frishbi · 5 months
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Winter Soldier AU Commission! AHH THIS HUUURTS
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chantaldraw · 1 year
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"...because you did start something."
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hadesisqueer · 1 month
One thing I really like about RWBY as a show is that the heroes do not have a strict no kill rule. Like, obviously, they very much prefer not hurting or killing anyone at all, but if it comes to that, they do not hesitate.
-Tyrian is trying to capture Ruby and kill her uncle and her friends? The moment he gets slightly distracted, Ruby takes the chance and cuts his tail off without a second thought.
-Cinder is affected by Ruby's silver eyes in the Battle of Haven? Jaune doesn't hesitate and the moment she lets her guard down he tries to stab her in the face; had he gone for a slash instead, Cinder would be dead.
-Tock has blinded Maria and is about to kill her? There you go, Maria will decapitate her. Bye, Tock.
-Adam keeps trying to kill Blake and Yang? Oh, he gets stabbed by both of them. No more Adam.
-Ironwood tries to shoot Winter again with that weird gun even though she's a Maiden now? Winter just sends the blast back at him and leaves. Doesn't even check if he's still alive.
-Neo just pushed Yang to the void and they think she's gone? Blake WILL try to cut Neo's head off. And while they're fighting Ruby doesn't hesitate to push Neo off the bridges even if she thought that would kill her.
Which are all like, normal. Those other people are actively trying to kill them or their loved ones as well. Which is why I used to be really confused when I kept seeing some people complaining mostly about the Ruby with Tyrian and the Blake and Yang vs Adam things. Saying they are supposed to be the good guys and they should set an example to viewers instead of maiming or killing their foes.
What example do you want them to set? That letting others kill you and your loved ones is okay? Because that's what was gonna happen; Tyrian had just poisoned Qrow, actually he's lucky Ruby only went for the tail. Adam was not going to stop and he going to take Blake's sword to continue to try murdering her and Yang, who had no Auras either and were as vulnerable as he was. They either did it first or they could die, and they did. It's self-defense. Tyrian and Adam were trying to kill them and they were the ones who started the fights. You fuck around, you're gonna find out.
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erros429 · 4 months
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rwby textposts pt46!!! volume 10 save me…… volume 10…….. save me volume 10……..
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wuyi1551 · 2 days
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
The Popsicle Comparisons
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Pyrrha: Jaune’s bigger.
Yang: Waaaaaaay bigger!
Nora: Thicker too.
Weiss: My singing career really helped me take it.
Blake: Took me a few tries, but I can reach the end.
Glynda: I can kiss the tip when I sandwich him.
May: I wanna do that…
Velvet: I love his carrot~!
Ruby: I can’t get my hands around it.
Coco: I can’t keep my hands off of it~!
Cinder: Oh, look, it’s my discipline stick~!
Emerald: Yeah, Daddy’s bigger.
Militia: It was fun when we sandwiched it between us.
Melanie: We have to do that again~!
Neo: 🥰🍆💦
Winter: The limp I got was divine~!
Harriet: I pulled so many muscles that day… Worth it~!
Elm: He picked me up like a twig when we did it.
Salem: My ex-husband was a shrimp compared to him.
Willow: I love how he remodelled me to fit him~!
Kali: I’ve never had a human before, but good gods~!
Raven: And, I thought I was a top~!
Summer: We need to do it again, the timing was off.
Sienna: Pro-Faunas on the streets, Pro-Human in the sheets~!
Terra: I’m gay, but when it comes to, Jaune~!
Robyn: I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t divine.
Fiona: The big bad wolf is coming to ravage the poor defenceless lamb again~!
Jessica: Yellow, my one weakness~!
Jinn: You think you know everything, but then you really know everything~!
Saphron: …
Saphron: Dibs. I go next.
RWBY Girls: Eh?!
Mercury: D-Did you really…?
Jaune: Yeah…
Ren: A-All of them…?
Jaune: Yep…
Sun: One is surprising enough, but all of them?!
Jaune: Shocking, I know…
Neptune: How did that all happen?!
Jaune: Word of mouth.
Ren: Is that metaphorical, or literal?
Jaune: Yes.
Mercury: How can you manage that?!
Jaune: Semblance.
Ren: So… The whole team?
Jaune: Which ones?
Mercury: The bad girls?
Jaune: A few here, and there.
Ren: The teacher?
Jaune: You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Sun: The moms?
Jaune: Not all at once. I think…?
Neptune: The faunas chicks?
Jaune: They tend to bite, and scratch…
Mercury: The green ring girl?
