#why does he have two uniforms??? idk?
fizzily · 3 months
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yuusaku lives au because I am delusional
315 notes · View notes
miabebe · 22 days
Accidentally Kidnapping A Mafia Boss (Yoon Jeonghan)
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Reverse Trope Series Installment 2
Pairing - Yoon Jeonghan x afab!reader
Word Count - 70K 29K (please congratulate me, cutting down was the hardest thing I've ever done)
Genre - Strangers to something more I guess? Minimal crack (I had to choose between humour and sexual tension - it was painful, like choosing a favourite child), angst (just a small splash) and smut (loads of it, warnings under the cut)
Warnings - mentions of kidnapping and mafia, one scene where hands are thrown (But just to be clear, this is not like your usual mafia fics - it’s not dark or violent), mention of dub-con in OC's past
A/n -Those who are up to date with the teasers can jump directly for day 1 I guess! Anyways, this fic should have been a whole ass series, it was such a task finishing it in under 30K phew. I hope you enjoy this roller coaster - your comments, reblogs and tags are all very very appreciated! I shall put out an announcement when the next Reverse Trope installment is coming - for now, its time for Camp Seventeen!
Smut warnings - there's a bunch of call girls, masturbation-almost?, voyeurism, multiple smut scenes (3 or 4 idk), exhibitionism (nobody saw them though), fingering, oral (f receiving), protected sex, unprotected sex (please don't be stupid like them), multiple orgasms, oral (male receiving), okay I hope we're done
"You're being a real pain in my ass right now."  "I don't see how it’s an issue since that’s not much of an ass."  Seokmin glared at Seungkwan. "Just because some stupid college club awarded you a silly superlative-" "-best bakery in town is not a ‘silly’ superlative-" "-like once-" "-twice. In a row-"  "-doesn't mean-"  "-absolutely does-"  "Will you two shut up?" You hissed under your breath looking around. "Are you trying to get us all caught?"  Seungkwan clicked his tongue annoyed. "You're acting like we're in the middle of a crime."  Your eyes flickered from Seokmin to Seungkwan before landing on the third guy in between them, the one who was unconscious and being held up with his arms thrown over the shoulders of his friends.  "Last I checked, kidnapping is a crime." You pointed out. Seokmin rolled his eyes. "Prank-ing your friend isn't." "That is if Soonyoung decides he wants to save your sorry ass." "Again, not much of an ass-"  "I swear to god Kwan-"  Groaning you covered your ears to shut out all the bickering.  That night when drunk Soonyoung had pushed your buttons, consequently leading to the events of tonight, you did not think it would be this hard. 
The plan was simple - on Mondays, Soonyoung was in charge of closing the BBQ shop where all 3 of your closest friends worked. His routine was fairly straightforward - first he clears and cleans all the tables, then he closes the kitchen, then changes out of his uniform and finally wraps it up by locking the main door.  That's where you would get him, right as he closed the doors. You were to take him by surprise from the back, cover his face with a black cloth bag, bring him to your apartment and tie him up leaving him immobile, blinded and helpless.  One might wonder why such cruelty when you called him a friend but you would argue that Soonyoung deserved it. After all, last night he hadn't stopped mentioning how boring you were and how your life was so uninteresting and how you didn't have a single exciting adventure while he had a shit ton of them. Well, today you were about to give yourself, and him, a story to tell.
Now things did go according to plan, for the most part. Seokmin and Seungkwan were first reluctant to be a part of this madness but that was until you brought up the prospect of Soonyoung being scared enough to hopefully piss in his pants. Intrigued by the idea, they joined and all three of you waited in the bushes, watching your friend's silhouette moving around the shop, putting things away, cleaning up. Just as he reappeared after changing, hurriedly trying to leave the shop, the three of you got to action, approaching him silently from the back, swiftly holding him by the hands and putting the bag over his face.  What you didn't take into account in this plan was just how much resistance Soonyoung would show, God knows why you didn't consider his adrenaline driven reaction, but man did he put up a fight. It was only natural you retaliate and so instinctively, you landed a smack on his head with the torch in your hand knocking him out, making him buckle into the pavement as the two other boys caught him, looking at you bewildered. That was perhaps just the beginning of your problems because now you had to very un-suspiciously drag a very unconscious man to your apartment in the dead of the night. It would have helped if this neighbourhood was even a little sketchy but being a quiet, painfully uneventful suburb meant even the smallest of things was seen with high scrutiny.  So far, the three of you had somehow managed to make it from the restaurant to your building undetected but it was getting from the first floor to your house that was the real task since the building's resident old woman decided she wanted to feed the stray cats at 2 am. 
"How much longer are we gonna have to do this?" Seungkwan groaned. "He's surprisingly not that heavy but my arm is starting to sleep." "Yeah, this joke isn't as funny anymore-"  "Will you two just keep quiet?" You turned to them annoyed. "She'll be gone in a few minutes and then we can move. Didn't you two say you wanted Soonyoung to shut up for a few days?”  Seokmin mumbled a yes under his breath while Seungkwan nodded hesitating. Hoping for some silence after this, you turned to watch the old woman stroking the cat softly as it slowly nibbled its food. Although your patience was really being tested, something told you if you didn't go through this plan, in another 40 years, you'd be exactly like that old lady - lonely, boring and feeding stray cats. Terrified by that thought, you held it together even though it took a whole 15 minutes for the scene to clear. As the three, no four of you, proceeded towards your apartment, the stray cat watched, licking its paw. 
Seungkwan and Seokmin groaned in relief as they half threw Soonyoung onto the chair you pulled to the middle, rubbing their aching shoulders. Scouring the drawers, you pulled out a rope with a soft “aha” making them turn towards your unnaturally happy self. Soonyoung stirred in his chair. “You're a little too excited about this-”  “Shhh!” You covered Seokmin's mouth with your hand, whispering. “If you talk, he'll know it's us, then it's not scary anymore.” “Frankly, I think the kidnapping and knocking him out cold must have been scary enough already.” “Not enough” You glared as Soonyoung let out a soft groan, letting you know he was coming around. “Quick, take out your phone and open one of those AI apps. We'll type what we want to say and use the bot voice - that way he'll have no idea.”  All three of you huddled, glancing at the phone as Seungkwan typed something quickly, pressing play to let the low toned automated voice echo through the room.  “I cannot wait to see Soonyoung shit his pants.” Seokmin giggled as your lips curled into a pleased smile. Oh, he was surely going to shit his pants.  “And why would I do that?” Soonyoung's voice sounded confused. “Because we-”  Seokmin looked up, freezing mid-sentence, noticing the voice did not come from the person before him.  All three of you exchanged looks realising the same before slowly turning around. Soonyoung  was standing at the entrance like he just walked in, looking bewildered.  Before any of you could process the situation, he pointed over your shoulders, frowning.
“And who's that?”
“And why is he wearing my clothes?” 
Oh no.
You turned back to see the man in question, slowly pull the black bag from over his head, shaking his golden tresses away from his face. Oh lord was he gorgeous.  As he blinked his eyes open, wondering where the hell he was, you were busy running your eyes all over his pretty features and suddenly, in that short span of 20 seconds, you had memorised where every single mole on his face was.  Seokmin and Seungkwan meanwhile, held your arms on either side half hiding behind you which was stupid considering you were the biggest coward in the room.  But somehow, as the man before you looked at all of you with narrowed, accusing eyes and tried to stand up, you swung your arm and smacked him right on the head with the torch again. All three boys gawked at you as the man fell back into the chair again, head rolling to the side, unconscious.  “What the hell mate-” “I'm sorry I panicked!” “Will someone tell me what's happening? Why is he wearing my clothes-” “Shut up Soonyoung.” Seungkwan turned to you looking terrified. “Do you have any idea what you've done?”  “Hey, this can't be just on me, we all thought it was Soonyoung-”  “Me???”  “-how is this only my fault-”  “Because!” Seungkwan raised his voice pointing a shaking finger. “The man you just knocked out again, that's…that's….” “That's…” Seokmin's eyes widened in realisation. “That's the city’s most infamous mafia boss, Yoon Jeonghan.” 
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“They aren't picking up.” You sighed, pacing around the room. “Why aren't they picking up??” 
All three boys who were perched on the breakfast bar shrugged, continuing to munch on their chocolate bars.
“Y’all are awfully calm considering the mess we’ve landed in.” 
“The mess you landed us in.” Soonyoung, who had been filled about the situation, pointed out, licking his fingers. “If you hadn’t tried to pull that terrible prank on me-” 
“Okay Kwon, I don’t need this right now.” You rolled your eyes and Soonyoung made a mocking face before returning to his snack. Sighing, you dialed the number again, hoping for a response at least this time. 
“Voicemail. Again!” You squeezed your phone, nearly throwing it across the room, half screaming in frustration. The boys hissed, signaling you to shut up as you bit your tongue and turned towards the elephant in the room. 
Well, not a literal elephant, he was barely one sixteenth its size, the figurative elephant, Yoon Jeonghan. 
He still sat, unconscious and beautiful as ever, only his hands were now tied behind the chair, securing him in place. Seokmin insisted it was necessary considering this would be his second time attempting to try and escape. When you had expressed your confusion, Seungkwan pulled out his phone, flipped through his gallery and showed you a picture he had clicked in the city a few days ago - a poster with Jeonghan’s face on it, a text on the bottom. 
Dangerous criminal Yoon Jeonghan escaped from prison on the 15th of August. Please be cautious and if seen, call the number below. A reward of 20,000 dollars is offered for any incriminating information. 
The moment all of you finished reading, it was like a switch flipped. 
Soonyoung immediately secured Jeonghan's hands, Seokmin darkened the room, turning off all the lights and Seungkwan shut all the curtains, shoving his phone into your hands. You though, just stood frozen, watching all of them getting to work, unable to comprehend the situation. It was only when Seungkwan shook you physically telling you to call that number that you finally came to your senses, quickly dialing it. 
Since then, it had been over an hour and you had called almost 48 times unsuccessfully, much to your frustration but not so much to the boys. They simply continued to raid your snack drawer, chattering away in hushed whispers. You on the other hand wanted to pull your hair out. 
“Why do you look so distressed hon?” Soonyoung looked at you, worried.
“Why?” You raised your eyebrows. “Why?? Can you not see why? Do you not understand how risky it is keeping him here-” You shot the unconscious man a glance, whispering. “What if he wakes up?” 
“Then you knock him out again.” Seungkwan chuckled. “This is not a joke you guys.” You tried to be heard above all the reenacting and laughing. “I get that the 20k offer looks enticing but should we take a risk this big-” 
“You think this is about the money?” Seokmin looked at you almost offended. “He’s a criminal Y/n, handing him over to the cops is doing what’s right! That’s our duty as responsible citizens-” 
“Well this can’t be the only way to go about it? I’m sure there are other ways-” 
“Like what?” Seungkwan frowned curiously. 
“I don’t know.” You bit your lower lip, turning to Jeonghan, hands shaking nervously. “We could go out there and find a cop-” 
“When was the last time you even saw a cop in this vicinity?” Soonyoung raised an amused eyebrow.
“Fine, then we’ll take him to the nearest police station?” 
“That’s almost twenty five miles from here.” Soonyoung pointed out. “What if on the way he becomes un-unconscious-” 
“-then wouldn’t we be in more danger?” 
Sighing, you buried your face in your hands, shaking your head. “Oh god, how did we get ourselves stuck in a situation this terrible-.” 
“Oh come on, it's not so bad.” Seungkwan clicked his tongue. “It's not like we're committing a crime, in fact we are doing the complete opposite of it, you should be proud of us.” 
“I prefer my sanity over pride please, thank you.” 
Soonyoung clapped his hand. “So let's get you your vanity back-”  
“-the more we try to call that number, the sooner we manage to contact the cops and before you know it, he'll be gone and all of this will be over.”
Sighing, you handed the phone to him, gesturing that he try now, sick of hearing the voicemail message over and over again. No sooner after he reached for it, a loud ringtone began echoing in the room making all of you jump cause a. it was really loud and b. it was not coming from this phone…..
All four of you exchanged looks turning to the source of the sound - the pocket on the inside of Jeonghan’s jacket. 
Noticing how Jeonghan was starting to slightly stir, Seungkwan quickly moved closer to him, pulling out his phone, fingers moving swiftly to mute. As it continued to vibrate in his hand, the rest of you gathered around, looking at the screen over his shoulder - Assistant 1, annoying, do not pick up. But before any of you had to make the executive decision whether or not to lift the phone, thank god for the timing, the call ended, allowing you all to take a sigh of relief. 
Trying to catch your breath again, just as you almost moved back to your original position, it rang again, somehow even more loudly this time and like an idiot in his hurry, Seungkwan accidentally lifted the call, making you gasp and almost scream. 
“No, don’t-” 
“Boss.” Though it was barely audible, he sounded exasperated. “Please tell me you’re not with a girl.” 
As Seungkwan put the call on speaker, the boys looked at you, signaling you to talk. Looking lost, you stuttered. “I uh…yes, he’s with me.” 
“Of course he is.” His voice boomed in the room. “I need to talk to him.” 
You hesitated, looking at Jeonghan still sitting slumped. “I’m afraid he can’t come to the phone right now.” 
“And why not?” 
“Cause he’s tied up?” You shook your head fast, when your friends looked at you wide eyed - now was not the time for truths??? “I mean he’s tied up with some work-” 
“Oh please, there’s no need to cover up.” The man sounded amused. “I always had a feeling that this was one of his kinks.” 
You looked at the screen mortified. Did he just say kinks? “I’m sorry what???” 
“No, I’m sorry you’re stuck with that sadist of a man. If you’re free after you’re done with him, I assure you, I could show you a much better time.” 
Gasping inaudibly, you felt the heat in your cheeks rising. “I’m not a…. no, god no. He’s tied up as in, unconscious and tied up. Kidnapped, unconscious and tied up.” 
The boys’ jaws dropped in disbelief. What the hell were you blabbering? 
“Did you just say you kidnapped him?” 
Hands shivering you tried to shove the phone into someone else's hands, only for all of them to quite literally run away. 
“Woman, I’m asking you something. Did you just say you kidnapped Jeonghan? The Yoon Jeonghan?” He paused, as you moved, standing in front of the man in question, watching him carefully. “Do you even know who he is?” 
“I….yes.” You sighed, sweat rolling down your forehead. “Yes I know who he is and look, it's a long story that I can’t explain right now and I’m sorry you had to find out this way but I’m calling the cops and handing him over tonight.”
“You called me to tell me that you were handing him to the cops?” 
“Actually you called-”  
“And for what? That measly twenty k?” He scoffed. “I know what you’re doing here - I’ll give you thirty in exchange for him.” 
And suddenly, all the boys were around the phone. 
“No thank you.” You shook your head. “This isn’t about the money, it’s about doing the right thing and that is to hand him over-” 
“Wow you’re really playing that card?” He sighed. “Fine, I’ll give you fifty.” 
At this point, Seungkwan lunged for his phone, narrowly missing it as you swiftly moved your hand away, surprised. 
“Seventy five?” 
Seokmin tried to reach for it too, but you were too quick for him too, moving away, looking at them incredulously. What the hell were they doing now? 
“Final offer, a hundred thousand or I have other ways-” 
“Done.” Soonyoung, the nimblest of them all, quickly grabbed the phone from your hands talking into it. “Hundred thousand and he’s yours.” 
Seokmin covered your mouth, holding you back. “We want it in cash.” 
“That might be an issue-” The man on the phone let out a tired breath. “-things are tight now, cash will be hard.” 
“It’s cash or he goes to the cops.” Seokmin continued, still holding you back with his strong arms, rendering your struggles pointless.
The line went quiet on the other side. The boys look at each other, worried. 
“Fine.” He finally agreed as they sighed in relief. “But I’ll need about ten days to arrange for it.” 
“We are in no hurry.” Seungkwan added. “Whenever you send the cash, we’ll send him.” 
“And till then?” 
“Till then, he’ll be here, with us.” Soonyoung confirmed, earning a protest from you that drowned out. 
“I hope you remember that the cops are actively looking for him-” 
“We do. Which is why you need to make sure the money reaches us by the tenth day.” Seungkwan pointed out. “Otherwise you know where he’s going.” 
“No don’t….” The man sighed. “There’s no need to make such hasty decisions, you’ll get your money.” 
“Good, keep in touch on this number and let us know when you have the cash ready and….that's all, okay bye.” 
Seungkwan spoke quickly before he cut the call and all the boys looked at each other amazed. When Seokmin finally released you, he shrieked as you landed a few harmless punches on him, hard and fast.
“Are you insane???” You looked around. “Are all of you insane?” 
“Hon,” Soonyoung held you by the shoulders, shaking them. “It’s a hundred thousand dollars-” 
“I thought it was not about the money.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “I thought you wanted to be a responsible citizen-” 
“Oh please it’s always about the money.” Seokmin walked over and fell back onto the couch. “A hundred thousand dollars, wow, I’ve never even heard of so much money in my life.”
“Can’t believe I’m going to be a millionaire.” Soonyoung joined him on, earning an eye roll from you. 
“How exactly?” You crossed your arms. “It’s twenty five thousand dollars a person.” 
“So you are agreeing to be a part of it!” Seungkwan clapped happily, ignoring your words of protest. “We’re all going to be so rich.” 
“Twenty five thousand dollars isn’t exactly a fortune-” 
“It might not be for you, but not all of us have dropped out of college and are running our own freelance business from the comfort of our grandmother’s apartment.” Seokmin pointed out. “We could really use the money.” 
“That’s fair but-” 
“No ‘buts’ now.” Seungkwan raised his hand to stop you. “Come on Y/n, do this for us? All we ask is for ten days. Don’t you remember when you moved to this locality, we were the only ones there for you? For 2 whole years we’ve been with you through thick and thin-” 
Seungkwan stuttered to a stop, turning around at the sound. The rest of you shifted around too to see what happened, heartbeat rapidly rising when you realized that Jeonghan was stirring awake..... and more importantly, the knot that “believe me I'm an expert” Soonyoung had tied around his hands had come undone, the rope falling to the floor. 
Wincing, Jeonghan opened his eyes slowly as all of you froze, watching the infamous mafia boss raise his head, blinking in the darkness. 
You panicked, noticing that your one and only weapon here, your trusty torchlight, was far from you, right by his foot. Wondering if it was dark enough, considering the room was only lit by the soft and minimal glow of the streetlights pouring in, you slowly inched towards Jeonghan who still seemed like he hadn't fully come around. Just as you reached him, bending to pick up the torch, Seungkwan, who was inching back to press himself against the wall and somehow blend into it, pressed against the switches, the lights instantly turning on, illuminating the whole room. 
Jeonghan slowly looked up, eyes meeting yours, lips parting softly. 
You opened your mouth to scream or say something, you can’t remember what exactly, instead resorting to just staring at the way his hair beautifully framed his face, long eyelashes touching the curve of his cheeks as he blinked. As you continued to remain frozen, his eyes ran over the features of your face, before his lips curled into a small smile.
“I love you.” 
You snapped out of your trance in a second, jaw dropping. 
“God I really love you.” He repeated, as you quickly grabbed the torch and moved back hurriedly and Seokmin, clearly your most sensible friend, quickly got up, putting himself between you and Jeonghan.
“What did he say?” Seokmin looked at you over his shoulder, mumbling. 
“You’re….” Seungkwan took a small, careful step. “You’re not mad?” 
“My head does hurt like a bitch.” Jeonghan cocked his head at you who was half hiding behind your biggest friend. “But I would have been more mad if I was in jail compared to waking up in….” He looked around again. “.....whatever this is.” 
“My house.” You muttered, gripping the torch as Soonyoung slowly and silently walked around, kicking the rope under the sofa, before he joined you, looking casual as ever.
“Yes, jail would be bad.” He agreed. “But here, you’re totally safe, no stress at all.” 
“And why exactly?” Jeonghan frowned, eyes flickering over all of you. “Obviously you know who I am. Why aren’t you handing me to the cops?” 
“That's um…because….” Seungkwan mumbled, putting his arm around your shoulder, with a firm nod. “Because of her uncle.” 
You blinked at him. 
You had no uncle. 
“Yes, her uncle was….unfairly arrested by the cops last year, they sort of put him away for good so uh….helping you is, in a way, our revenge against this foul legal system.” 
Jeonghan didn’t look even a little convinced. Maybe just a little when he looked at you with an eyebrow raised in question and you hesitatingly nodded. 
“Okay, y’all are clearly a weird bunch but I'm not going to question it since whatever this is, it's helping me out.” He got up, wincing as he held his head. “and now I'll get going-” 
“No!” All three boys screamed, taking both Jeonghan and you aback, ears almost ringing. 
“We mean…” Seungkwan started at a much softer tone. “You can’t go out right now, it’s not safe for you.” 
“I am aware,” Jeonghan patted his pockets as though he was searching for something. “I need to call my people and find them in the city again. Once they arrange a way for me to permanently leave the country, I'll be safe, finally-” 
“You are safe here too.” Soonyoung quipped. “There’s no place better than this neighbourhood - it’s quiet, almost thirty miles from the city, filled with senior citizens who are absolutely cut off from the world - they probably don’t even know who you are.” 
“Most importantly,” Seokmin added. “Because this place is so dull, cops don’t even come here, hell the closest police station is over twenty five miles away.” 
“Huh” Jeonghan looked thoughtful, continuing to slide his hands into all his pockets one by one, mumbling. “I can't find my phone-” 
“It probably fell when you were running around-.” Seungkwan gripped the bulge in his back pocket where Jeonghan’s phone was tucked away. “-now that you can't contact your…gang? it'll be dangerous for you to go unguided.”
“Exactly.” Soonyoung stepped up. “Say you give it some time, maybe 10 ten days or so for things in the city to cool off a little and then you can go, find your people and leave the country?” 
Jeonghan started at the floor as though he was mulling over it, each passing second feeling like almost an hour.
Finally he looked up, slowly nodding, much to everyone's relief. “I guess I could?” He held the bump on his head again, wincing in pain. “First I'm gonna need a shower and a meal.” He looked at you, lips curling into a small smile. “Is knocking people out your only talent or can you whip up a ramyeon too?”
Tearing your eyes away from his intense gaze you mumbled that you could, earning a two finger salute from him before he disappeared behind the door of the bathroom. 
As all of four of you collectively let out a sigh of relief, Seungkwan shoved Jeonghan’s phone into your hands. 
“Keep this safe and keep him safe.” He looked around at everyone. “We need to continue making him feel as though living here for 10 days is good for him, not us.”
“Agreed.” Seokmin hummed. “He cannot, at any cost, know he’s being held for ransom. God knows what he might do then.” 
“I still can’t believe it though.” Soonyoung let out a low whistle, looking around almost proud. “I can’t believe we accidentally kidnapped a mafia boss.”
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“Smells fucking good.” 
You bit back a gasp hearing Jeonghan’s voice from behind you, right at the shell of your ear as you stood behind the stove, stirring his meal. Gulping you turned, regretting it immediately when you found yourself inches away from him yet again but this time, he was standing in just his towel, blonde wet hair falling into his eyes, rivets of water running down his smooth abdomen. As your eyes found their way back up again, Jeonghan smirked at you. 
“Strange.” He cocked his head at you. “On one hand you seem so meek and quiet, yet no one has ever really looked at me the way you do.” 
Please don’t say things like that. 
Feeling unnaturally hot, perhaps because you were sandwiched between a boiling pot of noodles and a man this attractive, you turned away, turning off the gas, wiping the sweat running down your neck. 
Jeonghan chuckled. “I need something to wear. Think you got anything?” 
You nodded, setting the pot down, before moving away from him (thank god) and walking into your office room. Jeonghan followed at a distance, shaking off the water in his hair, looking around confused as he stepped in. 
“Aren’t you a bit too old to play dress up?” He pointed at the mannequin in the corner donning a pretty maroon half finished dress. 
“That’s…. My work.” You confessed, going through a stack of clothes in the drawers on the far end. 
“You made that?” 
You nodded softly. “Yeah I’m sort of a freelance fashion designer.” 
“For who, the dead?” He frowned. “Who even wears clothes like these anymore?” 
Trying not to get too offended, you pulled out the pair of pajamas you were looking for and turned to him. “It’s for the main lead of the new Macbeth play. I, uh, custom make clothes for theater productions and stage plays.” 
“Ah.” He nodded looking around at the large table filled with all kinds of measuring tapes and scissors and big shelves stacked with materials of all kinds, two sewing machines lined up against the wall. “Interesting.” 
You're not really sure what he found so fascinating but you cleared your throat, trying to change the topic. 
“I only have this that might fit you.” Walking over, you handed him a neatly folded purple checkered pajama set. “I made it for my…. for someone a few years back but he didn’t like the colour so it's brand new.” 
“I love purple.” Jeonghan grinned, taking it from you, immediately slipping on the shirt. “By someone else, do you mean one of the boys?”
You shook your head. “No, I never make clothes for them, my style is a bit too…. um old fashioned?” 
“You continue to surprise me.” He looked at you thoughtfully. “Old fashioned with clothes but open minded enough to live with three men.”
You blinked stupidly. “I don't live with three men.”
“Oh they don’t live here?” Jeonghan raised an eyebrow. “You four aren't a thing?” 
 “Four? As in all four of us??.….” You looked at him wide eyed and scandalized. “Of course not! How could you even think that, w-what does that even mean-” 
“Okay relax princess.” Jeonghan took a step back, raising his hands. “Even if you were, it’s cool. I don’t judge.” 
Definitely not relaxing, you looked everywhere but at him, heat continuing to rise uncomfortably in your body. 
Jeonghan looked at you amused, biting his lip. “But I will judge if you continue to stand here and watch me wear the pants.” 
Shaking your head and apologising, you practically ran out of there, heart racing in your chest as you leaned against the kitchen counter, hands gripping the edge. The kind of things he said, the way he looked….Please please please stop it. 
Trying your best to push him out of your mind, you got back to the stove, grabbing the pot and placing it on the table. You stared at it for a bit before sighing and pulling out a few of your mom’s sides from the fridge, adding it to his meal. As you poured out a glass of juice, Jeonghan walked up, rubbing his hands, pulling the chair and sitting down. 
“You put sides and all? Sweet.” 
He grabbed the pair of chopsticks and took a large bite, humming in relief. You knew it was burning hot, but he was probably way too hungry to care because the speed made it look like he was inhaling it. 
“Sit.” He looked up mid bite. “I don’t like eating alone.” 
Although you didn't wish to be in his presence for long, you sat down, unable to say no. The entire time, Jeonghan ate quietly, tasting all the sides, drinking the juice in between, loudly smacking his lips after every bite. After devouring it all in less than five minutes, he raised the bowl to his mouth, downing all the soup, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.  “That was so delicious princess, I almost wanna stay here all my life.” He got up, stretching as he did. “But unfortunately 10 days is all we have.” 
Silently, you half nodded, gathering all the dishes he had left on the table, taking them to the sink. Jeonghan watched you, please stop looking at me, and when you returned to wipe the table, he leaned in, for the third time tonight, putting his face incredibly close to yours. “You’re a tough nut to crack, but I think I’ll have you all figured out in ten days.” As you tried to move further back, unable to breathe in the proximity, he moved closer, smirking. “Goodnight princess.” 
And with that he walked off, turning into your bedroom, closing the door behind him. 
You simply stared, rapidly blinking, heart refusing to calm down, chest heaving as you struggled to breathe.
And this was just day zero of ten. 
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Day 1 of 10 
“Yoon Jeonghan has to go.” 
Soonyoung, Seungkwan and Seokmin looked up from their dinner as you slammed the restaurant door open. Immediately panicked and looking around, they pulled you to their table, shushing you with hushed voices. 
“What is wrong with you-” Seungkwan hissed as Seokmin went over to the only other people in the shop, the two old ladies sitting in the corner, trying to distract them with some free tea. “-you can’t go around screaming his name.” 
“You don’t understand.” Leaning back into the chair, you sighed. “I cannot be around him, I can’t handle it….” 
“What did he even do?” Soonyoung looked at you curiously and Seokmin returned, settling in his chair. 
And then you began to spill the details of all the events, starting from the moment he took over your bedroom last night. 
Yes you lived in a decently sized two bedroom house but with one room converted into your workspace and the other occupied by Jeonghan, you had no choice but to take the extremely uncomfortable couch in the living room. Of course you were already drifting in and out of sleep because of all the pain in your back and like that was not enough……
As though on cue, the lady who lived in the apartment above yours walked in, her pleasant expression turning almost disgusted as her eyes fell on you and you knew precisely why - because of all the obnoxiously loud moaning last night. 
Seokmin watched the two of you, eyes narrowing. “Why is she looking at you like that?” 
Voice shaking, you told them. 
“Wait wait wait.” Seungkwan interjected, jaw dropping. “You’re telling me he didn’t just sleep in your room but also…. also brought home a woman?” 
You nodded. For a hot second, last night you thought you were dreaming or imagining those sounds. As you focused, listening harder you realised they were the moans of an actual woman, coming straight from your bedroom,  followed by Jeonghan’s soft grunts. And lord, the things he was saying??
Are you even trying? Is that the best you can do?
Oh, you feel good? Where are your manners then? Be a good girl and thank me. 
You’ll do anything, won’t you? This is all you’re good for - a set of wet and wanting holes. 
“So you think he brought home a whore-” You winced at the word, making Seokmin immediately change his statement. “-a person, a professional, and had a love making session in your room? On your bed?” 
“I don’t think it, I know it.” You groaned. “And that was no love making, it was loud and-” You gulped, pressing your legs together, trying to ignore the feeling between them. “-and just disturbing.” 
“I understand it’s hard for you,” Seungkwan started. “But if it’s just that one thing-”
“Oh no no it’s not just that one thing.” You sat up, ready with a whole mentally prepared list. “That's what I slept to, guess what I woke up to? A delivery man with nearly 30 packages of all sorts of things he ordered online for his ‘ease’ because he ‘can’t live without them’ and you might wonder what the issue with that is? It is the fact that he had me pay for it and it wasn’t five or ten dollars, I paid seven thousand dollars in the morning-” All the boys' jaws dropped. “-that’s right I paid seven thousand for his things which he, by the way, made me sit and open because his ‘head hurts too much’.”
“Okay, we get it-”
“And he keeps wearing all my clothes! Not mine, I mean the ones I make-” You corrected when the boys looked at you weirdly. “This morning he wore the pure white cashmere sweater I spent hours making for the evil queen in Snow white. Now it sits in my house decorated with polka dots of ramyeon soup.”
“And he never cleans up after himself! He expects me to cook, sits and eats and then just leaves when he’s done?! He drops crumbs everywhere, he doesn't put things back in their place, I'm-”
“Breathe hon breathe,” Soonyoung rubbed your back. “He's inconvenient and it sucks, we get it but….but it’s only been a day?” He looked around, pausing as the lady above your house collected her food and walked past, face turned away from you. “What about the rest of the time? Did he bother you in any way?” 
“Not really.” You sigh. “He pretty much minds his own business. He was either sleeping or watching tv the rest of the time…and also going through all my fashion magazines, with potato chip dust on his fingers by the way-” 
“Alright, alright, we get it, he’s a pain.” Seungkwan looked at you a little pleadingly. “But you do know, given our current situation, we don’t have a choice but to house him for another 9 days.”
“Kwan, It’s still not too late to hand him over to the cops-” 
“Please.” Seungkwan pleaded, hands joined, ready to fall to his knees if needed. “We’ll give you a higher share of the ransom if you want-” 
“You think money is the issue?” 
“Of course it’s not, he’s an idiot to suggest that.” Seokmin interrupted. “It’s not about the money Y/n, just…. do it for us? Think about how you could reform the three of our lives. We could go from busting our asses waiting tables here to maybe owning our own little shop. Don’t you want that for us?” 
You stared at Seokmin’s puppy face then at Soonyoung’s big eyes then at…..whatever cute expression Seungkwan was trying and failing to make. If you could help improve the lives of the friends who were closest to you, maybe you can hang in there for a few days? 
You could not. You most definitely could not. And you realised that the moment you excitedly stepped into your house again with a generous amount of packed late night snacks. 
Clothes - Jeonghan’s and a woman’s - were strewn all over the house, right from the main door to the bedroom as though they couldn’t wait for even the five seconds it took to walk the minimal distance. As you heard a guttural moan, you shut your ears, preparing for yet another night of suffocating yourself under your pillow. 
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Day 2 of 10 
“I got you some DakGalBi.” Soonyoung raised the familiar black bag of the bbq shop before him as you sighed. 
“I made the same thing for lunch.” 
“You did?” He looked surprised. “I thought you didn’t know how to.” 
“I don't, I watched a few videos; followed a cookbook.” You mumbled. “Jeonghan said he wanted to eat.” 
“Is he still bothering you?” Soonyoung asked concerned, eyes running over your tired features. By bothering if he meant taking over every aspect of your life and not giving you the freedom to breathe peacefully in your own house, then yes, Yoon Jeonghan was absolutely bothering you. Did you tell Soonyoung that though? No, because 1, just yesterday, you had told your friends that you would “hang in there” and 2, you most definitely couldn’t hang in there and were already secretly planning ways to oust Jeonghan from your house. 
The journey to making this decision started the moment you woke up. It was yet again to the sound of knocking except, it wasn’t on your door, it was coming from your home office. Wondering what in the world Jeonghan was doing there, you quickly kicked off the covers and jumped to your feet, walking over. At first glance, you didn’t spot him inside and then your eyes found a complete stranger drumming her fingers on your sewing machine. You stood frozen, fully taken aback as she looked at you, your favorite coffee mug in her hand as she sipped out of it. 
“This dress could use a deeper neck.” She pointed at the one on the mannequin and then at herself. “Like this.” 
You refused to look at her plunging neckline out of which all her….assets were spilling out. God knows why you couldn’t refuse to take her opinion on your work or tell her to get the hell out of your house. Instead, you just continued to stand frozen until you felt Jeonghan’s presence behind you. 
“What are you doing here?” He sounded like he just woke up, voice just a little deep and husky. 
“I was curious what was in here-” 
“I mean what are you still doing here?” He walked up, putting himself between the two of you. “You were supposed to leave after you were done.” 
“It was raining outside, I couldn’t go.” She muttered, looking at him hopefully. “Besides I wanted to see you in the morning before I go-” 
“I don’t.” He cut her off, pointing over his shoulder. “Get going.” 
“Go.” He repeated, more firmly this time. 
Looking mad, she slammed the coffee mug on the table and grabbed her bag from the floor. As she walked up to Jeonghan and tried to plant a kiss on his cheek, he turned his face away, “Don’t cross the line. Get out.” 
Huffing she left, the sound of the front door closing resounding behind her. Jeonghan turned to you, rolling his eyes, looking at you like you’ll understand. “The audacity when she can’t even deepthroat without gagging.” 
You didn’t understand. You didn’t want to understand. You just wanted him to stop saying these kind of things. Please please please shut up. 
When he walked away, yawning and stretching, you grabbed the coffee mug, nearly crying at the sight of a neat brown ring of coffee imprinted on the paper. 
Oh yeah, Yoon Jeonghan had to go. 
Now you would have told all this to the boys but you knew they would tell you to ‘adjust for a few days’ and as always, you'd give in, regardless of the fact that you wanted this man’s entire existence obliterated from your life. So you decided to handle things differently now - you would get Jeonghan out of your house without the boys realising you had a hand in it - that way you'd be free and they couldn't blame you. You weren’t quite sure how to go about this plan but that was until you went to the grocery store in the afternoon to buy some ingredients for lunch. 
The biggest drawback of this suburb was that there was barely anyone below the age of twenty who could help you out with your predicament except for the cashier's grandson, Minguk. Minguk lived in the city, but over the weekends, he came to help his grandmother, greeting you every time you crossed paths. You weren’t really close friends but he was always nice to you, helping you reach things from the higher shelves, offering to carry heavier items to your house. If anyone here could recognise Jeonghan and help you out, it had to be him. 
That’s why when you went to the shop, you told the old lady you needed a big bag of rice, twenty five kgs of it for some big rice starch cloth experiment, asking if Minguk could drop by later and bring it to your house. She agreed happily, stating she would get him to do it the moment he came in the evening and you left, waiting for said evening and said moment to arrive. 
Your prediction for the events that would follow today went somewhat like this - Minguk would come home, notice and recognise Jeonghan, ask you to get behind him while they fought and Minguk would knock down Jeonghan’s skinny ass stick figure, then make sure to hand Jeonghan to the police while you sadly told BooSeokSoon it was unfortunate that things unfolded this way. 
Now for this whole plan to be successful, you needed Soonyoung to get out of the house as soon as possible because Minguk could come any moment now. Hence you resorted to answering all of the former’s questions with short, simple replies, hoping this conversation would end fast.
“No he’s not still bothering me.”  “You sure? You-”  “Absolutely.”  “Again, we’re sorry that this-”  “No worries.”  Soonyoung frowned, confused at your curt answers. “Where is he now?” “Bathroom, showering I think.”  “What did he do before lunch?”  “Waited for lunch.”  “What did he do after lunch?”  “Nothing.” You shrugged. “Claimed he was bored, sat in my home office and watched me sketching for hours together.”  “He was…. just watching you?”  “Not the whole time, he fell asleep in between…”
You recalled how hearing his soft snores, you looked up from your work, eyes falling on him leaning back against the bean bag, drifted off in a pleasant slumber. As you glanced at him, noticing just how sharp his jaw was and how high his cheekbones sat, his lips curled into a small smile. You’re giving me that look again, princess. After that, you didn’t take your eyes off your work even once. 
