#wholistic health
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Malcolm Strutt - Wholistic Health and Living Yoga - University of the Trees Press - 1977
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womangetwise-blog · 4 months
10 Awesome Superfoods You Need Everyday
There are many new and exotic Superfoods arriving in our shops every day. Foods with excellent health track records in their country of origin are finding their way into all manner of products. New recipes calling for these exotics appear every single day. But this week a client who is very diet conscious, always seeking out the foods that give her the most benefits for each mouthful, brought up…
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Harnessing the Power of Integration: Uniting Eastern Medicine, TCM, and Yoga in Western Standard Treatment for Holistic Well-being
Harnessing the Power of Integration: Uniting Eastern Medicine, TCM, and Yoga in Western Standard Treatment for Holistic Well-being The pursuit of holistic well-being has become increasingly vital in modern healthcare. As Western medicine continues to advance, there is a growing recognition of the inherent value in integrating Eastern traditions such as Taoist medicine, Traditional Chinese…
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piscaprio · 3 months
Special shout out those that has either donated towards my school tuition or shared my story.
You're so appreciated!! This journey in becoming a endocannabinoid vitality specialist aka cannabis wellness coach has been challenging, exhilarating and beautiful. 3 years ago, when I mentioned how I planned to shake up things in the maternal and overall female reproductive space. I was doubted, laughed at, mocked etc. Look at me now... still going strong. A lot of you have been following my journey in embarking on this alternative healing modality for some years. It's truly my hopes to continue to liberate the community to take back the wheel, and focus on being the driver in their health journey.
Please continue to share my story, so that it may reach those that are able to contribute to my road to graduation.
Find the Links for donations here:
Gofund Me: https://gofund.me/1742ecfc
Cashapp: $pathologiical
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💫 WELCOME…. Enter as guests and leave as framily! Framily definition: When friends become like family, they're framily. closer than close, they may know you better than your own family. .. #FFL #Leadership #DiscoverU21 #DU21 #WeAreFFL #FFLEagles #RiseUp #Framily #DallasNonprofit #DFW #Kids #Fitness #Afterschool #igdallas #Enrichment #Vision #Wholistic #wholistickids #Family #Health #SEL #Mindfulness (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CibCHCyuGjQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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femchef · 2 years
The Medical Industry in the US needs a dispensary for prescribed diets.
I’m talking about prepackaged and preprepared or easy-to-prepare meals, snacks and fluids as a part of outpatient care.
You can’t just give a patient a list of dietary restrictions and a 30 minute appointment with some vague guidance and then send them on their way. I’ve been watching a family member the last three weeks be miserable on a liquid diet for pre-surgery and the biggest struggle isn’t the diet itself, it’s that the list the doctor and dietitian gave her is only some suggested guidelines and half of the recommended things she can have on the list aren’t available anywhere. Also, when I say the guidelines are vague - her doctor during the pre surgical meeting yesterday chastised her for buying low-sodium broth, when the reason she bought low-sodium is because in her last meeting with the dietitian, low-sodium was verbalized as a positive. Also the low-sodium broth met all the other requirements on the list?
1) dietitians and nutritionists should be responsible for putting together a comprehensive meal plan with specifics and instructions - it should be a perfectly reasonable expectation that a person who’s job is to understand how our bodies are affected by what we eat, and what effects the things we eat have on our bodies, be able to provide comprehensive recipes that are tailored to patients diets. Cause guess what - people expect chefs to be able to do it on the fly in professional kitchens. You think working with and around dietary constraints hasn’t become one of the hottest selling skills the last 8 years?
You can’t tell me that it’s reasonable to expect an overworked line cook to do that and not a dietitian or a nutritionist.
2) There are too many patients who, once they are sent home, go off whatever necessary food restrictions they’re meant to be on because they don’t have the proper support or knowledge or experience to maintain their nutritional health. If we want health care to be wholistic, we need to make medically required diets and food restrictions more accessible for outpatient care.
