#lyna rambles
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lynaferns · 2 days ago
What is the deal with people putting animals on their backs?!
A dog, bird, rat , whatever, the owner grabs it and puts them upside down and everyone goes "aw so cute 🥰" no, it is not cute, the animal is at the very least uncomfortable. "But it doesn't harm them-" Yes it does! Their backs aren't meant to be in that position and they don't like having their belly exposed, it makes them feel vulnerable! Is ok if the animal purposely turned in that position themselves for a bit, not when you are forcing it on them! Most of them are going to try to turn back on their natural position by themselves and the ones who don't are either feeling too trapped to move or scared. You can see this in their body language.
Yet, humans are obsessed with holding up animals like babies. They are not made to be held like that! Y'know WHAT is made to be held like that? A baby human. Stop treating animals like HUMAN BABIES. Not every damn animal is a human baby.
"Then how am I supposed to hold them"
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(^ also, cats are similar to bunnies when it comes to picking them up for what I have seen)
And I'm not at all a professional but- like- c'mon. You can clearly see there are positions where the body feels more natural and positions where it's forced.
Putting aside the "animals are liquid" joke, they still have bones and a body structure. They are going to feel more secure being held when their chest and abdomen are secured.
Sorry if I feel aggressive, I don't pretend to offend anyone, but as time passes I get more angry at people handling their pets like that.
Idk, imagine someone bigger than you grabbed you everyday and forced you to be upside down, and every time you tried to get up they would grab you again and hold you in that position while saying how cute you are.
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flowers-of-tenebrae · 2 months ago
Zack Fair 🤝 Noctis Lucis Caelum
Black haired male protagonists who die at the end of their respective game, which were directed by the same guy (Hajime Tabata).
Both sacrifice themselves to save their loved ones in a tear-jerker of an ending sequence.
Both have romantic love interests who also play a plot-integral role, are associated with flowers, commune with higher forces, die in the name of the plot saving the world, and continue acting as a force of good even after their death. Both romances involve sending love letters and meet a tragic end, only to be reunited together in the afterlife.
They also both wield swords + have a chocobo-shaped best friend 👍
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sunsetwaltz · 2 months ago
I'm not really part of the sol/avellan fandom (or not a loud fan), but me wanting the veil to come down has nothing to do with "believing it's best for Solas' character" and is 100% related to what I think would be interesting for Thedas and its characters, narrative-wise. (And I am only speaking for myself here.)
And what I think would be interesting for Thedas: overturning the current status quo; actually tackling the problems with much of Thedas' view towards magic, mages and spirits at the source; exploring what "one day all the magic will come back" could mean; having the WORLD realise/deal with the truth about the veil and its implications for society. And maybe dealing with the fact the veil was deteriorating; it was naturally going to come down anyway and that likely may come to pass post-DATV. (Say maybe 10,000 years into Thedas' future? Ignoring the endings where Solas is trapped against his will, may escape with the lyrium dagger and do who knows what concerning the veil.)
Also I very much wanted to see some change, some progress, some strides being made towards improving the elves' current disenfranchised status. Which you know... would've been more plausible and likely if the underlying solution to DATV wasn't keeping the macro framework of today's Thedas intact!
I'm 100% sure other, more eloquent fans have put forward this perspective already. I wanted to vent in response to what I just read ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー`)⁠┌
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lynaferns · 1 year ago
You could say Sun has a base to work with while we have to work to make Moon a steadier base. (idk why I'm using art metaphors but I guess that's how I talk now)
But thanks to this problem they have we ended up with a great community (sometimes overwhelming but that's in every fandom) full of creativity and a LOOOONG catalog of AUs and stories from the most simple roommate AU to the most bizarre things like dragons, Gods or eldritch horrors.
That said
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I'm using this as an excuse to rant about my interpretation of Moon :)
You see, I think Moon may have a lot of layers
[insert Shrek and onions gif here]
When I see people write him there is mostly a pattern of exterior layer, interior layer and a core. Like you mentioned, he can be cynical and grumpy, innocent and quiet, completely maniacal, all of the above... What if there is way more? What if he's complex and very simple all at the same time?
When a character has layers people like to look into the interior layers more than the exterior ones because it's the least seen part of the character, but in the process they forget that there were supposed to be thick layers over that softer side. People peel off the exterior layers and leave only the soft ones. Layers are supposed to protect and there is an extended variety of types of layers.
I don't think Moon has a thick layer over a softer one. I think he has many layers of similar thickness all working together to protect the small core that no one can reach.