“I think he fell asleep?” 
“Did you get any sleep?” Soonyoung looked over your shoulder at your bedding still on the couch. “Did he… you know, bring someone last night too?” 
You nodded, but brushed it off immediately. “It’s fine, it’s nothing I can’t handle. I promised you guys 10 days, I’ll deliver.” 
Soonyoung looked relieved, before he glanced at his watch, face morphing in worry. “It’s nearly peak hour, I gotta go back to the restaurant.” 
You agreed to him, assuring him you were fine when he asked you again, waving goodbye as you shut the door behind him. 
Minguk would be here any minute now, and if all went well, you’d finally be free again. 
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Day 3 of 10 
All did not go well. 
In complete contrast to what you had imagined, here you were, yet again cooking lunch for Jeonghan, still absolutely sleep deprived and there he was, lying sprawled on your couch, going through your books, just like yesterday. Only difference was, Seokmin was on call, the sound of him chewing his apple ringing in your ears. 
As you moved around to make Kalguksu, Jeonghan’s order of the day, Seokmin spoke into your ear. “So you're saying he's not too bad to live with?” 
Bad? Bad was an understatement. Living with Yoon Jeonghan was the absolute worst. Just this morning, when you had stepped out to check your mailbox, your neighbour coincidentally returned from her morning walk, greeting you with a hard smile, asking why you looked so tired. You told her you had a lot of orders to work on, claiming you had to stay up all night to finish it and to that she said, “Yes, I think everyone in this building can tell what exactly you are doing staying up all night.” 
Never in your life before that statement did you want to be swallowed by concrete. You knew last night must’ve been particularly more noticeable because the women so far were moaners but this one….. Oh she was a screamer; so loud not even your pillow could save you. Thank god she was gone by the morning but so was a very treasured dress of yours, one you gifted by your mother. When Jeonghan woke up, he mumbled something about how her clothes tore, and she grabbed something from your cupboard before he went off to take a shower. 
“Yes, he’s not too bad.” You replied, glad Seokmin couldn't see your sarcastic expression. 
“I had a feeling he was a chill guy from the first time we saw him-” Seokmin continued to loudly chew on call. “-he seems kinda calm and knowledgeable?”
Yes, if only Seokmin heard all the 'instructions' Jeonghan loved to give his lady friends at night, he would know just how knowledgeable this man was. Although he did say something that you were thinking about for a while now…
“Min.” You slid onto the kitchen counter. “Do you think Minguk has a crush on me?” 
“Minguk as in supermart granny’s grandson Minguk?” Seokmin chuckled. “Yeah, obviously, a mega huge one.” 
“What?” You looked at your phone betrayed. “How could you not tell me?” 
“I assumed you knew and didn’t care?” Seokmin sounded nonchalant. “Since you know, he already has a girlfriend?” 
That’s what you had said too, last night when Minguk came over and all did not go well. 
Initially, it was going according to plan though. A few moments after Soonyoung left, Minguk arrived at your door, carrying a huge sack of rice, half panting as he smiled at you. Given that Jeonghan was still in the bathroom, you engaged him in casual conversation, hoping the man who usually showered in under 5 minutes, would finally come out after the two hours he had been holed up in there. Just as you were running out of stupid questions to ask, Minguk looked over your shoulder, forehead slowly pulling together in a frown as you heard footsteps behind you. Finally finally finally, please help me-
“Who is that?” He pointed, looking confused. Did he not recognise….? 
You turned, as Jeonghan approached you, your eyes widening as they landed on him - he had dyed his golden blonde hair into a dark jet black, the length of it also a lot shorter now, the pieces framing his face pushed back in a way even you could barely recognise him. You continued staring as he walked over, throwing his arm around your shoulder, glancing at Minguk.
“And who is this?” 
Tearing your eyes away from him, you looked at Minguk, almost at a loss of words, “T-this is Minguk, he works um in the supermarket nearby, he’s my friend and this is uh….” You gulped, the weight of Jeonghan’s hand heavy on your shoulder. “This is-” 
“Come on, don’t be shy.” Jeonghan laughed. “Hi….friend? I’m the boyfriend.” 
“Oh.” Minguk looked at you just as surprised as you looked at him. “I didn’t know…” 
Neither did you.
“Yeah we’ve been doing long distance for a while now, I just got back recently.” Jeonghan answered like it was a matter of fact when a few days back, you didn't even know of his existence. 
After that Minguk, who always said bye to you with a cheery wave, mumbled that he had to go and left, without sparing you a second glance.
“What an idiot.” Jeonghan chuckled as he let you go, walking into the house. “Men who don’t have the guts to be honest with the woman they like are not worth anyone’s time.” 
“I’m sorry what?” You frowned, closing the door and following him. “The woman they like?” 
Jeonghan looked at you incredulously. “You didn’t know? He was literally making heart eyes, his drool is probably outside on the floor-” 
“He has a girlfriend.” 
“So?” He shrugged. 
“So he can’t possibly like me??” 
Jeonghan looked at you amused. “You’re dense as hell princess, there’s so much I could teach you.” and with that he walked away leaving you baffled, which was not how you expected events to turn out yesterday. 
As Seokmin went on and on about how Minguk wasn’t being fair to his girlfriend, you zoned out, mind wandering on something else entirely. You needed a new, revised plan, one that was guaranteed to get Jeonghan out of your life and this time, you swore you wouldn’t fail.
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Day 4 of 10 
Plan B failed just as miserably as plan A. 
You had promised yourself to get Jeonghan out of your life, but all you managed to do was get him out of the house. 
That was part of the plan though, him stepping out was vital but somehow, as though luck loved him and despised you, things worked out in his favour yet again. 
Plan B was a long and elaborate one, one that you worked on really hard, starting from last night. 
Last night, you got into your couch tired as hell, but determined not to sleep, eyes wide open in the darkness. Around 1am, you heard the sound of feet shuffling as Jeonghan’s silhouette walked past you, opening the door, letting yet another girl into your house. As the two of them moved towards your room, bodies and tongues tangled, shutting the bedroom door behind them, you immediately got up, rushing to your office room. Looking up the posters of Jeonghan on the internet, you quickly printed out a bunch of them, silently donned your jacket and a mask and left your house in the dead of the night. It took you nearly 3 hours but by the end of it you had put up those posters along all the streets of the suburb and had barely just returned and got under the covers when the bedroom door opened and Jeonghan’s companion of the night left your house. Confident that by daybreak, everyone in the neighborhood would know Jeonghan’s face and there would at least be someone smarter than Minguk who could look past the changed hair colour, you slept happily, after a long time. 
But you were rudely awakened by the sound of Jeonghan’s voice, whispering right by your ear. 
“Be honest. You don’t actually want me to leave do you?” 
Your eyes flew open only to find his face hovering above yours, inches away. You held your breath as his hand rested on your waist, fingers tracing over the sliver of skin exposed by your shirt having ridden up. 
“You’re scared of what I do to you.” He smirked, lips teasingly close to yours. “But I could do so many wonderful things to you princess.” 
You gasped as you felt his fingers slip under the waistband of your underwear, inching closer and closer to the desperate hot and wet feeling between your legs. You couldn’t bring yourself to stop him…. You didn’t want to. As he slipped a finger in, groaning about how tight you were, your eyes flew open, meeting the cracks on the ceiling above. 
Petrified, you sat up, forehead and neck drenched in sweat as though every nerve ending was on fire. Did you just have a wet dream about Yoon Jeonghan?? 
Oh he had to leave. He had to leave as soon as possible. This plan had to work. 
And you really thought it would when you were going to buy lunch (today he wanted clam chowder which was way beyond your expertise) and he insisted on following you to get it since he was getting bored at home. You thought the entire universe had finally channelised its energy into helping you get rid of him. 
You could not have been more wrong. 
Turned out that in the few hours you had spent happily sleeping, it rained cats and dogs, obliterating nearly every single piece of paper you had put up. Hours of your hard work was quite literally washed down the drain while Jeonghan happily walked out in the open right alongside dozens of people who had no idea who he was. On the contrary, they had a wilder assumption regarding who he might be - apparently your boyfriend. 
The moment you’d stepped into the restaurant, all the old women who were your grandmother’s friends and loved to strike conversation with you, absolutely ignored your existence as they caught hold of ‘your boyfriend’, insisting that the two of you eat with them. You sat across Jeonghan, watching him talking and giggling with all the old ladies as they threw all sorts of questions at him. He answered, stuffing his mouth with food, spinning the most wonderful stories of your relationship, stories that made you almost wish they were true.
After he bid them all goodbye, which was nearly two hours later, he declared he wanted to play football in the big ground where all the ladies had mentioned their visiting grandkids were playing. You took him there, sitting on the sidelines and watching this man twice their height, tackling all the little kids effortlessly, laughing - not sadistically, just happily, enjoying himself. At that moment somehow, he felt so ordinary, like any other normal person, like he could really have been your boyfriend, like this was really your life. You abandoned that thought the moment Jeonghan pulled you from the bench into the field, demanding that you play. Though you despised the idea of running around in half muddy fields, as always, you found yourself unable to say no to him, joining him and the kids in a game that was a lot more fun than you had anticipated. That was until it started pouring rain again, forcing all of you to run back to your homes, drenched from head to toe by the time you reached. The laughter in your chest fizzled out at the sight of Jeonghan shaking the wet droplets of his hair, his wet shirt sticking to his body, the outline of it unnecessarily obvious. 
But I could do so many wonderful things to you princess.
Gulping, you left to dry yourself, heart racing behind its cage, not wanting to think of the dream. The rest of the evening you refused to so much as look at him, focusing on only on the one thing you were supposed to - Plan C.
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Day 5 of 10
Plan C was short and simple and it was supposed to work like a charm. 
To be honest, a part of you always had a feeling plan A and B wouldn’t work because BooSeokSoon were right - expecting anyone in this neighbourhood to know Jeonghan was stupid. So if nobody here recognised Jeonghan, you had to bring someone who recognised Jeonghan here. And that’s exactly what you did because just as you were washing the breakfast dishes and Jeonghan was asking for your help with something, there was a loud knock on the door. 
“Police, open up.” 
After you had gotten up in the morning, under the pretext of getting milk, you went over to the closest public phone, calling the one and only police station nearby, the one over twenty five miles away. Trying to keep the message as anonymous and vague as possible, you spoke about how it seemed like something was not right in unit 84, your own apartment. With the fear of being identified, you didn't tell them anything else but clearly your half information was taken seriously because barely half an hour later, they were here at your door. Before you could wash your soapy hands and walk over the door, Jeonghan was already there, opening it.
You held your breath, staying hidden in the kitchen, peeking from behind the wall as the two men looked at each other. The expectation was a dramatic, movie-like scene where both men confronted each other with fists, maybe even guns but the reality, much to your surprise, was the complete opposite - they were both just talking, having a conversation you could barely hear from your hiding place. Could the cop also not recognise Jeonghan? 
The answer was no, he could not. It was Jeonghan’s luck playing it’s hand once again because the moment the cop shook Jeonghan’s hand and left and the latter turned you, you noticed how the entire lower half of his face was lathered in layers of shaving foam rendering half his face completely hidden. You vaguely recalled he was asking you for help to shave, wondering what were the odds that the cop would turn up at this exact moment. Jeonghan’s luck was indeed your biggest enemy. 
Inwardly crying about the fact that not only did he just dodge your biggest weapon, but you still had to continue doing menial work for him, you followed him to the bathroom. As you prepared the razor, he sat on the edge of the bathtub, peering at you curiously in the mirror. 
“Why do you think the cop turned up at your house today?” 
Trying not to let your hands shake, you shrugged. “How would I know?....What did he say?” 
“Someone apparently called to complain about something strange going on in this house.” 
You met his eye in the reflection, thinking fast. “I mean it is a quiet neighbourhood and the people around are really old so, I guess, maybe someone complained about, you know, all the noise at night….” 
“But you don’t use the sewing machine at night?” Jeonghan frowned like he didn’t understand. 
Clearing your throat, you turned to him. “Not me, it's you…and you know all the….” Making vague hand gestures you tried to explain your point. “....when the girls come and…”
“Sex?” Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, half laughing. “What are you, a prude? You can’t say the word sex?” 
Shifting uneasily you looked away from him, mumbling. “I just don't think everything has to be said….”
Jeonghan didn't say anything to that, continuing to look at you just a little amused as you stood between his manspread, holding his jaw and tilting his head up. When his eyes met yours, a strange something flashing behind them, every cell in your body feeling hyper-alert. Gulping you slowly ran the blades along his cheek, your own cheeks heating up under his gaze, one that never left your face. 
When you did a half turn to grab a towel, feet stumbling in the process, Jeonghan’s hands flew to grab your hips, stabilizing you. He didn't let go even after you had found your footing. He didn't let go even after you finished the task at hand. 
“I'm done…” You mumbled, taking a step back and his grip on you finally loosened. Just for a second though, before he suddenly held your hand and stood up, face inches away from yours, eyes still on you the same way. 
“What’s your deal princess?” 
You gulped, looking away confused when he bent down, to your eye level, looking curious.
“You can't even bring yourself to say ‘sex’ but….” He ran his thumb across your lower lip, rubbing away a speck of foam that somehow seemed to have gotten there. “The way you look at me, there's something a lot darker behind those eyes. Which is the real you?” 
You had no idea. 
You really really had no idea.
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Which is the real you?
Staring at the ceiling you pondered over Jeonghan’s question. 
Was it the you who was thoroughly scandalized by the things Jeonghan kept saying and doing? Or the you who was lying on the couch wide awake at nearly 1am, trying to pretend like you weren’t listening to the same man absolutely ruin someone in your bed. You told yourself it wasn’t that you liked it, you were simply curious. As for why you had kept your legs pressed together, you had no answer, you most definitely were not turned on, no. 
But strangely the discomfort between your legs only got worse, like a dull, desperate ache. Hesitating, you slipped your hand under the waistband of your underwear, fingers slowly inching downward, terrified of what you would discover. Your digits slid easily, given the fact that you were soaked, eyes shutting tight in embarrassment. This was so wrong and so inappropriate on so many levels….. quickly getting yourself together you rushed over to the bathroom, washing up, throwing cold water on your face to get you back into your senses. Getting it together and patting your face dry with your towel, you walked out, stepping into complete silence. 
Frowning, you turned to the clock -  usually, Jeonghan went on for hours together, giving you some peace of mind only around 3am in the morning - could they have been done already? Confused, you slowly moved towards the room door, pushing it softly, expecting to find Jeonghan fast asleep. Instead, you’re met with the sight of a woman on all fours, her head pressed into the mattress, muffling her sounds as Jeonghan railed her from behind, his hips snapping against hers at a ridiculous pace. 
Now either you should have run away from there, or screamed and then run away from there but you did neither - instead you simply froze, eyes wide and unblinking, unable to move any part of your body. It became a whole lot worse when Jeonghan, whose face was contorted with focus, suddenly lifted his head, his vision finding you by the door. The only good thing that came from this was that somehow, you found your footing again, stumbling back, loudly shutting the door. Not knowing what else to do, you grabbed your jacket from the coat rack and quickly ran out of the house, ignoring the heavy pitter patter of the rain. Thank god the boys are still sitting at the restaurant, gathered around a table, laughing away. You walked in, ready to cry out of embarrassment and dissolve in your embarrassment. 
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“Okay, let’s calm down a little.” Seokmin reached for your glass, prying it out of your hands slowly, earning a glare from you. 
“I need it. I need to drown in my sorrows.” You looked over your shoulder at the lady who was sitting at the table alone, hiccuping at her fourth bottle of beer. “Like her.” 
“What’s the deal with that woman?” Seungkwan muttered looking over. “She’s been here for hours.” 
“Something about her crush being kissed by his best friend.” Soonyoung shrugged. “Apparently the other girl dared her to watch.” 
“Ouch.” You grimaced, thoroughly impressed. “God I wish I could be like that.” 
“You are like that.” Seungkwan pointed at all the bottles of soju in front of you. 
“Not her, the other one.” You clicked your tongue, not hearing the restaurant door opening behind you. “I wish I was daring like that. Gutsy enough to put people in their place, to say what’s on my mind, to tell Yoon Jeonghan to stop fucking other people in my bed-” 
“Would you rather I fuck you?” 
You turned quickly, a chill running down your spine as you found Jeonghan right behind, bent over to whisper into your ear. All three boys before you looked with their jaws hung. Turning away from him, unable to meet his eyes, you mumbled something even you didn’t understand. 
Jeonghan smiled. “Doesn’t sound like a no.” 
“I could barely recognise you.” Seokmin looked at the man before him in awe, glancing over his not so new hairdo. “Black hair looks good on you.” 
“I know.” Jeonghan agreed like it was a matter of fact before turning to you again. “The rain just stopped but looks like it might start again anytime soon, you should come home.” 
You shook your head slowly.
“I’m amazed you know how to refuse.” Jeonghan chuckled. “But now’s not the time to; come home.” 
“No.” You stood up, facing him. “I don’t want to go to your home.” 
“Not mine, yours.” 
“Oh yeah.” You looked at him spacey as Jeonghan tried to stop himself from laughing. “That’s my house. My room. My bed. What the hell are you doing there?” 
“A new woman everyday apparently.” Soonyoung muttered, purposely looking away from Jeonghan. 
“What kind of person does that?” You poked his chest, slurring. “A-and the way you talk to them? Who says things like that?” 
“Okay, we can discuss this at home. It’s 3am, get up-” 
“It’s 3???” Seungkwan quickly turned at the clock on the wall. “Fuck, fuck, fuck we have to close up.” 
The boys quickly got to their feet, one gathering the trash, the other stacking the dishes and the other ushering the only other person in the store to leave. She got up, walking towards the entrance, wantonly tripping on her own feet and holding onto Jeonghan. Something in you wanted to smack her right across the head. 
“Hi,” She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “I’m Yuri.” 
“Hi,” Jeonghan pulled his arm from her grip. “I’m not interested.” He turned to you, blatantly ignoring the other girl’s existence. “Let’s go.” 
You watched as the poor woman, looking close to tears, stormed out as you swayed and muttered. “I can’t. I can barely stand, forget walking.” 
“Get on my back.” Jeonghan offered, making you laugh. 
“Have you seen yourself?” You threw your jacket over your shoulders. “If you carry me, you’ll break. Like literally snap in half.” 
“Huh.” Jeonghan inched closer to you, tucking his hands in his pocket. “There’s so much to teach you princess. Lesson number one, size does not matter.” 
Yet again, you found yourself burning under his gaze, words lost in your mouth which was opening and closing like a fish. Sighing, Jeonghan swooped down faster than you could register his movement, grabbing you by the knees, throwing you over his shoulder. Shrieking, you protested, trying to get him to put you down but he simply ignored you, walking away as your friends watched, thoroughly shocked. 
Within minutes he had you in your house, putting you down in your bathroom, letting you sit on the edge of the bathtub as he grabbed your towel. Standing before you, he tilted your head up, softly rubbing the towel into your hair, drying it. You tried to avoid his eye, looking everywhere but him and that small amused smile on his face, only looking at him when he finally spoke. 
“What’s your name?” 
You scoffed. “You lived in my house for 5 days, ate my food, slept in my bed, and you don’t know my name?” 
“I didn’t think it was necessary.” 
“Why is it necessary now?” 
He smiled. “If you want me to fuck you, I need to know your name princess.” 
“God.” You pulled away from him. “I didn’t say I want you to… to…” 
“There we go again.” He sighed. “The celestial prude returns.” 
“I’m not a prude, don’t call me that.” You pointed an accusatory finger at him. “I’ll have you know I have….” You cleared your throat, the volume of your voice considerably lowering. “I have slept with a man before. More than once. In fact, I have also slept with two men at the same time.” 
Jeonghan raised his eyebrow like he didn’t believe it. 
“Okay fine, one of them was just watching…...” You rolled your eyes. “But there were two, my boyfriend - ex-boyfriend - and his friend-” 
“Did you agree to that?” 
Somehow Jeonghan’s voice was a lot harder now, catching you off guard. 
“I asked you if you agreed for your boyfriend’s friend to watch?” 
“I….” You stuttered, looking around. “I didn’t say no.” 
“Princess, you never say no.” Jeonghan crouched before you, looking serious. “But that doesn’t mean it's a yes.” 
You stared at him unsure what to say. That was a night you never thought about again - you always thought it was maybe because you were embarrassed but perhaps…..a part of you was trying to forget it ever happened. 
“You asked me who says the kind of things I do in bed, right? I say them because the women I’m with want me to, they enjoy it. But what you just told me,” Jeonghan shook his head. “Did you want that?” 
“I…I don’t know.” You confess. You didn’t ever question yourself like Jeonghan was. “He didn’t ask and I didn’t think I could say no-” 
“You can always say no.” Jeonghan insisted, holding your hands. “If you don’t want something, you should say no. The same way, if you want something, you should ask for it, unashamed.” 
“Then I… I want you..…” You whispered, unsure whether you should say it, not noticing the way Jeonghan's eyes darkened instantly. Taking a deep breath, you continued. “I want you…. to stop sleeping in my bed. I want you to stop wearing the clothes I design. I want you to stop making me cook for you-”
“Okay wow we’re spiraling-”
“I want you to stop making me clean after you, to stop treating me like your personal assistant, I mean what kind of man doesn’t know how to shave-” 
“The kind who’s always had people to do these things for him so he doesn’t really know how to do anything.” He muttered, sighing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think of it too much, I should’ve been more mindful of how I was being…. but now that you told me-” He got up. “-I won’t bother you, and on the off chance that I do, and you wish for me to leave, I will do so immediately, I promise.” 
You nodded slowly, both amazed that you managed to get all of that off your chest and that he took it all really well. He continued to look at you like you were both fascinating and funny. 
“You still haven’t told me your name by the way.” 
Half laughing you did and he repeated it, your name rolling off his tongue in a way that made something in your stomach flip. 
“I’m going to grab whatever clothes of yours I can find.” He walked up to the door, turning to you. “Please change, you’ll fall sick if you sleep in wet clothes.” 
With that he left, and that was the last thing you remembered. 
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Day 6 of 10 
Today you woke up in the bathtub. 
The twisted form that you slept in obviously resulted in stiff joints and pains all over but it was falling asleep in drenched clothes that caused the continuous sneezing that followed. Dragging yourself out of the bathroom, you slowly walked into your house, meeting a strange silence - Jeonghan wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Feeling too weak to even wonder where he was, you dragged yourself to the couch, sinking into it, eyes fluttering shut. No more than five minutes later, you were awakened by the feeling of a cold hand on your forehead, making you jump at the suddenness. Jeonghan peered at you shaking his head. 
“Great, you’ve got a fever.” He clicked his tongue. “I was gone for two minutes last night and you fell asleep in the tub.” 
“Should’ve woken me up.” 
“Believe me, I tried but you wouldn’t even budge and it wasn’t like I could just carry you out of there.” He turned away muttering as you raised your eyebrows in faux surprise. “Okay, just carrying you once almost broke my back, so yeah, I admit it, I’m weak.” 
You burst out laughing, doubling over into a coughing fit as Jeonghan handed you a bottle of water, smiling almost fondly. 
“What do you want to eat for lunch?” 
“You’re going to make lunch?” 
“Don’t get used to it, only cause you’re sick.” 
You pondered, leaning back into the pillows. “Something hot and with soup would be great actually.” 
“Can you shower and change out of those clothes in the meantime?” 
You whined, shaking your head, body drained of all its energy. 
“Come on.” Jeonghan pulled you up from the couch, struggling as he did. “Wash up.” 
Stumbling to the bathroom, you did, albeit much slower than usual but a hot shower made all the difference in the world. You didn’t want to leave the warmth and maybe you wouldn’t have if the landline wasn’t constantly ringing. Groaning you wrapped a towel around you, dragging yourself to the phone, picking it up. 
“Where the hell is your phone?” Seungkwan scolded you from the other side. “Why won’t you pick up?” 
“On silent somewhere I guess.” You mumbled, looking around. “What’s wrong?” 
“Just wanted to check if you were okay-”
“I’m okay.” 
“-and also wanted to tell you that your dream shop? It’s up for lease.” 
You immediately straightened out, tiredness suddenly vanishing. “You mean the one down two streets? The one I've been waiting to get my hands on for months?” 
“Yes and yes and the price they’ve quoted is actually manageable.” Seungkwan sounded excited. “If us boys add a few thousand each to your 25K, I think you can actually afford it.” 
Your face softened. “You… you guys would do that for me?” 
“Of course, you’re our best friend Y/n, that’s the least we can do.” Twisting the cord of your phone, you glanced at it fondly. “Besides, you're the one who Jeonghan is living with, it's only fair….”
As though on cue, Jeonghan walked in, hands filled with bags, shooting you a surprised look. You looked back at him, both happy and conflicted. While you had been trying to get rid of Jeonghan behind your friend’s backs, they were so willing to go above and beyond for you. And the Jeonghan you so desperately were trying to paint as the big pain in your life, was here, offering to cook and look after you - did that mean you were the terrible one here? 
As Seungkwan hung up citing he had to go, Jeonghan walked up to you, looking worried. 
“All good?” 
“Yeah I just…. My dream might come true and I don’t know how to react.” 
"Dream come true?"He leaned closer, whispering into your ear. “I don't recall actually agreeing to fuck you…”
He looked at your towel clad body up and down, making you gulp and quickly walk away, gripping the material tight, him laughing behind you. 
When you returned in a fresh pair of pajamas to a Jeonghan who was busy bustling away in the kitchen, singing a song softly, he asked what dream you were talking about. 
“There's this space I've wanted to own for a long time now.” You sat down at the breakfast bar, head perched on interlocked hands. “It's up for lease and I might have the money to finally own it.”
“Congratulations princess.” Jeonghan looked up from his busy stirring, shooting you a smile. “That sounds great.” 
You nodded, continuing to feel all too happy. “I still can't believe it, I think I might pass out.” 
“Yes you might after eating this too.” He looked at you frazzled, “I might have added too much spice.”
“Is it that bad….”
You trailed away when he held out a blob of the marinade on his finger, hand extended towards you. Hesitating, you leaned closer, taking his finger in your mouth, lips wrapping around his digit and pulled off with a pop. Your eyes didn't leave him the whole time, neither did his.  
Clearing your throat, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
“It's fine actually, I can take it.” 
Jeonghan didn’t reply to that, simply turning back to his work silently. In the remaining 2 hours he spent cooking and flipping through the cookbook pages, he didn’t talk or so much as look at you. Even when the two of you were eating and you complimented his food, he just gave a short nod. It was only when everything was done and he cleared the table that he finally spoke, telling you to rest for a bit. You told him you were behind a lot of projects and orders and had to work, and that’s when he turned to you exasperated, 
“You’re sick, you can take a day off.” 
“There's nothing else to do anyway.” You mumbled. “And I don’t want to sleep again, I just woke up.” 
Jeonghan hummed, putting away the dishes before turning to you. “Wanna build something?” 
You watched confused as he unpacked the remaining bags he brought home earlier, pulling out boxes of Legos. 
“I wanna make a nice little space for Doljjong.” 
“Who?” You looked around, almost terrified. “Please don’t tell me you brought home a cat-” 
He pulled out a rock from his pocket, looking all too pleased. “Doljjong, my new pet.” 
“That’s a rock.” 
“And?” He looked at it, stroking the soft surface. “I found it while playing football yesterday. Even the kids agreed it was perfect.” 
You burst out laughing at his silliness as he continued to insist how it was the perfect pet and how he had found the perfect Lego sets to build it the perfect small home. 
That’s how most of the remaining day went - the two of you building Doljjong’s new residence. Actually, it was mostly Jeonghan at work, insisting that you were sick and slow and should just watch him. So that’s what you did, leaning against the couch, sipping on the hot tea he made you, munching on the snacks he bought, watching him giggle away, making his creation. 
As the sun began to set outside, you looked at him in the soft golden light, at how simple and ordinary he looked. Maybe you could bear him for another 4 days, maybe you didn’t have to feel so terrified around him. Or perhaps you should feel more scared now that you were comfortable around him…. 
Even as you sat next to him snuggling on your couch with afternoon’s leftovers warmed up for dinner, you could only think about how you kinda wished he was here for longer, which was kind of insane - just a day ago you were desperate to have him out of here but now? Now you had to admit to yourself that the only reason left on the long list of ‘Why Jeonghan Must Go’ was the way he made you feel, even when he was just sitting across you, eating and watching tv. God this was embarrassing….
When you finally put your thoughts behind you, getting ready to sleep in your usual place, Jeonghan offered that you take the bed but you refused, mumbling something about not washing the sheets. Laughing, Jeonghan sat back on his end of the couch, settling with a jacket wrapped around him. 
“You're gonna be here all night?” You looked at him surprised. 
“Yeah.” He shut his eyes, leaning back. “Just in case you need anything.”
“Why?” You glanced at him. “I mean everything today, why did you….” 
“I know what it's like to not have anyone care when you're sick.” Sighing, he turned to look at you. “I've always had people at my beck and call but they always worked for me like it was their job, because I was their boss. It never really felt like any of them cared and sometimes, that hurt. But I've come to terms with that, that's just what it's like in this job.” 
“Why….” You hesitated but decided to take a shot anyway. “Why did you choose this profession then? I mean, what compelled you…” 
“Compelled?” Jeonghan chuckled, looking away and shutting his eyes again. “If you're looking for a good-boy-forced-by-circumstances-to-go-bad kinda story I'm afraid I'm not the one for it, princess.” 
“If it wasn't a compulsion, was it your choice….” 
“I've never really been afraid to ask and get what I want.” He smiled. “Somewhere in that process this is who I became.”
“Is it that easy to just…. go for what you want?”
“It usually is when you don't care about the consequences that may follow so yeah, it has been easy for me.” He paused, like he was mulling over something. “So far.”
Before you could ask him what he meant by that, he leaned over, tucking you properly under the sheets. 
“Enough questions for today. You need rest.” He snuggled further on his end, a small smile dancing on his lips. “Goodnight Y/n.” 
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Day 7 of 10
Of all the ways you had imagined, one would think you'd wake up to Jeonghan, this was not one of them. 
He was still fast asleep seated on his end of the couch, head leaned back, mouth slightly askew, his breathing soft and deep. Only noticeable thing was his hand on your thigh like a comforting weight - you vaguely remembered him gently patting you as you broke into a coughing fit in the middle of the night. Dragging yourself to sit up, you continued to stare at him, taking in all the beautiful features - he looked just like he did the day you first saw him. Maybe you would've given in to the temptation and run your finger across the delicate angles of his face if the landline didn't ring so loudly, both pulling you back and waking him up. 
Muttering an apology you quickly picked up the call, only to be met by the even louder voice of your mother. 
“You're sick!?”
“Hi mom, yeah, I was sick.” You mumbled frowning. “….how did you know?” 
“Why didn't you tell me? I would've come, brought you some sides, made you something to eat-” 
“Please stop screaming.” You groaned. “I can hear you just fine.” 
“Don't tell me what to do young woman. How can I not scream when I find out my sick daughter is being taken care of by a boyfriend whose existence I'm not even aware of.” 
You immediately sat up. “W-what?” 
“Yeah, imagine my surprise when Minguk's grandmother told me you weren't well but I wasn't to worry because your ‘very caring boyfriend’ is looking after you well.” 
You looked at Jeonghan who seemed to be able to hear everything given the volume your mother was talking in. 
“Mom I can explain-” 
“Save it. I'm coming home.” 
And with that she cut the call, sending your heartbeat racing.
“Fuck fuck fuck-” 
“Calm down princess.” 
“You calm down!” You snapped back stupidly, running your hands through your hair. “I'm sorry, it's just, my mom is…. a hawk. She's going to figure things out-”
“You think she’ll call the cops on me?” 
“No, no that. She hates watching the news, I'm sure she has no idea who you are but she’s definitely going to know we-” you pointed between the two of you. “-aren't a thing.”
“Hey I made your supermart boy believe it.” Jeonghan shrugged, leaning back. “And every old woman in a 2km radius.” 
“Yeah well my mother isn't one of those women. She's hella observant and nosy and most importantly, she knows me. She knows I wouldn't be with someone like you.” 
“Wow,” Jeonghan let out a low whistle. “This is starting to become offensive, princess.”
“No…” You turned to him. “No no no. What I mean is, you're not exactly the gentle, sweet boyfriend kind right? I mean… you know what I mean right?” 
Jeonghan smiled at you like he was enjoying this. “No, I don't.” 
“You do.” You muttered, knowing well that he was pushing you into a spot. “The way you’re with women, it isn’t how boyfriends are really, or at least how my mum would expect my boyfriend to be.” 
“It’s not like I’m going to talk dirty to you in front of her.” 
Feeling the heat in your cheeks rise, you looked away. “No I mean… you just seem so much more….bad boy kinds and I’ve never been the kind to date someone like you, someone who’s not-” 
“A prince wearing a shining armor on a white horse who comes to save the day?” 
Yes exactly that, as evident by the many drawings in your childhood journal but Jeonghan did not need to know that. 
“-someone who’s not very gentlemanly?” 
“So what do you want me to do? Bow to your mother, kiss her hand, ask for your hand in marriage-” 
“I said gentle, not archaic.” You rolled your eyes.
“Do you really want that though?” He turned to you, head cocked in question. “A man who is gentle?”
You tried to avoid his gaze knowing he would read your answer to that like an open book.
“Of course. I'm….I'm a suburban girl with a boring, uneventful life. I…obviously want someone who's soft and sweet and-”
“Show me.” 
You turned to him so fast and so wide eyed, you were sure a vessel had burst somewhere. 
“Show me how you want to be loved.” 
Stuttering and at an absolute loss of words, you continued staring at him stupidly. Chuckling softly, like always, Jeonghan leaned close. 
“If we need to convince your mother, then you're going to have to teach me what you like, princess.” 
Gulping you blinked at him, eyes flickering to his lips. He watched you with raised eyebrows as you hesitatingly mirrored his lean, closing the space between the two of you and gently pressed your mouth onto his. 
Uncharacteristically, Jeonghan froze. 
His sudden stiffness instantly brought you back to your senses, making you pull away, ready to apologise and banish yourself into your room forever but before a word could leave your mouth, Jeonghan quickly captured it again, sighing into the kiss, lips moving unnaturally soft. 
“Well,” He muttered as he drew back and your eyes met his. “When I said show me, I meant show me what you wanted me to do to convince your mother about us? I didn’t think this was a part of that-” 
“Good god.” You groaned, burying your face in your hands and yourself in the couch. What the hell did you just do?
“Hey.” Chuckling, Jeonghan pulled your hands away, looking at you keenly. “Be honest with me though, is this really how you like it?” 
For some reason, the question seemed rhetorical, like he knew the answer already. Not entirely honest, you nodded slowly. 
“Huh.” He leaned closer, like he was challenging your answer. “Do you want to know how I like it?” 
You’re not really sure how or why that word left your mouth so quickly but clearly, Jeonghan didn’t care. Before you knew it, he ran his hand up your thigh, pulling you onto his lap with an ease you did not expect from him. 
“Are you sure?” He whispered, tucking your hair behind your ear with one hand, gripping your waist with the other. “You don’t-” 
“Please.” You whispered back and that was all it took for him to hold your face and pull you down onto his mouth, lips ravenous against yours. As your hands fisted the material of his shirt, his slipped in your hair, gripping it in a way that surprisingly didn’t hurt. Rather it felt good, like you wanted him to guide you the way he wanted, the way he liked, in any way he needed you to submit to him. As his hand ran down your back, his tongue slipped into your mouth, tasting like a mistake, a scandal and a terrible decision all at once but somehow you couldn’t stop. Even when he pulled back to breathe, you descended upon him immediately, oxygen be damned because for the first time in forever, something in you was truly alive. Smirking against your lips Jeonghan grabbed your ass, rocking you against him, the outline of his hard length evident under you. You moaned very audibly when he broke away, placing a line of kisses down your neck while your hands, out of their own will, began unbuttoning your shirt.
“Fuck princess, I knew you had a wild side.” He muttered against your skin, tongue running along the bruise he had made. 
You had no idea. You had no idea an animal as hungry as this was inside you - the dull feeling that you had been getting between your legs all these days was turning into a terribly unbearable ache. You could not ignore it anymore. 
“I need you-” You gasped, not expecting his mouth on the swell of your breasts. “I need your help, please Jeong-” 
And perhaps he would’ve helped if not for the sound of the lock turning. 
Your mother stood outside, balancing the bags in her hand, struggling to open the door with her spare set of keys. When she had managed to unlock the door and swing it open, she was met with the sight of her child and her apparent boyfriend sitting side by side expectantly. She however did not notice the mismatched buttoning of your shirt, or Jeonghan’s red, flushed expression or your hand awkwardly covering something on your neck. 
