer Science or Principles, but it has so much information, anyone really wanting to learn about code could get started with this.
https://www.freecodecamp.org/: another win website, I'd def say a little more chaotic (?). It depends how you want to learn you know. Love the web design bs, not really into it, but their tuts and videos were helpful enough for myself.
https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2023/: Another beauty, these lectures really give so much for programming. Classes are held where you can even attend without being a harvard student. Lectures are intense imo, as it is a lot of content all in your face but just love the guy.
https://www.youtube.com/@alexlorenlee: Java. If you need any help in starting Java, I love these videos. He got me through a horrible class in my uni. Love him fr fr.
https://www.youtube.com/@crr0ww: Learning about any sorta malware, educational resources to get started with understanding your network, overall, just a really smart and funny guy. Love his videos. Really good at explaining basic contents.
https://www.youtube.com/@ColinGalen: Recommend his learning videos and how to think almost like a chess grandmaster. My own cs professor talks about drawing out code and being able to actually write what is going on in code.
(sorry, I'm not mechanical engineer 🙈)
Electrical Engineering: Youtuber Michel Van Biezen is AMAZING. Also, dude as a sick ass drip and I love the bow tie. His circuits and physics lectures are so entertaining and helpful to understand. I really really really loved his videos as they helped me pull my grades up. His explanations are top tear, I really feel like he's so good at this.
GaTech Coursera Circuits: There are two of these classes here.
DC Circuit Analysis: First course. Helps you learn almost everything you should have learned in Physics Two and if not, don't worry they explain it somewhat well. Videos are condensed and good enough for someone to watch. Just know they don't do calculations on screen, and those can be pretty lengthy to solve.
AC Circuit Analysis: Same as above, they don't have as many items for this course, but def know it is a good course and necessary for understanding more modern circuit applications.
Every engineer wants to be him -> Michael Reeves , if you've never heard of him, please. This man will make you want to recreate his robots. He's a genius. He's everything every engineer wishes they could be.
NileRed : Do you want to be a fake chemist because Ochem made you want to die?? Well actually I just took chem 1 and changed my major, but NileRed it literally so fun. His chem videos are so fun and cool.
Thought Emporium -> mad biology scientists? Love this guy too! He's trying to be Spider-man and I love him for that. I hope he recreates those spiderwebs, I've been watching it for so long. Love this dude.
Robotics Engineering: Done by a youtuber who love for the anime reps!!! This guy focuses more on VR/AR, but loves carrying the same vibes as Michael Reeves, a Russian youtuber I know, and just overall very fun.
Mechatronics: Things to know for going into the field of Mechatronics (basically this is Robotics, just the more machine side). They recommend having that backbone in the core classes.
Learning for Engineering Students: Love that someone who was an actual engineer made some sort of engineering studying help. Would totally recommend watching, along with some other youtubers,
Tamer Shaheen (Mechanical Engineer) notes and exam recitation guides
British Engineer Loved her video, really similar to my own method of doing repeated practice problems.
My own study method!!! Create a google docs with Three columns:
Topic -> Usually this is how I'd organize the question. I did docs like these for each class, so I instead would put this as some topic within my class OR I would organize it by assignment it correlated to. I.E. alternating circuits or homework
Question -> really self explanatory, make sure to give details, dates, who you think you should ask, etc etc. There are no dumb questions, I'd really recommended these for computer science and would totally give my notes out for that shit.
Answers -> another self explanatory category, however, would recommend doing something a lil different with this box. Don't overwrite explanations. Also, don't take explanations. Write your own understanding of the solution, and a link/cite/provide some evidence for you or someone to turn back to.
Organic Chemistry Tutor: Just, this man is everything. He has so many videos not only for chemistry but for other classes. I put him in math mostly because I used him for calculus I and II.
Khan Academy : Tbh, I loved their calculus course material. I'm not the biggest fan of them overall with some other provided materials (Like their SAT prep, really is only effective for helping students take it online and grading fast, but I'm pretty sure I have another post explaining how I found online materials for that bs and got a passing grade).
3 Blue 1 Brown (Math/ Calculus) : I feel like everyone knows him, he's so good at visualizing concepts. Great but still very complex videos, please understand that before going in. You might not be able to understand everything on first try, but always draw them out.