Like - imagine being able to pop over to the pharmacy (or have a delivery!! We can do that, think about all the meal kit deliveries traveling around right now) or some kitchen dispensary near a hospital complex, turning in a script and getting one or two weeks worth of portioned meals, everything is measured out with easy use instructions and dates/times, because you just had surgery and can’t do certain strenuous activities, but popping a frozen meal to heat up in the microwave or the oven isn’t too strenuous - or maybe you’re on your chemo cycle, and those are so fucking miserable already but at least you don’t have to worry about figuring out what to put in a calorie-dense smoothie because it’s already thrown together in a sealed cup (nice fat straw included) you can dump in a blender tomorrow and right back into the disposable cup to drink - or maybe you’re on a liquid diet for five weeks and then on limited soft foods for four weeks after that, but at least you don’t have to worry about hunting down the only things you can have in four different grocery stores.
And maybe doctors will have less recurring patients when, if sending them home, they know that the patient will have more of a chance staying on their medical diet during recovery because they have more accessible options, rather than a vague list of instructions.
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sidewalkchemistry · 10 months
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cold-neon-ocean · 3 months
Silly little Baatar headcanon that I love is that he LOVES receiving medical treatment LOL like growing up in Zaofu where if you didn't feel well your options were to meditate or receive acupuncture, as soon as he was out- any time he'd have even a mild ache he's like "Oop- well looks like I need to see a doctor!" and he's excited because medical science fascinates him and he likes experiencing it. It feels real to him, especially with tangible numbers and data he can see and have explained.
And for all intents and purposes he's incredibly healthy but if he has the opportunity to receive medicine or even get just a minor check-up he's very excited about it :'D
This would also completely exclude any kind of healing from a waterbender. He would reject that so fucking fast, his leg could be broken and he'd say he'd rather have surgery. This in particular comes from his almost manic rejection of needing "assistance" from bending in any way. Like to him it's a point of pride in himself as a non-bender to do things in a way other non-benders have to. So for things like medical treatment in his mind he's like "There have been people having to treat themselves without bending for centuries, I can manage just as well as them." So he's more than happy to pop pills or take an injection because he believes in the science behind it, it was something he was denied for so long so he became very fixated on it as it was this nebulous concept that was outside of his reach and he could only learn about it from afar. He doesn't even necessarily see himself as particularly fragile, he likes feeling like he's supporting a practice that he is very interested in. He wouldn't go so far as to submit himself as a test subject for a new speculative type of treatment, and I think a lot of wholistic herbal remedies would even put him off, like he needs the mass production World Health Organization approved drugs LMAO
And lastly I think on Kuvira's end she'd somewhat compound this bc while she doesn't perceive him as fragile either, he is the one thing she can't stand to lose so the threat of that makes her take minor stuff very seriously even when he doesn't. So Baatar's readiness to submit himself to medical treatment is also to give her peace of mind (even though she doesn't consider it as absolute as Baatar does but it's something) but in Baatar's mind he's like "See, this doctor who studied medicine for decades said I can take this medication and I'll be fine. :)" because to him he wouldn't ever argue the science behind it. So it's meant to be reassuring from his perspective.
Anyways yes more thoughts about my favorite silly man. Engineering would be his profession, but medical science would be his hyperfixation if that makes sense.
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animezinglife · 5 months
Hi, friends!
If any of you have a disability that may prevent walking or makes it particularly difficult, I could use your input.
I'm working on expanding accessibility in our health and wellness programming and plan to start an initiative soon that I want more people to feel like they can take part in. I'm trying to get more people outside and moving on the clock.
In this case, all facilities are completely ADA compliant--yet I also know just because something is possible doesn't necessarily mean it's inviting or particularly encouraging.
What would make you personally feel more confident and interested in taking part in some sort of activity outdoors? What do you look for, or what helps you to know you will be successful in it?
There would be no cost associated with this to participants and water would be provided.
Transport would also not be a considerable issue in this case, as everyone would already be at the location or extremely close to it (again, with accessible pathways).
I am a firm believer in that wholistic, healthy living should be accessible to everyone, and is for everyone. It gets shamefully overcomplicated and the industry gets greedy. Of course, obviously not every single program will be for every single person regardless, but we want to expand on everything we can.
In particular, I'm looking at a group activity and I don't want anyone to feel left out or like they can't participate.
Thank you!