“Mom, you’re here, what a surprise.” Smiling wide and fake, you walked up to the woman setting her bags down on the kitchen counter, frowning at you. 
“I let you know I was coming like half an hour ago.” 
“Right.” You mumbled as Jeonghan joined, standing beside you. Getting a hold of yourself, you moved to stand next to your mother putting some much needed distance between you and the man you were practically dying to jump. “This is uh, Jeonghan. He’s… he’s actually…” 
“The boyfriend.” Jeonghan and your mother answered at the same time, taking each other aback. 
“Well, well.” Your mother looked at him up and down in scrutiny before breaking into a smile. “Something tells me you and I are going to get along great, Jeonghan. I want to hear all about how the two of you met.” 
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If there is anything you’ve learnt about Jeonghan today, it was that he was an excellent storyteller. Honestly, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he was one of those people who wrote fanfictions on the internet as a hobby because wow did he have the talent for it. 
As you were putting away all the things your mother bought you and he told her the apparent story of how the two of you met, you too listened in awe, stopping your work and staring at him, amazed. Your mother kept laughing, asking why you were behaving like you were listening to this story for the first time when you actually lived it. Laughing weakly you continued to listen, trying to look less awestruck.
You’re not quite sure how Jeonghan learned the idea of romance within minutes because strangely, the story he made up was nothing short of a fairytale, one that had absolutely convinced your mother. 
“Oh Hannie.” She cooed, rubbing his arm. “I’m so glad my baby found you. There could not have been anyone more perfect.” 
As she looked at you fondly over her shoulder, Jeonghan shot you a triumphant smirk. You returned their looks with a hard smile of your own. 
The rest of the day went pretty the same way - Your mother busied herself with making you some soup and dishes for lunch while Jeonghan stood nearby, entertaining her with his words and stories. Neither of them seemed to notice how you were doing. For one, you were feeling extremely hot - it was a cool day yet you were sweating like crazy, your cheeks were hot, and just the fabric of your clothes touching your skin felt weirdly uncomfortable. You were also strangely jumpy - every time Jeonghan so much as passed by you or his hand accidentally brushed any part of your skin, you would react like you were touched by a few hundred volts of electricity. The worst thing of them all was having to sit next to him during lunch - sure it was easier when you didn’t have to look at him eye to eye but the soft kisses on your cheek and forehead??? The wiping of food on the edge of your mouth??? The constant brushing of your hair away from your face?? It was all getting a little too unbearable. 
And it didn’t help that you were already incredibly wet from your little escapade earlier, your panties sticking to you uncomfortable throughout all of this, only getting wetter if that were even possible.
Jeonghan seemed to have finally noticed your situation way too late in the day. 
After lunch your mom took over the entertainment, showing Jeonghan pictures of you as a kid, telling him all your embarrassing stories. Soon, the sun set outside and usually, your mother, who liked to leave before it was too dark, insisted she wanted to have dinner with her daughter’s boyfriend. That was how the three of you found yourself in your usual bbq place with Seokmin, Seungkwan and Soonyoung, all looking at you, wide eyed. 
Perhaps it was the many hours that she spent with Jeonghan today or watching him interact with your three best friends so casually or looking at him play with the cats in the neighborhood, by the time your tipsy mother made it back to your apartment, she could not stop gushing about how Jeonghan was the best thing that ever happened to you. The praises only stopped when she finally resorted to the bathroom for a long, hot shower, leaving you standing and looking out of the balcony, finally alone, finally at peace. 
That didn’t last for long as Jeonghan stood beside you, trying to figure out what you were so intently staring at. 
“Gotta give it to you.” You scoffed. “I was worried my mom would doubt us but you’re a natural.” 
“It helped that it was you.” 
Confused, you turned to him. 
“I mean, the little demonstration of what you pretend to like and what you really like kinda helped.” He smirked.
Knowing he was trying to put you on the spot again, you looked away, “You think you know everything….” 
“I do. You think I haven’t noticed that you’ve been incredibly turned on since our little make out session?” You froze, unable to take your eyes off the empty street. “I could smell the arousal on you all day princess and quite frankly, it’s been driving me crazy.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mumbled, trying to leave only to be pulled back as Jeonghan trapped you between him and the railing before you. 
His fingers ran down your arm slowly, “Are you telling me if I were to slip my hand between your legs, I won’t find you soaking wet?” 
“Jeonghan please.” You whispered. “Y-you can’t say such things-” 
“You could admit it….or I could check for myself.” 
It was like the words were stuck in your throat, the shame not letting you say anything. To begin with it was already embarrassing enough to come to terms with the fact that you were immensely attracted to this man, you have been since you laid eyes on him, but to admit that he had you desperate for him all day and wanted him in any and all ways possible? That was entirely a whole other level of mortification. 
Jeonghan let out a breath, muttering in your ear. “I can’t help you if you won’t ask me to.” 
You gulped. “So begging really gets you off huh?” 
“Yes, but you don’t need to.” He smiled, his fingers running across the elastic of your bottoms. “You just need to say the word. Say you want this. Say you want me.”
When you didn’t respond to him despite a whole minute passing by, he let out a deep breath, stepping back with an understanding nod. Given how just that minimal distance between the two of you made your stomach drop, you finally cracked, holding him by the hand, pulling him back to press against your back. Holding your breath you dragged his hand, guiding it once again along the elastic of your pants. 
You couldn’t see but Jeonghan looked at you concerned. “Here?” 
“If you don’t touch me right now I might just cry.” You muttered, thankful you couldn’t see what you assumed would be a triumphant expression, pushing his hand further down, past the hem of your underwear. “Please Jeonghan.” 
Two very long and frustrating heartbeats later, he finally angled his hand, moving further down.
“Fuck.” He groaned as his digits met the slick between your folds. “Were you this soaked all day?” 
You nodded, whispering. “Been aching…...” 
“Trust me, not more than I have.” He moved closer to you, pressing against your back, his erection confirming his words. The thought of potentially feeling that inside you made your mouth practically water, as you pressed your legs closer, squeezing his hand in between them. 
Jeonghan’s finger grazed over your clit, making you keen and hold onto the railing for dear life. 
“Please.” That was all you could say with the way his fingers were teasing your entrance. “Please, please, please-” 
Jeonghan covered your mouth with his free hand, pulling you back against his chest, whispering gruffly. “Save the begging for next time y/n.” 
Next time? 
You gulped, body taut with anticipation, mind still reeling over his words as Jeonghan finally pushed in not one but two fingers at the same time, his thumb grazing over your clit simultaneously, your hand reflexively gripping his wrist. Maybe because you’ve been silently thirsting over this man for almost a week now, or because you have been inexplicably horny all day, or because you just realised that the two of you were quite literally doing this out in the open where anyone could catch you in the act but the moment Jeonghan’s fingers pushed all the way in and he pressed on your clit, your walls clamped around his digits, back arching against him, your moan held back by his hand against your mouth. As your orgasm washed over you in waves, you panted against him, trying to catch your breath, the stars in the night sky suddenly swarming in front of your eyes. 
“Did…” For the first time ever, Jeonghan stuttered, like he was confused. “Did you just cum?” 
Your arousal dripped down his fingers, giving him his answer. 
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He groaned. “or felt, rather.” 
As the pleasurable feeling began to ebb and the embarrassment took over, you tried to pry yourself away from his grip only for him to hold you more firmly, further pushing his fingers in. Overstimulated, your protests came out muffled against his hand, as you unwittingly clamped around him again. 
“Don’t.” He warned, head dipping to the crook of your neck, sighing. “God, you’d feel like heaven around me.” You smiled slightly at his words, just a little proud, making him chuckle. “You like the thought of that, don’t you?” 
Given your new found bravado, you slowly nodded and Jeonghan pulled himself back with resolve. “It’s not very gentlemanly to fuck a woman after making her come just once.” Finally taking his hand off your mouth and sadly also pulling his fingers out you, he turned you around swiftly, pushing you up against the wall behind him. “Give me another one.” He muttered against your ear. 
Although the post orgasm haze and more importantly, the post horny haze was receding and you were suddenly hyper aware that you were out in the open, Jeonghan’s deep voice, as he peppered kisses along your shoulder, “Come on, be good for me.”, made your decision.
 Oh you could be so good for him. 
Threading your fingers in his hair, you pressed yourself up against him, nodding almost too eagerly. Smiling against your skin, Jeonghan slipped his hand between your bodies, sliding his fingers past all the layers of cloth keeping you away from him. You sighed like you were drowning in ecstasy as his fingers found your hole again, wasting no time to push his fingers in, curling almost instantly. When you gasped at the feeling of him grazing that spot, Jeonghan covered your mouth with his free hand once again, pressing you against the wall. 
“Not here.” He warned but his actions seemed to be trying to do the exact opposite, fingers pumping in and out of you fast, your eyes almost rolling back in pleasure. “After this we are going inside and you’re gonna choose where you want to get railed and there, you can scream all you want.” 
You whined, both at the idea of him taking you on nearly every surface of your house and feeling everything inside you tighten once again. Jeonghan’s thumb began circling on your clit once again, making you squirm, knees almost buckling as you gripped his arm hard to steady yourself.
You could hear the sound of a plane flying high above, the beeping of a reversing car from somewhere below, the chatter from your neighbour’s television - somehow all of it exhilarated you. The thought of getting caught with Jeonghan knuckles deep inside you was weirdly, insanely hot…. until you heard the next sound - the bathroom door opening. 
Quickly pulling Jeonghan’s hand from your mouth and pushing him back much to his surprise, you harshly whispered. “My mom!” 
Jeonghan immediately pulled his hand away, giving you just enough time to adjust your pants and smoothen the crinkles on your clothes before your mother walked into the balcony looking for the two of you. 
Yet again, you were both smiling at her, abnormally and unnaturally wide. She frowned but overlooked it, announcing her decision instead. “I’ll need an extra pillow for my back, I’m staying the night.” 
Jeonghan and you exchanged looks at the unexpected news as the older woman narrowed her eyes at the two of you. “Is there a problem?” 
“No….” You tore your eyes away from Jeonghan. “I was just trying to remember where the extra bedding is….” 
“It’s at the bottom of your closet.” He muttered. “I’ll grab it.” 
Jeonghan walked out of there quickly, not meeting your mother’s eyes as she leaned against the railing, looking out, saying something about how it was going to rain like crazy tonight. 
You watched him disappear into the house and were about to turn your attention to your mother when he took a step back, catching your eye. As you raised your eyebrows in question, Jeonghan slipped two of his fingers into his mouth, yeah the two that were inside you moments ago, pulling them out with a pop. Laughing at your mortified expression, he walked away, leaving you with your heartbeat ringing in your ears. 
Tonight was far from over. 
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Day 8 of 10 
Much to your disappointment, nothing else happened last night. 
Excusing yourself from your mother, the first thing you did was to shower, hoping you’d feel somewhat less filthy after your escapade in the balcony. Surprisingly, more than feeling scandalized about the madness you had indulged in, you found yourself disappointed that you didn’t get the chance to cum on Jeonghan’s fingers again. Part of you wanted to finish off in the shower by yourself but you knew after Jeonghan, there was no way you could feel the same kind of high in your own - it was him or nothing. 
By the time you had stepped out, Jeonghan had pillows and blankets piled up next to him on the couch and from the room, your mother called out to you. Shooting him a disappointed look which he returned, you retired to your room, sleeping next to her on your bed after a whole damn week. 
That was perhaps why you woke up when it was way past 11 in the morning, body well rested after so long. When you stretched, walking out of your room, you could hear Jeonghan and your mother talking over the sound of what you guessed was them making breakfast. 
“....that experience isolated my poor child.” You frowned hearing your mother’s voice. “After that she quit fashion school, moved away from everything she considered her world till that point-” 
“Mom!” Walking over quickly, you interrupted the conversation. “What are you doing?” 
“Making breakfast.” She shrugged as Jeonghan walked up to you, placing a soft kiss on your temple, rubbing your arm like he sensed you were angry. “And telling Han about that shithead Bohyun-” 
“Mom.” You spoke between gritted teeth. “There’s no need to talk about him early in the morning-” 
“It’s half past 11-” 
“Mom!” Looking at her exasperatedly, you crossed your arms. “Don’t you have to give grandma her medicines, what are you still doing here?” 
“Would you look at that Han?” She looked at Jeonghan, shaking her head. “She’s throwing her own mother out of the house.” 
“What? I’m not-” 
“The disrespect I tell you.” She continued, ignoring you. “When all I wish is the best for her. I told her. I told her back then not to date that boy. If she had listened to me things wouldn’t have been like this-” 
“Okay, that’s it, I’m done here.” Giving up, you turned away, heading to your studio and locked yourself in. You would now do what you always did every time your dreaded ex came across your mind - throw yourself into your work and forget the rest of the world.
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In a way, you had to thank your mother for reminding you about that man and consequently pushing you towards your work cause god were you way behind schedule. You knew you were falling behind but you didn’t know it was this bad until you noticed all your deadlines menacingly staring at you from your calendar. Without wasting time, you got back into the mechanical pursuit of your job, the way you usually did when you had a surmount of orders. You only ever stepped out twice, once for lunch and once for dinner, settling for the food your mother had made for you, scarfing it down within minutes before returning to your designs. 
It was only when your shoulders began to miserably ache way past your bedtime that you dragged yourself to the living and found Jeonghan sitting in front of the tv. Surprisingly, you had forgotten all about him in the last many hours, a strange guilt rising in your chest as you sat beside him. Jeonghan did not turn to you as you approached. 
“Are you…” You laughed at the screen. “Are you watching Princess and the Frog?” 
He nodded.
“As a child, I never understood this movie.” You leaned back into the couch. “I always thought the prince was supposed to save the princess. Instead he turned out to be a playboy and dragged her through his miserable fate too.” 
Jeonghan hummed in response. 
“I can’t remember the last time I watched this.” You fiddled with your hands, trying to make conversation. “Seungkwan hates this movie so he never lets us watch during movie nights too.” 
Jeonghan simply hummed again. 
Sighing, you turned to him. “Are you….angry or something?” 
“I’m not angry, just thinking.” 
“About what?” 
“The things your mother told me about you and your past.” Jeonghan let out a deep breath, contemplating for a bit before finally talking. “I don’t understand when people forget themselves in a relationship. It makes no sense to lose yourself in love.” 
“That’s because you’ve never been in love.” You watched the screen as the two animated frogs ran through the forest. “That’s just how it is.” 
“If that’s love then I don’t ever want to be in it.” 
“Yeah well that’s the part that sucks.” You scoffed. “You don’t really get to choose. Love just happens.” 
Jeonghan finally turned to you. “You read too many fairy tales, princess.” 
Smiling at the familiar nickname, you leaned back into the couch. “I did, as a child. I grew up in a world of fairy tales. That’s where I met Bohyun, my ex.” 
Now Jeonghan had all his attention on you. 
“We were re-enacting Sleeping Beauty for a school play - I was Aurora and he was Prince Philip. He was my first kiss, my first love, my first of many things to be honest. We lived in the same neighbourhood, went to the same schools, had the same friends… I even enrolled into fashion school because he wanted to study fashion and I wanted to be with him.” You sighed looking at Jeonghan’s expression. “Yeah I can tell you don’t like that. Honestly, that wasn’t the worst decision I made. I actually really grew to love fashion designing, I can’t imagine myself doing anything else. It’s all the stuff after that I failed to see. Rather, I did see it all but…. I guess I was too much of a coward to do anything about it.” 
Jeonghan waited quietly for you to continue. 
“It started with him disappearing for long hours, then it became days together. On some days he would give explanations and on some days he would in turn scold me for not trusting him? All this went on till the last semester of fashion school when as my mother would have told you, I….found him cheating on me.” 
Jeonghan looked like he expected that outcome. 
“The crazier thing was, I actually begged him to leave her and come back to me. It took a while but he eventually did and I thought everything was back to normal again but something had changed. I refused to see it but he became strangely controlling. He would want to have a say in who my friends were, he didn’t like me hanging out with people he didn't get along with, he became more demanding about….” You gulped, voice dropping a little. “...sex. It was like he knew how much I needed him, like….” 
“He knew you didn’t know how to say no.” Jeonghan completed for you, and you nodded. 
“But then he cheated again, and came back again and then cheated yet again and I took him back again and it just kept going on and on until…. one day he asked me for a lot of money, to help kick start his new business.” You sighed. “Do you remember that dream space I told you about? It was originally my grandmother’s old kimbap shop, one that she gifted me, so I could open my own boutique there one day. I uh sold it, to get him the money he wanted and….he used it to buy his other girlfriend a house.” 
Jeonghan’s jaw tightened like he was mad. 
“After that blow, I quit school and moved away from that neighbourhood to this place, my grandmother’s apartment. Everyone thought I was done with him and was trying to move on but…. I was honestly running away. Because I knew if he came back….”
“You still wouldn’t be able to say no.” 
You nodded. “I am pathetic, aren’t I?” 
“Yeah, a little.” Jeonghan scoffed. “I don’t understand love, and I’ve never been in it, but one would have to be a fool to not be in love with you.” 
You looked at Jeonghan, slightly taken aback. 
“The world is harsh and cold and selfish Y/n. No one thinks about anything beyond themselves. And there’s you, putting the person you love above everything. It’s both pathetic and noble.” Jeonghan turned off the movie as the credits began rolling. “But you cannot put your self respect on the line for assholes like him, you deserve much better than that.” 
“I know.” You sighed. “I wish I knew how to.” 
“By speaking your mind.” Jeonghan stated like it was obvious. “By refusing the things you don’t want. By asking for the things you do want. By talking about how you feel…. Not just when you’re drunk but also in all your senses.” 
Recalling that drunk night in the bathroom you laughed softly. He wasn’t wrong. Things between the two of you had changed drastically since that conversation. A strange gratitude swelled in your heart towards Jeonghan and how though he had been with you for barely a week, he had understood you better than anyone had. Turning him to you, you placed a soft kiss on his mouth, muttering a heartfelt “Thank you.” 
Jeonghan, though, rolled his eyes. “Y/n, I’m not even kidding, my grandmother kisses me like this.” 
You laughed as he reached for you, attempting to pull you into his lap yet again but you beat him to it, clambering in yourself, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
Jeonghan smiled at the sight of you above him. “Hey.” 
“Is there something you want?” 
“Yes.” You whispered, taking his face in your hands and kissing him again, this time, slipping your tongue in his mouth. Jeonghan’s lips curled into a smile as he pressed back, breaking free only to softly bite on your lower lip. Sighing dreamily, you rocked your hips against his, guided by his hands. You softly mumbled, holding back a moan. “We didn’t get to finish…. whatever we were doing last night.” 
“And what was that?” 
“.....you know what.” 
“Use your words princess,” His voice went low and gruff, sending a tingle across your groin. “You were far from shy with my fingers inside you.” 
Jeonghan’s hands sneaked under your shirt, more than pleased to not find the hooks of a bra. “Bedroom.”
You shook your head slowly, muttering. “Too far.” 
Chuckling Jeonghan leaned back. “You want me to take you right here?” 
“You said I could choose next time….” 
“I also asked you to beg next time.” He whispered, tongue running over his lower lip, hands dragging you hips along his length. “So tell me you want me to fuck you with my fingers again.” 
“Please.” You gasped. “Just fuck me…  with anything.” 
“Anything…” He repeated amused, before pulling your shirt over your head. No sooner did the material leave you, his mouth descended on your boob, pulling you in, towards him. Threading your fingers in his hair you gripped it as a moan slipped out of you - never in your life had you ever been this obscene but something about doing it with Jeonghan felt like this was the big catharsis of your life, waiting to happen. 
With a swift movement he flipped you onto your back, laying you on the couch, hovering over you. Without wasting any time, you unbuttoned his shirt, fingers moving nimbly, thank god for fashion school. Jeonghan laughed as you attempted to push the fabric off his shoulders, holding your hands by the wrists, pinning it to your chest. 
“Eager aren't we?” He looked at you in a way that could only be described as mocking. “If only you were honest with me from the start we could have been doing this for so long.” 
“I'm sorry-” 
“Shhh.” Head raised, you watched him drag his mouth down your chest, inching closer to your abdomen. “I hate apologies. You either own it or fix it.” 
“How can I fix it?” 
“By telling me what you really want.” Pulling your shorts off your legs, he hovered right above where you were aching once again. 
“I…I don’t know.” Falling back onto the couch, you stared at the ceiling. “I really don't. I just know that I’ve been weirdly winded and uneasy for a long time and it feels like you’re the only one who can help- oh my god.” 
Your eyes widened as you raised yourself on your elbows to see Jeonghan right between your legs, his mouth pressed onto your panties right there. 
“Like this?” He grinned before peppering small kisses on the inside of your thigh. 
When words refused to leave your dried up throat, you nodded slowly, not looking at him. Leaving your hands Jeonghan hooked his fingers on the elastic of your underwear, “Up.” and pulled it down your raised hips. As it joined the rest of your clothes somewhere on the floor, suddenly you were hyper aware of the fact that you were completely bare while Jeonghan was still almost entirely clothed. Reflexively, your legs tried to squeeze shut, but Jeonghan’s hands stopped them, pulling them over his shoulders instead. 
“I wish you could see yourself from my eyes Y/n.” He looked at you, eyes darkened in desire. You probably looked like a flushed, panting mess, completely missing the admiration etched on Jeonghan’s face. 
Aware of Jeonghan and his ability to tease and especially his affinity for begging, you opened your mouth to do just the same but what left it was an unholy moan as Jeonghan descended upon you like he was ravenous. As though just his mouth on your clit wasn’t making you lose your mind, his digits too slipped in, pumping slowly. He must’ve liked it when your fingers automatically threaded into his hair because his groan reverberated against your core making your back arch off the couch in pleasure. 
Oral was completely new territory - you had never gotten or given it, god knows why considering this was clearly the best thing that has ever happened to you. As discussed yesterday, you let every sound leave your mouth freely, unbothered about the neighbours or people living around. Frankly it could be the end of the world and you wouldn’t care, not with what Jeonghan’s tongue was doing inside you. He too seemed to enjoy your audible reactions and the way it told him just how you liked it, his fingers and mouth taking turns to manhandle you. 
“Jeonghan fu-fuck, right there.” You nearly sobbed as his fingers found your sweet spot, the one that made your toes quite literally curl. 
“Don’t cum Y/n, I don’t want to be done just yet.” 
Well then he should have behaved like it because seconds after he said that you felt that tightening coil in you snap as you embarrassingly loudly, came on his tongue, riding it out against his mouth. Licking his lips Jeonghan pulled himself away from your legs, hovering above you once more, kissing you again. The taste of you in his mouth felt sinful but you let yourself be carried away by it as his hand ran up your thigh seductively before grabbing your more petite hand, placing it right where he was rock hard. As your mouth practically watered at how long and heavy he felt in your hands, Jeonghan buried his face in the crook of your neck, leaving little bite marks of red. 
“I thought gentlemen didn’t make a woman cum just once.” You muttered, gripping his erection the best you could in that angle and over his sweats. 
Jeonghan hissed, his voice dropping an octave. “I thought you didn’t want anything gentle?” 
“I….I don’t.” You confessed out loud for the first time. “Do whatever you want, I can take it.” 
Jeonghan raised his eyebrows both pleased and impressed as his fingers toyed with the slick dripping between your folds. Eyes shut tight, you waited to feel him ravage you once again instead, you were met with the sound of a loud knock on your door. 
Both Jeonghan and you looked at each other wondering if that was just imagination till another knock pulled you to your senses. 
“Please don’t tell me that’s your mother again.” Jeonghan quickly sat up, hands moving to button himself up. 
“I hope not.” You got off the couch hurriedly, grabbed your clothes from the floor and quickly threw them on, smoothing out your hair. Jeonghan walked up to the door, waiting with his hand on the handle for you to look decent as you and your wobbly self tried to keep it together. The moment you pulled your shirt over your head and adjusted your shorts, Jeonghan opened the door and your heart dropped to your stomach. 
Standing at the entrance was a young woman dressed in an unbelievably tight black dress, her hair held up by a high ponytail as she blew her baby pink bubblegum. She looked up from her phone at you then at the door number as though she was confirming if she was in the right place. You knew exactly why she was here and for whom. 
Unable to comprehend how exactly to react in this situation, you grabbed your jacket from the stand and walked past Jeonghan, harshly pulling away from his attempt to hold you back. Not even glancing back, you disappeared into the night doing what you did best - running away. 
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When you opened your eyes you were met with the sight of Jeonghan’s face high above, upside down. 
“Oh my god.” You gasped slowly. “Your mouth is on your forehead and your eyes are on your chin.”
“And you’re clearly drunk. Again.” He walked around, lying down on the grass beside you. “Which means it's time for both stupidity and honesty.” 
You turned your head towards him. “Did you just call me stupid?” 
Jeonghan mirrored you. “I also called you honest.” 
“Hmm. Then I'll be honest. I don't want to talk to you.” 
“Do you want me to go then?” 
“No.” You sighed. “I don't want you to go… to her.” 
“She's gone. I sent her away the moment you left.”
“Why did it take you so long to come to me then?” You pouted as Jeonghan laughed. 
“I thought you'd be at the restaurant. I didn't expect to find you lying in the middle of the football field.” 
In all fairness, that was a valid point - you didn't want to face the boys right now so you purchased a few bottles of soju from the supermarket which were now lying empty around you. 
“Why did she come?”
“I didn’t call anyone today.” He sighed. “It’s just, the instruction was for a new one to come every night. They came the last two nights too, I sent them away, just like I did today.”
“Because…. Because we,” Jeonghan cleared his throat. “I mean you and I-” 
“Why do you need a new girl every night?” 
“I'm not sure.” Jeonghan turned away, staring at the stars. “I guess I'm just…  looking for a human connection with someone.” 
“Like that?” You scoffed. “By sleeping with someone new everyday?” 
“I don’t know Y/n, I don't even know how what I’m searching for feels. Perhaps I’m just looking for someone who makes me feel….. Normal? Like I’m worthy of being cared for.” 
“Did you manage to find anyone…. who makes you feel like that?” 
Jeonghan turned to you with a small smile, eyes roaming over your features. “Yes but ironically, not by sleeping with them.” 
You hummed, pausing for a silent minute. 
“Did you never want to try and find that with me?” Eyes big and curious you turned to him. “Did you never want to sleep with me?” 
“I did. From the moment I laid my eyes on you.” Jeonghan recalled the first ever words he said to you. I love you. Maybe he didn't just say it out of relief. Maybe a part of him subconsciously knew this was it. You were it. “But you quite literally kept running away from me. Hell, you couldn't even say the word ‘sex'-”
“I want to have sex with you.” You sat up in a flash. “Jeonghan I really do want to have sex with you-” 
“You're drunk.” Jeonghan chuckled. “Sober you may not want the same thing-” 
“It does. Every me wants this. Jeonghan-” To his complete surprise, you climbed onto him, straddling him around the waist, palms planted on his chest. “-I'm serious. Didn't you say I was honest when I'm drunk?” 
“I also said you were stupid when drunk.” He tucked your hair behind your ear fondly. “It won’t be right to do anything now.” 
“Fine. I’ll be sober by the morning and ask you first thing when I wake up, do you promise to fuck me right here?” 
“Out here? Ok that’s a bit much even for me.” Jeonghan laughed. “You’re a lot wilder than I anticipated, princess.” 
“Ugh.” You groaned, lying down on his chest, eyes fluttering shut from the tiredness. “I think you bring out the worst in me.” 
“But somehow you bring out the best in me.” Jeonghan stroked your head softly. “I can't remember the last time I felt this free and happy. Strangely, I think I've grown to like this little domestic life with you. The cooking, the shopping, the grandmas, the kids, your mom…..does it all have to end in 2 days?” 
When he didn’t get a response, Jeonghan glanced down only to find you fast asleep, mouth slightly open. Laughing silently he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close against his chest as he too dozed off into a peaceful slumber.  
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Day 9 of 10 
You woke up to the feeling of harsh sunlight on your face which was not unusual given you always slept next to the window. What was unusual was waking up in the middle of the football field wrapped in Jeonghan's arms.
You're fully awake in the blink of an eye, mortified by the thought of people having seen the two of you, although no one seemed to be around as far as the eye could see.
“Good morning princess.” Jeonghan yawned, slowly waking up, his arms loosening around you. Taking the chance you slid off him, mumbling a small “morning.” in reply.
Jeonghan snickered, glancing at you. “Someone's definitely sober.” 
“We should go….before someone sees us.” 
As you looked around trying to spot any unwelcome viewers, Jeonghan raised himself on his elbow, looking down at you. 
“Last night you didn't seem to care.” 
“Jeonghan….” His finger traced down your arm seductively. “Please let's go home.” 
Reading into your urgency, Jeonghan nodded, pulling you up to your feet. As the two of you walked away, his hand was still interlocked in yours. 
The streets near your house somehow looked more alive today. Suddenly everyone you knew was out on the street, waving you hi, wishing you good morning, smiling slightly at the sight of the two of you walking hand in hand. Seokmin, Seungkwan and Soonyoung, who normally only turned up in the evening for their shift after classes, were also standing outside the restaurant, looking at the two of you quizzically. As Jeonghan spotted them he let your hand go, greeting them with a nod before glancing at the convenience store. 
“I’m gonna grab breakfast.” He stepped back. “We’re going to need our energy for what’s coming.”
As he walked off with a wink and you tried to suppress your excited smile, the boys jogged up to you, gathering around. 
“Did I just see you two hold hands?” Soonyoung poked your arm with a smirk. 
“Soonyoung later.” Seungkwan shut him up. “Y/n, you have Jeonghan’s phone right?” 
“H-his phone?” You shook your head. “Not right now. It’s in the drawer of the tv cabinet…. I think?” 
“Well we gotta message that guy, assistant 1, remind him to keep the money ready.” 
You blinked like all the words he said just went over your head. 
Seungkwan looked at you pointedly, “Tomorrow is the tenth day Y/n, remember what we’re doing all this for?” 
“Are you okay?” Seokmin glanced at you lost in thought. 
No, no you did not think you were okay. 
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That was the first word that left you the moment you entered your house and Jeonghan closed the door behind you. 
“I mean, you were right. Sober me doesn’t want the same thing.” 
Jeonghan looked at you trying not to show the surprise and confusion on his face. You, on the other hand, finally had clarity - this was Jeonghan. Mafia boss Yoon Jeonghan. The man who was on the run from the cops, the man who you were in fact holding for a ransom, the man who will be gone in a day. This wasn’t you - sleeping with a man because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. You had no idea why you were behaving like this. 
“Jeonghan, I'm a relationship kind of girl. I can’t sleep with someone who…. Who isn’t a permanent part of my life. Who’s just…. in it for one night.” 
“Jeonghan you’re the kind who needs a new woman every night and I’m not interested in being a part of that long list-”
“Did you not hear a word I said last night?” 
“You told me to learn how to say no.” You raised your hands. “I’ve learnt it and this is me saying no. “ You let out a deep, determined breath. “I don’t want this.” 
Jeonghan stared at you for a minute before his eyes fell to the floor. 
“If that’s what you want.” 
And with that he walked past you, finishing everything just as easily as it started. 
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Strangely, the rest of the day, Jeonghan didn’t behave any differently than he usually did. You expected him to be mad or at least upset but quite frankly, he seemed unbothered. You did notice though that he ordered his own food for lunch and seemed particularly cautious about how he was around you in your personal space. Gone was the Jeonghan who liked to lean in to say the simplest of things. 
His lack of botheration though, particularly bothered you. From the things he had said and the way he had behaved, it seemed like he wanted you as much as you wanted him so how was it so easy for him to put so much distance between the two of you when it was excruciatingly painful for you to stay even a foot away from him? How was he able to be so calm and casual, like you didn’t just completely cast him aside? How did it not matter to him that you didn’t want him to be a part of your life? 
It was because of all this consistent overthinking that you could only manage to keep yourself away from Jeonghan for about five hours, till around sunset. Finding a pack of condoms in the bag of food he brought from the supermarket was probably what finally set you off. 
“What is wrong with you?” You threw the pack onto the couch beside him.
Jeonghan glanced at the pack, then at you. “Based on last night’s conversation, I assumed certain things about today, so I thought that was a sensible purchase.” 
“Exactly, why aren’t you more upset?” You crossed your arms. “I told you I wanted to last night, you even prepared for it, then in the very last second, I said no-” 
“That’s exactly why I’m not upset.” Sighing, Jeonghan stood. “Y/n, I’m glad you said no. I’m happy you learnt to say it. I couldn't care less that I’m the first victim of this newfound voice, I’m just happy you found it.” 
You blinked at him.
“I know you’re thinking about the future and that’s fair. I don’t know how long I can be here or if I will be forced to be on the run again, or what really is in store for me but I’m just happy that even if I’m not there, you will be able to respect yourself the way I do. That you won’t compromise with what you want for what others want from you-” 
Strangely overwhelmed, you pulled him by his shirt and claimed his breath with a kiss. Almost instantly, Jeonghan kissed you back, hands gripping your waist, mouth ravenously capturing yours like the five hours you were apart were unbearable for him too. 
“Wait.” He pulled back when the loss of breath somehow brought him back to his senses. “Y/n what-” 
“Fuck me Jeonghan.” 
“Didn’t you say-” 
“I take it back.” 
“Y/n.” Jeonghan pulled away, holding you at an arm's distance. “Don’t do things you’ll regret.” 
“But I want this.” You kissed him again, muttering against his mouth. “I want you.” 
Jeonghan clearly, if anything, was a man. The moment you whispered a soft please, grinding your hip against his, he smashed his lips onto yours again, refusing to break away even though the two of you could barely find footing as you stumbled to your room. He only parted when the back of his knees hit your bed, forcing him to sit down and he looked up at you between the tresses falling into his eyes. You pushed it back, running the back of your hand along his cheek. 
“I wish the world looked at me the way you do.” 
“If anyone else looked at you this way,” Jeonghan raised his eyebrows. “I’m afraid it's going to be the last thing they ever look at.” 
You laughed rolling your eyes. “A little admiration isn’t a crime.” 
“If admiration is what you want, then I shall bend the will of every man in the city into doing so.” He smirked, attempting to bite your fingers lingering by his lips. “Let me properly show you mine first.” 
As he tugged on your shirt you obediently pulled it over your head as he stripped out of his own. It wasn’t the first time the two of you were seeing each other shirtless but there was a strange charged energy rippling between you now, one that was almost impossible to ignore. As you bent down to kiss him again, his hands found the hooks of your bra, unclasping them as you quickly dragged it down your arms, tossing it somewhere. His hand ran up the insides of your thigh, a jolt running through you when his fingers grazed over your clit. As you gasped, he took the chance to pull you closer by the leg, running his mouth below your belly button. 
“Jeonghan, haven’t we had enough foreplay?” You sighed, throwing your head back as he marked your skin, slowly pulling both your shorts and underwear in one go. “We’ve been doing this for days, let’s just get to it please.” 
“To what?” Feigning innocence he smirked, running his tongue along his teeth. 
“Fucking.” You pushed him back into the bed. “Fuck me Jeonghan. Properly. Your dick inside me kinds.”
Jeonghan raised himself on his elbows, laughing. “Look at you, using your big girl words.” 
Kicking off the rest of your clothes, you attempted to straddle him when he pulled you into the mattress and in a flash, you were lying on the bed and he was towering over you instead. Sticking his hand in his pocket, he pulled out a condom and threw it at you. 
“Open it.” 
Holding the wrapper between your teeth, you ripped it open as fast as you could, earning a tutting noise from Jeonghan. 
“Y/n, you could make a hole like that.” 
You stared at him blankly, like you were supposed to understand what he was saying when he was standing there with his pants discarded, stroking himself. Your mouth was in a strange combination of being dry but also somehow almost drooling. Almost the same way you wanted him both in your mouth and rearranging your organs down under, all at once. Jeonghan chuckled at your inability to function as he gently grabbed the latex from you and rolled it over his length. You shouldn’t have expressed so much eagerness to have him fuck you - you could’ve felt every vein and ridge you were seeing in your mouth first but that thought dissipated the moment Jeonghan hovered over you, grabbing you by the jaw. Almost reflexively, your mouth opened for him, allowing him to slide his thumb in as you earnestly sucked it, hoping his smirk would turn into the hunger to feel your lips around him. As much as Jeonghan did tell you to ask for what you want, you had a feeling if you told him just how desperate you were to have him fuck your mouth, he would never let you live it down. 
“I know what you want.” Jeonghan spoke under his breath as his hand trailed down your body, slipping between your legs. “But I want this a lot more. Is that okay?” 
Okay? You nodded immediately - it was absolutely okay. You just wanted to be full of him one way or another. Jeonghan shook his head.
“Words baby.” He slid his thumb in, almost embarrassingly easily, as he stared at his finger disappear inside you. “Although this is telltale, we will do whatever you want.” He leaned over, pressing his forehead against yours. “I’ll give you whatever you want.” 
“You.” You breathed out, “However, wherever-” 
And the words died on your tongue when he swiftly pulled his finger out and immediately entered you, gently pushing in till he bottomed out. Chest heaving, you could feel yourself panting as your body tried to adjust to his girth. Jeonghan groaned into your ear as your walls fluttered around him, still getting accustomed to the stretch. 