Studying Pure Math : Once you finished calculus and would enjoy some rigorous applications/learn about higher levels of math, this youtuber has linked a multitude of resources for those mathematical desires lol.
Small ideas of what is mathematics but this is such a beautiful video in explaining how mathematics is built up from each other. I think it changes your idea of how to study math (however, he does say you shouldn't memorize this stuff, but in the next bullet point, I wanted to show how I studied for math which did involve memorizing methods).
Studying thing I learned from youtuber but had sorta done myself, just think showing off this youtuber who's in oxford is fun!!!!
(Okay so I didn't find it, but the youtuber I thought who said the idea was Lucy Wang, still linking channel for the woman in math!!!).
So, in class you should be writing down examples, writing questions to the side, and looking for a pattern. When you find this pattern, you can organize your notes and your test answers. So like when doing an optimization problem in calculus, you have to draw the system, set up equations, ask what are you solving for, and the show the methods you used to solve. I would also recommend this for any numerical questions (for me, this included circuits, physics, and other math classes I've taken for a long time).
Professor Leonard: This man saved my calculus III grade. I love him. Please, he has almost all calculus classes, I don't think he has finished Differential equations and possibly one of his algebra courses, but his information is just great. His method of teaching is also phenomenal. And in the last video of his multivariable calculus playlist, he had the best quote ever. His wife and him were expecting a child, and he stated (this is horribly paraphrased but this was all I was thinking during my own calc III final):
"I'm pregnant- wait no- my wife's pregnant... But damn, I bet you I'd look good pregnant."
https://www.youtube.com/@Chommang: Beautiful art, really enjoyed drawing alongside. Implores you to find your own style, but helps with anatomy, reference drawing, I literally knew nothing about this bs. But I really enjoy the videos.
Puppet History : Okay. So I know what you'll say if you saw these videos. But really, just if you want to start with history, it's such a good introduction, such a fun cast, and the lore is also something that I really think makes characters funny, long lasting, god. It's just so good and well written for some youtube puppet fever dream.
Reading Analysis: Literally just came up on my rec on youtube. Really nice in explaining the actual analysis of the text.
Japanese: I used it for practicing listening to Japanese, mostly just me trying to recognized sounds and words. I'm still a beginner in Japanese, cannot actually hold conversations, but this has helped me listen to others better.
Geography Now!: Learning anything about countries/ needing to learn about countries relationships, just enjoy knowing much trivia. I'd recommend this for those items. Also like, learning about other countries are so much fun! I would def say, there are countries he doesn't examine as in depth, ie, India. But if you're just getting into geography boom, here you go.
Some other recommendations for history, look up on coursera, edx, I mostly learn alot of these topics on youtube with video essays. Ngl, your own political beliefs will heavily affect how you learn these topics. There's no way around this. I hope for the sake of whomever, just please, learn both sides actual arguments. And if debates ever turn to arguments/yelling matches, leave. You need to have a strong sense of self- and in the end, if the other person doesn't understand or want to, there's nothing you can do about it. You can keep thinking your own beliefs, or feel inclined to research the topic later. If anyone gives you shit for believe in something that turns out to be factually incorrect, accept how you were wrong, why you were wrong, and understand that being wrong is a path of knowledge. If someone else believes you are wrong, however, they can't factual cite this, that is just a disagreement over some topic.
A thing I've said to others, is that everyone interprets the bible differently. You interpret His messages in a way I can never understand. And I the same. Since I cannot tell you how to interpret the bible, you cannot tell me. Something I truly believe is everyone has their own connection with God (not saved to Christianity, I know this is from an idiot in the bible belt in the USA but we'll deal with that later), and that connection guides them through life.
So for building this mindset, some books/videos I'd recommend:
*Please know, these books may contain triggering/unpleasant topics that readers should look into before selecting a book to read.*
The Myth Of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
Everyone's favorite psychopath, No Longer Human Osamu Dazai
Capitalism Realism Mark Fisher
Ecrits Jacques Lacan
Make It Stick Science of Successful Learning
Absurdism: A video similar to topic above, less academia-y language.
Classics Worth Reading: love love love Emmie! Her videos are pretty fun and I really enjoyed her classics recommendation.