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pontevoix · 27 days
shitty  headcanon  |  aoi  todo 
sorry  he's  the  type  to  say  my  body  is  a  temple  &  mean  it  with  the  utmost  sincerity.  to  be  fair  he  means  it  less  like  a  chad  &  more  like  he's  spent  too  much  time  on  public  transit  reading  goodhealth  articles
in  the  same  type  of  logic  he  kinda  gets  into  the  idea  of  wholistic  health  honestly. 
yes,  he  has  used  the  words  "miracle  of  life"  when  talking  to  a  pregnant  person
his  social  media  looks  like  a  bot.  no  profile  picture,  no  original  posts,  no  follows.  it's  mostly  just  a  way  for  him  to  find  content  about  his  fave  idol  &  ...  occasionally  get  recommendations  for  good  eats
he's  not  competitive  actually.  at  all.  he  enjoys  sport  &  game  but  he  has  very  little  interest  in  the  notion  of  winning  or  losing.  that's  kind  of  agiven  but  still  sdfg  noteworthy 
his  personal  space  tends  to  be  pretty  sparse  &  militant.  he's  not  a  minimalist  he  just  doesn't  decorate
he  would  love  to  climb  a  mountain  ngl 
he  believes  cats  are  very  wise.  they  do  not  like  him  very  much  at  all.  he  calls  this  wisdom  too. 
also  ?  phenomenal  with  numbers  &  probability  &  stats  ?  he  can  do  most  calculations  mentally  without  writing  things  down 
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TW: fatphobia, diet culture, ableism, ED
Gaining weight is not synonymous with “letting oneself go.”
That phrase as a whole wreaks of neurotypical ableism anyway, but I usually hear it as a euphemism to “show concern” for someone who’s recently gained weight.
Gaining weight can be perfectly healthy. It can be a powerful act of self-care.
And I don’t just mean skinny people “finally putting some meat on their bones.” I mean anyone - fat, medium, skinny - gaining weight.
Gaining weight can mean someone is eating intuitively rather than stripping themselves of essential nutrients for a diet. It can mean they are working to love their body rather than fit it into a smaller pant size. It can mean they are fighting to unlearn a lifetime of internalized fatphobia and diet culture. It can mean they are actively recovering from an eating disorder. It can mean they are simply happier and caring for themself in a more wholistic way.
“But if someone’s gaining weight it probably means they’re depressed.”
And yet some people *lose* weight when they’re depressed. Weight gain is NOT a sign of depression. I’ve gained nearly 40 pounds since being in a relationship and I’m the healthiest mentally that I’ve ever been.
“But what if it’s ‘unhealthy’ weight gain?”
As a nurse, I am well aware that there are serious medical conditions that can manifest as a type of weight gain (for example heart failure causing fluid overload), but first: that person’s medical history is none of your business, Karen, and second: there are also serious medical conditions that can cause weight *loss.* So if you’re gonna show your “kind concern” for every person you know of who’s been gaining weight, why aren’t you doing the same for every single person who’s *losing* weight too?
If your goal is to lose weight, that’s perfectly fine. Just don’t assume that’s everyone’s goal. Don’t assume everyone is healthier if they’re skinnier. Don’t assume everyone who’s fat is unhealthy. And STOP disguising your fatphobia as fake concern for someone’s health.
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Hey, just wanted to send and ask and let you know that this blog over the years has helped me. to have a better view of myself and others and of the world around me, one that’s more healthy and wholistic. Thank you for running it, managing it, inspiring and uplifting and helping and healing folks who read your posts. It may seem little at times, but to be sure you really do help, at least this blog has helped me.
I hope you remember how much you are appreciated! You are cared about. Thanks for the service
Thank you so much for this, love. I have struggled so much in the last two years with feeling like I could not keep up like I used to with this blog. Realistically, I haven’t been able to. I started college, work, moved twice, and struggled immensely with my own health. I have finally landed somewhere I feel pretty stable, but I still fear losing my joy.
During this time I have had spurts of energy and worked on answering question, queuing, and more. But it hasn’t been consistent. This blog is not dead, and I’m not done with it! But the slow down is real and can be quite sad. Thank you to everyone who has showed me continued support, you are treasures.
If you want to keep up with me a bit more my art can be found at @evanthology on instagram! Keep sending asks, keep checking in. We’re all here together!
Much love!