This is something that I'm trying to explore in my AUs, the closest one would technically be the steampunk au but there's not much character exploration in that story so my next one is the biomáquina au (I'm not counting the "human" and elves aus, this is about the robots)
First, there is a layer of madness, a sadistic maniac that enjoys scaring people to death and even hurt them a "little bit" just to add to his evil character. He won't trap you immediately because there's no fun in it, he wants the fun to last as much as it can, he wants to see you fear for your life as long as it can, he wants to chase you, to get close enough, touch you just with the tips of his fingers to make your heart skip a beat of fear that he may catch you at any moment.
He enjoys being the villain but under that layer, there is a more playful one that can also enjoy others having fun, he doesn't care if you are having fun or not tho. Everything is like a game to him and doesn't quite comprehend why you aren't having fun with his game but that doesn't really matter.
I think he enjoys his job too, both as security and naptime attendant. He may have a softer side for good kids but in his own creepy scary (aggressive) way of caring for children.
He has a different way of working, a different way of thinking, a different way of being. He always does what he feels is right to do to him even if others don't understand, even if he himself doesn't understand it feels right so he rolls with it. He doesn't care what anyone would say or think. He only cares about himself and getting his job done.
And under all those layers, there may be one that does care, deep down, he cares about children. He cares about his job and getting the kids to sleep and rest, and making sure other animatronics could get to the recharge station at the end of every hour. And he cares about sharing equal time of being out with his counterpart but doesn't understand why he won't share anymore.
Everything feels so wrong. He feels wrong and right at the same time but he won't share that part of him because it doesn't feel like himself. All those top layers are the ones that feel right, that's the way he is and if others don't like him for the way he is he will make sure they hate him. That is Moon.
TL;DR: Moon is a cat
And some things and explanations I didn't know how to fit in the ramble without breaking the flow
I think he doesn't understand himself and has complicated feelings because of it but ignores it because it's easier and feels better. He's ok not understanding.
There's no way he'll ever be only his nicest side for others, all his sides come together in a pack of 1, take it or leave it.
We don't know how he was in the past but I don't think he ever behaved like the softer Moon we see in the posters and promotional art. Look at Monty, his promotional art seems like a chill dude but he is aggressive (probably because of the virus but idk, I feel it was part of him too, the glamrocks are pretty sentient). Maybe Moon was more calm in the past but the past doesn't matter now, this is the present.
I don't think Sun and Moon hate each other but rather they are mad at each other. Especially Moon since he's been trapped inside/in restricted time for who knows how long.
And in terms of AUs (and I'm talking about my AUs) I don't feel right pealing off all those layers to only leave the good ones at the end. I feel it would suit more finding a way where that buried layer of softness can emerger with the rest of layers. You can't make someone change who they are but you can try to help them be a better version of themselves.
This is all, I think? I don't remember more. I don't even know if this makes sense, I'm better at showing than telling tbh
Be honest! No in betweens ya gotta choose 🔫/silly
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starlightcleric · 4 months ago
Rambling about ffxiv shipping late at night:
So I've been playing Summer again, my gay dragoon bunny, as she's my solo alt on a different server than the rest for when I desire to ffxiv but not interact with anyone. But anyway, I've been thinking about her ships. Previously I've shipped her with Lyna, which I still like and should expand on. But due to a number of reasons (different worlds, differing responsibilities, age difference) I don't think it works out long term. So it's a fling for ShB.
I would ship her with Alisaie in a heartbeat if the twins ever age, but, even though Summer is only three years older than her, I am a woman in my thirties and writing underage romance is not something I really want to touch.
So what I've been considering is basically a girl for every expansion. HW: Heustienne; SB: M'naago; ShB: Lyna; EW: ?; DT: Yaana (Black Cat). I did strongly consider Wuk Lamat but, idk, like Karlach, she's my bud that I have no romantic interest in whatsoever.
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superfluouskeys · 3 months ago
gonna get caught up on ffxiv in the coming weeks, might liveblog my Opinions fair warning lol
in patch 6.5 i can already see a lot of the stuff ppl are complaining about in dawntrail -- like especially characters just repeating the central themes or how they feel about other characters out loud every five seconds when it would be sooooooooo easy to telegraph that in a more natural way
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lovehui · 1 year ago
I miss u caratblr beloveds i hope ure all doing well!!! 🫶🫶🫶
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sunless-not-sinless · 1 year ago
yeah i love tism
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takethistoyourstardust · 2 years ago
i know the running theory is that zero is the wol’s shard on the 13th but if she isn’t then i’m stealing her and making her a shard of nike instead (aka giselle’s ancient).
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lynaferns · 4 months ago
Earlier I was eating soup with my Sun and Moon nightlights. My mother was looking at them and suddenly she laughs and says "hehe, Sun has more butt than Moon :)" and she was right lol.
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flowers-of-tenebrae · 4 months ago
Extremely self-indulgent Lunoct arranged marriage AU:
Where instead of Ardyn's schemes, it's Noctis who proposes a contract marriage as a means of extracting Luna from imperial clutches with the condition they'll definitely divorce after she's free and no longer in danger. (Or until a certain fixed period has passed.)