Small amount of topics to go look up, search what you love, stay away from what you don't like. In the end, help yourself become a well rounded person by building up those ideas.
If yall wanna add more, please please please! Education is something I'll never get enough of. I believe it should be free, nonpolitical, and inspiring for all. Everyone deserves education because it makes us smart, capable, and healthy individuals. It builds our future. Good luck in your educational future. Hopefully I have spur of the moment to post my small study ideas, or resources for studying, so that others can focus being more time efficient. Just remember, control f (windows <3) or command f (mac users) to find whatever you need.
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jabesa0 · 1 year
I wish I were one of your family members so u could learn me the way u draw 😭….
I am an artist but digital art has been my enemy for years….
if u have time to respond to this message could u maybe agree to help me and learn me through messages?
Ofc if ur not busy but if ur not interested it’s totally okay!
Hello!! I’m real sorry but I don’t think I could tech you!! I’m not the best at explaining how I do things since a lot of what I’ve learned has just being from doing/eyeballing things!! But honestly the best advice I can give is something I’ve heard said online before which is to just find a character you love and draw them and you’ll definitely see improvement!!
Drawing mammon has definitely helped me improve as every time I draw him I tell myself that it has to be better than the last (cause I’m in love w/ him LOL) I always strive to better myself just so the next mammon drawing is done to the best of my abilities!! If you have a character or media like that, use the love of that thing to push yourself forward!!!
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not-poignant · 1 year
There's been lots of Temsen talk around here, so I thought I'd drop by and tell you how grateful I am for TND and Temsen in particular. (TW scars) I have scarring on both sides of my torso. It's not raised or painful, but it's very obviously there because of the colour difference with the rest of my skin. It looks like spots and mottles. In TND, you wrote about an old sickness that ended up causing some Vench's skin to have spots and mottles (maybe some of them were just born like that? Im unsure) Until it was revealed that that's how the spots and mottles came to be, I had envisioned the Vench as these beautiful creatures, you know? And after the backstory, I still did. It made me realise that someone else may find my spots beautiful too (although, I realise I'm not an underground skin touch wowie creature, so it's different, lol). What I'm trying to say is that that part of TND but also just TND as a whole has helped me work through and accept so many parts of myself. Once it's finished, may I print it? To keep it on my bookshelf :). If I were a better artist, I'd draw something for you from TND, and if I were a better writer, I'd write. I'm really trying to convey how much TND means to me, and I don't think I can properly. I wish I could make you a 7 course meal, because I am a decent cook! If I didn't love you before (I did), I certainly do now, for having created this wonderful story and blessing us with it. I hope you continue to do things you enjoy and take breaks and eat good food!! Love <3
Hi anon! Tbh a 7 course meal sounds nice, I've only eaten mandarins today, because I've been in too much pain/fatigue to manage like...meals. So I'm always very amazed / in awe when other people have the energy to make things like sandwiches.
In TND, you wrote about an old sickness that ended up causing some Vench's skin to have spots and mottles (maybe some of them were just born like that? Im unsure) Until it was revealed that that's how the spots and mottles came to be, I had envisioned the Vench as these beautiful creatures, you know?
Tbh, anon, all of the mottles except for very few which look very specific (and have only been described once), are all not scars, but very beautiful, shining parts of the vench's bodies. I mean, Augus also perceives the scars from the rotting sickness that Wirth explains as beautiful (it is a white, shining scar that's very noticeable), but every other time vench mottles are mentioned, they're just a part of the vench's normal skin, in the same way that frogs also have very pretty blotches/mixed colourations. Mottles are clan specific (scars aren't), in terms of their colours (in fact hair, eye, and mottle colour are all clan specific in The Nascent Diplomat).
So envisioning vench as beautiful creatures who have naturally occurring mottles (that aren't scars - the scars only affected one generation of vench and they are the vast minority, the only one we've met so far is Wirth) is what was intended re: the story.