Jaune: I still don’t understand the yellow weakness bit.
Sun: The, Relic?
Jaune: There’s some knowledge for you.
Ren: Your sister-in-law?!
Jaune: Was my first.
Mercury: Your sister?!
Jaune: Another brocon. Joy…
Jaune: …
Jaune: No comment.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Guys! Its here! the full 6 minute RWBY V9 Epilogue Animatic!
Thanks to Accentkisses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8zH4ca18CY
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ficretus · 1 month
RWBY teams get reorganized.
CRWBY: Hello RWBY characters.
Ruby: Who are you? Are you Gods?
Salem: Please tell me you are destroying the world.
Cinder: What do you mean RWBY characters? Does that mean that brat is the protagonist?
CRWBY: No, no, yes. Higher ups in Viz demanded we make some changes to the show. So we are gonna reorganize the teams based on the origin of their fairy tale allusion.
Yang: I didn't understand a single word you just said.
CRWBY: Andddd... reshuffle!
*magic poof*
Ruby: Why do I no longer like strawberries and cookies?
Weiss: Take this pretzel and shut up.
Ruby: Weiss? We are still partners?
Weiss: Of course we are, nothing can separate us.
Ruby: That's great. Where are the others?
Weiss: It appears they are not German enough for our team.
Ruby: Look! There is another one of our teammates! *turns into rose petals*
Weiss: Ruby, don't jump a complete stranger like that.
Ruby: *tackles them down* Hello, I am Ruby Ro... oh.
Salem: Somehow this curse keeps getting worse.
Weiss: Scheisse!
Oscar: I hope ze Ruby is my partner, hon hon hon. Ugh, what the hell happened to my voice.
Ozpin: Oscar, you are taking a dangerous route I cannot follow.
Oscar: Oz, what ze happening?
Ozpin: You are turning French. *soul gets ejected from Oscar's body*
Oscar: Nooooooo. It feels like part of me is missing now. I have a sudden urge to fill it with cheese and wi... Sacrebleu, I am really turning into ze Frenchman. I need to talk to someone, where are my teammates. *hears loud noises* There they are.
*walks up*
Oscar: Bonj... Hello, I am Oscar.
Cinder: We know who you are Farm Boy. Now, as the leader of this team...
Jaune: Who the hell put you in charge of this team?! Why are you even on this team, Cinderella story has many origins!
Cinder: Because I am Cinderella with glass slippers nimrod! Only French one has glass slippers!
Jaune: Great, I'm on the team with Pyrrha's murderer.
Cinder: Oh give me a break, they revived her. She is over there tossing Mercury. You are just salty because now there is no excuse for you not getting laid.
Oscar: Wait, why am I the only one with ze French accent?
Blake: Because you are an impressionable kid.
Oscar: Blake! You are ze here too!
Blake: *chuckles* Yes I am.
Jaune: Oh shut up!
Cinder: Make me!
Blake: How long will it take before they start making out?
Yang: Of course it's raining. Can this place get any worse?
Jax: Hello peasant.
Yang: I am gonna pretend I didn't hear that.
Jax: Me and my sister need someone to observe our polo game. Now move your arse.
Gilian: Polo? I am not playing polo with you Jax. You always rile up my horse with your Semblance!
Jax: So what? Are we suppose to just sit here and drink tea?
Gilian: I wouldn't mind that. Peasant, bring us some tea! And make sure it is Darjeeling, otherwise I might throw up.
*Yang knocks out both*
Yang: Can't pretend twice in the row.
Blake: Yang, is that you?
Yang: Blake! Where are you?
Blake: I am on the other side of the Channel!
Yang: What's going on on the other side?
Blake: Jaune and Cinder fighting... scratch that... making out. Oscar is losing himself to his French side. Toss me some fish and chips before his Frenchness fully overtakes him. You know what, throw some for me as well.
Yang: Are we suppose to be enemies now that you are French and I'm English?
Blake: Yes we are, but that's so hot.
Yang: Oh yeah. Wait, someone else is here.
Robyn: *pickpocketing Asturias siblings* No time to explain, I'm repurposing their funds.
Winter: This is something new. I... I've never had a partner or team. I just hope it's not...
Qrow: Hello Ice Queen!
Winter: Branwen...
Qrow: It turns out Ice Queen is based on Snow Queen, how original.
Winter: What are you even doing here? Don't you have some other places to be, other people to bother?
Qrow: Nope, I am as Nordic as it gets. It turns out I am based on one of the Odin's messengers. Other one being... oh crap.
Raven: Hello brother!