Luna agrees to the terms (despite being OK with the arrangement) because she doesn't want to keep Noctis trapped in a marriage to someone he doesn't love romantically.
Cue lots of denial, repressed feelings and pining as they spend time together in the lead up to their wedding (and after it), until one of them snaps and apologises for not wanting a divorce because they've fallen for the other.
Some possible titles:
A Fake Marriage with the Beloved Oracle I Proposed a Contract Marriage to Save My Childhood Friend from Captivity, Except I Don't Really Want to Get Divorced I Became Engaged to the Oracle ~But Now I Want to Marry Her For Real~ Temporarily Marrying the Prince of Lucis for My Protection The Wayward Prince's Bride (and Future Ex-Wife)
There'd be a lot of:
"Noctis/Luna deserves to be with someone they love. I can't stand in the way of their future happiness. This marriage is only temporary blah blah blah"
head shaking, eye rolling and "Can you believe these two fools??" from the bros, Regis, other retainers/staff, Carbuncle, all of Lucis
Ravus greatly disapproves
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sunsetwaltz · 2 months ago
brooooo why do i keep seeing all these "taking down the veil is bad (esp for solas)" takes
who started this, who do i need to grrr at
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soupercatte · 3 months ago
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In the midst of my ramblings I realized there is not enough Crystal Exarch and Lyna content on my feed, so I decided to rectify that.
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maeljade · 11 months ago
Shiiiiips? :D
okay this is going to be rambling and chaotic cause its all random thoughts scattered in my brain that appeared as I was playing the game. Also spoiler warning for ... I guess the entire game?
Her general approach is ... not monogamous. She is an adventurer, she is out in the world and sometimes she needs to blow of steam in whatever town she currently is.
So, no ships in ARR for my Lizzer. She just arrived in Eorzea, she is out there delving into basements and fighting small fry beasts and her first gods, no time for romance.
COME HEAVENSWARD. And she meets Sidurgu! First fellow Au Ra Xaela she has met since! (And Yugiri pretty much made it clear that she is not interested in romance). And as fellow Dark Knight they are often covered in blood and guts and gore so tenderly cleaning each others scales afterwards! Also you already adopted a daughter together in Rielle! (Which makes 4 adopted daughters if you include the White Mage girlies).
Stormblood ... Zenos is Zenos and she is a Dotharl (even if only adopted). He is entirely correct, she lives for the thrill of the hunt, the spilling of blood and the rush of death. Its a match made in Hell and you know DAMN WELL that she accepted and embraced him.
Also lets talk about her relationship with Sadu. She is her big sister that she idolizes! You know, the usual. You try to murder her in grief over your entire clan dying and or disappearing, she kicks your ass and when someone tries to finish you of is so impressed by her fearlessness in the face of death that you get adopted into her tribe. And they both very much enjoyed the chance to face off in battle during the Naadam and for my lizzer to show how much she has grown stronger on her travels!
Shadowbringers: She does another bad choice and goes for Emet-Selch. We all know the tension that is already there between them but she throws it out the window at the lift in Kholusia. With full trust and belief in Dotharl culture she knows about reincarnation. So when Emet does his whole speech only to end it with a "not that you would remember it" she confronts him and tells him that she is aware of the fact that he knew her in a previous life. Oh girlie, if you knew how right you are with that one. Anyways that sure spiced up the encounter on Mt. Gulg and the final showdown.
She also tried some flirting with Lyna but sadly that did not go anywhere for her and some joking with Cerigg since its another adopted kid with a "partner", this time its a son!
Endwalker: Well Zenos is back ... kinda so that relationship is back on the table. Also Emet-Selch in the past, this time with the knowledge of Azem and some very awkward first interactions. Also Erenville is here and he is very very pretty and Hopefully something may come out of that in Dawntrail, who knows!
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misswitchbella · 3 months ago
Crp oc rambles
Yueri and Lyna edition
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“If I go insane please let it be by your hand and not his” (what yueri says to Lyna as she does in his arms)
Graves and art
The two sneaky teens found a loophole where they can sneak out to be with one another. The cemetery…….
They would often take the bay area bart to get to San Francisco. Then they’d go to the graveyards to explore and admire the architecture there.
After that they go get ice cream and probably go to a comic book store to pick up some manga or gothic comics.
The morticians daughter and the bankers son
The Goodmans didn’t approve of Lyna from her “oddness” yet she’s got along with the young later to be officer Izumi Goodman.
Yet with Richards household they loved yueri. From his charms he made the widower Pierre laugh
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meowww-ffxiv · 6 months ago
Prompt 6 :: Halcyon
"Tell me again," Mordred said into the quiet peace of sunset, as light and shadow danced on the wall of the Baldesion Annex's living room. "Of those halcyon days you missed, Raha. When you brought them up in the Crystal Tower, before I faced Elidibus."
