#willfull ignorance
Straight people will see two men declaring their undying love for one another and be like "just two bros being bros"
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mikeo56 · 4 months
It's a merger of hate, of self-aggrandizement, with a high regard for tossing one's own personal reasons into their cesspool of hate as motivation to stalk and to slander a particular person. ONeal-Choiniere sally forth on behalf of a dead pedophile. Addled victims and associated mouth-breathers purporting to protect a pedophiles non-existent reputation, which coincidentally, implies they didn't get affronted by him in any way, whether by casually associating with him, hanging out with the pedophile or being one of his victims.
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hellyeahheroes · 8 months
Let's talk about what fiction can teach us about politics by Beau of the Fifth Collumn
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hypermascbishounen · 1 month
There's a deep irony in Berserk being so admired by people who really really hate what Berserk is about on an emotional level, but especially when writers want to take influence from it. Because Berserk is very strong thematically, and someone who can't acknowledge subtext is going to whiff on emulating anything good.
#And by that I mean that like many of its influences and descendants the plot is fundamentally driven by toxic gay shit lol#Listen there's just no beating around the bush here: you either understand this type of story is super emotional#That the softness and hope and love for humanity is vital connective tissue between the edgy violent dark setting#And that at its core the queerness is *central*#Or you will just end up creating something toothless and cynical with tokenizing bullshit at best#You cannot make that lightning strike twice if you're too scared to even write that shit as ACTUALLY core to the plot#You don’t have to make your shit gay to be good you just have to understand if your major influence was gay and why#So that you respect subtext and thematic writing and emotional resonance in writing in general#And maybe understand that if you also want credit for pushing the envelope you get where the real standard is#This is one of those things I see in equal measure in dudebro homophobes and supposedly progressive queers#No that wasn't “bait/delusion” it was barely subtext and if you go into writing with that attitude you're going to write shallow shit lol#I genuinely believe when people lament about reading comprehension they're actually talking about willful ignorance#Because willfull ignorance *does* cause a need to deny reality to a point where it warps your ability to understand information#Having difficulty comprehending text from a learning disability or improper teaching#Has fucking nothing on someone whose deliberately trained themselves to rationalize away anything uncomfortable#Tag rant over but this shit really is a plague and you can see it so starkly when it comes to Berserk#An undeniably respectable work from a place many envious little goblins that covet it do not actually respect
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ssaltlicker · 17 days
Me knowing damn well why people demonize vi for one mistake while excusing everything jinx has done
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chalkeater · 10 months
ok here. last post before i have to go.
Frisk is not canonically asian. theyre not canonically confirmed to be anything
the dots to connect are when you realize the fandom headcanons frisk (and Kris) as asian a LOT of the time.
do you wonder why? is it because of the yellow skin? or the squint eyes? the subconscious bias built into us into thinking Frisk and Kris are asian because of normalized stereotypes is pretty clear. why does no one headcanon Frisk as idk british and white? Frisk is not canonically asian. But the fandom tends to see them this way.
I never said Toby called Frisk Asian or that Frisk was canonically asian or POC. I said that drawing The humans as yellow is pretty close to yellow peril and racist stereotypes and thats a BAD coincidence. this is NOT right!! and look where its lead us, HCing Frisk and Kris as asian because its THT close to what we understand the stereotype is
HCing the humans as POC is not wrong, but you have to see why its really funny no one can connect the dots on why at least as a FANDOM we can do better. Toby hasnt responded so its on us to be smart about what were CONSUMING to. where did the “think critical” of your favorite things go? You can love Deltarune AND acknowledge this is wrong. Deltarune is literally a special interest????
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
i genuinely cannot take people who think taylor swift is straight seriously
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scaredstupid · 6 months
how do white people in the s*lfship community still not understand that they should not be using certain words
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fastwalker · 9 months
honestly I see owning a pet at all as a massive red flag atp. I've never met a person who treats their pet like an animal with specific needs, everyone anthromorphizes them to hell and back and the result is just a really weird mixture of spoiled but at the same time severly neglected animal that makes its behavioural issues everyone's problem. and ofc you are the bad guy when you point out the issues and the neglect, it's never the insane owner
also 90% the owner is an anti social loser who can't deal with people and uses an animal that is forced to stick around for company instead
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ok, so far the brands of "i fucked around and found out" my hawkes are is:
Liam: ".....ok this one is on me". Accepts that he Did A Stupid and that it was, in fact, stupid. Will however get defensive when his friends inevitable tease him about it forever (all in good fun lol). Please, as i any of you mfers are any better
Lilian: Will gaslight everyone by vehemently but very nonchalantly pretending that it never happened -- with varying success lol, but at the very least her not getting visibly upset makes it less fun for the others to bring it up and tease, so in that way, mission accomplished?
Robin: Omg OMG WHAT nobody told me that grease is flammable Bethany come quick can you quench it???? Read: will panic and run to their friends for help lol. Alternatively, if it is less dramatic, will simply :( at the mess like wow. this is so rude why does this happen to me :((
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fireballbap · 1 year
i cant believe that bumbleby is still fighting the queerbaiting allegations like we really can’t rest
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elbiotipo · 2 years
I mean I can find dumb people who don't know the provinces of Argentina here or don't know where such and such country or only know it from the flags at the World Cup, but I don't know how you can spend your whole adult life without looking at a world map at least once it's really baffling. Especially when you got an internet connection and easy access to knowledge about the world, THE easiest access ever made. Mom always asks me "where's that country they're talking about in the news?" and she usually has a good idea already, but if we don't know I look it up? google is there??????
Maybe I'm too good in geography but I see a shape and I think "oh yeah, that's France, oh yeah, that's Australia". I even know many subnational divisions that way. But even if you're bad at geography imagine being on the internet here you can look up every single detail of any country in world maps with unprecedented detail and there's whole encyclopedias worth of history and nifty little graphs with basic information if you don't have the time and then just saying "uhhhhuhhhh I don't know where Italy is they didn't taught that at school lmao". I would rather said "I just shit my pants", it would be less embarrasing.
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cheridraws · 1 year
there is definitely something in my choice of having phile be a heavy smoker while pat is now running from fire after having willfully embraced it for so long. like there's something there yknow i just don't have the words to explain it
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no wait i have another
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mystistoria · 2 years
it's possible they're just scared shitless of you.
"Is that so?" she asked, a little dejected.
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"I don't get why, it's not like I go around gallivanting about to throw hands with random strangers."
That's not what she means, Cynthia.
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To anyone who thinks Fangamer’s confirmation that U.Z Inu and Toby Fox aren’t the same person is fake or possibly invalid by any stretch of the imagination:
Fuck you
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