“I knew you’d feel good.” 
“You feel fucking perfect.” Jeonghan pulled back just a little, his hips setting a slow rhythm. “I could be in you forever.”
Before a proud smile could even fully form on your face, Jeonghan picked up the pace, making your lips part with a moan. 
“I….Oh god.” You whined, trying to find your words in between his continuous strokes. “I….. didn’t think you were a missionary kind of guy.” 
Jeonghan chuckled as he ran his hand down your leg and pulled your knee up so he could grip your thigh. “I want to see you cum.” Sighing, he bit on your lower lip, tugging it between his teeth. “I want to see how I make you feel.” 
“So fucking good.” You muttered against his mouth, finding your hips moving against his on their own accord. You wanted to make him feel good so you wrapped your legs around his waist and ran your nails down his back and wow did that work like a charm because Jeonghan’s rhythm instantly faltered, as did his grip on your thigh, surely bruising it. 
“Oh Y/n,” He slipped his hand between your bodies, fingers finding your clit when you groaned at the touch. “I can play the game too.” 
“Whatever you do, just- fuck.” You squirmed as Jeonghan seemed to have the perfect combination of thrusts and rubbing circles. “Just don’t stop.” 
“Never.” He groaned, continuing to make you fall apart as you felt your back arch off the mattress, toes curling in pleasure. Jeonghan latched his mouth on your bared neck, muttering, “Yes, yes cum for me.” 
And you did, finally, after days of desiring to be railed by this man, you came around him, body keening under his weight, eyes nearly rolling back. As you slowly panted back to reality, Jeonghan, who had long pulled out of you and rolled off you onto his side, was looking at you intently. Embarrassed that this was not the first but the second time he managed to break you in minutes, you covered your face with your hands, earning Jeonghan’s laugh. 
“Why are you hiding?” He tried to pry your hands away, only to fail. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to look more pretty but fuck you looked so beautful when you came.” 
“Jeonghan please….”  
“Please what?” He chuckled, shifting beside you. “I’ve seen all there is to.”
You shook your head, choosing the darkness over meeting his eyes when suddenly, you felt him crawl between your legs and his mouth descend on you as he spread them apart. Considering how sensitive you were, your hands immediately flew to his head, eyes widening as he licked your arousal, looking at you victoriously. 
“I can’t….” You muttered and he pulled away, licking his lips, sitting back on his heels. Eyes running over his flushed face and body, you noticed the marks of your nail on his bicep, and also the fact that he was still hard as ever. 
“You didn’t finish.” You sat up, crossing your legs, only just realizing.
“I usually need a lot more than a few minutes to finish.” He pursed his lips but you knew he was trying to hold back a smile. A mocking one, at how easily you seemed to cum. 
“Then let’s go again.” You cocked your head. “…. On one condition.” 
“And what is that?” 
You let out a deep breath. “Take off your condom.” 
Jeonghan’s eyebrows shot up. “You can’t be serious.” 
“Considering you sleep with a new woman every night, I’m guessing you always use protection.” 
“Always, that's an unsaid rule” 
“But I’m not them, so their rules can’t apply to me.” It was your turn to smirk. “We’ll see how long you last when you fuck me raw.” 
“Look at you, challenging me.” Jeonghan smiled like he was proud. “But it's not safe Y/n-” 
“What’s life without a little recklessness?” You rolled your eyes earning Jeonghan’s laugh. “Besides, that condom probably already has a hole from my teeth so-” 
“So I’ll grab another one.” 
“Yoon Jeonghan, if you leave this bed, this ends.” You crossed your arms. “Your choice.” 
“You’re not giving me much of a choice really.” 
“I know.” You grinned. “Now might also be a good time to add that though I might not be one of your regular nightly encounters, you should know that I heard you almost every night.” You let your voice go softer. “And I liked it….. A lot.” 
Finally, finally, Jeonghan’s expression darkened the way you wanted it to. “I suspected.” 
“And I’m confirming.” You shrugged. “And by the way, I also have an IUD so I’m not sure what you’re waiting for.” 
Jeonghan paused for a minute before he finally spoke. “On your knees.” 
You shook your head, extending your hand and pulling his condom off, tossing the latex in a nearby bin. “In my mouth.” 
“I don’t think so, princess.” Jeonghan not so gently pushed you back into the mattress, your back barely hitting it before he flipped you over and pulled you onto your knees. “I prefer blowjobs as a wake up call. This time of the night, I like to prove bratty girls wrong.” 
You laughed, looking over your shoulder. “But I want to see your face when I prove you wrong.” 
Knowing exactly what you wanted, Jeonnghan sighed before lying down on his back next to you, allowing you to move over and straddle him. 
“My bet is 9 minutes.” You ran your hand down his chest. “I don’t think you can last till double digits.” 
“We both know you won’t last even half of that Y/n-” He smirked. “-given your track record.” 
Deciding to prove him wrong with actions not words, you aligned his tip under you and sank down his length with a slow, deep moan. The stretch in this new angle felt different but it also let you take him further in, deeper than you had even imagined it was possible. 
Maybe Jeonghan was right about you breaking first. Given the way he made you feel so full, the way you felt every inch of his bare length in your insides, you knew it was only a matter of time. 
Or maybe not. Evidently, this was the first time Jeonghan was ever fucking someone raw. You could tell by the way he sounded with every drag of your walls against his dick - the struggling breathy moans that he was trying not to let out as you picked up the pace. 
You knew if you chose to grind your hips against his, it would help reach those spots in you a whole lot better, sending waves of pleasure through your body but you were determined to make Jeonghan cum first. That’s why you supported yourself with your palms on his chest, moving your hips up and down along his length and momentarily, Jeonghan gripped your waist tight, encouraging you to move just like that. At least until he realised he was getting too close to cumming and too close to losing. Changing strategy, he grabbed and squeezed your boobs instead, trying to ignore his own approaching high. When you responded with a whimper, satisfied, he dragged his hand down, bringing attention to your ignored clit. 
“That’s cheating.” You panted, throwing your head back, feeling the coil tighten in your stomach. 
Jeonghan snickered, shaking his head, refusing to stop his ministrations. If there was one thing he always took pride in, it was his ability to capitalize on every woman’s weakness - her clit. 
Though you were feeling your legs shake and your arms were struggling to hold your weight, you didn’t stop, ignoring your breaths which were getting fast and shallow. 
Jeonghan however, immediately picked up on it, reaching for your wrist and pulling you, making you fall over, onto him. 
“Hey,” He tried to get a good look at your face. “You okay?” 
“Tired.” You mumbled. “I’ve never been on top.” 
“Let me.” He whispered, dropping a kiss on your cheek as you nodded. 
Grabbing your ass with both his hands he raised it, guiding your movements and snapping his hips up at the same time. You on the other hand, let him have his way with you, busying yourself, alternating leaving marks all over his neck and shoulder and moaning sweetly into his ear. Both things seemed to rile him effectively as his pace became merciless and erratic, pounding into you the way you had only dreamed of for days. With a few more rough thrusts, you felt your walls tighten around him as the coil in you finally snapped and thanks to your tight constriction around his length, Jeonghan too came inside you, ropes of white filling you as he groaned in your ear. 
As the two of you slowly came down from your high, Jeonghan wrapped his arms around you, dropping a sweet kiss in your hair. You snuggled into his neck, ignoring the feeling of your mixed releases leaking out of you. 
“That was definitely more than 9 minutes.” Jeonghan pointed out. 
“I lasted more than half.” 
“So neither of us won?” Jeonghan hummed.
You pulled yourself up, looking at him. “Or maybe…. we need round three to decide.” 
“You read my mind.” He smirked, quickly flipping you onto your back, ignoring your shriek of surprise as he hovered over you. The night was still so so young.
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Day 10 of 10 
By the time you came around, the night had passed and the sun had begun to rise. No wonder it felt a whole lot warmer even though you were butt naked, covered by just a thin blanket thrown over you. It was the morning sun and also Jeonghan, who was comfortably snuggled in your arms, his breath soft against the crook of your neck. As you shifted from him just a little, trying to glance at his beautiful face, he pulled away, grumbling as he rolled onto his back, still fast asleep. Raising yourself on your elbow, you glanced at him. 
Last night was…..something. You never really admitted to yourself in the last few days that you had thought about sleeping with Jeonghan a few hundred times, but now you did and you also had to admit that it was nowhere how you thought it would have gone. Maybe rounds two, three, four and how many ever that followed did match up to that but somehow, it was round one that was playing in your mind. The unexpected softness from him, the way he was looking into your eyes….. It all felt a bit strange. Like it was something you would do. 
On the other hand, the wild person you expected Jeonghan to be, ended up coming out of you. The kinds of things you said? The kinds of things you did? It was so uncharacteristic yet….. It didn’t feel wrong. In fact, in a very long time, you were feeling strangely liberated. Like there was no fairytale ending written for you and surprisingly you didn’t mind that. 
But speaking of happy endings…..
You determinedly pulled away your blanket covering Jeonghan, glancing at how his boxers were on again. Maybe he put them on after you had promptly passed out last night, completely worn out and exhausted, just the way he seemed to have cleaned you up before tucking you in. Pulling your hair up into a bun, you got between his legs, pulling down the elastic of his underwear, taking his dick into your hands. Surprisingly, Jeonghan didn’t stir awake, or even move an inch so you promptly began stroking it, quickening your movements, especially when you slowly felt him harden under your touch. It was only when you spat in your hand and began to jerk him off more steadily that he finally came around, eyes slowly blinking open. 
“First thing in the morning?” He smiled sleepily. “You’re insatiable.” 
“Rise and shine.” You grinned. “Someone said something about a wake up call.” 
“I said I’d like your mouth.” He tucked his hand below his head looking at you with what you could only comprehend as a mix of lust and fondness. 
Smiling, you got down on your stomach, wrapping your mouth around his tip eliciting a shaky breath from him. You pulled back with a wet pop and the lick of the lips. “And it's all yours.” 
Jeonghan chuckled, whispering, “You’re going to be the end of me princess.” 
Little did he know.... you actually were. 
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The warm water on your skin was much needed after an unexpectedly long morning. Actually, it was very much expected considering the way you woke Jeonghan up. It was only natural that he would return the favor to the best of his abilities and that somehow spiraled from one thing to another, causing morning to turn into afternoon. Your stomach let out a low rumble, reminding you that you were hungry and that you should have put water to boil so you could make some ramyeon for lunch. You knew Jeonghan particularly enjoyed soggy noodles and it was also the quickest meal you could have given how much energy was exhausted in the last 12 or so hours.
As you stepped out of the shower, dried yourself and slipped into a comfortable pair of clothes, conspicuously leaving the top two buttons open, you found Jeonghan standing in the kitchen behind the stove. 
“You put the water to boil?” You smiled relieved. “Thank god-” 
“You kidnapped me?” Jeonghan turned to you, eyes flashing the pain of betrayal. In his hand was his phone, the one you had safely stashed in the drawer and on the screen was a message from his assistant. One that said the money in exchange for Jeonghan was ready. “All these days, you let me stay in your house because you were holding me for ransom?” 
“Jeonghan I know what it looks like and I can explain-” 
“All this for what? To buy your grandmother’s shop again?” 
“No….” You stepped up shaking your head. “I didn’t even know about the shop till you were with me. Jeonghan, I didn’t do this for money-” 
“I should have known when your mother said she had no brother.” Jeonghan shook his head like he couldn’t believe himself. “Keeping me here as a twisted revenge for your incarcerated uncle, why did I overlook how stupid that was?”
“Okay that was a lie, but I didn’t make it up.” You tried to hold his hand, but he pulled away hurtfully. “Jeonghan, it was the boys…. I just went with whatever they told me to do. Things just turned out this way, none of us planned for it to happen and…. I wasn’t going to go through with this plan anyways, I was going to call it off today-” 
“Why?” Jeonghan looked at you impassively. “What changed in 10 days?” 
You blinked at him, words lost. “I….. I got to know you. I saw who you could be if you distanced yourself from all that crime and lived a normal life. I always believe people deserve a second chance and I thought so do you. And we didn’t even get a first chance-” 
You turned at the sound of the doorbell before glancing at the clock. A part of you wanted to ignore it and clear the air with Jeonghan but when it rang urgently again, you sighed, turning to him. 
“I think it’s the boys, I’m sorry, just give me a second.” 
Rushing, you half ran over to the door quickly opening it, shaking your head. “Guys, things are a mess-” 
But it seemed like the bigger mess had in fact just arrived. Standing before you was the one person you did not want to see, especially now - Bohyun. 
“W-what are you doing here? And how did you even find me?” 
Uninvited, Bohyun stepped in walking past you. “Your mother….” He turned to you, clearing his throat. “I assumed when you left that you had gone overseas, to Paris maybe, your dream city. But your mother said she met you and your new boyfriend so I figured you were in town and considering how your grandmother moved in with your mom, I guessed that you would be here.” He looked at you painfully. “Is… Is it true? Do you actually have a boyfriend now?” 
“Bohyun….” You ran your fingers through your hair stressed. There was too much going on at once. Your past and your potential future were at crossroads you had never imagined. “I don’t know what to tell you-” 
“Maybe try telling the truth Y/n.” Jeonghan walked out of the kitchen, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “Don’t you think it’s time?” 
“You….” Bohyun’s eyes widened as they fell on Jeonghan and he immediately stepped back, pulling you behind him. “You’re Yoon Jeonghan.” 
“Finally.” Jeonghan scoffed. “Someone knows.” 
“Y/n, I don’t know what this man has been telling you but he is a criminal.” Bohyun looked at you over his shoulder. “His posters are all over the city, he’s wanted by the cops-” 
“She knows.” Jeonghan's voice shook, just a little. “She knows exactly who I am and exactly what I’m worth.” 
“Jeonghan please-” 
“You know?” Bohyun turned to you, shocked. “You know who he is and you chose to be with him?” 
“Bohyun…. y-you have no idea what’s going on here.” 
“Oh I do.” He let out a breath like this was all ridiculous. “You’re so desperate for a man, that you would throw yourself at literally anyone-” 
And before he could ever complete that sentence, Jeonghan turned him by the shoulder and landed a hard punch straight at his jaw.
As Bohyun stumbled, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, he snarled at the other man, throwing a punch on his own, straight in his midriff, making him buckle over. As the two men furiously threw hands, bruising and bleeding, you stood frozen, unable to watch them or stop them. Before you knew it though, within minutes, Jeonghan had Bohyun on his knees, the latter struggling to keep his eyes open, just one blow away from being knocked out. As Jeonghan raised his hand, you quickly put yourself between the two men. 
“Jeonghan no.” 
“Did you not hear the way he spoke about you?” He looked uncharacteristically furious, breathing hard. “How dare he-” 
“That’s between Bohyun and I. You shouldn’t have come in between.” 
Jeonghan lowered his hand, looking at you like he was jolted. Standing up staggering, Bohyun wiped the blood from his mouth, hissing.
“You heard her. Clearly, she picks me.” He smiled victoriously. “The only place you belong is in jail, you bastard, where the fuck is my phone-” 
“Y/n, after all he’s done to you, you’re really siding with him?” 
“Jeonghan, I think you should leave.” Your voice left you in a soft whisper as he looked at you unbelievably hurt. “Please just…. it’s best that you go.” 
Tearing his eyes away from you, Jeonghan let out a shaky breath before slowly nodding. “If that’s what you want.” 
And with that, without so much as sparing you a glance, he walked past you and out of your house as you watched him disappearing from your sight. When you finally let out the breath you were holding, Bohyun put his arm around your shoulder. 
“I knew you still loved me.” He rubbed your arm. “You and I were always meant to be, sweetheart.” 
Tongue in your cheek you sighed before removing Bohyun’s arm from around you. Turning to him, with everything you had in your being, you slapped him right across the face. Bohyun stumbled at the impact, looking shell shocked. 
“The only thing you and I are, is over.” You spat, the words bitter in your mouth. “How could you even think of coming back to me?” 
“Don't call me that.” You pushed him away. “You're right. I always did choose you. I always put you above me, but you? Forget loving me, you didn't have the minimum decency to respect me.”
“Y/n, I said sorry, I really am sorry.”
“Me too.” You stood your ground. “I’m sorry to myself. I'm sorry I gave you the chance to push me around like this. I'm sorry I didn't stand up for myself sooner. But I'm done now. I won't be making the same mistakes.”
“Y/n….” Bohyun held your arm softer than he ever had in the many years you were together. “I know I was wrong. The last few months without you weren't the same, I realised how bad I was to you and how much I need you please don't do this. Please come back…..what we had was so good-” 
“Good for you Bohyun, but not good enough for me.” You pulled your arm away. “I won't take you back this time, or ever. We're done for good.” 
Bohyun stared at the floor, coming to terms with your words.
“It's because of Yoon Jeonghan isn't it?” His voice turned into a nasty snarl. “You would choose a criminal over me-”
“You still don't get it, do you?” You looked at him with disbelief. “It's not him I choose, it's myself.” 
“I'm done explaining. I don't owe you anymore conversation, I didn't even owe you this.” You sighed, walking up to the door, holding it open. “Get out of my house.”
Bohyun tried to meet your eye as he slowly walked up to you while you refused to so much as look at him. When he realised you were not going to change your mind, he stepped out of the house and you closed the door behind him with a resounding slam. Holding your racing heart you leaned against it, unable to believe what you just did. 
Something in you felt free yet your heart was strangely heavy - you got rid of Bohyun but you lost Jeonghan in the process. Unwilling to give him up, you quickly grabbed your jacket and phone and rushed out of the house, calling your friends. Hopefully he hadn't gotten too far. 
You needed to see him again. You needed to tell him everything truthfully.
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As the night sky darkened, you walked into your apartment slowly, finding yourself alone in it after days.
You didn’t find Jeonghan anywhere. When you told the boys about all that happened, they were beyond understanding, immediately helping you look for him too. But alas, he was nowhere to be found. 
As you sank into the couch, heartbroken over how things ended between you two, Seungkwan's message popped on your phone screen. 
Y/n, I think you should see the news.
Panicking, you grabbed your remote and turned on the TV only to see your worst nightmare - Jeonghan being handcuffed and led away by the cops. 
“Mafia criminal and mastermind Yoon Jeonghan surrendered a few hours ago to the city police force after nearly 15 days of absconding. The precise reason for why he turned himself in and where he was all this while is unknown but the police are investigating the case. Yoon Jeonghan escaped prison on the 15th of August after tricking two security guards with a severe stomach ache and requesting for medical assistance…..” 
The rest of the words faded away as you watched the footage of Jeonghan being escorted away. The pain of betrayal was still flashing in his eyes. Everything was truly over.
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10 days later. 
Jeonghan leaned against the wall of his cell, staring into the darkness. He knew it was well into the night but sleep wasn't coming to him as always. Every time he closed his eyes, he could only see you, every time he opened them he instinctively looked for you - you refused to get out of his head. 
When Jeonghan saw you for the first time, admittedly he thought you were incredibly beautiful but he saw you as more of a conquest - you had that sweet, innocent expression but there was something darker lingering behind your eyes. It made him want to tease it out of you, expose you for what you really were but with each day, when he saw how simple and soft you were, that desire in him died. In his world everything was as corrupt as could be and you were so good to him, Jeonghan knew that little uncommon goodness had to be preserved, remain untouched. That's why though he itched to get under your skin, he tried his best to keep his distance.
That was of course until you decided to kiss him - after that Jeonghan knew keeping his hands off you was the hardest thing he ever had to do. It wasn’t just because he was uncharacteristically attracted to you, normally it was girls in skin tight leather pants and low neck dresses that caught his attention but because he……liked you. He liked watching you work, he liked spending time with you, he liked the idea of a quiet, uneventful life with you. He had spent all his life chasing something that made him feel complete, not even knowing what it was, until those 10 days with you - that was what he wanted. 
But clearly you didn’t want him. Though he was unable to accept it at the moment, eventually, he believed you when you said it was never your intention to kidnap him. When he discovered his ringing phone in the drawer due to his assistant’s consistent calling and found out that his price was a hundred thousand dollars Jeonghan was beyond hurt. But you were right - you didn’t know about your grandmother’s shop until the last few days. His assistant too confirmed that it was more the boy's plan than yours and that it was definitely not intentional because it was so poorly made that thanks to his phone, his assistant knew Jeonghan's location the whole time - he was only letting the boys get away with it so Jeonghan had a safe place to hide till things fell in place.
Regardless of everything that happened, it still didn’t mean that you wanted him. Especially when that ex of yours came into your life yet again and you so easily asked him to leave - Jeonghan received the message loud and clear. He was not wanted. 
By you at least. The city police definitely wanted him and he knew he had to be on the run yet again but with a part of him left behind in your home, he didn’t know how he was supposed to move away and move on. All he could do was hopelessly wish that you had left a part of you with him too and didn’t always just appear before him like a figment of his imagination. Even now his eyes were playing tricks, showing him the image of you crouched outside his cell bars. You were wearing a police uniform though - Jeonghan softly chuckled. Roleplay was a new element in his imagination. 
Or not. 
Because as Jeonghan stared harder, expecting the mirage of you to disappear, you smiled at him with a small wave and the whisper of his name…..You were actually here. 
Panicking, Jeonghan quickly got to his feet rushing towards you. As his fingers touched your face, confirming your presence, he shook his head. 
“Oh no…. Y/n, what are you doing here?” 
“Hello to you too.” You chuckled. “And what do you mean? I’m here to rescue you.” 
“Rescue me?” 
You nodded. “We’re gonna break out of this prison.” 
“You’re insane.” You grinned as Jeonghan looked at you with disbelief. “You shouldn’t even be here and I can’t run away from here-” 
“You did it last time.” 
“Precisely why. The security is at an all time high, they’re not going to let the same mistake happen twice.” 
“You think I don’t know that?” You raised your eyebrows at him. “Why do you think it took me 10 days to come to you? I was doing my research and figuring out how to get you out of here, and I have found a foolproof way.” 
Jeonghan narrowed his eyes. “And what is that?”
“Just follow my lead.” You pulled out a pair of keys from your pocket, opened his cell door and thrust a package into his hand as you walked in. “Change into this quickly. We only have 17 minutes till the security footage is on loop. We need to get out of here before that.” 
As he confusedly dressed himself, you pulled out a can of spray paint from your pocket and scribbled a message on the wall, one that Jeonghan could barely read thanks to the dimness of the cell. Tossing the can aside, you too quickly stripped out of your uniform and changed into clothes similar to Jeonghan’s.
“Don’t stare, Yoon.” You smiled, pulling your hair into a bun, tucking it under the hat. “This is not the first or last time you’re gonna see me naked.” 
As Jeonghan tried to process all the information, you quickly gathered all the discarded clothes with one hand and held his hand with the other, rushing out of the cell. At the end of the corridor was a cleaning cart in which you promptly dumped all the clothes and asked him to follow you. As you led the way to the washrooms cautiously, keeping an eye on the patrolling security, Jeonghan realised the two of you were wearing the uniforms of the cleaning staff. Finally, you led him to a ladies washroom, promptly locking it behind you. 
“Y/n, what are we doing-” 
“Look, that’s the cleaning supplies closet, inside it is a door that leads to the older wing of this prison that is now undergoing renovation. This door was supposed to be locked from the other side but I already broke it open in the morning.” 
“I came in with a bunch of medical volunteers for the camp but I never left the premises - I’ve been hiding here all day. Now we’ve to get through this door and cross the construction site without being seen by the patrolling guards in-” You glanced at your watch. “-8 minutes where the boys are waiting with transport. If we don’t, the guards are gonna figure out you’re missing and security will tighten and we will never be able to get out. If you have any other questions, I promise I’ll answer all of them once we get in the car, okay?” 
Letting out an unsure breath, Jeonghan nodded, following through with your plan to the T. In all the years Jeonghan had been in crime, he had drawn up several heists and master plans but this….. This was probably the most meticulous and well thought out plan he had ever seen. It was to the point it actually both impressed and terrified him that you, the girl who was hiding behind her three friends the first time he tried to talk to you, were the one who came up with it. When the two of you finally stepped out of the last fence, Jeonghan looked back at prison in awe - he thought this time, he was back here for good but when you called out his name and he turned to you, Jeonghan knew the only place he belonged was with you. 
As the two of you trudged through the woods, hand in hand, sirens began to go off in the prison behind you, making you pick up speed, only stopping at the sight of a white car and a white bike beside the very stressed Seokmin, Seungkwan and Soonyoung. The boys sighed in relief as the two of you approached, quickly giving you two a new set of clothes to change into, ushering you into the car. As the two of you began to do so yet again, Jeonghan looked at you intently. 
“Come on Jeonghan, the faster we move from here the better.” 
“Why did you do this? Why did you save me?” 
“Why did you surrender?” 
“Because….” Jeonghan sighed. “I didn’t want your ex to have the power over you with the information that you were housing a criminal. But if I was already in their custody, they wouldn’t really care about where I was on the days I was missing.” 
You smiled at him softly. “So much from a guy who didn’t understand what it meant to put others before yourself.” 
“I told you, you bring out the best in me.” He laughed. “Evidently, I do bring out the worst in you. This was the most badass thing ever, I would’ve never imagined you would do it.” 
“Well, someone did tell me I shouldn’t be afraid to ask or go for what I want.” You leaned back against the door. “I’m done sitting and taking whatever life hands me with the hope that it will be my fairytale ending. I’m gonna take things into my own hands now.” 
“Successfully you mean.” Jeonghan smirked at you. “You had been trying to take things in your hands for quite a while. Like the first few days you tried so hard to get me arrested again?” 
“You knew about that??” 
“It was cute, how you were trying to do the right thing. I should have known you would have never held me hostage for money.” 
“I was going to tell you about it before things spiraled. I had to get you out of my house first so you were at least safe from Bohyun, even if that meant you hated me.” 
“I don’t hate you.” Jeonghan confessed. “I never can. You showed me what I truly wanted from life.” 
“As did you. Which is why I ended things with Bohyun once and for all and now I’m here with you, for whatever adventure it is that’s ahead of us.” 
“Adventure?” Jeonghan looked at you surprised. “What do you mean?” 
“I managed to track down your assistant when I received the papers that I apparently own my grandmother's shop again.” Jeonghan returned your accusatory expression with a sheepish one. “He told me that the last many days, he had been working on liquidating your assets. He also managed to arrange for you to get out of the country and go elsewhere.” You smiled at him. “And I convinced him to let me tag along with you."
“No…..” Jeonghan shook his head. “No you’re not leaving behind your life here and following me around-” 
“Jeonghan, I have no life here.” You sighed. “I always thought I was the kind who wanted something safe and secure but you made me see that deep down I’ve been craving for something more, something stimulating and exciting. I genuinely do want to go with you.” 
“Your mom?” 
“Is more than happy to learn that her daughter is going to Milan to explore her fashion dreams and that my grandmother can move back to her old apartment.” 
“You….. You’re really sure?” 
“Never been more sure.” You reached for his hand, holding it. Jeonghan stroked the back of your hand softly, a smile growing on his face. It did seem like he wanted to say something, until Soonyoung knocked on the window urgently, ushering you out. Putting on the last of your clothes, the two of you stepped out. 
“If the guards send people out to look for Jeonghan, we might get caught here.” Seokmin tapped his foot nervously. 
“Yeah, we need to leave as soon as possible.” Seungkwan added, looking equally scared. 
“Relax,” You rolled your eyes. “They’re not going to find us. They’re not even going to try to look.” 
All four boys looked at you skeptically but it was Jeonghan that spoke up, “Y/n, What did you write on that wall?” 
“Fool you once, shame on you. Fool you twice, more shame for you.” You shrugged, quoting yourself. “I basically wrote in short that if they knew what was good for them, they would keep their mouth shuts and allow the public to think you were still in their captivity rather than admit that you fooled them twice in the span of a month and they are incapable of keeping their prisoners in check. I might have also added that you will not be creating any trouble anymore, rest assured, this secret is best buried in the walls of the prison itself.” 
As your friends stared at you with hung jaws, Jeonghan laughed like he couldn’t believe his ears. “Who are you?” 
“You should’ve seen her the last 10 days.” Soonyoung mumbled. “All the planning, the plotting, she even stitched all these uniforms from scratch, it was low-key terrifying.” 
“I want to know all the details of this master plan.” Jeonghan looked proud. “Every single one of them.” 
“And you will, we have a long journey to Italy.” You clapped your hands, then held it out to Seugnkwan. “Bike keys.” 
“You don’t want the car?” 
“Bike is more fun.” You said casually, reaching for the helmets. “And I’m going to drive.” 
Jeonghan raised his eyebrow impressed, “So the princess is going to rescue me on her big white…. bike.” 
“Guess we got our fairytale ending after all.” You laughed, getting on as your friends rolled their eyes and got into the car. Pulling Jeonghan closer, you finally kissed him, before mumbling against his lips. “Or I guess this time, I’m really kidnapping a mafia boss.” 
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a/n - I cannot explain how much trouble the 1000 blocks per post limit caused. I hope the spacing inconsistency was overlooked oops! Don't forget to leave you thoughts and opinions about the story! This one took a lot of time and effort to make :)
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ellecdc · 7 months
Darling, the possessive!Remus fic was sooo good!! 🩵😫
Could i request another part please?? Hwere reader is hiding something, maybe an injury or illness or scent or something stupid she did with James... idk what but something. Anyway, reader sees Siri and Rem, stops, makes eye contact, then bolts in the opposite direction 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
I feel like both (especially Rem) would instinvtively chase, maybe they find her begging Jamie to hide her 😭
Love you lots!! And remember to get enough rest 🩵
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ? Sir? Don't run from the lord!!!! No, you're so right babes.
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader
CW: slight injury, nothing major, fluff
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“Okay, well the wound is closed but there’s not much I can do about the bruising or the blood on your shirt.” James said as he gently pulled your uniform shirt back down from where he’d been inspecting your ribs.
“That’s fine – I’ll ice it later; I’ve gotta meet the girls like five minutes ago.” You said as you pulled a jumper over yourself to hide the blood staining your shirt. 
“Are you sure you shouldn’t go to Madame Pomfrey?” James asked with a grimace.
You rolled your eyes. “If it hurts terribly, I’ll go later.”
“And you think you’ll be able to avoid Remus and Sirius until then?” James asked somewhat doubtfully. You grimaced in response. “This close to the moon, Remus will be able to smell that blood on you from across the castle.”
“I can’t worry about that right now; I need to go.” You said simply as the two of you rounded the corner. 
You halted suddenly as you spotted Remus and Sirius down the hall – they quickly noticed your tense demeanor which caused them to slowly cease their movements too, mirroring you as you stared them down and they you from across the corridor.
“James.” You murmured without moving a muscle. 
“Do you see them too?”
“Can you hide me?”
James groaned. “Y/N…”
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me to the wolves.” 
“I love you, you’re the sister I never had...but I’ve got a Regulus to think about, you know?”
“It’s been an honour knowing you.” You responded solemnly, nodding in understanding.
“God speed.” He whispered back before you took off in a sprint. 
You could hear a shout and heavy footfalls behind you alerting you to the fact that you were indeed being followed.
You rounded corners and climbed flights of stairs, lungs and legs burning from the effort as you very much regretted your choice to bolt. Maybe you could have talked about it? Maybe you could have convinced Remus you were fine and did not need medical attention? Maybe Sirius would have sided with you?
But no, you chose to run when Remus was at his most possessive, territorial, and protective, and he was with accompanied by Sirius who rivaled Remus’ full moon possessiveness all month round. And also, why the hell does this school have so many stairs!?
Suddenly, refuge came in the form of the third-floor girls’ lavatory. You barrelled your way through the door, clamoring into a stall and locking the door behind you. You sat on the toilet seat and pulled your knees to your chest, though it was all for naught, because even if no one could see your feet, they’d surely hear your laboured breathing. 
You heard the door open again and the scuffling of feet followed by deep sighs. You pointed your face to the ceiling as you listened to the footsteps growing closer and closer before Sirius’ head and arms flung over the top of the stall beside you where he beamed goofily at you. 
“Hey gorgeous! What’re you doing?” He sung casually.
“What are you doing in here? This is the girl’s room.” You hissed at him as your face heated in embarrassment – both from being caught hiding from your boyfriends and of your boyfriend for following you to the loo.
“Where you go, I go.” He said simply with a shrug as if talking to his girlfriend over a bathroom stall was common practice. 
“Do you really think there’s anywhere in this castle that you can hide that I won’t find you?” Remus deadpanned from your opposite side, and you spooked (nearly slipping into the damned toilet) as you noticed he too was standing on the toilet of the stall beside you in order to look down on you.
“Oh, for crying out loud.” You muttered as you stood from your toilet hideout and exited the stall.
“Not that I wouldn’t spend the rest of my life chasing you, darling but-” Sirius started teasingly before he was cut off by Remus.
“What happened!?” He rasped as he reached for you gently.
“I’m fine, Rem.” You tried, but he swatted your hands away.
Slowly, so slowly – as if he was afraid the fabric of your clothes would somehow bruise your skin – lifted your jumper to expose the bloody button up below it.
“Baby!” Sirius cooed in sympathy.
“I’m fine.” You reiterated.
Remus shot you an unimpressed look. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you. Can you take this off, please?” He said as he gently lifted you to sit on the edge of the bathroom counter, motioning to the jumper currently shielding his view. 
You acquiesced and also began lifting the side of your blouse up unprompted. Both boys hissed as they saw the bruising on your ribs.
“What happened?” Remus asked again, gently prodding the area.
“Some first years got a little too rowdy in the hallway – running around and not watching where they were going. I bumped into a suit of armour, but James healed it up.” Remus’ head snapped up to yours as Sirius’ gaze darkened. 
“Prongs healed you? On your side? With your shirt up?” Sirius asked expressionlessly. 
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, for goodness – yes! What’s the big deal?”
He continued his interrogation as if you hadn't said anything at all. “He saw your shirt pulled up like this? He touched you here?”
You sputtered, turning your attention to Remus. “He heals you every month!” 
He grimaced in sympathy but clearly agreed with Sirius. “I guess...just seems a little...intimate.” He conceded.
“Well, do I have to get all worried about you guys on the full moons? Or that he gets to share a dorm room with you?” You asked sarcastically. Sirius smirked at you.
“Awe babes, you don’t have to be jealous – we’re all yours!” He said in a sultry tone as he moved to stand between your legs.
“You’re not funny.” You deadpanned. 
“You should go to Madame Pomfrey, love.” Remus stated after completing whatever diagnostic inspection he was doing on your side.
“Wha- no! Rem, I’m fine. Nothing is broken, it’s not bleeding. I’ll ice it when I get back to my dorm tonight, but I’m supposed to meet the girls. Please don’t make a big deal of this.” You were embarrassed that you’d been reduced to begging, but you could not bail on Lily and Marlene again.
Remus grimaced. “Love, I’d feel better if you had it looked at...”
But Sirius Black – equally as likely to be your saviour and your damnation – opted to take pity on you. “Oh, come on Moons. We can fuss over her all night; let her spend time with the girls.”
Remus groaned and looked between the two of you before rolling his eyes in surrender. “Fine. But I will fuss over you tonight, got it?” He muttered sternly, but the love and affection that pooled in his eyes as he said it diminished his chiding greatly.
“Of course. I’d not have it any other way.” You sang back to him as he leaned in to press a kiss to your lips.
“Okay. Let’s get out of the girl’s loo.” Sirius said as he turned and bent down in front of you, still seated on the bathroom counter.
“What are you doing?” You asked incredulously. Sirius scoffed as if you were being intentionally difficult.
“Giving you a ride, obviously. Can’t let our poor injured dolly walk these corridors on her own.” He backed up further into you and tapped your thighs with his hands impatiently.
“I very well can, thank you very much. I’ll have you know that your poor injured dolly just outran her two boyfriends.” You scoffed indignantly. 
“You know Moons, perhaps she should go to Madame Pomfrey after all.”
“Okay, okay!” You shrilled as you clamored up onto Sirius’ back.
Remus chuckled and pecked a sweet kiss to your temple – now almost at eye level with him as he placed a gentle hand on your back, protectively close to your sore ribs. 
“Thank you for appeasing us, sweetheart.” He murmured into your hairline.
You feigned annoyance, but you’d do so happily for as long as these two men would let you. 