That being said, I really love your interpretation of things as well. I've written stories in the past where characters have quite serious scars, and their love interest has always seen them as beautiful or as neutral, as having merit or as signifying how strong the person with the scars was, or generally as being significant in some way. Stories like Into Shadows We Fall, The Golden Age that Never Was, The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle, Stuck on the Puzzle, even moments in The Spoils of the Spoiled, Falling Falling Stars, and it will be present in stories like Mallory & Mount as well. It's definitely something I've spent time on as a concept, even if it's not something I did for more than about five seconds in The Nascent Diplomat!
In that sense, I definitely think you will meet someone who either finds your scars beautiful, or alternatively, just a neutral, normal part of you. I have over 3 metres of surgical scars on my body, anon, and that doesn't include the scars I have for other reasons (stretch marks for example). Some of those scars are in very obvious places, some aren't, but there's very few parts of my body you can look at without seeing at least some.
Meanwhile my partners both have freckles absolutely everywhere (though they're fading now, as they get older), and I think that's amazing and really cool, and I love those freckles, and I don't understand how anyone could mock someone for it, because that just doesn't compute to me.
No body is perfect, and any body that is, will not be perfect for long, we all have an expiry date, we all attain scars and wrinkles and blotches and freckles and warts and hormonal discolourations (I have two dark patches on my cheeks from being on the combined Pill for such a long time - my Mum always covered hers with foundation, I don't cover mine at all, it doesn't seem like there's much of a point when I have a 20cm scar on my neck anyway.
Learning to at least be neutral with our bodies, is an admirable and I would say even necessary goal. Learning to be positive or loving our bodies is amazing for the folks who can get there!
Once it's finished, may I print it? To keep it on my bookshelf :).
Of course!!!
I apologise for not having put down the kind of profound meaning that you picked up from the story, but I still really support and love that interpretation, especially since I've written versions of it across so many narratives in the past, and will continue to in the future. Your interpretation makes the narrative a lot more powerful, and that you turned it into something that you could use to help transform your feelings towards yourself and your scars and your body is an absolute credit to you. I think you're amazing :) <333
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all 15 for george, harold, and/or melvin lol
friendship asks
*cracks my gay little knuckles mischievously*
when I think they become friends
Halloween and Holiday specials: oh you want to see these three become friends? Okay here you go—PSYCHE!
Okay but seriously I see George and Harold becoming friends with Melvin over the course of some kind of Melvin ~redemption~ arc. Like, they're helping Melvin sort through his issues and try to be a better person and eventually they come to see him as a friend when they see he's genuinely putting in effort to better himself. Melvin of course denies that he feels the same for the longest time but they get it out of him eventually.
My favourite scene of them
The Halloween special, when George and Harold go to invite Melvin sneak-or-snacking with them, and Harold says "We want you to come" and Melvin is genuinely so shocked and confused to hear it?? *Dead on the floor* And they give him his own cape??? *DEAD ON THE FLOOR*
A random headcanon
Specifically Movie! or Show!Verse: George and Harold eventually come to trust Melvin enough to decide to let him in on the big Captain Underpants secret, but when they do.....
George: What do you mean you already knew?
Melvin: It's not that hard to figure out. I mean, you two are always running off to find Krupp when the school is attacked, not to mention that they literally look the exact same—
Harold: Well why didn't you say anything before??
Melvin: It was much more fun to see how long you two could keep it secret before breaking
Cap should adopt Melvin I think
Favourite thing about them
"Enemies to Friends" dynamic my belovedddddd *shaking like a wet dog* Literally I just think that these three getting along would be both funny and sweet given their canon-established animosity with each other.
A scene I wish we had of them
I want all three of them to apologize to each other, please! I want all three of them to sit down and apologize for being jerks to each other and I want them all to forgive each other and promise to do better and go get ice cream together please!
(putting the rest under a cut because this is getting loooong lol)
A scene I want to change/rewrite in some way
What makes me like their friendship
For George and Harold specifically since I kinda already answered for Melvin/George/Harold: I don't know, their relationship and interactions are just really sweet and cute and their backstory makes me cry 🥲 I'm so happy they're still best friends in the future when they're both married with kids it just warms my heart
Who I think is the "crazier" one
Melvin is canonically the immovable object to George and Harold's unstoppable force and they're going to drag him into their shenanigans whether he wants to or not
Would I change anything about their friendship?
For George and Harold's friendship? Nope!
