womangetwise-blog · 5 months
Autumn Alchemy: Embrace the Season’s Wisdom for Immune Health and Inner Peace
As the leaves turn golden and the air carries a crispness unique to autumn, it’s a signal for us too, to slow down and shift our focus inward, both metaphorically and physically. Autumn is a season of transition, a time when nature slows down and prepares for the quietude of winter. It invites us to mirror this natural cycle and embrace practices that nurture self-care and boost our immune…
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womangetwise-blog · 5 months
Is Your Life In Balance? Take The Quiz
Does trying to maintain balance in your life make you feel like a tightrope walker? Well, know you’re not alone!  Most of us have so many constant demands on our time and energy life can feel like a three-ring circus. Balance has become just one more thing we long for in our lives but believe we can only deserve and have once we’ve earned it, through overwork or overwhelm. Whether it’s in…
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womangetwise-blog · 6 months
To Make Time, Take Time
I’ve got something that might blow your mind. You know how we always feel like we’re running out of time? Like we have too much on our plate and not enough hours in the day? Like we’re constantly chasing deadlines, appointments, goals, and dreams, but never really enjoying the journey? Well, what if I told you that time is not a fixed thing, but a flexible one? That you can actually change your…
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womangetwise-blog · 7 months
Grounding: Simple Biohack to Upgrade Your Health
Grounding is a term often used to describe reconnecting with the present moment. It embraces many simple techniques that reduce stress to leave you feeling stable and calm. These include deep breathing, focusing on your senses, counting, better sleep practices, being in nature and even eating nuts and certain types of chocolate. These and other techniques all help reduce the effects of stress.…
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womangetwise-blog · 7 months
The Vagus Nerve: How to Activate Your Body's Natural Healing Power
Have you ever heard of the vagus nerve? It’s one of the most important nerves in your body. When it’s healthy and stimulated it can help you reduce stress, improve your mood and boost your immune system. Even if you’ve never heard of it, you need to know about the vagus nerve if you want to improve your health. What is the Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex cranial…
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womangetwise-blog · 7 months
10 More Awesome Superfoods You Need Every Day
Following on from 10 Awesome Superfoods You Need Every Day here are some more foods to complete your list. Some of these are not quite so ‘traditional everyday’ as those included in Part 1 although some are, but as all of them are readily available now there is no reason why they should not be foods that feature regularly (or at least sometimes) on your table. 11. GARLIC The Aliium family…
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womangetwise-blog · 7 months
10 Awesome Superfoods You Need Everyday
There are many new and exotic Superfoods arriving in our shops every day. Foods with excellent health track records in their country of origin are finding their way into all manner of products. New recipes calling for these exotics appear every single day. But this week a client who is very diet conscious, always seeking out the foods that give her the most benefits for each mouthful, brought up…
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