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kimberly-spirits13 · 9 months
Growing Up in the Justice League HC
Purely self indulgence cause I've been on this and idk why so bear with me here
I can just easily romanticize growing up in the Justice League too easily and it would be a problem
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you're brought in at as a baby to be trained by Diana
Apollo brings you to her and tells her that you are an ancient being that regenerates as a new person when you die and this is the form that you have taken. As you get older, you will remember the skills and memories of your past lives but you will have to be raised with someone who can handle you
Diana just loves babies so she had no problem with that
I'd say the league has been established for some time during this point and everyone knows each other's identities in the core group
You grew up in Paris and New York being raised as a mama's child
Bruce is the closest you get to a dad and he does his best
all the Barbies and Legos and whatever toys you'd want as a child
They know that you've been trained as an assassin, wizard, queen, knight, sorceress, scientist, all of these other things that can be traumatic so they just want you to have a great, decent childhood
when you start remember things they begin training you to be a hero
It's like PE and recess all in one since they're really just trying to figure out what you can do
Clark treats you like a fragile piece of glass up until you're a teen cause teenagers confuse him and he just cannot not see you as an innocent beep boppin child sometimes
Barry keeps up with the culture and knows all the songs from your favorite childhood movies and tv shows that you grew up watching on the massive computer in the watch tower when you were up there
will dance to any Barbie song since he knows them all by heart
Hal makes fun of you two but secretly enjoys the movies and is very emotionally invested in Princess and the Pauper and Diamond Castle
Diana and Bruce make sure that you have a great education and training
They are the mature parents of the group and want to make sure you're a functioning member of society
you've got a bag full of grandparents in the Kents, Allans, Princes, Alfred and they all love you to death
Alfred teaches you to make the best tea and gardening, Ma Kent teaches you to quilt and make bread, Pa Kent teaches you how to drive a tractor and farm, Hippolyta teaches you about the Greek gods and ancient cultures and how to ride horses, the Allans would have loads of board games to play and love having you over
Once Young Justice or Teen Titans comes around you don't join since you're officially a Justice League member and get along better with the adults since you were raised by them
That doesn't mean that you don't like or hang out with the kids, it's just that you have better inside jokes with Hal and Barry
When Superboy comes around and the League disappears, you were the only one not taken by the portal since you were helping out some civilians
You knew that Clark wasn't dead and you knew the League was somewhere
What kept you afloat was humor and Kon attached to that since he just needed someone that wasn't insane in his life
you probably won't develop romantic feelings for each other but it's more of a camaraderie since you were both raised in a really unorthodox way
when the league finally comes back, you say it's the happiest day of your life and rant to them that you were the only one who knew they weren't gone but no one understood it
Hal and Barry are known for having a thing for chicken tenders and make sure to instill an addiction in you for chicken tenders
Arthur (Aquaman) really really really likes them too but he doesn't realize it until he comes to the League
Clark would be the one to take you out for ice cream randomly or if you're having a bad day
the mother hen therapist type
You're America's favorite Justice Leaguer and often go viral for in uniform interactions with the League
Dancing with Flash at a Presidential ceremony because the music is too beep boopin good and you can't help but bop around a little bit
Media also loves you as a civilian and it's been suspected that you are the love child between Diana and Bruce since I mean- that would make the most sense
it's a running joke in the league
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
TW: idk, threatening atmosphere ig
fem reader
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Thinking about being a psychologist assigned a certain crazed serial killing cannibal… 
The walls seemed too white. Loud. So impersonal, it became personal. Cold and eerie, as if it wanted to make everyone inside feel unwelcome.
Your palms were embarrassingly sweaty, causing you to wipe them down your skirt, also in an attempt to straighten it out, where the approaching footsteps on the other side of the door only helped make your heart beat faster.
You swallowed your anxiety when you heard the latch open and tried to wipe your face free of fear, knowing how such fragility would not survive here. You almost felt nauseous, but then the patient came in, and, unlike you, he looked completely normal – happy even.
"Good morning." You reported routinely, and just as routinely, he chose not to answer and instead stared at you where you sat on the other side of the table, as ready as ever. 
It had become a ritual shared between the two of you. Intimate.
You, who made yourself comfortable before he was let in – folder and notepad and two ballpoint pens in two different colors, one red and one blue, placed in front of you on the table – just far enough away that he couldn't reach them.
And he, who’s comfortable either way – dressed in his given uniform and slippers as he stepped across the cold floor slowly before dropping into the chair in front of you.
You wear jewelry, and suppose he does so as well.
He looked your body up then down – analyzing what he saw with an unimpressed face – taking in your straight posture where you sat like a doll placed in a glass display with your knees together and your hands folded neatly atop your lap. 
He seemed disappointed when roaming your outfit – a childish pout on his lips. A secular pencil skirt, tight but modest nonetheless, reaching below the knees – only showing calves and ankles. A demure blouse – no sheer fabric, no bright color, no cleavage – just dull pink-beige that reached up below a set of pretty collarbones and a neckline donned a simple pearl necklace. 
If you wore makeup, it couldn't have been much – but your lips had a certain shine to them, not much color other than natural, but glossy in a way that made them look… tasty.
You were pretty, but pretty in a very ordinary way – pretty in such a way that wasn't enough to answer the question of whether you were trying or not. And he thought that was fun. 
You looked boring, but you weren’t boring because you were anything but obvious.
You smiled nicely, pretending that he didn't make you nervous – and that, in turn, made him smile, but not for the reasons you would have liked. He thought you were a little weird for wanting him to get comfortable with you when you were so clearly nowhere near comfortable yourself.
"How are you today?" You asked as if in a normal conversation when your previous ask didn’t earn any response.
He considers playing along for a few seconds but eventually feels he has done so too many times before – that now it would only achieve something boring.
He nudges the inside of his cheek with his tongue and scrapes it against his teeth before finally answering. "Have you ever seen someone go through withdrawal?"
If this had been your first time with him, you would have reacted differently, but you have since learned that he’s happy to force what he feels like telling, regardless of your attempts to turn the conversation onto other topics. So, instead of asking why he's asking what he's asking, you answer honestly and let him continue.
"No. I can't say that I have."
"Then you're in for a treat.” He says and begins the game, quickly noting with a keen twinkle in his eye the way your smile tightens before he continues. "You might think I look like shit now, but you should’a seen my skin then – all ash and gray like a rotten fish. Should have some pictures of that in your binder – I looked as good as dead.” He joked with a smile. "And yet, I was still alive… ‘cause I kept kicking and flopping around. And it was cold – freezing – so cold that my teeth gnashed without having anything to bite into. And even though I’ve never been one to cry, I cried then, like a newborn fresh outta the womb." He confessed with even more of a chuckle in his voice.
The smile only grew sharper when he saw you open the notebook – his eyes twitching a little at the sound of the ballpoint clicking under your thumb as he watched you approach the sheet with red ink.
"Oh- and sweat," He continued, "My God, how you sweat." Grinning as the adrenaline of excitement sharpened the red in his corneas – crazed two-toned eyes bulging as he watched you scribble. “You may think you know sweat, but you don't – you don't know the stench of it.”
He shook his head along with the words, happy to have engaged you in his little game. You were so cute, sitting there opposite him as if the two of you were on a date and he was telling you some fun story from his past.
"And I shook! Like I was crazy – like I had demons on the inside that wanted out!"
You gasped as he brought his large fist down hard on the table with a blow that shook the remaining blue pen as if it jumped in fear and cowered to comfort itself the same as you.
“And then they came out. ‘Cause I puked ‘em out!”
His eyes were impossibly dark, though they remained the same as always. Full of something… something you just couldn't understand. Along with a crack of a smile that was anything but healthy.
"For several hours, I vomited until my soul was left in the toilet bowl… That is… the times I was lucky to even make it to the bathroom in time..."
His words earned a grimace from you, sitting with a lump in your throat, clutching the pen that had now gone silent in your still grip.
"And that smell doesn't go away…" He continued, calmer now. “It sits and sinks into the floors... Remains to remind you of what you are – mocks you, pokes fun, laughs as it predicts the future…”
His eyes gave yours the same feeling as being threatened with a knife, the way he looked down at you while you stared up at him – your eyes wide in prayer before you couldn't hold back any longer and had to look away.
"Because you know..." The voice was even quieter now but still with a reprehensible darkness that required goosebumps. "No matter what promises you make to yourself, you will always break them the moment the hunger strikes again... That's just human nature." He concluded, letting the silence work for himself.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and met his gaze again, trying your best to appear unflappable even though you’d already let the mask slip a couple of thousand times already.
"What made you think of that?" You asked then, clicking your pen – that way you do when the silence creeps worse than his words.
“This room.” He answered. “It's like withdrawal.”
"It doesn't say anywhere in your file that you’re a drug addict?"
"The whole reason I'm sitting in here is 'cause I’m an addict." He snarled, and you almost lost the pen with how you flinched.
There was another pause, and his face softened again into something else.
"But you're right. I've never done drugs." He smiled with his head cocked a little to the side as he looked at you with that fixed unpleasant look. "But I was convincing, wasn't I?"
You clicked your pen again and wrote another thing down in the notepad.
"Psh-" He scoffed. Something in his voice had changed, twisted into something similarly accusatory to yours. "You're just like me."
You stopped writing. Your whole body had been taken by instinct at his disturbing statement – brows furrowed as you fought the urge to gnaw at your bottom lip.
"How so?"
Your heart was pounding to the point where you could hardly feel anything but the bleeding pulsing in your ears – pumping in your fingertips – rocking the ribs in your chest.
A silent toothless smile crept up his face anew from where it had been playing at the corner of his mouth as he watched you cling to the red pen as some sort of weapon you could use if he chose to throw himself across the table.
He laughed at the thought but stopped short upon his next utterance. "You’re also an addict."
You had such a very pitifully confused expression. He took a second to admire it with a smile that only grew sharper, to a sick point where you almost couldn't recognize him as human at all anymore.
"You use – you eat and chew and swallow everything but the bones, everything you can stuff your bottomless belly with in hopes it'll soothe the hunger."
You had to gulp.
"Most people, you see, eat themselves. But we…" His gaze was like a spark – powder and fuse teased by friction, just waiting to explode. "We eat people."
Another silence fell upon you, but this one heavier than the previous ones – as if everything took a moment to catch its breath before you let it go, and with it came a deeply unsettling shiver down your spine.
But before you could question the statement, a beep came and took the patient away.
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roturo · 1 year
COOL WITH YOU - gojo satoru x f!reader - + 4.5k words
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summary: You never though throwing chocolate milk would lead you to being enemies with the popular guy at school, which led you into even a crazier situation.
warnings: smut; unprotected sex, cock warming, dacryphilia, pussy slapping, mating press, finger sucking, oral (f!receiving), marking, degradation kink, slut shaming, edging, teasing, sexual tension, overstimulation. Enemies into idk into lovers. UniversityAU, popular student!gojo satoru, fluff.
It was a really nice day, really.
Nothing out of the extraordinary, normal classes, normal notes, everything was going great! Nice weather, and even your hair was having a good day!, but lunch time had to come.
You were walking through the cafeteria looking for the table you and your friends usually sit at. Walking with your tray through other people, you were about to make it, until you stumbled and say stumbled for crashed into an almost 2 meter man, food flying everywhere, and if that wasn't enough, your choco milk made a mess on his white t-shirt.
You felt all the possible stares into you, couldn't even see with who you crashed, way too embarrassed for it. Mumbling a lot of 'sorry, i'm going to pay it for you' 'I can wash it for you, i'm so sorry.' 'I'll buy you a new one.'  You finally looked up and saw who it was.
Gojo Satoru. The popular guy in school. Might not be the smartest, but he has good grades. Not much of a troublemaker (he is), has dated at-least half of the girls in this school, and someway he still has a line of girls waiting for his turn.
He was next his best-friend. Suguru Geto, smartest guy in your class, he's more peaceful, just watches from a distance, a cute smirk,  hasn't dated half of the girls in school, but still has a long line of girls waiting for a chance.
Your face flushed with embarrassment as she saw that the dark liquid from your spilled bottle had stained his pristine white shirt. Gojo's expression was anything but pleased, and he snapped at you, "Watch where you're going dumbass!"
You tried to apologize, but Gojo had clearly made up his mind about you. From that day on, Gojo wouldn't miss any chance to humiliate you just like you did that day in the cafeteria.
He wouldn't let go of that day, calling you all types of nicknames related to it. ¨Milkie¨ ¨Choco-latte¨ and much more. Mostly throwing your books you had in your arms walking through the halls, always putting milk on your desk when recess was done.
He would often challenge you with difficult questions in class, and you would slowly find yourself doing the same. Days went over and you were now annoyed at his behavior. Who does he think he is? He couldn't treat people like he wanted to!
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¨Can you stop?¨ Utahime stopped eating, dramatically putting the fork down. ¨Stop what?¨
¨Stop looking at fucking Gojo Satoru! It’s been like two months and you’re still annoyed at him.¨ 
Oh god. He's looking back at your table, Utahime said it loud enough so half of the cafeteria could hear. Feeling your face growing hot you looked back at your friend, her face showing how unbothered she is by the annoyed side-eyes you guys were receiving.
¨It's like you got obsessed with him or something! All you do is talk about him, how angry you are about him, how he did this, how he did that, do you like HIM or what?¨
¨Of course NO! I don't like Gojo-...¨
A small cough interrupted the small discussion you were having, looking up for the person who annoyingly stopped you trying to justify why you don't like the Gojo Satoru, was in fact, the Gojo Satoru.
He was standing in all glory in front of your table with his best friend, Geto, which seemed kinda unbothered with this whole ordeal.
You looked like a little kid being caught trying to grab another candy from the bowl after he got his daily one... which made Gojo chuckle.
How cute.
¨I'm sorry ladies for interrupting your chat, but me, and my friend Geto Suguru, wanted to invite you to our upcoming party this weekend. Right Suguru?¨ He nudged Geto, with his annoying smirk, at what Geto just nodded.
You were about to deny the offer, saying you’re not one of his easy girls to smash with, but Utahime was faster than you and said yes to the invitation and lent her phone so they could send her the place and time.
Oh, well, fuck.
Utahime greeted you into her house with her radiant smile, her eyes shining with mischief. "I would’ve killed you if you didn’t come!" she exclaimed, pulling you into her room. "Tonight, you’re going to have a great fuck and forget that annoying asshole!" You rolled your eyes because of her assumption of you liking Gojo. 
Utahime couldn't resist the thrill of the invitation, saying it’s ¨an event you have to live at least once at uni.¨ You spent hours preparing yourselves. Mostly, Utahime carefully choosing the perfect outfit and a dash of confidence to match. 
You and Utahime arrived at the party, the room buzzed with laughter, music, and vibrant conversations. You’ve been spending the whole night thinking of a way to take revenge on Gojo, and show Utahime proof you don’t like him. You have tried plenty of ways; winning at sports games, not a surprise he’s better than you, but it still pisses you off how irritating he is. You also tried beating him at exams, which somehow you did beat him on them, but somehow he gets more acknowledgment about having a 9 than you having a 10?
Does he fuck the teacher too?
That’s what you need! To fuck Gojo Satoru.
Not in that way…
Well, yes. But not him fucking you. You fucking him.
His whole ego is based on how every girl likes him, so… what if you do what he does to the other girls?
Geto greeted the both of you with a smile, offering you something to drink, which you denied, contrary to Utahime. You were having a small chat with your friend and a friend of hers, she was really nice, short haired, not that tall but not that short, she's a friend of Satoru & Suguru apparently… a pretty smile adorning her face while talking with Utahime, her name was Shoko.
And Shoko is really fun, really, but you couldn’t stop from distracting yourself, eyes following the tall frame, going from girl to girl all around the house. It infuriated you how they could be so clueless of the man they’re talking with.
You decided you needed to distract yourself and stop focusing on what he’s doing. Entering the kitchen was really calm, two people chatting while drinking. Preparing yourself a drink, you felt a small push in your shoulder, and it’s like destiny made you to never stop thinking about him, since somehow he was always there.
¨Oops, didn’t see you there.¨ His stupid face, with his stupid smirk.
¨Can’t stop disturbing me for one minute in your entire life?!¨
¨Me? Disturb you? You’re the one who won't stop looking at the other like some obsessed stalker!¨
¨Well, it’s not my fault you keep fooling those girls thinking if they let you fuck them they will be with you at least more than a week before you get bored!¨
He laughed at you, which only made you even angrier. ¨Are you jealous or what?¨
¨I’m not jealous- … don’t. Don’t you dare look at me that way.¨
¨What way?¨
¨Like you want to fuck me.¨
The tension in the room grew stronger, his stupid eyes were having pleasure watching you being angry at him being with other girls. You’re really pretty too, he never took the time to realize that. Maybe it's your fault because of the grembling face you put when you’re around him.
Thank god Suguru came into the room giving you a way out of this situation, calling for Satoru and you.
¨Hey, we need both of you to help us with something back there, Utahime and Shoko are there also. Utahime is really nice, but uhh… she might gotten a little too much drunk…¨
"Do we have to bring her?¨ Gojo said, pointing back at you with his thumb, not even looking at you, just at Geto. ¨You know I hate her." 
¨Yes Satoru, it’s her friend who we are talking about.¨
"I'm standing right here, you know..." 
"I know." You were about to hit Satoru if it wasn’t that Geto didn’t grab the both of you by the wrist and started walking away.
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After leaving a very drunk Utahime in Geto’s room, Shoko staying with her, the two other boys (Most like Geto) invited you to go for some midnight ice-cream around the corner, at which, you had nothing to do, so you accepted the offer, who wouldn’t want ice-cream for free?
The three of you got your ice-cream, you were with Satoru while Suguru was paying for them.
¨Your ice cream looks delicious, let me try.¨
¨We have the exact same ice cream, for god’s sake!¨ Satoru was faster than you and gave a big bite (with no teeth) to your ice-cream, you grumbled at his stubbornness.
¨Hey, no fair! You have more sprinkles than mine!¨ You looked up at his face, finding ice-cream all around his lips. Unconsciously your hand caressed his cheek and with your thumb, you wiped the ice-cream off his mouth. Your finger resting on his lower lip, he slightly opened his mouth giving enough space for your thumb to enter, which it did. His tongue swirled around it, savoring the ice-cream he stole from you. Your eyes never left his and vice versa. His cheeks were slightly pink, his eyes were now a darker shade of blue thanks to his dilated pupils.
His hands found a way to lock between your waist, making you get closer to him. Your thumb left his mouth and slowly got into his chest. He smiled at you. A genuine smile from him. Not an evil trace on it. His eyes squinted a little, which made you also smile. 
¨Can y’all believe the old man wanted me to pay for an extra ice-cream we didn’t buy? I stayed like 10 min more trying to explain him we only bought 3.¨
Your face turned pale, as fast as you could, you pushed yourself out of Gojo’s embrace, he awkwardly coughed fixing his hair.
¨Are you guys okay?¨ Suguru looked confused but then looked at you and your melted ice-cream.
¨Oh shit. It melted. Your eyes locked with Satoru for a moment and moved on to the melted ice-cream. Did that really happen?
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A week passed and Gojo couldn’t get you off his mind. The moment replaying every day, the feeling of your hand on his cheek never leaving. He was going crazy. 
Ever since Utahime and Shoko got closer, that meant hanging out as a group. It somehow got better? Gojo stopped with the bitterness and the hate towards you, it turned more into teasing?, it’s like he’s been feeling cool with you?
 It even turned into the both of you teasing each-other light heartly, it was fun.
During a late-night study session at Shoko’s,  you and Gojo got into argument from some science topic, you could sense the others were annoyed at the unnecessary pause of studying, leading them into grabbing their phones to go through social media, going for water, or even just start making small drabbles of drawings, knowing they couldn’t do anything about the both of you arguing because of your stubbornness.
Until Utahime snapped, ¨Oh my god, can the both of you just fuck so the tension could leave?!¨ that left the both of you speechless and blankly looking at eachother, red invaded eachother’s face because of how things turned out and how others point of view of the type of relationship the two of you have.
... Your walk home was… awkward but nice?
¨Listen. It’s nearing midnight and you're a female walking the streets alone, at least let me walk you home? As much as you annoy me I’d rather you not get murdered¨ You take in his words slowly nodding in agreement as you cross your arms, ¨fine.. nice to hear that you don’t want me dead.¨
So that’s how the both of you ended walking together to your house. It was a weird bonding experience you didn’t think you needed.
¨Wow you can actually be a sweetheart this time, what happened to the boy who was arguing with me today is pluto is still considered a planet?¨
You say lightheartedly but turn to glare in his direction anyway, watching as he rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle.
¨Yeah that was pretty immature. to be fair we’re just as bad as each other ̈
You nodded in agreement it really is a game of back and forth trying to outdo each other. You felt a sudden wetness on your face sticking your hand out and watching as your palms filled with water capturing the rain droplets within, the rain poured without any mercy but thankfully you could see your house just a little down the street, with the nice moment you were having with Gojo you bravely grabbed his hand with a giggle making a bolt towards your house, to your surprise Gojo tightened his grip running beside you as the rain soaked you both.
Catching your breaths as you stood on your porch, sheltering yourselves from the rain, breathlessly laughing as you straightened yourself looking up at Gojo who was just as drenched.
¨Who saw that coming?¨ He smiles pulling lightly on your hand that still stayed secured in his, you were only inches away from each other but the cool breeze and crackling of the thunder held a mysterious mood that drew you into him.
In what should have been forbidden your lips touched, tasting the water that ran along your face seeping into your mouth as you reconnected with Gojo’s pretty lips, it didn’t last long as a large gust of wind interrupted causing you to shiver and unintentionally find comfort in Gojo, pressing against his chest. You could feel his hand rubbing gently against your upper back as he stared down calmly, you finally pulled away from him jiggling with your front door and popping it open with just a twist of your key, frowning your eyebrows slightly as you turn to look at the soaking wet boy again watching him turn towards the rain and stepping closer as if he was about to make a run for it.
¨You don’t have to leave.. it looks pretty hectic out there, i can dry your clothes and you can leave when it’s safer, if that’s what you want?¨ Gojo seemed conflicted a hint of hesitation could be seen but his expression was mostly unreadable, he took one last look out towards the street before turning on his heels, walking into your house with a smile, ¨That seems like a better idea.. thanks.¨
You really didn’t know what you were thinking letting Gojo into your house but it felt right, ¨Your... hoodie¨, you say holding your hand out towards him.¨I can put it in the dryer¨ Gojo paused for a moment looking down, his lips shaping into a straight line as his cheeks puffed out. ¨I’m not wearing an undershirt¨ You let out a light oh before making your way into the laundry room, ¨here! You can throw a towel over yourself if you feel uncomfortable!¨ You yell out to him, turning around to be greeted with Gojo’s bare chest, ¨It’s fine I don’t need a towel¨ He plainly says handing you his hoodie, you quickly nod taking it and heading over to the dryer.
¨What about my pants?¨ You hear him say as you open the lid. ¨What about them?¨ You question turning around to see his slightly wet jeans, ¨They’re not that wet but I can do them too.. got that towel?¨, Gojo let’s out a chuckle unzipping his jeans.
¨I’m not going to be naked, I do have underwear on after all, do you want me to wear a towel?¨ You went silent slowly extending your arm and making a gimme motion with your hand, ¨I don’t care it’s your decision¨, you say sounding a bit flustered, looking away nervously Gojo stripped himself of his jeans leaving him in his underwear. You throw his clothes into the dryer freezing suddenly before closing the lid, realising your own saturated clothes as you played with the hem of your shirt, “fuck it”, you whispered ripping your top from over your head, your pants following in hot pursuit letting them join in with Gojo’s clothes.
The dryer light blinked on watching as the session started not daring to turn around as you knew Gojo was still very much present, feeling a sense of embarrassment as you stood away from him semi nude, the only thing you didn’t know is that he was much closer than you thought feeling his hand smooth over your arm a slight tingling sensation could be felt as he pressed up against your bare back, ¨Aren’t you cold?¨, he said sliding his mouth near your ear, you slowly nodded feeling your words getting stuck in your throat, ¨I mean no, not really¨ You crackled out quickly correcting yourself, your whole body was heating up as the butterflies in your stomach did multiple backflips, ¨Well I am baby¨, you let out a rigid breath feeling your pussy contract within itself at the sudden nickname, you had no idea he could make you feel this way, ¨How are you gonna get warm?¨ You softly breathe out goosebumps arising from your skin as Gojo rubbed up and down your sides placing a few kisses against your neck, ¨I have an idea if you’d spread your legs a little?¨ You obeyed his words like a dog, running on your own horny adrenaline.
¨Are you okay with this?¨ You nodded, feelin his fingers come in contact with your pussy pushing your panties to the side as he swiped his pointer finger through your folds, he stopped clutching his hands roughly on your hips, his forehead laying on your shoulder blade.
¨How? You’re so wet, I barely even touches you.¨ Gojo said sensually pulling your hips towards him as he rubbed his hard against your ass, ¨I thought I’d have to do a little more but I think this is enough.. ready?¨
He kissed up your back adjusting himself a bit, ¨Ready?... for what?-¨, You struggled to say the last syllables as Gojo pushed the tip of his cock into you wrapping an arm around your waist and the other holding onto the dryer in front of you, pulling you upwards so he can angle your entrance just right so he can fully fit into you comfortably.
A gasp escaped you quickly holding onto the side of his thigh as he stayed still, the feeling of his long cock deep inside you made you wriggle pulling your heat away from him as he replants himself, the heat off Gojo’s chest and stomach burned into your back, ¨Now that’s warm¨, Gojo spoke, ¨And it’s tight too¨, He slightly giggled out resting his head on your shoulder.
¨Is it uncomfortable?¨ He quietly spoke in concernment Gojo’s worries fading as he finally feels you melting into him, ¨No it’s good¨ You say sheepishly feeling the slight shake of his arm as he continued to hold onto the dryer, another kiss being littered against your upper back upon hearing you.
It’s beyond weird getting this intimate with him but there always was some lingering sexual tension though. Nothing is really happening as you both stood in silence while Gojo kissed your body, leaving hickeys everywhere. Your body temperatures rising quickly but soon you started to feel Gojo’s movements, he awkwardly pumped himself into you stopping and starting his motions as he fought his urges, ¨Satoru?... If you’re going to fuck me just do it, this is nice and all but I know what we both want¨
You say trying to look at the boy who was still resting his head on your shoulder, you saw him perk up displaying a gummy like smile, ¨If that’s what you want who am I to deny you?¨
He jolted you forward banging you flat against the dryer giving you a sharp thrust as he grabbed a hold of your hair, bringing you back so he could kiss you, ¨You really want your enemy fucking you? Want everyone to know how of a cockslut you are? That Utahime was right? filthy.¨ 
You hum in pleasurable agreement a cheeky giggle escaping you as Gojo tilts your head to the side giving himself access to your neck, ¨Enemy? Do you really want to be calling yourself that when you started this? I think you’ve always wanted to do this, you love me¨ You say daringly, feeling incredibly unsatisfied as he pulled himself out of you spinning you around and finally coming face-to-face with him, Gojo’s hair now completely dry but nothing changed about his smirk.
¨You don’t need this” He unclips your bra way too easily wiggling it in front of your face like a trophy
“Don’t try putting this act on me, you’ve wanted my dick ever since you met me, those looks you don't give them to everyone.. probably why you love me so much ̈ You push him away playfully, covering your breasts and snatching your bra from him attempting to walk passed, Gojo re-attaches himself to you pulling you into a back hug as he kisses you roughly, biting your lower lip dragging slightly out making you whine.
“Don’t be stubborn, the laundry room is nice but why don’t you show me the bedroom?” You lean into him with a satisfied smile spreading across your face as you had every intention in bringing him to your bed, ¨Where do you think I’m taking you?¨
Nothing was stopping you, both fully naked in bed as Gojo’s face found refuge in between your legs licking up and down your slit and sucking on your sensitive clit, making infinity signs between them, holding your thighs apart to stop you from caging him in with each spasm of your body, “I’m gonna-“, you moaned out Gojo humming at your words removing his mouth from your heat and licking his two fingers as he dives them straight into your soaking pussy pumping in and out, “You’re gonna what?” He smirks, making a gesture of using his free hand to put on his ear to sign like he didn’t listen to you. Watching as you gasp at the sudden intrusion his smirk grew larger. ¨Oh! There! Satoru please I-¨
He stopped, smiling proudly and taking in your watery eyes, his smile soon turning into a sarcastic pout, ¨Aw, that’s cute¨ He laughed, pushing you flat against the bed as you leaned up to try and hit him, him being faster slapping your pussy.
¨Oh stop it! you’ll get what you want later slut, look what you’ve done to me¨ He looks down at his hard and angry cock begging for attention, rolling his fingers around his shaft as he covers his member in your juices.
¨Open your legs wider” Gojo hovers above you angling himself at your cunt, finally slipping back into your wet cunt, wasting no time in hammering into you giving you no chance in preparing for his speed, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck as he mercilessly rocks you back and forth but as Gojo lifted each of your legs up putting you into a mating press, which made the thrusters even go deeper inside you, turning you into a beautiful moaning mess.¨Ah! Look at you, you’re beautiful¨
Gojo groans out closing his eyes and throwing his head back in an attempt not to bust, picking up the pace as he fucks you raw diving his face into your neck as he concentrates feeling his heavy panting on your neck.
¨Don’t stop this time¨ You barely get out feeling your body getting to it’s highest point again, your back arching immediately as Gojo’s fingers had sneakily approached your clit rubbing your clit at lightning speed. You couldn’t breathe your legs spasming out and clenching around Gojo so hard he could barely move, your moans turning into a pleasurable scream as you reached your orgasm falling limp as you continued to pulsate around Gojo’s cock. 
He isn’t done yet. Taking in sharp breaths as he chases after his own high, you whine slightly from sensitivity but you weren’t going to stop him, thrusting a few more times till he pulls out in quickly, pumping himself in his hand as he aims his load on your stomach, moaning sweetly as he shoots his cum all over your lower half swiping his thumb over his head picking up some of the white substance and shoving it into your slightly agape mouth, ¨How does it taste sweetheart?¨ You start sucking his thumb without any hesitation making a loud popping sound as you pull his hand away.¨Delicious¨, you smile. 
With a satisfied chuckle Gojo collapsed onto your bed watching as he reached for anything to help clean yourself up with, ¨I don’t regret doing that you know…¨ He quickly says as he wiped up his mess, ¨I would’ve preferred if you cum somewhere a little less messy¨ You raised an eyebrow, ¨I meant having sex with you.. I’d do it again¨ You smiled, feeling the excitement run through you with just the thought of having sex with Gojo again ¨I’d like that too¨ He went a little quiet intensely watching you, getting closer to you, his lips crashed yours. This time it wasn’t rushed at all, he was moving his lips slowly, capturing every moment of it. Taking a small moment to breathe, he started kissing you again, then giving small pecks all around your face which made you giggle. He finally stopped with getting himself around your arms, cuddling you. 
He called out your name at which you just answered with a small sound out of tiredness. 
¨I think I love you.¨
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emswritings · 2 months
HIHI maybe u could do poly!marauders where reader is upset and they js cuddle her and make sure she's okay and stuff idk i thought it'd be cute
Let us hug you
Synopsis: you had a bad day, but the boys help cheer you up
Wordcount: 0.7k
Tags: poly!marauders x reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader gets a period
Authors note: tbh im not too used to writing hurt, so there isn't much
It's been a horrible day for you. First, you get your period and have absolutely horrid camps, then you spill your breakfast on your uniform. That makes you have to go back to your dorm and change, which causes you to be late to your first class, making you lose house points.  All you wanted was a hug from your boys, but every time you tried they always had something they needed to do.
“Sorry dovey, I need to tutor some first years.” 
“Later angel, me and Sirius have practice.”
So you were laying in Sirius’s bed, trying to make yourself feel better about the day.  The tears were flowing freely as their words played on loop in your head. Logically, you knew they were busy, and you knew they weren’t avoiding you, but you couldn't help but feel as though they were.
When James and Sirius entered the dorm after practice, they were met with your sleeping form facing away from them. James coos softly, watching as Sirius makes his way over to you. He pushes your hair back from your head and sucks in a quiet breath when he sees the dried tear streaks on your face. 
“Should we wait for Remus to get back?” James whispers, trying not to wake you yet. Sirius looks up at him and nods his head.
“Let's wait for her to wake up and then ask what's wrong.”
“Wait for who to wake up?” You asked grogily, turning over to face Sirius and James. They jump, then turn towards you smiling. 
“You, lovey,” James says, walking towards you on the bed. You sit up and make room for him beside you, leaning into his side when he does.
“Why?” You ask. You look between them, then groan when yet another cramp hits you.  Leaning more on James now, you wrap your arms around his middle and groan, “missed you guys today.”
James and Sirius exchange a look, but they don't have a chance to say anything, because Remus comes into the dorm. 
“Those first years are getting better and better each time we meet. I think they have a really good chance of getting an O on their next test. Woah, what's wrong dove?” He asks, just now seeing how unwell you looked, and how worried his two boyfriends looked.
“I don't feel good,” you whine quietly, looking up at Remus when he comes over to feel your forehead.
“Oh yeah? What doesn’t feel good lovey?” James asks, running a hand up and down your arm. You sigh, but respond, “it has just been a bad day, and I couldn’t hug any of you, because every time I tried, someone was busy. I know that's not your fault or anything, and I'm not mad at any of you, but still.”
Sirius coos, and sits down at the foot of your bed. “Well, how about this: how about we push some beds together, and cuddle while you tell us what made the day so horrible. Sounds good?” You smile at him and nod, letting out a small, “yeah.”
Sirius and Remus get to work on pushing James’s bed next to where Sirius’s bed is already at. You watch as they get comfortable, and smile when Sirius tells you to go ahead and start the story.
“Well, this morning I got my period, and have been hit with cramps all day. Then, I spilled breakfast on my uniform, so I had to go change, which made me late to Slughorn's class, who took away house points. It sounds a little silly now that I say it aloud, but, I don't know, I just wanted a hug all day.” You finish your mini rant, and change your position so you're laying down.
“I’m sorry love, that had to suck. But we’re here now, so we can lay here as long as you want, alright?” Sirius asks you, smiling when he sees your nod. 
So that's where you stay. At least until dinner, then the boys do rock, paper, scissors to see who is going to get everyone dinner. James and Sirius end up being the two losers, so they go down to the great hall, and Remus takes the chance to pull you close to him. Your front is pressed up against his, and you smile against his chest, and wrap your arms around his middle. You can't be sure, but you're almost certain you heard him whisper “love you” against your hairline. 
James and Sirius come back, and you sit up to eat dinner, then you spend the rest of the night laughing  and cuddling, falling asleep in eachothers arms.
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narcissarina · 5 months
HIII! How are you, pookie? Here a request.
Honestly I love vendetta Leon, I think he has so much potential in fics! So, I was thinking about grumpy vendetta Leon who gets paired up in a mission with agent reader who is younger than him and they're full of life, literally a sunshine.
Leon sometimes would be bothered by reader's attitude, like 'why are they so happy?' or something like that, but after finishing the mission he would get used to reader, yet he would be his usual stern and cold himself. After some months of working together, Leon starts liking reader because they make him happy or something like that. (they could end together like a couple. You can make it fluff, angst or smut, it's up to you! I also loved your last fic, bodyguard Leon it's just another level 😭)
I'm doing fine lovieee!!! Ty for the request ^-^! Ngl I had an idea and idk if you're into a crossover trope but I DID IT>:)) Reader from SHIELD from the marvels!! Two different agents working together for their agency benefits omg. Hope you like it pookie!!😭🤞 lil smut in here😍😍
Crossed Paths𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ
MarvelAgent!Reader x Vendetta!Leon
Word count: 3,546
𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚎.
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Leon thought to himself, “why can’t I have a peaceful vacation?” His peace always gets interrupted when he had been given a chance to enjoy his day off, even if it means his vacation is drinking his problem away and get wasted.
After that mission, he was assigned yet again to another. He took his flask out to clench his thirst but Chris quickly took his beloved alcohol away from him, “come on, Leon.” Chris sighs and put the flask aside, he earned a grumble from Leon as the tired agent sat on his seat and lean back.
He doesn’t know why he’s still here, his mission’s finished, right? Can’t he go back to his vacation and drink away? Why did the D.S.O assigned him to another mission when they clearly gave him a day off, he hasn’t been able to enjoy his break the fullest.
“Why am I here?” He asked himself, Chris cock a brow and elbow on his knees. Nudging his friends leg, “you good?” he asked, Leon hums and spread his legs apart—his mood shifting and his patience running.
Voices broke out, coming closer to the two.
“We’re glad you have convinced Director to have you work for us for a while, agent.” A males voice was heard, a heels that belongs to a female clicks as a soft chuckle was caught, “it’ll benefit both us, that’s why it took director to agree.”
The door was swung open, Leon’s eyes darted at the two individuals—he recognize the man but the woman beside him, he didn’t met before nor does she works for the D.S.O, Leon tap Chris’ shoulder with the back of his hand and point directly at you, “who’s she?” he asked in a whisper, Chris shrugged and respond, “probably from a different agency base on her attire,” the males eyed you from head to toe, “uhm, or a new recruit?”
“A new recruit doesn’t look like that, Chris.”
Your eyes quickly caught the two agents, Chris quickly looked away and cleared his throat—Leon on the other hand, maintain eye contact with his arms folded against his chest. “She looks young,” Chris hums to Leon’s remark, “guessing she’s in her mid-twenties or something like that.”
A smile flashed to him, your eyes smiled with your lips—as if the sun was kissing Leon all over the face. Your attire, Leon assumes it’s a uniform that all agent wears in your agency—all black, straps over your thighs, waist and chest. Fit and highlighting your curves.
“Ah, agent Kennedy!” The man exclaimed, his voice raised as he walks to the tired agent, “please to see you here, this is…” you cut him off and told Leon your name, he hadn’t heard that name before so he knew you’re not from around here.