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lychee-angelica · 1 year
Hiii dear can u help me what does amytakarka venus in 6th house means
hi, i am so glad you asked about the amatyakaraka planet because i have recently become more intrigued with this concept! the amatyakaraka planet simply indicates your career. although you should also consider your atmakaraka planet (indicative of soul purpose) and 10th house for a more wholistic/ specific view of your career/purpose in life x
career paths that i find fitting for venus amatyakaraka are to do with singing, music, visual arts or graphic design. working within fashion, make-up, skin care and beauty industries. any career to do with vehicles or luxury brands. finances and banks or working within hotels/ luxurious environments
so your amatyakaraka in the 6th house, this indicates an emphasis on providing service to others, a day-to-day routine structured career, deals with the health/ needs of others
i hope that makes sense x
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Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Ten Series - Treatment 1
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth views the human body as a social, spiritual and scientific enigma. Like the proverbial onion, the body has many layers and as each one is peeled back for closer inspection, the complexities are marvelous. The Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas ten series Rolfing "recipe" has the ability to impact multiple layers, differentiating functionally and structurally, yet maintaining a wholistic intent. Rolfing can generate responses locally or system wide for ease of movement in space as well as functionality in time. The ten-series is an order of events protocol with specific principals, goals, and anatomically specific sites with some variables because of the Anterior/Posterior models with associated anomalies. This article serves as a brief exploration and journey into the Rolfing Ten-Series as seen by a Certified Rolfer® & is designed to be brief & informative.
First Hour: Adaptability & Preparation (1-2-3) 3D: x, y, and z axis-static. Preparing the body to receive order precedes establishing order. Changes introduced anywhere in the body must be capable of being integrated and sustained by the whole. The clients’ natural pattern & asymmetry must be identified first. The goals of the first hour are freedom of breath, initiate resolution of asymmetries of both girdles, spine, arms, & hands. Develop a sense of "who the client is" & review intake evaluation. By assessing the client standing or sitting the practitioner gains insight into how the shoulder girdle moves or doesn't move and how this affects the ribs and the breath. Movement and lack of movement in the arms is included in a decision of first-hour intention. Freeing the breath sends a system wide signal to begin adapting and preparing for more change and is manifest in the fascia as release. Working with client supine, practitioner can assess the ribs and diaphragm involvement, the rate of inspiration and expiration of breath, and which is preferred part of cycle. The lines of tension in the arms will be addressed here for the way they transmit into the shoulder girdle and neck. Practitioner should observe Rhomboids/Pectoralis Minor relationship towards glenohumeral junction as well as Diaphragm/Serratus relationship at the ribs. With client now sideline practitioner moves to assess space between the pelvis and femur and if they move like a block or differentiated elements, creating space if necessary. Lengthening hamstrings is first-hour protocol differentiating the two. Neck and back work is broad and connecting from Occiputs to C7 and Erectors to Sacrum. Practitioner ends first session with Pelvic lift.
John Barton, Advanced Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas
www.certifiedrolfing.com www.rolfmovement.com www.advancedrolfingfortworth.com www.advancedrolfingftworth.com www.advancedrolfingfw.com #pain#rolfing#health#fitness#fortworth
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ovns-influence · 1 year
Different Realities Cheat Sheet
Side note: I Believe that the 12 different placements in our birth chart is different versions of ourselves , ie different realities. Within those different realities lies our infinite possibilities ; such as lessons, shadow work, skills, gifts, talents, etc just life in general. You can almost say those infinites possibilities are the different houses that the placements are in. But at the same time don't put a limit on your possibilities.
For example everybody has a north node placement. Now say you have NN in Leo, what reality would you apply to that version of yourself( NN in Leo) ....
Here a few examples what I would associate with some of these placements.
Leo NN : This placement is about taking the spotlights not shying away from it, being more visible, take lead and use your creatvity
So the realities I associate it with is : IT girl , Alien Superstar, Glam girl, Euphoric, Maximalist, Hollywood
Aquarius NN:This placement is a ruler breaker.
So the realities I associate with this placement is : Hippie , Humanitarian , Rebel , Activist
Virgo NN: This placements is all about healing , health, helping , and being more grounded
So the realities I associate with this placement is : Earthy, Wholistic , Bohemian, pink pilates princess , Healer
These are just some examples of how I associate different realities with certain placements in the birth chart, so when you're shifting to a different version/reality of yourself it easier to visualize.
When you are trying to figure out what reality should go with what placement, think about what that placement does, what does that placement mean to "you" what is that placement drawn too and what "aesthetic" fits that placement.
Then after that if you want to go deeper also connect it to which House that placement falls in.
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