Qrow: Raven... Don't you have some other places to be, family members to abandon?
Raven: And miss out on this? No way.
Winter: Wait a minute... You kidnapped Weiss!
Raven: Oh please, she ran into me. Can hardly count it as kidnapping.
Winter: Oh don't worry, this will hardly count as a beatdown. *draws swords*
Raven: Pfff, another Maiden to beat.
Nora: Heya Qrow, what did I miss.
Qrow: Not much kid, just some of the reasons I started drinking.
Ozpin: Come on James, don't be a buzzkill, we are doing the Wizard of Oz walk.
Ironwood: I am starting to believe that it wasn't a coincidence I tried to kill you.
Ozpin: Ha ha ha, good old James and his deadpan humor.
*walks down the road holding hands with Glynda, Theodore and Lionheart*
Adam: So, drinking alone on the sideline.
Ironwood: What are you doing here Taurus? Aren't you suppose to be on Team France?
Adam: Well, I tried. But they argued I don't count since most of my allusion comes from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. And Blake filed a restraining order... typical.
Ironwood: You know I can have you arrested.
Adam: Arrest a teammate? Who does that?
Ironwood: I do.
Adam: Fair enough. You know, I stabbed a teammate before.
Ironwood: Cheers.
Adam: Cheers.
Penny: *sad lonely robot noises* Wait, who is there?
Neo: *signs* It's me, Neo. *sits next to Penny*
Penny: Aren't you based on an ice cream?
Neo: *signs* It's an Italian ice cream. Do you want to be alone?
Penny: No. *shifts closer*
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howlingday · 2 months
Rusted knight au winter lands in everafter time travels and by time team rwby finds them winter and weiss have a kid.
???: HALT!
???: Intruder! Identify yourself!
Jaune: (Sighs) It's me, Nick.
Nick: I said, "Identify yourself!"
Jaune: Girls, this is Nicholas Schnee-Arc, my son.
Nick: F-Father! Don't reveal top secret information!
Weiss: Wait, so this is... my nephew?
Nick: N-No! Incorrect! I have aunts or uncles left alive!
Jaune: That's not what we told you. We said we don't know if they're still alive. And, as you can see, your auntie Weiss is still alive.
Weiss: Please don't call me Auntie Weiss, Arc.
Nick: ...Auntie?
Winter: Nicholas, what's the commotion out... here...
Weiss: P-Put me down, you brute!
Nick: (Hugging with armor on) Oh, Auntie, I'm so happy to finally meet you~!
Winter: W... Weiss?
Weiss: Winter? (Set down) You... You're o-KAY!
Winter: (Squeezing her sister) Oh, Weiss, I... I'm so sorry! I couldn't protect you, and after I fell, I thought...
Jaune: Hey, hey, let's take this conversation inside, okay? Wouldn't want our guests to catch a cold, right?
Yang: Aw... Looks like Vomit Boy managed to build himself a life here
Blake: Mhm. I wonder how long they've been down here.
Ruby: ...
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linkman447 · 3 months
My gods you planed this!!!
Many years ago In the arc residents
Juniper: ok ladies are we in agreement!
Summer: oh most definitely my little ruby and your boy just precious
Raven: my daughter with an Arc they child will be strong ow
Summer: ray what did we talk about!
Raven: strength isn’t everything
Summer: exactly.
Athena: well my Pyrrha has been so lonely since she started training so I think this we’ll be great
Kali: blond grand kitties!!!!!!!!!!
Willow: if the cat is done
Kali: never
Willow: if this will help my daughter get away from her father that I’d gladly let winter marry your boy
Juniper: winter? Why not weiss?
Willow:… I think she likes girls
Juniper: oh that fine dear I have daughters. 2 only a year and a half older then my little knight
Willow: that’s… thoughtful.
Juniper: well if it’s settled then lets get operation legacy started
Many years later
Jaune: yes my first day a beacon.
Yang: hey there stud you wanna send time yanging with me
Jaune: snicker 🤭
Yang: 😍
Jaune: hello
Ruby: 😍
Pyrrha: oh jaune!!!
Jaune: who are you?