Furthermore, Leon got the gist of it—you, from the S.H.I.E.L.D comes to work with D.S.O for a while, approximately for eight months via contract. And, he’s assigned to be with you, special mission was also been handed over to the two of you.
Chris left Leon with you after a few minutes hearing about the mission that’s been given for him and yours only, giving the tired agent the best before leaving.
“Fantastic,” Leon groans and threw his head back, “not the reaction I am expecting, agent.” You smiled and take a sit beside him, taking the file from his hand, flipping pages and humming to yourself. Silence was loud as you speak to break the eerie silence, “I never expect you in this kind of state.” You murmur.
Leon shot his head up and looks at you, “what do you mean?” he asked, “when I read your files, you were quite a charm sir.” You turn your head and grin at him, “and younger, full of life—now…” you stop yourself and chuckle, Leon doesn’t know whether he would take that as an insult or a compliment.
“You have files about me?” Leon click his tongue and shakes his head, “don’t believe ya.” He mutter, taking his flask from the other side of the table, raising a brow as you took it away from his hand, “come on!” he grumbles and rolled his eyes, “can’t drink today, Leon. We have a job to finish.”
“About the files…” you started to tease the agent further, explaining little events that had happen to his life—how you knew the shits he had to endure and how he was forced in this agent gig just to protect someone, but you didn’t drew the line. It did made the agent irritated, resulting him to walk away.
You laugh at his reaction, you will have your fun breaking down his walls bit by bit and give him the relaxation he deserves. After all, he’s been through enough right?
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“Why are you here?” He groans, you smiled up to him, “I mean, gonna share some intel on our mission, no?” you remind him and share the location and what are the objectives to accomplish, Leon had no choice but to listen—he is assigned with you after all.
What he had in mind is that you’re all smiles, always flashing your teeth to him as your eyes smiles too—you’re just so… Happy, full of life and energy. And he’s, well, grumpy.
It gives sunshine and grumpy duo, you were always asking him if he got that and that he’s still listening, of course he is! He’s just wondering what kept you look sore in the eyes.
“So,” Leon starts, his tired eyes gazing to you, “the contract only last for eight months?” he raise a brow and tilt his head to your side as he question, you nod in response and cross your leg—a smile forming on your face, “yes sir, and I’ll be out of your ass after eight months.” You heard a scoff from him and drink from his flask, “that’s good.” He murmurs.
Laughing at his response, you read files about him back at S.H.I.E.L.D’s and you never knew that the man had his colors drained, well—you want to change that, add a little blues and hues to his life and it’ll give him the thrill.
“Do you always dye your hair every phrase you go down to?”
“What do you mean?” Leon sighs and asked, wondering why he even bothers hanging around with you as you swirl your drink in hand, “I mean, you were a bright bloke the night before the incident back at Raccoon City, then when you went to save the presidents daughter—your hair became a little dull and longer and so on so forth and now…” you eyed him from his chest and head, “you look emo.”
He would be lying if he didn’t crack a smile, “You’re funny.” He says sarcastically, you gave a bow; hand in chest and bow down with elegance. “Why thank you, my good sire.” You tease.
Well that wouldn’t end well, assignment had been piling up on the two of you and it result you always carrying the mission and giving Leon light works, he always asked why, your responded with: “can’t have my senior break his back.”
Even though there was the big assignment for the two of you, you help Leon first with his extra ones—paperwork and some stuff he needs to finish rather than stressing around it, saving him from the burden. Then the main event had finally come.
Retrieving an item for the D.S.O and data for S.H.I.E.L.D, wondering why can’t S.H.I.E.L.D’s best heroes do this—to be honest, they’re busy on their own saving civilizations. And you’re chill being away from them for a while, and only a month; Leon started to get used from your tactics and personality. Although he’s still his cold, grumpy, stern and glaring anyone that invade his space.
“so, what kind of monsters do you fight?” you asked, shooting at the enemies opposite side from Leon, “zombies and some fucked up shit that B.O.Ws create.” He shouts from above, you gasp and smack the zombie in its head and shot it, “you guys fight these stuff?” you speak with curiosity.
“Yeah, why’d you ask? No, what do you fight?”
“Aliens from outer space, crazy things that got in New York and oh! There was this god who uhm,” you pause, stabbing your opponent with the tip back of your heel, “who almost held the entire city hostage.” You chuckle your last word and turn to him, he couldn’t describe anything right now. Probably the word silly and unbelievable would do the trick.
He jumps down and land on his feet, stepping towards you and hand on his hip, “you got to be fucking with me.” He remarks, not believing a word that you just said, “do I look like I’m lying, Mr. Kennedy?” you hums and took your hand off the chest of the zombie, taking the heart with you as it was still beating.
“Don’t…” he points to your hand, “fucking do that shit.” He finishes and sigh, “and I don’t know whether to believe you or not, but no.” his lips turns to a thin line and his brows still furrowed, “your face looks like it hurts.” You pointed out and threw the heart in your hand away.
The agent doesn’t know what he’ll do to you, you got the energy and stamina to be optimistic about everything and he doesn’t know where you’re seeing the light.
You turn your head to him, folded your arms and shift your weight to your right—both of you covered in crimson from the enemies, “got the thing?” you question him as Leon brought the item that the D.S.O wanted and wiggle it on the air and put it back to his pocket, “how about you? Got the data that S.H.I.E.L.D needed?” you flash him the document in hand and push it to his chest.
“Tada! Teamwork, baby!” you yelled and pat his shoulder, “by the way, do we only take your bike all the way back?” Leon nodded and walks off, you followed. “That sucks, I’ll share the pay for the gas.”
You hum your way out and got to his vehicle, it’s still daylight and he never thought that the “big mission” that he got assigned on with you would be that easy, well since you carried. Leon got to give you credits for that.
“Hop on.” He lets you hold on to the documents and got on, you stared at him blankly, not moving an inch. “What are you waiting for?” he asked, groaning as he wants this to get this over with, “you know, base on the data and files that I read about you, uhm… I don’t trust your driving skills, I didn’t got killed by big enemies and here I am, going to die with your driving.” You murmur under your breath.
Leon felt insulted by that, squinting his eyes as he groans in annoyance. “It’s either I’ll drive or leave you here.” He gives out a choice, although it’s an ass of a choices but you got to his back and be his passenger princess.
One hand around his waist and one hand holding on to the data that’ll you bring back, your chin rest to his shoulder as he starts the engine and took off.
The whole ride was you telling stories about your time in your own agency, how you got in and how you met the Avengers that the Director put together, you were included on the team as well. You told Leon how the Avengers broke out a civil war, it kept him entertained by your silly stories that he finds unbelievable—well, zombies and mutated things would be considered as fictions too but it happened to him so he’ll probably give it a pass.
You both made it back safely, you kept your promise and fill his tank full and paid for it and you were delighted that you’re still in one piece after riding with Leon, you kept the document safe somewhere in your arranged office inside the agency and Leon gave the item they needed.
Mission accomplished.
But you still have four months left before the contract ends, you spent those four months helping Leon and turn him into a better version of himself—you share your point of view and emphasize with his struggle, you shared laughter and warmth with him.
It made his day, he would be lying if he doesn’t enjoy your presence. He got used to you, always greeting him with a smile first thing in the morning, coffee in his hand than the usual flask that he drinks in. Although he still looks as terrible, he thinks his mental health is improving.
There was a time that you’d go annoy him and he’ll snap at your shits, like the one time you gave him a hug then ran off after squeezing his tits.
“You know,” you start, your heels clicks as you turn to Leon, he squints his eyes—not trusting your tone of voice, “what?”
“I think you need a hug,” you open your arms wide, your lips turn to a pout and gave him the embrace that you think he deserves, with a little squeeze too. He was stun and dumbfounded at the sudden affection, “what in the actual fuck are you doing?” he hisses, but didn’t pushed you away.
“I’m hugging the most dangerous agent known to man,” you hum, burying your face to his chest, “you know, to look for a good man is to look for his heart.” You added and nuzzle, the agent gave an ick expression and question further, “heart? Why are you burying your face to my chest then?”
“Not my fault that your tits were in the way.” You respond and quickly grab a handful of his tits and squeeze it hard as you can and ran off, “son of a bitch! Get back here!” he yelled—caught him off guard as he chased after you and your giggles burst to every corner of the agency.
Hey, at least you’re giving light on the place, right?
If you’re being honest, you’d let him blow your back if he asked to take his frustration out—you’d notice his erection every after assignments that you help him with, asking yourself how he’s able to hold it all in and not jerk off. Does his dick just calms down?
You were dropping hints to him, launching flirty unsuspecting comments and small gestures but he seems to be not taking the hint, poking his buttons every time you want him to ask you for help.
Dreams do come true, maybe. You and Leon inside an unused room and a very secluded spot inside the building, your mouth shut with his right hand and his other gripping your lower back. Your back pressing against the door of the room, one leg up to his hip as his hand slides down to hold your rear and squeeze it.
Your muffle moans escaping your lips as Leon penetrates your insides, his hips piston to yours as his tip kisses your cervix every thrust he makes that made your legs go weak, his lips in the crook of your neck—nibbling on your flesh as you sense that his movements are taking his anger out.
“That’s it, take all of me.” He mutter, his fingertips digging to your flesh as you moan against his hand. “Gotta keep that mouth shut or else you’ll get both of us in trouble.” He hisses, increasing the speed of his pace that got your eyes rolling back, your gummy walls clenching to his shaft as it penetrates your womb.
Trying your best to minimize your moan, your gasp and small whimper ignites fire inside of Leon. He was pissed at some point, he always wonders why do you keep bothering him like a lost puppy.
He grit his teeth, sucking on to your flesh and biting down—holds you up in the air and humps on you with urgency, his hands grabbing your rear as he got deeper and focuses on making you feel your release, “L-Leon…” you gasp, feeling a warm sensation on your stomach, “m gonna cum.” You whine, he scoffs and planted sloppy kisses on your neck.
Your breath hitches as you gasp, your hand quickly covered your mouth as your moans are growing louder. Leon mutter curses as his hips started to spasm, he could feel you going to milk every drop of him as he reach his release. Your legs and hips jerk, your body jolted as you came to his cock—your puffy cunt milking him as he pulls and slam back in and fucks his orgasm.
“not so annoying now, huh?” he snicker and pulled out, helping you clean as your pussy was well-fucked by an older guy, you were in ecstasy in the thought of older men do it better.
He's grumpy, but he still has a heart to give you aftercare and take care of you since he made you like that. After all, you started to grow on him a little.
The eight month arrived and the contract finally ended, it saddens Leon to know this and watch you leave. Will he ever get to see you again? He thought himself that every night he went to sleep.
Who will greet him when he enters work?
Who will be delighted to have his presence around?
Who would acknowledge him as a person and not as the agent?
Who would bring him coffee and force him to drink that than the flask he drinks every night?
He got attached to you, and he feels like shit. What choice does he have than watch you go? Turn your back and look at him for the last time and say your last goodbye?
Would he ever feel your annoying presence and your lips on his cheeks every time you find him angry and sulking? Probably not, the contract finally ended and that’s that.
“my rides here.” You utter, your tone down as you look over to Leon, you smiled and keep on a bright mood, “try not to miss me so much.” You wink and stood up, “want to walk with me, Leon?” you held out an offering hand as he took it with no hesitation.
From the past few months you were clinging to him, now; he clings to you.
Hands intertwined together as he escorts you outside the building of the agency, the surrounding spacious as the ship revealed its presence—it was invisible so Leon was impressed by the technology it has.
You broke your hand to him and got to the ship, running up quickly to give the files to director Fury, “got the data? Good job, Agent.” The director praises and got inside, you on the other hand—quickly got down again and face Leon as the machine wringing and the wind blowing.
The warm of your hand connects to his cheeks, he melts right under your touch—he felt so… depress to see you go, he feels like every life and color that you pour into him will drain him eventually after you left and get back to his old drinking habits, he’d miss the coffee you’d serve him every morning and the sneaky kisses you plant to his face every time you caught him off guard.
You slowly took your hand and turn your back on him, the others are waiting and watching. As if they’re watching two people part ways that had crossed path once and won’t meet again, that’s just how cruel destiny was, right?
The sun is setting, Leon needs to act fast.
“Hey.” Leon called, he takes a couple of steps as he faces you. You look back at him, a gentle smile was on your face—it beams with the orange setting sun, it was warm and for the first time. Leon didn’t find that annoying.
The sound of the harsh wind almost blocks your voices as you answer the agent, the wringing didn’t stop as your ride and your other teams needed you to depart with them.
“Will I…” Leon chokes on his words, embarrassed to say as his eyes softens and feel his chest tightens.
“Will I ever get to see you again?”
You smiled at his question, touched by his words that he wishes to see you again. “You and I will meet again, Leon.” You chuckle.
With that, you got in with your team—Director Fury guiding you back as the door slowly shut in front of Leon. The ship was now invisible to the naked eye, he knew that you were now gone.
He couldn’t feel your presence anymore.
He was now left alone in the setting sun, the orange hue hitting his face as he looks at the sun itself. It remind reminds him of you, warm and beautiful to watch.
But heartbreaking to see you go and let darkness take place.
Leon wishes that someday, you two will meet again.
He’ll be waiting… in the setting sun.
Hoping that the two of you will crossed paths again.
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Someone give this man a hug, a kiss, take his alcohol away (we don't want him drinking away) put him into a blanket burrito and a hot cocoa.
Don't worry, I'm just silly and he'll meet reader again>-<!!
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 years
Boyfriend!Damian Wayne~
✩。:*•.────── ❁ ❁───────.•*:。✩
Boyfriend!Damian who is loves to admire you from afar. If it’s simply in the backyard of the manor, watching as you play and laugh around with his pets or simply in school watching as you raise your hand to answer a question or to ask questions yourself. You always wave at him when you catch him staring.
Boyfriend!Damian who find himself playing along with your weird shenanigans, without questioning or saying anything. If you ask him to join you in something he’ll join you in a heartbeat.
Boyfriend!Damian who’s always protecting you. If you tend to move he’ll fix his body so that he’s somewhat covering yours so that if something dangerous does come up, he’ll be the one to get hit and you’ll be safe
Boyfriend!Damian has every single song you ever liked mesmerized. Name of the sing, the singer, album, even the lyrics down to the bone.
Speaking of music,Boyfriend!Damian plays your favorite songs in the car while he drives and you sit in the passenger seat. He likes the way your mood changes and the way you jam out and sing along to the lyrics. He doesn’t care if you have a horrible singing voice. He’s just glad your having fun.
Boyfriend!Damian would send you good morning and good night texts. Even if his schedule with school and patrolling at night would get crammed, he would never forget.
Boyfriend!Damian who looks forward to your FaceTime calls and listen carefully as you tell him about your day and puts his input every time you as him too.
Boyfriend!Damian hates how his brothers try to intrude in his love life. Even after he had introduced them to you. He sometimes regrets it.
Boyfriend!Damian loves how you introduce him to things he missed out in his childhood. You’re the main reason why he knows the song lyrics to the little mermaid and Aladdin.
Boyfriend!Damian lets you wear his robin uniform, sometimes laughs when you complain about not being able to see through his mask.
Boyfriend!Damian who teaches you how to defend yourself just in case because he won’t be with you 24/7. That way he can feel relieved when he’s not with you because he now knows you can protect yourself.
Boyfriend!Damian gets dating advice from literally everyone because he doesn’t want to screw up what you two have.
Boyfriend!Damian sneaks into your room sometimes, but he makes sure you’re awake first, and takes you to your special spot so that you two can have your nightly talks with each other.
Boyfriend!Damian lets you borrow his clothes and expects them back, not because he hates it, but because they smell like you afterwards.
Boyfriend!Damian like to hold your hand a lot.
Boyfriend!Damian gets cooking lessons from Alfred so he can surprise you on your first anniversary
Boyfriend!Damian gets embarrassed when he remembers he wasn’t the first person to say I love you.
Boyfriend!Damian is so much happier with you then anyone else and is glad he was able to sweep you off your feet before anyone else could.
I’ll probably make a husband and version but idk yet
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fryingpan1234567 · 7 months
listen I knowwww Roach should be British. he was on a British task force. he’s got the flag on his uniforms. but when @fixfoxnox said southerner Roach I just couldn’t not love him okay leave me alone
anyways. southerner Roach shenanigans
(I guess you could call this a Something in the Orange fanfic since he’s besties with Jackson in this scenario as well as dating Ghost and Soap……… but it’s general enough it’s probably fine ANYWAYS)
Roach’s accent, while it normally only lightly flavors a few of his words, gets considerably thicker when he’s visiting home
I mean like he does the thing southerners do where they somehow mash entire sentences into one word and the others are just like “……….what” but Jackson is nodding like he understood
Like. They’re all at dinner together somewhere. Somebody brings up the rodeo at the state fair. The Europeans have no idea what they’re talking about. Roach just goes “y’ain’tneverheardadat??” and Soap nearly has a stroke trying to figure out what he meant but Jackson continues to eat soundly like he didn’t hear anything wrong
No no no they go to some random dive bar for one of their birthdays. It doesn’t matter whose. Jackson and Roach both have cowboy hats because OBVIOUSLY and like. They exchange this look that the others can’t figure out whenever one of their boyfriends steals their hat via flirting
(They tell them later and then can’t stop laughing while Soap and Ghost and Gaz are just sitting there like uh oh)
After that the hat stealing is very much purposeful
Square dancing to fucking Timber by Kesha and Pitbull in said dive bar because that’s just required idk what to tell you
Soap and Ghost seeing Roach ride a horse for the first time and visibly bluescreen
Roach recognizing people from high school in his hometown even tho he hasn’t seen them in like 20 years
He likes Taylor Swift but only her old country-adjacent stuff
Ghost and Soap couldn’t figure out his aversion to any kind of substitute milk until he took them home and they found out it’s because he grew up drinking milk that literally came from the cows he has in his backyard. They own two cows. And a few chickens. Very resourceful
Jackson and Roach dragging the 141 to Roach’s family’s Super Bowl party one year because in the southern states it’s a huge fucking deal
The Europeans being like “………this is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in my life” but their boys are having fun so it’s okay
God help the rest of them. Jackson and Roach are rooting for opposite teams.
There’s screaming, there’s wrestling on the living room floor, there’s spilling food and beer everywhere. The amount of rubbing it in after a touchdown lands is fucking crazy, and they’ve shouted about stabbing each other every single time
Eventually, maybe with a bit of googling, the others get into it. Soap hasn’t stopped shoving Mrs. Roach’s buffalo chicken dip in his face since he’d discovered it when they’d arrived, and Ghost was letting the kids use his tattoo like a coloring page while he chatted with Roach’s dad and brothers. Gaz kept getting elbowed in the ribs whenever Roach and Jackson tousled on the couch, and a couple times he was asked to hold Jackson’s beer so “I can kick some sense into this dipshit,” usually followed by Roach’s maniacal cackling. Price was banging around in the kitchen with Mrs. Roach. Nobody knew how he’d gotten dragged into that, but he seemed to be enjoying himself
On the topic of bringing the boys home to the fam oh my GODS thanksgiving
Ghost is not a dessert person. He’s never been a dessert person. But he had four slices of Mr. Roach’s apple pie, so,,,,,,,,, apparently he is actually a dessert person
Obvi Roach is good with all guns, but he was hunting with his dad and brothers by the time he was like six. He knows how to work a shotgun like he breathes
(Ahem being southern is why he’s so fucking stubborn btw if anyone was wondering)
Roach and Jackson both are religious Dolly Parton listeners
Ghost and Soap wake up one night because there’s a weird noise outside. They poke Roach awake like “???? what was that??” and he was just like “oh yeah the woods make noises sometimes. don’t worry about it. if something actually wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t hear it coming” and promptly passed back out
“Yea I’ve seen a skinwalker before” “FYM YOU’VE S E E N O N E ? “ “It was in my backyard?? Relax it just wanted the coyote that always tries to kill our chickens. I didn’t really mind”
Gaz suggests investigating a weird figure he saw in the woods. Roach laughs out loud and Jackson smacks him in the back of the head like “that’s how you fucking die you idiot”
“Y’all’re lucky we’re here to stop you from doing somethin’ stupid. Fuckin’ city slickers” “What did you just call me”
The deafening sounds of crickets and locusts puts Roach to sleep almost instantly every night. Ghost barely sleeps every time they visit.
”IT IS SO FUCKING LOUD IF ONE MORE BLOODY CRICKET—“ “Simon not everyone needs literal dead silence to sleep—“
No matter how many pillows he stacks on top of his head he can’t escape it
Oh. Oh. The Europeans CANNOT do southern heat. They’re passed out on the porch while Jackson and Roach and Roach’s brothers play football in the front yard
Roach makes killer lemonade and iced tea nobody talk to me
He has a rusty blue ancient pickup that he says is his baby. One of the wheels is misshapen and the bed squeaks dangerously every time they hit a pothole, but he won’t get rid of it EVER
Roach introduces Soap and Ghost to catching fireflies in jars with his nieces and nephews. They are. So in love with the concept.
It gets turned into a competition, because of course it does, and it looked like Ghost was going to win— but then the youngest of the participating children silently held up a jar that was too bright to look at and audibly buzzing from the amount of bugs inside of it. They cut their losses and embrace the fact that they’ll never be That Good
Southern👏 sunsets👏 there ain’t nothing like it
Soap has a sketchbook dedicated entirely to doodling Roach doing farm things
Roach had a horse he took care of in high school. Her name was Peaches and he literally cried when he found pictures of her in his room
Ghost LOVES the sweet old border collie Roach’s parents have. That dog has seen many a stampede, and he’s herded just as many. What a man. Ghost does not leave him alone Ever
gods fuck me bro I could literally talk about southern Roach F O R E V E R (idk if you can tell from the long ass post Jesus Christ)
good morning/ night/ 4am lmk if you want more of this
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House lll - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Omg. Me? Staying on schedule? Never.
Word Count: 10112
Warnings: None? Idk.
Part One HERE and Part Two HERE
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(Thank you for the gif @psychecreations )
“When’s the first doctors appointment?” Nancy asks, walking up to where you were currently standing at your jobs wait station. You jump, dropping the order pad you had been scribbling in as you turn to find her leaning on the wall. 
“What? Why are you here?” 
“I was craving chicken and didn’t want to hear Steves kfc imitation. So we decided to come here.” She smiles, rubbing her stomach ever so slightly. “Plus it meant I got to check on you.” 
“Oh I’m fine.” You lie, forcing a smile on your face as she narrows her eyes. 
It’s been 4 days since the Christmas fiasco, and 4 days since you realized Eddie was leaving. You tried to pick yourself back up the day of Christmas but ended up telling everyone that you were really sick and should shut the party down early. They had all gone to Steves and you were truly embarrassed to think of what they might have been saying about you. 
God, did you have to ruin everything you touched? 
“You never answered my question.” 
“Oh? I was just sick. It’s not a serious bug or anything. I just didn’t want to get you guys sick on Christmas. That would have been bad” you lie again, feeling a coiling feeling in your gut. “Why don’t you go sit?” 
“Y/n, girl I love you. But you’re showing.” 
“Am not.” 
“Are too. Especially in this waitressing uniform.” It was true. Normally the old school 70s uniform fit you like a glove, falling just to your thighs and it made tips so much easier. Right now? It was on the tighter side…… which made tips even easier because your boobs looked great but you felt terrible about everything. 
“Does he know?” Nancy asks, and you have to stop yourself from telling her or shove off. After a moment of silence she seems to take that for an answer. “Y/n….. Eddie needs to know.” 
“Why? So I can trap someone else?” You laugh bitterly. “That poor guy has already put up with enough of my shit. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go grab tables.” 
You walk past her, not giving her a chance to argue as you completely avoid looking to their tables direction and move to your own section of the floor to greet a new table. 
Pam, one of your favorite regulars, sees you and greets you with a smile. “You never work Friday nights!” 
You always spent Friday nights with Eddie and the girls for movie night. But Eddie ran and you needed to make rent so tonight Max was watching them. 
“Starting now I will be. You want your usual babe?” 
“You know it!.” She giggles. 
Steve tried saying bye before they left and you pretended you didn’t see him as you took orders, by the end of the night your feet were killing you and you all but limped inside to where Max was sitting at the table doing college homework with her headphones on. 
Either she didn’t have them loud or she was on edge, your guess being a bit of both, she knows you're there and turns to you when you enter the kitchen. 
“Thank you so much Max.” You mumble, pulling out the tip money you had set aside for her. “I’m sorry I ran late.” 
“No need to pay.” She smiles, pushing the money away. “I like spending time with them.” 
That tight feeling in your stomach is back, digging in as you stare at the redhead. She had been part of the reason you chose Hawkins, Billy had (in one of his rare good moments) described the way Max seemed to blend in and find a home here. He told you about the friends she made and how she managed to grow into a brave person and you wanted that for your own. So, assuming she was gone, you moved out here. Little did you know you find her soon enough along with an entire group of people connected to your ex. 
You had always been told max was dead. 
Max had always been told Billy was dead. 
You didn’t know how she figured you out until Eddie told you about VECNA and Lucas told you about his girlfriends sight for things. 
“I…. I saw the tickets.” She admits, blush traveling her cheeks as you move to make a cup of tea. The cupboard was still broken and you couldn’t bear to look at it. 
“What tickets?” 
“You left your folder out on the table. I saw that you were figuring out where to go.” Max admits and you can’t help but tense. 
“I just….. I don’t want the girls being surrounded by…..” 
“Yes…..” you admit, still keeping your back to her as you boil water. “And Eddie. I just don’t want them knowing that he left them. They adore him too much.” 
Coward. Coward. COWARD. 
“I’m not a mom, but I can get your urge to protect them.” Max mumbles. “But what if they end up hating you for taking them away.” 
“Then they have someone to blame. I’d rather them blame me than themselves. It is my fault anyways.” You admit, tears springing into your eyes. “Anyways. Take the money, go have fun.” 
“Do you need me again this week? I saw that you work on New Year’s Eve.” 
“No. You should be going out with your friends.” 
“The boys have a start of the year campaign and El is taking a trip with Hopper. I’m free.” She laughs, trying to break the tension built up. “I’ll be here at 2.” 
You can’t get the words thank you out because of how tight your throat is, so you just mouth them as she grabs the money and passes. 
Steve could not stop laughing when he saw Eddie’s face the day he brought the car into the shop, leaning over on his knees to catch his breath as he wheezed out. 
Dylan, the other mechanic, kept looking over to watch the scene unfold as Eddie tried to focus on his friends car. 
“Dude I know- it’s just that your face is so purp-hahaha.” Another fit of laughter and Eddie is debating throwing his drill at him. He was in no shape to be dealing with him today. 
Truth was Eddie had barely gotten a wink of sleep, he couldn’t manage to. Not used to not having you beside him, or not having the girls night light and soft lullabies. It had been 5 days since he saw you and he was beginning to lose his mind and resolve. 
Almost every night he nearly talked himself into going back, then he remembered Motleys broken cries as they carted him off and the way she clung to your hip. The way she screamed for her dad as Eddie attacked him. 
Monster monster monster. 
“Gotta give it to Hargrove. He knows how to punch.” 
“Yeah well, hope he had his fun.” Eddie snaps, leaning back to make sure he adjusted the part correctly. 
“Did you get him back?” 
“I got a few licks in.” Eddie mumbles, feeling guilty about the pride that washes over him as he remembers the way he beat Billy's face in. That was motleys dad. As much as he enjoyed hitting him he probably just scarred the Metalhead for life. 
“Oh a few licks.” Steve scoffs, moving to take a seat on the stool at Eddie’s workstation. “I know how strong you are Munson. You got more than a few licks in.” 
“I shouldn’t have.” 
“Why the hell not?” 
“Because Motley was right there! She’s gonna hate me forever.” Eddie scoffs. 
“Oh you mean more than they already do?” This pulls Eddie’s attention, he had been doing so good about not asking but he was dying to know. What had they said? Were they happy he’s gone? Mad that he fought Billy? 
“What’d they say?” 
“Not much of anything. Nancy knows something is up but your girl is keeping her lips sealed pretty well. I didn’t even know about your fight with jackass until I saw your face.” 
“But you said they were mad.” 
“Yeah man, you missed Christmas and just dipped. Leaves a bad impression.” 
“Oh whatever. They are better off, I just ruin everything.” 
“Oh. My. God.” Steve gasps, looking at Eddie like he’s figured everything out. “You’re self sabotaging!” 
“Yeah! You think you’re the bad guy and so you’re trying to run away which is just making you even more of a bad guy which means my wife can stop threatening to shave your head.” 
“I….. no man you don’t get it.” 
“I do get it. I get it more than anyone else and let me be the first to tell you that you’re being a massive idiot.” He sighs, standing up. “Motley was waiting by that window to spot you that entire day.” 
“S……she was?” 
“Yeah Munson. She was.” 
“I just….. I don’t want to be the one holding them back. I don’t want her to hate me.” 
“Did you ever think that maybe Motley chose you? Like you chose Wayne?” Steve asks, watching Eddie deflate before his eyes before turning to the car. “I’m not paying by the way. Consider my advice enough.” 
Eddie spends the day of New Year’s Eve by the phone, fighting the urge to call. 
What would he say? How would he explain? 
No. Don’t call. This is for the better. 
Yes. Call. Just pick the phone just for the chance to hear your voice. 
God damn when did life get so complicated?
“What are you doing?” Wayne asks, watching eddie from his spot on the couch. “Quit wearing down my carpet.” 
The carpet has been worn down since Eddie had moved in, but he chooses not to comment instead he sits by the phone, keeping his pinky on the handle of the plastic and glaring at it. 
“You expecting a call?” 
“No.” Eddie groans, rubbing his chest to try and relieve some of the pain built up. God he missed you guys. “Fuck. I’m gonna go smoke.” 
He rushes to the back porch before Wayne could argue, hearing the old man laugh as he slams the door. 
There is a dog out there when he exits, chewing on a stick found from the trees and sitting right by the fence. Upon looking a little closer he sees that the dog actually seems caught under the fence, like he was trying to sneak in. 
“Jesus.” He murmurs, keeping the joint between his lips as he walks up, socked feet stepping on sticks and stones making him grunt out and try walking on his tippy toes. 
He looks back with a smile, expecting a giggle from one of the girls at his weird walk before he realizes he’s alone. Shit. 
The dog is panting patiently when Eddie comes up, and the man reaches a hand to let him sniff before moving to help. The dog chooses to kiss at his arm, tongue lapping at the skin as Eddie lifts the fence to try and help free him. 
“Why you sneaking in pal?” He grunts, bending the fence. “You hungry?” 
Within moments the dog is out, jumping up and kissing at his face for being rescued. “God. Motley would love you.” 
“Shhhhh Ziggy.” Motley whispers to her baby sister, pulling her closer to the corner. The way daddy eddie set up her room was perfect. 
He had put her bed in the center which left a small corner by her nightstand hidden from the door. 
Over the past week she had looked for Daddy Eddie’s number, finding it sprawled under the label emergency numbers where he had written it under Wayne. 
It was so weird that Daddy Eddie called his dad Uncle Wayne. Adults were so confusing. 
Before you had left for your shift that night you made sure to wish Motley a happy new year and made her promise to behave. Little did you know that she had crossed her fingers behind her back. 
The second you were gone she dashed to grab the closest phone, pulling it into her room and hiding it as Max struggled to cook nuggets for dinner. 
Later that night when Auntie Max was reading on the couch Motley tiptoed to Ziggys room before sneaking her sister out of her crib and tip toeing back as Ziggy giggles happily. 
“Sissy…” She giggles, pulling at Motleys cheeks happily. “Zigsy.” 
“No your Ziggy silly. I’m motley.” She corrects as she shuffles with her sister in an awkward half hold half walk carry until they are in the corner. “Okay Ziggy. Sissy needs your help. You remember the plan?” 
“Oh boy…..”
The phone rings late, and Eddie sits up in the couch to lean his upper body to answer it, stressed and annoyed. 
The stray dog lifts their head, huffing at being woken up and tilting to hear, one ear shooting up. “Easy Zeppelin.” 
The dog barks, and Eddie likes to think he enjoyed the name as he picks the phone up. “Munson residence.” 
God it felt weird saying that again.
“DADDY!” Motley whispers, sounding scared. Eddie is instantly up, standing on his feet and swiping at his face to wake up a little more. 
“Motley? What’s wrong baby?”
“Someone’s trying to get in daddy.” 
“Get in where? Where are you?” He’s already reaching for his keys, heart beating through his ears as his hands shake. 
“We’re at home.” She whines. 
“Where’s mommy?” 
“At work!” Fuck. “Okay. Okay. Just hide. Just like daddy told you, remember? If anything happens, hide. You know where Ziggy is?” 
“She’s with me.” 
“Good girl. Get under your bed or in your closet. I’ll be right there.” He mumbles, calling out to Wayne to grab the phone before booking it out of the trailer. 
He gives no time for the van to warm up, tearing out of the trailer park so quickly he’s sure he hit someone’s patio chair, mumbling under his breath a panicked “fuckfuckfuck” 
The van is uneven as Eddie pulls in quickly, shifting gears to park so hard it makes a grinding sound before he is swinging the door open and tearing out. His feet hit the gravel before the grass as he rushes to the front door, using his shoulder to shove it open harshly. 
A scream tears out in to the air at his entrance before a book is thrown at him which makes him yell out at whoever is in the house. 
“MAXINE?!” He snaps, blinking at her. “What the fuck you doing?” 
“What am I doing?! What are you doing?! You physco!”
“Motley said that someone was trying to break in!” 
“I put Motley to bed an hour ago.” Max grunts, confusion lacing her features. 
“You’re babysitting?” 
“But her car is in the front.”  Eddie felt like he was going crazy. “And since when does she work nights?!” 
“Her car wouldn’t start so she took the bus today.” Max sighs, rolling her eyes. “And she needs extra cash. Probably for the plane tickets to get out of here.”
“Tickets out of….” Before Eddie can process her words any further there is a small pair of eyes looking around the corner drawing his attention. 
Ziggy moves quickly, coming around the corner with a very excited giggle, walking to him as fast as her little feet would allow. “Da-Ed-ay!”
“Hey there baby girl.” He smiles, picking her up and swooping her into his arms to kiss all over her face. It was odd, just how much he missed this and it seemed like she had gotten so much bigger in the 4 days he missed. 
“I swear to god I put her to bed. How did she get out of her crib?!” Max glares, right as the culprit behind it all comes rushing out to run at Eddie. 
“I knew you’d come! I knew it daddy!” She giggles, running at him and throwing her arms around him tightly. “You came back!” 
“Motley?” He starts, brain beginning to process what she was saying. “Did you…. Lie to get me here?” 
“I did!” She smiles, peering up at him with big doe eyes. “I lied daddy! And now you’re here and you can take all my Barbie’s!” 
“If you know lying is bad and you’ll get punished, why did you do it?” He asks, pulling her off before squatting to her level. “Metal head, that was very dangerous-“ 
A gust of air leaves him as her arms wrap around his neck tightly, tears springing from her eyes. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore.” 
“Motley I’m not mad, that was just dangerous and it scare-“ 
“No! About Billy. I’m sorry daddy.” His heart plummets, his brain racking to figure out what she was talking about. Why was she sorry? 
“No. No I’m sorry.” He sighs, turning to see Max staring at them intently. “Hey max. Think you can take Ziggy for a moment?” 
“Sure thing mop head.” The redhead scoops Ziggy up causing the young toddler to scream and kick, reaching chubby fingers out for Eddie. As much as he wanted to take her back he had to focus on Motley. 
“Come sit.” He nods his head, leading her to the kitchen table sitting in the chair beside hers and angling it so they were facing. “Listen….. Daddy ha- Well I have been feeling really bad about Christmas Eve. I never meant to do that, or to attack your dad in front of you.” 
“I owe you a big apology for that Motley. And I don’t know what you’re feeling sorry about, pretty girl, but it’s not your fault and you have no reason to be sorry.” He murmurs, swiping the tears that fall from her cheek. “You have done nothing wrong.” 
“I told Billy he couldn’t come for Christmas Daddy!” She blurts, her tears hit against his thumb as he keeps swiping her cheek. “I’m sorry!” 
“No no no. You don’t be sorry.” He moves to pick her up, sitting her on his lap with her face pressed into his chest as he rubs his palm over her hair to try and soothe her. “Let’s just take a deep breath, okay? Then you can tell me what happened.” 
There’s something coiling in his gut at her tears. Pain, anger, sadness. He truly could not tell, but he kept her close and rocked her back and forth to let her cry. When she finally calmed down enough to talk she started telling him. 
“He was really mean daddy. And he kept t-telling me that y-you we’re gonna replace me-“ her body racks with sobs again. “He said you didn’t want me. A-and I was upset! But he w-was mean to you-“ 
“Easy.” He whispers, wiping her cheek once more. “You gotta breathe pretty girl.” 
“He was m-mean. Said mean things about you daddy and mean things ab- I’m sorry! I-“ her sobbing gets worse and Eddie shushes her, choosing to rock her back and forth and keep her in his tight embrace. “And you w-were ma-you were madatme.” 