A song that reminds me of them
For George and Harold by themselves: "Hope Shines Eternal" from MLP
For George/Harold/Melvin: I refuse to explain myself
Which one do I relate to more?
Harold is a gay disaster with unmedicated ADHD and anxiety who likes to draw and overthink he's just like me fr fr
A word to describe them
"Inseparable" 😫
What I think would have happened if they'd never met
Don't think about Harold spiraling into depression as a pre-teen don't think about Harold spiraling into depression as a pre-teen don't think about Harold spiraling into depression as a pre-te
IDK I think if George hadn't met Harold he probably would've ended up as a kid who's popular and well-liked by everyone but he doesn't really have any friends because he just can't seem to connect with anyone else in his group?
Melvin I think would honestly be pretty much the same if he hadn't met George and Harold. He'd probably just find someone else to flaunt his superiority over.
Can I picture them being more than friends?
George and Harold? Definitely not. I enjoy their dynamic as best friends too much.
George and Melvin? I can see the appeal but ultimately I think George and Melvin work way better as narrative foils than as a couple.
Harold and Melvin? This ship owns my entire heart I love these awkward dorks so much
Would I want to be friends with them?
Honestly........ probably not, lol. George and Harold are too energetic and Melvin is too much of a smug know-it-all, but I don't think I'd mind being acquaintances with them. They seem nice enough for that.
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xxxdoppel · 11 months
And here he is. My OC. xxxALeC.
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It’s rare when I draw or design something that does not make me feel embarrassed two weeks after I’m done with it, so it was exciting to see him again and realize he’s so cvnt! If he could have a theme soundtrack it’d be “Sour Candy” by LG.
I don’t really remember my whole thought process for him, though. It’s been a while but, at least, I recall enough to roughly explain his story and design.
I always envisioned my own world in the Puella Magi series to involve magical “girls” who where serial killers. There was so much boundless freedom and so many ways to express your magical powers that feeding the reason of your survival made the lives of others an interesting gamble.
It was a little sad to me when Himena’s story began unfolding and I realized my idea was too similar in some aspects. xxxALeC’s wish was quite the same, but given a different purpose. But, whatever. Not like I’m ever planning to write his story anyway so who the fuck cares, Mary?
Let’s go back to the important things.
The first version of him is the black ensemble. The one he originally transforms into. I wanted him to look feminine. Someone who is perfectly confident, perfectly content, perfectly sure of where they belong to to be comfortable to be masculine and feminine at the same. Lethal, sexy, cvnt and no fucks to give to no random ass motherfucker. Something like that.
The second outfit is what he eventually evolves into. His development is the life of a flower. A bud who blooms into a rose of despair. There is no hope for a serial killer. You can only kill one person in your life… because you pay for that soul with your own. He has already killed way too many to dream for something better.
Valentino red. That’s his favorite color. It matches well with blood, I guess.
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I don’t know if you know this but I’m a really big fan of Revolutionary Girl Utena, so it makes sense my weapon is a sword. A big one. Ladies, is it gay to feel sexually attracted to big deadly blades?
His soul gem is a fun little detail. I started drawing random shapes until I realized I had made a vagina. She’s open, juicy and intricately wonderful. I like to tell myself he’s a void to feel special, but he’s most likely a dark slut… because Kanagi is queen of darkness OF COURSE sis.
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Abraxas, the doll maker witch. Her nature is depersonalization-derealization. A flower who once attracted many clients and there was something else here but I totally forgot the full description I came up with lol! Something about vessels and magical girls.
This is kind of a controversial topic, but this witch was inspired by a certain famous murder that occurred in North America in the late 90’s about a certain young gay man… well… if you know you know. I thought it’d be interesting to create something powerful out of such tragedy. I do apologize if I went too far. It does tie well with xxxALeC’s story, though.
I actually came up with two concepts for this witch. Let’s call them “the good ending” and “the bad ending.” This one that you’re seeing is the good ending. Now I wish I had kept the rough draft of the second one. It was kinda lit, if you don’t mind me saying.
I love horror stories and I’ve always wanted a magical girl story that was also a horror movie. There are magical girl murders and death out there, but there isn’t really magical girl horror that truly gives you a fright. If I had enough motivation to write long stories I’d definitely LOVE to come out with a story like that.
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