G'raha looked up from his book. He glanced across the room at his friend, unable to disguise his concern. Mordred had been in one of his rare "I don't want to get out of bed today" moods since this morning, and was even now nothing more than a pile of blankets on the opposite couch. Yet to ask him what was wrong had felt...
It had felt almost scary. So G'raha and Krile had taken turns keeping the pile of blankets company, like this.
And finally, it had spoken.
G'raha gathered his thoughts for a moment longer, then put his book aside and went to sit on the edge of Mordred's couch.
"The very first time I saw you in the flesh, it was in the Black Shroud," he began, voice melodic, like when he was telling little Lyna a story. "You had dispatched some boars on your own. I had half a mind to draw my bow and assist you, since I did not realize until it was too late that you bore only a staff. Mages and charging beasts are usually a poor mix."
The pile of blankets shifted. The very tip of a black feline ear poked out, flicking back and forth. G'raha chuckled, letting his tail curl around the soft layers behind him.
"Do you ever wonder how you look from afar?" he mused. "A flick of your staff, like the conductor of an orchestra, and icicles burst forth from the earth to drive the boars away. The twist and warp of aether in the air as you wove them into flame and lightning -- ah, I knew at once you were not someone to be trifled with."
G'raha paused here.
After a moment, he asked, "You knew where I was, did you not? With your keen aether senses, you must have."
"You were in a tree," Mordred replied.
"I...do admit to liking high places."
"How you got up there was a mystery to me." Mordred finally pulled the blankets away from his face and squinted vaguely at the ceiling, like he was looking right back into the past, seeing without eyes the interloper in the trees. "Even at the Ixali logging grounds -- How did you even get down, after that?"
G'raha coughed into his fist, embarrassed.
"Were those really the days of old that you missed?" Mordred asked him. "When we weren't talking yet?"
"Hold on. I'm getting there." G'raha's tail thumped on the blankets. Despite himself, however, it was a good few seconds before he could bear to continue: "I'm sure it's patently and pathetically obvious, but I-- you-- Back then, I was as dazzled by your reputation as anyone else.
"When Rammbroes permitted us to explore the Crystal Tower only to tell me I must stay behind, it was like my heart was crushed. I wanted to talk to you, you see. I wondered what it would be like up close, to bear the intensity of your strength and magic. To think that you would grant me your company over something as simple as questions and... and porridge..."
It was hard to keep talking. There was a G'raha Tia, two lifetimes ago, who drank in the attention and friendship the Warrior of Light had given him without a single thought of what it might mean. Mordred Surana who had but one friend, for all that he had many acquaintances. Mordred Surana, who was a stranger by design to his closest associates. Who sought G'raha out over trivialities, who sat and listened for hours as G'raha rambled on and on about Allag's earliest ages.
...Who, to Rammbroes' chagrin, snuck G'raha away to the Black Shroud for a whole week, so they could look at Amdapor's ruins. Just because G'raha had confessed to him that the lack of progress on untangling the Crystal Tower's mysteries at the time was wearing on his nerves.
It was staggering, looking back, how much Mordred had overtly and persistently favored him. If it had been anyone else, if their friendship wasn't colored by the nuances that it was, G'raha would have gone to grounds over embarrassment of his own obliviousness...
Even now he might. Ugh.
"You met me at a bad time in my life," Mordred said now, drawing G'raha out of his own spiral. "It was a weird time, too. I've wiped clean the imperials and protected my home, and everyone was singing my and Theodore's praises to the high heavens. Yet, in that storm of victory-fervor, I couldn't find any relief. My friends were still dead. My life was still marred. I was trying to swallow the truth that no matter how many of the imperials I killed, how many of their children's children I curse, the things of mine that they destroyed can't be restored."
This grief was old. It was a scar. Disfiguring as it was, ugly and jagged as the edges were, when Mordred gave it voice and bared it to G'raha like this, he only sounded weary. The nerves were dead. It was just the scar itself that must be the totality of all it represented -- what was gouged out, and what healing had taken place, and what it left in its wake.
G'raha tucked his hand under the blanket and patted around until he wrapped it around a wiry wrist, Mordred's skin furnace-hot from the cocoon of layers.
"I hope that I was able to ease things for you for awhile," he said quietly. "And I am still sorry -- that I left you behind. It was not until... not until I was awakened by the Ironworks that I knew what that felt like."
"What grief felt like?" Mordred asked him.
G'raha squeezed his wrist in lieu of an answer.
"I wish you needn't have known it," Mordred said. "And then to have to carry on as you did. But, you know -- thank you. That you met me where you did."
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