Pyrrha: I’m Pyrrha my mom and yours are friends
(She know everything)
Jaune: aw cool. Wait did my mom try to set us up
Pyrrha: n-no
Jaune: ok
Blake: our babies will be adorable
Jaune: … moving on then
Winter: Mr. Arc (he’s cute)
Jaune: hello ma’am
Winter: I’m Ms. Schnee your tactics teacher (and your future bride)
Jaune: oh nice to meet you. Well anyway I need to get to orientation
Winter: he’s mine
Yang: as If
Blake: yeah he’s going to give me kittens
Ruby: filth, besides mom said he’s mine
Pyrrha: ladies
Winter: you wouldn’t know what to do with him
Yang: oh really
She hefts her large bust
Blake: boobs are nice but boys like him love a phat ass
Pyrrha: girls
Ruby: I want blonde dork
Yang: Ruby your too young and besides “us blondes need to stick together”
The arguments continue
The all focus on her
Pyrrha: now listen carefully
She reveals operation legacy
Pyrrha: now do you understand
Yang: so our moms made it so we’d like him to
Pyrrha: not really they just helped us realize what a good man is and how to recognize it
Winter: and I believe juniper arc made her son a good man
Pyrrha m: oh jaune was always a kind boy
Ruby: how do you know that
Pyrrha: oh I was his pen pall for years
Blake: I’m In
Yang: me too
Winter: I must agree with our terms
Ruby: yeah one big happy family
Pyrrha: well we are young sexy huntresses. Let’s go hunt our pray
They run off
Hours later
Jaune covered in sweat and kisses marks lying in bed surrounded by his new girlfriends
Jaune: how did this happen I’ve never been this lucky
Pyrrha: oh you can thank our moms
Jaune shot up: I bloody knew it
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rachetmath · 1 month
Yang and Jaune reading comics.
Blake: FREEZE!!
Yang: Blake, what’s-
Blake: I knew you were cheating on me with Jaune.
Yang: Blake we're just relaxing together.
Jaune: Yeah, Blake, calm down.
Blake: What are you reading?
Yang: A comic book.
Blake: Why are you so close to him?!
Yang: *laying on his chest* He's comfortable!
Blake: Nope.
Blake grabs Yang and bolts.
Jaune: This is why we don't hang out.
Jaune makes Nora pancakes.
Jaune: Here you go Nora.
Nora: Alright!
Ren comes out of nowhere and kicks the pancakes away.
Nora: Ren!!
Ren replaces Jaune's pancakes with his own.
Jaune: Ren what-
Ren: Nora only eats my pancakes. Step back. Bitch.
Jaune: Well damn, chill, okay.
Jaune ask Penny advice on weapon modifications.
Jaune: So maybe here?
Penny: Yes but maybe instead of just your sword we could modify your gauntlets.
Jaune: Oh that could-
Ruby: What are you doing?!?
Jaune: Talking to Penny.
Ruby: No you were saying bye to Penny.
Penny: Ruby, friend Jaune just wants to discuss ways of modifying his gear.
Ruby: He can figure that out by himself. Come on, Penny.
Penny: But- but- Ruby- um-um b-bye Jaune and good luck.
Ruby pulls Penny away, leaving Jaune alone.
Jaune: *sigh*
Pietro: I'm sorry, I heard you and Penny's conversation, so why don't we work on those gauntlets.
Jaune: Thank you Professor.
Jaune talks to Winter.
Jaune: Excuse me, Ms.Schnee?
Winter: Oh, Mr. Arc. What is it?
Jaune: Well- wait a minute. *looks to see no one pops out of nowhere* Okay. Do you know where I could go to test out dust or learn more about it.
Winter: Why yes. We have a library on such a topic. But for testing I do advice you stay in the training room, a testing room but mainly outside the city in the snow. Plenty of room and less cleaning.
Jaune: Thank you.
Winter: Also, I could-
Weiss: *appears* Winter.
Jaune: (Where the hell did she come from? When the hell did she get here? )
Winter: Oh Weiss, I'm sorry, I was about to offer-
Weiss: I want to spend more time with you.
Winter: Weiss I-
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes*
Winter: *sigh* Never mind Mr. Arc.
Jaune: I understand.
Weiss: *smiles and leaves with her sister while giving Jaune the cold eyes*
Sees Oscar training.
Jaune: Hi Oscar.
Oscar: Hi Jaune.
Jaune: Well at least there’s one person I can talk to.
Months later
Emerald: He's mine now. Get away from him.
Jaune: OH COME ON!!
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branwencoded · 4 months
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rwby mamma mia au. is this anything
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
RWBY as Tweets (I'm bored)
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erros429 · 1 year
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me? posting rwby textpost memes pt16 at a time that ISNT ungodly late?? like a normal person??? it’s more likely than you think!
anyways allow me to steal qrow’s gender. also considered doing either cinder or salem instead of raven but seeing as cinder is probably in her 20s and salem is immortal, neither really fit the middle-aged criteria. ALSO also. i bully jaune so much in these i promise i love him 😭
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