“No no. I was never mad.” He sighs. “Daddy was never mad at you.” 
“You were.” 
“No, I was just scared. I…. Daddy didn’t want you hating him.” Eddie explains. “I just wanted to give you space. Having 2 dads is confusing. I didn’t want to make it worse.” 
“He hit you.” 
“Did he ever hit you motley?” Eddie asks sternly, squeezing her a bit in comfort. 
“He spanked me.” That feeling in his stomach settled on rage. 
“That’s not fair. And you shouldn’t have had to go through that.” 
“Please don’t leave again.”  As much as he wanted to promise her that he wouldn't, that wasn’t a promise he could make. You probably hated him, and he would have to talk this out with you first. 
“Let’s get you to bed yeah? Daddy will tuck you in.” 
“I want mama.” 
“Well she’s at work.” He mumbles against her hair. 
“Can we go get milkshakes?” 
“I don’t know…..” it was almost 10. Then again it was New Year’s Eve and he didn’t want you taking the bus home so this would give him an excuse to go pick you up. “Only if they have chocolate.” 
“You already know they have chocolate!” She giggles, and he can’t stop the way his heart seems to light up. 
It was a busy night, and the smell of the jalapeno nachos all your tables were ordering was making you nauseated and angry. You wanted to throw up, maybe cry, maybe throw up then cry. 
Apparently a town next to Hawkins lost power so a bunch of people were driving to this place to have a good new years which meant you were going to be stuck here forever. You found yourself stressing about the bus’ schedule as you dashed to run food. 
This is what you had been doing when you spotted him. Running a tray of jalapeño nachos to your table, keeping it a safe distance from your nose as you thought about the fact that you might have to walk, and there he was. 
Standing in the doorway, leather jacket and wide eyes, as you caught him looking for you. And he was holding Ziggy. 
What the fuck Maxine?! 
“Y/n get a move on!” Your manager calls and you snap out of it, moving to deliver the tray as the host seats Eddie. 
You hear Motley call out “mommy!” And instantly knew that they would now be sat in your section. Did it make you a bad mother if you admitted you would rather die than face him tonight? 
“Mama!” Your daughter calls, making you look over as she slides in, Eddie sitting right next to her and then you are forced to confront this. You should have learned about birth control. Better yet maybe you should have practiced the art of condoms more.  
Thinking of all the ways you could have prevented this situation as you gaze at your daughters adorable smiling face. God she was beautiful….. still should have used a condom. 
“What a surprise. I could have sworn I left you guys with Max.” You try to smile, avoiding looking at Eddie as Ziggy reaches for you. You grab her gently, bouncing her on your hip and she starts playing with your hair clip. 
“I got daddy!” Motley admits proudly, pointing to Eddie which makes you look at him. Your heart thumping against your chest, adrenaline rushing through you as he stares at you with those god damn brown eyes. 
“Munson.” You greet, turning back to Motley. “Girls, stay in the booth for a moment. Okay? I’m gonna talk to him outside.” 
You walk off after that, leaving Eddie no choice but to follow as he jumps up and runs to catch up. The winter hair hits you, and you immediately wrap your arms around yourself to keep some of the warmth, the crappy waitress outfit doing nothing for you. 
The second you hear your name fall from his lips you whirl, slapping him in the chest to push him back. “What the fuck is the matter with you munson?!” 
“I…. Give me a moment to explain, please.” 
“Explain?! EXPLAIN?!” A bitter laugh splits from your lips. “Look. I get it. My life was a bit too messy and fucked up, I’d run too. But you bringing the girls here is just making it worse. You’re going to get their hopes and it’s gonna crush them.” 
“Too messy? Who said anything about it being too messy?” 
“WHY ELSE WOULD YOU RUN?!” Your voice raises louder than you thought it would, but you don’t back down. “And I don’t appreciate you talking to my daughters without me. Now I gotta tell them-“ 
The words ‘my daughters’ sound wrong, and you can’t fight the disgust that coats you as you trail off, eyes widening as he stares back at you with a set jaw. “I just mean….. I get why you left okay? My life is chaos and you were really nice for staying and pretending like it was fine. But those girls…. They can’t know you left cause of that. I was hoping, as shitty as it sounds, that after a couple years they’d forget. Y’know?” 
You are swiping at your cheeks as tears stream down your face, trying not to look at him. You catch him moving up, his hands outstretched, but you move backwards so he can’t grab you. “Eds. Y-you should just go. Okay? It’ll be fine.” 
“No it won’t-“ 
“It will. I’ll be fine. I won’t be mad-“ then his arms are around you, pulling you in quickly as he shoves your head into his chest and you get to inhale his scent once more. Doing your best not to outright sob. 
“I was the mess.” He blurts. “I was scared, okay? I was scared that Billy was gonna turn everyone against me, and I was scared that I ruined Motleys Christmas.” 
You scoff, trying to pull away, not really believing the excuse. Before you can fully move he wraps an arm around your waist, his other hand moving to your jaw to drag your eyes up to his own. “I was scared. I was a coward.” 
“No buts. I didn’t leave cause I thought you were a mess, baby I think you’re perfect and your daughters are so fucking precious to me. I…. You really thought I was running cause I couldn’t handle it?” 
“I just-“ 
“Y/n!” Your boss calls from the door, looking exasperated. “You gettin sick again? Need to go? Or you wanna get paid so you can afford maternity leave?” 
You tense again under Eddie’s touch, stomach curling as you try and take a step back while Eddie’s brows knit in confusion before he turns to glare at your boss. “She’s sick.” 
“Fine. Take her home. Just have to transfer tables.” The man snaps, turning to walk back in before Eddie is whirling on you. 
“Am I crazy or did he just say maternity leave?” 
“Eddie….” You sigh, feeling saliva build up as you panic. He watches you, taking a step back just as you lean forward to puke. 
The car ride is silent. Not the serene kind of quiet and more so the anxiety inducing type. 
You had no clue what to say to him at this point. Suddenly everything just seemed to….. silly. You’re reaction and his reaction. You should have just called. Why hadn’t you called? 
No, he should have called. 
You were being a decent person and giving him space and “mama?” 
“Can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?” 
“Ya!” Ziggy yells, making Eddie chuckle under his breath as he leans to turn the heater in the car up. It had been forever since you had ridden in this van, since he deemed it unacceptable to drive the girls around in since it lacked seatbelts or a backseat. Even now everytime he braked he means a hand out to block the girls even with Ziggy in your lap. 
“I don’t know…” 
“Please! Please please.” 
“We will talk about it when we get home.” 
Only there was no talking about it, the second you got home with the girls Motley ran to throw away her to go milkshake cup then dashed to your bed quickly which turned into a screaming fit when you tried to tell her no. 
The word condom just kept circling your mind as you finally just told her to lay down, she did so and Ziggy soon made her appearance to crawl onto the bed. 
Eddie takes off his shoes. Moving to lay with the girls as you turn off one of the lights so the room was dark enough for them to fall asleep, and then you shuffle to the bathroom to shower before bed so you didn’t smell like grease and beer. 
It wasn’t even 10 minutes before you heard the door open and shut softly, you turn already knowing he is heading for the shower and watch as the curtain opens lightly. 
Normally he would jump right in like he belonged there which would make you laugh, tonight he had a questioning gaze, trying not to over step. You give him a small nod and then the curtain is pushed aside and he dives in, still in his shirt and jeans. 
“Edward-“ you warn before his lips are on yours in a searing kiss. He keeps one hand on your jaw to keep your lips connected as his other wraps around your back to keep you close as the water runs over both of you getting his clothes soaked. By the time you pull back he’s already working his way down your neck with kisses as you earn him again “clothes.” 
The hand holding your jaw moves to cover your mouth quickly as he peers at you, giving you a fake angry expression that has you laughing. “Do not wake our kids.” He whispers before stepping back to undress. 
The jeans take a moment to shuck off since they were wet but the second he is free Eddie dives for you again, showing up just how much he missed you. 
You sit with him on the floor of the kitchen by the fridge, using the light above the oven as your only source of light while you both snack, keeping cuddled together in nothing but your robes. 
Nothing has been said yet, and you were just fine with that, exhausted and happy that he was there. But he has to ruin it, of course he does. 
“I’m still sorry.” He murmurs, scraping the cream of one side of an Oreo using the empty side. 
“I am too. I think we’re both incredibly stupid right now.” 
“You’re telling me.” He blushes. “I just…. There was a time in my life when I hated Uncle Wayne. I had this image in my mind that he was trying to tear me away from my dad. Fuck I just wanted to be with my dad, I looked up to him whether he beat me or not and- the way I treated Wayne and the way I hated him….. my dad didn’t help, everytime I went back with him my mom and I just ended right back up at Wayne’s with more bruises than last time. And when she passed I was the only one there to inflict it. Wayne for him arrested and I swore my world was ending, swore I would never talk to Wayne again.” 
“You thought that was what was going on with Motley? That she felt like you were tearing her and her dad apart?” 
“Yes and no. I just was trying to prevent that from happening, I didn’t want her to have to experience that choice.” He whispers, picking at the robe. “I just wanted to protect her.” 
“She wanted to protect you too.” You whisper back. “That’s love.” 
“Billy told her that…. That I was gonna try and replace her.” He gulps, and you stop smiling instantly. “And now that you’re pregnant, and as happy as I am because I am so happy, I need to make sure she knows that I’m not trying to replace her.” 
“We’ll make it work.” You mumble, laying your head on his shoulder. “We always do” 
He hums out, laying his head on top of yours and sitting in the silence for a moment before you break it once more. “Where are your rings?” 
“Haven’t worn them since I got arrested.” He answers, holding up his bare hands. “My fingers were too bruised and swollen at first, then I just couldn’t care to put them on.” 
“Let’s go to bed..” 
“Give me five more minutes.” He whispers, turning his head to kiss your own, keeping his nose pressed into your hair. 
“I just…. I just want to be near you for a little longer.” 
The sun peaks through the curtains, hitting Eddie right in the face which in return makes him groan out, moving the pillow around to try and block it. I’m his attempt to move Ziggy wiggles around, giving a displeased noise that her dad woke her up from sleeping before moving to lay right on his chest. 
Motley does not move an inch, mouth wide open and eyes sealed shut, Eddie has to reach a hand out to poke her and make sure she’s not dead. 
She wrinkles her nose, moving closer and shoving her face in your pillow, staying peacefully asleep. 
You’re sitting at the edge of the bed, and he can only blink at you trying to straighten his eyesight as he watches you zip up your work boots. (For some reason I imagine go go boots with the 70s look. I don’t know guys. I….. I have no clue). 
“You going to work?” He blurts, making you jump. 
“Sorry, yeah. Max will be here soon to watch the girls. We agreed on it last night before I left.” You mumble, moving to grab your apron. 
“I can watch em….” He whispers, staring at you. The way the sun from the window hits you makes you look angelic. 
“Okay.” You smile, moving to kiss Motley and Ziggys heads before you move to walk away. Fully offended Eddie snatches your hand and draws you back, annoyed at the shit eating grin on your face. 
“Baby,” he whines making you let out a small laugh and lean down to kiss his lips before rushing to leave. 
He lays with the girls for a little longer making sure the blanket is covering all three of them before the day truly has to start and he forces himself to get up. Setting Ziggy down without waking her up was a difficult task but he managed, shuffling to the bathroom to change into todays clothes, thankful that he no longer has to wear all the shit clothes he left at Wayne’s when he originally moved out. 
Upon exiting the bathroom he nearly trips over Motley, who had been sitting in front of the door. “What are you doing Metalhead?” 
“You took forever…” she whines, wrapping herself around his calf which makes him smile. “I wanna stay with you.” 
“Okay,” he answers, moving down to peel her off his leg and letting her climb up for a piggy back. “You’re gonna help me make breakfast then.” 
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” He smirks, walking down the hall as the front door opens to reveal Max. 
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” She rushes out, face red from running. “I woke up a little late and-“ 
“It’s no problem. I’m here if you had other things to do.” Eddie offers. “Or you can stay and have some breakfast?” 
“Sounds great. I’m kinda ignoring the rest of the group right now.” She explains, setting her bag down and following them into the kitchen. Eddie gets Max set up at the table, trying to set Motley with her but the girl wiggles and whines so he allows her to stay. 
He listens to Max rant about the group as he moves around to make waffles, enjoying the easy feeling he gets being here. God why did he ever leave home? 
“-And Lucas is just always set out to fight Erica. You’d think he had a crush on Dustin and wanted to date him. You know? I get it, your baby sister starts dating your closest friend. A little weird. But get over it!” 
“I think Uncle Dustin and Auntie Erica are so cute!” Motley adds which makes Eddie chuckle a bit. 
“Lucas is upset because he always thought they were in agreement that Erica was annoying.” He explains, bending down to set Motley down and bring the food to the table. “But it’s been months. Time to move on.” 
“Exactly!” Max sighs right as Ziggy comes pounding in with an angry look.
“Alone….” She whines and Eddie smiles at her. “Aweee did you wake up alone? My poor little baby.” He coos, picking her up and bringing her close to kiss before setting her on his lap to help her eat. He already knew she would not be into the high chair based on the way even Motley was clinging to him. 
Even now, as she used a spoon to shove waffles in her mouth, she kept a hand on his own arm to keep him close. 
“I’m gonna work on mamas car today.” He explains. “I’ll be right outside. So maybe you girls can stay in here and keep Max company.” 
“I wanna stay with you.” Motley whines, giving him puppy dog eyes. 
“No it’s too cold. You stay in here. Okay?” And then Eddie gave her his puppy dog eyes. Oh yeah, can’t beat dads game. 
She groans and looks at Max who smiles in return. “I’ve been practicing my barbie voices just for you.” 
“Fine! But barbie is married to G.I. Joe! Ken is the villain. We’re not arguing about it again.” 
“But isn’t it Barbie and Ken? Wouldn’t Joe be the villain?” 
“Maxine.” Motley warns, slamming her tiny hand on the table. 
“Fine. Got it.” 
It didn’t last long. 
Eddie had put on his mechanic suit, trying to keep warm as he took a look at what was going on with your car. 15 minutes in Motley came out wearing her snowsuit and smiling. “Look daddy! I can help!” 
“I thought I said to stay inside-“ a laugh breaks out when she takes off the hood of the snow suit to reveal that she tied a bandana over her head like a hat. “That’s not how you tie it. Come here.” 
He helps her tie it like his, telling her to sit a little closer to the grass as he keeps working, making sure the radio is on a station she would like as he does so. 
By the time you get home she is making snow angels in the snow of the lawn as he curses under his breath. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, making him jump and hit his head on the hood of your car. “Oh! I’m so sorr-“ 
“It’s good. I’m good.” He laughs, letting you fuss over him anyways. He takes his chance to kiss at you before you are pulling back. 
“You are covered in car nastiness-“ 
“You mean grease and oil?” He laughs, keeping you trapped in his arms to rub his cheek on your shoulder. You yell out playfully, still trying to escape as he does so. 
“Does this mean you guys are good?” Steve appears, dustin behind him. “Are you done being mad at me Y/n?”
“I was never mad at you!” Eddie keeps his arms around you as you turn to look at Steve, making sure Motley is good. 
“Yes you were. I waved at you the other night and you completely ignored me.” 
“I didn’t see you wave.” You reply and Eddie can’t help but laugh. 
“I called your name!”
“It was a busy restaurant, how am I supposed to hear everything.” You scoff, pulling from Eddie’s arms and flipping your hair. “Come on Motley. Let’s go inside.” 
“Just admit you saw me wave!” Steve groans, following you to the door before Motley turns to shove him and close the door in his face. “Rude!” 
“Steve, did you just get beat up by a kid?” Dustin laughs. 
“It’s Eddie’s kid. Does that count?” 
“My kids are great!” 
Things took a moment to get back to normal, but that was to be expected. 
Eddie found the folder of all your research on places to go, running his fingers over the math you sprawled across the pages to figure out how you would afford it, he promptly threw it in the trash bins outside. 
Motley stayed glued to Eddie as much as she could, and in the mornings when he had to get up for work she made sure to wake him up and give him a kiss by the door making sure that he swore to come back before she would dash down the hall and lay with you. 
Makeup Christmas happened, except it was only Wayne that was invited and instead of a whole feast you guys ordered a crap ton of Chinese food. 
Wayne came over early, sneaking around the back and coming in through the back door which confused the girls to no end but they were excited to see their grandpa. 
Ziggy also proved that she learned 2 more words by saying “shit grandpa!” All excited and reaching her hands up for him to grab her. 
He howls with laughter, scooping her up and throwing her in the air as she screams in excitement. 
Everyone sits around the tree opening gifts, Wayne on the couch with Ziggy on his lap helping her open the gifts. Eddie sat by the tree, passing them out with Motley right by him and you next to her. 
He pulls out an envelope that has his name sprawled on it and looks at you. 
“I had a plan for Christmas. But I kind of had to redo it. I planned on giving you the stick, but figured since you already know I’d get the ultrasound.” Yoh blush, watching his excitedly tear it open. 
It’s quiet for a moment as everyone watches him admire the photo, smiling from ear to ear. 
“Anything you notice?” You ask, waiting. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, before Wayne snaps his fingers and grabs the photo gently. 
“There’s two.” Wayne grunts before his eyes light up. “You’re having twins!” 
“Obviously….” Eddie mumbles, “we already knew that?” 
“The stick? It had two blue lines? So that means we’re having twin boys? Right?” Eddie mumbles, staring at you like your crazy. 
It’s quiet for a moment as you and Wayne process what he said before you burst into laughter, the girls following even though they had no clue what was going on. 
“Not even close boy!” Wayne cackles as you have to wipe some of the tears from your eyes. 
“Does that mean you’re pregnant mommy?” Motley asks, turning to look at you with wide eyes. Your heart stops, going back to what Eddie had told you. 
“Yes. Mommy is pregnant .” You wait to see her reaction and Eddie finds himself reaching for the gift he had added two days ago. “Motty. I have something for you.” 
He snatches the tiny box, holding it out to her. “It’s a really important gift though. Okay?” 
She nods slowly, taking the box from him and opening it just as slow. Inside held a simple chain necklace, but when she pulled it out it revealed that he had hung his mothers ring on it, the one he normally wore on his right hand by itself. “I was told to give this ring to someone very special. It’s from my own mom.” 
She gasps, turning to him. “You’re giving it to me?!” 
“Well yeah! You’re my oldest kid. My firstborn.” He laughs, moving to help her put it on. Then he snatches another box and hands it to her. “This one is for both you and your sister.” 
She reaches for it and opens it gently, pulling out a heavy chain that has a dog tag connected to it. “Another necklace?” 
“Well…..” Wayne laughs, flipping it to reveal what the dog tag says. 
“Who is Zeppeplin?” 
“Zeppelin, baby.” You correct, already standing up. 
“Who is Zeppelin?” She giggles, which makes Eddie laugh, picking her up by her armpits to make her stand as you go and open the back door. 
The dog, a young little puppy at most, snaps his head to the noise and wags it’s tail excitedly upon seeing you. 
“Come in!” You smile and he bolts from his spot tearing up sticks to get inside. Once he hits the threshold of the house he is everywhere. Sniffing the fridge to the chairs, jumping on his hind legs to clean up the high chair where Ziggy left her banana. After inhaling that he bolts to explore more, completely missing the living room as he bolts down the hall to sniff all the rooms. 
Once Motley sees the flash of fur she screams in excitement, which draws the puppy back and they both just feed off each others excitement. 
She’s jumping up and down, screaming in excitement and the dog starts howling to match her while his butt starts wiggling at how hard he is wagging his tail. 
“I am so excited for Chinese later.” Wayne murmurs, coming to hug you as Eddie tries to calm both the noisemakers down. “Thank you for inviting me.” 
“Of course, you’re grandpa.” You smile, watching Ziggy from his arms just stare intently at the scene before her. “She can’t tell whether to be excited or scared.” 
Wayne laughs, pointing to the dog and trying to help Ziggy see him. 
Later that evening everyone sits around the table, Max with you all, as you pile Chinese food onto the plates. Motley keeps showing Max the necklace she got while Wayne keeps bragging to Eddie about his new Jean jacket. 
Zeppelin chooses to sit by Ziggy, and it’s very clear that the dog has already figured out who will drop the most food. Ziggy giggles every time she drops a piece of broccoli and he catches it. 
“Now we’re gonna have to watch her every time we give her veggies.” Eddie groans. “She’s got an accomplice!” 
“Zeppy and Ziggy!” Motley cheers like their superheroes. 
February rolls around soon enough, and your daughters biggest catastrophe had nothing to do with the restraining order on Billy, or her dads new bike (which she was terrified of). No. Motleys world was ending over valentines cards. 
Eddie had helped her pick them out, little heart shaped cards that you could stick lollipops in, and had sat with her to write in them as you took Ziggy in for a haircut. 
The only one that Motley had not written a card for was Troy, and now the morning of Valentine’s Day she was still panicking. 
“I can’t write love cause then he will want to get married!” She explains and Eddie nods like it’s super serious. “And I can’t write like, because then he will know I have a crush on him!” 
“Glad you can admit it.” He nods and she rolls her eyes. “Here’s an idea! Okay, you ready metal head?” 
“Ready daddy!” 
“You can write ‘from Motley’.” He laughs, watching her face go serious. 
“That’s what I wrote on the others!” 
“Exactly.” He watches as she thinks about it before nodding quickly and writing it down, tossing it in her valentines box and dashing to grab her backpack. 
“She finally figure out Troys?” You ask, shuffling Ziggy in. “It’s been days.” 
“She did. We decided on writing ‘from motley’.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you before leaning down to kiss your stomach then Ziggy. 
“Stevie….” Ziggy giggles, running to the phone. It didn’t take long to figure out that she would be the one to run the phone bill up, even now she spent every morning learning to dial her uncle Steve’s number. She dialed Dustin once but deemed him “poopoo head.” 
“Nuh uh. Come eat pretty girl.” Eddie calls, pointing to her chair. “Zeppelin is waiting.” 
The dog, who just a month ago had been tiny enough to lay under her chair, now sat at full height beside it. Still a puppy, just bigger.  
Ziggy runs, her little pigtails bouncing as Eddie picks her up by the overalls to sit her in the chair. Now trained Ziggy eats his dog food beside her rather than everything she drops, and if somehow someway some of her waffle drops in his bowl then it can’t really be considered his fault. 
“Motley, hurry up baby.” You call. “We gotta go.” 
“You good to pick Wayne up?” Eddie asks, moving to grab his lunch. 
“Yes. I’ll drop Motley off at school and go and grab him.” Wayne had injured his hip, so today you’ll be taking him to the doctors to see what the plan was while Eddie went to work. 
“Okay. And Ziggy is still good to-?” 
“Ziggy and Zeppelin are going to Nancy’s, yes.” You smile. Nancy had just given birth to her third boy, and she liked having Ziggy over because she liked having another girl in the house. 
“Okay. Tell me how it goes?” He asks, leaning to give you one more goodbye kiss as you nod before moving to say bye to Motley. “BYE BEAUTIFUL LADIES!” 
The day had started off so well, you should have known it would only go downhill from there. 
Wayne sat in the passenger seat of your car, irritated and ranting about shitty doctors. “I’m not doing it. You hear me? Just give me some Tylenol and I’ll be fine.” 
“MOMMY!” Ziggy screams, from her spot on her car seat. 
The doctor had told Wayne he needed hip surgery and could not work, which meant that Wayne was pissed and you were panicking about what to do. He couldn’t work which meant he wouldn’t be able to make rent and he would need some help to move around. Then when you got to Steve and Nancy’s she had told you that Ziggy had taken quite a stumble off the table and scratched her chin on the corner of the table. 
It was a mess. 
Both of them were not having a good day and Zeppelin was howling at their ranting and screaming and as much as you loved them you truly debated crashing the car. 
Then you got home to yelling. 
Eddie stood in the living room, still in his work attire with his hands on his hips and his eyes wide. “You’re in rare fucking form today, you know that?!” 
The response to his question is met with a demonic scream from down the hall and you can only assume that Motley was having a bad time as well. 
“I’m not getting a surgery, you hear me Edward?” Wayne snaps, limping to the couch. 
“What the fuck are you on now?” He snaps back, looking at him annoyed as Ziggy rushes past crying. “What the fuck is going on?” 
“It’s apparently a meltdown day.” You sigh, moving to kiss his cheek and go into the kitchen to make a snack for yourself. 
Todays pregnancy craving was potato chips with lime juice and pickles, Eddie watches from the entrance of the kitchen with a smile as you settle at the table and enjoy your snack. 
He moves and takes the seat next to you, following your lead on snacks. 
“Why is Metalhead in ‘rare fucking form’ today?” You giggle, watching his face pinch in annoyance. 
“I pick her up and she gets in the car, right? And then she just starts screaming at me! And I mean screaming. The entire ride home! And from what I gather Vinny didn’t give her a valentines card.” He explains. “God. She was yelling like she was possessed. Then I tried explaining that maybe it was lost and that made it worse.” 
“Did she get one from Troy?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t think she cares either.” He sighs, rubbing his jaw. 
“Okay, we let her ride out the fit in her room. We’ll call Steve later to see what happened.” 
“Sounds great to me.” He smiles. “She scared me a little. Threatened to cut her hair and everything. Then threatened to cut MY hair.” 
A small laugh tears from you as he steals the potato chip in your hand before looking to Wayne’s direction. “They recommend surgery?” 
“It wasn’t a recommendation.” You sigh, grabbing his hand and tracing the tattoo. “I think we need to move the house around.” 
“If Wayne gets surgery he needs to be here. I’ll cut back shifts at the diner and help him out.” You start. “He won’t be able to use the stairs so maybe we can move our room downstairs which would give more room for the twins cribs in our room, but Ziggy has problems with the stairs and she likes coming in to sleep with us cause of the nightmares but-“ 
“Easy. Easy.” Eddie mumbles, turning his hand up quickly to snatch your hand and pull it to his lips. “We’ll figure it out.” 
And so you did. 
Eddie moved the house around, and turned the basement into a bedroom for you guys. Now with more room and your own bathroom down here he could set up the cribs. 
Wayne took your old room, and though the man threw a fit the girls got excited that Grandpa Wayne would be living here now. 
He got the surgery in the beginning of March, and Motley and Vinny were still fighting. 
You spent your days helping Wayne, taking him to pt and helping him move around the house. 
Motley and Vinny got put into separate classes which lead to a whole argument between Steve and Eddie about whose kid was the one to blame. 
Life was a bit of a mess. 
It all came to head at the children's father dance. 
Eddie had dressed in a tux, making sure he looked good as you got Motley ready for the night. With Wayne napping on the couch with Ziggy asleep on his chest drooling (a daily nap these two took) Zeppelin follows at your feet, keeping close to you as you did Motley's hair. 
“How do I look?” Eddie asks from the door of the bathroom. “I have a date tonight and I’m really nervous.”
“Daddy!” Motley giggles, rushing to him in her puffy little skirt, hugging him tightly. 
“Alright you two. Let me get a picture.” You smile, rushing past to find where the camera had gone. By the time you got a picture of them Motley was rushing Eddie out, ready for the dance. 
He struggles to find parking, and ends up finding one right next to Steve’s car, rolling his eyes when he sees Harrington fixing his jacket while Vinny reads in the car. 
“Harrington.” He greets coldly, fixing his leather jacket and moving to open the door for his daughter. 
“Munson.” Steve matches the tone, scoffing at Eddie’s jacket. “Little Munson.” 
“Uncle Steve.” She huffs, fixing her hair. 
“Really? A leather jacket Edward?” 
“You look like you stepped off a Queen music video, Steven.” Eddie snaps, holding out his hand for Motley. Fighting or not they wait at the front of the car for Steve and Vinny. Walking into the dance together. 
“I’m surprised that they even let you in here. Your child is a danger to society.” Steve snaps as they wait in line for tickets. 
“Let’s talk about your kid giving everyone but my sweet Angel a valentines card. That’s barbaric.” Eddie defends, watching Motley wave to her friends. 
“He didn’t want to. And I don’t need to tell him what to do.” Steve blushes, turning to look at something to avoid looking at Eddie. 
“There it is again. You’re acting so fucking suspicious about that card, man.” Eddie points at him, silver rings glinting in the light. “Tell me what you know.” 
“Tickets?” The poor woman asks, interrupting their stand off. 
“Yes please. Four.” 
“No two. I’ll get my tickets.” 
“No I’ll get them” 
“You’re not buying me ,Steven.” 
“He’s buying me.” Motley smiles, snatching the money from Steve’s hands and setting them on the table before grabbing two tickets. “Let’s go get some pop, daddy.” 
Eddie can do nothing but follow, letting the little lady lead the way. 
After about an hour of Motley showing him everything and introducing him to all her friends she abandoned him to hang out with some of the girls in her class, making sure Eddie was okay where he sat at an empty table nursing a can of soda. 
It felt like high school again, watching the way all the other dads surrounded Harrington as the pta moms that decorated huddled together and giggled in the corner. At least the kids were having fun. 
Eddie wished you were here, you would be sitting with him. 
“Jesus. Gary never shuts up.” Steve mumbles, snapping Eddie out of his train of thought. “I got you a slice of pizza.” 
He sets the slice down, giving Eddie a weird smile as he scarfs down his own slice. But eddie wasn’t very hungry, instead he surveyed to check on motley and see her giggling with all her friends as they dance in a circle. 
“Your kid has been sitting alone, you gonna help?” Eddie asks, looking to where Vinny sits reading a book. 
“I tried earlier. He just said something about me embarrassing him more.” Steve sighs. “Then complained that I ruin everything.” 
“What happened? I’ve never seen him alone at a party.” 
“Have I not told you? Your daughter is the popular one. They made her move classes and he was left in their old class struggling to make friends.” Steve mumbles. 
“Why don’t you get one of the many dads following you around to get their kids over there? It feels like I’m in highschool again, waiting for your cronies to shove me in the bathrooms and lock me in again.”
“How long were you in that bathroom, again? Two hours?” 
“Three.” Eddie sighs. “I smoked and set off an alarm so the principal found me.” 
“Wasnt one of your worst. I was fine.” Eddie shrugs. “Sorry about Vinny.” 
“I have faith.” Steve sighs, leaning back in his chair. “I also cannot believe I’m at a daddy daughter dance.” 
“It’s a father kid dance?” 
“They didn’t want the boys feeling left out.” Steve explains. 
“I see.” Eddie smiles, picking at the pizza. 
“He wrote one. You know?” 
“Vinny wrote one. He wrote a valentine for Motley and got her a big chocolate bar. But a girl made fun of him in the parking lot and he panicked.” Steve explains. “Ripped it up and left the chocolate on my car to melt on the seats.” 
“I can clean that.” 
“You can?!” 
“Oh yeah. I got you Harrington.” Eddie laughs right as another dad comes to the table. 
“Howdy gentleman.” He smiles, sitting down. Eddie has to blink to recognize, holy shit that’s Tommy. “Oooo. I’m sitting at the hellfire table. So scary…” 
“Do you have a kid here…?” Steve asks, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah.” He slurs, pointing to the young kid stuffing his face with marshmallows.  “You guys want some whiskey?” 
“Jesus. I smell it from here man.” Steve snaps, standing up. 
“I’m driving. Hard pass.” Eddie laughs, standing with Steve. 
“It’s so weird to me that you two are friends! That shit is like….. mind flowing!” 
“Blowing.” Steve corrects and Eddie sighs. “Damn it Harrington. It was a trap.” 
“Blowing is more for you guys, if you know what I mean.” Tommy laughs and Eddie shakes his head. 
“How did you fall for that Harrington? You made that line.” Eddie grumbles, moving to find Motley. “Hey Metalhead?” 
“Yeah daddy?” She asks, coming up with her cheeks bright red from all the dancing. 
“Have you eaten?” He asks, offering her a bite of his pizza before looking back over to Vinny. “Think you can go help him out?” 
“Yeah. I guess.” She sighs, kissing his cheek and rushing to find Vinny and bring him out to dance. 
By the end of the night Eddie has danced to about every little pop song she wants, and by the time he is bringing her to the car it’s more of a carrying her situation as Steve tries to trip Vinny up. 
“Have a good night Harringtons.” Eddie laughs. 
“Sleep tight Munsons.” 
“Shouldn't you be in bed?” Eddie asks, peering up at you over his book as you shuffle and pace around the room. 
“Shut up.” You grunt, waving your hand at him. Your face is pinched up and Eddie finds himself sitting up and staring at you. 
“What’s going on here?” 
“Edward shut UP!” You snap, pacing back to the wall and holding your hands against it to try and breathe in. “Sorry. Sorry that was mean.” 
“Are you in pain?” He mumbles, standing up and putting on his slippers. 
It was your ninth month, and Eddie was anxious because he had never experienced the pregnancy part of it all before so every kick and movement made him worried. 
“Eddie. Edward. Eds.” You grunt out, and right there something trickles down your leg. 
“Did you just pee?” 
(Would you guys want me to keep going? I have more ideas {Especially Motley in high school} Feel free to message me if you want me to keep going or if you have any blurbs or requests for them in mind)
TAGLIST:: (Let me know if you want removed)
@mariamayhemrsmunson @bethanyzed @alyisdead
@caseyqdilla @zooboomanfu @avenjames-anderson @hazydespair
@bl1ssfulbaby @username199945 @costellation-hunter @vanessav03 @thehuntresswolf @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @jackiosstuff @mysticpeachobject @animechick555 @natie335 @localemofreak @venuslayla23-blog @cherrycolas-things @dontcrydaddy
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hannyoontify · 1 month
quick ramble abt ikea shopping w jun as a couple
i rlly wanna turn this into a fic but i’m currently too lazy to get out of bed to grab my laptop so i’ll js type it out on my phone
ygs have a contest on who can find the ugliest piece of furniture (he wins almost every single time)
one time he tried to climb the showroom of a kid’s bedroom that had a bunk bed even though there was a piece of plastic that blocked off the ladder said ‘don’t climb’
he kept sliding off the ladder and plastic sign and got all pouty so you had to buy him two ice cream cones that day
insists on taking a nap in the armchairs department
jun will find the biggest armchair in the showroom and pull you into his lap and call for a ‘cat nap’
insists on ‘testing the beds’ by taking off his shoes and jumping on the beds
yells ‘parkour!’ and jumps from bed to bed until an employee tells him to get down
yeah ygs r really close to being blacklisted by your local ikea
says hi to every. single. baby. he. sees.
and he does that royal queen wave too like
forgets to pace himself and becomes overstimulated by the time ygs reach the end of the showrooms section so you have to basically drag jun through the entire marketplace and warehouse to check out
one time, jun tried to enroll himself into the kid’s daycare play area and got confused as to why they wouldn’t let a 28 year old in
‘my partner’s doing all the shopping! i’m js here to carry all the heavy stuff to the car so can i pleaseee go play in the ball pit’
but he also insists on doing all the heavy work
once ygs reach the warehouse, you’re not lifting a SINGLE finger
‘dont worry baby, your super strong, reliable boyfi- OOMF’
you end up helping him at the end but hey, it’s the thought that counts!
idk if this is a very specific childhood memory but there were these computers at the entrance of the warehouse, i think it was meant to help people find specific areas that had the furniture they were looking for
and idk if anyone knows what i’m talking abt but the unoccupied computers has a screen saver of a vide of a man in an ikea uniform waving at you and gesturing you to come over to use the computer
but every time jun sees those, he freaks out
‘he js waved at me’ ‘honey that’s a video’
tries pick a fight with the man on the screen (saying this from personal experience)
once ygs check out, ice cream cones are a MUST
ygs aren’t big on the dining hall tho bc jun insists that the meatballs make him gassy
so ygs always get a vanilla ice cream cone, and if you feel like it, a box of cinnamon rolls
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Sweet Tooth
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summary: Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish becomes a frequent customer in your café from one day to the other, always ordering the sweetest options on the menu. You start to prefer his presence over that of all your other regulars, which is why he leaves such a large gap when he's suddenly gone for three months.
notes: don’t drink coffee, so idk which one is the best – pls don’t come at me if you hate it!!
warnings: fem!reader, smut, lots and lots of food mentions
tagged: @ghostsoapgirl @devstinyy @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @levithestripper (msg me to be added/removed from a taglist <3)
based on this request | masterlist | requests are OPEN!
When the client dings the bell on your counter a few times, you expected him to be someone rude, probably annoying and hard to handle. Instead, he leaned over the counter and gave you a bright smile.
“Could I get one a’ those things there?” he asked, pointing to a caramel chocolate slice sitting in the display.
“A chocolate caramel slice?” you replied, and he shrugged.
“Sure. Could I get a coffee with that?”
“What kind?” you asked, and he gave you another dazzling smile.
“Whatever the lady thinks is best.”
You snorted at his obvious flirting, but nodded. “I’ll make you a mocha to go with that slice.” You suggested.
“Thanks love.” He replied, handing over some cash. As you glanced outside, you noticed that it was already late. Close to closing time, actually.
“Isn’t six a little late for a coffee?” you asked him as you handed his coffee over. The café was deserted of other customers, probably due to the opening times. A regular sat in the corner, scribbling onto her notepad.
“I’ve got jetlag anyway.”
“Where you coming from?” you asked.
“Mexico.” He answered. “Little bit more tropical than ‘round here.”
You glanced around once more. It didn’t seem like anyone needed your assistance, so you slid onto the bench across from him.
“Home from vacation then?” you asked.
“I wish.” He replied.
“You’re not from around here.” You said. “Never seen you.”
“Never home for long. The name’s John, by the way.”
“Y/N.” you replied. “You should come here more often. Those caramel slices don’t get sold on their own.”
“You work here on the other days too?” John asked.
“Yep. It’s my café, so I’m always behind the counter.”
“Then I’m sure to come back.” John replied,  
As promised, he came back the next day, this time for breakfast. It became apparent very quickly that he had a sweet tooth. After two chocolate croissants and a brownie, he finally brought his plate back to you. You knew it was an excuse to talk to you, but you certainly did not mind.
“How do you stay in shape eating all that?” you asked, taking the plate from him.
“My Lieutenant’s a tough guy.” He shrugged.
“You’re military?”
“Special ops.”
“Do you have one of those callsign thingies as well?” you asked, and he snorted.
“Yeah. Soap.”
“I’m good at cleaning and bad at losing, love.” He replied. There it was again. The nickname that made your stomach somersault and you grin like an idiot.
“You still there, hen?” he asked, and your eyes snapped up.
“Yeah, of course, why?”
“You’re staring.”
You knew you were blushing. “I wasn’t.”
John laughed again, stacking his empty plates. He grabbed a phone from his pocket, sliding it across the table.
“Nokia?” you asked. “Does that come with the special ops package?”
“Pretty much.” He replied. “Are you going to put your number in for me, love? Don’t wanna come back ‘ere and see the café bein’ closed.”
“Will I be opening the café for you in the middle of the night then?” you asked, putting your number into the phone.
“Nah. Just wanna have someone to talk to.” Johnny replied. He left some time afterwards, promising to come back soon.
‘Soon’ turned out to be three months. And when John did return, you were in the process of closing up. You froze when you saw him standing in the doorway. He was still wearing some of his military uniform, a heavy duffel bag in his left hand, his other holding his ancient phone.
He looked forlorn, standing there, as if he wasn’t quite sure why he’d come.
“Hey.” You mumbled, immediately feeling like an idiot. You let your cleaning supplies sink, walking towards John.
“You okay?” you asked, trying to get a reaction out of him. Slowly, he nodded, before changing his mind and shaking his head. Hugging him felt instinctual, and he hugged you back almost immediately.
At some point, he let go of you, and you carefully maneuvered him to sit at one of the tables, slipping behind the counter to make him a cup of tea. John didn’t talk as much as he normally did, and you sat with him in silence for a while.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” you asked. He seemed to think for a while, before a hint of a smile returned to his face.
“Let me take you out.” He said finally.
It wasn’t something you had to think about, even though his response seemed a little cheesy.
“I’d like that.” You replied, and his smile widened a bit more.
He texted you the next morning, using abbreviations that you were sure no one else on the planet was using. It was an invite to an Italian place, one that was near your café and you knew was good. So much so that it made your stomach rumble at the thought of going there tonight.
For once, you were the one walking towards John, who was already sitting at a small table, tucked away in a corner of the restaurant.
As you approached him, John stood up to greet you with a warm smile. He pulled out your chair for you and you sat down, feeling your heart flutter at the gesture.
You both ordered your meals and began to chat about anything and everything. Even though you thought it impossible, John still managed to order the sweetest main course on the menu.
John told you about some of his experiences in the military, repeating over and over how he was leaving out the redacted parts, but you still found yourself hanging onto every word.
As the night wore on, you found yourself feeling more and more drawn to him. There was something about him that just made you feel comfortable and safe. And his easy laughter and charming personality didn't hurt either. When it came to the check, John insisted to pay, arguing that it was just him making up for his tips at the cafe (which had already been more than generous).
And as if that hadn’t been enough, John walked you back to your café after dinner. When the sidewalk became slimmer and slimmer, you felt your knuckles brush against his. You weren’t bold enough to grab his hand, but Johnny seemed to notice your hesitation, gently grabbing your hand.
“I hope it’s not too sweaty.” You said sheepishly, and John laughed, shaking his head.
“Woulda probably been my hand, if anything.” He replied.
“You know you don’t have to walk me to the café, right?” you asked softly. He shook his head in response.
“My Ma would kill me if I didn’t.” John said.
When you reached the door, he turned to face you and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. There was a moment of thick silence, before he cleared his throat.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, his words only half a statement.
“The café’s closed.” You told him, knocking against the glass where the opening times were displayed.
“After tomorrow, then?” Johnny asked, and you nodded. He pulled you into a quick hug, before turning to leave. For a moment, you debated what to do-
“Fuck it.” You mumbled, grabbing his hand. John turned around, and before you could overthink your decision even more, you pulled him in for a kiss. A not-so-sweet or gentle one this time.
He pulled you so close your feet barely touched the ground. When you broke the kiss, he had a wide smile on his face.
“What was that for?” he asked.
“Didn’t want you to go.” You admitted with a shrug.
“That’s one way o’ doin’ it.” He laughed, before he pulled you back in.
Almost in a flurry, you pulled him around the coffeeshop and up the stairs behind the building, into your apartment. Soap kicked the door shut behind him, lifting you up into the air. Your legs wrapped around his waist automatically.
Maybe you should have told him where the bedroom was, because Johnny seemed to halt for a moment. Before you could say something to him, he set you down on your kitchen table, his mouth finding your mouth.
As you felt a warmth spread through your stomach, his hands began to brush over your thighs, grabbing them with large hands, almost as if he was asking for your permission. His touch, even through clothed legs, made you feel dizzy, and a small moan escaped your mouth as his lips found yours again.
Eventually, the tension became too much to bear, and your hands slipped down towards his pants. Already, he was straining against the fabric, and that made you feel even dizzier, even more incoherent. All words left your brain, leaving your mind fuzzy.
Still, your hands worked on their own, slowly opening his pants. Johnny groaned in response, encouraging you to continue. Through the fabric of his boxers, you palmed his dick, and he leaned into your touch, pulling you even closer to him, towards the edge of the table.
Suddenly, there is a sense of frenzy that hadn’t been there before, a rush of taking off clothes. Your apartment was still dark, but when Johnny took off his shirt, kicking his pants to the ground, you could finally feel him. The strength that seemed to run through his muscles and lied right under his skin might have scared you, but right now, it was exhilarating.
Your own shirt was flung somewhere in your kitchen, your pants pooling under the table as Johnny pushed himself between your legs, his hands wandering downwards until-
“You’re so…” he began, trailing off. His fingers trailed up the insides of your thighs, setting your skin on fire, until they found your cunt. Quickly, he spit on his fingers, before beginning to rub your clit. Your head fell onto his shoulder, a groan leaving you. His mouth still on your neck, his fingers entered you.
He moved slowly at first, letting you accommodate before he sped up his movements, finding that spot inside of you that made you scream. Instinctually, your mouth found his shoulder, biting down. He seemed to like the pain, a loud moan escaping his mouth. You swore you could feel him smirk.
When your mouth left his shoulder, his hand shot up, holding your neck as his other hand began moving eratically. Inside of you, you could feel an orgasm building. You must have begged Soap for something, because his other hand slipped into you again, fingers crooking up.
You swore you saw stars. It sounded like a cliché, like something that would never happen to you, but you did.
“Can I?” he asked after a moment, his hand still on your thigh. Taking a breath, you nodded. With that, his boxers were gone as well, and Johnny lifted you up, slipping into you slowly. There was a small stretch, but you had already come once and he took his time with you, again.
Slowly, Johnny began to move, looking at you for any signs of discomfort, but as another moan feel from your mouth, he kissed you again, moving his lips against yours as if he was a drowning man and you air keeping him alive.
“Can I fuck you against the wall?” he asked, his tone almost begging, and that stoked something inside of you.
“Please.” You replied, gasping as he picked you up, carrying you again. All the while, Johnny stayed inside of you, until your back hit a wall of your apartment. It didn’t matter which one, only that Johnny was still moving, still making you feel good.
Johnny seemed to be able to read your mind, fulfilling your every need. His hands were all over you, palming your breasts, stroking along your curves, holding you close. He made you feel beautiful.
Your own hands were grappling to find something to hold onto. At some point, your nails dug into his back, raking downwards. You attempted to be gentle at first, but he spurred you on, asking you for more, almost begging. He liked pain, you realized.
And so, you increased the pressure when you felt like it. When Johnny thrust into you, you raked your nails down his skin, so harshly that you thought they would draw blood.
Your second orgasm took you by surprise, and it was good that Soap was holding you up, because you knew that your legs were shaking too hard to hold your weight. He followed soon after, pulling you even closer, his arms wrapping around your body.
Afterwards, he set you down on your sofa, helping you clean yourself up.
“Your legs are a little shaky.” He noted smugly.
You huffed in response. “I think your arms aren’t doing too well either.”
Johnny laughed, handing you a glass of water as he dropped onto the sofa next to you.
“Seems like you really like Italian cuisine.” He said, and you laughed, letting your head drop onto his shoulder.
“Maybe I just like Scots.” You replied.
Johnny rolled his eyes, but he pulled you into his arms again.
“You really like hugs, huh?” you noticed. Johnny smiled, nodding almost bashfully.
“Are we doing this again? He asked.
You looked up at him. “The hugging part, the eating part or the fucking part?”
“All of the above?” he asked. When you agreed, Johnny kissed you again, taking his time with you until you felt your heart speed up.
“Oh god, if you don’t stop we’ll have to go for a second round.” You groaned.
Johnny smirked. “I wouldn’t mind that.”
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hxjikonn · 2 years
A/N: To the anon who requested a Vil, Leona, Trey and Jamil x Fem!Reader who opens a dessert shop and gives them free stuff. Idk what happened tumblr crashed and I lost ur req while writing but here it is!! I hope you see this ><
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Sweet Tooth
☆Staring☆: Vil Schoenheit, Leona kingscholar, Trey clover, And Jamil viper
Synopsis: You open a dessert store and it’s pretty obvious there’s favoritism at play
Warnings: lil harmless Cuss words, some JP terms
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Vil Schoenheit
You better believe he’d be the first person to promote it on social media the moment you open it
He’d be posting the desserts, the store’s comfy aesthetic, YOU working cuz he’s so proud of you he could cry
He made your work uniform and makes you look pretty every single day before you open. Periodt.
Would bring the whole population of Pomefoire there and tell them to leave the best reviews or else they might just have poison in there tea
Usually limits his intake on sweets but when you feed it to him he just physically cannot say no.
He insisted on paying multiple times but when you smile at him and say no he just shuts down and agrees
Ace and deuce would notice it though and is hella salty about it
Deuce: Y/n why does Schoenheit-senpai not pay??
Ace: It’s called pretty privileges Deuce *gives you and Vil the stink eye*
You: Correction! It’s “pretty boyfriend privileges” :)
Vil: *smirks* Stay mad~
He doesn’t insist on paying anymore but he does pay you back when you two go and dates. It’s his turn to spoil you then.
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Leona Kingscholar
Three words: Smug. As. Fuck.
He would just walk behind the counter and point at the dessert he wants and you give it to him.
Doesn’t forget to say thank you and kiss your cheek though. That’s a must.
He enjoys the feeling of the first years glaring on him cuz he has boyfriend privileges😭
Would literally stand behind the counter with you while eating a cookie or a cupcake and grins at Ace and Deuce when they pay💀
Your shop is his new favorite spot to nap in, he’s always there, in fact he even “claimed” a spot for himself that only he gets to sit, sleep and stay on
Would always bring Cheka there when he visits, cuz one: he knows he’d be distracted with the desserts, and two: he can charge his brother for all the things Cheka ate
Is proud of you for being so hardworking but often pulls you away from the counter and FORCES you to nap with him.
He doesn’t like it when you over work. Usually he tells Ruggie or Jack to take over for you while you rest
Orders the entirety of Savannaclaw to go there at least three times a week and buy something or else they’ll be sleeping outside the dormitory
Would be clinging on to you when you’re baking cuz he likes it when you feed him the desserts you make and ask if he likes it.
He did want to pay but when you told him he could pay with cuddles instead he couldn’t pass off the offer.
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Trey Clover
He’d be the proudest boyfriend ever. Literally the loudest person cheering in the back when it was the grand opening
Brings his family there so they can meet you taste the sweets you make. This man would brag about you for HOURS.
Bring Riddle, Chenya and Cater there too.
Helps out with baking, serving and cleaning but asks you not to pay him. Instead your smart ass came up with an alternative
He washed dishes? Boom free cake. Takes order? You make him matcha latte. Helps you out in the kitchen? You feed him ice cream.
He noticed this of course, but when you defended yourself and told him you only want him to taste the desserts you made he couldn’t debate you any further.
Would notice that Ace and Deuce were glaring at him when you gave him free stuff so the humble part of him tells them that it’s because he works along side you, but the smug side of him ALSO tells them that it’s “boyfriend privileges”
Literally loves it when you’re in work clothes and you have icing or flour in your cheek🥹 he can’t help but take pictures and set them as his wallpaper
Would always complement you. It’s either he complements your skills, or your hard work, or just tells you you look pretty from time to time.
Just feels so proud of you and so happy you’re his girlfriend.
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Jamil Viper
This man would make sure you have anything and everything you need a month before you even open your store
He’d also tell Kalim cuz he know Kalim would probably buy everything and empty the store in a matter of minutes
Would take his sister there when he has time. He’d mostly brag about how great his girlfriend is to her (sibling things)
I believe this man would quite literally fight you so he can pay. Much to his demise though you keep on denying him.
Jamil: How much?
You: How much is what?
Jamil: my bill?
You: oh yeah about that…umm no.
Jamil: huh?? Wdym no?
You: I mean no you cant pay…this store has a “boyfriend doesn’t get to pay” policy.
Jamil: *puts money on the counter* take it.
You: *pushes it away* I don’t wanna break store policy baby.
Jamil: Love…
You: Yes?
Jamil: Let. Me. Pay.
You: Not. A. Chance.♥︎
Deuce: Me and Ace will take the offer-
You/Jamil: No.
Would use his signature spell on you, but you got mad at him for doing that and gave him the silent treatment for week.
You said you’d forgive him if he lets you give him free stuff. Defeated, he agrees and you happily indulge him with sweets.
You’re a smart ass but he is too. So instead of money he paid you with affection
He’d bring you water, give you a seat when you’ve been standing too long, massages your shoulders when you’re tired, kisses, would fix your hair and make it look pretty so it doesn’t bother you, and a lot more
He also takes over when you nap in the break room.
Is literally the proudest boyfriend, so if there’s anything he can do to make your job easier he’ll do it, cuz he loves you so much.
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A/N: DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS!!! plus this is my second time rewriting this since first attempt was failed cuz tumblr crashed on me😭 anyways I hope the anon who req this sees it!
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okkotsuus · 1 year
ocean eyes (satoru g.) !
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features: satoru g. suguru g.
contents: angst. hurt + comfort. heartbreak. unhealthy relationship. not being the first choice. grief. idk what this is. ooc gojo?. 1.5k words.
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satoru gojo is an unattainable man. not just because of his physicality and undeniable charm, but because he is not able to be in a relationship. he is emotionally unavailable in the way that is needed to sustain a healthy, romantic partnership.
he can’t read a room, can’t take anyone he sees as ‘weak’ seriously, and will always choose work first. gojo laughs when he sees you crying, he doesn’t think it’s funny: he just does not know how to help. he’ll blame all problems on weakness, because all his problems stem from such. satoru gojo leaves you in a cold, empty bed on the first ring of his phone.
it’s not his fault, he has his own unresolved issues. you can see it in the dazed look he gets when he walks side-by-side with you. the hollow chuckle that escapes him whenever your eyebags grow more pronounced. it’s evident in the silent panic that radiates from him if it looks like you’ve skipped meals and got quieter.
staoru gojo never recovered from the loss of suguru geto. it’s in the way you can never catch him on christmas eve, or february third. it’s the spare, dented, swirly button he keeps in the pocket inside his uniform jacket. it’s in the way he freezes for the briefest second when he sees a man with long, black hair.
everyday you are forced to fight for your lover’s attention over a man who left this plan of being long ago. but to satoru, suguru will be someone he will never escape: and he doesn’t want to. 
it brings you to tears often. he dryly chuckles and awkwardly rubs at the nape of his neck, ocean eyes darting away from you as that alluring facade crumbles. gojo satoru doesn’t know how to care for the people he cares for. last time he did, they left. so, he’d rather leave it to be dealt with personally.
but sometimes it seems he is able to shake those shackles, and that’s what keeps you at his side. sometimes in the light, his eyes glow like sapphires. sometimes he holds you so tenderly and whispers the world to you. sometimes he keeps the bed warm, an arm lazily thrown over your middle. and sometimes you feel that you are number one in satoru gojo’s heart.
but you always get knocked down a peg.
suguru geto is like a brand on satoru gojo’s soul. something that exceeds him beyond life, beyond his betrayal, beyond his very death. he exists in the corner of gojo’s mind, always in the peripheral even for the brief times you are the focus. he never leaves, and he never will.
it’s tiring, having to claw your way to spend one moment in your lover’s mind. it burns when he looks away from you to run that button between his fingers. it aches when you wake up and the bed’s cold, only to find him standing in the kitchen and holding a full glass of water; staring at the screen of his phone which splits the night.
everyday he breaks your heart. you don’t know why you stay. you cannot justify it.
but you love him, so very dearly. you love every quirk, every stupid habit, every idiosyncrasy. you love satoru gojo in all that he is, all that he was, and all that he ever will be.
you love him in the way that suguru geto never got the chance to, the way that satoru gojo loved him too. 
and that’s why the two of you will never work, unless gojo heals. he won’t be healing anytime soon.
maybe that’s why when you received word from shoko that he’d been sealed, after seeing suguru, you weren’t surprised. hell, you laughed. “how very him” you said while that dry chuckle rumbled deep in your chest. secretly, you couldn’t help but feel that this was inevitable.
he was sealed for a total of nineteen days. you were betting on twenty-four, like the day suguru died (since all that mattered to him was suguru). but no, he popped out on the nineteenth day, the day of the month that the two of you got together about a year ago.
you know it was pure coincidence, purely. gojo didn’t even unseal himself, so it couldn’t have been his doing. but it felt like a one-up between you and the memory you had been competing with for so long.
satoru gojo appeared in your home, delirious and looking so very different. his eyes were hollow, but the second he laid eyes on you, they softened just the tiniest bit. he had never done that before. only when he gazed upon that worn-down, jujutsu high uniform button did he have that expression.
a part of you thought that he was a figment of your imagination. you just stared, for a while, as if you were a deer in headlights. your eyes traced every rise and dip of his face, every strand of snowy-white, every speckle in those ocean eyes. everything was spot-on.
the phone in your hands clattered loudly to the floor as you crashed to your knees, still staring. tears welled up in your eyes as you turned away, knowing that crying made him uncomfortable.
but a rough, calloused hand held the slope of your cheek so gently that you really thought you were dreaming. your eyes, sparkly and glossy with tears that fought against your lash line, traced his form again. you couldn’t believe this was him, but now that he was even closer you were forced to realize it all the more.
this is satoru gojo, holding you so gently while tears fall over his thumb. the same satoru gojo who giggled uncomfortably when you had cried. the same satoru gojo who called you ‘weak’ with a boisterous chuckle and a grimace on his pink lips. the same satoru gojo who would back up if you suddenly cried like this, holding his arms to his chest. this is satoru gojo who is pulling you into his arms while your body shakes, wracked with sobs and wails.
he holds your head against his firm chest while fingers delicately run along your spine. your hands fist the black, compression shirt that he wears. tears wet the material crystalline globs that fall down your cheek instantly soaked up by fabric.
you have never known him like this, like how he wished to show you. you didn’t know what to say, what to think, what to do. so you just cried, and cried. but he didn’t say one joke, not one giggle, not even a scornful look.
“it’s all okay angel, ‘m here now.” his voice comes out in a rumble that you can feel come from deep in his chest. it just makes the tears flow harder, like a dam released. so many emotions held back pour out, you pour your soul out onto his chest, not saying a single word. but he takes it all, so gently, so diligently.
“i missed you, so much ‘toru, so so much…” you can’t get the sentence out without being interrupted by a sniffle or whimper, but he listens. his soft eyes never leave your form, hands cradle you like glass, you feel his entire soul envelope you.
it is now that you know the strength of satoru gojo’s love. and it is now that you understand how hard it was for him to have let go of someone he loves. how hard it was for him to let go of suguru geto.
he is the most loyal person that you know, by far, likely the most loyal you will ever know. maybe it was seeing suguru, or rather his body, like that which gave him the closure he needed so desperately. it was that that allowed him to see what was in front of his eyes. suguru is dead, he has been. but you are very much alive. he can’t let another love slip from between his fingers. this realization of his gave you the man whose arms you’re in.
“angel, i can’t even say how sorry i am, jus’ know it’ll all be different. i promise.” those words are what stop the tears. you look up at him and see his eyes, his beautiful ocean eyes. you can’t see a singly deception in them, not a single half-hearted truth. you beam a smile and huddle closer to him.
he’s back, you’re not dreaming. satoru gojo has come home, and he finally loves you the way you loved him for so very long. you don’t have to fight the memory of a dead man any longer. you don’t even care if he never gets over suguru, truly, just as long as he keeps holding you like this.
you’re happy.
and that’s why the two of you work so very well, because satoru gojo was able to heal; for you.
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okkotsuus 23
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genjispeace · 1 month
Run - Genji X Reader
In which Genji gives into his dark desires.
tags: NSFW, fem reader? (Genji calls them good girl, pretty girl, etc. but I don't think any pronouns are used idk), knife play, rough! sex, a thing for tears, unprotected sex, filthy, dark, and dirty, "Run, and if I catch you, I fuck you"
A/N: i'm surprised I wrote this as fast as I did, but it combines some of my favorite tropes. It is also a bit darker than some of my previous works, but I do still hope you all enjoy this <3
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Genji shouldn’t like this. He knows he shouldn’t, but some dark, depraved part of him adores the way your tears stain your cheeks. You sob so pretty. He’s sure it’d be even prettier if you were sobbing for him. 
“I hate you!” You scream out, the words slicing through the air. You don’t mean them, not even close. Genji doesn’t even flinch at your cruelness. In fact, his mask shifts in a way that almost looks like he smiled. He doesn’t move out of the chair in his room that the two of you are in, but you keep pacing through the room. 
“I know you do,” he says softly. You two had been on a mission together, and you ended up taking the fall for something that was both of your faults. You did it without hesitation, knowing Genji would be kicked out if he fucked up again. And yet, the vicious reprimands from Reyes still stung at your heart. You have always been good, almost perfect, at your job, and it’s something that you take pride in. 
“I told you not to take the fall,” Genji says. You bite out a chuckle, a humorless sound suffocated by tears.
“And what? Let you get kicked out?” You sigh, letting your tears fall again. It shouldn’t sting your pride this much to be yelled at, but it does. 
Genji watches your movements, entranced at your puffy cheeks and red face. You’re a tight ball of sadness and frustration, but your tears look so beautiful. A part of him wants to go to Reyes and break his nose for making you cry, but another part of him wants to bend you over and make you cry for him, the only thing you should cry for. The image in his head is enough to have him hardening in his pants, still in his Blackwatch uniform. He wonders if other parts of your body look this pretty when they’re red. 
A tinge of guilt radiates through his body. He shouldn’t be thinking like this. He knows he shouldn’t, but you seem to take over him. Since the accident, he has had hardly any desire for anybody, but you’re different. Sick thoughts, ones of making you breathless and begging, take over his mind. He wonders if you’d like it rough or if you’d like it soft and gentle, like a lover. He could do both, be both, if that’s what you wanted. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” you mutter when you notice his dark eyes tracing your body. It’s a look you can’t quite decode, and that drives you insane.
“Why not?” Genji’s voice is soft and breathy, and it sends chills along your skin. His eyes slowly drag back to your face, and the look in his eyes makes the hair on the back of your neck stand. It’s dark, twisted, hungry. 
“I don’t know what it means,” you breathe out softly. Genji takes in a sharp breath as your eyes meet his. Yours are still glossy from tears and the sight goes straight to his cock. Maybe it’s best that you don’t know what it means. Maybe it’s best you don’t know he’s thinking about how pretty you would look crying while you come around his cock. He should be more ashamed that he’s getting hard by your sobs, but he isn’t.
“You don’t want to know what it means,” he says. He’s teetering on the edge of pushing you against the wall and pressing his lips to yours. You face him and square your shoulders, eyes narrowing. 
“I think I do,” you say. He’s always been alluring to you, but nothing that you would act on. He seems tortured, like he needs to be the one to make the first move. You spent countless nights hoping he would do just that, but never had your wishes fulfilled. Your heartbeat picks up at the thought of him wanting you. Is that what that look is? “I’m having…twisted thoughts about you,” he says his words carefully, his dark eyes scanning your entire face for your reaction. Your eyes widen slightly in surprise. Twisted?
“Twisted how?” You ask, taking a step forward.
Genji’s resolve snaps when he sees you step toward him instead of away when he says he’s having thoughts. He stands quickly and closes the distance between the two of you. You don’t back away, and that has his skin burning. He needs to touch you. 
“I want to fuck more tears out of you,” Genji says as he stands over you. He’s not incredibly tall, but his presence fills the entire room, leaving it thick with tension and desire. You look at him, feeling heat spread across your body under his gaze.
You smile. 
You fucking smile. The motion has Genji hardening even more. His pretty little thing likes it rough, hm? Oh, he’ll show you rough.
“Tell me to stop, and it ends,” he says, before he leans down and presses a soft kiss against your neck. You shake your head. You’re not stopping him.
“Ten seconds, pretty girl. You get ten seconds. Run, and if I catch you, I’ll fuck you so hard that all those tears will be mine,” he says against your skin. 
“You-” You start, but your words get caught in your throat. Genji gives you just enough time to say no, and you couldn’t even dream of that. You want this, him, badly. 
He’s serious. Any questions you had in the back of your mind are lost and you turn to the door. You sprint out of it, leaving it swinging behind you. You hear him chuckle softly as he continues counting down. Your heart beats hard as you run through the base’s hallways, but the heat spreading to your core makes it hard to focus. It’s late enough that the hallways are completely empty. You distantly hear his countdown get closer to zero, and you scramble for ideas. You can’t outrun him. He’s faster and stronger, but maybe you could hide. You dart past a few more doors before you reach your room and sneak in, forgetting to close the door behind you. He reached zero a few seconds ago and you can hear his footsteps approaching. He usually moves in silence, so you know he wants you to hear each step he makes. You duck into your closet, closing the door behind you. Surely he won’t find you, right? Though, do you really want him to not find you? The footsteps get closer, and you take a sharp intake and watch through the barely there crack in your closet doors. Genji stands in your bedroom doorway, shaking his head. 
“Oh, pretty little thing, don’t you know to cover your tracks?” He says softly, stepping into the room and pulling the door shut behind himself. He clicks the lock on it, and you hold your breath as he starts to pace the room. He checks the bathroom first, then around the room, until he looks at the closet. Your heart stops as you swear the two of you make eye contact through the crack in the door. He steps towards you, yanking the closet door open. His head tilts as he sees you, and you take your lip in between your teeth. 
“Gotcha,” he says, and you have a feeling he’s smiling under the mask. He reaches out to you, taking a handful of your hair and pulling you out of the closet. His grip is tight, and the slight pain only builds the heat in you. You whimper in his hold, letting him stare down at you. 
He uses his other hand to pull the mask down, then uses his tight grip in your hair to push you closer to him. There’s a moment of hesitation, where he loosens his grip enough to let you push him away. You don’t, instead closing the distance and pressing your lips against his. His kiss is hungry, desperate, feral, and you devour it. He pulls on your hair enough to cause you to let out a soft gasp, which he uses to his advantage to gain access to your mouth. His tongue takes over yours, like a man starved. You whimper against the kiss, his roughness only making you wetter. 
Genji pulls away, his grip gone from your hair. You whine at the lack of any sort of contact, but your eyes widen when he unsheathes one of his blades. It’s a shorter one, nowhere near as long as his sword, but it’s still a blade. There’s a wicked glimmer in his eyes and he looks into yours, an eyebrow raised, as he throws the knife. The blade plants deeply into the hardwood, the handle out. You watch in confusion as Genji sits in your armchair, just a few inches from where he planted the blade. It sticks out in between his feet, and you frown. What is he doing?
“Ride it,” he says, leaning back in the chair. Your mouth hangs open. He wants you to… “Ride my blade,  pretty girl.”
There’s a challenge in his tone, his dark eyes watching you. Heat rises through your body at the thought of him watching you ride one of his knives, and your sex riddled brain makes the decision. You pull your pants down slowly, your wet underwear sticking to your core for a brief second. Genji’s eyes narrow in on that, and you can’t help the smile as he watches you. If he’s going to tease you, you’re going to do it right back. You drop to your knees by the blade, leaning down and taking as much of the handle in your mouth as you can. Genji groans at the sight, but doesn’t intervene. You continue to wet the handle with your saliva, running your tongue up and down the base. You glance up at him through your eyelashes, and he has to shift in his chair. He could touch himself now, but he’s holding back. 
Once the handle is wet enough, you rise and position your hips over it. You sink down onto it slowly, whining as the hard material stretches you. It’s only a few inches, but it’s thick and sturdy, and you need any sort of touch right now. Genji watches you with intent, his eyes on where you and his blade are connected. You take all of it in and sigh, letting yourself adjust to the size. 
Your shirt hangs low on you, and as you start to move up and down the blade, it falls in front of you. Genji growls, upset that his view is being blocked, and another one of his blades is quickly unsheathed. He moves with expert grace and precision, slicing through the material. The shreds of your shirt drop to the ground around you, your bra also in shambles. You shudder as he presses the blade against your throat, using it to tilt your head up. You swallow, feeling the blade against your skin. You’re not in any true danger with him. He’s an expert with blades, and you know you won’t be cut unless it’s intentional. 
“Look at me while you read my blade, baby,” he says. You nod, not trusting yourself to form words, and he lets the blade fall away. You’re close enough to touch him, so you brace yourself on his thighs as you start to move up and down on the handle of his knife. You whimper softly as you take it all over and over again, your nails digging into his thighs. It stretches you so nicely, and the fact that it’s a knife, his knife, makes you even wetter. This is a blade he has taken on more missions than you can count, and here you are riding it while he watches. 
“Does it feel good?” Genji asks above you. 
“So…good,” you say. He reaches to your chest, grabbing your nipples and rolling them between his fingers. A sharp whine sounds from your throat when he pinches both of them, and you clench around the blade. 
“Genji, please,” you mutter. You need more. 
“Please what?” Genji says, pinching so hard that it starts to hurt. The pain mixes with the pleasure, creating a delicious building heat. You’re so close, but you need more. 
“More…” you shudder out, your orgasm building as you continue to ride the blade. “Please. More. I need-”
Your voice catches in your throat when he leans forward and reaches in between you. His metal fingers graze your clit softly, and you buck your hips toward his hand. A light burns in his dark eyes. He pushes into your clit harder, rubbing circles into it. The motion, the blade, all of it has you falling apart. Your head falls into his lap, but his other hand balls your hair into his fist and pulls you back up. 
“You’re going to look at me while you come on my blade,” he commands. His dark eyes are full of hunger and it sends chills down your spine. You start to snap something back, but he pushes down on your clit. The sensations overcome you and you scream out his name as your orgasm rocks through you. Your head starts to sway from the strength of it, your eyes seeing stars, and Genji lets you rest your head in his lap to regain yourself for a few seconds. 
“Can’t wait to kill somebody with that blade knowing what you did to it,” he says, softly petting your hair. You clench around it. Perhaps it’s sick, dark, twisted, to be so attracted to the thought of him using the blade that’s currently several inches deep into you to kill somebody. If it is, then you are sick as well. 
“You’re going to use this blade after this?” You find yourself asking. 
“Of course. It’s my favorite blade now,” Genji says. He lifts your head up softly, cupping your cheeks. “Can you go for another one?”
It’s a stark contrast to the depraved roughness, but you nod. You want more, need more. 
“That’s my girl,” he whispers, his thumb running along your cheek. He helps you off the knife and stand up, even if it’s only briefly, before he pushes you down onto your bed. You land softly, and he’s on top of you quickly. He brings his lips to yours, peppering a soft kiss on them. He pulls back and you whimper at the loss of contact. 
“That desperate, hm?” He smiles as he stands. He pulls his sheathes off, letting all of his gear drop to the floor around him. 
“Don’t tease me,” you beg. Genji just smirks at you. He pulls his shirt over his head and drops it to the floor. His lithe frame is intoxicating, his lean muscles flexing as he moves. You could watch it for hours, but you know Genji has other plans for you. 
He hooks his fingers into his waistband, pulling his pants and boxers down. Your mouth waters at the sight. He’s certainly bigger than the handle of the blade, and flesh. Your core clenches at the sight, and he lets you look your fill.
“Nobody has looked at me like that since the accident,” Genji says softly, a laugh sounding through the air.
“You’re beautiful,” you say, and you hope it sounds as genuine as it is. “Truly.”
“Ah, don’t stroke my ego,” Genji says as he leans back over you. You start to say something back, but his lips connect with one of your nipples and it has you gasping. He chuckles against your skin, pressing his tongue against your nipple. You moan out his name, but it’s more of a  plea than anything else. You need him. 
“You sound so pretty,” he says. 
“Please, Genji, don’t tease me,” you whisper out in between soft breaths. He shakes his head, his dark hair tickling your chest. 
“I’ll do as I please, baby,” he looks up at you, keeping his eyes on yours as he takes your other nipple into his mouth. He takes it in between his teeth and the ragged feeling has your back arching into him. He reaches down in between the two of you, and you gasp as he drags his fingers along your core. The touch is gone as soon as it was there, and you squirm under him at the loss of contact. He brings his fingers up to his mouth,  dipping them behind his lips and sucking you off of them. 
“Fucking incredible,” he says. You hold his dark gaze, and you know you look pathetic.
“I need you inside me. Please,” you whimper out. Genji snarls, actually snarls, and pulls away from you. He’s back on you almost immediately, lining himself up at your entrance. He sinks into you slowly, the room filling with soft moans from both of you. His hands grip your hips tightly, tight enough that it hurts, but your brain is too focused on the feelings he’s giving you now. Hell, you like the pain. 
“God, you’re so fucking perfect,” he says as he pushes further in. He stretches you so perfectly, the sting melding with the pleasure. He barely gives you any time to adjust before he’s pulling back and thrusting back in. You scream out, your hand balling up the blanket under you. 
“You look so good like this. At my fucking mercy, pretty girl.” His vulgar words mixed with the praise has you clenching around him, which makes a sick smile appear on his features. He’s got you in the palm of his hand, and he knows it. His metal hand finds its way to your clit, rubbing circles in it, rougher as he thrusts in. Your back arches into him at the combined sensations, and he uses the opportunity to press a soft kiss against your throat. You fall back, heat starting to build in your stomach. 
“Genji,” you say softly.
“I know, baby,” is all he replies. He keeps working you with both his cock and his hand, until you’re whimpering and falling apart under his touch. Your orgasm rattles over with you a force unmatched by anything you’ve experienced before. Your vision dots with black as you scream out his name. He continues thrusting into you, continues rubbing on your clit, continues his harsh grip on your hip. The overstimulation makes your body shake, and tears start to prick your eyes. One of them falls down your cheek and you go to wipe it away, but Genji’s hand catches your wrist.
“Let me see those tears, pretty girl,” he says. You nod, and he releases your wrist. Your hands somehow find their way to his back, and you dig your nails in hard as he continues to overstimulate you. You know your nails are probably hurting him, but he doesn’t say anything. Tears pour out of your eyes now, tracing the lines they made earlier. 
“You’re doing so good for me,” Genji mutters, his voice raspy. You look past your teary eyes to see him, his dark hair falling over his face. You reach to him, cupping his face and running your finger along one of the bigger scars. The gesture is tender, and it catches him off guard, but he loves the way you look at him. His thrusts start to get sloppy, and you can tell he’s getting close. Another tear falls out of your eye as your body reaches another climax. It rocks through you and has you clenching down on his cock, which is enough to send him over the edge. You keep clenching around him as he goes through his orgasm, his head falling to the crook of your neck. 
It takes the both of you a bit to calm down enough to move. He moves first, pulling away enough to kiss the tears along your skin. You smile softly at him. He’s the perfect mix of dark, twisted desires and soft, gentle love. He eventually helps you get cleaned up and gets you some water to drink before pulling you into bed with him. He cradles you so gently, his hand running along your hair as you rest your head against his chest. Your hand traces connection between metal and skin, sleep starting to take over. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you say softly. Your voice sounds groggy with sleep.
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” he replies. You nod, moving just enough to press your lips to the place where metal and flesh melds on his chest. He tenses, but when your soft lips press a part of him that he’s hated, he finds himself wishing your lips would touch it more often. Perhaps you’re healing him, healing his wounds.
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